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i want to apply for scholarship i have seen about this on IU's website but i want to know can i get

this or not means what's eligibility required for this? Business communication
Business communication is nothing but, the communication between the people in the organization for the purpose of carrying out the business activities. It may be oral, verbal, written etc. A business can flourish when all the targets of the organization are achieved effectively. For efficiency in an organization all the people (within and outside) of the organization must be able to convey their message properly. The exchange of ideas, understanding, within and outside the organization to achieve the business goals is known as business communication.

Definition A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli). Four major components of attitude are (1) Affective: emotions or feelings. (2) Cognitive: belief or opinions held consciously. (3) Conative: inclination for action. (4) Evaluative: positive or negative response to stimuli.

A response of an individual or group to an action, environment, person, or stimulus.

What is the difference between behavior and attitude?

Behavior is a term for what you do. Attitude is a term for the way you feel about something. NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION

Behavior and elements of speech aside from the words themselves that transmit meaning. Non-verbal communication includes pitch, speed, tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture, stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and appearance.

VERBAL COMMUNICATION The basis of communication is the interaction between people. Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. Difference between verbal and nonverbal communication Oral communication involves words through talking. It is spoken communication. Verbal communication includes rate, volume, pitch as well as articulation and pronunciation. Verbal communication also includes sign language and written forms of communication. Non verbal communication includes those important but unspoken signals that individuals exhibit, specifically: carriage/posture, appearance, listening, eye contact, hand gestures and facial expressions. A very good example is: A man comes home late, hears from the kitchen the slamming of pots and pans and cupboard doors. He enters the kitchen, asks his wife "What's wrong, honey?" She answers, "Nothing!" as she slams another cupboard door and rolls her eyes toward the ceiling. She has spoken the word "Nothing", but it is her unspoken communication that tells him that "nothing" is not the real answer. It is clearly communicated by her actions. A truly effective communicator will train him or herself in nonverbal communication as well as verbal and oral.

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