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Chaos Computer Club excludes Domscheit-Berg By Peter Zschunke, dpa 14.08.2011, 1 5:29 Berlin.

The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) excluded the WikiLeaks-dropout Daniel Doms cheit-Berg from its ranks. The board named the presentation by Domscheit-Berg ab out his whistleblower platform at the summer camp of CCC in Finowfurt as a reaso n. In said presentation Domscheit-Berg was suggestive of the CCC doing a kind of saf ety test for the new project, and by this exploited the good name of the associat ion, as it is written in the statement of the unanimously voted board resolution . CCC-Spokesperson Andy Mller-Maguhn told the news agency dpa: That was the last str aw that broke the camels back. Even before this there were massive disagreements because Mller-Maguhn was unsuccessful in mediating between Domscheit-Berg and Wik iLeaks. This mediation was about confidential documents given to WikiLeaks Domsc heit-Berg took with him when he left last year. The exclusion is according to Mll er-Maguhn the second within the 30 years existing of the association. The person concerned reacted with incomprehension and sorrow. Domscheit-Berg say s he received the resolution at late Saturday evening without somebody talking w ith him about it. Thereby he is no member of the common association but only a m ember of the CCC Berlin. At a workshop about OpenLeaks at the summer camp he rec eived much positive feedback about the project. Im very sad that this is not notic ed. The real reason for his exclusion is his refusal to agree on mediation in the co ntroversy about the WikiLeaks documents, says Domscheit-Berg. But I cant do anythi ng what could potentially harm a source. Domscheit-Berg was a spokesperson for the whistleblower platform WikiLeaks but l eft the project last year after arguments with its founder Julian Assange. In hi s book Inside WikiLeaks he described how he falls out with this bizarre Australian. Domscheit-Bergs alternative project OpenLeaks doesnt want to publish leaks but in stead wants to take the role of a neutral agent between whistleblowers people wh o leak explosive internals to the public and the media and NGOs. The kickoff of OpenLeaks was delayed for a long time. Last Wednesday Daniel Doms cheit-Berg said that now the system will be tested at the summer meeting of the CCC by experts regarding its points of intrusion. After this the platform should s tart continuous duty. The first cooperation partners announced by OpenLeaks incl ude the daily newspaper Taz, the weekly Der Freitag and the consumer organization Fo odwatch. The tests will go on till Tuesday according to Domscheit-Berg. After that we anal yze the results unhurriedly and explain them in a blog entry. The CCC explained i n his board resolution that OpenLeaks is nontransparent. The CCC could not judge whether whistleblowers, who entrust themselves to OpenLeaks, are effectively pr otected or not. /translation by @HomoCarnula

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