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Chemistry HL

Mrs. Albano

Monday, August 15, 11

Group 3
Shawn Lee Elijah Mojares Jendrich Ong Mathew Keith Tan Lexxel Tanganco

Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Metals and Halogens

Monday, August 15, 11

Periodic Table

Monday, August 15, 11

Atomic Size
Each atom has a nucleus inside and electrons zooming around outside the nucleus. The size of an atom depends on how far away its outermost electrons are from the nucleus. If they are far away, the atoms are bigger. The atomic size is determined by how much space the electrons take up.
Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Atomic Size

Does not have a xed measurement, but varies depending on the distance of a nuclei in an atom to another. Beginning from the top going down, for every group of a metallic element the atomic sizes get higher and higher.
Monday, August 15, 11

Ionic Size
Ions are formed from gaining or losing one or more electron. (Anion)When gaining an electron it becomes larger in size because they have one or more electron on the last energy level (Cation)When losing an electron it becomes smaller because they lost electron/s (often times outermost energy level)
Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Ionic Size

As you move across a row of period of the periodic table, the ionic radius decreases

Monday, August 15, 11

Electron Negativity
Electronegativity is a measure of the attraction of an atom electron in a covalent bond.

Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Electron Negativity

As the elements get closer to Fluorine (represented as F in the periodic table) the higher their electron negativity, therefore, Fluorine has the highest amount of electron negativity among all.

Monday, August 15, 11

Metallic Property
! Hardness- ability to resist abrasion, penetration, cutting action, or permanent distortion ! Brittleness- ability that allows little bending or deformation without shattering ! Malleability- metals ability to be hammered, rolled or pressed into various shapes and sizes without cracking or breaking ! Ductility- property that allows the metal to be drawn, bent, or twisted into various shapes without breaking ! Elasticity- ability to return to original shape even after attempts of changing its form ! Toughness- A material that possesses toughness will withstand tearing or shearing and may be stretched or otherwise deformed without breaking ! Density- the weight of a unit volume of a material; represented by the equation D = m/v ! Fusibility- ability of a metal to become liquid by the application of heat ! Conductivity- ability of a metal to carry heat or electricity

Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Metallic Property

As you move from left to right looking at your periodic table, the metallic character decreases while for the group, coming from above going down, the metallic character increases.

Monday, August 15, 11

Ionization Energy
The ionization energy or ionization potential is the energy necessary to remove an electron from the neutral atom

Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Ionization Energy

Ionization energy values are typically very high and follow trends throughout the periodic table. The IE increase from bottom to top and left to right in the periodic table.

Monday, August 15, 11

Melting Point
Melting point is the temperature at which a given solid will melt.

Monday, August 15, 11

Boiling Point
Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns into vapor.

Monday, August 15, 11

Trends in Melting and Boiling Point

It goes up and down basically meaning when boiling point goes up the melting point goes up too.

Monday, August 15, 11

To what extent are the trends precise, such that we organize the entire periodic table, with regards to it?

Monday, August 15, 11


Monday, August 15, 11


Monday, August 15, 11

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