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Water T herapy - Benefits of Water T herapy | Water T herapy Information

Water Therapy has magic al effec ts in c uring dis eas es . Everybo dy has experienc ed a po s itive c hange in their health after implementing wat er t herapy in their daily ro utine. Yo u c an never believe it befo re prac tic ing.

Addit io nal Inf o rmat io n Artic le Number: 113

70 92

Created: 2006-11-06 11:45 PM Rating:

What is Water Therapy & how to do it?

Early mo rning, after yo u get up fro m bed, (witho ut even brus hing yo ur teeth) drink 1.50 liters o f water i.e. 5 to 6 glas s es . Yo u may was h yo ur fac e thereafter. This is c alled wat er t herapy. Here it is very es s ential to no te that no thing els e, neither drinks no r s o lid fo o d o f any s o rt s ho uld be taken within 1 ho ur befo re and after drinking thes e 1.5 liters o f water. It is als o to be s tric tly o bs erved that no alc o ho lic drinks s hall be taken the previo us night. If required, bo iled and filtered water may be us ed fo r this purpo s e. Is it po s s ible to drink 1.50 liters o f water at o ne time? To begin with, o ne may find it diffic ult to drink 1.50 liters o f water at o ne time, but o ne will get us ed to it gradually.

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water at o ne time, but o ne will get us ed to it gradually. Initially, while prac tic ing yo u may drink fo ur glas s es firs t and then the balanc e two glas s es after a gap o f 2 minutes . Initially yo u may find the nec es s ity to urinate 2-3 times within an ho ur, but it will bec o me no rmal after quite s o me time.

Benefits of Water Therapy

Relief fro m s tres s , weight lo s s , glo wing s kin, feeling fres h and energetic thro ugho ut the day and go o d diges tio n are s o me o f the majo r benefits o f wat er t herapy. Have a lo o k at s o me o f the c o mments belo w made by peo ple after trying water therapy. 1. Ever s inc e I s tarted this water therapy, I have no tic ed a glo w o n my s kin, my eyes s parkle, and I feel s o c lean and s o beautiful. I no tic ed that I always have a bo wel mo vement after my water therapy and my c o ns tipatio n is go ne. 2. Water therapy is jus t amaz ing! Tho ugh I have to urinate a lo t o f times in an ho ur but it makes s ens e. It makes me feel s o go o d. Thanks to this wat er t herapy. Thank GOD fo r giving us the water to drink. 3. Water therapy is really wo nderfully benefic ial. So muc h that peo ple who have no t prac tic ed this c an't even imagine. It makes yo ur bo dy tho ro ughly c lean and pure fro m ins ide and o uts ide. I rec o mmend that everybo dy s ho uld s tart prac tic ing water therapy to keep tremendo us ly fit and dis eas e free.

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Abo ut Wat er Therapy

It is po pular in Japan and India to day to drink water immediately after waking up every mo rning. Furthermo re, s c ientific tes ts have pro ven its value.

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They publis h belo w a des c riptio n o f us e o f water in water therapy fo r their readers . Fo r o ld and s erio us dis eas es as well as mo dern illnes s es , the water therapy treatment had been fo und s uc c es s ful by a Japanes e medic al s o c iety as a hundred perc ent c ure fo r the fo llo wing dis eas es Headac he Bo dy Ac he Heart Sys tem Arthritis Fas t Heart Beat Epileps y Exc es s Fatnes s Bro nc hitis As thma TB Meningtitis Kidney and Urine dis eas es Vo miting gas tritis Diarrhea Piles Diabetes Co ns tipatio n All Eye Dis eas es Mens trual Dis o rders Ear No s e Thro at Dis eas es

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Wat er Therapy - Met ho d o f Treat ment

1. As yo u wake up in the mo rning befo re brus hing teeth, drink 4-6 glas s es o f water eac h o f 160 ml. 2. Brus h and c lean the mo uth but do no t eat o r drink anything fo r 45 minutes . 3. After 45 minutes yo u may

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eat and drink as no rmal. 4. After 15 minutes o f breakfas t, lunc h and dinner do no t eat o r drink anything fo r two ho urs . 5. Tho s e who are o ld o r s ic k and are unable to drink

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fo ur glas s es o f water at the beginning may c o mmenc e by taking little water and gradually inc reas e it to fo ur glas s es per day. 6. The abo ve metho d o f treatment will c ure dis eas es o f the s ic k and o thers c an enjo y a healthy life. The fo llo wing lis t gives the number o f days o f treatment required to c ure main dis eas es : 1. High Blo o d Pres s ure - 30 days 2. Gas tric - 10 days 3. Diabetes - 30 days 4. Co ns tipatio n - 10 days 5. TB - 90 days Arthritis patients s ho uld fo llo w the abo ve treatment fo r o nly 3 days in the firs t week to be fo llo wed by daily treatment. This treatment metho d has no s ide effec ts , ho wever at the c o mmenc ement o f treatment yo u may have to urinate a few times . Are yo u drinking the amo unt o f water yo u s ho uld drink every day? Ho w do es pure wat er help t he bo dy? Co ns uming o rdinary drinking water by the right metho d purifies human bo dy. It renders the c o lo n mo re effec tive by fo rming new fres h blo o d, kno wn in medic al terms as Haemato pais es . That the muc o us al fo lds o f the c o lo n and intes tines are ac tivated by this metho d, is an undis puted fac t, jus t as the theo ry that new fres h blo o d is pro duc ed by the muc o us al fo ld. If the c o lo n is c leans ed then the nutrients o f the fo o d taken s everal times a day will be abs o rbed and by the ac tio n o f the muc o us al fo lds they are turned into fres h blo o d. The blo o d is all-impo rtant in c uring ailments and res to ring health and fo r this water s ho uld be c o ns umed in a regular pattern. This is why wat er t herapy is rec o mmended to be added to yo ur daily ro utine. Relat ed Inf o rmat io n o n Wat er T herapy

The Mirac les o f Water to Cure Dis eas es Drinking Water to c ure internal /external infec tio ns Co uld Drinking Water Cure Yo ur Ailments ? Treating Canc er and Dis eas e by Drinking Water The Water Cure Rec ipe Impo rt ant : Pleas e no te there are no s c ientific evidenc es o f this theo ry to be true. I am jus t s haring what was s hared with me. I've s earc hed o n the web fo r the Japanes e medic al s o c iety who c laimed this water theo ry to be true but was unable to find any c lue. If yo u have any c lue, pleas e po s t it as the c o mment. I wish go o d healt h t o all o f yo u wit h Wat er T herapy! A to tal o f 286 us ers are reading this artic le.

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c haks hu_go yal@yaho o .c o .in on Mon, Jan 22nd, 2007 at 9:52 AM what do yo u mean by this "Arthritis patients s ho uld fo llo w the abo ve treatment fo r o nly 3 days in the firs t week to be fo llo wed by daily treatment" what s ho uld they exac tly do in the 1s t week. and s ho uld the treatment be c o ntinued in 2nd week by arthritis patients and if yes , ho w, o nly 3 days o f the 2nd week o r regulary and ho w lo ng(weeks o r day) to c o ntinue it fo r arthritis patients ? alkalieleven@ho tmail.c o m on Thu, Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:22 AM What abo ut all tho s e dirty germs in yo ur mo uth when yo u wake up in the mo rning? Do yo u jus t was h them do wn yo ur thro at with tho s e 4 glas s es o f water?? Aren't they harmful? What are the c o ns equenc es ? Seems a bit unhygenic . I wo uldn't mind trying this o ut, but the germs thing is a majo r pro blem fo r me, ps yc ho lo gic ally at leas t. Can I pleas e get a s erio us reply o n this matter? Thank yo u. vino adgo el@gmail.c o m on Tue, Apr 17th, 2007 at 8:55 AM what do es it meen that 15 minutes after lunc h, dinner u c an't eat o r drink any thing. Do es it meen that after lunc h and dinner u c an drink o r eat any thing in 15 minutes time? vino adgo el@gmail.c o m on Tue, Apr 17th, 2007 at 9:01 AM 4 glas s es o f 160ml. Do es it mean that we have to drink 4 glas s es o f 160ml eac h OR c an drink 640 ml water in o ne go i.e. in a jug etc . Can we drink mo re than 640 ml water to o ? erlendhavneraas @ho tmail.c o m on Mon, Sep 3rd, 2007 at 8:29 AM Po int 4 is unc lear; do we drink after lunc h and dinner, o r, no t ??!!! james kella@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Sep 26th, 2007 at 4:54 AM Why o nly befo re brus hing teeth, why no t after brus hing and mo uth c leaning pro c es s . Pleas e c larify? Thank yo u. James on Thu, Oct 11th, 2007 at 9:18 PM Did anyo ne get any ans wers to their ques tio ns - I wo uld be keen to give this ago , but c ertainly require s o me c larity o n s o me o f the ques tio ns belo w.

gautamkaji2003@yaho o .c o m on Tue, Oct 16th, 2007 at 1:11 AM This is very halpful fo r at leas t c o ns tipatio n and fat reduc tio n nehi_s @yaho o .c o m on Tue, Oct 23rd, 2007 at 5:28 PM Where c an I find the ans wers to the previo us ques tio ns , they all are ques tio ns that c ame to mind after reading the artic le. s umith_vo ra@yaho o .c o m on Sat, Nov 3rd, 2007 at 6:42 AM Pleas e make po int 4 c lear fo r me. I will be waiting fo r yo ur reply. Thank yo u. lala@lili.c o m on Sun, Nov 4th, 2007 at 10:19 PM To c haks hu_go yal, it's already s tated c learly that 'arthritis patient s ho uld fo llo w the abo ve treatment fo r o nly 3 days in the firs t week to be fo llo wed by daily treatment' Meaning in the firs t week, the patient will o nly have to prac tic e this fo r 3 days o nly. It's better if the patient prac tic e it in alternate days . Fo r example, Mo nday, Wednes day, and Friday, and o n the fo llo wing week, the patient c an do it as daily prac tic e. I think it is to 'warm up' the s to mac h to be able to 'ac c ept' the new prac tic e. lala@lili.c o m on Sun, Nov 4th, 2007 at 10:21 PM To alkalieleven, that's why yo u mus t brus h yo u teeth befo re go ing to bed! Do n't wo rry it wo n't harm yo ur bo dy. It's way better to s wallo w the germs in yo ur mo uth rather than eating o ily and fried fo o d like KFC and Mc Do nalds ! lala@lili.c o m on Sun, Nov 4th, 2007 at 10:24 PM To vino adgo el, after yo u had yo ur breakfas t, res t fo r a while and do no t eat o r drink anything fo r 2 ho urs , then o nly yo u c an eat o r drink s o mething els e. Same go es to after yo u had yo ur lunc h and dinner. Jus t drink 4 glas s es o f water. Clear? lala@lili.c o m on Sun, Nov 4th, 2007 at 10:26 PM To erlendhavneraas , it s tated 'After 15 minutes o f breakfas t, lunc h and dinner DO NOT eat o r drink anything fo r two ho urs ' When it s tated DO NOT, it means yo u CAN'T drink o r eat anything fo r 2 ho urs after yo u had yo ur meal! ro bs o n23@s pamgo urmet.c o m on Wed, Nov 21st, 2007 at 1:35 PM Water is THE es s ential s ubs tanc e yo ur bo dy needs . I wo uldn't rec o mmend to drink 1.2 liters , but at leas t 2 liters per day! Starting in the mo rning with a third o f that, i.e 640ml, s o unds like a reas o nable refill to yo ur bo d's water ho us eho ld. Dehydratio n is a big pro blem fo r elderly peo ple! Tell them to drink...drink...drink water. terrawhis tle@yaho o .c o m on Tue, Nov 20th, 2007 at 1:49 PM Can yo u name the s tudies , s c ientis ts , and ins titutio ns whic h have c o nduc ted the res earc h

validating yo ur c laims ? Are thes e s tudies publis hed in any s c ientific jo urnals ? Are they printed in Englis h? dero on Tue, Nov 20th, 2007 at 2:21 PM go o d and s imple! amyamyamyhartman@gmail.c o m on Tue, Nov 20th, 2007 at 9:20 PM What abo ut fo ur glas s es o f malt liquo r? I drink three glas s es o f malt liquo r eac h mo rning befo re I brus h my teeth. Do yo u rec o mmend inc reas ing it to fo ur? Perhaps three glas s es o f malt liquo r and o ne glas s o f water. Sho uld I wait until I drink befo re I s mo ke my firs t c igarette o f the day? Pleas e ans wer me pro mptly. I'm very c o nc erned abo ut my health. Thanks . email@no s pam.o rg on Wed, Nov 21st, 2007 at 12:56 AM It is c o mmo n kno wledge in the medic al field that a pers o n s ho uld drink appro ximately 40 US fl o z (~1.2 Liters ) during the c o urs e o f a day. Chro nic dehydratio n c an c aus e o r exac erbate all o f the afo rementio ned c o nditio ns . In fac t, s preading the c o ns umptio n o f water o ver the c o urs e o f the day may be healthier, as a s udden diluting o f the blo o d c an c aus e negative s ympto ms . imas andwic h@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Nov 21st, 2007 at 7:33 PM It c ures diabetes ? I tho ught there was no kno wn c ure fo r diabetes . Type 1 o r type 2 diabetes ? I'm s keptic al. genes is 1693@gmail.c o m on Wed, Nov 21st, 2007 at 9:09 PM yes , yo u mo uth has lo ts o f germs but als o has a lo t o f germ killing po wer and mo s t o f the germs in yo u mo uth are what they c all no rmal flo ra (whic h means they are in yo u and o n yo u at all times ). Anyways they will c aus e no pro blems fo r yo ur s to mac h ac id. Mo rtal.Light.13@gmail.c o m on Thu, Nov 22nd, 2007 at 9:11 AM To alkalieleven, brus hing yo ur teeth in the mo rning has no thing to do with keeping germs fro m being s wallo wed; It's us ed to dec reas e the amo unt o f bac teria o n yo ur teeth to fight to o th dec ay. Swallo wing the bac teria has no effec t, as yo ur s to mac h ac id kills it o ff. Bes ides , s inc e there is always bac teria in yo ur mo uth (yes , even after us ing mo uthwas h) whenever yo u eat s o mething, yo u are inges ting s o me o f the bac teria fro m yo ur mo uth. william@dec lo ned.c o m on Sat, Nov 24th, 2007 at 9:58 AM While I think that s o me o f the info rmatio n c o ntained in this artic le may be true, has no o ne lo o ked at the s o urc e o f where this is c o ming fro m? This is a demo artic le fo r a kno wledgebas e s c ript. "PHPKB 1.5 Kno wledge Bas e Sc ript - Demo Kno wledge Bas e Management So ftware"

ambenic o @yaho o .c o m on Thu, Nov 29th, 2007 at 9:03 AM I have pers o nally tried this water therapy, even befo re a friend fo rwarded me this s ite and it wo rks wo nders ! I always drank a bo ttle o f warm water witho ut kno wing abo ut any s uc h s tudy bec aus e o f ho w it made me feel go o d. If yo u do n't believe it, pleas e get o ut o f the s ite and s to p as king fo r "s c ientific s tudy". The s ame s c ienc e peo ple are the o nes killing yo u everyday with their to xic drugs . kc s trata@gmail.c o m on Thu, Nov 29th, 2007 at 12:58 PM Jus t bec aus e it is a kno wledge bas e s c ript do es n't invalidate the advic e bec aus e it is very benefic ial. harry_wo o len@exc ite.c o m on Sat, Dec 1st, 2007 at 3:33 PM "I am a res earc her. I have res earc hed dehydratio n fo r the pas t 20 years . When I dis c o vered that the s o lutio n to mo s t o f the dis eas e c o nditio ns o f o ur s o c iety is no t a mo ney maker, I dec ided to take my info rmatio n to the public . My res earc h revealed that unintentio nal dehydratio n pro duc es s tres s , c hro nic pains and many degenerative dis eas es . Dry mo uth is no t the o nly s ign o f dehydratio n and waiting to get thirs ty is wro ng. Medic ine has bas ed its unders tanding that it is s o lid matter in the bo dy that regulates all func tio ns o f the bo dy. I have explained s c ientific ally at the mo lec ular level that it is water that regulates all func tio ns o f the bo dy inc luding func tio ns o f s o lid matter. 75 % o f o ur bo dies are c o mpo s ed o f water. The brain is 85% water. It is water that energiz es and ac tivates the s o lid matter. If yo u do n?t take eno ugh water, s o me func tio ns o f the bo dy will s uffer. Dehydratio n pro duc es s ys tem dis turbanc es . When I us e the wo rd water c ure, I am referring to c uring dehydratio n with water." - Fereydo o n Bat manghelidj, M.D. "Yo u're no t s ic k; yo u're thirs ty. Do n't treat thirs t with medic atio n." - Dr. F Batmanghelidj . "Bo o k: Yo ur Bo dy's Many Cries Fo r Water" C o mment ary o n Dr. B. and his gro und-breaking wo rk: Dr. B. c hallenges his c o lleagues to learn mo re abo ut the effec ts o f water in human bo dy An edito rial artic le by Paul Harvey Dr. B. May Have the Las t Laugh,Health &Healing News letter by Dr. J. Whitaker Healing with Water, the Wo rk o f "Water Cure" Pio neer Dr. BatmanghelidjAn edito rial by Mike Adams o f News target Water, The Stuff o f Life Edito rial by Philip Day, E-c lub, UK Bo o k Reviews:

Reviews fro m the Print Media Reviews fro m Medic al & Health Pro fes s io nals Readers Rejo ic ing go rdy.wils o n@ins ightbb.c o m on Thu, Nov 29th, 2007 at 7:45 PM I keep a 54 o unc e keg o f ic e water bes ide me 24/7. I drink whenever I am thirs ty whic h is o ften s inc e my bo dy is us ed to being hydrated. I have fo und s imilar benefits witho ut the c o mplic ated regimen. I am a mo derate s pirits drinker and never have a hango ver s inc e my bo dy s tays hydrated and do es n't try to replac e water with alc o ho l. no s pam@mail.c o m on Tue, Nov 27th, 2007 at 5:24 PM If the germs in yo ur mo uth were go ing to c aus e yo u any pro blem when yo u was hed them do wn, they'd be do ing damage to yo u all night. It is no t unhygienic to drink water in the mo rning befo re yo u brus h yo ur teeth. havo kinato r@yaho o .c o m on Fri, Feb 8th, 2008 at 3:52 AM Do es no rmal water is o k fo r the therapy o r s o me s pec ial water o r Mineral water to be drank to the treatments ? ras hed@yaho o .c o m on Sat, Feb 9th, 2008 at 3:28 AM Go o d therapy, thanks . js enc io _ibm@yaho o .c o m on Mon, Mar 3rd, 2008 at 9:35 AM Regarding after 15 minutes o f eating breakfas t, lunc h o r dinner - yo u eat and drink within the 15 minutes duratio n. After that yo u have to wait fo r 2 ho urs befo re yo u c o ns ume ano ther beverage o r fo o d. thebeaddo o dler@live.c o m on Fri, Mar 21st, 2008 at 8:58 AM Great artic le. I've heard o f the water c ure fro m the c o untry o f India, but I was n't aware it was us ed in o ther c o untries as well ditagf31@yaho o .c o m on Fri, Mar 21st, 2008 at 12:58 PM I have a ques tio n. Fo r ho w lo ng we have to take this tretatment o f water therapy? It is writen fo r o nly five kind o f s ic knes s but fo r o ther dis eas es it is no t written fo r ho w many days have to us e treatment o f water therapy. writes hiva@yaho o .c o m on Fri, Mar 28th, 2008 at 11:58 PM Great! My father has been in taking 1 litre o f water in every mo rning befo re brus hing fo r the las t 3 yrs . He is 65 yrs o ld and he is very ac tive and no t even getting his as thma whic h he and I als o go t whic h is hereditary. So meho w, I and my res t o f the family

planning to s tart this fro m to mo rro w o nly! Happy Water Therapying! c f@vis io nwrks .c o m on Thu, Apr 10th, 2008 at 1:12 PM Is it nec es s ary to drink the water quic kly, o r c an yo u drink it o ver a perio d o f an ho ur o r s o as lo ng as yo u do no t eat? ano nymo us @ano nymo us .c o m on Sat, Apr 12th, 2008 at 12:12 AM My wife us ed to have her gluc o s e level (Fas ting) between 100 to 115. She has been trying to reduc e it s inc e pas t 6 mo nths (Witho ut medic atio n, but thro ugh exerc is es and diet). She is able to make s o me pro gres s , but it is c o ming bac k, the mo ment s he c o mes to no rmal diet. But after s tarting water therapy (1.5 liters ) very mo rning and appro x 4 liters daily (Jus t pure water), her gluc o s e level c ame to 75 to 90 (Fas ting in the mo rning). She is als o do ing Pranayama. So this might als o helped her. yrs ramis h@ho tmail.c o m on Fri, Apr 11th, 2008 at 5:54 AM What a mirac le! 1400 years ago in arab wo rld where no s c ientific kno wledge was pres ent; Pro phet Mo hammad advic ed his fo llo wers the s ame treatment to drink water early in the mo rning after waking up. No w mo dern res earc h do the s ame! s rrajes hau@gmail.c o m on Tue, Apr 15th, 2008 at 11:39 PM All in my family s tarted do ing water therapy a mo nth bac k and haven't s een any advers e effec t till no w. In fac t we feel mo re refres hed and relaxed all thro ugh the day. Added to that, we do 15 minutes o f exerc is e/yo ga fo llo wed by 15 minutes o f meditatio n. This we have been do ing fo r abo ut 5 mo nths no w. Ho pe this helps . Have a healthy mind and bo dy. Go o d luc k yahya.ghaz .uk on Fri, May 23rd, 2008 at 2:33 AM Can water treat gums dis eas es ? mamabear83167@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Jun 11th, 2008 at 9:43 AM Prais e Go d! That is great news . Keep up the go o d wo rk. I have been do ing water therapy fo r a mo nth no w. My reas o ns are fo r weight lo s s . I have been walking everyday s inc e September and lo s t s o mething like 3 o r 4 po unds . I hate diets and diet pills o r any medic atio ns s o I refus e us e any. In fac t, I to tally s uppo rt the ho lis tic appro ac h 100 perc ent. Ano ther reas o n fo r me wanting to try the water therapy is bec aus e I am jus t s o tired all the time. Even after a go o d night s leep. During the day, I even fall as leep at my des k and no t even realiz e it. One mo nth later, I am no t tired, I have mo re energy, that s luggis h feeling I get in the mo rning is go ne. I c an almo s t wake up witho ut the help o f an alarm c lo c k. I have no mo re fo o d c ravings . The bes t part o f it all; is that I lo s t 10 po unds ! In a mo nth! I s till will no t diet, and I s till walk when it?s no t s o ho t. Lo rd willing,

Water therapy is go ing to be a daily ro utine o f mine fro m days to c o me. I kno w there are s o many medic al terms o ut there fo r the c o nditio ns I des c ribed and drugs to treat them. I c ho s e water. s iz z lingmus hro o m@ho tmail.c o m on Mon, Jun 9th, 2008 at 11:50 PM It has been a 3days s inc e I've s tarted drinking 1.5 liter o n my empty s to mac h. It's a great to kno w that the c ys t o n my right thigh getting s maller and s mo o th unlike befo re it feels like big and like s to ne when it to uc h. No w it is my 4th day drinking 1.5 liter water every mo rning when I reac h at the o ffic e. Jus t try to do this , no thing's bad. It?s better than s mo king c igarette and taking medic ine that c aus e hearing lo s s and bes ides its o nly water its no t may c aus e yo u anything no r bad to yo ur health but o f c o urs e yo u need to go to the to ilet ro o m to reduc e water yo u intake if no t it will c aus e yo u appendic itis . s hafeeq7002@gmail.c o m on Mon, Jun 16th, 2008 at 6:57 AM This prac tic e o f drinking water in empty s to mac h (water therapy) is very helpful to me bec aus e I am the pers o n who is do ing this pro c es s fo r the las t 5 years . c o o l_c o c aine@yaho o .c o m on Fri, Jul 18th, 2008 at 3:11 PM I have been do ing that fo r almo s t 10 years no w. My father did that fo r all his life. He was a c hain s mo ker and wo rkaho lic . He never had any health is s ues . His s kin was flawles s and did no t wear glas s es till very late in his life. This wo rks . Ano ther explanatio n is that during the night, s aliva gets c o nc entrated and it is the bes t medic ine fo r a lo t o f illnes s henc e it is very impo rtant to drink water witho ut brus hing o r c leaning the mo uth. Drink a c up o f green team after 30 minutes fo r bes t res ults . Ano ther variatio n is to do Kapalbhati (o ne o f the pranayams ) after 30 minutes o f drinking water. The res ults are s imilar to turning o n a was hing mac hine with dirty c lo ths . bayo yz 001@yaho o .c o m on Tue, Jul 29th, 2008 at 3:43 AM Can water therapy bus t immune s ys tem? I us ed to take mo re than 4 c ups in the mo rning. What is the s ide effec t o f exc es s water? Ans wer: Bro ther, there are no s ide effec ts o f water therapy. The amo unt o f water intake depends o n o ne's bo dy. tifaeny@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Jul 30th, 2008 at 5:14 PM It's s imple with very muc h c o mmo n s ens e. Drinking water is a Life giving gift fro m the Creato r o f this Univers e but humans will have many ques tio ns as king why? Jus t like when Mo s es led the Egyptians o ut o f Slavery they to o were as king, why? Humans need to be as king the Devil ques tio ns like why is s o many man-made medic ines c o ming and go ing o ff o f the s helves s o quic k. Humans even die with Pills s till in their s to mac h. Wake up Americ a! Wake up! Dang, the Devil is n?t even c lever it's jus t c o mmo n s ens e. I'm go ing to Pray fo r tho s e who are s eeking but do no t kno w s eeking c o mes fro m within. Water is the

Key to Life. No need to be o ffended. It's Go d's Truth; no t mine. s wo rdfis h8@gmail.c o m on Sun, Aug 3rd, 2008 at 8:19 PM Hi, I need s o me help abo ut this water therapy! Like mo s t Indians I us e a to ngue c leaner to c lean the to ngue and all the flem, I jus t c an't drink water witho ut us ing the to ngue c leaner, pleas e advic e, I do n't brus h but c an I do the to ngue c leaning and get rid o f all the flem. I have been drinking 1.5 liter o f water s inc e las t 4 days I feel like to vo mit and a bit diz z y. Is this no rmal? c huc kbryden@ho tmail.c o m on Sun, Aug 24th, 2008 at 9:46 PM Can we exerc is e immediately after drinking the 1.5 liters o f water in the mo rning? Als o , why do we have to wait 2 hrs after eac h meal to eat/drink s o mething? thanks ro naldlavina@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Oct 15th, 2008 at 2:48 AM Pleas e let me kno w ho w lo ng I have to do water therapy in o rder to reduc e my weight? Pleas e ans wer as s o o n as po s s ible. aalawail@ho tmail.c o m on Sun, Nov 2nd, 2008 at 8:22 AM It is true that water helps to c lear c o ns tipitatio n and gas tric pro blems . Ever s inc e I've s tarted water therapy, I have no tic ed a great c hange with my health po s itively. jadiknight@artifexgro up.c o m on Thu, Nov 6th, 2008 at 4:09 PM Pleas e be c areful as yo u may die fro m to o muc h water inges tio n. It is c alled hypo natremia o r water into xic atio n death, and o c c urs when yo u flus h to o muc h s alt o ut o f yo ur bo dy, and c aus e a fatal elec tro lyte imbalanc e. Sympto ms like Headac hes , naus ea, dis o rientatio n, and diz z ines s o c c ur, fo llo wed by s eiz ures and c o ma. Death c an s o o n fo llo w. 1.5 liters s ho uld no t c aus e this , but if yo u experienc e any o f the s ympto ms abo ve, then yo u pro bably are inges ting to o muc h water, in o ne s itting, fo r yo ur bo dy type. So , pleas e fo llo w the ins truc tio ns c arefully and do no t drink to o muc h water in o ne go . lala@lili.lo m on Tue, Nov 11th, 2008 at 12:36 AM This water therapy is really wo rking fo r me. I've been prac tic ing it fo r the pas t 3 mo nths , at firs t i felt naus eated when i had to drink that muc h amo unt o f water es pec ially o n empty s to mac h, after a few days , my bo dy s tarts to get us ed to it. And I lo s t 5 kg! gejis amuel@yaho o .c o m on Tue, Dec 23rd, 2008 at 3:12 AM I have been telling my wife the need to drink a lo t o f water, after s ho wing her this artic le, s he has c hanged and s he s ays what s he us ed to feel s he is no t feeling it again. Water c an c ure. pandian_tdm@yaho o .c o .in on Fri, Jan 9th, 2009 at 4:17 AM

Shall we do exerc is e after drinking water o r ho w lo ng we have to wait fo r do ing exerc is e after water therapy? buc ks y@gmail.c o m on Wed, Jan 21st, 2009 at 9:58 PM I have been do ing this water therapy fo r a mo nth no w and has really c ured my ac id reflux pro blem. I wo uld s ay everyo ne s ho uld do this . kalic o qta@yaho o .c o m on Wed, Mar 11th, 2009 at 3:40 AM I have go ne thro ugh yo ur webs ite and fo und very helpful tips reagarding water therapy. Yo ur c o ntributio n in this regard will help the human beings . leo nied@c o ns tantiagro up.c o .z a on Thu, Mar 12th, 2009 at 3:54 AM I have been prac tic ing water therapy fo r appro ximately 1 year and 5 mo nths and have fo und it to be extremely benefic ial. Ho wever, I wo uld like to kno w whether this therapy c an be prac tic ed fo r an indefinate perio d o f time o r s ho uld o ne give it a break fo r a while. Do es it put any s train o n the kidneys to drink 1 litre o f water befo re brus hing teeth in the mo rning o n a regular bas is ? s andy.s ud@gmail.c o m on Tue, Mar 17th, 2009 at 10:47 PM I have been fo llo wing this therapy fro m lo ng time and its giving amaz ing res ults . I have a ques tio n that why s ho uld we wait fo r 2hr after meals and what exac tly the pro c es s go es o n. ravinder469@gmail.c o m on Sun, Mar 22nd, 2009 at 8:42 PM There is no t an element o f do ubt that c o ns umptio n o f water in the empty s to mac h brings the uric ac id into its o ptimum level. This is medic ally pro ved and hundreds o f patients s uffering fro m pro blems like go ut, s wo llen jo ints and even arthritis have been c ured thro ugh water therapy. Bas ic ally, water thro ws o ut all the extra levels o f c rys tals that remain pres ent in blo o d thro ugh urine, thus avo iding the c rys tal depo s its in jo ints . jo s hytho mas 68@yaho o .c o m on Tue, Mar 24th, 2009 at 2:03 AM Wo nderful info rmatio n abo ut Water Therapy. mahmud@grandec o on Sun, Mar 29th, 2009 at 11:53 PM My dad gave me this treatment in 1981. He gave me a magaz ine where there was an artic le abo ut water therapy. I was s o benefitted by do ing this therapy. 1260 c c o f water; we c an meas ure that fro m a baby bo ttle 5 o f 16 o z c up. Everything o n this page was s ame as o f that artic le exc ept that they rec o mmend to do exerc is e fo r abo ut 20 minutes like s haking yo ur bo dy after drinking water s o that it will c lean better. Jus t like c leaning a baby milk bo ttle witho ut s haking yo u c an't c lean all the milk fro m ins ide and it s aid do n't eat anything fo r 1 ho ur after water therapy.

Yo u c an do it up to 3 times a day fo r quic k res ults ho wever yo ur s to mac h has to be empty befo re this water therapy. Yo u do nt need any weight-lo s s pro gram if yo u do this Go d given therapy i.e. Water Therapy. It will c ure all that dis eas es lis ted. Yo u will be s urpris ed to kno w that the fo o d yo u will eat after the therapy will tas te mo re delic io us . I am 100% po s itive that yo u will be benefitted fro m this therapy but o ne advis e to yo u that pleas e talk to yo ur do c to r that yo u are o k to drink this muc h water. To o muc h water c o uld be bad s o metimes . Thank Go d fo r water and Go d bles s everyo ne and help us to get c ure fro m dis eas es with this free water therapy. kwas ikwakwa@ho tmail.c o m on Sat, Feb 7th, 2009 at 4:57 AM Exc ellent piec e o f medic al info rmatio n. kwas ikwakwa@ho tmail.c o m on Sat, Feb 7th, 2009 at 8:11 PM Ro s ic ruc ian Order (AMORC) has kno wn and taught this fo r many c enturies . This is what I kno w. pbarbieri@peo plepc .c o m on Sun, Feb 8th, 2009 at 5:38 AM I do n't unders tand 4 glas s es o f water = 160ml. Pleas e explain. Thanks . Pat whitefis hneo @ho tmail.c o m on Mon, Feb 9th, 2009 at 4:38 AM Many peo ple pro ve that water therapy helps in weight lo s s . Do es water therapy als o helps in weight gaining? rao .n.tata@gmail.c o m on Mon, Feb 9th, 2009 at 9:55 AM Yes , this is really very us eful treatment if o ne fo llo ws this as per the guidelines given. I have s een that o ne o f my family members is c ured with this . nrs @do s hio nveo lia.c o m on Tue, May 12th, 2009 at 12:45 PM I have been metic ulo us ly and religio us ly fo llo wing the water therapy fo r the las t 50 days . I have benefited in res pec t o f my age o ld c hro nic s inus itis . But in regards to diabetes , there is no rec o very at all. It is no t c o ming even under c o ntro l ins pite o f c o ntinuing regular medic ines . Co uld yo u pleas e s ugges t s o mething? mo s ayplay@ho tmail.c o m on Thu, May 14th, 2009 at 7:18 AM I am 41-year o ld no w and been us ing water therapy fo r o ver ten years . The truth is that it wo rks , as it has do ne fo r me. But the main o bs tac le is that fo r ec o no mic and o ther reas o ns related to go vernments and pharmac eutic al c o mpanies , water therapy may never c o me to be authentic ated by the s c ientific c o mmunity. So , it is up to the individual to explo re this natural c ure that they do nt want yo u to kno w.

s vvignes h@gmail.c o m on Tue, Jun 16th, 2009 at 9:34 PM Its really wo rking..! I am do ing this fro m las t 6 mo nths and I lo s t aro und 15 po unds . My c ho les tero l level reduc ed a lo t and I feel to o go o d. Thanks fo r the water therapy. tes ilim4real2002@yaho o .c o m on Thu, Jun 25th, 2009 at 2:29 AM I have jus t s tarted this water therapy, it help my bo dy c o mbat s tres s , but I need to urinate many times within the firs t two ho urs . wiro @gl-gro up.c o m on Tue, Jul 14th, 2009 at 11:17 AM I wis h I c o uld have this artic le printed, s o that I c o uld s ho w it to my wife, but I c ant bec aus e it is in PDF And I do nt have a c o mputer at ho me. . vivek_s amba@ho tmail.c o m on Fri, Jul 24th, 2009 at 10:19 PM My experienc e after o ne week o f water therapy. It feels as if I have taken bath firs t time in life. I feel light; very light, as if s o me weight has been remo ved fro m all parts o f my bo dy. I feel as if I have had a nic e s es s io n o f expert bo dy mas s age. Co ns ider me c raz y but I feel like I have drunk laughing gas . My c o ns tipatio n pro blem has vanis hed. pam.rami@lo ngandfo s ter.c o m on Thu, Jul 30th, 2009 at 2:20 AM I have been us ing this water therapy. It's great, makes me feel fres h and healthy all the times . It's wo rth trying. printro bin@gmail.c o m on Sun, Aug 23rd, 2009 at 11:05 PM Water therapy is go o d fo r human bo dy as it helps in taking put all the to xins o ut o f the bo dy. But a s tudy s ho ws that drinking to o muc h c an lead to hypo natremia, in whic h s o dium levels fall, c aus ing an elec tro lyte imbalanc e that c an make yo u very s ic k. So , pleas e drink o nly as muc h as required. nabeel.ahm.s idd@gmail.c o m on Sat, Oct 10th, 2009 at 9:07 PM I was s uffering fro m s evere IBS po s t infec tio n c o ns tipatio n. I mus t c o nfes s that I have yet no t fully applied water therapy but I have do ubled my water intake to at leas t 9 glas s es . This water therapy had a great impac t o n my c o ns tipatio n. I am s ure water therapy wo uld be fantas tic . gbalas ubramanian2003@yaho o .c o m on Sat, Oct 31st, 2009 at 7:33 PM I am already prac tic ing water therapy fo r the las t 3 years and I am extremely happy. My bo dy gets c leans ed everyday and to xins get flus hed o ut. Take go o d c are o f yo urs elf. dili_69@ho tmail.c o m on Sun, Nov 15th, 2009 at 5:51 PM Is it true that yo u als o have to drink a glas s o f water befo re eac h time yo u have the main meals (lunc h and dinner)?

fnmwaz ha@yaho o .c o .uk on Mon, Nov 30th, 2009 at 6:13 PM I always heard that o ne s ho uld drink water 30 minutes after eating. With this water therapy I do n't unders tand why it has to be two ho urs ? Pleas e explain! ars enio .c ataman@yaho o .c o m on Sat, Dec 5th, 2009 at 1:02 PM Thanks fo r this info rmatio n! it is really very go o d! jawwadhaider700@ho tmail.c o m on Fri, Jan 15th, 2010 at 11:18 PM I have been us ing water therapy fo r many years . I fo und this therapy very effec tive. I s tarted it as in Is lam o ur pro phet has advis ed to do s o and he is never wro ng. What s o ever Is lam has to ld humans to prac tic e, s c ienc e is pro ving it c o rrec t to day. Relat ed General Kno wledge Quest io ns 1. Co mmo nly As ked Ques tio ns abo ut Las er Hair Remo val 2. Lo o k Yo unger and Beautiful - Tips to Lo o k Beautiful & Yo unger 3. Turmeric Health Benefits - 20 Health Benefits o f Turmeric 4. What is the right amo unt o f water to drink daily? 5. Five fruits that wo rk magic o n yo ur s kin 6. Aro matherapy 7. Healthy Hair Gro wth Tips - Natural Hair Care & Hair Gro wth Tips 8. Bo dy Care Tips 9. Ac ne Treatment - Tips That Wo rk 10. Hair Lo s s Caus es - Reas o ns Fo r Hair Lo s s 11. Ac ne Treatment - Info rmatio n & Tips 12. Skin Care Tips 13. Skin Cleaning & Care 14. Sun Safety Tips 15. The right hairs tyle fo r yo u 16. Dark Skin - Caus e & Remedies 17. Yo ga, Meditatio n & Simple Life 18. Eye Care

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