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Call with Rebecca Snyder Aug.

. 10, 2011 Sue Lehmann Winner 2011 Working as a MTLD as to how to push the bar

When did the feeling of excitement start to existwhen did you figure out you were onto the right path? The moment was when the substitute teacher came and did not have to do anythingkids wrote sub plans and executed the day (sub just videotaped) Also used content that was higher than her level (she had to do research on the topics her kids wanted to learn) How far into the year? Kids started planning lessons at end of September stages (5 different) leadership and academic content she tracked itfirst group of kids teaching lessons October 1 (half kids December, all kids end of January) What teacher actions did you do during the first days/first 8 weeks? Got really concrete about mindsets/selfsee compilation/end of the mindsets, lead up is how well do I know my kidswhat are the archetypes and biases you have? Had doubt but instead of blinders, she dug in and thought about why she wanted to lower the bar. What meta-cognitive structures? Every kid had a reflection notebook, she would just observe a lot and make observations of what her kids did, used it to diagnose kids names. 4 kids/night, no weekends What about 200 students? The skill and mindset is that the kids already have the answers, you need to pick up on the cues (what goals and benchmarks do you have for the kids?) post-it/kid each day? Still gives incredible amount of qualitative data. What do I really think? What concrete actions? Had a very distinct set of valueshad a book and a plan for each value. She had procedures for each task and taught values not rules, which benefited for later on? How did you foster independence? Gave expectation/very strong benchmarkstold students on the first day of school that on the last day of school she would say nothing. Gave a gradual releasesometimes working after school with students to fail fast and problem solve, to give kids capabilities to teach students. Once there were 4 teacher leaders, then they facilitated read-aloud with other kids (not in their group)gave students motivation and started small, making kids do the work How did you get to know kids? Developing deep relations with parents and families?

First thing she does: thank parents for sharing kidslooking for parents to be role models/teachers, she looks at values she appreciates in kids and congratulates parents for that! She probes parents, able to be vulnerablealso has reflective moments parents for doing that. Another message: be AUTHENTIC and honest. She really does want this. Whats a tough situation you encountered with a student and how did you respond? Everything has a purposewhy do we need a kid to behave? Were on a mission and youre holding back the class. If kids are invested, then they will behave. Be explicit of the consequences and give concrete examples of action/consequence. Kids (and adults!) dont understand what the consequence really means. When you let go of the glass of waterwater goes everywhere? are you dropping the water glass for us? If they are not doing the action, then they actually dont get it? Its also about relationships as in I care about you TOO much to let you do this! IF YOURE NOT USING THE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT CYCLEYOURE CRAZY! There was never any ambiguity of what was okay and not okay, the difference was how it was communicatedher first two weeks dinosaurs could NOT go down, only up (dinosaurs= kids) What is the purpose of the rule? If there is a stupid rule, change it. What procedures did you set up? What did you practice with procedure olympics? Used anything that could save a lot of time. She used a LOT of music, 30 second clips, time saving procedure-olympics. Anything that could manage student-interactions (example: where to put coats) and how we did community circlesthere was one video where the kids tried to share. (she had a score keeper). What to do when Rebecca wasnt available? Kids needed to be able to run class when she wasnt there! Take the time to explain not manage! Work-Life balance? Find joy in what youre doing! How to align your life with your kids? How to invest others in your life? Not what you do, but who you are. Non-negotiableyour time, have rituals in own life and do what is important to you.

Also where, you choose to spend your time? Our profession is personal Give yourself an hour every week to reflect on practice. What is urgent? What is not?

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