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Param Gita ~ A work in progress.

Mother Earth cannot keep sustaining the population growth as new souls are coming to earth, and the highly evolved souls are not knowing how get rid of their karmic debts. Today's media keeps filling our lives with superficial pleasures that one becomes trapped by, thus not being able to freely work toward returning home. One of the biggest draw backs of today s society is that Goddess Lakshmi is not present in most homes, and the mother of the home is not recognized for the importance of her role; either by her self or by others. Mother Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of spiritual prosperity and Kamala, an aspect Mother Lakshmi s, is the goddess of fortune. Lakshmi, or the woman of the home, is the light of the home. She is wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity, and courage; and the embodiment of beauty, grace, and charm. When we fail to honor the Lakshmi of the home, she stops bringing good luck, and reduces her effectiveness in protecting the family. The family will suffer from all kinds of misery and sorrows. When the mother has lost her powers, it reduces the opportunity for an individual to proceed according to the plan chalked out by his or her soul in order to: teach the individual's lessons, meet the karmic retribution, and proceed towards the individual s ultimate destiny. For a child, the Mother is the first Guru, and when she is not effective in bring up the child, he or she will fail to have the strength and insight to proceed with life's journey. Please feel free to help me to rewrite this if needed, as it is going to be part of the book that I am writing *** We live at a critical time in history, with many uncertainties; drastic weather changes, low crop yield, political corruption, physical and job insecurity, and many more disasters as Mankind fails to find the ideal answer to care for the ever-growing population. The age of the computer is creating new challenges and opportunities, and we are at the threshold of the age of knowledge. Mankind, as the ruling species, has explained most of the outer world, yet lacks the wisdom to answer the mystery of the spirit. The reason for this as I see it: we, as Men, have for thousands of years deprived the Woman her rightful place in society. This all started when men decided to suppress the freedom that women enjoyed. Before, she did not belong to men - nor did men belong to her; all lived in harmony. Like the Sun and the Moon. Men supported life, and women created and nurtured life. We have suppressed the wisdom that she provides to society, and forced her to become a servant and slave with very little rights, belonging to first her father, and later, her husband. Even in nowadays societies, girls and women are the first to be deprived from basic human rights such as freedom of speech and education. The respect and honor women received in ancient civilization, that of the bearer of the new, is no longer there. Men have forgotten that 'all' have come through a woman, and all will return to a woman (Mother Earth). It has gone this far that even women themselves have forgotten how to be a woman. Being biologically female does not mean that you are true living goddess on Earth. It is God's Shakti (female) that creates all things, sustains them, and withdraws them into itself. In the Sakta Agamas, Devi is described as the creator and ruler of the Universe, and as the Saguna aspect of Brahman as well. In the Shakti doctrine, Siva (male) is the supreme, unchanging, eternal consciousness and Shakti is His kinetic power. Shiva is Chit and Shakti is Chidrupini i.e., static and dynamic consciousness. They are really one. Siva becomes the creator of the Universe through the power of Shakti. If Shiva is in union with Shakti, He becomes the Lord of the Universe. If not for the union with Shakti, He cannot move. Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra perform the functions of creation, preservation, and destruction of the Universe in accordance with the will of Shakti. "As is in Heaven so it is on Earth." When Man is in union with a Woman, he becomes the Lord of the Universe. This is how it was for thousands of years, but men, out of fear, create duality instead of union. This is about the duality from within; when he lost touch with the female and male aspect of himself. Man learns to connect with his emotion through women, and women learn logic from man. Wisdom is the Divine Feminine, and Divine Feminine resides in both man and woman. It's just that we have lost connection to it due to duality. As long as humans lived in close touch with Nature, they understood the interplay of both creative and destructive forces. They accepted the dynamism and diversity of the world around as the essence of the Goddess.

When humans lost touch with Nature and grew to be fearful of the Goddess, they sought refuge in a wise, almighty fathergod. And so the mother-goddess, until then free, was given a lord, a master, and a husband. Marriage and maternity became tools to tame her. In the old days, Woman was worshiped for her ability to create new life. She became a wife, and in modern times, she has a use by date. Her freedom was curtailed. Her fruitfulness was touted as the hallmark of all feminine virtue. She became subservient to her husband's will. Like Mother Earth, she became man's property. As men have continuously taken from Mother Earth, so he does with women, expecting everything, and not learning to receive. *** Your Soul s Journey Each Soul is like a ray of the Sun. Its work is to project itself, to go forth as far as it can. It is creative and responsive. It creates its means, its expression, and it is impressed by whatever comes before it in proportion to its interest in that. The Soul goes always to what appears to it as beautiful and radiant, and so it goes on and on, and finds different qualities and different experiences and collects them around it, until at last it returns to its mother s womb. A child may or may not inherit the qualities and defects of its parents. If the impressions previously received by the Soul are stronger, it does not inherit them. Very wicked parents may have very saintly child, and very good parents may have a very bad child.

The mental attributes of the parents are inherited by impression on the mental plane. The child, as a quality, inherits the thoughts and feelings of the parents. Parents overly enthusiastic in molding a child to what is considered proper will end up suppressing the expression of the child, thus preventing the child from taping into its Soul s needs. The child may end up having to work very hard to re-establish its rightful place toward its journey home. All humans have the choice to live a life of trappings, or to regain his or her rightful place in this beautiful universe of ours. The first step is detachment. Every Soul possess the best qualities as a special inheritance, though it may be covered by all the impressions it has gathered along the way. This being so, all souls have the possibilities of spiritual progress. The Sounds of the Divine Goddesses can help you to remove the unwanted impressions, thus allowing your soul to experience its best qualities that it came to earth with. The Power of Love accomplishes all things in life. Long continued Love will attract the blessing of the God/Goddess, for the energy of Love will invoke Mother Kundalini who is dormant in the base chakra. To enjoy continued Love, one has to first connect with the Soul, and let it govern life rather than the head. In the modern world, due to the challenges of life, humans have forgotten the purpose of their birth. To find the true nature and purpose for life, one must find Love for the self; for real Love is only possible when the Soul governs the heart and navel chakra. The Love that springs forth from self-denial, and blooms in deeds of beneficence, is Love from the Soul. Our virtues are made of Love, and our sins - caused by lack of if Love - turn sin into virtue, and its lack makes virtues meaningless. A Lover need not concentrate his or her mind; Love itself is concentration, which gives mastery over all things in the world. The Lover obtains the object of his or her Love by the power of concentration. Love is inherent in every soul. Love is the only thing that every soul brings to earth with it, yet after coming to earth, humans partake in all the qualities of lovelessness. If it was not so, we would have been as bitter; as jealous; as angry; as full of hatred when we were born, as we are now. The infant has no hatred. A little child that we have scolded will, in a few minutes time, come and embrace us. To Love; to adore; to worship someone with whom we are connected neither by birth, race, creed, nor in any worldly connection, comes from the Soul. Sometimes people fall in Love at first sight. Sometimes one sees a person and feels, I might have known him or her all my life; sometimes when speaking with another person, and finding intimacy and understanding; as if the souls understand each other. All this is accounted for by the idea of a Soul-Mate or Twin Soul.

A Heart Chakra lightened by Love is more precious than all the gems and jewels of the world. There are as many kinds of Hearts as there are different substances in the world. There are Hearts of metal, which take a long time and much fire of Love to heat, and when once heated, will melt, and may be molded as you wish for the moment, but soon afterward, will turn cold. There are Hearts of wax which melt instantly at the sight of the fire, and if there is a wick of ideal, they will keep their flame until they become non-existent. There are Hearts of paper which are set alight by a slight touch of the fire, and turn into ashes in one moment. Love is like the fire; its glow is devotion, its flame is wisdom, its smoke is attachment, and its ashes, detachment. Flame rises from glow, so it is with wisdom, which rises from devotion. When love's fire produces its flame it illuminates the devotee's path in life like a torch, and all darkness vanishes, allowing the soul to emerge. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan Successful travelers on the path of Love are those whose Love is so beautiful that it provides all the beauty that their ideal lacks. In time, the Lover rises above the changeable and limited beauty of the beloved. The Lover will then begin to see into the beloved s inner being. In other words, the exterior of the beloved was only a means of drawing the Love out of the Heart Chakra of the Lover, but the Love led the Lover from the external to the innermost beings ideal of the Lover s Love. When in the ideal, the Lover has realized the unlimited and perfect Being - whether it is Love for human or God/Goddess, the Lover is in fact in either case a blissful Lover. In Tantra we see Woman as the dynamic force and Man as consciousness. In ancient time, Man worshiped Woman to activate her dynamic energy, and when her dynamic self is invoked, her compassionate side becomes filled with Love for her God (man). For the Soul to return home, both Woman and Man have to first be united as one. Unlike in today's world of individuality, sustainable Love is non-existent, thus lacking the joy for life. Life with lack of Love introduces stress and aloneness into one s life. Para-tan can help free your Soul of all past impressions, thus freeing the Soul to use the Heart Chakra to experience true Love. Past impressions that limit the Soul also infect the cells, thus promoting all forms of emotional illness. The Sounds of the Goddess Hrim and Shrim can help activate the Heart Chakra. HRIM HRIM (pronounced Hreem) governs over the cosmic magnetic energy, and the Power of the Soul and causal body. It is the prime mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds. It holds all her creative and healing powers. HRIM is the mantra of the Divine Maya that destroys the worldly maya. It has a solar quality to it but more of a dawn-like effect. HRIM awakens us at a Soul or Heart level, connecting us to Divine forces of Love and attraction. It is charming and alluring, yet purifying. Through it we can control the illusion-power of our own minds. In Vedic terms HRIM is a mantra of the Sun, particularly in terms of illumination. It increases our aspiration and receptivity to Divine Light, Wisdom, and Truth. It opens the Lotus of the Heart to the inner Sun of Consciousness. It is a mantra of the region of Heaven; the consciousness-space in which all the worlds exist. Right or Sola side of the body. SHRIM SHRIM (pronounced Shreem) is a mantra of Love, devotion, and beauty. SHRIM is Kamala, and an aspect of Mother Lakshmi mantra - the Goddess of Beauty and divine grace. Yet SHRIM works at a deeper level than merely to give us the good things of life, including health. It takes us to the Heart Chakra and gives faith and steadiness to our emotional nature. SHRIM allows us to surrender to, take refuge in, or be immersed in whatever we offer the mantra to. It is the mantra of beauty and delight and has a pleasing lunar quality. It also relates to the head and can be used to flood the senses with divine beauty and delight. It promotes health and aids in fertility and rejuvenation. The left or Luna side of the body. ***

DISCOVERING OUR INNER SELF WITH PARA-TAN Part 2 The world s first and foremost requirements are peace, sincere thought, and action-provoking programs for protection of ecology. i.e. our rivers, mountains, forests - Our Mother Earth. It is very essential to see that each child of the Divine Mother - be they from every remote corner of the Earth - must have education and proper care of his or her health and nutrition. This is only possible when all of humanity recognizes the role of the Mother. And women also, respect the role of Motherhood and understand that they are born in the image of the Divine Mother of creation. Everyone comes from the womb, and will one day return to it. For peace on earth, once more women have to be worshiped as the great Mother of Creation, as I do my wife and daughter. My daughter, her feet. Yoni puja is worship par excellence and by omitting it every other puja is rendered useless. For this present Yuga, the part of Sakthi's body worshiped is the Yoni. Thus, Devi is worshiped only with regards to her Yoni. "The Great Goddess Parvati speaking to Lord Shiva, 64 tantras have been created. Tell me, Ocean of Compassion, about the chief of these. Lord Mahadeva said: Listen, dearest Parvati, to this great secret. You have asked to hear this 10 million times. Beauteous One, it is because of your feminine nature that you continually ask me. You should conceal this by every effort. Parvati, there is mantra pitha, yantra pitha, and yoni pitha. Amongst these, the chief is certainly the yoni pitha, revealed to you from affection. Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara, and Brahma ---- the gods of creation, maintenance and destruction ---- all originate in the yoni." "The miraculous Yoni Tattva Tantra is the best of all Tantras. Because of love for you, this very hidden Tantra is revealed. The only evil in sexual intercourse is disgust for blood and semen. He who mixes them with wine is discriminating in worship." *** The Kaulas regarded female gurus very highly and there were many examples of yoginis or female tantriks. In Yoni Tantra Patala 7 we find: Women are divinity, women are life, and women are truly Jewels. This sentiment is echoed in many other tantras such as akti Sangama Tantra, Devrahasya and elsewhere. A woman is the goddess: Worship carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Sakti, sheltered by the Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women. (KJN, Patala 23) In Kaula every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike, or threaten a woman. When she is naked, men must kneel and worship her as the Goddess. She has equal rights with men on all levels. (Occult World of a Tantrik Guru, Values Vol.IX) In both Kulachudamani Tantra and the Brihad Nila Tantra, the Kaula is instructed to recite a mantra inwardly whenever he sees a woman. Women are heaven; women are dharma; and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are 6 The Yoni Tantra the Sangha; and women are the perfection of wisdom. (CT 8,30) *** Mother Kali blessed me with the supreme knowledge, and it is available to you who are chosen to receive it. The son of Divine Mother Kali is known as The Father of Para-Tan and Master of the Living Goddess Tradition the Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu, South India: Shri Param Eswaran founder of

The Divine Feminine on Earth is the physical form of the Mother of Creation. Every woman expresses unique qualities of the Mother of Creation and the powers of the Mahavidya Goddesses within Her, offering her infinite potential. When a woman invokes her latent potential she reveals the infinite Diversity of the Great Mother Goddess, for she and the Divine Mother are one. When a woman reclaims her divinity, She is Divine Light, She is Wisdom and She is Truth. She is devotion, beauty, divinity, and grace. She gives her community the good things in life, including health. She gives us faith, and gives steadiness to our emotional nature. Her gaze will flood our senses with divine beauty and delight. When she blesses us with her presence, She rekindles the fire of spiritual knowledge and Self inquiry, giving us the power of discernment; which is both right thought and right action. About 6000 years ago, men decided to suppress women and make her his property. Since then women lost most of the above qualities, and at the same time, men lost their peace of mind. A man s self-imposed dilemma is that he cannot live without a woman, and at the same time finds it difficult to live with her. Let all men learn to worship their partner as the Great Goddess of Creation, and learn to serve her, so that when She is Empowered, She will bless them with all her divine qualities.

Women today In today s Western society we - women especially - are bombarded with disharmony. Stress about work, children, and partners disrupts our harmony and opens us up to dis-ease. Although man also experiences this disharmony, women experience it most. Most of us women will store stress and disharmony within our Yoni, and every month it manifests itself in the form of cramps, pain, and a feeling of overall weakness. What is supposed to be our most sacred and powerful period (moon time) becomes a period of agony and discomfort ..why??? Why is it that dis-ease of the womb is very popular around the modern, so called advanced world? Because we, as women, have descended from the role bestowed upon us by the Mother of Creation; we lost the sacredness of our being, and we lost contact with our womanhood. In today s world we trade-off our divinity to the process of being like a man; wearing pants and trying to be the same as men in the work place. We forget that both women and men have their respective qualities which they should use to work together. Instead, we compete with men, trying to intimidate them, and vice-versa: a very successful, dis-empowering activity for both. We are equal to men but we are not the same!! Remember that all men and women came from the womb of a woman, and that the Mother is the first guru and the father is the second guru. We are made in the image of Athi Para Shakti; the Mother of Creation. In this plane we ARE the Mothers of Creation! Women have the power to create new life, to nurture it, and let it bloom. However, in today s society, many women do not have the opportunity to care and nurture for their children as long as they would like to. Many children miss out on their mother from a very young age. Women are expected to go back to work as soon as the maternity leave is over. Being a house wife and taking care of the children is no longer respected or seen as an essential part in society. There are so many women who would have loved to stay at home, taking care of the young children, but never had the chance because society does not allow them to do so anymore. Society expects to keep the money making machine running, and only women with good references and long careers are wanted. References from happy children are never asked for from a woman who has dared to take that step, and has stayed at home for a couple of years to raise the children. It does add a positive point to their credentials for having the strength to take time to serve the betterment of the next generation. As such, many have problems getting back into the job market. Respecting and protecting the hand that rocks the cradle , she is the first Guru to her children. She imparts to her children, social skills. All other necessities for the children to become well rounded parents for the next generation, no longer exist. And all of us are wondering why violence, anger, and fear are nowadays so much part of society; why it seems that Mother Earth is out of balance Because we are out of balance! We are forgetting the ancient teachings that provided a balanced

life for all. It was a way of life that met the needs of all, young and old alike, to live in harmony with nature, sharing Mother Earth, honoring her goodness, and having gratitude for all that She has given to us. It gave us tools to understand the energy of the macrocosmic, and to understand our role as microcosmic. Knowing that all are connected with - and coming from - the one source; from the same vibration. Vibration & Sound This pure vibration is still in each and every one of us. This sacred energy, these sounds and vibrations of the Great Goddesses, are dormant within us. Para-Tan Yoni healing and Goddess worship uses sacred sounds to awaken Her energy, and balance the elements and planets within us.. It gives the woman the opportunity to connect with her Goddess nature and it offers profound benefits to her body, mind, & spirit on all levels. Yoni worship is a healing breakthrough. It works with quantum sound and is new in today s field of harmonic medicine, yet it s thousands of years old within the Tantric Tradition, and has been brought back to life with the blessing of Mother Kali. Modern quantum physics has just come to realize that energy is vibrating at different rates. By altering the rate of matter s vibration, we can fundamentally change its structure. Goddess worship is for every woman who desires to experience her true nature. It will heal the wounds of generations of women and empower Her. The Worshiping ritual will entail (as well as the actual rituals) practical day to day advice to create and maintain a loving relationship with oneself and all that comes in contact with Her. This ritual is also ideal for couples who want to not only enjoy the flesh of each other, but also want to know how to connect with each other's spiritual essence. Goddess worship is a spiritual science essential for all women. It gives women the opportunity to re-connect with the Sounds of Universe. The first step is to empower the three power centers of the woman, namely: the vagina; the Divine Passage to the womb , the womb itself, and the breasts. These three power points are her blessing, but in today's stressful, social life-style, it has become more of a curse. One in three women suffer from some form of dis-ease in one of her power centers due to stress that blocks the energy flow. It s also always essential for a woman to be careful in choosing a partner, because the impressions of disharmony lodged in the yoni by her partner linger on for five to seven years. The most powerful of the three is the Yoni (whole reproductive system).

Mahavidyas All planes of existence consist of vibration, from the finest to the grossest kind. The vibrations of each plane have come from a higher one, and have become grosser. Whoever knows the mystery of vibration, indeed knows all things. The ancient seers use the sound of the Mahavidyas and the sacred geometry of the Sri Chakra to worship each other. When it comes to a womens the additional forces are the Mahavidyas Goddesses who reside from the sacred passage to the womb, heart, and breast. The 8 Mahavidyas that are associated with the different parts of the Yoni are: Kali, Tara, Sodasi, Chinnamastaka, Bhagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhuvaneshvari, and Kamalamika. Bhairavi and Dhumavati in their specific manifestations are not part of it. Goddess Worship can invoke all the Goddesses and empower the individual. Para-Tan is an exceptional science which has been successfully used to heal most forms of dis-ease. Sound can be used to restore the correct frequency in the cells or organs of the body. Over the past few years, Shri Param has used the sounds of the Goddesses to help many restore the correct frequency. We offer you an innovative way of using the Sounds of the Goddesses to activate the energy within the Yoni, thus returning it to its original, pristine state. Before going any further, I would like to share a few extracts from Tantric teachings, which speak about the power of Yoni Puja, and womanhood. Reverence for Women Yoni Tantra the "supreme secret" as per Kaula Jnana Nirnaya of Matsyendranath.

Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels. This sentiment is echoed in many other Tantras such as Sakti Sangama Tantra, Devirahasya, and elsewhere. A woman is the goddess: Worship carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Sakti, sheltered by the Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women. (KJN, Patala 23) In Kaula Tantra every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman. When she is naked, men must kneel and worship her as the Goddess. She has equal rights with men on all levels. (Occult World of a Tantrik Guru, Values Vol.IX) Women are heaven; women are dharma; and women are the highest penance. Buddha; women are the Sangha; and women are the perfection of Wisdom. (CT 8,30) Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara, and Brahma - the gods of creation, maintenance, and destruction - all originate in the yoni. One should worship the essence of Devi, the Sakti in the form of a Sakti. Doing thus, a man attains the four aims of mankind - dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. I achieved my status of Mahadeva by Kula Yoga and through exclusive devotion to yoni worship. The demon Tripura was obliterated in times past by your yoni s grace. The Pandavas succeeded in battle by worshipping Draupadi s yoni. Mahesani, meditate as being absorbed in the yoni chakra; with yoni on the tongue; yoni in the mind; yoni in the ears; and yoni in the eyes. Mighty Lady, all sadhana is in vain unless with the yoni. Therefore, reject other pujas and do Yoni Puja. Mahesani, there is no siddhi without devotion to the Guru. The Ayurveda describes the yoni as a designation of respect for women who gave birth, thus contributing to the continuation of the community. Shri Param offers yoni healing where ever he shares Para-Tan teachings and Yoni worship; both in Malaysia and India, and occasionally in Italy. Those who desire a new beginning can join us: Summer Solstice 2012 to Winter Solstice 2012. Only 9 women will have the opportunity to join us. According to the nature of the person, we will invoke one of the Goddess, and she will be worshiped as such.

May the Divine Goddess Bless you with Love and Bliss. Namaste, Sri Devanayagi *** The Mahavidya Goddesses and Sound At a time when the world seems to be at a loss - rejecting past values without being able to establish a new way of connecting with their true selves. Through this connection with their real selves, it is possible for people to manifest harmony in the current age, and for Love and Compassion to emerge where hitherto there has been none. In this respect Para-Tan is far from simply being physical therapy - rather, it is an aid to establish a new way of life which embraces both inner and outer realities. However, this way of life is an experience which cannot be understood intellectually, and will only become living knowledge through experience. The only tool one needs is the willingness to be open to experience and share Love.

Para-Tan not only helps to heal most emotionally related illnesses, but the concentration on the chakras via nadis while using the sound practices, stimulates the flow of energy through the chakras and helps to activate them. This in turn awakens the dormant areas in the brain, and the corresponding faculties in the psychic and mental bodies, allowing one to experience higher planes of consciousness which are normally inaccessible. Unlike other spiritual science, with Para-Tan, the consciousness can be felt within one or two sessions. The Maha Vidya Temple in Tamil Nadu is ideal for those of you who want to cultivate the power and wisdom that will enable you to conquer your ego and offer the best of yourself to your fellow beings. Then we can serve your needs for growth. Here, we do not profess to know all the teachings of Tantra, but offer a simple art of balancing your body and exploring the energy of Mother Kundalini Devi using the sound energies of the Maha Vidyas.

By worshipping the yoni (vagina) of one's partner, one certainly worships The Maha Vidya and Sakthi Maa. Devi is at the base of the yoni and Naganandini is in the yoni. Kali and Tara are in the yoni chakra, and Chinnamasta in the hair. Bagalamukhi and Matangi are on the rim of the yoni. Mahalaksmi, Shodashi, and Bhuvanesvari are within the yoni. The Five Elements are present in every substance, in different proportions; in gross terms: Prithvi (Earth), Apa (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air), and Akasha (ether). All the factors of diseases, and the method of treatment for the diseases, can be effectively found from the help of The Elements. During Yoni Puja these elements are brought into balance. The Philosophy of Saktism is a kind of non-dualism similar to that of Kashmir Saivism. In both the systems, the highest reality is styled Siva-Sakti. Siva-Sakthi are not different - they are one. Siva is consciousness as cit (stasis); Sakthi is consciousness as cidrupini (dynamism). The word 'Vak' comes from the root 'Vach' which means "to speak"; it means, literally, both 'voice and the word it utters', and is also the sound of inanimate objects. Spoken speech is manifested to the ear by the gross physical sound produced by the contact of the vocal organs on the surrounding air by the effort to speak. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God -from the fourth Gospel. They are the very words of Veda. In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was Vak, or the Word, and the Word is Brahman. Vak is a Sakti, or Power of the Brahman, which is one with the Possessor of Power Saktiman. The Sakti, which was Him, is at the creation with Him, and evolves into the form of the Universe whilst still remaining what It is; the Supreme Sakthi. Vak is Herself, the Mother of the Trinity, or Trimurthi, who are: Brahma, Visnu, and Siva. She is the Supreme Sakthi, one with Brahman. The full incarnation is a concept of Tantra, yet, in the form of Jiva, Vak is incarnated not in one Historical person, such as Jesus Christ, only but in all humans, beings, and things. It appeared, and still now appears, in the flesh, and other forms of matter of all beings, or Jivas; each of whom may through Para-Tan directly realize the Brahman whose Sakti is the (word). "Jesus alone was God in human form. Others were not, are not, and never can become God". Vak manifests Herself in every human being and is knowable and known for those who see themselves as Her, and become one with Brahman, as Jesus did. The Universe is the outcome of the Divine Kama (desire) or Iccha (will). Kama, on the physical plane denotes, among other things, sexual desire. In the highest sense it is the first creative impulse of the One to be many, whereby It begets Itself as all creatures. Earthly desire and self-reproduction are but a limited manifestation of the first impulse. The Divine Will is continually and presently working through the individual sexual desire for the continued creation of the Universe. "He saw", "He thought to Himself may I be many"; was itself, a manifestation of Shakti, the Para-mapurva-nirvana shakti, or Brahman as Shakti. From the Brahman, with Para-shakti-maya issued Nada (Shiva-Shakti as the "Word" or "Sound" ), and from Nada, Bindu appeared. The Tantra also speaks of three Bindus, namely Shiva-maya, Shakti-maya, and Shiva-shakti-maya. (extracts from Mahanirvana Tantra) "Spirit can alone know Spirit"

Nada, Bindu, and Bija Nada and Bindu are the complements of the ultimate potency of creation. From these arise what is known as the 'Tribindu' or 'Kamakala', which is the root of all mantras. There are three Bindus in relation to the original Maha-bindu. They are also referred to as Bindu, Nada, and Bija. "One text of the Prapanchasara Tantra says that the Parabindu divides into two parts - of which the right is Bindu, the male, Purusha or Ham; and the left is Visarga, the female, Prakriti or Sah, making the combined 'Hamsah'. Hamsah is the union of Prakriti and Purusha and the universe is Hamsah" - The Garland of Letters, Sir John Woodroffe In Tantrika, a host of correspondences are made with the three Bindus; e.g., Moon, Fire, and Sun; Iccha, Jnana, and Kriya; Vama, Jyestha, and Raudri; Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra. The three Bindus constitute symbolically the points of a triangle. "The consolidating point of the yoni is the bindu within the triangle". It is the Iccha (desire), Jnana (knowledge) and Kriya (action) of the Universal Being, represented by Moon, Fire, and Sun that are responsible for the Creation of the World. The Sun is technically spoken of as Kama, and the Moon and Fire together as Kala. Thus, the great triangle is Kamakala. The Sun, Moon, and Fire which are responsible for World Creation, have an important relation to our Creation. Between the Sun, Moon, and Fire they form a triangle: Sun at the right nipple, the Moon in the left nipple, and Fire at the Navel. There are 43 such triangles of which with Para-Tan, are a way to attain freedom from the bondage of the world while still living in it, by using 9 of the 43 triangles. This form of meditation arose at the beginning of human civilization when couples first realized their spiritual potential and began to evolve techniques to find a life of non-dualism. They discovered the similarity between the Chakra system and the system of the Sri Chakra. The Meru is the three dimensions of the Sri Chakra. If we returned to the two dimensional Sri Chakra, and imagine that the Bindu in its centre is the peak of a mountain. Then imagine that the mountain is built up in tiers, each tier being one of the circles of triangles, or lotus petals, with the outermost square representing ground level. Now, imagine a vertical spine down the centre of the mountain, then at each point that the spine and a tier intersect, there is a Chakra. The peak represents Mount Meru, abode of the Gods - same as in our body. In India, we use the Meru as an external visualization meditation tool, and worship the living God/Goddess as the Meru. Para-Tan sound will enable all to know Spirit.

Mantra Sakthi Mantra Sakthi is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion, only practiced by a select few - mainly the Brahmins - it is the most valuable inheritance of all times, of every breath we take, in our every movement. Mantra Sakthi means the power of Mantra, sabda (sound), akshara (syllable), and music. This is the most vital energy, and to the one who has control over vital energy, it flows through all the nadis. Apart from Mantra Sakthi, we have: Iccha Sakthi, for the fulfillment of desire; Kriya Sakthi for the power of doing things; Jnana Sakthi the power of knowledge; and last of all, Kundalini Sakthi. She lies dormant at the base chakra, ready to be released by Mantra Sakthi. Para-Tan Para-Tan is the science of right living. Like Tantra, as such, is intended to be incorporated into daily life. It works on all aspects of our physical, vital, mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual bodies. Para-Tan was developed as a part of the Tantric teachings. Tantra is a combination of two words: 'Tanoti' and 'Trayati' which means expansion and liberation respectively. Therefore, it is the science of expanding the consciousness and liberating the energy. Para-Tan's main emphasis is in liberating the energy and expanding the consciousness so that one can attain freedom from the bondage of the world while still living in it. Para-Tan offers techniques for the expansion of consciousness, and the liberation of energy, whereby individual limitations are transcended, and a higher reality is experienced.

Para-Tan's purpose is to help all achieve a state of non-duality, same as the highest reality which is styled Siva-Sakthi. In ancient times, these techniques were kept secret and were never written down or exposed to public view. They were passed on from teacher or guru to disciple by word of mouth. In this way there was a clear understanding of their meaning and aim. Through personal experience, realized Tantric Masters were able to guide sincere aspirants along the correct path, removing the confusion, misunderstanding, and excessive intellectual contemplation. Today, as we are in the 21st century, a spiritual heritage is being reclaimed of which Para-Tan is very much a part. Paratan's central theme remains the highest goal of the spiritual path: Tantrika Sadhana. Physical, mental, and soul therapy are some of Para-Tan s most important achievements. What makes it powerful and effective is the fact that it works on the holistic principles of harmony and unification. Para-Tan has succeeded as an alternative form of therapy in all emotional related illnesses. Para-Tan Sound therapy works with the nadi system. The word 'nadi' literally means flow or current . The ancient text say that there are seventy two thousand nadis in the psychic body. There are visible as currents of light to a person who has developed psychic vision. Like the chakras, they are not actually part of the physical body, although they correspond with the nerves. Nadis are the subtle channels through which the pranic forces flow. Out of the large number of nadis in the psychic body, ten are major, and of these ten, three are most significant. These are ida, pingala, and sushumna - of which the sushumna is the most important. All the nadis in the psychic body are subordinate to sushumna, and ida and pingala.

Sushumna nadi is the spiritual channel at the center of the spinal cord. It originates from the Mooladhara Chakra at the perineum, and terminates at Sahasrara, at the crown of the head. Ida nadi emanates from the left of perineum and spirals up the spinal cord, passing through each Chakra in turn and forming a criss-cross pathway which terminates at the left of Ajna Chakra. Pingala nadi emanates from the right side of the perineum passing in an opposite manner to that of Ida, and terminating at the right side of Ajna. Ida and pingala represent two opposite forces flowing within us. Ida is passive, introverted, and feminine; it is also known as the Chandra or Moon nadi. Pingala, on the other hand, is active, extroverted, and masculine and is called the Surya or Sun nadi. When the right nostril (pingala) flows, there is more vital energy for physical work, for digestion of food, and so on. The mind is extroverted and the body generates more heat. When the left nostril (ida) is flowing, mental energy is dominant. The mind is introverted and any kind of mental work may be undertaken. During sleep, ida nadi flows. If pingala flows at night, sleep will be restless and disturbed. Likewise, if ida flows while taking food, the digestive process may be slow, causing indigestion. The nadis alternate approximately every sixty to ninety minutes. It is however possible to alter the flow voluntarily by using yogic techniques such as padadhirasana and pranayama. All activities are influenced by the flow of the nadis. Sadhaka who want to get on with hard labor or make a quick decision should await the flow of prana from pingala nadi, or force it to happen. Similarly, those who want to do some creative activity should await the flow of prana from Ida nadi. Without checking the flow of breath, if they perform any activity, they will not be able to get the desired success. Para-Tan Tantrika Sadhana uses Nada (sound) to activate all the nadis. After a few sessions these nadis are activated the following improvements can be seen: Glow in the face The Aura of the person becomes strong, like a magnet, to attract others. The person gets detached from the material world, while still living in it. The person become devoid of sickness except the ones he or she takes on. Helps to keep the person always in the spiritual realm while still living in the world. The positive, activated Chakras can be a bridge to understanding your higher self. Using the Sound of the Vidyas, not only can we help you cleanse your Chakras; it will also restructure your cells, which when infected with past impressions of past trauma, can be the cause for illness.

The three Types of constituencies known as Tridosha Vata - Ether and Fire controls the nervous actions, movements etc. This includes all the voluntary and involuntary movements. Motor functions. Problem: Pain in the abdominal area is peculiarly felt when there is problem with the function of Vata. The body feels as if it is on fire; urination and stool passing become difficult. There are frequent dry coughs and change in voice. By stimulating the index finger, you can find some relief from Vata problem. Sending sound through the nadi of the finger will help to balance the Air Element in the body. Pitta - Fire Metabolic activities of the body, digestion, warmth, and all destructive or metabolic activities. Problem: Eyes, urine and stools become yellow in color. Burning sensation is felt in the stomach. Frequent headaches, thirst, and dryness of mouth are felt. Such individuals will be nervous. By stimulating the middle finger, you can find some relief from Pitta problems. Sending sound through the nadi of this finger will help to balance the Sky Element in the body Kapha Earth and Water Stabilizes body structure and functioning and acts as a thermostat for the body. Problem: The person becomes lethargic, heavy, and will have problems moving about. Headaches are prominent in the central part of the head and body temperature is low. Coughing is frequent with phlegm. By stimulating the ring finger, you can find some relief from Kapha problems. Sending sound through the nadi of this finger will help to balance the Earth element in the body. *** When it comes to love and finding a Soul Mate, expectation plays a vital role in the scheme of things. But why do we have such high hopes for our heart? In western society, romance has always been projected in a way that is not realistic. Too many of us are looking for George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez in our partner, and we forget that these people have been styled and touched up by a team of experts - and touched up by powerful computers for every movie and magazine shoot they may do. Julia Roberts and George Clooney have never had a long standing relationship, and little chance that their marriages will last as well. Julia Roberts is a brilliant actress, and would like to believe that she, by chance, has met her Soul-Mate. We should concentrate on what our imprint at birth is, and who will compliment our total being. First of all you will have to find out your imprint, then concentrate on knowing yourself and what your needs are. It is only when you have an understanding of yourself that you can invite the other into your life. If you don't, you'll keep having unrealistic expectations about having personal relationships. It is important to have some expectations about your personal relationships, but let it be to find your Soul Mate who can bring harmony and growth into your life. When you look for a fantasy, that's all you're going to get. Life is a balancing act, and personal, financial, and health matters need to be carefully orchestrated, not just thrown in the air to see how they land. A healthy outlook on relationship requires self-awareness. Most relationships do not remain the same as when you first start dating, because our DNA imprints do not compliment each other. The ancient seers of India knew of this difference, and devised tools to find one's ideal partner; a method that has been successfully used for centuries around the world wherever Hinduism is practiced. We do not say that all Hindus follow this method, but those who do it without any compromises do enjoy a very harmonious relationship. Many Hindus do compromise and end up paying by expensive divorce. With my chart it is written that I would marry a person from the West, and yes that happened to me; my wife is from the Netherlands, and we re happily married, yet after years of waiting, she came into my life when I was 59. There were many

who came before her, but none had a long-term purpose with me. I never denied their part in my life and at the same time did not try to hold on to any of them. My place was to share my love, and be there for them: the rest is up to them. My purpose in life is to offer all of me, be it to my two Goddesses or my students, and it is up to them what they do with it. Just learn to enjoy Love without attachment and be grateful that you had a part to play in their life. At the same time do not try to force yourself into someone s life, as it does not serve you or the other. Your soul enjoys freedom, so do not try to remain in a relationship because you are frightened to be alone, or because you hope that it can change for the better. It seldom happens. Namaste ***

All of us must come to terms that we chose our parents! They did not choose us. In today s world, due to loss of the divine teachings of spirituality and ancient tradition, it is left to chance; some get pregnant by accident, others desire to be parents and let nature take its course. Many desire to have children, and on becoming parents, deny the child full companionship and loving care for their own selfish reasons. Only a small number have the will and strength to become true parents and indulge themselves, fully, in parenthood. In the old days, and in some cases even now, both parents-to-be would meditate and invite a soul into their care. They would get a soul that resonates with them and the parents would be able to give the child the care it needs for its soul s journey. Traditionally, Hindu and Tantric couples will visit a Vedic astrologer to draw the horoscope of the child. The specific information about the child will be used as a care giving manual: from giving the child a name that resonates with its soul, to giving it the specific emotional care it needs to bloom and follow its path. With the use of Vedic astrology parents are given the opportunity to better understand and support their child in their journey. Remember that as parents, you are only a caretaker! Each and every soul is the child of the universe. We are immortal and have journeyed many lives to be here, wanting to return home. It is our job as parents/caretakers to be good caregivers, and we have to allow the child the freedom to grow. When we decide that we want to become parents, we have to release our parents first; whether they were good or bad caregivers. To be good parents, we have to give up being a child. Once you remain a child, your programming will not allow you to be a good parent. You have to let go of your parents, and learn to forgive them as they did not know any better. Forgive, and then love them, as they did give you what they thought was best, or they might not have had the strength to change their pattern and become good caregivers. In any case, you choose them to learn from them, or settle some old karma with them, and to move on from there According and Hindu Tantra and Vedic teachings the Mother is the first Guru, the Father the second guru, only then comes the outer guru, then God/Goddess. *** Worshiping the Sri Chakra or Navayoni Chakra Bhavanopanishad states that our body is correlated to the Sri Chakra, yet it does not give a detailed map of the drawing of the triangle. There are many works out there, yet no one has shown the map of the triangles that form the Shri Chakra in relations to the human body. With Para-Tan, we draw the triangles, not on paper - but on the human body.

"What the Bhavanopanishad says implies that the Human Body is to be conceived as the Sri Cakra, being the expression of one's own self (Svatma). This means that while on the one hand the Body is to be regarded as non-different from the atma, the entire cosmic system associated with the body should also be viewed in the same light. This outer system in its manifestation rests on Time (kala), Space (deha), and a combination of the two. The exponents of the School hold that the well known fifteen Kalas of the Moon, representing the 15 lunar tithis, are to be regarded as identical with the fifteen Nityas (Kameshvari to Citra). The sixteenth Kala, called Sadakhya, should be viewed as one with Lalita or the Supreme Deity Herself. In other words, one has to feel that what appears in Kalacakra is nothing but an expression of what exists eternally as Nityas in the supreme Sri Cakra itself. The tithicakra , or the wheel of time, is constantly revolving and the Sri Cakra is within it - and not without. It should also be remembered that from the standpoint of an esoteric yogini, the tithis are in the last analysis to be identified with the 21600 shvasas; supposed to be the average number of breaths per day of a normal human being."

We and the Meru are one, the 43 triangles are all within us, and it keeps us flowing. Imagine the triangles to be 43 chakras in the body, and our nadis supply them energy. We who practice Para-Tan sound healing find the similarity of the chakra system that is within us, and the system of the Sri Chakra. The Meru are the three dimensions of the Sri Chakra. If we returned to the two dimensional Sri Chakra, and imagine that the bindu in its center is the peak of a mountain. Then imagine that the mountain is built up in tiers; each tier being one of the circles of triangles, or lotus petals, with the outermost square representing ground level. Now, imagine a vertical spine down the center of the mountain, then, at each point that the spine and a tier intersect, there is a chakra. The peak represents Mount Meru, abode of the Gods. With Para-Tan sound healing we worship the body as a Sri Chakra. The lines that form the triangles are the nadis in the body, which are responsible for the energies in the body; and lack of, can promote illness. Those who worship the Divine Goddess, who is God in Mother form, as the Supreme Power which creates, sustains, and withdraws the Universe, are known as Sakta s. A true Sakta see all women as the form of the Divine Mother, and worship her as the same. A Sakta does not worship the temple (human body), but worships the God/Goddess within. The best form of worship is the Sri Chakra; to worship the living form, both Women and Men. The Goddess and Gods can be invoked in them and worshiped as a form of external worship. Thanks to Mother Kali, my life leads me to worship many women within a workshop environment. My gift is to use this very method to heal Women and Men of all their past pains and trauma, and help them experience their divinity. Sakta's who have a partner will always begin by worshiping their partner's temple before learning to internalize their worship of the Goddess. Without attending the first grade, one cannot progress to the University of Life - unless one has done all of it in their previous life, as such they are eligible for the internalization approach. The yantra is a metaphor for the descent of spirit into matter; the manifestation of the universe out of the primordial darkness. At the very center of the yantra is the bindu. Around it are interlaced nine triangles. Five of this triangles represents Sakti, pointing downwards, and four representing Siva, point upwards. The triangles themselves are called yoni, and thus the yantra has the name; Navayoni Chakra . When the supreme Sakthi of our will assumes every form in the universe, in that one quivering instant the Chakra comes to being (Yogini-hrdaya 1.9.10) Each point of the triangle vibrates with its own sound, and the combination of the three sounds is the primal sound of the universe. The triangles symbolize the female principle, the Sakthi, while the fiercely compacted energies of the vibrating point, the parabindu, represents the male principle. Within its depths the interlocking triangles shine, inviting the adept to clime their lattice work and ascend from the realms of matter into that of spirit. The yantra is grounded in the real world; within each being. In the Sri Yantra, which is the universe, Siva and Sakthi, cannot be separated; so must it be that woman and man cannot be separated. Although we may speak of a triangle being Sakthi, or a point being Siva, and of static and active energies,

these energies are, in fact, aspects of one another. The icon of Kali dancing on the corpse of Siva, as seen at our Maha Vidya Temple, is not the dance of Mother Kali alone; Siva is dancing within her limbs, and when Siva dances the tandava: that destroys the world. Kali is dancing within his limbs. Siva is eternally in Sakthi, and Sakthi in Siva; this is the same with man and woman, just that we have decided to walk the path of self-obliteration. The Sri Chakra is microcosm as well as macrocosm. Of the nine elements that form the human body, five are produced by the five Sakthi triangles and four by four Siva triangles. They are produced by the intimate interaction of the male and female energies, for the whole triangle represents the divine pair in union; indeed, in that same, passionate, blissful union on the mountain-top in the dawn of the world. Para-Tan emulates and uses the body created by Siva-Sakti as the Sri Yantra or Navayoni cakra. Kundalini is the energy of Sakthi Herself. The primal energy that creates the world, lies coiled within each of us, waiting to be awoken. The sexual energy arouses and uplifts us, generates Love and copulation; the driving force of evolution, the mating instinct. For a Para-Tan practitioner, the object of all rituals with one s partner, whether it is via the medium of yantra, mantra, or sacramental sex, is to awaken the kundalini energy. The Sounds of the Goddess can awaken Her, where She lies, coiled, at the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra, and draw her up to the Sahasrara chakra at the cranium; cerebral plexus, thus meeting the Guru within. Kundalini has been known to be very dangerous. Before beginning a program of Para-Tan Lovemaking meditation, the mind and body has to thoroughly purified. It is not wise to undertake Kundalini meditation or Para-Tan practice, except under the guidance of an experienced and respectable teacher. For this reason, the science of Para-Tan Sound Healing Art of Lovemaking, has never, and will never be, published - not to hide the teaching, but to share it with those who are born to receive it. Most people, who are not ready, will never be ready to receive the complete teaching, though they are introduced to the teaching. Having the spark of enlightenment is easy, but to sustain it is very difficult. Her energy has to be used, for which one has to have the right guna, or work to develop the right guna.. The term Guna is generally translated Qualities . Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Rajas is the dynamic, and Sattva and Tamas are static, by nature. Sattva and Tamas can neither reveal nor suppress without being first rendered active by Rajas. The Devi is the state of stable equilibrium of these three gunas. When the state is disturbed, the manifested universe appears, in every object of which one or the other of the three gunas is in ascendant. Thus in Devas, as in those who approach the divya state, Sattva predominates, and Rajas and Tamas are very much reduced. That is, their independent manifestation is reduced In one person as compared with another, the sattva guna may predominate, in which case his or her temperament is sattvik. In another, the rajoguna may prevail, and in the third the tamoguna; in which case the individual is described as rajasic, or tamasic. The object of Para-Tan practice is to bring out and make preponderant the sattva guna by the aid of rajas, which operates to make the former guna active. When sattva is made active, impressions of happiness result, and when rajas or tamas are active the impressions are those of sorrow and delusion. Where sattva or happiness is present, there, sorrow and delusion are suppressed. When rajas or sorrow is predominant, there, happiness and delusion are suppressed. When tamas, or delusion, is predominant - as in the case of an inorganic world - both happiness and sorrow are suppressed.

In human, the sattva in Buddhi is considered active, and is natural in all humans. For this reason human birth is, for spiritual purposes, very important. Not all humans, however, are capable of forming such conceptions in an equal degree. The degree of activity in an individual s Buddhi depends on his or her karma. However bad such karma may be in any particular case, the individual is yet gifted with sufficiency of grace, if properly aroused and aided, will enable one to better one s spiritual condition by inducing the rajoguna in him or her to give more and more activity to the sattva guna in one s Buddhi. This guna is governed by the placement of the moon in the natal chart. At Para-Tan Mahavidya center, we make it a point to study the chart of a prospective student, so the program is offered according to the guna and kosha is active. The Tantras recognize five bodies. Namely: Annamayi Kosha ----- Sheath of Matter --- made of food, the body in which our waking consciousness dwell, which we work, play, and make love. Pranamayi Kosha ---- Sheath of Vital air --- is the body of vital life energy. Manomayi Kosha ---- Sheath of Mind ---- the mental body, a body constructed of thought. Vijnanamayi Kosha ---- Sheath of Knowledge --- the spiritual body. Anandamayi Kosha ---- Sheath of Bliss ---- the body of joy of union with Adi Sakthi. According to Bhutasuddhi-Tantra, the body contains some 72,000 nadis. A nadi is a subtle channel through which the vital life energy, or Prana-Sakthi, flows from cell to cell. Nadis are linked with the chakras. The central canal, Sushumna, plays a vital role in yogic and Tantric practices. Chakras are centers of interchange between physical and psychological energy within the physical dimension, and prana is the force that links the physical with the mental, and the mental with the spiritual. Of all the nadis, the three most important are: Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala. The Sushumna nadi is the route by which the kundalini (or Kundalini Devi) in the body travels upwards from chakra to chakra. The Sushumna nadi raises in the Muladhara, the base chakra, and ascends to the crown chakra; Sahasrara Chakra. Rising of Kundalini is the mission of the Tantric yogi and Para-Tan practitioner. The Ida nadi has its origin in the right testicle or ovary, and runs up the left side of the spinal column, and eventuates in the left nostril. Ida is feminine, ruled by the moon, and represents the divine nectar. The Pingala nadi arises in the left testicle or ovary, and runs up the right side of the spinal column, eventuating in the right nostril. The masculine is ruled by the Sun, and the feminine is ruled by the Moon. These three nadis: Sushumna; Ida, and Pingala, flow together in the Muladhara chakra, then separate to come together again in the Ajna chakra.

My divine friends on the spiritual journey may this information be helpful in understanding the importance of using the sound of the Goddesses, God and planets to balance your life, and enjoy everlasting bliss. ***

The erotic behavior and the lack of dignity of humanity make it difficult for me or other teachers, Guru, or saints to share the teaching of the Shri Chakra, or about the activation of Mother Kundalini. Her energy can be activated very easily and safely. It is time for the sincere and open hearted to feel her powers. In the past 10 years, I have not found one with whom I could share the complete teachings, other than my Goddess, who herself saw the triangle during an intensive meditations with me. Hope that it will change between now and the next summer solstice, if it is the desire of the Divine Mother. Or she will reveal the same teaching to another being when I fail. Of the 43 triangles which manage the human body, I have revealed 5 triangles on men, and 6 on women, during all the workshops offered by me for the past years. Many of whom

still have not memorized the points. This is partly my fault; for I do not behave like other masters, with me all get the opportunity to mix with me as brother and sister, this they are not used too. They need to look up at some mystical figure, but not a simple human man who is both father and mother. In Italy most know me as the love (Mother) and kick (father) master. During the period 2003 and 2004 my love for humanity made me share more triangles, but their ignorance and ego did not give them the capacity of honoring the teachings. Since that I have been waiting to share again. I always say triple dose of passion and love for humanity is needed for one to learn more of the teachings. ~ Shri Param Eswaran ***

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