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( Values and Education) Course Syllabus: Part 1: Philosophy Ethics Morality Values Part 2: The Language of Values Education

The Concepts of Values and Education What is a Value judgement? Science Education Mathematics Education Values and Moral Education Art Education Part 3: Some Problems 1. What is a citizen? 2. What is an individual? 3. What does it take to count as a good person? 4. What should be the aims of Values and Moral Education? 5. What is Values and Moral Education 6. What should be taught in Values Education? 7. In what form of teaching values Education should come? 8. What makes a decision right or wrong? Part 4: Moral Systems Utilitarianism Deontology Virtue Ethics Part 5: Critical Thinking Evaluative argument Evaluative Argument evaluation Fallacies Part 6: Excercises and Moral Issues PAPER REQUIREMENTS: Things I learned in Values and Education y Present everything discussed in class y Present what you ve learned y Include things that you learned from your classmates, y IMPORTANT: questions that made you think, questions you have that made you think. It is important that the course made you think critically. Questions that made you realize things. y Realizations y New things earned

Things that made you think more

Simple Excercises: PART 1: 1. I love Adobong Baboy I love my biological family ( parents/ siblings) I love you ( gf/bf spouse, partner, companion) 2. What are the defining traits of each instances of love in the foregoing statements 3. What are the shared features of this instances of love 4. What is love Part 2: 1. Use the term value in all possible linguistic context you could think of 2. State the meaning of value according to its use in each of the linguistic contexts you have cited Part 3: Goals and Objectives I want to be a good ___________________ ( set a goal) Make SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Paper Criteria: 40% Clarity and Precision 40%% Logic 20% Consistency Is your language clear and precise? Thoughts are well reasoned and logical? Are solutions acceptable? Aer they grounded on sufficient reason FEW NOTES on EDFD What is a good person? ( Made us watch the movie the ROAD) to see what is happening or what is a good person. Government- institution that has the exclusive power to enforce rules of conduct in a given geographical location that it calls it territory ( E.g Philippine Government, Chinese Government, American Government) Education- human encounter between student and teacher where certain knowledge ( e. G Scientific, mathematical) values attitudes and skills are taught and learned. Illustative Instance: teaching and learning math, teacher and learning science. GOOD PERSON 1. Knowledge ( could tell right from wrong) 2. Reason could tell why something is right or otherwise 3. Self Criticism ( evaluates ones self reasoning) 4. Williingness to be questioned sincerely allowed people to evaluate his/her beliefs and reasons 5. Open Mindedness willingness to consider other ideas as possble solutions to a problem i 6. Commitment- holds on to ones own conviction if there is no good reason to abandon it

7. What is right? 8. Choice Building a better teacher: Issue care and precise direction, CLEAR and PRECISE direction Command respect and sustained attention Knowledge Acknowledge when unexpected circumstances arise Well trained Are there thoughts that are not evaluative? (e.g table, chair, mind) evaluative: beautiful mind, durable chair Building a better teacher: Issue care and precise direction, CLEAR and PRECISE direction Command respect and sustained attention Knowledge Acknowledge when unexpected circumstances arise Well trained Are there thoughts that are not evaluative? (e.g table, chair, mind) evaluative: beautiful mind, durable chair Thoughts on Sex Education MUST INCLUDE: 2 years of basic education in the Philippines HIS VIEW: should be concerned with teachers competency rather than adding two more years Improve not length of time but the curriculum dnd the teach ers Improve quality of teachers ART ED: Helps solve difficult enduring problems Critical thinking: Nathing Vold Works in creative department Arts with practical values provide viable solution to problems Had formal area in education to train creati e minds v Are you a creative person? Math Ed, Science, Values Ed and Art needs to relate to real life and incorporate four subjects. TEST EXCERCISE of Creativity: 5 Faces of a genius Results: Observer and Alchemists are the highest, how does that affect me in creativity what do i need to do to improve the others. Questions in one of our discussions? 1. Is there a language of Moral/ values education as meaningful as the language of math and science education? 2. Where does the meaning of a certain form of language ( e.g moral language) reside?
Comment [KLR1]: This should also be in the paper, discussed, critically thought of provide examples and think of critical questions and examples.

3. What is the meaning of meaning 4. Worlds are elementary components of language right? For a language to be meaningful, its components must be likewise meaningful. So what is the meaning of a word? To Wit, where does the meaning of the word reside? 5. What is tehmeaning of life? What is the meaning fo that behaviour? Whatist he meaning of cicada? did i use meaning it the same way in the foregoing questions? 6. Are the following all equally meaningful? 11+1= 12 There are blackbags on a teachers table --- FACTS Abortion is wrong- subject to opinion What exactly is their meaning,? Where does their meaning reside? Some Answers: 1. Values Education language is non cognitive unlike 1+1 =2 which is very cognitive Values education language is like breaking a promise is immoral--- depends on peoples opinion Is the language valid? Values education is more meaningful 2. Rules of Meaning: a word is meaningful if you can refer to a certain thing, if it refers to nothing then it is not meaningful. TO be meaningful it is referential? NEEDS, WANTS and VALUES--- differences and similarities ( illustrated in venn diagram) Utilitarian Value- Look at the cost, ight not be realistic to the value

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