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We have returned to that annual cycle or that time of year when we (Jamaicans) celebrate what is referred to as emancipation and

independence (being in a state of dependency). Its just a game of words for the mentally blind. What should be acknowledged is the fact that one understands the idea of Divine Dichotomy (where two conflicting truths exist in the same space but not at the same time). What does this have to do with independence and Jamaicans? It means that everything operates in cycles, the cycle of nature and nature respects no one, it will be done! Therefore in order for nature to exist there is a constant struggle between the opposites thus creating Reality which is constantly changing. Therefore if Blacks are striving for freedom we are therefore aspiring towards a certain direction (for e.g. we are moving counterclockwise) but as explained if there is divine dichotomy and there are two CONFLICTING TRUTHS existing in the same space then moving counterclockwise means there will also be a clockwise movement occuring equally opposite in the same space. Blacks then, ambitious of freedom, liberty and equality cannot expect to achieve this from an opposing nature (the slaves master) because he has no choice based on is inherent nature but to exist contrary to his victim. What does this have to do with Jamaicans and independence? It means that the Slave Master will use words to hide his true nature by killing two birds with one stone. Hence without that above understanding we have eluded ourselves deeper into the abyss from which we hope to emerge. We have been deceived to the extent of actually assisting the opposing (chaotic) forces in their efforts to dominate the composing (orderly) forces which happens to be us Blacks. If Blacks are but one side of the conflicting truths that exists in a certain space (as explained earlier) then the opposing truth must be Whites (the Caucasoid). Why are we referred to as truths? Simply because we exist as reality. Many are in denial and will admonish these facts without SOUND SCIENTIFIC, PHYLOSOPHICAL (Theoretical and Spiritual) and PHYSIOLOGICAL (Practical and Physical) REASONING. To continue on this destructive path is an insult to those we call National Heroes who understood differently from what many today believe and accept. Please understand the meaning of the word UNDERSTANDING; it means to get UNDER that which STANDS before getting Overstanding or be able to move to the next level. Recognize these facts because they make up the third side of the triangle. Remember, Recognize means to RE COGNIZE or simply to know again. We have been asleep and sleep is next to what? Death! What is the opposite of sleep? Being awake! What is the opposite of death? Life! Hence to be asleep is synonymous to death and being awake is also synonymous to life. Jamaicans are not independent we are In Dependence. Emeki. N. Edwards.

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