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Threat in Hai. from Hurricane Irene, Interna.onal Medical Corps Prepares for Emergency Response and Possible Surge in Cholera Cases
Contact: Crystal Wells Communica1ons Ocer 617.913.0794 August 22, 2011, Los Angeles, Calif. - With Hurricane Irene poised to strike Hai1, Interna1onal Medical Corps has sta on standby to provide emergency relief and is preparing its cholera treatment sites around the country for an increase in cholera cases following the storm. If Irene stays on its current path, we can expect to see heavy winds and rainfall in Hai1s northern Departments, including the Ar1bonite Department, where cholera rst broke out last fall, said Sean Casey, Interna1onal Medical Corps Hai1 Country Director. We are very concerned that this storm will cause severe ooding, which could accelerate the spread of cholera. In Ar1bonite, Interna1onal Medical Corps relocated all cholera pa1ents from its tent-based cholera treatment center in St. Michel to the adjacent hospital building, so that they are in a safe, permanent structure and are able to con1nue to receive 24-hour care. Currently, a hurricane watch is in eect for the north coast of Hai1, while a tropical storm warning has been issued for the whole country. Hai1s topography is prone to both ooding and landslides. Irene, now a Category One hurricane, has sustained winds of 130 km/hr, while as much as 20 inches of rainfall are possible in some loca1ons in Hai1. It is the rst hurricane of the season, and comes just a few weeks aXer Tropical Storm Emily grazed Hai1s southern coast. Interna1onal Medical Corps was on the ground 22 hours aXer last years 7.0-earthquake struck Port-au- Prince and the surrounding areas, and was one of the rst responders to address medical and emergency needs following Hurricane Tomas, which caused severe ooding in earthquake-aected areas and exacerbated the countrys cholera outbreak. Interna1onal Medical Corps con1nues to respond to the cholera outbreak with a network of cholera treatment centers, mobile medical units, and oral rehydra1on points in some of Hai1s hardest to reach and most vulnerable areas. Since its incep*on more than 25 years ago, Interna*onal Medical Corps mission has been consistent: relieve the suering of those impacted by war, natural disaster, and disease, by delivering vital health care services that focus on training. This approach of helping people help themselves is cri*cal to r e t u r n i n g d e v a s t a t e d p o p u l a * o n s t o s e l f - r e l i a n c e . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a * o n v i s i t : www.Interna* Also see us on Facebook and follow us on Twi3er. ####

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