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The text suggests that meanings are determined by people. A) connotation. B) denotation. C)

messages. D)
2 4

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors mentioned in this chapter as essential to language acquisition? the evolution of genetic codes A) native architecture B) environmental influences C)

cognitive development D)
3 4

Which of the following words carries the most connotative meaning? dog

A) death B) dinosaur C)

deer D)
4 4

When a speaker wants to convey information efficiently and get work done, it is best to use connotative words. A) use abstract words. B) use words with denotative meaning. C)

choose symbols that go beyond a dictionary definition. D)

5 4

The theory of language developed by Sapir and Whorf states that grammar is a more important element of language to master than dictionary A)definitions. dictionary definitions are more important to master for effective communication than the grammar of a language.


effective communication involves equal mastery of grammar and vocabulary. C) language is an important aspect of culture that defines our perceptions of the world D)around us.
6 4

Language that points to more specific meanings is said to be more abstract and less concrete. A) less abstract and more concrete. B) affirmative. C)

ritual. D)
7 4

The communication that takes place in an environment where a conventionalized response is expected is termed appropriate language. A) ritual language. B) symbolic language. C)

existential language. D)
8 4

Ethics may be viewed in communication as meanings created by consensus. A) moral choices in communication. B) communication that requires a conventional response. C)

a substitute for an obscene word. D)

9 4

Which of the following is NOT an example of inappropriate language given in this chapter? doublespeak A) ethnic epithets B) blasphemy C)

obscenity D)


1 0

In which of the following situations would a specialized language be expected? When a group of professionals talks within the environment or scope of their work. A) When someone outside a group wants to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of that group.


When speakers want to cover up the truth in their public conversations. C)

In all of the above situations, a specialized language would be expected. D)

11 4

1 1

When we shift our language environment, we should try to use the most effective euphemisms. A) we should choose the language that is most appropriate to it. B) language that is considered inappropriate will not change. C)

language that is specialized will not change. D)

12 4

1 2

Which of the following communication behaviors is atypical of men?

refraining from verbal conflict A) interrupting B) working in small groups C)

trying to solve problems D)

13 4

1 3

The habitual language of a community is called a(n) culturespeak. A) dialect. B) doublespeak. C)

ritual. D)
14 4

1 4

Gender-specific language and patterns of communication usually become more differentiated by adolescence. A) should be understood so that stereotypes can be overcome.

B) are consistent, even when the power distance between men and women is removed. C)

begin in childhood and are learned from peers. D)

15 4

1 5

Which statement about dialects is correct? Dialects are not influenced by social class. A) Dialects are not influenced by education. B) Dialects are influenced by geographic region and cultural background. C)

As radio and television have become widespread, dialects have begun to decline. D)
16 4

1 6

Cognitive development is the development of the thinking and organizing systems of the brain. A) related to communication only after one reaches age ten or older. B) related to communication only after birth. C)

related to communication in only a small, tangential way. D)

17 4

1 7

Slang and jargon are elements that may reduce the clarity of a message. A) may increase the power of a message. B) may enhance the vividness of a message. C)

are more appropriate in public settings. D)

18 4

1 8

Which statement would NOT be good advice for a person who wants to increase the power of his/her speech? Do not use too many tag questions. A) Avoid qualifiers. B) Increase the number of disclaimers. C)

Eliminate hedges. D)


1 9

Vividness of speech may be achieved by careful use of tag questions. A) first-person narratives. B) jargon and slang. C)

paralanguage. D)
20 4

2 0

When the communicator chooses his words carefully, he is making an ethical choice because language choices can decide the nature of relationships in the future. A) he needs to convey words that are more powerful than the metamessages being sent. B) he can easily become too assertive in his use of qualifiers and disclaimers. C)

he needs to be sensitive to how his listener thinks of him as a communicator. D)

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