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A beautiful angel of God I find it very fascinating how children see the world.

They often have a deeper understanding of things because they are not afraid to drop their pride and trul y look at something and just enjoy it for what it is. A week ago, I was talking with my son during a thunderstorm we were having in our area(a very common occur rence where I live). Out of the blue he says to me: 7 thunders in a row, the ange ls are going to come daddy. Diet coke almost ran out of my nostrils because I had nt ever thought of that before; or even heard it anywhere else. I mean, why not 4 thunders? Ten? 2.5 thunders? No, he chooses the number 7. Now, I am not going to go into some weird numerology thing here but I just loved how his beautiful little mind works. It reminds me of my wifes intellect every day and that is a l ittle blessing the Lord has allowed me to share. As I was wrapping my thoughts a round the neat imagery here, crackling thunder seven times, huge buffed-out ange ls flying to and fro, I remembered my son a while earlier, asked me if angels ha d jobs? I said to my little guy, yes, indeed they do. We sat down on the couch and I started to tell him about Seraphs. In case you didnt know, Seraphs sit directly in the presence of God. The have six wings. Two, cover their faces. Two wings, c over their feet and the remaining two, they use to fly around with. They call ou t to each other, in what I can only imagine is a vast and huge space, and say Hol y, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory(Isaiah 6 :3). Man, what a totally cool job to have in heaven my son cried out. I began to see his point. You see, when you work for the Lord, there is no bleary-eyed, dep ressing stare at the alarm clock which destroys your early morning peace. There is no 2 hour commute in horrible traffic on a violence laden freeway; and there is no under your breath grumbling about your place in life. When you are confide nt about where the Lord has you, you just are plain-old, at peace. We can somet imes lose sight of the fact that the Lord chose us; not we chose Him, and he wan ts us to be blessed, faithful and diligent in our work for Him. Here is a fantas tic verse that encapsulates the entire message I was trying to get across today: Philippians 2:14,15 Do all things without complaining and disputing,that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, Did you catch that? We are to be lights in the world. Wont you please let it shine o ut today. Unlock the savior from your prayer closet and Let His love shine out f or the whole world to see! Dont forget, the world is watching us. So, its up to us to temper our complaining and remember that we truly are set apart from this wo rld because He called us to have a relationship with Jesus. What a wonderful pri vilege; and joy that should always emanate from our hearts because of Christs lov e. Please enjoy the poem inspired by my sons abstract and beautifully logical mind. I know the commentary above doesnt totally apply to the theme of this poem but, I felt the Lord leading me to write about complaining less, living out-loud more and being totally content, exactly where I am. Maybe this is just for me and may be the Lord is speaking to you right now. God bless you all. Please feel free to leave a comment, subscribe and be completely filled with the overflowing love of Christ. The Great Plains Poet, Joyous friend of the Almighty God. The Angels Are Going To Come by Chris T. Storms they gather; they come, they go. Lightning strikes the weather vane. 7 thunders in a row, I must not let faith begin to wane.

The angels are going to come. I caused it, this conundrum, this quagmire. Passions driven by sinful lust. Ive got to stop my need to flaunt, And choose a path of total trust. The angels are going to come. They bring a message to faithful men; to sinful men, Or a judgement from God to heed. They have no need of paper and pen; For their wings deliver them at great speed. A trumpet, a shout, a crippling glory. A voice so loud it brings instant fear. Something so bright, so completely brilliant has entered the holy, Now the throne-room is quite near. Please, sir, carry with you, a gentle request; And place it in the hands of my Lord. Tell the savior Im doing my best, To be righteous, diligent and heard. And thank Him just one For His example, death Report to Him about my To reach his beautiful more time, and grace. climb, face.

Storms they gather, they rise, they fall. A witness I must show the world, Listening to the redeemers call. 7 thunders in a row, The angels are going to come.

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