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3 2 5 , P a t e lr o a d ,r a m n a g a r ,e o i r ' l b a t 5 r e , 6 4 1 0 0 9 ,T a r n i ! n ; r j l , i n d i a . p h o n el t o : o 4 ? 2 - 4 3 7 9 4 s 9 Mobile : 8903953289 Fax : 0422-43 79459 Email :, www.aktsfot.



Date:t 510?1201 I To, Gen. Manager(DCS) B o m b a yS t o c ke x c h a n g e t d . L

25"'Floor, p.J. Touers, Dalal Street,F'ort, Mumbai-400001 . Dearsir,

Sub:-Comoliance Clause35 of Listing of Agreement Please enclosed lind herewith copies ofshareholding pattemofthe Company thequarter for ended 301h June,20u compliance in ofClause 35 of Listing agrecment an.lenoccr. as You arc requested plcaseupdzite to your Than.liing You, YoursSincerely, ForAkl Soft & Infosys(India) Ltd tY 1.-r't, Mg. Director records.

Introductory sub-tabte(t)(a)
Name of the Company: AKL SOFI & tNFOSYS NDtAi LtMtTED

Code:531838 ended:30thJUNE,2011

Nameof the scrip: AKL SOFI

class of security: EeUtry

Outstanding convertible

As a % of total no- of outstanding convertible secuflttes

the company, assumingfutl conversionof the convertible securities

total no_

the company, assuming fu ll conversion of wa.rants

, assumingfull
of warrants and securatiesGrand i o t a l ( A + B + C ) +D + E + F )



r '..-A\


V l"+/"t-

ro htl'rnging thecr(tso'r ffi\

\ame of thc shrreholdtr I o t aI s h r r e \ h c k l Ar a :/" afgrrnd 1o1.rl (\) +(B)+(c ) G-*' p t . , t : : . , tn ' . , ' r t . n \ ' \ c e ' r c u m b c r e d

rolxl{A)+(ll)+( l) of

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00



r.s li.e.. i . x l e di t r S l . l t n r r l

I ' t t i l n n r r r b e rn t 1t.t'-o'e" "t " (;r{nd orrl ( \ I )r{l})-(( )

rt Ir:rf! (lX{) Nbor'l

Nlul.ihhhrr I' t)oi||

I \\ ' r\l \!j]!!Il-LIL

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-" *'---{


Statmentsho\r'insdetails oflocked

in shire!' \unrbcr ot lotlcri rn shares

of .t',, o' , pcrcentrse t'tal liliIi,' ". Totrl {i.e number of shars ' C;rand
ai \ ) { R | | r ( ) i n d i c a t c di n S l a t e m r n l l a r i l

u rs\-


(DRs) Slrtement sho\!ins details of Dcpositor\ Receitlts

vpcofoul\trnding [)R

umberof outslandang

\ u n r b e ro [ . h a r c s

DRs as r undtrl] ing outstaoding

( A D R s C D R \ . S D R \ . ( c) .

number of sh'res \ ing ottstanding DRs per(entage of lotal Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) indicated {i.e., S t a t e m e n l3 t



ot the tlR Holder

5ir.-Efio"[ of shares c LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" of outtrrnd'ng DR Number I o f t o t A ln u m h e ro f s h a t e \ l l n underl\ ing {,utst:rndlng e r c e n t n g e S GDRs. DRs' (A)+(R)+(C) indicated in {\DRs. ;rand T;tal tlRs ab 0 r I
S t a t e m e n t a t P a r NI l ( a l

DRs ingourstanding as.a

,t {*}t'-

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