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Common ailments of the urinary System

1. Kidney Stones- they are masses of solid materials found within the tubules of the kidneys. They are caused but the infection of the kidney, diets high in protein, uric acid and inadequate water intake. Headache, pain in the abdomen and groin are the symptoms. Drinking large quantities of water can help prevent the formation of a new stones. 2. Urethritis it is an infection of the urethra. It is caused by a sexually transmitted germ. The symptom is a burning pain when urinating. If treatment is delayed, germ may enter the blood and spread throughout the body. 3. Uremia- it means blood in the urine. This is caused by the accumulation in the blood of waste products that are normally excreted through the urine thus resulting to a toxic condition. Loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss, anemia and high blood pressure are its symptoms. 4. Nephritis Nephritis is also called Brights disease. It is caused damaged glomerulus characterized by puffiness of face and swelling of feet and ankles. 5. Bladder Stones- stones in the bladder can cause obstruction of urine and infection of the urinary tract. This is more common in men than in women. Frequent urination and difficulty to urinate are the symptoms. Surgical removal of the stones is the best treatment. 6. Cystitis it is an inflammation of the urinary bladder. This is common in women but rare in men. Symptoms are burning urination, fever and cloudy urine. Drinking plenty of water may clean the bladder. Coffee, chocolates and softdrinks should be avoided. 7. Tumor of the bladder blood in the urine is the most significant symptom. Smokers and factory workers are prone to develop tumors of the urinary bladder, because they are exposed to various harmful chemicals.

How to prevent Kidney Stones
1 . Eat less meat. Due to increased intake of animal proteins, the incidence of kidney stones is 10 times more prevalent now than it was at the turn of the century. 2. Drink plenty of fluids - one study has shown that people who drink more than 2 1/2 liters of water every day have almost a 40 percent decrease in the risk of developing a stone than those who drank less water.

3. Limit consumption of grapefruit juice and cola drinks. Studies have shown that these may actually increase the risk of developing stones. 4. Adopt a diet high in potassium and magnesium - these minerals decrease the likelihood of kidney stones. 5. Talk to your doctor about taking supplements such as pyridoxine and magnesium. Taken together, these reduce oxalate, a mineral salt found in kidney stones. 6. Limit your calcium and salt intake.

How to Prevent Urethritis

1. Practice good hygiene. Good hygiene, especially for women is extremely important. The same bacteria that causes bladder infections in women causes urethritis. Always clean yourself thoroughly after using the bathroom, and wash your body every day. Washing with moderately hot water helps kill germs on the body. 2. Limit chemical use. People who are sensitive to chemical ingredients that can be found in spermicides or contraceptive jellies, creams, or foams can develop urethritis. 3. Practice safe sex. Men and women who engage in risky sexual practices are more at risk for developing urethritis. Having multiple sexual partners, having anal sex without condoms, and having a previous sexually transmitted disease puts you at greater risk for getting urethritis. 4. Drink plenty of water. Keeping the body fully hydrated helps it to naturally flush itself of harmful bacteria. This is especially important after sexual intercourse. Urinating after intercourse can help prevent urethritis. Drinking cranberry juice also helps flushes your body of toxins.

How to prevent Uremia

General Treatment: delay renal dysfunction and symptomatic treatment, Diet low in protein, low phosphorus, the appropriate heat supply. The purpose is to delay the control of hypertension, renal failure rate, to protect the remaining renal function. Oral drug absorption in the intestine of oxidized starch can be reduced up to 30% urea nitrogen. Control of hyperphosphatemia in renal osteodystrophy and correct hypocalcemia, vitamin D.

How to prevent Nephritis

Preventing nephritis from happening means you will need to avoid the triggers that cause such a problem to occur. Since streptococcus bacteria is one of them, you may need to avoid getting strep throat by also avoiding people who have this ailment. Should you have problems with strep throat, you can actually try and cure this problem as soon as you are diagnosed with it to avoid the complications that it may bring, like the occurrence of nephritis.

How to prevent Bladder Stones

1. Drink plenty of water. The high concentration of crystallized stones is caused by low fluid levels in the kidneys. Water dilutes high concentration in the urine, preventing stones from forming. 2. Drink cranberry juice. Bladder stones are symptomatic of recurring urinary tract infections. By drinking cranberry juice, you eliminate bacterial growth and the microbes' ability to attach to the bladder tissue. 3. Get a prostate exam. For men, one of the main causes of bladder stones is an enlarged prostate. Early diagnosis and treatment of prostrate conditions help eliminate chances of bladder stone formation. 4. Drink herbal tea. There are several herbal teas available that dissolve bladder stones, such as gravel root, stone root and hydrangea.

5. Avoid fatty, oily diets. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables cleanses the system, whereas oils and fats affect blood pressure and kidneys and can cause abnormal function in clearing urine and balancing its concentration.

How to prevent Cystis

Always make sure to empty your bladder before sexual intercourse as well as afterwards. This helps to reduce the chances of an infection. Women should also try to drink water before and after intercourse to help prevent an infection. 2. Always urinate when you feel the need, never hold it in. Delaying urination can drastically increase your chances of infection. 3. Avoid products that can irritate the urethra or the vagina. Be cautious with products like sanitary napkins and tampons, avoiding anything that is scented. 4. After swimming, always change immediately out of wet clothes. Damp areas are a breeding ground for bacteria, especially wet clothing. 1.

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