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1. Who is the architect of the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok?

y y y y

A. Carlos Arguelles B. Federico Ilustre C. Cesar H. Concio D. Gabreiel Formoso

2. Who is the architect of the UP Engineering and Liberal Arts Building in Diliman, Quezon City?
y y y y

A. Juan Arellano B. Leandro Locsin C. Felipe Mendoza D. Cesar H. Concio

3. What was the first modern architecture school in the world?

y y y y

A. Chicago School of Arts B. Bauhaus C. Ash Can School D. Ecole de Beaux Arts

4. Who created the Dymaxion House, the first machine for living which is a portable home made from metal alloys and plastics and where all necessary mechanical systems and devices are placed in the center of the building, with the living spaces around itopen to the arrangement tastes of the owner?
y y y y

A. Moshe Safdie B. Frank Lloyd Wright C. Buckminster Fuller D. Louis Kahn

5. To whom are space frame systems and lamella construction attributed as contribution to architecture?
y y y y

A. Eugene Freyssinet B. Pier Luigi Nervi C. Buckminster Fuller D. Pier Luigi Nervi

6. Who is the author of the compilation of The Five Orders Architecture?

y y y y

A. Antonio de Sanggallo B. Jacopo Sansovino C. Rapahel Santi D. Giacomo da Vignola

7. Which is the most sacred part of a church or temple, which is a holy or consecrated place?
y y y y

A. transept B. scene C. sanctuary D. shrine

8. Which of the following factors does not affect historic style of architecture?

y y y y

A. land use B. geological characteristics C. religion D. socio-political conditions

9. What do you call the spherical roof, placed like an inverted cup over circular, square or rectangular apartment?
y y y y

A. Cupola B. Cymatium C. Conoid D. Drum

10. What Asian arch is so rich in design that no facet of any structure is left unadorned?
y y y y

A. Malay B. Japanese C. Thai D. Filipino

11. What historic style of architecture contributed the architectural mouldings such as cyma recka, cyma reversa, ovolo, etc.?
y y y y

A. Byzantine B. Early Christian C. Chinese D. Greek

12. What do you call the picture writings of primitive people?

y y y y

A. iconography B. hieroglyphics C. calligraphy D. caryatides

13. Which is the second oldest institute of higher education in the Philippines which boasts of ancient Spanish architecture?
y y y y

A. University of San Carlos B. De La Salle University C. Ateneo de Manila University D. University of Santo Tomas

14. The Column order called ___________ has capitals of Ionic volutes and Corinthian acanthus-leaf decorations? A. Ionic B. Doric C. Corinthian D. Composite 15. The style known as the True Style (1750-1830) later to be called _________? A. Neoclassicism B. Gothic C. Carolingan D. Mannerism

16. The design of the early Christian Churches were based on the Roman _____? A. Temple B. Amphitheatre C. Tomb D. Basilica 17. In Barcelona, Antonio Gaudi designed buildings in a style that became known as _____? A. Art Deco B. Mannerism C. Art Nouveau D. Baroque 18. The columns on the Porch of the Maidens (the Erechtheum) at the Acropolis are _____? A. Caryatids B. Ionic columns C. Doric columns D. Corinthian Columns 19. A fenestrated (windowed) wall that is carried higher that the surrounding roof, to light interior space is a ______? A. Arcade B. Triforium C. Clerestory D. Tracery 20. Concrete vaulting permitted what culture to first build large covered spaces with no internal support? A. Roman B. Mycenaan C. Greek D. Egyptian 21. The cross-in square style would most often be found in a __________ Church? A. Byzantine B. Rococco C. Medieval D. Romanesque 22. Egyptian Pylon temple contained what type of halls? A. Hypostyle Hall B. Aspe Hall C. Cella D. Buddhist Assembly Hall 23. The part of Old St.Peters in Rome between the chief entrance and the choir was the ______? A. Nave B. Narthex C. Apse D. Transept 24. In all Gothic cathedrals, the main axis of the building lines up perfectly with the center of the altar? True or False.. 25. According to scholars, most ancient Greek temples were: A. Originally built elsewhere & transported to their current locations B. Finished in white to give them an elegant look

C. Painted brilliantly, with reds, blues and yellows, in a riot color D. Carved out wood & layered plaster 26. Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, first demonstrated his new invention in 1854 in.. A. Architectural Symposium in San Francisco B. Crystal Palace in New York C. Chicago Worlds Fair D. London Building Society Gallery 27. Christopher Wrens interior design of Windsor Guildhall, built in 1689, needed to have extra pillars into it later when it was discovered that the ceiling was about to fall. True or False? 28. The great dome of St. Peters in Rome was design by Italian artist Michaelangelo, but who first used the revolutionary deign idea of the domess design of the Florence Cathedral? A. Inigo Jones B. Cristopher Wren C. Filippo Brunelleschi D. Shah Jahan 29. Which of the following is NOT an example of an order of Greek Column? A. Doric Column B. Acanthus column C. Ionic Column D. Corinthian Column 30. Which of the following buildings is an example of Byzantine architecture? A. Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey B. Doges Palace in Venice C. Royal courts of Justice in London, England D. Versailles in France 31. Romanesque architecture is also known as: A. Post-modern architecture B. Neoclassical Architecture C. Norman architecture D. Early English Architecture 32. Notre Dame in Paris, Lincoln Cathedral in England and Westminster Hall in London are all example of which of the following styles of Architecture: A. Baroque B. Gothic C. Art Nouveau D. Renaissance. 33. Rococco decoration, employing the use of shell motifs, was considered a light version of which of the following styles of architecture: A. Romanesque B. Renaissance C. Period of Revival D. Baroque 34. Neoclassical architecture and Neo-Gothic architecture are considered part of the Period of Revivals style of architecture.. True or False?

35. Which architectural style popularized the use of synthetic building materials such as glass, plastic and steel? A. Art Nouveau B. Postmodernism C. Industrial Revolution D. Art Deco 36. Two types of architecture are noted as the current trends in todays building. They are: A. Neoclassical & Neo-Gothic B. Perpendicular & Postmodernism C. Industrial Revolution & Modern Architecture D. Modern Architecture & Postmodernism 37. Georgian architecture is part of which style of architectural design: A. Early English B. Neoclassical C. Baroque D. Art Nouveau 38. What would you be likely to find in a mastaba? A. Dead bodies B. Cooking women C. Family gatherings D. Bathing men 39. Which of the following kinds of pyramid can NOT be found in Egypt? A. True pyramids B. Inverted pyramids C. Bent pyramids D. Step pyramids 40. Which is true of Egyptian and Roman obelisks? A. Egyptian remain in their original places; Roman were moved frequently from their original sites. B. Egyptian have plain tips, Roman are often topped by carved flowers or people. C. Egyptian obelisks have low bases; Roman obelisks stand on very high platforms D. Egyptian obelisks are thicker at the top than the bottom; Roman obelisks narrow as they go up 41. What is a cenotaph? A. A festival center B. A tomb with the body of the rulers family C. A monument to the god of death D. A tomb without a body 42. A column build with entasis is one that swells slightly in the middle and narrows towards the top. What is the use of this architectural tenchnique? A. The swollen middle crowds the space, making it feel more precious than it would without entasis. B. It counteracts the optical illusion of concavity that would result without entasis. C. It is easier to attach a narrow column top to the roof, but the middle must be bigger to compensate. D. It allows for grater structural stability to have the column swell in the middle. 43. What id an Oculus? A. A kind of column that is widest at the middle B. A chamber for a sarcophagus C. A measuring tool used in the distribution of mortar

D. A horizontal circular opening. 44. Youve just entered a building. Before you arrived, stranger told you about an incredible sculpture in the fastigium. Where should you look in order to see this structure? A. Turn around! The fastigium refers to the trim around the entrance, on the inside of the building. B. The fastigium will be inderfoot, carved into the floor itself. C. Go to the part of the building opposite door. The fastigium will be on the wall there. D. Look up! The fastigium is above you. 45. Which of the following if the TRUEST statement for describing a Caratid? A. It is a female figure B. It is a draped female figure C. A caryatid is a draped female figure serving as a column by sitting under the ceiling with her hands above her head. D. It is a draped female figure serving as a column. 46. Which of the following is NOT true of the differences between Ionic and Doric Columns? A. Doric columns are thicker that ionic columns B. Doric columns have volutes on their capitals, ionic do not C. Doric columns capitals resemble teacups; ionic columns capitals resemble cushions D. Doric columns seldom have bases; ionic do. 47. Which of the following terms refers to a small dome set atop another dome or roof? A. Nymphaem B. Cupola C. Dromos D. Cella 48. In general, a classical order can be divided into base, column (which may be subdivided as shaft & capital) and which other element? A. Frieze B. Entablature C. Tympanum D. Abanus 49. Which order of the architecture is believed to have developed directly from wooden buildings? A. Ionic B. Doric C. Corinthian D. Tuscan 50. Which order evolved alongside and influenced the Ionic Order? A. Doric B. Composite C. Corinthian D. Aeolic 51. The capital of the Corinthian order is decorated with which type of leaves. A. Shamrock B. Acanthus C. Oak D. Olive 52. Which Roman author wrote what became the standard text on classical architecture? A. Vitruvius

B. Anthemius of Tralles C. Marcus Agrippa D. Isidore of Miletus 53. Which architectural order is said to have proportions based on those of an ideal womans body? A. Doric B. Ionic C. Corinthian D. Composite 54. A person who involves himself in the practice of constructing buildings, houses, etc. is called an Architect. The word architect originally comes from the Greek. What does Greek term literally mean? A. Chief builder B. House painter C. Rock stacker D. Handy man 55. Which European country is most closely associated with Gothic Style? A. England B. Italy C. Spain D. France 56. Which of the following figures is credited with designing the first European Gothic Church? A. Abbot Suger B. Bishop Bernward C. Gislebertus D. Archbishop Gero 57. Which of the following architectural elements is considered a hallmark of Gothic churches? A. Ribbed Groin Vaults B. Stained Glass Windows C. Ambulatories D. Flying Buttresses 58. Architecture is the art of how to waste space This is a quote from what no-nonsense modernist? A. Philip Johnson B. LeCorbusier C. Alvar Aalto D. Jacobus Oud 59. I think white is the most wonderful color of all, because within it one can find every color of the rainbow Who is the colorful, still-living architect of this quote? A. Charles Gwathmey B. Michael Graves C. Richard Meier D. John Hejduk

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