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Simple past Regular Verb Pronunciation

Group A Voiceless sound: p k s ch sh f x h - pronounce ED as T Example: Ask, asked = ask(T) Ed as T Asked (askt) baked (beikt) brushed (bruhsht) cooked (cukt) cracked (creckt) crashed (crsht) danced (da:ns) + t dressed (drsst) dropped (drpt) escaped (squeipt) finished (fnisht) fixed (fxt) guessed (guest) helped (Rlpt) hoped (Roupt) hiked (Raikt) joked (Joukt) jumped (Jmpt) knocked (nkt) kissed (kist) laughed (lf) + t locked (lkt) looked (lukt) missed (mist) mixed (mxt) packed (pkt) passed (pest) picked (pkt) pressed (prst) pronounce (pronaunst) relaxed (rilxt) slipped (slpt) smoked (smoukt) stopped (stpt) shopped (shpt) talked (tlkt) typed (taipt) walked (wlkt) washed (wsht) Voiced sound: l v n m r b v g w y z and vowel sounds (diphthongs) pronounce ED as D Example: Allow, allowed = allow(D) Ed as D advised (advaiz) + d agreed (agrid) allowed (alald) answered (ensord) appeared (apir:d) arrived (araivd) believed (bilvd) belonged (bilngd) burned (buhrnd) called (cld) carried (krid) changed (tchndjid) cleaned (clind) closed (clouzd) covered (corvd) cried (craid) damaged (demedjid) described (discraibd) died (daid) dried (draid) earned (r:nd) enjoyed (enjid) entered (nterd) explained (ex-pleind) explored (ex-plord) filled (fild) followed (floud) happened (Rpend) interviewed (interviwd) imagined (imdjind) jailed (jeield) killed (kild) listened (lissend) lived (lvd) loved (lvd) measured (mdjurd) watched (wtcht) worked (workt) NOTE: Look carefully for verbs, not for nouns or adjectives because in some cases they have some phonetic differences. Group B

moved (muvd) opened (oupend) planned (plend) played (pleid) performed (performd) pulled (puld) realized (rialaizid) remembered (rememberd) rained (reind) repaired (riper:d) saved (seivd) shared (shr:d) shaved (sheivd) showed (shoud) signed (aind) slammed (slmd) stayed (steid) snowed (snoud) studied (stdid) tried (traid) traveled (traveld) turned (trnd) used (iusid) welcomed (ulcomd) whispered (uisperd) worried (urid) yawned (ynhond) Group C: T or D pronounce ED as ID Example: Need, needed = need(id) Ed as ID Accepted (ac-cptid) afforded (afrdid) attended (atndid) arrested (arstid) collected (colctid) contacted (contrctid) counted (cuntid) decided (diaidid) defended (difndid) demanded (dimendid) divided (divaidid) ended (ndid) expanded (ex-pndid) expected (ex-pctid) exported (ex-portid) flooded (fluhdid) graduated (gradjueitid) hated (Reitid) hunted (Rntid) included (includid) invited (invaitid) invented (invented)

landed (lendid) needed (ndid) painted (peintid) planted (plentid) printed (printid) presented (presentid) pretended (pritendid) protected (protectid) provided (provaidid) rented (rntid) repeated (riptid) reported (riprtid) respected (rispctid) rested (rstid) scolded (scoldid) skated (skeitid) started (strtid) shouted (shaltid) treated (trtid) visited (vsitid) waited (ueitid) wanted (wantid) wasted (ueistid)

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