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All the Feasts in the Scripture are seen as “Jewish Festivals” but those are actually the

Festivals of YHVH, He made them and He instructed His people to observe them. The
Festivals of YHVH are divided into two main groups; the Spring Festivals and the Fall
Festivals. We have already celebrated the Spring Festivals; Passover, Unleavened Bread,
First Fruits and Pentecost. The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the last three Festivals, which
fall under the Fall Festivals. It is also known as “the Day of Blowing” or Yom Teruah. All the
Festivals are Commandments or Ordinances that YHVH gave to act as reminders of
something that He did for us and what He will do for us. The Festivals are also time stamps
signalling the “work of the Messiah” where He have divine appointments with man to come
and do His work that will benefit us if we obey. The Festivals are also the “lights on the wall”
of the City (Isa ) and will reveal the Messiah to everyone who is waiting for Him. Nobody
would have known that “Jesus” is the Messiah if it wasn’t for the Spring Festivals, and yet
Christians today ignore these Festivals of YHVH and rather follow Pagan infected religious
festivals created by Satan. (Easter & Christmas).

This Feast is celebrated on the first day of the seventh month each year and YHVH declared
it to be a Sabbath where no work is to be done.

The blowing of Trumpets The Feast of Trumpets is symbolized by the blowing of the
trumpets. The meaning of the trumpets are found in the following passages:


Two silver trumpets were used at the Feast of Trumpets and these
trumpets are symbolic of the two houses; Ephraim (Gentiles) and Judah
(Jews) who will assemble at the end of times. Silver is a symbol of purity
and this shows that YHVH’s people need to be prepared and cleansed
for His Second Coming. The blowing of trumpets will cause YHVH to
remember His people and save them in these times of war.

This feast is one of the three Fall Festivals that has not yet been
fulfilled and this is the main reasons for us to observe it. Y’shua will
come and fulfil these three festivals during His Second Coming and
these Feasts are given to us to help us to prepare for His Coming
and to recognise the real Messiah when He comes. The false
Christs will not fulfil YHVH’s Festivals and they will not know the
appointed times YHVH prepared to come and do His final restoration work. The feasts are
called “moed” or appointed times, which gives the timing and sequence of the work of the
Messiah. If you believe in the Messiah and His coming, you should celebrate His Feasts as
preparation for His Coming. YHVH uses a lot of symbolism to foretell the future events and to
give information to His Bride so that she can be ready. These Festivals are full of symbolism
and it reminds us of YHVH’s Plan. The Feast of Trumpets is the Festival that is symbolic of
the event where Y’shua will come to gather His Bride. This is also known as the “Rapture” or
the Gathering of His people and will take place near the end of the Tribulation.

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The Church knows this to be the “Rapture” which they believe will happen prior to the
Tribulation, but we have seen from these verses that it will happen only at the end of
the Tribulation at the sounding of the Last Trumpet which is the Seventh Trumpet
described in Revelation. This term “Rapture” is not Scriptural and it is actually the
word “gathering” where YHVH will come to gather His Bride to be with Him for the
Marriage Festival.

The Hebrew Marriage consists of two main parts; the contract and the gathering. The written
contract is called a ketubah. During betrothal, you are legally married, but do not physically
dwell with your mate. Betrothal is so legally binding that you cannot get out of it without a
divorce. The Second Stage is called the Gathering where the Groom will come and fetch his
bride so that she can live with him in the house he prepared for them.
When a man was interested in a woman and wanted to marry her,
he went to the father of his bride to be and made a contract with
him by paying an agreed price for her. When the father accepted
the contract, his daughter was put aside or ‘set-apart’ (holy) for
that young man and no one could ask for her hand because she
was already spoken for. The young man had to go back to his
father to go and prepare a place for him and his new bride where
they could raise a family. He had two years in which he could
finish their house and after the two years he would come and take
his bride in the middle of the night. He and his best men came in
the middle of the night, blowing on trumpets (shophar’s) to
announce his coming. The girl must be ready by having a lamp full
of oil in her window and when she hears the sound of the trumpet,
she must light her lamp to show him that she is still his and waiting
for him. If she was not at home at his coming, the wedding was
cancelled, if she did not have oil in her lamp, the wedding was

Y’shua is the young man and we are His Bride. He paid with His blood and sealed the
contract for our hand in marriage. He went away to His Father to go and prepare a place for
us and will come back after “two years” (2000 years) to come and collect His bride in the
middle of the night at the sound of the trumpet (rapture).

We should be ready, waiting as his set-apart bride, awaiting his return with our lamps full of
oil – busy with His Word shining His light doing it. When He comes again you better be home
and have your lamp lit, shining His light in this dark world.

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Messiah will return soon and there is a song that tells us that we are entering into the “Days of
Elijah”. For it is written, “ ). $ $ %/ 0 ! $
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be among us and we will be announcing the return of Y’shua. It is not the physical spirit of
Elijah but the “heart” and “message” of Elijah and there will be people who will announce the
coming of the Messiah with the same heart. YHVH will finish His assignment of ushering in a
millennial, seventh-day Sabbath rest known as the thousand year
of peace. Luke 4:16 – 21, Isa. 61:2 – 7

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In this time we, like in Elijah’s day, are to gather the double portion
(preparation) during the sixth day of the appointed time. For Israel
was told that on the day prior to the Sabbath, they were to gather
twice as much Manna. We also see that Elijah gave a double portion to Elisha. John the
Baptist also came in the spirit of Elijah, preaching repentance and prophesied the coming of
the Messiah. [Mark. 1:4 – 11] Furthermore, Isaiah said the Messiah would give us a double
portion (anointing), for we are His people. [Luke. 4:17 – 21 Isa. 61:7, Hebrew.12:23].

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These are truly exciting times. But be warned: when the

spirit of Elijah comes, so does the spirit of Jezebel… Jezebel
saw the God-given field of another and wanted it. She was
even willing to kill for it (1 Kings 21). Those controlled by this spirit, man or
woman, likewise see the fruit of others and want it for themselves. This spirit is
driven by covetousness. To obtain it, like Jezebel, they spread lies in order to steal,
kill, or destroy the rightful owner of the field or fruit. Within an assembly of believers,
some may be envious of how YHVH is using others and this will open them up for the
spirit of Jezebel and this will bring division, confusion and turmoil within the assembly
of believers. Do not allow this to happen and guard your hearts from her attacks.

Jezebel wanted the field of “Naboth the Jezreelite”. His name means “Fruitful
Returning One”. Naboth is a plural for fruit and Jesreel refers to Ephraim’s scattering
and return back to sonship [Hosea 1:4 – 5, 2:22]. The Father calls His re-gathering of
all the tribes of Israel, “the great day of Jezreel” [Hosea 1:11]

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Jezebel will try to destroy this prophecy to become true in any assembly where Jews and
Gentiles will serve the Master Y’shua together in unity. People with the spirit of Jezebel will
not accept this prophecy and will speak against the reuniting of the scattered nations of Israel
and the Gentiles back into Israel. We are moving into a great day, but beware, because
Jezebel sought to steal and control the fruit of the Jezreelite. And this same controlling,
prophet hating, destructive spirit is remarkably active in these last days, especially over this
festive season. As stated in Revelation, Jezebels reward is a bed of sickness, and plagues.

And those who commit adultery with her, those who encourage thievery of God-given gifting
of others, trough slander, will experience great tribulation – unless they repent.

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In Hebrew such slander is called lashan harah – the evil tongue. Slander, which is to ruin (kill)
the reputation of another trough falsehoods, is related to the sin of murder. Let us not be
people who look for opportunity to steal the God-given fruit of others. Instead let us be a
people who look for the fruit of repentance within ourselves. Let this also be a comfort to
those who are persecuted and rejected because of the spirit of Elijah upon them. [Mat 5:10]

The two trumpets of Teruah foreshadowed things to come. They were to be made of one
piece of hammered silver [Numbers 10:2].

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Silver symbolizes refinement and redemption.

Hammered trumpets tell us of the Father moulding us
trough tests and affliction. [James 1:2-4] The Father
says of his two witnesses (two trumpets) “-

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purify… and refine…that they may present to YHWH
offerings of righteousness”

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They will come when Messiah Y’shua will repay with affliction those who afflicted His
followers. He will give relief to His afflicted ones when He is revealed from heaven with His
mighty angels when He comes to be glorified in His saints.

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But first, these hammered sons must be taken to the wilderness where the almighty will deal
with them face to face. In seeing the face of the Holy One, these transformed people will be
forever changed. He seeks to perch them in this time of isolation of all that needs to be
perched from their lives. The trumpets of Teruah are made of silver, of Keh’sef. This word
comes from Kasaf; a root word that can be translated as longing. Ps. 84:2

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Those who step into the furnace of affliction who long for deliverance from bondage, who
yearn for the restoration of YHVH’s kingdom – they will sing a new song. Yes, the two
witnesses will yet sing in unison “the song of Moses” and “the song of the Lamb” Rev. 15:3

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The Feast of Trumpets is celebrated by the blowing of

Trumpets. We will now look at the different words
translated as “trumpet” to seek the deeper wisdom behind
the trumpet YHVH commanded us to blow. There are
three words used for trumpets in Scripture:

1. Yobel
2. Shophar
3. Teruah

1. Yobel

Yobel is first used in Scripture in Exo 19:13, and it means ‘trumpet’, to bring, lead,
carry, conduct, bear along, ram, ram’s horn, trumpet, cornet, stream.

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This is the event where YHVH called His people to Mt Sinai where He spoke the Ten Words
or Commandments to them with an audible voice. When the trumpet sounded long, they

could go up to the mountain. ‘Sounded’ is the word “mashak” and share the same

root word used for the word “masiach” or Messiah. The difference between these two

words forms the word “chake” that means ‘mouth’ and ‘fish
hook’. The Messiah came to sound the trumpet and gather
(fishing) out, to bring or to lead His people out of the nations
(sea). When the Messiah comes, the people will be able to
come up the mountain, up to where YHVH is, into His presence.
That means that YHVH came to restore both houses back to
Him at the sounding of the trumpet at the time of the Second

Overcoming death, taking away the separation - Shot or Stoned

Before the first coming of Y’shua, no man was allowed to come close to YHVH because they
would surely die. Death entered the world through sin, which caused man to be separated
from YHVH. Death in Hebrew means separation and we are currently living in a separated
fallen state of death and will one day be restored back to Him. There were two ways used to
put someone to death; to be stoned and to be shot.

Stoned: They used this way to put people to death in the time of Moses
and onward. The word for stone is “aben”, as in a stone used to build
something. The only place that is build with stones and is connected to
death is the stone altar that was used for sacrifices. The sacrificial
system was in place to help to reconcile man back unto YHVH so that
man can be restored back unto YHVH. Y’shua became the perfect
Sacrifice so that we can be restored back into His presence. This is the
second way to “die”, to come into the Kingdom accepting the Blood of
the Lamb and to become living sacrifices unto Him, following Him as
your new Master. This is how we enter into the Covenant with Him so
that we may have access to His Torah and quality of life.

Shot: The word for ‘shot’ is “yarah” (shot, flow as water, rain), and it’s
verbal root is “tor” which is the basis for the word “Torah”, which is the
name for YHVH’s Law. This gives us the second way of how to “die “ to the
flesh so that we can approach Him Y’shua is known as the Word (Torah) of
YHVH that is living in our hearts through His indwelling Spirit. This is a
continual dying after you have entered in through His Blood.

We see that these two ways YHVH put into place to cancel death so that
man could be prepared and changed and could be restored back to Him.
YHVH did not change; man initially changed through sin and death and
must change from the fallen state, to be restored back into YHVH’s

Y’shua’s blood (brazen altar) and the water of the Word (Laver) are the two obligated things
you have to go through to enter into the Holy place and the Holy of Holies. These two are in
balance with each other in a Menorah pattern and you need both to be restored back to
YHVH. We need to be “stoned” (accept Y’shua’s Sacrifice) and “shot” (accept the
Torah) and in order to be restored back into YHVH’s presence.

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You first need to accept Y’shua’s offering and then get to know Him through His Word (Torah)
as stated in Matt 7:21-23, so that you have faith in Him AND know Him through your
cleansing process of the Word (Torah).

2. Shophar

The word “shophar” is first used in Scripture in Ex 19:16 and it

means - beauty, goodness, to be pleasing, be beautiful, be
fair, be comely, be bright, glisten. The word “Shophar” consists

of the two parts “Shin”, meaning ‘teeth’ or ‘fire’ and “phar”

- young bull, steer, bullock, to bear fruit, be fruitful.

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This is the same event as seen previously where YHVH gave the Ten
Commandments to Israel at Mount Sinai. They heard the trumpet or Shophar from
the Mountain and the Commandments were spoken by YHVH’s own Voice. They
had to cleanse themselves for three days before they could face YHVH and His
Commandments also cleanse us and beautify us and be ready at His Second
Coming. The Shophar was sounded just before YHVH spoke and he shophar
reminds us that we should listen to YHVH’s Voice and do what He says so that we
can bear fruit. (good works – motsvots – commandments).

3. Teruah

First used in Scripture:

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Teruah means - alarm, signal, sound of tempest, shout, shout or blast
of war or alarm or joy Verbal Root: roo-ah'- to shout, raise a sound, cry
out, give a blast.

Lev 23:24 speak about the Feast of trumpets, also known as Yom
Teruah. As we have seen, the trumpets are used in a time of war and to
gather the people before Elohim. This feast is to gather His people for
His Coming and this will be preceded by a time of war.

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This is also a time where the Bride will be gathered and YHVH will call them
out of the nations before His Second Coming. Part of being called out is to be
cleansed and washed by His Word so that we can be able to stand before Him.

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During their sojourn in Babylonia our ancestors began to use the
pagan Babylonian month names, a fact readily admitted in the
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Some of the Babylonian month names found their way into the later
books of the Tanakh, but they always appear alongside the Torah
month names. For example, Esther 3:7 says:
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This verse starts off by giving the Torah name for the month (“First Month”) and
then translates this month into its pagan equivalent (“which is the month of
Nissan”). By the time of Esther all the Jews lived within the boundaries of the
Persian Empire and the Persians had adopted the Babylonian calendar for the civil
administration of their Empire. At first the Jews used these Babylonian month
names alongside the Torah month names but over time the Torah month names
fell into disuse.
One field of Babylonian religious influence was in the observance of Yom Teruah
as a New Years celebration. From very early times the Babylonians had a
lunar-solar calendar very similar to the biblical calendar. The result was that
Yom Teruah often fell out on the same day as the Babylonian New Years
festival known as “Akitu”. Akitu fell out on the 1st day of Tishrei which coincided
with Yom Teruah on the 1st day of the Seventh Month. The fact that the Jews had
started calling the Seventh Month by the Babylonian name Tishrei paved the way
for turning Yom Teruah into a Jewish Akitu. At the same time the Rabbis did not
want to adopt Akitu outright so they Judaized it by changing the name of Yom
Teruah (Day of Shouting) to Rosh Hashanah (New Years).
It may seem bizarre to celebrate Yom Teruah as New Years considering that
it falls out on the first day of the Seventh Month, but in the context of the
Babylonian culture this was perfectly natural. The Babylonians actually
celebrated Akitu, New Years, twice every year, once on the first of Tishrei and
again six months later on the first of Nissan. The first Babylonian Akitu celebration
coincided with Yom Teruah and the second Akitu coincided with the actual New
Years in the Torah on the first day of the First Month. While the Rabbis proclaimed
Yom Teruah to be New Years they readily admitted that the 1st day of the “First
Month” in the Torah was, as its name implied, also a New Years. They could
hardly deny this based on Exodus 12:2 which says:
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The context of this verse speaks about the celebration of the Feast of Unleavened
Bread which falls out in the First Month. In light of this verse the Rabbis could not
deny that the first day of the First Month was a biblical New Years. But in the
cultural context of Babylonia where Akitu was celebrated as New Years twice a
year, it made perfect sense that Yom Teruah could be a second New Years even
though it was in the Seventh Month.
In contrast to Babylonian paganism, the Torah does not say or imply that Yom
Teruah has anything to do with New Years. On the contrary, the Feast of Sukkot
(Booths) which takes place exactly two weeks after Yom Teruah is referred to in
one verse as “the going out of the year” (Ex 23:16). No one would ever call
January 15 in the modern Western calendar “the going out of the year” and the
Torah would not describe Sukkot in this manner if it intended Yom Teruah to be
celebrated as a New Years.


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