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1. Introduction.3 - 4 2. Findings 3. Conclusion.. 4. Appendix. 5. Appreciation

Hello everyone ! ! ! During the last two weeks holidays , all the Form 4 students of Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman ( STAR ) Ipoh had been given such an uphill task to do . But it is also a very interesting assignment to do . The assignment is about Biology , our favourite subject . There are five missions given and we must choose three . We are on cloud nine to have this golden opportunity to gather experiences on doing this assignment . We were divided into groups of three and all the task given must be done in groups . In case of that , our group consists of three brilliant biologist members , who are : 1. Muhamad Dzulkarnain bin Masoad ( Leader ) ( 4P ) 2. Muhamad Hakimi bin Mohd Noor ( 4P ) 3. Muhamad Sharman Faiz bin Ismail ( 4P ) The task had been discussed among members with the lead of Dzulkarnain , who had been appointed as our leader by Sir Tan Foo Koeng , our expert Biology teacher . Our Sir told us on how to deal with the task and he became our guidance during the process of completing the task . Dzul , as our group leader had fairly divided the task among us all and we all know what to do . As we are not staying nearby to each other , we had to use mobile phone and internet connection to communicate with each other . Finally , we managed to complete the assignment with co-operation among us.

Dzul ( Leader )

Hakimi . . .

Sharman . . .

Mission 1
1 ( a ) Question summarize :
Suggest healthy diet for : a ) athlete b ) pregnant woman c ) growing child d ) students and e ) old man

a ) Healthy food for athlete :

Whether we decide to eat for health, to slim or to gain muscle, the diet remains the same throughout. All bad foods should be avoided and all the good foods should be provided to give us a balanced intake of energy and nutrients. The same applies to slimming, but the energy gained from the food should be burned off with exercise to promote weight loss. Athletes also need to watch their diet as the wrong foods can hinder the muscle building process. Athlete needs more energy than regular humans . This is because they need more energy for their activities and training . In this case, the amount of calories should be increased to compensate for the higher activity level, but instead of increasing the size of their main meals a selection of smaller snacks can be eaten between them - and so prevent the feeling of hunger. The diet taken by athletes is very important not just for health nor energy , but also to fight off diseases . A simple seven day menu can be found below based on 1,200 calories per day and contains all the nutrients they need in a diet. Non-slimmers may wish to add a little more to this menu to give them the 2,000 calories normally recommended for daily consumption. What matters most to athletes is a careful and planned intake of various nutrients like vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. An intelligent athlete should know the importance of balanced workouts with proper stretching exercises and of course, the intake of right nutrients. The reason why athletes need a good diet is that, they burn and lose sweat more than any normal person.

Diet of athletes differ according to the sports they are involved in. A diet for sprinter is different from the diet of a weight lifter. An athlete should know what food and drink items he needs to avoid, as wrong intake of nutrients restricts the growth of body tissues. During a workout, there is wear and tear of cells in muscles. To build these muscles, adequate nutrients in the diet are required. Some important nutrients for athletes are: Proteins Protein is very vital for athletes, however the focus should not be on protein alone. Excess protein in the form of complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables must be avoided, because it puts more pressure on kidneys and may also lead to dehydration. Proteins help in building muscle tissues. The main source of protein should ideally come from lean meat. 15 - 20% of protein intake in a day is sufficient for an athlete. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates provide quick and long-lasting energy, but too much of it can slow you down. 40 - 50% of carbohydrate calories should come from whole grain pasta, cereals and breads. This type of diet is rich in fiber. They need carbohydrates because they need to increase the stamina and ability to work. Fats Active young athletes require fat in their diet. Their bodies need unsaturated fat, e.g. nuts. When the body runs out of energy from carbohydrates, it relies on long term energy provided by fats. Fish is a very good source of fat. Vitamins Exercising produces some free radicals which can damage our cells. Hence, to minimize this damage we need to take Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. These vitamins are antioxidants and neutralize the free radicals. Minerals Minerals like calcium and iron are good for health. Calcium strengthens the bones thus preventing stress fractures that are common in athletes. Skimmed milk, milk products and eggs are rich in calcium. Iron produces oxygen in the body. Deficiency of iron leads to fatigue and hinders the ability to perform for longer periods.

A basic table for the amount of classes of food and nutrients to be taken is given below.
Nutrients Amount (of total calories) Source Whole grains, whole wheat pasta, potatoes and beans Fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy, nuts and seeds Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, meat and eggs

Carbohydrates 50 - 60% Proteins Fats 15 - 20% 25 - 30%

Dos and Don'ts for Athletes One of the biggest nutritional concern for athletes is water depletion, which occurs due to heavy and strenuous training, and causes dehydration. Dehydration leads to weakness. Drinking lots of water is the only remedy. Athletes need more calories than people who do not exercise. Intake of healthy snacks before a workout will provide the required energy. Some people feel very hungry after a workout, hence eating a good snack will not only provide necessary nutrients but also keep you from overeating during the main meal. Some healthy snacks are apple and banana slices, peanut butter, dry cereals with dry fruit, vegetable juice, whole grain and low-fat milk. Junk foods and fast foods are a strict "NO".

Eating regularly is very important. Athletes should take 5 small meals rather than 2 or 3 heavy meals. They should avoid snacking during day time, especially during an event or a workout. First two meals of the day are very crucial and should be large as compared to other meals of the day. Timing of meals should be taken care of. If one is having a heavy meal, then it should be ensured that the meal is taken at least 4 hours before the workout. And if the meal is a lighter one, it can be taken 2 or 3 hours before the workout. Atheletes diet should be vary every week. Never stick to a particular diet. Sometimes, the athletes prefer a particular food and stick to it. This has two demerits: Firstly, they get bored of the diet, and secondly, eating the same diet will devoid your body of the various nutrients it needs. Last and one of the biggest concerns of athletes today, is alcohol consumption. Nancy Clark, founder and CEO of WomensMedia, says "You can't be sharp, quick and drunk." Alcohol, a depressant, contributes about twice as many calories as equal amount of carbohydrates and proteins. It is needless to say, that calories in beer are fattening. If taken in large amount, alcohol can drastically decrease the level of serum testosterone which results in decrease in muscle recovery and athletic performance. It can cause testicular shrinkage and reduce the sperm count in males. In female athletes, it may raise the production of estradiol, a form of estrogen, which can increase the chances of breast cancer. Athletes require more nutrients than any other person. They lose lot of nutrients when they sweat. Taking food which has empty calories can deprive the organs of vital vitamins and minerals. This can increase the risk of heart attacks in athletes. Hence, just as crude oil is to motor vehicles, good diet is for athletes. A good diet should never be underestimated. Moreover, a sound mind is essential just as a sound body. Without the combination of both, it is impossible to achieve success

Source of info :

1 .

b ) Healthy food for pregnant woman :

Pregnant woman should most worries about her eatings . She should consume healthy food for goods of the child on also themselves . When you are pregnant, it is not just about eating for two, but eating right for two and and our group finally know the different types of healthy food for pregnant women. An expecting woman needs nutrition in the form of iron, vitamins and minerals and calcium, as this can contribute to the healthy growth of the foetus. In addition, she needs energy and higher levels of immunity to enjoy her pregnancy. There are myriad classes of food and the types of food that are essentials and they need more . In summarize , they should take more carbohydrates , calcium , vitamins , roughage , minerals and proteins . The examples of food in the carbohydrates family are cereals and bread . Cereals is a great healthy food for pregnant women, as it contains carbohydrates that provide them the extra energy. In addition, since most cereal is taken along with milk which has calcium, it helps in the proper development of bones of the foetus. Besides , in the early stages of pregnancy, when the pregnant mother experiences morning sickness and feels drained out, bread is a food rich in carbohydrates that helps provide instant energy. Some calcium that can easily obtained is from cheese and milk . Cheese is again a form of calcium that helps in the proper growth of bones and teeth of the baby. String cheese is the best type for pregnancy , as it is rich in calcium. Milk once again has the double benefit of providing calcium, as well as vitamin D. Both help in the bone and teeth development of the foetus. If she do not consume enough calcium in your diet or through supplements, her body will supply it to their unborn child from the reserves in their body. This can make her bones and teeth weak as well as affect her nails and skin.

In addition , eating fresh fruits benefits everyone, and in the case of a pregnant woman, it provides her the necessary vitamins and minerals that she needs for her health, as well as the babys. Leafy vegetables are also needed . Anemia is a common condition that women experience during pregnancy and not having enough iron can affect the growth of the baby. Eating spinach, lettuce and other greens can provide pregnant women a good dose of iron. Not just that , yogurt is important to consume foods that have more than one benefit. Yogurt contains calcium as well as vitamins and minerals and should be a part of healthy food for pregnant women. Pregnant woman need vegetables and roughage from fruits in their foods . Eating plenty of dried fruits, such as raisins, is beneficial for pregnant women, as it contains iron that can help combat anemia and fiber that helps keep constipation away.

However among the vegetables, carrots are among the top healthy food for pregnant women, as they not only provide fiber, but contain vitamin A. Moreover , she also needs vitamins . Vitamin C should be an important component in a pregnant womans diet, as it helps in giving a boost to the immune system and keeps pregnant women free from illnesses. Oranges are a great source vitamin C. If you do not like eating oranges, then drinking orange juice can be beneficial. Nothing replaces a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein sources and whole grains. Take your prenatal vitamins, but also eat a balanced healthy diet to give you and your baby the nutrition you both need to be healthy. Take your prenatal vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. If you find they upset your stomach, try taking them at night or with meals.Do not take large amounts of vitamins and minerals thinking more is better. Too much Vitamin A can cause birth defects, and be wary of herbal supplements. Herbal supplements have not been studied for their effects on unborn babies so dont take chances. Two of the most important nutrients for pregnant women are folic acid and iron. Folic acid has been proven to help prevent neural tube defects. These are defects in your babys spinal cord and brain. Folic acid also helps prevent cleft lip and congenital heart disease. Iron protects you from developing anemia, a lack of red blood cells.Iron also helps increase the oxygen transference in your bloodstream and builds red blood cells for the increased amount of blood

you need in your body. Your baby also needs to store red blood cells to be used in the first few months of life. In order for pregnant women and fetuses still get the nutrition intake, there are many suggestions that can be done .Firstly , do not leave an empty stomach. Try to eat small meals but often. Second , choose foods that are warm because it can make the stomach pain that feels like relaxation. If the mother often feel bloated, avoid foods that can trigger bloating include the usual peanut flavor present. Next , limit dishes from fruit or acid that can irritate the stomach. It is important to avoid smoking, vinegar, coffee because it would endanger the mother or fetus. Generally, pregnant women need more blood.Hence , eat foods that contain iron, such as dark green vegetables, tempeh, tofu, green beans, red beans, eggs, fish, and meat. Do not forget to drink the blood booster medicine doctor recommended.It is also important for pregnant women to eat fresh fruits, like oranges, apples, papaya, and mango. Good fruits for the supply of vitamins.

Source of info : 1 . 2.


c ) Healthy food for growing child :

Children need healthy food and essential nutrients for the growing phase . Carbohydrates and fats provide energy for growing and physical activity. There are times when children hit periods of rapid growth and slow growth where their appetites will change . Protein builds, maintains and repairs body tissue. It is especially important for growth.It is important, to encourage children to eat two to three servings of meat, fish, poultry or other protein-rich food each day. Milk and other dairy products also are good protein sources for children. There are a variety of vitamins and minerals which support growth and development during childhood. Calcium, obtained from milk and dairy products and from dark green vegetables, is usually sufficient nutritionally in the diets of young children. Calcium is particularly important in building strong bones and teeth. Osteoporosis, a brittle bone disease that affects older adults, begins in childhood if diets are not providing adequate calcium-rich foods. Iron-deficiency anemia can be a problem for some children. Iron is an oxygen-carrying component of blood. Children need iron for expanding blood volume which is accompanied during periods of rapid growth. For girls, the beginning of menstruation in late childhood adds an extra demand for iron due to the regular loss of iron in menstrual blood. Meats , poultry, and enriched breads and cereals are sources of dietary iron. A vitamin and mineral supplement may be necessary to meet the iron needs of menstruating female teens. Most children eat diets that are adequate in Vitamins A and C. When children do not eat enough fruits and vegetables they run the risk of having low intakes of vitamins A and C. B Complex Vitamins (thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and other B vitamins) come from a variety of foods, including grain products, meat substitutes and dairy products. When appetites slow down and children do not seem to be eating nutritiously, concerned parents consider using a vitamin-mineral supplement. Parents should provide a variety of foods and establish regular meal and snack times. Source of info : 1.

Meat-eaters view and vegans view on healthy food

Although meat can be a lot more appealing in terms of taste and flavor for most people, this type of food is still considered a lot less healthy compared to eating vegetables and fruits. In addition to these, meat eaters are also at higher risk of having diseases and health problems such as heart attacks or stroke compared to veggie eaters. According to studies, people who consume vegetables and fruits in replacement of meat do have lesser incidences of having cancer. In addition to this, meat is also found out to stay much longer inside the intestines. Recent studies have also proven that it can even stay for 7 years inside the intestines unlike vegetables which can be easily eliminated from the body.

Most vegetarians also avoid eating meat since they are animal activists. Others convert to vegetarians since most meat products are injected with harmful chemicals and preservatives in order to delay its spoiling. These chemicals are considered to be hazardous for the health, which is why many try to avoid consuming any meat.Others also chooses a vegan life for reason of moral and animal rights .

Source of info : 1. eaters/ 2.


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