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Annotated Bibliography Worksheet

1.Citation (ASA Style):

Bauder, Harold. 2005. "Habitus, Rules of the Labour Market and Employment
Strategies of Immigrants in Vancouver, Canada." Social & Cultural Geography

2.What is the primary research question or thesis of this article?

The primary research thesis of this article was to examine the idea that the cultural practices in
Canadian labor markets, through out the hiring process and in the workplace, disadvantage
immigrants in employment.

3.What are the characteristics of the population studied? How many

people, ages, genders, race/ethnicity/nationality, professions, etc.?
How were these people selected?

The people being studied are immigrants from South Asia and Yugoslavia who were recruited to
Vancouver, Canada for their work skills. The respondents were selected dependent upon their
familiarity with the Canadian work practices. This study does not include people who are visiting
family members who may also identify with the South Asian or Yugoslavian ethnic backgrounds.

4.What research method(s) was employed by the researchers? Was

this appropriate for the population and the research question? Were
there limitations to this method?

Statistical analysis of census data, immigrant landing records, and interviews with community
leaders, employment counselors and employers. This was appropriate for the population and the
research question because the researchers used multiple avenues from which to obtain data for
their research. Possible limitations to the study would have been employees’ reluctance to
participate in the study for fear of retaliation from their respective employers.

5.What were the primary findings of the research?

The article’s findings suggest that the immigrants from South Asia and Yugoslavia, are
systematically being placed at a disadvantage during the employment attainment process.
Regardless of the immigrants’ credentials and skills, they are still being devalued as workers.
Because of this devaluing immigrants are choosing latter jobs, such as taxi cab driving, instead of
those that utilize their potential earned from credentials.

6.Critique this article, discuss method, findings, analysis, writing

style, or other elements of the research project.
One flaw that I found was that the researchers did not take in to account the possibility of racial disparities
against the immigrants while going through the employment process. This article solely focused on the lack
of immigrants’ knowledge of standard hiring practices as a boundary to gaining employment. The methods
used were useful, and the overall analysis was clear and concise.

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