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Thomas Aquinas
No superior may use a subordinate for his advantage

Together with St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Anselm of

Canterbury he believed and supported their contention that the greatest of all devotions is the devotion to God The Idea of the Unmoved Mover introduced by Aristotle 1,600 years ago was supported by St. Thomas Aquinas. He argued that the motion we have today is traceable to an initial motion originator, who is none other than the Supreme God. St. Thomas claims that law is directed to the common good.

St. Thomas Aquinas Contributions

A distinction between philosophy and theology. There are know innate ideas but knowledge must proceed from

senses. The dependence of the universe on a Supreme God. Reason and faith can lead to truth.

Late Medieval Philosophers


Prominent Late Medieval Philosophers

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) Rene Descartes ( 1536-1650) Emmanuel Kant (1724-1804)

Niccolo Machiavelli
He was born in Florence during the period of Renaissance. A political adviser, was exiled when the Republic fell. His work, THE PRINCE exposed the ruthless strategy to

obtain, maintain, sustain and extend power. The Prince- was a straight forward approach of a leader to manipulate people to get them to work and support him in power.

Some of his recommended principles are:

Never show humility; arrogance is more effective.(A leader

according to this principle does not and must not admit mistake when he commits one but has to still keep his firm and stand of defiance to hold the people to his power. To admit ones fault is a character of the weak. Morality and Ethics are for the weak. Powerful people feel free to lie, cheat and deceive to serve their purpose. One in power is licensed to hide the truth on his followers to preserve harmony which his purpose. It is better to be feared than to be loved. A leader has to rule with an iron fist. To him principles of religion makes a man feeble and an easy prey for evil minded people.

Rene Descartes
I think; therefore I am (Cogito ergo

sum) Born in France and was educated in Jesuits Schools. A philosophers and Mathematician, he introduced analytical geometry He distinguishes spirit from matter. He believed in the necessity of method in order to harness ones power of mind. He added that the rule of method provides clear and orderly procedure as well as the proper operation of the mind. Discovered the law of refraction in optic.

Emmanuel Kant

Humanity should be treated as an end and never a means.

Emmanuel Kant
He came from Germany. He was an epistemologist and a moral philosophers. He believed that the Gospel as the proper guide to life. He had a high regard for moral duties and human dignities. Moral responsibility is a common knowledge . Dedication, commitment or motive makes one respond to a

task. Kant formulated his cosmogonic hypothesis- according to which the planetary system arose and develop out of a prime nebula.

Contemporary Philosophers
William David Ross (1877-1940) Jean Paul Sartre ( 1905-1980) Karl Popper ( 1902-1904)

William David Ross

Productivity of maximum good is not what makes all right actions right.

William David Ross

He was a British moralist and a famous proponent of Aristotles ideas. Our moral insights provide us accurate information to stand on

something. Why does Ross think that producing maximum intrinsic goodness is not always what makes action right? (1) Common sense tells us in some situations that an action( e.g. keeping a promise) is right, not because of its consequences, but because of what has happened in the past. (2) Common sense also tells us in some situations that we have more than one duty and that one duty may be more of a duty than another duty. (3) In a situation in which two alternative actions producing equal net amounts of intrinsic goodness differ only in that one would fulfill a promise and other would not, ones moral obligation would be to perform the action that would fulfill the promise.

Jean Paul Sartre

Man is not the sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have

Jean Paul Sartre

French philosophical thinker who expounded on

existentialism which tells that a man has a radical freedom to create himself. Man is responsible not only for himself but for all men. He believes that one can only have a political freedom if he enjoys personal liberty. ( freedom to vote and freedom to worship)

Karl Popper

Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessary be infinite.

An influential philosopher and political thinker. Anti-authoritarian believer. For him, science should proceed from trying by

disconfirming its hypotheses than by trying to confirm them.

Poppers Contributions to mankind

Those who promise us paradise on earth never produce

anything but a hell Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessary be infinite. We must plan for freedom, and not only for security if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure.

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