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1he Point-to-Point Protocol ,PPP, suite includes the ollowing protocols, in

addition to PPP:
MLP: Multilink PPP.
PPP-BPDU: PPP Bridge Protocol Data Unit.
PPPoL: PPP oer Lthernet.
BAP: Bandwidth Allocation Protocol.
CHAP: Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
DLSL: Data Lncryption Standard Lncryption.
LAP: Lxtensible Authentication Protocol.
LCP: Link Control Protocol.
LLX: LAN Lxtension Interace Protocol.
LQR: Link Quality Report.
PAP: Password Authentication Protocol.
A1CP: Apple1alk Control Protocol.
BACP: Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol.
BCP: Bridging Control Protocol.
390 PPP Suite
BVCP: PPP Banyan Vines Control Protocol.
CCP: Compression Control Protocol.
DNCP: PPP DLCnet Phase IV Control Protocol.
LCP: Lncryption Control Protocol.
IPCP: IP Control Protocol.
IP6CP: IP6 Control Protocol.
IPXCP: IPX Control Protocol.
LLXCP: LAN Lxtension Interace Control Protocol.
NBlCP: PPP NetBios lrames Control Protocol.
OSINLCP: OSI Network Layer Control Protocol.
SDCP: Serial Data Control Protocol.
SNACP: SNA PPP Control Protocol.
1he ollowing diagram shows the PPP suite in relation to the OSI model :
Data Link
Control Protocols
RlC 1548 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1548.html
RlC 1661 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1661.html
RlC 1662 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1662.html
PPP ,Point-to-Point Protocol, is designed or simple links which transport
packets between two peers. 1hese links proide ull-duplex simultaneous bi-
directional operation and are assumed to delier packets in order. PPP
proides a common solution or the easy connection o a wide ariety o
hosts, bridges and routers.
1he structure o the PPP header is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Address Control Protocol Information FCS
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable 2 bytes
HDLC broadcast address. PPP does not assign indiidual station addresses.
1he alue o this ield is always set to ll Hex.
HDLC command or Unnumbered Inormation ,UI, with the Poll,linal bit
set to zero. 1he alue o this ield is always set to 03 Hex. lrames containing
any other alue in this ield are discarded.
Identiies the encapsulated protocol within the Inormation ield o the
Higher-leel protocol data.
Value o the rame checksum calculation. PPP eriies the contents o the
lCS ield upon receipt o the packet.
392 PPP Suite
RlC 11 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc11.html
RlC 1990 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1990.html
Multilink is based on a PCP option negotiation that permits a system to
indicate to its peer that it is capable o combining multiple physical links into
a bundle`. Only under exceptional conditions would a gien pair o
systems require the operation o more than one bundle connecting them.
Multilink is negotiated during the initial LCP option negotiation. A system
indicates to its peer that it is willing to do multilink by sending the multilink
option as part o the initial LCP option negotiation. 1his negotiation
indicates the ollowing:
1. 1he system oering the option is capable o combining multiple physical
links into one logical link.
2. 1he system is capable o receiing upper layer PDUs ragmented using
the multilink header and reassembling the ragments back into the
original PDU or processing.
3. 1he system is capable o receiing PDUs o size N octets where N is
speciied as part o the option een i N is larger than the maximum
receie unit ,MRU, or a single physical link.
Using the PPP Multilink protocol, network protocol packets are irst
encapsulated ,but not ramed, according to normal PPP procedures, large
packets are broken up into multiple segments sized appropriately or the
multiple physical links. A new PPP header consisting o the Multilink
protocol identiier, and the Multilink header is inserted beore each section.
1hus, the irst ragment o a multilink packet in PPP will hae two headers:
one or the ragment, ollowed by the header or the packet itsel.
PPP Multilink ragments are encapsulated using the protocol identiier 0x00-
0x3d. lollowing the protocol identiier is a 4-byte header containing a
sequence number, and two 1-byte ields indicating whether the ragment
begins or terminates a packet. Ater negotiation o an additional PPP LCP
option, the 4-byte header may be optionally replaced by a 2-byte header with
a 12-bit sequence space. Address,Control and Protocol ID compression are
assumed to be in eect.
MLP (PPP Mu|ti|ink) 393
1he ollowing is the ormat or the long sequence number ragment:
PPP Header Address 0xff Control 0x03
PID (H) 0x00 PID (L) 0x3d
MP Header B E 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sequence number
Sequence number (L)
Fragment data
1he ollowing is the ormat or the short sequence number ragment:
PPP Header Address 0xff Control 0x03
PID (H) 0x00 PID (L) 0x3d
MP Header B E 0 0 Sequence Number
Fragment Data
Protocol ID compression.
Beginning ragment bit. A 1-bit ield which is set to 1 on the irst ragment
deried rom a PPP packet and set to 0 or all other ragments rom the
same PPP packet.
Lnding ragment bit. A 1-bit ield which is set to 1 on the last ragment and
set to 0 or all other ragments. A ragment may hae both the beginning
and ending ragment bits set to 1.
394 PPP Suite
24-bit or 12-bit number that is incremented or eery ragment transmitted.
By deault, the sequence ield is 24 bits long, but can be negotiated to be
only 12 bits with an LCP coniguration option.

A resered ield between the ending ragment bit and the sequence number.
1his ield is not used at present and must be set to zero. It is 2 bits long
when short sequence numbers are used, otherwise it is 6 bits in length.
lrame check sequence. 1his alue is inherited rom the normal raming
mechanism rom the member link on which the packet is transmitted.
RlC 1638 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1638.html
1here exist two basic types o bridges: those that interconnect LANs
directly, called Local Bridges, and those that interconnect LANs ia an
intermediate \AN medium such as a leased line, called Remote Bridges.
1he PPP-BPDU ,Bridge Protocol Data Unit, is used to connect Remote
1he ormat o the PPP-BPDU packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
4 8 16 32 bits
F I Z 0 Pads MAC type LAN ID high word (optional)
LAN ID low word (optional) Pad byte Frame control
Destination MAC address
Destination MAC address Source MAC address
Source MAC address
LLC data
l lag, set i the LAN lCS ield is present.
I lag, set i the LAN ID ield is present.
Z lag, set i ILLL 802.3 pad must be zero illed to minimum size.

0 lag resered, must be zero.

Any PPP rame may hae padding inserted in the Optional Data Link Layer
Padding ield. 1his number tells the receiing system how many pad octets
to strip o.
39 PPP Suite
Values o the MAC 1ype ield.
1 Bridge-Identiication.
2 Line-Identiication.
3 MAC-Support.
4 1inygram-Compression.
5 LAN-Identiication.
6 MAC-Address.
Optional 32-bit ield that identiies the Community o LANs which may be
interested in receiing this rame. I the LAN ID lag is not set, then this
ield is not present and the PDU is our octets shorter.
On 802.4, 802.5 and lDDI LANs, there are a ew octets preceding the
Destination MAC Address, one o which is protected by the lCS. 1he MAC
1ype o the rame determines the contents o the lrame Control ield. A
pad octet is present to proide a 32-bit packet alignment.
As deined by the ILLL. 1he MAC 1ype ield deines the bit ordering.
As deined by the ILLL. 1he MAC 1ype ield deines the bit ordering.
1his is the remainder o the MAC rame which is ,or would be were it
present, protected by the LAN lCS.
RlC 2516 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc2516.html
PPPoL is a method or transmitting PPP oer Lthernet. It proides the
ability to connect a network o hosts oer a simple bridging access deice to
a remote access concentrator. \ith this model, each host utilizes its own
PPP stack and the user is presented with a amiliar user interace. Access
control, billing and type o serice can be done on a per-user, rather than a
per-site, basis.
1o proide a point-to-point connection oer Lthernet, each PPP session
must learn the Lthernet address o the remote peer, as well as establish a
unique session identiier. PPPoL includes a discoery protocol that
perorms this.
PPPoL has two distinct stages. 1here is a discoery stage and a PPP session
stage. \hen a host wishes to initiate a PPPoL session, it must irst perorm
discoery to identiy the Lthernet MAC address o the peer and establish a
PPPoL SLSSION_ID. \hile PPP deines a peer-to-peer relationship,
discoery is inherently a client-serer relationship. In the discoery process,
a host ,the client, discoers an access concentrator ,the serer,. Based on
the network topology, there may be more than one access concentrator that
the host can communicate with. 1he discoery stage allows the host to
discoer all access concentrators and then select one. \hen discoery
completes successully, both the host and the selected access concentrator
hae the inormation they then use to build their point-to-point connection
oer Lthernet.
1he discoery stage remains stateless until a PPP session is established.
Once a PPP session is established, both the host and the access
concentrator must allocate the resources or a PPP irtual interace.
1he Lther1ype ield in the Lthernet rame is set to either 0x8863 or the
discoery stage or 0x8864 or the PPP session stage.
398 PPP Suite
1he Lthernet payload or PPPoL is as shown in the ollowing illustration:
4 8 16 bits
Version Type Code
Session ID
Speciies the ersion number: 0x1 or the current ersion o PPPoL ,RlC
Set to 0x1 or the current ersion o PPPoL ,RlC 2516,.
Value o the code depends on the packet sent. Values may be as ollows:
Discoery stage:
Actie Discoery Initiation ,PADI, 0x09
Actie Discoery Oer ,PADO, 0x0
Actie Discoery Request ,PADR, 0x19
Actie Discoery Session-conirmation ,PADS, 0x65
Actie Discoery 1erminate ,PAD1, 0xa
PPP Session Stage 0x00
Unsigned alue in network byte order which deines a PPP session along
with the Lthernet source and destination addresses. 0x is resered or
uture use.
Length o the PPPoL payload, not including the Lthernet or PPPoL
RlC 2125 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc2125.html
1he Bandwidth Allocation Protocol ,BAP, can be used to manage the
number o links in a multi-link bundle. BAP deines datagrams to coordinate
adding and remoing indiidual links in a multi-link bundle, as well as
speciying which peer is responsible or arious decisions regarding
managing bandwidth during a multi-link connection.
1he ormat o the BAP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Type Length Data
1 byte 1 byte variable
One-octet ield which indicates the type o the BAP Datagram Option. 1his
ield is binary coded hexadecimal.
1 Call-Request.
2 Call-Response.
3 Callback-Request.
4 Callback-Response.
5 Link-Drop-Query-Request.
6 Link-Drop-Query-Response.
8 Call-Status-Response.
One-octet ield which indicates the length o this BAP option including the
1ype, Length and Data ields.
Zero or more octets and contains inormation speciic to the BAP option.
1he ormat and length o the Data ield is determined by the 1ype and
Length ields.
RlC 19: http:,,,htbin,rc,rc19.html
BSD is the reely and widely distributed UNIX compress command source.
It proides the ollowing eatures:
Dynamic table clearing when compression becomes less eectie.
Automatic turning o o compression when the oerall result is not
smaller than the input.
Dynamic choice o code width within predetermined limits.
Heaily used or many years in networks, on modem and other point-to-
point links to transer net news.
An eectie code width, requires less than 64 Kbytes o memory on
both send and receie.
Beore any BSD Compress packets may be communicated, PPP must reach
the network layer protocol phase, and the CCP control protocol must reach
the opened state. Lxactly one BSD Compress datagram is encapsulated in
the PPP inormation ield, where the PPP protocol ield contains 0xlD, or
0xlB. 0xlD is used aboe MLP. 0xlB is used below MLP to compress
independently on indiidual links o a multilink bundle. 1he maximum
length o the BSD Compress datagram transmitted oer a PPP link is the
same as the maximum length o the inormation ield o a PPP encapsulated
packet. Only packets with PPP protocol numbers in the range 0x0000 to
0x3lll and neither 0xlD, nor 0xlB are compressed. Other PPP packets
are always sent uncompressed. Control packets are inrequent and should
not be compressed or robustness.
RlC 1334 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1334.html
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol ,CHAP, is used to
periodically eriy the identity o the peer using a 3-way handshake. 1his is
done upon initial link establishment and may be repeated any time ater the
link has been established.
Lxactly one CHAP packet is encapsulated in the Inormation ield o a PPP
data link layer rame where the protocol ield indicates type hex c223. 1he
structure o the CHAP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data . . .
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable
Identiies the type o CHAP packet. CHAP codes are assigned as ollows:
1 Challenge.
2 Response.
3 Success.
4 lailure.
Aids in matching challenges, responses and replies.
Length o the CHAP packet including the Code, Identiier, Length and Data
Zero or more octets, the ormat o which is determined by the Code ield.
1he ormat o the Challenge and Response data ields is shown in the
ollowing illustration:
Value size Value Name
1 byte 1 byte
402 PPP Suite
Indicates the length o the Value ield.
Challenge alue is a ariable stream o octets which must be changed each
time a challenge is sent.
Response alue is the one-way hash calculated oer a stream o octets
consisting o the Identiier, ollowed by the secret` and the Challenge
Identiication o the system transmitting the packet.
lor Success and lailure, the data ield contains a ariable message ield
which is implementation dependent.
RlC 1969: http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1969.html
1he DLS ,Data Lncryption Standard, Lncryption algorithm is a well
studied, understood and widely implemented encryption algorithm which
was designed or eicient implementation in hardware. DLSL is an option
o LCP which indicates that the issuing implementation is oering to
employ the DLS encryption or decrypting communications on the link and
may be thought o as a request or its peer to encrypt packets in this
1he ormat o the DLSL packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
8 16 24 32 bits
Address Control 0 0 0 0 Protocol ID
Seq no high Seq no low Cyphertext (variable)
1he address and control ields are as described or PPP.
Values may be 0x53 or 0x55, the latter indicates that cyphertext includes
headers or MLP and requires that the Indiidual Link Lncryption Control
Protocol has reached the opened state. 1he leading zero may be absent i
the PPP Protocol lield Compression ,PlC, option has been negotiated.
Sequence numbers are 16-bit numbers which are assigned by the encryptor
sequentially starting with 0 ,or the irst packet transmitted once LCP has
reached the open state,.
Generation o encrypted data is described in the DLSL standard.
1he Lxtensible Authentication Protocol ,LAP, is a PPP extension that
proides support or additional authentication methods within PPP.
1he ormat o the LAP header is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Type Data
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 1 byte variable
Decimal alue which indicates the type o LAP packet:
1 Request.
2 Response.
3 Success.
4 lailure.
Aids in matching responses with requests.
Indicates the length o the LAP request and response packets including the
Code, Identiier, Length, 1ype, and Data ields. Octets in the packet outside
the range o the Length ield are treated as Data Link Layer padding and are
ignored on reception.
Indicates the LAP type. 1he ollowing types are supported: KLA alidate,
KLA public, G1C, O1P, MD5, NQK, Notiication, Identity.
RlC 150 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc150.html
RlC 1661 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1661.html
In order to be suiciently ersatile to be portable to a wide ariety o
enironments, PPP proides the Link Control Protocol ,LCP, or
establishing, coniguring and testing the data link connection. LCP is used to
automatically agree upon the encapsulation ormat options, handle arying
limits on sizes o packets, detect a looped-back link and other common
misconiguration errors, and terminate the link. Other optional acilities
proided are authentication o the identity o its peer on the link, and
determination when a link is unctioning properly and when it is ailing.
1he ormat o the LCP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable
Decimal alue which indicates the type o LCP packet:
1 Conigure-Request.
2 Conigure-Ack.
3 Conigure-Nak.
4 Conigure-Reject.
5 1erminate-Request.
6 1erminate-Ack.
8 Protocol-Reject.
9 Lcho-Request.
10 Lcho-Reply.
11 Discard-Request.
12 Link-Quality Report.
Decimal alue which aids in matching requests and replies.
40 PPP Suite
Length o the LCP packet, including the Code, Identiier, Length and Data
Variable length ield which may contain one or more coniguration options.
1he ormat o the LCP coniguration options is as ollows:
Type Length Data
One-byte indication o the type o the coniguration option.
Length o the coniguration option including the 1ype, Length and Data
Value o the Data ield.
RlC 1841 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1841.html
A LAN extension interace unit is a hardware deice installed at remote sites
,such as a home oice or small branch oice, that connects a LAN across a
\AN link to a router at a central site. 1o accommodate this LAN extension
interace architecture, a PPP Network Control Protocol was deeloped: the
LAN extension interace protocol, PPP-LLX. 1he basic unctionality o
LLX is to encapsulate LAN extension interace control and data packets.
Consequently packets can be control packets or data packets. Control
packets are described under LLXCP.
1he rame ormat or a PPP-LLX data packet is shown in the ollowing
illustration. 1he MAC rame is transerred except or the lCS ield. 1he
LAN extension interace unit computes the lCS or packets transerred to
the LAN and strips the lCS or packets destined or the host router.
4 8 16 24 32 bits
HDLC flag
Address Control Protocol type
F I Z 0 Pad MAC type Destination MAC address
Destination MAC address
Source MAC address
Source MAC address Length/type
LLC data
HDLC rame delimiter.
Address ield containing broadcast address 0xll.
Control ield containing unnumbered inormation 0x03.
408 PPP Suite
Contains the IL1l-assigned protocol type alue. In this case this ield will
always contain 0x0041 to indicate a data packet.
Set i the LAN lCS ield is present. Because PPP-LLX data packets do not
contain the LAN lCS ield, this bit should not be set ,ield~0,.
Set i the LAN ID ield is present. Because PPP-LLX data packets do not
contain the ield, this bit should not be set ,ield~0,.
Set i ILLL 802.3 Pad must be zero illed to minimum size.

Resered, must be zero.

Any PPP rame may hae padding inserted in the Optional Data Link Layer
Padding ield. 1he alue tells the receiing system how many pad octets to
strip o. 1he LAN extension interace protocol does not support the
Optional Data Link Layer Padding ield, so the alue o this ield should be
1his ield contains the most up-to-date alue o the MAC type as speciied
in the most recent $VVLJQHG1XPEHUV5)&. 1he current alue ,according to
RlC 1841, indicates ILLL 802.3,Lthernet with canonical addresses.
6-octet ield containing the MAC address o the destination system as
deined by ILLL. 1he MAC type ield deines the bit ordering.
6-octet ield containing the MAC address o the source system as deined by
ILLL. 1he MAC 1ype ield deines the bit ordering.
Lthernet protocol type. lor ILLL 802.3 rames, this is a length ield.
Remainder o the MAC rame which is ,or would be i it were present,
protected by the LAN lCS.
16-bit cyclic redundancy check ield.
410 PPP Suite
RlC 1333 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1333.html
1he Link Quality Report ,LQR, protocol speciies the mechanism or link
quality monitoring within PPP. Packets are sometimes dropped or corrupted
due to line noise, equipment ailure, buer oerruns, etc. and it is oten
desirable to determine when and how oten the link drops data. Routers may
temporarily allow another route to take precedence, or an implementation
may hae the option o disconnecting and switching to an alternate link. lor
these reasons, such a quality monitoring mechanism is necessary.
One LQR packet is encapsulated in the inormation ield o PPP data link
layer rames where the protocol ield indicates type hex c025. 1he structure
o the LQR packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
8 16 24 32 bits
Magic number
Last out LQRs
Last out packets
Last out octets
Peer in LQRs
Peer in packets
Peer in discards
Peer in errors
Peer in octets
Peer out LQRs
Peer out packets
Peer out octets
Save in LQRs
Save in packets
Save in discards
Save in errors
Save in octets
Aids in detecting links which are in the looped-back condition.
412 PPP Suite
RlC 1334 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1334.html
Password Authentication Protocol ,PAP, proides a simple method or the
peer to establish its identity using a 2-way handshake. 1his is done only
upon initial link establishment.
1he PAP packet is encapsulated in the Inormation ield o a PPP data link
layer rame where the protocol ield indicates type hex c023. 1he structure
o the PAP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data . . .
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes
One-octet ield which identiies the type o PAP packet. PAP codes are
assigned as ollows:
1 Authenticate-Request.
2 Authenticate-Ack.
3 Authenticate-Nak.
Aids in matching requests and replies.
Indicates the length o the PAP packet including the Code, Identiier,
Length and Data ields.
Zero or more octets, the ormat o which is determined by the Code ield.
1he ormat o the data ield or Authenticate-Request packets is shown
Peer-ID length Peer-ID Password length Password
1 byte variable 1 byte variable
Length o the Peer-ID ield.
Indicates the name o the peer to be authenticated.
Length o the Password ield.
Indicates the password to be used or authentication.
1he ormat o the data ield or Authenticate-Ack and Authenticate-Nak
packets is shown below:
Message Length Message
1 byte variable
Length o the Message ield.
1he contents o the Message ield are implementation dependent.
RlC 138 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc138.html
1he Apple1alk Control Protocol ,A1CP, is responsible or coniguring, the
Apple1alk parameters on both ends o the point-to-point link. A1CP uses
the same packet exchange mechanism as the Link Control Protocol ,LCP,.
A1CP packets may not be exchanged until PPP has reached the Network-
Layer Protocol phase. A1CP packets receied beore this phase is reached
are discarded.
1he ormat o the A1CP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable
Decimal alue which indicates the type o A1CP packet.
1 Conigure-Request.
2 Conigure-Ack.
3 Conigure-Nak.
4 Conigure-Reject.
5 1erminate-Request.
6 1erminate-Ack.
Decimal alue which aids in matching requests and replies.
Length o the A1CP packet, including the Code, Identiier, Length and
Data ields.
Variable length ield which may contain one or more coniguration options.
1he ormat o the A1CP coniguration options is as ollows:
Type Length Data
41 PPP Suite
One-byte indication o the type o the coniguration option.
1 Apple1alk-Address.
2 Routing-Protocol.
3 Suppress-Broadcasts.
4 A1-Compression Protocol.
6 Serer-Inormation.
8 Deault Router-Address.
Length o the coniguration option including the 1ype, Length and Data
Value o the Data ield.
RlC 2125 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc2125.html
1he Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol ,BACP, is the associated
control protocol or BAP. BAP can be used to manage the number o links
in a multi-link bundle. BAP deines datagrams to coordinate adding and
remoing indiidual links in a multi-link bundle, as well as speciying which
peer is responsible or which decisions regarding managing bandwidth
during a multi-link connection. BACP deines control parameters or the
BAP protocol to use.
1he ormat o the BACP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable
Decimal alue which indicates the type o BACP packet.
1 Conigure-Request.
2 Conigure-Ack.
3 Conigure-Nak.
4 Conigure-Reject.
5 1erminate-Request.
6 1erminate-Ack.
Decimal alue which aids in matching requests and replies.
Length o the BACP packet, including the Code, Identiier, Length and
Data ields.
418 PPP Suite
Variable length ield which may contain one or more coniguration options.
1he ormat o the BACP coniguration options is as ollows:
Type Length Data
One-byte indication o the type o the coniguration option.
1 laored-Peer
Length o the coniguration option including the 1ype, Length and Data
Value o the Data ield.
RlC 1638 http:,,,htbin,rc,rc1638.html
1he Bridging Control Protocol ,BCP, is responsible or coniguring the
bridge protocol parameters on both ends o the point-to-point link. BCP
uses the same packet exchange mechanism as the Link Control Protocol.
BCP packets can not be exchanged until PPP has reached the Network-
Layer Protocol phase. BCP packets receied beore this phase is reached are
1he ormat o the BCP packet is shown in the ollowing illustration:
Code Identifier Length Data
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes variable
Decimal alue which indicates the type o BCP packet.
1 Conigure-Request.
2 Conigure-Ack.
3 Conigure-Nak.
4 Conigure-Reject.
5 1erminate-Request.
6 1erminate-Ack.
Decimal alue which aids in matching requests and replies.
Length o the BCP packet, including the Code, Identiier, Length and Data
Variable length ield which may contain one or more coniguration options.
1he ormat o the BCP coniguration options is as ollows:
Type Length Data
420 PPP Suite
One-byte indication o the type o the coniguration option.
1 Bridge-Identiication.
2 Line-Identiication.
3 MAC-Support.
4 1inygram-Compression.
5 LAN-Identiication.
6 MAC-Address.
Length o the coniguration option including the 1ype, Length and Data
Value o the Data ield.

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