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I have a few games because I do the kids Christmas party at the church. 1. Make a snowman.

I think this is my all time favourite. Be sure and have a camera ready, this is hilarious. You break the kids into groups. Each group gets: one roll of toilet paper, scissors (for a big kid to handle - if I have lots of little kids, I don't put the scissors in the bag, I hand them to a big kid), a chunk of masking tape as long as my arm and a half sheet each of black and orange construction paper. Set a time limit and let them go. They have say... about 5 minutes to turn one member of the group into a snowman. The more years in a row you do it, the better and the more creative they get. Play music in the background and let them go. 2. Musical chairs to Christmas tunes - you know, one less chair than there are kids, stop the tunes and the last kid doesn't get a chair and is out. Establish the no pushing etc. rule at the beginning. For real fun, make the parents do it! ha ha. They are way to competitive. 3. Jingle Bells: Also good fun. Circle of kids. Chair in centre. Bells under the chair - biggest, noisiest ones you can find. Kid on chair is blindfolded - this is Santa. Adult silently chooses a kid from the circle by tapping them to be the thief. Thief tries to steal the bells from under the chair and get back to spot in the circle without being caught. Santa yells thief if s/he hears the bells. Thief succeeds Santa tries out a new thief. Santa succeeds - the thief becomes Santa and the old Santa sits in the circle. 4. Fill the stocking. Need small wrapped candy, two spoons and two equal-sized stockings. Set the kids up in two lines. Stockings are across the room. Bowl of candy and spoons are at the front of the line. Teams race to carry candy on the spoons and be the first team to fill the stocking (Or the team that gets the most candy in in a given amount of time - say the length of Jingle Bells or Silent Night). Absolutely no hand contact. Part of the challenge is getting them into the stocking - if the kids are all small, have adults hold the stockings. 5. Christmas Card Toss: Cut the backs off old Christmas cards (avoid glittery ones they make a huge mess). Each kid gets ten and they have to stand at a line a throw them at a box (either one at a time or all in a bunch) See who gets the most cards into the box. Closer line for smaller kids. Try it yourself to get an idea of how far away the line should be. If you have tons of kids you will want several lines and several boxes with adults to count. It is too boring to stand around. Game is fun though. 6. Christmas Card Jigsaw: Cut cards into pieces. Hide pieces around the room. 1 piece / team to start. Make them obviously different cards to avoid confusion.. First team to finish the picture wins. 7. Pass the parcel. Wrap a treat in many, many layers of paper. Put a small thing in each layer - a joke, a small candy, a sticker or tattoo. If you search "kids Christmas jokes" you will find millions online. A joke is the cheapest, most amusing way to go. Play music and the kids pass the parcel. When the music stops, the kid with the parcel peels off a layer of paper. Finally, there will be something bigger in the middle. The least offensive thing is to have enough candy in it for everyone to get one - the kid who gets to the middle, gets first pick of the candy. 8. Blindfolded drawing game. Everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. They have to look at the ceiling (or get blindfolded, or shut their eyes). The only instructions they get is to draw what you say - they don't know what it will be in the end. a. Draw a small circle near the top of the paper. b.Draw a medium circle in the middle. c. Draw a large circle on the bottom.

d. 3 buttons on the middle circle (now they start to figure it out, but it is still very challenging) e. 2 eyes, mouth and carrot nose on top circle f. Add a hat. g. Add stick arms and hands to middle circle. h. Draw a broom stick in one hand. Then compare pictures and award a prize for the best and a prize for the booby. 9. Stocking guessing game: Put a collection of small Christmas items into a sock and tie it shut. (Prep this ahead of time) Each player has a paper and pencil (in pairs, big kid with a little kid). Write down as many items as they can figure out by feel. Most correct wins. 10. Tray game: (variation of Kim's game) Prep tray with small objects - many small objects: ribbon, tape, scissors, gift tag, pen, card, paper, candy, candy cane, tinsel, bauble, nativity figures, bow, greenery from a tree... anything you can think of to load it up with. If you have many kids, maybe two or three trays and have them play in small groups since it will be hard for them to crowd around a tray.Cover it with a tea towel until go time. Option 1: list as many objects as possible in 1 minute. Option 2: Recover with the tea towel and take away one or two items. See if they can guess what. 11. Toss the snowball. Need: basket, five paper balls and a prize. (Tons of kids, more baskets, balls and lineups) Throw balls into basket. 5 points for first ball, 4 for second, 3 for third, etc.. Team with most points wins. Smaller kids move closer. 12. Who's Santa? (Wink Murder) Circle. Rudolph leaves the room (just pick a kid) Adult chooses Santa. Rudolph returns. Santa winks at other kids in circle and tries not to get caught by Rudolph. Any of the "elves" in the circle who are winked at must say HO HO HO and fall over. Rudolph must identify Santa. 13. Pin the nose on the snowman - or on Rudolph - or on Santa 14. My dream gift. Everyone writes dream gift on a slip of paper. Read them aloud and try to figure out who's is whose. 15. Pass the bauble. Split kids into two teams (or three or four) Six unbreakable Christmas baubles per team. Members of each team sit beside each other, cross-legged, in a line, all facing the same direction. With left hand, each player must hold the right wrist of the person to the right of them. Must pass all the baubles down the line and back without letting go. Bauble falls? Retrieve it without releasing. 16. Rip a Christmas tree. Each player gets a piece of green construction paper. Must hold it behind their back and rip it into a Christmas tree. Compare and declare a winner and a booby. Depending on the group, it can be beneficial and easier to run if you break up into groups of big kids and little kids and have them doing separate activities. You need two willing adult leaders though... Or a good teenage slave! There are many kids looking for community service hours for highschool...! Ask now so they can get their papers to you for approval before the event. Jokes: What did one snowman say to the other? Why do I smell carrot? How does a snowman lose weight? Wait for the weather to get warmer. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsilitis. What is the best Christmas present in the world? A broken drum - you can't beat it.

What often falls at the North Pole but doesn't get hurt? Snow. What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar at Christmas? He got 12 months. What do you call people who are afraid of Santa? Claustrophobic. What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when the fire is lit. Crisp Kringle. How does good King Wencheslas like his pizza? Deep and crisp and even. What is white and goes up? A confused snowflake. What do you sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow... What goes: "oh oh oh"? Santa walking backwards. Knock knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who. Snow use, I can't remember my name again. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary. What do you have in December that is not in any other month? The letter D. Why is it always cold at Christmas? Because it's Decembrrrr. What is a parents favourite Christmas Carol. Silent Night! What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Frosted Flakes. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frost bite.

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