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Strength in the Trial No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown. No trials, no triumph.

These are but a few of the clichs which trivialize our struggles. Learning to trust God during hard times can only happen by walking with God through the hard times. Jesus promised us a conquering life not an easy one. The Apostle Paul illustrates this point in Philippians: "I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret (of being content) - whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:12-13 HCS Translation God reveals his strength to us through our trials. As we move through life's circumstances and events, God's strength enables us to endure the whole test. Trusting God is not easy. Our problems are "in-your-face" real whereas God's presence alternates between a rocksolid assurance to a flickering, failing faith. God can appear more distant in the face of creditors, lawyers and doctors. This part of the reason why we are tasked with asking, seeking and knocking. (Luke 11:5-9) As the crown of God's creation, we are made a little lower than the angels. One of the most precious of God's gifts is our free will. In the midst of our struggles, we can choose either to turn away from God or toward Him. Turning away from God results in a descent into the pit of despair and detachment. Regardless of the struggle, please choose to turn to God. Bring to Him your anger, fear, worry and concern. Remember the trials of the early Christians - Nero delighted in burning them at the stake. Life with Christ can be really hard. As you turn to Him, look for places and people of refreshment. Both our environment and our associations influence how we handle trials. Once again, we need to excercise our God given ability to choose. We can choose either to gossip, gripe and complain or to pray, praise and petition. No one expects you to do the latter 24/7. I am not saying to stuff your feelings. The Bible, especially the Psalms, is filled with people bringing their real struggles to God. Seeking God's goodness in the midst of trouble refreshes the soul. Believers fall into one of three categories regarding trials and tribulations - either we are in one, coming out or going into one. How we handle life's setbacks is not only what distinquishes us from the world but is also what can draw unbelievers to ask about Christ. Remember our lives are a living epistle of our faith. Don't mask your struggles behind deep spiritual pontifications or pious posings. God knows the truth. He loves us with unimaginable passion and tenderness. Lean on him as you walk through your trial.

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