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Introduction: Come up with something to catch attention Body: 1.

Sound is a vibration of an object that moves the particles in the air to reach our ears. a. When something vibrates in matter, it produces sound. Solid matter, such as earth, liquid, such as water. Most of the time, we hear sounds travelling through the air in our atmosphere. b. When something vibrates in the atmosphere, it moves the air particles around it, those particles in turn move the air particles around them, carrying the pulse of the vibration through the air. c. Example of a bell metal vibrates, pushes surrounding particles, collision of particles, increase in pressure compression. When the bell flexes away, it pulls in surrounding air particles a drop in pressure, which pulls in particles that are even farther out rarefaction d. Variations in sound wave frequency create different sounds. A higher pitch means that the air pressure fluctuation switches back and forth more quickly. A lower pitch means that there are fewer fluctuations in the sound wave frequency. e. The waves amplitude is created by the level of air pressure in each fluctuation determines how loud the sound is f. The pinna of the ear serves to catch the sound waves. As the particles bounce back and forth, they travel through the ear canal and vibrate the eardrum, a very sensitive membrane. Loud sounds vibrate the eardrum faster than soft sound. 2. There are many devices that can create sound, one of them is the speaker a. Electricity sent through the wires in the spekers can either make the magnets pull toward each other, or it can make them push away from each other. That can happen very quickly and very fast. One of the magnets in a speaker is attached to a cone, and as it is pulled and pushed, the cone hits the air and makes vibration. The driver is then interprets and amplifies the sound waves into audio signals. b. A speaker is the architecture of: i. A Cone that is attached on the wide end to the suspension, why is it called a suspension? Because it suspends the cone from falling out when the cones vibrate. ii. And then the suspension is attached to a basket, or the speakers metal frame that has different shape and size, depending on the design of the speakers. iii. In the middle of the cone or the driver is a dust cap that is attached to the magnets. When the magnet receives electrical signals, the positive and negative ends are pushed and pulled. iv. These two ends are the voice coil.

3. An object can vibrate through matters such as solid, liquid, or air. But most of the time, we hear sounds travelling through air. 4. The bell 5. Ear canal vibrate drum vibrate the bones reach auditory nerve interpret by brain 6. Speakers (speakers and frame) 7. Components of the speakers. 8. Alwins insight: the driver creates sound by vibrating the diaphragm, which is caused by the electromagnetic forces between voice coil and the permanent magnet. 9. Different sounds are caused by variation of frequency and amplitude that affect the pitch and volume of the sounds and how different drivers create these variations.

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