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Biography the JIM MORRISON

Clarke James Douglas Morrison was born in Melbourne (Florida) on December 8, 1943. His parents were Clara Clarke and George Stephen Morrison. He had two brothers: Anne and Andy Morrison. His father was a U.S. military (admiral's first nuclear ship). Since childhood, his family had moved to several cities in the U.S. because his father's career and live in various military bases (at fourteen years old and had seven homes). It is believed this kind of life without attachment to places or people, stalled deep in his nature. He had a black sense of humor, wrote poetry, did a bit and read voraciously. From a young age was fascinated by literature and poetry. The relationship was with their parents (especially his mother) and siblings was always the one who does not want to be part nor compromised. Jim greatly confused him the idea of authority as, in the long absences of her father, was his mother who carried the baton. When he returned, however, became the new authority but not his wife, who had great power over him. In this example started a bad relationship with authority and who exercise that is manifested throughout his life. James Young left his home at age nineteen. It was a tall and always shabby, could use the same shirt day after day until it fell to shreds, because he preferred to buy clothes buy books. He studied at Florida State University and then film at UCLA, Los Angeles, part of the same generation as the famed filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola who, years later, would use the track The End as introductory soundtrack for Apocalypse Now, his film set in the Vietnam War. Jim managed to graduate but never went to collect his papers, he had lost all interest in the race and the film industry. Decided to focus on what they always considered his true vocation, poetry. To this end he moved to Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California, living on the roof of a building or in the homes of the girls managed to win with his bizarre appearance and complex reciting sonnets eighteenth century. This was a time of discovery for Jim. On the one hand, the approach to psychedelic drugs that both fascinated him, such as peyote, marijuana and LSD (reportedly his favorite), courtesy of authors such as Baudelaire and Aldous Huxley, and secondly, the birth of hippie culture flourished everywhere and he lived surrounded. However, he never became identified with it and even despised largely because of its nihilism. Their world view was far from hippies fundamental issues, such as reaching the mind through meditation, vegetarianism or astrology. It is said that had the highest IQ of 149.1 Although not proven in tests of IQ in those days, it is true that reading complex texts for most, including works by authors such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Aldous Huxley, Jack Kerouac, Charles Baudelaire , Arthur Rimbaud, the Comte de Lautramont, Emanuel Swedenborg, Gerard de Nerval and William Blake, among many others. A professor Jim even told his biographers that used to go to the Library of Congress to see if there were some of the books I read Jim said. Teachers College at length with Jim talked about books of this tipo.1 According to statements by some, "it seemed as if he had written those books, most of the other students could not understand like him." In 1965, after graduating from the University of California, had a chance encounter with Ray Manzarek, a former classmate in college and another musician (who was in the band Rick and the Ravens). With the intention of spreading his poetry, Jim showed him a couple of jobs that could be a musician. Manzarek asked to sing some and Jim, sitting on the soft sands of Venice, timidly, sang the first verse of Moonlight Drive. Upon hearing, Manzarek was surprised by his talent and asked him to form a rock band, which Jim agreed "to win a million dollars", as being famous comment. After several lineup changes the band, eventually forming The Doors, Ray Manzarek on keyboards, Robby Krieger on guitar and John Densmore on drums (the latter two from the group The Psychedelic Rangers), in addition to voice Jim. After giving many local concerts in Los Angeles, won a contract to play in a bar known as "Whisky a Go Go". Night after night they played their most popular, including a long song was composed based on improvisations called The End. Morrison added or removed from her poetry at will, depending on

your mood. One day, after consuming large amounts of alcohol, marijuana and LSD, Jim had to be carried by his teammates almost dragged to the bar and somehow managed to make it sing. Upon arriving at the interpretation of The End, as he always did, began to improvise on music, but that moment would end not only part of the legend of The Doors but rock culture in general. Morrison wrote a brief live and original version of the tragedy Oedipus Rex, Sophocles's character, for random cruelty of fate, ends up killing his father and marrying his mother. For the owner of the premises that was too much and threw them while, as has the whole audience screamed with excitement. Paul A. Rothchild, producer and then the record company owns Elektra Records, was there that night and followed the group to the back door, where they showed their admiration and suggested they record an album soon. In 1967 the band released their first album called simply The Doors. It was with the single Light My Fire, completely written by Robbie Krieger, the band remained several weeks at the top of Billboard magazine popularity, during the famous Summer of Love 1967. It is worth noting the dramatic change experienced by Morrison to become the star of The Doors. During his childhood and adolescence had a lot of personality problems, which made it a very unsafe. His biggest influence as a singer and as the middle stage, was Elvis Presley, who did not know or see in concert but he knew almost all of his repertoire, especially that produced in the Sun label, such as Mystery Train, who played many times in their live concerts. His biggest obstacle to joining the group was suffering stage fright. In the first concert even sang with his back to the public. In fact, it has ensured that Jim Morrison had a condition BPD (borderline personality disorder) or BDP (Borderline Personality Disorder of), which impelled him to take drugs before each concert. It was both the impact they had on the drugs he became an expert on the subject, interest in shamanism because of its close relationship with the peyote. He even wrote a treatise on drugs. It is also said to be characterized by their small Indian-style dancing shaman, and, upon arrival in Los Angeles, saw the death of an Indian in an accident. The legend says that if you see an Indian died, his spirit is embodied in you. His provocative on stage, disturbing the public order, made his concerts were banned in several U.S. cities. On March 1, 1969, was put on trial following a performance in which some participants said that showed his penis and simulated masturbation, among other things (although there was no evidence). In 1971, at the risk of being sentenced to prison, decided to leave the music and settle in Paris where he devoted himself entirely to his greater inclination: poetry. It is important to note that Morrison left the musical career in his moment of greatest popularity, when The Doors were becoming the only American group that competed successfully with the big bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. With his full name James Douglas Morrison Clarke, had already published two small books of poems The Lords (Lords) and The New Creatures (The New Creation) and the booklet An American Prayer (An American prayer) and Ode to LA (Ode to LA), poem divided between supporters of the group in a concert following the death of Brian Jones, guitarist of the Stones, drowned in a swimming pool because of an overdose. These books can be read as philosophy and, at times, as well as conceptual sociological essays or manifestos. On July 3, 1971 Jim Morrison was found dead in the bathtub of his apartment in the Marais district of Paris, France, where he lived with his partner and lover, Pamela Courson (although there are many other versions of his death, including the idea of suicide and murder). There was no autopsy, but said he died from a heart attack, according to her death certificate. There are people who question the official version, because the circumstances were somewhat strange. It was said that Jim's father took his son's body to the cemetery to take the United States, but sources of Pre Lachaise, the famous cemetery where he was buried, they say that nobody can keep a body without government knowledge. It also puts into question the very fact of his death, as their credit cards and passports are still valid. It says that because he so specified in a will just before. The only ones who saw his body were his girlfriend and a doctor no longer practiced. Other versions say he suffered a heroin

overdose (which was not fond of) in the toilets of Paris Rock'n'Roll Circus and was later moved back home. It was clear that regular user of various drugs (LSD, peyote and cannabis) and, as is said, always advocated the use of psychoactive substances. However, there is likely to consume heroin, mainly because I was diagnosed with needle phobia. In fact, when he surprised his girlfriend Pamela inject, went for the supplier, known both for beatings. It also said that cocaine was their drug of preference for its effect "gas." However, drugs used mainly proposed by the hippie community to achieve states of balance and peace, in addition to alcohol in abundance. On this strange death, there have been many speculations. Several people reported seeing the Lizard King in a Paris cafe, and various places of ill repute of Los Angeles, wearing a black leather outfit, but these rumors were never proven. It is also said that after his death, a person claiming to be Jim Morrison and dressed like him, got money by check to your name. Jim Morrison died at age 27 like other famous rockers like Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin or Kurt Cobain. Your epitaph is written in ancient Greek and translates to "each his own demon."

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