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Standing Shoulder To Shoulder Together As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith A personal letter of encouragement to You, written solely

to "lift up hands that hang down".

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"Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done" is more than a part of Christ's instruction teaching us how to pray. It is God's singular agenda to which He is still committed. It should likewise be ours. T. Allen Robburts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
SHOULDER TO SHOULDER #582 ---- 2/2/09 Title: "Life -- A Sacred Gift" (part three -- God's Word On The Issue)

My Dear Friend and Pilgrim Partner: Today I write you from St. Paul, MN, where Jo Ann and I are visiting our third daughter and her family. We wanted to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, which was this past Thursday, by attending the annual Winter Ice Carnival in St. Paul. An annual celebration for more than a century, it is truly a "cool" place to spend a few days. We'll return to Southwest Missouri mid-week and hopefully thaw out. In the meantime, we continue and conclude our short series on the Sanctity of Life. It's my prayer that you are receiving information that will both encourage you and also equip you to share "life" principles with others.

NO INTELLIGENCE REQUIRED: I never cease to marvel at the idiocy shown in certain areas of the halls of congress. It's clear that many of our elected officials either don't take time to think things through to their ultimate conclusions (as is the case with the current stimulus package, the closing of Gitmo, or the Arab-Israeli conflict), or they already have their own agenda from which they are bound and determined not to waver. To illustrate this, and in keeping with my emphasis again on the sanctity of human life, I include this following article from January 27th issue of You can form your own conclusions, and I'll share mine in a moment: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stirred up a hornet's nest by promoting the idea of spending of millions of dollars on birth control and abortion as part of the economic stimulus package. "Contraception," argued Pelosi, "will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Her comments came on ABC's This Week when asked by host George Stephanopoulos how expanding "family-planning services" to the tune of millions of dollars will stimulate the economy. OneNewsNow sought reaction from Susan Fani, director of communications for the Catholic League. "It's quite shocking, actually, that the Speaker of the House -- who claims to be Catholic -- would go on national television and claim that contraception would reduce the cost to the government," exclaims Fani. "It's just beyond words, really." Pelosi has five children and six grandchildren. Catholic League president Bill Donohue finds her comments revealing.

"We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy," he offers in a press statement. "But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand." Will the spending on "family-planning services" help dig America out of its economic doldrums? "That's not going to help grow the economy," Fani responds. "It doesn't even make sense as a prospect for helping this country through our economic crisis. So it's wrong on so many different levels, and just shows...a very flawed thought process." American Life League calls Pelosi's remarks "a betrayal" of her Catholic faith, and the Christian Defense Coalition says it is "unthinkable" that she would try to stimulate the economy by "seeking to reduce the number of children." America needs to produce 2.1 children per couple to keep up with births to support the population -- and that rate is not being maintained. Economies in Europe have been especially hurt by a drop in birth rates. The American Life League responded by saying, "At a time of financial crisis, Nancy Pelosi's solution is to kill future taxpayers." Former Majority House Leader, Newt Gingrich described it, It has to rate as one of the weirdest defenses in history. carried an article last Tuesday distancing President Obama from the idea by declaring that, according to a White House spokesman, that concept was not the President's idea. To read the entire article, including segments of Pelosi's interview with George Stephanapolis, go to The Wall Street Journal immediately carried an editorial rebuttal entitled "Nancy Malthus", connecting her logic to that of an 18th-century economist, Thomas Malthus. Here's what the editor wrote: One of the more curious items in the $825 billion House "stimulus" is $87 billion to help states with Medicaid, specifically including an expansion of family-planning services. The implication is that more people mean less economic growth. Following a White House meeting with President Obama on Friday, Republican John Boehner, the House Minority Leader, asked how spending millions of dollars on birth control will help stimulate the economy. On Sunday, George Stephanopoulos of ABC's "This Week" repeated the question to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who responded that "family planning services reduce costs." She added: "The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now, and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help states meet their financial needs. One of those -- one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception -- will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." The notion that a larger population will produce a lower standard of living can be traced to the 18th-century economist Thomas Malthus. But during Malthus's own lifetime, his prediction was proved false, as he later acknowledged. Population and living standards rose simultaneously, and have continued to do so. Ms. Pelosi's remarks ignore the importance of human capital, which is the ultimate resource. Fewer babies would move the U.S. in the demographic direction of Europe and Asia. On the Continent, birth rates already are effectively zero, and economists are predicting labor shortages in the years ahead. In Japan, where the population is aging very fast, workers are now encouraged to go home early to procreate. Japan is projected to lose 21% of its population by 2050. The age and growth rate of a nation help determine its economic prosperity. A smaller workforce can result in less overall economic output. Without enough younger workers to replace retirees, health and pension costs can become debilitating. And when domestic markets shrink, so does capital investment. Whatever one's views on taxpayer subsidies for contraception, as economic stimulus the idea is loopy.

SANCTITY OF LIFE -- AN ECONOMIC ISSUE? Who would have ever thought! Well, that's not the fundamental issue of course, but there are economic factors to examine. According to the Alan

Guttmacher Institute, from 1975 to 2006, between one million and 1.6 million abortions per year have been reported (not including those that were not reported). The CDC reports somewhat lower figures. Add to that the 1.6 million aborted babies in 1973 and 1974, along with estimates for 2007 and 2008 of some 1.2 million or more for each of those years, and it adds up to unbelievably haunting figures of some 53 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade. Incidentally, these figures do not include abortions performed in Oklahoma from 1998 to 1999, New Hampshire and California from 1998 to 2008, Alaska from 1998 to 2002, and West Virginia from 2003 to 2008. Imagine, just from an economic point of view only, if those 53,000 million aborted babies killed since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 could have lived. Those who could have been born at least before 1993 would be holding jobs and paying taxes. Pelosi's logic, as are many of her other ideas, is grossly convoluted and distorted because of secularistic thinking . . . even though she's a practicing Roman Catholic. I don't know much, but I think the equation is pretty simple ---- births create babies; babies are people; people need products and services; products and services require jobs; jobs produce salaries; salaries produce taxes; taxes produce revenue to fund the government. So, the idea of taking bail-out money to fund abortions and family planning is not only ludicrous, but thoroughly irrational. Mark Creech, a pastor, wrote as a guest columnist in last Monday's edition the following observations which I believe are worth reading: It's unfortunate, but America now has the most pro-abortion president in the nation's history. He has pledged to protect abortion rights and has wasted no time in advancing its cause. On Friday, January 23, Barack Obama rescinded the Mexico City Policy -- and with that action forced American taxpayers to fund the innocent slaughter of children all over the world. But that's not all; in his campaign he promised to do more. He wants to pursue and sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act -- legislation that would essentially remove all state-level restrictions on abortion. And he wants to lift the ban on statesupported embryonic stem-cell research. Interestingly, when [then] presidential candidate Obama gave his famous "Call to Renewal" speech, he said: "Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values. It requires that their proposals be subject to argument, and amenable to reason. I may be opposed to abortion for religious reasons, but if I seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot simply point to the teachings of my church or evoke God's will. I have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all." Incidentally, this same principle is reiterated under "Faith" on the White House website. Although all morality is essentially based in religion and certainly not devoid of reason, suppose God or religion were left out of the picture. Suppose a completely secular approach to abortion was made only "amenable to reason" -- an approach that seeks to show that abortion "violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all," just as the president insists. Would the argument against abortion be sufficiently strong? The answer to that question is an unequivocal, "yes!" In his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, Randy Alcorn notes a number of completely secular arguments for why abortion should be prohibited by law. First, he says, medical textbooks and scientific reference works consistently agree that human life begins at conception. Some of the world's most prominent scientists and physicians' testimonies to Congress have asserted this scientific fact. One might add to Alcorn's remarks that there is without question considerably more scientific evidence for life beginning at conception than there is for global warming. Yet the president earnestly supports protection of the environment and dismisses the need for protecting the unborn. Is that reasonable? [+ When Life Begins:] "If there is uncertainty about when human life begins, the benefit of the doubt should go to preserving life," says Alcorn. "If a hunter is uncertain whether movement in the brush is caused by a person, does this uncertainty lead him to fire or not to fire? If you're driving at night and you think the dark figure ahead on the road may be a child, but it may just be the shadow of a tree, do you drive into it or do you put on the brakes? If we find someone who may be dead or alive, but we're not sure, what is the best policy -- to assume he is alive and try to save him, or to assume he is dead and walk away?"

What faith group or atheists would honestly say go ahead and fire at the unknown object behind the bush, go ahead and drive into the dark and unknown figure on the road, or even walk away from the person that has questionably fallen dead or alive -- even if it's me? Whether a person of faith or not, the right to life is not something theoretical or hypothetical -- it's personal and fundamental to all...and an unjustifiable or careless breach of that right is universally agreed to be a crime. [+ Discrimination:] Discrimination is another matter considered deplorable by today's standards. Yet the argument that a woman should have the right to an abortion because the fetus resides within her body is [in itself] an act of discrimination. Alcorn rightly contends that to be inside something is not the same as being part of it. Furthermore, human beings shouldn't be discriminated against on the basis of their residence. "One's body does not belong to another's body merely because of proximity. A car is not part of a garage because it is parked there. A loaf of bread is not part of the oven in which it is baked," writes Alcorn. "A person is a person whether she lives in a mansion or an apartment or on the street. She is a person whether she is trapped in a cave, lying in a care center, or residing within her mother." Such principle, which is clearly accepted by the masses, is certainly not "religion specific." One might even argue that it has nothing to do with religion. Thus abortion is, at the least, an egregious act of death by discrimination based on where an individual lives. [+ Who's Right About Whose Right?] What's more, where is it generally agreed upon by people of every background that an individual's right to choose trumps the protection of innocent life? Alcorn writes: "When I present the pro-life position on campuses, I often begin by saying: 'Yes, I'm pro-choice. That's why I believe every man has the right to rape a woman if that is his choice. After all, it's his body -- and neither you nor I have the right to tell him what to do with it. He's free to choose, and it's none of our business what choice he makes. We have no right to impose our morals on him. Whether I like the choice or not, he should have the freedom to make his own choices.'" Certainly this position is not "amenable to reason" or even slightly agreed upon by any. Yet the same principle is thoughtlessly accepted when it comes to a woman's so-called "right" to choose an abortion. Obviously, there is absolutely nothing reasonable or humanitarian about the pro-choice position. Whether godless or a person of faith, by the president's own standard alone the practice of abortion should be summarily rejected and opposed -- not supported and advanced. These thought-provoking articles bring us to the following conclusions in this brief series. Thus far, concluding that Life is a Sacred Gift, we've discussed the Battle going on, and we've considered the Basis of the idea that all of human life is sacred. We finish by examining the Biblical basis for life being sacred . . . and that, quite simply put, is that all the evidence points to the fact that Life itself is contained within the very nature and character of God Himself, and all expressions of that life come from Him alone, including human life. This, then, brings us to the following indisputable conclusions: + First of all, God is Life, Life is in Him, and Life Comes From Him. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men" (John 1:1-4). Paul supports this truth by saying, "For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together" (Col 1:16-17). Along with other crucial truths, we see that everything came from Him, nothing exists apart from him, and creative life was in Him, revealing to mankind His reality, presence, power, and purpose. Life of any kind is impossible apart from God.

+ Secondly, God knows every human being by name even before he or she is born. Here are some biblical examples of this fact. Jeremiah 1:5-7 ---- "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations'." What a profound truth! Jeremiah was formed in the womb by God, before he was born he was consecrated by God and for God to be a prophet to the nations. In Isaiah 43:1 and following, we find that God even knew a pagan king, Cyrus, knew him before he was born, and called him by his name before he was born. Furthermore, He also called him for His divine purposes to accomplish His plan over Israel and the nations of the world. We see the reality of these truths again in the lives of both John the Baptist and even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in His humanity. In both cases they were named by God even prior to conception, and were ordained of God for a purpose prior to conception. Read Luke chapter one in which you see these facts declared. All of this happened before either of them was born . . . even before they were conceived. + Third, Human life actually begins at conception, and God recognizes that life as a person. There's a clue to this fact in Exodus 21:22-24 where God speaks concerning injury to a pregnant woman. "And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise". The hidden key is in the definition of the Hebrew word used for "child". "Yeled" is found 88 times in the Old Testament and is always translated as a living human being, both inside and outside the womb. It is translated "child" 72 times, "boy" twice, "young man" seven times, "son" three, and "fruit" once. The conclusion is indisputable . . . both inside and outside the womb, that life is a human being that God recognizes from the moment of conception. And, God gives special attention to and protection of a pregnant woman and the child she carries. Human life, begun at conception, is sacred both inside and outside the womb. Tragically, the 1973 Supreme Court disagreed with God and declared that life began at birth. Science and time and time again proved the Supreme Court wrong . . . and yet the law stands. In the case of John the Baptist's birth, we find that the very same Greek word is used for John when he is both inside the womb and outside the womb; there is no distinction. The word is "brephos" which is translated as "child" and/or "baby". As my friend Pastor Gary Urich noted a few weeks ago, medical science has created a word, "fetus", in an attempt to dehumanize the baby inside a womb. + Fourth, medical science clearly reveals that human life begins at conception and is viable. Pastor Urich shared the following quote from New Zealand native Dr. William Liley, research professor of perinatal physiology, who concluded the following facts more than 35 years ago, and yet the courts and the medical world refuse to acknowledge the viability of human life before birth. Here's what he said. "One hour after the sperm has penetrated the ovum, the nuclei of the two cells have fused, producing genetic instructions to form a new individual; from the moment of conception, mother and child are separate entities. After four weeks, the [child's] lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach, and backbone have formed; his eyes, ears, and mouth are developing; his brain is sizeable; and his heart is beating. At two months, his skeleton is complete, he can grasp, and can respond to touch. By the eleventh week, all of his organ systems are functioning. It has been demonstrated that the [child] is sensitive to sensory stimuli and to pain, and that he is able to learn." His findings have been known before 1970, and he promoted his findings all the way up to his death in 1983. Since then, many pro-life organizations have been using his research to prove the position that life begins at conception. One such document is a lecture he gave in October, 1971 at the Eighth Annual Congress of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry in October, 1971. It was then published in the New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 6:99 in 1972. You can find this paper in its entirety at Subsequent research by other medical professionals not only verify Liley's findings, but give even further evidence that a baby in the mother's womb is much further developed than pro-choice people and abortionists want you to realize. + Fifth, The only conclusion for such blatant disregard for human life is that someone wants to destroy it. Again, the clues are found in the Bible. It speaks clearly not only concerning the sanctity of life and its divine source, but it also shows us

that Satan's ongoing hatred toward God and all that He created has its attention focused on God's most prized creation of all . . . the human being, created "lower than the angels", of whom Satan is, and then given power and dominion that once had belonged to Satan while he was still Lucifer. See Psalm 8:3-9, Heb 2:5-8, Psalm 103:4; Psalm 21:5, Gen 1:26-28, and other verifying passages. Jesus Himself, describing Satan as "the thief", reminded us that while He had come to give life to its fullest, Satan had come to steal, kill, and destroy. That strategy has not changed. And his primary target remains human life. Through disease, rampant destructive patterns, drugs, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases, tobacco, murder, abortion, war, euthanasia, suicide, . . . the list is endless, . . . he is "hell bent" on destroying that which is more precious to God than anything else . . . an individual human being. Whether outside the womb or inside the womb, life is sacred. Whether fully formed or deformed, life is sacred. Whether intelligent or ignorant, life is sacred. Whether wealthy or poor, life is sacred. Whether rich or poor, life is sacred. I'm sorry, my friend, but God's Word is absolutely clear. God is both clear and adamant about the sanctity of life. It may be inconvenient, and we may have abused it or even taken a life . . . even with good intent . . . but life is sacred. There are no loopholes or exception clauses. Our problem, then, becomes very simple. It's not so much an attitude of rebellion, but rather an issue of faith. Can we truly trust God with the challenges that face us in life? Life's challenges are just that . . . challenges about life. Therefore, when we take matters into our own hands, jeopardizing, endangering, or taking life, we are declaring that we don't trust God with those challenges . . . or that we are living in abject rebellion against Him. That's a hard truth to accept.

FINALLY: As I began writing today's letter, the thought occurred to me . . . "If Christians had not been distracted by the economy and the Middle East situation from the real election issues of morality, family values, and the sanctity of life, the election would have probably had a very different outcome. But, too many Christians were distracted, caved in, and gave up the fight. Now we will pay heavily." On the other hand, if the trends of this presidency get enough people who value moral absolutes mad enough, the next election could be a real opportunity for the redemption of America . . . and life. It is no surprise that many unbelievers do not have the same respect for human life as Christians should have. However, it should shock us and shame us when Christians who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ would treat the Sanctity of Human Life so lightly as to participate in destructive habits, fail to care for the suffering, abort human beings, neglect healthy lifestyles, refuse to get socially involved in political matters that could change America's future, or fail to use the energies and years allotted to us in sharing the one message that prepares one for life after death. I hope my thoughts have encouraged you to let your spiritual ideals govern you in the social arena in which you live. Your future is at stake; the life of another may be at stake; the future of America is at stake. In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom, Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11. Copyright February, 2009 Life Unlimited Ministries -- Info about KIBC for our city-wide prayer strategy. If this letter has blessed you, feel free to forward it, with proper credits, to any and all you wish. Please do NOT hit reply to this letter. This is an automated unmanned system. If you want to write Bob, send directly to Replying to "Shoulder To Shoulder" mailer gets you nowhere.

REMEMBER ---- "God's Work done God's Way never lack's for God's supply." (George Meuller)

It's our desire to provide you links to helpful resources. However, the contents of these sites do not necessarily represent the views we personally hold. These are sites we have found helpful in the past for various topics, and want you to know about them. Use at your own discretion.

Websites Crucial For Today:

Consider these special websites that are particularly important in light of world conditions.

Resources and News from balanced and Family Friendly Perspectives: -- an excellent news website giving you more thorough news reporting. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. -- an outstanding resource for anyone wanting to become or help raise up a great leader. -- excellent on-line encyclopedia on almost every topic, usually unbiased. -- to pray for troops in Iraq. -- Tools for understanding and responding to America's moral decay.

Resources on Middle East, Israel, Bible Prophecy: -- one of the most COMPREHENSIVE HISTORIES of Israel I've ever seen, written from a Jewish Perspective. A Profound resource for those interested. -- excellent website on Israel -- excellent website on Israel -- excellent website on Israel, especially evidences of God's supernatural intervention -- current events as relating to Bible prophecy -- excellent source of articles on Israel and Bible prophecy and other topics -- strategic newsletter, reports, resources, particularly on Bible Prophecy excellent Jewish sources on Hebrew language, Jewish history, beliefs, practices. -- an excellent site on Christian relationship to Israel. American Jewish historical society. Israel today news and resources. Jerusalem Post newspaper. Jonathan Burness ministry with excellent info and resources good Jewish culture/beliefs source good source for those supporting Israel exceptional sour of information on Israel, ancient and modern comprehensive site on Jewish history including famed "Crash Course In Jewish History" hundreds of excellent photos, old and new, of Israel and her people. another great source of pictures. a sobering source of anti-Semitic photos. martyrs and heroes of the Holocaust excellent historic and contemporary information on Israel

Helpful General Resources for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons. Exceptional site. an excellent general source for quality Bible study tools and other things. Links to other great sites. a great site for video on creation and evolution. a super source for Christian extreme sports witness to youth an excellent source for dealing with evolution and creation a great site for video on creation, evolution, and apologetics a good site with links for many resources. for great Bible resources and downloads. Exceptional site. ---- one of the best free download Bible study sites I've ever seen! for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials. -- a great source for resources for language ministries. ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- resources on prayer & missions ---- resources on world-wide prayer ---- resources on world-wide prayer ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter. ~ email: Register your PPG: . ---- "Life Action Outreach".

Valuable Resources on Islam: filled with testimonies and resources. ---- fantastic website on ISLAM (amazing testimonies and excellent resources) ---- excellent resources of facts, testimonies, and tools ---- source of testimonies and resources ---- resources ---- resources ---- Bibles

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