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Practical exam viva practice questions:

Q.1.What is .NET? Ans: Its software development and execution environment that allows different Programming languages and libraries to work together. Q.2.What is namespace explain giving example? Ans . it a collection of classes and other languages constructs which are commonly used by programs. Example system is a namespace which contains WriteLine and ReadLine methods. Q.3. Explain MSIL and its use in .NET? Ans.MSIL is Microsoft Intermediate Languages that is output of compilation process in .NET and it is used by CLR to produce output. Q.4. Difference between and c# and c++? A. C# support bound checking on array c++ not, B. C# doesnt support multiple inheritance ,C++ supports C. C sharp has foreeach loop , c++ not, D. In c sharp array is of object in c++. Q.5.What is CTS, CLS? A. CTS conmon type system which supports various data types which are commonly used by programming languages which are supported by .NET.

B. CLS- conmen language specification- it is a collection of specification given by .NET which must be followed to work in .Net environmwent. Q.6.What is JIT and native code? A. When MSIL is used by CLR to execute it, there it is compiled by Just In Time Compiler in target machine than it is executed. B. Native code- compiled code that is to be executed on target machine is called Native code for that machine. Q.7. Advantage/features of .NET? A. It supports more than one programming language like c sharp, B. It saves time in coding. C. Easy to develop and maintain software. Q.8.What is HTML and where it is used? A. HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language is used to create web pages which are used over internet. Q.9. what do you mean by controls explain giving examples? A. Controls are means to create graphical user interface. Example- textbox, button, checkbox, dropdown list. Q.10.What is A. is framework supported by .Net to develop web applications. Q.11. How program is compiled in .NET? A. First we write source code in any .net supported language than it is compiled by compiler, after this compilation we get MSIL and this MSIL is used by CLR to execute compiled code. Q.12.What is virtual method, explain? A. A method in c sharp like function in c++. Virtual method is a method to which we can override. Q.13.What is method overloading explain giving an example? A. If a method has more than one prototype and same number of definitions it means method has been overloaded.

Q.14. Name of .NET versions? A. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 , 3.5 we have used 2.0 Q.15.What is abstract class give an example? A. We cant create object of abstract class, It acts like a base class. We can inherite it and can use its properties. Q.16.What are constructor and destructor? A. Constructor is method of class having same name as of class and used for initializing object of class. B. Destructor is used to deallocate memory used by constructor so that it can be used further. Q.17.What is compile time and runtime polymorphism? A. method overloading and operator overloading are examples of compile time polymorphism. Method overriding is example of runtime polymorphism. Q.18.What is class and object? A. Class is collection of similar types of objects. Encapsulate data and function in a single unit using class. B. Q.19.How many languages .NET supports? A more than 20 Q.20. what is ADO.NET? A. It is collection of classes and methods to supports data insertion, deletion, updation , through front end . Q.20. Name types of application which can be developed using .NET? Ans: (1)console,(2)window based,(3) web based.


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