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Gwangju News

International Magazine for Gwangju and Jeollanamdo

January 2007
Volume 7, Issue 1

GIC Cultural Tour: Hae-nam

By Windi Indra Muziasari

A Visit to the Indian

Cultural Center in Gwangju
By Shilpa Pradeep

What Are You Watching?

By Dave Martin
I want to apologize to our wonderful writers for not publishing all the stories we were
sent for January because we had fewer volunteers this month to help us proofread
the magazine. We had enough stories to put together a much larger issue for
January, but since some of our regular writers are on vacation for the holidays, we
are reserving a few stories for the next issue.

We want to thank our new volunteers at the Gwangju International Center for their
tireless efforts to translate and prepare the new bus routes this month. If there is a
demand, we will republish the 8 page pull-out of the routes in March when many
new foreign workers will be arriving.
Kammy Benham, Editor

A Smart Cop
Policeman testifies in court...

If you ever testify in court, you might wish you could have been as sharp as this policeman.
He was being cross-examined by a defense attorney during a felony trial. The lawyer was trying to undermine the
policeman's credibility.
Q: "Officer -- did you see my client fleeing the scene?"
A: "No sir. But I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender, running several blocks
Q: "Officer -who provided this description?"
A: "The officer who responded to the scene."
Q: "A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?"
A: "Yes, sir. With my life."
Q: "With your life? Let me ask you this then officer. Do you have a room where you change your clothes in
preparation for your daily duties?"
A: "Yes sir, we do!"

Q: "And do you have a locker in the room?"

A: "Yes sir, I do."
Q: "And do you have a lock on your locker?"
A: "Yes sir."
Q: "Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow officers with your life, you find it necessary to lock your locker
in a room you share with these same officers?"
A: "You see, sir -- we share the building with the court complex, and sometimes lawyers have been known to walk
through that room."
The courtroom erupted in laughter, and a prompt recess was called. The officer on the stand has been nominated
for this year's "Best Comeback" line -- and we think he'll win.

By Analyn Camahalan Park

2 Gwangju News January 2007

Contributors Contents
Photo by Anton Scholz

January 2007, Volume 7, Issue 1

Publisher: Dr. Yoon Janghyun

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Shin Gyonggu
Editor: Kammy Benham
4~5 GIC Talk: Senior Fair & Social Issues
Copy Editor: Nathaniel Kent

Coordinator: Kim Minsu 8~9 Hannkkah: The Festival of Lights

Writers: Maria Lisak, Melissa Yassinow, Windi Indra , Judy
Rigby, Rebecca Fairless, Amber Kininmont, Dave Martin, 10~12 GIC Cultural Tour: Hae-nam
Jonathan Brenner, Melenie Steyn, 2Ys, Sandra Wyrwal,
Choi Young Hoon, 8ball, Jon Ozelton, Mun Seongjin, 14~15 Defending the Helpless in Sri Lanka
Gemma Middleton, Shilpa Pradeep, Jeff Smith, Lee Suhyun
Layout and Design: Minsu Kim
16~17 Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Cover photo: Anton Scholz

Proofreading: Chris Benham, Audry Hawkins, Laura Fischer, 18~30 New Gwangju Public Transportation System
Allyson Saperstein, Melissa Yasinow, Rebecca Fairless,
Kammy Benham, Karen Dueck, Shin Gyonggu, Melissa 32~33 What Are You Watching?
Yassinow, Venessa Berry
Printed by: Hana Printing
34~35 Let’s Ski! Muju Ski Resort
Special thanks to the City of
Gwangju and all of our sponsors. 40~41 A Visit to the Indian Cultural Center in
Copyright by the Gwangju International Center.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by this copyright may be
reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, mechanical, 42~43 American Sports During Holiday Season
photocopying, recording or otherwise - without the written consent of the
Gwangju News welcomes letters to the editor (
regarding articles and issues. All correspondence may be edited for reasons of
clarity or space.
「In Every Issue」

6~7 The Korean Way No. 52

7 Useful Korean Phrase

07, 09, 45, 52, 55, 59, 61, 51, 58, 80, 82
53, 56, 57, 518 1187, 1000

09 Jonggak
13 Bar Review: BILLBOARD in Cheomdan
57 , 45
,5 ,5
18 6,

36 World through the Eyes of a Teenager:

55, 59, 61,
1187, 1000
Is Fashion to blame?
37 Once Upon a Time: Welcome Sun

38~39 Home Pages

44 Upcoming Events

45 Comminity Board

Gwangju News January 2007 3

GIC Talk

Senior Fair
& Social Issues

GROWING OLD IN KOREA – While there are government programs to assist older
people who have no family to depend on, or are below the
REALITIES OF AGING IN A “BBALLI poverty line, other families receive little assistance from
BBALLI” WORLD the government. Over 40% of older people live with their
family. There is little social infrastructure or support for
If you are 65 years old and Korean that means you were families to cope with the particular health and living
born into a country under Japanese colonial rule. You issues of aging family members. While, overall, Korea can
were four years old when the Americans and Soviets support aging parents at home due to improved standards
divided Korea into two parts at the 38th parallel. You of living, many families are ill-prepared for the reality of
were nine years old when your country entered a civil war. taking care of an elderly family member.
You have lived, studied and worked through the
incarnations of Six Republics and survived life during Home care service provided by the government is
military rule. If you were in Gwangju you were thirty-nine increasing slightly, but there is still no respite care, a break
years old when you experienced the 1980 Gwangju for the caregiver, that is offered or supported by the
Uprising. You have seen your country obtain global government. Services that provide respite care are hard to
economic success that should have improved your living find.
situation; you took care of your aging parents. You know Home care service, which includes laundry, food
what it means to be Korean, to hold the Confucian values preparation, cleaning and some companionship, is
such as the responsibility between parents and children. available for older people living alone, but not provided
You took care of your children. Now it is time for them to for family care situations.
take care of you.
The government is responding by building care homes or
While the majority of people aged 65 are healthy, a hospitals, but these are more costly than most families can
minority suffer ill health and disability. They need afford.
support to live daily. In Korea this care is to come from
In 2008 the government is planning to implement a long-
your family. Adult children are the primary care givers to
term care insurance system to help relieve the financial
their parents. Following the civil code of caring for aging
burden. But is this enough? Other more alarming social
parents has become increasingly more difficult due to
issues that are emerging are elderly mistreatment and
rapid social change.
abuse, as well as abandonment.
The speed of aging, decreasing population with an
increase in life expectancies, categorizes 9% of the Korean GIC TALK SERIES– CARING FOR
population as senior citizens (the U.S. and Japan are at
20%, Europe at 15%). Gwangju has 148,207 people
(10.48%) who are over 60 years of age and the rural BY PROFESSOR MI KYUNG CHO
region of Jeonnam has 424,492 or 23.38% (2005).
Professor Cho Mi Kyung from Gwangju University’s
Care needs increase as people age past 75. Since family Social Welfare Department shared her expertise and
sizes are smaller than previous generations and more passion for older people care on December 16, 2006 at our
women join the workforce, care for elderly family GIC Talk Series. Her area of research is in dementia. After
members has become more stressful for families. listening to her research results, it was easy to identify

4 Gwangju News January 2007

with the emotions and frustrations of caring for loved
ones suffering from dementia. Her research also clearly Activities (mainly in Seoul): educate people interested in
outlines some special troubles families caring for older senior and their welfare to raise awareness and work for
parents suffering from dementia face on a daily basis. senior, publish the quarterly magazine, Silver Line,
provide seniors with telephone-counsel, arrange 'A
Of those surveyed, a majority felt it was their obligation or
Meeting for Solid Old Age' for single senior, publish Silver
duty to care for their parent, thus it was unavoidable.
Life Info Survey (more comprehensive and professional)
Troubles occur especially when the senior can’t converse,
nationwide with the help of Samsung Electronics,
creating a loss of communication, which leads to
establish 'Seoul Senior Welfare Visual Info System' with
alienation. Additionally, caretakers feel resentful or bitter
the aid of Seoul Metropolitan Government, run 'Seoul
because they must care for the parent with little support
Senior Class Instructor and Program Pool System' with
from brothers or sisters. They also worry about the strain
the help of Seoul Metropolitan Government, counsel for
on their relationship with their sibling(s). Some
domestic violence, run programs such as Senior Life
care–givers have turned down promotions, as the elderly
Simulation, etc., form 'Old Age Volunteer Club' for needy
parent would not be able to cope with such a large change
senior to deliver lunch box and become a conversational
to their environment. Another issue is that while care
partner (mainly done by younger, healthier senior), and so
members receive practical and emotional support from
neighbors, they still feel reluctant to talk about their care
problems. If people want, they can become a member by paying a
membership fee monthly.
In the question and answer component of the GIC Talk, it
was shared that nongovernmental agencies are increasing
2. Home Nurse Association in Gwangju and
services for older people. Specifically, they are focusing
Jeonnam - Korean Homecare Nurses Association
on social issues in order to help seniors maintain active Tel) 02-2267-5688
intellectual lives (for example, GIC, as an NGO,
Homecare Nurse System was first adopted in Jan. 1990
encourages seniors to regularly attend the GIC Talks and
after revising the medical law.
What is the Homecare Nurse System? Patients are
SENIOR FAIR provided with a homecare nurse system if they receive
continuous treatment and homecare service by doctors. It
The Kim Dae Jung Center also hosted the Senior Fair at can help patients recover from illnesses and save them
the beginning of December. Organized by the Gwangju money rather than choosing long-term hospitalization.
Metropolitan Government, highlights included exhibitions Once a patient is chosen as an eligible recipient for the
on senior housing, care service, equipment, finance, service, they get basic homecare service, examination,
medicine, tours and commodities (fashion). Seminars medication, training and so forth.
were held on senior care, dentistry, insurance, trade and If you want to be a homecare nurse, you should have three
investment exchange, and welfare commodities. The years experience (minimum) in the area within the last
Public Senior Hospital Association, Senior Disease ten years, finish all of the proper education and then pass
Institute in Gwangju and Jeonnam, Home Nurse the test.
Association in Gwangju and Jeonnam and Hospice
Association in Gwangju and Jeonnam also held seminars. 3. Hospice Association in Gwangju and Jeonnam
A Simulation Hall of Senior Life was also available to
educate attendees about the elements of a senior citizen’s Tel) 053-256-7893 (Daegu)
life. Tel) 062-232-4953, Gwangju CCC Love Hospice
Korea Hospice Association was established in 1991.
SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATIONS – People can be a member by paying a membership fee
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES monthly or annually.
Purpose: to provide assistance and care for patients by
1. Korea Senior's Call Association in Gwangju and improving hospice service and its quality, exchanging
Jeonnam ( in Seoul): information and opinions at the seminar, forum,
Non-profit organization / workshop, etc.
Tel) 062-322-0773
They publish the newsletter monthly.
It is made up of a Senior Welfare Center (Senior class),
You must take a test to be a volunteer worker.
Counseling Center and Weekly Protection Center.
Purpose: to provide counsel (economic, social,
*Translation of Senior Fair and associations provided by
psychological, health-related, housing information, etc.
8ball: translator extraordinaire
for seniors), guidance and service and help them find
other institutes and facilities that can do the same
By Maria Lisak
Established in March 1994 (Seoul) and in Sep. 1995

Gwangju News January 2007 5

The Korean Way No. 52

The 1988 Seoul Olympics

That Brought Together the
East and West

Hand in hand
See the fire in the sky,
We feel the beating of our hearts together.
This is our time to rise above,
We know the chance is here to live forever.
For all time, hand in hand we stand
All across the land we can make this world

A better place in which to live.

Hand in hand we can start to understand,
Breaking down the walls that come between
us for all time, arirang
(Refrain) Hand in hand breaking down the the sports arena.
walls between us, In 1979 Russia invaded Afghanistan. They refused
Breaking down the walls. withdrawal demands made by the Free World. As a
result United States President Jimmy Carter initiated

ited above is the ‘88 Seoul Olympic theme song the boycott and 60 some countries followed suit. Only
sung at the opening ceremonies in both English 6000 athletes from 81 countries participated in the
and Korean. Koreans took great pride in hosting Moscow Games. Some participating countries did not
the Olympic Games after 8 years’ preparation. even attend the opening ceremonies nor did some
Korea was and still is a divided country when it applied medal winners attend the medal award ceremonies. In
in 1980 for the hosting of the ’88 Olympics. The world these instances the Olympic song was played instead of
at that time was still divided into East and West. Korea the winner’s national. There was a riot among the
being an ideologically divided country was spectators and the level of competition was said to be
apprehensive lest it should fail to be nominated as the rather poor.
host country. But all the people rejoiced when the
happy news of acceptance reached the country from Four years after the ‘80 Moscow Olympics, Los Angeles
Badenbaden, Germany. hosted the Games. This time countries under Russian
influence boycotted. Only 6,800 athletes from 140
As “breaking down the walls” in the song suggests, the countries participated in these games. Communist
Seoul Olympics was indeed an occasion to break down China took part in these games for the first time.
the walls between the East and West. The two Commercialism was also introduced in the 1984
preceding Olympics, the 22nd in Moscow in 1980 and Olympics and every game was telecast with large scale
the 23rd in Los Angeles in 1984 were half Olympics, so advertising.
to speak, because the free world countries boycotted
the Moscow Olympics and the Communist countries The 24th Olympics held in Seoul in 1988 became the
boycotted the L.A. Olympics in retaliation. real breakdown of the walls between the East and West.
A total of 195 countries and 8,500 athletes from both
When Pierre de Coubertin of France revived the Worlds participated in these Games. It was also in
Olympic Games in 1896, the ideal was the elimination these Olympics that the long-held amateurism was
of politics, race, religion, wealth, and social status. It abolished and professionals were allowed to compete.
was a great pity that international politics crept into Ben Johnson (Canada) was disqualified after winning

6 Gwangju News January 2007

Useful Korean Phrases
수업 끝나고 나서 친구를 만날 거예요.!!
[Sueob kkeutnago naseo chingu-reul mannal
I will meet my friend after the class.

① 밥을 먹다 +!텔레비전을 보다
→ 밥을 먹고 나서 텔레비전을 봤어요.!

② 친구를 만나다 +!서점에 가다

→ 친구를 만나고 나서 서점에 갈 거예요.!

! Vst!!+고 나서(after!!+s)!
*! !

영호:! 오늘 수업 끝나고 나서 뭐 할 거예
the 100-meter dash due to a positive drug test. 요?!
Koreans, a divided nation, were very proud of having (Yeong-ho: What are you going to do after
brought together the divided worlds and of having class today?)
their athletes compete on the friendly fields of Yeong-ho: Oneul Sueob kkeutnago naseo mwo
athletics. Because of this friendly competition many hal geoyeyo?
new world records were set. Ranked by the number of
gold medals, Russia was first, East Germany 2nd, 미현:!친구하고 점심을 먹을 거예요.!
U.S.A 3rd, and Korea 4th. Korea’s 4th place was a kind (Mi-hyeon: I am going to have lunch with my
of miracle. Some people say that Koreans took friend.)
advantage of their home ground advantage. But the Mi-hyeon: Chingu-hago jeomsimeul meokeul
records were indicative of Koreans’ self-confidence.
With the phenomenal economic growth in the
preceding two decades, people came to entertain a
certain kind of enthusiasm or passion for what they
수지:!백화점에 가서 선물을 살 거예요.!
(Suji: I am going to go the department store to
buy a gift.)
Koreans call this shinbaram, and once they get hold of Suji: Baekhwajeam-e gaseo seonmuleul sal
this, they work wonders. This is how a country of 40 geoyeyo.
million took 4th place in the Olympic competition.
Leaders beware! Let people have their Sinbaram! The 유리:!영화를 보고 나서 쇼핑을 할 거예요.!
grand finale was the traditional country circle dance (Yuri: I am shopping after watching a movie.)
called Kanggang Suwollae in which all athletes and Yuri: Yeonghwa-reul bogo naseo shoppingeul
spectators participated Hand in Hand. hal geoyeyo.
By 2Ys
By Ji Hyeyoung
“The Korean Way” is a standing column to allow the readers She is teaching Korean at the GIC.
some insight into the thoughts and views of the culture that we
live in. We invite you to express your thoughts on this and any
other column via email at

Gwangju News January 2007 7

Feature Article

The Festival of Lights
ike many in the international community, I This last act caused the Jews to revolt.
really begin to miss shome around the holiday Led by Judah Maccabee, the Jewish revolt consumed
season. In fact, nothing makes me miss the Israel for three years. In the end, Judah Maccabee and
sights, sounds, and smells of home quite like a his soldiers successfully drove the better-armed and
piping-hot dinner of plain white rice and kimchi in late much larger Syrian-Greek army out of Israel.
The thing is though, that while many of my Christian The Miracle of Hanukkah
friends long for a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and When Judah Maccabee returned to the Second Temple,
their grandmother’s “figgy-pudding,” I miss the he found it in ruins. Everything religious was
trappings of a different holiday. desecrated or burned. Pig’s blood was strewn
everywhere. After cleaning and repairing the temple,
I want to wait for sunset and light the menorah with Judah Maccabee wanted to rededicate it from the
my family; I want to play dreidel with my cousins and Greek faith back to Judaism.
open my presents; I want to eat my bubbe’s oh-so-tasty
latkes. The most important part of the rededication ceremony
was the lighting of the Second Temple’s large golden
I am a Jew, and I want to celebrate Hanukkah. menorah (an oil lamp with many branches). However,
after scouring the temple, Judah Maccabee and his
What is Hanukkah? men could find only a tiny jar with enough oil for one
night. Miraculously, this tiny amount of oil burned for
eight straight nights—long enough for the Jews to make
Hanukkah, which literally
more oil and keep the menorah continuously lit.
means “dedication,” is known
throughout the Jewish world as
the Festival of Lights. How Hanukkah is Celebrated
Hanukkah is an eight-day long Every year the miracle of Hanukkah is celebrated by
celebration that begins at Jewish families throughout the world. Although the
sundown on the 25th of Kislev celebration varies slightly from region to region, the
(the third month of the Hebrew essence remains the same.
calendar). This year Hanukkah
lasted from sunset on The Menorah
!fully lit menorah December 15th to sunset on
The most important tradition for families, besides
December 23rd. Hanukkah is a
retelling the story of Hanukkah, is the lighting of the
festival that commemorates the survival of the Jewish
menorah. The menorah used in today’s homes is a
people and the rededication of the Second Temple in
candle holder with space for 9 candles. Eight candles
Jerusalem. (The remnants of the Second Temple are
symbolize the eight days of Hanukkah. The ninth
now the holiest place in all of Judaism—the Wailing
candle is called the shamash, literally meaning
“servant.” This ninth “servant” candle is used to light
In the year 200BCE, the Jews were an independent the other eight candles and is generally placed either
people who lived in Israel, which at the time was under higher or lower then the rest of the candles and in the
Syrian rule. They paid taxes to Syria and were allowed middle. On the first night of Hanukkah, the shamash is
to freely practice their faith. This all changed when the used to light only one candle. Each night another
Syrian-Greek King Antiochus IV came to power in candle is lit until the menorah is full.
175BCE. By 168BCE Judaism was outlawed and its
The lit menorah holds a special place in a Jewish home.
followers were forced to convert upon pain of death.
After lighting the candles and saying prayers, the
However, the greatest insult came when Antiochus
menorah is placed in a window, facing the street. Much
turned the Second Temple into a temple for Zeus.
like Christmas lights, the menorah in the window lets

8 Gwangju News January 2007

the world know that Hanukkah is being celebrated. which stands for “A Great Miracle Happened There.”
When children play dreidel they generally win
The Games and the Gifts chocolate filled coins or money, better known as gelt (it
and the Food means “gold” in German).
Unlike many Jewish holidays Although many view dreidel as simply a children’s
that require somber prayer and game, it actually has great historical meaning. Although
repentance, the eight days of Judaism was outlawed under Antiochus, many Jews
Hanukkah are truly a festive kept a lookout outside while they secretly studied the
time. No Hanukkah is complete Torah. Whenever Syrian-Greek soldiers came around,
without noise, gifts, games, the scholars would quickly hide their texts and play
food, and more food. Because dreidel. When the soldiers came around, they thought
the Miracle of Hanukkah !Sufganiyot the Jews were just gambling!
revolves around oil, traditional
Hanukkah food is nothing short of deep fried goodness. Finally, no Hanukkah is complete without gifts.
The most common Hanukkah foods are latkes and According to tradition, children are supposed to receive
sufganiyot. Latkes are deep fried potato pancakes that small gifts on all eight nights. Usually, kids receive gifts
are smothered in sour cream, applesauce, or ketchup. on only the first two nights. In order to combat the
(For those of you somewhat familiar with the American undeniable lure of Christmas and Santa Claus,
Jewish community, think of really delicious hash Hanukkah has lately become more commercial in the
browns with a side of extra cholesterol and guilt!) West. Some families give their children eight gifts, one
Sufganiyot are ball-shaped donuts that are deep fried, for each night, but they are generally two large
filled with custard or jelly, and then powdered in sugar. (expensive) gifts, and six smaller ones.
Latkes are generally preferred in America, Canada, and
Europe while sufganiyot are more popular in Israel. Hanukkah in Korea
Being a Jew in Korea is far from easy. If I want to enjoy
Another Hanukkah staple is the dreidel. A dreidel is a any Jewish services, I have to go to Seoul. However, I
four-sided top that children spin also really enjoy being a “representative” of my
in a game also called “dreidel.” religious community in Korea. For many, I am the first
On each side of the dreidel is a (and possibly last) Jew they will ever meet. This means
Hebrew letter. On dreidels in that I get to teach them about my family, my faith, and
Israel, the letters are nun, gimel, my traditions. Last week I even cooked latkes for all of
hei, pei. These letters are an the teachers at my school. Seeing a bunch of ajumas
acronym for “A Great Miracle talking and laughing over skillets full of latkes
Happened Here.” Outside of reminded me of home. I couldn’t help but smile when
Israel, the four sides of the they took a bite of their first latke and yelled “맛있어
dreidel are nun, gimel, hei, shin, 요!!” All in all, it has been a great Hanukkah!
! Dreidel
By Melissa Yasinow

Potato Latke Recipe (Cooking Skill Level: EASY)

Serves: 6 colander (this may take awhile but it will make the
Ingredients: 2 lbs/1 kg latkes crisp and less soggy).
potatoes, 2 large eggs, 4. Beat the eggs lightly with salt, add to the potatoes,
Salt (to taste), Oil for frying and stir well.
Other Possible 5. Film the bottom of a frying pan with oil and heat.
Ingredients: You may add 6. Spoon the potato/salt/egg mixture into the frying
black pepper, chopped pan until desired size. Flatten the latke on the frying
parsley, and/or finely pan and put the heat on "medium" to cook the latkes
chopped onion to the egg and potato mixture for extra evenly through.
taste! 7. When one side is brown, turn over and brown the
other side.
Directions: 8. Lift out and serve very hot.
1. Peel and finely grate the potatoes.
2. Put the grated potatoes straight into cold water. Side Note: Latkes are generally eaten with sour cream,
3. Drain and dry the potatoes with your hands in a apple sauce, or ketchup.

Gwangju News January 2007 9


10 Gwangju News January 2007

GIC Cultural Tour

aturday, November 25, 2006 was one of my all other the world. There were people from China,
most memorable days in S. Korea. I went on the America and of course HanGuk too. The participants
GIC “Fantastic Flight” cultural tour. The tour's included teachers, students, lovely families with their
destination was to the most southern province in children and married couples. The other nice GIC
S. Korea, Haenam, Jeollanam-do. It was “top banget” committee members welcomed us with chocolate cake
(Indonesia: really cool). I won this tour as a third place and juice which was an extra special treat.
crossword puzzle winner. Kamsa Hamnida very much
We arrived at our first destination, the Daeheungsa
GIC for allowing me to become a winner. I was so
Temple, about lunchtime. We began with lunch
excited! I told all of my friends. I felt so bad that they
(delicious bibimbap) in a Korean restaurant. Next, we
couldn't accompany me on this tour. They missed
many wonderful moments.
The day of the tour, I woke up especially early to make
prepartions for the trip, especially my warm coat and
wool gloves. The weather was rather mild, but, to me it
was quite chilly. My hometown, Bandung, West Java
(Indonesia) is very tropical, the lowest temperature is
only about 15-18 C. I can't imagine how cold it will be
when it snows!
Since there were many people from our campus
(GIST), the bus picked us up in front of the main
building at 9 am. Our group consisted of Pakistani and
Indian people. Daniel was the first GIC committee
member that we met. "Thank you for your warm
welcome". Then the bus picked up the other
participants and GIC committee members at the bus
terminal. It's marvelous having a tour with people from

Gwangju News January 2007 11

strolled through romantic autumn trees to the temple, ducks (Ga-chang Ori) were already resting. We missed
which is one of the many Korean treasures. There are the sunset moment when we could witness the brown
hundreds of Buddhist statues and many Stupas in and blue color of the head ducks flying and dancing in
memory of the great monks who had stayed in the the sky. Anyway, we still enjoyed warm ra-myun and a
Temple. Later, we were entertained with a special “Tea cup of hot coffee for dinner with sounds of the ducks
ceremony” led by a monk. Daeheungsa temple is talking and always with chilling weather.
famous for the great teacher of Korean tea culture,
Our last destination was to return to our nice WARM
Master Choui, and the wonderful flavor of its teas. The
home, our Gwangju.
monks believe that you need a good mind to make good
tea. They must have great minds because their tea was This cultural tour, sponsored by the GIC was
fabulous. I would like to revisit this temple to compare astonishing. I wish that I
it with the layouts of the other Buddhist temples I had could join this tour again
visited. and again and again. The
GIC provided us with so
Our second destination was Ddang-Kuet Watchtower
many conveniences and
on Songho-ri, Haenam-gun. It was established on
added extra dimensions
2002. Travelers are provided with beautiful scenery of
to our tour.
the sea by taking the Monorail Train. After about an
hour, we enjoyed a panoramic view of the sea from the Many thanks to Singsing
top of the tower which was about 39.5m high. We and the GIC volunteers
continued the tour to the most popular bird watching for your guiding us to a
site in South Korea, Gocheonam Lake. This dammed very enjoyable time.
lake was built 20 years ago, since that time, 200,000
migrating birds have come to this place. It has recently By Windi Indra Muziasari
become the most popular birdwachers destination in
the world. Unfortunately, when we arrived there, the

12 Gwangju News January 2007

Bar Review

professor at Nambu University in Cheomdan, started

meeting regularly with other foreigners on Wednesday
nights at Billboard. Billboard has become a popular
meeting place ever since then. Sue explains, " I knew that
there were quite a few foreigners who lived in Cheomdan
and neighboring areas of Gwangju, with no place nearby
to meet. Going downtown is great on a Saturday night,
but it's quite far from Cheomdan. It's nice to get together
mid-week closer to home."
Billboard is a good place to meet people, foreigners and
Koreans, to relax or even vent with a beer or drink of your
The large table makes it easy for everyone to get to know
each other. The bathrooms are spotless which is always
important here in korea.
People start arriving anytime after 9:15, and sometimes
hang out until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. ... or later!!
Billboard is located in the cheomdan area, across the
BILLBOARD in Cheomdan street from the graves of Wol-gye dong cemetery, and

caty-corner from LC tower/Baskin Robbins.
n the Cheomdan area of Gwangju there is bar that is
frequented by the foreign community. The name of the If you do not live in Cheomdan, take a bus or taxi and get
bar is Billboard, and it is a small family-owned bar. off at LC tower. There is a large sign above the door which
One person told me, "The family who owns the bar you can't miss. It is on the 2nd floor.
treats all of the foreigners like family." The son, Wong- The regulars try to make all new-comers feel welcome.
che, is the main bartender and the mother runs the There are farewell and birthday parties plus other events.
kitchen. Billboard is somewhat small but cozy. Most foreigners who frequent Billboard are English
There are tables with comfortable chairs around the teachers; but some are students who are studying at GIST
perimeter of the bar. In the center is what looks like a (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology). There are
large pool table converted into a table with bar stools also Korean English teachers and locals who want to meet
surrounding it. There is a decent selection of beer on tap and socialize with foreigners.
as well as in bottles. You can't really get mixed drinks If you are free on a Wednesday night or if you live in the
except hard liquor mixed with OJ or soda. Soda and juice outskirts of Gwangju, why not give Billboard a try?
are available. There is a limited menu. The orders come in
large portions. Be prepared to share. The fried chicken By Judy Rigby,
and chips are excellent. The draught is only 2,000 won. English teacher in Gwangju from Vermont USA

About two and a half years ago, Sue Wheadon, an English

Gwangju News January 2007 13

Around The World

Defending the helpless in Sri Lanka

ast summer vacation, I traveled Europe with my and the police are responsible for these disappearances. At
friend. Although I was a poor backpacker, I was that time, the JVP (the communist party) tried to seize
always worried about pickpockets because I had power through insurrection, like in the Bolshevik
heard from so many other backpackers Europe is revolution.
heaven for pickpockets. Sometimes when I saw some
To deal with this situation, Sri Lanka government gave
police officers, I felt relieved and glad.
unlimited power to the army and the police. The police
However, after I went to Sri Lanka, my thoughts and and army unmercifully arrested and kidnapped large
beliefs about the police wholly changed. The police are not numbers of people and then killed them. According to
the reliable ones any more. I even thought it was better for official data, more than 30,000 people disappeared during
me to avoid the police. Did I commit a crime in Sri Lanka? this period. In the name of securing the country from the
OF COURSE NOT!! I am innocent in Korea as well as in JVP, the police and army kidnapped and killed so many
Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, although I am an innocent citizen, people. However, the police and the army abducted and
it's better to avoid the police. killed not only JVP members but also innocent people or
the opponents of the UNP (the UNP was a ruling party at
Do you know about the period from 1950 to 1980 in
that time). The method of "finding" JVP members was
Korea? Actually, I don’t have any experience in this period
unreasonable. One of my Sri Lankan friends was arrested
because I was born in 1985. However, through books,
three times because he had beard. Luckily he is alive.
media, and persons who experienced it, I got to know this
dark and gloomy age. Under dictatorship and National
However, unlike him, so many people were killed because
Security Law, innumerable numbers of the innocent
of trivial reasons. If the disappeared were real JVP
citizens were arrested, tortured, and imprisoned.
members, did the police and army kill these people? No! If
Sometimes they were killed or became disabled. At that
they were real JVP, they thought it was better to imprison
time, the police were not working for citizens but for
or sue them. I think not all of the disappeared people were
persons in power. Of course, I believe that the present
real JVP members, so the police and army didn't release
Korean police might protect the nation’s life and security.
them but killed them. The police and army wanted to hide
Anyway, the present situation in Sri Lanka is the same as
their faults arresting and torturing the innocent people.
the past period in Korea.
UNP and persons who are liable for this incident still keep
Last October 26th and 27th, the Disappearances Day was silent.
held in Seeduwa, Sri Lanka. From 1987 to 1991, large-
scale disappearances took place in Sri Lanka, especially in This disappearances day, Ms.Jayanthi, who is the
the Southern district. The Disappearances Day is to coordinator of “Families of the Disappeared" and won the
commemorate the disappeared. The problem is that army Gwang-ju award in 2003, invited the Sri Lankan president

With Gerald Perera’s wife, Padma Perera - he was killed

by torture in November, 2004
Participants in the street rally at Wattala

14 Gwangju News January 2007

The monument of the disappeared Tortured victims–He planted an iron With the tortured victim who mentions
core into his leg for 2 years. only poor and powerless goes to jail.

and representatives of each party. But, the Sri Lankan The situation in Sri Lanka is the same. The police who
president and the representative of the UNP did not tortured the innocent persons are promoted continuously.
attend. Moreover, Sri Lankans are not concerned about Only two police officers that tortured people were
this incident because of war and difficulties in living in the punished. Many torture victims have made complaints
country. Though the government compensated the family against the police officers. However, the trials are always
of the disappeared, they only gave at most two hundred delayed and the victims are threatened by the police
US dollars to a few families. The government is indifferent officers that tortured them. Because of all this, most
to compensate the families of the disappeared and torture victims give up finding justice.
investigate this tragedy because disappearances still take
place in Sri Lanka. In Broad daylight one of the police officers that tortured a
victim murdered the victim. The victim, Gerald Mervyn
Sri Lankans have already produced a female president and Perera, was arrested because of mistaken identity, but the
prime minister. However, police brutally tortured
women's rights have still The police and army unmercifully arrested and him. One torture
been neglected, in kidnapped large numbers of people and then victim’s statement
particular Tamil women (in killed them. According to official data, more flashed through my
Sri Lanka, majority is than 30,000 people disappeared during this mind. “The legal
Sinhalese and Tamil is system is only for the
period. rich and the influential
minority ethnic group). One
Tamil rape victim managed in Sri Lanka. If you can
to report to the police after being raped by two men. But go to the prison, you get to know those prisoners are there
the police did not help the victim. Rather, the police because they are poor and not powerful.” Of course, not all
removed conclusive evidence and agreed to bail for the police act like that. However, most police officers forget
two accused. In another case, the police demanded that their duties. Though NGOs urge for legal reform, the
the rape victim's mother pay petrol during the government ignores all these demands.
investigation. Besides this police officers persuaded the
mother of the victim to drop the case. Usually, the police The reality of Sri Lanka reminds me of past and present of
regard investigations as a bother. If the accused is affluent Korea. Korea developed economically and acheived
and influential, the police protect the accused. democracy through the blood and sweat of so many
Korean laborers and activists for the democratic
Moreover, torture still happens in the course of an movement. However, violation of human rights have still
investigation. These torture cases always remind me of the occurred in society. I know it takes some time to uproot
past in Korea. Last November, so-called Torture those things. However, if we recognize those things and
Technician Lee Geun-an was released upon the expiration try to reform those problems of society, it will be stepping
of his term. While in the police department, his stone to solve this problems.
promotions had been rapid. In addition, he won official
commendation sixteen times.
By. Mun Seongjin

Gwangju News January 2007 15

Feature Article

Actions speak louder than words

couple of months ago a local Gwangju newspaper donate their time, efforts and money to help
printed a poorly researched story about ESL support a number of local charities.
teachers in this city. It implied that English
teachers are a violent bunch of drunks who prowl
Throughout the barbecue I overheard a lot parents saying
the streets at night looking for a fight. What upset me
how great it was for their kids to get a chance to play
most about that article wasn’t the shoddy journalism but
outside with other kids their age. Children were
that it propagated a negative stereotype about a group of
everywhere! Many people remarked that we should
people that I am part of and it simply is not true.
organize this type of “family oriented” event more often. I
I happen to know for a fact that the foreign community in say “go for it” based on the deliciousness of the food
this city is generous, friendly and family oriented. Had alone!
you been at the soccer game/barbecue at Chosun
University on Saturday November 18th than you would Droves of people came out to eat western style barbecue. I
have seen proof of this for yourself. More than a hundred love Korean food, but it’s nice to have a little taste of home
foreigners and dozens of Koreans donated to the Sung-bin sometimes. There were hot dogs, chicken kebabs and a
orphanage by attending the soccer match between our huge pot of homemade chili (that was consumed in record
local men’s Inter-FC team and their rivals from Gecko’s time). It wasn’t just the foreigners digging in either. Plenty
Seoul. There was an after-party of Koreans were sampling the
at Mike and Dave’s Speakeasy fair too.
where Seoul rockers “The Forty
I’m really impressed by the way
Days” put on another spectacular
collectively everyone pitched in
show for us. In total over 1.5
to put this event on. I
million won was raised for the
understand it’s going to become
an annual event now. It wasn’t
Of course a sensational just a few organizers that made
story about a street fight that day such a success. When
between Koreans and you realize just how many
people contributed in some way
foreigners is going to
it ends up being almost the
play right into the fears whole foreign community. Just
of many Koreans and look at all the people who helped
probably sell a lot more out.
newspapers. But, it is
It began when the two team
this same “feared” group
captains (hero) Pete Ross from
of people who regularly

16 Gwangju News January 2007

Gwangju and Craig Branch from Seoul set up a time and Trivia Questions
date for the event. Branch accomplished no small feat
himself by wrangling upwards of 20 people, (including a
Easy SN: What is the
soccer team and a rock band) onto a bus and delivering
traditional gift for a 10th
them to Gwangju.
G: Why is Mozambique wedding anniversary?
Mike from Speakeasy took a big gamble and cooked up the odd one out of the
hundreds of dollars worth of barbecue “fixin’s”. Smart following African SL: In which European
move, it all sold. countries: Zimbabwe, capital did the 1952
Mozambique, Malawi, summer Olympics take
The volunteer staff at the game helped man the BBQ's and Zambia? place?
serve the hungry patrons.
Some people took up collections on their own including E: Which famous movie
John Boot of the Gwangju Soccer team who raised director was born in Bloody Hard
170,000 won with his students. Cincinnati, Ohio?
G: The Katmai national
The G.I.C provided the tables, barbecues and other H: Name the Roman monument is in which US
essentials free of charge. Catholic feast of state?
Alan McPherson donated his time and use of his "Bongo" celebrating the taking up
of the Virgin Mary (body E: Which former singer
to deliver the tables and large items to and from the event.
and soul) into heaven and presenter has the
Several hundred thousand more won was donated at the when her earthly life was middle names of Maria
Speakeasy after-party thanks in no small part to a very ended. Veronica?
determined and persuasive soccer player with a bucket in
his hand. AL: Who created the H: After Muhammad’s
character Ashley Wilkes in death in 632AD, his
Kasia Auer and Nishat Amad operated a second barbecue
the only novel she wrote? father-in-law became the
outside of Speakeasy. They managed to raise another
first caliph of Islam. What
200,000 won for the orphans as well.
SN: What is the only was his name?
There are countless more people who helped in their own prime number between
way and let's not forget all of those who donated by simply 90 and 100? AL: What are the 5
buying a hot dog or giving a cash donation. Every little bit classical orders of
helps! All of the money raised will go into a trust fund for SL: Which team was architecture?
the orphans’ education. runner-up to Brazil in the
2002 World cup? SN: What is the better
This type of event wasn’t a one-off either. Foreigners are known name of the tree
supporting local charities all year long. Gary Farr's 1970's Chilean pine?
and 80's themed birthday bash on Dec. 9th at Speakeasy Not-so-easy
raised another 500,000 won for the orphans. There is SL: What ball game was
currently a "Christmas Toy-Drive" on as well. Anyone with G: Name the Dutch colony invented by an
suitable gifts for girls, beauty products, books, dolls, in the Caribbean with Amsterdam schoolmaster
clothing etc. can drop them off at Speakeasy anytime and white sandy beaches and in 1901?
Santa will get them where they need to go by Christmas. temperate blue seas.
Does all of this kindness and generosity sound indicative
of a violent, drunken mob? Let’s make our actions speak E: Who played the role of Source:
louder than their words and keep doing the right thing. a ‘mad scientist’ in,
By Gemma Middleton ‘Superman’?

H: In what year was the Categories

G: Geography
world amazed by the
E: Entertainment
discovery in China of an H: History
8000 strong army of life- AL: Arts and Literature
sized baked-clay soldiers SN: Science and Nature
(terracotta army) buried SL: Sports and Leisure
inside the tomb of
Emperor Qin? By Amber Kininmont

AL: Where was The answers are on page 45

Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado
About Nothing’ set?

Gwangju News January 2007 17

New Gwangju Public Transportation System
Gwangju public bus system was changed due to the Gwangju Station: 518, 1187, Jin-weol 07, Geumnam
introduction of semi-public management as of 57, Geumnam 58, Yudeok 65, Jin-weol 79, Du-am 81,
December 21st. The routes are divided into three Imgok 89, Ilgok 180, Yongjeon 184
levels in addtion a village route with 14 lines.
Gwangju City Hall: 518, Sunhwan 01, Pung-am 16,
Ji-weon 25, Ilgok 38, Ji-weon 45, Ji-weon 50, Sangmu
Express Routes: Five Red Lines
62, Sangmu 63, Sangmu 63, Song-am 64, Song-am
Major Routes: Nineteen Yellow Lines
73, 1000
Branch Routes: Sixty-two Green Lines
Songjeong-ri Station: Sangmu 02, Songjeong 29,
New Bus Number Songjeong 39, Cheomdan 40, Imgok 90, Songjeong
You can find out where the bus is coming from and 96, Songjeong 99, Songjeong 197, Imgok 290,
going to with the name and number on the bus. Songjeong 297
Ex) 상무 (Sangmu) 02, 풍암 (Pung-am) 16
For more information
United Free Transit System Website:
Phone: 062)613-4521~4526
You can transfer for free within one hour after scanning
(The Public Transportation Department, Gwangju City)
your transportation card for the first time when you get
in the bus. However, you can transfer to a bus free of
charge within 30 mins after scanning at the destination
The Romanization of Korean
subway station.
ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ
If the fare is different, you will need to pay only the a eo o u eu i ae
difference. A free transfer is not possible from a bus to
ㅔ ㅚ ㅟ ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ
another with the same route no.
e oe wi ya yeo yo yu
Public transportation fare ㅒ ㅒ ㅘ ㅙ ㅞ ㅢ

Adult Teenagers Child yae ye wa wae wo we ui
Cash 1,000 won 700 won 300 won
ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ
g, k n d r, l m b s
950 won 670 won 300 won
Card or ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅎ ㄲ
ng j ch k t h kk
ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ
Bus Routes to Major Landmarks
tt, dd bb ss jj
Culture Complex Station (Old Docheong, Downtown):
518, 1187, Jin-weol 07, Cheomdan 09, Ji-weon 45, Ji- - Initial voiceless stop consonants b, d & g are represented
weon 51, Ji-weon 52, Ji-weon 53, 1000, Geumnam 55, as p, t & k at syllable final: 한국 ---> hanguk
Geumnam 56, Geumnam 57, Geumnam 58, Geumnam
- A hyphen was inserted when the second syllable begins
59, Pung-am 61, Munheung 80, Du-am 82
with a vowel: 풍암 --> Pung-am
Gwangju Bus Terminal: 518, Sunhwan 01,
Cheomdan 09, Pung-am 16, Ji-weon 25, Pungam 26, Direction
Ilgok 38, Songam 47, 1000, Sangmu 64, Yudeok 65, Two Way Traffic: pick up and drop off locations close to each other
Daechon 69, Imgok 89 One Way Traffic: pick up and drop off locations further apart

Gwangju Airport: Sangmu 02, Songjeong 19,

Cheomdan 20, Ilgok 38, Songjeong 19, Cheomdan 20,
Ilgok 38, Songjeong 39, Sangmu 62, Song-am 73, *Translation of New Bus Routes provided by GIC Korean
student volunteers, Park Se-ryeong, Kim Seonggon, Kim
Songjeong 99, Village Bus 790

18 Gwangju News Jenuary 2007

Red Lines (Express Route) Market Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Ibgu Station ( Samick
Ceramic (N) Hak-dong Pyeonghwa Mansion) ( Hak-dong
Sunhwan 01: Mudeung Park Apt.) Unlim Middle School Jeungsimsa
Sangmu Jigu Sangmu Hanguk Apt. (W) Korea Cadasral
Survey Corporation City Hall Beodeul Ma-eul Yellow Lines (Major Routes)
Gwangcheon Terminal Gwangcheon Police Station
Gyeongshin Girls High School Chonnam Univ. Sageori (E) Ji-weon 15:
Gwangju Station Overpass Seobang Sageori Gwangju Univ. Wolnam-dong Nok-dong Sotae Station (N) Mudung
of Education Punghyang Market Sansu Ogeori (N) Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Salesio Girls High School Chosun Univ. Namgwangju Hyeophwe ( Samick Ceramic (N)) ( Samick Ceramic (S))
Station Namgwangju Nonghyup ( Baeg-un Post Office (S)) Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Ibgu Station Hak-dong Market (
( Baeg-un Post Office (N)) Mudeung Market Ibgu (S) Chosun Univ. Humun) ( Namgwangju Sageori) Chosun
Pung-am Wumi Apt. Pung-am Hanguk Apt. Pung-am Univ. Salesio Girls High School Gwangju Court Ibgu
Hanshin Apt. Pung-am Moa Apt. Majae Post Office Majae Sansu Ogeori (N) Du-am Town Apt. Ibgu Punghyang
Daeju Apt. Seo-gu Culture Center Kumho Siyeong Apt. Samgeori Gwangju N. Univ.of Education ( Seobang Market
CBS Braodcasting Station ( Sangmu Middle School) ( Kumho (S)) ( Seobang Market (N)) Dongsin High School ( Usan 1
Elementary School) Unchun Jeosuji Nonghyup Uncheon Police Station) Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library
Jijeom Korea Water Resouces Corporation ( Sangmu Munhwa Middle School Hyundai Apt. Jugong Apt. (
Hanguk Apt. (W)) ( Sangmu Hanguk Apt. (E)) Sangmu Seongsan Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. Ochi Kepco (S)
Jigu Seosan Elementary School Ochi 1(il)-dong Office 31sadan
Army Division Sa-mil Apt. ( Yangilno Ibgu) Ilgok Sageori
Sangmu 02: Ilgok Elementary School Ilgok Middle School Seo-il
Sangmu Station Seochang Station Seochang Ibgu Elementary School Gwangju Transport Training Institute
Airport Ibgu Songjeong Park Ibgu Yeonggwang-tong Myeongsang-ui Jib Uchi Park Saengryong Jisan Ma-eul
Songjeong Station Songjeong Seo Elementary School Yongjeon Sageori (S) Yongjeon
Pyeong-dong Station
Pung-am 16:
Pung-am 06: Maewol-dong Daedong High School Hwahe Danji
Maewol-dong Daedong High School Pung-am Sageori (E) Gonggu Danji ( Pung-am Sageori (W)) ( Seogwangju Station
Majae Daeju Apt. Seo-gu Culture Center Kumho Moa Apt. Ibgu) Gwangju Middle School Majaejongwon Apt.
Worldcup Stadium Wolsan Ma-eul Wolsan 5(o)-dong Kumho-dong office Kumho Dogaegong Apt. Kumho Moa
Shinwoo Apt. Juwol Residential Complex (S) Baeg-un Post Apt. Worldcup Stadium Yeomju Gymnasium Yeomju
Office (S) Kkachi Gogae ( Daesung Elementary School) ( Jugong Apt. Yeomju Sageori (W) Seogwangju Tax Office
KBC Broadcasting Station) Hyanggyo Ibgu ( Chungjangno Sinhakdae. Humun Ssangchon Station ( Korea Rural
Police Station (N)) ( Chungjangno Police Station (S)) Art Community&Agriculture Corporation) Honam Univ.Ibgu
Street Ibgu Dae-in Market Kwangju High School Uncheon (Honam Univ. Ibgu) Station ( Sangmu Jigu Ibgu)
Seobang Sageori Overpass Seobang Market (S) Dongsin Nonghyup Uncheon Jijeom Korea Water Resouces
High School Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library Corporation Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation The Bank
Gwangju Hospital Agricultural Joint Market ( Munheung of Korea City Hall Gyesoo Beodeul Ma-eul
Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) Jangdeung-dong Gwangmyoung Heights Humun Back Gate Kia Motor
Jungmun Gwangcheon Terminal Hyundai Motor Im-
Jin-weol 07:
dong Hanguk Adelium (S) Bohun Hegwan Mudeung
Song-am Industrial Complex Songwon College Song- Stadium (S) Gyeongshin Girls High School Un-am Market
am Samick Apt. Dongsung High School Daesung Girls High ( Culture & Art Center Un-am 1 Complex) Un-am 3
School Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High School Complex Un-am Middle School Un-am Wumi Apt.
Baeg-un Gwangjang Baeg-un Post Office (S) Kkachi Gogae ( Gwangju City Rehabilitation Center Donglim Pureun Ma-eul
Daesung Elementary School) ( KBC Broadcasting Station) San-donggyo Banchon Health College Jeonnam
Hyanggyo Ibgu Ent. ( Chungjangno Police Station (N) Technical High School Sinchang-dong Electonic Technical
Culture Complex Station (W)) ( Chungjangno Police Station High School Bohun Hospital Cheomdan Saenghwal Physical
(S)) Geumnamno 5ga Station Gwangju Il High School Exercise Park Cheomdan Hoban 3cha Apt. Cheomdan
Yu-dong Sageori ( Hyundai Department Store) Gwangju Buyeong Apt. Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Office Cheomdan 1(i)-
Station (W) Chonnam Univ. Sageori (E) Chonnam Univ. dong Office Ssangam Park Gwangju Institute of
Humun(S) Daesin Park Apt. Ochi Kepco (S) Bukbu Police Science Technology
Station Gwangju Technical High School Ibgu Korea High
School (S) Ilgok Sageori Seo-il Elementary School Jin-weol 17:
Salesio High School Song-am Industrial Complex Songwon College Song-
am Industrial Complex Ibgu Namsun Industry Song-am
Cheomdan 09:
Samick Apt. ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Dongsung High School
Cheomdan Jongjeom Human Resources Development Daesung Girls High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt.
Service of Korea Ssangam Park Wolgye Middle School Daekwang Girls High School ( Jangsan Elementary School
Eung-am Park Cheomdan Lain Apt. Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Ibgu) Baeg-un Gwangjang Namgwangju Nonghyup
Office Mu-yang Seo-won Ibgu Nambu Univ. Sinchang Bongsun Middle School Ibgu Namgwangyo Namgwangju
Elementary School Sinchang-dong Post Office Singa Wumi Station ( Chosun Univ. Humun) Chosun Univ. Salesio
Apt. Singa Sageori Gwangsin Daegyo Donglim Samick Girls High School Gwangju Court Dongsan Elementary
Apt. Ibgu Yudeok Elementary School Gwangcheon Terminal School Dongsan Apt. Sansu 2(i)-dong Office Honnam
Buksung Middle School Gwangju Il High School Mansion Yulgok Elementary School Du-am Jugong Apt.
Geumnamno 5ga Station Culture Complex Station (W) Samjung Elementary School Daeju Villa Du-am Lain
Dong-gu office (S) Chonnam Univ. Hospital Hak-dong

Gwangju News January 2007 19

Dongsan Apt. Munhwa Elementary School Munhwa Apt. Ancheong Ancheong Nonghyup Hanam Steel Dohyeon
Gwangsin Apt. Gwangju Hospital Munheung Goga Jingok -donggil Oseon-dong Korea Alps Honam
Munheung 2(i)-dong office Munheung Lain Apt. Shany Gyeongbang Joong-ang Daily Heukseok Sageori
Munheung Lain Dongsan Apt. ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( West Unnam 9 Complex Wolgok Market Wolgok 1(il)-
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (W)) Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa dong Odung Elementary School Gwangsan Middle School
Jangdeung-dong Sochon Kumho Apt. Arirang Gogae Songjeong I.C (
Songjeong Police Station (S)) Airport Ibgu Jang-am Ma-eul
Munheung 18: Seochang Ibgu Wolam Seochang Station Jeonnam
Jangdeung-dong Doseonsa Do-dong Gogae ( High School Ibhu Sangmu Station Sangmu Jigu Ibgu
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (W)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) Unchun Jeosuji Sangmu Middle School ( Chipyong Middle
Munheung Kumho Apt. Munsan Middle School Munheung School) Baegil Elementary School Ssangchon Siyeong Apt.
1(il)-dong office Saeteocoa Munheung 2(i)-dong office Yeomju Sageori (W) Yeomju Jugong Apt. Yeomju
Munheung Goga Gwangju Hospital Munhwa Middle School Gymnasium Worldcup Stadium
Hyundai Apt. Jugong Apt. Chonnam Univ. Humun
Upside Chonnam Univ. Humun(S) ( Jungheung Police Ji-weon 25:
Station) Pyeonghwa Market ( Gwangju Station Overpass) Wolnam-dong Nok-dong Sotae Station (N) Mudung
( Jungheung Samgeori (N)) Chonnam Univ. Sageori (E) Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Yongbong Elementary School Sinangyo Sinan Jungheung Hyeophwe ( Samick Ceramic (N)) ( Samick Ceramic (S))
Park Apt. Gyeongshin Girls High School Un-am Market ( Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Station Hak-dong Market
Culture & Art Center Un-am 1 Complex) Un-am 3 Complex Namgwangju Station Namgwangyo Bongsun Middle School
Un-am Elementary School Ibgu Seokang College Ibgu Namgwangju Nonghyup Juwol Residential Complex
Seokang College Ibgu (W) Donglim Samick Apt. Ibgu (N) Shinwoo Apt. Wolsan 5(o)-dong Wolsan 4(sa)-dong
Dongcheon Ma-eul Donglim I.C Ibgu Gwangsin Daegyo Geon-gang Hyeophwe KCCI The Bank of Korea
Sunkwang School Ibgu Geukrak Station Ibgu Singa Jugong Hwajeong Jungheung Park Apt. ( Shinsegae Department Store
1 Complex ( Mokryeon Ma-eul) Mokryeon Ma-eul 6 (S)) ( Shinsegae Department Store (N)) Gwangcheon
Complex Unnam Samsung Apt. Gwangsangu Senior Terminal Kia Motor Jeongmun Gu Songwon College
Welfare Center Yeongcheon Elementary School Wolgok Jinseong Apt. Samwoo Apt. Gwangcheon-dong
Market Wolgok 1(il)-dong Hanam Middle School Chilseong Ma-eul ( Yudeok Elementary School Beodeul Ma-
Sungsim Hospital eul Gyesoo) ( Geukrak Noinjeong Kukrak Elementary
School) City Hall The Bank of Korea Korea Cadasral
Songjeong 19: Survey Corporation Korea Water Resouces Corporation
Songsan Yuwonji Songsan Yuwonji Ibgu Dongmyoung Sangmu Jungheung Apt. Gwangju Women’s Development
High School Seobong Ma-eul (W) Seobong Ma-eul (E) Center Sangmu Civil Park Sangmu Jigu
Honam Univ. Gwangsan Campus Seonam Maebanggol
Bomun High School Song-un Jutaek Songjeong Kepco Pung-am 26:
Kumho Tires Co. Yeonggwang-tong Songjeong Park Ibgu Maewol-dong Daedong High School Seobu Motor Dealing
Songjeong Police Station (N) Airport Ibgu Jang-am Ma- Complex Mechine Instrument Complex Seobu Agricultural
eul Seochang Ibgu Wolam Seochang Station Jeonnam And Marine Products Wholesale Market Gonggu Danji
High School Ibhu Ent. Sangmu Station Sangmu Jigu Ibgu Pung-am Sageori (E) Majae Buyeong Apt. Majae Daeju Apt.
Uncheon (Honam Univ. Ibgu) Station Honam Univ. Ibgu Seo-gu Culture Center Kumho Dogaegong Apt. Kumho
( Korea Rural Community & Agriculture Corporation) Moa Apt. Worldcup Stadium Yeomju Gymnasium
Ssangchon Station Jaetdeung Hwajeong Station Sosok Yeomju Jugong Apt. Yeomju Sageori (E) Yeomju Mansion
High School ( Sangrok Hegwan) Seo-gu Office ( Hwajeong Middle School Gwangdeok High School
Seogwangju Kepco Dolgogae Station (E)) ( Dolgogae Station Hwajeong Sageori Hwajeong Hyundai Apt. Kia Industry
(W)) Yang-dong Market Station (S) Kwangju Bank Bukbu Gwangcheon Terminal Gwangcheon Police Station The
Jijeom Gwangju Il High School Lotte Department Store ( Second Gwangcheongyo Gyeongshin Girls High School
Dae-in Gwangjang (E) Jungheung 1(il)-dong office) ( Dae-in Sinan Jungheung Park Apt. Sinangyo Yongbong Elementary
Gwangjang (N) Jungheung Market Samsung Call Center School ( Chonnam Univ. Sageori (W)) Chonnam Univ.
Sunbok-um Church) Kwangju Bank Gyeong-yangno Jijeom Chonnam Univ. Middle School Chonnam Univ. Middle School
Seobang Sageori Overpass Seobang Market (S) Dongsin Humun Sinangyo Ibgu Yuchang Apt. Yongju Elementary
High School Malbawoo Market (W) Pyeonghwa Mansion School Ochi Elementary School Gwangju Technical High
Buk-gu Office Chonnam Univ. Humun(N) Chonnam Univ. School Ibgu Korea High School (S) ( Samgak Green Town)
Humun Upside ( Seongsan Mansion Apt.) Daesin Park Apt. Kukje High School Ilgok Sageori Ilgok Elementary
Ochi Kepco (S) Yongbong Middle School Natural Science School Ilgok Middle School Seo-il Elementary School
High School ( Saeteocoa) ( Munhung Middle School) Gwangju Transport Training Institute Myeongsang-ui Jib
Munheung Lain Apt. Munheung Lain Dongsan Apt. ( Uchi Park
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (W)) Do-
dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung-dong Bongseon 27:
Namgu Culture & Art Center Bongseon Samick Apt. (S)
Cheomdan 20: Bongseon Lain Apt. Bongseon Daehwa Apt. Juwol Middle
Cheomdan Jongjeom Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu School Ibgu ( Gukje Hotel) Namgwangju Nonghyup
Samso-dong Hyunjang Minwonsil Eunhae Shool Amkor Bongsun Middle School Ibgu Namgwangyo Namgwangju
Korea Cheomdan Samsung Electronics Foxzone (S) Mail Station ( Chosun Univ. Humun) Chosun Univ. Salesio
Center Cheomdan Woori Bank Cheomdan Sageori Girls High School Gwangju Court Ibgu Sansu Ogeori (N)
Cheomdan Lain Apt. Cheomdan Elementary School Du-amtown Apt. Ibgu Punghyang Market Kisan Bokhab
Cheomdan Kumho Apt. ( Bia Apt.) Sin-donga Apt. Shopping Center Du-am Jugong Ibgu Deoksan Apt.
Dongwon-chon Bia Nonghyup Bia Hoban Apt. Bia Cheongmyeong Apt. Dongkang College Humun Malbawoo
Fire&Police Station Bia Jungheung Apt. Docheongyo Market (W) Pyeonghwa Mansion Buk-gu Office (

20 Gwangju News January 2007

Jungheung Police Station) Pyeonghwa Market ( Gwangju Elementary School Gwangju Transport Training Institute
Station Overpass) ( Jungheung Samgeori (N)) Chonnam Salesio High School
Univ. Sageori (E) Yongbong Elementary School Sinangyo
Sinan Jungheung Park Apt. Gyeongshin Girls High School Cheomdan 30:
Un-am Market ( Culture & Art Center Un-am 1 Complex) Cheomdan Jongjeom Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu
Un-am 3 Complex Un-am Middle School Un-am Wumi Apt. Korea Photonics Technology Institute. Human Resources
Gwangju City Rehabilitation Center Donglim Pureun Ma-eul Development Service of Korea Daechang Woonsu Korea
San-donggyo Banchon Health College Ibgu Jeonnam Institute of Industrial Technology Electronics &
Technical High School Sinchang-dong Electonic Technical Telecommunication Research Institute Gwangju Institute of
High School Bohun Hospital Bohun Hospital Humun Science Technology Ssangam Park Cheomdan 1(il)-dong
Mu-yang Seo-won National Open Univ. Bia Shinhyup Office Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Office Cheomdan Buyeong Apt.
Cheomdan Lain 8cha Apt. Cheomdan Library Wolgye Cheomdan Hoban 3cha Apt. Cheomdan Lotte Mart
Middle School Cheomdan Elementary School Humun Gyotong Park Bokryong Ibgu Yongdu Jugong Yangsan
Gwangju TBN (Traffic Broadcasting) Foxzone (N) Human Town Yangsan-dong Big Mart Yangji Elementary School
Resources Development Service of Korea Sageori Korea Dong-A Pharmaceutical Yeoncho Jejochang Humun
Photonics Technology Institute. Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu Yeoncho Jejochang Lotte Chilseong Coca Cola Bonchon
Gonae Ibgu Cheomdan Jongjeom Fire & Police Station Native Local Foods Museum Kukje
High School ( Samgak Green Town) Korea High School (S)
Ilgok 28: Gwangju Technical High School Ibgu Ochi Elementary School
Salesio High School Gwangju Transport Training Institute Yongju Elementary School Yuchang Apt. Sinangyo Ibgu
Yu-gyeok Training Camp Ilgok Cheongsol Apt. Wolsan Chonnam Univ. Middle School Humun Chonnam Univ.
( Yangilno Ibgu) Sa-mil Apt. 31sadan Army Division Middle School Chonnam Univ. Sinan-dong Office
Ochi 1(il)-dong office Seosan Elementary School ( Ochi Taebong Saema-eul Geumgo ( Mudeung Stadium(N))
Kepco (N)) ( Ochi Kepco (S)) Daesin Park Apt. ( Seongsan Mudeung Stadium Ibgu The Second Gwangcheongyo
Mansion Apt.) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside ( Chonnam Gwangcheon Police Station Shinsegae Department Store (N)
Univ. Humun(N)) ( Chonnam Univ. Humun(S)) Buk-gu Hwajeong Jungheung Park Apt. KCCI Geon-gang
Office Pyeonghwa Mansion Malbawoo Market (W) Hyeophwe Wolsan 4-dong Wolsan 5-dong Shinwoo Apt.
Dongkang College Humun Cheongmyeong Apt. Deoksan Juwol Residential Complex (S) Baeg-un Gwangjang (
Apt. Du-am Jugong Ibgu Kisan Bokhab Shopping Center Jangsan Elementary School Ibgu) Daekwang Girls High School
Punghyang Market Du-amtown Apt. Ibgu Sansu Ogeori (N) Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daesung Girls High School
Gwangju Court Ibgu Salesio Girls High School Chosun Dongsung High School ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Song-am
Univ. ( Chosun Univ. Humun) Namgwangju Station Samick Apt. Namsun Industry Song-am Industrial Complex
Hakrimgyo Bridge Bangrim Samgeori Songrim Residential Ibgu Songwon College Song-am Industrial Complex
Complex Lain Hyochin Moa 2cha Apt. Bongseon Police
Station Bongseon Samick Apt. (S) Jobong Elementary Ji-weon 35:
School Nam-gu Office Bongseon Daehwa Apt. Juwol Wolnam-dong Nok-dong Sotae Station (N) Mudung
Middle School Ibgu ( Gukje Hotel) Baeg-un Gwangjang ( Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Jangsan Elementary School Ibgu) Daekwang Girls High School Hyeophwe ( Samick Ceramic (N)) ( Samick Ceramic (S))
Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daesung Girls High School Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Station Hak-dong Market ( Chosun
Dongsung High School ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Song-am Univ. Humun) Chosun Univ. Salesio Girls High School
Samick Apt. Namsun Industry Song-am Industrial Complex Gwangju Court Dongsan Elementary School Dongsan Apt.
Ibgu Songwon College Dong-myeonghwe Unri Ma-eul ( Sansu 2(i)-dong Office Honnam Mansion Yulgok
Pung-am Daeju Apt. Pung-am Sageori (W)) ( Gonggu Danji Elementary School Du-am Taekji Punghyang Market
Ibgu) Seogwangju Station Ibgu Seo gwangju Station Kisan Bokhab Shopping Center Du-am Jugong Ibgu
Deoksan Apt. Cheongmyeong Apt. Dongkang College
Songjeong 29: Humun Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library
Dosan-dong Dosan Police Station Songjeong Seo Munhwa Middle School Hyundai Apt. Jugong Apt. (
Elementary School Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station Seongsan Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. Ochi Kepco (S)
Gwangsan-gu Office Yeonggwang-tong Songjeong Park Ibgu Yongbong Middle School Natural Science High School (
Songjeong Police Station (N) Songjeong I.C Arirang Munhung Middle School) Munheung 1(il)-dong office
Gogae Sochon Kumho Apt. Gwangsan Middle School Munsan Middle School Munheung Kumho Apt. ( Munheung
Odung Elementary School Wolgok 1(il)-dong Wolgok Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (W)) Do-dong Gogae
Market Yeongcheon Elementary School Gwangsangu Senior Doseonsa Jangdeung-dong
Welfare Center Unnam Samsung Apt. Mokryeon Ma-eul 6
Complex ( Mokryeon Ma-eul) Singa Jugong 1 Complex ( Bongseon 37:
Geukrak Station Ibgu) Singa Sageori Singa Jugong Apt. Namgu Culture & Art Center Bongseon Samick Apt. (S)
Singa Wumi Apt. Singa Middle School Sinchang-dong Post Bongseon Police Station Moa 2cha Apt. Lain Hyochin
Office Shinchang Middle School Sinchang Elementary Songrim Residential Complex Bangrim Samgeori
School Sinchang-dong Jeonnam Technical High School Hakrimgyo Bridge Namgwangju Station Chonnam
Health College Ibgu Banchon San-donggyo Donglim Univ.Hospital Chonnam Univ.Hospital Ogeori Dong-gu
Pureun Ma-eul Gwangju City Rehabilitation Center Un-am office (N) Chonnam Girls High School (W) Dae-in Police
Wumi Apt. Un-am Middle School Un-am 3 Complex ( Station Dongbu Fire Station Dae-in Gwangjang (W)
Culture & Art Center Humun) Cheyuk High School Kwangju Suchang Elementary School Humun Kwangju Bank Bukbu
National Museum Province Education Center Maegok Jijeom Yang-dong Market Station (N) ( Dolgogae Station
Ssang-yong Apt. Jung-we Ma-eul ( Yongbong Jugong) (W)) ( Dolgogae Station (E) Seogwangju Kepco) Seo-gu
Gwangju Technical High School Ibgu Korea High School (S) Office ( Sangrok Hegwan) Hwajeong Jungheung Park Apt.
( Samgak Green Town) Kukje High School Ilgok Sageori Shinsegae Department Store (N) Gwangcheon Police
Ilgok Elementary School Ilgok Middle School Seo-il Station The Second Gwangcheongyo Seongbo Medical

Gwangju News January 2007 21

Office Gwangamgyo Ibgu Seokang College Ibgu (E) School Ibgu Munhwa Geunrin Park Munhung Middle Jung-
Donglim Samick Apt. Ibgu Dongcheon Ma-eul Donglim I.C ang Elementary School Munheung Lain Apt. Munheung
Ibgu Gwangsin Daegyo Sunkwang School Ibgu Geukrak Lain Dongsan Apt. ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung
Station Ibgu Singa Jugong 1 Complex ( Mokryeon Ma-eul 6 Jigu Ibgu (W)) Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung-
Complex Geumgu Millde School) ( Mokryeon Ma-eul dong
Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex Geumgu Elementary School)
Singa Geumgu Nonghyup Daeban Elementary Shool Cheomdan 40:
Wolgok Market Wolgok 1(il)-dong Odung Elementary Cheomdan Jongjeom Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu
School Gwangsan Middle School Usan Siyeong 1 Complex Samso-dong Hyeonjang Minwonsil Eunhae Shool Amkor
Usan Siyeong 2 Complex (E) Kor. Cham. HRD Office Korea Daechang Woonsu Korea Institute of Industrial
Sochon Swite Valley Eo-ryong Elementary School Technology Electronics & Telecommunication Research
Jeonggwang High School Ibgu Jung-ang Elementary School Institute Gwangju Institute of Science Technology Jeong-
Sochon Seo-ra Apt. Songjeong Kepco Song-un Jutaek am Elementary School Cheomdan Kumho Apt. Cheomdan
Bomun High School Maebanggol Seonam Honam Univ. Elementary School Cheomdan Lain Apt. Cheomdan Sageori
Gwangsan Campus Seobong Ma-eul (E) Seobong Ma-eul Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Office Mu-yang Seo-won Ibgu
(W) Dongmyoung High School Songsan Yuwonji Ibgu Nambu Univ. Sinchang Elementary School Jinheung High
Songsan Yuwonji School Health College Humun Back Gate Sinchang 1cha
Apt. Sinchang-dong Post Office Singa Middle School
Ilgok 38: Singa Wumi Apt. Singa Jugong Apt. Singa Sageori
Salesio High School Gwangju Transport Training Institute Geukrak Station Ibgu Singa Jugong 1 Complex ( Mokryeon
Seo-il Elementary School Ilgok Middle School Ilgok Ma-eul 6 Complex Geumgu Millde School) ( Mokryeon Ma-
Elementary School Ilgok Sageori Kukje High School ( eul Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex Geumgu Elementary
Samgak Green Town) Korea High School (S) Gwangju School) Singa Geumgu Nonghyup Daeban Elementary
Technical High School Ibgu Bukbu Police Station Ochi Shool Wolgok Market Wolgok 1(il)-dong Hanam Middle
Jugong Ochi Kepco (S) Daesin Park Apt. ( Seongsan School Kwangju Women’s Univ. Usan Siyeong 2 Complex
Mansion Apt.) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside Chonnam (E) Usan Siyeong 1 Complex Sochon Kumho Apt. Arirang
Univ. Humun(S) ( Jungheung Police Station) Pyeonghwa Gogae Songjeong I.C Songjeong Police Station (N)
Market ( Jungheung Samgeori (N) Jungheung Samgeori Songjeong Park Ibgu Yeonggwang-tong Gwangsan-gu Office
(S)) Haegwang Mansion Jungheung 1(il)-dong office Songjeong-ri Station Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Seo
Dae-in Gwangjang (E) Lotte Department Store Gwangju Il Elementary School Dosan Police Station Dosan-dong
High School Buksung Middle School ( Yohan Hospital)
Im-dong Nonghyup Im-dong Office Im-dong Hanguk Ji-weon 45:
Adelium (N) Mudeung Stadium (S) Mudeung Stadium Ibgu Wolnam-dong Nok-dong Sotae Station (N) Mudung
The Second Gwangcheongyo Gwangcheon Police Station Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Gwangcheon Terminal Kia Motor Jungmun Gwangmyoung Hyeophwe ( Samick Ceramic (N)) ( Samick Ceramic (S))
Heights Humun Beodeul Ma-eul Gyesoo City Hall The Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Station Hak-dong Market (
Bank of Korea Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation Korea Namgwangju Sageori) Chonnam Univ. Hospital Chonnam
Water Resouces Corporation Sangmu Jungheung Apt. Univ. Hospital Ogeori Dong-gu office (S) Culture Complex
Gwangju Women’s Development Center Kimdaejung Station (W) ( Chungjangno Police Station (S) ( Chungjangno
Convention Center ( Seochang Station) Wolam Seochang Police Station (N) Jung-ang Daegyo) Hyanggyo Ibgu (
Ibgu Jang-am Ma-eul Airport Ibgu Songjeong Police KBC Broadcasting Station)( Daesung Elementary School)
Station (N) Songjeong Park Ibgu Yeonggwang-tong Daeseong Sageori Kkachi Gogae ( Baeg-un Elementary
Kumho Tires Co. Songjeong Kepco Song-un Jutaek School (S)) Mudeung Market Ibgu (S) Seonam Heights
Bomun High School Maebanggol Seonam Honam Univ. Keumdang Middle School Wonkang Univ.Hanbang Hospital
Gwangsan Campus Seobong Ma-eul (E) Seobong Ma-eul Pung-am Wumi Apt. Pung-am Kumho Apt. Sinam Ma-eul
(W) Dongmyoung High School Songsan Yuwonji Ibgu Pung-am Hanguk Apt. Pung-am Hanshin Apt. Pung-am
Songsan Yuwonji Moa Apt. Pung-am Jeosuji Majae Post Office Majae
Buyeong Apt. Majae Daeju Apt. Seo-gu Culture Center
Songjeong 39: Kumho Hanguk Apt. Kumho Siyeong Apt. CBS Braodcasting
Dosan-dong Dosan Police Station Songjeong Seo Station ( Sangmu Middle School) ( Kumho Elementary
Elementary School Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station School) Unchun Jeosuji Sangmu Hospital 5.18 Memorial
Gwangsan-gu Office Yeonggwang-tong Songjeong Park Park City Hall The Bank of Korea Korea Cadasral Survey
Ibgu Songjeong Police Station (N) Airport Ibgu Jang-am Corporation Sangmu Hanguk Apt.(W) Sangmu Jigu
Ma-eul Seochang Ibgu Wolam Seochang Station
Jeonnam High School Ibgu Sangmu Station Sangmu Jigu Song-am 47:
Ibgu Uncheon (Honam Univ.Ibgu) Station Honam Univ. Song-am Industrial Complex Song-am Industrial Complex
Ibgu ( Korea Rural Community & Agriculture Corporation) Ibgu Songwon College Dong-myeonghwe Unri Ma-eul (
Ssangchon Station Jaetdeung Hwajeong Station Sosok Pung-am Daeju Apt.) ( Gonggu Danji Ibgu) Pung-am
High School ( Sangrok Hegwan) Seo-gu Office ( Sageori (E) Majae Buyeong Apt. Majae Daeju Apt. Seo-
Seogwangju Kepco Dolgogae Station (E)) ( Dolgogae Station gu Culture Center Kumho Dogaegong Apt. Kumho Moa Apt.
(W)) Yang-dong Market Station (S) Yang-dong Market Worldcup Stadium Yeomju Gymnasium Yeomju Jugong
Cheongyo Gwangju Student Movement Monument Lotte Apt. Yeomju Sageori (W) Seogwangju Tax Office
Department Store Dae-in Gwangjang (E) Jungheung 1(il)- Sinhakdae. Humun Sangmu 1(il)-dong Office Hanguk
dong office Haegwang Mansion ( Jungheung Samgeori (S) Hospital ( Solmwe Town) Haitai Apt. Kia Industry
Jungheung Samgeori (N)) Pyeonghwa Market ( Gwangcheon Terminal Gwangcheon Police Station The
Jungheung Police Station) Chonnam Univ. Humun(S) Second Gwangcheongyo Gyeongshin Girls High School
Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside ( Seongsan Mansion) Sinan Jungheung Park Apt. Sinangyo Yongbong Elementary
Daesin Park Apt. Ochi Kepco Side Ojeong Elementary School Chonnam Univ.Sageori (E) Gwangju Station

22 Gwangju News January 2007

Overpass Haegwang Mansion Seobang Sageori Seobang dong Office Im-dong Nonghyup Im-dong Ogeori)
Market (S) Dongsin High School ( Usan 1 Police Station)
Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library Gwangju Hospital Ji-weon 54:
Donggwangju Jinibno Agricultural Joint Market ( Jeungsimsa Seongchon Hak-un Elementary School (
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) Do- Dongsan Ma-eul Ibgu) Unlim Middle School Yeonjinhwe Art
dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung-dong Exbition Hongrimgyo ( Mudeung Park Apt.) ( Hak-dong
Pyeonghwa Mansion Samick Ceramic (N)) Hak-dong
Green Lines (Branch Routes) Jeungsimsa Ibgu Station Hak-dong Market ( Namgwangju
Sageori ) Chonnam Univ.Hospital Chonnam Univ. Hospital
Ji-weon 50: Ogeori Dong-gu Office (N) Chonnam Girls High School (E)
Dae-in Market Kwangju High School Gyerim Sageori
Jeungsimsa Seongchon Hak-un Elementary School (
Seobang Market (S) Dongsin High School ( Usan 1 Police
Dongsan Ma-eul Ibgu) Unlim Middle School Yeonjinhwe
Station) Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library
Art Exbition Hongrimgyo ( Mudeung Park Apt.) ( Hak-
Munhwa Middle School Hyundai Apt. Jugong Apt. (
dong Pyeonghwa Mansion Samick Ceramic (N)) Hak-dong
Seongsan Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. ( Ochi Kepco (S)) (
Jeungsimsa Ibgu Station Hak-dong Market ( Namgwangju
Ochi Kepco (N)) Ochi Jugong Bukbu Police Station (
Sageori ) Namgwangju Station Hakrimgyo Bangrim
Jung-we Ma-eul Gonggan Apt.) ( Yongbong Jugong
Samgeori Songrim Residential Complex Lain Hyochin
Maegok Samick Apt.) Daehwa Apt. Jeonnam Civil
Moa 2cha Apt. Bongseon Lain Gwangjang Jeseok
Servant Education Institute
Elementary School Juwol Middle School Ibgu ( Baeg-un Post
Office (S)) ( Gukje Hotel Baeg-un Post Office (N))
Geumnam 55:
Mudeung Market Ibgu (N) Mudeung Market Myoungji
Jisan Yuwonji Ibgu Bamsil Ma-eul Jisan 2(i)-dong Office
Mansion Je-il Mansion Wolsan Ma-eul Juwol
Mae-il Market Ibgu Salesio Girls High School ( Chosun
Elementary School Yeomju Mansion ( Yeomju Sageori (W))
Univ.) Chosun Univ.Ibgu ( Dong-gu Office (S)) ( Dong-gu
( Yeomju Sageori (E)) Ssangchon Siyeong Apt. Baegil
Office (N)) Culture Complex Station (E) Chungjangno Police
Elementary School ( Chipyong Middle School) Sangmu
Station (N) Seonam Univ. Hospital Yangrimgyo Hakgang
Middle School Unchun Jeosuji Sangmu Hospital 5.18
Elementary School Christian Hospital Speer Girls High
Memorial Park City Hall The Bank of Korea Korea
School Suksan High Shool Seogwang Middle School (
Cadasral Survey Corporation Korea Water Resouces
Baeg-un Post Office (N)) ( Baeg-un Post Office (S)) ( Gukje
Corporation Sangmu Jungheung Apt. Gwangju Women’s
Hotel) Juwol Middle School Ibgu Daehwa Apt. Nam-gu
Development Center Sangmu Civil Park Sangmu Jigu
Office Jobong Elementary School Namgu Culture & Art
Ji-weon 51:
Jeungsimsa Seongchon Hak-un Elementary School (
Geumnam 56:
Dongsan Ma-eul Ibgu) Unlim Middle School Yeonjinhwe
Culture Complex Station (W) Art Street Ibgu ( Catholic
Art Exbition Hongrimgyo ( Mudeung Park Apt.) ( Hak-
Center) Dae-in Market Kwangju High School Gyerim
dong Pyeonghwa Mansion Samick Ceramic (N)) Hak-dong
Sageori ( Seobang Market (W)) ( Seobang Market (S))
Jeungsimsa Station Hak-dong Market ( Namgwangju
Seobang Market Ibgu Dong-bu Office of Education
Sageori ) Chonnam Univ. Hospital Chonnam Univ. Hospital
Jungheung 2(i)-dong Office Buk-gu Public Health Center
Ogeori Dong-gu Office (S) Culture Complex Station
Chonnam Univ. Humun(N) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside
( Seongsan Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. Yongbong Gukmin
Ji-weon 52:
Jutaek Samwon Mansion Yongbong Woomi Yuchang
Naenam Beobrimsa Temple Naeji Seon-gyo Gyo-
Honeymoon ( Yongbong Moa Apt.) ( Yuchang Honeymoon
dong Yong-yeon Jeongsujang Yong-yeon-dong Yong-
Ibgu) Yongju Elementary School Ochi Elementary School
yeon Jeongsujang Gyo-dong Seon-gyo Naeji Namgye
Gwangju Technical High School Ibgu Korea High School (S)
Overpass Namgye Ju-nam Nok-dong Sotae Station
( Samgak Green Town) Kukje High School Native Local
(N) Mudung Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary
Foods Museum Il-dong Middle School Il-dong Elementary
School Hansen Hyeophwe ( Samick Ceramic (N)) ( Samick
School Ilsin Elementary School Yu-gyeok Training Camp
Ceramic (S)) Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Station Hak-dong
Gwangju Transport Training Institute Ibgu Salesio High
Market ( Namgwangju Sageori ) Chonnam Univ. Hospital
Chonnam Univ. Hospital Ogeori Dong-gu Office (S) (
Culture Complex Station (W) Geumnamno 5ga Station
Geumnam 57:
Lotte Department Store Dongbu Fire Station Dae-in Police
Culture Complex Station (W) Geumnamno 4ga Station
Station Chonnam Girls High School (E))
Geumnamno 5ga Station Lotte Department Store ( Dae-in
Gwangjang (E)) ( Dae-in Gwangjang (N)) ( Jungheung 1(il)-
Ji-weon 53:
dong Office Sunbok-um Church) ( Jungheung Market
Wolnam-dong Nok-dong ( Sotae Station (N) Mudung
Samsung Call Center) Gwangju Station (W) Sinan Sageori
Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Chonnam Univ. Chonnam Univ. Middle School Chonnam
Hyeophwe Baeghwa Apt.) (Sotae Station (S) Yongsangyo
Univ. Middle School Humun Sinangyo Ibgu Yuchang Apt.
Gaya Farm Bitgo-eul Bokji Hwegawn Wooyoung Apt.)
Yongju Elementary School Ochi Elementary School
Bangrimgyo Hakrimgyo ( Namgwangju Market)
Gwangju Technical High School Ibgu Korea High School (S)
Yangrimgyo Seonam Univ. Hospital Chungjangno Police
( Samgak Green Town) Kukje High School Native Local
Station (N) ( Culture Complex Station (W)) ( Geumnamno
Foods Museum Bonchon Fire&Police Station Coca Cola
4ga Station) Chungjangno 5ga Ibgu Civil Center Wolsan
Lotte Chilseong Yeoncho Jejochang Yeoncho Jejochang
Police Station Dakjeon Meori Nonghyup Joint Market
Humun Sinheung Taxi Yangsan-dong Big Mart Yangsan
Dolgogae Station (E) Seogwangju KT Nongseong
Hoban 2cha Jisan Middle School Livestock Hygiene
Jungheung Park Balsangyo ( Chonbang Co. Im-dong
Research Department Geonguk-dong Office
Hanguk Adelium (S) Bohun Hegwan Im-dong Jugong Apt.
Mudeung Stadium (S) Im-dong Hanguk Adelium (N) Im-

Gwangju News January 2007 23

Geumnam 58: Sangmu 63:
Culture Complex Station (Jonggak) Chonnam Girls High Sangmu Jigu Sangmu Hanguk Apt. (W) Korea Cadasral
School (W) Dae-in Police Station Dongbu Fire Station Survey Corporation The Bank of Korea City Hall The May
Dae-in Gwangjang (W) Suchang Elementary School Humun 18 Memorial Foundation Moa Je-il Apt. Sangmu Hoban
Yudong Sageori ( Hyundai Department Store) Gwangju 3cha Yudeok Elementary School Donglim 2(i)-jigu
Station (W) Sinan Sageori Sinan-dong Office Taebong Seokang College Ibgu (W) Seokang College Un-am
Saema-eul Geumgo ( Gyeongshin Girls High School Jungan Elementary School Un-am 3 Complex ( Culture & Art Center
Girls High Shool) ( Mudeung Stadium (N) Gyeongshin Girls Humun) Cheyuk High School Kwangju National Museum
High School Un-am Market) Culture & Art Center ( Un- Province Education Center Maegok Ssang-yong Apt. (
am 1 Complex) Un-am 3 Complex Un-am Elementary Gonggan Apt.) ( Maegok Samick Apt.) Daehwa Apt.
School Ibgu Seokang College Seokang College Ibgu (W) Jeonnam Civil Servant Education Institute
Donglimgyo Donglim Samick Apt.
Sangmu 64:
Geumnam 59: Sangmu Jigu Sangmu Civil Park 5.18 Liberty Park
Culture Complex Station (E) Chungjangno Police Station Sangmu Kumho Apt. Sangmu Jungheung Apt. Korea Water
(N) Gwangju Park Cheongyo Yang-dong Market Yang- Resouces Corporation Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation
dong Market Station (Cheonbyeon) Yangdong-gyo The Bank of Korea City Hall The May 18 Memorial
Balsangyo(N) Balsan Gwangcheon Elementary School Foundation Moa Je-il Apt. Ssangchon Hyundai Apt. (
Nongseong 1(il)-dong Office KT&G ( Seogu Public Health Solmwe Town) Haitai Apt. Kia Industry Gwangcheon
Center) Seo-gu Office Nongseong Police Station Terminal Gwangcheon Police Station The Second
Hwajeong Jugong Hwajeong Middle School Yeomju Gwangcheongyo Gyeongshin Girls High School Sinan
Mansion Apt. Yeomju Sageori (E) Hwajeong Nam Jungheung Park Apt. Sinangyo Yongbong Elementary
Elementary School Lucky Apt. Yeomju Gymnasium School Chonnam Univ.Sageori (W) Chonnam Univ.
Worldcup Stadium Chonnam Univ.Middle School Chonnam Univ.Middle School
Humun Sinangyo Ibgu Yuchang Apt. Yongbong Hyundai
Pung-am 61: 3cha Apt. Biennale Exhibition
Maewol-dong Daedong High School Hwahe Danji
Gonggu Danji Pung-am Sageori (E) Majae Buyeong Apt. Yudeok 65:
Majae Daeju Apt. Seo-gu Culture Center Kumho Hanguk Deokheung-dong Hwani Mijiro Yudeok-dong Office
Apt. Kumho Siyeong Apt. CBS Braodcasting Station ( Yudeok Police Station Kukrak Elementary School Geukrak
Sangmu Middle School) ( Kumho Elementary School Noinjeong Donglim 2(i)-jigu Seokang College Ibgu (E)
Chipyong Middle School) Baegil Elementary School Gwangamgyo Ibgu Gu Songwon College (E) Kia Motor
Ssangchon Siyeong Apt. Yeomju Sageori (E) Yeomju Jeongmun Gwangcheon Terminal Hyundai Motor
Mansion Apt. Hwajeong Middle School Hwajeong Jugong Gwangcheon Elementary School Nongseong 1(il)-dong Office
Nongseong Police Station ( Seogwangju Kepco) ( Dolgogae Seogwangju KT Dolgogae Station (E) Yang-dong Market
Station (W)) Dongshin Univ. Oriental Hospital Wolsan Station (N) Yang-dong Market Cheongyo Gwangju
Elementary School Mujin Middle School Wolsan Sageori Student Movement Monument Gwangju Il High School Yu-
Woojin Apt. Gwangju Student Movement Monument dong Sageori ( Hyundai Department Store Gwangho
Geumnamno 5ga Station ( Geumnamno 4ga Station) Wedding Hall Yohan Hospital Iljin Hwamul Buk
Culture Complex Station (E) Gwangju Suhyup Sinan Sageori ) Gwangju Station (W)

Sangmu 62: Daechon 69:

Sangmu Jigu Sangmu Civil Park Kim Daejung Convention Chilseok Hachilseok Sangchilseok Dochon Jiseok
Center Jeonnam High School Ibgu Sangmu Station Sageori Daechon Jujojang Gye-dong Hak-dong
Nonghyup Uncheon Jijeom Korea Water Resouces (Seochang) Yongdu Ibgu Seochang Police Station
Corporation Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation The Bank Jungchon Jeolgol Ibgu Seochang-dong Office Dongha
of Korea City Hall The May 18 Memorial Foundation Masan (Daechon) Seochang Nonghyup Seochang Sageori
Moa Je-il Apt. Sangmu Hoban 3cha Yudeok Elementary Wolam Seochang Station Jeonnam High School Ibhu
School Donglim 2(i)-jigu Donglim Samick Apt. Ibgu Ent. Sangmu Station Sangmu Jigu Ibgu Uncheon
Dongcheon Ma-eul Donglim I.C Ibgu Gwangsin (Honam Univ. Ibgu) Station Honam Univ.Ibgu ( Korea
Sunkwang School Ibgu Geukrak Station Ibgu Singa Jugong Rural Community & Agriculture Corporation Ssangchon
1 Complex ( Mokryeon Ma-eul) Mokryeon Ma-eul 6 Station) Sangmu 1(il)-dong Office Hanguk Hospital Kia
Complex Unnam Samsung Apt. Gwangsangu Senior Motor Jungmun Gwangcheon Terminal Hyundai Motor
Welfare Service Center Yeongcheon Elementary School Gwangcheon Elementary School Nongseong 1(il)-dong Office
Wolgok 2(i)-dong Office Hanam Middle Jung-ang Elementary Seogwangju KT Dolgogae Station (E) Yang-dong Market
School Ibgu Sungsim Hospital Kwangju Women’s Univ. Station (S) ( Kwangju Bank Buk-bu Jijeom Buksung Middle
Usan Siyeong 2 Complex (W) Kor. Cham. HRD Office School Yang-dong Market Station (Cheonbyeon))
Sochon Swite Valley Eo-ryong Elementary School
Jeonggwang High School Ibgu Jung-ang Elementary School Daechon 70:
Sochon Seo-ra Apt. Kumho Tires Co. Yeonggwang-tong Seungchon Seungchon Jutaek Complex Yuchon
Songjeong Park Ibgu Songjeong Police Station (N) Airport Yangchon Hakchon Muhak Elementary School (Sinjang)
Ibgu Jang-am Ma-eul Seochang Ibgu Wolam Yukmyojang Hachon Sangchon Daechon Migok
Seochang Station Jeonnam High School Ibgu Sangmu Cheorijang Daechon-dong Office Hajiseok Sangjiseok
Station Nonghyup Uncheon Jijeom Sanmu Jungheung Apt. Wonsan Pochungsa Boksu Leejang 2-dong Leejang
Gwangju Women’s Development Center Sangmu Civil Park 1-dong Suchon Yanggwa-dong Hyangdeung Song-am-
Sangmu Jigu dong Inseong High School Namsun Industry Song-am
Samick Apt. ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Dongsung High School
Daesung Girls High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt.

24 Gwangju News January 2007

Daekwang Girls High School ( Jangsan Elementary School ( Yeomju Sageori (W) Seogwangju Tax Office Sinhakdae.
Ibgu) Baeg-un Gwangjang Baeg-un Post Office (S) ( Humun Jaetdeung Hwajeong Sageori Gwangdeok High
Baeg-un Elementary School (N)) Kkachi Gogae Daeseong School Hwajeong Middle School Yeomju Mansion
Sageori Wolsan Sageori Woojin Apt. ( Gwangju Student Yeomju Sageori (E))
Movement Monument Lotte Department Store Dongbu
Fire Station Dae-in Police Station Art Street Ibgu Bongseon 75:
Chungjangno Police Station (N)) Gwangju Park Woojin Namgu Culture & Art Center Jobong Elementary School
Apt.) Munseong High School Jin-weol Jeosuji Hyodeok-dong
Office Dongsung High School Daesung Girls High School
Daechon 71: Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High School Baeg-un
Guso Dodeok Hakchon Wolseong Ji-dong Gwangjang Gukje Hotel Juwol Middle School Ibgu
Hwajang Front Street Hwajang Back Street Nongmak Jeseok Elementary School Bongseon Lain Gwangjang
Sisan Seokjeong Seokgyo Samgeori Guryong Bongseon Police Station Bongseon Samick Apt. (N) Yu-an
Mahyeon Sinyong Bonghak Yongdu Ibgu Seochang Elementary School Inaewon Namgu Culture & Art
Police Station Jungchon Jeolgol Ibgu Bulam Maewol- Center
dong Daedong High School Hwahe Danji Gonggu Danji Nodae ( Deoknam Ibgu Deoknam Deoknam Ibgu)
Pung-am Sageori (E) Majae Post Office Pung-am Jeosuji Gu-am Gwangju Univ.Humun Gwangju Univ. Gwangju
Wonkang Univ.Hanbang Hospital Keumdang Middle Univ. Ibgu Hyodeok-dong Office Jin-weol Jeosuji
School Seonam Heights Mudeung Market Ibgu (S) ( Munseong High School Nam-gu Office Jobong Elementary
Baeg-un Elementary School (S)) Kkachi Gogae Daeseong School Namgu Culture & Art Center Inaewon Yu-an
Sageori Wolsan Sageori Woojin Apt. Cheongyo Bridge Elementary School Bongseon Samick Apt. (N) Bongseon
Yang-dong Market Yang-dong Market Station Police Station Bongseon Lain Gwangjang Jeseok
(Cheonbyeon) Elementary School Juwol Middle School Ibgu Baeg-un
Gwangjang Jangsan Elementary School Ibgu Daekwang
Song-am 72: Girls High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daesung Girls High
Song-am Industrial Complex Song-am Industrial Complex School Dongsung High School Gwangju Univ. Gwangju
Ibgu Songwon College Dong-myeonghwe Unri Ma-eul ( Univ.Humun Gu-am ( Deoknam Ibgu Deoknam
Pung-am Daeju Apt.) ( Gonggu Danji Ibgu) Pung-am Deoknam Ibgu) Deoknam Nodae
Sageori (E) Majae Buyeong Apt. Majae Daeju Apt. Seo-
gu Culture Center Kumho Hanguk Apt. Kumho Siyeong Apt. Bongseon 76:
CBS Braodcasting Station ( Sangmu Middle School) ( Namgu Culture & Art Center Jobong Elementary School
Kumho Elementary School) ( Unchun Jeosuji) Uncheon Nam-gu Office Bongseon Lain Apt. Bongseon Samick
(Honam Univ.Ibgu) Station Honam Univ. Ibgu ( Korea Rural Apt. (N) Yu-an Elementary School Lain Hyochin Moa
Community &Agriculture Corporation Ssangchon Station) 2cha Apt. Bongseon 1(il)-dong Office Bongsun Middle
Sangmu 1(il)-dong Office Hanguk Hospital ( Solmwe Town) School Ibgu Namgwangyo Hakrimgyo Bangrimgyo (
Haitai Apt. Mudeung Park Apt. Shinsegae Department Wooyoung Apt.) ( Baeghwa Apt.) Bitgo-eul Bokji Hwegawn
Store (N) Hyundai Motor Im-dong Hanguk Adelium (S) Gaya Farm Yongsangyo Sotae Station (N) Mudung
Bohun Hegwan Im-dong Jugong Apt. Middle School Gwangju Nam Elementary School Hansen
Hyeophwe ( Hak-dong Pyeonghwa Mansion) ( Samick
Song-am 73: Ceramic (S) Mudeung Park Apt.) Hongrimgyo
Song-am Industrial Complex Song-am Industrial Yeonjinhwe Art Exbition Unlim Middle School ( Dongsan
Complex Ibgu Songwon College Dong-myeonghwe Unri Ma-eul Ibgu) Hak-un Elementary School Seongchon
Ma-eul ( Pung-am Daeju Apt.) ( Gonggu Danji Ibgu) Jeungsimsa
Pung-am Sageori (E) Majae Buyeong Apt. Majae Hoban
Apt. Majaejongwon Apt. Kumho-dong Office Kumho Jin-weol 77:
Hanguk Apt. Kumho Siyeong Apt. CBS Braodcasting Nodae Gu-am Gwangju Univ. Humun Gwangju Univ.
Station ( Sangmu Middle School) ( Kumho Elementary ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Dongsung High School Daesung
School) Unchun Jeosuji Unchun Sageori Sangmu Girls High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls
Hospital 5.18 Memorial Park City Hall The Bank of High School Jangsan Elementary School Mudeung Market
Korea Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation Korea Water Ibgu (N) Mudeung Market Myoungji Mansion Je-il
Resouces Corporation Nonghyup Uncheon Jijeom ( Mansion Wolsan Ma-eul Juwol Elementary School
Sangmu-jigu Ibgu) Sangmu Station Jeonnam High School Yeomju Mansion ( Yeomju Sageori (W)) ( Yeomju Sageori
Ibgu Seochang Station Wolam Seochang Ibgu Jang- (E)) Ssangchon Siyeong Apt. Baegil Elementary School (
am Ma-eul Airport Ibgu ( Songjeong Police Station (S)) Chipyong Middle School Kumho Elementary School) (
Songjeong Moa Apt. Sangjeon Songjeong Daedeok Apt. Sangmu Middle School) CBS Braodcasting Station Kumho
Songjeong Elementary School Parangsae Wedding Hall Siyeong Apt. Kumho Hanguk Apt. Kumho-dong Office
Songjeong Hoban Apt. ( Gonggun Air Force Humun) Majae Jongwon Apt. Majae Hoban Apt. Majae Buyeong
Gonggun Air Force Dosan Police Station Dosan-dong Apt. Pung-am Sageori(E) Gonggu Danji Hwahe Danji
Daedong High School Maewol-dong
Song-am 74:
Song-am Industrial Complex Song-am Industrial Jin-weol 78:
Complex Ibgu Songwon College Dong-myeonghwe Unri Lee-dong Lee-dong Ibgu Imjeong Gwanggok Ibgu
Ma-eul ( Pung-am Daeju Apt.) ( Gonggu Danji Ibgu) Imam Song-am-dong Inseong High School Namsun
Pung-am Sageori (E) Majae Post Office Pung-am Jeosuji Industry Song-am Samick Apt. ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu)
Pung-am Moa Apt. Pung-am Hanshin Apt. Pung-am Dongsung High School Daesung Girls High School Jin-weol
Hanguk Apt. Sinam Ma-eul Pung-am Kumho Apt. Pung- Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High School Jangsan
am Wumi Apt. Wonkang Univ.Hanbang Hospital Yeomju Elementary School Seonam Heights Keumdang Middle
Gymnasium Lucky Apt. Hwajeong Nam Elementary School School Wonkang Univ.Hanbang Hospital Pung-am Wumi

Gwangju News January 2007 25

Apt. Pung-am Kumho Apt. Sinam Ma-eul Pung-am Mansion Sansu-dong Post Office Gwangju Court Ibgu
Hanguk Apt. Pung-am Hanshin Apt. Pung-am Moa Apt. Nongjang Dari Dong-gu Senior Welfare Service Center
Pung-am Jeosuji Majae Post Office Pung-am Sageori (E) Culture Complex Station (Jonggak)
Gonggu Danji Seobu Agricultural Wholesale Market
Mechine Instrument Complex Seobu Motor Dealing Complex Yongbong 83:
Daedong High School Maewol-dong Biennale Exhibition Biennale Exhibition Ibgu Yongbong
Hyundai 1cha Apt. ( Jungan Girls High Shool Culture & Art
Jin-weol 79: Center Un-am Market Gyeongshin Girls High School) (
Do-dong Dodong-gyo ( Songam-dong) Inseong High Gyeongshin Girls High School) Sinan Jungheung Park Apt.
School Namsun Industry Song-am Samick Apt. ( Chonnam Univ. Middle School Humun Chonnam Univ. Middle
Gwangju Univ.Ibgu) Dongsung High School Daesung Girls School Bukgu Public Health Center Chonnam Univ.
High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High Humun(S) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside ( Seongsan
School ( Jangsan Elementary School Ibgu) Baeg-un Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. Yongbong Gukmin Jutaek
Gwangjang Baeg-un Post Office (S) ( Baeg-un Elementary Samwon Mansion Yongbong Wumi Apt. Yuchang
School (N)) Kkachi Gogae Daeseong Sageori Wolsan Honeymoon ( Yongbong Moa Apt.) Yongbong Hyundai 3cha
Sageori Woojin Apt. Gwangju Student Movement Apt. Biennale Exhibition
Monument Lotte Department Store ( Dae-in Gwangjang (E)
( Dae-in Gwangjang (N) ( Jungheung 1(il)-dong Officce) ( Yongjeon 84:
Jungheung Market) ( Sunbok-um Church) ( Samsung Call Songgangjeong Yangji Bungyo Woljeon Yangji Wa-
Center) Gwangju Station uri Sinpyeong Taeryeong Danji Samgeori Duchon
Sugok Buk Elementary School Ugok Traditional Crafts &
Munheung 80: Culture School Jisan Nonghyup Jisan Ibgu Jisan
Jangdeung -dong Doseonsa Do-dong Gogae ( Elementary School Daewonjeongsa Jijang-am Geonguk-
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (W)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) dong Office Livestock Hygiene Research Department
Munheung Lain Dongsan Apt. Munheung Lain Apt. Sinyongdu Geojin Sinheung Taxi Yeoncho Jejochang
Munhung Middle Jung-ang Elementary School Munhwa Humun Yeoncho Jejochang Lotte Chilseong Haitai
Geunrin Park Ojeong Elementary School Ibgu Ochi Kepco Confectionery & Foods Co. Gwangju International School
Side Daesin Park Apt. ( Seongsan Mansion) Chonnam Madang Gogae Museum Ibgu Gwangju Physical Education
Univ. Humun Upside Chonnam Univ. Humun(N) Buk-gu High School ( Culture & Art Center) ( Culture & Art Center
Office Pyeonghwa Mansion Malbawoo Market (W) ( Humun) Gwangcheon Police Station Hyundai Motor (
Usan 1 Police Station) Dongsin High School ( Seobang Balsan)( Chonbang Co.) Balsangyo Yangdong-gyo
Market (N)) ( Seobang Market (S)) Gwangju N. Univ.of Yang-dong Market Station (Cheonbyeon)
Education Punghyang Samgeori Du-amtown Apt. Ibgu
Sansu Ogeori (N) Gwangju Court Ibgu Salesio Girls High Yongjeon 85:
School ( Chosun Univ.) Chosun Univ. Ibgu ( Dong-gu Ibam Traditional Crafts & Culture School Yongjeon
Office (S)) ( Dong-gu Office (N)) Culture Complex Jisan Nonghyup Jisan Ibgu Jisan Elementary School
Station (Jonggak) Daewonjeongsa Jijang-am Geonguk-dong office
Livestock Hygiene Research Department Jisan Middle School
Du-am 81: Yangsan Hoban 2cha Yangsan-dong Big Mart Sinheung
Jisan Yuwonji Singyang Park Hotel Mudeung Park Apt. Taxi Yeoncho Jejochang Humun Yeoncho Jejochang
Jangwon Elementary School (E) Honnam Mansion Lotte Chilseong Haitai Confectionery & Foods Co. Gwangju
Yulgok Elementary School Du-am Jugong Apt. Samjung International School Madang Gogae Museum Ibgu
Elementary School Daeju Villa Du-am LainDongsan Apt. Gwangju Physical Education High School ( Culture & Art
Munhwa Elementary School Sinheung Mansion Mudeung Center Humun) Culture & Art Center ( Un-am Market
Park Apt. ( Gakhwa Elementary School) Kumho Apt. Gyeongshin Girls High School Jungan Girls High Shool)
Gwangju Hospital Mudeung Library Malbawoo Market (E)
Malbawoo Market (W) Pyeonghwa Mansion Buk-gu Yongjeon 86:
Office Bukgu Public Health Center Chonnam Univ. Sinan Yongjeon Yongjeon Sageori (S) Jisan Ma-eul
Sageori Gwangju Station (W) ( Hyundai Department Store) Saengryong Uchi Park Myeongsang-ui Jib Yu-gyeok
Yu-dong Sageori Suchang Elementary School Humun Training Camp Ilgok Cheongsol Apt. Wolsan Kukje High
Dae-in Gwangjang (W) Dongbu Fire Station Dae-in Police School ( Korea High School (N)) ( Samgak Green Town
Station Chonnam Girls High School (W) Dong-gu Senior Korea High School (S)) Samgak Hoban Apt. Ochi 1(il)-dong
Welfare Service Center Nongjang Dari Gwangju Court Office Seosan Elementary School Yongbong Middle School
Jisan 2(i)-dong Office Dongsan Elementary School Side Natural Science High School ( Saeteocoa) ( Munhung
Dongsan Apt. Sansu 2(i)-dong Office Jangwon Elementary Middle School) Munheung Lain Apt. Munheung Lain
School (E) Mudeung Park Apt. Singyang Park Hotel Dongsan Apt. ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu
Jisan Yuwonji Ibgu (W)) Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung-dong

Du-am 82: Seokgok 87:

Jangdeung Ma-eul Jangdeung Transformer Substation Bunto Sinchon High Road (4suwonji) Sinchon Low Road
Doseonsa Do-dong Gogae ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) ( (4suwonji) Deungchon 4suwonji (N) Observatory
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) Agricultural Joint Market ( Mudeung Park Apt. Jangwon Elementary School (E)
Donggwangju Jinibno) Kumho Apt. ( Gakhwa Elementary Honnam Mansion Yulgok Elementary School Du-am Taekji
School) Mudeung Park Apt. Sinheung Mansion Munhwa Punghyang Samgeori Gwangju N. Univ.of Education (
Elementary School Du-am Elementary School Du-am Seobang Market (S)) ( Seobang Market (N)) Dongsin High
Jugong Ibgu Kisan Bokhab Shopping Center ( Punghyang School ( Usan 1 Police Station) Malbawoo Market (E)
Samgeori ) Gwangju N. Univ.of Education Seobang Sageori Mudeung Library Gwangju Hospital Donggwangju Jinibno
Overpass Gyerim Elementary School Humun Dongjin Agricultural Joint Market ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) (

26 Gwangju News January 2007

Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa Cheomdan 92:
Jangdeung Ibgu Yongho Seokgok-dong Office Wolsan Cheomdan Jongjeom Pung-gi Industry Chunnam
Dong Elementary School Jukgok (N) Jukgok (S) Bunto Techno College Hyeonjin Enterprise Korea Photonics
Technology Institute. Human Resources Development Service
Imgok 89: of Korea Cheomdan Samsung Electronics Foxzone (S)
Oryong Jongsanje Ibgu Jongsan Wolbong Seo-won Cheomdan Lotte Mart Cheomdan Hoban 3cha Apt.
Ibgu Seok-dong Yeongye Samgeori Im-donggyo Cheomdan Buyeong Apt. Mu-yang Seo-won Ibgu Mu-yang
Sangchon Wasan Sangchon Im-donggyo Yeongye Seo-won National Open Univ. Bia Shinhyup Cheomdan
Samgeori Samhwagyo Wonimgok Kwang-il High Lain 8cha Apt. ( Eung-am Park) Cheomdan Lain Apt.
School Imgok Station Seongnae Gajeong Bisi-dong Cheomdan 1(il)-dong Office Cheomdan Elementary School
Cheon-dong Bohwachon Juvenile Detention Center Humun Wolgye Middle School Cheomdan Daewoo Apt.
Changam Yeon-dong Samgeori Yeon-dong Seogil Dongwon-chon Bia Nonghyup Bia Hoban Apt. Bia
Byeokpajeong Sanak Sindeung Banggae Gugangri Fire&Police Station Bia Jungheung Apt. Docheongyo
Jangsu-dong Jangsu Underground Passage Hanam Namseon Hi-Tech Sehan Steel Korea Electric Terminal Co.
Elementary School Danjeon Heukseok Sageori West Small And Medium Enterprises Center Samyeong Steel Co.
Heukseok Sageori East Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex Doosan Techpak Kumho Electrics Samsung Electronics
Mokryeon Ma-eul Singa Jugong 1 Complex Geukrak Station Sageori Jisang Jeongmil Oseon-dong Korea Alps
Ibgu Sunkwang School Ibgu Gwangsin Daegyo Donglim Honam Shany Hanam Electronics Jangdeok Nonghyup
I.C Ibgu Dongcheon Ma-eul Donglim Samick Apt. Ibgu Daelim Jeongmil Joong-ang Daily Sebang Electrics
Seokang College Ibgu (E) Gwangamgyo Ibgu Seongbo Jeongwoo Chemical Shinsung Chemical Heukseok Sageori
Medical Office Mudeung Stadium Ibgu ( Mudeung Stadium West Heukseok Sageori East Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex
(N)) Taebong Saema-eul Geumgo Sinan-dong Office Mokryeon Ma-eul Singa Jugong 1 Complex Geukrak
Sinan Sageori Gwangju Station (W) ( Hyundai Department Station Ibgu Singa Sageori Singa Jugong Apt. Singa
Store) Yu-dong Sageori Kwangju Bank Bukbu Jijeom Wumi Apt. Singa Buyeong Apt.
Yang-dong Market Station (N) ( Dolgogae Station (W))(
Dolgogae Station (E) Seogwangju Kepco) Seo-gu Office Cheomdan 93:
Seogu Public Health Center KT&G Green Park Im-dong Cheomdan Jongjeom Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu
Ogeori Chonbang Co. Hyundai Motor Gwangcheon Korea Photonics Technology Institute. Techno Park
Terminal Kia Motor Jungmun Gwangmyoung Heights Hanguk Industry Complex Human Resources Development
Humun Yudeok Elementary School Chilseong Ma-eul Service of Korea Cheomdan Samsung Electronics Foxzone
Gwangcheon-dong (N) Gwangju TBN (Traffic Broadcasting) Cheomdan 1(il)-
dong Office Cheomdan Lain Apt. ( Eung-am Park)
Imgok 90: Cheomdan Lain 8cha Apt. Bia Shinhyup National Open
Imgok-dong Office Imgok Station Imgok Jeongsujang Univ. Mu-yang Seo-won Bohun Hospital Humun Bohun
Imgokgyo Maek-dong Hahok Sansu Public Health Hospital Electonic Technical High School Sinchang Hoban
Center Mae-dong Ibseok Saneum Sindang Apt. Jinheung High School Health College Humun
Bonryang Police Station Bonryang Samgeori Bonryang Sinchang 1cha Apt. Sinchang-dong Post Office Singa Middle
Elementary School Hwangsan Bukseong Gama School Singa Wumi Apt. Singa Jugong Apt. Singa Sageori
Myeongdo Samgeori Dorim Dodeok-dong Mokgol Gogae ( Unnam Middle School Unnam Samsung Apt. Humun Back
Dongbaeg Training Camp Songsan Gasam Unpyeong Gate Gwangsangu Senior Welfare Service Center Geumgu
Jungbang Dongmyoung High School Ibgu Seobong Ma- Elementary School Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex Mokryeon
eul (W) Seobong Ma-eul (E) Honam Univ. Campus Ma-eul Singa Jugong 1 Complex Geukrak Station Ibgu
Seonam Maebanggol Bomun High School Song-un Singa Sageori )
Jutaek Songjeong Kepco Kumho Tires Co. Gwangsan-gu
Office Songjeong Station Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Cheomdan 94:
Seo Elementary School Dosan Police Station Dosan-dong Cheomdan Jongjeom Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu
Korea Photonics Technology Institute. Techno Park
Imgok 91: Hanguk Industry Complex Human Resources Development
Wasan Sangchon (Imgok) Im-donggyo Yeongye Service of Korea Cheomdan Samsung Electronics Foxzone
Samgeori Samhwagyo Wonimgok Kwang-il High School (S) Cheomdan Lotte Mart Cheomdan Hoban 3cha Apt.
Imgok Station Seongnae Gajeong Bisi-dong Du- Cheomdan Buyeong Apt. Mu-yang Seo-won Ibgu Mu-yang
dong Yong-dong Sinchon Low Road (Imgok) Sinchon Seo-won National Open Univ. Bia Shinhyup Cheomdan
High Road (Imgok) Sinchon Low Road (Imgok) Yong- Lain 8cha Apt. ( Eung-am Park) Cheomdan Lain Apt.
dong Du-dong Bisi-dong Cheon-dong Bohwachon Cheomdan 1(il)-dong Office Cheomdan Elementary School
Juvenile Detention Center Changam Yeon-dong Samgeori Humun Wolgye Middle School Cheomdan Daewoo Apt.
Yeon-dong Donggil Baeggil Ma-eul Jingok Seogil Dongwon-chon Bia Fire&Police Station Bia Jungheung Apt.
Jinseong Gu Honambuk Elementary School Ancheong Docheongyo Namseon Hi-Tech Hanam Steel Dohyeon
Nonghyup Ancheong Docheongyo Bia Jungheung Apt. Kumho Electrics Wonye Nonghyup Jisang Jeongmil
Bia Fire&Police Station Bia Hoban Apt. Bia Nonghyup Hanam Samsung Electronics Sinwan Ma-eul Jangdeok
Dongwon-chon Cheomdan Daewoo Apt. Cheomdan Library Nonghyup Daelim Jeongmil Joong-ang Daily Sebang
Eung-am Park Cheomdan Lain Apt. Cheomdan Sageori Electrics Hanam Police Station Danjeon Heukseok
Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Office Mu-yang Seo-won Ibgu Sageori West Heukseok Sageori East Mokryeon Ma-eul 8
Bohun Hospital Humun Cheomdan Saenghwal Physical Complex Mokryeon Ma-eul Singa Jugong 1 Complex
Exercise Park Cheomdan Lotte Mart Foxzone (S) Geukrak Station Ibgu Singa Sageori Singa Jugong Apt.
Cheomdan Samsung Electronics Human Resources Singa Wumi Apt. Singa Middle School Sinchang-dong Post
Development Service of Korea Korea Photonics Technology Office Singa Booyoung 1cha Apt. Health College Humun
Institute. Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu Gonae Ibgu Cheomdan Back Gate Jeonnam Technical High Shool Jeonnam
Jongjeom Technical High School Sinchang-dong Suwan-dong

Gwangju News January 2007 27

Suwan Motor Dealing Complex Bia Sageori Bia Hoban Apt. Samgeori Seokjeong Sisan Nongmak Hwajang Back
Street Hwajang Front Street Ji-dong Wolseong
Cheomdan 95: Hakchon Muhak Elementary School Yukmyojang
Cheomdan Jongjeom Geumdang Seoksujeong Hachon Sangchon Daechon-dong Office Hajiseok
Sinyong Ma-eul Yongsangyo ( Yongjeon Sageori (N)) ( Sangjiseok Wonsan Pochungsa Boksu Leejang 2-dong
Yongjeon Sageori (S)) Jisan Ma-eul Saengryong Uchi Leejang 1-dong Suchon Yanggwa-dong Hyangdeung
Park Myeongsang-ui Jib Seo-il Elementary School Ilgok Song-am-dong Inseong High School Namsun Industry
Middle School Ilsin Elementary School Il-dong Elementary Song-am Samick Apt. Gwangju Univ.Ibgu Dongsung
School Il-dong Middle School Bonchon Fire&Police Station High School Daesung Girls High School Jin-weol Daeju
Coca Cola Hanyang Apt. Yeonjae Hyundai Apt. Apt. Daekwang Girls High School ( Jangsan Elementary
Yeonjae Saehan Apt. Yeonjae Jugong Apt. Yangsan School Ibgu) Baeg-un Gwangjang ( Baeg-un Elementary
Elementary School Dong-A Pharmaceutical Yangji School (N)) Baeg-un Post Office (S) Kkachi Gogae
Elementary School Yangsan-dong Big Mart Yangsan Town Daeseong Sageori Mujin Middle School Wolsan
Yongdu Jugong Bokryong Ibgu Gyotong Park Elementary School Dongshin Univ. Oriental Hospital
Cheomdan Lotte Mart Cheomdan Hoban 3cha Apt. Dolgogae Station (E) Yang-dong Market Station (S) Yang-
Cheomdan Buyeong Apt. Cheomdan 2(i)-dong Office dong Market Station (Cheonbyeon)
Cheomdan Sageori Cheomdan Lain Apt. Eung-am Park
Cheomdan Library Wolgye Middle School Cheomdan Ji-weon 150:
Elementary School Humun Ssangam Park Gwangju Chonnam Univ.Hospital ( Chonnam Univ. Hospital Ogeori
Institute of Science Technology Electronics & Chosun Univ. Ibgu Chosun Univ. Humun) (
Telecommunication Research Institute Korea Institute of Namgwangju Sageori ) Hak-dong Market Hak-dong
Industrial Technology Daechang Woonsu Human Jeungsimsa Station ( Samick Ceramic (S)) ( Samick Ceramic
Resources Development Service of Korea Korea Photonics (N)) Hansen Hyeophwe Gwangju Nam Elementary School
Technology Institute Hyeonjin Enterprise Chunnam Techno Mudung Middle School Sotae Station (N) Nok-dong
College Pung-gi Industry Cheomdan Jongjeom Ju-nam Namgye Namgye Overpass Naeji Seon-gyo
( Hwasun Tunnel) ( Neoritjae Park) Leesibgokri
Songjeong 96: Hwasun Public Health Center Hwasun-eub Hwasun Gas
Songhak Gwangsangu Youth Hostel ( Naegi Ma-eul Sin- Station Hwasun Market Hwasun Middle School Hwasun
dong Ma-eul Bokgul Hak-dong Ma-eul Daedeok Ma-eul) Je-il Middle School Daeri Gyotong Gwangjang Byeokrari
( Songhak Ibgu Daesan Samgeori Daesan Singwang Hwasun Station ( Gyesori 1gu Gyesori 3gu Seotaeri 1gu
(Samdo) Dongchon Doya Gwangsan Hoeryong Yeon- Yeokcheong Factory Seotaeri 2gu Judori 3gu Judori)
dong Wolgok Ma-eul Myeonghwari) Myeong-dong
Samgeori Myeonghwa-dong Chuksan Siheomjang Ji-weon 151:
Yonggang Ibgu Gigok Yonggok Ibgu Pyeong-dong Chonnam Univ.Hospital ( Geum-dong Market
Elementary School Ok-dong Pyeong-dong Post Office Namgwangju Market Namgwangju Station) ( Namgwangju
Pyeong-dong Station Woljeon Kkot-dongne (Flower Town) Sageori ) Hak-dong Market Hak-dong Jeungsimsa Station
Jangrok Geommunso(Checkpoint) Sindeok Ma-eul ( Samick Ceramic (S)) ( Samick Ceramic (N)) Gwangju
Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station Gwangsan-gu Office Nam Elementary School Mudung Middle School Sotae
Yeonggwang-tong Sageori Songjeong Market Songjeong Station (N) Nok-dong Ju-nam Namgye Namgye
Daedeok Apt. Songjeong Elementary School Parangsae Overpass Naeji Seon-gyo ( Hwasun Tunnel) ( Neoritjae
Wedding Hall Songjeong Hoban Apt.( Gonggun Air Force Park) Leesibgokri Hwasun Public Health Center
Humun) Sangseon Haseon Pyeongho-dong Yurim Hwasun-eub Hwasun-eub Jongno Pharmacy Hwasungyo
Donggok Hogajeong Changgyo Yongbong Ibgu Korea Hispital Hwasun Miryung Apt. Hwasun Buyeong
Yongbong Ma-eul Apt. Hwasun Booyoung 3cha Apt. Hwasun Chonnam Univ.
Hospital Ibgu Hwasun Chonnam N. Univ. Hospital
Songjeong 98: Jeongsujang Ibgu Hanbo Ceramic co. Daji 2gu Baeg-
Honam Univ.Gwangsan Campus Seonam Maebanggol dong Yongsaeng Hwasun Nonggong Complex Sinun
Bomun High School Song-un Jutaek Songjeong Kepco Jang-dong Nongso Chal-dong Dong-myeon Cheon-
Kumho Tires Co. Yeonggwang-tong Songjeong Park Ibgu dong Dongam Cheonunjang Neom-eun-gol Hwasun
Songjeong Police Station (N) Songjeong I.C Arirang Mining Station Gu-am 1(il)-ri Guam 2(i)-ri
Gogae Gwangsan Usan Jugong Apt. Gwangsan Usan-dong Munseongseokjae Byeoksong Jeosuji Byeoksong Office
Office Usan Siyeong 1 Complex Usan Siyeong 2 Complex (E) Sapyung Middle School Sapyung Elementary School Nam-
Kwangju Women’s Univ. Hanam Middle School Wolgok myeon Office Hwasun Sapyeong
1(il)-dong Wolgok Market Daeban Elementary Shool
Singa Geumgu Nonghyup ( Geumgu Elementary School Ji-weon 152:
Mokryeon Ma-eul 8 Complex Mokryeon Ma-eul 6 Complex Chonnam Univ. Hospital ( Chonnam Univ. Hospital
Geumgu Millde School) Ogeori)( Chosun Univ.Ibgu Chosun Univ.Humun) (
Namgwangju Sageori ) Hak-dong Market Hak-dong
Songjeong 99: Jeungsimsa Station ( Samick Ceramic (S)) ( Samick Ceramic
Yongbong Ma-eul Yongbong Ibgu Changgyo (N)) Gwangju Nam Elementary School Mudung Middle
Hogajeong Donggok Yurim Pyeongho-dong Haseon School Sotae Station (N) Nok-dong Ju-nam Namgye
Sangseon Gonggun Air Force Songjeong Seo Elementary Namgye Overpass Naeji Seon-gyo ( Hwasun Tunnel)
School Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station Gwangsan- ( Neoritjae Park) Leesibgokri Hwasun Public Health
gu Office Yeonggwang-tong Songjeong Park Ibgu Center Hwasun-eub Hwasun-eub Jongno Pharmacy
Songjeong Police Station (N) Airport Ibgu Jang-am Ma-eul Hwasungyo Hwasun Post Office Hwasun Buyeong Apt.
Guyachon Singwang Sinyachon Ibgu Sinyachon Manyeon Building Hwasun Terminal Hwasun Middle
Doho Munchon Seochang Police Station Yongdu Ibgu School Hwasun Je-il Middle School Daeri Gyotong
Bonghak Sinyong Mahyeon Guryong Seokgyo Gwangjang Byeokrari Byeokragyo Yeonyangri 1gu

28 Gwangju News January 2007

Yeonyangri 2gu Yeonhwa Factory Baegam Su-dong Du-am 181:
Mansuri Wonjiri Cheondeokri Yeongbaegjeong Seobang Sageori Overpass ( Seobang Market (S))
Neungju Sageori Neungju-myeon Office Neungju Dongsin High School ( Usan 1 Police Station) Malbawoo
Elementary School Neungju High School Neungju Station Market (E) Mudeung Library Gwangju Hospital
Hwasun Neungju Donggwangju Jinibno Agricultural Joint Market (
Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) Do-
Dae-chon 170: dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung Ibgu Yongho (
Do-rae Dado Elementary School Hae Jeong Im-eob Seokgok Police Station) ( Gongwon Myoji Cemetery Ibgu)
Examination Room Naju N. Mental Hospital Sanje High Bochon 2gu Bochon 1gu Haepyeongri Goseo Sageori
Road Sanje Low Road Maehwa-dong Nongchon Goseo Middle School Gyosan Sandeok Ma-eul Sandeok
Gisulwon Chilseongsa Temple Palma Apt. Najumirae 1gu Ogangri Bopyeongri Changpyeong High School Ibgu
Hospital Bangchuk Ma-eul Gwangju Eomang Wonchon Changpyeong Elementary School Changpyeong Training
Ma-eul Gu Arts College Gukje Pharmacy Nampyeong Camp Singal Daedeok
Nonghyup Nampyeonggyo Gwang-uiri Pyeongsanri
Eojeon Hachilseok Sangchilseok Dochon Daechon- Yongjeon 184:
dong Office Hajiseok Sangjiseok Wonsan Pochungsa Daechi Front Of Jiseo Hanjae Middle School
Boksu Leejang 2-dong Leejang 1(il)-dong Suchon Woncheonri Ganguiri Taemok Simok Ung-gi
Yanggwa-dong Hyangdeung Song-am-dong Inseong Samso-dong Ibgu Yongsangyo ( Yongjeon Sageori (N)) (
High School Namsun Industry Song-am Samick Apt. ( Yongjeon Sageori (S)) Jisan Ma-eul Saengryong Uchi
Gwangju Univ.Ibgu) Dongsung High School Daesung Girls Park Myeongsang-ui Jib Yu-gyeok Training Camp Ilgok
High School Jin-weol Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High Cheongsol Apt. Wolsan ( Yangilno Ibgu) Sa-mil Apt.
School ( Jangsan Elementary School Ibgu) Baeg-un 31sadan Army Division Ochi 1(il)-dong office Seosan
Gwangjang Baeg-un Post Office (S) ( Baeg-un Elementary Elementary School Ochi Kepco (S) Daesin Park Apt. (
School (N)) Kkachi Gogae Daeseong Sageori ( Wolsan Seongsan Mansion) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside
Sageori Woojin Apt. Gwangju Student Movement Chonnam Univ. Humun(S) ( Jungheung Police Station)
Monument Lotte Department Store Dongbu Fire Station Pyeonghwa Market Dong-bu Office of Education Seobang
Dae-in Police Station Art Street Ibgu Chungjangno Police Market Ibgu ( Seobang Market (S) Seobang Sageori
Station (S) Hyanggyo Ibgu KBC Broadcasting Station) Overpass Kwangju High School Dae-in Market Dae-in
Police Station Dongbu Fire Station Dae-in Gwangjang (N)
Jin-weol 177: Jungheung Market Gwangju Station (E) Sunbok-um
Jeonnam Haksuk Seryangri Nodae Gu-am Gwangju Church Kwangju Bank Gyeong-yangno Jijeom Seobang
Univ. Humun Gwangju Univ. ( Gwangju Univ. Ibgu) Sageori Overpass Seobang Market (W) Seobang Market
Dongsung High School Daesung Girls High School Jin-weol Ibgu)
Daeju Apt. Daekwang Girls High School ( Jangsan
Elementary School Ibgu) Baeg-un Gwangjang ( Baeg-un Chunghyo 187:
Post Office (S)) Yeoncheon Banseok Chungui Gyoyukwon Ibgu
Soswaewon Gasa Literaure House Chunghyo-dong
Ilgok 180: Chunghyo Suri Seokje Geumgok Chungjangsa
Dae-in Gwangjang (N) Jungheung Market Gwangju Temple (N) Hwa-am 4suwonji Wi 4suwonji (S)
Station (W) Sinan Sageori Chonnam Univ. Bukgu Public Observatory Jisan Mudeung Park Apt. ( Jangwon
Health Center Chonnam Univ. Humun(S) Chonnam Univ. Elementary School (E)) ( Jangwon Elementary School (W)) (
Humun Upside ( Seongsan Mansion) Daesin Park Apt. ( Sansu Ogeori (N)) ( Sansu Ogeori (Yeoncheon)) Du-amtown
Ochi Kepco (S)) ( Ochi Kepco (N)) Seosan Elementary Apt. Ibgu Punghyang Samgeori Gwangju N. Univ.of
School Ochi 1(il)-dong Office 31sadan Army Division Sa- Education ( Seobang Market (S)) ( Seobang Market (N)
mil Apt. ( Yangilno Ibgu) Wolsan Ilgok Cheongsol Apt. Usan 1 Police Station) Dongsin High School Malbawoo
Yu-gyeok Training Camp Myeongsang-ui Jib Meditation House Market (W) Pyeonghwa Mansion Buk-gu Office
Uchi Park Saengryong Jisan Ma-eul ( Yongjeon Chonnam Univ. Humun(N) Chonnam Univ. Humun Upside
Sageori (S)) ( Yongjeon Sageori (N)) Yongsangyo Samso- Jugong Apt. Hyundai Apt. Munhwa Middle School
dong Ibgu Ung-gi Simok Hanjae Middle School Gwangju Hospital Dong Gwangju Jinibno Agricultural Joint
Hanjae Elementary School (Wonchon) Byeongpungri Market ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu
Gabhyangri Haengjeongri Seongsanri Wolseong (S)) Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung-dong
Goseongri Subuk-myeon Office Subuk Sageori Pobaeg
Subuk Pobaeg Subuk Sageori Nonghyup Panmaejang Cheomdan 192:
Nasanri Daeheungri Manhwa-dong Namsan Ma-eul Ibgu Jangseong Masan Nokjin Deokseong Japung
Gae-dongri Jeongjungri Hwanggeumri Samjiri Seonpyeong Seonchang Ma-eul Ibgu Jangseong Baeg-un
Bongsan Tanggeumri Bongsan Seonjiseo Yeon-dongri Pyeongsanri (Jangseong) Seungga Ma-eul Nammyeon
Jukrim Yusanri Songgangjeong Wonyu-dong Public Health Office Jangseong Nammyeon Nonghyup
Damyang Wolgok No-an-dong Jupyeong Gongwon Jangseongnam Middle School Jangseong Wolgok
Myoji Cemetery Ibgu Yongho Jangdeung Ibgu Doseonsa Woljeong (Jangseong ) Seotae Ma-eul Ibgu Sinasan Bia
Do-dong Gogae ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S)) ( Munheung 1(il)-dong Bia Nonghyup Dongwon-chon Cheomdan
Jigu Ibgu (E)) Agricultural Joint Market Donggwangju Daewoo Apt. Cheomdan Library Cheomdan Lain 8cha Apt.
Jinibno Gwangju Hospital Mudeung Library Malbawoo Bia Shinhyup National Open Univ. Mu-yang Seo-won
Market (E) ( Usan 1 Police Station) Dongsin High School Nambu Univ. Sinchang-dong Jeonnam Technical High
Seobang Market (S) Seobang Sageori Overpass Kwangju School Health College Banchon Sandong-gyo Donglim
High School Dae-in Market Dae-in Police Station Dongbu Pureun Ma-eul Gwangju City Rehabilitation Center Un-am
Fire Station Dae-in Gwangjang Wumi Apt. Un-am Middle School Un-am 3 Complex ( Un-
am 1 Complex) Culture & Art Center ( Un-am Market
Gyeongshin Girls High School Jungan Girls High Shool)

Gwangju News January 2007 29

Cheomdan 193: deung No-dong Bakho 1(il)-ri Bak-mwoe Bakho-dong
Sanjeong Suchon Jinwon Elementary School Maehwa- Songsan Yuwonji Bakho--dong Bak-mwoe Bakho 1ri
dong Namgye Jung-ang Church Jinwon-myeon Office No-dong Woe-deung Naedeung Singbongjeong
Pyeongchon Deokchon Jak-dong Sangrim Haksan Sindeung Banggae Gugangri Jangsu-dong Jangsu
Jinwon Dong Elementary School Cho-dong Woljeong Underground Passage Hanam Elementary School Danjeon
Gonae Ibgu Daechon Ma-eul Ibgu Samso-dong Hyunjang Hanam 2-jigu Hanam Middle Jung-ang Elementary School
Minwonsil Eunhae Shool Amkor Korea Daechang Ibgu Sungsim Hospital Kwangju Women’s Univ. Usan
Woonsu Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Siyeong 2 Complex (E) Usan Siyeong 1 Complex Gwangsan
Electronics & Telecommunication Research Institute Gwangju Usan-dong Office Eunbyeol Market Daedeok Apt.
Institute of Science Technology Ssangam Park Cheomdan Gwangju Information High School Gwangsan Usan Jugong
1(il)-dong office Woori Bank Mail Center Gyotong Park Arirang Gogae Songjeong I.C Songjeong Police Station (N)
Bokryong Ibgu Yongdu Jugong Yangsan Town Songjeong Park Ibgu Yeonggwang-tong Gwangsan-gu
Sinheung Taxi Yeoncho Jejochang Humun Yeoncho Office Songjeong Station Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong
Jejochang Lotte Chilseong Coca Cola Bonchon Seo Elementary School Dosan Police Station Dosan-dong
Fire&Police Station Il-dong Middle School Il-dong
Elementary School Ilsin Elementary School Ilgok Middle Songjeong 296:
School Seo-il Elementary School Gwangju Transport Dosan-dong Dosan Police Station Songjeong Seo
Training Institute Salesio High School Elementary School Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station
Gwangsan-gu Office Kumho Tires Co. Songjeong Kepco
Songjeong 196: Song-un Jutaek Bomun High School Maebanggol
Dosan-dong Dosan Police Station Gonggun Air Force Seonam Honam Univ. Gwangsan Campus Seobong Ma-eul
Sangseon Haseon Pyeongho-dong Yurim Donggok (E) Seobong Ma-eul (W) Dongmyoung High School Ibgu
Hogajeong Changgyo Yongbong Ibgu Seongsan Ma-eul Jungbang Unpyeong Juksan Pungsuk Bonryang
No-an Nam Elementary School Dongsan Ma-eul Naju Samgeori Bonryang Elementary School Hwangsan
Sanjeong Cheon-dong Ibgu Naju Buk Elementary School Bukseong Gama Myeongdo Samgeori Ae-rim
Naju Nonghyup Songhyeon Jijeom Naju Dongshin Univ. Pyeongrim Nam-dong Yongho Sinchon Bonryang
Cycle Stadium Jeong-ryeolsa Sageori Naju Geumseong Student Campground Wolsan Yanggok Guryong
High School Seongbuk Overpass Naju Police Station Donglim Ma-eul
Naju Terminal
Songjeong 197: Sangmu Jigu Sangmu Civil Park 5.18 Liberty Park
Dosan-dong Dosan Police Station Songjeong Seo Sangmu Laindaeju ( Sangmu Ssang-yong Kumho Apt.
Elementary School Sin-dong Sageori Songjeong Station Eunchun Elementary School Sangmu Daewoo Apt.) (
Gwangsan-gu Office Kumho Tires Co. Songjeong Kepco Nonghyup Uncheon Jijeom Korea Water Resouces
Song-un Jutaek Bomun High School Maebanggol Corporation Korea Cadasral Survey Corporation The Bank
Seonam Honam Univ.Gwangsan Campus Seobong Ma-eul of Korea ) City Hall The May 18 Memorial Foundation
(E) Seobong Ma-eul (W) Dongmyoung High School Ibgu Moa Je-il Apt. Sangmu Hoban 3cha Gwangmyoung Heights
Jungbang Unpyeong Gasam Songsan Dongbaeg Humun Kia Motor Jungmun Gwangcheon Terminal
Training Camp Mokgol Gogae Dodeok-dong Dorim Hyundai Motor Chonbang Co. Im-dong Ogeori Buksung
Myeongdo Samgeori Ae-rim Pyeongrim Dongho Middle School Gwangju Il High School Geumnamno 5ga
Nam-dong Yongho Suseong Oksan Hak-dong Station Geumnamno 4ga Station Culture Complex Station
(Bonryang) Hwasan Nokseo Maryeong Family Farm (W) Chonnam Girls High School (E) Dae-in Market
Bogang Bogang Ibgu Inji Songgok Samseo Kwangju High School Kwangju Bank Gyeong-yangno Jijeom
Elementary School Samseo Public Health Office Samseo Sunbok-um Church ( Gwangju Station (W)) ( Gwangju
Post Office Samseo-myeon Office Station (E)) Sinan Sageori Chonnam Univ. Bukgu Public
Health Center Pyeonghwa Mansion Malbawoo Market (W)
Daechon 270: Malbawoo Market (E) Mudeung Library Gwangju
Guso Dodeok Hakchon Wolseong Ji-dong Hospital Donggwangju Jinibno Agricultural Joint Market
Hwajang Front Street Hwajang Back Street Nongmak ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (E)) ( Munheung Jigu Ibgu (S))
Sisan Seokjeong Seokgyo Samgeori Guryong Do-dong Gogae Doseonsa Jangdeung Ibgu Yongho (
Mahyeon Sinyong Bonghak Yongdu Ibgu Seochang Seokgok Police Station) Gongwon Myoji Cemetery Ibgu
Police Station Jungchon Jeolgol Ibgu Seochang-dong Bokda-u Juryong Eo-un 5.18 Myoji Cemetery
Office Dongha Masan (Daechon) Seochang Nonghyup Gongwon Myoji Cemetery Sirib Park Myoji Cemetery
Seochang Sageori Wolam Seochang Station Jeonnam Complex Ma-eul Taeryeong Danji Samgeori Duchon
High School Ibhu Sangmu Station Sangmu Jigu Ibgu Sugok Buk Elementary School Yeongrak Park Ibgu
Unchun Jeosuji ( Kumho Elementary School) ( Sangmu Yeongrak Park
Middle School) CBS Braodcasting Station Kumho Siyeong
Apt. Kumho Hanguk Apt. Seo-gu Culture Center Majae 1187: Wonhyosa (Mudeung Sanjang) Anyangsa To-
Daeju Apt. Majae Buyeong Apt. Pung-am Sageori(E) amjeong Chungjangsa (S) Hwa-am 4suwonji Wi
Gonggu Danji Hwahe Danji Daedong High School 4suwonji (S) Observatory Singyang Park Hotel Jisan
Maewol-dong Yuwonji Singyang Park Hotel Jisan Mudeung Park Apt. (
Jangwon Elementary School (E)) ( Jangwon Elementary
Imgok 290: School (W)) Sansu Ogeori (S) Gwangju Court Ibgu
Wasan Sangchon (Imgok) Im-donggyo Yeongye Nongjang Dari Dong-gu Senior Welfare Service Center
Samgeori Samhwagyo Wonimgok Kwang-il High School Culture Complex Station (E) Geumnamno 4ga Station)
Imgok Station Seongnae Gajeong Bisi-dong Cheon- Geumnamno 5ga Station Lotte Department Store Dae-in
dong Bohwachon Juvenile Detention Center Changam Gwangjang (E) Jungheung-1(il) dong Office Sunbok-um
Yeon-dong Samgeori Yeon-dong Seogil Byeokpajeong Church ( Gwangju Station (W)) ( Gwangju Station (E))
Sanak Sindeung Singbongjeong Naedeung Woe- Gwangju Station

30 Gwangju News January 2007

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Gwangju News January 2007 31

Cover Story

What Are You Watching?

ometimes I'll try to strike up a conversation with the second tape is missing. Wait a minute, I just realized I
someone about television or movies. I'll ask, "What don't have a VCR because it's the year 2007! Okay, let's
are you watching these days?" or "Have you seen just go to the movie theatre.
such-and-such a movie?", and I'll get a response like "I
hate television" or "I don't really watch many movies". Seems like they're only playing Korean movies at this
Being a self-professed lover of TV, movies, music and theatre. Let's try a bigger you're talkin'!
entertainment in general, I never know how to react to Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Madagascar-only the
those statements. I know that society deems television biggest-budget blockbusters for these folks. How about an
addicts quite "low-brow" and movie junkies only a notch indie? No dice. A documentary? Opso. You can see the
above them, but I cannot discount the endless hours of joy point: limited selection. It's not a conspiracy. It's basic
and pleasure that television and film have brought me supply and demand. If there's no demand, why supply it?
throughout my life. I was a film major in university! If you Hence, only the biggest features with the most hype get
are one of the aforementioned stoics who can exist through. So once again I ask: where are you getting your
happily without tuning in to your favourite show or tuning English media?
out for two hours of comedy, cheap thrills and popcorn Several months ago, I was talkin' TV with a buddy down in
munching, then congratulations-you need not read on. If, Speakeasy. He told me that he could get me all six seasons
on the other hand, you are like me and crave of my favorite show, The Sopranos, on a burnt DVD. We
entertainment pretty much constantly...let's talk. negotiated a hard bargain: I buy him one beer for every
Where do you find your English entertainment in Korea? disc that he gives me. The next day I was in possession of
Let's turn on the TV. At any given time you might catch a every Sopranos episode ever aired, and he was drinking on
ten-year-old episode of Friends, Under Siege with Steven my tab. He quickly became my connection to a world of
Seagal, Delta Force with Chuck Norris or a reality show entertainment I'd been estranged from for so long. Within
that is so lame you've never even heard of it. If it's late at a few weeks, Simpsons, Seinfeld, Six Feet Under and a
night, you could stumble across a soft-core porno or a collection of documentaries and movies I'd yet to see
collage of European lingerie runway models (probably resided happily beside my laptop at the foot of my bed, and
narrated in French-but does that really matter?). It's easy my buddy's beer belly was bubbly and bloated. How did he
to understand why so many Koreans develop a skewed get all of that entertainment so easily? Download.
impression of what "Westerners" are really like. According About four years ago I saw Michael Eisner, the head of
to Korean television, we have a collective penchant for Disney, on a talk show proclaiming that, in the near future,
violence, sex, dumb jokes, burgers and boobies. Who is the internet and television would merge to become the
this garbage aimed at-Westerners or Koreans? That's predominant source of entertainment for every household.
another debate. For now let's take a trip down to the local For millions of people around the globe, that day has
video shop and see what they've got. already arrived. Korea is in a particularly unique position
Oh look! Jean-Claude Van Damme in a movie that went to be a front-runner of this trend. This country boasts the
straight to video! Weekend at Bernie’s One AND Two! world’s highest number of internet connections per
Blade! Spiderman! The Hulk! Crap, rubbish, shite! Hey household. Copyright infringement is loosely-if ever-
look! Way back here it's Scarface. That's a good one. But enforced here, and download speeds range from fast to
faster. Swapping copywritten material online is still against

32 Gwangju News January 2007

the law, but where? Periodically, you'll hear stories about download; otherwise, torrent sites are completely free,
chronic file-sharers who have been caught and and there's no shortage of them. There's even free
prosecuted, but that still doesn't deter millions of people streaming online TV from, but
from downloading and uploading TV shows, movies and once again you are a slave to the time schedule. The
music on a daily basis-and how could it? Look at how advantages of bit torrent downloads make it hard for any
attractive it can be. other option to compare.

A camcorder bootleg of a newly released movie becomes I'm not going to focus on the minutia of how to get
available online as soon a film is screened publicly. Once completely set up in the download game because I'm not
films go to DVD, a ripped copy becomes available. Most advocating file sharing (especially on your work computer,
popular television shows appear on the net within hours dumb dumbs), but how do these other people go about
after first being broadcast. If a box set of any show’s entire doing it? In seven easy steps:
season is available in stores, then it will surely be available 1. Buy a computer.
online. This means that TV programs and films can be 2. Get the internet.
stockpiled and watched any time the user feels like it- 3. Download the program Bit Lord or Bit Comet.
without ads. English-language entertainment just went 4. Download the ACE codecs pack.
from being a rare treat to a buffet. Small groups of people 5. Visit the site
are assembling in dark, seedy places, French Resistance- 8. Type in a search for a TV show or film.
style, all around this country. They're passing around 7. Click download.
shows like Lost, Jericho and the uber-nerdy Battlestar
Galactica on their 100,000 won Geumho World portable Lastly, to all those legal-eagle party-poopers out there who
hard drives. Skeet Ulrich isn't getting a penny from it! The oppose this current trend of renegade file swapping, let
same goes for music. Entire discographies of artists are me just pose this question: is it wrong to steal a loaf of
often much easier to obtain than specific albums or tracks. bread to feed your starving family? Okay, Sopranos is not
But what about Lars from Metallica? Where's his cut? a loaf of bread and I'm certainly not starving, but Korean
TV, video shops and movie theatres can offer a bleak
Those who want to do the right thing can pay a visit to any selection. There are other possibilities.
one of a number of pay sites where one can pay per Story and Photos by Dave Martin

Gwangju News January 2007 33


Let’s Ski!
Muju Ski Resort
kiing and snowboarding are becoming needing to go back anywhere. Ski lifts and slopes connect
increasingly popular winter pastimes in Korea. the two bases, making it possible to ski between them. In
Nearly all of the resorts in Korea are in the chilly the evening the slopes are illuminated so you can continue
northern provinces, a far cry from Gwangju. The skiing under floodlights.
one exception is Muju Resort, near the centre of the If you've never skied before, there's a small “ski school”
country in Jeollabukdo. area at one base to get you started. For families with
Muju Resort opened in 1990 and proudly hosted the 1997 young children, there's also a “Kid's Land” tucked in
World University Winter Games. It boasts nineteen between the two bases, with a few fairground-style
slopes, which apparently include Korea’s longest at 6.2km amusements and a slope for sledding.
and the steepest at sixty degrees. It's one of the largest and Virtually everything you could think of for skiing is
most popular resorts. available for rent, such as skis, snowboards, boots, poles,
There are two main parts, the official Muju Resort and a jackets, pants, gloves, etc. The general cost is very cheap
“ski village”. The resort is conveniently situated right at compared to abroad, with skis plus boots costing about
the foot of the slopes and offers pretty much everything, 12,000 to15,000 won per day and ski jackets or pants
such as shopping, an Italian restaurant and a nightclub! about 10,000 won each.
Of course, this all comes at a price. The village is an ever- There are five basic skiing sessions: dawn (6:30-8:30
expanding collection of independent ski shops, condos a.m.), morning (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), afternoon (12:30-
and noraebangs. It's cheaper for things like 4:30 p.m.), evening (6:30–10 p.m.) and night (10 p.m.-
accommodations and equipment rental, but is midnight). There are various options when buying your
inconveniently located about two kilometres away. ski lift pass, depending on which sessions you choose. For
Either way, you need to get to the resort to actually ski! example, a single four-hour session pass currently costs
There are two main “bases” serving adjacent faces of the 47,000w, or a full morning plus afternoon and evening
mountain. At each you can buy ski passes, rent pass will cost 89,000won. These prices may change in
equipment, use lockers and access the ski lifts. There are peak season.
also cafeterias, coffee/snack/drink kiosks, cash machines, Being so far south in the peninsula, Muju often lacks
etc. so you can stay on the slopes the whole day without sufficient real snow, so bumper snow-making machines

34 Gwangju News January 2007

churn out artificial flakes to keep things going. January is resort during season. However, it's much easier if you have
considered the peak season. The resort normally shuts up your own transport, as you can come and go as you please
shop around the first weekend in March, though this is and will also be able to move all that skiing gear. If neither
dependant on weather and demand. you nor your friends have a car, consider renting a car or
Reserving a place to stay in advance is highly minivan for a day or two. There are plenty of “렌트카”
(“Ren-teu Ka”) places around and all you need is a Korean
recommended. At the resort, there's the extravagant Tirol
or international driver’s license. Rental charges are
Hotel, or the more reasonable Family and Kookmin
anything from 60,000 to120,000won per day dependent
Hotels, which are tailored for families and groups. Full
on the size and class of motor.
price details are listed online (see below). Note that costs
often include the lift pass. Alternatively, there are plenty of If you don't have a car, or simply prefer your travel to be
condos in the village. This cheap and cheerful option nice and easy, then it might be worthwhile visiting a local
usually consists of one or two rooms, a kitchen and a stack travel agent. Most offer transport and accommodations
of thin mattresses for people to sleep on. It's mostly aimed package deals from Gwangju to Muju Resort.
at families and larger groups. Costs range from 10,000 to
25,000won per person per night. A good place to start Go to for more information.
looking is, though of course it's all in Korean. By Jon Ozelton

If you're going by public transport, then your only option

Interested in Skiing in Muju? Take a look at
will be to stay at the resort. Express buses go from
Gwangju to Muju bus terminal (eight daily, 3.5 hours) the back page for details on the next GIC
where you can connect to special shuttle buses to the Cultural Tour!

Gwangju News January 2007 35

World Through the Eyes of a Teenager

Is Fashion to blame?
ecently, I watched the movie brand names.
“The Devil Wears Prada.” I was
attracted to all the beautiful Also, there is no denying that we are
looking actresses and luxurious living in an era when what you look
brand names, some of which I had like determines who you are. We
never even heard of before. I liked it all cannot assume that teenagers
the more because it allowed me to think suddenly became so subordinate to
about the rising phenomenon of fashion. Teenagers learn from adults
teenagers craving for brand-named and, nowadays, adults seek brand-
clothes. As we see from the title, it name clothes, and similarly, they try to
provides us with a glimpse inside the show their wealth and social class
fashion industry through the life of an through their clothes. When this is the
ordinary girl who was seeking to be a reality, can we blame fashion for
journalist, but totally changed as she spoiling teenagers?
was hired to be the secretary to the
chief editor of a fashion magazine. As Instead of criticizing the desire for
the movie goes on, we could actually see fashion among teens, we could be able
her ‘progress’ in fashion; from a humble to use fashion to create and teach
girl wearing a typical sweater to a values to teens. The money most teens
stunning stylish girl. Though the movie spend for the brand-name clothes are
portrays life in the fashion industry as from their parents. Many parents feel
one that many aspire to have, the point of the movie happy when we fulfill our desires. Some probably give
seems to be the typical saying “You should not judge a their children the money to the extent that the family's
book by its cover.” financial state becomes strained. This is abusing parents’
love for us. It is tough for the parents, and bad for the
This typical message deserves attention. Certainly, children, as it creates a poor sense of reality for them. If
nobody would deny it, but very often their behavior parents give away the money, their children will not
speaks the contrary. A lot realize the value of it.
of teenagers now try to It is funny that some of my schoolmates wear an Plus, they probably
wear the best brand expensive T-shirt inside their school uniform when we won’t recognize the
names to show off and try
have PE class so that others can see the brand name value of the clothes
to prove who they are they bought with the
because they think they when we change into our training suits. money because they
can be differentiated by didn’t earn it themselves. However, if teenagers had to
wearing brand names that not many people can afford. work part-time jobs and purchase these things with money
So, people criticize the trend and commercialism saying out of their own pocket, they would have a better sense for
they have terrible effects on children. However, is fashion the value of money and the items they buy. This could
to blame? provide a valuable lesson to teens: ‘You consume what you
earn,’ a key strategy to live in a capitalistic society.
In Korea, students are obliged to wear school uniforms,
and one of the intentions is to reduce the possible Desire to wear the most stylish product is quite natural
discrimination of certain students who are not rich and it is not the fashion industry which spoils teens. What
enough to buy brand names. If it worked, clothes matters is a sound consumption climate, and that teens
shouldn’t be a reason that students become social are to be led to the proper sense of values. We can use
outcasts. It is funny that some of my schoolmates wear an fashion as a means to create value, and help young people
expensive T-shirt inside their school uniform when we realize that there is more to life than the label you wear.
have PE class so that others can see the brand name when
we change into our training suits. Also, we still see cases By Choi YoungHoon
of how teenagers group themselves according to not only The writer, YoungHoon, is a first grader at Salesio
the brand of their watches, cell phones and MP3 players High School and has won many prizes in English
but also their GPA or even height. Like these, kids will competitions.
include or exclude each other with or without fashion and

36 Gwangju News January 2007

Once Upon a Time

At the same time Se-o-nyo was waiting

and crying at home. She went everyday to
the beach, but couldn’t find a sign of her
husband. Then one day she saw a pair of
shoes in the sand and she knew that they
belonged to Yeon-o-rang. In that moment
the same rock appeared and Se-o-nyo saw
that as a sign. So she climbed up the rock
and like her husband she was brought to
the strange island, where she found her
love again. So the couple could live
After a while the situation back in the
couple’s country changed. It was raining
all the time and cold, so the fruits couldn’t
Yeong-il-man in Pohang grow. And the fishermen had no luck at
their work. So the king started worrying
about the situation and sent his men to

Welcome Sun
find and solve the problem. They came
back with the news, that everything
changed after Yeon-o-rang and Se-o-nyo
disappeared. And so the servants had to

t’s time again to say “Hello!” to a new year full of travel to find the couple. One of them came finally to
new places, experiences and people. Some of us the strange island. But the couple refused to go home,
maybe want a change in their lifes or want to start because on the island the people saw them as teachers
over again. And why not? If you really need the new and gave them the position of a prince and a princess.
year as a start to do something different then play this But Yeon-o-rang said: “It isn’t us you need. Go to my
little game with your mind. But we shouldn´t hang to old house. My wife spun a roll of silk wear. The best you
hard on concepts of luck and misfortune and especially can find anywhere. Take that as a gift for the king. And
we shouldn’t let things from the outside give the total he should give it as a sacrifice to the gods.” The servant
control of our thoughts and feelings. Because went back, and did like Yeon-o-rang told him to do.
sometimes these things play a game with us too. Also the king followed the instructions. The ceremony
took several hours und then suddenly the dark clouds
Long time ago near the place, where nowadays Pohang opened up and the sun started shining again.
is, lived a fisherman Yeon-o-rang and his wife Se-o- Everything changed for the best and since then the
nyo. They were beloved by all people of the village and place was called Yeong-il... welcome sun!
were called sun and moon, because they brought
happiness and sunshine in everybodies life and Like the king and his men we need also sometimes
couldn’t exist without each other. One day Yeon-o-rang objects or rituals to feel better about a situation. Even if
went out fishing, but suddenly a storm came up and there is no connection between these things. Maybe you
shaked his boat up an down and he felt into the sea. He know somebody who always wears his luck socks when
fought for his life and thought that he wouldn´t see his he is watching a match of his favourite team.
wife again. In that moment a hugh rock in the shape of There are also rituals at New Years Eve, when
a boat appeared above him. Yeon-o-rang climbed up promisses were made. And we never really know if we
the rock and it started to move away with him. He can hold on them. But of course it´s good to believe in
screamed “Se-o-nyo! Se-o-nyo!”, but the rock boat something and we can always leave, try our luck in a
(boat rock?) flew quickly away and Yeon-o-rang new country and change our lives. If it isn’t an island,
couldn´t see the land anymore. so a peninsula should work too... like Korea. So let´s
After a while he stranded at an island and people came have a good start into the year 2007.
By Sandra Wyrwal
to help him, but he couldn’t understand the people and Sandra’s hometown is Freiberg, Germany. She completed her
they couldn´t understand him. So he wrote down in the M.A. degree in literature and psychology from the TU Chemnitz,
sand his name and that he wants back to his country. Germany, in 2003. In Korea since 2004 is she lecturer for German
One island man was impressed by the characteres language and literature at the Chonbuk National University in
Yeon-o-rang used and invited him to his house to Jeonju. To contact Sandra, please email her at:
become his teacher.

Gwangju News January 2007 37

Home Pages
K o r ea S o ut h A fr i ca
Sexy Inventions
Proud Korean! A Cape Town plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Peet van
Ban Ki-Moon became the Deventer, has developed a way to lift breasts by using a
first Korean Secretary- lightweight mesh attached to the chest wall. The mesh
General of the UN reinforces the 'hammock' created by the horizontal and
officially when he took the vertical ligaments in the breast. These are the strongest
inaugural oath at the UN ligaments in the breast and, less than 10 years ago, were
headquarters in New York. not known to exist. - The Cape Argus
His inauguration as
Secretary-General draws And another SA invention is raising more than eyebrows –
world attention because he or breasts. Willem van Rensburg is marketing his Pronto
is from S. Korea, the only condom as an answer to the annoyance of tearing off
divided country in the condom wrappers and figuring out the right way up. He
world and N. Korea’s says his condom can be used in less than three seconds
nuclear issue is still pending. He discarded archaic because it is applied without having to remove it from the
prejudices that a person from a divided country can’t be a wrapper first. – The Cape Times
Secretary-General and rewrote history by being the
Haute cuisine may seem a
world’s best diplomat. Ban Ki-Moon also elevated the
contradiction in terms on a
status of S. Korea and increased Korean pride which
continent where millions go
deserves support and admiration.
hungry. But Coco Fathi
Reinharz, a half-Belgian,
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon declared that he would
half-Burundian chef, is at the
set as a priority re-establishing the UN’s trust and fully
vanguard of a new African
dedicate himself to be a mediator and an arbitrator in
fine dining movement that is
disputes. He also said that he craves a dynamic and
ditching stodgy peasant food for sophisticated dishes with
courageous bureau rather than a passive one. There are
an exotic twist. Reinharz and a growing cadre of young
many issues such as unresolved disputes, famine, severe
African chefs are determined to showcase African flavours
gaps between developed countries and developing and
with finesse, using traditional ingredients like plantain
underdeveloped countries, etc. None of these issues will be
and yam. His new cookbook, To the Banqueting House -
easy to deal with. They will require international
African Cuisine on an Epic Journey, features dishes like
cooperation for solutions and this is where his work as an
oxtail terrine with inkomazi dressing and brunoised
international mediator comes in. Also, on his plate, is the
beetroot from Lesotho, or yam and crayfish risotto,
upcoming” 6 Party” talk (which will resume soon) and an
inspired by Gabon's fish and rice dishes. - Mail &
early solution for the nuclear issue. It will be a great deal
Guardian Online
of pressure on him, since he is from S. Korea, but, he must
seek help and compromise considering its gravity and Five southern African countries have signed an agreement
influence on security in the Korean Peninsula and North to establish the biggest conservation area in the world: a
East Asia. massive trans-frontier national park 14 times the size of
the Kruger National Park and almost as big as Italy.
UN staff members must be ready for dedication and
The Peace Parks Foundation has described the move as
commitment to ensure that the UN can carry out its
the most significant conservation effort undertaken in
missions. As Ban Ki-Moon indicated, it is high time to test
Africa in the last 100 years. – Melanie Gosling
the efficiency and integrity of the UN staff members.
The University of Stellenbosch has appointed its first black
We wish Ban Ki-Moon well with his new post as the rector, the theologian Russel Botman, who has held the
Secretary-General of the UN. We look forward to the UN position of Vice-Rector at the institution since 2002. –
making progress in enhanced security and development Die Burger
and human rights as it paves the way to make the world a By Melanie Steyn
peaceful community free from hardships for all.
By 8 ball

38 Gwangju News January 2007

Aotearoa- Iceberg alert!
A flotilla of icebergs floating off the coast of the South
N ew Z ea l a n d Island proved rather lucrative for the area’s small aircraft
pilots. A rare sight, tourists shelled out up to $500 for
Shrek’s icy birthday shear
each return flight to capture the mountains of ice on film.
How to take advantage of the recent
Some even took the trip twice to admire the spectacular
media attention caused by the ice
anomaly. The Antarctic icebergs usually don’t venture so
bergs floating around the South
far north, melting before they make it. However the
Island? Why, shear a sheep on one of
combination of a cold snap around southern NZ and
course. This is where Shrek’s fame
favorable ocean currents allowed the bergs to arrive in the
came into play, just in time for his 10th
area intact. According to the National Institute of Water
birthday. How lucky can you be? New
and Atmospheric Research, the phenomenon hasn’t been
Zealand Wool decided to combine the
witnessed since 1948. This being a fair reason for the high
two events in order to generate some
price tag perhaps.
publicity and raise money for the “Cure Kids” charity.
Good idea? To Shrek’s owner, John Perriam, it seemed so By Amber Kininmont
at the time, but he vows “never, never again”. Perriam
even tried to halt the stunt days before it was due to take
place, realizing that it probably wasn’t the safest or wisest I r e la n d
thing to do. However, the plans had been made and the
shear went ahead. Luckily for Shrek, there were no Danger-ous victory
fatalities, his custom-made crampons* keeping him steady County Roscommon is not known for its victories on the
enough. But Perriam admitted the experience was Gaelic football field. So when County Roscommon beat
“terrifying”. While on the iceberg, it had a ‘convulsion’ and County Kerry in a recent minor football match, they
the ice started to crack and split. It seems his concerns celebrated in style. All previous Roscommon All-Ireland
about safety were warranted. winners were invited to a grand banquet at Hyde Park, the
Shrek, the Bendigo merino, rose to stardom worldwide county grounds. Any surviving members of the 1943-44
when he was discovered in a cave in the high country of senior double, the U-21’s of 1966 and 1978, and any
Bendigo Station. He hadn’t been shorn for 6 years. former minor winners were feted and photographed for
Consequently his first fleece weighed a whopping 27.5 kg. posterity. Also, seen at the event were the most powerful
This latest fleece is expected to generate a healthy lawyers, judges, and law enforcement officials in County
donation for “Cure Kids” when it is auctioned off. What Roscommon society.
better reason to be shorn on an ice flotilla for your 10th
birthday celebration? Naturally, James “Danger” Beirne, Roscommon’s most
Source: ingenious and audacious criminal, stood out from the
*A spiked iron or steel framework that is attached to the crowd.
bottom of a shoe or boot to prevent slipping when walking Danger is well known throughout Ireland and Great
or climbing on ice and snow. ( Britian for his dramatic criminal flare. Although he tried
to import several million Euros of cocaine into London in
Marriage on ice rocks? 1999, such felonious acts pale in comparison to his earlier
It seems New Zealand Wool is not the only one wanting to work.
take advantage of the iceberg phenomena. A Dunedin
couple decided they wished to make their wedding Danger is possibly best known internationally for his
ceremony unique, saying their vows atop one of the ice cameo performance in the “Great Nigerian Fish Scam.
flotillas. This however, did not come to be. Thanks to Danger, the Norwegian bank Tromso
The couple had planned to hire a helicopter, grab a Sparebank lost a cool $3.5 million in commission to Tom
wedding celebrant and their crampons, and fly to one of Forde for a multi-million fish deal between Norway and
the Antarctic visitors to say their “I do’s”. However, the Nigeria. Although this was a “fishy deal,” there were no
proposal was seen as too risky and put on ice (pun actual fish, no money paid for it, and the Norwegians were
intended). According to a noted search and rescue left high and dry. Part of Danger’s role in this memorable
helicopter pilot, Richard ‘Hannibal’ Hayes, the unstable enterprise was to chauffeur the highly impressed
icebergs made the mission highly dangerous. Norwegian bankers in a Rolls Royce and transport them
by helicopter to Forde’s ‘manor estate’.
Another blow was delivered to the couple’s dream when
Internal Affairs informed them that people had to be Incidentally the nickname “Danger” comes from his
within 12 nautical miles of the coast to be married legally. exploits on the football field, especially near goal and not
The icebergs are at least double that distance from land. from anything he may have subsequently become
Cynics may suggest, however, that perhaps the pair just involved in. Danger likely knocked more fun out of the
wasn’t famous enough. banquet than all else in attendance.
Source: By John Buckley

Gwangju News January 2007 39


A Visit to the Indian

Cultural Center in Gwangju

y very first view of the Indian Cultural Centre
occurred on a rainy evening as my taxi
approached the building. It was a multi-floored
modern building with a traditional Indian painting on the
front wall and carved ethnic window frames. The painting
reminded me of similar paintings in my homeland. When
the taxi stopped at the front door of the Centre, I heard
the melodious hymns of Indian bhajan. I got out of the
taxi quickly, as it was drizzling, and rushed towards the
entrance. I was taken by surprise to see full-scale
decorations at the entrance to welcome the guests; it was
on par with any Indian home on a festival day. The feeling
seemed to dominate all my senses, making me believe I
wasn’t in Korea anymore. The aroma, colors and melody
blended with each other to create an Indian atmosphere.
The Indian Cultural Centre is a little India spread across
three floors, with two floors of galleries, an exhibition
space, one concert hall, a gift shop and a visitor
information office. I followed the signboard to the elevator
and then walked through a passage to reach the volunteers took me around. I got a chance to have a
information office on the third floor. Yet again, I was glimpse of everything, which allowed me to appreciate the
surprised to see people dressed in Indian cloths with deeper beauty of the place that could only be revealed
intricate attention towards their attire, colorful sarees, after studying it in detail over time.
sparkling jewelry and bindi. I could see friendly faces
welcoming me, which made me very comfortable. I asked I started my tour of the Centre from the first floor and was
for Ms. Yongmi, with whom I joined later on the stage to able to experience an inimitable collection of ethnic,
perform Indian classical dance. After the inauguration of elegant and fanciful handcrafted natural wood carved
the Cultural Centre at the concert hall on the 3rd floor, furniture. Included among this collection are few antiques
which had speeches, including one by India’s Ambassador with an excellent interplay of intricate carvings, colors and
and Indian style cultural performances by Indians and exquisite artwork. Also, it was exciting to see some
Koreans, I had an hour to explore the site. High-spirited musical instruments, both modern and ancient, from

40 Gwangju News January 2007

art. The pictures depict kings and queens in their
traditional costumes, lifestyles, romantic ventures and
their courtly grandeur. Also, the mural of the Taj Mahal,
the world’s most romantic monument, just leaves you
I personally feel as if the collection is slightly biased to
only a few regions of India. I am impressed by the
Centre’s plans to incorporate more themes on diverse
aspects to portray complete facets of Indian culture and
tradition. I appreciate and wish them good luck in their
effort to promote knowledge, understanding and an
appreciation of India’s culture to the people of Gwangju
and its visitors.

By Shilpa Pradeep

Let’s Learn Yoga from an Indian Master

The Indian Cultural Center will administer yoga class
starting on January 3rd at the Indian Cultural Center
in Unlim-dong, Dong-gu, Gwangju.

Instructor: Jaya Frasad (Indian)

Time schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (3 times
a week)
varied cultures and regions of India. The Centre has on 10:00 ~ 11:10
display a few of the tools used in preparation of various 19:10 ~ 20:10
Ayurvedic Medicine (form of herbal Indian medicine). 20:30 ~ 21:40
Tuition fee: 70,000 won/1 month, 180,000 won/3
There is a gift shop on the first floor where you could buy months
authentic Indian woven cloths, jewelry and numerous For more information: contact Byeon Young-mi at
craft items. On the second floor, the bulk of the gallery is 010-9811-4142
devoted to religious artifacts, the majority of which are Bus no.: Jiwon 50, Jiwon 51, Jiwon 54, Bongseon 76,
from Buddhism and Hinduism. The museum's collection Cheomdan 09 and get off Ul-lim middle school bus
of brass, wood, stone and other representations of the stop.
Buddha sculptures in various stances and emotional Taxi Instructions: 동구 운림동 인도문화원
depictions invoke a feeling of peace, grace, self-awareness, (천지가든 옆)
compassion and serenity. Huge aboriginal paintings of
Amithaba Buddha and others, hung aside of these
sculptures, enhance their elegance. Last but not least,
there is a colorful section of magnificent pieces of Indian
miniature paintings, Madhubani paintings and Mughal

Gwangju News January 2007 41


Pick Your Poison for American

Sports During Holiday Season

hhh, December and January - arguably the If Ohio State beats Florida, as it should, the
best months for any sports loving couch Buckeyes will be the consensus national champion,
potato in the United States. And, believe but if the Gators pull of an upset and Michigan
me, there are many. In Korea, I am slowly knocks off the University of Southern California (10-
transforming into a PC bang potato in order to 2) in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1, there may, yet again,
catch the latest scores and highlights. be dual-national champions. When will the powers
that be stop the insipid debating and go to a playoff
What's going on, you ask? Almost too much too format, just like every other division of collegiate
keep track of, but here goes: football does to decide its champion?
On another note, is it just me, or does there seem to
NCAA FOOTBALL be a new bowl game added every year? This year,
There are 32 Division I-A Bowl games, spanning 21 there are "Poinsettia" (what the heck is that?),
days (Dec, 19 ~ Jan. 8), culminating in the Tostitos "Papa John's", "Meineke Car Care" and "Chick-Fil-
Bowl Championship Series title game A" Bowls. Good gracious, will it ever stop? I hear
between top-ranked next year they may have a "Clean Your Stinky
and unbeaten Toilet" Bowl.
Ohio State (12-
0) and the A few bowl predictions:
University of Florida Tostitos Bowl: Ohio State 31, Florida 20
(11-1). The so-called Rose Bowl: Michigan 28, USC 24
championship match-up will take
place in Arizona on Jan. 8.
Once again, the BCS, or “BS” system, as many NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE
like to call it, did not do its job, which is to create a The playoffs begin on
clear-cut national title game. This time around, no Jan. 6 and Super Bowl
one had any problem with the undefeated Buckeyes XLI (41) in Miami is set
being there, but the Gators and the University of for Feb. 4. As of mid-
Michigan have only one loss. December the exact
playoff picture was still
Many felt the Wolverines (11-1), whose only defeat
unclear but frontrunners
was a 42-39 loss at the hands of Ohio State,
to reach Super Sunday
deserved a rematch in Arizona. Unbelievably, after
look like San Diego and
the all the formulas and mathematical calculations
Indianapolis in the AFC
that make up the computer part of the BCS system
with Chicago and, believe
were completed, Michigan and Florida were in a tie
it or not, New Orleans in
for second. The human polls gave the Gators a
the NFC. But, the NFL playoffs
slight edge and, thus, a berth in the championship
usually provide a few surprises from the underdogs.
This season shouldn't be any different.
"I hope that, in the future, we can have a system San Diego running back LaDainian Tomlinson,
where all of the answers are decided on the field," almost a sure lock for league MVP, set a single-
said an understandably peeved Michigan head- season NFL record when he scored his 29th.
coach Lloyd Carr. "We need to get away from touchdown in San Diego's Dec. 10th victory over
anything that's not decided by the players Denver.
Pittsburgh and Hines Ward, its Korean-born wide

42 Gwangju News January 2007

receiver, who earned Super Bowl MVP honors for NCAA MEN'S BASKETBALL
the champion Steelers last season, will miss the
Although March
playoffs this time around.
Madness is still
A few playoff predictions: three months
AFC Championship Game: New England vs. San away, things are
Diego beginning to heat
NFC Championship Game: Dallas vs. New Orleans up in the college
Super Bowl 41: New Orleans vs. San Diego ranks as team’s
head into their
NATIONAL BASKETBALL r e s p e c t i v e
ASSOCIATION c o n f e r e n c e
schedules. This
year's national
More than a third of championship is
the way through the definitely up for grabs, but the core of perennial
regular season, some favorites are the same with last year's champion
of the same old faces (Florida) and runner-up (UCLA) near the top of the
(i.e. Detroit, San pack. Duke, North Carolina, Ohio State and
Antonio, Dallas and Pittsburgh also look strong, but don't forget those
Phoenix) look tough pesky mid-major conference teams like Butler,
to beat while some Gonzaga, Marquette and Nevada, who love to reach
new mugs (i.e. for the glass slipper in March. Remember, George
Orlando, Houston, Mason reached the Final Four last season. George
Utah and Denver) Mason - that's a university, not a guy.
also present some
stiff competition.
It's too early to make any predictions, but, as has At the midpoint of the
been the case in recent years, the Western regular season, a few
Conference looks much stronger than the East. Stanley Cup favorites
Then again, last season's Eastern Conference champ, are beginning to
Miami, took care of Dallas in the finals, so who emerge. One of them
knows? is Anaheim, whose
record-setting start
Cleveland's 22-year old phenom, LeBron James, to the season saw it
Denver's Carmelo Anthony, and Phoenix's Steve earn at least a point
Nash, continue to impress with consistent and in 31 or it's first 34
superb play, while Portland's Zach Randolph is the games. Nashville also
only player in the league to be averaging over 25 appears tough to
points and 10 rebounds a game. Randolph, known contend with in the
for some of his foolish on and off-court antics, was Western Conference while Buffalo, Atlanta,
recently suspended one game for giving a fan the Montreal and the New York Rangers head up a
finger in Indiana. tightly contested East.
Speaking of childish behavior, a Dec. 16 game Second-year players Sidney Crosby (Canada) of
between host New York and Denver saw a massive Pittsburgh and Alexander Ovechkin (Russia) of
brawl break out late in the contest. After sucker Washington have proved their phenomenal rookie
punches were thrown and things cooled down, ten seasons were no fluke, while New York Rangers
players were ejected. Boys will be boys, I guess? Or veteran Jamomir Jagr (Czech Republic), playing in
overpaid, under-disciplined men will be babies? his 16th. season, continues to mesmerize opponents.
Take your pick.
By Jeff Smith

Gwangju News January 2007 43

January Events

Festivals Kangwon January 18th

2006~2007 Seoul Lucevista Website: Rent
Festival (before, Luminarie) For more Info.: 033) 441-7574 Director : Chris Columbus
Date: Starring : Rosario Dawson, Taye
December 15, Movies Diggs
2006 ~ January 4th Genres : Drama, Romance, Musical
January 7, Perfect Opposites
2007 Director: Matt Cooper Concert
Starring: Piper Perabo, Martin Violinist Yang
Venue: Cheonggye-cheon, Seoul Henderson Semi’s Recital
Time: 18:00 ~ 23:00 Genres: Drama, Romance
Admission fee : Free Program:
Open Season Mozart - Sonata in
2007 Daegwanryeong Snow On Director: Roger Allers, Jill Culton C major, KV 296
The Branches Festival Starring: Martin Lawrence, Ashton Ravel - Sonata
Date: January Kutcher
Genres: Drama, Animation, Previn - Sonata
31, ~ February “Vineyard”
6, 2007 Adventure, Comedy
Sarasate -
Venue: January 11th Introduction & Tarantella, Op. 43
Peongchang , DEATH NOTE the Last Name
Gangwon-do Director : Shusuke Kaneko, Date: 7:30 pm, Feb 1st
Starring : Tatsuya Fujiwara Venue: Small Teather, Gwangju Art &
Theme: Episode of Snowfield Genres : Thriller Culture Center
Main event: Interski Congress, snow Admission fee : Ivitation Tikect
sculpture exhibition, snow The Blood Diamond For more info.: 011-631-6967
motorcycle, etc. Director : Edward Zwick 018-613-7530
Website: www. Starring : Leonardo Dicaprio,
For more Info. : 033) 330-2399 Jennifer Connelly Date: 8 pm, Feb 7th
Genres : Drama, Thriller, Adventure Venue: Seoul Kumho Art Hall
2007 Hwacheon Booking: Tikectlink 1588-7890
Dejavu For more info.: 02) 541-6234
Cherry Salmon Director : Tony Scott By Lee Suhyun
Ice Festival Starring : Denzel Washington, Val
Date: January 6 ~ Notice
Kilmer Send your Event Information to Gwangju
January 28, 2007 Genres : SF, Drama, Romance, News: If you would like to advertise any
Venue: Hwacheon Thriller, Action, Adventure upcoming events, please email the
Hanam Riverside, information to:

Contact the GIC to confirm the schedule:
phone:(062) 226-1050, 2734
January 6th
Speaker: Nancy J. Scannell All talks take place at the GIC office.
(Professor, Univ. of Illinois at Springfield ) Address: 5th Floor, Jeon-il Bldg, Geumnam-no, Dong-gu (동
Topic: "The Labor Market: Lessons Learned from 구 금남로 1가 전일빌딩 5층).
Personal Experience" Directions: The GIC office is located in the same building as
the Korea Exchange Bank (KEB) in downtown Gwangju. The
January 13rd entrance is immediately north of the KEB on Geumnam-no
Speaker: Umar Rashid street, across from the YMCA.
(Master student, Information & Communication, GIST) (Subway stop: Culture complex, Bus: 07, 09, 45, 51, 52, 53, 55,
Topic: "Pakistan: A Spotlight on Indus Valley"
56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 80, 82, 518, 1000 )
For more information about the GIC Talks go to
January 20th
Speaker: Harsha Goonewardana
( ESL Instructor)
Call for Presenters: GIC Talk series welcomes your
Topic: "FTA: What have you done for me Iately?"
proposals for presentations on topics of society, culture,
January 27th politics, science or education, or anything of interest to the
Speaker: Omar Mohamed Taha foreign community. For more information, or to submit a
(Phd Student, Civil Engineering, Kunsan Univ.) proposal, please contact K i m S i n g s i n g at:
Topic: "Sudan" or call: (062)226-1050, 2734.

44 Gwangju News January 2007

Community Board

Sung Bin Orphanage which we can arrange the necessary & Gwangju News are only as good as the
invitation letters. volunteers who bring it to life!
Sung Bin Orphanage is looking for long
Contact GIC at 062-226-1050, 2734 or
term volunteers. We would like you to give Unfortunately we have not yet developed a
at least two Saturdays per month. As well website, although in the next couple of
as being a friend, you will be asked to months we should have something ready!
teach basic English to girls aged 7 to 14. For the moment the best option is to
For more information please contact contact Ali Redman
Michael at: ( or me, Gabriella
Fredriksson ( Trivia Answers
Looking for Native English Easy
speakers Join the Gwangju Yahoo! Group G: It is the only landlocked
Kona Volunteers is a registered As a policy we restrict the membership to country of them all
organization for helping underprivileged only international members of Gwangju E: Steven Speilberg
kids by teaching English using storybooks. and Jeollanamdo. This group aims to help H: Assumption
We are looking for long term volunteers the incoming and existing international
who desire to enrich their lives by AL: Margaret Mitchell (Gone With
community in understanding their new
volunteering. We would like you at least 2 the Wind)
home, Gwangju and to share one's native
Sunday afternoons per month. country's culture. Share valuable travel SN: 97
and shopping tips, useful web-links and SL: Germany
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we
help children of low income families or find others with common interests. This
single-parent families. On the 4th Sunday, group is a safe place to share your Not-so-easy
we help orphanage children. If you have problems and difficulties and seek G: Aruba
any picture books and storybooks, please solutions and support while in Gwangju, E:Gene Hackman
donate them when you leave Korea. Jeonnam. The group also hopes to plan H: 1974
events such as hiking, skiing or checking
For more information, please contact Kim AL: Messina, Sicily
Young-Im out various local hot spots. SN: tin/aluminium
at SL: Helsinki
Gwangju Men’s Soccer Help Gwangju News Magazine! Bloody Hard
The Gwangju international soccer team
plays regularly most weekends. If you are
Volunteer one day a month. G: Alaska
interested in playing, please contact GIC needs volunteers to mail out Gwangju E: Cilla Black News. Gwangju News, published monthly, H: Abu Bakr
is sent to nearly 700 addresses. Please AL: Ionic, Composite, Corinthian,
Looking for a volunteer give back to Gwangju News by helping Tuscan, Doric
monthly. Join our Gwangju News mail-
We are looking for a volunteer to help us SN: Monkey puzzle
out volunteers monthly at GIC. Volunteers
with the development of a new sun bear
are called 48 hours before the mail-out SL: korfball
education exhibit which will contain
day (during the first week of each month).
interactive displays and information
GIC needs 6-8 people who can help. GIC
aimed at the local public in Kalimantan.
As part of the position we hope that a
volunteer will be keen to help with the
care-taking of ex-stray cats (55) and dogs
(5) currently looked after by us at the
Hapkido Lessons in English!
facility (i.e. feeding, medical care, nursing Jon Leroex has a 4th dan black belt in Hapkido. He's trained under a Korean Master
of small newcomers, cat enclosure since 1997. He's begun his own English Hapkido club here in Gwangju.
enrichment). Ideal would be someone who Where: Speakeasy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
has some experience with training dogs (Map -
(in good behaviors) and who is also When: Group 1= 8:30 - 9:30pm and Group 2= 10:00 - 11:00pm
interested in enrichment work with the Cost: Weekly membership fee is 10 000 won
sun bears in their natural enclosure at the
facility. January’s classes will focus on self-defense and kicking.
Curriculum is dictated by members' suggestions.
There is no deadline for sending in
applications-but the sooner the better! We
recommend that a volunteer would be
Everyone is welcome.
able to stay for at least 4-6 months. At the “Often people ask me, what Hapkido is? Certainly, Hapkido can be defined in many
facility we can provide housing and food ways; philosophically, spiritually, and physically. But to simplify the matter.
for a volunteer, but unfortunately not the Hapkido is the study of coordinated energy (Ki). It's important to realize that initially
airfare. Airfare to East Kalimantan will because beginners tend to be focused on the physical aspects of Hapkido. However,
depend on where someone is coming from like dance with partners, the focus is on rhythm, energy, and moving together as a
and whether cheap AirAsia flights can be whole.” - Jon Leroux.
used. South Koreans can get a visa on
arrival in Indonesia, but we suggest any Want to know more, or have further questions? Call Jon at 011 615 1842.
volunteer to come on a social visit visa for

Gwangju News January 2007 45

Have you ever thought that you
would like to publish your
writing or photographs? Are
you willing to hone and
improve your writing with a
team of writers, proofreaders
and editors?

How would you like to add to

your resume that you wrote
several feature articles, regularly wrote news blurbs, and
proofread for an English Language magazine in South
We are developing a team of people who are willing to
commit 5 to 6 hours a month toward either writing,
researching, proofreading, or photographing. You can be
in any city or province in South Korea. English does not
have to be your native language, because other writers will
be helping you. As long as you are willing to improve your
work and are committed to turning your work on time,
Gwangju News has a place for you.
Gwangju News is only as good as its volunteer magazine
staff. Your writing, proofreading, and photography can
reach over 6000 foreigners in the Jeollanam-do region not
to mention the countless Korean readers. If you’d like to
be involved, write to

46 Gwangju News January 2007

Gwangju News January 2007 47
GIC Cultural Tour
Date: January 27th 2007, Saturday
Where: Muju, Jeollabukdo
<Itinerary >
07:00 Meet by the clock tower of Gwangju bus terminal, U-square
07:10 Depart for Muju
08:40 ~ 14:00 Skiing or Boarding (Free Time)
17:00 Depart for Gwangju
19:30 Arrive in Gwangju (It could be possibly delayed, because of

This tour may be canceled if less than 30 people make a reservation.

Tour cost: Adult 75,000 won / Kid 57,000 won

(Under 13) / GIC member: 70,000 won
Ski suit and lunch are not included in the cost. You can rent the ski suit
for 15,000won individually. Please let us know if you want to ride a ski
board (Extra 3,000won charged)

Please make a reservation before January 18th so we can arrange

your travel insurance. The cost includes transportation, rental fee and
lift. You have to prepare your lunch.

For reservation, contact GIC at 062) 226-1050 or

We need the following information

- Your contact information (email, phone number) - Your full name
- Nationality - Alien registration number (77xxxx-xxxxxxx)

*30,000 won sign-up fee in advance (non-refundable unless entire tour is cancelled).
Gwangju Bank 134-107-000999 (Name: 광주국제교류센터)

2007 GIC 1st - Korean Language Class

January 8th ~ February 24th (Two times a week for 7 weeks)
Class hours: 10:30 am -12:30 pm (2 hours)
Level Days
SATURDAY CLASS (Every Saturday for 7 weeks)
Beginner Wednesday & Friday
10:30am ~ 12:30pm
Intermediate Tuesday & Thursday TUITION FEE: 45,000 won
Low-Advanced Tuesday & Thursday (10,000won Membership fee included)
- Beginner Class
High-Advanced Tuesday & Thursday - Intermediate Class
*Dates and times subject to change.
GIC is located on 5th floor of the Jeon-il building, the same
TUITION FEE: 60,000 won building of the Korean Exchange Bank, downtown. But the
(10,000won Membership fee included) entrance is located immediately to the north of the Bank.
Contact GIC office for more information.
*The tuition fee is non-refundable after the first week.
Phone: 062) 226-1050,2734
Email: Website:

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