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Create a ready-to-print PDF file with LAP

Before uploading your data at LAP Online, you are required to create a ready-to-print PDF file of your work. This is quite simple: If you are using Windows: Please download and install for free the "PDF Creator" document from our website: . Please open your original document in the original application now (e.g. Word,OpenOffice, LateX, etc.) and select Print from the menu of that software. The dialog box that appears now gives you a number of printers for your system. Please select PDF Creator. Confirm the print dialog with OK, save your document under the name buchblock.pdf at a location of your choice and upload it to our server at LAP Online. If you are using Linux and are not able to use PDFCreator, please ensure to use the lmodern package when exporting your file to PDF, and that all fonts are marked as embedded. If you are using a Mac, you can open your anyhow created PDF with Preview, go to Save as, save the file as buchblock, the selected format should already be PDF. Below you can select the Quartz-Filter. Choose Create Generic PDFX-3 Document. Click Save and use the newly created PDF for you upload. Please always double check the created PDF before uploading for errors, layout inconsistencies and completeness. Exporting PDFs is not always fully reliable. Please do NOT encrypt the PDF file of your work (NO password) since we cannot process it for reproduction otherwise!

How to Upload Your Data at LAP Online

(Our homepage has the VeriSign certificate, therefore it provides the highest security for you while registering and uploading your documents.)

Please use the browser Mozilla FIREFOX (available free of charge at and make sure that Java is running. Then go to log onto LAP Online using your personal login data which you have received via e-mail. After login, you will see the main page. Click on Start/edit project.

STEP 1 ___________________________________________________
Your photo
LAP Online manual 09.02.2009

Your photo for the book cover should be 1250 pixel (high)* 900pixel (wide) in jpeg format. Now you can upload your photo for the back cover of the book. If you dont have a photo or if you dont want a photo on the back cover, you can skip this by marking no photo. Is your photo not ready yet and you wish to insert the author image last? Please mark no photo so that you can proceed to Step 2. After uploading all other documents, you may go back to Step 1 and upload your photo.

Please mark it here if you are the sole author of the book or you have a co-author. Should you have a coauthor, please type in the name of each author (with a total maximum of 3) to the appropriate field.

Bio/ Short CV/ Vita

Please enter a short bio for the back cover of the book. Your bio is a summary of your CV. Please include all that are applicable: Your field of study, main subjects/university; professional experience (other than traineeships etc.); current position, and company.
Sample: John C. Meyers, MBA: Studied Business Economics at Harvard University. Project Manager at Informatics Inc., New York.

Your text may not exceed 350 characters including spaces. We recommend not using any Office Suite for pre-writing the bio.

STEP 2 ___________________________________________________
Please choose the language of your book.

Title and Subtitle

The complete title of your book comprises title and subtitle. The title should be short, easy to understand and factual. Please, do not use overly fancy titles and ensure that the subtitle has no more than 120 characters including spaces.
Example A: Title: IT Cost Controlling Subtitle: Benefit Potentials of Controlling Tools

Example B: Title: Efficiency of Advanced Training Subtitle: Basics, Concepts, Methods

Please enter the title and then the subtitle. You will then see a question mark on the left side. This means that your title suggestion will be verified by the LAP editorial office with regard to its marketing potential. Keep in mind that a subtitle is mandatory.

LAP Online manual 09.02.2009

Spine Please type in a short version of the title for the spine of your book. It can contain a total maximum of 40 characters.
Example: Title: Major investments in the United States of America. Planning, Structuring, Execution. Short Title for spine: Major investments in the USA

Blurb/ Short text

Now you can enter the jacket text which is to appear on the back cover and in various catalogues of the bookselling trade. The jacket text should summarize the contents of the book and induce the interested customer to buy a copy. Please adhere to the following structure: a. Introduction to the problem, b. Abstract of the contents of the book, c. Naming the target groups for which the book was written.
Sample: Over the last few years, the use of online social networks has increased exponentially, and some of these "virtual communities" are among the most visited sites on the Internet. With this boom in popularity has also come a rise in the need for marketing within these spaces, and very little academic literature exists on how to best utilize this new and budding arena for advertising ventures. Traditional business approaches to marketing are no longer adequate, as online environments have completely radicalized the advertising landscape. This book,therefore, provides a new metric of success for social network marketing, supplemental to the more traditional cost analysis that most marketing developers currently use. Three separate, distinctly different instances of marketing within virtual communities are analyzed rhetorically, derived from Bitzer's concept of the "rhetorical situation," among other ideas. The analysis should help shed some light on this new and exciting advertising environment, and should be especially useful to professionals in Communications and Marketing fields, or anyone else who may be considering utilizing online communities for marketing efforts.

The text must be between 800 and 1200 characters!

STEP 3 ___________________________________________________________
Your manuscript Buchblock
Your PDF file in A4 or similar format will be printed exactly as you hand it in, however not in A4 but in a smaller format of 15 x 22 cm. We will add standard pages containing title, ISBN, imprint, etc. Your work should be only ONE file. It is not possible to upload it as separate documents. Your manuscript will be printed in black and white. Please pay attention to the following checklist when finalizing the formatting of your manuscript:

Filename: buchblock (no capital B is allowed) Format: PDF ( Those who work with Windows we suggest to download the following support file in order to create the appropriate format of the manuscript: ) Pageformat: All pages have to be in portait format (higher than wide). Please have a closer look at pages containing full-size tables! Text type area: Justified Font size of main text: 12-14 pt Font size of footnote: 11 pt Font family: Arial or Times New Roman Make sure fonts are embedded (no need to check when you're using the PDFCreator version offered on our site) Margins: left/right/top/bottom equally 2 cm or 0.7 in ( minimum 0.5 in)
LAP Online manual 09.02.2009

Spacing: main text 1.25 or 1.5 spacing, footnotes single-line spacing Page numbers: the table of contents begins with an uneven number, first chapter or main text begins with an uneven page number as well Page number position: centered or uneven numbers on the top/bottom right/even numbers on the top/ bottom left of the page The resume, abstract, cover page, statutory declarations if any, should be all removed ( also from the table of contents). Dedication or acknowledgment can stay. Please review once again before uploading your whole text, the graphs, footers, images and its subtitles to check on their font size and quality.

Please note that the newest uploaded version of your buchblock.pdf file is automatically saved. You are free to replace terms like diploma thesis or master thesis by terms like work or book because such terms designate a thesis/dissertation. Strictly speaking, once your work is published in the form of a book, it no longer is a dissertation/thesis. However, this is not obligatory. If you have persistent problems uploading you may send your buchblock.pdf to your editor along with your username and password so they can assist you.

STEP 4 ___________________________________________________________
Please choose the category of your book based on the subject area you were elaborating on.

Please enter 1 to 10 keywords ,by means of which your title can be found in the various catalogues of the bookselling industry in the future. Keywords are catchwords regarding your work. The more, the better. They need to be separated by commas only.

LAP Online manual 09.02.2009

Cover design
Please choose a picture from from our database, where you can choose from several thousand pictures. Please do not sign up for membership, just simply use the public search. The picture has to be in HORIZONTAL format (wider than high). Please enter the code written under the picture you like in the appropriate field in your account and click on cover preview in order to have a look at your cover. - Please make sure you have chosen the right cover and font colour.

STEP 6 ___________________________________________________________
Finishing your project - Confirmation
You arrived to the final stage of LAP Online. Please confirm your book project in order to finish it. After registering you have maximum 4 weeks time to finish your book project. PLEASE NOTE: After you have finished your book project by uploading all documents, and confirming the cover, you will not be able to make any changes. Therefore, please make sure that all the documents are correct and you agree to publishing the cover you have chosen before actually pressing the ACCEPT button. (Please, press ACCEPT in order to finish your book project.) As you know there is no financial contribution needed from your side when you are publishing with us. In addition to that you receive royalty commission and one free copy of your book. LAP can only offer you this opportunity if you respect our working processes and standards. Should you wish to make any changes to your book after pressing ACCEPT, it is only possible if you pay 150 Euros in return. After you have successfully completed Step 1-5, our Print- Management Team will approve your book. They will check if all technical requirements have been fulfilled in order to send your work to print. There is no proofreading or professional editing performed. Your cover will be printed exactly as you hand it in. The chosen title of your book will be checked if it is legally permissible. Unless there are any complications, your book will be sent to print and you will automatically receive the free copy in 6 weeks. Should our Print-Management Team need any clarification, you will be contacted per Email. Once again: After finishing all steps, no changes in your book project will be possible anymore. Please note that even after finishing your project with LAP Online you will be able to log onto the website in case you need to change your personal data ( address, bank account number..etc.). Do keep your login data safe. Should you have further questions, please check out the FAQs at our website or contact your personal Acquisition Editor. Thank you for publishing with LAP!

LAP Online manual 09.02.2009

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