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REPORT ZM_CHECK_EKBE_AREWR . *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * select options: * SO_BELNR = MM invoice document * SO_GJAHR = Document year * SO_BUDAT = Posting date of MM invoice document * SO_BUKRS = Company Code of Purchase Order *---------------------------------------------------------------------* tables: EKKO, EKPO, RBKP, RSEG. data: tab_rbkp like rbkp occurs 10, s_rbkp like rbkp. data: tab_rseg like rseg occurs 10, s_rseg like rseg. data: begin of tab_check_ebeln occurs 10, ebeln like ekpo-ebeln, ebelp like ekpo-ebelp. data: end of tab_check_ebeln. data: tab_ekko like ekko occurs 10, s_ekko like ekko. data: tab_ekpo like ekpo occurs 10, s_ekpo like ekpo. data: tab_ek08rn like ek08rn occurs 10. data: s_ek08rn like ek08rn. data: begin of tab_hist_error_qty_zero occurs 10, ebeln like ekko-ebeln, ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, lfbnr like ek08rn-lfbnr, wemng like ek08rn-wemng, remng like ek08rn-remng, wewrt like ek08rn-wewrt, arewr like ek08rn-arewr. data: end of tab_hist_error_qty_zero. data: begin of tab_hist_error_different_sign occurs 10, ebeln like ekko-ebeln, 9/13/2011

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ebelp lfbnr wemng remng wewrt arewr data: end of

like ekpo-ebelp, like ek08rn-lfbnr, like ek08rn-wemng, like ek08rn-remng, like ek08rn-wewrt, like ek08rn-arewr. tab_hist_error_different_sign.

data: begin of tab_hist_probably_wrong occurs 10, ebeln like ekko-ebeln, ebelp like ekpo-ebelp, lfbnr like ek08rn-lfbnr, wemng like ek08rn-wemng, remng like ek08rn-remng, wewrt like ek08rn-wewrt, arewr like ek08rn-arewr. data: end of tab_hist_probably_wrong. Data: f_lines type i, f_diff_menge like ek08rn-remng, f_diff_value like ek08rn-wewrt, f_diff_theoretical_value like ek08rn-wewrt, f_quot_we type p decimals 2, f_quot_re type p decimals 2, f_quot_compare type p decimals 2, f_quot type p decimals 2 value 5, f_add_check type boole-boole. Select-options: so_belnr so_gjahr so_cpudt so_bukrs for for for for rbkp-belnr, rbkp-gjahr, rbkp-cpudt, ekko-bukrs.

. * ---- selection ------------------------------------------------------* SELECT * FROM RBKP WHERE BELNR AND GJAHR AND CPUDT into table tab_rbkp in so_belnr in so_gjahr in so_cpudt.

if sy-subrc ne 0. write: 'No RBKP entries found'. exit. endif. select * from rseg into table tab_rseg for all entries in tab_rbkp WHERE BELNR = tab_rbkp-belnr AND GJAHR = tab_rbkp-gjahr. if sy-subrc ne 0. write: 'No RSEG entries found'. exit. endif. * ---- fill tab_check_ebeln -------------------------------------------* loop at tab_rseg into s_rseg. tab_check_ebeln-ebeln = s_rseg-ebeln. 9/13/2011

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tab_check_ebeln-ebelp = s_rseg-ebelp. collect tab_check_ebeln. endloop. select * from ekko into table tab_ekko for all entries in tab_check_ebeln WHERE EBELN = tab_check_ebeln-ebeln AND BUKRS in so_bukrs. if sy-subrc ne 0. write: 'No EKKO entries found'. exit. endif. select * from ekpo into table tab_ekpo for all entries in tab_check_ebeln WHERE EBELN = tab_check_ebeln-ebeln AND EBELP = tab_check_ebeln-ebelp AND BUKRS in so_bukrs AND pstyp ne 9. if sy-subrc ne 0. write: 'No EKPO entries found'. exit. endif. * ---- analyzation ----------------------------------------------------* loop at tab_ekpo into s_ekpo. check not s_ekpo-wepos is initial. check s_ekpo-weunb is initial. read table tab_ekko into s_ekko with key ebeln = s_ekpo-ebeln. CALL FUNCTION 'ME_READ_ITEM_INVOICE' EXPORTING DISPLAY = 'X' EBELP = s_ekpo-ebelp IEKKO = s_ekko RE_KURSF = s_ekko-wkurs RE_WAERS = s_ekko-waers RE_WWERT = sy-datum TABLES XEK08RN = tab_ek08rn EXCEPTIONS NOT_FOUND_ANY = 1 NOT_FOUND_ONE = 2 NOT_VALID_ANY = 3 NOT_VALID_ONE = 4 ENQUEUE_FAILED = 5 OTHERS = 6 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. continue. ENDIF. loop at tab_ek08rn into s_ek08rn. perform check_differences. endloop. endloop. 9/13/2011

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*-------- List of wrong PO histories ---------------------------------* *----clear f_lines. describe table tab_hist_error_qty_zero lines f_lines. 'PO history total invoiced eq total delivered but ' , 'GR/IR account is not cleared' . uline . if f_lines eq 0. write: / 'No PO items with a wrong PO history found' . else. perform write_header. . loop at tab_hist_error_qty_zero. write: /1 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-ebeln , 11 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-ebelp , 17 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-lfbnr , 28 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-wemng , 43 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-remng , 58 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-wewrt , 73 tab_hist_error_qty_zero-arewr. endloop. endif. uline. write: / , / , / . uline. *-------clear f_lines. describe table tab_hist_error_different_sign lines f_lines. Write: / 'PO history different sign for difference qty and value'. uline . if f_lines eq 0. write: / 'No PO items with a wrong PO history found' . else. perform write_header. loop at tab_hist_error_different_sign. write: /1 tab_hist_error_different_sign-ebeln , 11 tab_hist_error_different_sign-ebelp , 17 tab_hist_error_different_sign-lfbnr , 28 tab_hist_error_different_sign-wemng , 43 tab_hist_error_different_sign-remng , 58 tab_hist_error_different_sign-wewrt , 73 tab_hist_error_different_sign-arewr. endloop. endif. uline. write: / , / , / . uline. *-------clear f_lines. check not f_add_check is initial. describe table tab_hist_probably_wrong lines f_lines. Write: / 'PO histories with unrealistic differences' . uline . if f_lines eq 0. write: / 'No PO items with a wrong PO history found' . else. Write: / 9/13/2011

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perform write_header. loop at tab_hist_probably_wrong. write: /1 tab_hist_probably_wrong-ebeln , 11 tab_hist_probably_wrong-ebelp , 17 tab_hist_probably_wrong-lfbnr , 28 tab_hist_probably_wrong-wemng , 43 tab_hist_probably_wrong-remng , 58 tab_hist_probably_wrong-wewrt , 73 tab_hist_probably_wrong-arewr. endloop. endif. *---------------------------------------------------------------------*

form check_differences. *------ calculate differences F_diff_menge = s_ek08rn-wemng - s_ek08rn-remng. F_diff_value = s_ek08rn-wewrt - s_ek08rn-arewr. *------ check and fill error_tables---------------------------------* check not ( F_diff_menge eq 0 and F_diff_value eq 0 ) . if F_diff_menge eq 0 and F_diff_value ne 0. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-ebeln = s_ekpo-ebeln. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-ebelp = s_ekpo-ebelp. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-lfbnr = s_ek08rn-lfbnr. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-wemng = s_ek08rn-wemng. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-remng = s_ek08rn-remng. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-wewrt = s_ek08rn-wewrt. tab_hist_error_qty_zero-arewr = s_ek08rn-arewr. append tab_hist_error_qty_zero. elseif F_diff_menge lt 0 and F_diff_value gt 0 or F_diff_menge gt 0 and F_diff_value lt 0. tab_hist_error_different_sign-ebeln = s_ekpo-ebeln. tab_hist_error_different_sign-ebelp = s_ekpo-ebelp. tab_hist_error_different_sign-lfbnr = s_ek08rn-lfbnr. tab_hist_error_different_sign-wemng = s_ek08rn-wemng. tab_hist_error_different_sign-remng = s_ek08rn-remng. tab_hist_error_different_sign-wewrt = s_ek08rn-wewrt. tab_hist_error_different_sign-arewr = s_ek08rn-arewr. append tab_hist_error_different_sign. else. check not f_add_check is initial. check s_ek08rn-remng gt 0 and s_ek08rn-wemng gt 0. F_quot_re = s_ek08rn-arewr / s_ek08rn-remng. F_quot_we = s_ek08rn-wewrt / s_ek08rn-wemng. if F_quot_re ne 0. if F_quot_re lt F_quot_we. F_quot_compare = F_quot_we / F_quot_re. elseif F_quot_we ne 0. F_quot_compare = F_quot_re / F_quot_we. endif. endif. if F_quot_compare gt f_quot OR F_quot_re eq 0. tab_hist_probably_wrong-ebeln = s_ekpo-ebeln. tab_hist_probably_wrong-ebelp = s_ekpo-ebelp. 9/13/2011

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tab_hist_probably_wrong-lfbnr = s_ek08rn-lfbnr. tab_hist_probably_wrong-wemng = s_ek08rn-wemng. tab_hist_probably_wrong-remng = s_ek08rn-remng. tab_hist_probably_wrong-wewrt = s_ek08rn-wewrt. tab_hist_probably_wrong-arewr = s_ek08rn-arewr. append tab_hist_probably_wrong. endif. endif. endform. "check_differences. form write_header. write: /1 11 17 30 46 61 74 /1 11 17 30 46 61 74 'PO number' , 'item' , 'Material doc' , 'Delivered qty' , 'Invoiced qty' , 'Deliv. value' , 'Invoices value' . 'EBELN' , 'EBELP' , 'LFBNR' , 'EK08RN-WEMNG' 'EK08RN-REMNG' 'EK08RN-WEWRT' 'EK08RN-AREWR'


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Print 9/13/2011

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