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Organizing Conversations about "New Media": Towards a Theory of Digital Communication.

Carlos A. Scolari, PhD Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)

Pre-refereeing version

Final version published as Mapping conversations about new media: the theoretical field of digital communication New Media Society 2009; 11; 943 DOI: 10.1177/1461444809336513

Abstract This article reflects on the current state of digital communication studies in the context of mass communication research. The objectives of the article are 1) to characterize the enunciators and the contents of scientific conversations about digital communication, and 2) to sketch a map of possible scientific interlocutors to define the limits of this new research field. After quickly revising the paradigms of mass communication studies, the article deals with the main issues of a new research field: the study of digital communication processes. The article starts with a series of considerations about the definition of the research object and continues with a description of the evolution and main trends of digital communication research. The second part of the article describes the transformations that the appearance of digital technology has generated in communication processes, and describes these transformations according to a classic outline of production/product/consumption. The article concludes with a research agenda of the main issues that a Theory of Digital Communication should resolve, from defining the study aims and the most pertinent methodologies to constructing a map of the closest fields of knowledge with which to establish strong epistemological relationships. Keywords: new media studies, communication theory, mass communication theory

The spread of broadcasting in the second decade of the 20th century was followed by the development of a theoretical corpus about new media such as radio and, thirty years later, television. This theoretical corpus integrated itself into a research tradition - the study of journalism, public opinion and press - and consolidated a new epistemological territory: Theories of Mass Communication (TMC). The arrival of a new generation of digital media that is no longer based on the broadcasting logic has changed the limits and habitants of this territory: digital communications have invaded our homes, offices and epistemological spaces. New media are challenging our knowledge about (traditional) mass communication. In the last decade many researchers have tried to integrate empirical data and theoretical reflections about the new media. Web theories (Burnett & Marshall, 2003), technocultural thinking about electronic media (Thornton Caldwell, 2000), analysis of remediation processes (Bolter & Grusin, 2000) and new media critical introductions (Lister, Dovey, Giddings, Grant, & Kelly, 2003) are just a few examples of the very heterogeneous scientific production. This article reflects on the current state of digital communication theories in the context of mass communication studies. After quickly revising the concept of digital communication and the main paradigms of mass communication studies, the article deals with the main issues of a new research field: the construction of a Theory of Digital Communication (TDC). ___________ Digital, interactive or hypermedia communication? Our reflection starts with an assertion and a series of questions. The assertion is that it is impossible to continue talking about new media. Is television a new media? It used to be a new media in the 1950s. The same may be said for radio in the 1920s or cinema at the beginning of the 20th century. Some researchers agree that the newness of new media is, in part, real, in that these media did not exist before now. But taking these changes into account does not mean abolishing all history because it (history) is full of similar moments of newness (Lister et al., 2003, p. 3). Therefore, new media is a relative concept: in thirty or twenty years time weblogs and online journals will be considered old media. Then What is the new thing in the new media? How can we define the new forms of communication in the digital age? How can we speak about them? Should we call the new thing interactive communication? Or is it better to define it as just digital communication? What about hypermedia? Why not networked communication? Theoretical reflection about interaction and communication is not new. In the late 1980s, before the rapid spreading of the Internet, Heeter (1989) described the implications of interactive technologies for conceptualizing communication. He discovered many dimensions of interactivity and described how interactive technologies were changing our concepts of interpersonal, mass and mediated communication. The development of interactive technologies has demonstrated the importance of these initial theoretical reflections: weblogs, videogames and search-engines are essential elements of our everyday communicational experience. Fifteen years after Heeter's descriptions, experts in Human-Computer Interaction ask themselves if mass medias future could be shaped by interactive technologies (Macdonald, 2004). As we can see, interaction should be considered a basic component of the new media. Let's look at another concept. The term digital seems limited when defining the new types of communication because we can say that now, at the beginning of the 21st century, all communication is digital to a certain degree. Printed newspapers, radio transmissions and television programmes are all designed, produced, post-produced and frequently distributed using digital technologies. Therefore, digitalization is also a basic component of the new media. If we follow this trail, we can describe different basic concepts or components that characterize the new media: digitalization, interactivity, virtuality, dispersion, hypertextuality (Lister et al., 2003), numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability, transcoding (Manovich, 2001), etc. Each researcher may adopt one or two of these characteristics or propose a new one. However, most of them would agree that we could identify a new kind of communication process characterized by: A technological transformation (digitalization) Many-to-many configuration (networking) A combination of different languages and media (multimedia) Complex textual structures (hypertexts) Active participation of receivers, now also called users (interaction).

This semantic confusion should be put into context: as a new research field is born, semantic chaos is a necessary part of this process. If we focus on the production process and its raw material, the main concept is digitalization; if we consider the content, the remediations (Bolter & Grusin, 2000) or the technological support (media) of the communication process, the notion is hypermedia. Finally, if we focus on the reception process, the keyword is interaction. Digitalization, or in other words, the technology that reduces the text to something that can be fragmented, handled, linked and distributed (Negroponte, 1995) is what allows hypermedia and interactive communication. This is why in this article we prefer to employ, although provisionally and in an operative way, the concept of digital communication. One theoretical footnote before continuing with our analysis: the chaos surrounding the definition of our scientific object could be useful for redesigning the limits of the research field. For example, research into interactive communication should include exchanges with Human-Computer Interaction and Usability studies. In the same way, the concept of hypermedia also redefines the relationship between Semiotics and traditional TMC. ___________ Mass Communication Conversations Language is a basic element for the construction and survival of organizations (Winograd & Flores, 1987; Flores, 1997) and scientific institutions (Shotter, 1993). Thus, analyzing conversations is essential for understanding a scientific domain. Theoretical production emerges from an organizational environment made up of universities, research centres, journals, conferences and congresses. In this area of the semiosphere (Lotman, 1990) researchers exchange information, discuss ideas, arrive at agreements and take on obligations - for example to respect a scientific methodology - inside a network of linguistic speech acts (Austin, 1999). In other words, they activate and hold conversations. If our objective is to understand a scientific domain, we should map its discursive territory, identify the enunciators that participate in the conversational network and reconstruct their conversations. The territory of mass communication research is a complex network of theoretical paradigms, methodologies, techniques and specific dictionaries. From Agenda-Setting to the functional approach, from the Spiral of Silence to Uses and Gratification or Cultural Imperialism, it is almost impossible to concentrate all this theoretical production into one consistent scientific discourse. Therefore, TMC constitute a particular space where different scientific practices and discourses confront each other. In this sense TMC are a series of scientific conversations about certain objects (mass media), the symbolic exchanges that these media generate and the different activities of the subjects that participate in these exchanges. For Craig the various traditions of communication theory each offer distinct ways of conceptualizing and discussing communication problems and practices. These ways derive from and appeal to certain commonplace beliefs about communication while problematizing other beliefs. It is in this dialogue among these traditions that communication theory can fully engage with the ongoing practical discourse (or metadiscourse) about communication in society (1999, p. 120). Theories of communication - not only of mass communication - have been classified according to their disciplinary origin (Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology), explanation (cognitive, system-theoretic), level of organization (interpersonal, group, mass), epistemological premises (empirical, critical) and underlying conceptions of communicative practice (rhetorical, semiotic, phenomenological) (Craig, 1999, p. 134-135). We describe TMC according to the traditional division into three basic paradigms based on the underlying epistemology of these large conversational domains: Critical paradigm: based on the Frankfurt School (Theodor Adorno, Mark Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin) and cultural imperialism (Armand Mattelart) studies, this paradigm focuses on the cultural industry and the rationalization of domination in contemporary capitalist societies. The critical approach has been one of the most important partners in mass communication conversations. Researchers like Herbert Marcuse, Jrgen Habermas and Toms Maldonado kept Frankfurt's tradition alive for almost fifty years after the crisis of the original school just before the Second World War. Empirical paradigm: based on traditional Mass Communication Research, the empirical paradigm has been the most important counterpoint of the critical approach into mass communication conversations. This opposition can also be seen as the confrontation between a European way of communication research and the North American way of analyzing mass media. Researchers like Robert Merton, Harold Lasswell, Paul Lazarsfeld and Wilbur Schramm are considered the fathers of this approach and their names have already entered the official history of mass media research.

Interpretative/cultural paradigm: inspired by anthropological research, this paradigm goes beyond the field of mass communication studies. The interpretative/cultural paradigm considers mass communication to be a social construction and therefore analyzes newsmaking, social discourses, cultural conflicts and reception processes by applying a mix of semiology and ethnography. Even if their approaches are not the same, we can say that this paradigm has been developed mostly by British (Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, Nicholas Garnham, David Morley) and Latin-American (Jess Martn Barbero, Nstor Garca Canclini, Anbal Ford, Jorge Rivera, Renato Ortiz, Orozco Gmez) researchers over the last thirty years. While British research has focused on subcultures, textual and audience analyses, Latin-American studies have focused on popular culture, mediation and consumption practices. Two notes about this description. First, even though it is not one of the objectives of this article to discuss the (complex) relationships between Semiotics and TMC, we could describe a fourth paradigm - the semiotics of mass media which is situated in a specific epistemological space between the critical and interpretative/cultural paradigms. However, to avoid beginning a different conversation (for many semioticians like Greimas (1991) the semiotic approach has no relationship with the traditional theories of communication) Semiotics will not be included in the following analysis of TMC. Nevertheless, considering that over the last years semioticians have been very busy analyzing digital media and interactions (Scolari, 2004; Scolari & Del Villar, 2004; Cosenza, 2003, 2004), this Semiotics of new media which is still under construction will be included as a possible conversational interlocutor in our map. Second, another important issue is Marshall McLuhan's position in this description: it is almost impossible to find a place for the Canadian researcher. This is not a minor question for us; McLuhan is one of the most quoted authors of scientific and non-scientific digital communication discourses. As we mentioned above, this three-paradigm description is just a draft to start thinking about the digital challenge to TMC. The real conversations of TMC are more complex and involve many other interlocutors: semioticians, psychologists, cognitive scientists or engineers, etc. We also have not included the contamination and hybridization processes that affect theoretical paradigms. In any case, the arrival of new forms of multimedia and interactive communication over the last years has increased the complexity of this territory and redefined the old conversations. In other words, if we don't have just one Theory of Mass Communication, it is almost impossible to think that there is only one Theory of Digital Communication. This second field is actually composed of a network of scientific conversations in which researchers from different traditions talk about new communication objects and processes. Since the arrival of Internet mass communication researchers have had to introduce digital born concepts such as new media, interfaces, hypertext and multimedia into their everyday scientific conversations and are now obliged to include digital issues in their research agenda. The main objective of this article is to reflect on these new conversations and to map this redefined discursive territory. ___________ First encounters In the 1980s it was clear that the traditional models of TMC were becoming obsolete (Salvaggio & Bryant, 1989). In 1983 Rogers and Chaffe suggested that scholars are going to have to shift toward models that accommodate interactivity for most of the new communication technologies. New paradigms are needed, based on new intellectual technology (as cited in Heeter, 1989, p. 217). A year later Rice and Williams confirmed that a new media may, in fact, necessitate a considerable reassessment of communication research. Intellectual changes may occur to match the growing changes in communication behavior (as cited in Heeter, 1989, p. 217). At that time the new technology promises included more data in different supports and languages, more man-machine interaction and a general demassification of media and communication experiences. The traditional TMC founded on the one-to-many broadcast model didn't have answers to these challenges. When digital media arrived the researchers first response was to apply what they already knew: mass media theories. We have seen a series of first encounters in which established theoretical traditions with their existing conceptual frameworks are applied, more or less directly, to the new digital artifacts, their users and influences. These undertakings have been important and necessary. Despite their limitations in the long run, they have demonstrated the variety and complexity of digital domains and indicated the need to move beyond the immediacy and naivet of such procedures (Liestl et al., 2003, p. 1). Landow, a pioneer of hypertext research (1991, 1994), also reflects about this first encounter between the new (media) and the old (theories). The arrival of any technological innovation at first tends to

be (mis)understood in terms of older technologies. We often approach an innovation, particularly an innovative technology, in terms of an analogy or paradigm that at fist seems appropriate but later turns out to block much of the power of the innovation. Thinking about two very different things only in terms of their points of convergence promotes the assumption that they are in fact more alike than they really are. Such assumptions bring much comfort, for they remove much that is most threatening about the new. But thus emphasizing continuity, however comforting, can blind us to the possibilities of beneficial innovation Our tendency of putting new wine in old bottles, so common in early stages of technological innovation, can come at a high cost: it can render points of beneficial difference almost impossible to discern and encourage us to conceptualize new phenomena in inappropriate ways (Landow, 2003, p. 35-36). Many digital communication researchers consider that we have already gone through this first phase of digital media research and their findings should be integrated into a second order theoretical corpus. Bolter - another pioneer of hypertextual research (Bolter, 1991) - thinks that this new research field should be a combination of strategies established for understanding earlier media (Bolter, 2003, p. 15). Bolter remarks that when cultural studies critics now approach digital media, they often assume that these new media must follow the same pattern of hegemonic production and resistant reception. They look for examples of new media forms that can be characterized as mass media, because they are comfortable with the broadcast model in which the control of the media form is centralized (2003, p. 22). The confrontation between digital technologies and the old theoretical corpus created the conditions for the emergence of the new media theories. In the following sections we will analyze in detail the scientific communication communitys first responses to digital media invasion. ___________ Old paradigms for new media? How did communication researchers react to digital media diffusion in the 1990s? We can identify two opposite positions: critical continuity versus uncritical discontinuity. Critics of digital media often deny that there has been any substantial change at all, either in the media or in the cultures of which they form part. Such critical accounts of new media frequently stress the continuity in economic interests, political imperatives and cultural values that drive and shape the 'new' as much as the 'old' media (Lister et al., 2003, p. 3). For the critical continuity supporters there is no new thing in the new media. Supporters of digital media often insist uncritically that everything has changed and that we're going forward to a new digital world. From this wired point of view digital technology will create a more democratic and equal society (Negroponte, 1995). For the supporters of uncritical discontinuity there is only new media. Lister et al. formulate this opposition by means of a metaphor: the critical critics are so deep underwater that they don't see the wave. Meanwhile, the uncritical utopians are so focused on the crest of the wave itself that they cannot see the ocean of which it is part (Lister et al., 2003, p. 4). This opposition between a critical approach, that considers new media to be just a phase of the evolution of media systems (continuity with respect to the past), and an uncritical approach, that characterizes these media as a revolution (discontinuity with respect to media history), should be completed with the theoretical attitudes adopted by both sides. In this sense, it is important to point out that both critics and supporters of digital media have revived concepts, methodologies and hypotheses from old communication paradigms. Critics of digital revolution, like Maldonado (1997), have built their approach mostly on the Frankfurt School's critical tradition. Virilio's (1997) scientific reflection about cyberworld revives the French post-structuralism thinking to demolish digital utopias. It could be said that these researchers apply the old theories to a new scientific object: digital media and, more broadly, digital society. Other researchers like Negroponte (1995) or Bolter & Grusin (2000), who have not stigmatized the new media, have revived the uncritical tradition of Marshall McLuhan's ideas and have applied them to digital communication. If we look again at the three-paradigm model, we can place many digital communication researchers, or rather their respective discourses about new media, into these epistemological containers: Critical paradigm: as we have just seen, critical discourses like Maldonados (1997) or Virilios (1997) fit perfectly into Frankfurt's tradition. We could reconstruct a coherent discourse that starts with Adornos and Horkheimer's condemnation of cultural industry in the 1940s, continues with Marcuses and Habermas' reflections on late capitalism domination devices in the 1960s and concludes with Maldonado's demolishing analysis of informatic reason in the last decade of the last century.

Empirical paradigm: studies of online audiences and Internet diffusion, sociological research of the network society (Castells, 1996-98) or the more specific research on Human-Computer Interaction (Schneiderman, 1998) and Usability (Nielsen, 1993, 2000) could be considered methodologically closer to the empirical tradition of Mass Communication Research. Applications of the Uses and Gratifications Theory to digital media audiences (Lister et al., 2003, p. 184) should also be included in this paradigm. Interpretative paradigm: the widespread bibliography about ethnographic research into MUD and virtual communities or the studies of digital media consumption in everyday life (Miller & Slater, 2000) may be integrated into the cultural studies tradition. In addition, the active audience tradition has been revived within digital media studies: it is clear already that the web has irredeemably built itself into mass culture and vice versa. It must therefore follow that web uses and users have some relation to the audience subjectivities constructed in existing theories of mass culture (Lister et al., 2003, p. 185). Once more, it should be remembered that we are dealing with complex scientific conversations. From a different point of view Human-Computer Interaction research - mostly based on Cognitive Sciences and Psychology (Schneiderman, 1998) - is far from Castell's sociology of networked societies. If HumanComputer Interaction researchers are interested in micro aspects of interaction processes, large events, like the configuration of a new society based on digital networks that are transforming the economy, culture, education and politics, are covered by the sociological approach. However, sometimes in Castells' reflections we can also recognize echoes of the critical tradition (for example his analysis of the digital divide). And what about the uncritical approach to new media? In this sector of the conversational network many contradictions may also be found. For example, Habermas' works on public sphere are essential for enthusiasts of cyberdemocracy and eGovernment (Lister et al., 2003, p. 178). As we can see, the network of possible conversations and discourse combinations is very complex. What can we recover from the traditional TMC? May thinks that there is a trend towards analyzing the arrival of new communication technologies from the perspective of new paradigms (like complexity, chaos theory, etc.). However, he considers that there are sufficient analytical tools to hand without the continual invention of new paradigms to understand the current stage of technological advance (May, 2000, p. 241). May's program includes recuperating intellectuals like Walter Benjamin, Murray Edelman, Jacques Ellul, Harold Innis, Lewis Mumford and Raymond Williams (May, 2003). In a context of fast technological mutation it is easy to conceive new theoretical paradigms. Cyberculture prophets and researchers have repeatedly proposed the need to develop new theories to describe and explain these new communicational experiences. For example, the new generation of videogame researchers is developing a theory called ludology that is mostly based on rejecting narrative and semiotic tradition (Wolf, 2001; Wolf & Perron, 2003; Wardrip-Fruin & Harrigan, 2004). This refusal of tradition has been complemented with the return of the once anathematized theories of Marshall McLuhan. Although mass communication theoreticians have criticized the Canadian researcher for years for the absence of scientific status in his works, digital media theorists have rediscovered McLuhan and adopted him as the new guru of digital media. However, to understand new media McLuhan is not enough. All these rejections and regenerations are basic elements of the contemporary scientific conversations about digital communication. These conversations are still going on and they define a territory that is still affected by epistemological earthquakes and discursive tremors. ___________ New paradigms for the new media? Now we have described some of the conversations between the traditional TMC and digital media research, we will flesh out this description by including new scientific (and non-scientific) discourses that have emerged from the digital culture environment. Like other scientific discourses, the hypertext theory (Bolter, 1991; Landow, 1991, 1994), user interface studies (Laurel, 1989; Schneiderman, 1998; Nielsen, 1993, 2000) and computer-mediated communication investigations (Rheingold, 1993; Turkle, 1995) were not born by spontaneous generation. They all have their roots in academic traditions like Narratology, Ergonomics, Sociology or Psychology. Most of these discourses may be included under the umbrella of cyberculture, another critical concept for our description of digital communication theories. Talking about the (cyber)revolution The term cyberculture brackets together a relatively diverse range of approaches to new communication technologies. They share a premise that technology, especially computer technology, is instrumental in profound transformations in contemporary culture and beyond - from the individual's sense of self to new, intimate relationships between the human and the technological. The cybercultural tone is by and large

optimistic about this change, and can fall into utopian assumptions about the emancipatory possibilities of digital media, such as virtual reality and certain Internet media (Lister et al., 2003, p. 228). Cybercultural discourses integrate narrative fictions, theoretical constructions, contracultural practices, utopic perspectives, post-modern anxieties and marketing strategies within a unique conversational territory. Over the last years a series of essential questions and theoretical challenges have emerged from this discursive space. A TDC should recognize and integrate these inputs from the cybercultural conversational territory. Lister et al. (2003) think that most mass communication research has been highly sceptical of technologys influence on human culture. This has led both to a general blindness concerning the history and philosophy of technology in general, and a relative absence of studies that seek to understand technology's role within cultural and media studies (Lister et al., 2003, p. 289). For many years, to criticize Marshall McLuhan was the only recognized approach to technology in the TMC (Scolari, 2005). Including the cybercultural agenda in a TDC could be useful for eradicating any kind of technological taboo. The first theoretical conversations about digital devices and communication networks took place in parallel to the development of computers in the post-war period and, by the end of the 1960s, to the expansion of digital networks. The pioneering works of researchers like Bush (2001), Licklider (2001), Engelbart (2001) and Nelson (1982) outlined the new territory. The conceptual basis of hypertext studies (from Bush's Memex to Nelson's Xanadu Project), the human-computer symbiosis and the conceptual displacement from computation to communication are present in the scientific production of these pioneers. The theoretical matrices of these researchers were the same: all of them were formed based on Shannon and Weaver's Information Theory, Wiener's Cybernetics and von Bertalanffy's Systems Theory. At the beginning of the 1980s digital technologies arrived to schools, homes and offices. New personal computers, graphic interfaces, interaction devices and applications contributed to creating a new (hyper)media ecosystem. This big bang of devices occurred in parallel to the explosion of narratives about digital culture, from cyberpunk romances like Gibson's Neuromante to theoretical reflections. The cybercultural conversational field emerged from this digital melting pot. Silver considers that cyberculture reflections and theoretical production have crossed through different stages or generations: the first stage, popular cyberculture, is marked by its journalistic origins and characterized by its descriptive nature, limited dualism, and use of the Internet-as-frontier metaphor. The second stage, cyberculture studies, focuses largely on virtual communities and online identities and benefits from an influx of academic scholars. The third stage, critical cyberculture studies, expands the notion of cyberculture to include four areas of study - online interactions, digital discourses, access and denial to the Internet, and interface design of cyberspace - and explores the intersections and interdependencies between any and all four domains (Silver, 2000). Popular cyberculture was descriptive and often suffered from a limited dualism between dystopic visions and utopic celebrations. For the partisans of apocalypse like Sale (1995) the World Wide Web deteriorated culture and generated political alienation and social fragmentation. The discussion about the death of the book was at the centre of this imaginary. Conversely, a group of researchers and digital prophets like Negroponte (1995) - also known as the technofuturists - declared cyberspace to be a new frontier of civilization, a digital domain that could and would bring down big business, foster democratic participation, and end economic and social inequities. For any researcher of the evolution of the TMC this opposition between digital apocalittici and integrati is not new (Eco, 1964). It could be said that Rheingold's The Virtual Community (1993) closes the first stage of the cybercultural conversation. During the second phase of the cybercultural reflection - known as cyberculture studies (Silver, 2000) - academic research expanded. Turkle's book about online identities may be considered one of the most representative texts of this generation (Turkle, 1995). By the mid 1990s, cyberculture studies was well underway, focused primarily on virtual communities and online identities. Further, as a result of the enthusiasm found in the work of Rheingold and Turkle, cyberculture was often articulated as a site of empowerment, an online space reserved for construction, creativity, and community. Fortunately, however, this simplification was matched by the richness found in the nascent field's welcoming of interdisciplinarity (Silver, 2000). The arrival of new researchers to digital communication territory has renewed the methods and theories. Some sociologists consider virtual communities social networks (Wellman, Salaff, Dimitrova, Garton, Gulia, & Haythornthwaite, 1996) whereas others have revived the interactionist approach (Smith & Kollock, 1999). From the anthropological point of view, a new field called cyborg anthropology is dedicated to studying the intersections between individuals, digital society and networks (Downey & Dumit 1998). In this theoretical production about cyborgs, virtual bodies, cyberfeminism and post-human life we must

include researchers such as Hayles (1999) and Haraway (2004). Ethnography is employed to analyze users, identities and behaviours in virtual environments (Baym, 1995). Scientific journalists like Kelly (1995) or scholars like Piscitelli (1995, 1998), Lvy (2000, 2001) and De Kerkhove (1995, 1997) have explored the ecological dimension of digital networks. Last but no least, linguistic theoretical tradition has been applied in netiquette and online language research. The perspectives and priorities of the first and second generations of cyberculture scholars differ significantly. Instead of approaching cyberspace as an entity to describe, contemporary cyberculture scholars view it as a place to contextualize and seek to offer more complex, more problematized findings (Silver, 2000). Critical cyberculture studies (the third stage for Silver) arrived in the second half of the 1990s, when many academic and popular presses have published dozens of monographs, edited volumes, and anthologies devoted to the growing field of cyberculture (Silver, 2000). A new generation of scholarship has emerged. By the end of the century the huge amount of scientific production of this third generation could be organized into four main focus areas: Exploration of the social, cultural, and economic interactions which take place online. Interdisciplinary research on virtual communities could be considered a good example of this area. Analysis of the stories we tell about these interactions. Analysis of a range of social, cultural, political, and economic considerations which encourage, make possible, and/or frustrate individual and group access to these interactions. Research about digital divide is representative of this focus area. Evaluation of the deliberate, accidental, and alternative technological decision and design processes which, when implemented, form the interface between the network and its users. The radical transformations of the World Wide Web in the last years (2000-2006) have generated new theoretical conversations that must be included in our description of cyberculture territory. Social practices like blogging, peer-to-peer distribution, collaborative phenomena like wikipedia and content syndication are the emergent properties of the Web 2.0 that may be integrated into digital communication scientific conversations (O'Reilly, 2005; Piscitelli, 2005). Cybertheories 2.0 A new web needs new theories. For Gurak (2004) the latest scientific production about digital communication and the World Wide Web has abandoned the basic cybercultural approaches that are sometimes chaotic and frequently impregnated with ideological assumptions. A group of researchers, who are the founders of the Association of Internet Researchers (, has defined this new phase as Internet Studies. Gurak believes that saying 'the internet' is like saying 'the world'. Uses are many, technologies are complex, and levels of privacy and security are different from site to site. Research about the internet as a social, psychological and linguistic communication site is most fruitful when it is based on the specific case at hand (2004, p. 228). Internet Studies are basically interdisciplinary because many researchers began to go outside their own area. Media convergence, finally, is transforming communication researcher's skills and profiles: many of the 'original' internet researchers were trained to study text and conversation, but few have expertise in computer science, interface design, usability and visual analysis; A new group of researchers, raised in the age and emerging from their graduate studies, will lead the way for this new era of internet studies (Gurak, 2004, p. 229). This last reflection is particularly important from our point of view. The pioneer generation of media researchers, including scholars like Harold Lasswell and Paul Lazarsfeld, was not specialized in mass communication or broadcasting. We have to go at least 20 years into the future to find the first specialized researchers. Wilbur Schramm, a well-known researcher in the 1960s and 1970s, was considered the first expert in Sociology of Mass Communication. The same situation may be found in the evolution of digital communication research: the first generation was composed of experts in cinema (Manovich, 2001), literature and narrative (Bolter, 1991; Landow, 1991, 1994; Murray, 1997) and many other fields (Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, etc.). Before concluding with this description we must note that the arrival of the Web 2.0 has also introduced new partners into the digital communication conversations, for example, the experts in Network Theory (Barabasi, 2003; Huberman, 2001). A final reflection on cyberculture and Internet Studies: even if our description of digital communication research is linear and chronological, different approaches that are more or less scientific, more or less popular, exist simultaneously in the current conversational territory (Table 1).

1960 - 1984 Phase Founding Fathers Agenda H-C Symbiosis Hypertext Interfaces Characteristics First theoretical speculations about computing, communication and networks Prototype production Enunciators Bush Engelbart Licklider Nelson Theoretical matrix Information theory Cybernetics Systems theory Keywords Memex Xanadu Arpanet TCP/IP

1984 - 1993 Phase Origins Agenda Hypertext Interfaces Usability Virtual reality Artificial intelligence Characteristics Production about hypertext, interfaces, HCI and CMC Enunciators Bolter Landow Laurel Schneiderman Theoretical matrix Deconstructionism Cognitive Sciences Psychology Keywords User interface Hypertext Storyspace Intermedia Hypercard Cd-rom Internet Keywords Internet WWW Wired Mosaic

1993 - 2000 Phase Agenda Popular cyber Internet cultures Cyberspace info highway Cyborg Vivisystems Virtual communities Academic cyber cultures Critical cyber cultures Characteristics Reflections about digital society. Unsystematic description of processes, actors and events Enunciators Haraway Hayles Kelly Negroponte Nielsen Rheingold Berners Lee Castells De Kerkhove Lvy Manovich Murray Nielsen Piscitelli Turkle Enunciators Barabasi Gauntlett Gillmor Huberman Liestl Marshall O'Reilly Piscitelli Wolf Theoretical matrix Cognitive Sciences Psychology Complexity theory Economy Biology Feminism TMC Narratology Political science Sociology Cultural Studies

Virtual Systematic description of communities processes, actors and events. Identities Hypermedia Interactive fiction Critical and deeper approach. Collective intelligence Network society

Netscape Explorer Yahoo!

2000 - 2006 Phase Internet studies Agenda Open source P2P Blogs Wiki RSS Semantic web Characteristics Reconfiguration of digital communication theories and methodologies Theoretical matrix Previous theoretical matrix (1993-2000) Ludology Network theory Keywords Linux Flash Google Blogs Wiki Web 2.0 Open source

Silver (2000), Gurak (2004), and author contributions Table 1. Theoretical Cybercultural reflections Do we need all this cybercultural production for the construction of a TDC? We believe it is important not to throw the baby out with the bath water. For example computer-mediated communication research into virtual communities or e-learning has developed a solid theoretical corpus about digital exchanges between partners (Thurlow, Lengel & Tomic, 2004). However, the theoretical thinking about digital communications should separate the waters and avoid the sometimes extravagant textual production about cyberculture. The conversations about cyborgs, virtual realities and are useful for opening up new perspectives for digital communication research but at present they are mostly based on philosophical

speculation rather than empirical data. Therefore, miscellaneous cybercultural discourse is a good source of new questions and challenges but a poor basis for a TDC. In other words: We can't limit digital media research to old TMC models, but We can't dilute research about digital communication into a melting pot of new paradigms which sound fashionable but are difficult to articulate in a coherent theoretical corpus. In the following section we will propose some co-ordinates to map the theoretical conversations about digital communication. We could have ordered this complex discursive territory by applying different oppositions, for example neo-apocalittici versus neo-integrati (Eco, 1964) or authoritarian/enclosing versus democratic/disclosing tendencies (May, 2000). However, in this article we prefer 1) to follow a classical path founded in traditional political economy of communication, to delimit the possible conversations about TDC, and 2) to introduce a second phase that is an opposition between continuity and discontinuity in the tradition of TMC. ___________ Towards a Theory of Digital Communication Our description of the transformations that digital technology has generated in the communication field follows a classic outline of the production/product/consumption process. In this section we will briefly analyze some of the new ways of producing communication, the current characteristics of digital communication products and the consumption processes that they activate. This scheme may be useful for organizing our research territory and for identifying collateral scientific fields to exchange concepts, methodologies and hypotheses. Considering the length of this article, we will just describe one or two new practices and characteristics related to the production/product/consumption process. In other words, we are not proposing a political economy of digital communication, but rather employing this traditional and consolidated model to organize our conversations. Production Digital technology has transformed the way communication is produced. This mutation includes spreading an innovative production logic (as for example open sourcing or co-operative journalism in a weblog format) and the appearance of new production routines and professional profiles (such as the media manager in television or the interaction designer in multimedia production). Open source philosophy (Weber, 2004), born within the developer community, is characterized by three properties: Source code must be distributed with the software or otherwise made available for no more than the cost of distribution. Anyone may redistribute the software for free, without royalties or licensing fees to the author. Anyone may modify the software or derive other software from it, and then distribute the modified software under the same terms. For Weber the open source is an experiment in building a political economy - that is, a system of sustainable valued creation and a set of governance mechanisms (2004, p. 1) based on the right to distribute a product freely. These experiences challenge some conventional theories about the organization of production, and how it affects and is affected by society (2004, p. 8). Many digital journalists, webloggers and free information partisans have adopted this philosophy and adapted it to digital content (Gillmor, 2004; Hewitt, 2005). For example weblogs are founded on the free distribution of information, for example, applying some rights reserved copyright licences like Creative Commons (, and wikis ( empowers user modification and distribution of digital texts. Even if traditional broadcasting is still the core activity of media systems, the combination of open source philosophy and many-to-many distribution is introducing changes that are transforming the foundations of established mass communication production logic. However, both universes, the traditional broadcasting system and the new networked media system, are continually contaminating each other. Once more, the most important mutations are taking place on the frontiers between traditional and new media. During the bomb attack in London (July 7th 2005) open source production logic merged with traditional journalist practice: many newspapers and online publications included photographs taken by victims and weblogs were one of the best information sources during these hours. The traditional communication production process has incorporated new professionals over the last years. Since communication has become more interactive and diverse, new profiles have enriched the media

staff. Interaction, for example, has to be designed. The classical graphic designer does not have the skills for analyzing, developing and evaluating interactive processes composed of a series of actions organized according to a temporal sequence (Scolari, 2004). This new professional, an expert in designing user activity along a temporal axis and inside a hypertextual universe, is a basic component of any web or multimedia production staff. Professionals of infographics are not new in mass communication production but in the last decade they have increased their participation in this process. Today any television or newspaper must also tell the story with images, diagrams and schemes. On the Internet these images are interactive. An interesting research field could be developed from this perspective: Why should editors introduce more images in newspapers and magazines? What kind of implied reader (Eco, 1979; Scolari, 2004) are they constructing? Are readers reading printed contents as if they were on a screen? Another characteristic of the digital work force is reskilling: the flexibility of information technology clearly has serious repercussions on skill. The previous model in which a person learned one skill and used it until retirement is obsolete in environments that depend on information technology. Rather, the current norm is that a person learns a skill, such as how to use one version of software, just in time for the new version of the software to be installed (Kotamraju, 2002, p. 4). Digital communication workers must keep up to date if they want to survive in a high tech production environment. Another important characteristic of new media workers is polyvalence. The same professional should be able to produce information for different media. In other words, the journalist must translate the same information into different languages (audiovisual, audio, written) (ICOD Network, 2006). As we can see, the communication production process is changing. Even traditional products (newspapers, television, etc.) have not only introduced into their production lines the most recent technology but they are also developing innovative professional profiles and a completely new production logic. A TDC should take into account these transformations of the media system. The dialogue with a political economy of digital communication (still to be developed) should be one of the most important issues of a digital media research agenda. All these changes are also modifying the final product of the communication production process. Product Digital communication, as we mentioned above, has promoted the development of meta-products that combine traditional mass communication languages and media forms in an interactive context. The new digital communication products also challenge Benjamin's classical opposition between original work and technical reproduction. If we consider that a MP3 audio file may be copied (and distributed) an infinite amount of times without losing quality and challenging the laws on authors rights Where's the original artwork with the correspondent aura? A TDC should revisit Benjamin's mechanical reproduction to develop a new theory of digital reproduction. Digitalization processes have promoted different mutations in traditional communication products: hypertextuality, multimediality, and interactivity seem to be the basic features of this transformation. Let's say a few words about these properties. Hypertextuality: the extraordinary ideas of Bush (2001), Engelbart (2001), Nelson (1982) and Tim Berners Lee (2000) are now part of our everyday practice. To navigate in textual networks, to create links or to participate in collaborative writing experiences are no longer lab activities but basic features of our jobs and teaching/learning processes. During the last fifteen years the structure of hypertextual productions and the new author/lector dynamics inaugurated by these products have been analyzed in detail. We can even recognize the existence of a theory of hypertext which is a hybrid conversational space in which different discourses converge (Semiotics, Narratology, Information Aarchitecture, Philosophy of Language, etc.) (Landow, 1991, 1994). From the perspective of digital media studies, another important issue about hypertext is its influence on traditional mass communication products. The multiplicity of post-modern television narrative structures - see for example the textual complexity of award winning (and very popular) series like ER, 24 or The Sopranos (Johnson, 2005) - is a consequence of years of videogame playing and internet navigation. Hypertextuality has not only introduced new narratives into the media system (like the celebrated interactive fictions like Afternoon, a Story by Michael Joyce) but has also helped develop an aesthetics of fragmentation in traditional mass media products anticipated by the practice of flicking through television channels in the 1980s.

Multimediality: the confluence of different languages and media to convey information in a unique technical support (for example a cd-rom or a web page) is one of the most important characteristics of new media. Pioneers of hypertext like Bush, Engelbart and Nelson have always considered the possibility of creating networks of not-only-written documents. Multimedia formats, made possible because of the digitalization of contents, enhance user experience and make it easier and faster to manage information. The concept of multimedia has been replaced in the last years by convergence, now defined not only as a confluence of different languages and media in a single device (for example a mobile phone or interactive television) but also as a deep transformation of communication markets and technological infrastructure. Interactivity: As a result of digitalization, hypertextuality and convergence the media consumption is becoming more interactive. Interactivity, which is often cited as a primary distinction of new technologies but rarely defined, is a multidimensional concept that includes six dimensions (Heeter, 1989): Complexity of the choice available Efforts the users must exert Responsiveness to the user Monitoring information use Easiness of adding information Facilitating interpersonal communication Researchers like Strate (2000) have criticized this link between new media and interaction: from this perspective old media consumption seems to be reduced to a passive process. For Strate the contrast can be overdrawn () as even the most passive of media experiences requires a certain level of involvement, be it zapping from channel to channel, turning a page, or simply making meaning; at the same time, the computer user's involvement may amount to no more than being programmed by the computer, as in the case in the kind of computer-mediated education that emphasizes rote memorization through drill and practice (2000, p. 267). Semiotics and cultural studies have highlighted the complexity of interpretation processes in traditional media reception. However, as it can be seen, new interactive media are making researchers reflect on their traditional conception of mass media interaction. It seems clear that digital media interactive user experience is not the same as flicking from channel to channel or turning a page: the sense of immersion and the consequences of interaction are radically different in digital environments. From a theoretical point of view, a TDC should establish a dialogue with Human-Computer Interaction, a consolidated and multidisciplinary research field based on Cognitive Sciences and Psychology of perception. Finally, a TDC should revisit traditional approaches about audiences and mass media consumption (Ang, 2000; Burnett & Marshall, 2003; Marshall, 2004). Consumption Digital communications have inaugurated new forms of media consumption. If paleotelevision was based on only-one-channel consumption, and neotelevision was characterized by flicking through different channels (Eco, 1983), the post-television era promises totally interactive experiences in strongly immersive environments. This mutation of media consumption practices should be put into the context of a bigger movement from intensive to extensive reading practices (Cavallo & Chartier, 2003). Intensive reading is deeper and is focused on only one media at a time (reading a book, watching a film) while extensive reading is more superficial and is often characterized by multimedia consumption (television zapping). The fragmentation and multimediality of internet navigation is at present one of the more impressive experiences of extensive reading practice. Another important issue about media consumption is political: most hypertext theoreticians agree that the division between author and reader (product-consumer) should be erased. If first generation hypertexts transferred power from the author to the reader (Landow, 1991, 1994), current forms of digital communication (like weblogs) are definitely socializing the production and distribution of contents. These new consumption practices may be analyzed from different perspectives. Cultural studies have a long tradition in studying the consumption of technologies in households (Mackay, 1997) and Semiotics of new media (Cosenza, 2004; Scolari 2004; Scolari & Del Villar, 2004) may be helpful for understanding the meaning construction process in multimedia environments or the designer-user interactive dynamic. In this context traditional media audience research - for example the uses and gratifications theory (Lister et al., 2003, p. 184) - should be readapted to digital media consumption. Finally, in the last twenty years the knowledge about digital communication consumption has been increased by theories proposing a Social

Construction of Technology approach (Bijker, Hughes & Pinch, 1987; Oudshoorn & Pinch, 2003), and more recently by the Network Theory (Barabasi, 2003; Huberman, 2001). All these possible conversations that delimit the TDC can be arranged in a map. We could also enrich this map by organizing these conversational partners according to a continuity-discontinuity axis: in the continuity pole we can place the conversations with the tradition of mass media research (upper left) and in the lower-right area the conversations with the new paradigms. This map is obviously an initial look at the field: many contemporary ongoing conversations about digital communications may be added to improve this epistemological cartography (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Map of digital communication theoretical conversations

___________ Conclusions: Interlocutors for the New Conversations In this article we have developed a possible map for constituting a TDC. In Section 1 we briefly analyzed the concept of digital communication and compared it with other concepts like interactive, multimedia and hypermedia communication. We recognized the existence of semantic chaos in this new epistemological territory and accepted that calling these new forms of communication digital communication is a provisional solution. In Section 2, after describing the traditional conversations that constituted the TMC (organized into critical, empirical and interpretative/cultural paradigms), we introduced the discussion about the relationships between classical mass communication studies and new media research. We considered that the knowledge accumulated by the TMC in the last century is significant but not enough to understand digital communication processes. In this context a TDC should keep a distance from uncritical celebrations of digital society or philosophical speculations about cybercultures (Sections 3, 4 and 5). In Section 6 we described a map of digital communication processes based on a classic outline (production /product/consumption). In this section we also analyzed the fundamental knowledge fields for constructing a TDC. If in the 1940s the TMC were related to cybernetics and information theory, and the 1970s involved an approach to the Cognitive Sciences, from the 1980s on the main participant has been cultural studies. It is evident that we shouldnt discard these possible links, but rather enrich them with other approaches. In this context we identify a possible list of interlocutors for creating new conversations: Political Economy of Digital Communication, Hypertext Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, Ludology, Computer-mediated Communication, Semiotics of new media, the Network Theory or the Social Construction of Technology Theory. Defining its epistemological limits by determining its interlocutors, and defining its basic concepts should be the first steps in constructing a TDC. In a field crossed by utopian and pseudo-scientific discourses about the being digital condition, a TDC should include reflections on its own discursive status. In this sense, the first work in a research agenda should be to delimit a theoretical discourse territory and construct a basic comprehensible set of definitions. In other words, we should define what to talk about, how to talk about it and who our interlocutors should be. Another issue that a TDC should resolve includes defining a consistent and pertinent set of research methodologies. The TDC should be interdisciplinary and open to different kinds of contributions in the same way as the old TMC were.

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