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of the
of the
of tlte
of the
of the
Held at
Wembo Nyama. Belgian Congo















































Board of Education Ueport
Central "onfel'en'e Report!'!
Committees & BOHrdB
Communion Service
Conf( ,. nee Board of Steward R port
renee 1 usurer t
Conoe pondenl
C. P. C. Coullcillurs
Daily fin ceeuings
Dis jpline & Ritual ommittf'e
Di ciplinal'Y qu t' liS
E:1itiu r & J rinting .TourrJal
Bvan.!eli m. Hepor . of Committee
reel ings & 11 troductions
J{ulalw lomb Work
King vana Langu ge
Lak ommittee Report
Language Camilli tea Pe ort
M dical nlmitlee 1 epo'L I
Ollie. rs of tit (;onference
rdillatiol1 Savices
rga iZlI LitJn
OtiCI b in Conference, Papers & Filldings
I ray r 101' Mrs. Wm. Do f uitCl'
Repo 'U. of District Supts.
R 'olulionl:l
undo}' 1:'1'\
\Vomltfi -. Wnrk I ReporL
<1 -;:i0

;), ..i.
11 , fj 1-55


Hislop John r. Spr'ngcr
S "fcturies
I. U. Townsley. Shnngu Jonni
As istant Secretaries
Annie Lanr. 'Winfrey, E. 13. Stflz
bite, Kltthrrn _8ye,
o reus. Tunela Sh ngu.
_yrlle Zicafu se,
Stil2., . De Ruile , W.
Iti g members: Ash n.
. B. Lewis. C. P. M. ShE':ffey, W. S. Ifughlett, Ruth
Kathryn Ey.e, Mary Foreman, Mary E. Moore. Mrs. H. C. Ayres.
'ommittee on Woman's Work
Mrlj. A. J. Rt'id, IL P. Anker, Mrs. H. T. Wheeler; Mrs.
N', De Huiter. Mrs. E. H. Lnvell, Mrs. W. B. Lewis, Mrs. C. P.
M. Shcife:\', Mrs. I. U. TClnwsley, Mrs. M. W. 'Lovell. Myrtle Zica
Jse. ;lUU Ail'icanwomen
onference Board of Stewards
11. T. Wheeler. A. J. Heid, M. W. Lovell. Mrs. E. H. Lovell. Kath:
ryn Bye, Danyele, Kimbulu Mulenda Franc;ois,
nfere11cc Committee of Investigation
. H. T. 'Ni,eeler, A. J. Heidt W. De Ruiter, M. W,
l.(,vtl1, Wttshi Ukumla Andre. Lumumba Jerome. Shuku Joseph,
Lurnuelilu Nicolas.
Hi"turicol Committee
E. B. Sblz. 'W. De Ruiter, H. Wheeler, Mary Foreman. Sub
l'tIHlmit!c" to lOcl,;.ct; hi<Jtorical papers from Treasurer's files: Mrs.
Ii. C, Ayres, Mrs. H. '1'. Wbeelt.r.
Committee on Pastoral RPcnrris
Vl' Ruiter. E. H. Lovell, Kilnbulu Charles.
."mittee un Kntuko I\onlhe Work
A. J. Reid. H. I'. Anh.r, \\'. Df' C. P. M. Sheffey. 11. T.
Wh{,pler. E. B. Stih-., Myrlle Zicafoo!t'. Ngandjo\o Mose, Ngelesa

ommittee to Translate Discip'line ancl Ritual
,} . Reid, W. S. Hughlett. W. Lovell, Anllie Laura Winfrey,
rumittee to Rework School
A. :1. Reid. H. P. Anker. Myrtle Zicafoose. Annie Laura Winfrey.
Representative Superintendent-
H. P. Anker
,E. B. Slilz
W. S.
Lovell & Lorena Kelly
l RCIJTCSentnt l ft'
odate Legal Representative
ouncillors fo}' C. P. C. E. H.
Union Mission Rouse Trustee-
Sunday School Representative 'for C. P
Correspondent for Congo Mission N
Correspondent for African Christian Ad
Correspondent for VEvnngile en
Correspondent for World Outlook-
Opening- The fnurth annual session
Provisiollal AllIlU?J Conference convened
;at 8:45 a.m. in the Lnmhulh Memorial
station, wiLh Bishop John M.
Devotions- The Bishop calJed the
devotil'Jns. II was nnn.ounced that the
would not be hc'ld. until the folJoy,ing dny,
of the Conference bad not yet arrived.
Holl Call- The secret'sry calledlhe 'roll
were declared present at this or later
Clerical hfembers: H. P. Anker. Kimhulu
Ie. Lumhelilu Nicholas, Lumumba Jerome,
August, Mulenda,Fnmcoia, Ngandjolo, Ma
Ayres, A"J. Reid, Shuku Joseph. Wetshi
Wheeler, E. H. Lovell, Ahuka Paulu, 'V
nrlemema Jonni.1. U. Townsley, M. W.
Shutshn Pierre, Um'Okolco Marcus, Wemba
Member, on Trial: Fadiala Pierre. Dik,ul
teu, Ndjati Auguo;t. Lukadi Jakohs, Elemuo
Luhata Andr6. Ukindi Paulu, Ia Diumi
mbu Lukandju JlIkoba, Lundula lhl
sash; Danyclc, Kasongo Basil. Lodi Michel,
Joseph, T'Olenga Alphonse, T'U1omba
'Paulu, Usungo Pius, D>nde J
nga Pierre. Tn Luhuta Abele.
,Missiona nes: Mrs. H. P. Ankel', E. B. S
E. B. St.ilz. C. P. lilt Sheffey, W. B. Lewis,
E. Moore. Mrs. H. T. Wheeler. W. S. HII
E. H. Lovell, Mrs. H. C. Ayres, Ruth
Sheffey, W. S. I ugWetl, RUtil O'Toole.
Mary E. Moore. Mrs. H. C. Ayres.
P. Anker, Mrs. H. T. Wheeler, Mr .
UJ\'ell. Mrs. W. B. Lewis. Mrs. C. P.
Mrs. M. W. Lovell, fyrtle Zica.
del gales.
1. \ r. Lo 'ell, Mrs. E. n. Lovell, K lh.
Klmbulu Charles. Mulenda
, A. J. Reid. W. De Ruiter, M. \V.
Lumumba Jerollle, Shuku Joseph,
Ii. '1'. \Vheel 1'. Mary Foreman. Sub
paper fr<ml Trea urer's Mrs.
ris "
. E. H. l..,i)veJl, Kim lulu Charles.
, . n C. P. M. Sheffey. H. T.
Zicaioo!t'. Ngandjolo Mose, N. elesa
clpline and Ritual
M. W. Lovell, Annie Laura Winfrey,
001 Reader.
rUe Zicafuose, Annie LRura "Vinfr 'yo
B. P. Anker
E. B. Stilz
W. S. Hughlett
E. H. Lov 11 & Lorena Kelly
Union l\Iission House T1'1lstee- E. H. Lovel
Sunday School Representative for C. P. C.- Mrs. A. J. Reid
Corresponden for Congo Mis ion News- Annimae Whit
Correspondent for African Christian Advocate- Mrs. C. P. M.
COl espondent for L'Evangile en Afrique.
Loren Kelly
Correspondent for World Outlook-
A. J. Reid
First Day. Tuesday, July 13, 1943
Opening- The Jnl1rth rumual session of the Central Congo
Provi "irma! Antlual Conierence convened on Tuesday, July 13. 11l43.
at 8:4S a.m. in lhe l.3mLlUth Memorial Church on Wembo Nyamo.
station, with Bishop Juhn M. Springer presidina-.
Devotions- The Bishop calleu the Confer nee to order and led the
d voti n . !twas Announceu thllt the regular Communion Service
w uld not be held until the [ollowing duy. as many of the members
of the Confer nec had not yet 81'rivcc1.
Roll Call- The secretary called the roll <:Iud the fullowing nersons
were present at this or later sessions of the Conference:
Clerical Mmwers: B. P. Anker, Kimbulu Charles, Luhata Danye
Ie. Lumuelilu Nicholas, Lumumb:l Jerome. LunumbiAndre. Lllp: nu
Augus , Mulenda FrQncoia, Nganujoio Mos('. Ngele"a Jakoba, H.C.
Ayres, A. J. Reid, Shuku Joseph, Wetshi Ukunda August. I:f. T.
Wheeler, E. H. Lovell. Ahuka Paulu, WE:tshi Ukunda Andre, Nga
nrl merna JOt ni. 1. U. Townsley, M. "\V.- Lovell, Llkonga Michel,
Shutsha Pierre, Um'Okolco Marcus, Wemba Kungu Amondus.
Members OIl Trial: Fadiala Pierre. Diklllu Thomas, LonRengo a
teu, Ndjati August, Lukadi Jakol 0, Elemou Pierre, Kinyamba Paulu,
Luhata An lre. Ukin Ii Paulu, Ta Dillmi Pierre, Umana Andre. Umu
mbu Anore, Lukandju Jakoba, Lundula J)anyele, Otoko Pierre, Di
sashi Danyele. Kasong Basil, Lom Michel, Shungu Joan" Sh 109\!
Joseph, T'Olengn Alphonse. 'l"Ulamba Mose. Umeunga Pierre, U
nyn N nira Paulu. USllngo Pius, Denue Jel'c'me, Djulu Albert, Dju
nga Pierre, Ta Luhllln Abele.
Mrs. H. P. Ankel', E. R. Stilz, Mary :Mrs.
E II StJlz, C. fl. 1\ Sheffey. W. B. \ 'is, r.,-Jrs. 'V. B. LewL, Mary
E. I foore. Mr3. H. T. Wheeler. W. S. Hughlett, Mrs. A. J. Reid, :Mrs.
L. H. Lovell, Mrs. H. C. Ayres, Ruth O'Toole. Annimae White.
. r .. Sh
from fur
,nch 0
so the rtf c, I mi t c nppoi ltc I
'1 \ DS rend by Annie Laura 'Winfr!.!,)' nd
I. U.
n 2. the
,and i. 'fl.
f hell mi tnt! npp.i It d
I y Annie Laura Winlhy an
Tho following Il"stions were rend ani! all were nnswered in the
neR'a lye: Nos. 3,7,9, 10, 13, 1 ono 25. . .
Printing n of the Journal On motion It was
"0 c t riol1hc Confer 'pc J urn: 1in full in both Ol'.etelll and
in English n d hat tll y hi! pnid fr r by each person receivin copies.
C'ommitl c to dit II c Journal- A committ e to edit the Jour_
nnl 1'01' pull icati n \o'.s d. ct(>,i as fl)U(}W : H. P. Anker. Lorena
Kelly,!. U. 'r. Wi sley, LuI it n Albert nnrl Shungll Joani,
Hughlett Elected on l\!tdical Committee- On moti"n it waa
Yale I to ,\<'Iel: 1 r. HI gJ.letll s n memtJpT IIf tbe Mf'dlclll Commill e.
Adjournment- Un pir tion of ti!n , th' 'lOr OUrll'emerlts were
mou . I1U Ll e bencdicdl n was pronoullced by E. H. Lovell.
Wednesday. July 14, 1943
SacrHment orthe Lord's Supp r- The Conf{'ren e met at 8:30 s.
m. nnrt snn,.! the hymn, "TI ere I" a F01lntaiJl. ' H. T. Wheeler led in
prayer. 1 h 'c iptul'e le:;snn was re:1d by A. J. Rei I f!'Om the fif
teenlh cit ip of John. aft l' which Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Anker
bro 'vht '1 In ,un' in song. Bishup SpringlX prl'aclteo on the events
of utlr T01'.1'5 dealh and Pas!'Iion. The Lord's Supper was then admin
i tereu by B. ho . Spnngl'l', assisted by M. W. Lovell. A. J. Reid. H.
T. Ngant.ljolo M05(,. f'imbulu Charles and Lunumbi Andre.
A brief recess vas then oruered.
Minutes- The minutt's uf the previous sec:s10n were read in Otetela
nnr! in 1
,lIgli3h anti nppr vd with COtT"ctions.
Introduction- hi r Lufunguia Ilia wife were introduced t
the Conrt!l'oJlce and he tpld blJw he had bl n Jed t.o gi e 1 p all his
poIY'ramom; wiv s. His pnstol' spoke of the brougbt upon
him hy his rown villagers for having lal,cn this stand.
Committ .es and Boards- The felllowing were ejected 8S memb ra
of the resp ,ctivn Committees a.nd Bvards:
Lorena Kelly Board of Education
Ml' . H. C. yus Medical Commitlee
Mrs. E. 11. Lovell ommitt e O!1 Woman's Work
In the : b ('lie of \\'m. De RlIiter the followillg substitutes were
lo nct dunng th:: G s!iion of Confer'ncf':
E. 1[' Luvcdl COlllllliltp.e on Conference I elalions
H. T. I cclcl' BO:':l'd of Ministerial Training
J. n icl Board of Education
\V. S. HughieU Language Committee
1r . H. )'1' \\8 til 0 sub tituted for Irs. De. Ruiter on the
mini te on Hom I I \Vor .
Ott rhein renee-It w:lsannounced that'\'ariou mi sionaricB
II I beell ell sen to PrPPflTC paper. 1m the su jects di5CUS_CU at the
'hLlrch Conferp.nce on I f'ican Affairs held at Oltcrboin College
, tt'rville, Ohio, in June 19.t2. II was vote t to give til _Thursday
m .. iOll to the 'eading nn di CU!lsirm of tiles papers.
of District '1 he report of the work
in Ill' Komb nnd Lodja Dislrids was giv n by A. J. Reid.
( rf! Repor . 1 & 2). 'I he report of the Tunda District W:lS presented
I 11. T. ,\VI e } ... ( e R port3)
the announcement the morning- session
}r d vit h prU)'f'T by H. . I yrC8.
'UluJ'sdu', tlorninl?' Sea ion, July 15, 1043
a hey
I re.<:cnwd
lintl d in
IunyuI IIhn
qu I ticlJl!1
and 11
rs, De Ruiter on the
It W8Sann0l1 ced that \'ariousmi sionuries
re papers on tn subjects discus "cd at lhe
n Affairs held at Otterboin Colleg J
1942, It \vas voted to give Lito Thursday
ing nn di cu. sinn of the c papers.
... up rintendent.'!- 'J he report of the work
Looja Dist iets was giv Il by A. J. Reid.
report; of the l'unda DI tod was presented
r. -port 3)
g tit announcements the morning session
I ( ,Ayr ,
ly 15, 1943
.. I.
l"! tit n l'ead: The Indigenous Aflican
tfl- lIC Lh II digt'llIluS Church, M.
\ hrlef stul"lIlp.1I t on the above BLI bj -ct )
trIM, Annie Laura. Winfre', Mrs. H. U.
Ayr ,& Sh ng 1 Joani; Leader!':i1ip Trs"oing & Higher Education.
n. P. Ankpr; Chri Han L't r. tur ill At rica, E. B. Stilz; The Ministry
of Henling. W. B. Hn h1clt.)t WflS voted that copies of the papers
be rna e av il: hlp to all the Conf renee memuers lor their further
study nurl con:;;cJ >ration, .
Atljournment- The timc fur the moming ses ion having expired,
the closing p '3yer was. made by C. p, M. Sheffey.
Afternoon Session
The Conf, met again at 2:15 to continue the reading of the
Westcrdlle papPI which were given as f.)1I0W8: Comptchen ive
Appr neh to Rural Life, MyrLle Zil!afuose, Mulenda Mary
FOl'cman, & Longony... ,ro ('ph; American Negro anrl ML'sionary
Per onn 1 for Afric I, Mrs. C, p, 1\1. Sheffey; Relationships with the
Roman C tholie Church, 1. U. Townsley, Kathryn Eye. Ng.1!ldjul
Mo e.
Friday, July 16, 19f3
De The llc\'otionnl perh1r1 \\ as op ned with the singing
of the h mn, "Holy Gh \\ i h Light Divine. Following the prayer
Loren J Kelly L"III . bout I he j( spiring ser.rll ns and g11:en
at t.he recent Ce.ltral Confer HC held nt Elisnl elhvillt>,
Minut s- ' he ecrcttlries read the minules on 'I hursd:.lY's sessions
and th y \ re ppr" d as read.
D' iplinary Questions- The Committee on Conference Relation'
Ihe foll") ving lIames as those recommended t'l ue di con
tiou Ii in n wer to Q e ti In ,1: Luhata Andre, Ta Diumi Pi rre.
l'aulu. and it \\ as (J \ OLe I. The BLc;lIop called the followin
ljU . ,i nS:J1I! t}wy were nil ans\ ered in the negalive: Nos. 6, G, 8,
und U. ,
'Ille BOnl'rl of Minkter nl Tra'ning presenled the following
in: nswer L Queslil)D J5 a having the work of the c1uss
of the first y 'ar: Ks.o go I3u:il. Danyele, Lodi Michel.
Ulekonyn Paulu, Shungu JOilni, hungu Jo cph, 1 'Qlenga Alphon e
T'Ulambn M c, Umeung3 i ITt', Ullya gunga PauJu, and they
were pas. e iuto the studie of the sucond year.
Qu l5b. Tht! foUowing wcr" announced as having completed
tlle studi s of the econd year and \V re advanced to the third
Umana Andre, El mbo Ukindi Paulu.
nest ion lOc. TJle following having completed their tudies of the
third year were passed into I hn fourth year: Lokong:a Michel,
Um'Okoko Marcus. Shutsba Pierre. Wembn Kuogu AOlandtW.
, Tunda 'lnd WemU0
11(' l . . Ion of tl
11 It \\;,t-: VO Lt!d to
--- Th Bislwp t1ppointt'd I h i ~ com
yr ':', 1 u IlI'yrl by . Mar, Moore. LunU-Lhi
Sil' nglJ J(l:lni,
W -I (! ntinu in the f the
I ome. libert, D'unga J>icrr.,
werc conI i nlled in I h . tudics of t ,0
DnnyelC', Lodi Michel, Olekonya
Josr!ph. TOleogaAlph , nse, 'l'Ulmnba
nga Pnulu. TJ rnllmbu Andre.
Luh o'IJu Jal nun, Lundula Danyele.
\' re COlt I inned ill the cIa' I lhe lhird
JIl'I'IC, Ukiudi Puulu.
\\" r,' conL: 11 Ilt,<1 in the class of lhe
L1m'Ok ko Marclls, Shut. hn Pierre.
i Aur;ru t Fadi 13 Pierlo
Longcng I
I Dc nye) '. Lunumbi Audre, gande-
Intionsmade the followingrecom.
hy I he CI lIe l'l'nl:e: Que. .on 17,
ulu. Un an Andr , ... rdjati August,
IT l ltniH d into full connc.ction
Ii! g Dc. in an!lWH' to Question
nrr he ordai nen Traveliug El Jers:
Fr nc;oi:i. 1e a Jak kl, Lupanu
I Ukunda August, Welshi Ukunda
noel Min T Tunda and \\ embo
. fur Lhe nl'XL se 'Ion of
I was voltld to
- Ttl Bishnp fll inll'd Ihi- com
ilryn E . M t'y Moore, LUClumhi
Jngll Jll !Il.
I' I l WI S \'vlt'd to scrod l he grec ti ffS
, II' ill UIC! fonn at' a letler
tt tiVf>. E. n.
The sE'cretary was instructf'd to wrIte lettf'n'l of thanks to t.h
CottOIl Company nd to other friend of t he Mission for their
int!'rest all generous gjrt.. also t o write a letter of r eetings
to the other Annual Conferences under the supt'l'\rision of Bishop
Committee on Katako rombe To deal with the r com
mendations ot' the Superintendent of the Katako Kombe District,
it \vas votd that the Bishop select a ctlmrnittee and that it be
empO\'cre 1 with the folluwing' dutieR a1111 authori ty:
1. To SUl' VPy the needs of the unoccupied areas of our tribe an
report their findings t o the general survey committee of the Cent: 1
Conft: l'enc
2. Tu select a site on which to build a District parsonage in the
Kat;lko Kombe the site being chosen with the possibllit:
of it becomi ng a permanen t site for the proposed station;
3. To take the proper steps for applying for a cone ssion. both
temporary and permanent;
4. '1'0 start t he building of the residence according' to the vlans
passed by Buildi ng Committee. The proposed building is to 10
voi ve no e penditure of Mission Board funds.
The committee \vas appointed as follows: A. J. Reid, H. p, Anker,
Wm. De RUitt:l" C. P. M. Sheffey, H, 1'. Vlbe'C'ler, E. B. Stilz. Myrtle
Zicafoose, Ngandjolo Muse and Ngt:'lesa Jakoba.
Report-The r eport of the Conference Treasurer and of the Boar
of SU:warci.s was read by H. T. Wheeler in answer to Q.uestion 28,
(See Repol'tH 7 Hi> \-ras re-elecred Treasurer.
_ eU ' ement ensions- The m<l tter of pensions fo], non-Conference
rnemb t' . as w ( 11 as f OL' Cronf, r enee members was introduced. The
Bishop stut d that the Conference of Stewards was the proper
C01'llmi ttee to deal with this mat ter and suggested that they work
out a plan of coHpctilln and disbur:sement of the funds, A. J. Re' d
spoke concerning the financial oiJli g' ations entai led in becomi ng an
a tuual conference. The Bishop added the n?mes of A. J. Rei , M .
W. Lovell and Kathryn Eye as members of the Board
of Stewards.
Report- The rep,wt of the Medical Committee was r ead by Dr . C.
P. 1\'1. Sh ffey and adopted with amendments and additions. (See
Report 9)
Adj ournment- The time for adjournment having arrived, Rulh
O'Toole was called on to lead in the closing prayer.
ntorday, Jut'l7 19 3
Morning Sc sion
TIn: Bishop 1"utile tI votion and brought;\ messago
I)n hulin_so unf! llPded Im'e. /. speCIal gement of the hymn.
"i\,y F'aitll Lllf k' Up To 'I'll e," . S su g by ix duughters of lhe
tn1., lonarit,s.
Minute - Th minutes (\f the last ses""ion Were rcad by the
-ct:r'un'jl',' : II t wel" ftC 'cr ted a reael
PI1> of Ne t Am uul COniCI en' csslon- It was vot d to
let' lh _l1cstiof1 and it was voted LO meet ac f..AJtija in tead
(fa 1\11" ,n.
cpnrt - 'VI (>. C01l1,n ttf'e on I; .. ug :lism its report and it
Wf fl. II[ltell r.'I.d. (8 port ]1) It \ 'a, oled tllut the Bishop
IIppnint'l comnllltc" \\'1 k on tl'ans1ati II of Lhe and
Ritual. Thlll'e nw in cd \ A. J. Reid, W. S. Hug-hit: t.t, M. ".
Lo' II I . nni Lat;I' v infrej',
OJ ci]llinnry Qu stion o. 2-1'he cbal'3C 1 rs 01 ,,11 the preachers
\. n: p 's -tt a t'nT II g 10 dl trielS Il well II those on rurlough and
I,.. WOman 1l1itlsiolll 1'1 '
.'pc, j I tud - Thd':: 0 lin ittee on Conforence Re1lliiolls recun
n 'o.l 'd tll t. 'hun 'II JO',I11 e n pl!rmi ' sion lo attf'ud sclllt(,) in
Pllo(h; 'itt an III SI) lhaLShnulllba I ierre be aliowedulIoLher year there.
It w.. ,fI \ nt< d.
H p rt - TI1P" pnrt Atht:: Lil: Committee WllS rell I :1!1d
ndopt! d. {"pe lkJllrt III rl'he renor of the ( ommittee Gn Wurnan'"
\ Olk \\,(\1 pt llllt ' d un 1 UCCtll) I I the Conferenc_!\ nm nded,
(See Report. The repof t of the I . r I EJ lcntion as lead but
a'ii I. 011 it wn: uefLrrcu untd the (ternoon ..,cs:;;iun.
Adjourn d.
Afterno n , esSi(JD
Admission On Trial- The Jc\"Otioll:.d 11IP sa e ')f lhp B'sh p wn
l: ke I frow Psalll 1;:1. The cl . to be rdllli l l .. d (Il 11(11 W S c: II d
fOt : It lb ' I h" P nil I 're nR -I'd I he y quesuo1l9.
Report- 11 e l'cporl of the B ard EduCD.1 jon, ' a<; p' sented to be
nel d Ulll n itlilll ll.' jt Ill. Ai' r len diHClll'sion t I )'"L rt W3S
I d Ipteci with amend", 'I\t : ud '. ( . . CP( rt 1<
C. n' 8 c:ic n on l\1( nday- By \,ot it lJeJ cd to have
!l 11, sine,': se 'ion of the Conti rene 011 ,(on in ' 1 ornil,g' at
A jOlll'ncd,
the devotions and brought a mes.ago
JU\'c. arran" III 'nt of the hYI n.
Th> ," IT 18 sUllg by ix dallgh tel'S of tile
session were }'end by the
Session- f was voted to
Lo n eet at Lodj in a I
Sunday morning, July 18, 1943
Ordination Service
The morning open d with l1,c hymn. "Joy to the "!orld."
E. H. Lovell lc in pr Iy r. The Scripture lesson was read from lIe
ter.1:126.8. R bop ,J Im.l\1. Springer pl'eadi ld the ordination ,rlOOD
taking his III ftom the < bove Scripture.
At the elo (. of the sermon Dikulu Thomas. Fadiala Pierre, dja
ti.- ugust Elmbu 1 ic Te. Uki ldi P.miu and Umi'lna having
I.:e 'n (0\ ct d D'lleons by the Confcl'enc . were ordamed Deacons by
fh Di h p.
Aft II(! ordinali n f De cons the following having bt:en eJect d
Eldp.f h the weI' ordained l%iers bv the Bis lOp
a i ted h Eld I uml elilu Nicolas, Mulenda Frllueois. gelesa
.J:)' b , LlIpnnu Augllst. Shuku Joseph. Wetshi Ukuntla August,
'if t hi Ukulllla And
Sunday Afternoon Service
The congl' sung the 11\"111n. 'The Church's One Foundation."
II nd was led in pra,}l"r by . W. Ln ',11. Tl e Bi3hop p ,ke concerning
the meaning of __ hri. usn rnarria re and A. J. Reid rt'ad the mlJrriag
S l'\'icc: wh n Chief Lufungulu AlJrahama 8nu Modi Elisabetn took
tl,e nIH'it-Hi n vows.
i hop 1 ingr rellc1l he wlH>n WilHam Martin De Ruit r
was rect i \'cd '1' U member of Ill(' ChUleh by his pastor, A. .J .
A 1;(;1' in ring the hymn. "Break fJ'hilu he Bl'ea 1or Life." the erv
ice waq cl sed wilh u S aBon of prayer around the ;'IILa!'. At Uli time
s])Hid pn Y r VI' c 0 t!l'f..d for lhe various phases of Ih worl: of
the ingd 1m , nd f r I newcd con. ccmtioD for the wurk r the 11 v:
oDdny, Jnly 19, 1943
Devo ions- The Biah p led the d "orillns and gave prac ical
xhortnliolJ. for eh 1 tj. n living.
At the do e or he cI otional peri d, in . i w of the [ae that th
BIshop will h lye reached the n c I l'elirell1en l wit hin lIle ensuing
yeo r, H. T. TIl eler . ed t.o him the oeep 31lPrecintion of I
Confcl'cnce r I his Ica I 'r.Jlip dUl"illg the last four ye rs. ,nd Jso
r :rr.t 11)1' lile 1l ssi! iilty of hi!lllot being I l'f'sent f( r an}1 enn.
ff:r nCf'. fIe then I r nle I t,o i hop Springe.r an i\ ory inlnict t hIe
and L M .'pring l' t 0 i\' ry \ ac:es 1I. rokens of love ,lnd app 'c
l\finutes - '1"he inutE'R of Saturday's and Sunday's !=essions wer"
read an I it was VII ted to accept thpm it h corrections.
Committees - The Conference voted to add to the list of perma
nent c rnmittees and the Bishop named the l o11owing I1S members:
1 istol'i cal Committee ..- E. B. St il z. iV. De Ruiter, H. T. Wheel r.
Mary FOl'ernan, nnel. as a sub - commi tteE', Mrs. H. C. and
Mrs. H. T. Wheel .r were t o act in fl'om the Treasurer's files
papers or' v,lue : Committee on Pastoral Recol'ds - H. P.
nkel'. l '. Ruiter, E. H. Lo ell. and Kl mbt11u Charles.
I t was voted that the committee to l'ew(Jrk the schooi readers be
('cmtinued afi their work had not yet been completed.
Report - The Cornm:ttee on District Conferer ee Records presented
it. r"I1U1" t and i t was accepted. (See Report 15)
Dia<:ipli nory Questions 22 & 24 - The Committee on Accepted
SII)lpl y Pastors named the following and the (;haracters of all
passed: LubIn Al phonse. Mudii11bi Mo,. s, Pier t' , Wemb'Ulua
.Iua li. r HI O\n,b 1arcus II, Luh tnAndre, r a Di umi Piene, Kinya
mba Paul u, On'Udio<Tu F1"al1c;uis. Usungo Paulu, Dj.mga Samwele.
Yan)!a Mich l, Ad lil'ma Paulu, Llnya E!iya. Ukitana Paulu and Lu
hIlt! J uaol .
Otterbein Com ittee Report - It was voted to have this report
pl1otf'd l !l the J our nal and t hat the committee be given authority to
'fl i t the i'e1
'L tlml senti it in to the Board. (See RLp.Jt't 115)
1 er... onnel - It was pr)inted Ollt huw gr.. atly needpd e e .Maws were
back 0 11 tlw fi l-'I d but if it still r emained t h!l. t lhr,l' could not be
retmned to the field dLte to health l eli.s' ns, the Board was urged to
."I:'f'k t o sc>nd a tl'ai nd mec!umic to th\" fi Id as soon as possible.
ne!:!!\ ful' a tnl ined ag iC111t llri:3t Wii' als() poi nted out. It was voted to
rci.'r th ll1uttf'.r to the Fil' ld C mmittee.
Kingwana Resolution - Dr. C. P M. Sheffey presented the fol
Iowin!-(" reoiolu t.i on vvhieh w8s passed:
\Vhen:3s Kil1 \! wana is uspd in eel raill oftIle Congo
enn fl' n:'llce and' 1,.\1 hel'eas the work of th0 rrunda Distl'lct is expanding
as IJY f lict t.hat there were 55 preache J' s r epor ted i.n
lht:! \\ol k this yea In c() to las t year. therdore be It
r ':iol \'I' d:
'lhf-lt tly : t of Kil1gwand be 3Lre, sed in ur Mission
01 llw 1\ 1\(. DiRlI'V' t, all I the mis i nat ies II charge of the schools
and the rt'Clch l', sh... ll fret:: to usp ill t h' t district either Otetela
01' Ki,q.fw( na tilL cl"(. mst al1 (!es lJ! ay w an-ant, in carrying forward
>''1 o!'Sat rday's and Sunday's Fessions were
[l ccept thpm wi t h corrections.
nference to ,1dd to the list of perma
Bishop named the following IlS members:
E. . Sttl z. W. De Rui t er, H. T. Wheelel.
cI ,ub - committee, Mrs. H. C. Ayr ef; < nd
tl1 act in f t'om the Tr easur er's files
;ommitlee on Pas toral Records H. P.
H. Lo\ ell. a nd I<i mbll Iu Charles.
commit tee t o !'ewfIl'k the school readers be
h;-o d not et been completed.
on istlic Con ference Records presented
. Report 15)
22 & 24 - The Commi ttee on Accepted
foll owing and the characters of all were
1udi rnbi Asaka P ierre, Wemb'Ulua
II. uh' la Andre, Ta Di um.i Pierr e, Kinya
. unGois, Usungo Paul u, Djenga Samwele.
PauIu, E li ya, Ukitana Pauln and Lu
eport - It was voted t o have this r epOl t
t nat the commit tee be given authority to
t in to the Boal:d. (See Rl'p..r t IG)
"led Ju t huw grl-' a tly need c\ t he. Maws were
it .. ill emained t h'1t thny could not ue
health reasms, t he Board was urged to
har.ic to fi ld ns 5 0011 s possible. The
Inst was nlsu poi nted out. It was voted to
FiL'!d Cornml Lt ce.
- r. C. P. M Sheffey p:Cf' sented the foJ
fJ in ct'fta in areail ofthe Congo
e work of the Tunda District is ' . ' panding
L t here wer 55 l-'reaci1et's r epor ted in
'ilst to la: t year; t he rd ul"e be it
gwc ntl be s lr essed in uur Mission ;.;chools
t he missi onal'i es in d .arg'e of the schools
us . i n district either Ote tela
Lal.t 'may warr n t, in c2nying- forward
their work
Central Conference Re ort. . A. T. Reid introduced the subject
and lhe following deleg tes je cl about various phases of lbc work
takpn up al t he Confl.!renee. Anllimc:e 'White, M, s. H.P. Anker, Mrs.
A. J. Reid, H. P. Anker Dr. C. P.l\1. Sheffey, Mr.:. C. P. M. Sheffey,
and l,ukika J, Ib rt.
It \\ as yoterl to ill. true!: thp. Prirat.i ng Departmeni lo order 25 extra
copies of the Central Conference Journal and Di 'cipline.
Report.- The Commit.tee on Resolu tions read its report and it was
accepteu by ac- R port 14)
Journul- On malion, the printed re ' ord of the as mad
the official Tecm d of the ConferencE'.
Adjournment-It WAS \'i1ted Lhut a fler the reading of the appoint
ments the Conf: reI ce would stand adjonrned.
Fullowing ll!lli41rks uy Bishop Springer the appointments , ere
'I he Bishop pronounct'!d thp hcnedietio am] the fourth sessil') . of
lhe CClltr.ll Congo I'ro\' isiondl Annual Coni'ercllce stood adjourued
sinf> die.
Thb is to cerll y that the foregoing is a correct and offici 1record
of the Conft:rence.
PresidlDg Bish p
luman U Townsley

... Cc;=:>;JOI:c=>1I.E:?;JOcsaCc::=>-..]
ir lifi and ofucit 1
t.I during the '(' r?
nri e, . nd Tn. Diull1i iprrr.o.
or be n
oth I'
ell d',
( I

H!thodi. t CI urch
and officin)
dudn the y(>ur?
. ,I ,:md Ta Dlllllli 'Pierl'C',
N ne.
10. WllO arc rrrn ed nbbaticlll LeuvcZ
Il .
12. ho nrc readmitted'!
13. nr recc' or Churches as Traveling Preach
'Y uan er from olher Con rcnces.
lu. W tahi Ukwltla Andre. Mn
i olns,
lbpl't, Djungn Pierre.
Mutcu, Dikulll 'I homo!':, Luh!lta Dallyelc, Lunumbi Andre, Nga,
nliemellll1 Joani. Lumumba Jerome.
17. Yhu arc ad itt d into Full Connection?
N lj lti Augu t, Dikul I Tholn. s, F dia1a Pjerre, Elerubo Pierre,
Hndi! lUlu . Utl,una Andre.
18 . . Vhat Travelius Preacher. and wha Local Preachers have
been elected Deacons?
Traveling Preaehprs- Ndjati ugust, O' ulu'l' homus, Fadi:lla
PierI'\:. Elembo Pierre, Ukincli Paulu, Un) na Andre.
L Preachers None.
19. 'Tho have been Olduined Deacon?
'djllt1 . ugu.,t, ikulu T }lI'naS, Fadiala Pierre, Elembo Pierre,
Ukindl Pauln. UmRna Andre
!!O. " hut 'Il'a\-eling )r ne iii ill1d what Local r achers have
h en elected Elders?
Traveling Preachers - Luu'" u August, Shllku Josepb, Wetshi
Ulrun.i-l Au ust. \Vetsh Ukunda An reo Lumbelilu 1 le"l'
Mulellci;1 Frallois, t'.Jgele->a Jal.oba.
Local PI 'Ilchl'.r. - None.
21 . Who have 11 ordained Elders?
Lupanu August. Shuku WeL,hi Ukunds August, Wetahi
Ukundn Andre, LlimoeIilu Nicol. s, Mulentla Franc;ois, I gdesa
22. Who al'e Acce t 1 .... upply Pastors?
Lul'a}' Alphons(-'. ,r."utlimhi Masp, Asakn Pierre, Wemh'Ulun
Jr,a"i. UJil'ukoko blnl'CllS II, Lub:.ata ndre, Tli Diumi
Kiny II ba Paulu, Oll'Udinga Fl" n!;lii , Paul' DJtmga
Samllcie, Y::!Jga Mi\'bel, Adidiema Pllulu, Unya Eliya, Ukilnna
Pt u1u, Luhntn Jo' ni.
2:1. 'b t Acef' ted upply Pastors no in charge are taking
(n) The Co ference Course of Study?

(hI The Local Preachers' Course of Study?
24. \rc the Accepted Supply Postors blanlcle s in their life and
I administration?
Ye: .
2; . rit Preachers coming fl'om other Chm'cheswith recorn
mendat ' on from t he District Confer n ee r Quarterly
Confer 'nce 1m 'C had their Orders recognized a Local
II Luhnt:a D.J.nyel L lOumbi Andl e, Nga
1 mba Jerom .
nto Full Connection?
U 'l'hnrnas. F Iiala Pierre, Elembo Pienc,
C l! and what Local Preachers have
N Jjnti Dikulu Thomas, Fadinla
Ukindi Isulu. Umana Andre.
ned Deaco ?
Thunas Fa iRla Pie Te, Elembo Pierre.
."".... " ..... nd vhat Local PI' ochers ha e
- Lup nu AugllR. Sh lku Jo eph, WeLshi
Ukundn Andre. LumbcJllu Nicvlas,
ed Elders?
Jo.' ph W L: hi Ukunda Align t, Wetshi
IJ Nicolas. Mtllt!nda Frunc,'ois, NgeJe a
mhi Aaakn Pierre. Wcmh'Ulun
reu il, LuluJfa j IIdre. Til Diumi PiEtTc'.
inga Frnnc' i.. Ussngo p. olu, Djf'nga
Atlidi Inn P ulu, Unya Eliya, Ukitnnn
i chnrge nro taking
. Cour e of Study?
'astors blameless in their Hfe and
ng from oth r CllUl'che wilh lecom-
District nterence or Quart
ad their Orders recognized as Local
Deacons or Local Elders?
None, . .
26. , 1 0 con titute the Conference Committee ofInvesbgatlon?
See "' onfercnc CommI ttee".
27. Who is lcded Conference Lay Leader?
None elected.
28. What ig the report of the Conference Treasurer?
Sec Report o. 7.
29. What is the r port of the Statistici an?
See Report No. 17.
. O. Wbat are: t he reports, recommendations and plans of the
Boards of the Confer ence?
See Report. .
31. What are the objectives of this Conference for the
year as stated by the Bishop in charge or a commIttee
:lppointed by him? ?
32. Where shall the next session of the Conference be held.
33. WLere are the Preachers stationed this year?
R presenlative Superinten ent H. P . Anke '
Conference Evangel ist (Membersl jp i n
Fundj'Umba Quarter;y Conference) Ngandjolo Mose
A. J. Reid
District Woman's Work
Mrs. i . .r. Reid
Kahudi Supplied )y
Lukala Alphome
KaJonda " "
Mudim i Mose
Umana Andre
Lul'l ndilln
Ngelesa Ja oba
Lupa t 1
Usung IUB
Olekonya Paulu
Ngo nba
Diku u Thomas
Ngo go
UmtOkoko tt arcus
On'Uswnba Adol ph
Lumlula Danyele
Wm. De Ruiter
I i trit Woman' W rk
h ctor ur EUIlt:, fon, Social
n ! rubli . Heuilh Work
om !Il'
E 1 kula
Kand ,III
I I um'Olen .1 Supplied by
LoJja Circuit and FUlldj Uruba
MllklllDndi Supplied hy
Nyam I Lowo
P ngu Di wo
. 'hut lIa Ashiki Ngondo
. hut ha Es 'nge
Shut hot ya gunda
t vumbB III plied by
I quo
\ t'tshi N dj ld i
P s or
SUl-'plied by
Supplied by
Girl,;' H rne, (}jrls &- W) n n'"
\ '01 k in MIl'!<.iou Village
10 :pi tlJ. I & Lope]' Coluny
Ill'" ,l .r 0 r,
InJust:rial \ t rk
a . n, Hf'giollaJ and Wc)mnn's School
un oli (f'.1ukundji) Supp! "U by
On.1 . J ..ongo Sup y
() I 1 'djlJ Supplied by
Mrs. Wm. De Ruiter
Mrs. Wm. DeRulLer
Mr. A, J, Reid
K:lthryn Eye
KathrVll EYL
UmiunIm Pi'1're
Lokon a
Asaka l'icHe
Ngandjo 0 Jose
V.relll ,'Ulua .loani
Umumbu Andl'6
Fodiola Pierre
OlOKO Pierre
Sbungu Joseph
"ctElhi Jlrunda Andre
Um'Okoko Marcus II
Djulu Albert
Di ashi Ollnyele
E, H. Lavell
. fr.. E, H. L \'c11
Lunumbe Andre
L dHlla Andre
I.umumbn Jerome
Munda:u AJlJel,t
Ukindi I> ulu
W. S. Hugill! tt
Mrs. E. H. LQ\.'ell
\"1. S. If 19h1ett
R11U1 0"1 noll:!
E. H. Lovell
Hyrt1c- ZiC'jIOOSe
To Diuml Pierre
n'UdinT.l Fmncois
U ango Puulu
T'ihck Snka
Ukitn NJ ka
Ukiw Ukunda
kita yimll
Superintend nt
Dj"trict , 'oma
Emun,gu a Ku
Kihll1' l:mg.l
NdjaJi Olcka
Pent! Olenga
TUl\tla Stali 11

Girb' Home
Hospital &
Direclor of
In u trial
1n !.rue Lor i
Stat.ion &
\ OIllIUl'S
Superint nd
D" ll'ict W
lJir clor of
[ julu
r oleo Lmnami
Dna Dikonclo
knndj lui a
Irs. Wm. e Ruiter
Mrs. WI..O. DeRuiter
Mr,:;. A.1. Reid
KaLhryn Eye
J'athrrn Eve
'l"Ulnmbn Mose
Umiunga Pierre
Lokonga ,Michel
Asnka f'jerre
N andjolo Mose
'.Vemh'Uluu .Joani
Fadinla Pierre
Otol 0 Pierre
Weh;ru kunda Andre
Um'Okoko Marcus II
Djulu Alber t
Di a hi Dan. ele
" H. I (well
M . I.!:. H. Lovell
Lunumbe Andre
Lumumba .Jerome
lundalu Albp!'t
Ukindi Paulu
W. S. Hughldt
.rVlfS. E. 8, Lovdl
W. S. HUghlett
nib O"j t)ol .
11\ rtl Zicai't103e
Tn Diumi PU:rrc
On'Udingn Francois
ng Paull!
nhe "Sa
Ukita NlIck:
llkila Ukunda
Ukila Nyima
an p'
Dio;lricl , ' oman"
Emuocu a Kundu
1 lIjadi OJeka
Pene Olenga
TUIlda Station:
Girl.' Hume
Supplied y
Supplied \:' y
Supplied by
Supplied by
Supplied by
& Sunday Sd 001 Work
Ho:.pital & Leper Colony
DirecL r of Nur c!s
In u trird DepoT ment
Instructor in Agriculture
Lation & Rtgional Schools
\'s Work in .lision Village
Superi 11 tend en t
District Woman's Wort
WI' clor of Re "ional SC .lOols
Supplied by
I oko Lo 1nnli
Ona Dikonuo Supplied by
S ungu I-oi
Uknlldj luka
J)jeng.1 Samwele
Yanga Mi he!
Adtlliema P:lUIu
Lupanu August
Kiny3I1tl a Paulu
Unya Eliya
H. T. Wheeler
M 's. H. T. Wheeler
S uku Joseph
Kasongo Basil
Ahuka Paulu
Wemba Kungu Amandu8
Lodi Michel
Elerubo Pin-e
w.n. Lewis
Luhata Danyele
Mrs. TI. C. Ayres
W. B. Lewis
Mary E.
1. C. Ayres
H. C. Ayres
Mrs. \V. B. Le...... is
Annie Laura Winfrey
1\1r.. \ . B. Lewis
1\1. W. 140vell
Mrs. ,t W. Lovell
Annim: e \, lllle
Wets li U1 unda August
Ukitnna P ulu
L-Ik mdju Jakoba
Ndjnti August
Lllhala Jnani
DjlJnga Pierre
Uende Jerome
'l'aluhuta Abele
hutsha Pierre
Ngandemema Joani
\Vcmbo N., am3
Pnstor Lnmhuth Memorial & Hospital

Denl) of WOIn<. n
t;irls' Home
Superint( d n of Long Hospital
Superin l ndent of NlIrses
Indu trial & Bllildin r Work
Nur. l'ry
Printing & P ubli
SChOflI ' :
Tnni t.r Bin e ella I
DI\'('ct lr
T "nch ,.
1"-, cl! 'T
Normal, {'hool :
Tt::3Cht r
'I' . cheJ'
, t Linn School Director
\ 'oman s cho 1
\' \\ ork L Mission VilIllge
NJ';!'ll<t' ulllbu
\ 'ungu
Lumbelilu Nicolas
H. P. Anker
Kimhulu Charles
H. r. Auker
C P M. Sh .fIe
E. B. Sti lz
Mrs. C. P. M. Shefley
E. B. Stilz
H. P. Anker
Mrs. H. P. An 'er
Mr . E. B. Stllz
Lorena Kelly
I. U. Town ley
Mrs. 1. U. Townsley
Lorena r elly
L'lkik:l Albert
Annimae White
Mrs. H. P. Anker
Mrs. E. B. Stilz
UnlaNgun a Paulu
Longcngo M Iteu
T'OJenga ... bJpholls
Spacial. ppointments
1 uild: 1 y S' IP rv iso 's;
unda nnd till ,Lations
Luuja &. Kat 1 (J
Weiliho Nyama
Wl'eclnr uf Tran. po!'!
L 'ft \ ItholJl aplJdntrnf'nt toatt nLl one of
(lUI' schools
n' '. pond 'ot for ongo Mission News
Correspo Id nt 1')r L E\, ngiJf' ell Afrique
I. T. 1Jte"l r
lV. De Ruiter
. P. Anker
E. iI. Lovell
.mba Pierre
"Ill 11 g- I J (lalJi
Anr lma<... YJ hit
L1rena T elly
Corr l)olHi nl 1'''r t tJ lean Chl'istian Aclvocute Mrs. C F. M. Sheffey
\UI imae ,\Vhite
VJrena r clly
an Auvoca e Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey
Lumbelilu Nicolas
H. P. Anker
& Hospital
Kimbulu Charles
Mrs. H. P. Anker
Loren:! KeUv
ng Hospital C. P. M.
Mary Foreman
E. B. SUlz
Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey
E. B. SLilz
H . P. Anlcer
Mrs. H. P. Anker
r.1l's. E. B. SLitz
Lorena Yelly
I. U. Townsley
!vIr.:;. 1. U. Town ley
L-orcna Kelly
Lllldkn Albert
Aunimae White
Mrs. H. P . Anker
E. n. SLilz
Unrn Ngun a Paulu!ngo M I teu
T'Olenga Alphonse
B. T. 'beeler
W. De Rui er
H. P.Anker
E. I . Lovell
h:mmba Pierre
hungu Jllani
Correspondent f, r Worl] Olltto
'o!.ln 'iUors for -'. . C.
ED rl itl' 'ic tP CO) Ii. rellce 'm " b m;.
port No.1. Lodjn Vi trict
nder Jame Rid. '"' penn Clldel1t
Lumeta. and Kale tel rilories.
Eductlhon 1 or
I n our 37 OUl iIIage sl:hooh ca rried on bv the reacher of the Di st r ict,
we hal e 1:.; 33 studenh enroll ed. When the sllldeni ll nish t hese primary
, chol>l, the) attt'nd our regIO nal cent er 'ich()ols Whi ch are under the
lIpervision I' Miss wI th her corp of Or m'l l School gr aduates. he
has Ih l!> to say about t h school w r k, "W hay ix h t. De;;;ree school
ill lh Lodja DIst rict WIth an enroilmen of 910. One of these schools,
mlll1e1y Ukaku Nvumbl, was st arted d uri ng t his conference year and is
doing a g( JlJ Ieee of' work an reaching muny ch ildren In t he sur roundi n
" 1 r t he hegin . .i ns of 1 tbruary. rhe ccond Dcgn:t: of 1 9 pup ils was
nlo\ed from Kanuol tv t ht: statIo n. It wa'\ no l proving a success at
'illpervision coull! not be gIven. DUfl ng
schill I term ince II has been here on t h miliSIl) 1l we feel t hat it bas been
a ing to II t he . I U ems, leacher$, and mi ssi l1 :.l ries. 11 have com rJ buled
I" make 1\ an i nstit ution t hat WI )) JUt p eople. Wi th the rLgl onal
'1:l1oois ding t h ... fi ne \\ o rk t heY ore, mar y more students than . e ' n p o .
rhl\ are fimshing and ednning to ent 'f 2nd Degree
ehnol . Unti l we can have an adequate building and apPfopl'i b on
\ 'e must selt-ct only the vpry hest uu it griev s us to have to turn
way many WI 0 Sl'e \' 0 -thy and who hav" a desire to press on. e
al'e fT!' at grat ful that God has permitted us to w rk with the young
pIe here in thi pad of (jDgO,"
Public H alth n l Dispensary Work
'though \ e have a state hospital located at Lodja whi'll care.
(rot" th _ gelh 1 I! n 'eils of the District. ne many thing... they
dn np[ ell) (1'1" th Jwuple which we feel ar l1f'cessary, Consequent y
onr nurf> , .It,, Eve. for these t hings. She has this to '8)'
Ilb u the w, rk, ' '1'llPre are 0: maoy physical hf1zards., really it IS lu
UrvI I nf We re confronted with thp ell tllenge tc) do
. II In our PI) ver (0 muke it fill' them not only to sur\;v
hut tc. lIve a fuller life and build up race. \ 'hil", ur program
''Ill i. t of lalkA and 1 allons on pre natal cal' , child wf' l fol'e and
Dlt n()ll lJ '.0 Fuu!" .abyel[lIll'S nil pl'e .;chool
t,hildrc'n dmic" \\" re held m foU!'larg cummunitlt' alld t ilt' d feet:!
Ob::sl Li eUl sen i.:t' wldeh we a l ubi , tt. ri"e
il r at t!\!'l l. TWt:! heilith. I':'UI s h LV
I .:t ) l ' 111 utiI' Ii t :t , \ a 1. TlJil:i 1.. li ne WLY 111
on by the preachers of tht.' D i!>tricl.
hen the students lmish these prima ry
center chuols whil.: h are under ihc
of Normnl Sehoul graduates, She
rko "We have. ix 1:>1, Dt1ree schooL
of 91 0 One 01 these sch - 15
dUring thi ,'onference year and is
'ng many childn:n in the surrounding
the Second Degree f 139 pupiL was
n. It was no pro ing a succ ss at
iO(1 CL)uld not b gl\'en DUri ng this
(he lll lUh)n we feel that It ha. been
and ' II have cont ri buted
serv our people, Wi th the r glOnal
more students th.:!n \\ e can pOSe
and be inning 1.0 enter 2nd Degree
nate antl appropriation
but it grievps us to have to turn
ho have a desire to press on. We
ilted us to work with the young
hich W 81"-' hIe to \e
Wd ty h nHh.) IIaul shave
e \ arrJ. Thio II:i oue W' Y UI
which we can the women and throug this crvice we help
further the C luse of th Christir n home,"
"vVe do not ave a Mi sion hospItal on our stati nn at Lodja but
our small dispell ary is carl'ying on. and attempting to meet t.h
needs of thiS lnrgp t('rritol"Y. Each day, lOre and more we realize
that it eannot begin to fulfill that need but we contmue to give
what hell \-ve 'all in ht! medical li ne, don't atLmpt to carry
II a whole medical program but WI> do try to tal e of all tht!
minol case", and n eds, We must send t he maJor ("RSef'
'to the taLe ho 'pita!. We cannut .l UI' ,I 'bU and comphcated
case,' wlth only the m"'Ag'er eflUlpm ell t of OUr l ittle ulSpensury. ur
evangelt lic. educational, woman's. girls' and hi ld 'en' s work would
be imposslbl to carry on, if we did not havt:' a dispensarv
Girls' Home
Our Girls' Boarding ;-' ('hool on the T .Ildja station hal; grown until
we now have thrrty girls livillg in til hOUle provi ed fvr lhem,
It was beg-un with the ideal th' t the shouU be taught all the
crafts nnd tasks commonly pursued in life of the women of
t his hmd. 11 ta. De Ruitel' the- home rntil lheir furluugh,
a nd sinl e I ur return t.() .odja Mrs, Rei has given active
girl supervis.ion. The little girls' vilbg'e 18 sun'U nlled by rich
fnrest soil. N. tjve wumen are Lbe gal'denPTs of the land a to edu
cate them HWC,y t rom the soil producet: a Gyp. d womanhood who
do not ordinarily m k happy homeR. The it! 81 of thf' girls prod ucing
!';uilicient food for t;heir own use bas ah'eady been re ';) Izen, During
tile year they have harvested more lhlln 15 rlift'l?t'enl kind. uf Cl'Op<;
anrl fruit. lnclurling yice, millpt. peanuts. corn, sligar cane, banana',
plan lain8, pi r.eapples. peas. ground nuts. pumpkin
, "ourds. mani c,
omons, sweet potaloel'l. and palm nuts. They sptmd the
morningf-l in gllrden w.... rk and tht! aflemoons in ;:chool. They lwve
liown mor4:! in their schoul work th 'past year than ally
precelling (,ne. Rnd onp. has ntl'reci the sec'lO(l degree choo!. Mi 6
Eye hRS c red for the healtll of thl' girls nnel given some of them
t.'aiuing ill midWifery. and that they havt! hnWll themselves
disp n (ry assi tant..,. 'l'h il native matron, Mama Djulldu,
is 'nch an exemplary Uhri:-tinn cltarncter and has such a 'ontagiou:-.
r Ii . ioul4 exped that he 11 s leu practically t!very one of them
j'lto suving ot Chrbt. The gl'eat ueea DOW e, istin
IS th ce,n tructiou of the homes lOt the g-irls to liv m.
Missionary ociNl
binc. Lhe Illrl'lu 1 of M1', De, 1\'1 s. Reid hn
for I he Vornau':" So '1 of Chd til n Sel' .1l;e sc' ttCI ed
the DI. lrict. The 39 soeietl6s I a\'c a lIlemb r lup of If 2f1.1'h ,e
..01 \ 01 of the ell'reb over
I :11 urch n Wt 11 making
q orphalled flom thcir homelands
when he too]- O\'CI' . he Tun la Di!;trict. while this conff'rcnce year
heen one n( gr nt dUll ge.s with S(lme 400 kiJomeLr s of travel
},etween Districts, c. do tru t lhat some WOTk 01 II permanent
nnd abiding char ctt;l' was done Thougb conscious tLnt we co lId n l
meet the i Ito which WA wel' thrl1!:t, we have lried t
g vC sQrnc ceount of lIllr stewardship, This report will nece-;sarily
be n cross _ 'ion (If our labor.. in the appointment given us last
Church And HOI le Can trllction
\Vhile on the Tunda Di tricl we begSin or completed orr1e 20 Hew
church ;;ll'ucLm'es nd ent /1IOl'e than 20 nl:\\ out into he
field of ice. The It,en on th District responded \'I'ell to ollr app 'uls
to lol:ate 811 1 IJ
lill Lh ir IJal' (mages 011 'ites aoijoin ing the church
nne! to en lo.e o'Il' olle half h ctal'e of mis ion property ,,,,ilh n Itme
henge fent:" for prot('ction fl'om the goat'" and lJigs. W t: pl c _u b.. i k
boxeR in the hands of se\'( ml of the preachers with Lhe hope that th y
would CI nslrucl pl'rmanf'nt blick l uiluillHS.
In t.he Komhe nj trict, construction work hAS pn1ceeded
slowly due to the r el til; l Ule n aj r pori ion of pur time the first
six month of the Cord renee year W8!l 10 til de\'cl pment I
the Tunda Distrit-t ar,d lhe lrst six nlllnLhs to the Lodia District,
while Wp gave Bupen'Lion Lo the Katllko Kombe Distl'id at a great
diet lice nwny. BowenI' \, have slurt d brick work in
villages and at N rongo we have mnde fI n e 50,0130 bricks in h(l'
molels nd hUl"ned and ('.llITIed !';('Vl'ral tI!llusnnd to the villa
Hupol'ts of the pos!';ilJlily of movil g the wbol village to 8 eli tallL
flll'e Lite lin: '1' 'n Iy hindered and confu ed our pe pIe. At Lu 1
lid IIa they too have made burned thou. an I hricks bu t
the same ullceJ'tninty as tu the villagtl bt!ing moveu to u far dl nt
sit hal; sLOppe(f the work,
\Vhil W 1111Vepr .d the huilding of b lte!' owl more pertrlan nt
eh Ireh S, \\' have lil'l'\"jst! d m:lnrlcd that our pr builI nic' l'
nnrl Illor com!' I't lute homC.9 ::md nrlo.e the property with n lime
II '. In thes ph S WI! h..v' 8 thi" 111' :Jehel' to plant TIl l1y
cliff rent kind' 0 fruit such 38 Ol'flng(', wugel'iIw, grnpciruit,
11' C' do, J.:U va, p' Itaya, pLnn t:.lin f.nd han n[\<I, '] hey, gen 'ally
hke vi. I.! , It v ome pine ppts enu n tive mUlti c, a. w11 as om
_. We h ve given lhetll differenl I ind" of !I'uit tl' S
pH 80m g l'Jien 'ee Is for th ir g:1 I 'ns. With l' ch
II th disp, 'al lif all, it seem nothing short f tl ic

that our people are So improvident that mAlly are c nUnually hungry
and practically all are underlloul'isherl. ,'0 many tropiral diseases
arl! contracled lhrough unsanitary living conrlilion!-l prc\'niling
evervwIH'Tc, that Wf' have demanded Ulol i'ur preachers Cunstrtlct
tOilet., somethIng generally non-e.'istent in the common ,'illnge.,
)n OUI' semi-annuall'eport blanks as the preacher report;:; the avernge
altendance at PBch of bls enTices of the day. with the nnmber fit
conversionfl and the of bis people, he ha pace.
Ill'(,virled i'vr his report on the number of these various fruit trees
in hi gat'den and other types of work done on his and It lme,
"e hop.! to make OUI' little v;Ila<re center.', 1!xample. which all!'
villrlge 'hri 'tians could take a: n pattern fur theil' hom{ null
\'11 ilc nne pas:;illg through the country on a hastr tour (If
HUll might hot rlisc(!l'n much ch.ange in the (\utward life of these
fl opl from their acceptance of Cbristianity. lhougll ol1l,dous that
\\ (. IJ!lVe not r;one \,pry fal' in attaining Qur i leal for theso people,
dof''el tltal va. ch: ng have tiken place nn 1 th It the trulhs
bwght day by day art:. bearing some fruita 2 in changing their
s ndarus flit'.
that many nre continually hllllgTY
d hell. So mnny tr('pil'al tiisc1'J!';l!s
tru'y living prewliling
thot our pl'enchers run -truct
istent in the common JlIages,
, s . he preacher report. t e nvern"'C
of the day. with the number or
hI popie, h ha like, 'i. e spac .
her (If these vudnu fiuH tree
done lin his hurch and home,
cent r , e, amples which nul'
In- their homes and g'lrdt!ll .
country un a hast,I' tOllr of ill 'I ee
in the ()utwaru !lfe nf these
stianily, tllOUgh c nscious UHlt
ining (,Ur i cali! for hese penpl .
b en pi c and that the tru h
orne fruita T ill changi ng till'ir
hows nn mcrea e in it::; for the 'l'nl. the newly form d
District. 10. 0-1,80 francs.
Educational Worl
Our twenty-live schnols conducted in as many viUag !'t hy our
preac,hcr have an ent' IHllum\; of li32 1. he impossibULy of
SCCU1'l1 g th n Ci' S ry seha 11 sl1pplil-'s uch 3 , slates and books hag
gr tty himle 'cd tile proper de,1.;! JpMe - of these Primary S 'hools,
out oLlr prenchers have done wen i tlying to hold the children
gether with such poor equil m_ t. a has been provi ied for [hem.
\\ e m'e h p y to repMt progr, in th work of our
FIrst Dtlgl' t: Sellout ill [he villa ti' of Ngongo carried on undel'
tilt' .lIpel'vi 'on f Mi ' EyE', Their roliment of 1.16 sho\'\os au
IIH:r J:lRe or I' Just year, The pre;:clwr a
1d leacher working Lngethe
thm'p II: \'C shown such u pirit 0( cooperatiull, that il has
its grncinls fruit in the changed at thp turknts. Sitlt'e
th distance is !'if) fnr sm311 !';tud<!nt;; to travel we np- .. d to carrv
t:l chillrcn of r ,i:J n' v U' tl'i-:t thr 11 It th_ - ! "ml D ell0 "I
in tht- L:LV: 11m nt f tl ir (V,O I.;istl'ict. going on to ur
Middl . 5ch 111 aL ,'\ embo yuma, The site of tI i _ciIOI)l at Ngonao
so ace s>lillie cenwilly located Ill. t we should conllllup.
ll' t..!ev lopm l i t even thougb the yilluge it df move to a uew I cati n,
\ Toman's WorJ{
Thl'oll!h lile intl'rvening month" III tile year, Mrs, Heid b.8
tt'uveled wilh me ttl!' J Igh the bot nd ot th Di:stricb flll' whidl WfJ
bnve beon r'spo llF;ible und Lr nl ' h t r t assiatnnce in supervi ing
the educational work .Ifrie'l nn L. tlte p,'e:1 "I as well s Lhe
woman's w rl., W have "ill.lces LlcLiye ocietieS oC Chri. tian
wh 11 to Iy III Cllltt'i .lti n of LLI' r a 1m. y to tl1l':r
10' I 'hurch s but \ ,ito: ve m d (ffering t) European lissie
orphaned during thE;: e war Limes from theil' "cnding cOllntrie .
ne 'ival And Camp .
W h ve b n t' four l'espon ihilitv tu bring pr SSUt' t
h :\t' up n Illr pI> )1, to h Iltd b<1ttE'l' cllurcht:!s [.no home, to llrlwi e
mol' 'I b tt I' fO(ld ful' lhci r f n, ilit s, in' I t on more uui l rv
cOIl.hti Il bout tI e.i h lIIe:', tt prll'lid ' Wlldl INSSlbll'! me ile' J n.-.
i t !lee itl!' th' ic unli {J pruvil e lllCJl' nd udtt!l' dwul for th
rhildr n llf lh DistrIct tru', c h'b U j t: 1\ 1 tCall(',1; In a h 1th
1.11" une c nIt blind Otlc's "YL. t, IIU tit . n cd::; aud r -II i lh
pit'it of the Ch"i::;c V!1 J Sli, J. 1.1.i !C.l a ye h v' d JIl Lhi Iinto
th .t:!:.t 0 the'c Illy In ethrell, ye!ta JUI t: it Ull to I ," Bli t t do
11 Ihe..' e 1:' 0 things which nre the social implication and fruit or
the Glorious Go pel, and neglect he primary thing. even t.he sal
\ ation of thrse 11l1mort I soul wouhl be nothing short of tragic,
1'3 toraI ervice in J m ric< nnd Europ with some 15 ycnrs in
Africa IHls pro"en a theory formulated in my early If \\0
place lhe need of n great HoJy Ghostr viva! as the prims11' problem
of e\'ery COnb'T('gatiI)D ev ry year. God will not Irt us dO\vn in meelin
the C l;IIlenge in nIl these othex realm,' of need in the life of OUl'
people, So in church con fCl'ences llnd District Coferences, whil
'arillg for the simple problems of the organizational lift! of the
chuTc'h, we hu\-e conducted regular evangelistic, erViCf'8, with at
most of he timesthealtur c \\(1 d \ itb heHrtsseekingfull deliver
nc" ffllm the po er and nalur of ain, At we ha\'e seel!
nuril\g tl1C' -ear in oruinary meting mighty demonstrations of the
)ICl\"er of
In orly Maywe gUlh red Our preachers nnd people of the Di trlct
t.og LI r nt OUl' Llltund 11a camJ) iue and conducted ourrcgulal' camp
meting Me' NgdtlnJoln and J col> Ngcle a were our worthy and
publ flu i Wilts in th proclamation of lh' truths of our wonder
ful Red em r. 'the greate.;t barrier to the Chri tian Church in Africa
; P Jlygnmy, :r 'om hich in, mnny corl'up!; and putt ifying heathen
Ill'a iel' find th ir orig-in and Ii fa Many wel'C brollgh t through
th [JI en'h d wvrd anrl the up]j fted Christ to see polygamy. child
man'ia e. wille drillkmg, con"upt dancing nt funeral oeca ions in
their Irue anu sinful persjJflctivE! Ilnd to gi"e them up, Several
llullli,'cd \ 'ere rell ward at the nlttu' of pr<lyer. anti many
t r: me bOPIIY ftndel'b uf the crUll 'hich at. men fr e, Many afolll'
pI' her II (' earri d this same spirit of evangelism It to their
II 1II villa.! sand \'. find them Pl' sing the wlIl.'k forward ond
it the It.
the social implication 8ml fruiL of
he primary lhings, "ven the sal
\\' uld he nothing short of tragk
and Europe some 15 years in
in my early millistry. If \\ e
Gh strcvival as theprimnry problt:'1l1
lod will not I t us dnwn in meeting
other realms of need in the liCe of our
Llnd Dish'jet Coferenc s, ",hi!
of the organizati nal life of the
r"gular eVllngelislic with a
ded with heart seeking full d li"er
of in, At I ime!': we have seen
mi hly d monstl'ations of the
whi h lhis hig unoccupied District offers us fore !lIlS to again appeal
to (lur fellow mi. sial aries. to I ur African Church. to our Board of
Mis"ions and the Church at large fur the privilege of doing' morl.! in
tcnsi e work within the bOll ds of this Dislrkt f(lr which we accept
responswility for its PVLJ g luntien u'/'m the CCDgO Prote tant
Council and hefore Gt d.
1. Whereas K ltako is the udministrativ
headql1fll'ters for the whole tenitOlY in ,>hieh two of our statiom.
Wembo yall1Q and linga. located, aswdl as the Kaluko Kombe
Di trict about \\,hi"h this r"port is writt"n. and.
2. Whereas lhis Di hie ' with a populatioll of more than 50,
people i nne of the rn densely populated arpas of .:lUJ tribe an
still Wlthoul u singl missionary giving full tim to the work within
tho of the District. find.
3. WheT 88 the antral which con 'ene 1 at Eliza
helhvi1le in .Tun appointed a committee Lo and report to U,e
Boar f of Missions the needs oC any unOCCll i d areas wiU,in the
buund' of the seveJ:al 'onferences of the fIr a;
1. Ther('fore we r<:quest the Bishop III npr oint. at this co ierencc
n Surve Committ .. to consider thi lJTIoecupied a1''''s. and r port
their t,) lhnt ('ommil tee.
That without cost to the Ii ion but willi fund now availn 1
we relluest tllc pri ' il. ge of -ling a.' mi.p rmanent brick par
sonng fOl,tile I i!HricL uperir t ndenl. to live within the hounds
this Di t t at lIe to lie sel c:led by the' hove numed 'ommitte.
3, '1 haL l 11' tlildil g C(1mmitte be reque t d at this se --jIm of
the i;'1n nee to draw lip and p ::s upon a pIau for lhp abov . n In d
y an hmit the same fol' the appro ' al of the Boar
sion ,
I f \I nol unluindful r
u feel hat thesE" conditi n. ar" perm lIf'nL finci all of liS h' ye faith
thnt ont of tho chao, anu cunfu. ion of lhis hour Christ will slill have
It \'hanc for His ('!lUSi;' to advance in Afden Hnd we l'o Dot want
to he Jefl without ever-enlarging visions ami Ilan! for the advance
mot of His kinl"dom among men, We reellhat 110 !:roup wouM be
nlore s mpalhetic to 1 rg r venture of fnith than the misBionalies
.. ho r giving th msel\'c without reservation to the tasks com
mltted to thoir trust.
Before we plead in uflicienl. staff Lo man our present tations mlly
ve I' sOllle under tnffetl Conference r his area who : re
Imp.1l d to cartoy 011 the WOrk of five stationf: with six individual
mi: 'il)narie
, "hi!, we have :It th present lime 81 all
the Helo ttl slafi' 4 tations, WI th lIon flU'1ough eager to return as
Ii I 1\ a. the WClY op ns,
Hefo.. the leader--hil' of 8 millillfl Me hodist: sits complllcenUy
,y an I plead insulficiency, Wp 'hould COll, idor the '''reat advances
nfiel s by the Grell tMi. ionaryfi'aithMol,"ment
(If uur sllL'h as the Suonn Interior Mission who in the pa. t
few huve lidded 8 'veral hundred mi i nar les to its in
. udall, Ur the Africa Inland Mis. ion, The China Inlantl Mission The
... nw.nClI Holill '8 A ':-{)ciation, each ofwhClO1 .at the present time
mn ing pi 11. f(w dvancin their W(lJ:k in th ir variuus Ii Ids,
urely> tim calts for a rugged raith, holy anc11l visinll
I hal demand. e\'ory !lower of (lUI' ransomed being 10 fultill. T the
fu:fillnltmt If thl.! e vil'lion 101' tile evang JiratiolJ of the area f( r
Whl h f t hucli In t.nnds r <:pon ,thle we pI dge om liv s an our
nil f( r Wl ' nn,,' c
Report No, 3, Tundu District
H. T. Superintendent
nr pernlon nt and all of liS 11' ve faith
{ "tm of thi hour C'hri ,t will still have
ance in . frien nnd we l'O not want
ng visions nnd plans for the udvnnce
men. , e fed that ItO gl'OUp \vonltl be
of ftlilh than tbe missionaries
ut reser\'ulion to Lhe tasks ('OlU
stLlff to man OUI' pr sent tations mAy
C nference of lhis area who , rf>
o five station. with six indi'v'jdunl
the Ilresent tint- 31 mi. siol1aries on
th lIon furlough eager to return S
million M thodislf; sits complacemly
h(,ulo con:-;i,i r he gl'eat advanc
th rent ional',Y Faith lov menl,;
n Interior Mission bo in the 1)8. t
hundred mi to its in
i sian, The ChIna Inland 1\1i' ion The
, fwh ,m at tll(> present time art.!
wild in lheir v.Idona fields.
faith, holy Cl.IUra and n yisi')!!
lIf ran omed being to fulfill, To the
till' vong' li7.atioll f the aI'ell f' r
Ibl ... we pledge our lives and 0111'
We hnve t ('en nw, y fr m 1 hI' district since nineteen nnd thirty-six
and no one all know how our hearts ",cUed Uj) wi[iJin us as we made
our first ilinpl'flry since Olll'l'''tul'n to the about tbl'ee monUls
ngn an I beheld whaL Goel had wrought. Numbers of viJlag 5 have
left behind them th graves ann villnges of theil' fllthe1'8 to live by Lhe
highw:1) of commerce and sin. Many new churches have been buH
while others hove heen de ed, We returned lo t.he ciislri t Ie"':;! than
thre-' month ago yet, I feel that throughout OUI' mission no other
liistrict j. in . uch immediate peril. tnteriul changes are taking place
so rapi,lly that tb re i. fIri':\ danger of (tV rice nnd indiffl'rencc
swe ping cou ntles number into the tidul-wave of war and post-war
sinful I ,ogperit,v wi i 11 m y be fatal. The next few years willl'equire,
po ibly, greater resourcefulness, pAtience. WIsdom and iatherly
guHancp. to slIcces fully overcome til qJifIiclIlli 'S in h
KINGDOM than any 'Ih r period through which we have pas" d.
Stroncr effort hll. been mad, in my ,ba n e to trt>ngthen th
evangelislic frees. Pr 'nchers a nr! preacl dng plar'es h Ve b 'l'Hl ly
inC! aRed. Mall vill:Jg<:s ar on the list and are conslilntly
begg-ing lor of th Gusp.l. We hav fiftyfive p < cher.
in acti 'e !iervic nd s v 1'a1 of lht! e are etdng more th rl 111
village Howev I', about olle third of the c\'llngelislic force in ut
village \\ ark hay n t lwen through our primary schools and h v'
hart scarcely 110 training fHI' the \\'tlrk which th y have und l'taken.
Many of thO l'le recruits al'e gt/od men nnd are for lh wurk
but the uuy has cluwned "hen congreg:llions demand sOlllclhing
more thall m('re exhortation, .hristiaTls (till! nun-Christians n 'mill"
and more waltLing to know why they _h ula gi\r up til :1' lr diti n
ul ell tom , pr 1'1 i e and ocHefs nnd embrace thos of Chri tianit
inslead, \V" t lUsthuvc mcnwho,n tonly ha'Veapersonalkn wi dg
of sah thrllurYh CI ris , hut who 'md how t
lead thl)S commit ed I Lheir care or you h ve a C!lSe of the blin 1
1 ndin r'the blind.
In t11 ppointm nt find planning of the W Irk r the n' 'reCtl' ,
I fin I lhnt O'l'ral gC111l!llL h. IlJe 1\ made. a r r tl po iblc, for It
t b 11 r lur R 'OJ n 1 Schools ',1' ttllion 8cho Iso as tv b a 1 to
cOlltinul! 1h i1' trailliug whilu acting us .v. ng Ii. t:. in neLIlby U
la!fc!l, Tw of lhl'm cllmpl tl.ll tit ir Lu(lit's ill one uf om' tl junul
schlOl. un I will . I, t; IIU II ir s urli s here on tl,e ratioll
a e\ llUgl!li5l in II!,!! r-hy 'ill gcs, S \' ra1 IllllI}l' 1rom tlUr
Station 0 a III on 'hv, hus been servi! g 11 oUL-village, will go
on io \Vanbo Nyamn tu enter Dible School. It is our de-ire and plan
t.o kce a constant stream coming and going to our No nul and Bible
Si!hoob. Lt was a JOy LO h8\'C fuur mule one of
whi h had Normal Seh 01 coming as reen fore -mentd to Ollr
ministerial rnnk.' this last Jun<:. .
It is my cO] vi lic n that our great st. opportunities and re
biliti _sal'e with the children and young peoplt.:. D.v all means we shollld
try tq ev n. E'lize 'he adults, bu t" fter all is done and sai,l the In1jOt' Il
1)1 I' lyg. will remain polyganll ts ann those who have followed
the evil prac ic s of lheir IlnCt>l'teril will, in a large mpastlrC', continue
to follow them. In many placE's I found I he chul'ches crowded with
old and middle aged folk nnd pften n chilw n at nil. The parents
pl!l'lDit find in nI Iny caf.:t! senll their chilr\t'en to Lhe Cil t holie Rchool!'l,
By eli i jinA' their families th y 1101 e tr) keetJ on gnon Lerms with Loth
Church . I I' that \\ . have been to comJllacent nbout :-mall
n, "hoolsuntilolll'workh'riull Iycrippled.
!nee C Jming back we have laulll'hed on a chililren" campaign and
rl!quin. Ihat ea h village having an cvan peli r ClIl nish enough ehil
h'en 101 a .:chon1. Thu re pouse has been so fnr fI ndau I' evangel
i have been d epJy I llcouragecl ill their \\ 0 'Ie It is irom the ! oys
.1 d girl. of 'linol a 'e lhat \VI: Ilm t look fIll' our pl' eaChel S ton or
I Yl Jfoll!" Mlidun
ay h . \ t:
been un er tho
that the work
Leper Hospital
pr()g l'PSS and qui
vVoman' s School
native women m
a mllst 11'n TV"',,'
The 'vI-' oman'!:.
vi si on uf Mr,; .
nor mally atl n
vI ll age pt's tors
corning yeai' it
sional'Y uociety.
Mr. Ayres wri
m ent in many
buildi ngs,
and M rs.'f.' s.
it fn mor e
into a br<' al fast
A t hrt!e room
' of the' ' wl,; res'
made, nme of \\
lumber has been
A kiln of
School. It is our desil'e aud plan
nd g jog t(> our Normal alld Bible
Bible Scllool graduates, one of
roming as reen iorcemellts to our
t st ano respcnsi.
people.Bv all mean. we h01l1l
,'all is done and suit! the m:ljorl ty
nd til who Ita\'e folll)'o -eo
will, in brge m aSlll'e, contmue
found the cl ul'ches cr(lwded wit l
n I I.'Jlildrn at nl I. 'The parent
hildren to the Catholic schools.
to keell on terms with both
t CI mllacent l\bout or
nlinue tu be. !wriollsly crip[ lcd.
on a clli1<1l'en' campaign and
eVl1n reli t fUt nish enough chil
be 11 good () far Ilnd Olll' evangel
ill their Wllrk. It is from the bOYR
look for lJurpreachcrs of tomor
been under supervisi on of Mrs. Lewis and Mis!': WUlfrey reports
that the work has been very efficiently car . ed on. A school for the
Leper Hospital with an enrollment of thirty-eight has made good
progrpss and quite a number are in the second dt!gree classes. The
"'loman's School with an enrollment of twenty -three was taught by
native women meeting four afternoons a week f Ol' two .. ours.
"The lions," S<lYS Miss \i\finfrey, "have somew at 'lilJdereri tlIe
attendance in our Kegional Schools. Still there h ueen some in
crease over last yeHr. Each of the four schools is visite on e month
for supervision and consultation with the teacher '. Thi rty-fi e pupils
finis hed these schools and will he eligible to come in as Missionboys 'J
The Gilh;:' Boarding School was under the dilection of Mr s. Rei
until the first part of this year ' Nhen Mrs. Ayres was asked to fill
the vacancy mad e by Rev. and Mr s. Reid moving to Lodja. There
seems to be a fine group of girls in t he home and under wi <; e su N.
vision have made good progress. At the heginni ng of the year it was
decided by the station to ask the Ma lron and fami ly to li ve ut side
of home walls. This has provt'11 m(1st satisfact ory so far. Several of
the girls were baptized this year and four wer e happily marri d. Th
wiv s of evangelists who wer e t r ained in t he Girls' Boarding School
at Tuncl a certainly, in most oi, speak well for t he hi gh t ype
of work done. It is not possible to spend too mUl?h time and dfort
towards the edueation and training of Oll r young girls. They have
a most important pl ace in our total mission pr ogram.
The Woman's Missionllry Svcie t. y on t he station, u nC r the super
vision of Mrs. Lewis and assisted by t he ot her 'women. ha be!'!n
normally H.t tended a nd the us ual i n t.erest 81 own. .. of t b nut
VIllage reported Mis ionary So letl s in their viII g . This
coming year it is hoped that every church socie ty",m ave a Mi.
sional"Y , ociety.
Mr. Ayr es wri tes that the L{}rd has blessed t he wo 'k of his dep rt
ment in many ways. Considerable repair s were made on a numbel' of
buildi n.rr , for emost among them bei ng t he residence occupien by Jr.
and Mr::;. Ayn s. T he living' r oom hus been com p! tdy changed giving
it h r more and COZill E:SF.Apart of tJ lebnck pol"hhasbeellmade
into a breakfAst room connecting dining anll hving l'ooms.
A thr,_e r eom ur ick tor ehouse with metal r... f has heen buil t Jack
of t he res ldenee. ite a few nc'\-\' piece. of fw n iture have been
m.acl e, nine of which were 1'01' the Ayres' r es Jdenc Much hardw d
lumber h 35 been s WPcl and quit e a '- it is in the shed for the new Hos
A kiln ot thousand brick is DOW read.' to be burnt. A
'llIID1Uer of windows allu l,'on:! were made for oul preach s.
everal bIn kuoards were 31so made for school work. I will add to the
shove statements by Mr. Ayre!'l. lh.. t he has a crew of effiC'ient and
helpful carpenters to ssi8t him in his 'ork.
Our Hosp' tal work, though hou!':ed in mud buildingfl, cracking and
fallin carries on most fficieutl.\" COMtant revairs of old bllild
ing (:0 t:nergy and money and time. It is hoped that the new
h pilal will soon under constrnction.
Government has granted fOl' the hospital to COI1
il\ue the trainillg of nurses. One woman has joined tlle ,..jas: anu it
i hoped that will fullow.
The jll'(lblem ofl'upplie is becomiugmol'c diffieul day by day. Treat
nwnt lor Sleeping Slckl1E!'.S and othel' essl'nliul drugs can no longer
he had. The natives have bepn t:oming in for treatmen1 mt re than ever
. llIee our rural dispensarit'8 bave heen without drugs f -,I' a long time,
Fifteen have been di miss d from the Lepel' Colony as this
. 't'Rt. Th ' admission" have !.1hout 'ql1allt!d the dislni. sals so the number
l pmaills au"'ut the same. At prl?Sl:!n t the Governmen t building t n
n '\' hOll,'c '. Th' ('rops have been wry good and tllere is plenty of
Ii 0<1 for all.
'['Ill' Chllre ! He1'\'ieE:' have b 'tn W Ihttteudcd nne) the inlerec;tgQ(Jd.
W;lS bapliz d dUI ing- tile InUer part of y('ar, We are
h. ping feli' lllevi\al in the camp illIJ1f' nem' fulule.
In dllsiHg I WHn t tn menI irm thl! work f Lhe Dislrid Evangelist
and St. tioll P: Slur. The done a good pir-ce of work (1n the
di '1 rid. while t.he latt(l]' has Dl' dc a plendid CI ntriblltlon tel Ih!>
, tUl! n Church and the \\or:hip the 110 pital. We thank God /'(1r
t\ ic(: bol'O nuli\ .. wI II havI> lh Wn' k f God upun thl ir hettrts :illd
l'now how to and gui e tL' tll'i::;l.
\\ p thank (. d for H!s s vin Grace al d trust that he \ 'Ill con
tlnIJe ttl pour !Jul. hi. blcs:ings upon the
eport No.4. Wembo Nyama District
1\1. W. l.o\'ulJ, 'up rintcndent
c :11"( happ.... ttl r-epol L l'J Ille G!Jllfercl]ce 011 tilt' total wI'1'l f
I tlr hurch durin' the IJaA Yt.:1r.
III til IIIonth of August \Vi' had a I);Slrid t'c 'ival at \Vl>mbn N\ ama.
" 'Y f \\' I f the p!t1ple f"')1D c)U(- IJ ar Call1t', The l' opl 0.UI'
mi iUI) ,Ung tudl prf-':Jcb -r , ani! te;H.:h('l's aud t hei,' wive 1
tit I dell, 1 f unci CI TI jdl'l' bit: ur. re::-t <om 11Ig tIll' st. del LS, j) ' IIY
cnme 1.0
of sum
on the pa
during m
Lo si kn
our work
many of
n .he
Lord was
We had
ALete a
hrought i
weI''' gl (
Dnri 1Ig" l
timp we I

l'( un ercrl
the new li
We are
the wf)rk
which e
30i lmnc .
were for preach l"!;l
mnde fon.c.hool work. I will add to th
that he has a crew of t>fijpient and
III in his work.
houc:cd in mud buildings, (T3Chtng and
nth repairs o( old bllild
ey and lime. It is hoped Lhat the new
n tr1lclion.
ted permj ... for the ho. pi tal to on
ne woman has joined tbe d:lSS andit
-ngmorediffi 'ultday .y day. Trent
nd other t'sspntial drugs can no longer
l!oming- in ror treat.ment ml rf' th 11 ever
'e 1 een without dmgs for a long timtl.
from the up'r Colllny as ClIl'l'U this
t equsUt!d th dismissals so the number
t the Governm\!nt i<: building ttln
b ell \hoy good and there is plenty of
\\" Ilattpncl Ii llnd the int rectgoud.
lne 1atter part of laf:L Yt':l1'. We fwe
in t!i .. n III' IlltUl e,
th " rk IIf tit, Di 'lricl E\ angelist
) a. cll Ii g'ood IIi ce of work fin the
a I'pl'ntl iii (X ntribu tinn 0 l hI'
ip , t tIlt: ho pita!. We thank God f 11'
th ' WI'l k If GH\ upon t\l it ht:art an \
t.u IlIi,t,
ng G ce alld tl'ust that he will I:on
upon the di:trlL't.
I tit C on thl' total \\' Il'k (
t ellts. li II
ClIme to the .1 ar to con fe,s thei.r s:ns antI to de licate 'md rededicate
themsp!ves t<) the Lord. We were, h'Jwever, !'arldeneu by the la('k
of sufficifmt in terl! t 011 the pa.rt (Ir many mission village people and
on the part of some of our preachers,
I Wfl not able to itinerate in the out.villoges as much 8S I did my first of work as Superintendent of ' he Dist icL dlle
to sickness in my home and to other causes. However, 1 thillk lhat
0111' work on the whole is in better condition than a year ago in
many uf our villages,
n the month of October our assifit tl each t) lU'r in
revivals in the out-villnge. They reported . he Spirit of the
Lord wa among them Hnd that many goo 1 fruits followe the.
revivals thl'oughoul HlP l) istlict.
We had a ver,v S!ood Di trict A g:'lodly number of the
Atetela members sen'pel on cr O1miLtees of the Conference, '[ he '
brought in good reports aD evaogelism, h"'au Ii fyiDR: the churcbe'.
increasing Afi'iClln offerings for the RUppOl't of the work of the church.
and on 1 church regi tcrs in good ortle1', 1 am gl'Rteflll to
'!!port that many nf them began to beautify theil' af
the Conference and lJ:we I more whal II 'artedl mto the full
of the church' w rk. We now 11<lvC Itt the pliot shop a
newly prepal tl church which \' i I be Pl inted for of our
e\'Rngclists all over the Co t !f"IlC-: that they may he able t keep
in bettel' ol'dpr the recor Is of theil' village chureh \ 'ork.
Tn thr> monLh of .Iune we had thre!>. regional revivals in three of
t.he villages ofour District. We happy to note the
of the people and the ellthus a "11 with which the preilcller' nnd
their wive.' entered int] these revival, Many people caml" to th
altars and lheh' words of c( nf s ton and l'cllpdicatt n, in many ca es,
wcn! gluclly heard becaus . of the Ilote or l'calit ' in
During the year we imilt a numLer \Jf At th pre"ent
tim.. we have HP.W i 1 S<lme ur the 1-1 'gel' village::; 11:. U(ptt;l,
'l'HlJlbwe,Otl'p , lind L'HI l rll
, B cause of lll: gr ,t diflk: alt' c en
counlored 10 buildio'" "orne of them we are happy to Tl.!porl tl is
:tcllievemen . During- WI;! replaced. the t<.'IUpocury pulLS of
th Pi;!W Ucltd:1I church with brick pill.
We are grot i'ul to God for :111 iOt!l"ense ill indi en(1US SUppOI L of
t.he work of tho chllrch, The Atetela Lhemselves g \ e 20,67G fran' "
which t:: ...ceeds their contribu tillml dlll'ing lust canfel' 11 'e r nr by i.l.
fnmC! , But we that OUt' V8J1g<,Ji:;t and their WI es
,'e over 4,000 (If tbe 20,075 and thut the Atet In of om' llllS
sion vill. "'e gUVt:! over G,O(l( which ID'ans tllat til g: 0 s
only ab ut 1 .OO() f r ancs fo1' t e year. We desire to e
faith ful and perseveri ng in stirring our African church members and
ffl ends \\ itb the desire to carl' r t he full load of the support of the
work of the ('hurch and t o assist in spreading the Gospel among
othe tribes.
The churches and evang-elists of our District gave 700.70 francs for
the fund. Vve wish to enter into a covenant or agree
me t with the othel districts to promote this cause so that \-ve may
have a sufficient fund to assist our evangeli sts who will continue
fai t hlul m t he service nntil they are superannuated.
W e have 8_ missionary societies in our District. someof which are
doing very good wor k. Total gifts of s(I(:iet ies for the year were 903
fran s.
W e are tha 1k ful for three Atetela assist.ant Superintendents who
ha e shared \vit.h me the work in the ou.t-villages. They have been
untiri ng in their labor>; to promote the work of the church.
Miss Lorena Kelly har! the Rur31 School work during the first
lerm. She upened :Bve new schools, making tpn in a ll within t.he
bounds of OUl" District. Vie had a good !ll"Olln1f'nt in seven or
igh t of t h se during the yes!". The te, chers renderpd faithful
service duri ng the year. Two were ' ed from wOl'k. vVe are
a!JPY to t hat 51 students the l"ui'al wi t h
satisfactory I!Tadps and that most of iClPm will enter the Secoll
l>f'J!ree S hl) 1 a t Wernho Nyama during the new t errri. Wfl beg-an
two new c1ass-ro m builJi n , .. wl deh should be finished in t o
mont h af ter Confer ent: e. The huilding- a t. vVembo-Nyama Usu mba
'r\ 8S hu ilt under t he moet uifficult. cir
11 P. Anker was Director of t he Tr1ni ty Bible School during the
ear Mrs. A lI ke!" an Mrs. E . B. Stilz taught fi nd assIs ted in
l hp work. The av rage ellrollm nt fllr the t W() terms \Va" 67. The
number of cuts who fi Ished this y"ar does not equal t ha t of
fOl'rnt:. r .\e::1l' . . IX DDl shed wi th Fi e fi ni s. ect t! especial
tlrt... "" an one or t wo who had been i n t. hp school t wo s or m Oi"e
nterel inll' the () rk M (;)varweh sts.
Uur students in upper cl aF;ses pl' f: ach pd i n a 11mbel' of nlaceS
and taught in different Sunday Schools. ome served. [I S evangeli sts
jn sm 11 villag6s not f a,' fr() J1l the missmn.
In Preparatory "' ChOIlI , ' h l(' 11 sttll ients f T lJ(Jth
a nd IIr al S ' (1)1 .. t her" " US an aver!:1ge enroll ment. of 23
!UdcnlS f.)r the P:'i'it yea r .
To teach all
evallgelL'lts i.
of lhem tile
of our Distlict gave 700.70 francs for
ish t enler mto a covenant or agree
1 pr omote this cause so t hat we may
ur eV311gelistf' who will continue
are superannuated.
in our rid, some of which are
fts of societies for the year were 903
<Cl.C" ",,,'U assistant Superintendents who
i n t he out.villages. They have been
t he work of the church.
Rural School work during the first
hool , makmg ' n in a ll within the
had a ",ood eTl rollment in seven or
. ar. TIl . chers reno enod faithful
r mo\' d from work. We are
fi nished t he rural " it h
a dUling the new t er m. We began
wh Ich shoul d be fi nished in two
huilt at Wemho-Nyama. Usurnba
the TI" ni ty Bible Sclwol during the
. E. n Stilz taught aud assis ted in
I t fr.) t he two terms was 67. The
' d tl is year doe ' nr,t equal that of
,li ph IT'll S. Fiv . fi nished the spe 1al
'I 'en ill th ' scho 1 tw y'ar or more
HRSflB preacht" d in a nllmber of nlaces
Schook Some ser ved's evangelists
lhe nllS!'lnn
hid. I.I!L pares f1t ullents for both Bible
. s 8\"erage enr Ilment of 2:1
"or t hp year. We de ire to e
I'mg our African church members a nd
t il full load of the support of the
t in spr eading the Gospel among
To teach all Illrsewho come to us with tbe e.'p elalion ofbeCt'mm
evangelists i, no small und l'taking. It j . necessary to leach " me
of them the P's 8S well as homiletic. Some of them cio not
hn 'e a pe.rsona] (,xperJencc of Ghrist in their hearle. It is necessary
that we assist them to find Christ in theil' lives. 1 here is the neces
sil}' of de: ling with lhem along every line physically: mentall , md
With young men going off as soldier others as workers in mlDes,
and with much work being ealled fur on planlaLion . of ]'uhb r nd
cotton. we nee I to be doubly Oll the lookout. for m re young men tor
the linisl.ry.
1. . To ns1
5 W' Direct or aftlle NClrmnl School. Mrs. Townsley,
f.,lIs!'le All moae White and Lorena Kelly, amI Lukika gl'ad
nate of 8. P. I. 1'irnpl'st", tallght anti assio-;Ied in the work. In 3dthlion
to lhese Mrs. S ilz. M.iss I\Iary F(lreman, and Dr. Sheffey assisted
in l r crung. The students of the th; rd yellr the pupils Tn the
First and Second Dt"gree S.:hoo1l" "f the station. They lUld their dliss
es also. They we, supervise J i 1 t he ,vorl\ I f l"a,_'hing Ily difrerent
teachers of the faculty of the Norm 1 S 'hool. Tid r Ian ul taking
care of the Fi l'<;t and Second Degre' Schools ff>lEaSed oltiel' 1 nch rs
of the Mtssioll fOl' Rurl t Scbr>d whrk. It wa 1 a1 0 ligrpcd to receive
pllpils iJ all of Lhe :chool!'! r:f th> stot'on only once a year EO a to
llecrease the number of clusses. A T art of lhe l'E'gulnr [11 Igram was
the war in the aitel noons, whIch cor sists in bl'il:k mnking, gar
denillg. house construction, Ie.
The average enrollment of students in the Normal Sr:hool !"(,r th
pnst yeat' was 42. SI:! en finished wilh diplomas. Two of ollr l1lis .
stonary flersonnel whf) taugh in th NOl'm.t1 chool wpre at Lul,ondai
thi. P:lst year, each ftlr flUe tel01. Only bl'causc other UliBsionalj
of stntion agreed to ta},e certain W'f::re we able to COllLlllU
with (he full proj.:!ram of the chool.
1\11'., Ank r rrporls a g !CIa y ar of-work in ih W,)mlil)'s Sella 1
willi an a\'cr,lge daily of 71 WOmel f, r the pa.,t y ",
MJ!;s LOl't:!llA. Kellv an Mrs. M. W. Lovell dir"ckd tbe WOl-kot' tl e
Girls' HlJOI\:! f r tl; past yeu!'. Th, numher of girls in the Hom
av 'rilge 1 ahollt 40 for ilie pa t year. Three of them mard d.
E. B. Stilz had hoth Jndu 'lri lond Printing Uep. rtment a
work 1"'1' the YUI .'1 he Nurmnl blliiding was cOUlyieted. Th
flo I' if! cement. aur! I he 01: ckbonrdt:> ar hf cern nl nod 1 y mi
The Ii lit lin r was roofed with CPUler ( tilee.;. 'I h ".. tiles vere in th
experlm 'ntl11 st al rl SOUlP parts of the .ut f ill plobab v 1fl
l" b r plae c1.
lIew pain wns pr'pared from thegum ora tree mixed, rith clay.
It wa u ",d on c rtain lin roofs alld f()unti very good to stop rust.
A n('\ brick dormitory fo' the Second Degree School uoaruing boys
wa mIt. Brick work wns :111 0 donI;! at the ho l)itnl.
At he shop much WOl k wa d ne ueh as the mlildng f de k for
Ih cbm.} , doors, windows, cabinet.':, boat for the mission lake,
rushe,. and many ther t.hlngs.
The Print-Sho}! did the following work during ti1f! pa l year:
I, Journal Provisional Annual ""onference, 3 1 iO
2. Sunrfay ';::chool les.ons for eBch 'I uart(!r, 40 pages eSl'b, 10;:10
ikenuji" or Messenger, four numbers. about 3(1 pages, 1200
4. Noti(,n de la Lan{!ue Fran<;aise with a vocabulary of about
. .-Ou words, 221 1600 CIpie!l.
5. fill large ; 800 . mall ones.
11 of Mil; ionary Society le:>son page each.
I. 'l'ne Life and Letter of Paul in Utetela. til pnge , 1 copi
8. i{:.i dilfen:,nt killd::. of l.Jlank torm and booklets. copies.
lll .'pite of the fact thnt medicirws hav'" be orne illcrea"ingly dim ult
til gl! , the ho:;pital work has uet!n canit.:d on ulldt:r the of
Ih' C. P. M. Sheffey and Mary F remafl. During Ule y al' :.H,1i9!1
t r.: tm llLq ll'lv' bJ n givetl al th di and .J..l:1 patients
he 11 ho:pll' Tile at tlUS adv IlCdrl it 'r.dit t) u for the
pm HlS' of ulf'tlicin s til 14,1 III francs aod tbt' oUon C0111paIlY
rl.IIl\C I u a cr .dit of :-.' IXI frullt' lor HI-!2 and 7.5 U rl'aOCB ior
1. n. r'r th pUl'cha (' or me at the Gophaco nt Luluabourg,
, hnd a vi. it from 1,," iellr IJ BHu\\. manar-ing ireetol' f 1.h
It n C.lmpnny. In 1 t!. an I he agl'(:e j to rallt U'l 2 francs COl'
obstd.l"Iclll del Ivel" , occllring at our hospital. In J unA a cI po It
I f .lIIC", 'liS nH II t( our cr... rli at the uanl th CoLllnl!
tIJ )'fr the (Jh:>l"lrlclll Ca (1, or'lt'-l:!.
\ . regl' [0 all l1tJunc" thtH ,!\Ir medical Hnl 'I. mh, Pi rre.
d \' I' JJlf'd inl ct., 1.12. IIe 1 fl for L.nprld
vILl II II IJrtl I' IIf: g'ov rl101'1l phy iCltln Inti in ay, 194'1. h
\ , tIt Eli at 1i1. (!I nnitlon i. "ill 8f'1 "' 115, In Ie)' DV
It till nur",1 . ook t.he . tute (' - minaLi >0_ at , . nd Wl!re
WI:! 1\ ,ilplnmnz:; fiS uicie-infil'lIIir Til y rcturlled tu at
robo NY:1111U.
Th work If lIu.' nur. eat W!l1Jt '0 Nyama f; r tlte P:lst rem' h::u:; uCl'n
b an
after l
need i
His W
th gum 01 u tre mixed with ClAY,
and founll very good tl) <.;top TU I,
t'ontl Degree School oll.rlli ng boys
done at the ho pital.
done sUllh 88 the mal inJ:! of de.k for
fU.J''' ......-. a boat for the mission lake,
ng work during th p3. t yesr:
Annual Conference, pa,;:-e', 1 i(
en h quarter, 40 pages each, 1030
four numbers, about; 3U pages. 1200
bulary of nboll
. mall on s.
. oei ty Ie Oll, ao pages each,
I in Ot'tela, (i1 pnges, 1 <:!OO cOlli
k form' and booklets. 34.4JO copie .
,:; haw> b c rneil1crea ingly IJfTicult
n can'it,d on under the leadel"hip of
AI ry FUl'eman, [IUl-:illg' the y aJ' :-ll,tmO
the ct. p lh!U'y. ana -11:1 p:ltienU have
11 adv' lnce.j it cr dit LI u" for the
11(11 f,anes and tIlt' CaItlin Cnn1pHIlY
f)'ont;" 1'01' HI42 aud i,5 0 fr Ol'S f r
leR ut the Copha'o at Lulnaboul'g',
I" [) Ballw, mnnngi fig of th '
ngll!pd to .gT[lut Ui 20 franc:.' fm'
a our IHI pital. InJune a "l po. It.
lit rpdit the bank by the C,
)1 I, :!.
fnll f interestj!lg duti _So not the least of which has Leen that of
tt aching the l'llldent nUl' <:8 thl ir V8.1iou", in practical nUIaing-.
To gel lh III mt r ted in training their own E'yes Lo ee dirty floors,
soiled doorR and duor, facings, etc., Bnd LO cultivate the
habit of' ttacking Lhcm \"'ith soap, ashes, and water h<. been 3 slren
uous La I,! The import<mce oi being prompt and to exercise kinc1ne s
and cOlll'lesy and consideration in their ministri.ltions to the sick have
blen sh 8SCrl.
Much time and tl ought an 1 s me lab r haw" en given to the de' 1
opmellt of ooslctrical work on the sll tion. The number I worn D
c ming to u for help c'lntin les to i lcrea e, hut it is under very
adverse circulllsan thHt we are able t be of service to thell .
bas been chosen fo(' I he difft'rent uui tdiog net'ried for this S (lcia)
wnrk, alld the r sidence nnd ndl qnatt: f( r thrlle or f or
midwives h8ve been buill. II Iges have been phntedround the
site, hopinR' ultimately to h8\'e the plnce gQat-pl'oof. Sevt:?ral lurg
gardens of manioc are I!rOwlng. Plans for t\
r.,e othQr buildings have
l.een dmwn OD paper. In the nelat fuLw'e we hope Lu IH:lve another
bllllUing of nalive com:truclion to I.ou e p!ospectivc rno and
alter that we hope alld pray that s will gi\'t! th necessal
funds fill' the euno:::tl'uc:tiOn of Q r :11 ob::;t trical war,1 of bt'lck. 'l'he
need i great, and for that l'eas'ln \\'8 pray f l' the fulfillment of our
hopes in not t ,0 dist Ilt future.
All of us rnil:!sionaries thank Glld for a place to worl' u!nong Ult'
Atetela people, For th'lt !'eason we wish to n.-double our in
orJer to h lp those nf all kinds of sicknes e to be bpa e I in (.Ire t'!
that they in tu!'n mnven bLe alh r;; to ee an f I'now the ligitL of Je
in their hearts. \Ve pray that Hi:; Killgd m m y com and lhal
His Vill mav dOll on earth as it is done in heavel.
Report No.5, lingn District
E. n. Lovell U[ el'intendent
"'ince til .,.riter (f this r port h S I nt only bout; six month.
f this (':ol1f -ncp. year on the 1ing Dl t ri ct. it is r all . a. r
111 a r r('purl Ihat be gin'll hy him, 'ille th r half 8h ul b
told 1 y lhe (llle ono 'Ill \S in of the WI l'l( ulltll the gillllin
of tll,.; y ,1', We hn\'c trie 110 tl ke LJI Wlll>I he leftolf, and \ 'th B
hIt (! chanae , PO:SI 1 . sr, th3L 1hf' vear" WI rk might hr ve um
fj rmil)'. We rgr t II say that he PI' seh r have had far too little
[!uid IILC and he1 f1' 'm u during {JUt' half /e 1', for we arrived t
'lillga weak in uody, alld rllther wearY from our arduotls duties at
Lllbuudai. Most of the time we have had to te!l them, "Wait until wo
haw' strength to come, and we will then undertake to t;harf! wIth
Y JlI the of the burden of the work." \ e r j ice that God
p;ll'w'e us corne measure of str eng th to fulfill our pl'omise to them, ali(I
that it h:ls been as a goo:l tonic to our hearts and yea even to our
b dies and minds.
1am sure that ',11 our hl:arts I'ejoieeo when we heard that eln
forcement." were un the way in late October or Novembel. in r h
p r80ns It Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ayre and Dr. W. S, Hughlett NCJ
ole 'ould havt! received the news with greater joy than the Miflga
Stalf. V'll' had counted on the Whpe era but were dis3P
pointr>cl v. h 'n tlwy wen' appointed elsewhere. Wtn'k along all line
lIa been kept up in M fur as (\u.r strength would allow, and we do
nt d more help,
Educational Department
l.acking the constRnt -supervision of a mishilmary (Inch ha
hrown a J!realer }Jart of the load onto the faithful teachers, 'in
till ugh I. leir load lias been heavier, they have bl/rne Lhe burd,-n
fuilh flllly, and htn e hf'lped us to more of their
carl'} ing more L'tJsponBihilt y in the tl'all1ing of Lhen people
T',.. \,rk of the women teaching III t.h Woman s"'chuol has heen
J,dng, They have had good lor.lIlllng in the Pl"t and are nnw
in a p siLilln to hare vith oLbers theil' wlents. The sewing classes
have jll1pro\'ed greatly.
1'111' Kindel'g-nrLtn qtllt wide-a ,'ak , There were 37 children
'nroll ,11 and th.y I .v(> ent.litlsis:.ticl lly CRnied our :::everal proj,>cl::;
Jne f Wl1ich guv th m . )Pcial joy-the fIlR 'lOg of a flower garden.
The girl' .,f the II Degrt:c Sch')ol have taken tht!il' tUl'n at t
uuri thL in('liJcles girb'l I,f villag-' HS well as of the Girls' Hornl',
'I II att;lndall't hu heen good il! the kpgionaJ Schoell and
thro tencher' hav
ha 1 til t !lch long hfmrii, uecnuge they
W(>f fe . ill l1urllh )', they ha Co p v')'t!d, Their hll\'e 1r'lpe..1
th 111 a grea deal 'ith the cIa. s work and oUlsiele W J-k as w",11. \Vf'
lie d t l',lch )8 in our I i" 'jet, . l)d look fr>I'W81'd Lo tilt.' day
" 1 'n the hUl1dicnp of few wlJrket'. will b climilltli.ed, We need more
; nel mOl'" r nd-feoring t who ':jll mnst follow Ihi
\\ rk ndgrow in itunli
iJ!lJol'<Wf'el ballil;lhed. [lotil thf.:lY g t
th mnll!"'!' 011 t h II' hr!:tl'tF mon', our 10, t;es will inerenst!. Lt t u.
)JI'ny thIS 1 Itl Ill' wllrk,
to th

for t
wear from our arduous dutie at
have had Lo le!l them, "Wait; unlil we
will then undertake to with
of the work." We l'ejoice that 'od
h to fulfill our promise to them, Bnd
i to our hearts and yea even to our
rejoitcd when we heard that reil1
in late OeloLet or Novembcr. in tht:!
Ayre.<; and !Jr. W. S. Hughlett No
wilh great r joy than the Millga
Wheelers staying, btl t were <.lis. p
el.ewhere. W',rk all lilies
our su'englh would allow, and we do
ision of a mil'l;;lOnary each dny has
load onlo the fnithful teachers, and
a iel', they ha\'e lhe burden
us l see more of their
th tr illing of their people.
ing ill lhe Woman's Schuol ha heen
)(}u tl':ttning in the pa;;t, and ore now
thei,' t dents. The sewing classes
ideawake. There wer(;: 37 children
ia tier lIy cur riecl our se\'end proj cts
lal jr ythe of n flower gur.! 11.
I hay taken their tum at teaching,
v.lIag": wt;lll as of he Girls' Horne.
g d in tbe RE'glOnai School:; anti
to t Itch long hOUf., Lecau, e tlwy
I Their wive.:; hn e help d
work tlnr! out.sirle work as wpll. \V,.
"riel, UII I look fl 1'\...81'.] to tbt> da'
\.\ 'll b eliminaied. We need
v" Itu \', ill lllO t. eriollflly follow I hi
. Me j. banished. <lnd IIntil lhey get
our I, . "e" will inCI'en " L l u
Medical Department
The Medical Work of both lhe General Hospital and of the Leper
11a, been carried on bravely and well, The coming of the doctor
helped to take some ot the burden off of our slaff, and gave some
surcease from the strain under which our nurse had worked for some
months. Though the doctor may !lee a hard time with his patients,
we couldn't exchange him f or a better one, When the doctor returned
to the fi eld, he was able to bring a substantial amount of equipm nt
supplies and medic'nes WhlCh had been llonattlo by friends at home:
He also aul to announce t hat friends at home h d rai edIund
:lor the first Untt8 of a permanent hospital.
The disease of hookworm infections seems to be one of the most
pressing medlUll problems in our zone. Many cases have been treated
at the hospital, 'l nd Wltl) severnl of the stronger native chiefs co
oper ati ng, t het'e is lope lhat some educational work along Lhis line
Clln be take up, The overnment IS lending its support to t.i11!; Nork.
The few Ct ntel 0 leeping Sickness infestation are hopeI I for a
visit f rom t.he doctor !D the future.
Drugs and other equipment are slow in coming through, and hard
to getlocally. One stuuent Nurse' s Aide went to Lusambo for the stal
exammation, and won his certificate S(,me of the latest methods j 1
use at }--ome with r pgard to COntinuous pInal anesthe:.ia. and sirn
p iined tr. nsfusion methods are a blecsmg ill our wlrk here. t i
also very gratifying to have the knowledge of sterilization control
so as to use this in our work here.
A very woman helper has been found for obstetric
\\ork, whIch I akes it much moresatisf' dory ilian using the young
mt:1l helpet'S, f.)r some lbjecled lo them
An evangelist whu wasin thehosplta t forh.ookw 1m anemia min
islered to tht:: pall"nts until h was well enough to take up hi!; regular
work. One of the grtist ju) of the doctor is to ministel to the hearts
f the patients, as well as to the'! bodies.
At the Leper Colony, there 1 Jarg t::ducuLional and evangeli.:.tic
work and tht:: opportunities or this work are greater all the while,
Th nUl'se in clmrgereports a great impruvementin the mt::ntal out
look of th patients during the ycnr. W hope that it is b'uly the illage
uf HAppmes for ( ur poor lep l'S. Ul1l'lnsr lhe year, a threeHlom SUll
dried hrick i.JuiJding ,, jlh I.!emcnt lind with a kitchen and
for he Rom!;; h 'I.e been COn lructud, There are 17
chill r"n in t.lte Hom j for cl children. The school m'ollmeut is 9.
bout f ! ~ u<u 1- Tl lhin_ unu 1I Ill'
durn" the year, and the n 1mb r llf gtrl
.-. ~ . - ~ . . ~ ,- . .
u h. TIl
r my be
ell 1I ual - n thin' unu!>u:llly
'ear, 3n I lhe numb r ~ I r 'Iri
1 A
~ B
gl' \ \ ~ m. and thou h thi is a
gro\ l , the lie innll1gs pint to
c llengu q,
eport '0. 6, Comm'ttce t
To be" mpil by
infr y
Mr, id
d r. 1". AnI C"
Teachers' mnnt:. 1 for te lling BIble storie8 in First egeree School
Egglemeier's Bible ' torip.s, trans ated by Mrs. Stitz and Sh 'yaka.
econd Degree Sc ools
Bible Story Reader II trSlos!ated by Edith M3rtin I
3 & Egglemeier's Bible StorIes, translated by Mr. tilz
Ilnd ShtAyaka.
iographie' of t. Fr neiR of Assisi, Wil ham Booth, snd ot hers.
transla.ted by Mr. St iIz, to be used in whichever class they are moat
ui able.
n was recommended that Miss White take the illustrate '! Bibl
. LOry ook tl1America t) see about the possibilityofhavin Yitpubli sh
ed with plctnres
IL"a ecommenue tha the Primel' and First Rea et be first in
oTd 'l" printing. I)
Alex J. Reid, Ch ir018n .
. L. V\ miley ' ecreta)'y
eport No. 7 Confer enc("' Board of Ste 'ards
Fund Fo!' Native Delegates,
gandjoio Mose, clerical, Lukika Albert, lay del g te. t attend
ntral Conference
Lodja Distl'ict 30u, 00 frs,
embo Ny: rna Dlst rict 300. 0 "
'funds District 2UO.OO
I. lingll District 200.00
E."penditul' . : u.oo
Balance 011 hand
B. Super Inn\lat .i:': nd wment Fun
COl'll from laeL year 13-4.5f, frs.
"ceiplq liming
Ming Dl:stricl :342.00
TUllda 321.0['
\ I yam:!.. 700.70
L Jdja , :,Wn.lJO
Kfttako I mbe.. 200.0 to
Tol al c, h on hand 3311';.3fl
No tlbbul' dul'inp: the year
ft 1'. Wh ("Jeri Tl't!a. urer .
1.Ited by Mrs. Stilz and Shuyaka.
lr:l nslated by Edith In tin
translated by Mrs. Slilz
Assis;. William Booth. and others.
in whichever class they are most
White take the ill ustr te BIble
he possibility of having- i t publish
Prime.r and Fh'st Reader be fir st in
Alex. . Reid. Chairman.
A. L. Winfroy Secretary.
Bonrd of Stewards
Albert, lay rlelegat to a lttmd
30U.00 irS,
:wo.oo "
155 t55 frs.

H. 1'. heeler, Tre8fiurer.
storIes i n First Degeree School
Confe rel ce Board Of Ste
in lh ir pro I' 1m U
"\ T
t b mem /'5 (f Lb B l'rl f St w..rd f el thot w
hegio to functi n. fiR nearly tt, pos 1)1 r iing to tl cion t
forth hy Ih <.: nlr I Cmfel'::>nce ut Eli .Ih in refer t 'e t.o
Church finnne s. Sinl'e th ficlion of .. aid COliC renee i" noL at hund.
w move the following 1 c'lllmcndalion.
That th" C nf< r nee aUlboriz ' the Co f r c Doa d f Stc arc .
npon ro lpt (,f C l tlal nf rence recommeJldnl'J) conc rn'ng
d ul'l:h fin ne L \ ol'k out pI n for our Conf( r nee II I . Lmi
it; fiS soon s possibl tu the s raJ Di tric to c put in n tton t hi
H. T, \ heeler. Chnir n.
Ucport .. o. 9, 1\1 'dical Committ e
IV. That the Buard of Missiuns be asked as to what can be done
about sending out medical research workers to Africa.
V. l'hal a denlist be out to the Central Congo Crmierence.
W B. Lewis, Chairman
ehas. p, M. Sheffey.
R 'porl No. 10 Committee on EvangelL m
and State of Church
1 he heart of the work of the church i that of leading people to
Jt's I . and leading them to grow in their knowledge of sal
vinton thlough Him.
We know that our faUh Christ-centered. Without ChrisL Him-
elf WP ha 'e no Cht'ist,io.ll faith. 'We realize that the Atetela were in
greal darkness amI yet anJid t that darkness they felt needs in their
b arts which lb 'y were ntt mpting to satisfy by their own faiths and
bt"liefJ ,
They were seeking a power thau themselve. in their darkness
{mil in their f,fTeat hunger of heart. Yet lhev knew nothing of a
chungl' of hear 01 real repentance, of spiritual birth from above,
nd man of their ri 9 of worship were in the handl< of their voctors
\ bo practiced much U 'ceit and who put feat'S of many 1. nds lOto
til ir IWBrts. For the fact that t heir faith and heliefs did not
til ir tlr.!cds and flJr the fact of its of connection willi witch
cl'l\ft, Lhey dlt not wisb a syncrt>tlc or faith, They believe
that.1 'llS hrist alone . uffices. He fulfills all nr) all needb.
We, therdore. submil the lol!owingl'ecommem]atlOlls to our Con
of I'J4J:
I Let us all li ' t up "'host hecause He alone is l1fiicient to the
mOT I, pil'ltual. and soci I n ed ofout' peopl . H is the path ttl .lod.
2. I t ever" r cber in Ill:) ilInJ,'U lind every Mis ion village have
l n or r iv I... during the coming yeaI' and let every Chl'i:sLian
ha l hl' If... il' 11 I . ul'nga tn ]tlfid OtJl 1'1:; tu J sus eLme.
3, Let u" be,; 1 ch till of OUr lwopl who" n 1"end word 01' Gvd
th t th y buy the Ne \' T1;:smffil'nt un I udy it in order to
kn v the will (1 'JUlilld II akf: th J ,)f sirl
, us Cull tinu(' 1() UJ'g upon llUt lh fact that they are
II Lo dl\J'J e the fail r cl C lurch \'1 ieh they dt.! iu.'; this lighl of
eh )iet! I uy ba:ic I w uf the t.:ollgu Helg "
.l, Let us I' altz ' thal we will u V \. orne tILl> p iW of darknes
ll,:IL il. t th1'i4ial1ity IJllb Wi W' 'urpas cl')el' of
increase, we
tf'aching and
a!'l arn()king
found in the
8. We bl!
Th Cl1lnru
uly pl'ecl;!di
).Jfinled: Life
L ssons, Not
bol fa on (
ul lYI C,
"_ ______ . _. _ .. " ____ _.. __-.- .... --..:.-:- __
l (
!' t11
III and I'
s be asked a to what can be done
r'h wlIrkers to Africa.
to the Central Congo Conference.
W. B. Lewis, Ch Irntan
Chas. P. M. Sheffey, l:)ell'et:try
mittee on Evangelism
of Church
is that of leading people to
grow in their knowledge of sal
red. Without Christ Him,
We l'e lize I hat the At..etela were in
thaLdarkness t:bey fe It needs j n their
to satisfy by their own faith and
11 them elve, in their darkness
Yet the knew nothing )f n
0 spiritual bil lh from
p were ill the handH of their doclors
who put fears of many kinds into
their faith and hellefs did not satisf
clos nell'; of connection with witch.
or eclectic fait.h, They believe
He fulfills all y all ue rl ,
ll"wing recommendatIOns to 0 11' con
se lie alone is ufficient to the
ofonr people, H is the path to llod.
cd 'very ion vHlage hnve
coming year and let vel'Y Chri tiali
i-ad others tv JeSUS ChrisL
IJfe \ hu can r"ud the WOl'l 01 <. d
Ii and ludy il in ord r to
hr J. rkne.1i If in.
uU I wopl. the fnct that th.y 8ft.'
'lL'ch they dl! no; Lhi l'iMht of
, of lhe l}ougo B 1't;
111 th p'l\i ... rs of darknes
i Y I' fy n Wt' JrpllS It' Jf
c,l tIC
evil i lour thinking, in our doing deeds of goodness and righteou
ness, and ill out-dying those without fHith i.l Chl'isL
6. We recognize that Aerie nO, in conference with missionaries
should develop musical instruments ane1 shou11) Christian
hYmns and do all wit lin theil' power to make the Church
of Clll'lst an indigenOI1S malte while keeping in accord with the
teachings of the word of God and with Christian truth, We desir
the preparation r>( aids to worship for use i our churclles, such a.
Y'esponsive reading', etc
7, Becan 'e drinki g of ine aOfl other strong lrmk!l on tho
incr(>8se, we need to redouble our t!fIorls . t such in our
tpachi ng and preaching, We also need t" hJht ot ltlt m'lj "evib such
8L s mokl ng hemp, practice or lewd dclncing
and thE! evil practice
found in the f ll nel'al customs of the people,
, We believe t hat is a great enemy of mankind. 1t iR
a sin belOIt> oct. We need to preach and teach our people of its
. evils, We wis} to guaru the girb of our OWll hl'lnles and other girls
from entpring int'l polygamous marriages. V\Te aCl.'ept the law of 0111'
C ntral C<)nference. slaLing that no man with morc than one ,>'ife
and that no woman who is no the first wif.-! l' baptism
nnd be received into membership iu the chun'h We wa n all of tho. e
who have power to choose pl'eparatory mCll1oE'l';:, lbat they cnn no
longer choo:::e any woman as a plcparatory meUllJt!r who is llOt th'
i1r.s t wife.
. necause the ministerial mi;:sionnries of OUr Conference diu not
finish t he work of prep:win r t;1'mmellt.'\ries for (JUl' preachers, w,
favor the cont in'lance of this work until the rwangeli 'tg may IUve
commenlarie. un the New Te tcLnlent in thai '
M, W.Lo\'ell, Chairman,
Annie Laura Winfrey, Secre ry.
R port No. 11, Committee
The C(i1nmltt P. harl no clu ing th t:xcept immedl'
ately and dul'ing 'hi.
'l'ht! f"lIl1willM' book which had b en previou!;ly H}lproVeti w-r
pdnle::l: l're dnd Letters ofPuul. Tongu of FIre, 'ervic
L Notions de The pl'intin 0 tIlt
Sol-fa ong-I.)(!uk \Va' interruflled by the la k of u suffi. i III quantit'
re being cir ulate i!Jr orr ccti llsl.lefure lhE'
'has. P. 1.
A. L WUlfr
h trey, h n i r . m ~ n .
, f)CCl' 'lary pro tem.
o. 12. Committ ' e On Woman's Ol'k
hri :iJn
on the white
of we8.l-ing this
circle or society
heal'U1 to do all
7. That we
adopted last
100 per cent.
S. That step
women teachers
gradual's of the
.Ii hodesia.
A Commiltee.
ed to work wiLb
these teachers
l eveaI"
2. a ) ']'hataBst
paratory S
b) That all
0 :. .-..-____ _ - - ,_ _ .0- ____ .... _0 __ __ ___ __
tl:' r1 for ublicntion. with C"Tl' tion
member': Christ of the 1 unt .
rade, Conduct Stories, for u e
eire I teu for carr eli os befur lh
11n. P. ' . C hairnum.
. L. Winir y, . C f( tnrv pro tern.
mitt e On Woman' s Worl
g n r mph i Oil ehe CIIIj Li . Ii
11 hu I'ch rnem1PI' have a hri u-sn
(11' I t church m ml er who wi h
ht'ir mnrri ge by Chri. Usn ritu 1 e
nile half of 011' du' for thi yf'llr t
Il lvln In lh t we u l' the oLhlir ha lf
urnitw . for th_ pa' onag th l' I
r hI m f m vin" the preach . rs ilh
ur, Ill' \ Dillen oftll ii iODnry SOClPty
tl ski i:tflt c nth r \. mell tl
i d inlmg '.: Inc on l oth r. tro '
on the white scarf of th member Shou d a member be unworthy
of wearing tillS embJem I t is to be tllrned in to the leader of that
circle or so iety. rbe burden of lhis fallen member is to be in our
hear ts Lo dO all PO! 1 Ie in prayer and personal work to restore her.
7. That e' old before the oci ties t he Standard of Efficiency as
adopted last y ar and endeavor to have as many as possible report
10 per eIlt.
S That s eps be t aken t o secure the services of two sing e African
women t achers for work wit h our girls and worn n These girls are
graduates f the Hartzler Trai nmg School at Old Umtali in Southern
A Co III milt e. Mrs. Reid. lV .. . Mrs. E. H. Lovell, was appoint.
ed t o work wit h t he I!;rlucational Committee to obtain the service of
these teacher s nnd t o llrepru'e a curriculum for Girls' 'ouyses of Study.
Hllzel Reid. Chairman
Zaidee N. Lewis. Secretary
Report '0. 13, n081 of Educati 11
e, the Board of ChtisLian Ed ucation, submi t the folluwirlg
1. a) 'hat the passing gr de for the Second DegTee School be 70; , lld
i or er t h a!. a Lude nt be p romoted h ' pass th e four malor sub) cls
viz: Bi ble, ar ithmetic, grammar and composition
Including r eading , and wri tin .
h) That the passing grade ' or the ormal SCh OOl bf' 70; and il order
that student be promote 1 he p 85 foUl' major ubJec " VlZ. Bible,
penagogy, French. nnd arllhm tic. We fwther that if
a ent ai l ir ne t wo m jar. ub.i ects he be allowed Lo r epeat
t he y sr's work; but t ha t if he fuil in t hree major , ubJects lu. be
isrni sed
1-. a) 'l'hatallstuden sfinisbing t he Seconrl egr eSchoolenter Pre
parator ' Schol,l .
b) That all students planmng to enter ' ormfl l Sch(wl be requireJ
10 complete satisfactorily all subjects of t he Pl'eparatol'Y SchoCJI.
c) That ifa studel t plullnirg 10 enter the BillIe S ,hool should fail in
some ;;nbJcc ()f Ule Prepara ry School nut related tu he
work for which he w uld be re pun jble as a Dreacher, he be
nllowe to en t t'}, thE' Llble School ii he has a .'ooll average grade
(tmI g(l\ 11 Chn1'8cte ; or he be l' quired to repeal the year's work.
according Lo the decision of the faculty appointed hy the Bishop.
3. That due to bad cond'Jct. t he following teachers not be allowed
to conlinue their work as teachers during the ensuing year, bu
that they work out their penalty according to the policy of the
Mis iou - Wembo Nyama: Utshudl a Koi, Yt:ta. Longombe, Uldta
Ng robe. Kimbulu Jerome; MingA: Utshudi Ema, \V mb'Ul
h.udiemoka; Tunda: Kasembe Raphael. Lukadi Abele; Lodja: Djn
mba Rene.
1. That ti,e fuliowing tetlchers be J'et.urned to tllflir work: D:u'u
Danyele. Ulungu Paulu.
5. That the offel 01' Miss Fuller of outhet'Jl Rhodesia. introuuced by
l\lrs. A, J, Reid to try to mt erf'st two YOl1ngwomen teachers from
I 1<1 Umtali to c )me to Ihe erntral Congo Conference to work wi lh
the gil'Is ofthi Conference h.> accept.f'd, and that Mr.. Reid heart.ily
lhank Miss Fuller fill' this very fine offer.
G, That the following committee ad with a similar committee from
the Commil Lel' on 'tVoman's Work t.o work out a new curriculum
for the girls in the schools ofthe Mi. sian !:llld to 81Tange all malt rs
relating to the coming of th, young women from t.he Conference
in :'lIuthcrn Rhodesia: Mba ZlcufousC', Miss Kelly, Yone Luldka
7. a) That 1111 stuuents in tation S 'hoob, consult with the mb.sionnries
in char 'I! bt'fol'e enLel'ing a marria!!/>.
hl That a wife who h fl memb r of the
chur h.
,1 That students wl1itontil I.hey are older to be married.
d) ThOll pren hers make the cert>mony and the -"iving
o the down mOl' in the flltur....
. That in order to rai e I h .:tanclard of AJri!;an W l'kers he n 'pari
m 'nl oi EduCflli n alld all otber 1 eparlment of tilt! jIb. ion not.
l'e'tor It 0 l'fl:il or Lon quickly III Re VI ho h/J'e be'll dis
llli I, d f'll' immorality Or fOl' utI er grave olfen:;es to of
rl' pcm ihilitv. \Ve ra 'ommen(l furllw that IIll Huell person b,J
I' (tll'lle I tel the s'_rVlce of h D partm nL from which hI. was eli.'
mi .. 1 in Ie th n (me pu(ert'n 'e yl'fil'. find that there bp cl Ii
IIi,. evidpn '(I til t ucl a pt), 1)11 hI s C'h. ng II his: ttitudp nml
ltt'h 1 i lll' ,mil fullilled [Ill 1'1. (jllil'lnH!td ,I n ' riling th workin"
of a fin ; V al 'It wi II w rem illd nll lI1is::;i II rie nn 1 tmenls
thot bv fMu el' r ..lill81' II!'OU\' COl ltt;!Pl1('e n indivi IUIi I 01' Depnlt
ment rnuy emplo: dismi :;ell \...oL'k rl" without iOIl frum
_0_._-",- __.. _ -__ .. - ______ .- _______ . -' __
j' quired to )' peat the yeat" work.
faculty appointed by the Bishop.
lo11owing teachers not be allowed
hers during lhe ensuing year. but
ty according 10 the policy of the
i a Koj, Yeta. Longombp, kits
: Uu.hudi Emn, Wcmb'Uh18,
Raphael, Lukadi Abele; Lodja: Dja.
b rc w'oed to their work: D;u'u
,-,outhem Rhodesia. introduced ill'
two yOllng-women tearher fI.'om
1 ("Ingo C Wel'ellCe tn work wi til
t"d, and thatMl' , Reid heartily
fine offer.
with a similar committee from
to work out. a new curricul ll m
Mission tind to arrange all matters
women from the Conference
Mias Kelly. Yone Vlkika
hooL consult with the innal'ies
ian wire wIw is a membet of the

Depal'tmcnl or individunIs \V ho dismislied the workers in question.
9. That Luhandjula Jean be given permission to be sepa.rated from
his wife. since he himself and Lhe missiontu'ielO under whose super
vision he works have failed lD all their efforts to pW'Sllade hiB wife
to repent of hel wi 'ked ways and return to her husband and live
in peace and halmony ",ith him.
]0. Thnt Utuka Pierre be allowed to r eturn to the and h
rl.lIlstated as n teacher jf he returns.
U. That Miss Kelly be I'equestl'o to write 1.(, Dr. Knapp or the Wodd'
unday School Associut'on to a"k for some ';UI day (' 001 litera
ture for children among primiti e people and fot 001" litera
ture fot' Daily Vacat'on Bible SrhooLs.
12. That Mrs. Sheffe) prepare for the enstung year uutley Sdl 01
lesson!:; for child 'eu and that Mr. l\T. \Y. Lov U prep'lJ'e'them tor
13, That a committee composed of the Normal Schuol Faculty and
the Supel'vi:;; ors of lhe Station Schools prepare a form or diplomn
fur the Norm.. l chool.
14. a. That the Normal School 1 (' three year of clas. work
with some praclice teaching during the e and t.hird year,
and that one .ntire ve lhe fourth yea be devoted to practice
teaching in he Wembo yama. tation '('lIuOL
b. the pn'lcLi 'e school yeaneglllar hours be arl'unged
for pedAg01' or p"eparaLion for classes an I for deUbel'aUon
concerning tlla which happens in the cIa ses of the pmctil'e
c, That in the afternoons practice l 'Ul'h r a '''ompany 1h
f some induslrial work sUt'h as the erettlon of hou.
the cultivation of a-ardenf.l, the making of fun llurt' r. om ph
of villa .0 improvement.
ri, Th t. Normal choul Diploma be pres 'nted t n tud III UP(l1l
completion 0 the fourth year the year (If t h pructi . choo1.
0 , -: hat Ihe Normal presen t Lo it b'1'nduute.. a the end of
t\ (J succes ivc yea!'s (If s \!ces fut teaching a te and that
'his C' 'lilicate be "'lgnerl at tile. end ofeadl I.eI'm by th TIli iun:Jry
in hnrg (If the re p live tiludent ,
1 J, '"h l nlth >IIgh a teachee" flrst ohLi ration is to the Di tl'icl 1'1' IlU
\ hich 11 c me. if mi J:;ioll ry in charge and the t ('sch r is
willing, he may be len to to 311 t" h -.1' District whl 'I lilt r i. a gr ler
lIe-!!: Hllcl thot thi :h 1 b:.l d cid d by the l'o 11.>1" ,11'(,;.

16. That when ther are more teachers and more mlssionari sa aila
ble the present t achetf! who have been 1U the work fot' a long
time b gi en an opportumty to take further work in the Normal
School, b t until that time their further training be giv n m
Refresher Courses.
17. That w heartil endorse the R or t of the Educational Committee
o the Cent ral Confe 'ence and tha we begin working toward
these goal a soon a pos i Ie.
18. That we go on r e or d as favori g t he acceptance of Government
grants if and when the C. P. C. c n uffer assul'ance that they \, ill
in no way in terfel'e with lhe fundamental principles of the Mission
19. 'Ihat we pa rticipate in higher educa tion with other missi os
under the dir ction of the C. P. C. as per recommendation 17 in
the Otterbein Repc1rt .
20. That . ishop Springer consider givjng Mr. AYl'es who h s recently
t aken special CDUl' ses In Agriculture a part- time appomtm nt to
gricuitUl'al wor k t Tunda.
2 . Tha , realizIng that t he H riean people are e se tiall ' agricultural
people, a d sE' i ng the great poverty which gnaws a thcirvery
: I. Lence, we m gently request t he Board of Mil'si li S a nel Church
Extension to e d to the fi eld as soon as pos. iLl an agricultuml
misslOnar y to h 11> 0 lift them to a higher level of living t hrough
lmowledgp of agricultural methods.
22. That we accept the offer of Bishop Spri nger to try to find an Afri
can in Sout her n Rhodesia trained for agri cultlllal work to com
to the Central ongll Missi on as an agr icultural t ch 1'.
K H. Lovell, Chairman
Annimae White, S cl'etary
ReplJd 1 o. 14; Committee 011 Resolutions
We know t he fntiiity of words to express our deepest. though Is
and fCf'lings hut. we have so much to give thanks for that we must
out of !.he fullnes' of our bearD; try to expre s our very
for the man" l hings that hav\:: 11 Iped tfJ make tbi Confer ence
< memorahll:' one.
1. Fil': r uf all, our h..:'al ts an full (I f grati turie to OIlC Father f 01 His
CO!lst: n t presence.
2. We arf' !eepl,V gralful to Ol1l'co,workers of WLml,o N ama fill'
their g-rl iou:; hospitality. ' hey have r;iven Lht.:l11elv s freelv find
:.-_---- _ ...... _.- .. , ___.-_. _ _ .- ______-- _'.. 1I#1..:-!._-.-- -
eacher and more mIssionaries availa
ho have een 10 the work fo a long
ily t() take f urther work in the Normal
e their fUl,t her t rai ning be given in
. Heport of the Educati nal Commi ttee
and that we begin orking toward
, ror mg the acceptance of Gover nment
, can offer as ill'auce tha t t e)' will
f ndamentaJ p inciples of the
igh r ducation with other mi ssions
, P . RS per recommend a ion 17 in
er giving Mr, Ayres who ha, r ecently
gricul tul'e a part,time app intment to
people are essentially agricultural
poverty which gnaws at t heir very
t t he Board of MI . . ions ant ChUTCh
ld as oon as possible n agricul tural
em to a higher level of li ving through
iruiLul'aI method:,
Bi hop Springer to h'y t o fi nd an Afrl
trained for agricultUl 81 wOl'k to come
as an agricultur al teacher,
E, H. Lo ell, hairmon
Atlnimae Whi te, Secretury
IlImittee on Resolutiolls
ds to xnreRS OUI' rl epest though 1;:'
h to gw e thank for that we lllUt
lr} to express our very sinCe' !'''' thank...
t) Intlke lhi ference sebSlion
II of gral.ilucic t(') Ollr Father for illS
ourco,workcrs of We Ibo Nyama for
have gwen h mSf>i ve.., In' I, nd
lovingly to sen'e us, making u comfortable and happy, w r(J
are for our Otelela fl'ienrls a" ''0'011 as 1.0 tb white fl'iends, fvr OU1' pas
ors and delegates have nothing but words of grateful praise for what
the village people have Jone to mal,e tbem happy and comfortable,
3, The worda of thanks musl include ollr appreciation fOl the beauti
ful aurl devotional expres ion!; in song and Truly,
you have helper! u. Lo make a joyful l1oise umo the Lord,
4. We \vant to thank Bishop and MI', for their faitl ful
and Uuf iring work for us and with us. Our gratitude out 0 th m
fllr all the vcare; of unselfish lauor with us in the Lorr\'s work.
5. We not forget 0111' n;.ttive pa 'Lors and the good message
tim} help that tlley have giv"n u tlwough these Jays. We thank God
also fot' the new memhers of our Conference and for thos \'110 hs\'e
advanced in theil' studies.
6, "'e wish to express to Bishop and Mr.. Spring r our deep at
nJ preciation for their great Ilenerosity ill entertaining our
ott Cent!':!} Conference held in EILabethvill in June of this year.
anrJ for their kind hospitality e;tended ro them du!'ing those day-
May the inspir lion of these dayg cause us t? gi:'c our lives in a
Jeeper conserI' lion to God anel the spr ad of l{1l1!{doll1.
II mry C. AYJ.'es, Chainnan
Mary E. Moore, eel' tory
Report No. 15, Committee on Distd('t Confdcncc Rccords
\Ve, your )mmiLle on l>i::;Ll'i Conf(,l"en<:e Recol'ds, hnv .exnmind
t.he r corus of the various 1 iSlTI 'ts, BmI WI. h II caU al. en Ion lo he
facl that 011y t.wo of the Di 'u'icts have a bookor reeol'd -
Wembn N\'amu nd Minga, We urge the oth to seem'p such
bo k" at once b fine the recurd.. re 10 t,
E, II, Lovell, hairman
R pOlt N , 10 OItHbcin R t'el'cncc And Findings Committe
The Committee {'or Otterbein Itef:l'ence and, Finrlings,
aft _1' study of the recomrn ndaLi 118 r the \TB;"l,OUS te ;<:, has
t.he futiowlIlg as lhosa [II'I po-ed TJO)J(.'les growmg dll' ,tJy
o indirectly out lIr Lhe prqJ ttl:; of the We tcrville Conferel ce:
V\ orsbill:
I. Ve presume our pastors have been influenced natw'ally
by the teaching of OUI' missional'ies but in any event,
they feel that the Gospel of Chnst 1S.0 complete and
all satisfying they clo not wish Lo incorporate into our
worship, what elements of truth which may be
found in their religion so intimately bound up with
witchcraft and super'tiUon.
ll. We recommend that emphasis be laid upon the necessity
of Bible reading and continued effort to put; the Bi
ble int.o the hands of the people.
III. We want to continue both in Lhe homeland and on the
field to press 101 R ligiolls freedom.
IV. We submit to no compromise \ hatevel' with
V. We rejoice in th.. fact ihat Central Conferellce has re
. pared for us a fJiscipline and RitL1al which is a.
dapted to our African People.
VI. We fnvurtbe prepa!'ation of "Aids to Devotion", that are
thoroughly in harmony with the evangelical trulhs
of the Bible and of our Church and thaI. are
to the needs of the African peuple.
VII. We propose that as Iar as possible, in the African
we encouragp. the de.velopment of music in'
WOT':lhip progl'am!':; incorlJol'ation of-orne elements of
Afri 'an architeeture in tbe builriiol! of their Churches.
M ieal:
I, \Ve recommelld that the Medical Committee tudy durin;::
lhe commg ,real' the matter of highel education for
h as, ' j, Ulnts either on ollr own Iiasion or
with th idea of cooperatillg with orher .dissiolls.
n. \Ve recommend fUI'lh{' lh, tlie Board of ?lIi..:sion he
info! m .J. of our nted (f additional medi('al JlHscm
npl fill' this pUTpm;,., anu lhal the C. P. C. he noti
fied this II\! ;ic.IJ).
III. \Ve t that the, IlIc' tinn I wOrkpj'R incllrp{ll'tlle in
tl! ir rt )!ram th fclllw:ing: lhaL r JI . (If Hygiene
fltl d b 3 }>1l!'t or til r.'lIrricul,lIo of our
cho I!., hI with thE Fir [Degr , bl?in r no
only l"uglir. hut nl 0 put int pl'se i('e d i y nd that
tll "ludellts bf>nquiredtopJ':I 'ti eth'.' ins luctiOls
nL home alld in other village during vacation
- - I
- ____ - . ._. -.--.;.-'-- ...... .. - , .. -_ ..... _-.- .......- .
have been influenced natllrally
onr mis. ionaries but in any event,
of Chri t is 0 complete and
not wish Lo incorporate inlo our
elements of trulh which may be
so intimately bound up wi h
emphasi. II laid upon the necessi
and continued effort to put the Bi
of the p ople.
hoth in the homeland anrl on lhe
Nt'ligiolls freedom.
l'Olt1ise whale\'el' with poly gam .
that Central C nference has pre
Discipline and Ritual which 's a
/,U.J.J\."'U Peopl".
of' A'd Lo Devotion", that are
ony with the evangelical trulhs
of our Church and titat. are aduptetl
the African p -ople.
far as po!>sible, in the Afric<ln
the dovclopment of music in their
incorpOt'atioll ofsome element. of
in the building 01 their Churches.
th Mf:dical Coromi llee study durin
I he malleI' of higher education for
nt ither on our own .lis ion or
co peratillg with ot her lissiOll:>.
I h the Bonrd of Mi siolls he
ne d d adlli iona! medical
po, P, and thnt the G. P. C. b 1 noti
I worl( _rs inclwporate ill
[lll J.,.,ir g: thut rules (If lIygi n
n part of clinic 111m of ruJ'
'Ith he ir t 1) h'l'e , being no->
put illt. pra i ,d'lily and th t
ir d to I'acti 'e th "e il1st1"U tions
n other villages during vacation
and to bring to the school an account. of their ex.
perience and that this parl of the curriculum beconti
nned in c18s5 and during vacations for tI e entire
school life.
IV. We urge investigation of the matter of cooperation with
the Government in sending out Christian young men
to out.villages to serve as aides in fostering hygiene
and in the village life.
1. We endorse the ,'ecommendations of the Committee on
.b:ducatian of the Africa Centrnl Conference.
If, 'Ve greatl) favo participation in higher education with
olher Missions nndel' t.he direction of the C.P.C, as rec
commended in article 17 of the Westerville l'Pporl. Alsu
we urge participation in the Union Theological 'eh 01
at Old Umtali.
111. Wf! sugge't that one of our misliionnries, Mr. Aj'l'es, be
to spend at least part time in agricultural
inslruction. Also r(lalizing that the African peapl > are
essentinUy agricli itural people. and seeing the great
poverty which gnaw., at their very ('xistel1ce, w urgent
ly request the Board of Mi sians and Church E. tension
to send to the Ii Tel as as pos. ible, an agricultural
missionary to help to 11 heln to a. high r level of
livin#! through increaserJ I"d)m ot agricultural melh
ad... Such n worker, while being a miSSionary in the
full en. e 1lf con;;ecration we f, el should have such
agricultllral training as woull fithim for this primitive
IV. We request the r -turn to the field, ifnnd Whl n
of Rey. J. H. Maw, who will be able to give instrurLion
ill me 'h- nita! work. fn th c\,pnt it is impo>lsjble to
retul'n Mr. Maw, we requ(': l another worker in his place,
o be q igned to stich work.
V. We tnvo:rGovernmentgl'Hnt for Rural Sc 100 If find
\\ hell lhe C, p, '. find no eompromist.' I)i PrJ IcipI
in" ,\v',1.
1. Wcr j(,icethntMi Full rfm!l1 lec;c!roolatOlJUm
talisnirlthat pos iblefor L\\O young
women t.eacher ft'om hool Lo come to
ow for three or rOUl" years to t('ach ow' girls
and help to builu a more adequtlte cUlTiculum for ou
girls and wompn. We ::hnll welcome them to our ranKs
and pray that their coming will be abIes 'iug to our
AteteIa girls.
VII. We recommend that the Normal School students have
3 years of 'las8wol'k with 80m practice teaching ill the
second and third and that one entire year of
practice teaching(4th y{'ar)be given, gmnling that
during that year regular hours with th" Elupervisor, he
arranged or pedagogy nnd preparation of and
that the Normal S -hool diploma be given upon the
completion of the rom th year which is the year of pJ'ac
tice School.
In t.he worNs (.>1' one of our Native pastors. who
en'ed on our committee: All these prQgres-ive l' commendali(lfls are
th bl"anches. The trunk of the tree is Christ. Vve mu t have con. ec
l"8led whole souled Christianity in all and lhrough all. If we mitl::. lhis
we fail "'b rial.
W . S. Hughlett, Chairman
Kathryn Eye, Secretary
E. n. Stuz
. .
-g ...-:

. .
. .














































































































































































































No. 17. Statistical Report (Cout.)
No. IIr Dil\trlcL Ml'etiug;I
r\o, <If
N... of M
Chrilltiun .\\u.rriagc.'1 Y
nlUl-:CH I'IWPFmTY & .1-'1., ANCES
Nil , or tkit'k Buihlillj(!
T,>I/lp;,mry Chun.:h
\'nlue Church l-\uilrJing; (l'l(IlIl\f1;)
"r l'ar30n:tgca
Value. o( PU/;,:;.lOlI)!(>.! (Vollar:::t
Vallh' of Olhu
Africans (Frs,
T,.tnl &. '('<imtril l!lUI'n!ll FJoJ.) ....
SUI'erallllllaleEllllowment CFrs. i
;\Jissi,mary (ii!l3
No. "r ()Ul VilluJ{e
NIl . T'!whcr..;
SlI1dcIit.:; in (Jut Villnge SdlJloL:;
Nil. Hegioljal SdIOCl\S
Teal'hers ill Sell.wL,
:-;tud('nts in Regional Sch"Ol:i
Tl'lll'h,!T' iu Staltol\
Stllll",nt, in Stuthm :)..hool<;
Nt. of Gir ls ' Home..;
Cnrnllment in GIrls' Hom!'!:1
Stud;!nt!! in .Biltle School
Students in Normal S,:hu:11
SlurJentll in PropI<r.l .01 i I '18,';s
IJ . .. ; ..... 39
.n:' ... :..... 'l2
W.N Mingll
... .... 0 a ...
3:3 .. .
...... 6:H .. .
...... 4... ........ Zl ...
HI ... i........ lRZ ...
29 J .ii,
K. Kombe
:!O ...
17 ... : ..... .1 ti ... 7 .. .
0.. .1... 2 ........ IS ..
.," I
. 2:1 ... '=;1,1 ... . .. .... 63
.. 8; 2:.1) .. . ... 2.610 , ... 1.301l .. ' .. 2.lI1IU SI)O .,. ...... 14,.41):; .,.
r; ...
..... !WO ...
.. 3;l,15(1 ...
2n,t;7,t. 7ft .,.
. 7uO.7l
.. . '1 , ....,... 24\
21 .. .. .... il_ . i ..... 02 ... ,. .. a5 . . ....... .. 253 .
...... 1.')0 .......... IOU . ", 100 . ,... 100"'1: ......... fiIlO .
.. 11'.01)0 .. . lllj (JOO .. 6; u50 ... ....... 66,000 .. .
fI,\ ) ", ... :!3.5:!4.'J5 ... 1!1.30-l.50 .. _ .... 80.977.60 .. .
" . , 16.1'1-'31.81) ... 23.02-1.95 ... .10.301.50 ... 82,826.76 ...
... .. . ... 321.05 ... : ... 176.20 ... i... 11;9.06 ... i ... .1,-769.0 \ ...
... tlQ3.:i
.. ti:!i).60 ... ".{I ...... :U5.2li ..... 15-1.90 ... l." .2,353.05 ...
71i ....
sr, .,
7)1 ...
.,_ I
....) ...

....6) _
:J1Ii. ..
.. .
Sf! .. .
olt)U .. .
I.') ... ...... 6 ., ...... .f ...
1Ii ......... 9 ... 6 ...
-If; .. i.... 632 " . ..... 2\.I'i ...
HI ... ' ...... !I .. ' ...... li ...
... . ...... 334 ,.. .. !!<l9 ...
1 '"" : .... ".. 1.... ...... 1 ...
II) ' ........ 61 .. , ....... 5/ ...
G"1 &
1 ')
...... 37 .. .
......... 37 .. .
.... 45, .. .
6 ...
......... 6 ...
...... srI2 ...
....... ...
..... 253 .. .
.. . ..' 1 ...
........ 3(1 ...
No. 17. Statistical Report (Cont,)
Mloga Tund.-'
..... 25 ." ..... ,... 201 .. .
.. ..... ......... 211 .. .
,.... 311 ............ 2.294
......" 1 ............ 27
........ . . 39.
..... lOti... 2,il52
l,W! ' "
4 ' ..
191 ...
67 . .
4!:! ...
! ...... ... 23 .. .
::!.1. fitl 84li.21; . I. '.10 368.55 ... .I!
'76 .... 2..=) r ' ....... 3i... :!5 . 201 .
SEt . tis .... .! .... .......,.25... 211 .. .. ....
;51... :$7fi ... 400... .. . 4f;' ......... 311 .... ......... .,.
11) ... 6 .. , <\I ... 1...... ti ... ....... 1 ... ... ........ 27 ....
Hi ... . 9 ... 6 ... ......... 6 ............ 2 ................ 311
,16 ... ' .. . .. ('.32 .... 2(11 .. .-. ....... 592 ........ 11)6... 2.1'>62 .
12 . . 9 . .. Ii ... .. ..... .. ... 31
;:;tUIJtlut,; i n Bc;lltIllls It;, ... aa4 ".. 2:l9 ... ..... 253... 1.101 ..
1" '. uf [jirls' ......... 1 ... , ........ l ... . .. 1 ''' , .J
Grllll""'nt. 111 Girls' Hqml!.' ..j 61.... ...... :;7 ! ..... ., . '3Q ... ' 191
:::wl,IIl. in Srilnol
G7 ... 67 .
StUr!\l1l L, in !'Jol'muJ Irlol
l!! ... : 42 . ..
tU!lents ill i ( l'b.
23 .... ' 23 r
No. 17. Statistical Repor.t (Cont.)
. W. NYIlInU,
Minga Tun.-tu f.odja K. Kornhe
3 .. .
.............. ; 1 ,. '.1 ' ''.'
, .0.
0,., .t.... ..,.... . ..... I I ' ,
. ....... ,r.,f,OO .. .
111 :)"6 II ","",,' I 67
- . ...... i!' ..."ll,., . I ......... 12
......... 215 .. .
, ....... ........................ : ".......1,623 ....
21:l ., ........ no .. .
(il ... ' I............ .... ,It .1...... I 0 . .......... "90 ,
18(1 .. . Ii;) ...
..... .................. : ......... 23R .. .
:/-1 ..
ll)(I .................. j ............ ." I......... '137.:.
...... I ' .' ... .1 ' ' _1 ! a...
... ... I . . .......... ,.j... .. ........ ! ........ 32,'879
0 ................... 61::1 ............... .. I........ Ina .. .
0 ...
.... ...... ....... ..... 731 ................ 1 ..... ..... 1, lOI "' 1
........ 1(1 ...
IS. .. .. ... 2 " .......... .; ,... I............ 27- ....
. . 1 I .' _' I
........ :....300
..: ............... . .,,. , ................ .' .............. 2 ....
: ...... n
........ :.!s:J ... 1..." .. ......... .. ................... 5i:l3 ...
Cllronologic:.'!ll Roll of Cl erical Memb ers i n Full Con nection In Order of Seniori ty In
Rel ation t o the Central Congo P r ovision al Conference
No. N;1J)'1e
1. Anker, H. P.
2. DAvi s, ,J. J .
3. Ki mbulll Charles
. L\J hat a DanYf'ie
5. Lu mbelilu
6. Lumlllnba J erome
', . LUll umbi Anrlre
8. Ltl panu August
Mulf'nria Francois
] O. Ngsnrt]olo
11. Jakr ila
12. Alex. J .
13. Shu\m J oieph
I ' . Wel shi UkundaAug1lste.
1'l. Whef>lel' , H. T
l li. Lovell. E. H.
17. C'happf'l1, C. \V. *
1::'. Arres, Henry C.
19. Ahuka P alll
20. Wetshi Ukunda Andre.
21. De HuilH, William
22 Ngaucl0.mem!l .l oam
On FL1ll Rec'u IDeacon I Elder
IPresent I ConI. into I
I which r ec'd Tria.l
l<ent ucky
I CenLCProv.
W. Virginia
N. Geogd a
Cent. C.Prov.



1934 1916 1932
1936 1030 1S42
1936 194.0
1936 1940 I 1943
1936 1936
1936 1936
1936 1939 1913
1936 1940 1943
J836 1936 1942
1936 1940 19 13
1928 1936 1928 1930
1936 19,39 1943
1936 1940 1943
1931 1936 1926 1932
1933 1937 1928 1933
1936 1937 1936 1939
1938 1938 1927 1939
1939 1940
1939 1910 1943
1910 1940 1926
'hronologicai Roll of Clericnl Memhers :in Full Co
9. Mui(lllcia Fl'flnl!ois
Hl. J"J gundjr.\o
1.1. Ngele:-;a.J -Ik. lIa
12. H:'i Ll , Alex_ J .
13 8hul,u .J oce_'Jh
14. Welshi Ukunda Allguste.
1;). \Nheelel' H. T.
16. Lovell. E. H.
17. Chappell, C. W...
t >'. Ayres, Hem'Y C.
1('}' Abu ka P aul
2.0. W{tshi Ukunda Andre.
::: l De Rui::f'r, 'Wil liam
21.. Ng:mcif'memn .l oani
,1<- h
W. Virginia
N. Geogda

Hl 36
W3G 1942
193(i .1940
1928 1936 1930
1936 1939 1943
1940 1943
1931 1936

193:3 1937
1936 1937
1928 1938 1938 1927
1939 19!0
]936 1939 j 1940
1935 1910 1910
1936 1940
ConL into
NO. Name
Relation which rec'd
Chronological Roll of Cleric;,) Members in Full Connection In Ot'der of Seniority In
Relation to the Central Congo Provisional Conference (Continued)
23. Townsley, Inman U.
24.. Lovell. Marshall W.
25. Lokonga l\Iichel
2G. Shp.lsha P 'len'e
27. Um'Okoko Marcus
28. 'Vemba Kungu Amnndus'
29. J\law, .J. H.*
30. Di1."1l1u Thomas
31. Elembo Pierre
32. Fadi:31a Pierre
:}3. Ndjati August
Ukindi Paul
35. Umana Andre
; Cent..C.Prov.
I ..
So. Carolina
. Ce nlC.Prov.

O,n /FUl1 Rec'd in IDeacon
Tl'laJ nechon C.C.P.C.
1937 lO-H

1936 19,13

1943 !
"'Furlough: E., Effective; 3rd anc14lh, Third and .Fowth year classes respectively.

A 1 l!: X. lana t i on of the Ab ove R II
When Dr. W. G. Cra!!1, Ge eral Secretary of the I.TeMral ectio . of
t he Board of Missions of the M. E. Church, ' out h, visited our Mis ion
in 1. 35, the Annual Meeti ng of the Mission received African
Preachers on Tr ial as Mission 'rr aveli g Preachers. The followi ng
ear, 1936. nnder the f Bish p Arthur J . Moore, t he Annual
Meeting f t he Mission as organized similar t o oth a District ancl

an Annual Confer ence. All of the t eive . frican preachers who hael
een received on Tnal as Mission Traveling Preachers in wer
r ceived int o Full Co nection and some of thom were ordained Dea
cons. Others who were on Trial in 19a5 wel'e receI ved mt o
Full Connection in In HHO Bishop John M. Springer organized
the into a Provisional Annual Confer nee. The African
pr eachers who had been recei ved into Full Connection in the Annual
Me .ting of t he xli-si on previolls to 1810 and 'vho had continued in
the wOl'k of t he ministry were recognized as members f the Provi
sioll al Annual COIl ference. Othe s were l'ecei vcc1 into Full Conl! ctwn
in 1!)40, 1942 and 1.)<13.
Foul' of our missionnrie!> who wer On the field in W3G and who
had been recei"cd into F 11 Co n ction in Amel'lcan C ni'l'rences
previous t o th at year were l'ecogn;zed as mi m teriul members of the
Annual Meeti ng of t ile llission in 936. Two others who eame to th
field in 19:n ""ere re: as n,inisLerial members in like : nnnnel'.
I n E 011 of Liwse were r ecognized as members of the Prc)lTisionaJ
Annual Conference. 'l' wo others \' eLe received into Full ConnecrlclO
hy the Central Congo Prflvi' iona! C tlfer nee in HJ4.0, one of W 10m
han been l'eceived on T ial in an Ameri can Con ference. One ot her
ho had been J'eceivcd into Fll !! Conn C ' on in r-; n Ameri cun Con
t' r enee was recog-nized as a member of t il e Pro\, jgional C nfe" ence
upo ar rivi ng the field i Wll, The minis L rial missionaries who
h <l ve membershi p in American Confer ence retain t hei r membership
111 til ose Conferences and the same time are recog nized a members
f the Central CO!l go Provi sional Cunference.
the Abo e Roll
ecretary fl f t.he Genera ""ecH n ot
<. hurt' h, outh, vis ited our n
received twelve African
veli ng I reach ra. The fol owi g
llishol '\I,thurJ . oore, t he Annual
imilar to hot h a Dis tn ct and
t Wl! ve African preachers who had
T oveling Preachers in 1935 were
_orne of them wer<! ordai ned Dea
n TrIal in were l'eceived into
John M. Springer orgnnl7.ed
r nnuat ConJerence. The African
int(' Full Connection 10 the Annual
to 1940 and who had conti nud in
zed as members of t he Provi
were received mto FuUCOIlII ction
;Vt 1'e On the fi eld In 1936 and ""h)
I nection in A. met'ican C nfert!oc('
ized aH mint"lerial members of the
'1 l U36 Two \I thers who 'am to t h
Hllsterial member in like mannel
as ml'mbers of t he ProvisIOnal
were received into Full Connedion
Con fel'e l ce in 19411, one of whom
f merican C Ilference. One ot h r
I ( nnectioD i n Rn \ m ricall .. on
nf the Provi!';ional Conference
. Tt e mlllisLerial missionaries who
n erence r t 1'1 their membership
e time ar r cognbmd s members
I) nl' C' reucc.
-:_. -_ ... - - _........ - ... _ . . .. _ ____ . -.'L"_". __ - .
Cht' onologi al
011 of P reot:her s on ri al
Year Admitted
Class of Fourtb Y ar
1. Longengo Mateu
Class of Second Y ar
2. Lukadi Jakoba
3. "'ha'Jmba Pierre

4. Uruumbu Andre
l' 38
n. Lukandju ,Jukoba
). Lundula D ' lnYlllt:
Hl 3fJ
7, Otoko Piel'l
B. Disnshi
9. Kasongo
10. Lt)rli Michel
11 01 knnyn Paulu
12. Shl l n' II Ju ni W,
l:l Rhurlgu .Joseph
1 41
14, T'Oleng Alphnns .
15. 1"UJ'mba Mo!';e
11'1. Umiunga Pierr'e
17. nyu NgtlJign Pall lu
Class of the Firs t YeuI'
l R. USl111go Pi us
1 42
W, Do IHIe ,Jpl'OIlIP
2f) Djulu Ai bCl L
Dj ulIg'a Pierre
Taltlhuta Abel ,
Not". 1 1 thi Provisional CunIerence we have t 'olrr ec' ul r iti s of
r tai!linl{ aJl the African members in each dass f st.uds;"for at least
j,\V1) ye:p's anr! of not reel 1\ ing int I Full Connection all who have
cl1tnpleteu Lhe first t \V yeal'S f study.
RoU Of Mi:ssiona i(', Not Members Of An AnnUal Conference
r ,me
Ar ri ved on t he fi eld
1. MrR. H. P. Ank r
l U16
K H. Sti lz

a. Mr1", J. J. fln\'lR
I fJ20
.J. MIll'y f'. ]i'ol'ema II

ri. ;\Ir:l, K 1:. t;hil z
G. ' ,1. M.

7. W. B. Lewis
. Mrs. W B. Lewis
n. Mrs. W. De Ruit 'T
10. lVIary E. Moore
11. Mrs. H. 1:'.
12. W. S. Hughlett
13. 'Mrs. W. S. Hughlett
H. Mrs. A. J. Reid
15. Mrs. E. H. Lovell
16. Dorothy Rees
17 Mrs. Ethel'huler Ayres
IS. Edith Martin
19. Huth O'Toole
21. Mrs. C. P. M. Slteffe
AnnLnae '\iVhite
2':. Myrtle Zicnfoose
21. Mrs. J. II. Ma"",,"
Lorena Kellv
:..G. Norene F obken
Mrs. 1. U. Townsley
:2tt. Kathryn Eye
2D. Annie Laura Win frey
31.1. Mrs. M. W. Lo\'elJ
IH2 ')

l!,:j 1
1 !);'1


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