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Po verty in Spain is again offering dramatic figures Hundreds of thousands of people suffer the worst forms of terrorism: pov

erty. Interestingly there is no blame or responsibility in prison. Hous eholds in the worst situation and without any income now amounts to 265,000. Mor e than 1.1 million have lost their main job and salary , and total 1,800,000. All macroeconomic analysis revealed that the slightest growth of Spain's 0.7% an nual rate, according to the latest calculation of the Bank of Spain, is due to s luggish domestic consumption. The main reason for this problem is the high unemp loyment figures, which affects 4.9 million people and as a result, Spanish famil ies. These are not the only ones who face the starkness of the crisis, have high lighted the social-background riots that have shaken Europe. Here are the details of the dramatic reality: "From the beginning of the crisis [in the fourth quarter of 2007] households not receiving any income, indirect i ndicator of extreme poverty have increased by 120% to 265,000 ". Even just in 20 10, the number of families in this situation increased 115,000. Ie, 7% over the previous year. This is reflected in the internal report by the Economic and Soci al Council (CES) Poverty, inequality and economic crisis. The report describes various indicators that explain poverty. For example, from 2009 to now, the population with incomes below 7980 per year has increased from 19.5% to 20.8% of the total. "It's the largest increase since records data on po verty [2004]. In this context, the study also considers the evolution of families that can aff ord things like having a week of vacation a year, a given level of power, mainta in the house with a suitable temperature or ability to pay the usual costs of th e house -see chart. In short, what the study called vulnerable households "has i ncreased by almost 9 percentage points since 2008 and already accounts for 36.7% of the total". However, the CES is striking that, as a result of the severity of the crisis and its duration, "the scarcity of resources to access a variety of goods is also a ffecting the population still is not in poverty" . In any case, one of the fundamental reasons for the deteriorating conditions of families, "adding to the risk of poverty in them, is the domestic distribution o f unemployment has fallen very sharply in the main breadwinners of households." That is, it has been out of work the person who had the main job of the family c ontributed the most revenue. The CES report reflects the impact of this fact in the situation of families cou ld be higher if it had not been in recent decades, "there was a significant incr ease in labor participation among women." It is a fact also that this phenomenon has increased considerably during the crisis. Precisely because many homes have come to lose all the jobs that had among its different members. According to th e latest EPA, 1,386,000 homes are in this situation. Another fact to bear in mind that has helped to alleviate as much as possible th e situation of poverty in many households are the social benefits of the various administrations, unemployment protection, maintenance of the minimum pension in crease and increase, "although ephemeral, "spending on aid policies for dependen t children. However, the ESC stresses that "the effectiveness of social transfers in Spain t

o reduce the risk of poverty is significantly lower than the European average. I n 2009 managed to curb poverty by 20% compared to 35% of the EU ". It is also necessary to consider the impact of the crisis in social policies. "N ow, to be seen how this indicator develops [poverty] with the exhaustion of the unemployment of many recipients, the abolition of subsidies created and, above a ll, the economic situation of the regions and local authorities in who bear much of the brunt of social policies, "says the report. Another important fact is that "the increase in poverty occurs in parallel to an increase in inequality since 2008 quite pronounced." In the last two years' inc ome of the population with higher income in Spain was 6 times higher than people with lower incomes. " According to the CES, is going the opposite of what is ha ppening in Europe, where inequality "is maintained or even going down." Depression Poverty lines

In the past two years, the population o n the threshold of poverty, with incomes below 7980 per year, has risen from 19. 5% to 20.8 of the population. Vulnerable households Families on the brink of poverty, or in need, have risen by almost 9 percentage points to 36.7% assuming the tota l. Workless households Families on the brink of poverty, or in need, have risen by almost 9 percentage points to 36.7% assuming the total. Workless households The latest Labour Force Survey warns that 1,386,000 families have been unemployed for all members of wor king age and condition. Social support The effectiveness of social transfers in Spain to reduce poverty is below the EU . According to the CES in 2009 managed to stop aid poverty by 20% compared to 35 % of the European Union. In half of the EU Spain occupies the eleventh place of the 27 States of the European Union in term s of risk of poverty and exclusion. In the richest countries of the former EU-15 states, only ahead of Italy, Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

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