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Abstract In this experiment, the students were able to verify the relationship between the frequency of sound and

its wavelength, determine the speed of sound by means of resonating air column, and the velocity of sound in solid using a vibrating rod. In activity 1, the students were given two tuning forks with given frequencies. The students identified the wavelength produced by each fork and then, by using the frequencies and wavelengths, they computed for their experimental speed. The 512 Hz and 384 Hz fork yielded 8.70% and 6.61% errors respectively when compared to the theoretical speed of sound. In activity 2, the professor used the vernier microphone to measure the speed of sound in a one closedended glass tube. After computing for the experimental speed of sound, the students got a 4.61% error. In activity 3, the students used the Kundts tube to measure the speed of sound in solid. The third activity resulted with a 1.33% error after comparing the experimental to the theoretical speed of sound in the rod. Theory In activity 1, the students used the formula below in order to compute for the wavelength produced by the sound waves of the tuning forks, wherein wavelength () is equal to four times the distance (L) between the point of loudest sound and the top of the resonance glass apparatus plus 0.3 times the diameter (D) of the resonance glass tube.

After getting the wavelength of sound produced, it is then multiplied to the frequency (f) of sound to be able to compute for the experimental speed (V) of sound.

In computing for the theoretical speed of sound, the students used the formula below wherein 331 is the speed of sound in air at 0oC and t is the temperature of air.

In activity 2, the speed of sound was measured by dividing 2 times the length (L) of the glass tube by the total time (t) travelled by sound through a one closed-ended glass tube using the vernier microphone.

In activity 3, the students used the Kundts tube with a cork powder inside. The rod rubbed with a piece of cloth was set into vibration and produced a sound of high frequency. The consecutive nodes at each standing wave pattern formed inside the tube was measured to get the frequency of the sound produced.

To determine the frequency of sound produced, the students used the formula below wherein the frequency (f) is equal to the theoretical speed of sound (V) measured in activity 1 divided by ( ) twice the average distance between consecutive displacement nodes.

By using the frequency obtained above, the students determined the speed of sound (VR) in the rod, where R is the wavelength of sound in rod equal to twice the length of the rod.

To compute for the theoretical speed of sound (VR) in rod, the students used the formula below wherein Y is the Youngs modulus and is the density of the rod. Applications What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength of sound produced in a medium? What is the use of water in activity 1? In medical practice, ultrasound in the range of 1 to 5 MHz is being used as an imaging modality. The associated wavelengths in a typical human tissue range from 0.3mm to 0.6mm. Find the velocity of ultrasound in the tissue. The outer ear of a human may be thought of as a closed pipe 2.7cm long on the average. What frequency would be most effective by the ear at 30oC? Suppose that we increase the temperature of air through which a sound wave is travelling. A) What effect does this have on the velocity of the wave? Explain. B) For a given frequency, what effect does increasing the temperature have on the wavelength of the sound wave? Explain. If you were lying on the ground, would you hear footsteps sooner or later with your ear touching the ground or not?

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