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ERIC RIVERA SABADO BSN4-6 BUCKS TRACTION Bucks Traction is used to manage hip fractures in an effort to realign broken

bones. Traction is most often used as a temporary measure when operative fixation is not available for a period of time. In this procedure a foam rubber boot is put on the foot of your broken hip. This boot is attached to weights that will pull on your hip. This is known as Bucks Traction. The traction helps reduce the pain caused by muscle spasms around your broken hip.

Indications: Hip fractures; Hip dislocations; Femur fractures DUNLOPS TRACTION Useful when flexion of elbow causes circulatory embarrassment with loss of radial pulse .

Dunlop skin traction an orthopedic mechanism consisting of adhesive or nonadhesive skin traction that helps immobilize the upper limb in the treatment of contracture or supracondylar fracture of the elbow. The mechanism uses a system of traction weights, pulleys, and ropes, usually applied unilaterally but sometimes bilaterally.

Dunlop skeletal traction an orthopedic mechanism that helps immobilize the upper arm in the treatment of contracture or supracondylar fracture of the elbow. The mechanism uses a system of traction weights, pulleys, and ropes and may be accompanied by skin traction. Dunlop skeletal traction is usually applied unilaterally but may also be applied bilaterally.


Supracondylar fracture of the humerus

HEAD HALTER Head halter traction is skin traction equivalent of spinal traction. Head halter traction is used in cervical ailments and injuries. It is usually used for shorter periods owing to discomfort it can cause TYPES: Canvas type This is most commonly used type of head halter traction. On part of the traction is slided under the head to rest on the occiput and other is rested on the chin. A metal spreader hooks on to the two side pieces to avoid lateral compression of the soft tissues when traction is applied. A cord from the metal spreader passes over a pulley fixed to the top of the bed or to a stand in case of traction applied in sitting position.

The cord is attached to the weights thta would provide traction. maximum weight that can be used is 1.5 2.5 kgs. The head end of the bed must be raised to provide counter traction. This kind of traction is dofficult for long times due to complications it can cause. Crile Type A padded metal bar resembling horse collar is placed under occiput. Another padded portion is attached to the one put under occiput. Advantage is that chin can be kept free. Indications: Traumatic or chronic disorders requiring traction along the cervical spine. PELVIC TRACTION GIRDLE The pelvic traction girdle is ordinarily used for treatment of low back pain and muscle spasm. It is fitted snugly and evenly over the iliac crests. The traction straps, extending on the lateral side of each thigh, are hooked to a separate rope at mid-thigh level and each rope leads to a separate but equal weight at the foot of the bed. The foot of the bed is usually elevated to provide counter traction. Keep the girdle and the underlying skin clean and dry. Avoid using padding unless the patient is very thin or the iliac crests are very prominent. Protect and support the feet. Foot exercises are usually encouraged, but there must be no contact with the traction ropes. The physician's orders may specify when the girdle may be removed for skin care or bathroom privileges

Indication: Lumbosacral affectation, HNP, lumbo-sacral affection, herniated nucleus pulposus


Bryant's traction an orthopedic mechanism used to immobilize both lower extremities in the treatment of a fractured femur or in the correction of a congenital hip dislocation. The mechanism consists of a traction frame supporting weights, which are connected by ropes that run through pulleys to traction foot plates. The traction pull elevates the lower extremities to a vertical position with the patient supine, the trunk and the lower extremities forming a right angle. The weight applied to the traction mechanism is usually less than 35 pounds

Indication: Femoral fractures, hip injuries for children below 4 yrs. old Halo Traction Halo Pelvic Girdle Scoliosis and severe back pain Halo femoral Traction - A technique of spinal distraction that provides correction of spinal deformities by using a halo ring combination with pins placed in the distal femoral diaphysis.

Halo traction is a way of keeping your head and neck still while you get better after an accident or operation to your neck bones. This will usually always be used in adults with broken necks if surgery is not performed immediately post injury. If surgery goes ahead and is successful post injury then there's usually no further need for halo traction. If surgery is ruled out then the halo traction will be used for up to two months on bed rest and then a further month to three months attached to a specially made vest so the head is kept perfectly still whilst sitting. The halo traction equipment is made up of three pieces:

a ring around your head and then or

a special vest Weights attached to the halo at head end of bed over a pulley system a set of four rods and two blocks.

Halo traction is attached to the head by titanium screws which are screwed into the skull bone. The screws have to be tightened periodically to ensure the halo is fitting correctly. The halo traction vest when required will be made just for the individual. Who can benefit from halo traction? Halo traction is for children with severe curves in their spines (80+degrees) that can't be corrected with other treatment. Children with severe infantile, juvenile and adolescent scoliosis and Scheuerman's Kyphosis may benefit from halo traction. These conditions can cause pressure on the heart and lungs. Halo traction can help decrease that pressure.

Boot leg traction Boot leg indicated to hip and femoral affection

Bucks Traction Bucks Traction is used to manage hip fractures in an effort to realign broken bones. Traction is most often used as a temporary measure when operative fixation is not available for a period of time. In this procedure a foam rubber boot is put on the foot of your broken hip. This boot is attached to weights that will pull on your hip. This is known as Bucks Traction. The traction helps reduce the pain caused by muscle spasms around your broken hip.

Indication: fractured femur and hip

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