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// This program receives information from a MaxStream XBee radio.

// It lights an LED when it receives a 1 and douses that LED when it receives a zero. // // serial out is on port 1 // serial in is on port 0 // an output light is on port 11 int outputPin = 11; // a status light is on port 13 int ledPin = 13; // a byte to receive data: char inByte = 0; void setup () { // set pins to input and output appropriately pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(outputPin, OUTPUT); // start up the serial connection with 9600-8-n-1-true (non-inverted): Serial.begin(9600); // blink the status LED blinkLED(ledPin, 3); // for some reason it seems to help to send an arbitrary character first //then pause for the guard time before requesting command mode Serial.print("X"); delay(1100); // put the XBee in command mode Serial.print("+++"); delay(1100); // wait for a response from the XBee for 2000 ms, or start // over with setup if no valid response comes if (returnedOK() == 'T') { // if an OK was received then continue } else { setup(); // otherwise go back and try setup again }

// set the PAN (personal area network) ID number // this example uses 0x3330, but you'll want to choose your own // unique hexadecimal number between 0x0 and 0xFFFE // (note the comma at the end of the command which indicates that another comm and will follow) Serial.print("ATID3330,"); // set the MY (16 bit address) // this example uses 0x0 for send and 0x1 for receive but you'll // want to choose your own hexadecimal numbers between 0x0 and 0xFFFE Serial.print("MY1,"); // exit command mode (note that we use Serial.printLN here to issue a linefeed

that completes the command sequence) Serial.println("CN"); // the preceeding commands can also be sent on a single line like this, using a single AT command with commas: // Serial.println("ATID3330,MY1,CN"); // the preceeding command line could also be sent as separate commands, by rei ssuing the AT command: // Serial.println("ATID3330"); // Serial.println("ATMY1"); // Serial.println("ATCN"); // wait for a response from the XBee for 2000 ms, or start // over with setup if no valid response comes if (returnedOK() == 'T') { // if an OK was received then continue } else { setup(); // otherwise go back and try setup again } } void loop () { // get any incoming data: if (Serial.available() > 1) { // read a byte inByte =; // light the LED if a 1 has been received } if (inByte == '1') { digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); } // douse the LED if anything else was received else { digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW); } } void blinkLED(int targetPin, int numBlinks) { // this function blinks the status LED light as many times as requested for (int i=0; i<numBlinks; i++) { digitalWrite(targetPin, HIGH); // sets the LED on delay(250); // waits for a second digitalWrite(targetPin, LOW); // sets the LED off delay(250); } } char returnedOK () { // this function checks the response on the serial port to see if it was an "O K" or not char incomingChar[3]; char okString[] = "OK"; char result = 'n'; int startTime = millis();

while (millis() - startTime < 2000 && result == 'n') { // use a timeout of 10 seconds if (Serial.available() > 1) { // read three incoming bytes which should be "O", "K", and a linefeed: for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { incomingChar[i] =; } if ( strstr(incomingChar, okString) != NULL ) { // check to see if the res pose is "OK" // if (incomingChar[0] == 'O' && incomingChar[1] == 'K') { // check to see if the first two characters are "OK" result = 'T'; // return T if "OK" was the response } else { result = 'F'; // otherwise return F } } } return result; }

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