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Budbug object of fear derail analogous synonymous denial of brickbat insulting comments firm grounding whitewashing anything, as deceptive

words or actions, used to cover up or gloss over faults, errors, or wrongdoings, or absolve a wrongdoer from blame. Irreversibly intermitten irregular sporadic indefinitely continually emaciate make weak mantra commonly repeated word or phrase lingua franca sounds the death knell for that thing it will fail cascade of large amount of it disquiet feeling of anxiety and worry inordninate excessive afflicted bestow on take things in your stride holistic rally behind media consumption moral firbre of society divorce virtue conflict-ridden actions manifested by child hard to come by obtain find it strong recycling management system facet of their lives aspect archaic mirror copy downplay resolve determination practice what you preach border on almost that thing litany long tedious recital address exquisite blend pleasant brazen bold do not care about what others think haggle argue extrapolate use as basis the rationale gamesmanship use clever methods to win the game although not cheating but is very close to cheating lives in the lap of luxury luxury of time take something with a pinch of salt do not believe that it is completely acccuratre parity equal leap headlong into decisions rash impetuous impulsive slam criticise harshly attack verbally

take a toll take its toll bad effect stick to your gun stick to your own opionions if you bringe, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating or spending money. Vernacular language language that is most widely spoken pitch at set humble experience ordinary encompass consensus accomodate docile easily managed controlled sedate discretion quality of being quiet and controlled way without drawing attention to yourself or giving away information of yourself someone in authority given the discretion given freedom to act mired in trapped in a difficult situation that you cannot escape embroiled in rift deplorable fervid intense emotion pariah penance reparation for wrong pilgrimages in token of as a sign of iron out difficulties resolve stir problems mushroom grow spread very fast cash in take advantage sit well run afoul come into conflict augment supplement pillar of strength demise amplify increase its strength intensity new lease of life debacle event attempt that is a complete failure myraid squarely directly inscrutable obscure consecrate devote dedicate to some purpose consecrate to science venerate respect dormant constitute make up veracity quality of being true rack up levity tendency to treat serious matters in a non-serious way frivolity perks special benefits given to people of a particular job introvert quiet shy find i difficult to talk perquisite perk cash strapped shake up make big changes debilitating vocational skills training required for a particular job drawn out last longer than expected needed

impale pierce peddle move from place to place to sell goods depose forced to give up position dictate traverse cushion effect reduce effect string special conditions discharge duties fulfil sensationalize news onerous take root idea or right enshrine in something such as a constitution or law it is protected by it hook on wean someone off the habit dependencies conceive regard If someone bites the bullet,they accept that they have to do something unplesant but necessary mingle cling on to the belief embezzle money use misappropriate bequeath give by will colloquial plug into find out about them and try to understand antitheses exact opposite linchpin of something most important thing recourse action to succeeduu without recourse to something succeed without it squabble expletive sceptic have doubts,incredulous under the impression sandpit acres stimulus radical root relieve from a duty bogus ordain decree order gastronomic alienate isolate fritter away time money waste it birthright pricked by emotions feel it construe interpret remand incarcerate dovetail with fit together neatly anyone worth his salt would do it anyone good at his job hypocritical santimonious take a cue from tolerate gross reprehensible

bummer unpleasant annoying dawn on me realise groundswell any surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, esp. among the general public Discourse ad hoc concerned or dealing with a specific subject, purpose, or end ill-defined multitude score of enduring unceasing imperishable fleece ruse haggle children in tow following you obscure difficult to understand lobby persuade clamp down on taking official action to stop or control advertising or publicity blitz major effort to make the public aware of something surfeit of large amount of nadir of worst time assailant inexplicable purportedly supposedly trawl search iffy robust strong healthy robust views opinions strongly held and expressed forcefully locus of source a center of activity, attention, or concentration pronounce clear poorly defined Incapacitate weaken you cannot perform certain tasks circumspect do not take risks cautious circumvent get round rule in a dishonest way adjudicate problem make a official judgement progeny descendants in a bind difficult situation any decision made will have a unpleasant consequence posterity future generations precipitate cause it to happen sooner than expected staggering shocking commission rate commiting a crime trounce thrash disaffected people no longer fully support something such as an organisation which they previously support draw on a skill make use fixated build on current success take it to higher levels take root establish despair feel hopeless dismay tit for tat blissful happy

contend with a problem deal with it or overcome it contend that something is true state or argue that it is true toil work very hard doing tiring task toil unpleasant work that is very tiring drudgery reinforce image immaculate clean tidy immaculate flawless bask in someone's approval you enjoy their positive reaction entwined fate interweave interlace intertwine shorn of something important it has been removed from them buoyed by something in a difficult situation feel optimistic and cheerful attest to the fact testify reprieve delay respite short period of rest hiatus break time out adjournment stopping of a trial meeting recourse resort to succeed lest in case interminable unending ceaseless oftentimes frequently clarion calls loud and clear attrition rate number of students or employees leaving bore unheralded sports player not discovered talent irreparable irrevocable ire intense anger verbatim using exact words sanction push for bear out bear on have an effect bear on be relevant circulate videos rummage search thoroughly stall but may continue later solemn promise agreement formal sincere reverse rite ritual enthrall captivate demeanour way you behave which gives people an impression of your character and feelings debonair misdemeanour act misdeed reprehensible deplorable throws the book at someone in my book bring someone to books punish them financially independent round-the-clock embrace concept monumental achievements size extent unchartered unmapped water difficult situation carried over prime typical example

beats the drum support it unto to mark of characteristics of dwell come back to sterling qualities outstanding candour frank convey transmit controvert refute gainsaying deny repudiate disavow avow admit declare smacks of global sporting events lay bare expose ultimatum warning agaisnt others that action will be taken if they do not act in a particular way hitch married vocational skils come to grip deal with the problem slap on the wrist ease up reduce intensity travail face up to the fact acknowledge boisterous unruly recalcitrant defiant rebellious insubordinate saddle on promiscous activities residential enclaves dearth of scarity paucity wholesome healthy watering holes a bar, nightclub, or other social gathering place where alcoholic drinks are sold. Guidelines waft to carry lightly and smoothly through the air or over water Sordid behaviour immoral dishonest spent exhausted gruelling

exhausting; very tiring; arduously severe Alas sadly unabashed not embarassed obnoxious unpleasant uplift to improve socially, culturally, morally, or the like tone down to become or cause to become softened or moderated downtrodden tyrannised oppressed dish up provide concoct fabricate devise a place awash with capricious change unexpectedly capriciousness parole

favoured eulogize glorify pine salient prominent top-notch high quality ambivalent feeling uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice shy away from shun pales in comparison effigy representation of a image motivating factor dissolve hope terminate destroy abrogate annul put an end to cancel undercut undermine stand for support bear out pin something down discover pin the blame propogate decimate goes through the roof irreverent direspectful flippant impious profane lack of respect for religion stuff desecrate defile dmage or insult something holy special lewd act obscene indecent slacious burly large in bodily size sentient having the power of perception by the senses; conscious husbandry farming animals financially independent equal access ambidexterous unusually skillful facility facile argument suggestion too simple lack of careful intelligent thought austere child-bearing outright widespread discrimination advance career well-established prerogative a right, privilege, etc., limited to a specific person or to persons of a particular category pregnancy Household finances conflate merge vassal slave closely-knit lest in case for fear imponderable difficult to evaluate embodiment exemplify in concrete form astronomical loss of lives wage war impervious not influenced or persuaded exercise in futility conscirpt forced to join army code of ethics and moral compulsion strong desire that is hard to control put a high premium on regard it as important something sounds the death knell of something cause it to fail cease enshrine cherish as sacred

start take root laidback ethos universal infringe violate contravene recant renounce give up abjure curtail restrict nepotism cronyism fragmentation of society enshround cover it completely so that it cannot be seen masquerade under false pretence disguise facade bulwark agaisnt protects it bulwark of protects it subtleties dichotomy small differences anathema to strongly dislike steeped in influenced by laden with debts facility for efface destroy so that something cannot be seen wallow in sadness inferiority complex over their size Downplay play down belittle vintage defect imperfection therein lies a situation or problem in that respect de facto in reality actually skewed distorted misrepresented statistics cut out from workforce exclude forge ahead in their careers continue and make progress adjourn stopped for a short period workforce expenditure age-related illness train in the field of geriatrics trained medical personnel loneliness solitude ill-health keeps being ill mend its way reprisal retaliation silver lining pegged at fixed at changes wrought by globalisation esprit de corps feeling of loyalty and pride hinges on contingent on befuddled confused rife common supersede replace due to old fashion unacceptable brewing discontent sabotage your efforts prevent it from being successful ebb and flow repeatedly increases decreases ebb away weakens

capitulate succumb curt speak or reply rudely briefly blithely casually without much thought baiting laughing at the beliefs of others covert hidden conceal incivility demeaning activity masochistic try to get to a situation which causes them suffering scrutinity surveilance mortifying feel ashamed equipment needed for a particular purpose paraphernalia recourse turn to for assistance blip shocking occurence indomitable spirit never gives up redress the imbalance or balance make them equal redress wrong rectify it redress complaint improve things for the person virtuous purpose moral rightous leeway be that as it may not deciding whether it is right or wrong presumptuous they are doing something that they have no right or authority to do city-bred juxtaposed put in constrast profligacy wastefulness exasperating angry frustrated virtue good quality notable prominent eminent salient abberant errant deviant stray impediment repentance remorse contrition penance atonement for expiation flown the coop escape from a place that limits one's freedom devious plan orchestrate pit our stenght akin similar mimick imitate delusory deceive affable friendly amiable martyr someone who suffers greatly or dies because of their beliefs and are respected by those who share the same belief bent on runination of society rescind a law disaffected people no longer support a oragnisation that they used to support behead decapitate foster families adopted families profoundly troubled upbringing slated uninhabited history littered with litany of caveat warning intercede

proselytise change religion stricture restrictions unbecoming improper promulgate make it widely know turpitude immoral behaviour momentous adorn impetus tipping point turning point multi-million dollar facelifts parity equal equitable countrymen compatriot pittance receive less than deserving amount of money shoddy waxes and wane to the fore become the most important horrid official leaders of religious activities lambast criticise in public mob large disorganised group of people play on one's fear exploit beacon to others enocurage or inspire them basis predicate for dilapidated decrepit old and bad condition agnostic believes that it is impossible to know the existence of gods atheist dogmatic opinionated obstinate nuclear-armed vengence revenge sleet partly frozen rain forlom hope or effort is one that you think will not succeed is feted they are celebrated,welcomed,or admired in public entourage group of assistants that travel with them upset the delicate security balance consternation fear curb the problem rattles you make you nervous atrocities upheaval stupendous cosset pamper debacle fiasco stave off preclude avert repel stifle burnish image improve polish treacherous unpredictably dangerous depotism tyranny exigency emergency exigence

the need, demand, or requirement intrinsic to a circumstance, condition, etc exigent pressing conflate inalienable rights cannot be removed stem stop spreading unwittingly unconsciously not at stakes serve its purpose dutifully stimulate deem judge seen cumbersome bulky unwieldy tracked tome very large heavy book supersede substitute displace tome surreptitious furtive fearing infirmity in old age illness over a long time stifle temptation or creativity suppress stifle smother prevent from continuing or developing gyrate filmsy evidence renounce depraved ignoble atypical amoral hangs over social breakdown desolate feel without hope destitute decadent lifestyles degenerate moral qualities delineate reasoning moreover physicians doctos witchdoctors priests medium in-vitro feritilization(ivf) duplicate replica of ethical lobbyist outmoded outdated forefathers predecessors immoral vices internet age hedonistic lifestyle belief that gaining pleasure is the most important play on exploit born out of wedlock lives in the lap of luxury cosset pamper lap up information teachings fill the void corrective work orders in highly-trafficked places befoul make dirty

revited by something fascinated fixed disavow you say that you are not connected to it ostentatious impress with wealth ostentatious behaviour to attract people's attention slanted biased riches ripe for picking easy to obtain well established well developed transshipment centre entrepot growing business empire certain demographics of people contagious contractable vocational institutes lessen financial burden perks benefits baby bonus extended maternity leave high start-up cost global business giant commercially viable field utopian society endorphins destress hormone destress outlet exercise in the spirit of competition exercist purist(those who exercise for the sake of being healthy) bulk up muscles well-built diet pills protein shakes vanty take great pride in their appearance capture the spirit of exercise vis-a-vis as compared behaviour feeling fester nourish laden with littered with overdrive devoid of bereft of void of kept in check held in check free themselves from the shackles of poverty shackled by poverty uplift above poverty level redefine by paradigm shifts radical change of viewpoint strikes and lockout situation when employer forbids workers from entering workplace until agreements have been made sense of pride in newfound freedom production plant nationalised industries renown preceded revolt agaisnt foreign firms diaspora disdain dislike due to inferiority cheap peasant labour trail-blazing exciting,original hemmed in by moutains surrounded by it spartan lifestyle simple austere axiom idea which people accept as true preeminent surpassing superior

one-upmanship morphing inscrutable unfathomable denote indicate sign of bourgeois typical of conventional middle-class people the thoughts attitudes way of life bill advertise vagaries of life time unpredictable nature no control withstand survive it survive vagaries of time plunder and scour bountiful wondrous we mortals ordinary people wanton plundering indiscriminate polluting take heart be encouraged optimistic certificates of academic excellence unbridled pornography violent tendencies manifest themselves as acts of abuse and unkindness modernity bugbear something that worries you fates inextricably linked tied valient effort brave but may fail economic development on a precipice a situaton of great peril serve jail term vocational training spartan austere life folly foolish environmentalism wave set off prerogative doomsayer those that predict doom vigilante enforcement officer pristine befall despoil compete rat race barring from the fact aprt from skewed perspectives inaccurate incorrect information journalism ethics quality of information epoch era one step closer one step forward one step backward insemination invitro fertilisation bestow endow needle in a haystack rare few and far between members of the society chaotic state of affairs cap crime rate to a minimum limit criminal and law offenders preemptive measures prevent anticipated occurence natural occurence broken family backgrounds nip problems in the bud

high profile white collar crimes self-interest selfish greed filthy rich voyeur kleptomaniacs pyromaniacs commit crimes out of inherent tendency mental impairment jingoistic behaviour shows a strong unreasonable believe in the superiority of your country chaunvinistic unsolicited not asked pacifist believes that violence and war are wrong casus belli cause of war in itself unflinching loyalty support honesty strong and steady does not weaken state of shambles in a disorder invade intrude privacy snoop on spy on snooping acts deplore you think it is wrong immoral far less convoluted dimensions to an issue complicated aspect blood-letting acts indiscriminate slaughter volatility of humanity instability carnage massacre morally bankrupt sacrelege torrent of degenerate dissolute conniving scheming connive silver lining on a lighter note bemoan lament constitute trifling matter trival pesky irritating pass off other's work as one's spares no effort buffeting under the cloak of anonymity valiant brave but will fail tacitrun unfriendly do not talk much anguish mental suffering physical pain succour assist expletive swear word sexual undertone indirectly suggesting lambast criticise openly vice-filled degenerate lifestyle lower rungs hierachy red tape excessive formality before action carried out inept able foreground highlight civil ethnic strife economic meltdown contingent of leeway independence communicable disease contagious

clandestine underground places kept secret or hidden due to illegal reminiscent of remind of foster goodwill towards all exploitation of labour validity cardinal pivotal leading deluded misguided believes in something untrue credo creed illuminating clear understandable altercation argument mortify riven with damaged with buttress strenghten argument reclusive solitary fraternal friendship show strong friendship brotherhood tritely cliche used said many times boring morsel modicum insurrection insurgence at a premium scare put a high premium on regard with importance clutch of people small group of them damsel in distress delivering the world from the jaws of international terrorism rescue coalition step up pressure legality of an action seat of power in the political arena underhand true to my conscience corporate ladder selfish interests crude not exact rough window of opportunity acquainted with familiar with breakthorugh important development reeling from a shock feeling extremely surpriesed and upset because of it role diminish staunch supporter loyal well-meaning well-intentioned in accordance devise concot fabricate contrive contrive successfully do it draconian harsh identify with empathise associate ecosystem thrown out of whack a monkey on one's back burdensome problem kick-back commercial bribe remuneration in kind in kind not in money form but goods and services remuneration turn one's back on neglect forsake indoctrinated brainwashed devalue demean

imperialism colonialism human standards social norms mass mind control media operation which are derivative to racist ideologies belittle downplay play down outstrip surpass forefront of gaming undetectable untraceable illustrious distinguished renowned bulge with filled with backwater fledging state isolated new ailing weakening economy piecemeal moniker affection paltry little strictures of limits niggardly not generous parasitical get money without doing anything in return acute perspicacity ability to notice understand consume media feted celebrated uninviting welcome activity polygamy monogamy crash diet preconceive preexist predefine redefine requisite required wreck planet slash and burn forest top-down policies boycott products lie supine mandate to represent juxtapose incarnation embodiment scorn obscene levels of emissions egregrious acts exonerate in retrospect decked out meticulously plan rebel implemented treat with disdain morally corrupt by the same token come to grasp cushion

pension sum of money for retirement disabilities cloud sliver lining we fail to plan,we plan to fail foster out of the box thinking frontiers being explored limits of knowledge new ethical dimension to science definite ethical limit vivisection force conjoining josef mengele angel of death experiments inject dyes into jewish prisoner sentient able to experience things through senses pursue chase rein in lay blame to actions of humans that are subject to failing of human nature alfred noble dynamite reductio ad absurdum argument step by step contravene criterion standard moral value assign purview of honchos leader media honchos detractors bemoan lament waning faltering flaunt wealth trivial pursuit starred in critically acclaimed profit motive heckling To try to embarrass and annoy Canvas self aggrandise increase power wealth status met with outpouring of public dismay dismay consternation frighten slather on gloss over varnish deceptively attractive image bug bear cause for fear hatred propensity selfless social straification condition of being classified into social stratas egalitarian void lack of privation state of lack of food crimes oversee provision insular narrow-minded parochial pestilence outbreak epidemic plague disaster ravaged destroyed accentuate highlight buck the trend resist perverse contrary to acceptable standards scenic landscape salvage saved hem and haw hesitate

met with throw the baby out with the bathwater buy off get rid of bribe complaints deep-seated deep-rooted corruption erode social conscience wanton indiscriminate lackey servant plunge headlong into destruction stalwart loyal supporter monolithic powerful,indivisble monolithic communist stalwart need a leg up assistance disburse pay singapore's wealth safety net for poor ghettos enclaves nitpicking fault-finding horrendous act downright dangerous awe-inspiring sense of rootedness pidgin binding people vindictive strong desire for revenge vengeful seeking to harm for perceived injury pander satisfy help too piecemeal half-hearted piece by piece

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