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Written by Andreas Berger Sunday, 12 July 2009 18:03

A survey of the possibilities to call, extend and modify slideshows with the code in the content item. The "Simple Picture Slideshow" Plugin is called from within the content item. The code used offers - beside of setting the folder with the images - additional possibilities to enhance and arrange the slideshow.

A.) the slideshow

The code consists of the call {*besps}{/besps*} (without the asterisks) and contains the name of the folder with your images. The configured path to this folder (image root, by default "/images/stories") is added by the plugin automatically and must not be inserted. The complete call in our sample would look such as: {*besps}simpleslideshow{/besps*} - without the asterisks To use a folder within a folder, the path below the set root folder (by default "/images/stories/") is used, e. g. to use the folder /images/stories/folder/subfolder" the call would look such as: {*besps}folder/subfolder{/besps*} - without the asterisks In general thats it and the slideshow is ready to go.

B.) Parameter Overrides

Starting with version 1.3.0 the "Simple Picture Slideshow" offers the possibility to change every default setting from the backend whilst calling the plugin within the content item. With this feature it is possible to use different settings for every single slideshow. To achieve this, the call of the plugin gets extended by the needed parameters. They are separated from the folder name and from each other by vertical bars (|). The have the syntax PARAMETER=VALUE:

List of possible parameters:

width - width of the slideshow in pixel (integer) e.g.: 400 height - height of the slideshow in pixel (integer) e.g.: 300 align - align the slideshow within the content item; possible values: 0 (right), 1 (center), 2 (left), 3 (float left), 4 (float right) bgcol - background color as hexadecimal value (without leading #) e.g.: ffffff sdur - time to show pictures between two fades in seconds (integer) e.g.: 3 fdur - time the fading may take in seconds (integer) e.g.: 1 steps - steps to fade as value from 1-100 (integer) e.g.: 50 auto - start at pageload; possible values: 0 (no), 1 (yes) sort - images sort order; possible values: 0 (A-Z - DEFAULT), 1 (Z-A), 2 (old-new), 3 (new-old), 4 (random) setid - use folder name as identity of the top div-container; possible values: 0 (no), 1 (yes) ctrls - show controls; possible values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)

csort - control elements sort order; any combination of the following values: 1 (Counter), 2 (Start), 3 (Stop), 4 (Back), 5 (Next), - (split between left and right) e.g.: 1-2345 (refer to Plugin Howto) cstart - value for control-element "start"; possible values "empty" (default button), any text, filename of button (refer to Plugin Howto) cstop - value for control-element "stop"; possible values "empty" (default button), any text, filename of button (refer to Plugin Howto) cfwd - value for control-element "fwd"; possible values "empty" (default button), any text, filename of button (refer to Plugin Howto) cbwd - value for control-element "back"; possible values "empty" (default button), any text, filename of button (refer to Plugin Howto) prld - load images afterwards (integer from 3 - "images in slideshow) e.g.: 5; refer to Plugin Howto caps - show captions; possible values: 0 (no), 1 (yes) inout - position of captions; possible values: 0 (below the main image), 1 (blended over the main image) links - show links; possible values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)

Samples: {*besps}slideshow|width=600|height=450{/besps*} - without the asterisks Regardless of the settings in the backend, this gallery is shown with a width of 600 pixel (width=600) and a height of 450 pixel (height=450). {*besps}slideshow|ctrls=0|caps=0|links=0|auto=1{/besps*} - without the asterisks No controls, no captions, no links, start at pageload. Notice: The parameters listed here correspond with the parameters in the plugins configuration panel. Find a details description at: Howto Plugin . The first parameter of the initial call always has to be the folder name (path). The sorting of the other parameters is arbitrarily.

C.) Captions
Captions and text have there own call. Its: {*besps_c}slideshow-number|imagefile|caption|text{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks Slideshow-number: The slideshow within one content item are numbered starting with 0. This setting is obligatory. Imagefile: The name of the file "myimage.jpg". Left empty, the call is used as default for the whole gallery. This means, if there is no setting for an image, this one is used. The file name and suffix are caseINsensitive. Caption: The Caption. If left empty . . . no caption is shown. Text:

The additional text below the caption. If left empty . . . no text is shown. Samples: {*besps_c}0||myTitel|myText{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks This call sets "myTitel" and "myText" as the default values for the first slideshow within the current content item by leaving the imagefile-value empty. Notice: You dont have to set a Default. If you dont and there is no setting for an image, just nothing is shown. {*besps_c}1|pic01.png||myText{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks pic01.png of the second slideshow in the content item has no caption but the text "myText" {*besps_c}0|pic02.png||{/besps_c*} -without the asterisks pic02.png in the first slideshow shows no caption and no text although there is a default. The explicit setting overrides it. {*besps_c}0|pic05.jpg|myTitelA|myTextA{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks {*besps_c}0|pic06.jpg|myTitelB|myTextB{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks {*besps_c}0|pic07.jpg|myTitelC|myTextC{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks {*besps_c}0|pic08.jpg|myTitelD|myTextD{/besps_c*} - without the asterisks . . . and so on Notice: It is of no importance where within your content item and in which order your setting are. The number of parameters has always to be 4. This means, a call always must contain 3 vertical bars, even if a setting is empty (e.g. the imagefile). These vertical bars are protected characters within the calls and may not be used within your values. Even when deactivated, Captions can be used to replace the (otherwise used by default) image filename as ALT-, TITLE-text.

D.) Links
If we want to link the images of our slideshow, there is a third call to do so: {*besps_l}slideshow-number|imagefile|URL|titel|target{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks Slideshow-number: The slideshow within one content item are numbered starting with 0. This setting is obligatory. Imagefile: The name of the file "myimage.jpg". Left empty, the call is used as default for the whole slideshow. This means, if there is no setting for an image, this one is used. The file name and suffix are caseINsensitive. URL: The URL you want to link the image with. e.g.: Titel: The titel, shown when the mouse is over the image. e.g.: target: The window, you want to open the linked URL. e.g.: _blank (new window), _self (same window) Samples: {*besps_l}0||||_blank{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks This call sets a default link for the first slideshow within the current content item by leaving the value for the imagefile empty. The link opens in a new window. {*besps_l}1|pic01.png||Disney|_self{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks pic01.png in the second slideshow within the content item is linked to The link opens in

the current window. {*besps_l}0|pic02.png|||{/besps_l*} -without the asterisks We dont want pic02.png in the first slideshow within the content item to be linked. A special case, because as soon as we have links within a slideshow, every image gets linked. Setting this empty call the image is linked to the current page, without any further setting. {*besps_l}0|pica.jpg||greatProduct1|_self{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks {*besps_l}0|picb.jpg||greatProduct2|_self{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks {*besps_l}0|picc.jpg||greatProduct3|_self{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks {*besps_l}0|picd.jpg||greatProduct4|_self{/besps_l*} - without the asterisks ... and so on Notice: It is of no importance where within your content item and in which order your setting are. The number of parameters has always to be 5. This means, a call always must contain 4 vertical bars, even if a setting is empty (e.g. the imagefile). These vertical bars are protected characters within the calls and may not be used within your values.

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