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Jay Abraham

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic

Assessment Results


This 1500+ page report contains the

confidential results of a survey of over 3000
business owners and entrepreneurs on
marketing strategy and the implications on
their business.

I guarantee it will change the way you think

about your marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Table of Contents

Question 56. What’s holding you back from doing more and better consistent marketing? ....................1044
Question 57. What would make your current marketing strategy more effective?...................................1064
Question 58. Do you know what the highest and best performing marketing approaches you have
available are and how they are best used? ......................................................................................1081
Question 59. Do you continuously repeat successful market sales/lend generating activities on a
systematic scheduled basis..............................................................................................................1082
Question 60. How often do you send clients interesting information that is not about your product
but could be relevant to them or their business? If often---example of what you include. .............1082
Question 61. Do you or your people contact every active and inactive client at least once every 3-
6 months?........................................................................................................................................1082
Question 62. Do you know what your attrition rate is? If so, do you have programming in plan to
reduce or eliminate? List perspective. ............................................................................................1082
Question 63. Do you have your database segmented by category, products, geography, and etc? ..........1082
Question 64. How often do you follow-up with each category of buyer/prospect? Every day,
week, month or year?......................................................................................................................1082
Question 65. How often is your company in touch with clients as a corporate initiative, not
something that depends on the mood or skills of an individual rep? ..............................................1082
Question 66. Describe the company’s overcoming marketing philosophy...............................................1082
Question 67. What is your own true attitude toward marketing? .............................................................1082
Question 68. Do you use advertising tactically or strategically: give example? ......................................1082
Question 69. Do you have a PR effort? If so, what does it consist of? How often do you do it?
How does it work? What benefit have you accepted? ....................................................................1082
Question 70. Describe your direct-mail efforts? Type, frequency, objective, and results. .......................1082
Question 71. Do you use my three ways to grow a business model? If so, describe each category
of what you do. ...............................................................................................................................1082
Question 72. Do you have a regular scheduled hours of communication, e-mail, newsletter,
monthly update letter and etc.? .......................................................................................................1082
Question 73. How do clients perceive your company among everyone else in the industry? ..................1082
Question 74. How do clients perceive your products/services/sales people and marketing? ...................1082
Question 75. Do you have a database? If so, describe all the ways you use it for ongoing
marketing purposes.........................................................................................................................1082
Question 76. Where does most of your business come from? (Products or services, types of
customer and geography industry.).................................................................................................1082
Question 77. Describe every successful advertising, selling or marketing program you have
engaged in for the last three years that has worked. Indicate whether you’ve repeated it
Question 78. Do you have a marketing budget? What is it? How is it allocated? How has it been
used in the past?..............................................................................................................................1082
Question 79. Do you understand maximum allowable cost factor as it relates to lifetime
value/marginal net worth of a client?..............................................................................................1082
Question 80. What-strategic alliances, if any, do you have or have you ever had in place? How
did they fare and how did they affect your business? .....................................................................1082
Question 81. Who stands to gain more than you if you grow, i.e., people who have products or
services that are purchased after your products or services arc purchased, or concurrent to
the purchase service, etc.?...............................................................................................................1082
Question 82. What are this year’s strategic goals? ...................................................................................1082
Question 83. What is the marketing philosophy that your business has been built on? ...........................1082
Question 84. What people, what books, what other factors have influenced and impacted you the
most about marketing?....................................................................................................................1082
Question 85. Explain where all your marketing effort, time and money is being spent versus
where it should be spent..................................................................................................................1082
Question 86. How much of your business comes from referrals? How much from advertising?
How much from direct sales? .........................................................................................................1082
Question 87. Go through all 30 of the standard options in the “Three Ways to Grow a Business
Model” and tell me how many you do and each one has favor and how........................................1082
Question 88. Describe your marketing positioning: .................................................................................1082

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Question 89. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can. ...............................................................................................................1082

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Question 56. What’s Holding You Back From Doing More and
Better Consistent Marketing?
Question 56. What’s holding you back from doing more and better consistent

1. $ (2)
2. A clear understanding of how to construct a coordinated (force X) strategic
3. A combination of no support from upper management with regards to implementing
a marketing strategy (they are very old school) and no funds given in the areas of
marketing tactics.
4. A comprehensive, strategic plan.
5. a continual guidance and coaching, instant response when we have challenges
6. A disorganized mind. Scarcity of time to relax and start reading/learning.
7. A lack of resources and specific knowledge in how to create an effective marketing
campaign tailored to my target audience. I have the basis for it from your programs
but I don’t have the mechanics of it.
8. A lack of time. Since I don’t yet have a large infrastructure and don’t have any
employees, I have to postpone the implementation of many of my ideas. I also
have an aversion to bureaucracy.
9. A more detailed plan with the content of the plan along with the funding to
implement the plan
10. A patent application completed and filed.
11. A sound overall strategic plan for the business and marketing – then more
knowledge, more skill and much more persistent (& effective) action.
12. A system.
13. A template of a marketing model. Knowing how to put it all together for my unique
14. Ability to burn more money testing
15. Actual pen to paper and diligence to carry through
16. Actually nothing. I am preparing the arsenal during my planning stages. Probably I
would need more time.
17. after progressed this far with this test, I have to say a solid marketing strategy. I
must admit, though, that I do not have marketing knowledge, yet.
18. All three of us are running more than one business but over the next months are
pulling out of them to concentrate on this one.
19. An organized, customized plan to follow.
20. apathy
21. As above, a detailed step by step system that can be individualized and applied to a
business for a good price and guarantee.
22. As the Director/Doctor of the practice my attention is often diverted to other areas
that either require my time or attention. It is the old problem of working in the
practice, instead of on the practice.
23. As the only sales and marketing person at our small company, my time is spread
very thin. I also manage projects, maintain our website, cold call prospects, go to
meetings with clients, and much more. We hope that a couple of decent-sized sales

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would allow for an assistant under me.
24. At this point, as we are now obtaining a renewed corporate level of support for the
China and Asia markets, NOTHING, other than completing our new business plan,
business strategy & marketing strategy. We will then be implementing a whole
new host of marketing tactics in support of the strategy.
25. At this stage, lack of funds, but I should be able to address that problem over the
next few months in the form of increased turnover and profits, as well as building a
track record to qualify the business for meaningful financing (I am also considering
franchising the concept within 18 months to 2 years). I am at present also working
on establishing host/beneficiary relationships.
26. Authority to do so in my company, communicating and selling the vision to the rest
of the staff
27. Available time and funding
28. Balancing three businesses
29. Being an absentee owner, content with limited growth as long as profits were
steady and growth happening to some degree. Now we are changing personnel
and committing to more and better consistent marketing
30. Believe it or not: Shyness!!! I was brought up with the ironclad rule that "thou shalt
not put thineself forward or call attention to accomplishment but wait for others to
notice your results." The society in which I was brought up seldom acknowledged
good work but was quick to put you down for any hint of being better than others. It
has taken me a lifetime to understand the roots of my reluctance and to start to
overcome it. Many thanks to Jay Abraham for pointing the way.
31. better integration. A better approach, or ‘system’, to marketing integration.
32. Break from old habits of wanting to do everything myself instead of delegating most
of the routine jobs.
33. Budget
34. Budget is the biggest thing, followed by time, as I have to do everything myself
35. Budget, not having my business started yet.
36. Can't fit anymore children in my center.
37. Capital
38. Capital and an underlying marketing strategy.
39. Cash flow (2)
40. Cash flow has inhibited me from giving the time to think and understand the
methods deeply and clearly enough so I can properly apply them to my field. Low
Cash flow has also hindered my ability to spend on the Direct marketing that I
planned to do. It has influence my choice of who I hire (I’ve been hiring some lower
quality people because they will work for less). Sometimes I get down and focus on
cost reduction as opposed to growth.
41. Chicken? Sorry, I do have a reluctance and hesitance to engage.
42. Chronic cash flow problems have held me back but we are doing better than
average marketing. Our present plans will be making it much larger and much
43. Concern on the cash flow of the company
44. Concern that internal systems note cope with sudden growth
45. Confidence and money

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46. Confidence, focus,
47. Confusion and competing objectives
48. Cost, lack of personnel to implement program
49. Currently in process of having staff committed to this – and finalising strategic
marketing plan
50. daily interruptions and being given new assignments so I can’t complete the most
important ones. Being in crisis mode. Long time for boss to make decisions. Must
buy resources almost always on trade not cash.
51. Day to day fires—and lack of support staff
52. Dealing with clients, there problems, getting caught up in life
53. Dealing with the day to day catch up, putting out fires part of doing business.
54. deep debts
55. discipline
56. Discipline and time.
57. Do not have a clear plan of action and a strategy to implement.
58. Does exhaustion count?
59. Don’t know what to do (4)
60. Education
61. Education for learning what it requires to market better and consistent, making time
each day and capital.
62. Effort and know how, along with ownership, which I will now have
63. Enough business is coming in now given the firm size, I don’t know how much
larger I would want to grow in personnel size.
64. Exact plan of what needs to be done in what order and more time and allotted
65. excuse not enough time
66. Existing customers buy more products Customers buy new or different products
(up-sell, cross-sell)
67. Failure to focus on marketing.
68. Fear , time, money,
69. Fear of failure
70. Fear of failure and time to really educate myself.
71. Fear of failure, too diffident
72. Fear of not having the time to step back and focus on it while other day to day
pressures are going on.
73. Fear of not making new sales today be spending time implementing these ideas.
74. Fear of rejection
75. Fear of rejection, lack of belief, not having a system which ensures that marketing is
carried out every week especially when I am busy.
76. Fear of spending money that won’t come back to me.
77. Fear of the expense
78. Fear of the unknown.

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79. Fear that we will be unable to deliver as promised
80. Fear, inhibition, grief (my mother died in the last year right when we had started a
major marketing effort. Caring for her and all it has entailed took the wind out of the
sails (sales). We have maintained sales and shown some growth but I need to build
up a head of steam. I have found it difficult to move out of my medical practice into
this activity which I enjoy much more because I have needed to work through what
“I have to do” as opposed to “what I choose to do.”
81. Feeling overwhelmed by the volume of marketing info
82. finance
83. Finance, time, belief, unsure yet what/how I’m offering
84. Financial and human resources
85. Finding the right combination of gaining business and money.
86. Focus, getting distracted with other responsibilities not related to marketing. Lack of
a consistent strategic plan No real system in place to measure results.
87. Focus, time and money
88. Focus, time, reactive mode, resources to help, financial
89. Freeing up from my (and my key team’s) tactical existence.
90. Full day of work. Procrastination.
91. funds
92. Gauging the openness of the businesses I’ve approached or work to these
concepts and applications. And my own time integrating the material.
93. Good question – I don’t have an answer. Fear? Of what?
94. Good question, no answer. Yet.
95. Good question. We need to develop and implement some kind of consistent
procedure to follow.
96. Gravity? Inertia…..lack of simple start/steps…all weaknesses within myself.
Rather like looking at the sun instead of my capabilities….I can not measure up to
the grandness of it all…so do nothing.
97. Have been taught in MLM to build teams of people rather than more conventional
types of marketing.
98. Have no capacity
99. Have not had the opportunity yet. Plan to use the concepts extensively once we get
100. Have too much on our plate, too little staff to adequately devote to marketing on a
fulltime basis.
101. Haven’t fully committed until now. . .
102. Having a framework and filling the structure
103. Having a full practice and couldn’t service the avalanche of new people
104. Having a marketing plan to follow
105. Having a product or service to market.
106. Having and implementing a coherent strategy.
107. Having first class website (under development)and Inventory buildup
108. Hiring staff to do the sales.

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109. Hmm, nothing really
110. human nature? To busy being busy? Trade off of billable time for marketing time.
111. I am not sure what to do. I am looking for a nod from someone like you to give me
a start.
112. I am only one – BUT I AM ONE. I have taken materials created by a truly great
philanthropist, but a lousy PR person, who had given up on ever having the world
see or accept them – and have created the beginnings of something that can be
world-wide in its scope and influence. If I were better funded and had people who
shared the vision and were committed to the same degree I am, it would grow
much, much faster.
113. I am the only full time marketing /sales person
114. I am to much involved into production
115. I appointed the wrong person and have to get out from the problems that caused
116. I cannot always find a way to implement your strategies with my type of selling
without getting a commitment from the manufacturer or customer I work with
117. I did not focus. Am trying to work on this focusing problem.
118. I do not have an integrated marketing strategy. Due to holding down a 9-5 JOB a
lack of time.
119. I do read voraciously, and over-deliver with clients, doesn’t seem too much time left
for marketing. The cobblers son…
120. I don not feel like I know where to start. I find tactics I like as I read your information
and my marketing is a hodge-podge of poorly implemented and sustained tactics
that I come across in my reading. I don’t have a comprehensive all inclusive
strategy to build my marketing around or to drive the expansion of my focus.
121. I don’t have an overall game plan I can fit everything into. I seem to be operating
tactically rather than strategically.
122. I don’t have the desire or need.
123. I don’t know how to get feedback faster and make more effective decisions as to
what to test with limited resources and how to put out better tests to get better
results sooner.
124. I don’t know how to implement it in my business without it costing me a fortune
125. I don’t understand your mindset as you approach a situation. I understand when
you explain what you do; but I don’t understand the thought process of how you
arrived there.
126. I don't know.
127. I don't want to create a demand for a product then have to struggle to produce
something that is inadequate. I think we need to make the decision that we want to
do this full time, let go of our fears and security blankets and then do what we need
to to make it succeed.
128. I excel at many different types of coaching. I need to CHOOSE a FOCUS again.
129. I guess time and space
130. I have no decision making ability for the foundry. I haven’t decided what else I want
to market.
131. I have to create a plan and then automate the plan so I will be forced to follow

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132. I have to think to short, because I have to little money to pay the bills.
133. I haven’t figured out my new business model.
134. I haven’t had a firm system in place for my marketing. When I have a large client I
often don’t know when the engagement will end so I don’t market while working with
them. Then it’s start all over again. This is not an effective approach.
135. I just need to make sure I spend adequate time at it.
136. I need a mentor. I do not have the confidence or experience to be able to do it well
137. I need more time and familiar with your material
138. I need to focus – more structure, discipline on my part to put this to use
139. I no longer have a marketing person. I have limited enthusiasm for it.
140. I seem to be struggling with applying many of the tactics to this business. I am
overwhelmed with other ideas and business opportunities though. I am not an
executive so it is hard for me to use the tactics out of my own business unit.
141. I think I am doing what I can.
142. I think I have a fear of failure?
143. I want to know what I’m doing before setting a plan in action, not just being told it is
effective but SEE it can work.
144. I’ll be finishing coaching training in June, already have my Certified Executive
Coach designation. Then I’ll review the programs noted above, develop a
cohesive strategy and tactics, and go for it!!
145. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make the ideas work for me. Sometimes I can’t figure
out a way to apply the ideas to the work that I do.
146. I’m an auditor and up to the point I read your book, I didn’t think I had much to do
with marketing.
147. I’m comfortable
148. I’m having a hard time making the transition from my other career and finding time
to do all that I really want to consistently.
149. I’m in the process of educating myself before launching a new venture.
150. I’m not sure that I’ve got a real product/service? Maybe my market is just too small.
151. I’m part time and my partner hates to do marketing / has call reluctance.
152. I’m still in the early stages where I want to limit my client list so I don’t overextend
153. I’m still trying various letters and pamphlets to see which ones are most successful.
As soon as I’m happy with an approach, I’ll increase the use of it.
154. I’m still working IN my business more than I’m working ON my business. I’ve
definitely begun to make the transition, but I need to fully establish the operating
systems for product development (more reports) so I can present more options to
my prospects and clients, and I can become more creative and focused on the
marketing of my business.
155. I’m too involved in day to day operations, which I am passing on to the new person.
156. I’m too scattered and don’t focus on anything long enough to actually implement it.
Also, I don’t feel that I’m a very good copywriter.
157. I’ve gotten complacent about adding clients. Then, through no fault of our own
(cost-cutting), Sam’s Clubs told their stores to stop ordering our program! I lost

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$200,000 a year in sales with one phone call! They are doing certificates now. No
money in those!
158. Ideas and money if they are expensive ideas that are nor easily trackable
159. Ignorance and money.
160. I'm getting active.
161. I'm trying to change it from now.
162. In the past, inward thinking regressive marketing “experts” who think they know it
all. Now, after launch date, there’s nothing to hold us in because we are on the right
163. In this company personally I need to make a case for using more of your materials
with the other owners.
164. Inability to hire a full time person on a salary base with commission.
165. Inability to identify, train, and integrate field service personnel more quickly. Not
total agreement in house on this.
166. Incomplete picture of market needs/wants, time, money, energy
167. Increased cash flow
168. inertia
169. Inertia. Making overly-complicated plans when we do plan. Funding.
170. Inexperience of different methods, and concern that this would be evident to the
171. Inexperience, false starts. We have a plan but are not entirely sure if it is the best
172. Inexperience. But even that’s not really holding me back… it’s more like
overwhelmed with information and excitement!
173. Information overload, no support staff, and lack of self-confidence.
174. Instead of working on business, busy working in it.
175. It is a personal psychological block of some sort. Again, another frustrating
mystery for me.
176. It’s a combination of unawareness for the right means, and motivation.
177. It’s me, myself and I
178. Just finding the right business to do it with
179. Just having the time to go through everything. Once I get my business off the
ground I may not have to rely on my current job and would have more time for more
marketing strategies.
180. Just Knowledge and the guts to put it into action
181. Just managing the store -- thinking of hiring a part-time marketer.
182. Just me and time priorities
183. Just starting my business so, I guess time and efficient organization.
184. Know how
185. Know how.
186. Knowing how to do that.
187. Knowing what has a better chance of working

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188. Knowing what to do ... and why!
189. Knowing what to do and how to do it.
190. Knowledge (3)
191. Knowledge and the tools!!!!
192. Knowledge and training and the application of the same.
193. Knowledge of how to come up with the strategy, embrace it and implement it.
194. Knowledge of how to do it for my business
195. Knowledge of how to go about it.
196. Knowledge of what to implement, how to implement and how to tie it in as an
integral system and part of our business. Money to do marketing is also slowing us
197. Knowledge, approach, and budgets
198. Knowledge, Time, Money
199. Lack of a definite strategic plan with defined payback and not a hit and miss effort.
200. Lack of ability to delegate and lack of person to delegate to. We are just
overworked and understaffed.
201. Lack of capital.
202. Lack of cash flow
203. Lack of Cash Flow and prospects! prospects are increasing.
204. Lack of clear vision, and step-by-step approach
205. lack of complete understanding and knowledge and time
206. Lack of confidence
207. Lack of confidence in my abilities to market myself combined with very limited
financial resources and not making the time to work on my business
208. Lack of consolidated time and focus
209. Lack of discipline, Commitment
210. Lack of energy and now I have other people involved so it is not my specific job
211. Lack of experience and confidence.
212. Lack of experience as an entrepreneur lack of tools
213. Lack of focus
214. Lack of focus
215. lack of focus, undergoing profound personal changes
216. Lack of funds (2)
217. Lack of intiative & ideas & financial resources
218. Lack of knowledge
219. Lack of knowledge and materials (direct mail letters, postcards, phone scripts) that
are related to mortgages. Lack of knowledge of reasonably priced, local marketing
220. Lack of knowledge of how to & how to integrate.
221. Lack of knowledge of implementation which creates hesitancy and fear
222. Lack of knowledge, time, focus

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223. Lack of knowledge.
224. Lack of management support
225. Lack of marketing knowledge, and a complete working knowledge of my industry.
226. Lack of money and knowledge and trust that it would do any good.
227. Lack of money.
228. Lack of money; waiting for VC.
229. Lack of proper marketing plan
230. Lack of resource – people & finance
231. Lack of resources
232. Lack of resources (no budget, no secretary, no access to videographer)
233. Lack of resources: time and money.
234. Lack of self-discipline.
235. Lack of skill and enjoyment in the process
236. Lack of stability to begin with.
237. Lack of staff, time and money
238. Lack of strategic planning Lack of tactical knowledge Lack of money to implement a
239. Lack of strategic thinking and ideas
240. Lack of strategy, models.
241. Lack of sufficient funds and enough time
242. Lack of time (3)
243. Lack of time and financial resources.
244. Lack of time and lack of direction.
245. Lack of time as I am doing my business part time(actually spare time) as I have a
full time job which is totally different from my business
246. Lack of time for studying effective methods and lack of being able to figure out how
they apply to my business.
247. Lack of time to plan
248. Lack of time, capital
249. Lack of time.
250. Lack of time.
251. Lack of time. I spent most of my time in delivery of my service.
252. Lack of times and resources
253. Lack of top down support and understanding. The company is not my own. I run my
business development / sales and marketing activities as per my own rules. I
maintain my own home office in Vancouver many miles and several times zones
away from the corporate head office in Toronto – so my independent approach
works – in fact, the company needs someone like me that can work so
independently. I get paid based on performance and I perform well.
254. Lack of trained personnel and time.
255. Lack of understanding how different marketing concepts apply to by business.

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256. Lack of will to devote the time and reluctance to spend more money which will short
–term reduce compensation
257. Less and less as I answer these questions
258. Likely a combination of not knowing precisely what to do and getting organized or
focuses enough to do (vs focusing on all of the other factors involved in operating
the business)
259. Limitation of financial and other resources
260. Mainly time and resource constraints
261. Manpower. Hard to follow through with everything alone.
262. Marketing knowledge. Stay more in one only place instead of travel and move too
much as we used to do.
263. Marketing not high on list of priorities.
264. Me (7)
265. Mind set
266. Money (10)
267. Money - budget
268. Money and energy
269. Money and expertise.
270. Money and getting my owner on board
271. money and guidance that I trust
272. Money and knowledge
273. money and my partner.
274. Money and Myself
275. Money and time
276. Money! Time
277. Money, and getting it all together to feel organized. It is so much at once. I am
letting it sink in a bit.
278. Money, energy, and time
279. Money, focus, and physical energy.
280. Money, knowledge.
281. Money, lawsuit and having a completed product.
282. Money, time, resources, development. All are being actively worked on.
283. Money.
284. More effort
285. More focus.
286. More infrastructure, more biz without proper infra is chaos.
287. More marketing- Money & Organizational issues. Having the right trained people.
We are consistent w/what we do on radio.
288. More money for marketing
289. More resources.
290. More strategic time.

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291. More time
292. More -time to implement, consistency -systems (time to implement)
293. Most definitely time, and money.
294. Most ideas and methods offered seem to be taylor made for a public market with a
lot of prospects (thousands and thousands). So far I found it difficult to apply what is
offered in the relatively small and highly regulated and structured market we deal
with. What makes it even worse is that, 20 years ago we had a proprietary product
and a head start but now it has turned into a commodity because everyone in the
business has copied the equipment and offers their own version, many times at
lower price.
295. Most material I have seen relates to products, not services. We have no control
over the prices we charge, and can’t do most of the things a product related firm
296. Most of all would be having enough time to fine tune our whole business plan and
implementing marketing processings.
297. Mostly the size of my business although I would love to apply some of Jay’s ideas
to clients of mine. Also time and lack of a good blueprint for my type of one-man-
show business.
298. Mostly time because of the time required with my day profession, physician and
299. Motivation and lack of quality examples
300. My “need” to make it perfect – getting caught up in the details
301. My attitude that I was too busy. Poor excuse
302. My day job and the need to make more time for myself and my business within
each day.
303. My effort in working on the business.
304. My full time job has very little to do with marketing, therefore I am limited in time I
can spend for implementing all ideas.
305. My inadequate time management.
306. My lack of understanding.
307. My next profits will have to be used for marketing, because right now I’m almost
broke. I decided to spent as much time as needed in order to do it the right way. I’ll
find out my self based on the stats.
308. My time is required in other areas of the company
309. Myself (5)
310. Myself and my lack of organization
311. Nailing down the prospect’s hot buttons and time.
312. Need Assistance Poor focus Too many Distractions
313. Need help… I’m great at taking something and making it better… getting to
something is more of a challenge
314. Need to be helped to design the strategy and write a guideline
315. Need to commit to getting more knowledge and applying it.
316. Need to study more marketing tactics and discover the answers to many of the
previous questions.

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317. Need to study more marketing tactics and discover the answers to many of the
previous questions.
318. Never enough time to put the day to day business on hold, while rewriting market
319. New to this game…little financial backing from the company
320. No need.
321. No Product and money
322. no strategy to start with
323. No truly organized, strategfic plan that i have confidence in or at all,
324. none
325. Not applicable at this point.
326. Not enough knowledge.
327. Not enough money.
328. Not enough resource and man power.
329. Not enough resources
330. Not focussed enough – under sales pressure – finance
331. Not having a deep enough understanding and thinking totally strategically….It takes
time to study and learn and listen to the tapes over and over again.
332. Not having a strategy and lack of funds – contracts have been quite seasonal.
333. Not having enough money.
334. Not knowing what business I should be in.
335. Not knowing what to do.
336. Not knowing what to implement, and the unknown that it may not work
337. Not really wanting to – comfortable.
338. Not sure (2)
339. Not sure how or what would apply to my industry
340. Not sure why, too busy with running the business
341. Not taking my business more seriously.
342. Not too much now that we just (this past Monday!) hired and brought on-board a
superstar salesperson as per Chet Holmes’ encouragement.
343. Nothing (5)
344. Nothing – just need more hours in a day (and night).
345. Nothing but habits...
346. Nothing except time and to many other projects.
347. Nothing except time, money and my general disorganized self.
348. Nothing I can’t overcome. Usually it is letting other daily issues get in the way.
349. Nothing is holding me back but the failure to take timely and consistent action.
350. Nothing more than applying what I know I should do.
351. Nothing. Hours in the day, I guess. We market all the time. It’s just that things take
time. You can’t get to the top of the mountain in one day. We’re more than satisfied
with the progress we make-and we do set nasty goals.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1055

352. Only time. It will come.
353. Operational business related things
354. Organized plan, time, money
355. Organizing my time, knowing where to start
356. other urgent daily matters both business and family related
357. Our companies internal client management systems are difficult to work with
manage data for marketing purposes. After almost 4 years there, I still cannot easily
pull together a list of all clients in my region. Our owner and president has pre-
defined ideas of what marketing is all about and like to keep sales and marketing
separate. My VP of Sales is trying to allow me to have more latitude to begin my
own marketing campaigns.
358. Our focus is now shifting from technology procurement to marketing.
359. Our limited budget
360. Ours is a small startup shop, with all the attendant cash flow concerns (I’ve funded
this enterprise from my own limited funds), and the need to invest in our product line
to create superior price/performance modules, and brand it with internationally
recognizable client use. We now have some excellent products to offer which are
being actively and successfully used. So, our major limitations now are my
personal time, energy and capital.
361. Overwhelm of stuff to review and implement
362. Perhaps more focused planning and implementation.
363. Planning, Time to read and listen to all materials and selecting the ones to be
implemented for me.
364. Planning, time, asking better, measurement of results
365. Planning. Authority. Resources.
366. Poor time management.
367. Possibly too much input for a tiny business – not knowing where to start.
368. Primarily lack of time after dealing with day to day operations. Our small business
cannot afford full-time marketing people, and I have not been able to devote a
great deal of time to this activity.
369. Primarily limitations on time to develop and liquid cashflow to implement.
370. Primarily spending time on strategic things rather than operational.
371. Prioritization (2)
372. Prioritizing and knowing a system that works with an unbelievable return on
373. probably fear
374. Procrastination (2)
375. Procrastination and lack of concentration ( to many things in my head)
376. Procrastination and money.
377. Procrastination is probably the main reason
378. Procrastination; budget
379. Prospecting- getting the first appointment on cold calls.
380. Putting my plan in writing and have the big plan and the small steps to get there.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1056

381. Realization of the application of the won Know How. Being on my own. No direct
mentor. Busy building my PPP
382. Replicating myself.
383. Resources
384. Resources
385. resources
386. Resources- cost-time.
387. Resources in terms of money and my time
388. Return on investment
389. Right now, working on the new book, sorting out what I want to market. In the past,
major health issues that required most of my focus to be on survival so I would later
be able to write and market again.
390. Running out of steam , lack of resources. Don’t know how to sell our program to
391. See earlier answers, especially answer to Q10. Lack of strategy coaches, of
tactical coaches, of unified integrated marketing strategy Lack of ongoing
implementation even of piecemeal applications
392. Seeing the relevance of it ... and creating the time for it, for am working about 80-90
hours per week.
393. Self discipline.
394. self doubt and fear
395. Self imposed limitations, lack of discipline, and lack of knowledge.
396. Self-sabotage
397. Setting up the plan
398. Simple-I have absolutely no strategy and not a clue of where or how to begin.
399. Skills and mindset
400. skills for implementation
401. So deeply engrained in the S quadrant mindset that I can’t be a better business
man. So busy doing the job that I don’t have the time & money to try to implement
the things that I think will work.
402. Some fear of no return on investment and new to marketing anything
403. Some of things that I think are holding our company back from doing more And
better consistent marketing is not utilizing our staffing as effective as possible . Too
much customer phone interaction with lenders with the status Of our loans placed
with them , underwriting turn around times, customers calling or realtors calling for
the loan status or underwriting or documentation problems. It seems like we field a
lot of phone calls either too or from our third party vendors for related services for
helping us along in the process of closing the mortgage loan.
404. Sometimes I see what needs to be done in a company, but lack the authority, or
compensation agreement, to take the appropriate action.
405. Specific attack plans and how to test and how to measure ROI
406. Still coming to terms with all mortgaging options, we had cash flow crises as there is
long lead time from application of mortgage to getting paid. We have ridden through
this , and we starting to see positive results

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1057

407. Still learning about my market, currently have more opportunities than time
408. Strategic know-how
409. Strategic knowledge and how to integrate it all.
410. Strengthening my direct mail marketing skill, by the way I still haven’t received my
Mastermind Marketing Program. Could you advise me what the problem is, as I
value your strategic and marketing expertise like a gold mine of career building.
411. Stuff to give prospects
412. Systems, strategies, dedicated marketing experts/department = cost factors and
inexperience in marketing strategies and techniques
413. Systems, time to establish better marketing and promotional items
414. Tactical, knee-jerk request from my manager.
415. Taking the time to create the stuff
416. The ability to pick the right thing to do an not just react to the last thing I heard or
read, to be only 1.5 step ahead of my clients not 3 or 4 steps
417. the amount of time that it takes to properly redesign the tactics used
418. The daily grind pay bills, working for some one else psssssssssst…
419. The general economy. With a discretionary product, it is hard to sell to anyone
worried about losing their job.
420. The keyword is honestly applied. I’m working on it. I have had to stop this at least 7
times for problems that I had to solve or answer important calls.
421. The overall strategy and how it integrates with business plans
422. The pressure for money right now. I have been in this basic mode for 4 years now.
423. The resource again and the lack of focus from the CEO and COO.
424. The right back end products to market
425. the start…
426. The time to implement it. I just sold another business that was zapping my time,
now I will pursue this business full speed ahead.
427. This company is focused on a specific niche when we get into others they will be
more marketing based where we are sales based on our initial niche
428. This isn’t the business I REALLY want to dedicate yself to full time so I’m not so
jazzed about spending the time I know it would take to make it work – PLUS it
doesn’t pay enough for me or anyone else to be doing it full time all year long so –
the relationshiops aren’t built as strong as they could be
429. Tightening up our services so that we can market them. Also, having enough
finances to do it consistently.
430. Time (33)
431. Time – Action (as they say knowing and doing are two different domains, first I have
to know then I have to do. Jay let’s me know what to do, now I need to organize
myself and my team to get it done)
432. Time – because it takes time to firstly identify a tactic that works, and then build a
system behind the tactic to ensure the tactic continues to be implemented.
433. Time Focus , Money and a PLAN
434. Time – I think if I had a more turnkey system I would do better – that would be a
system that I define.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1058

435. Time – I’m all alone.
436. Time – I’m currently the only FT employee of my business, and responsible for
sales, marketing, fulfillment, customer service, technology, administration, etc.
Money – we are under-capitalized and therefore need to allocate resources with
particular care, including adding staff to free me up to put more time into marketing.
437. Time & Budget
438. Time & lack of system.
439. Time & loss of income while developing business
440. Time & Money
441. Time & money
442. Time , money , expertise
443. Time / money / direction
444. Time and a fear of personal interaction with people. I have made great strides in
over coming my fear in recent months but still have a ways to go.
445. Time and a strong belief that there is a future for my industry.
446. Time and assistance
447. Time and being better organized
448. Time and being stuck in the rut of running the business.
449. Time and clear overall strategy
450. Time and dealing with 'fire fighting activities'
451. Time and dealing with 'fire fighting activities'
452. Time and desire.
453. Time and discipline NOT blocking out!
454. Time and distractions.
455. Time and effort
456. Time and effort
457. Time and energy and focus and understanding about marketing
458. Time and financial resources
459. Time and focus
460. Time and focus.
461. time and health and a new baby boy
462. Time and know how
463. Time and knowledge
464. Time and lack of other personnel to do some of the functions.Lack of handle on
finances/cash flow and therefore possibility of recruiting new people.
465. Time and money (11)
466. Time and money constraints. (2)
467. Time and money, once again. Any idea how to purchase a few more hours? :^)
468. Time and money, plus a clearer sense of exactly WHAT to say that would be more
effective than what we have already tried.
469. Time and Money. (not good enough excuse)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1059

470. Time and people
471. Time and personnel constraints.
472. Time and priority
473. Time and procrastination
474. Time and resources
475. Time and Resources and a knowledgeable team member
476. Time and specific strategy
477. Time Application
478. Time available for me
479. Time challenges.
480. time confidence, time to sit and read your material in whole pieces instead of
481. Time constraint
482. Time constraints: I am caught in daily routine tasks
483. Time in a day
484. Time in establishing new business
485. time in the business, just getting started
486. Time is a major factor while transitioning from one profession to another…
487. Time is everything, right now I am so deep in development trying to get out my next
version of the product which is absolutely necessary for the survival of our
company. This will take from 12-24 months to complete. I really need to find a way
to freeze sales (keep my competition from getting the sale) until I get this product
488. Time mainly.
489. Time management
490. Time management and self-discipline. I work on this daily, though. If I had my own
coach, I would probably do better, as well.
491. Time on my part and lack of drive of my partners.
492. Time only
493. Time primarily – I’m not confident that I have my “arms around” the topic of
marketing enough that I can justify the time to implement anything. This is a catch-
22, I know.
494. Time restraints due to the day-to-day reactive pressures of the business and,
probably, poor delegation talent on my part with a reluctance to change. No clear
future vision?
495. Time restraints of a stressful full-time job, building a coaching business on the side
to displace my full-time job, having a family with small children that need me and my
496. Time to assimilate study, create, implement and adjust all the facets of the
497. Time to create effective marketing systems and maybe cost!?
498. Time to focus on these important aspects rather than looking after everything.
499. Time to focus on this.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1060

500. Time to plan/manage a new program
501. Time to think about them strategically, time to implement
502. Time vs. work load
503. Time, ability to focus and follow through. Better sales letter writing ability.
504. Time, and fear of failure
505. Time, and money, essentially, I am a one man show., I have a part time
teleprospector, and one other associate.
506. Time, as I am presently employed full time in a totally different field as well
507. Time, as weak an excuse that is
508. Time, budget, lack of skills in the organization.
509. Time, cash flow, relevance, concentration in areas of greatest return
510. Time, energy
511. Time, energy, time, money
512. Time, focus
513. Time, know how, sales letter
514. Time, lack of an agreed marketing plan
515. Time, lack of knowledge.
516. Time, mainly. It takes a lot of time to sit down, map out a marketing plan, get a web
site up and running - filling it with fantastic content straight from your knowledge and
from your heart - put all the tools you need to be effective into place (adtracking,
autoresponders, etc.) *and* sell something. remember, I work a full time job "offline"
so time is a precious resource for me.
517. Time, money and ability to write.
518. Time, money pressures (I know that if I get some of them into play that will probably
change very soon.)
520. Time, money, confidence that something will actually work better than “just barely”.
521. Time, Money, Effort, Application
522. Time, money, knowledge (3)
523. Time, money, knowledge and a proven plan.
524. time, need another assistant
525. time, need key staff who could do it
526. Time, people.
527. Time, resources and manpower.
528. time, staff, action – a lack of all three
529. Time. (6)
530. Time. I have the client load I want. If I decide to market more aggressively, I’ll
either have to hire employees or find a way to profit from passing on that work to
531. Time. I personally have to spend a lot of time providing the services in addition to
532. Time. I’m part-time stay-at-home dad. Making the decision to go back full-time is

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1061

the catch. I’ve grown comfortable working less, but the income is pushing the
envelope too far!
533. Time. Integrating approaches with operations.
534. Time/ More delegation/ More help from the administrator
535. time… and somebody to kick my butt to stop me from postponing
536. Time and motivation
537. To make it a full time endever and forget about doing anything else
538. Too busy making money to pay all the bills to focus on systematizing my marketing
539. Too much other busy work and urgencies
540. Too soon to say
541. Trying to get the business on more of a systemic way of doing the day to day stuff
542. Uncertainty, fear that I will make the wrong decision or what I use won’t be good
enough and therefore lose the opportunity.
543. Unified agreement/Approach & organization
544. Up to this point, an ignorance of its importance, but now nothing….also as per a
recent Armand Morin conference, I try not to be hesitant in putting it out there even
if it’s not perfect or “unbelievably profound”
545. Up to this point, an ignorance of its importance, but now nothing….also as per a
recent Armand Morin conference, I try not to be hesitant in putting it out there even
if it’s not perfect or “unbelievably profound”
546. Variations is cash flow; staff turnover; am still the major rainmaker, so cannot divert
time into planning.
547. Want to make sure that the approaches taken work in unison and give the most
effective return on expenditure – we do not have a big budget
548. We are having a lot of successes with Jay’s ideas, but find better way to get through
to new realtors, to get them to really listen and understand we are for real not just
another loan broker that can deliver on promises
549. We had a deal (for a book) in place and our partner didn’t come through on their
end. So we refocused on other priorities.
550. We have limited human resources.
551. We try to do to many things at once.
552. We work in the practice too much and don’t have the time or desire to work on it all
that often.
553. Working capital.
554. Working on it
555. Working on that now.
556. 1. I tend to get busy with the day-to-day activities. When it comes down to it I
haven’t made it a priority as we have been consistently busy.
557. Me, I had a breakdown down last 2 years and I’m still recovering, self esteem is low
and I find it hard to do any important (non fee) tasks. There is always tomorrow.
558. #1 – Time#2 – Resources
559. 1. Implementing them 2. Feeling that I will get a poor ROI.
560. 1. Learning about it, 2. Money, contacts to establish them.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1062

561. Lack of time. To many projects. My 3 year old son, wouldn’t trade that one though.
562. My 8 months old son, football, skiing… I have too many ideas and not enough
resources to put everything into nnova.
563. Time – I have 20 years and still studying. But it so easy for me (I study marketing :-
)) I will do 5 years in 2 or 3.I'm fighting with small problems like most of small biz

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1063

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?
Question 57. What would make your current marketing strategy more effective?

1. $
2. 1st, we need to have a true, documented, and mutually accepted corporate
marketing strategy for the China and Asia markets. As I’ve stated, today we don’t.
Each of our independent business units have, in significantly varying degrees, their
own unique marketing strategy. To have a regional corporate strategy, when then
is fed into each business unit strategy, is absolutely essential, and is the single key
most important action (and is now underway). 2nd, as also stated before, a unified
branding strategy in the China market is essential to give our company a solid and
respected brand name recognition.
3. A bigger budget.
4. A brochure or pamphlet or letter that explained the seminar options
5. A clearly defined USP and benefits
6. A clearly-articulated strategy that becomes part everything the company does and
that is pursued consistently, with discipline and a long-term perspective.
7. A complete, formalized plan for all customers.
8. A comprehensive marketing plan and regularly scheduled time set aside for it.
9. A concise passionate statement of the way of Marketing for the staff and leadership.
A grid to judge my efforts by
10. A dedicated marketing person on staff
11. A deeper understanding of strategy. How to fully develop it, from master business
strategy, to master marketing strategy, to command strategies, etc.
12. A demonstrable plan of action I could do myself, with printed materials already
13. A focus of presentation; integration of materials; a systematic approach
14. A formal plan and schedule so I’m always marketing, not just when I need additional
15. A Good sound program.
16. A good testing method for every thing I’m doing.
17. A higher commitment on my part as owner and someone to keep me more
accountable for results.
18. A little extra finance and employment of a marketing co-ordinator
19. A lot of things. Planned system for implementing.
20. A magic pitch that will make the client take action.
21. A marketing expert working IN the company.
22. A more cohesive approach where all tactics support each other and our overall
23. A more concise/clear strategy
24. a more in-depth study of possible competitors in the wider area we intend servicing.
Better market segmentation of the prospective client base in order to adapt to each
segment’s specific requirements.
25. A more integrated approach

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1064

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

26. A much bigger list.

27. A plan and the breakthrough knowledge.
28. A plan to implement our marketing within a strategic context.
29. A revenue and profit grower
30. A simple step by step process to follow daily to reach the marketing goals. There is
to much information and that confuses one or feels there is to much to go, so one
doesn’t get around to doing much.
31. A simple strategic plan that works every time
32. A specific implementation process.
33. A specific, simple plan I can follow and implement.
34. A system
35. A systematic plan and tools
36. A thorough understanding about marketing strategy.
37. A website, high quality brochure, email campaign.
38. A. Finalizing it. B. Concentrating over months and years to put it into practice.
39. Ability to take out the cynicism out of prospects; Ability to make them listen and
allow us to demonstrate the value.
40. Ability to write better – clarity of thought and direction
41. Action (3)
42. Actually building one.
43. Actually developing one and implementing it.
44. Actually studying it
45. Actually, filling out this questionnaire has already helped out a lot.
46. Add PR
47. Adding and constantly apply a strategy
48. Additional resources
49. advertising!
50. all the aforesaid
51. Also getting more direct contact with top marketing honchos, instead of being cut
down prematurely by immediate marketing and product line bosses.To be given
more leeway in formulating the strategy: have access to upper management’s tools
and plans as they’re formulated. To have a say.
52. Always testing existing methods and implement and test new tactics
53. An effective operations plan
54. An engaging way to develop dialogue with our blue ribbon market – refrigerated
container hire – so that we are able to congruently stay in touch, be a valuable
source of relevant information to them and therefore be the first phone call they
make when they need what we have to offer.
55. An experienced coach.
56. An integrated action of empowering our web-site and other distributing materials
with our achievements up to now.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1065

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

57. An overall marketing plan

58. Any consistent application would be a significant improvement.
59. Anything active
60. anything since I don’t have any.
61. Anything would make it more effective
62. Applying some of the basics – referrals, call backs etc.
63. Applying what I have learned and making a commitment to work on the business.
64. Ask me in 6 months. I think we have got a good package.
65. At this point just doing more of it more consistently.
66. Automated programs and materials that could be acted upon easily
67. Automation and system.
68. Be able to duplicate myself by videotaping a vault tour, by putting all my forms and
instructions for how to fill them out, by demonstrating how to use a security deposit
bag and so forth on a CD that could be used as a sales tool for a client, as a
product awareness tool for a bank salesperson and as an operational training tool in
the vault.
69. Be able to spend more time on it
70. Because we are studying Jay’s methods and examples and because we are
thinking strategy rather than tactics, we feel that our marketing strategy is evolving
into a really well designed and orchestrated package.
71. Being able to get more people to listen to me.
72. Being able to invest more money in it.
73. Being clearer about what we want to get out of the marketing efforts.
74. Being more confident in what is a good track record
75. Being more effective at attracting the highest potential leads & converting them.
Also a better follow-up and nurturing system.
76. Being more repetitive
77. better ad tracking, monthly newsletter, offering more information
78. better and more consistent followup.
79. Better big picture vision, organization and focus
80. better copy writing skills
81. Better documentation, literature, communication, and training on how to execute it
once it has been tested and proven.
82. Better execution of tactics
83. Better focus, more consistent application.
84. better integration with all staff
85. better integration with all staff
86. Better knowledge of implementation
87. Better measurement
88. Better more confident delivery.
89. Better overall plan with integrative tactics and substrategies

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1066

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

90. Better planning

91. Better planning, better understanding of client needs.
92. Better staff training
93. Better tracking
94. Better understanding the clients unstated desires and needs would allow me to
create a direct mail letter that would address those needs in a way that provokes
the prospect to action.
95. better work ethic.
96. Broaden my scope of the groups I offer my programs to
97. Broader reach
98. Broader reach
99. Building upon and enhancing our approach
100. Buy-in & organization
101. Call to action on our direct mailers to get response, test pricing, and test
guarantees. Having a strategy and map of when and how to implement marketing
102. Capital
103. Capital to get on a plane.
104. Certainly developing one
105. Change the marketing thinking models.
106. Choose a clear and concise plan and execute it.
107. Clarity in the product/service
108. Clear strategic focus, useful tools.
109. Clearly defining it.
110. Clerical assistant with outgoing personality
111. Cohesive timing between all pillars
112. Complete Marketing Plan
113. Consistant marketing and smarter and harder work effort.
114. Consistency & follow up
115. Consistency – plans in place to ensure things happen in the same way, at the same
time, every time.
116. Consistency and better focus.
117. Consistency and measuring and tabulating results to improve effectiveness
118. Consistency in execution.
119. Consistency, and more activity
120. Consistency. (5)
121. Consistent application and follow-up to ensure being followed.
122. Consistent effort.
123. Consistent implementation
124. Consistent persistency.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1067

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

125. Consistently measuring our selling systems effectiveness and improving it.
126. Consistently spending the time planning and implementing.
127. Continual experimentation and improvement of how I do things.
128. Continued efforts to make contacts. Improved advertising.
129. Continuous deployment
130. creating it
131. Creating it in a form easily understood and easy to implement
132. Creating one would be the first step
133. Credibility (references)
134. Define a strategic plan based on identifiable goals and execute the necessary
tactics to make it happen.
135. Define a strategy
136. Defining a strategy.
137. defining the strategy and implementing consistently
138. Delegate certain task to key people and take small steps each day.
139. Delegation
140. Detailed market research.
141. Develop a comprehensive strategic plan.
142. Developing a cohesive strategy, deciding on tactics, testing and follow-through.
143. Developing a plan and utilizing several tactics at a time to cover a broader spectrum
of prospects and income production.
144. Developing a strategy would help.
145. Developing better systems and applying them
146. Devote more time more compelling offers to potential existing customers. better
referral system internet marketing improved pricing strategy
147. Devote more time to it
148. Devote more time, creativity and dollars to it.
149. Devoting more time to marketing and learning more about the Jay Abraham
150. Devoting the time necessary to do the real planning that is necessary for success.
151. direct mail and a pro telemarketer.
152. Discipline
153. Discipline & time
154. Diversification and direct marketing.
155. Do more of the things you thought us continuously
156. Do not have one.
157. Doing it
158. Doing more of it
159. Don’t have one yet.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1068

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

160. Don’t know (16)

161. Don’t know. I don’t need a lot of clients to be profitable. I only need one.
162. Don’t really have a strategy
163. Easier tactics and a good wholesome strategy
164. Education
165. email and web store
166. Email contacts- bigger prospect list.
167. Employ people that would carry out some ideas I have been gathering.
168. Everything from the course will work.
169. Exellent collateral materials to support our website. Showing up in all thre right
places at all the right times.
170. Experience in using them
171. Experience, testing
172. Expert advice relevant to my business – a lot of what I see / hear seems irrelevant
to this particular type of business
173. Expert help
174. Exposure
175. Exposure, strategy, attention to detail, referrals, communication to broader
176. Extremely efficient organization
177. finance
178. Find something that produces results
179. Find time to make myself the mktg and sale
180. Finding a more cost effective system to bring in cold market
181. Finding a prospect-conversion strategy that yields consistent results.
182. finding a way to applied to the legal business
183. Finding appropriate partners
184. First I have to read the book, and follow your recommendations.
185. First I need to develop an comprehensive strategy.
186. First to well define it and then do a marketing calendar and do something every
month and at one thing every month
187. focus
188. Focus on developing it as much as possible
189. Focus, time and money
190. Focusing on one market and becoming the best known company that provides
solutions to that market.
191. Follow-through and execution
192. Formalization
193. Formalization and communication to the team of what is possible, and where they
need to become involved.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1069

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

194. Funding
195. Gain more insight
196. Game plan and follow thru
197. Generate cohesive business/marketing plan.
198. Get better access to potential customers
199. Get on paid sites
200. Get our literature created for the Client to have so they can sturdy our program. It is
so new and different, a lot of education is required for them to be comfortable with
our company, our associates and with the program.
201. Get started!
202. getting it into a repeatable system.
203. Getting me and other people into a fulltime sales role.
204. Getting my manufacturers to do the programs I want to try
205. Getting one to begin with
206. Getting others in my office to do most of the work vs us having to check up on it all
of the time or requiring us to do it all ourselves.
207. Getting over my grief.
208. Getting someone to help do the hands on part of the business and deliveries so I
could have time to work on the marketing and follow up more. Also working with a
mentor such as you Jay.
209. Getting started in new business
210. Getting the message out in other ways than enewsletter. For eg. Advertising on
internet and registering with search engines.
211. Getting through the stuff in 56.Completing my automation and project
customer/prospect praxeological mapping and dialogue work.
212. Go through your materials more often
213. Good question
214. Greater direction. I have minimal business skills
215. Growth in membership
216. Have one.
217. Have to think of getting (and investing) in a better email listing.
218. Having if be more concrete and clearly defined
219. Having a decent one and understanding step by step what I need to implement and
do to create a total marketing strategy and plan and not a day by day one.
220. Having a marketing strategy
221. Having a part time or full time marketing director!
222. Having a plan.
223. Having a side income that would allow me to quit my present job and focus 100%
on developing and implementing marketing strategy.
224. Having a strategic plan, More consistency in execution, Adding new approaches
225. Having a Strategy

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1070

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

226. Having a strategy would be a nice start.

227. HAVING a strategy, to begin with, and leadership that is fully on board and actively
working to make it happen
228. Having all people involved accept the importance and follow through long term
229. Having an overall strategy.
230. Having better market information, and information on my competition.
231. Having check lists, tracking frequency of contact, measuring client satisfaction,
getting objective feedback
232. Having done more testing OR help from a professional
233. Having everything more integrated and understanding more about how to deal with
the adjustment period between where we are now and doing something different
234. Having info others don’t and writing an autoresponder with info other want to learn
so I could build a list.
235. Having more cash , which is starting to come in using your strategies, so we could
implement what I learnt from Mastermind program
236. Having more time and being better organised.
237. Having more time and making better use of the time I have
238. Having one & doing it.
239. Having one (11)
240. Having one that is effective.
241. having one that’s turns a profit and brings more clients
242. Having somebody who knows how to implement
243. Having the human resources to make it happen. . . . Sounds as if we’re about to
have that set of resources!
244. help
245. help
246. Help in the form of another person/partner.
247. Holistic view of customer interaction vs. focus only when they are active.
248. How it all integrates with our long term plans, how we can become the leaders in
our niche, and how to do the daily activities.
249. How to do it.
250. I am now streamlining my business to give myself time to study and implement,
thanks to your tutelage.
251. I believe that our current marketing strategy would be more effective if We did the
following: find a company that we could outsource many of Those marketing task.
That would be big enough to handle our selection and mailer to qualified prospects.
Utilization of their call center to systematically follow up on our new prospects ,
former borrowers, Prospects that have turn us down . Generate and follow up on
email campaign. Etc.
252. I do have to invest more time in my current marketing strategy. I do have to create a
USP in terms of what I do. I do have to create more visibility.
253. I don’t know

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1071

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

254. I don’t know.

255. I don’t know. If I knew, I would do it!
256. I need to create a comprehensive, systemized marketing plan that everyone in my
organization understands and can therefore each perform their role independently.
257. I need to develop one.
258. I put more effort into learning what I can do.
259. I really wish I knew the answer to that!
260. I should lead the marketing function myself.
261. I think it’s already pretty effective
262. I think our strategy is excellent but our problem is getting things implemented while
still running the business
263. I wish I had more time and money to fully concentrate on my business
264. I’m not sure.
265. Identify different healthcare markets and prepare materials specific for them.
266. If I convince people to start 100% to work with me.
267. If I could have some kind of template strategy to mirror my business to.
268. If I do it systematically.
269. If I had a plan and money to actually implement the strategy
270. If I had more confidence. If we had people with glowing testimonials for _he whole
program. More proactive in the marketplace. A good brochure or marketing
package that told what we did.
271. If I had one!
272. If I had the previously mentioned material it would help. Specific how to’s would be
273. If I had the time to devote to developing one more fully.
274. If I knew how to implement some of this stuff in industry
275. If I knew, I’d be doing it.
276. If it was a strategy
277. If someone does the things I have planned
278. If we could run more tests in less time and be able to better track the results, we
could come up with effective strategies more quickly.
279. if we were more organized about it.
280. Implement, implement, implement.
281. Implementation (4)
282. Implementing a clear game plan.
283. Implementing them!
284. Implementing what I already learned in specific ways.
285. Improve coordination between customer support and field service, and sales.
286. Improve presentation, improve all marketing letters, e-mails, admin efficiency,
improve adverts, having more leverage (have other people teaching free seminars)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1072

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

287. Improving my direct mail marketing skills, and expanding my host-beneficiary

288. Increase frequency
289. Increased Effort
290. Increased sales.
291. Integrating more people from staff to JV,s to endorsed mail to an organized referral
and testimonial system from customers
292. Integration of the various elements
293. Internet
294. Internet marketing
295. Interview recent customer to understand why they bought, recent installs to
understand how they benefited and include that in our marketing material and our
296. invest more in planning
297. Investing dollars & time
298. Investment of time and extra money
299. It has not yet been finalized or fully implemented. Once it is, however, I believe that
ongoing evaluation, testing, and improvement will make it more effective.
300. Joining more forums, registering on B2B and B2C web sites and more networking.
301. Just do it
302. Just doing anything.
303. Just execute whatever I have in place and measure the results
304. Just let the time go by to see how effective it is.
305. Know how
306. Knowing I have all the information I need to deploy a strategy I know is the best that
can be for my goals and aspirations
307. Knowing more, designing a workable plan and executing it regularly. Health
challenges and family emergencies have kept us from moving more aggressively.
We are now in a position to move in a different direction. The e - book that you
sent, The Secrets to Creating Lifelong Customers by Kenneth J Varga has been
very helpful
308. Knowing our buyers and customers intimately ; studying and follow up on the
inactive ones
309. Knowing the right things to do.
310. Knowing what business(es) I should be in.
311. Knowing what people want.
312. Learning to reach more prospects, and being able to convert them.
313. Less firefighting
314. Less labour requirement – we are not highly enough staffed to have a physical
presence globally so need other alternatives in many/certain instances
315. Less time managing and more time marketing.
316. Like-minded partners

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1073

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

317. Low cost ideas to get a business off the ground until pricier ideas can be realistically
318. Make a plan. Meet with at least one prospective client every day.
319. Making a plan and sticking to it.
320. Making a plan and sticking to it.
321. Making it more automatic – easier for a one man band to execute.
322. manageable debt
323. Marketing manager
324. Material that actually worked in a business similar to mine in an area similar to
325. Maybe to see some actually ideas for my business that could be started in the right
direction. At times everything I'm reading and listening to becomes a bit
overwhelming and sorting through it has been difficult to know if I'm understanding
or grasping what you actually mean.
326. Money
327. Money and expertise.
328. Money and knowledge
329. Money time, and consistency
330. More “touches” with the prospects and clients. That’s one reason why I am adding
the newsletter!
331. More Action- assistant, for execution
332. More action.
333. More aggressive outreach to area businesses.
334. More and better ideas. Examples from similar industries in other countries or other
335. More appropriateness to our industry (relevance).
336. More budget
337. More clarity fused with massive educated action.
338. More clear and systematic application of our tools and resources
339. More concentrated efforts
340. More consistency with the plan.
341. More consistent effort and focus as well as incorporating a broader range of
strategies and tactics.
342. More consistent follow-up and ongoing marketing to the sources of our referrals.
343. More consistent implementation. Also, adding other lead generation techniques.
344. More consultants, a better affiliate tracking and commission tracking method.
345. More customer involvement
346. More daring to offer more risk free products to customer to reduce their
apprehension or hesitation
347. More delegation of duties
348. More direct select mailing,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1074

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

349. More DM to the client bases, a systematic flow of strategic communication.

350. More effort
351. More effort, more thought
352. More employees
353. More focus
354. More focus
355. more focus and activity
356. More focused and implemented.
357. More focussed/ more follow up
358. More freedom in the execution from the CEO and COO.
359. More fully developed strategy with a greater variety of tactics linked directly to the
360. More infrastructure.
361. More market exposure
362. More money
363. More money – ie people to follow-up and get things done
364. More money to budget.
365. More money to spend. Higher success rate on material I send out.
366. More money!!!
367. More of a commitment.
368. More of above
369. More of it.
370. More people
371. More people like me to put the programs I know I want and need in place.
372. More people who not only have the vision – but have the practical, detailed
orientation to implement ideas – understanding the effect on the whole. I really feel
the weakness in Jay’s approach is that he seems to view marketing in the abstract
independent of operational issues, people issues, and the wholistic effects of
implementing his tactics and strategies. Some of that is mitigated if there is a
comprehensive marketing strategy – however, even that cannot be done in a
373. More personal visits.
374. More profit!!
375. More project planning
376. More prospect contacts
377. More strategic, more of it, better closed loop system with testing and ROI reporting
378. More systematic action.
379. More target marketing – more resources
380. More targeted lists
381. more testing

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1075

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

382. More testing, trained personnel in these techniques & mind-set. Optimal R&D and
product development Exploiting my ”Marketing Materials and J.A. Library”
systematically. Systemizing Feedback from my personnel and (prospective) clients.
383. More time (4)
384. More time and energy to focus on it – be able to quit my stressful job
385. More time and money.
386. More time and money.
387. More time for implementation
388. More time for me as the key player. I am most effective in particular areas of the
business but I do many other functions where I am not knowledgeable and
therefore am slower and less effective. Have tried to deal with this by setting up
systems for as much as possible but business growth has pumped up activity so
much that the systems probably need revising. Therefore probably mixture of extra
people once I find out what we can afford and also revamp of systems to make
them even more effective.
389. More time on my part
390. More time or resources.
391. More time spent on it and the conceptualization of it
392. More time to build relationships
393. More time to properly implement, a more customizable website to format properly
for marketing purposes (we’re currently a Yahoo! Store), and more resources to
implement into our current system for new marketing options
394. More time to set up an internet-page.
395. More time to think about it.
396. More time, more money, great knowledge about what to do and how to best do it
397. More tracking of results
398. More wins to generate a continual upward spiral of profitability.
399. Multiple prongs of attack
400. My focus
401. My personal marketing strategy hasn’t begun. I think I’ve mentioned things that our
marketing department could do to be more effective.
402. My understanding of how to market my company in our line of work.
403. N.a. Currently do not execute on mktg strategy, defining it as we speak.
404. Negotiation skills. Selling skills. Knowledge.
405. Not applicable at this point.
406. Not sure
407. Not sure (possibly a better plan)
408. Not sure or I would implement it. But if I had the time to acquire more Buying
Groups I believe that we could do much more business.
409. Not sure, unless I stumbled on it. Other than that, it would be staff doing what I am
doing currently.
410. Not sure.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1076

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

411. Nothing
412. Nothing I can think of
413. Nothing really. My pricing/positioning strategy has worked quite well.
414. Of course.
415. Once I begin to generate a more powerful and reliable stream of cash flow, I can
hire people who will be able to assist me in my marketing and follow-up efforts and
delegate prospects to colleagues of mine whose marketing efforts are not producing
416. Organized system
417. Outside resources
418. Overcoming the shyness. (Working on it)
419. People.
420. People.
421. Persistence and regularity, to be honest. It’s often ad hoc
422. Plan it, Schedule it, have my team go thu the materials from Jay. Get Buyin from
the whole organization that this is the way we are going, then march together
towards the goal.
423. Planning an overview.
424. PR, stronger understanding by employees
425. Probably an outsiders point of view and guidance.
426. Probably better copywriting skills. Marketing online is very much like direct
marketing and if you can convincingly convey the message of your product in a way
that keeps the reader from "clicking" away you stand a much better chance.
427. Probably just doing something
428. Probably, a more defined targeted marketing strategy
429. Proven effective plans for marketing and enterprise. Personnel, time, and support
staff to carry out plans
430. Pulling the trigger
431. Putting it into action.
432. Putting more time and concentration and emphasizing its importance
433. Putting one into place
434. Real time analysis so we could measure what is working/not working and respond
435. Recruit more people and try Jay’s other methods
436. Regular email infos.
437. Regularity
438. Replace it with my new strategy – the old one didn’t work very well.
439. resources
440. Restructuring products
441. Reviewing what I am doing, and how I could improve it.
442. reviewing writing a new plan (haven’t rewritten and looked at for several years).

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1077

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

443. Revising it and actually implementing it.

444. reward for employees to sign up seminar clients
445. Rolling it out, I am just in the initial stages.
446. Sadly – doing it consistently
447. Sales training in addition to experimentation of wording, etc.
448. Salespeople
449. Same as above.
450. Scripts, ad pieces that I could customize and implement
451. Seeing always seems so hit or miss
452. Several clones of myself that do not require any salary.
453. Sit down and really decide what the end result that I am after is.
454. Some one—a sales person, an investor, a partner of some kind to help out.
455. Someone dedicated to making it come together and happen on a consistent basis.
456. Someone else doing it for me (inexpensively)
457. Someone in-house to focus on doing what should be done.
458. Someone who had the time and responsibility to consistently implement our
Marketing strategy, tactics and follow-up
459. Specific material to use
460. Specific tools, ads, letter samples for my industry
461. Specifics how others have done it or do it. Specifically for my industry
462. Spend more time on the phone
463. Spend more time working on and with my parteners and not so much time reacting
to problems
464. Spending more time prospecting for new clients.
465. Starting
466. Stickiness to my web site, more exclusive products that women would buy for the
home, products that women baby boomers would love to buy, getting my affiliate
program in place.
467. Straightforward info and training on what to do and how to do it, coupled with what
not to do, mistakes to learn from (case studies).
468. Strategic plan
469. Study your marketing strategy, for we do not have a marketing strategy.
470. Studying Jay's materials and testing/applying methods learnt
471. Success
472. systemized approach
473. Systems
474. Systems
475. Taking action on the best methods
476. Techniques, tools templates and samples to use.
477. Test and apply more of what you teach

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1078

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

478. Testing will tell.

479. Testing, no doubt. I’d like to do more testing to discover what works and what
480. That is what I have signed up to the Super Summit to find out
481. That's a good question that I hope to determine by reading your materials.
482. The chance to meet prospects and how to present business proposals, and to
483. The completion of two host/beneficary relationships that are currently in process;
and the creation of our corporate ezine; and having more capital to support the
marketing strategies.
484. The first thing we have to do is make a committment to the business.. to see it grow
and expand and hire people and borrow a lot of money.
485. The right back end products to market
486. The small steps to do each day.
487. Thinking one through and then having someone to discuss it with
488. This is a question that I ask myself every day. We have the plans to build but we
don’t have the tools or materials.
489. Time
490. Time and a concerted effort and having a bigger picture of what my business could
be defined and on paper
491. Time and money
492. Time and people
493. Time to do it.
494. Time.
495. To be able to correctly apply Jay’s techniques to my business (I believe). And
knowing what makes my prospects buy (I haven’t figured that out yet).
496. To be totally honest I should quit my current job and create more efficient use of my
497. To complete the projects that I am working on right now.
498. To develop an overall marketing strategy instead of only doing short-term marketing
geared towards a specific seminar or event.
499. To do it. And those now-famous simple steps.
500. To enhance the systems we use with clients
501. to have one.
502. to have time to devote to it
503. To have time to plan one.
504. To learn more from your materials.
505. Too soon to say.
506. Top down support for more of my ideas.
507. Training and a logical step by step follow through
508. Trying things on a smaller scale first

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1079

Question 57. What Would Make Your Current Marketing Strategy
More Effective?

509. Two weeks of intense focus to spend reviewing materials, developing strategies,
planning and beginning to implement plans. We may start hiring independent
contractors to help us do some of the things we have been doing in-house to help
free up some time and to help get things done.
510. Under Revue
511. Understand the psychology of selling and closing a sale
512. Understanding the parts of a plan and having some examples as a template to
513. Unknown
514. Use what I know
515. Using Jay’s marketing ideas and concepts-would love to get the results of the
seminar and research Jay is going to uncover in the next month. I know I shall be
effectively using these tactics
516. Using more of your methods with the commitment of the other owners of the
517. Venture capital
518. Watching a real marketing master at work.
519. We are trying and just need more time.
520. We have tried to get our practice high-end…and we need to redo the entire office
so it is consistent with everything else that we do and offer. We have to make sure
this “high-end, high-quality, high level of comfort and service is consistently weaver
throughout everything that we do.
521. Weekly structured sales meetings that work on memorizing and rehearsing scripts
for approaching prospects and answering objections, along with practice of a
defined selling process similar to that taught by Sandler.
522. Where to get maximum leverage/ROI?
523. Winning the lottery would allow me to hire others to actually implement various
marketing techniques.
524. Wish I knew!
525. Working on that now.
526. Write out a plan, with well thought out strategic thinking

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1080

Question 58. Do You Know What the Highest and Best
Performing Marketing Approaches you Have Available are and
How They are Best Used?
Question 58. Do you know what the highest and best performing marketing
approaches you have available are and how they are best used?

Total: Yes 172, No 507

Additional comments:

1. Advertising probably is the best. Gets our name out there and gives a discount.
2. Affiliate Program – I'm building one with marketing howtos not only – here are your
banners and go play.
3. Almost to the point of being on that level I believe to completely deploy my priority
tactical approach through the top 2% of the market segments would be the best use
of time and resources to start.
4. Articles and presentations -- focusing now on both
5. Ask me in 6 months
6. At least we track which of the ones we use are the most cost effective. Perhaps
there are some approaches we are NOT using that could be better.
7. At the moment, the internet seems to bring 50% of my business – especially the
ezines I send out.
8. Based on what we have tried in the past, such as trade shows and advertsing in
magazines, it is visiting customers and just being around when they need
9. Business Seminars
10. But only for now
11. But will start testing once I get underway to see which approaches work best.
12. Conduct frequent ROI analysis on different marketing approaches
13. Cross-referral, high industry profile
14. Currently networking is the best performing for me
15. Currently, it is our personal consultative selling by two company principals, which
severely limits our scope. The completion of #57 above will greatly expand our
marketing program.
16. Customer referrals is probably the best for us.
17. Direct Mail
18. Direct mail is my most powerful tool at the moment and I”ve studied the best at it:
Carlton and Halbert. Wom is the next best as my prospect and client base build. JV
are the method of choice on the net especially!
19. Direct mail with phone followup
20. Direct Mail works the best. Tells complete story so calling is easier.
21. Direct mail, telephone then follow up process that wears the clients down.
22. Direct mail.
23. Direct marketing

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1081

Question 58. Do You Know What the Highest and Best
Performing Marketing Approaches you Have Available are and
How They are Best Used?

24. Direct Sales Team

25. Face-to-face with fellow vendors, best used at crucial periods of slowness
26. Forming joint ventures. I have some idea of how to use them but not the most
effective ways.
27. From Jay’s materials
28. Getting more out of our client base.
29. I believe that direct mail, the internet, the fax, and a educational newsletter are
probably the way to go
30. I do know what is the best performing marketing approach – THE LIST – I do have
to learn how to build a LIST fast and utilize it.
31. I don't know which approaches are the absolute best - I can only make an educated
guess - certainly telephone and face to face meetings are effective.
32. I have described what I have been doing – I tried very very hard to do Host
Beneficiary when I first started – but it failed miserably. I now know why. I did did
not have any customer base in order to reciprocate, also I was talking with other
service providers and offering 15% of my first year’s take for each referral that
closed. They felt that a dollar paid to me was one less dollar from their current
customer. In this market – I would be competing for the same dollars in their mind.
The 15% was not enough to sway them. I tried rasing this to 20%, even 25% - but
to no avail. I wasted about 6 months trying this and it flat out just did not work. I
finally realized that if it was going to be done, I had to do it for myself. Also I set the
challenge to build my business totally by bootstrapping myself up. I did not want to
spend money on ads or other promotions because until I had the right message at
the right price – it would be wasted money.
33. I have some ideas, which are being included in the new marketing strategy. We’ll
test the results, and work to improve incrementally with those strategies, if effective,
while adding others.
34. I keep using what works – and testing new approaches against them.
35. I know a range of approaches but don’t feel I can say I know the best and most
36. I know the ones that have worked or not worked for me so far
37. I know three or four of the best performing marketing approaches based on past
experience but perhaps don’t know all approaches that I should know.
38. I need to evaluate our efforts and narrow it down
39. I only know what strategies I have used have worked the best for me so far.
40. I say this with some humility. I believe that the things I have learned, particularly in
the past year will propel us forward as fast as we can implement.
41. I think it is personal visits. However if I could find an email system that works for
me at same time that might have an excellent payoff too.
42. I think referral could be extremely useful for me. Educating prospects about the
risks. PR targeted at senior finance execs. Being seen as the expert. Offering an
alternative to the take the money and run attitude of most of the industry (in the US,
because there is no real industry in the UK yet).
43. I want to say I still may not, but through the years as I have measured various
marketing approaches, telemarketing seems to work the best supplemented by

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1082

Question 58. Do You Know What the Highest and Best
Performing Marketing Approaches you Have Available are and
How They are Best Used?
follow up and complimentary direct mail
44. In box brochures, web promotions.
45. Information - offered through newsletter
46. Inserts in company statements 15,000 monthly Monthly Newsletter
47. Joint venture
48. JV’s
49. Mailers and on site corporate approaches.
50. Most :advertising!
51. My personally sitting down with a client and their relationship manager and taking
them on a vault tour and helping them pick out their deposit bags and fill out their
52. Networking and Forums.
53. Networking with influencersWoM referralPress coverageAlliances with large non-
competitors in same markets
54. Networking, telesales and PR
55. Networking.
56. No because we don’t currently measure results other than sales – in terms of units
and dollars.
57. No, since I haven't applied many of them.
58. No, that’s why I’m here.
59. Not applicable at this point.
60. Not definitively – currently only on gut feeling.
61. Not yet – still evaluating
62. On the Internet I think I have a pretty good feel for it.
63. One on one meetings with the decision makers.
64. Our email newsletter consistently drives a decent response each month. It’s not as
good as I’d like to see it, but it does spike the sales. Sending more than once a
month drives away readers so we stick to once a month. We are just now dabbling
more into viral marketing and I’m anxious to see our response. We are testing
headings, incentives, etc.
65. Our lectures.
66. Our sample program is the best!
67. Personal contact seems to be my strong suit.
68. Personal contact/education
69. Phone & referrals – clarify offers is needed
70. Poland is a crazy market. I need to get some more experience and do more tests to
better understand the market.
71. PPC as lead generator. Newsletter to create rapport – highly developed USP on
72. pply MMT.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1083

Question 58. Do You Know What the Highest and Best
Performing Marketing Approaches you Have Available are and
How They are Best Used?

73. PR and internet

74. Probably not but I do have many ideas I am testing
75. Radio-yes, television-yes, Internet-no.
76. Referals and subscripitons
77. Referrals
78. Referrals although I have no formal referral system
79. Referrals and gifts for referring!
80. Response to targeted advertising prior to beginning of school year.
81. Right now the main one I’m doing id partners.
82. Satisfied customers
83. Selling large shipyard jobs found in marketing lead literature.Follow-up calls, Other
calls and meetings based on leads
84. Seminars would by far be the best tool for me at this stage.
85. So far classified ads in target papers have pulled the best, but I haven’t really even
begun to exhaust the possibilities yet.
86. Targeted Advertising
87. Telemarketing to the Public Trustee Lists on foreclosures.
88. Telephone call – talking face to face
89. The best and most reliable approach is to obtain prestige referrals from clients who
appreciate the service I have provided. Due to my desire to create multiple streams
of income with the aid of my Web site, over the past 12 to 18 months I have not
been meeting with clients as regularly as those who are devoted exclusively to
meeting with clients. As a result, I have hardly any prestige referrals to approach at
the present time.
90. The opportunities are extensive I could use any number of them but I have choosen
to stay as a one man band.
91. The seminars we run
92. Too early to identify, but it seems the personal call and email are the most effective.
And getting the right stories in magazines and newspapers.
93. Trade show; the meeting place for most clients
94. Viral marketing, offering a product so qualitative that your customers are actually
marketing for you. Also a firm believer in leveraging, offering a win-win to all those
you do business with.
95. Warm market referrals. By people talking to people about my business.
96. We definitely could use some help on this one.
97. We know from testing what has worked, what is available is much broader.
98. We think so, they are as yet untried but we’ll have more data with 6 weeks
99. We think we are focusing on the right things but we are not certain.
100. Web site has been best source of leads and new business
101. WebsiteEmail
102. Word of mouth

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1084

Question 58. Do You Know What the Highest and Best
Performing Marketing Approaches you Have Available are and
How They are Best Used?

103. Work my client base.

104. Yes, but I don’t think they’re good enough.
105. Yes, I think so: the material from Jay

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1085

Question 59. Do You Continuously Repeat Successful Market
Sales/Lend Generating Activities on A Systematic Scheduled
Question 59. Do you continuously repeat successful market sales/lend generating
activities on a systematic scheduled basis.

Total: Yes 246, No 432

Additional comments:

1. Absolutely. If it works I’ll do it again and again and again.

2. Actually have not found one that works at producing a successful income.
3. although I am very familiar with control and test groups and trying to improve on the
control and would use this if I had the numbers to determine a better method of
4. at the events where we have a booth.
5. Because my best strategy is radio and television and each show is different in every
way imaginable, which means, it’s difficult to duplicate: I need my own program.
6. Because we currently don’t systematically track what works and what doesn’t.
7. Been doing some group ads for 10 years plus, get calls from old brochures regularly
8. but not at all systematic
9. But this is an area I am working on each day now.
10. But we have had very few that work
11. Currently there is no fixed program or schedule. The #57 programs will fix this
12. Haven’t done so – business too new.
13. Haven’t had any that’s real successful since 2001, when the economy softened.
14. Haven't found a good one yet.
15. I can not say that we have identified a specific model that works better than other
16. I do plan on doing this though, probably every two or three months I would roll out
the campaign again.
17. I do repeat successful marketing/sales methods. I do not schedule it.
18. I only have one strategy! I have to use it repeatedly.
19. I still shooting in the dark trying to find best ones.
20. I try to
21. I try to. I hit on something that works. repeat it and eventually it peters out and I am
fishing around for other earlier successful actions.
22. I will be once I get test results.
23. I’m trying to set up a sequence of Newsletters and special reports and an automatic
Referral-Host-Beneficiary System
24. I’ve already tried to
25. In a way I do, but not with the discipline I should.
26. In the past Impersoanlly have often failed to capitalize on a successful strategy.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1086

Question 59. Do You Continuously Repeat Successful Market
Sales/Lend Generating Activities on A Systematic Scheduled
Often this has bee caused by draconian executives but sometimes through my own
27. just the web. We are very consistant.
28. Milk what works
29. Most times.
30. My marketing is in the planning stages – this will definitely be part of the mix.
31. My website is ranked high in the search engines and is available 24 hours a day.
32. No, This will change.
33. No, trying to implement it
34. No, we are not very much aware about it.
35. Not in the past. Ask me in 6 months about now
36. Not schedualled
37. Not systematically
38. Not very scheduled, but yes, I repeat it.
39. Nothing we have done is successful
40. Once I find the key by testing – you bet I will repeat it until it no longer works.
41. Only with our process for running seminars etc
42. Repeat but not systematically, not scheduled.
43. repeat yes; systematic scheduled no
44. Seasonally- should work on this year round
45. Some
46. Sometimes, such as holiday cards annually; gift baskets annually; phone cards to
all success story sharers; and thank you notes to all new clients
47. Start up still
48. Starting to now.
49. That is the objective.
50. The newsletter.
51. This is what we intent on doing. Contacting 100 prospective clients per week with a
proven letter.
52. Though our activities are quite limited
53. To the best of my abilities.
54. To the extent possible to stick to a discipline of following up with warm prospects.
55. Very disciplined very structured.
56. We can improve here.
57. We definitely need to work on this.
58. We did in acquiring the agents with the emails. Also we are
consistently emailing and faxing the members of the Royal Buying Group.
59. We do apply what we have Jay, but now the market has shifted, a gaping whole has
been left that could be filled by the other things we should have had as part of the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1087

Question 59. Do You Continuously Repeat Successful Market
Sales/Lend Generating Activities on A Systematic Scheduled
process all along.
60. We do pretty well with the fax ads but other than that no.
61. We go in cycles but we try to perform it consistently.
62. We haven’t really been working on a systematic scheduled basis, but look to do that
in the future.
63. We repeat them but not on a systematic basis
64. We repeat them but not systematically and our result have been somewhat less
than predictable.
65. We try.
66. We used to in our old company.
67. Yearly.
68. Yes and no. I will when I feel that an activity is successful. But I’m still trying to
figure that out.
69. Yes on the Internet, no on fraternities.
70. Yes, once I have a winner I will stick to
71. Yes, since prospects are increasing.
72. Yes, though not systematically scheduled

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1088

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?
Question 60. How often do you send clients interesting information that is not about
your product but could be relevant to them or their business? If often---example of
what you include.

1. 1 to 3 times per year with a newsletter.

2. 1% of the time
3. 1-2 a month (just started this)
4. 1-2 relative to the subject.
5. 2X a year
6. 3 times a week via email using Greg Frost’s pdf;s
7. 3x per year
8. A few times each year. We will send relevant labor market information, Return-to-
Work statistics & reports etc, often generated by Human Resources Development
Canada (federal gov’t) and by the provincial government
9. A gym is my client. I have gifted him 4 expert books of fitness, an audio program
on vitality, Fitness CDs, reports on marketing,
10. About once a month. It would be about training programs or business building
products I personally liked.
11. Ad hoc, if we see an interesting article
12. Again this is in the planning stage. I would be sending a newsletter about every
other week with interesting investing notes or articles.
13. All my mailings are about different offers relevant to their wide ranged needs on
how to sell info online
14. All the information I send them is somehow related to our products and services
15. All the time…
16. Almost never but we would like to do that on a consistent basis through a biweekly
17. Almost never. Should start
18. Always (news article letters, contact names of other people that could buy their
services or could help their business)
19. Always.
20. An interesting thought, I think I should look into this concept and offer ancillary
21. Anything about their stated interests.
22. Anytime something comes across my screen. For example, recently there was an
internal bulletin about some new counterfeit detection equipment in the market that
our fraud management people were testing in our branches. I sent it to a sales
manager for a large client as catching counterfeits is a big issue with them.
23. Approximately 4 times a year. use of various slide guides - car accident
information, stress, exercise, prevention, nutrition
24. Article reprints
25. Articles or quotes that are pertinent to the individual

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1089

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

26. Articles that are written by well known author that speaks on our product.
27. As I find the information. It can be an article or a website link.
28. As I run across interesting articles –shows that your are thinking of them
29. As mentioned six weekly and / or quarterly Newsletters. Include details of
upcoming courses; Some study hints; Some educational info for parents;
30. As often as I can I clip and laminate articles from local paper for donors and
31. As often as I find it
32. As often as possible. Related materials on the subject of education eg govt
policies, educational games etc
33. As often as possible. I follow both national and regional newspapers and always
keep my eyes open for industry / competitive news that may affect my clients /
prospects. Clip and fax with a handwritten personal note.
34. As soon as we start our marketing program, we will be building a customer list. We
plan to mail (email) to our customer list at least once every 30 to 45 days with a
backend sales opportunity.
35. As stated above in my thank-you letter, I include some wise, fun or informational
words that could be of value to themselves or their business.
36. At least once a month in our newsletter.
37. At least quarterly
38. At this time none. Starting next month a monthly letter will be delivered to all
shopping center clients and previous clients. Health tips “Did you know?”
information will be included within the letter.
39. Bi monthly
40. Bi- monthly; reports, tips, case studies, success stories and brief reviews of books
that could help them in various areas.
41. Bi-annually
42. Bimonthly
43. Bimonthly newsletter
44. Books, Articles, CD’s, Reprints
45. By email when someone asks for advice. Otherwise no.
46. Currently about 2/yr. Not often enough – due to lack of time to research and
develop the information.
47. Depends on the customer. 2-4 times a year.
48. Do not (8)
49. Don’t do it. (2)
50. Don’t send any
51. Don’t send.
52. Don’t yet
53. Don’t, but will consider.
54. Don’t, use to but stopped.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1090

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

55. Each month

56. Email FYI’s.
57. Every 2 months tips to do better on the web
58. Every 2 weeks we send them trading related information by e-mail.
59. Every 21 days (2)
60. Every month. News of Nessie sightings. A new educational activity on the website,
news about events at Loch Ness, news about a contest.
61. Every other week, articles,
62. Every quarter I send a professional letter.
63. Every six weeks
64. Every two weeks in newsletter.
65. Every week we give our practice members a handout that covers either information
of chiropractic care and how to better utilize our services, information on health in
general, or some philosophical or positive quotes or stories that they can benefit
66. Examples would be information in their field of interest related to the business. But
the presentations can be beefed up, be more thorough, and package the
information in more ways.
67. Fairly regularly. I send job search tips and/or articles related to the person’s
chosen career or industry. Sometimes, depending on the client, I will send things I
know they like, like a book or magazine article.
68. Four times a year articles are informative concerning issues such as planning for
69. Four times a year through newsletter.
70. Frequently with those I associate with….to improve their business. Suggestions
and insights as an objective observer.
71. Frequently. I usually send papers, books and news of interesting events. This is
not systematic, but more as and when I see something interesting
72. From time to time and include
73. From time to time…fliksible…
74. Haphazardly
75. Hardly ever (6)
76. Hardly ever – I should change it.
77. Have added some info in newsletter and am about to begin coupon program
78. Have not
79. Have not done so
80. Have not done this
81. Have not done that yet
82. Have not had time
83. Have not yet done this.
84. Haven’t done it yet but have been gathering information to generate a series of

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1091

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?
85. Haven’t done this but it sounds a good idea
86. Haven’t to date.
87. Hmm, hadn’t thought about it…
88. Hopefully electronically – monthly newsletters & timely alerts to their interests
when things become available (on the website).
89. I send them articles from trade journals about their firm or about their competitors
90. I am not doing it currently.
91. I am trying to get at least one mailer each month this year. It is something new and
so far I have stayed with it. One in January and in February. Working on the March
mailers now.
92. I did it once or twice. Not often enough. Should do it ASAP! Thanks.
93. I do send information on useful products. This information is to be used to enhance
the abilities/ life experience of the clients. It is supposed to be none-competing
products. An example is to provide for a download link to a product such as a word
processor/spreadsheet that can be used instead of MS Office products. I do refer
clients to products such as products containing Glucosamine
Sulphate/Chondroiton Sulfate/Ginger/Omega 3 essential fats to combat problems
associated with joint mobility. These are not meal replacements such as the
Herbalife Protein Drink Mix. I do refer people to obtain Ginkgo Biloba to enhance
memory etc. – This is non-competitive products. I do not make money out of it but
it does provide for an improvement in my credibility in terms of my advice to
94. I do this often – weekly. I forward on applicable motivational stories or personal
development ideas, etc. from all of the coaching and personal development
newsletters I get. I regularly recommend development books or programs I
95. I do this quite often.
96. I don’t (8)
97. I don’t but I’ll test that!
98. I don’t but what a good idea
99. I don’t do that at this time. I may hire a clipping service to do this for me in the
future, but I don’t see this as relevant based on my income strategy from each
100. I don’t do this very often
101. I don’t send
102. I don’t think ever.
103. I forward relevant Emails from the network of Associates almost daily to clients
104. I give them names of people they can talk to, often people in my network with
certain skills they require.
105. I have done this on occasion but not enough. I understand the value in doing so.
It’s a matter of time.
106. I have never done it before.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1092

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

107. I haven’t done so nearly at all or consistently

108. I just began to do that.
109. I keep technical articles handy. Send a copy with, "Thinking of you" notation, then
telephone 5 days later for feedback. Ask if the information is useful.
110. I never have; need to develop this!
111. I read up to 35 periodicals each week and regularly forward articles, ideas even
jokes to clients and prospects
112. I sometimes call their attention to interesting items I come across during the course
of our frequent conversations. The greatest opportunity is when two of my Clients
can help each other in their businesses. (i.e. one owns a chain of restaurants and
another processes gourmet meats; one owns a commercial realty company and
another develops business properties) I will frequently send business to persons in
my network, even when I have no direct relationship with the customer. ALWAYS
call to compliment them if you see their name or business in print. Send them a
copy just in case they didn’t see it.
113. I tend to build a personal relationship with my clients.
114. I try to fax newspaper or magazine articles to them that I find on an “as-found”
basis – not regular.
115. I try to send them articles or jokes that fit in to their personal interests or needs.
116. I will send an article that I read that made a difference in my business, physical, or
emotional health.
117. I would often send articles through on their email for them to look at.
118. I would say 3 to 4 times a year (but it’s not on a regimented quarterly basis.
119. I’ve been thinking about that for the email newsletters and wondering if that would
be communicating mix messages and present an unfocused business.
120. I’ve never done that.
121. If I come across an article or something else that I might find interesting, I will call
the client and tell them to expect it. Unfortunately it is not as often as I would like.
122. If I see an article a client of mine should read, or meet an individual a client of mine
should meet, I send the article or make the introduction.
123. If we do, it was very rare to only one or more clients, and not strategically
124. In my ezine I am promoting internet marketing, which is not my speciality (but I
joint venture with web designers, web hotels etc.)
125. In my newsletters, once a month. I also have a lot of free ebooks on different
subjects on the web site that one must be a subscriber to get access to the special
URL address.
126. In our direct mail, three times a year.
127. In our monthly infoletter, we do explain some of the recently completed projects
and how they benefited the client. That’s all.
128. In our monthly newsletter we have a heath hints column
129. In our Q newsletter (we produce a newsletter for them to send to their clients) we
often produce “Added value News” which is our newsletter to them explaining legal
changes or what is happening in the market. This only applies to those who are get

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1093

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?
the newsletter. (However, as I write this I have had an idea of something we can
do and will do for other customers!!)
130. In this business, never. So far. Have done this in other businesses.
131. Include some info on newsletter
132. Infor via email
133. Information Letters. Not often enough.
134. Infrequently (5)
135. Infrequently. Usually something related to their type of business or on the topic of
database use.
136. Just beginning to adopt this. We are going to adopt links to our information in our
website development. These will include, for example, educational information for
137. Just starting to do this every 3 weeks.
138. Latest updates, advice, counseling, offerings.
139. Like I say, this is a new venture. However, in previous businesses I did.
140. Links to Self-Help and Network Forum WEB sites.
141. Mainly for clients. Articles, top ten lists
142. Mainly sports related issues with some clients. But that is few and far between.
143. Maybe once every 6 months. Most of our clients do not receive good and helpful
information because we do not have an easy way to keep track of them and send
them information.
144. Monthly (4)
145. Monthly – a newsletter
146. Monthly – industry news , relevant books
147. Monthly in the newsletter
148. Monthly newsletter and periodic special reports (maybe every other month)
149. Monthly newsletter.
150. Monthly newsletters on marketing, but nothing to do with our products
151. Monthly, but never without some reference to my products.
152. Monthly. - Brochures, Newsletters, letters, etc.
153. Monthly. I include many interesting articles, trivia information, monthly contests,
events, coupons and other responsive marketing material.
154. Monthly, depending on the clients and the information I think they would like to
155. My client training is specific to the client; with near daily communications I offer a
variety of choices relative to their agenda
156. N/A (10)
157. Need to do much more of this
158. Never (80)
159. Never – no time/talent to develop – marginal return.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1094

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

160. Never – Ok once in while but it is sporadic at best.

161. Never did that before, but will be doing that in the future.
162. Never done it
163. Never have. (2)
164. Never till now
165. Never to date.
166. Never yet
167. Never! That’s a good idea!
168. Never, but that is going to stop now. There are several products at the fair they
have good products and are reliable.. These companies keep a database of their
customers. I intend to work out something with them as soon as I get my database
169. Never, except my newsletter has general trends articles.
170. Never, most of the people I help do not have businesses. They are retired.
171. Never.(18)
172. Never. This is something we plan on doing if we can figure out a relevant way of
executing it.
173. Never. We just need to put a system in place to do this.
174. Never. Would like to implement this in an email newsletter.
175. Never. I figure they’d know
176. Never. Sometimes pass on infos about books or seminars or techniques in one to
one conversations. Post news on my website.
177. Never. what an astounding idea.
178. Never…or at least very, very rarely.
179. Never-Good thought!
180. Newsletter 2 times year… new books…where to get things…
181. Newsletter Quarterly, also emails of interesting information such (why you need a
discretionary trust to hold your properties)Investing Seminars that are coming up
182. Newsletter strategy under development
183. Nil(2)
184. No (8)
185. No – we concentrate on our subject.
186. No I do not
187. No systematic program in place to do this.
188. No, I don’t do that.
189. No, just starting to put together a program
190. None (35)
191. None just a newsletter
192. None yet, but I like the idea!

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1095

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

193. None. We send to the press.

194. Not often
195. Not at all (7)
196. Not at all but that is one of the areas that I am the most interested in, the educating
of the customer I feel that has the most potential
197. Not at the moment, but I am in the process of approaching the customer list to
create a directory of great suppliers which I will then distribute to them
198. Not done (3)
199. Not enough times.
200. Not enough.
201. Not much.
202. Not often (18)
203. Not often enough
204. Not often enough , except through our ezine
205. Not often enough ut it is a major part of our email strategy.
206. Not often. Verbal sharing of information in conversations with decision-makers Not
in writing. Not with operatives.
207. Not often. In fact not on a consistent basis. It is done on a passing basis or if
people ask.
208. Not really - just the odd market update
209. Not set up at the moment but planned
210. Not sure, but the newsletter covers a multitude of things.
211. Not that I can think of.
212. Not that often but once every 2-3 months. I give them free info from a great JV
partner that will help them, and introduce them to my JV partner.
213. Not that often.
214. Not too often (2)
215. Not Usually
216. Not very (2)
217. Not very frequently
218. Not very often (8)
219. Not very often - - these questions are pointing out some wonderful opportunities for
220. Not very often and on a selective basis.
221. Not very often if any unless it pertains to them.
222. Not very often if at all. Not to all clients as a rule of thumb, only to someone who
has a special interest.
223. Not very often. About once a month. Examples are tips of headline creating,
desktop publishing, and etc.
224. Not yet (3)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1096

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

225. Not yet but I plan to. The plan is to continually wet their appetite and make them
say I want to do that too.
226. Not yet, but I plan to start doing it soon via a new announcement list I’ve just
227. Not yet, but I plan to start doing it soon via a new announcement list I’ve just
228. Not yet, but plan on sending monthly any articles on Alpaca ranching.
229. Not yet. Good idea. Thanks!
230. Not yet. Gradually when the newsletter is well established I will include more of
such information
231. Note very often. I want to be able to follow through properly before I start this.
232. Nothing currently.
233. Occasionally (9)
234. Occasionally- new products I have found that may help them do their job better.
New information sources such as websites.
235. Occasionally send info like a new woodland burial site opening in their area.
236. Occasionally...but not often enough to create a positive image.
237. Off and on
238. Often – we aim to be their expert on the fruit market in the USA. Will include info
on market conditions, changes to the retail environment etc.
239. Often – we inform them about new scientific studies on various health threats
240. Often, news articles, competitor information, cartoons that fit their personality,
241. Often, whenever I run across something I think they’ll be interested in. It might be
an article I see in a business or trade magazine. Or it could be a new white paper
I’ve written.
242. On an ad hoc basis
243. On average, once a month with a newsletter, email (permission marketing)
244. On occasion but not on a regular basis
245. On occasion. . .not systematically
246. Once a month
247. Once a month news letter
248. Once a month. Free reports on ways to increase customer satisfaction, profit,
personal finance issues
249. Once a quarter
250. Once a year and only if the legislation has changed
251. Once a year there is an update letter direct from the artist to the customer telling
what he has been doin
252. Once every 2 weeks: market, product, company and competitor information;
regulatory information; trend surveys, etc etc
253. Once every three months.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1097

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

254. Once in a blue moon

255. Once or twice a month by email.
256. Once per month. Direct mail.
257. Once per year, but this is going to change. I’ve already got three information
products that I will be sending out in the mail to clients once they become a client
and after we finish.
258. Once. Someone who was moving to the city. I sent her infoormation on the public
transportation that she would need to get to work.
259. Only if I come across something directly related to their industry. – not too often
260. Only my newsletter
261. Only occasionally and this is an industry where this tactic (or strategy) is very
applicable because it changes so rapidly and frequently.
262. Only occasionally. Newsletters with upcoming auctions, tips, other pertinent info.
263. Only once since I’ve been in business (14 years)
264. Only when I become aware of specific need while they are in counseling with me
265. Only when it hits me. No system. I plan to offer something like that on my web site
and perhaps via e-mail. Not sure about it at this point. One plan is to interview
successful therapists and see if I can make it interesting or informative enough that
somebody could get value from watching it. It’s a project I would love to play with.
266. Our BEAM of Sonlight e-zine includes all kinds of interesting information and
inspirational, thought-provoking tidbits on all kinds of topics—from homeschooling
(of course) to family relations, to health, theology . . . .
267. Our quarterly newsletter would cover some of this stuff. We don’t send other info
on a systematic basis – tends to be more random.
268. Pertinent articles, personal notes, about 3 times/year
269. Planning to do often on pretty consistent basis.
270. Practically never
271. Qtly newsletter, updates, what new applications are, what we are doing, white
272. Quarterly. I mostly send what I call “tit bits of information… an article, a finding, a
quote…….something relevant to the general business community.
273. Quarterly e-mailings of free computer tools to client workers.
274. Quarterly, approx. eg
275. Quite often – say once in a week or in two weeks, through Member’s Update to
remind them of our products and services, and to utilize them.
276. Quite often, in our newsletter
277. Quite often. I offer free reports, free ebooks, or any resources I come across that I
myself find useful.
278. Rarely (18)
279. Rarely – no time, and haven’t been able to automate the communication process
280. Rarely done but good idea
281. Rarely if at all. Although I frequently will network clients together verbally or make

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1098

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?
282. Rarely or never.
283. Rarely unless it is a follow-up to some problem they may have
284. Rarely, although I have passed along white papers and web links to items that I
know the client is interested in.
285. Rarely, but it could include something about their business or of interest to their
286. Rarely. A regular newsletter would be good, but given mailing costs, we would do
better with email. Need to prepare the newsletters and gather email addresses.
287. Rarely. Would be if I notice something of relevance to them. Eg. Refer a graphic
artist to a public relations firm. They may benefit from sharing some clients
288. Recently sent our largest customer a market summary derived from purchased
data of the entire category within which our products sit.
289. Regularly like to evaluate a business, 17 Ways To Avoid An Office Disaster
290. Scientific papers
291. Seldom (13)
292. Seldom if ever. Sometimes we do email marketing tips to would be advertisers.
293. Several times per year.
294. Some, sporadic
295. Sometimes
296. Sometimes but plan to do more of it so that you keep constantly in touch with your
customers who are the ones who will determine whether you have a successful
profitable business or not.
297. Sometimes I will send an article that I wrote
298. Sometimes quarterly, sometimes hit and miss.
299. Sometimes we send a newsletter around with a list of best practices.
300. Sometimes weekly, recently in my ezine I sent to real estate agents info about a
website that lists every zip code in the nation and the environmental hazards with
each particular zip code.
301. Sometimes, depending on what may be helpful/useful, collaborative efforts
302. Sometimes, when it comes across my radar. Not as often as I’d like to.
303. Sometimes. News clippings, books, website links, magazines.
304. Sometimes. Perhaps every other month.
305. Sometimes-articles
306. Sporadically (3)
307. Sporadically – have sent articles and notes in the past, but have failed to educate
the associates on the importance of doing the same. Without leverage… one
person can’t do it all.
308. Sporadically when I run across something I think would be of value.
309. Start up still
310. The newsletter every two months is filled with that. Hardly any advertising.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1099

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

311. The newsletters I send monthly sill often contain something along these lines.
Maybe a third of the articles I send them are along these lines.
312. This is a grand question and something that we are now giving a lot of thought to
313. This is an idea I haven’t yet implemented.
314. This is the purpose of the ezine/newsletter follow-up program.
315. This one I do, fairly regularly, as I’m a big reader. I clip articles and mail them with
a note, or I forward an e-mail with a note, close to daily.
316. Through Newsletter
317. Thru newsletter – once/mo or so.
318. Very Little
319. Very often – weekly emails etc. information on new legislation etc
320. Very rarely (2)
321. Very seldom (5)
322. Via email, sales tips, marketing tips, once a week.
323. We are affiliates with several companies, and will supply links to their sites
324. We are implementing a drip marketing system that will generate something of
general interest to all clients and prospects every six weeks. In addition, as we
identify interesting information specific to them, we email them a link with a short
325. We are just now starting to implement several other services to each client after
they close on our program.
326. We do not send materials that is not about our products.
327. We don’t (7)
328. We don’t – they seem to regard us as just another rep – maybe even more reason
to be doing this!!!
329. We don’t but may in the future.
330. We don’t, though I know this is a winning idea.
331. We haven’t had the dollars to do this but would like to.
332. We haven’t to date.
333. We just started doing this with other components of our business to happily involve
non- customers somewhere in our business to eventually upgrade into more
profitable areas.
334. We keep our Franchisees informed of competition, other industry-related
information, personal growth opportunities, general business and marketing
335. We make weekly presentations relevant to a member’s life.
336. WE now do . e.g Survey from institute of Chartered Accountants about What
makes a profitable practice
337. We plan to do this at least once a month.
338. We plan to do this every month in our newsletter. As we are allied to health and
ecology we will include related information that will be of relevance to most of our

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1100

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?
339. We seldom do
340. We sell to churches.
341. We send a monthly newsletter for their benefit. They know we send it but it’s
solely about the hot news in the industry.
342. We send them material as it surfaces. When something comes up we generate a
piece and send it off. We monitor daily for material.
343. We want to make this part of our education package in our newsletter.
344. We write articles about batteries and how to care for them, choose the right ones,
dispose properly, etc. We also will research something for a customer when we
cannot provide the solution we’ll send them to where they can get it.
345. Weekly (2)
346. Weekly or bi-weekly
347. Weekly they get helpful articles
348. Weekly, E-mail newsletter
349. When available via email
350. When I find it, which is about once every 4 months.
351. When I have some thin to send
352. When launched, that is the whole premise of my product, offering a qualitative
product with minimal advertising or talk of my products or services. This is a
method that makes the product more credible to subscribers.
353. Whenever I find something that might be relevant. I'm not sure if it pays off but I
am getting renewals for my services about 50% of the time, possibly more.
354. Whenever I find something.
355. Whenever I see something that I believe will help a client I send them a copy or
provide a copy to them. For example, I have a client who wanted to increase her
grains in her diet. I have a grain combination that I use, so I ground some for her
and gave her a jar with a recipe and where she could go to mix her own. Another
example is when I know there are exercises that would benefit my client with a
particular condition, I provide a copy of those to them along with personalized
instructions for them.
356. Whenever the material crosses my desk I send it on. Usually articles, some from
websites and ezines others from Harvard Business Review or other publications.
357. Whenever we see an article somewhere pertaining to our clients we send it off to
358. Will do newsletter once a month
359. Yes, always looking for other things to offer my clients
360. Yes, we do, when available and relevant, we often send information regarding
Market Trends, technology advances, mutually beneficial opportunity information,
Energy Management solutions (even ones that we do not offer).
361. Yes. Periodically. If I come across a piece I know a client or prospect could benefit
from, even a laugh, I’ll send it along. Examples would be tax tips or a good golf

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1101

Question 60. How Often Do You Send Clients Interesting
Information That is Not About Your Product but Could be
Relevant to Them or Their Business?

362. Zero (2).

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1102

Question 61. Do You or Your People Contact Every Active and
Inactive Client at Least Once Every 3-6 Months?
Question 61. Do you or your people contact every active and inactive client at least
once every 3-6 months?

Total: Yes 282, No 412

Additional comments:

1. Active – Yes Inactive - No

2. Active – YES, Inactive – NO, but we should. Something we are working on
3. Active – yes. Inactive – not really.
4. Active only, inactive we will begin to approach them.
5. Active yes in person. Inactive – only by mail
6. Active yes, inactive no
7. Active yes, Inactive no
8. Active yes, inactive no
9. Althou once a month for fees
10. At least that
11. At least the active ones
12. But not personally – automatically.
13. But only active
14. But plan to more often
15. But typically this is only because they contact us first with a technical support issue
16. But yes on the active
17. By email letter no response required
18. Don’t know because of a lack of control
19. Every year minimum with email newsletter.
20. E-zine
21. I am formulating a plan for this.
22. I am this year!
23. I contact all my customers every 3-4 months
24. I do remain in contact.
25. If a newsletter is considered contact yes, otherwise no
26. Inactive No.
27. Just started, does not apply.
28. Just starting inactive approach
29. Mail not phone
30. Many of them.
31. More like 12 months
32. More often

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1103

Question 61. Do You or Your People Contact Every Active and
Inactive Client at Least Once Every 3-6 Months?

33. My marketing is in the planning stages – this will definitely be part of the mix.
34. Myself
35. Never go more than 10 days without a form of contact – always finding excuses to
stay in touch.
36. New in the business, but already doing so.
37. New Mailing program automatically sends out post cards to clients monthly, if they
are on the current list.
38. No nothing consistent
39. No repeat business in this industry
40. Not every one but we do the dealerships
41. Not inactive Clients.
42. Not necessarily over the phone. It’s generally by e-mail.
43. Not necessarily. Most of them will get a mailing about every 6 months.
44. Not systematically.
45. Not very effectively
46. Now, monthly by mail.
47. On the mortgage side
48. Once every 2 weeks (4)
49. Only active clients
50. Only active ones
51. Only the active ones.
52. Only via the regular newsletters
53. Our clients technically are our two contractors and the President speaks with them
at least once a week
54. Planning to use MS CRM or expand Excel spreadsheet.
55. Probably more like 6-12 months
56. Random some sales people will but if things go 6 months without a new deal they
are forgotten about.
57. Selectively
58. Sporadically . Not in a systematic regular manner .
59. That is in the plan as a broad plank
60. There are some we never want to see again
61. They are supposed to but don’t.
62. This will change.
63. Tough to do in retail.
64. Try to don’t always succeed
65. Usually, but I think we could do better in this area.
66. Via newsletter, yes but not in person or by phone.
67. Via our newsletter; and some via networking occasions.
68. We are going to be working on a goal and strategy to increase this contact time to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1104

Question 61. Do You or Your People Contact Every Active and
Inactive Client at Least Once Every 3-6 Months?
follow-up give new product news and persuade inactives to become actives and
benefit from our incredible merchandise mix.
69. We are now sending out a monthly letter or card.
70. We average at least 8 – 12 x per year for the entire list.
71. We have just started doing this
72. We have only been going 3 months
73. We just started business activity and this policy will be implemented.
74. We may do this but there is no plan in place calling for this level of contact.
75. We se every active client each week
76. We send an e-mail to our customer base informing about specials on a regular
77. Wholesale customer that is.
78. Yes active clients only
79. Yes but not systematically
80. Yes, active clients by quarterly letter, but not always in person or phone or e-mail.
Past clients ( those who have resigned, less frequently.)
81. Yes, those who are in alignment with the business vision
82. Yes, via our newsletter; and some via networking occasions.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1105

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

Question 62. Do you know what your attrition rate is? If so, do you have
programming in plan to reduce or eliminate? List perspective.

Total: Yes 146, No 523

Additional comments:

1. 0% attrition rate
2. 14%. We are reviewing the actual approach and evaluating the cost of training
and lost of new/in progress/mature dealers.
3. 15%, most of the time due to change into organization or sale to other company
4. 3% of telecom membership is subject to attrition in industry—we focus on MLM’s
and other associations where there is a financial interest for the group to stay put—
so our rate is 1.5%--less than ½ the industry average because of the focus we
have in identifying qualified customers
5. Although, once knowledge is imparted, I would hope they would be on their
own…as any student should. To fine tune or handle new obstacles would be in the
6. At the moment it is zero as everyone signs up for a 12 months subscription but as
yet we have not reached the end of the first 12 months
7. Attendance at arts & craft shows to sell artwork and attract new customers
8. Attrition is currently caused by the client’s perception of our skill set – as we
migrate up to Trusted Advisor attrition goes down. I have some relationships that
are 10 years old and are still producing revenue and referrals
9. Because of a lack of control
10. Better performance, better handholding and bonding.
11. Build better relationships
12. But I do ask why I haven’t had orders etc, usually told it is business is slow
because of uncertainty of Bush going to war and dragging us along.
13. Company too new.
14. Contact them on a continuous basis to acknowledge them as one of my ongoing
clients, resell them on the value of using my products and services and future pace
them on all the benefits they will gain by remaining a client, continually introduce
them to products and services that will take them to the next level.
15. Currently attrition equals new subscribers, so we’re holding at the same level. No
action is taken when they unsubscribe.
16. Customer Service Relations department and a 60 day to renewal 0 defects
program in place.
17. Develop new products that attract new clients.
18. Do not have a long enough business history to tell whether or not people would
buy from me multiple times; so far, everybody’s been a one-time purchaser, so in a
sense you could say I have a 100% attrition rate.
19. From opt-in list very low. Refunds hover between 5 – 10% depending when the
school reports come out. I have a good buyer’s remorse strategy in place: 1. We
try to qualify our clients also on the telephone. 2. We try to discourage lazy or
passive prospects from buying because they return the product without trying it out
3. We confirm on the invoice and later in a specially designed e-mail that the client

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1106

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

has made an excellent decision 4. We phone after delivery to help and encourage
if necessary. 5. I will intend to reconstruct our dyslexia games-set to make it even
easier and more attractive to use. Test: Shorten the refund time-span and
introduce valuable free bonuses after it.
20. Have a plan that hasn’t been implemented yet
21. Honestly no, I am familiar with the word but I can’t define it.
22. I am a member of an organization called NACFA (The National Association of
College Funding Advisors). From what I can gather, ,we have what I’m told is a
phenomenal renewal rate …40%. Now, you have to understand what we do,
but…we are certainly looking to improve, systemize and automate as much
“servicing” of our clients in order to “WOW” them.
23. I am developing my plan now. This is something I will examine. High attrition is
common in the PR business.
24. I am extremely proud that I don’t have an attrition rate. My very first client of 15
years ago is still a client today.
25. I do not know what the attrition rate is- Sometime it is quite high. I do have to
compile statistics. I have to develop a better method to identify/target more
valuable prospects.
26. I don’t know. I used sell real estate a few years ago for over 10 years and then
stepped out of the market trying to find my riches on the Internet. Back then I had
no client follow up system that worked well so I would lose a fairly high number of
my clients. However I don’t know what that percentage is.
27. I don’t think we have an attrition rate. Now we have no follow on sales.
28. I have a sense of but have not gone thru the hard numbers
29. I have been in business for over ten years and I am sorry to say that through my
own lack of foresightedness and lack of intelligent marketing the attrition rate has
been yearly .
30. I have them backtrack to a list of expect results and make a comparison to the
results in place now compare that to market condition changes. This comparison
always (90%) of the time produces something to continue working on.
31. I know the clients I have sold love my stuff and are open to suggestions I might
have for them.
32. I lose about 5 subscribers per month, but I pick up about 200-300 new ones.
33. I seem to lose a client or two every year. Usually, it's because they haven't had
enough sales to justify continuing their website. I don't mind it too much. There
are always new prospects out there all the time. I would really like to implement
my planned marketing programs.
34. I should figure this out
35. I stay in close contact frequently
36. I tend to work with a client for a year or 2, usually stopping only if their situation
changes. I ask for referrals.
37. I want to replace poor clients with affluent clients who can pay me higher fees and
pay on time., rather than paying me late.
38. I went through in January and mailed to all inactive clients. This with a follow up
call brought in more business. It provided a new base to measure attrition. My
client list is now up to date. I have gotten rid of the names of businesses no longer
is business and contacts who have gone away. I now have a fresh list and quite a
few new contacts at businesses.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1107

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

39. I will be tracking this carefully.

40. I’ve always phoned, direct mailed prospects/clients that haven’t come back for
more in a normal period
41. If we have the two clients and haven't lost either yet, I guess we don't have
42. I'll give you my newsletter rate. I lose about 10% of my subscribers on average so I
am always trying to add to the newsletter data base. Every once in a while I
purchase newsletter subscribers from one of the online lead generating services to
keep the subscriber ship up.
43. In all the events that I’ve done in the last 4 years, which is over 225, I’ve only lost 2
customers. The went out of business. I DON’T LOSE CUSTOMERS Service!!!!
44. Interview to find out what went wrong. Determine if situation was avoidable or if it
appropriate. Sometimes relationships must end because of differing philosophies
on proactive strategies. We won’t jeopardize our reputation by sticking with a client
that has tendencies to use questionable practices.
45. It is minimal.
46. It is too early to say.
47. It is very high since we cannot accommodate all of the requests we receive
48. It’s generally because of pricing or because the client was bought by a firm with an
established banking relationship. We just keep contacting firms that regularly ask
our industry to rebid our services.
49. It’s hard to say… our engagements seem to be unique
50. Its part of an automatic process where people are contacted regularly.
51. Just started, does not apply.
52. Know attrition rate & just starting to implement plan to reduce thru more contact
53. Know attrition rate of retailers – not end-users. Main way to deal with this is to offer
different terms – ie change from account to consignment (sale/return)
54. Less than 1% (over 5 years!)
55. Less than 2%, before we lost the Sam’s Clubs. That wasn’t because we weren’t
doing a good job!
56. Letters and surveys
57. Mail out at least 1 time per year with regular postage, so they are returned it
person has moved.
58. Minimal. No program in place at present
59. More customization and listening better would decrease the attrition rate.
60. Most consulting contracts are for a fixed time. Most engagements develop a
second or third phase.
61. My attrition rate is low, since clients tend to stick with me.
62. My business is all new accounts. Too soon to have lost anyone.
63. N/A
64. Needs some tools to manage this given our size.
65. Nil attrition to date
66. No (5)
67. No systematic plan in place.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1108

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

68. No attrition with existing customers in five years.

69. No not old enough yet.
70. No plan in place- not much attrition
71. No plan in place.
72. No plan or knowledge on how to reduce it.
73. No plan to reactivate, large customers stay on contact manager
74. No program
75. No real plan in place
76. No we do not have a plan in place to take care of it
77. No we don’t
78. No, but that’s because my service (consulting) doesn’t specifically have an attrition
rate. Every customer is a potential future customer, and I don’t have anyone who
refuses to do business with me again.
79. No. We know we don’t lose many and we do chase with letters and phone calls if
they do not renew from a product. Currently there is insufficient systematization of
80. Not a specific plan that just focuses on them.
81. Not really
82. Not yet.
83. Nothing in place to reduce/eliminate
84. Offering a subscription service to keep a relationship with my customers.
85. Our attrition rate has actually been quite low.
86. Our attrition rate is minimal.
87. Our client reorder cycle is very slow and so it is difficult to tell. When we ring
people say they are pleased with the product, but some may still be buying
cheaper options without telling us so.
88. Our industry has an attrition rate of 70% and because we educate our members,
we have reduced our attrition rate to 35%.
89. Our largest losses are because people die, or move out of state. Natural attrition
of business in our industry is 10% per year, and we do much better – about 7%.
90. People come to get a Commercial Driver's License and leave. I may add
products/services but still can't think of how to keep them as clients forever.
91. Probably 65%/year. No programs in place.
92. Probably not particularly relevant issue in our business.
93. Persuasion rarely works
94. Send letters & follow up Phone calls
95. Send more emails
96. Some we lose because we want to, they are D class clients and we want rid of
97. Sometimes, attrition is inevitable if it is a contract project.
98. Staff attrition rate – yes and is addressed through training, support, projects and
incentives etc; client attrition not so simple.
99. The company has recently implemented a program to reduce customer turnover.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1109

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

From what I know, it involves contacting customers who have already expressed a
desire to leave or which our analyses tell us are likely to leave and through
personal contact or incentive, keep these customers and ideally, re-commit them to
new contracts.
100. The number of clients are too small to be meaningful, especially since I’ve only
published a couple of reports so far, and they are not on the same topic that would
necessarily appeal to the same client.
101. There are simply too many people not buying a second time...I would say 50% of
the customers do not order twice...they were mostly impulse buys and the results
of the product (b12, b6 and folic acid taken sublingually is the main product on the
infomercials) are scientifically valid but people don't FEEL a difference so they
don't reorder
102. This is a good point, I will develop something to track and eliminate this in the
103. This is an area that I have had my programmers work (figuring out the attrition
rate). We have some numbers but they are not as accurate as I would like.
104. This results mainly from students moving on tho higher education
105. This will blow you away! We rarely lose a good client. Some are lost due to life
changes etc. but keep and grow most of our top clients. But!!!!!! I lost a $500,000
corporate client with 60 stores over the past couple of years due to a personality
conflict and it has kicked the sh—out of my business. We have been continuously
gaining other new business but this one is tough. We were their top vendor
supplying the best product, best programs and best service but I couldn’t get along
with the bitch they had for a buyer and neither could any of my staff. In my efforts
to solve the problem I went over her head and blew it big time .
106. Total attrition since financial crisis in 1997, to present doldrums Plan? No clients
left to eliminate. Requires starting from scratch.
107. Trying to implement tools to track this better. We are testing in this area, but as yet
have no real answers.
108. Usually lost due to unsuccessful bid, still get the opportunity on the next job. Two
clients that I can think of that we have lost we wouldn’t want back anyway.
109. Very little attrition in karate, but kickboxing has high attrition. We will begin a
graduated system similar to the belt system.
110. Very Low Attrition
111. Way too high, which is why I have been working steadily since the training program
to improve it before I work on the marketing.
112. We are going to calculate latency between orders, and then contact clients who
exceed the average latency. As we learn more about our clients, we should be
able to further segregate latency.
113. We are in growing phase and are not losing customers.
114. We are so young as a company we have a 100% retention rate so far.
115. We do track the number of clients who leave, and their stated reasons for leaving.
Over the last 6 months, the bulk of clients who have left have been those outside
our ideal client spec
116. We don’t have exact statistics. However, we review monthly.
117. We don’t have one yet, but that is built in to the plan. We will reduce (we don’t
expect to entirely eliminate) attrition with low cost attractive incentives to renew the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1110

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

118. We don’t lose many realtors, but we followup with an problems and know who is
119. We have a recall program that happens in stages over the first month that a patient
gets out of the habit of coming in for their care. First, they are called by the
assistant to be reminded of missed appointments. Second, they are sent a recall
card or letter to remind them of the importance of their commitment to their health
care. Finally, they are called by the doctor to determine if there is a problem that
can be addressed or if they have changed their minds about their health care with
us. Beyond that they are placed into our inactive contact program unless they tell
us not to contact them anymore.
120. We have a very good idea what our attrition rate is and it seems to be around 6
months. After 6 months, if we have not converted him, it seems it will not happen,
so he is dropped or eliminated.
121. We have actually only lost one client in the past five years and that was because
we decided they were not worth the effort.
122. We have had no attrition w/ dealerships the last few years
123. We have increased advertising and community contact to offset increased attrition
due to dot gone in the area. The number of customers no longer in the area after
six months is doubled from 15% to 30%
124. We have lost customers because we fired them. Sounds cocky but that’s the truth.
125. We have very little attrition. Try to give them awesome service
126. We haven’t been in this business long enough to suffer attrition.
127. We know it is much too large and the result of not staying in contact. I have talked
to the company about changing this and they are receptive. We will certainly
contact our own clients, customers and prospects from here on with a systematic
128. We need to be better about following up with inactives
129. We only ever dealt in small numbers of clients, so percentages are huge
130. We rarely lose clients, most times they use us, they keep coming back.
131. We try to minimize it by keeping in regular contact with existing clients
132. We usually only lose customers when the family moves them to a nursing home,
assisted living, or they pass away. We constantly try to help the families keep their
relative living at home
133. We VERY seldom lose clients, once they begin working with us, until it is
appropriate for them to leave. I guess it is obvious that I am a great practitioner
but a lousy strategic thinker these days.
134. When I bring the client into compliance his need for my services goes down by
135. When we loose them it is because they have lost sight of their original goal.
136. With the high quality service that I provide and the simple but conscientious things
I do to retain my clients, my attrition rate is almost nonexistent. I can see now that
this gives me an enormous marketing advantage even over huge massage parlors
and the like who have a lot more money to spend on marketing than I do, because
I can afford to spend way more per new client gained than they can.
137. Would love to know and understand this
138. Yearly – about 5-10%, most of our people leave because they move or can’t afford

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1111

Question 62. Do You Know What Your Attribution Rate is?

139. Yes – attrition to date has been very low but we have been working very hard on
being the best in our field. Expect that once we have become the big dog on the
block we become the target and will have to fight hard to keep our position.
140. Yes contact active, no for inactive
141. Yes- mailings to keep in contact.
142. Yes, and we want to eliminate that through over the top service.
143. Yes, I try to add another value at no, or incidental cost, that I may have discovered.
144. Yes, we track our Client Retention for New and Regular Clients by store and by
Stylist. Bounce-back coupons, loyalty programs and continual emphasis on Client
Service and new products and services to keep the experience fresh.
145. Yes. it is only 4% per year. i really am not worried about it.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1112

Question 63. Do You Have Your Database Segmented by
Category, Product, Geography, and Etc?
Question 63. Do you have your database segmented by category, products,
geography, and etc?

Total: Yes 265, No 425

Additional comments:

1. Active / Inactive / Prospective

2. Active clients, inactive clients, framerselect prospects, prospects
3. All of the above
4. Also by value of spend
5. Although there is no data yet in the database, all that is already set up ready for
day one. This is critical for us as each licensee and master licensee will control a
specific area.
6. Another idea for me to work on.
7. But apparently the company is going to work on that for us
8. But could be even more effective.
9. But needs to be cleaned up.
10. Categorized by type of client basically
11. Clients , Hot Prospects, Long term Clients, Drip Drip feed info, Suppliers, This
database also allows to filter by region, suburb, product that they needed and how
much they spend
12. Coded by company name, and locations.
13. Currently only segmented by contractor source and type of painting - residential,
commercial, industrial, real estate
14. Data base?
15. Databases can be segmented by any category we want
16. Developing one now.
17. Don’t have a database yet.
18. Don’t have one yet, am currently designing it.
19. Don’t really have a database as such, although we do have a list of all past clients.
20. Except we do rank clients by A, B, and C
21. Geography (2)
22. Gradually we will segment the database. At present it is so small, that it is difficult
to call a database.
23. Have a database, but it is not organized like it should be.
24. Have recently started using ACT
25. Have started working on this
26. Have too many databases, not synced together, we have city, state, zip info. Little
product information. Some regional information but difficult to work with.
27. However, I’m sure it could be more detailed and more precise and my categories
could be configured better.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1113

Question 63. Do You Have Your Database Segmented by
Category, Product, Geography, and Etc?
28. I have a contact-card sorted in 1-31 (this month), and 1-12 register (what month I
call them)
29. I have it segmented by products (free and regular).
30. I have no database. Is there a good product you can recommend? GoldMine?
31. I have the ability only when that information is volunteered.
32. I only have 10 customers.
33. In progress.
34. Just started, do not have DB yet.
35. MS Access is ideal to do this.
36. Need to purchase new software and implement
37. No DB yet. As soon as we do, we can slice and dice it ANY WAY WE WANT,
effortlessly, using our own software.
38. Not applicable at this point.
39. Not enough breakdown
40. Not in general, but some of the businesses I am broaching the marketing
opportunities with do have thorough records and databases from which this
information can be extrapolated
41. Not yet but when I determine my market I will.
42. Not yet.
43. Only by Buying Group.
44. Only by category of importance.
45. Only by company name
46. Our reporting is segmented but our database is not
47. Partially (2)
48. Products yes. Geography no.
49. Segmented by type of retailer – eg pharmacy, health & fitness etc and also by
50. Separated by geography
51. Should do it.
52. Supplied by manufacturer
53. They are coded as Permanent in computer database
54. This is one of our problem areas—we have all the information, and have a good
idea about who want’s what, etc. But the plan to get all this in one spot gets over-
engineered. People get so wound up in trying to make the ultimate, perfect system
for a company with tens of thousands of clients, when something small and simple
would be fine for now.
55. This is why we bought the Goldmine program.
56. Under development
57. Use folders and spreadsheet per folder.
58. Very small base at this time.
59. We are an IT company with good experience in data management. Therefore,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1114

Question 63. Do You Have Your Database Segmented by
Category, Product, Geography, and Etc?
accessing our data in any way is not a problem for us. However, before we slice
our data in such way, we need to have a “need” for that.
60. We are in the process of starting this idea.
61. We do, it is two different CRM’s we will be moving to the new Microsoft CRM in the
next few weeks.
62. We feed FNA into a Primerica company database. They don’t provide segmented
info back to us.
63. We have a database segmented by geographical area.
64. We have just completed it
65. We have very detailed information on our stores and Clients.
66. We only have it set up by name.
67. Will be planning to do so. My background in high-tech programming and business
technology will give us an advantage in this area. After all the company is only as
strong as its customer database and we are planning to invest in sophisticated
customer data retention, and buying habits/preferences etc.
68. With a database of 20 customers, doesn’t make much sense.
69. Working on it
70. Working towards it.
71. Wow, never though of that- thanks
72. Yes and we continue to do more all the time.
73. Zip code, by product category, and by type of business.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1115

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?
Question 64. How often do you follow-up with each category of buyer/prospect?
Every day, week, month or year?

1. 1 - 2 times year
2. 1/4ly
3. 1-6 months if I have the time.
4. 2 months
5. 2 times a year
6. 2-3 a week for 2 weeks. After that point they have bought elsewhere.
7. 2-3 months
8. 2-3 times a year.
9. 2-3 times per year
10. 2x year depending on department
11. 3 Months interval
12. 3 or 4 times per year
13. 3 times a month
14. 3 times a year (2)
15. 3 to 4 months usually
16. 3 to 6 months.
17. 30 days after the program
18. 3-4 times/yr
19. 3-6 months
20. 3-6 months
21. 3mths at the longest
22. 4 times a year
23. 4 times per year
24. 4-6 weeks
25. 48n hours
26. 4x/year
27. 5 or 6 months
28. 6 mo but by mail
29. 6 months (5)
30. 6 months to a year
31. 90 days max
32. A buyer – weekly; B buyer – monthly; C buyer – quarterly.
33. A clients quarterly phone, visit, lunch or golf: B,semiannually and C, once every
year or two
34. A= top prospects B=other prospects C=top clients D= other clients P= personal
/friends/dripmonthly newsletter, A,B,C mail or e-mail quarterly newsletter all phone
contact, A,C bimonthly phone contact, B,D semi annual acct review triannuale-mail

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1116

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?
contact at least once monthly besides newsletter
35. About 2-3 months (by no means is it systematic)
36. About once a month (3)
37. About twice a year.
38. According to specific programmes
39. Accounting clients monthly. Tax clients annually
40. Active clients more often than inactive
41. Adhoc
42. After 3 months
43. All categories a newsletter ever month or two
44. All customers about 3 times a year.
45. Almost never (2)
46. Almost never except for routine mailings
47. Annual.
48. Annually
49. Approx monthly
50. Approximately monthly
51. Approximately once/month—but all with the same card.
52. Approximately quarterly or semi-annually.
53. Approximately quarterly.
54. Around once in 3 months
55. Around once in 3 months
56. As much as practically possible, but not on a regular basis.
57. As needed (2)
58. As required
59. As time allows .. generally once per 6 months
60. At least annually
61. At least annually w/ exhibition announcements
62. At least every 90 – 180 days
63. At least every month. (2)
64. At least every other month.
65. At least every quarter to six months.
66. At least monthly – 4-6 weeks
67. At least once a month and usually twice at least.
68. At least quarterly
69. At least weekly
70. At this point I do a weekly e-newsletter.
71. At this time never but we will.
72. Bi-monthly. (4)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1117

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

73. Buyer at every reorder (weekly and monthly). Prospect 7 times

74. Buyers are different than prospects. Both receive an immediate message thanking
them (for buying or for joining my newsletter, etc.) Both receive a follow-up 2 days
after that asking them if everything is OK or did they receive the
product/newsletter. After that it changes. Newsletter subscribers receive the
newsletter once a week with an additional "enticement offer" once a month.
Prospects will receive at least 7 more messages (usually more). Each message is
written to try to entice the prospect to do other things - sign up for the newsletter,
try this product or that, or refer them to a product through one of the associate
(affiliate) programs I am involved in.
75. Buyers monthly, prospects probably quarterly approx.
76. Buyers: 3-6 months, prospects: 2-8 months
77. Clients every two months, prospects have not yet done a DM
78. Currently no segmented marketing only total
79. Daily to weekly
80. Daily.
81. Dependent on season – preseason and before planning begins – contact at least
once per month. Once planning and season begins min. weekly and possibly daily
82. Depending on category, from once every three weeks to twice a year.
83. Depending on size, monthly
84. Depending on their desire. Eg. if they say call me after a week or month, we do
85. Depending upon our notes, 3 mos, 6 mos, 1yr.
86. Depends on how hot they are yet I don’t have a specific follow up plan for each
87. Depends on the segment. Some we may contact quarterly, like some schools, and
some yearly, like for conferences.
88. Depends on what is being followed up.
89. Depends upon their needs.
90. Depends.
91. Depends. No special plan.
92. Depends...buyers, monthly...prospects weekly or less, depending on their interest
93. Depends… monthly or less frequently
94. Don’t (11)
95. Don’t do anything on a regular basis—only when there is time.
96. Don’t follow up unless about a special order, item they have been looking for
97. Don’t know (2)
98. Each month
99. Every, week, ?
100. Every 1 – 3 months.
101. Every 10 days.
102. Every 1-3 months. Some every other week

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1118

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

103. Every 2 weeks

104. Every 21 days
105. Every 2-3 weeks
106. Every 3 months
107. Every 30 days a postcard
108. Every 3-4 months (2)
109. Every 6 months (3)
110. Every 90 days
111. Every 90 days by policy – It is not as enforced as I want.
112. Every day
113. Every day,
114. Every few months depending on industry activity
115. Every few months. (2)
116. Every fortnight For prospects. Every week for clients.
117. Every half a year
118. Every month
119. Every month (12)
120. Every month to 2 months
121. Every month via email
122. Every quarters, sometimes every week
123. Every six months
124. Every six months for customers that are active
125. Every three to four months
126. Every three to six months
127. Every two months
128. Every two or three months
129. Every two weeks for the high category to every six month in low category.
Category is based on sales volume and willingness to adopt new products
130. Every week
131. Every week or month. It depends
132. Every week or two
133. Every year (5)
134. Every, month?
135. Few months.
136. For actives nor for prospects or inactives
137. For online PR, it will be every 3-4 weeks via opt-in email.
138. Fortnight
139. Fortnightly for prospects, weekly for clients and sometimes more often.
140. Frequently by category but not often enough perhaps. Each category will get mass

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1119

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?
mailings but category specific is usually two three times per year.
141. From the time we put on a presentation, we will follow up within 2-3 days after to
schedule their follow-up appointment. We will then follow up (3) times over the
next two weeks. Then if the family still has not contacted us, we will periodically
send them a “special” of the month, if they sign on now.
142. FU not done by categories
143. Generally every year
144. Hadn’t considered it
145. Hardly at all.
146. Have not yet started But it will be a continuous process of providing interesting
stories from other client's for the client's pleasure and knowledge..
147. Hmmmm., good idea.
148. I do follow up on a monthly or two monthly basis. Currently I have to identify/target
prospects using an enhanced profile. I need to get a better profile of the prospects
I want to target.
149. I don’t (7)
150. I don’t know, but we to follow up
151. I don't have a formal follow-up procedure.
152. I follow up as per the customer’s request
153. I have kind of dropped off lately with my log home and my video customers. But I
usually follow up about once a month with the video people and every couple of
months with the log home customers unless they are really hot to move on a
154. I have not done this yet.
155. I have so few clients I could do it day if I wished - I never would though -Monthly is
about right
156. I haven’t been doing this.
157. I haven’t started my joint venture prospecting yet. But it will be every day once I
158. I respond to and support the salespeople who actively work their portfolios
159. I spend most of my time fulfilling requests and not contacting customers unless
asked by them.
160. I started this ½ year ago, and I have a pile on the desk of old follow-ups that I have
missed. The new ones I simply ask them when they want me to call again..
161. I try to 1 x monthly
162. I usually follow up until I get a sale
163. I’m still learning what is the right frequency for each category…
164. IBM Ecommerce platform is equipped to handle
165. In the past I haven’t followed up with my patients if they disappeared
166. Inconsistent
167. Inconsistently
168. Infrequent

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1120

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

169. Infrequently in a year

170. Initially in one to two weeks. Due to the nature of our business, virtually all buyers
are non-repeat buyers.
171. intermittent
172. Irregularly. Randomly.
173. It depends on the product they have bought
174. It depends on the prospect as to his needs and his commitment to the competition
such as being on 1-2 or 3 year contract.
175. It is not planned.
176. It varies with their interest.
177. It will be every 4 or 5 days for 12 cycles.
178. Just began e-newsletter so most our clients and prospects are getting this. Before
the newsletter, we did not followup often with buyers and prospects.
179. Just started, does not apply yet.
180. Just starting – doing it all one-on –one at this time.
181. Just with the monthly newsletter. Generally this is a blanket letter. A couple of
times I have contacted groups of buyers of certain products, but not on a regular
basis. I have just contacted all my local buyers with an offer and will do this more
182. Key accounts on a regular basis probably monthly and others between 1-3 times a
183. leads almost every day and past clients once a quarter
184. Leaning more towards the annual.
185. Less than once a year
186. Maybe once a year, sometimes not at all
187. Month generally for top 20% quarterly for the remaining 80%
188. month or week
189. Monthly (50)
190. Monthly at minimum now.
191. Monthly for about 3 –4 months, then a year after that.
192. Monthly on top customers, quarterly on prospects
193. Monthly or quarterly
194. Monthly via mail.
195. Monthly with newsletter.
196. Monthly with subscribers, the rest are hit and miss.
197. Most important customers- every week. Important-every month. Less important-
every second month. Not important- every third month.
198. My big follow-up system is just starting. I plan to do it once a day at first days, once
a week later and maybe once two-weeks/ month after.
199. My goal currently is to start following up weekly.
200. N/A (22)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1121

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

201. Need a consistent plan

202. Never (22)
203. Never have time
204. Never, my company was founded one year ago
205. New leads can be monthly, most are semiannual
206. New venture.
207. Nil
208. No (2)
209. No across the board systematic approach - varies from salesman to salesman
210. No clients so far
211. No consistent pattern
212. No data available
213. No follow up (4)
214. No follow up at this point.
215. No follow-up strategy in place
216. No formal follow up process yet
217. No particular and consistent period.
218. No plan of follows-up.
219. No prospects.
220. No real follow up in place
221. No regular program.
222. No schedule, other than our monthly e-newsletter, and occasional sales e-mail.
223. No set schedule
224. No set time
225. No set time but need to implement
226. No set times
227. No specific period, but probably every 6 months
228. No specific time
229. No specifically segmented for use in marketing, other than as already outlined in
above answers.
230. No structure to approach it happens as and when
231. No system
232. No system in place.
233. No systematic follow-up database, but also a key attribute of our current plans. I
can tell you, that currently, we do follow-up, but not nearly enough.
234. No systematic program in place.
235. No systematic regular follow-up
236. No we will with newsletter
237. None – I wait for them to call me again

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1122

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

238. None (12)

239. Normally, each 4 week.
240. Not applicable (2)
241. Not as of yet – something else we are beginning to put in place
242. Not as often as I’d like!
243. Not at all (3)
244. Not at all by category at this time other than “newly inactives”
245. Not consistent.
246. Not determined by category – depends on call cycle which is usually determined
by volumes sold.
247. Not enough
248. Not in place at present
249. Not often (4)
250. Not on a regular schedule.
251. Not planned
252. Not regularly.
253. Not sure (2)
254. Not systematic
255. Not that organized
256. Not yet (3)
257. Nothing specific like that, but we should
258. Nothing systematic.
259. Nothing systematically.
260. Occasionally
261. On an ad-hoc basis,. No systematic plan in place.
262. On mortgage side if we have their e-mail every week.
263. Once a month (3)
264. Once a month now with new mailing program
265. Once a month, on average.
266. Once a month, using the reminder program
267. Once a week
268. Once a year (3)
269. Once a year for reviews I think again the lack of control is the problem
270. Once a year or less often.
271. Once a year we hit everyone via our catalog mailing.
272. once every 2 weeks (4)
273. Once every 30 to 45 days.
274. Once every three months.
275. Once in a while

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1123

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

276. Once in every two months is a general policy.

277. Once or twice a year.
278. One category, 2 times per month
279. Only after the first few days
280. Only when I have a new product coming out
281. Our client base is small enough that we tend to contact everyone, rather than by
category. However, if we have an upcoming event, etc. that we know particular
group would be interested in, we generally focus on the target subgroup for that.
282. Our follow-up is limited to the successful delivery of a container to a customer.
Further contact occurs with our hire customers by way of monthly invoicing.
Beyond that we currently make no proactive contact.
283. Our interaction with clients is ongoing; with prospects on an orderly, non-pestering
and professional basis.
284. Our programme now is essentially every 8 weeks, subject to category
285. Per prospects request
286. Perhaps once a month.
287. Plan is to contact each month with a newsletter and every three months with a
special offer or announcement.
288. Poor long term followup
289. Probably about once a year
290. Probably every 3-4 months
291. Probably every month.
292. Probably on occasions, events.
293. Probably once a year
294. Probably weekly or monthly
295. Prospect – every couple of days,. Past client, once a month via email, once a
quarter telephone
296. Prospect: 2 times week …buyers: weekly
297. Prospects who have not applied get no follow up
298. Quarterly (9)
299. Quarterly with newsletter.
300. Random – no set plan – actually we have put together the plan, have not executed
301. Random (2)
302. Rarely (10)
303. Realtors weekly, past buyers 3 months
304. Referral agent every 2-4 weeks, clients as necessary. Generally a 7-10 day
process, then 30/60/90 days til settlement. Each step of the stage til settlement
keep client informed.
305. Regularly, the frequency depends on the nature of the category
306. Seldom (2)
307. Several items per year.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1124

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

308. Should do it
309. Six months (2)
310. Some each week, some monthly
311. Some monthly, some quarterly, some yearly
312. Sometimes
313. Sporadically (7)
314. Sporadically, not systematically
315. Start up still
316. The newsletter—twice monthly
317. The plan is monthly
318. There is currently no follow up system in place. It is haphazard at best.
319. This has not yet been determined.
320. This is one of my great weaknesses [Or rather has been in the past].
321. Three times a year
322. Three+ times per month
323. Trying to do it once a month at least.
324. Twice a month if they are on our email list. Otherwise, once or twice a year.
325. Twice a year (2)
326. Two months or so.
327. Usually monthly do to the email/fax information program we just instituted.
328. Usually monthly.
329. Usually yearly
330. Varies (4)
331. Varies on category
332. Varies on product line and which customers are active
333. Varies with size of client and potential opportunity ie pending move or relocation
due to growth which stimulates demand for a new interior.
334. Varies, A’s and B’s try 90days, C’s and D’s annually.
335. Very inactive prospects – every couple of months. Active prospects every couple
of weeks.
336. Very irregular
337. Very irregular, perhaps once a year only.
338. Virtually, never
339. We are setting follow up system in our new database
340. We attempt to match our contact with client buying patterns as much as possible.
341. We do not follow up by that method
342. We don’t aside from initial thank you letter
343. We don’t. We followup with each Case Worker on a monthly basis
344. We don’t

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1125

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

345. We follow up with prospects once per month.

346. We haven’t.
347. We need to start doing more follow up marketing
348. We only have one category – motorcycle dealers. We only have on product and
one service. We follow up with dealers several times a month. We have no plan
for marketing to motorcycle owners with our product after they purchase it and are
on our monthly service fee. But we do have all contact info on the dealers and
motorcycle owners with our product and service.
349. We plan to keep in touch monthly, but will track, and test the market to see how
often they want us to contact them.
350. We usually don’t
351. We will follow-up monthly.
352. Weak
353. Web-generated alerts and monthly newsletters
354. Week (20)
355. Week or biweekly
356. Weekly by phone, fax or email.
357. Weekly email bulletins
358. Weekly newsletter by email
359. Weekly or bi-weekly
360. Weekly or monthly (2)
361. Weekly with current prospects/borrowers
362. Weekly with dealerships, practically never on each individual client
363. Weekly with prospects, nearly daily with current Clients, semi-annually with
previous clients.
364. Weekly with some, otherwise monthly.
365. Weekly with the clients who purchase from us.
366. Weekly/Monthly
367. Weekly/some monthly
368. When required
369. When the fancy takes me.
370. When there’s a new book, which has been about every year or two and which is
meant to be more often now.
371. When we remember
372. Will have a plan for followup in my plans
373. Will have to think through this issue. Not relevant for us as yet.
374. Will probably be every two weeks or so.
375. With one third of them once a year
376. Year (22)
377. Year at minimum usually every few months.
378. Yearly basis , or when they call

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1126

Question 64. How Often do You Follow-up With Each Category
of Buyer/Prospect?

379. Yes

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1127

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?
Question 65. How often is your company in touch with clients as a corporate
initiative, not something that depends on the mood or skills of an individual rep?

1. 12 times per year

2. 1-2 times/year
3. 2 –3 times per year.
4. 2 times a year
5. 2 times a year
6. 2 to 3 times a year with E-zine
7. 2 to 4 times per year maximum (some services NIL).
8. 2/year
9. 3 or 4 times per year
10. 3 tradeshows per year, faxing every week, teleselling every day, face selling some
of the time.
11. 3-4 times/yr
12. 3-6 months
13. 4-5 times per year.
14. 5 times a year.
15. 6 months
16. About once a month
17. Adhoc
18. All backend sales are made through the corporate initiative.
19. All communications would be a corporate initiative at this stage of my company.
20. All contact is by the company.
21. All mailing and mass marketing is done at the corporate level supporting the efforts
of the sales reps.
22. All the Time (2)
23. All the time, clients are our life blood
24. Almost never
25. Almost not at all yet, the company is only 18 months old
26. Always – contact and scheduling management system in place
27. Always (5)
28. Always at least on the anniversary date of and order. Sometime more, depending
on the segment
29. Always in contact with current members
30. Always! Our intention is to help our clients succeed, even outside the scope of our
31. An interesting thought is to produce an executive seminar, packaging several
services. I’ve heard you mention this service before, but it hadn’t occurred to me
until now. Thanks.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1128

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

32. Annually (2)

33. As a corporate initiative, once a year.
34. As often as possible as I am the sole proprietor and representative.
35. As pertinent
36. As we need most…
37. At least every quarter to six months.
38. At least monthly
39. At least monthly – daily and weeklu for current projects
40. At least once a year. (2)
41. At least one major client a month by someone on the management team
42. At least quarterly
43. At least quarterly, usually more for bigger clients
44. At least semiannually
45. At least twice a year
46. Biannual
47. Bi-monthly
48. Customers and Independent Business Owners receive regular information and
follow up
49. Daily (2)
50. Depending if the client gives us the time and wants to meet with us.
51. Depends on salesmen
52. Do not
53. Do not do this
54. Do not have sales people – I am it
55. Does not apply.
56. Doesn't apply to me
57. Don’t do
58. Don’t have reps. All our contact is part of a planned system.
59. Don’t know (4)
60. Don’t know, but suspect it’s not often.
61. Don’t understand question
62. Don't have criteria set on how often (as a corporate initiative) we should contact
63. Don't have such an initiative yet.
64. Every 1 – 3 months.
65. Every 180 days is most accurate number.
66. Every 21 days
67. Every 3-4 months

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1129

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

68. Every 4 weeks

69. Every 90 days
70. Every month (4)
71. Every month for some of them. Not systemic for the others.
72. Every other month
73. Every six weeks
74. Every three months via newsletter
75. Every three to four months
76. Every time it’s me.
77. Every two or three months
78. Every week we are generating new prospects
79. Everything we do is done on a corporate level. So between our monthly newsletter
and our emails, I would say avg. 2x per month.
80. Faye calls the dealers four times a year or more.
81. For most of my clients, once a month.
82. Fortnight
83. Fortnightly
84. Hardly
85. Hardly at all. (3)
86. Hardly ever…one client out of 50.
87. Have not yet started.
88. Haven’t done that.
89. Hmmm. That's hard to answer. I am the only one that contacts them.
90. I am a one man company.
91. I am at this stage the sole contact until the contract is in place, after which the
principals of the various service providers involved also make direct contact (from
the second meeting) with the client.
92. I am my corporation.
93. I do my biz only with help of assistant who do some simple marketing and
promotion so this q. don't fits to my situation. I think.
94. I don’t know.
95. I don’t understand this question, but since I don’t have employees, maybe it
doesn’t apply to me.
96. I know I need to do this and make a system, ideally virtualized it so it doesn’t take
up too much time
97. I want to create a back end program where I contact every qualified prospect every
month via email. It will not be a ezine per se – but it will include a success story
and an offer for prospects not yet clients.
98. I would guess 2-3 times per year, some times more often
99. I’m not completely sure of what you are asking with this question. Maybe just how
often do I just call on a client not for a business transaction? I usually try to stop in

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1130

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?
if I have time and am in the same building doing work for another client.
100. If we remember to once every three to six months
101. In our China & Asia markets, HARDLY EVER! This has been a topic of
discussion, and one which must be improved upon if we are to significantly grow
our business.
102. Infrequently (2)
103. Integrating client contact manager with website.
104. Interesting, I will need to consider
105. It is all systematic
106. It’s part of our B to B strategy
107. Left it to sales staff
108. Monthly
109. Monthly
110. Monthly (29)
111. monthly email
112. Monthly Email newsletter, semi-annual catalog
113. Monthly e-newsletter
114. Monthly newsletter
115. Monthly newsletter is sent out called Lifestyle tips. I write it and it has useful tips on
improving a persons life.
116. Monthly on corporate contact.
117. Monthly through two Chambers of Commerce.
118. Monthly via mail.
119. Monthly. Email communication is done at top organizational level
120. More reactive
121. Most of the time.
122. My employer approaches almost all business as corporate initiatives, and a couple
of my clients do
123. N/A (49)
124. Need this is the plan
125. Negligible
126. Never (71)
127. Never, it is always up to the individual.
128. Never, nothing consistent anyway.
129. New venture.
130. Nil (4)
131. No (2)
132. No clients yet.
133. No contact

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1131

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

134. No fixed schedule for this so it’s very intermittent.

135. No plan in place
136. No plan to do this
137. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
138. No set time
139. No set time frame or schedule.
140. No strategy in place
141. No system in place.
142. No system or method in place.
143. None (26)
144. Not in touch
145. Not (7)
146. Not applicable – sole trader
147. Not applicable for pharmacies.
148. Not applicable in our size of organization
149. Not at all (8)
150. Not at all unless you count contributions to the periodic social meetings of the
professional association customers participate.
151. Not being done
152. Not done (2)
153. Not enough (2)
154. Not good at this right now.
155. Not in place as a system
156. Not often (14)
157. Not often enough (8)
158. Not often enough, we do keep in contact with our referral sources though.
159. Not often. It depends on the skills of an individual rep.
160. Not on a regular basis
161. Not really.
162. Not scheduled as such because of the nature of the industry – good idea though.
163. Not scheduled presently
164. Not set up.
165. Not sure!
166. Not systematic.
167. Not systemized
168. Not too often
169. Not very
170. Not very often (3)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1132

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

171. Not very!

172. Not yet sufficiently developed
173. Not yet.
174. Not.
175. Nothing systematic, mostly depends on mood or timing
176. Occasionally
177. Often (3)
178. Often... by autoresponder on the web and by direct mail offline
179. On a casual basis
180. On a regular basis through trade shows/home shows, industry conference, industry
181. Once / twice a year at best
182. Once a month (3)
183. Once a month for fees
184. Once a quarter
185. Once a week (2)
186. Once a week depending on the availability of the staff
187. Once a year
188. Once a year if we are lucky.
189. Once a year.
190. Once a year.
191. Once every 2 weeks (4)
192. Once every 6 months.
193. Once in a while
194. Once monthly
195. Once or twice a year.
196. Once per month (2)
197. Once per quarter.
198. Once per year, as now when we just brought on board an outstanding new PM
199. Ongoing
200. Only in Trade Association meetings. Monthly.
201. Only monthly email newsletter.
202. Only on some special event, no schedule
203. Only when new policy available or to pay premium now or lose coverage
204. Only when required.
205. Ooooh. My ears are burning.
206. Our database provides an automotive followup which schedules templated letter,
emails and phone calls

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1133

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

207. Ours is thoroughly dependent on my poor abilities/anti-marketing attitude

208. Over my agent: six to twelve months.
209. Poorly
210. Quarterly (8)
211. Random – We have segmented the database and preparing newsletters to go out
but have not at this point of time.
212. Rarely (13)
213. Regular scheduled basis form our Customer service department (aka: inside
sales), schedule varies based on revenue generated by the client.
214. Regularly (3)
215. Regularly. Most of our contact work is corporate directed.
216. Same as above response. Will have to work this as a corporate strategy and
ensure we have the correct tactics in place to achieve this effectively
217. Seldom (3)
218. Since I don't really understand the question, I presume it means we don't do it!
219. Since this salesrep is the corporation, constantly.
220. Solid to former
221. Some clients regularly as they are a part of our advisory board.
222. Some clients weekly, others monthly
223. Sometimes
224. Sporadic
225. Sporadically – as the corporate initiatives still come back to one person to drive
them – we are so small, and there’s only one me Jay! That’s why I need to involve
the associates so much more, and have them understand the importance of
sharing the load and responsibilities.
226. Start up still
227. Still subject to the individual.
228. Tends to be more from reps/engineers on the ground
229. That is our only contact.. the newsletter or other mailing.
230. That rep would be me! So, no regular program in place.
231. The company, as a corporate entity, is likely to do this twice a year, the master
licensees who are closer, will add a further two times a year.
232. There is no corporate initiative to followup with clients.
233. There is no such program or plan in place at this point.
234. They aren’t.
235. They don’t.
236. They have just started to send out an annual mailing of each clients assets under
237. This don’t apply to us.
238. This is really painful…we are not.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1134

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

239. This will be every 3 weeks.

240. Three times a year
241. Three+ times per month
242. To obtain new clients, we have done it very seldom, and irregular.
243. Too soon to say
244. Trade shows.
245. Try to attend monthly network events and supply comments or feedback to
246. Twice a month.
247. Twice a year
248. Twice a year by phone and monthly by letter
249. Twice a year.
250. Twice to three times a year
251. Use our team system, have agents and call coordinators tag-team with each other
252. Usually monthly, at least quarterly.
253. Usually weekly.
254. Varies (2)
255. Very little if at all
256. Very little.
257. Very often
258. Very rarely (2)
259. Very seldom
260. Via opt-in newsletter, once a month. Otherwise by whim. (shame on us!!!)
261. Virtually all of our contact with clients comes as a corporate initiative.
262. We are a small company and very disciplined, so regurarly.
263. We are developing system for follow up, so that every client is being contacted on
a regular basis.
264. We are not very consistent at all.
265. We are not.
266. We are VERY hands-on. We are in touch with our clients every day.
267. We aren’t (2)
268. We do not have an organized system.
269. We do periodic Client Surveys to measure various aspects of the Client
Experience. Our top management is in the stores a lot, observing and interacting
with Clients.
270. We don’t (3)
271. We don’t have a systematic approach for this.
272. We have no such plan.
273. We haven’t done that.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1135

Question 65. How Often is Your Company In Touch With Clients
as A Corporate Initiative, Not Something That Depends on the
Mood or Skills of an Individual Rep?

274. We need to implement this.

275. We’re not that big, so accessibility and communication is our USP.
276. Weekly (8)
277. Weekly by email newsletter
278. Weekly with Dlrshps and specific Ins Company offices.
279. When the end of a long-term relationship is in sight.
280. When there is worthy news
281. When they have orders , followups , or we have collection with them
282. Whenever product is purchased and sometimes when a new product is created.
283. Will be in touch with clients at least once per month.
284. Will do all the time.
285. With every billing cycle, customers receive communication material with their
invoices. Beyond this, there is no systematic communication with consumer-level
286. With one third of them once a year
287. With the big ones the practice is to do it at least once a year
288. Woops – so far generally only by when we invoice and when we have a special
event – eg visit of celebrity who endorses the product
289. Yearly
290. Zero (2)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1136

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing
Question 66. Describe the company’s overcoming marketing philosophy.

1. ? (36)
2. Abundance - there is more than enough for everyone's needs
3. All Service And constant contact, we hold their hand, & provide them with info,
which others don’t either offer
4. All*Star Sports-Themed Haircutting Experience for Men and Boys.
5. Already stated.
6. Apply the principles badly rather than struggling to perfect them in order to begin.
7. As stated at the beginning : Service. which I know now is NOT enough.
8. Ask for referrals
9. Assisting the client to become more successful on an ongoing basis.
10. At this time, the company is Productivity Driven, not Market Driven.
11. Attentive service—competitive prices
12. Based on salesmen effort.
13. Basically Jay’s philosophy.
14. Be a good bridge.
15. Be better at customer service, provide the information the customer wants and
needs and ship the order as quickly as possible. Our focus is on businesses, but
we have non-business customers that are gravy.
16. Be different, answer client needs
17. Be first, customize, give great value
18. Be the best
19. Be the best by partnering with everyone.
20. Be there when they need us
21. Becoming our clients trusted business advisors.
22. Becoming viral
23. Being the best in the area we’ve demarcated as our turf
24. Biz and Techie communications through using WORDS
25. Build a client base of willing investors satisfied with the service and previous
satisfactory deals
26. Build consensus
27. Build long term relationships with clients by becoming a trusted, caring and
valuable resource for them. Keep finding additional ways to serve them in their
never ending journey to get from where they are to where they want to be.
28. Business comes to us
29. Business relationship
30. Buy low, sell at high margin, vertical market (bubbles), product differentiation
31. By doing good work more people will arrive
32. Call, contact and renew our name in their minds
33. Can’t (3)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1137

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

34. Can’t figure it out

35. Client centered
36. Client’s needs always have priority
37. Cold calling only – marketing individual stock and options trading Over 200 brokers
38. Commitment to quality
39. Connect to the organizations with huge databases.
40. Consistency, a little of everything each day.
41. Consulting
42. Contact clients monthly in person.
43. Create overwhelming perception of quality and reputation by sending the
marketing message through targeted channels
44. Currently geared towards short-term objectives (such as filling a seminar).
45. Customer focus and initiative.
46. Customer intimacy
47. Deliver best products in category, superior value product proposition. (this could be
improved overall)
48. Develop and continuously improve an effective marketing plan to expose as many
prospects as possible to our unique and high quality products. Then regularly
contact those who have expressed an interest to market additional products.
49. Develop better client relationships with our skills and knowledgebase to save
clients money.
50. Develop my skills so that I will have sufficient testimonials and confidence to then
target larger companies via direct mail
51. Direct marketing
52. Direct-response marketing to get clients, retain them, and increase the amount of
work I do for them.
53. Do a good job…ask for referrals…pitch it…sell it…do a good job…repeat…
54. Do good work and the word will spread
55. Do not have one.
56. Do the best work we can and people will find us
57. Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.
58. Don’t have one (8)
59. Don’t have one because of lack of time.
60. Don’t know (3)
61. Don’t know what you mean by “overcoming.”
62. Don’t really have one set up right now
63. Don’t understand question (61)
64. Don’t yet have a marketing philosophy. Are you willing to help us develop one?
65. Done on an as needed basis
66. Duplication
67. Educate clients and add value and guarantee results.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1138

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

68. Educate the customer

69. Educate your market
70. Education
71. Effectively speaking, we don’t have one. We have always focused on delivering a
superior result to our clients and thereby building in a repeat business – which has
72. Ethics standards quality international
73. Every day, in every contact there is room to plant a seed for selling something.
74. Everything we do must create the impression of increase for our clients. Our
clients must always perceive that they have received much much more than they
paid for in dollars.
75. Existing clients can refer and build
76. Expose our products/technologies to key leaders who can help distribute/market.
77. Find business where we can.
78. Finding and keeping high grade clients for as long as they are in business.
79. Function in the interest of my customers
80. Get and do what we must to keep lifetime customers
81. Get business any way you can.
82. Get customers for life
83. Get customers with direct mail, advertising, and phone and be persistent during
84. Get it done because it has to be done otherwise don’t really think about it
85. Get money
86. Get outside consultants
87. Get people to know about me.
88. Get referrals from clients and resellers.
89. Give excellent care.
90. Give Good Content. Be Attentive. Be Quick
91. Give my clients more than they’ll ever find elsewhere, at a bargain price
92. Give the best service and that will be a solid foundation for everything you do
93. Give the Client more than their money’s worth
94. Give value, and they will come back for more.
95. Gradual marketing approach with USP of pay-by-results payment terms.
96. Grow the business by recruiting individuals having a desire to build their own
97. Happy to spend what is necessary to be profitable. Open to trying new ideas. Want
to be positioned as being professional.
98. Hard work and hussle.
99. Have described it already...attracting customers through media....and now
encouraging the field to bring in their for 2 months we have something
called the gift of health. I buy a box of b-12 for 19.99...(the company gives me
back 50%)..the company then ships the product at their cost with a free

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1139

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing
membership and great follow up every month for a year. Also they have a
conversion plan to encourage them to try other products...the company sends a
card and so do I, that tells about the gift
100. Help our clients succeed. And give, give, give.
101. Help People
102. Helping clients to keep more of what they earn, rather than giving a greater
proportion to the tax authorities.
103. Helping family and friends
104. High fees – serve fewer, but serve them outstandingly well by over-delivering and
educating them.
105. Hit the prospects from a number of angles, always trying to give a benefit with
each contact.
106. Hits the streets and build report
107. Honesty
108. I am not sure that the company has one there are different opinions
109. I am sure this is unorthodox. Usually if a therapist is in pain or about to loose his or
her business they remember me. So the philosophy is : wait.
110. I assume here that the word intended is ‘overriding’ rather than overcoming. Right
now, it seems obvious that marketing is done when it’s perceived that we’re about
to run out of clients and we need to scramble to get some new ones in the door.
The answer to question 67 that follows describes what should be the company’s
overriding marketing philosophy.
111. I do not know if I am understanding the question. But, my partners need to buy into
the direct mail, internet and fax as methods of communication for the betterment
of our business - not just the one to one and referrals.
112. I don’t know it
113. I don’t know that we have one.
114. I don’t think there is one
115. I don’t think we are overcoming yet.
116. I don’t understand the question. Is this a buzzword? Maybe you need to provide
definitions of some of these things.
117. I have none.
118. I just read a lot of magazines, talk to a lot of people and try to figure out what
people will buy at my customers.
119. I know marketing and quality control are prime focus to grow to $2 million in 2004
120. I need one.
121. I want to save my clients money by helping them address the duplicate payment
risk. I will use all ethical means to achieve that.
122. I’m sorry, I don’t know.
123. If it does not make the recipient happy, return it for full refund. Winfield’s is in the
business of excellence!
124. Instinct and spontaneity
125. Integrity
126. Integrity in the marketplace

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1140

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

127. Invite through direct mail - sell on site at the show

128. It is by far the most important element for business growth and stature.
129. It is equal to my definition of marketing: "Marketing is all about getting maximum
revenue with minimum expenses and 100% satisfaction of clients." Of course
when we say about max revenue we don't have to say about minimum expenses
but I've added this to point out that you should not throw your money in marketing.
You should invest them. 3 part is achieved by my guarantees – like for my system
to track site effectiveness: - if it won't work like I said it would I will give you all the
money back – you have 30 days to check it.– if you don't like it but you did
analyses and use it properly, you can get your money back – 60 days period
counting 60 days after installing the system + I want to see at least 5 reports from
the system. Everytime I sell sth I have under control I give guarantee to achieve
3rd element of my marketing philosophy. I don't believe that marketing is al. about
doing everything your client want cause you should give them everything free to
please them. Marketing is to get your hands on millions and do it in a way that will
make your client love you for taking them money.
130. It’s easier to sell to people you already know, and then have them introduce you to
other people you know.
131. Its there, hopefully we will be able to implement soon.
132. Just do it.
133. Just sell and hope for the best
134. Just try to get business.
135. Keep close to the client’s business
136. Keep in touch every two or three months.
137. Keep Testing things until we find something that works. Focus in one area and do
multiple tests in that one area and not try a few tests in many different areas.
138. Keep the pressure friendly
139. Keep the pressure friendly
140. Lead generating ads . Then direct marketing
141. Learn as you go.
142. Let people get to know me and take an interest in the referrers needs.
143. Leverage.
144. List a property at the right price and it will sell.
145. Mail and call. Hope for results.
146. Make 3-5 appointments per week.
147. Market to survive
148. Marketing is fun and prepares the soil for the sales
149. Marketing should be targeted to our specific markets after careful study of their
needs and wants.
150. Marketing’s role is to create leads.
151. Maximizing student’s educational potential
152. Maximize Income - Minimize Costs
153. Measurable benefits for the Client

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1141

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

154. Meet the customer’s needs

155. Minimalist
156. Much of my marketing is based on being a helpful and informative service provider.
It is based also on building a highly trusting relationship but I don’t currently have a
powerful Unique Selling Proposition.
157. N/A (8)
158. Necessary evil
159. Nil
160. No real philosophy drives the marketing. Just using marketing tactics as I get
money to use them.
161. None (28)
162. Not developed
163. Not developed yet
164. Not in place
165. Not sure (9)
166. Not sure what “overcoming marketing philosophy” is. If overall marketing
philosophy then it is already described above.
167. Not sure what this question means. If you mean philosophy of overcoming
objections and such - - - we reinforce with our clients that WE ASSUME 100% of
the risk
168. Not sure what you mean here. We have to develop an effective profitable strategy
for achieving maximum profitability whilst ensuring our customers utmost
169. Not yet formulated.
170. Offer a plain and simple approach to making well-informed decisions. Develop
leadership qualities, and the self-confidence to get you One Step Closer to
anything you dare to achieve
171. Offer solutions to our customers and don't worry about anything else. ...
172. Offer the Truth and Great Quality of Service to the ones who come to us. They love
and bring us more people.
173. Optimization
174. Our company is unlike all the other Mortgage and Trust companies out there.
175. Our overall marketing philosophy is that there are huge numbers of people out
there that could benefit from our service, that we simply have to contact them,
communicate with them about their needs and our solutions, and close them on
some basic or introductory service.
176. Our philosophy is that we are competent in what we do and are selling an excellent
product. It is in both ours and our client’s best interest to educate our potential
customers about what we have to offer and to continue to educate and show
appreciation for our existing customers. .
177. Our philosophy is to figure out how to best market our company to wind developers
throughout the United States.
178. Our philosophy is to market our product,; as simple, easy to use, with
basic features, at a cost dealers can afford.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1142

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing
179. Our philosophy is to market to any two people who have a need to communicate to
one another or to the whole world if necessary. In other words we see using
technology to advance any type of communication. Niches can be carved out but
there is no end of opportunity. Individuals, companies and foundations or
organizations will be sought out to finance marketing to their segments of interest
or choice.
180. Our product performance should sell itself.
181. Over superior customer service, which will generate referrals in their own right
182. Overcome Objections
183. Overriding maybe? It’s all about them. The USP we adopted after MMT is “so you
can afford to practice medicine.”
184. Perform quality service to obtain repeat customers. Actively market to big shipyard
jobs. Expand services to same customers. Add new customers. With no
marketing, it is a matter of time before the company goes out of business. Word of
mouth is good, but inadequate to maintain current business levels, much less
185. Persevere
186. Persistence and staying power.
187. Place deserving and appropriate clients in affordable housing in a fashion that
allows them to rebuild their credit rating or resolve their recent crisis and
subsequently be able to refinance through a traditional lender.
188. Plowing thorough cold calls, service letters, and building business relationships:
189. Positioning
190. PR, ads in papers etc.
191. Preeminence
192. Preeminence. we are here to help
193. Preemptive direct sales choolcations thus qualify clients delivering them excellent
products, advice at a higher value than they expected. Personal service for the
family through the Internet.
194. Probably I have no one.
195. Produce greatest benefit to client
196. Promote
197. Promote and be visible through meetings, mailings , etc and partner with
198. Provide the best quality, cheapest products & services.
199. Proving information to be seen as an expert & resource
200. Put out good stuff reasonably priced and wait for people to buy.
201. Putting the clients in the centre of everything we do, enabling us to add value to
202. Quality and personalized service.
203. Quality Customer service
204. Question not understood.
205. Recruit more people to dominate the market.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1143

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

206. Referrals
207. Repetition.
208. Responsive Service builds strong relationships
209. Satisfied customers will refer others to me.
210. Sell more to the existing clients while constantly adding more clients.
211. Send clients information about problems others are facing, ask them if they are
having the same problems and invite them to a seminar that will offer solutions
212. Send out offers through rented email lists.
213. Serve the needs of the clients.
214. Service above self
215. Service the best that you can. Deliver what the client wants.
216. Shoot from the hip and tr to be innovative
217. Size is best approach (which I don't agree with)
218. Solve my customer’s needs in a timely and polite fashion
219. Spend a dollar if it will bring back more than one dollar.
220. Spend as much money that is available on marketing.
221. Start telling our benefits we offer
222. Still in construction
223. Stubbornness and afraid of loosing control.
224. Stunted approach
225. Support the client with a wide range of help and a product offering to match
226. Survive.
227. Target ideal clients and obtain referrals to them from centers of influence Identify
back end products to sell to current clients and contact database. Want to sell to
targeted lists
228. Technology transfer through local partners.
229. Tell the truth and solve real problems.
230. That partnering with strategic partners and providing inexpensive, high value
solutions will ultimately win.
231. The better we do, the less we have to market
232. The key to continuing business & employee success is consistent profitable new
233. The marketing philosophy is based on offering goods (Information and Nutrition
products) and services from which the clients can derive benefits. I do not offer any
products which is of no use to me. If I can derive benefits by using a product I will
also offer this product to customers/clients.
234. The more people I contact the more lives that are changed
235. The overcoming marketing philosophy of our company is to get in contact with all
of the decision makers in oil companies and companies that provide cellular
telecommunication infrastructure who are engaged in activities which would require
non-metallic shelters for protecting their equipment and then keeping in touch with
those people on a regular basis. We do however want to expand our marketing
efforts to encompass more than this single prong approach.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1144

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing

236. There isn’t one. (3)

237. There’s lots of opportunities out there – go get them!
238. They operate by the golden rule
239. They want to spend less money
240. Those who eventually realize the benefit of the service I provide will want to do
business with me.
241. To be best thing to happen to my client . Give em 10 times more than they expect.
Give. Give. Give.
242. To be honest and ethical in our marketing. To stand by our product via our low
price guarantee, 100% deliverable guarantee, 100% customer satisfaction
243. To be regarded as a honest company with normal prices and good customer care.
244. To be the clients only real smart choice in my market by far..
245. To be the first solution provider thought of by our prospects for our services
246. To contact a buyer or seller the moment they decide to sell.
247. To deliver peace of mind through personal relationship selling wirh respect and
248. To gain influence
249. To grow nationally with select distributors/distribution and on local level, direct sell.
250. To help other people to earn money
251. To help solve problems.
252. To keep ourselves with enough business coming in
253. To offer a one-stop wellness exchange for members so they need not go anywhere
else for their wellness requirements.
254. To offer programs and benefits
255. To offer unique products to the customer
256. To provide high quality service and products, to assist the Christian community to
spread the Gospel to all people, to earn a reasonable return, and to provide fair
treatment to our employees.
257. To provide the client with brilliant customer service and establish ongoing referrals
by doing so.
258. To sale myself the activity
259. To satisfy my customers by creating value for them.
260. To supply cutting edge products of the highest quality with good scientifically
based research behind the products
261. To use preeminence in contacting prospects first and continual follow up to own
the business of my 100 clients
262. To utilize every resource and maximize the outcome.
263. Treat all families right and provide them with the highest quality and best value
memorial possible.
264. Treat clients as though they were your own family and they and their friends will
return to you.
265. Treat the customer as we would want to be treated if we were in their place -

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1145

Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing
provide the selection of products, price ranges and qualities we can be proud of
266. Truth – co-development -- performance
267. Try anything
268. Try us for Free
269. Um…yeah.
270. Underpromise Overdeliver
271. Understand and match the customer expectation
272. Unfortunately, it is to remind a customer to reorder.
273. Unknown
274. Up until now catch as catch can
275. Use of community outreach to generate participants for a preview seminar.
276. Very ill-defined
277. Very lax
278. Vital for success
279. Wait for contact from web
280. We are a marketing company that sees the value of strategic leverage and is
working to integrate everything into this plan. We are 90 days from being where
we want to be.
281. We are looking for, testing to uncover, the highest and best ways to communicate
to our potential and existing clients that we are here to make sure they achieve the
marketing goals they set out to. We will employ any strategy and set of tactics that
achieves that goal in the most profitable manner for the client and us.
282. We are not marketing knowledgeable but very good crafts men and need to
develope #54.
283. We are striving to develop and implement a customer for life philosophy to serve
our customer needs now and in the future.
284. We are the best and have the best and will treat you the best.
285. We are the pre-eminent authority in this field.
286. we are trying to be the name that comes to the small business man’s mind when
he is lying awake at night trying to figure out how he is going to make payroll in
three days. he is struggling because he has done a lot of work, but he can’t get
paid in a timely fashion. if he uses our service, he gets paid now and is able to
relieve the stress and get back to work and that makes it a very good value.
287. We can do the job better, faster, more conveniently than anyone
288. We can help people if we are put in touch with them and get them to allow us to
educate them.
289. We depend on our partner channel and current objective is to grow this. We
believe this is both Strategic and tactical. The other initiative we have is Ultimate
ROI that is a web based lead generation services where we can deliver a lead at a
much lower cost than traditional marketing methods.
290. We depend very much on our brand competitiveness, and less on consistent
marketing philosophy.
291. We do a good job for our clients
292. We do not really have a marketing strategy as of yet. We need to develop one.

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Question 66. Describe the Company’s Overcoming Marketing
293. We don not want to lose a client and will do just about everything ethical to save
them or obtain them that will eventually give us a return.
294. We don’t have one (2)
295. We have not developed it.
296. We have to make as more as possible!
297. We know our stuff and people will come to us
298. We need to contact every suspect quarterly with new valuable information
299. We teach people how to fish for themselves.
300. We try to contact as many potential Independent Business Owners and Preferred
Customers as possible. We are stepping up efforts to train those Independent
Business Owners already part of the family on better marketing procedures.
301. We want to be the #1 expert in sourcing and marketing top quality high priced fruit
products into the USA market, offering our retail clients and their customers prime
product year round, and offering our international supplier partners maximum
returns for their fruit while minimizing risk.
302. We work to develop our market niches through providing high quality information in
multiple formats to capture our prospects’ and customers’ attention and lead them
to making purchases and then reinforce their judgment and capture backend sales.
303. We’re everywhere
304. We’re the best and we aggressively market high end legal services
305. What ever it takes
306. What makes money is what we’re go for in terms of backend sales
307. When it’s convenient or a crisis – we’re there! sigh . . .
308. When things get slow, we market
309. When you think you need help, you will call us – if we have not called you already
310. Win – Win situation for customer and my company.
311. Wish I had one.
312. With the creation of excellent functional modules which we now have in hand, we
will pursue local and international markets via JVs, h/b relationships, referrals,
commission salespeople and our ezine list. We’ll likely employ a few more
strategies as time goes on, including PR and putting on seminars.
313. Word of mouth provides the very best quality of business and costs nothing (or
314. Word of mouth using our track record and reputation and inside contacts
315. Word of mouth, doing business with friends and relatives.
316. Word of mouth?
317. work ahead of competition
318. Work with clients who call us
319. You’ve got me there.
320. Your success is our business

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1147

Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
Question 67. What is your own true attitude toward marketing?

1. ? (2)
3. A combination of Networking, Forums, WEB sites and e-mail sigs to suit.
4. A critical skill to be mastered that will then open up the whole world of business as
a profession and an investment.
5. A miracle worker when implemented
6. A necessary evil, like most other business time.
7. A necessary evil; however, if I become excited that we can deliver what we
promise or more, I look forward to marketing
8. A part of any successful business that is more important than the product itself!
9. A true believer.
10. A unique product that was co-developed with prospects/clients and offered at a
competitive price with great logistics and customer service and an expanding
business should have customers happily coming to us.
11. A vitally necessary part of any business which determines the success and profits,
regardless of the quality of a product (by this I mean a great product can flop
without good marketing, and vice versa)
12. Absolutely Necessary. Could not exist without it
13. Absolutely the most important thing in doing business – marketing IS doing
14. Absolutely no interest in Cold calling – marketing individual stock and options
trading – Financial planning and managed money investment
15. Actually it is a little daunting to me. I don’t really have a background in marketing.
It is even more frightening to think that my entire success relies on effective
16. Again, I don’t understand the question. Is “true attitude” a buzzword? My attitude
toward marketing is that it’s obviously critical since it’s the source of customers.
17. Aggressive and assertive
18. Aggressive and provide true benefits to the client
19. Aggressive, make something happen
20. Along with constant innovation of services, marketing is the most important activity
of any business entity.
21. Along with writing, it is my passion
22. Although I now create database applications for a living, my resume has been built
in the marketing and sales departments of the companies I worked for. I told one
past employer that if they moved me into the IT department I would quit. I really
enjoy marketing and, like Jay, believe it is the only place in a company that you
can multiply returns while doing the same quantity of work—just working smarter.
23. Always put the clients’ needs ahead of the companies mandate to generate
24. An absolute and most essential part of what we are and do.
25. An investment to be utilized wisely

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

26. As a president, If we had more money, would work.

27. As a qualified Chartered Marketer I believe it is the essence of business.
28. As I manage my daily…+
29. As I reviewing the information within this most recent course, my true attitude is
becoming significantly refined
30. Being as efficient and effective as possible which means constant monitoring and
adjustments where necessary.
31. Best job in the world and should be systemized as much as possible.
32. Bloody hard work
33. Bond, bond, bond, nurture nurture nurture, personal relationships
34. Building relationships
35. Business success depends on marketing
36. Can be a great leverage
37. Can't survive without it as marketing is basically business development
38. Challenging
39. Clarify.
40. Conceptually speaking I like it.
41. Consultative selling is the only way to be truly successful in this business. It
doesn’t matter what type of lead generation I use.
42. Core to the business being successful.
43. Create an environment where customer trust you and in which you are the easiest
person to do business with.
44. Critical (2)
45. Critical to my success, and I am trying to learn more.
46. Design, approach-contact-strategy.
47. Develop the plan, implement and then evaluate and do so more
48. Difficult. I feel like I’m asking for favors when I try to sell my products. I don’t really
like to sell, but the ideas you have showed me is awakening the problem solver in
me my winning spirit. So I would like to try some of them just for the game of it.
49. Do it.
50. Do not know enough, so I tend to ignore it.
51. Don’t be in business without it!. A more specific answer would be to first define
what “marketing” means for us. (One text we have gives 25 documented definitions
from reputable sources!!) For ACN, “marketing” is first our capacity to differentiate
ourselves from our competitors. Next it is the process of identifying industry groups
who would be responsive to receiving information about us. It’s impossible to sell a
container – people buy them. That means when you have a need for a container,
you go hunting for someone who can supply you. If you don’t have a need for one,
no amount of selling will persuade you to purchase or hire one. Therefore a) we
want to be easily found when a prospect has a need and comes looking, and b) we
want to have some level of top-of-mind awareness created in advance of that need
so that when the need arises, the prospect will come looking for us first – or at
least second or third.
52. Done effectively it will give you the lifestyle you really, really want

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

53. Done everyday on a personal level

54. Drives the business. Has to be supported by operations, but marketing is key to
55. Educate the prospect
56. Effective marketing is critical to the success of any business.
57. Enjoy it, and enjoy helping others with theirs
58. Enjoyment
59. Essence of business
60. Essential
61. Essential to a business and sadly lacking in mine
62. Essential to long-term success – doing clients a favor by educating them
63. Ever evolving science when it can be measured
64. Excited
65. Excitement, to be honest – as long as it is relationship-based, and NOT traditional
66. Exciting! So much to learn.
67. Face to face sales meeting
68. Fascinated by it.
69. Fascinated by the possibilities to optimize
70. Fear
71. Fear of the unknown.
72. Foundation of business success
73. Full expression
74. Give and you shall receive
75. Give em great service, keep in touch and listen to what the client wants
76. God help me I love it.
77. Good
78. Good idea if it works
79. Good intentions but not really at it everyday
80. Good question . . . when I’m marketing something I’m really into I’m jazzed: it’s
funa dn creative but, with these events - it feels like a chore – something I want to
get over and done with so I can facilitate the events (which I love to do!)
81. Got to do it or folks will buy garbage and need help later
82. Great concept but we are poor at implementing.
83. Have to in order to grow the business
84. Here's the key point! I'm a former CPA. The "old accountants" that trained me ...
held the position that we didn't sell or market. We were professionals. Clients
came to us, because we were professionals. We didn't need to know anything
about marketing, or God forbid! Selling. It's been a crippling unconscious attitude
that I'm releasing! I literally am coming from behind the 8 Ball or below the line
with my understanding of the basics of marketing and selling. It took me several
months to understand why I needed a contact management software program!
Then one day ... the light went on. It was close to the day that I purchased your

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1150

Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
"Money Marking Secrets ..." and after I spent a few minutes sobbing. I have been
totally frustrated with my own lack of understanding, and lack of appropriate action.
All because I had zero (no, nothing, blank) understanding of marketing terms and
85. Highly ambivalent
86. Honest education and baying criteria and benefits.
87. How fascinating, scary, and fun!
88. I am a marketing freak
89. I am a zealot
90. I am an idiot in marketing
91. I am beginning to believe it is vital for business growth but don’t know much.
92. I am beginning to understand the importance and impact on the bottom line,
money, it has. Now I know that all successful companies have great marketing
and the small companies that want to get there need to develop and understand
marketing to grow and prosper.
93. I am excited about it and believe it is critical. I see it as an investment.
94. I am learning about it and need to make a cohesive plan and clarify my goals.
95. I am learning the value of having a consistent strategy
96. I am not great at it. I spent 25 years as a CPA, but have owned other businesses
during that time, including 2 hotels and 2 small shopping centers, in which I did
some marketing
97. I am staggered by what I've learned from Jay over the past year or so.
98. I am still trying to put something together that I would be proud to market
99. I am very keen. it is important … this paramount to the business
100. I am very passionate to learn marketing
101. I am working on developing a consulting/turn around system that would work
based on the idea: “Healing through business”. In my business life I was assigned
to tasks which I don’t like and enjoy, therefore I was loosing too much energy to
make myself act upon those tasks. And in general this is a situation I noticed in
most of companies. I want to focus on creating a company that is fun to work for
and fun to deal with, in every aspect of this word. I don’t mean a kind of church-
like environment where people act as if they were happy and enjoying themselves.
I mean ruthless marketing internal and external, that utilizes people’s interests and
chances to grow. Therefore thorough effectiveness of work and thorough follows
up with customers will be required from each individual, based on satisfaction from
one’s work. Internal procedures, policies and systems fully considering individual
situation, but at the same time highly demanding to perform, starting from the
individual point of interest and personality type and gradually expanding to new
areas, allowing each individual to gradually develop disliked areas as well. Then
when a team of highly satisfied employees starts to market any item, miracles
102. I appreciate the activity but only use it when I need to maintain income
103. I believe that if I knew what I was doing and how to communicate it to my partner
we could get out of this hole in 6 months or less.
104. I believe good marketing is essential, but am unsure of what is the best approach
for our unique situation

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1151

Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
105. I believe in marketing management. So often product groups just implement tactics
without an overriding strategy, but more often they do not even know which tactic
is working the best for the product. As true marketer you are always analyzing
feedback and adjusting marketing strategy and tactical implementation what is best
for the brand. That way you are optimizing the value for brand and for the company
106. I believe in it and haven’t done
107. I believe in it and know it works
108. I believe in marketing 100%, but lack a system to implement it throughout our
109. I believe is the quintessential weapon on business.
110. I believe it is absolutely essential.
111. I believe it is being there when I’m not there, the ideal, ultimate way to have a great
112. I believe it is critical but don't know the most effective way to accomplish it.
113. I believe it is very important
114. I believe it is vitally important, Since applying these concepts on a limited basis I
have tripled my income.
115. I believe marketing is the most important thing a company does and it separates
the winners from the losers
116. I believe people need to be taught about why they are in trouble and what to do
about it. I do not like “hard sell” techniques.
117. I believe Peter Drucker when he asserts that all a modern company can achieve is
marketing and innovation.
118. I believe that correctly implemented it works!
119. I believe that it is more important than I ever thought ( thought marketing and
advertising were the same)
120. I believe that it works if done right, but want someone else to implement.
121. I believe that marketing and sales of any company is the main reason for that
company to exist. No marketing, no money.
122. I believe that marketing is the core to my longlasting success and that if I could
refine this marketing I could increase my business ten times
123. I believe that marketing is the most important part of business next to taking care
of customers.
124. I believe that the key is that they see you helping them succeed – make money,
save money, save time, have better relationships, produce more with less, etc.
125. I believe that with out it we will die as a business
126. I believe we are in essence a marketing company, marketing the services we offer.
127. I believe we need it if my partners sincerely want to grow instead of maintaining
their own jobs.
128. I can’t do it
129. I can’t wait to improve! I love it… it makes everything soar… it’s what makes
things happen.
130. I consider it a necessary “evil” that, if done right, can reap huge rewards for both
the business and the clients

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
131. I consider marketing is business. The company should be completely marketing
driven and every aspect of its business should be worked with the view of how it
would help the consumer and therefore the business .
132. I didn’t like because I didn’t know how to do it. But I’m learning and I’m feeling
better about it.
133. I didn’t think I needed to until recently when I realized that I was always under
stress because I never know how busy I will be. I am completely reactive.
134. I disagree with blatant advertising for medical services, though I know it is done on
a routine basis.
135. I do it reluctantly even though I have a service that works so well that I even have
collection agencies trying to put me out of business by complaining to the state
dept. of finance.
136. I do it when I think I have to.
137. I do not have a positive attitude toward marketing. I would rather have someone
market for me, so I can concentrate on providing services.
138. I don’t give it a lot of thought.
139. I don’t enjoy it but know it is very necessary. I form friends easily and people
generally trust me but I am not confident I can win jaded healthcare professionals
over with the short amount of time they will give me. I feel I need a way in the door
140. I don’t have time for it
141. I don’t know it enough. Marketing cannot hide a ‘bad’ product but it can sure move
or promote well the good ones.
142. I don’t know what I don’t know
143. I enjoy helping others but hate doing it for myself.
144. I enjoy it and would love to learn more!
145. I enjoy it!
146. I enjoy it. Every contact, Client, or acquaintance, is a doorway to another prospect.
147. I enjoy marketing, it intrigues me.
148. I enjoy parts of it when I do it
149. I enjoy the whole process. Marketing is a problem solving process for myself and
my clients.
150. I fear it, dislike it, and lost with it.
151. I feel it is something I NEED to become more aggressive in if I am to grow my
152. I feel like people may be bombarded with mail, So I wonder how effective it will be
for me.
153. I find it fascinating and useful, but I haven’t implemented very much yet due to
uncertainty about what and which one I should be doing when.
154. I find it fascinating but it’s a bit of a new world to me!
155. I find it fascinating. I read all I can get my hands on.
156. I find marketing easier than sales, but am uncomfortable at present trying to sort
out what sort of marketing strategy I want to go with as I expand again.
157. I find it boring

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

158. I greatly respect it and am aware of its incredible value, I also fear failure.
159. I hate being sold, but I do like being made aware of how to solve a problem
160. I hate it.
161. I have difficulty going from a problem solving attitude to a marketing attitude. For
an engineer they are quite different.
162. I have often been reluctant to contact a lot of people. I am much better at
organizing and training but know that getting better at working the front line will
change this and bring more success.
163. I have to
164. I know I need it
165. I know I need to compete
166. I know it can be the single most important factor, but spend little time at it.
167. I know it is of prime concern but don’t know where to start
168. I know it needs to be done, but I do not really understand the complete process.
169. I know its critical, struggle to get beyond the tactical.
170. I know its needed but do not know how.
171. I know lots more than I practice
172. I know marketing and quality control are prime focus to grow to $2 million in 2004
173. I know that by applying the principles of marketing I can increase my business
because I will be simplifying it as I will be more focused on my customer rather
than chasing maybes
174. I know the value of marketing but haven developed a cohesive program aligned to
a strategy
175. I know what to do but can't get mine self to do it
176. I like it but need more knowledge
177. I like it I just need some guidance.
178. I like it, and should do more.
179. I like it, it is what makes my think about other thing than engineering and I see lost
of way my client could run their business better
180. I like it. (2)
181. I like it. However it is risky and need a cold face. You should be willing to try out
182. I like marketing, I want to do a lot more, but I am a major income producer, and
now that we are short staffed because of the recession, I have even less time to
spend in marketing. The sales effort is having to roll on without the supervision
and support that it needs. The sales guy is not a marketing guy.
183. I like new challenges, I get bored with reputation
184. I like the concept of expansive, multi-faceted marketing, sort of like Robert Allen’s
Multiple Streams of Income.
185. I like the concepts. But I’m not great at follow thru
186. I like the experimentation and trying to test and improve what we are doing. I’m
realizing how much I don’t know about marketing (conscious incompetence?)
187. I like to sell

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
188. I love closing a sale and I appreciate marketing that allows me to get more of
them. Also, we know we need continual marketing to offset routine losses each
year and to grow faster, especially when market increases don’t allow us to
increase our fees passively.
189. I love creating new ideas. I have many. They are never implemented.
190. I love it (6)
191. I love it – it’s what make the same investment pull 2 to 3 to 5 times what it is pulling
192. I love it – was too busy managing large clients to focus it on it until recently – now
I am spending most of my time on it. It is critical for growth.
193. I love it and believe in it
194. I love it and believe it can create great wealth many benefits.
195. I love it with a passion 24/7.
196. I love it! I love the way we can leverage our time, and make $1,000's instead of
tens of dollars an hour. I am in control of my destiny, not my boss.
197. I love it!!!!!!!!!!! When I have something that can help people
198. I love it, and I want everyone in my company to love it – everything depends on it
199. I love it, but tend to make it an intellectual activity and don’t do enough applying
200. I love it, I just need more resources to make it happen
201. I love it. It a must for business to succeed.
202. I love it. It is the heart of the organization and we train employees to always think
about it in what they do.
203. I love Jays stuff
204. I love learning a lot and i am thinking about how to apply it in real life situations
205. I love Marketing (theoretically, but I need people to put the things into practise)
206. I love marketing and I am a student of it, I know it is the backbone of all
207. I love marketing and wish we had more time to develop.
208. I love marketing but hate the initial cold call. That’s why I network, pay others etc
209. I love marketing! I really do!!
210. I love marketing, but I hate sales.
211. I love marketing. Just wish I could finally get a handle on it.
212. I love marketing. That’s why I study your stuff. I think it’s the most important
function in a company.
213. I love the challenge and opportunity for creativity.
214. I love the concept of being able to get fantastic leverage through marketing but I’ve
never been successful at attaining the results that other people say they get. It’s
very frustrating. Having read all of your material and not being able to se the
results pop out the end. Maybe we are dealing with the wrong type of clients.
215. I love the marketing ideas I have learnt from you. I have thought of becoming a
consultant when I semi-retire
216. I love the power behind a powerful marketing strategy and what it can do in a very
quick time frame, can rapidly launch a company into leadership position overnight

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1155

Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
217. I love to offer people what we do as it changes people lives. The more people I
contact the more lives that are changed
218. I love/hate it. It feeds me and my family, it takes a lot of work and it generates
great returns when done properly.
219. I makes or breaks us. We can never be good enough. We need a better strategy
that works.
220. I must admit that I see similarities with my own field and I enjoy it more every day.
221. I need a strategy that works within my time constraints and budget.
222. I need education here, since I have been only acting as a salesman.
223. I need help creating a good plan for our business.
224. I need the right product to market successfully
225. I need to learn more and get very competent at attracting business.
226. I need to learn so much more about it
227. I NEED to master this subject urgently. There is a core mechanism I need to
228. I need to study this area.
229. I now believe that is not essential but is the only way to survive and thrive as a
230. I personally love marketing.
231. I prefer to gradually market - to have our clients come to us after a period of trust
and credibility building
232. I probably try avoid it is case I fail
233. I realize that it is essential and even the most important factor but I also feel that it
is a waste of my personal time when I could be doing things that I feel are useful,
both to the customers and the business
234. I really love it and would like to do more
235. I really need help and am willing to learn as I know this will make me succeed.
236. I really want to learn as much as I can because I think that this is how serious
money is to be made.
237. I really wish I knew what we are/should be doing and how to do it!
238. I see effective positioning of my business and service/product as paramount to my
and my clients/partners success.
239. I see it as the real business of my business
240. I see others being successful with it and wish I could do the same.
241. I should be doing, but if I do it so successfully, how would I cope with the
242. I strongly believe that marketing is the most important factor is the success of our
company. What we lack is a true understanding of how to develop a overall
strategic marketing plan.
243. I suppose I feel a little overwhelmed with it. I have gathered and come up with
many ideas, however feel afraid that I won’t do it right or don’t really know what I’m
doing. Find it hard to make the time to do it .
244. I thing I answered in prior Question.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
245. I thing it is the leverage that I am looking for, I am convinced of it, the thing I need
to do is to put it together in my head and then develop it
246. I think a company can grow 10 fold because of proper marketing.
247. I think a systemized plan can work wonders if I had the time to do it.
248. I think it is a marvelous discipline. Exciting, creative and highly short term
emotionally rewarding and economically profitable.
249. I think it is great if you can develop clear planning with predictable and reliable
returns on investment. If the clearness is not there it will never be implemented.
250. I think it is the “key” to our business being successful. Our business boils down to
who gets the client, I think most of our competitors offer the same product.
251. I think it is the most powerful tool by a million miles to drive a business and to
serve others with.
252. I think it is very important as one of the few ways to get more business and
increase the future purchase of business by current clients. However, as a small
company it is difficult to create and implement a plan and it is difficult to execute it
consistently. There seems to be so much to do and so little time.
253. I think it needs to be more deliberate; less coincidental
254. I think it’s a great idea that I just can’t seem to get a focus on.
255. I think it’s imperative to establish a systemized marketing plan
256. I think it’s the engine that drives the whole enterprise. I also feel inadequate at
getting our message out.
257. I think it’s totally essential to any business. I’m a true convert. In fact, I really enjoy
problem-solving and generating new ideas. The application of some of the ideas
has been challenging, though, but not because they are difficult to understand.
258. I think it’s vital to the company.
259. I think marketing is important. I think there is quite a lot of bullshit in the subject
particularly in some of the terminology that is used. It is very easy to fall into the
trap of trying to use the terms for the sake of it & appear as if you know a lot about
the terms and marketing in general. What matters more is the application of the
methodologies / concepts in the real world to deliver results that impact on the
bottom line (Actions speak louder than words). I think there are two strands – the
strategic marketing which is the real thinking side of things and then there is the
more sales oriented side which is more Sales. Quite often the distinction between
the two gets blurred!! Marketing (& Sales) does make a difference though!
260. I think that GOOD marketers make GOOD money and have fun doing it.
261. I think that it is the key to profitable growth.
262. I think that marketing is often the single most important aspect of a business.
263. I think that without some sort of marketing I would have no business
264. I think the market place has changed and if we don’t market ourselves we will die.
Actually we are probably already dead and don’t know it yet.
265. I think we can do great things using some of the methods you advocated in your
266. I truly appreciate the value of quality marketing.
267. I truly enjoy talking with people about the service, educating them, but do not enjoy
cold calls

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
268. I try to use leading edge techniques and ideas to separate myself from the crowd.
The few systems I do use are from one of North Americas and Canada’s top
selling Realtors. His system is quite something and I currently use components of
it. Four or five years ago I ordered his business and marketing materials. I have
tried a number of different marketing strategies. Another was called Adio Business
Cards which are well done and professional looking package the size of Movie
Video with Testimonials, and filled with a pre-scripted interview about the benefits
of selling a persons home with me. I am also considering an automated phone
dialer system that guarantees a certain number of qualified leads per thousand
269. I understand it, but don’t practice it often or systematically
270. I understand the benefits but in my position I need to do it on a large scale or not at
271. I used to hate it, but I’m getting better at it, so it’s not so bad.
272. I used to like it a lot more than I do now.
273. I want to do marketing that attracts interested clients to me and positions me as
being an expert.
274. I want to be good at it!
275. I want to do what’s right and effective and I am open to learning everything I can.
276. I want us to do it but we don’t have the person to do it.
277. I was relatively weak on true marketing. I mainly let the business speak for itself
when the customers came in.
278. I will always buy from someone who provides great customer service
279. I wish I could do it better.
280. I wish I had more time for it
281. I wish I knew more about it
282. I wish someone else would do it for me so I can focus on my clients’ needs
283. I would like to achieve a higher level of effectiveness.
284. I would like to see a master plan put into action.
285. I would love to make this my number one area of expertise.
286. I’d love to become a master marketer and profit handsomely from the application of
proven sales and marketing strategies.
287. I’d love to do that completely and leave the running of my business to others, but a
don’t have the $$$.
288. I’m a devoted marketer who believes in JA Philosophy with the added value of
289. I’m a true believer, but circumstances have made me put things off
290. I’m an excellent teacher, not a marketer
291. I’m coming around. I use to feel icky when I thought about marketing, but when I
reframed it as simply an opportunity for others to get to know me then it was very
different. I can do that. I can also be interested in a potential referral sources
strongest needs and attempt to fulfill them.
292. I’m learning to love it, used to hate it
293. I’m not sure I understand what marketing is.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

294. I’m not that comfortable with it. I know I need to do it and I need to get better at it.
295. I’m simultaneously fascinated and annoyed by effective mkt. campaigns. I’m
definitely intrigued by, and susceptible to ads that are related to my areas of
interest. I’m somewhat annoyed by the fact that effective ads (necessarily)
primarily manipulate very basic emotions. I view this as a necessary evil.
296. I’m tentative
297. I’m treading through a minefield – not knowing what will work and what will not.
$$$ a large consideration. Some hesitancy in ‘pushing
298. I’m trying to overcome my “fear” of harassing clients by being a nuisance and
overwhelming them with marketing messages.
299. I’m untrained and have absolutely no experience.
300. If used properly, can make a world of difference
301. If you don't watch out, it gets you broke.
302. Ignorant
303. I'm developing my skills and I like the results I get when I implement strategy and
tactics well.
304. I'm frustrated because I can not understand why the ideas proposed, that
supposedly work wonders with others, don't seem to have any long term and
lasting impact in our market.
305. In many ways it has been a chore that comes with the territory, but I always
recognized it as the frontier that would allow me the most expansion if I made it my
306. Inquisitiveness and open-mindedness
307. Interested, but never really studied the subject. Believe it is a key step in building a
profitable business
308. Interesting and exciting
309. It a great game!
310. It can be the difference between struggle, and massive success.
311. It can be very profitable or very expensive
312. It can be very useful if the right people is in charge.
313. It can truly make or break a company.
314. It clearly helps us if done correctly and will greatly enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of our organization.
315. It costs to much time and money
316. It drives the business
317. It has changed drastically during the past year. Good marketing provides a
prospect with information he/she may be able to use. It is client-needs based and
shows how the prospect benefits from using the product/service.
318. It is a critical component for a business to succeed on going.
319. It is a critical part of business success. I am eager to learn and implement. Have
had limited exposure to marketing in the past, it has been all direct B to B sales on
the phone or face to face. Hunting the hard way.
320. It is a key part of any successful business, without
321. It is a necessary evil to do what I want which is construction and making money to

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
support my family.
322. It is a necessity for a vibrant, successful, out of this universe profitable organization
but, least we forget, it requires funds, time, and a cooperative, fully engaged and
committed team of people and organizations guided and aligned to a well thought
out and devised marketing plan that included measurable goals.
323. It is a part of everything we do in the business.
324. It is a service oriented profession
325. It is absolutely essential to the success of every business. The business strategy
and associated market strategy should be the key driving force behind every action
in every business. I fully agree and endorse your statement: “To achieve the
success you desire, a Master Marketing Strategy MUST seamlessly integrate
throughout every fiber and filament of your business.
326. It is an essential part of building brand-recognition and serves as an important
driver to increasing business turnover.
327. It is central to being in business – I just wish I knew how to do it better. It is like the
joke, when an executive was asked how much money was wasted on advertising,
he said about half, and he just didn’t know which half.
328. It is critical
329. It is essential
330. It is essential and defines your success – but only if you can also sell
331. It is essential to any business
332. It is important, and I definitely need to improve it. It essential to the growth of the
333. It is indeed very important
334. It is key to the success of any business.
335. It is necessary for survival and growth
336. It is something which can impact greatly the success and failure of an organization
337. It is something which I've not done very well. I have however recognized its
importance and am trying to take steps to get better at it.
338. It is the best way to go.
339. It is the business.
340. It is the engine that drives all businesses. I absolutely love marketing and am
passionate about becoming the best I can be at it.
341. It is the engine that generates business
342. It is the essence of how successful the company is. If no one knows you exists
there is even a chance .
343. It is the foundation to strong, reliable and sustainable business growth and can
give a far higher return than virtually any other activity within the business (barring
perhaps highly successful innovation)
344. It is the framework that drives everything else.
345. It is the key of business successes
346. It is the key to everything else in business.
347. It is THE KEY to success.
348. It is the key/secret to any business success.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

349. It is the lifeblood of business

350. It is the lifeblood of our business. It is everything we say and do to help make a
client see us and keep us as the most logical choice to do business with.
351. It is the most critical aspect of what gets done. If there is no marketing, there is no
352. It is the most critical to success, and I’m not doing well at it.
353. It is the most exciting thing to think about any business but an absolute chore to
354. It is the most important activity in a business beyond supplying excellent quality
service & products.
355. It is the most important aspect for success
356. It is the most important aspect of business, without effective marketing a business
will die. Microsoft has inferior products, but excellent marketing and has been very
successful buy weighting the relative priorities of product and marketing issues
357. It is the most important function of a company
358. It is the most important thing a business can do, apart from the business it is in.
359. It is the most vital part of the company
360. It is the one area that I want to focus my learning on. It is the one area that I can
develop my best contribution. It is the area that I am focusing any incremental
dollars I have on.
361. It is the only thing that sets us (or anyone) apart from the competition.
362. It is the ONLY way to survive.
363. It is the only way to truly grow a business, without just using more and more sales
364. It is the only way to truly grow a business, without just using more and more sales
365. It is the salt of the earth, without marketing there would not be anything
366. It is very important and I plan to spend a great deal of time on it
367. It is very important but we cannot compete with the huge budgets of the
368. It is very important to the success of my business
369. It is very important, key to success
370. It is very important.
371. It is vital to grow any business, but requires commitment, testing, and some
available cash-flow.
372. It is VITAL!
373. It must be done
374. It needs to be consistent and measurable to fulfill a goal.
375. It needs to be done
376. It needs to be done but just isn’t being given attention but other reasons are to
account for this
377. It needs to be in place in every company.... and explained to everyone involved.
378. It rocks!

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

379. It seems like hard work

380. It should be used to discover a pain that a perspective client has and to show that
you provide a solution to that pain.
381. It should powerfully and sustained support the growth and sales goals of a
382. It is the most important element of my business, and I have to constantly remind
myself I am in a marketing business first and a teaching business second
383. It the driving force behind the company
384. It works when implemented.
385. It’s a myth that you can build a better mousetrap and they will beat a path to your
door. Better mouse traps have been built but people still buy the old style that’s
been around for a hundred years or more. No matter what you build, it still needs a
creative marketing program to get it off the shelves and into people’s hands. Until
then nothing happens.
386. It’s a pain in the ass, I’d rather create new product.
387. It’s a pain.
388. It’s a powerful weapon.
389. It’s always been something I was afraid of, intimidated by, and avoided. Now, I am
making a concerted effort to master it so I can move forward and upward instead of
390. It’s essential (2)
391. It’s essential to grow the business, but it’s hard to do well
392. It’s everything
393. It’s fun & necessary!
394. It’s got to be done, but to be honest, I wish I could find it more enjoyable.
395. It’s intriguing, But still feels a little slimy.
396. It’s key to continued success.
397. It’s only way to grow my business.
398. It’s the life blood, do enough to get by
399. It’s the only thing that can drive business to you.
400. It’s the only way my business can survive and grow. I want to understand more
ways to apply marketing to my business. A very positive attitude
401. It’s the only way to grow our business profitably.
402. It’s vital as blood
403. It’s where the leverage is
404. It's about building relationships
405. Its critical, die without it.
406. Its everything
407. It's necessary and we enjoy it
408. It's needed to survive. Marketing can be fun. And the more "fun" it is, the more
customers you attract.
409. It's the life-blood of a business

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

410. Its very important

411. It’s vital. Every business is, at heart, simply a marketing organization. We need to
develop a successful marketing strategy that will carry us forward
412. It’s what drives the company. I call it sales. I think of our company as a Sales
413. I've come to realize this is 90% of my business; I can have the best program, but if
it's not marketed, it's worth nothing
414. Just be helpful to customers.
415. Just starting
416. Know and understand it is the biggest lever to grow the business, want and need
to do more. Want and need to try more things and test and experiment.
417. Key competency for business success.
418. Lack of confidence
419. Lack of knowledge and associated costs would likely not be a successful
420. Lack of knowledge and time to gain knowledge. Most of the “tips & tricks” that I
hear about seem like they’d be a waste of time in my industry.
421. Learn new tactics
422. Letting people know what we have that may benefit them
423. Life Blood of a business
424. Life blood of all business
425. Lifeblood of business
426. Lifeblood of the company—everybody needs to understand—it is the culture of the
427. Like it
428. Like the man says, value is created only by innovation and marketing. Everything
else is an expense. We are constantly innovating with this wonderfully powerful
medium called the internet with the terrific license-free open source software; and
we are now beginning to crank up the marketing engines. The future should be
exciting and rewarding.
429. Live, breath and exist on it
430. Love it (7)
431. Love it – its money in the bank.
432. Love it – would like to talk to people on the same wave length
433. Love it and am exciting at learning more strategies and improving what I currently
434. Love it but feel overwhelmed right now because it is so new, but am committed to
learning and implementing many of your techniques to the point of doing it on a full
time basis.
435. Love it but new to it
436. Love it, and always want to learn more about what others do successfully!
437. Love it, business can’t survive without it
438. Love it. Strategy, in particular is my absolute favorite subject.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

439. Love it. Think it drives company.

440. Love it. I know it can work if you do it right and consistently.
441. Love it.. will be more consistent
442. Love the concepts
443. Love the process
444. Love the strategy - I get bogged down on with the writing.
445. Love what we do. Know what we do. Respect our clients. Be outstanding
446. Mandatory
447. Market our quality mouth to mouth
448. Marketing done properly and consistently is the key factor in successfully growing
a business. Marketing is the key to success.
449. Marketing is 80% of the business
450. Marketing is a money making vehicle
451. Marketing is a necessity. it’s knowing how to market for a specific activity that
makes the difference.
452. Marketing is all about education – The main aim is to reach out and educate, reach
out and improve the life experience of peoples. I know quite a lot about Nutrition,
although I am engineer (technologist, analyst, mathematician) by training. I did
learn a lot about psychology, etc. I can advise people on many aspects of
maintaining a holistic wellbeing.
453. Marketing is an essential, vital part of any business. It has to be ongoing. It has to
be effective, and therefore needs to be tested and tracked so that successful
efforts can be repeated.
454. Marketing is client-benefit-management
455. Marketing is essential in educating your clientele and creating a bias for your
service or product. People need to see your name consistently and often before
they become comfortable enough to purchase your product or service. Up until Jay
Abraham, I only marketed verbally. I did not know of or how to market in the
various ways described by Jay without spending a boatload of money, which I do
not have.
456. Marketing is essential to our growth and establish our universal position in niches
throughout the world so that we can integrate and satisfy the specific needs of
those various niches.
457. Marketing is everything (2)
458. Marketing is extreme leverage
459. Marketing is fun, and it is a never ending learning experience.
460. Marketing is in everything we do from the parking lot to the back of our restaurant-
and with the right marketing plans in place we always will increase in business with
a profit.
461. Marketing is key to our long-term success.
462. Marketing is necessary.
463. Marketing is one of the basic foundations of any business, especially a service
business. And it should be performed so consistently and methodically that it
becomes an automated habit.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

464. Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business

465. Marketing is something that we do every visit with every patient because we need
to sell them on us and on our service with every contact because they are being
constantly inundated with contradictory information from other sources every day.
The better we market who and what we are and what our service is about, the
more people we will be able to help to a better life.
466. Marketing is the best leverage in business as it allows me to control the results I
want to achieve in business. It also allows me to raise my profile through profitable
and unlimited marketing budgets.
467. Marketing is the best way to produce results and is the most valuable tool to any
468. Marketing is the defining characteristic of the success of the company – a
company will live or die by its marketing – regardless of the quality of the product.
469. Marketing is the difference between mediocrity and being the leader in any
470. Marketing is the essence of a business.
471. Marketing is the essence of all business, and the essence of bring values to
human life. It is a moral pursuit of the highest order.
472. Marketing is the future of my success and I need to develop it quickly
473. Marketing is the key to business success. Every employees should involve in it.
474. Marketing is the lifeblood of a company, it can make the difference between going
out of business or being majorly successful depending on the demand.
475. Marketing is the lifeblood of all businesses
476. Marketing is the life-blood of the company, without constant marketing there would
be no business
477. Marketing is the most awesome science and it is the new focus of our company.
We just did a major restructure based on what we have learned from Jay.
478. Marketing is the most important and difficult part of running my company
479. Marketing is the most important aspect.
480. Marketing is the most important thing for me.
481. Marketing is the on-going education to our clients. Should never stop and be tightly
integrated in the sales process.
482. Marketing is the only way to sell homes
483. Marketing is the service I provide my customers of helping them make a better,
more informed decision about what is truly best for them.
484. Marketing is very important – it’s a matter of doing it effectively
485. Marketing is very important, marketing is not only what’s written in the books |(the
narrow definition), but is a away to keep your customers; it’s not a sole activity but
integrated in everything your do.
486. Marketing is vital to business survival and growth
487. Marketing is what keeps everyone else in a job it is paramount that we become
better marketers.
488. Marketing makes the difference between getting by and becoming what you want
the company to be.

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
489. Marketing to me is how we fight to capture our customers' mind share. It's how we
reach our customers.
490. Meeting customer needs and doing whatever it takes to do so.
491. Mission critical – but seldom applied in a methodical way or aligned to the
company’s strategy
492. Most fun part of the business.
493. Most important part of any business
494. Most marketing is crass, trying to get you to feel like you want something you don’t
really need
495. Mostly what I do
496. Much of the actual implementation is boring. I like the creative aspects and the
selling opportunities.
497. Must have and must implement
498. Mystery; avoidance
499. Necessary (2)
500. Necessary but not a priority.
501. Necessary but tiring
502. Necessary evil. (2)
503. Necessary to get new business
504. Necessary, but not necessarily what I would prefer to be doing.
505. Need more
506. Need to do it, haven’t yet (in 3 years)
507. Need to get better. It’s important.
508. Need to hire someone.
509. Negative ie hard sell not sincere BUT I also know that when I speak to a lead or
client about my passion and vision for the future that it is no longer
marketing/selling but connection.
510. No experience with it. Very hesitant to engage.
511. No one can exist in business without marketing. Marketing is so much more than
advertising. It's your logo, the way you "brand" yourself or your products, even your
business cards and signature in an email. without proper marketing you cannot get
your business off the ground or grow an existing business.
512. Not one of my strongest traits
513. Not positive
514. Not sure all the other stuff works in what we do and vs. referrals.
515. Not sure I can do it.
516. Not willing to spend the money after a couple of failures.
517. Now that this question is asked, my true attitude is that marketing is essential for
(a) obtaining new clients, (b) retaining old clients, (c) proper positioning with the
client and his organization when carrying out consulting assignments, (d)
presenting the company’s capabilities in the most favorable light to the client and
(e) negotiating the best fee arrangement and being able to collect on that fee

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

518. Offer targeted prospects the best deal they’ll ever get
519. Offer value first, then offer solutions that they would have to pay for. (related to the
free stuff you provide at first, to build/start a relationship.)
520. Once a quality product is developed, I think it is everything.
521. One day I’ll be a master marketer.
522. One that is in its R & D infancy.
523. Ongoing education of the end user
524. Only just becoming aware of its importance to my business
525. Only true way to Success.
526. Organization lives and dies by the customer (or lack of it)
527. Our company is market driven. Everyone is involved directly or indirectly in some
aspect of a marketing tactic.
528. Out do them
529. Painfully aware after five years in this business that I need to learn or my superior
product will never produce the benefits it deserves
530. People have to know what we are about—when the do, they are better informed
and will make more intelligent decisions
531. Personal attitude
532. Pivotal in creating client trust and understanding of professionalism, integrity,
services and business development opportunities
533. Play till you discover what works and then use it. Change only by testing and stay
disciplined. Don’t waiver from your resolve.
534. Poor
535. Positive (2)
536. Positive - I think we are marketing in everything we do or say .
537. Positive and necessary
538. Positive, but must be done right!
539. Positively, even if I have had to embrace it rather belatedly in my professional life.
540. Prefer to do work and marketing is a necessary evil
541. Quality service and marketing are the principle drivers to business growth.
542. Results are minimal due to various factors: salespeople, front end costs to follow
543. Same as above plus the actions and behavior of the company should back up the
marketing efforts. You can’t market your company one way and behave another
544. Scared
545. Skeptical of a lot of marketing – Do they really deliver what they say they will??
546. Sell what sells.
547. Selling is getting rid of what you have. Marketing is providing what people want.
548. Send out offers through affiliates, give them a high return to market for us.
549. Service service service

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward

550. Should be the centerpiece of any businesses sales efforts

551. Some fear of doing it due to “ a Professional” practice
552. Something I like to do, live to brain storm but do not have the time because I must
focus on bringing the money in the door.
553. Something that should be done on a regular basis
554. Somewhat skeptical, since I haven’t had the success I’d like to have – not enough
to make my practice very profitable.
555. Spend as little as possible for as much return as possible. Automate everything
556. Still got a lot to learn…
557. Strategy before tactics.
558. Takes a lot of work with no way to measure results. But your products are
changing my mind
559. That I’m not so good at it.
560. That it can be a fun challenge
561. That it is the life blood of a business, that it is the most important component for
success, once we have good products and good people capable of living up to the
marketing promises we make, that we ignore it at our peril, and that we can make
a huge difference by marketing better than the competition (which really isn’t so
hard to do, once we put our minds to it)
562. That marketing strategy and its implementation is the spear-head of our business.
563. That should be clear by now. Give. As well as freedom of choice.
564. That there is alot out there that I do and don't know. But most importantly it's been
how to use it correctly for my industry or business.
565. That’s where I need to develop next but it doesn’t get kick started.
566. The best possible leverage. I truly like and enjoy marketing.
567. The essence of marketing is related to the degree of satisfaction of my customers.
I must ensure that this satisfaction is constantly study in order to continually adapt
to the changing business environment and make the appropriate adjustments.
568. The importance of quality marketing is undervalued and diminished by the results
of sub standard marketing.
569. The lifeblood of a business
570. The more is done the more sales will come
571. The most fun you can have with your clothes on
572. The most important part of the business
573. The one factor by which the business stands and grows or falls – but the proof of
the pudding that you convince the customer to buy must lie in the eating.
574. The only way to educate and sell
575. The only way to increase sales.
576. The only way to succeed
577. The possibilities are endless
578. Think that it is something that we all naturally do,
579. To be a friend to my customers and to feel like I helped them when they Are

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
finished doing business with me
580. To Be Out of the Box
581. To identify, understand and use the most strategic and profitable plan available.
582. Too much of a scattered approach
583. True attitude is that it is a necessary evil. Companies should come and use our
services because we are good. This is not the right attitude to have.
584. True believer.
585. Try and be exciting and don’t stop at failure
586. unknown
587. Unsure
588. Until September of last year I thought I could never market anything. Someone
pointed out that I have been marketing ideas my whole life. It was then I knew I
could learn from you and be able to do it. It is just taking a long time.
589. Up to this point, I have probably begrudge it, but now that I see it as a creative
thing, a fun thing I embrace it more
590. Used to hate it – everything about it - - now I am excited by the prospect because I
realize that all marketing is “communicating the advantage your products or
services have over the competition” - - so I am not trying to manipulate people in to
buying from me – I am just presenting them with the “simple facts”
591. Used to sort of resent it. Now I realize it’s very important.
592. V important
593. Very difficult
594. Very exciting area but not being an expert in this field am willing to learn and
implement successful strategies and apply effective tactics to accomplish our goals
and objectives as a leader in the market place. Hoping I can do that using Jay’s
595. Very important to the success of any business.
596. Very important, but have to ensure it also generate sales especially for smaller
organization that has constraint on its cash flow.
597. Very much for it.
598. Very necessary and an integral part of any successful business
599. Vital and the nature of business, besides profit. Yet producing that very thing.
600. Vital to enterprise survival and prosperity Difficult to carry out well Resource-
intensive for long-term plans
601. Vital to my business.
602. Vital to our success
603. Vital to the life of the business.
604. Want to do more
605. Want to get better at it
606. Want to master it
607. We are well-known and we don’t put too much effort into marketing and we still
have lots of business usually by word of mouth
608. We have learned a lot in 14 years. This product & service is one of the toughest to

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Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
market. People only think about it when they are out of toner or the machine broke.
Then they open the yellow pages.
609. We must, first and foremost become a market driven company. It is the life blood of
the company.
610. We need a plan. It doesn’t have to be an all-encompassing plan right now—
something to get us going that we can build on.
611. We need an integrated Marketing and Business Development Plan
612. We need it bad
613. We need marketing, in a down time business will be harder to get. we need a plan
now to get us through the times when rates go back up
614. We need to do a better job.
615. We need to do more of it.
616. We should promote our business more
617. We think we are good at it & what we do – but really do not know enough
618. We understand the relevance and necessity of effective marketing and are keen to
implement tactics.
619. We usually have a reluctance or not very much motivated in engaging ourselves
directly in marketing, perhaps because of unawareness of the right means.
620. Well I love it and help others with it but haven’t really applied it to myself. I guess I
see myself as self employed then really a business.
621. Well I think it is 80% of a successful business that’s why I’m trying to learn as
much as I can
622. What I wish is what I will get (see spiritual marketing by Joe Vitale)
623. When individually studied and applied, it is the most effective method of growing a
624. When properly tested, and measured, if the result is: Money spent < Net Sales
Results, then we can spend as much as we can each month and we’ll still come
out ahead. Customer service is also a HUGE focus of mine for proper marketing.
Our existing customers are the most important customer and the next sale is
always the most important.
625. Without effective marketing and innovation a business cannot survive. Therefore,
marketing and innovation are crucial.
626. Without marketing you cannot get the overwhelming results you desire. It must be
done professionally and targeted directly at the market you are pursuing. It must
be done strategically and on as many fronts as your can feasibly afford and feel
sure about getting a return.
627. Without marketing your business will die.
628. Work smarter, not harder. I am an engineer by training and I absolutely believe
there is always a more efficient way to do every thing. I have been working to
develop some more efficient methods, but they are often hampered by the
environment in which we work.
629. Would like to be more active – no trials have been successful
630. Would like to do more of it, I find the whole topic fascinating!
631. Would love to know how to do it to become successful
632. Yes – there is nothing else – when your marketing is right – then everything else

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1170

Question 67. What is Your Own True Attitude Toward
falls into place
633. You can have the best product in the world, and if no one knows about it. What
good is it?
634. You can’t run a business without it; good marketing is worth a multiple of its weight
in gold.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1171

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or
Question 68. Do you use advertising tactically or strategically: give example?

Total: Yes 265, No 378

Additional comments:

1. 2 step classified ads

2. A little of both. Strategically, I have three ‘Farm’ areas where I focus most of my
attention on an am starting to bombard them with my material. The information I
send them is tactically responsive type promotion. Special insider reports, Over
the Phone evaluations, What Did Your Neighbour Sell For?, Recent Area Sales.
They will also be advised of special events and contests where they can win prizes
3. Ads (direct mail) generate leads which are qualified further using tools such as a
report or newsletter viewing the prospect’s marginal net worth.
4. Advertise only if we have a study that we’re looking for volunteers for
5. Advertise special events to attract new clients
6. Advertise Tactically – periodicals for new small business
7. Advertising forms part of the system.
8. Advertising is a general waste of money because people are too distracted to pay
9. Advertising is from manufacturers
10. Advertising of products rather than overall solutions.
11. Adverts in CMP publications
12. All about specific needs, focuses
13. All advertising done by us is to advertise properties, which also, indirectly
advertises us.
14. All advertising supports strategy while tactically directing a specific action on the
part of the client.
15. Although I really want to say strategically I think I do it tactically. Case in point I
send a sales letter to printing companies (because I was told that is a very lucrative
market niche)
16. Apart from DM and website we don’t do any advertising
17. At this point it is tactical. Gradually I hope to be developing strategic advertising.
18. Basic message on website & literature is what we sell; environmental aspects
make us a bit more unique and since our pricing is competitive more desirable than
the non-environmentally oriented competition
19. Basically I just mail them my letter and get a date later on.
20. Because our market is so specific, we have never used advertising, focusing on
direct contact with our clients. To keep our name in front of our clients, we have
used 3 types of premiums – good quality pens, a high quality in-car coffee mug
(Case Workers are on the road a large amount of time), and a high-quality desk
calculator/pen set.
21. Bogo coupons
22. Both (2)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1172

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or
23. Both – we run ads biweekly to educate and inform the consumer(strategy) we run
daily ads to bring in business for particular segments of our operation.
24. Both – with personalized emails
25. Both actually. The news letter serves to tactically sell products and further
information, and yet is part of the overall strategy to educate people.
26. Both, and have mentioned that earlier
27. Both, depending of the situation and the sales environment. If we are attending a
trade show, an ad in the local newspaper will be utilized to create awareness.
28. Both, it’s all about numbers. We use a very conservative buy rate projection of
29. Both, my overall strategy is to grow my business using the methods I described
previously. If I think something I just read about, saw or heard may work I'll try it
and test it (tactical). The Internet allows you to test methods relatively
inexpensively and with immediate (almost) feedback.
30. Both, primarily strategically. I advertise regularly and consistently in the phone
31. Both. Co-op ads are tactical (getting people to call in mostly about pricing).
Consumer Cruise Guide is primarily strategic (get people to see all the things that
make up a cruise other than price).
32. Both. We’ll take any good leads that come along (that is tactical). But we also
advertise for brand building with a goal to a longer term payback.
33. Both; have an overall plan and use various items to build toward the goal
34. Brand
35. By sponsoring events along with clients we are identifying with them and
conversely they are identifying with us, adds to the perception of relationship.
36. Coupon program adds value to our Guest's stay and we use the Best Value Inn
brand name system and we focus on value being one of our prime reasons for
37. CURRENT Tactic is sending out monthly mailings of success stories.
38. Currently we are using only tactical marketing. An example of this is in our direct
mail campaign where we try to compete on closing cost and price.
39. Currently, tactically. Running an ad in the neighborhood tabloid brings in clients
every time the ad breaks and then dies down. The ad has to run again before we
get a run of customers.
40. Direct mail
41. Direct mail to get clients in accordance with strategic plan.
42. Do not advertise at all. I am not above sponsoring a golf tee for a cause or charity I
support or believe in, but I do not do it as an overt marketing tactic. The benefit is
realized by those people knowing that I actively support their cause.
43. Do not advertise at this point of time
44. Do not advertise currently
45. Do not use advertising
46. Do not use it.
47. Don’t advertise ie in newspapers etc

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1173

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

48. Don’t advertise yet.

49. Don’t advertise.
50. Don’t do advertising.
51. Don’t do much advertising but when we do it is tactical
52. Don’t have a plan – guess that means tactical. On a whim.
53. Don’t pay for advertising, the magazines promote jewellery for free. (!!) Lesson
learnt, never pay for advertising.
54. Don’t use advertising
55. Don’t use any formal advertising – almost everything is word of mouth followed by
a proposal where necessary.
56. Don’t yet
57. Each tactic lends strength to the overall objective
58. Education and resetting the buying criteria
59. Flyers, brochure
60. Following changes in markets that affect potential clients adversely, or provide
them with an opportunity, we advertise extolling (sometimes quantifying, if
possible) the benefits we can provide them with
61. Give them discounts on prices.
62. Give them enough information that they call in.
63. Hardly ever advertise. When we do it is through publications of strategic allies who
are responsible for the advertising.
64. Have never advertised.
65. Haven’t really advertised much yet.
66. Haven’t started yet – but the goal will be to advertise strategically.
67. Haven't used.
68. I advertise tactically. I am like a blind man with a double barrel marketing shotgun,
firing into empty space, hoping to hit a duck. That is like making a lot of noise and
achieving nothing.
69. I am looking for new downlines, plan B is to sell something to them if they are not
interested in the business
70. I basically don’t spend any money on advertising.
71. I belong to lots of organizations but the best is where the remodelers, handymen,
realty investors are & I do have an ad in that newsletter, which returns lots of
phone calls which I turn into customers.
72. I currently only advertise when I need to Childcare is different than most
businesses because I'm limited by space requirements on how many children I can
have enrolled.
73. I do not advertise due to not knowing what would be most effective and worth the
time. We must use only company approved advertisements.
74. I do not advertise the products...the manufacturers do however.
75. I do not do any traditional advertising.
76. I don’t advertise (7)
77. I don’t thing so, in fact I know I don’t

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1174

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

78. I don’t use a bigger picture. I’m hit and miss.

79. I give my name, telephone, address…
80. I guess both,
81. I hate to pay for advertising – I would rather pay for results.
82. I have been doing it tactically – it’s all about me & what I’m doing (eg. exhibition
83. I have never had any success with advertising
84. I have not yet advertised.
85. I haven't started yet but when I do it will be part of an integrated effort to reach the
master marketing strategy's objective. I plan to deploy strategic marketing at a
tactical level to help achieve the overall master strategy
86. I hope it is strategic, I'll let you know in 6 -12 mo
87. I know the difference between strategy and tactic as defined by Jay, but I don’t
know how I would know if my advertising is tactical or strategically.
88. I offer what they need and I benefit with their success
89. I position my self. Ranting twice my USP in sales letters
90. I rarely advertise, but when I do it’s tactic. I recently ran some classified ads for the
customized nutrition program I am marketing.
91. I think it is tactically-TV
92. I think strategically. My ad (in Spanish speaking periodical) just says: Earn
$60,000 driving trucks! Get commercial driver's license (713) 123-4567.
93. I use it tactically in putting on seminars.
94. I want to learn to mkt strategically.
95. I would like to think that lead generation is strategic, as well as working the
prospects until they are ready to buy.
96. I’ve recently started to write sales letters , following a strategy of making the reader
feel pain,, the showing them the way out……
97. In my son’s law practice I handled all of his advertising. Mostly direct mail and
yellow pages.
98. In response to ISO9001:2000 strategically linking to Supplier/Supply Chain
Management. Tactically producing course outlines for Project Management
99. In small ways, like adding “visit us at such & such trade show” on ads in trade
100. It was always tactical. I can’t really say that I know what strategic advertising would
be in my situation. I need to re-read all of your information.
101. I've used it tactically, to prebook a seminar.
102. Just started; does not apply.
103. Leaflet drop
104. Mainly Tactically – I can argue our partner program is both, but until we improve it,
for now it is tactical.
105. Mainly tactically. E.g. Classifieds, Yellow pages, Industrial directories insertions
106. Majority of advertising expenditures are applied to conventional media

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1175

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

107. More tactically. Yellow page ads just list services offered.
108. More towards bring revenue to the company. Mainly sales offer etc…
109. Mostly tactically, but the strategy is to get people to mention us when the topic of
listing a house comes up.
110. Mostly tactically, but we try to emphasize USP (our focus and uniqueness) directly
or indirectly.
111. Mostly tactically. I use various tactics to build my list.
112. My tactics are the mailers or personal contacts. The strategies are the referral
requests and follow up letters to new clients combined with the monthly follow up
call. We work with other retailers that promote our services and in return. We
recommend their services and products if they do something that we don’t do.
113. National importer advertises sort of strategically – to gain brand awareness – but
with no call to action ! At a local level use it to gain awareness but also build
relationships with retailers by using host parasite offers in the advertising.
114. Neither, yet to advertise
115. Neither. We only advertise in radio and canvass
116. News is strategic programming is tactical
117. No ads have been cost effective
118. No advertising (5)
119. Not at all. We should begin using it tactically.
120. Not proactive in advertising
121. Not really doing advertising, just P.R. and direct mail.
122. Not yet. Intent to do strategically.
123. Nothing strategic about it.
124. Of the small amount of advertising we have done it would have simply been
tactical. We’re not fully persuaded that advertising would work for our product. Our
small classified ad in a weekly regional has yielded consistent results, but the case
stating increasing the ad size results in increased business has yet to be
125. Only tactically at the present time.
126. Only advertising is the web
127. Our ads are pointed at people who have a need to be scratched
128. Our ads set up a problem and show us as the solution.
129. Our advertising is Direct Mail and Fax. Strategically it educates, creates desire and
generates leads. The act of sending it out is the tactic
130. Our aim is to get into people’s homes so we need phone and address for that
important meeting. We also need the wife (or husband) to be there as the cost to
get in is a family affair ($6250)
131. Our commercials are all weight loss with before and after examples.
132. Outside direct mail, we almost don’t use any form of advertising. Trials have been
tactical. For example we tried an advert for a product recently when there was a
relevant legal change.
133. Perhaps tactically (ad hoc). If we have a special promotion/event, we place ads.
Only that.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1176

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

134. Phone book YP; Christian Business Directory

135. Placing classifieds for lead generation in general newspapers.
136. Pretty strategically because we keep our purpose and outcome in mind. We may
get tactical at times.
137. Prior to school year in particular
138. Probably more tactically. I emphasize a lot of energy and time on the specifics of
the advertising but ignore the larger picture of how it complements my overall
objective. It is when I need sales that I go out and generate them. It is usually not
part of a bigger plan.
139. Probably tactically, just to drive sales for new products or new pricing plans.
140. Run repeat ad in Chamber journal.
141. Running classified ads without a follow-up system.
142. Seldom advertise
143. Selective Direct Mail, e-mails to qualified prospects and targets. Broadly based
media advertising has not worked or been cost effective to reach the small
percentage of large corporations who are moving or relocating and need our
144. Solicit by vertical market/products
145. Specific events/ vs. concept reminder
146. Several tactics, beginning to develop a strategy
147. Strategically since all advertising is tested to do as well as the control
148. Strategic is image building ads that convey our key USPs. Tactical is local store
and direct mail campaigns, usually for new stores to build the Client Count.
149. Strategic target marketing at certain times of the year. E.g. Best response to
newspaper ads at Christmas /New Year and Easter when client has time to read
through te paper and do some planning
150. Strategically (2)
151. Strategically – all advertising is tied to 2 messages retiree issues and/or peace of
mind through disciplined investing
152. Strategically – in conjunction with articles and press releases
153. Strategically – once we select a product to market, we do a combination of direct
mail, post cards and cold calls, follow up by white papers, e-mail, driving the
prospects to applicable web sites – we try to touch the prospect in several ways
multiple time s as cost-effectively as possible
154. Strategically – we do regular mailers and newsletters on a consistent basis.
155. Strategically – we look to speak to a certain audience
156. Strategically at this stage – more for corporate awareness to establish our
presence in the market place. Tactical advertising will follow.
157. Strategically because I know where I want to go and with whom I want to conduct
158. Strategically meaning advertising is planned to implement the marketing strategy.
The venues are designed to appeal to the target market.
159. Strategically reinforce the visual learning differentiation with every advertisement
160. Strategically with the GE logo and my informative articles-preeminence

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1177

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or
161. Strategically, I have the end in mind, and every action or tactic helps achieve
specific goal.
162. Strategically, we only advertise where we know that our market or prospects are
for sure.
163. Strategically, we promote ourselves as the company with the confidence to
guarantee our products, giving the underlying message that they can trust us.
164. Strategically. Lead generating ads.
165. Strategically. We advertise to see what works so we can scale it and deploy in as
many areas as possible.
166. Strategically. We have only one ad; it’s in the Cleveland Orchestra program all
year long. It let’s our typical potential clientele and referror know that we are still in
business and ready to serve.
167. Strategically. I only advertise to get clients onto the ‘stream of educational material’
I provide.
168. Strategically. My referral program (described above).
169. Strategically. Trying to promote brand as industry standard.
170. Strategically. We include in our advertising a headline, risk reversal, attention-
getting headline, testimonials.
171. Strategically. We position ourselves as the Community friendly Bodyshop who
cares about their personal safety. "We can fix a car but we can't repair a life"
172. Strategically We gear our ads to the specific business we’re trying to attract. We
show the prospect how we can help them accomplish their specific goals.
173. Strategically-Internet website
174. Tactically to drive to free reports or pre recorded messages!
175. Tactical – Advertise properties not ideas
176. Tactical – yellow pages
177. Tactical, sponsoring clubs, concerts, getting band members the wear clothes…
178. Tactical. Used letter written buy Dan Kennedy did not work as it was written for a
179. Tactically (20)
180. Tactically - event driven
181. Tactically – any advertising that I do is just a part of my marketing plan.
182. Tactically – call up previous clients and centers of influence and see how they are
doing & update them on what we are offering
183. Tactically – I just test my new ideas.
184. Tactically – to promote a specific service, offer etc.
185. Tactically – we advertise in a trade journal that is part of a sponsorship package.
186. Tactically – yellow pages in 22 books to create presence of mind.
187. Tactically ... when approached and a good 'deal' is given
188. Tactically advertised for gift annuities.
189. Tactically at best, I have not told about my own business, but let someone else
write for me
190. Tactically at this point…we just move from one tactic to the next however, we do

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1178

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or
have a big picture strategy in place that is a theme that we are working on weaving
throughout the practice and among all employees…and patients.
191. Tactically e.g. door hangers in neighborhoods for refinance
192. Tactically for the marketing partner in their own newsletter with their own LD
193. Tactically I suspect!
194. Tactically I think – whenever we want more customers or the customer rate drops.
195. Tactically in the case of the banner ad we placed in front of a target audience
online, and strategically in the case of search engine placements and advertising.
196. Tactically- on a regular basis.
197. Tactically only on a need basis
198. Tactically only use direct mail for the most part
199. Tactically to sell right now, like ebay auctions – I do reference my website and offer
free newsletter
200. Tactically to support my strategy
201. Tactically usually. I do a lot of this and that.
202. Tactically with periodic direct mail.
203. Tactically, Advertise only for specific product without relation to any plan
204. Tactically, by doing the same thing over and over again.
205. Tactically, currently not part of an integrated plan.
206. Tactically, currently, as we don’t yet have a market strategy that drives our
advertising. Typically, today, we do very little outright advertising.
207. Tactically, direct mailers, cold calls
208. Tactically, I ask for referrals when I get slow.
209. Tactically, if our numbers are down we will run some ads, for example, on the radio
that will quickly drive in new prospects, even though they may not be our ideal
210. Tactically, if you could describe that: we insert ads into annual trade publications
(more institutional, but this year I convinced them to try at least a less institutional
211. Tactically, just to meet a short term objective
212. Tactically, like “call for a free consultation”
213. Tactically, mainly when an marketing idea comes up, not near the systematic
nature it should be.
214. Tactically, phone calls
215. Tactically, we run one ad in one magazine 4 times a year
216. Tactically, we simply want the add to generate a lead from which we can get a
217. Tactically. I only advertise for the initial sale rather than to form a relationship with
people. my business is totally a relationship business.
218. Tactically. Do not have overall plan. Respond to problems or deadlines.
219. Tactically. free sample.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1179

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

220. Tactically. Hit and miss

221. Tactically. Homes magazine to generate inquiries.
222. Tactically. I don’t really know how to use it strategically on our budget.
223. Tactically. I offer specific benefits.
224. Tactically. My whole purpose right now is to close loans. I am very much focused
on the short term revenue potential. I am building a more strategic plan to build
referral systems.
225. Tactically. The advertising does not effectively differentiate our company or
offerings or create sustainable advantage, but instead relies on short-term tactics
such as incentives and promotions, or new product launches.
226. Tactically. We do not advertise except for telephone contact or letters to persons
we have reason to believe may be in need of one of our services.
227. Tactically. I advertise for each product as I get it.
228. Tactically. We have a certain advertising budget , which is based on a certain
formula / on the basis of considering it as a cost , and therefore to reduce this cost
to ensure that the business plan ensures a profit . Based on this advertisement is
given on need basis.
229. Tactically. We mail cards and brochures to prospective dealers.
230. Tactically. When I get good deal.
231. Tactically: I will find a place where my target market would hang-out and place my
advertising there.
232. Tactically: working towards short-term goals instead of long-term results. Need to
change that focus, but not sure how.
233. Tactically; local paper ads
234. Tactically…tried something on radio…an experiment
235. Tactically…very hit or miss
236. Tactically-just try to convince people of Internal audit’s worth as we go from audit
to audit.
237. Tactically—keep trying to get the name out, and find new customers
238. Tactics only and very hit and miss.
239. Taking an ad space in a special Supplement to the local newspaper in the sector I
like to be known.
240. Targeting different personality types, different buyer groups and structure
advertising to the target market.
241. Tactically: “The first 50 people that respond will get this low price ”Strategically:
Focused marketing efforts towards people currently already successful in internet
242. Test & measure headline and offer
243. The ads contain the subjects of the positioning at the same time of motivating the
244. The ads we run are planned ads and placed for a particular reason and purpose.
245. The advertising is done to help build a better world through comprehensive,
compassionate communication with excellent results. The strategy is about
building the leadership to develop clarity in communication.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1180

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

246. The company advertises tactically. My unit does not.

247. The design of the mailer is a tactic, whereas the mailing is a strategy
248. The only advertising we use is the emails and faxes we send to the Buying Groups
249. The parent company advertises strategically but we no longer have dedicated
adverts – not cost effective & besides, we do more targeted email campaigns.
250. The tactics stem from the strategy. Send a postcard, fax and or email to generate
a lead, sell the lead, recontact to reorder. This expands our market share and
251. Think it's tactically. Anyway. We place adds every week in some advertising
papers, do banner exchange with some website's and have advertisement in
yellow pages.
252. This may not be an answer you’ll get a lot. I have a strong strategy, but my tactics
are not aligned well with my strategy and the ones I use I do so infrequently.
253. To do it right, would need a much bigger budget than I can provide.
254. Trade publications (5 years same ad)
255. Trade show demonstrations, Joint presentations
256. Truck Maintenance Software - Free Trial Simplified, easy-to-use truck maintenance
software program that can help with your CHP BIT and DOT inspections. Prints out
nice, neat records of inspections, lubes, repairs and much more
257. TV ads to draw in patients to ask for my product – classic pull strategy
258. Unknown, perhaps a little of both
259. Until this day I have never used advertising.
260. Use advertising strategically, especially right now when I have almost no budget.
Use the web site as a focal point, and all advertising points back to the web site.
261. Use pay-per-click ads to drive traffic to a new page to test conversion rates.
262. Used to position USPs.
263. Using Classified Ad, we put ads into the best section of the paper and catch the
calls with the very effective headlines.
264. Using pay per clicks – a quick fix to get leads
265. Very little.
266. Very rarely
267. We advertise specific products rather than an ongoing strategy
268. We are not allowed to advertise.
269. We are still creating the first media advertising. Frankly the first efforts were from
an agency and they were tactical at best. It’s back to the drawing board to try and
create something more strategic but I don’t think the “experts” have a handle on it
yet. Not even sure I do at this stage.
270. We aren’t currently using advertising
271. We consider the audience that our business needs to and will target with each
272. We do not advertise
273. We do some advertising focused on our supplier/partners and potential suppliers
through sponsorship of charity golf days, school events etc. Advertising normally

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1181

Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or
through banners, print ads in media flyers etc.
274. We do some of each. Tactical advertising is when we make an ad that has one
time affect. Strategic ads are ones that promote the end user to take the first step
in a process of bringing them to understand our value and point of view.
275. We do strategic advertising/ brand building on the one main web portal in our
industry and we follow it up with specific tactical offers.
276. We don’ t advertise (4)
277. We don’t advertise apart from our catalog.
278. We don’t, and I’m eager to learn more about the differences
279. We have been advertising in fits and spurts, but have been more consistent lately.
Our advertising is focused on target markets only, not the population in general.
280. We have done no advertising, nor do we plan any. I don’t believe that is a cost-
effective medium for us. In an earlier life as a professional real estate broker and
property manager – building at one time Hawaii’s biggest operation – I placed
millions of dollars of ads and never really like the medium at that time. Some of
your techniques would have been helpful then, however.
281. We have not done advertising.
282. We have not used advertising at all, per se.
283. We have tried a monthly ¼ page ad in the local Business paper – little response.
We are currently in a program which advertises our success in customer
satisfaction, which is giving us a little better response.
284. We just advertise a classified in the industry's leading magazine "FutureSource" to
bring our name in front of potential customers.
285. We just advertise when we need to fill a room with the visiting speaker.
286. We more focus in benefit statement to our audience
287. We place ads in publications around holidays, or to advertise low prices on certain
288. We rarely advertise – if we do, it is a one page ad in a business mag, with no link
to anything else we may be doing – so “tactically”.
289. We seldom advertise
290. We seldom use advertising due to the cost
291. We tend to advertise for a specific one off campaign but not as a part of a multi-
step process - so it is tactical
292. We try to position ourselves as a great benefit to school kids – with grades and
293. We use advertising tactically when we run a Sale ad to bring customers in, when
we advertise Packing Demos, or Luggage Repair Yes - there is some strategic
element in that we keep the format the same to tie all our ads together - but NO,
Strategic is not paramount purpose.
294. We use strategy in advertising which is our smallest marketing venue. Any add is
aimed at a strategic objective asking for a specific response.
295. We usually place advertising when approached by agencies from time to time.
296. We will be using advertising strategically as planned in our marketing plan.
297. We will have the opportunity to advertise some of our offerings this year in city
publications, tactical

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Question 68. Do You Use Advertising Tactically or

298. What do you want or is this a trick question

299. When it seems like a good time to do it.
300. XpressGuard…anywhere US & Canada…4 hours or less… Guaranteed!
301. Yes Tactically when we are under sales pressure
302. YES and Yes, Buying criteria report, Stategic follow up Tactic
303. Yes, I write PR articles for magazines that are advertorial for my business
304. Yes, we advertise only where we can write editorial. Ads have a banner across
them inviting readers to register for FREE E-ZINE.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1183

Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

Question 69. Do you have a PR effort? If so, what does it consist of? How often do
you do it? How does it work? What benefit have you accepted?

Total: Yes 166, No 523

Additional comments:

1. 1) articles by us; 2)Articles about us 3) News releases; 4) TV/Radio guest spots

2. 60 day prior to event have pr firm fire up the press radio and tv.; resulted in good
3. A. Chamber events: Have booth or attendance at nearly every one. Gave a
wrecked then repaired car to Chamber. B. We began a Holiday called "National
Collision Awareness Month". We bring MADD and the Highway Safety Office
w/their Rollover Simulator to our booth at the Tulsa Auto Show. Have radio live
remotes at the event and the months advertising is all promoting Safety Issues (3rd
year)C. Sponsor "Shattered Dreams" program that the Highway Safety Office does
in a different High School each year. (3rd yr coming now)Benefits: Have had many
Chamber customers use our services. Auto show gives us our nice booth space.
People say they love our advertising and appreciate how we do our stuff.
Progressive Ins said they want to hook up w/a company that promotes themselves
as we do. (Got us that DRP Relationship)
4. Again what is this lousy question supposed to mean?
5. Always trying to attend or send samples to any seminars on death and dying that
we hear about. It helps to get our name known.
6. Announcements of new hires and promotions in newspapers and magazines.
Name in front again.
7. Articles and conference presentations have centered me in my industry as “the
8. Articles and press releases. It works better than advertising. I try to do at least on
article or press release per month.
9. Articles events
10. Articles for magazines and newspapers to spread my name recognition and
11. Articles in good business magazine generate leads and trust in our expertise.
12. As new products are introduced, pr sent to trade magazines
13. Attending technical conferences, giving technical papers. 2-4 times/year. It
generates some leads and adds to our contact list.
14. Attracting newspaper interviews
15. Barely… we have a News section on our website that we add so called Press
Releases, but only a few have been put over the wire.
16. Best marketing tool: newspapers & magazines read by our target group of potential
clients carrying articles on how they can overcome some of their problems, or
exploit opportunities, with references to us as a consultant able to assist them in
this and able to provide further information
17. Case studies, have yet to implement as a marketing tool
18. Clients news releases, every 1-2 years, not much expected
19. Community involvement, community workshops. several times a month. favorable

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

results. new patients.

20. Community service – weekly – beginning to gain name recognition, and some
good networking contacts. Hasn’t led to direct referrals or clients yet.
21. Continually Word of mouth is our only PR
22. Constantly. Great results. Even featured in Inc. Magazine and plenty of other
23. Contacts with news editors of local newspapers
24. Contribute to newspaper articles occasionally. Give prizes of coaching at prize
draws in return for business cards.
25. Cookies thank you notes
26. Did have, not effective.
27. Disjointed from different departments. Erratically. Excellent ? Poor benefit.
28. Educational based workshops sponsored by notable 3rd parties like securities
commissions and stock exchange affiliations.
29. Except for when they write about me in the paper
30. Formulating it now
31. Free lectures. Used sporadically. It generates business directly and through
referrals. “What benefit have you accepted” is not a question.
32. Free TV time from a producer who loves us (1) Because he learned how to make
serious money from property and keeps doing it, and (2) Because every time Geoff
and Paul “The Renovation Kings” appear on his show, ratings go through the roof.
33. Frequent press releases about our people, products or projects of interest. Works
to keep our name conspicuous so when we do contact a prospect, they may have
recently read something about us. All management employees are expected to
belong to a local Chamber or similar organization to help keep our profile high.
34. Good service, friendly service. Increased patient load.
35. Have had several stories done in the paper about our educational approach and
our referral-built business with satisfied customers. Gets us more business each
36. Have hired a professional to implement campaign starting in late April
37. Have some plans, but have no time
38. I am going to begin calling each customer upon each purchase.
39. I Co-Chair for the Taste of Sarasota annually, this is my 8th year, it has brought my
business in front of a lot of people.
40. I do it seldom but I do. I have PR office with a wire service. I don't have any
strategy about PR – I know it is wrong.
41. I don’t use PR.
42. I give free seminars on schools once or twice a year.
43. I have not used PR yet but the product ties into the news easily and on a sustained
level and will be benefited by this fact.
44. I have signed up as an Ambassador of our local Chamber of Commerce. But I
also realize that I need to do more PR in the future.
45. I haven’t used PR but I really like this as an effective marketing tool. I have
thought of writing articles for local papers’ business sections and speaking on
database topics at local business organization meetings.

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

46. I put out the occasional press release via but haven’t tracked the
efficiency in a measurable manner. I’ve started to think its wasted money, though I
could be wrong.
47. I put out the occasional press release via but haven’t tracked the
efficiency in a measurable manner. I’ve started to think its wasted money, though I
could be wrong.
48. I use my personal name in pr.
49. I used to do seminars and also to send out press releases, with good results. I
anticipate doing those things again, as I enjoyed the contact with people and also
the increased sales.
50. I write a few press releases and articles each year
51. I write articles and submit them to trade journal and ezines in my target niches.
Monthly. I make friends with the publisher and provide them with content that is
valuable to their readers. I include contact information and an offer to receive a
free report at the end of the article. Then I capture contact info on the respondents
and put them in my marketing pipeline for continuous follow-ups. I did this for the
restaurant industry and received several new clients.
52. I write articles, appear on radio shows or send out press releases. Little direct
53. I write regularly to the business magazines, I had many interviews, we send books
to the press to review, we organize press conferences, we invite journalists to
experience our products etc.
54. I’ve sent press releases to a few local news agencies, and I’ve placed them on
news web sites. Trying to promote inexpensive word of mouth. Too early to tell
whether it’s working.
55. In China, we have attempted to have a formal PR role, primarily as it relates to PR
associated with the government. But the person was inadequate for the role. I
believe that a PR role will roll out as a necessary ingredient of our new China
marketing strategy. Not clear on the details and scope of the role, as of yet.
56. In concert with my publisher, Broadway Books, we received a review from
Publishers Weekly, placement in One Spirit Bookclub. The first printing sold out in
less that three months! I didn't understand how to continue once Broadway was
"done" ... and then I ran out of money, and didn't realize I could just email rather
than use print.
57. In trade journals.
58. In conjunction with being in the magazines. I’m a journo by trade (or degree rather)
and also studied PR so write my own copy. Also a photographer so can provide
high res images if needed.
59. Informative articles in the local paper. About once a month. Most articles have
generated more interest and sales.
60. Infrequent and only articles I have personally written.
61. Interesting possibility for the future
62. Internet website
63. It doesn’t work very well numbers-wise, but has produced some sales (about 3,
which is about one sale from every 8th article – not high)
64. It has been pretty ad hoc but we take every opportunity to present publicly or to be
written up in the papers etc. We need to be more proactive with PR.
65. It is limited to chamber of commerce events on a monthly basis.

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

66. It is on the agenda.

67. It was called giving donations to every organization’s ad journal. If I gave, they
didn’t boycott me ;-)
68. It will become promos in church bulletins, sending press releases out to local
secular media, hopefully getting coverage that way.
69. It’s not been what I expected, but that is being fixed now
70. Just at networking events in the cities we work.
71. Just in bits and pieces, again more a tactical PR effort instead of strategic
72. Just started planning.
73. Limited in the past. More to come next year
74. Limited one. I used to take pastors out to lunch to find out more of the member
needs. Now I’m so busy I stopped it, but they like results and continue to refer.
75. Media and shows when we can.
76. Meeting with our customers and prospects at conferences and conventions.
77. Monthly
78. Most effective tool in marketing. Can also give you the highest ROI, because with
minimal effort you can reach thousands of potential customers. Important is the
generate news worthy events, or develop popular spokes people
79. My customers do my PR
80. My PR effort will be based on trying to obtain publicity for the ways the Website
can benefit those with communications needs.
81. New venture.
82. No PR at all
83. No results yet.
84. None
85. Not at this stage – only direct business development/sales travel.
86. Not much
87. Not really measurable
88. Not really, I don’t understand how PR works – Jay explained it well in his book, I
have not done this yet.
89. Not yet, not enough time to look at this. I probably will in the future - along with
Press releases I haven't done yet.
90. Not yet. Working on it
91. Not yet. Is in pipeline. PR agency already in starting blocks.
92. Nothing consistent right now.
93. Nothing formal.
94. Nothing we have done has worked.
95. Occasionally, whenever we release a new report, we issue a press release across
the newswires and send it to a list of several hundred industry trade reporters and
editors. It generates probably less than 10% of our website traffic, though. We do
not work with a PR firm or individual.
96. Occasionally. Most prospects come from PR.
97. Once or twice a month I try to send out press releases to newspapers and TV/radio

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

about my new ebooks. I only know of one, however, that has been successful,
although I’ve picked up some people mentioning a TV program when they sign up
for my newsletter as the referral to them. If any of my releases are being printed or
used, I’m only really aware of one, and it wasn’t the press release it was just a
mention of my web site.
98. One or two newsletters per year plus media releases and advertising for each
99. Only intermittently. Through the very occasional press release.
100. Only what is outlined.. Am considering presentations at school Parent and Citizen
Groups on relevant areas.
101. Our new web site has a news section. We will start writing press releases in the
near future for distribution.
102. Our PR is aimed at making people aware of the ecological systems that need our
help, such as the “Cleanup Australia” campaign, the “Greening Australia”
campaign and so on. We will be using this heavily at launch (at a zoo) and
continually associating our company with ecological issues thereafter.
103. Our PR program centers around community involvement. Sponsoring sports
teams, taking care of the HS wrestling team, serving on the Chamber of
Commerce Wellness Committee (chairman) and other visibility efforts. However,
we usually put a very low key emphasis on our business in these endeavors
(except the Chamber) which is probable a mistake. I just don’t know how to
ethically put our business in a benefit position in doing these things or even if I
should be trying to.
104. Our product involves a PR aspect and this does help in the generation of business.
105. PACKING DEMOS - in past have sent Press Releases to newspapers and radio
stations. Twice in past couple decades, they put article or spot in, onee featuring
incorrect dates. All other attempts to get PR in newspaper or radio were to no
avail. Packing Demos do generate a fair amount of word of mouth PR - people
frequently call asking when the next one will be.
106. People use word of mouth
107. Please give further explanation on this one.
108. Posting to vendor newsgroups, and occasionally writing articles that get published
either on vendor web site or in an industry magazine. This years biggest client is a
direct result of that.
109. PR – Press release Not often How does it work? Press contacts What benefit?
None accepted
110. PR appears to be limited to official press releases.
111. PR at shows and retail outlets, which I find hard to measure at this stage
112. PR effort has begun only recently by hiring a PR agency on retainership basis .
Press interviews , product launch news etc.
113. PR group tries to issue releases with customer testimonials but this is rare. Many
are released announcing our partnerships, ie host-beneficiary relationships. Often
have 1 release per quarter.
114. PR leads with Dan Janal – articles in modern bride, redbook – very good!
115. PR was used at launch – we have use it only once locally to get an article about a
visit of our celebrity endorser – struggle to find enough news about one product!
116. PR work is done by one person infrequently, or by those attending conferences
and meetings indirectly. It doesn’t operate effectively as the person is not readily

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

trained or not having the motivation to do it, or it’s also the top management
inaptitude to provide guidance.
117. Press Release, trade shows and check out (it’s a golf
product I just introduced). I use beautiful models like Ron Rice did with Hawaiian
Tropic and Hooter’s does.
118. Press releases at A, B and C levels. Freq 2/7Article placements, with pieces
written by engineers or scientists Freq 2/12 Don’t know the benefit. Company
didn’t conduct a survey on whether prospect or customer had seen or read our
articles. Web seminars 1/12 -- getting leads
119. Press releases, articles, workshops, media interviews. Monthly.
120. Press releases, contact with writers, media, invite writers to resorts and hotels.
121. Press releases, to be started this month, at least once per month.
122. Press Releases. Bi monthly. No visible response. None
123. Pretty much what I do on a day to day basis. Probably need to formalize this and
build into the strategy.
124. PRLeads, ExpertClick, local NSA newsletter, media releases – at least monthly I
do something. I’ve gotten business from PR.
125. Reaching out to key beat reporters and editors with story pitches. Also offer
company president as resource for stories about corporate security. We’re holding
back on this somewhat until the web site is revamped, as reporters typically go to
the web site before they’ll call. However, we take advantage of security issues in
the news. We’ve had coverage in The New York Times (quotes and photo), a
couple of Connecticut publications (where we’re based) and an interview on a local
news TV show (in Fairfield County, Connecticut).
126. Relationship building, gain trust
127. See mkt plan
128. Seminars, workshops, articles
129. Sending press releases at intervals throughout the year touting awards we’ve
received, but pointing the credit to the client. . .lead with their name
130. Simply making the rounds – nothing beats a face-to-face, although I would like to
be able to do this with less personally-perceived effort
131. Slight benefits, we were doing an annual golf tourney and that stopped 2 years
ago. We do a walk a thon fund raiser that has been stopped as well. Thinking of
doing a every other year open and barbeque and a golf tourney for charity on the
off year. We may do it this year because we are in out 25th year of business and
we could tie it in as a anniversary party and client thank you and appreciation
132. Some ads in magazines such as Southwest Art, ets.
133. Sponsorship of community events, e.g. maths competition for schools and cycle
race. Association with client companies and public awareness as well as client and
prospect awareness. Good corporate citizen.
134. Taking on a leadership role in the T’ai Chi Chih community so the teachers get to
know me & my video. It has worked to double my sales in 2 years.
135. Talk to anyone who will listen. Cold calls. Ask the question what if?
136. Tested PR but was expensive failure
137. The only PR comes thru users of the Stick
138. The periodic mailings… annually/bi-annually… usually generates several leads…

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

we have broken out of the elementary school market and are now competing for
secondary schools.
139. The public relation effort is designed to listen to an entity which is wanting to
achieve a success in communication. We want them to know that we feel the
communications can be helped both technically and behaviorally and we feel that
they can benefit from the utilization of both and we care that their wishes are
fulfilled. We do not shirk from approaching the issue comprehensively and do not
intend to have the problem approached piece meal.
140. This is in ‘the works’. We’re thinking in terms of speaking to groups. We will do
this at least once a week.
141. This is where we need to put our emphasis.
142. This is why I do networking.
143. Three times a year
144. Tradeshows, faxing – builds our relationships
145. Twice interviewed for the paper
146. Use it all the time. Consists of keeping key journalists informed of products &
developments of company. Recent coverage included regional TV
147. Very small efforts here – again time and manpower constraints. We do recognize
our customers birthdays every year, which gets great feedback – particularly from
people who would expect us to have forgotten them as they weren’t the decision
maker (for example) or because it ahs been a while since they did business with
us. They forget how we found out in the first place! We do make minor attempts
to publish news worthy articles in the daily press, and occasionally arrange
interviews on radio.
148. Virtually none. I’m too busy
149. We approach well known publications in the finance sector and tell them how cool
and sexy our product is. We do it often and consistently. It works well. We have
had articles in Time, Kiplinger’s Money, the Wall Street Journal (online and print)
and the Dallas Morning News (picked up by 45 other daily newspapers).
150. We are always trying to get good deeds well known in the community via radio,
print, or word of mouth. As the situation arises. It gives us a good name in the
community as people who care.
151. We are having our first annual convention for our Internet directory listing
customers in June..
152. We are just moving into doing more in this area just now
153. We do little, if any, PR
154. We do not…hired a PR firm who never did anything…we didn’t pay them
155. We have a local person interview us for press releases monthly and she sends
them out to the various media outlets. We have had free press.
156. We have email list of other web sites who often publicize our initiatives as we do
157. We have not done a specific PR effort only, but try to subtly incorporate PR in
everything we do
158. We have written some press releases, but there is no real schedule and I realize
this is an untapped marketing source. We didn’t have a huge response to our
previous press releases, but I we can get a good response, I’m confident of it.
159. We help promote events and schools. Our customers love it, and they happily

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

refer customers to us because of it.

160. We also the User group meeting for developer s in the community in Denver…
161. We offer FREE tower installation for government agencies and colleges that
promote and educate farmers, landowners and municipals on the economic
advantages that wind power generation can bring to rural communities.
162. We organize & sponsor some conferences & hold investor breakfasts etc.
163. We send our press releases on a regular basis to key publications/media people to
announce new records, milestones such as Store #100, new key employees, etc.
We have had numerous articles written about Sport Clips in local newspapers,
national and regional magazines, and features on local TV channels and radio
164. We send out press releases every two weeks. We keep in touch over and above
this with ‘friendly’ journalists/media contacts. It works really well and we have had
incredible benefit from this approach as it positions us as the authorities on the
subject. We have picked up at least £50,000 worth of business directly as a result
of press coverage. However we also see it as part of our contact system and it
forms part of the ‘8/9’ contacts before a purchase is made.
165. we send press releases and talk with journalists in our industry as time permits. It
is currently sporadic but I am working on having it consistent and systematized.
166. We sponsor selective causes (without any hidden party political or religious
denominations’ agendas); I make myself available to conduct
workshops/networking sessions for the Chamber of Business and/or junior
entrepreneurs; I invite prospective corporate clients (or their contact person/s) to
social functions/lunch dates on a purely social basis, without talking any direct
business; we contribute on a structured basis to various charities; we treat
people/firms/concerns approaching us as a prospective client for them with the
same respect and courteousness we would like to get from the prospective clients
we approach.
167. We use PR as much as possible. Its works very well for us and it not costly.
168. We use the “FREE” press as often as we can and it works very good. Our
company receives a lot of free publicity every time something is published.
169. We use the same photo of us and our horse on all ads and mail-outs.
170. We used to post news releases on our web site but we have not done it in a while.
It is something we should get back to doing.
171. Weekly
172. Weekly/monthly
173. When I have a new book come out, I send out review copies to the media
(magazines, newsletters, newspapers, etc.) according to Dan Poyneter’s
guidelines. Results have only mediocre and the last campaign for my last book got
very poor results.
174. When we launch our product line, I will create press releases to help us generate
175. Will be pursuing a PR effort before our grand opening. Will plan to make it effective
in order to reap the maximum benefits for us.
176. Word of mouth
177. Written articles
178. Yes, competitions, generates awareness

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Question 69. Do You Have A PR Effort?

179. Yes but needs improvement. Speakers bureau 2x’s month and wait to respond
180. Yes we do technical papers regularly for the industry. They are prepared at a rate
of two per year.
181. Yes, I am serving as chairman of the technical engineering society associated with
the electrical and electronics industry. Hence my name and company name are
visible before my customers, many of whom attend these society meetings that I
help to plan.
182. Yes, maximizing contacts in the media – magazines, newspapers, radio and TV.
183. Yes, monthly. We don’t track its effect. Unknown.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1192

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

Question 70. Describe your direct-mail efforts? Type, frequency, objective, and

1. 1. We offer $30 off any service with no expiration date. 2. We offer a free trail
toner cartridge with no risk or obligation.
2. 10,000 a month in our real estate business but its over promise with no back up.
3. 1-2page letter, 1 - 2 times annually, keep in touch with customers and make sales
4. 1-5% appointment after following up by telephone. 1 project out of 500 letters. Still
5. 150 sale letters aimed at printing companies, 15 responses, one sale. This was
the first of four times I will be using this approach.
6. 2 times a year a one page flyer
7. 25 - 30 per year - Seasonal and general - to inspire a desire to purchase - fair
8. 4 times a year postcard generally with a topical promotion, generally for a quantity
9. 50,000 letterbox distributions when we are not busy
10. 6X8 postcards sent monthly to drive reorders and request referrals. We get a 15 to
1 return on our mail
11. 70
12. 99% of my advertising is direct mail. I wont spend a dime on institutional
advertising. I do it by mail (plain text only) and I'am one of not so many hard selling
direct e-marketers in Poland... you see, 3 pages long sales letter is sth unusual
here and sth shortest for me to give all my thoughts.
13. About once a month to our top 50 prospects. 2 to 4 pages, sometimes with a
brochure included.
14. Ad cards in a mailing pack. Tried once. Had zero responses.
15. Ad-hoc, objective to generate enquiries (and raise company profile), poor results
16. All e-mail
17. Already covered in terms of type frequency 10 letters per advisor every week to
secure four appointments every week.
18. A marketing consultant came in 2 years ago and sent out a few hundred letters to
furniture removalists in one shot. We received no enquiries, and there was no
phone follow up. It was an expensive disaster. Recently we sent out 7 letters to a
small network of cold-store warehouses and followed them up with phone calls and
received a long term hire ($30 a day for 78 weeks) plus 4 very interested in
keeping information on us in their files for future reference. We sent out another 12
to regional cold-store warehouses of a national food distributor, with 8 happy to
receive promotional information for their files. The lesson we learn is that tight
targeting is better than broad-brush, and roll-out should be in small lots to enable
effective phone follow up. The best result we can hope for via direct mail is that
information about us will be received and put on file so that when a need for us
arises, our information is available.
19. Announcing new products/ services/ specials
20. Annual newsletter. That’s it. Sad isn’t it?
21. Annually holiday cards Periodic new product or service intro postcards
22. Answered earlier. At this point the results are nothing to brag about. Need more

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

testing and time.

23. As above, monthly to different groups. Promoting different things
24. As little as possible. We believe that most serious property investors will have a
computer and an email address. We snailmail ONE piece only to people who
don’t. This may be a self-fulfilling prophecy, but few of them ever book in,
compared to emails. The return for effort is lousy ... and since I AM the office, I
give them low priority.
25. As needed to gain clients
26. As said before, one off non-integrated campaigns
27. At least once a month and usually twice at least. I'm hoping to generate trust so
people will come back to web site to buy something.
28. Audio tapes or cd through mail with a follow up call- to get into door -membership
29. Based on branding and direct response tactics. Every 21 days and currently only
to my three ‘Farm’ areas consisting of 2200 households.
30. Bi-monthly update to clients with information
31. Birthday and Christmas cards
32. Book review campaign as described in #69 and letters to my mail list when a new
product comes out. Mail list generates some sales, probably 10-20% response
33. Brochure mailouts, when needed, sell seminars, very low percentage. Maybe 3%
34. Brochures when we contact someone that is interested.
35. Bulk-mailing to wealthy zip codes. 3-5 hits over 4-6 weeks. Results are poor so
36. bulky mail; 5-7 step process; letter, phone call, letter….objective to get
37. Campaigns every 6months or so. Objective is to get leads.
38. Campaigns every 6months or so. Objective is to get leads.
39. Clients receive mail quarterly. Provide them with up to date and relevant
40. Close to zero, due in part to poor previous results.
41. Concentrate on direct-mail around the time of an upcoming event. Do not do direct
mail for home study product yet.
42. Contact the channels and explain the product features and the incentive to the
43. Contact with a customer tends to be a phone call or email message. We close
about 80% of the opportunities where we can advance to submitting a proposal.
44. Creative postcards, cool Valentines, seasonal mood music CD’s, X-mas cards. ..
all direct mail is intended to keep our name in front of our list of clients/prospects. .
.we get great comments each time on the quality and innovative look to each. .
.from time to time, it also prompts a prospect to call us for a potential project
45. Currently, we do not use direct mail.
46. Daily to big companies hiring sales or marketing managers. Activity too new to
have any significant results
47. Describe your direct-mail efforts? Type, frequency, objective, and results monthly
post cards, x-mass letter to past clients, calendars to past clients, scratch pads to
farm area and buyer and seller prospects on 1st appt. Objective is to keep our

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

presence in front of them - remind them we are still handling real estate needs..
48. Direct e-mail only – lower cost
49. Direct mail and one off.
50. Direct mail has been sales letters accompanied by a 1-page mini article about
some aspect of training, sourced from a good journal, describing a problem. My
covering letter draws attention to the problem (the article is my evidence), and how
I can help companies address it.
51. Direct mail letter to alternative health minded individuals with objective to educate
on chelation and offered in conjunction with a seminar for them to attend. The
results have been extremely positive and we have increased mailing from once
every 4 months to every 10 weeks and seminar to follow.
52. Direct mail letters to one of my target markets, once a year to get them to visit my
53. Direct mail post cards that direct traffic to website, 2 step sale approach.
54. Direct mail to purchased mail lists, about 3 times a year .to increase cash flow
during the slow periods of the year
55. DM (both postal and email) is one of the main pillars of our strategic marketing
program. These DM programs will be run continuously and our objective is to
generate leads and sales.
56. DM is primarily used for seminars and events. We usually get 20-30% unsolicited
57. Do not have any
58. Do not have one
59. Do not use
60. do not use any more after the first two years of losing money doing it and not
getting any business
61. Do not use.
62. Don’t do direct mail
63. Don’t do it yet.
64. Don’t do it.
65. Don’t use.
66. don't have one
67. Due to cost and time savings, I have mostly been using email lately, but may rely
on direct mail in combination with email and the fax machine for a future event I
am planning.
68. Early days but we send out direct mail letters with some kind of offer, preferably
with some 3D element to the contents or packaging. Too early to ascertain results.
69. Educate them on our product and try to create their need and want and hopefully
they will buy our product.
70. Email – 2 to 5 % order response. Objective is to get repeat sales, Frequency once
per moth
71. Email direct
72. Email direct
73. E-mail newsletters and endorsements. About once per month. To provide value

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

and recommend products/services I find useful. About 20-25% of my list members

buy consistently, the rest is sporadic.
74. Email newsletters, only few results
75. Email to opt-in list, direct mail pieces monthly and quarterly
76. Email, opt in email newsletter, direct mail of sales letter, followup with two more
sales letters, followup phone call.
77. Email—weekly---about 250 nem clients/wk
78. Every month
79. Every month/ More sales/Month mailings
80. every quarter, informing clients of a new product etc. results have been sporadic,
as we have been testing different approaches
81. every quarter, informing clients of a new product etc. results have been sporadic,
as we have been testing different approaches
82. Every week we send something out. Objective is in most cases to sell. Good
constant results – profitable method for us.
84. Fax service
85. Flyers delivered mostly to local neighborhood. It was effective but not efficient
because it was hand delivered.
86. Flyers, Info Packs not often enough, results-mixed.
87. Followup postcard every 30 days
88. Follow-up to initial call.
89. Four times a year – results may not be obvious
90. glossy postcard, which both invites customer and announces the current artist
showing, done every 3 - 4 months
91. Hardly if any
92. Have just started to consider a program
93. have no consistent pattern… recently did 5 year anniversary letter got good
94. Have no DM activity at this stage. Again not sure how to do this at the retailer level
when we only have one product.
96. Have not done any in the last year.
97. Have not done direct mail for my own business. (just for clients’ businesses.)
98. Have not started direct mail yet. Plan to start monthly letter starting April to all past
clients containing educational info and monthly special.
99. Have only sent letters to people referred to me by existing clients with the objective
of introducing us to the potential client and preparing the client for our follow up
phone call to set the appointment. We set appointments with about 25% of the
people we call.
100. have sent new move in mailers. Didn’t work
101. Have to plan this effectively as an overall strategy.
102. have tried considerable things with this business and not yet found the one that

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

works. when we do we will go after it in a big way...with cell tech we had a tape
that worked and we sent millions out..we don't have a tape that pulls the necessary
results yet...we have had decent response but not good closing...maybe our price
point was high $700 to get in with 24-48 customers...I thought the value was
awesome but the public did not
103. Haven’t done any at this time(5)
104. Highly targeted at specific individuals who I know are the right people to buy my
service. No mass mailings at all. Each letter is slightly tailored to what I know
about a prospect. A few sent every day.
105. Hit and miss postcard and letters
107. I am actually in the process of putting together my first one. I am having the fitness
center that owns the building where I have my office here offer, as part of their
marketing plan, a free massage (on me) to their new members as a new-member
benefit. They will be mailing out to their new members certificates for a free
massage from me (which include a description of the benefits of massage), along
with a cover letter from them. The objective, of course, is to “get them on my
table”. The frequency of our repeating this will of course depend upon the results.
108. I am beginning a new campaign next week. I described in some of the above
109. I am just doing my first direct mail its off a list from a trade group I belong to.
110. I am not sure if I will do direct-mail campaigns, I may try and stick with the Internet
and direct-email.
111. I am using monthly E-mails to update customers about new products, services,
and technologies that can be of benefit to them.
112. I did one mailing of 1000 pieces to my target market and did not generate one
inquiry. I did two mailings of 1000 each to the same prospect base with another
product and did not generate a single response.
113. I don´t have of my own
114. I don't believe direct mail will work except for contacting potential dealers and
venture partners etc. Although the marginal net worth of a client once calculated or
estimated fairly closely will determine if I it can be viable. The response to the
pieces going out will also factor greatly in this equation.
115. I don't.
116. I find email is much more cost effective with no cash outlay. I can reach tens of
millions for nothing and only pay for results.
117. I have attempt to write a few sales letters and mailed out a couple hundred letters
with no results…that’s basically it
118. I have developed a direct mail letter and have sent it to two batches of prospects. I
need to repeat it to a much wider audience.
119. I have not done this yet.
120. I have not used it at all.
121. I haven’t attempted a mail effort with this company yet. I previously tried a mail
effort with a project and learned how fast you can go through $10,000 when you
don’t study marketing beforehand.
122. I inform my clients of added value services that I can provide. Have just started
doing it in order to continue to establish relationships with my clients. I have had

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

almost no results unless I follow up with a phone call.

123. I mail about once/month to our existing clients. The pieces for the last couple
years have been oriented toward some type of discount for having a service
checkup. Very general in nature. But even that has been quite successful.
124. I mail new clients in quantities of 100 every month. My primary goal is qualification.
Every qualified prospect receives a copy of the concept I have developed to
maximize the value of their IT organizations and minimize defects from the
software process. They are added to my database and followed up by a phone call
for setting up a meeting. This is how I operate now and it is too early to say. Before
this I was only sending lead generating letters that resulted in 1 respons per 35
letters. I must say that these were clients contacting me.
125. I mail out when the customers request it.
126. I mail to customers celebrities and subscribers
127. I no longer use direct mail. It never was successful – never.
128. I occasionally send out direct mail letters to get new clients. The results have been
129. I only tried one direct mail, with a response rate of 1%. I don´t believe in the impact
of direct mails.
130. I only use email
131. I put up flyers at the University to target University students looking for housing.
Once a year. Results are fairly good.
132. I send out a monthly newsletter to speakers, bureaus and meeting planners.
133. I send out personal letters of approach, with specific USPs, to firms or groupings
that I have identified as having a specific kind of need regarding outside business
services. Frequency is approximately 2 per month (I do quite some research
before I commit an individual approach to writing). My hit rate to date is approx
134. I use a yellow pages list to target small businesses – especially beauty and hair
salons. I offer a 30 free trial of my $226 course. I get about 1.6% conversion to
purchase (after the 30 days). My last mail out didn’t break .5% even though it’s the
identical letter and to same market. It’s a little scary and reinforces the arthenon
approach that is needed.
135. I’ll be doing my first one in a while next month to past buyers of a certain item that
assumes that they’ll repurchase, it contains an order sheet and a return envelope
136. I’ve done very little in this area of marketing.
137. Ideally I would like to build a relationship with a potential customer in a direct mail
format, so rather than to dump out thousands of letters, I would like to implement a
series of 5 letters with a response mechanism in each of them. Those who
respond get the next letter, those who do not get a modified repeat letter. You can
build a on-going communication with a quite significant part of your target audience
for little money(marketing investment)
138. IN THE PAST did 3rd class mail nearly every month, rotating through our address
list, covering a portion each month. Stopped due to decreasing response, and
USPS new bulk mail regulations that increased costs & complexity.
MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG/FLYER under co-op relationship with mfgrs,
mailed to our customer list - beautiful mailers, deplorable response less than one
half percent even when offered free gift for just bringing in coupon. POSTCARDS
TO our customer list 2 - 3 times a year, for special events - good response, but
kind of expensive with postage rates ever going up, up up

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

139. In the past I’ve used direct mail to attract clients. It has been effective.
140. In the past very inconsistent, it is getting better. Shooting for a client contact
141. In the process of developing a mailing list. We’re going after certain professions
and we’re seeking those who do not yet have a website. We’re also studying those
who do have a website that we feel we can make better.
142. Inconsistent, tends to be based on whim
143. Individual personalized letters with a follow-up.
144. Infrequent and usually through distributor mailings
145. Initially through postcards, to get them to ask for a free report. I get about 1%
response rate. Very disappointing.
146. Intermittent mailing to clients that don’t seem to produce much results
147. Intermittent with poor results
148. Irregular
149. It is a two page letter that starts of talking about the situation they are in right now
and how they might want to consider an opportunity to improve their business. It
also describes some of the benefits clients have received. There is an offer at the
end to call and they will receive a gift. I used to do this on a weekly basis and
discovered that many didn’t read the letter even when they received it. Mail was
sent out in handwritten envelopes with no return address to maintain
mysteriousness. The objective was to introduce myself to them and offer an
chance to meet up with a fellow business owner who can share ways in which they
can grow their business. As most don’t like to read and some don’t even read
English, I found that it was not very productive use of time and resources.
150. It is haphazard.
151. It will be a three-monthly DM directed to prospects who do not order immediately
and postpone decision. This DM is planned to be send a month after presentation
with announcement of half a year production capability constraint and then after
announced time information about production ready period – again a short period
that will require additional months to get the order.
152. Just coupons in ValPak.
153. Just letters to follow up with contacts that I have made
154. Just started
155. Just starting. Directed at prime accounts, our “best possible customer” prospects.
156. least used at this time- no current stat’s
157. Letter of introduction. Infrequent. Opportunity offer services, minimal.
158. Letter on a random basis to obtain leads for a seminar. Periodic thank you letters
159. Letter to current clients, with personal info, update on clinic, offer, results are
typically a 3-400% ROI
160. Letter, annual, raise awareness of possible need, some call backs
161. Letter, emails, post cards, phone calls, requests for referrals. 500k plus per year.
162. Letter In frequent to known buyers Offered services at reduced cost to a specific
market Make a couple of sales
163. Letters , every 2-3 months, objective: gain new customers, get a trial order.
164. Letters after 1 year

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

165. Letters and brochures – when I can afford to – new customers – very poor
166. Letters monthly good results
167. Letters sent on weekly monthly basic Informative, and sales Referral letters And
follow up letter
168. Letters to top officers at target companies, whenever I identify a target company, to
get a meeting at their office. Results: low conversion rate so far
169. Letters, three times a year, to get clients, a 1% success rate.
170. Limited
171. Little.
172. mail advertising, about once a month, to make people know our company, the
result is pretty good.
173. Mail postcards to neighborhoods for new listings and sales, some positive results.
174. Mail postcards to top 400 realtors monthly Mail letters to top 400 realtors
monthly Have 3rd party mail (title, other realtors) to top 400 realtors Mailed
audio tape with 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us
176. Mailed a 4-page brochure advertising a seminar to 1040 chamber members; got
three requests for more information and one call. Was sent too close to date,
should have gone 1st class instead of standard and – most important – should
have had a banner that said, “Special Offer to Chamber Members”
177. Mailers and postcards on a monthly basis
178. Mailing from a mailing list—results are not that great, so I shy away from such.
179. Mainly consist with engineering letters of endorsements for host to send.
180. Mainly through email to potential and existing suppliers/partners(limited number of
people). Type and frequency dependent on product and season. Results to date
fairly good but combined with other approaches.
181. Mass mailings, once per month, to give them valuable information and position us
in their mind so that when they are ready to sell their home, they will call us. This is
what works best for us.
182. Mentioned _ newsletters quarterly
183. Minimal
184. Miserable failure. Qualified list, killer letter, follow up phone call. Zero results.
185. monthly
187. Monthly commission mail outs to practitioners with occasional information.
188. Monthly mailing to educate clients and prospects with a call to action Email to
educate clients and prospects with a call to action.
189. monthly mailouts of cards (free quick over the net home evaluation), free video,
mailouts of 8-page color magazine.
190. Monthly newsletter we get compliments on it but I think it is only a stepping stone
to actually get the professionals to refer to us I am still trying to figure out how to
get them to refer everyone they see that we can help to us
Looking at starting 7000 piece mailings to target niche – mainly quarterly seminar

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

192. Monthly normally linked with promotions. Results = 0
193. Monthly offers for us to watch children while the parents go out on a "date"
194. Monthly postcards, top of mind marketing, new clients
195. Monthly to established accounts with statements generally sales messages to
increase sales varied results
196. Monthly with telsales follow up.
197. monthly, tried to get people to our free seminar, did not pay for itself
198. Monthly. Objective is to keep people interested and informed, and remind them we
have books for sale.
199. Most of our marketing efforts are based around direct marketing. The results have
been dismal. Whether our sales material is not good enough, our sales letters our
offers, our pricing, results to date have been very discouraging. I’m not sure
whether the same concepts transpose to Australia. I believe t hey should but our
results to date do not support it.
201. My goal will be to test a specific list/offer and roll out when successful.
202. My Office –Type Question 38 Frequency Bi-monthly to about 5,000 homes
Objective Obtain new listings Results About 10 new listings every mailing, or
0.2%Personal – NONE
203. N.A.(27)
204. Never had to do it so far. I am all curious how we will do this summer or fall with
our number one attempt
205. Never!
206. newsletter every three mos or so
207. Newsletter sent quarterly to active clients. This is starting to become more effective
as my newsletter as taken on a more professional look and style by showcasing
alot of my framing of my clients art. My objective was to show what can be done
with the right style of framing and the results have been very favorable. Clients call
and comment that they enjoy the newsletter, call to talk about a particular item
featured or to ask about having something of theirs framed that way. In listening to
our tapes about seminar giving and giving to your clients, I put into my 1st quarter
newsletter that I would hold a free "How to stretch/block needlework for framing"
workshop for a limited amount of people. The workshop isn't until March 27th but
by the first week in February I had to start a waiting list. The list of attendees
included 2 inactive clients that I haven't seen in almost 2 1/2 years and they are
both bringing people that have never been here. The other direct mail effort has
been to the prospects names that I receive monthly. They initially receive a
postcard from me thanking them for their interest along with an opening invitation
to the gallery. There is an offer for 20% off at the bottom of the card as a P.S.
These are sent monthly with an objective to bring in new clients. So far the results
have been less than stellar.
208. Newsletter to list once a month. Just getting this one off of the ground, so no
results yet.
209. Newsletter, and 1-year check-up
210. Newsletters, quarterly, “top of mind awareness” and to get referrals, we do
generate some referrals from this—enough to justify the cost

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

211. Nil(8)
212. No(3)
213. No direct mail activity is being done presently.
214. no direct mail although we do a lot of fax marketing.
215. No direct mail effort that I’ve seen.
216. No direct mail efforts unless its to inform our clients of a change in Regulations
217. No direct mail efforts.
218. No direct mail efforts. Would like to implement a Postcard system, a Sales letter
219. No direct mail program in place due to cost and nature of business
220. No direct mail so far. Just email
221. No direct mail.
222. No direct mail.
223. No direct mails
224. No Direct mail planned in early months. A direct mail marketing plan will be
developed for licensees after early marketing has been done.
225. no efforts
226. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
227. Non existent(3)
228. NONE(94)
229. None – thinking about it.
230. None apart from the Internet
231. None as of yet!! Coming soon hopefully
232. None at present and none planned
233. None at present.
234. None at this moment we think about e-mailing soon.
235. None at this point.
236. None at this time(2)
237. None at this time beyond hand written thank you cards
238. None at this time.
239. None but a few dozen cold prospecting letters every few months
240. None currently
241. None existent
242. None exists
243. None in last 3 years
244. None in recent years.
246. None recently. In the past tried only short time
247. None so far

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

248. None to date

249. None undertaken to date.
250. —none undertaken.
251. None yet(5)
252. None yet and don’t currently plan to start.
253. None yet.
254. None!
255. None, currently
256. None, except postcards to previous customers and people who have asked to be
on that mailing list. The best result I had was when we had orders for 1,100 books
within two weeks of a 400-postcard mailing.
257. None, these days. I did use direct mail early on. Today I feel it is throwing my
money to the wrong clientele. I need to research the direct mail options I might
have for the clientele I do want. But I am still currently convinced it may be a
complete waste of time & money.
258. none, yet.
259. None. Flyer are distribute by hand. Response to flyers is 1%
260. Non-existent
261. Not applicable
262. Not applicable at this point.
263. Not done at the moment
264. Not for my company, but well for customers
265. Not much
266. Not much – too expensive. Prefer Internet
267. Not often – to get more clients
268. Not relevant.
269. Not set up at this stage.
271. Not used – emails only
272. Not used yet.
273. Not used.
274. Not yet commenced
275. Not yet conducted except one one off letter box drop which bombed
276. Not yet in use.
278. Nothing more that an ad for a sale or holiday specials.
279. –nothing so far—referrals have kept me busy so far.
280. Nun,
281. Objectively and with small results.
282. Occasional postcard to existing clients

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

283. Occasional programs using direct mail – letter, phone call, letter, phone call, etc. –
to make contact with new clients. These efforts have resulted in some new client
contacts but would probably be highly productive if they were more consistent and
approached from a long-term perspective.
284. Offering courses. See attachments.
285. Once - flier and invitation to hold a mini-workshop. Objective: provide awareness
to market place of our existence; obtain participants in workshop and eventually
sales coaching clients. Results: held one workshop - no clients obtained.
286. Once a year targeted mailing.
287. Once a year, we mail out a brochure to a targeted mailing list.
288. Once a year: catalog; other efforts include special gifts to top 10,000 clients at
Christmas, to referrers at other times. . . .
289. Once every 3 months – get 5 calls
290. once every 6 weeks: usually copies (reprints) of articles referred to in Q69 or other
informative material, often with an incentive (eg a free report) to make contact
291. Once every other week with 5,000 menus to homes for each store to get our
regular customers to order from us and bring us new ones-help us to increase our
business by 8-15%
292. Once or twice a year – always when business is down
293. Once or twice a year at most, we usually break even on the mailing, that’s about it.
294. Once to twice a year. Generally a product brochure and possibly a new product
295. Once. That is all.
296. One a month, get a client, marginally effective
297. One direct mail campaign…no results
298. One in a while – 2-3% response rate, 1% new business; could do more, resources
299. One-time mailing to paper’s former subscribers by a respected church media
expert to get those people to visit website, answer the question and hopefully
become full subscribers once again.
300. Only as pre trade show work. Mail announcement and invitations
302. Only invites to seminars
303. Only on email. Very sporadic
304. Only tried once – dismal results
305. Only use e-mail and obtain 1% to 3%.
306. Only when I started my business in 1981. Used direct mail and local seminars as
my lead generation vehicles. Have never had to do it since.
307. Only when sending official receipts and other related docs.
308. Our direct mail campaign is generally once a month . This campaign is primarily
targeted to the refi market since interest rates are at a historic all Time low.
309. Our direct-mail efforts are limited today. We use them for the following:-
Quarterly Newsletter, describing our company, our products & solutions, our

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1204

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

project case studies- Good News newsletter, to share weekly among our
employees and among select longer-term customers (thinking of expanding to
more customers)- Product Specials and Introductory Offers – this latter has
resulted in significant, but short-lived incremental business on select cases.
310. Our only direct-mail effort is to purchase mailing lists and send a newsletter and
audio tape about our lead product. Our response is 1 - 2% depending on the list.
311. Over my agent. Flyers followed by followup 'phone calls.
312. Over the past year I've sent out less than 300 letters - always to senior finance
execs, never with any success. Always one-offs (no sequence), and with very little
telephone follow-up (fear/procrastination).A few weeks ago I had my first
successes. First by offering to work for free if I didn't recover at least £10,000
which got one prospect to accept, and secondly a local government internal audit
dept requested a copy of a report I've written on the issue.
313. Payup and renewal sequences for subscriptions. Monthly. Keep doing them as
long as they pull (could track better).
314. Periodic mailings.
315. periodic newsletters sent to clients and prospects - have had some limited positive
results of obtaining new clients
316. Personal contact works far better in our business
317. Personalized letters, every 4-6 weeks, get leads, not very good. Less than 1%.
318. Post cards in nearby neighborhood only
319. postcard for maintenance Spring & Fall
320. Postcard, 800#, FOD, follow-up faxes. Follow-up is 3 times at 2 week intervals.
Consistent lead generation
321. Postcards, lousy results.
322. PPC ads – daily. Website text – daily. Newsletter – monthly (sort of). Average of
12 new subscribers daily. Daily turnover from Website 600,00 Euro. Last special
report:12000.00 Euro in 7 days from a 1600 subscriber base.
323. Practically none. Some time ago I sent post cards to trucking companies with very
little results.
324. Predominately initiated by manufacturers programs
325. Previous 20 questions
326. Putting data from prospects I find in various media in a database Sending them a
personalized e-mail that should appeal to their needs, catogorised according the
need expressed when collecting the data. By example: a shop placed an and for
the opening of a new shop, they might need models for a fashion show following
two weeks or month after the opening. They're new hired staff might need a
course in selling too. And since they are located near the border, or near the
airport, language courses for the staff are maybe needed too. Maybe the shop
doesn't have a website yet, so we can provide that too. Confirming the e-mail by
regular (snail) mail. Calling them by phone to sell'm a meeting. During the meeting
a sales conversation followed by an order (in half of the cases).If we only do the e-
mail and expect them to call. No response. If we do it via regular mail and don't
call'm: 1/10.000. If we send them personalized e-mail, followed by personalized
letter, and call'm up, we get appointment in 1/25 cases. And at 1 on 2 we write an
order down.
327. Quarterly……send information of interest and as mentioned above.

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

328. Quarterly by markets, difficult to measure.

329. Quarterly e newsletters
330. Quarterly newsletter, spotty marketing for specific products. Results have been
good but we have not kept counts or stats.
331. Ran a couple tests but broadcast fax to a blank business database. Tested 4
headlines. I didn’t sell the offer. The strategy was incomplete. Using a blank
database with not testimonials or endorsements or resluts
332. Random direct mail and email with strategic and tactical elements that have helped
us grow at over 50% per year
333. Rarely – mail brochures to targeted prospects identified thru referrals & research.
Follow up by phone, close rate maybe 1 in 10 contacts?
334. Rarely with poor results
335. Really only giving updates of new products, prices etc.
336. Recently I sent out a mailer to inactive clients. In it I offered a special rate for our
service and parts at cost for two weeks. This was followed up by a phone call. Any
new contacts made where someone was new to the decision makers position, they
got a letter after the phone call with additional information. The objective was to
reactivate old clients. The result is we got many jobs from this and a new interest
in what we do and things we have added. We next added credit card acceptance
and mailed a postcard announcing this service. This was to allow more terms for
the clients and try to get the cashflow coming without the slower pay cycle some
clients use. It also works with more clients now using credit cards for smaller
amount services and items. And many of the government offices are using credit
cards only.
337. Regular Fliers with seasonal themes promoting specific programs or offerings.
Minimum of monthly, more frequent during peak season. Objective is to sell a
program or product list and results are predictable.
338. Reports twice a year – but they are not directly sales attempts
339. Sales letters to prospects re. new products, appr. Twice/yr. to make a sale results
vary and average 4-6% I also send out letters and use the phone to set up joint
ventures every month.
340. Sales letters. If they buy from the first letter, no other letters are sent. If not, then
two other letters are sent.
341. Sales type letters promoting a service 3 times a year, newsletters 2 times a year
for education, gift letters/thank yous throughout the year
342. See #46 and they were one page letters which we sent to the same groups twice
or three times about a month apart. We wanted to arrange appointments with
prospects. Poor results.
343. Sell my services.
344. Semi-Annually – 3% response
345. Seminar invites, Sporadically, Fill seminars with qualified prospects, Make
appointments, Get new client.
346. Send Brochure and cover letter.
347. Send mailer describing what we do with a letter offering some “special for them” if
they call within 30 days.
348. Send post cards to patients after appointments

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

349. Sending out one info-package and 2 follow ups. Objective is to get them to visit my
free seminar. Results: Lousy.
350. Series of letters followed by telephone call over about 4 weeks objective to raise
awareness and get an appointment
351. Service letters asking for inquiries and work, 1-2% response rate
352. Since the web has transformed our business. Our Direct mailing is now 5% of our
business and is held to new catalogs to customers and desired contacts and to
special events or product releases. E-mail allows us to reach more people for a
tenth of cost with almost the same results in sales.
353. Single letter to open the relationship and alert the client of a phone call.
354. Single mailing with email follow up. As high as a 25% response rate with a 10%
conversion rate.
355. Smartmail…not as targeted as it should be. Also believe snail mail is more
356. So far they are working pretty well.
357. Something is always happening on a daily basis with actual contacts set on a
monthly basis.
358. Special promotions linked to our slogan backed with a call
359. Specific to the service. Give to all.
360. Spent $5000 on a direct mail postcard to 10,000 people early this year and
received not even one response!! Now I am totally unsure of this.
361. Sporadic , bring in new prospects
362. Sporadic at best. Letter format about a “hot” regulatory issue. The response is
usually 10-15%.
363. Sporadic frequency. Objectives were to educate and thus motivate to produce
sales results. Success rate last time: 1% (sales, that is)
364. Sporadic at best: I send all my mailing list people twice yearly gift certificates to
drum up business.
365. Started and then stopped.-funding
366. Starting new project and am testing for results
368. Still in the process of formulating.
369. Still not off the ground.
370. Tapes and letters are sent in an effort to recruit people who want to build a home
base business with residual income potential, Repeat mailings are usually not
done to the same prospects
371. That’s something I’d like to do. I’ll do this later on.
372. The aforementioned postcards were sent to individuals in our media database;
afterwards, we monitored our site for “hit” frequency, to determine the extent to
which the postcards generated responses. Direct mail does not work as well as the
search engine ads: We want visits, and the easiest thing for a potential visitor to do
is to click on an ad (by contrast, the direct mail recipient must 1) boot his computer,
2) boot his browser, 3) enter the URL ... much more complicated by comparison).
373. The closest thing to direct mail that I have done in the past 10 years is newspaper
insert advertising. Results when I did use mail were dismal.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1207

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

374. The metal building manufacturer we buy from has a direct mail campaign we
subscribe to. Lots of leads but no immediate sales which is the nature of the
business but frustrates my partners to no end. They conclude once again that
marketing is a waste of time and money.
375. The newest form of marketing for us. We are combining post cards with follow-up
sales letters. We do not have a frequency yet since we just started and are
currently testing headlines, and incentive offers. We are getting results in from our
first mailing just this week
376. The only consistent direct mail effort is a monthly magazine.
377. They are usually selling courses (sometimes with other products offered in the
mailing). They happen about every 6 months. We get about 2% bookings. They
are intended to sell the entire thing in a single mailing. We mail about 15,000 at a
time (the size of our “universe”)
378. This is one area that will not be done by us for a very long time. We would waste
time and money and, at best, not be that effective. We have too much success
with going right to the source of county records or having simple classified ads
work for us.
379. Thought about it last year…did not do.
381. Tried in a limited area, but response not great. Must re-examine message and
382. Tried it once – a few leads of which none converted to customers.
383. Tried it twice. Very poor return. Not great for our high-ticket market.
387. Two attempts this year to interest prospective clinics in our Internet directory listing
service. Results were poor.
388. Two page letter with order form, twice a year to each list, to create new customers,
0.35-1.5% new customer creation rate
389. Two sequential email solicitations a) two months and b) one month prior to two
scheduled training seminars.
390. Type – land post Frequency – monthly during school terms Objective – to sell
products supporting delivery of our specialist topic. We are now starting to publish
our own books and programmes. Results – we trial in small batches and have
mixed results. We trial three times in batches of 500/1000. We average about
2.5% response which is breakeven for us. Still struggling to ‘crack’ this one.
391. Type LETTER , frequency NOT FREQUENT , objective TO GET SALES , and
results 2 % RETURN .
392. Type: e-mailing Objective: generate sales (using special offers) Frequency:
appr. Every month Results: CTR: appr. 20% on our customer list Sales: apr. 1.5%
on our own customer list
393. Type: sales letters – promotions. Frequency: as & when we have new sales
product/service or promotion. Objective: generate sales. Results: 20 –30%
394. Typically about a .5% response rate. Objective is to generate leads and done
maybe quarterly

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1208

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

395. Under development. We intend to combine email and printed mail, first to active
and inactive clients, then expanding to relocation consultants and beyond,
prospects that did not buy, and more. We will test mailing monthly to any single
recipient. Objective: 100% increase in repeat sales, 200% increase in new sales.
396. Up till this point, our main office has put together mailing pieces about every 8-9
months. They have been poorly designed as institutional ads for the most part.
They do have telemarketers who follow up, but when we tried to follow up on some
leads which they said were dead, we ended up setting the appointments. I’m
rewriting materials for this also.
397. Use both sales letters and educational letters ala Abraham. Try to get out 3-4
sendings per year. Results have been fair, this is due to lack of consistently
making scheduled sendings. Results have helped us maintain fair growth .
398. Use direct mail as a follow up strategy – generally with prospects that need more
layers of exposure. Mailer includes something of value (i.e. third party reprint of an
article that would be of interest to the CEO).
399. Use e-mail now.
400. Used successfully to current clients but has been hit or miss for prospects. For
instance, we have yet to really identify highly successful lists for generating
prospects. The house list works well.
402. Val-Pack and ADVO or similar. For new stores, we run weekly for the first three
months with rather steep discounts. Quarterly drops for more established stores
with less steep discounts, special offers, etc.
403. Varied, bimonthly
404. varies
405. Varies by sales team. Typically weekly to purchased lists of potential prospects.
Results are normally in the 1-2% range
406. Vendor printed mailers, Sporadic but we try to do one per month, find projects or
generate interest, increase sales, we get 2 or 3 % return.
407. Very limited, with no overall plan in place; not generally successful due to lack of
strategic integration and active follow-up
408. Very little
409. Very little direct mail except for letters of introduction to people we believe may
need our services, such as governmental agencies. We have very recently begun
this effort; we will follow up initial letter with phone calls every one to two weeks.
Results so far have been interesting, with return calls from 2 of 11 agencies
contacted on the initial try.
410. Very sporadic and unclear. We haven’t put together anything effectively to even
have accurate test.
411. Very successful when have written isolated direct-mail style letters regarding
particular project to a particular client.. Have not done it for myself on mass level.
412. We are just beginning our direct-mail. We are sending 100 a week out and are
getting between one and three percent return. I am given to understand that this is
to be expected since we are new and the product is new.
413. We are planning on a direct mail letter to qualified leads in the very near future.
We want to use it for lead generation.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1209

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

414. We did it once and it was barely effective.

415. We direct mail prospects immediately after we contact them face-to-face. We then
follow this up with a phone call and we get interest in 30-40 % of the prospects in
our free seminar. If we don’t get them live – we leave a voice mail as a
commercial and then we follow up with an email, another phone call, then a fax,
and then a phone call.
416. We direct market to USPS account reps and we do it every 4 months. We have
gotten many referrals this way.
417. We do lots of this letters, brochures, post cards, white papers, success stories,
case studies, etc. – the regularity and frequency depends on the product and the
campaign – it contributes to us wining business
418. We do not do any direct-mail.
419. We do not do direct-mail for we do not have it. We have our few clients.
420. We do not use much direct mail at this time and would like to learn more on how
and why this would be effective.
421. We do two mail outs a year with a promotion hoping to increase sales with current
clients and reactivate clients who have ceased ordering. Results are usually
reasonably good at first but seem to lose stem quickly.
422. We don’t do direct mail
423. We have a postcard mailing that occurs weekly.
424. We have an e-mail campaign that tartgets corporate recruiters in our
autoresponding system, we then follow up by phone as well as sending a direct
mail piece. We send out about 50-75 each week.
425. We have at-needs mailings sent monthly.
426. We have done one direct mail campaign to introduce our product and our company
to the dealers. There were not sales as a result of that.We then ask a dealer
association to send out a sales promotion with their mailing. We are now going to
have a booth in their up coming convention. The result of the mailing from dealer
association is two direct sales so far.
427. We have intensive email contacts with our engaged clients. Email contacts are
approximately from a minimum of twice a month to several times a week
depending on whether there are urgent requirements or not. These email
correspondence are very effective in building our relations and understanding for
the client’s support requirements.
428. We have never used direct-mail.
429. We have nothing formal.
430. We have sent out one direct mailer piece to motorcycle dealers across the country.
We had about a 2 ½% response rate. Objective was to get them to look at our
website and call us to become a dealer for our product.
431. We have tried things like val-u-pak with very little response levels, ie less than one
tenth of one percent.
432. We have two email systems. The first is composed of staff of our target
companies. We profile each person according to words in their title. Then we
send them emails, about once every two months. The second system is
Goldmine which possesses clients and prospects. There is duplication with the
first system. From Goldmine we send out our monthly infoletter and special
invitations. The results are mixed. We analyse the click through trate of our emails
to determine their effectiveness. We have not seen a pattern since doing this

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1210

Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

since January 2003. We’ll continue looking.

433. We have used some vendor supplied materials, with little success.
434. We have yet to send physical mail, but we will very soon. All direct mail has been
e-mail. It consists of a monthly, free, subscription-based e-newsletter and
occasional promotional e-mails for our reports. The results have been mixed.
435. We mail out 4 times a year. We are starting to segment the list into potential new
clients, and A-B-C-D clients. We have a different promotion for each segment
436. we mail out 5000-10000 direct mail pieces per month. tri-fold brochures or
postcards. results very uneven and hard to track as response is often delayed.
also very expensive. out of 10000 we consider it good if we get 20 good leads.
437. We mail series of letters to identified qualified prospects with the goal of
familiarizing the prospect with our company and to prepare them for telephone
follow up. Mailed regularly with positive results.
438. We mail something every week. Sometimes just a letter, sometimes a letter and a
copy of a P.R. article. Quarterly newsletter, too.
439. We mail thank you letters, questionnaires and some letters to different market
segments introducing new products.
440. We may start for dental offices for our seminars
441. We only write cold to people we can’t get to any other way.We dropped it about 4
years ago as we got too busy, but have resatated recently.We mail clients with
something worthwhile, and follow up with a call (to larger prospects)
442. We really have not done much in the way of direct mail.
443. We revise our basic Program Brochure on an annual basis and send it out to our
clients. On a quarterly basis, we send out some information piece that we believe
our clients would find interesting. On a monthly basis, we send out a detailed
report on the progress of each injured worker to his/her Case Manager.
444. We send out flyers on new artwork at least 2 times per year. We average about
1% response rate.
445. We send out informational material – monthly – these regularly produce sales. We
send out sales – monthly to quarterly. They drive in more rapid and larger volume
sales than the informational pieces. They are target to customers.Informational
and combined targeted new “customer” sales. – we have tested these with several
groups and they yield sales consistent with published rates of sales – 1-5 %.
446. we send out printed newsletters to our customers, the objective is to get sign them
up to at least one seminar from the newsletter, this works well and is our main way
of attracting seminar attendants
448. We sent out one lot of 200 and did not get any response.
449. We try and make people an offer each quarter and follow it up with a phone call
450. We use from time to time to promote our email newsletter.
451. We used permission marketing. Again, we have emails, enewsletter to
communicate with our customers.
452. We will mail samples of our work to prospects sporadically – some success in
establishing a reputation for quality. We will send letters sporadically to inactive
clients with some success in reactivating them.
453. We’ve limited direct mail to target our “hot leads” and monthly mail to past

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Question 70. Describe Your Direct-mail Efforts?

customers to generate referral business.

454. Weekly E-mail newsletter. Not effective at all, however, it may be the content.
455. Weekly or bi-weekly. Provide material that is of interest to the prospect.That helps
them. That pertains to their world. Paves the way for telemarketing contact and
presentation of my core story
456. When we hear about a new property, we call or write a letter to introduce ourselves
And send a brochure.
457. X
458. Year-end awards mailed at the end of the year to all clients.
459. Yearly. They do not produce any results other than reminding people that we exist.
Then they call about their particular needs rather than what is discussed in the
460. Yes, just starting
461. Zero(2)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1212

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
Question 71. Do you use my three ways to grow a business model? If so, describe
each category of what you do.

Total: Yes 167, No 500

Additional comments:

1. # I always try to get more clients #2 I‘m recently trying more to upsell.
2. (1) We make it easy for our customers to buy. (2) We use test marketing to
maximize our sales results. (3) We use our USP in our sales.
3. (a) increasing the number of clients of the type I want to have (a) increasing the
number of times clients come back(c) increasing the average value of each sale
(d) increasing the effectiveness of each process in the business.
4. (maybe)
5. but not systematically. . .we talk about the three ways and then decide how to
allocate work best toward either acquiring more clients, creating a higher gross
profit on all existing sales, and how also to sell more services to existing clients. . .
6. .More customers, more sales per customers, more frequent purchases: Marketing,
Product development,
7. 1) I try to add new clients as my time allows. 2) I look for ways to become more
valuable to my clients so they are willing to pay more per hour for my service. 3)
Also, I look for ways to increase the frequency of service so they are using my
services more consistently.
8. 1) Sell 2) Service 3) Integrate
9. 1. More Clients – advertising, local store marketing, referral programs. 2. Sell
More to Existing Clients – Promotions, contests, in-store signage, new services
and products. 3. More often – Bounce back coupons to encourage returns within
30 days, complimentary neck trims between cuts to get Clients in the habit of
coming in plus opportunity to sell them products and services on that visit and to
give them something extra, a USP.
10. 1. Sell more products/services. Working on this one. Will add standard
transmission truck. Have added schoolbus already for clients to get passenger
endorsement. 2. Increase the unit of sale ($). Have increased it somewhat but
not that much. 3. Sell more often. My products do not lend to repetitive sales.
11. 1. Try to focus on growing customers by telecanvassing, sometimes on the back of
a direct mailshot 2. Always try to sell more of our portfolio of services on an
ongoing basis – have been very successful at this 3. Difficult to increase the
frequency as they have set contracts
12. 1.) I work on building my list by making free offers, special reports. 2) I endorse to
the list at least once every 2 months with back-end products. 3. I haven't yet
worked on the 3rd one. i.e. I haven't been selling higher ticket items.
13. 2 of the 3. We increased the size of the seminars from 80 to 100 to 140 now to
200 attendees a time. We increased prices from $1096.70 to $1497 with no sign
of price resistance. We are not getting them back to repurchase yet.
14. Acquire more new clients: primarily with jv’s and host-beneficiary endorsements.
Increase the unit of sale: up sell bump at time of purchase of product by offering a
deluxe version; package consulting services instead of selling just one. Increase
frequency of purchase and extend the LTV: continuously keep in contact with

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1213

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
clients and offer additional useful products and services; plug clients into an on-
going follow up coaching program.
15. Add more clients
16. Add more clients which we try to do daily. Sell them more things such as year-end
awards. We done do the frequency aspect because wqe sell on an annual contract
basis. We build in the frequency part, I guess you could say!
17. After placing the client initially, then try to shorten the cycle to refinance.
18. all
19. All of our ads are toward this end. In house we do upselling and cross-selling.
20. –although I have plans to create pillars to my personal income, but they are
distinctly different endeavors from my current business.
21. Although that’s not easy to do in a startup, because we have nothing to improve
on, we will be relying heavily on this model in the licensees marketing strategy to
ensure monthly growth.
22. Although transaction size will come down, the number of transactions per
customer will go up.
23. Am in the process of incorporating elements of the model into our new marketing
24. Attract new client YesSell more to each- if I want to work with them more YesSell
more often- I should do better on this one
25. Because we are working with fixed specifications which keep requirements rigid.
26. Big on getting new customers (new projects at current customers)Annual rebate on
increased sales year to year (buy more)No success on buy more often
27. Buy more: by packaging. Buy more often: by giving rewards.
28. Buy more: offering client extra services as their need arisesMore often: doesn't
apply continuous work More clients: referrals & networking
30. Can't really say yes here. I'm obviously trying to get more clients, but I haven't
done anything about increasing size or frequency with my major established client.
31. Create more reasons for my existing clients to interact with their contacts Instead
of 5 do 10or 15- (See role-play answer in the fist section)
32. Create more students and then try to upsell to series and emphasize frequency of
scheduling as the best means to improve.
33. Create new customers with a very attractive front end offer, increase the frequency
of purchase by regular contact with a range of different products, increase the
average size of purchase through volume and combination discount structures.
34. Direct mail to get more clients. Increasing my desirability through press releases
so I can raise my fees. Keeping my eyes open at clients’ offices so I can spot
opportunities for me to render additional services to them.
35. don’t know
36. Don’t know it!
37. Don’t use this enough. Still working to get off the ground!
38. Drive in more new clients thru marketing as listed in questions above, increase

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1214

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
repeat purchases thru constant education of the client regarding their need for care
and our products, and increase the size of the purchase thru closing clients on
corrective care programs that have significant greatly dollar values than relieve
care .
39. Encourage referrals. Educate to enlarge list of felt needs, Establish priority for
future needs to be met.
40. Err, think I missed out on that one. What are your three ways to grow a business
41. Find more customers, sell more to each customer, get customers to buy more
frequently. Not applying them but will in the near future
42. Focusing most on increasing the number of clients, since that’s the most
appropriate for a consulting business. But also trying to increase the size of each
consulting engagement, and the frequency of engagements with a customer.
43. Frequency of purchase,$ amount, # of clients. More guidance…pathetic I know.
44. Gaining a customer is generally done through referrals. When I analyze the
project, to complete it properly generally turns out to be 30-40% more expensive
than the client had anticipated. Most projects have a second and third stage
where the client chooses to have me do some of the implementation.
45. Generate leads, convert to clients, increase average sales value, increase number
of transactions, increase average margin, & increase the length of time a client
stays a client.
46. Generating more customers is done with displays. Increasing my average order is
done by consistently increasing my prices and selling larger prints. Increasing
frequency of orders is where I'm falling down.
47. Generating new clients through face to face contact and referrals. Also the phone
book. When on a job I look for other needs and listen to the clients concerns then
offer to take care of those challenges for them. Before leaving I always ask “ is
there anything else we can do for you today while I’m here?” For the third I make
the monthly call back and here can many times pick up more repeat business.
48. Get more customers – direct mail. Sell more to each customer – thank-you notes,
occasional chats on the phone, free newsletter. Sell more often – I suggest extra
services they might be interested in.
49. Get more customers: I'm starting out new in Vancouver after moving from Toronto.
Just setting up shop here!
50. Get more people – by growing our data base continuously, to buy more from us –
by adding services we can render as I identify and negotiate with possible service
providers; more often – this we plan to achieve by identifying the cycle of need of
clients we do assignments for and then follow up preemptively.
51. Get new clients through marketing, nothing in second category – selling more to
clients, follow up trainings to established clients
52. Haven't got that far in your Mastermind Training yet. I will use it once I understand
53. I always try to get more clients, I ‘m recently trying more to upsell.
54. I am getting confused on the different programs. If this model is get more
customers, increase the size of each sale, and increase the frequency of
purchases by existing customers, then the answer is yes.
55. I am not aware of the concepts right off the top.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1215

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

56. I am sure they are great but I would need to know more about them.
57. I attempt to get more customers and to offer new products.
58. I bring in new clients with outreach such as writing, speaking, seminars. I increase
purchases by being more exposed to clients and exposing more services we can
offer, and I increase the amount of each purchase by emphasizing value
59. I do not know the details of such model.
60. I do not know these please let us know.
61. I do not know what that is yet
62. I don’t know what these three ways you are referring to are.
63. I don’t know what they are.
64. I don’t know what your 3 ways are.
65. I don’t remember what those are.
66. I don't know your three ways.
67. I have never yet heard of it.
68. I have trouble with this as we have a low volume product and only one product. SO
we cannot increase frequency or size of order ???
70. I intend to increase # of customers, amount of purchases, frequency of purchases
71. I just really understood your 3 ways of growing the business in December of 2002,
I believe 1) increase profit, 2) increase frequency and 3) increase stuff you sell
them (complimentary items) – now that I cam more aware of this I am getting
better at this –
72. I know I should know this… but if I can’t remember the details of it, clearly we
aren’t doing it. (Have to go home & read up again!)
73. I know I’ve read it, but cannot recall.
74. I know what to do but I don’t.
75. I need to review exactly what they are.
76. I think I have above
77. I think I know what your three ways are:1) Get the names and addresses of
customers - Yes, I do that now.2) Contact these customers repeatedly over time
asking them to look at other offers I have - thus creating more business. - Yes, I do
this also.3) Offer some sort of gift - No and yes. I offer a free eBook to newsletter
subscribers but I haven't begun to offer something of value across the board to
entice prospects and previous customers to buy more. The good news is that you
just reminded me to do this! (If this is the "Three Ways To Grow A Business
Model" you are talking about)
78. I try to do more business with each client, and I am continually asking for referrals
to new clients.
79. I try to get more clients to pay me more money more often by taking excellent care
of them, telling them that I take excellent care of them and by providing them with
a great product and asking them to tell their friends.
80. I try to increase the size of client hence greater revenue per sale. I want to put new
ideas in front of clients regularly

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Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

81. I understand it. We have not taken advantage of it.

82. I understand the general idea of them, but I don't know yet how to apply them to
my business.
83. I will have to read or reread this.
84. I will read the book
85. I would like to know them though. Maybe I will after reading some of your email
material from participating in this.
86. I would say that your three ways to grow a business philosophy is, directly or
subconsciously, the driver behind all my planned marketing efforts. I know that if I
am successful in increasing the number of my clients, I will ultimately be able to
target better caliber prospects and increase the frequency of transactions by
having colleagues of mine work on prospects I uncover for me.
87. I’d like to know what they are though!
88. I’m beginning to use it now. Growing clients: plan to approach charitable
organizations w/proposal to offer commissioned work to $1K+ donors & split profits
50/50 with the organization; plan to place display ads in veterinarians offices (eg.
pet portraits); approach exotic-animal auction vendor w/ proposal to set-up booth
at next auction or possibly rent mailing-list; would like to find going-out-of-business
gallery or art rep & buy their patron list outright Growing size of transaction: offer
“gold service” portraits where I take the reference photos instead of using their own
snapshots; Growing frequency of purchase: offer greeting cards w/image of client’s
new artwork; systematic contact via newsletter/letter/calls
89. I’m trying.
90. I’m using this as a guide for building the strategic plans, and as a measuring stick
for evaluating.
91. I’ve read about this and plan to integrate : Grow # of clients by making that first
sale more effectively. Grow the amount each one buys by use of multiple offerings,
affiliate recommendations & follow-up. And by use of follow-up to get them to buy
more often.
92. Increase clients - community speaking, community workshops, writing a monthly
article. increase purchases - explain various treatment plans. increase items -
have add on products; supports, pillows, nutrition
93. In the works. Will focus on finding an appropriate ‘back end’.
94. increase # of clients – obtain employee benefit clients increase purchase
frequency – employee benefits contracts can renew annually increase dollar value
of each transaction – add “back end” of business development services
95. Increase # of customers: Although we don’t have many clients yet, we have used,
and are using, many marketing tactics to increase the number of prospects and
clients. For instance, we’ve used press releases, e-mail marketing, writing articles
and being quoted as experts in articles, and an informative website. We’re going to
be adding host/beneficiary endorsements in the near future, where we find a host
with a similar market to recommend our reports. Increase unit of sale:
Unfortunately, we don’t have more than a couple reports right now (although that’s
going to change very soon, thanks to a few JVs I have just established), so it’s
almost impossible to upsell or cross-sell other of our own products. We haven’t yet
begun offering outside products or services to our existing clients or prospects,
although that’s certainly something I’m looking into. The only tactic we use to
increase the average unit of sale is to sell 2 different licenses to our research
reports: single user and company-wide (which costs about 80% more). We’ve had

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1217

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
some success, as about 25% of our reports sold have been company-wide
licenses, which is basically pure profit, since it costs us the same. Increase
frequency of purchase: We’ve had a few repeat clients, but since the number of
total clients is fairly small, the proportion is fairly meaningless. We have offered our
existing clients preferential discounts on new reports. In the future, we will continue
to do this, and we will mention how each new report builds on what they learned in
a report they previously purchased.
96. Increase average sale, Increase number of sales, Increase referrals
97. Increase cost of service and increase the amount of clients
98. Increase customers using telesales staff and reward them base on performance ,
frequency of buying through launching more products, increasing the price by
giving more values and package it with more benefits
99. Increase customers, increase products offered, previous attempts to increase
transaction value haven’t had any success
100. Increase customers: we constantly try to get new customers by telephone solicit,
factory inquiry, mailing, advertising, referral, or old prospect We attempt to
increase the $ amount per order with ROI itemsWe attempt to increase the
frequency of purchases by cross selling the same customer.
101. Increase number of clients. Sell existing clients more frequently. Sell clients
additional services even if joint-ventures.
102. Increase number of customers – ongoing, programmed, consistent systems for
generating potential customers, as explained above. (PR, Alliances, Networking,
Referral)Increase price – have been steadily testing this and have now tripled price
over 18month period and appear to be just about at the price sensitive place.
Increased fees by 400% and am now testing product pricing. Increase size of
units sold – are now selling bigger units by having ‘follow on’s’ to the one off
workshops, by having full programmes that we recommend and by partnering with
bigger players so that we can tender for bigger contracts. Will start to bundle more
value in once we publish a range of products.
103. Increase number of customers (hire more sales people) Increase the frequency of
purchase (train better salespeople to produce more) Increase unit of sale (building
a referral network of like-minded professional who cross sell each other)
104. Increase number of customers., volume of transactions, frequency
105. Increase number of customers-Constantly asking for referrals or prospects, and
following them up through telemarketing. Increase how much they buy for- Have
not succeeded in this area, since I have selling with the price as an argument. But
by providing more pillars with coaching as my second business, I get more ways to
achieve customers, and can increase the prices as well. Increase purchases a
year- By very soon after each project contacting them- I give them a drive towards
achieving the next step that will demand my services.
106. Increase the number of customers we are working on providing “FREE” stuff –
again leveraging my technology knowledge – so that we can increase the numbers
of folks who experience us and then we will work to convert them to paying
customers Increase the amount of each purchase this is more of a planned back
end activity for us - - - we are just trying right now to fill the funnel so to speak and
as it becomes more and more full, we will be able to offer people the more
expensive products Increase the frequency of purchase- we are offering several
inexpensive renewable products and services – don’t have any significant data/info
to share on this as this effort is fairly new
107. Increase the size of their purchase and sell to them again

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Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

108. increase unit sales, increase number of new clients do not use frequency.
110. Increasing clients. Mail out-referral-Up-weighted purchase-additional courses
Frequency- series of courses.
111. Is this increase number of customers, sales/profit margin and frequency of
112. It has everything to do with shaping my business strategy within the confines of
what I have to work with.
113. I try to sell the same data more often to different companies, I try to sell high value
products to companies that just buy small projects.
114. Its part of the sales process.
115. Just recently learnt this further and have yet to apply
116. Just thinking if I know what you mean: A. Frequency of purchase, B. Size of
purchase, and C. ???
117. Know of – but no system to implement
118. Look for new clients, primarily through JVs; Go back to past clients for subsequent
assignments. Sometimes an assignment has an opportunity for growth in size.
119. Mail, calls, strategies alliances, seminars
120. Mainly concentrate on increasing number of clients. Once the price is set it is
difficult to increase the value of the transaction.or the frequency of purchase.
121. More clients – referral program, more volume per transaction – volume discounts,
more transactions – lump sum pre-payment discounts.
122. More clients – through ezine; more sales per client – through ezine and
autoresponder follow-ups.
123. More clients –ask for refurals, more sales – offer more services
124. More Clients: my general marketing stuff More Money: upselling More Often:
started offering 4 hour evening events for the Teacher Advisors Thinking of
offering three hour long follow up “strategy workshops” for alumni. Offering to
come to their school and do a tailored event
125. More Customers – direct mail, web, referrals, JV Increasing Average Sale Amount
– Upsell at point of purchase Increase number of transactions – only by me doing
JV endorsements of other people.
126. More customers: More website links generates traffic and more clients. Higher
Transaction Value: Our average loan size has steadily gone up from $20K to
$35K. We are now going after private mortgages because those loans are larger.
More Frequent Purchasing Pattern: A Monthly newsletter and formalized referral
system means more frequent purchases from the same customer.
127. More prospects: have added pillars, started with seminars only as a distribution
channel, added a broking firm, and now setting aup a sports organization to alert
its members re cancellations via SMS etc
128. More sales to existing accounts by identifying every product they use in their
business and provide them a fluid management approach/savings program as well
as methods to grow their business. Sell them more often by being their regularly
with a sales and service van that replenishes their fluids without the need to call
129. More services to one client ie consulting and hire of telephone bridge More $’s per

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1219

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
sale ie offer cheaper rate if they bulk buy ie 6 vs 3 hires or 6 vs 3 months. More
sales more often
130. Most emphasis is spent on increasing the amount spent by each client/customer
131. Most of the focus is on obtaining new clients with not enough attention to
increasing size of sale or frequency of sale.
132. My model has three ways to grow my business: 1- Sell products I am currently
carrying to existing accounts, 2- Sell products I am currently carrying to new but
related accounts (the competition of my clients), 3-Sell new related products to my
current accounts and 4- Sell new related products to new accounts.
133. Need to learn these three ways
134. New business already covered Up selling and cross selling (not being formally
done)Frequency through keeping in contact via Newsletters and regular reviews.
135. New client through multiple contacts, direct sales, telemarketing, etc.More
frequency through regular programs and risk reversal.Larger orders also through
both risk reversal and, larger offering and upsell.
136. New clients = fax out and direct mail to new businesses$$ per head = only have
one client as of last month will offer upgrade package multiple visits = organized a
12 month verbal agreement
137. New customer acquisition, sell more to old customers, and keep happy past
138. No because not aware of it.
139. No but I am very familiar with it and use it when I talk to other businesses
140. No, we have not studied it, yet.
141. Not actively
142. Not applicable at this point.
143. Not currently
145. Not focused enough.
146. Not fully. We are focusing on each, though. More customers, then introduce more
services or products to existing customers. Better price education, some
“republican” discounting.
147. Not seen it
148. Not sure if to the letter
149. Not sure what it is
150. Not sure what these are.
151. Not systematically, though I should methodically use them.No. of Clients – not
slated for action Transaction Value per Client – have thought of itTransactions per
Year – not specifically
152. Not yet
153. Not yet that is what I am in the process of doing now. I am looking at that now.
154. Not yet. I plan to get more from fewer. Increasing transactions.
155. Number of clients BY the number of times they use our services BY the amount of
$$$ in the transaction

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1220

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

156. Obtain more clients by talking to people. Obtain more clients by promoting a
website. Sell more to a client. I do advise people about the essential products to
purchase. Quite often their available funds are seriously limited. Offline: Sell to an
existing client again and again. This is easy and I often do this. Online: I do have a
problem with up-selling and back-ending.
157. Once new customers and/or IBO’s are recruited, efforts are made to increase the
number of different products that the individual uses and he is encouraged to find
others who might benefit from involvement with the company
158. Only growing new clients slowly at the moment. Always seek to get client onto a
monthly payment program
159. only to get more customers
160. Our business model is based on: new products, market to old clients, and price
161. P.R., Direct Mail, Telemarketing (some), Referrals, follow-up with newsletter
162. Perhaps my mind is turning to mush with all these questions, but can't even say
what the 3 ways are?!
163. Please tell me about this model!
164. Primarily geared toward grabbing new prospects. Some effort to maximize
revenue/sale. Very little to increase number of transactions/customer.
165. Prospect to increase customers We offer specials to increase frequency of
purchase We bundle products to increase amount of purchase
166. Rate- new customer acquisition; Frequency- customers buy more often; Money-
customers spend more with each purchase
167. React, react, react.
168. Referral Risk Reversal More value than we receive
169. Referrals, New Products and services. Diversified revenue generation streams and
back end revenue generation – workshops and seminars
170. Results still dismal. We have difficulty getting people to want to undertake the full
business development program,
171. Right now working most on getting more clients
172. Right now, we are focusing on increasing N, the number of clients
173. See answer to question #87
174. Sell more ot each client, cross sell and get more referrals
175. Sell new services to existing clients, market for new clients,
176. Service plans for greater frequency. Cold calls for more clients. Inside reps to
penetrate the account
177. Since learning this model I have always thought of it as a core mind set to the
overall business approach. Knowing what our customers spend allow me to know
what I can spend on marketing. Watching the no. of sales per month tells me if my
marketing efforts are attracting previous customers or brining in new ones.
178. So far only increase the no. of clients
179. Some, I try to get them to buy more (quantity discounts buy for your friends, I try to
get them to buy more often for gifts, and I’m trying to develop backends of other

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1221

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

180. Sorry, can’t recall then off hand, but I kep thinking of focusing on the USP, referral
system and frequent customer contact.
181. Still learning, I increase the amount of the purchase by offering tiered solutions,
and increase the frequency of the purchase by contacting clients about new
services and products available
182. The mail outs mention above
183. This is definitely something we should be focused on.
184. Try to increase the average sale
185. Unaware of them. (Sorry!)
186. Unsure what you mean.
187. Upsell client (offer new products), referrals (increase number of clients), increase
the frequency (allowing customers to by time periods)
188. Utilize two of three. I obtain more clients thru referrals and speaking exposure, and
increased my fees
189. Very few of our customers are repeat customers by nature, so we cannot resell
them. If a customer orders a survey, for instance, it is generally not possible to
upgrade the nature of the survey or to sell him additional surveys.
190. We add customers, we seek to make each customer more profitable and create a
residual back end. We are seeing success, but are so far from having it where we
want it.
191. We add on items at the time of sale.
192. We are constantly trying to get MORE clients. We will sometimes upsell clients on
specific projects to increase the selling price of a project by upgrading the paper,
adding varnishes and coatings, suggesting special packaging, and suggesting a
larger quantity order because the incremental cost of additional quantities is low
compared to smaller quantities. We will also try to increase the frequency of
purchases by trying to produce more of the projects produced by clients.
193. We are upselling all the time when people call in—new products related
194. We do upsell but don't push the repeat & referral aspects enough.
195. We go through a client’s methodology in getting a new customer, discuss how to
increase the initial transaction or upgrade, and mostly discuss the way to maximize
the customer list potential.
196. We got more clients. Increasing frequency and transaction value was negligible
increases but intake of clients substantially improved.
197. We have “add-ons” to sell further to our current clients
198. We have been very focused on increasing the average annual client spend
199. We have begun meetings with staff to make them understand the 3 ways and the
value of a patient. We have focused most of our efforts of getting them to buy
more and buy other products. We already have a great recall stystem in place.
200. We have increased the amount of the purchase by adding more products and add
on modules and training services. We have increased the frequency of purchase
by adding the more consumables (labels and boxes) and requiring reps to call
every 90 days of lose the account. We have increased the number of people that
buy by joint venturing/partnering with the USPS and other players in the industry.
201. We have tried to increase the frequency of customers purchases by trying to find
different pains once we demonstrate our abilities. We have tried to increase the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1222

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business
size of purchases by offering add on products to individual sales.
202. We increase the frequency by which our clients do business with us by introducing
a host of new products for them, we get new clients in due to these new products
as well – i.e. we are cross selling . we need to do more to increase the transaction
value of each purchase.
203. We increase the frequency by which our clients do business with us by introducing
a host of new products for them, we get new clients in due to these new products
as well – i.e. we are cross selling . we need to do more to increase the transaction
value of each purchase.
204. We know what the three ways are, but we don’t have a formal program or
approach to this yet.
205. We need to get more customers, get bigger jobs from existing customers, they
can't really buy more often because the limitation is our own production.
206. we periodically send our newsletter to non-clients from a bought list, we recently
raised prices by 15%, we continually invite customers to other seminars
207. We try to add more clients through our marketing efforts, we try to get them to buy
more and try to sign them up for multi-year contracts.
208. We try to cross sell other products and services to existing clients, we try to offer
different product service ideas to increase the transaction frequency, and we try to
attract new clients with innovative interiors solutions.
209. We try to get more customers, we try to sell more to the existing customers and try
to get them to buy with us more often.
210. we use every trick in the book to achieve ‘more frequent sales’ and ‘higher value
sales’ – too numerous to list, but they include everything Jay Ab recommends in
his material provided it is considered ethical over here in Europe
211. we use every trick in the book to achieve ‘more frequent sales’ and ‘higher value
sales’ – too numerous to list, but they include everything Jay Ab recommends in
his material provided it is considered ethical over here in Europe
212. we use every trick in the book to achieve ‘more frequent sales’ and ‘higher value
sales’ – too numerous to list, but they include everything Jay Ab recommends in
his material provided it is considered ethical over here in Europe
213. we use every trick in the book to achieve ‘more frequent sales’ and ‘higher value
sales’ – too numerous to list, but they include everything Jay Ab recommends in
his material provided it is considered ethical over here in Europe
214. We use the Bump to increase $/order. We use the referral to increase #
customers, and we use Back End, Risk Reversal, and TFN to increase
215. We used to grow the business to the level we wanted. Clients first, then others.
Our new model will bring in more clients and then we will use your 3 ways.
216. We will be doing it
217. What are the three ways to grow a business model?
218. What are they?(2)
219. What are your “three ways to grow a business” model?
220. Work to get more clients, we should cross sell
221. Working on it bigger client base, bigger sales average, more sales to existing

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1223

Question 71. Do Your Use my Three Ways to Grow a Business

222. Working on the plan, but we will gain new customers via mailings, follow ups, and
referrals, also putting in place the dream 100 plan. Size of order: being more
proactive regarding suggesting additional services & project work. Frequency:
Will be putting in host/beneficiary plans. In most cases, we are already there every
223. Working our current and past customer list Client referrals Personal selling by
company principals Selling by part time commission agents Risk reversal – 100%
lifetime performance guarantee Website presentation to search engine browsers
Joint Ventures Host/beneficiary affiliations
224. yes try too I have raised the prices Also raised the bulk meat prices to encourage
clients to shop more often and encourage clients to buy a treat for their pet
because they have spent over $ 10 I will give them 50 cents off any treat
225. Yes, but too immature to disclose yet.
226. Yes, I think the best thing I have gotten out of the three ways is to grow new
customers to get larger and buy more of our service. What we are looking at is
adding new services to sell to the same customers.
227. Yes, More customers, we encourage trail usage. More for each sale, we offer other
products with courses (for example the last mailing for a course offered a discount
on a tape series), more back end - cross selling and trying to get them to buy
subscription products.
228. Yes, partially as I try to resell new interventions
229. Yes, this is included in our marketing plan,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1224

Question 72. Do You Have A Regular Scheduled Hours of
Communication, E-Mail, Newsletter, Monthly Update Letter and
Question 72. Do you have a regular scheduled hours of communication, e-mail,
newsletter, monthly update letter and etc.?

Total: Yes 196, No 489

Additional comments:

1. 6 weekly
2. A bimonthly newsletter
3. Aim to do this.
4. All of our email go out at 3am eastern time so the message is in the prospect's in
box when they get to the office.
5. All these are in the business plan although not yet in effect
6. Already covered Newsletter not by e-mail.
7. As far as regularly scheduled hours, I always try to start at a decent hour, not build
Rome in a day, but feel good when I review my body of work for that day
8. As far as regularly scheduled hours, I always try to start at a decent hour, not build
Rome in a day, but feel good when I review my body of work for that day
9. As needed.
10. at this time no but we are working on that.
11. bi-monthly newsletter
12. But right now it is not properly followed. We are working on correcting this.
13. But that is slow improving.
14. Confused by this question as worded, but I assume do we have a regular schedule
of communication. If that is the meaning, then yes.
15. currently under development.
16. Definitely
17. early A.M., late evening
18. electronic newsletter
19. email
20. Email 3+ times per month Mail once per month
21. email only – no set schedule
22. Email weekly.
23. Every month I mail a letter of my activities. I pass along a lot of other information
but its not scheduled.
24. First thing in the morning (instead of exercising, which I need & would love) and
from 10:30pm to 12 midnight.
25. for flier distribution and for my newsletter (though I have no specific time allotted
for the this; just a start and completion period).
26. For my product line and our sisters, we send out a monthly product update via e-
mail with a PDF file attachment of product status updates and breaking news. I’m

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1225

Question 72. Do You Have A Regular Scheduled Hours of
Communication, E-Mail, Newsletter, Monthly Update Letter and
the editor. There are 600 subscribers worldwide.
27. Had newsletter but it became very expensive to maintain and results where not
28. Have planned not executed
29. I am preparing a monthly newsletter.
30. I do it but not ideally right now.1. With my free reports and courses I get sth about
80 new targeted emails on my list, then I sell... ironically this one is easiest for
me.2. & 3 will be doing my follow up system – now they are not so good.
31. I plan to begin an email newsletter that will be sent to clients and prospects every
3-4 weeks.
32. I publish a newsletter at least once per month. If I publish more often then people
do stop reading the material.
33. I send an email once a week to the Independent Business Owners in my group
and a letter or email once every two or three months to the preferred customers.
34. I'm not at the point of systematization
35. It lapsed, but is back later this year
36. monthly club meetings, e-mail going before our free events
37. Monthly email
38. Monthly ezine
39. Monthly newsletter
40. Monthly newsletter
41. Monthly newsletter for enrolled children.
42. Monthly newsletter, monthly “making the rounds”
43. Monthly newsletter.
44. Monthly newsletter. We are establishing e-mail newsletter now.
45. Monthly now.
46. Monthly offer to email database
47. Monthly, perhaps eventually twice-a-month
48. Most communications fall within a predictable range. Some are on specific days.
49. My “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin generally goes out via email each week on a
Tuesday in the late afternoon or early evening.
50. Newsletter(5)
51. newsletter is in planning
52. Newsletter on a monthly basis
53. Not for clients.
54. Not scheduled.
55. Not yet, but we will.
56. Not yet, but we will.
57. Not yet.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1226

Question 72. Do You Have A Regular Scheduled Hours of
Communication, E-Mail, Newsletter, Monthly Update Letter and

58. On a monthly basis.

59. Once a month.
60. Once a quarter newsletter.
61. only follow up calls
62. Plan to do a monthly newsletter.
63. Quarterly. Email phone direct contact.
64. Quarterly letter of best practices that we have observed.
65. quarterly newsletter
66. Question not understood.
67. Reports Twice a year.
68. Sad but true!
69. Staff communication we do but not patient directed. Direct mail and newsletter is
something I have toyed with.
70. Telephone is 8am-5pm PST, email is reviewed every day and we have a quarterly
71. That’s pretty much all I do.
72. Two mail outs a year
73. Usually 6:30 AM to 8:00 AM (afternoon in the States) and evenings 9-11 PM
(morning in the States).
74. We have a monthly e-newsletter that we send to people who have registered at
our website to receive it, and we send samples of it and an occasional free issue of
it to people on our e-list who haven’t yet signed up.
75. We have communication on a required basis with our engaged clients, but not with
or would-be clients.
76. We issue a monthly performance report and have quarterly meetings.
77. weekly conference calls, for recruiting & for training, monthly mailing ot training
78. weekly ezine
79. when I have the time
80. Will establish on highlighting products related to industry that we will be selling.
Quarterly or monthly.
81. Working on it!
82. Working on this now
83. Working on this.
84. Yes – just updating to new contact manager on our network
85. Yes and No, it all depends upon what type of communication you want to discuss.
86. Yes on the mortgage side.
87. Yes, developing a system of at least one newsletter in every two weeks.
88. Yes, every two weeks for ezine newsletter.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1227

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?
Question 73. How do clients perceive your company among everyone else in the

1. ?(4)
2. 98% of our clients perceive us as good to excellent in their overall service
experience. Many clients have been coming to us for 20+ years and we now work
on their children’s cars.
3. A firm of high integrity
4. A good second place supplier.
6. A new company with great products.
7. A small business with great knowledge of communication, and how to confer their
technical message in a selling way.
8. A small but dynamic start-up
9. Above average
10. Actually pretty good
11. Affordable alternative to high cost training
12. amateur to semi pro.
13. Among the easiest to do business with
14. An innovative leader
15. Apparently not well or we would have more business. Small and in-experienced.
16. As “normal” company with “normal” prices
17. As a established ,thriving ,busy dental practice
18. as a leader – well known
19. As a leader in our field offering outstanding service and a willingness to help.
20. As a leading, small, cool and agile company doing the right things and holding
much potential. Everyone we talk to walks away energized and goes out for us
selling and marketing our stuff. Word of mouth is great! Generating 30+ leads in
the last two months we’ve just increased our efforts here.
21. As a low-priced provider who has good experience and who is smart.
22. As a marketing specialist
23. As a quality service
24. As a seller of quality fine art and original paintings that has some of the highest
quality standards in the industry at a reasonable price
25. As a small but valued resource for information and products but is not a major
source of the main clinic supplies and information.
26. As a small startup. I haven’t yet achieved my goal of being perceived as different.
27. As a unique approach to conaulting.
28. as a upstart. but being very honest
29. As a very small fish in the multitude.
30. As an innovator, As the lower cost provider for each product line. As someone that
has catered to the smaller companies in the industry (though we have many of the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1228

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?
largest – this is a perception not reality), as someone that had some software
reliability issues when new products/upgrades are released (I had to force my
product manager to redirect new development money to quality improvement
efforts – thought that was against his grain). This transition occurred over a year
ago, but some clients have a long memory of the trouble they had for a short
31. As an organized and big size company related to our competitors.
32. As being more creative and providing better service. We know because we survey
33. As being polite enough to return their phone calls promptly.
34. As being quicker (better service)
35. As big, stable, trustworthy but not able to respond rapidly to unusual requests.
36. As doing better than others = peers; clients think I’m doing well
37. As far as I know, they appreciate the fact that our analysis is direct and unbiased,
unlike several research firms who have unfortunately compromised their integrity
by being very subjective and having conflicts of interest. They also recognize that
our research tells them what they need to hear, not what they want to hear (which
is what many other research firms do).
38. As far as I know, very well. That’s what they say.
39. As Innovative.
40. As offering the most useful, easy to follow & beautiful T’ai Chi Chih video
41. As providing a better form of service
42. As small fry
43. As small, talented and creative, and able to do the job required.
44. As the biggest
45. As the little, new guys.
46. As the local choice that’s friendly
47. As the ONLY Solution!
49. —As the rich Hospital that does not need money.
51. At this moment they don’t know us… but soon :))
52. Average(3)
53. Based on proposals and client list good.
54. Becoming more know, but still not The industry expert; am considered more of a
55. Behind the times.
56. Being an entirely new industry and an as yet unknown company we can’t answer
this question
57. Best for results – not sure on ‘relative’ perceptions in other areas – we need to do
more work here.
58. Best in this mid-size town.
59. Best price.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1229

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

60. Better at relationships, responsive, client driven

61. Better prices, faster shipping, better customer service, more professional
(especially our website)
62. Better product, but smaller than the competition.
63. Better quality with very good prices
64. Better than most.
65. Better, more professional, better job. More cooperative.
66. Biggest..offers risk reversal
67. Boutique; High end; Service Oriented
68. By and large: they LOVE us; it is a passionate relationship
69. Call “Indian Sugar”
70. Caring, progressive
71. Cheap for my level of expertise but catering to specific nationalities and types of
72. Clients are happy with us.
73. Clients are very happy with the results and see us as one of the best in the field.
Non client see us as a non entity and a tag along
74. Clients I work with appreciate the value of ,y services.
75. Clients in Toronto are very enthusiastic about the results I help them produce
76. Clients love us.
77. Clients perceive our practice as above average with respect to other offices in the
community, once they have come in for care and have been educated on what we
do, and see the results that we get, especially after they have failed to get help
from other sources.
78. Clients perceive us as a single-person organization that can execute quickly on
almost any subject related to business processes, reengineering, computing,
telecommunications and product / services marketing. Clients look to larger
organizations where additional personnel resources are perceived to be needed or
where a Brand Name is required to provide credibility.
79. Clients realize that I offer a unique, beneficial and indispensable service.
80. Clients tell me they find me (right now I am the company) more professional, more
knowledgable, more fun to work with, and definitely more connected (networked)
81. Clients who follow our recommendations appear to see us as unique and special,
set apart from all others. Many others, however, probably question our abilities
because we do not have all of the outward appearances of a successful company.
82. Clients who we have worked with are very supportive and very grateful for our
services. We do have 3 letters of recommendation from these clients and these
are very helpful in establishing creditability up front.
83. Companies in my business are not the issue. The individual agent is the product
84. Company as a copy cat, myself as a professional smart individual with good
intentions of helping them grow their business.
85. Company is perceived as a honest and fair company with which to do business.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1230

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

86. Comparison of services, quality

87. Creative, leading edge, approachable, effective.
89. Customer polls indicate we are regarded very highly – over 95% total satisfaction.
90. customers feel good coming to our place and they think we provide some good
91. Definitely superior in response time, performance and price.
92. Different as we deliver before they pay
93. Do not know(3)
95. Don’t know(23)
96. Don't know – as a one man band, I guess.
97. Don't know that yet. Guess I should start asking.
98. don't really know, for have no feedback.
99. Don’t yet
100. Excellent Reputation
101. Efficient, clear in communication and more professional. Local and accessable.
102. Excellent!(2)
103. Exceptional and loyal.
104. Expert
105. Expert, caring
106. --Fairly unique in that my combination of programming and business skills are
pretty rare. My clients would probably also describe me as easy to work with and
that I provide high quality work.
107. favorably
108. Favorably
109. favorably - but have never conducted a survey
110. Favorably for size
112. Favorably… a little expensive, but a good value all considered.
113. Fine.
114. First contractor acts like he's doing us a favor when we'd actually be better off not
doing his jobs. Second contractor had his own in-house team of painters but
subcontracts work to us and could easily keep us busy.
115. Focused more on their needs (I hope!)
116. For my particular product line, very good, because we keep people updated with
our progress updates.
117. For the most part, I think my clients perceive me as a unique source for what I do.
118. For the most part, we are considered the leader. Our market share demonstrates
this as well.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1231

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

119. fresh, client-oriented, fulfilling what was promised

120. Friendly and the first company that would answer their questions about wind power
generation, measurement, and the realities of it.
121. friendly, approachable, helpful
122. From the annual surveys we conduct and the overall feedback we receive from our
clients…we are very appreciated and have an exceptional reputation.
123. Fun to do business with & Honest
124. Generally considered the best quality but also the dearest. (Some customers say
too expensive)
125. Generally favorable…. I think. ;)
126. Generally highly rated.
127. Generally recognized as technical leader in BOP area, no reputation known for
other business segments.
128. Good(4)
129. Good – we compete well with others.
131. GOOD but need more clients
133. Good for such a small store. A great offering of products.
134. Good Quality good price
135. Good quality products , sometimes on the higher side of pricing
136. GOOD QUESTION - how do we find out without spending a bundle?
137. Good question. I don't know the answer.
139. Good reputation for quality and service
140. Good response so far.
141. Good service, low prices.
142. Good service, low prices.
143. Good value for money, excellent service
144. Good, but tiny an unknown for the genral public
145. Good, innovative
146. Good. They see us a the biggest total solution provider who can back up what we
147. Gourd Art Business: nationally recognized leader Moving and Storage: quality
leader in local market Web Communities and Development not sure of perception,
but fairly high profile Audio Production and Product Development not even
positioned or marketed, even though products have a very unique and high quality
value convey and market Restaurant is a startup Auto Repair is a very successful
regional business, highly competitive with National Franchises
148. Great but high price products “Strange”, maybe “old fashion” Very successful and
at time arrogant

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1232

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

149. Great concept , very positively but expensive

150. Great credibility
151. great reputation but still perceived as expensive product or format is not suitable
for people living far away
152. Great service, as an information source, watch out for their best interests, honest
and hardworking, consistent and dependable.
153. Green, untried, with suspicion – Forex is so new that it is foreign to the general
154. Have no idea.
155. Hear good things don’t feel pressure to get a certain thing done
156. Helpful knowledge
157. Helpful. Value for the money
158. High priced – but offset by excellent results, fast.
159. High Quality
160. High Quality & Professional "Are you a Franchise". Not necessarily cheap but
Honest, fair and good.
161. High quality products, good engineering, responsive, high price.
162. High quality, but low output.
164. High skills, mainly a government contractor
165. Highest quality in area
166. highly
167. Honesty, trustworthy, good designs, knowledgeable, friendly and open.
168. Hopefully, our retention is a good testimonial.
170. I am known as a Master Coach and trainer of other coaches. They think we are as
good as it gets.
171. I am known for being knowledgeable, honest and trustworthy
172. I am perceived in the same league as most other manufacturers agents. I want to
be perceived as better than most!
173. I am the upstart little guy that deserves a chance.
174. I believe I am perceived as an expert in the topics listed above as well as financial
175. I believe most of our clients believe we are good agents, and good people.
176. I believe that our current clients/suppliers/partners perceive us as industry leaders
both in performance and as experts.
177. I believe they see us as unique and comprehensive.
178. I believe we are perceived as a good honest – fair deal dealer
179. I do not know(10)
180. I don’t know how my patients perceive me. I have steady patients so I know some
are happy.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1233

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

181. I don’t know yet.

182. I don’t know, as I have no clients
183. I don’t know, but I expect to find out since I’ve recently asked them to write me
testimonials for my soon-to-be redesigned website.
184. I don’t know. I’ve considered hiring a marketing company to do a market research
study to find out but I have not done so yet. This is something I am curious about.
185. I don’t know. My effort has been on the product and my people that sell it.
186. I don’t know. I get lots of nice letters but that’s not good enough as an indicator.
187. I don’t truly know. I know how I think they perceive us, but I need to ask them.
188. I feel they have a sense that I am providing a type and level of service that is
peculiar to me and that my competitors simply cannot offer. Many Clients never
see the Principal again after the project is underway. They have been handed off
to a Project Architect or Job Captain. High net worth individuals are accustomed to
personal attention. If they choose, I can be the only contact they will ever have
during the life of the project. They pay me to experience their headaches!
189. I have a satisfaction survey of existing clients but have not surveyed none clients.
190. I have no idea.
191. I have not become a strong presence again. I was at a level where I was one of
the top 10 Realtors in my market but would like to far exceed that level. I feel with
an intelligent systematic strategic approach I could my business into a systemized
marketing and sales machine.
192. I honestly don’t know.
193. I hope they see us as experts in our field. We specialize in products where others
simply dabble. We are people they can depend on to provide quality products at a
good reasonable price and risk free.
194. I know that my clients are confident with me and my talents. I am not sure of
exactly how they perceive my company in my industry. I have never asked this
195. I think pretty well-very high in understanding and sophistication of the industry and
a client’s needs and challenges compared to the competition
196. I think that perceive me as a professional one.
197. I think that they are fairly satisfied. Many have come from other web designers
and were dissatisfied with the former designer.
198. I think that we are perceived of as being very good at what we do
199. I think the short answer to this is if they are not a direct referral THEY DON’T - - we
haven’t been very effective yet in letting the world know about us – but in the last
two weeks we have made HUGE strides in this effort and will continue to over the
coming months/years
200. I think they perceive it as a high quality product
201. I think they see the value, I collect testimonials
202. i think very well...we have grown consistently 10-15% a month for the last year and
not many people have done that in the mlm industry
203. I think we do well compared to others because. we are very high touch and
personable in an industry known for coldness
204. I’m more diversified, plus I’ll listen to a customer even if it’s off topic

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1234

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

205. I’m more diversified, plus I’ll listen to a customer even if it’s off topic
206. I’m not sure(2)
207. I’m the only one they can divulge their inmost secretes to
208. If they are referred I am the first and many times only one they recommend. I have
been fortunate to have to superb reputation and been in same community for 14
209. If they could only read my mind………………
210. I'm not sure. Probably as a small business that puts a lot of effort and care into
each individual property. Small enough to care as if it were our own home.
211. I'm perceived by HFC Bank as an invaluable expert. Certain managers there have
marketed me internally (and to their US parent) extremely well (all their doing, not
212. Image is important – they compare with the competition. Cleaner image, more up-
to-date information and use of internet strategies are important.
213. In response to our questions about this, they see us as a company focuses on high
quality, a company that will work closely with its clients to help them achieve
success with their workers.
214. In some markets we are seen as the best provider and in other markets we are still
gaining credibility with clients.
215. In the top 50%
216. In top 3 of probably 25 competitors
217. Independent, responsive, easy to work with.
218. Infant organization but with fast responsibly introducing many new initiatives to
219. Initial response has been positive,.
220. Innovative
221. Innovative and personal.
222. Internet, my seminars, reference through my clients
223. It has a good image.
224. It is considered very strong. I think that is one of the reasons why anyone does
work with us.
225. It is very personal, and they have a high regard for me and very little knowledge of
others in the industry
226. It’s about price and how soon
227. I've done branding test 7 months ago. I give the my newsletter name and asked for
the first thing to come to their mind. They were:- professionalism– practical
information– easy to understand info– Peter MajewskiI would have to check them.
But if you read reports for Entrepreneurs – my clients say
about me what authors of this report said is most wanted from Entrepreneurs – so
it is very good situation. I just have to get my name behind those who don't know
me – affiliate program will help me.
228. Just starting
229. Knowledgeable, supportive
230. Knowledgeable, trustworthy and nice.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1235

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

231. Large, well respected, will do the jobs no one else wants.
232. Leading source
233. Like us and our service
234. Limited to stock trading
235. Long time in the business with an A+ reputation all of which counts for nothing. It is
a price driven business.
236. Many of the clients who have provided us with referrals have indicated that we are
among the best in the industry and that they are very pleased with the level of
service, solutions, and commitment we provide.
237. Maverick, anti-hype approach to marketing & advertising
238. Maybe 100.
239. Midsize, but we are among the top 5 in terms of value added, professionalism,
relationship building
240. More conservative in investing.
241. More creative & innovative, and working for the highest good
242. More educational.
243. More entertaining
244. more highly specialized than any of the others
245. more highly specialized than any of the others
246. more highly specialized than any of the others
247. more highly specialized than any of the others
248. More personal without loss of professional competency. My clients feel they get
the value of the dollar they spend with me in therapy.
249. Most caring, personable, effective, informative comprehensive with regard to
Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit-Disorder. Demandingly competent
250. Most feel that we’re as good as or better than others.
251. Most of our clients stick with us and feel we offer a more personal service and
have more knowledge of our product than some competitors.
252. Most of our clients think we are unique.
253. Most respected provider of financial communications and investor relations
services in Canada by the professional investment community and public markets
as a whole.
254. Most seem to feel we are a good firm for their needs
255. Mostly good
256. Mostly very positive. They like our product, are pleased with our service and also
think the price is very reasonable. However, they can make higher profits from
selling more expensive coffins than ours.
257. My clients are happy with what I’ve done for them. To my knowledge no one has
offered them similar service
258. My clients generally see my biz as a reliable source of information. Many of them
consider me as a friend. I have created a biz that they trust. Which is nice.
259. My clients perceive me as a leader in education on mortgages

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1236

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

260. My competitive advantage is the level of personal service and personal

261. My goal is for them to perceive me as a rational voice in a wild and crazy market.
262. N.A.(5)
263. New
264. New and hungry for business
265. New and unique untested
267. New company…not launched yet
268. no
269. No clients yet(3)
270. no competition-
271. No different
272. no idea, hopefully as a reliable necessity
273. No idea.
274. No idea.
275. No idea. However my customers are by and large my best promoters they say
good things about me on forums.
276. No one knows my company except from the past.
277. No one to compare us to.
278. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
279. No, they see it as a specialized organization which provides niche products.
280. Not applicable at this point.
282. Not great. But know us for our commitment
283. Not known
284. Not nearly as well known; Brand name very new in our market Not been around
nearly as long Being more flexible than most of our competition Having superb
project management capability Having a very open set of systems, enabling strong
system integration capability Currently, “just like” our competition in terms of base
offering. This is where and why we are focusing on developing our Unique
Competitive Advantages, and our new corporate Market Strategy
285. Not sure(15)
286. Not sure as we have to still wait and see. Will be interesting to find out. We aim to
be the best in the field as our business model is completely different from
everybody else’s
287. Not sure I know
288. Not sure, small number say that by hiring us they did it right for the first time. Have
not talked to other clients have abut 300 clients.
289. Not well defined.
290. Not well known enough….yet

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1237

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

291. Not well known even though we’re associated with a large US financial company.
292. Nothing unique
293. Offer a boutique service
294. Okay as good as top competition
295. Once they fall in love, they stay in love forever. They see us as being genuinely
concerned about their future and their businesses. Clients take us out to lunch and
invite us for barbeques and invite us over to stay with them when in their town and
meet their families. We’re personal. In some cases, we even know if there’s been a
birth and death in the family. We’re family to our clients. And good family too!
296. Once they’re with us we’re the Bently Turbo
297. One of the 2 companies which merged to become Unicity Network was the Rexall
company which is generally perceived as a company with high integrity
298. One of our clients put it perfectly. While our price was higher than another
company they use, we always deliver when promised, have a wider selection of
products and have better records and customer service.
299. One of the best
300. One of the best in the business Good quality manufacture Deliver what is asked for
when it asked for
301. One of the best.
302. One of the better ones in terms of service and knowledge
303. One of the most active ones
304. Only by knowing me personally
305. Only one direct competitor – we are more active.
306. Our clients love us, the problem is that not many know about us.
307. Our clients are loyal. They perceive value in the monies they invest.
308. Our CLIENTS generally believe that our people are very professional and helpful
and fun to work with compared to other printing companies they have worked with
in the past.
309. Our clients generally love us and give us a lot of follow on work, and tell us we are
310. Our clients perceive our service as far superior to others they work with on similar
mailing and communications projects.
311. Our clients perceive us as a well-rounded business who is reliable. We have all
their needs met in one place.
312. Our clients really like us – like trusted and knowledgeable friends, and most are
very loyal (willing to pay list price in many cases where our competitors will charge
10-20% less)
313. Our clients seem well-pleased with us and, from what I know, appreciate us as a
small, but very attentive, service company.
314. Our clients use to love us and our services very much. We trust in what we do.
315. Our company is now six years old and has a very good reputation in the Industry.
We are growing while many are not and we have an excellent mix of Reps and
Customers - unlike some sister companies.
316. Our current clients think we are a resource to their organization

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1238

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

317. Our current customers are extremely happy.

318. Our old company had a good reputation. We hope to have an even better one with
this software.
319. Our service is Excellent. We are reliable, honest and professional
320. Overall my clients are extremely happy with all the information in my ebooks, my
quick customer service, my willingness to be their mentor and answer any
questions at no further charge. Some have been shocked that they wound up
talking to me on the phone, saying they felt very honored. Overall I think I’m
generating a strong, professional, advisory role to them.
321. Overall our partners, our readers, and advertisers give us very high marks, and
come to us to suggest initiatives as well as vice versa. We are the most prestigious
and know of the handheld publications.
322. People look at us as the innovators
323. Perception could be we are highly priced.
324. Perception is high quality, high service
325. Positively because of our better money back guarantee and free shipping.
326. Preeminent expert
327. Pretty good I think
328. Prior to purchasing clients sometimes have hesitation after purchasing they are
amazed at the entertainment value they received
329. Probably above average
330. Probably as new, interesting, and very expensive
331. Probably as nowhere in sight
332. Probably no different than other medical practices
333. Probably not
334. Probably not very different at this point
335. Professional but also fun to work with, knowledgeable, quick to respond
336. Professional, experienced, “expensive”, value, choice
337. Professional, thorough,
338. Provider of very personal service, very hands on.
339. Quality and credibility.
340. Quality education. Emphasis on critical thinking
341. Quality merchandise, decent service. Food critics in the newspapers rated us well.
342. Quality not Quantity
343. Quality. Friendly. Effective
344. quite well as we know how to get and work with the top artists that we want to deal
345. Really smart talent pool
346. Realpolitik for real people
347. Reasonably good to average, in terms of quality of information provided.
348. Reasonably good to average, in terms of quality of information provided.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1239

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

349. Reliable small player who offers good service but does not have sufficient
marketing to generate pull-through of end-users to their retail outlet.
350. Reliable, honest, trustworthy, able to perform what was promised
351. Reliable, solid
352. Reliable. High standard. Caring
353. Resourceful.
354. Respectful, dignifies, and professional
355. Results oriented but expensive compared to competition
356. Running ads, writing articles on the newspapers
357. Same ol same ol – real estate
358. See it as genuine, helpful and trustworthy, We have the right product
359. Seems to be positive, but I can’t say with accuracy.
360. Serious, results oriented, competent and overall a good partner
361. Seriously, we are the market leaders in this industry.
362. Significantly higher degree of knowledge, offering more choice and specialty
363. Since we are small, they know who will be working on their site.
364. Skeptical
365. Small and aggressive. Willing to listen.
366. Small and not adequately defined
368. Small and unsophisticated.
369. Small boutique type of operation that gets things done that most don’t get done.
370. Small but competent. Experts.
371. Small but good
372. Small but good
373. Small but good at what we do
374. Small but highly innovative
375. small friendly company offering good products that they are pleased with
376. Small One Man Band
377. Small player, can’t handle big jobs, upstart. Knowledgeable, quality conscious,
reliable, consistent.
378. Small player, relatively unknown.
379. Small, connected, competent one-man-band.
380. Small, specialized and good at what we do
381. Some clients do appreciate my efforts and do value the value I add. However, they
also consider me as a “ME TOO” marketer.
382. Some clients perceive us as similar others think we have a very good one stop
shop that is very convenient,
383. Some have said other software is too complex and had too much for what they

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1240

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?
384. Some love us and some have become disenchanted
385. Some perceive us as the leader. Other see us as once the leader who has fallen
behind. Some view us as a small niche player in the PC Lifecycle software
386. Speakers Gold is thought of as an interesting upstart.
387. Sport Clips is perceived as unique, niche marketers, gaining more credibility as a
real player vs. a fringe competitor.
388. Stunningly good. Sometimes do too much.
389. Surveys say clients very happy with IG. Rated as top company for protecting
financial assets.
390. Suspect products (magnets and other hokus-pokus)
391. Technically strong but small and with limited resources.
392. Technology developers
393. That we provide great service, excellent products and fast delivery.
394. The best and most consistent ability to deliver, by far – and probably the most
395. The best in its field in the region.
396. The best. They are very loyal to us overall! They agree our quality products are the
best for the money, and the show us that by renewing for another year!
397. The clients I have consider me to be the best in the industry. Only problem is that I
don’t have enough clients.
398. The feedback we receive from our customers is that we are favorably different
from our competitors. Our customer is loyal and we estimate that 30% of our new
business enquiry is a result of customer referral.
399. The few clients we have think we’re great and they’ve stuck with us through our
start-up pains.
400. The few I have perceive it as insolit
401. The few that I have think it is the most desirable, logical product and proposition
402. The independent source of advice
403. the most honest and best results
404. The most service oriented. They know they can count on us to be there when they
need us.
405. The ones that comment from my surveys are mostly positive.
406. The only feedback that we have is through the questions answered in the
customer survey which have a numerical rating five being the best and one being
the worst . Overall are customer satisfaction is well above average.
407. The people who become regular customers LOVE us and are very loyal.
408. The perception is that we are a cut above in service delivery, competitively priced
but not always the cheapest. There is a good preception of the ability to add value
long term after they check with our references.
409. The personal friends who secure the success of their event

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1241

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

410. The reception we received during the two months in operation is very positive –
prospective clients express their conviction that there is a definite need for an
Innovative Business Services provider that can be accessed via one telephone
411. The reception we received during the two months in operation is very positive –
prospective clients express their conviction that there is a definite need for an
Innovative Business Services provider that can be accessed via one telephone
412. The video business has gotten very competitive and who know how they perceive
us. And for the Log Home business we are perceived pretty well because we have
built homes for some NASCAR drivers & the president of the NASCAR track owner
in Atlanta.
414. They appreciate my “expertise” ; appreciate that I provide personalized service,
and appreciate the fact that my “business” is to help solve their problem(s).
415. They appreciate our ability to LISTEN to their needs.
416. They are happy to deal with me when they see what I can provide.
418. They are satisfied. Some think I am a little bit pricey. They would like to see
guaranteed job placement after I help them get their Commercial Driver's License.
419. They are the best. But they are very expansive
420. They are totally unaware
421. They believe our visions good
422. They buy me as I am the brand
423. They don’t know about me
424. They don’t know us. When they do, we work hard to achieve the image of best of
425. They don’t seem to think about that so much. I usually tell them that we are much
different and the client seems to realize that right away.
426. They express they find us more effective and more enjoyable.
427. They have told me that they really like my marketing and they love my services.
428. They know we are smaller and more responsive
429. They like it once they know us
430. They like me personally and like the results they get
431. They like to deal with me personally
432. They look at it as a boutique or a specialty company versus a major player in the
game of finance.
433. They look at me as a smart and very sensitive guy but not as a firm
434. They love us.
435. They perceive me as very knowledgeable, creative, competent and offering a

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1242

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?
complete marketing system that is tested and proven (not based on text book
theory) in their specific niche.
436. They perceive us as being a small, but very effective, “can-do” company
437. They probably consider us to be smaller and more serving and responsive.
However, we haven’t asked them this question just yet.
438. They provide results
439. They recognize us as producing unique products and they experience the superior
benefit of them. They push us hard to expand our marketing and sales activities.
They tell their friends and relatives to stop using our products and switch to our
products. They buy products to get them to stop.
440. They respect us and say that they don’t know how they would survive without our
441. They see it for its true value of what we do for people.
442. They see me as a contributor and honest and with integrity they feel that other
agent’s are the opposite.
443. They see us as a provider of premium shelters for a premium price. They
sometimes see us as being overpriced and delivering late.
444. they see us as being the most customer-friendly
445. They see us as unique- Our brand is partners, not competitors which plays into our
niche and business model.
446. They seem to be very satisfied and pleased with us, so much that they very
willingly refer others.
447. They think we are the best
448. They think we do a good job – we continue to get new business from existing
449. They view us as more responsive, service oriented and professional.
450. They will perceive me as distinctly different.
451. They will see us as a leader, innovator & congruent.
453. Those needing us perceive us as long-term assets for their business. We have
long-term clients. Most of them started and only ceased as they went bankrupt.
454. Those that have had direct contact with our company thinks highly of our service,
especially compared to our competition.
455. Those that stay on board love us to death. Those that drop off I wish I knew what
they were thinking. I think we might have more want for them to get better than
they do and that can’t work.
457. Thrilled with the results. Some have experienced my competitors, they had poor
experiences with the others. Totally different business premise.
458. Through direct long-term relationships that work and the word of mouth from
advocates of our company
459. To early to gauge

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1243

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

460. To expensive and fees up front is not good. But they keep using the service. We
joke about the fees.
461. To new to know.
462. Too early to say.
463. Too soon to say
464. Too young to tell.
465. top
466. Top quality perceived reliable service, better customer service when there are
problems, most coverage in the state of Oregon and they trust us.
467. Trusted
468. Trusted, easy to do business with, friendly and caring, professional, solid.
469. Trustworth consultant
470. Trustworthy
471. Trustworthy, friendly and easy to do business with
472. Unique(3)
473. UNIQUE and GUTSY – We deliver on an outrageous promise
474. Unique in my overall strategy
475. Unique! Down to earth, ordinary blokes who inspire by a combination of their
ordinariness and their success (Both multi-millionaires)
476. Unique, comprehensive, caring
477. Unique, honest, on time, get results.
478. Unique, professional, high quality service. Some feel rates are high, others not.
479. Unknown(5)
480. Unlimited earning potential
481. Unsure(2)
483. Upper 30%
484. Upper end
485. Usually not a direct competitive thing with other consultants.
486. Varying perceptions. Those who have not used us before, if they know who we
are, think that there must be some kind of “catch” if they go with us, such as them
having to do all the work, that there must be some kind of limitations if they go with
us, that it would take longer to sell their property, that it would be “risky” to list their
property with us and safer to go with a larger traditional firm. Those who have used
us before, in most cases, think that we’re great, and that we deliver what they
bargained for.
487. Very approachable and high integrity
488. Very cost effective and very accurate.
489. Very effective
490. Very effective
491. Very effective and good to great

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1244

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

492. Very favorably

493. Very good but still scattered, and a bit frustrating to deal with sometimes (we don’t
call back promptly most times
494. Very good China contacts and experience.
495. Very good service, highly technically skilled. Always able to delivered needed
hardware services on Just-in-time basis
496. Very good. Reliable and fair to work with. They also perceive the company as
being bigger than just a one man operation.
497. Very high quality of service
498. Very highly
499. Very highly.
500. Very knowledgeable, very friendly, and very personal.
501. Very little is known about such services and most are not aware as they are too
busy managing their business to care about what’s happening around them.
502. Very little perception as new Those that have do think we add value.
503. Very professional and fun. They know that I will find a strategic leverage that will
allow them to do more of what they love and make more money doing it.
504. Very professional and top skills
505. Very small, niche provider
506. Very trustworthy and easy to do business with.
507. Very well – professional and experienced
508. Very well respected brand name and reputation for thorough, objective analysis.
Some criticism that we are a bit too risk averse / have a fear of offending our issuer
509. very well; those who buy love the work
510. Very Well…I do a great job the first time and that gets people to remember me.
511. Very, very professional and high quality. Perceived as tending to market more
upmarket homes.
512. Way above the competition in terms of service and delivery
513. We are a new company so they are not confident in our products
514. We are a unknown company.
515. We are basically unknown in the industry. This is not a problem with small
companies and the Buying Groups, but it is a problem with the large companies.
Then we need to use the credibility of the processors behind us. But we are
focused on the smaller merchants anyway.
516. We are generally regarded as being among the leaders if not the top BUT always
regarded as too EXPENSIVE Commercial accounts particularly
517. We are new. So they perceive that we are not that experienced
519. We are perceived as industry experts in our specialized niche.
520. We are perceived to be in the top tier of respected business attorneys in our

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1245

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?
521. We are perceived to offer reliable quality services
522. We are perceived as being as good but not necessarily better at what we do
523. We are presently weak compared to the competitors in terms of resources and
deployment of these resources .
524. We are probably grouped with all the others.
525. We are rated among the best. Many customers rave about our products,
programs and service. Some consider us high price and others are concerned
about product selection and availability. We are working on the later. We are the
new kids in our expanding market which is still in the early development stages.
526. We are really the only ones out there.
527. We are small, but well respected
528. we are the best
529. We are the most highly perceived surveying company in our rural area.
530. We are the NZ expert – there is nothing better but they can’t always use our
products because of LA studios “not invented here” corporate attitudes.
531. we are the one that has everything. We are inexpensive.
532. We are the premier and most respected supplier of software in my market niche.
533. We are very customer service friendly, very sexy and cool.
534. We are very nice, gentle, honest, friendly. They feel well taken care of and a
sense of trust.
535. We are well perceived once they know about us.
536. We definitely have something to offer…great feed back!
537. We don’t know much about this at all; too many potential customers have not
heard of us… we do get positive feedback from current active customers
538. We don't know because we actually do not survey our prospects and customers.
539. We get extremely good reports
540. We get very nice testimonials
541. We have a good reputation
542. We have a great reputation and are a leader I the area, but there is just not that
much work and we need to move in a different direction
543. We have a high end product that is better than almost any product on the market
and competitively priced. It is a product that would be invaluable to any of our
544. We have a reputation of excellence.
545. We have a very high retention rate as people appreciate the quality of our courses
and instructors. Some people complain about the number of emails they receive.
We are known to be a caring company where their needs are more important than
ours. We question people as to why they want the training and then sometimes
direct them into another program stream which would give them better results,
sometimes at less money.
546. We have glowing audio comment from 20 top realtors saying they wouldn’t use
anyone else

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1246

Question 73. How Do Clients Perceive Your Company Among
Everyone Else in the Industry?

547. We have offered excellent customer service to our clients so far

548. We have received praise for our enewsletter. We’re new on the block. Unknown
at this time to any extent.
549. We have the best Chinese food and our quality is very high
550. We have the best product by far.
551. We have the first client we started business with 6 years ago. We have a strong
relationship with clients and because our name sounds national people think we
552. We have the most comprehensive solution with the best support, but we could still
do so much better. We are slow to get new products to market. We are always
late bringing new products to market.
553. We have very good relationship with our clients. They like the product, ease of
use, cost of service, and quality of product and service. They acknowledge that
while others have more to offer but the extra benefits are not need and increase
the cost unnecessarily.
554. We haven’t asked them for 4 years!
555. We hope they see us as the best at what we do.
556. We service the best, when clients call we listen and act immediately upon their
557. We think outside the box and we don’t give in , we get the loan we can know how
to package a loan
558. We were voted best childcare in Sussex county after being open only 6 months by
readers of a local newspaper.
559. We will be well respected as we begin this year.
561. We’re invisible
563. We’re the best and the most professional. But, we also don’t take any BS.
564. Well regarded, fairly well known among our audience, provider of quality interior
systems and furniture, not the lowest cost provider.
565. Well respected, great company, great products, leaders in the field, helpful,
566. When they want cheap equipment they go to our competitors. When they want the
good stuff they come to us.
567. Who are you?
568. With the customers we have they like us.
569. Wonderfully, in my modest opinion – they know for what I stand
570. Young, exciting, helpful, immature

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1247

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?
Question 74. How do clients perceive your products/services/sales people and

1. ?(8)
2. ?? works good
3. ??????? I’m not sure.
4. 93% like my product. About 7% ask for a refund.
5. A very high satisfaction rate with products and services
6. About to find out by a client survey
7. Above average(2)
8. According to independent yearly study by IBM we rank in the 95% percentile in
customer satisfaction, well above the average IBM business partner and most of
our competitors
9. Actually I'm not sure.
10. Again we get very good reports
11. Again, they see our staff who are responsible for instruction and management as
professional and committed to quality.
12. Again, we haven’t asked. However, we tend to get repeat business from most
13. Again, we provide quality products and our people know what is available and are
helpful in providing solutions
14. All are perceived as being top notch
15. All in a very positive light, especially compared with others.
16. All our clients love, we just need more clients.
17. All our services and products are the best quality.
18. Among the best
19. Ample, but not as grandiose as my big name competition.
20. Annoying.
21. Apparently very well.
22. As professional, of mid to high quality, fairly priced.
23. As a good value
24. As a newer company with little experience.
25. As a partner serving their needs.
27. as an also ran
28. As comparable with others but not as widespread but they like how they’re treated.
29. As far as I can ascertain at this stage the service is respected. Our sales people ie
Franchisee’s have to be people’s people or it doesn’t work, on the whole I think
they are respected
30. As good value for the money paid.
31. As helpful to assist them in resolving their current problems

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1248

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

32. As I mentioned, I’m the new guy. I’ve had to undo some of the bad images created
by a couple of previous less-than-responsible sales people. So I’m starting anew
33. As in 73. Don’t think they have any perception of sales and marketing.
34. As knowledgeable, truthful, competent people.
35. As ok, but there is better around
36. as unique, as a benefit
37. As very high quality and very effective.
38. As we are weak in marketing area there is no feedback in that area. However,
clients are satisfied and happy with our product and service.
40. Awesome people
41. Best hair color available, friendly, fast service
42. Better quality with very good prices
43. Better than most.
45. Caring, supportive, to the point, effective, practical
46. Clients are beginning to perceiver me a quite knowledgeable and capable.
47. Clients are impressed with our products. Our service is probably 75% of what it
should be. The sales people we have are good and appreciated by our clients. Our
marketing needs planning and implementation.
48. Clients like the fact that our reports are concise and not wordy or unnecessarily
long. They also appreciate the convenience of ordering online for immediate
download. In addition, many have commented that, unlike many other research
firms, our prices are reasonable. Finally, several clients have mentioned that our
money-back guarantee, while not necessarily being the factor that convinced them
to buy, demonstrated our commitment to their satisfaction and our confidence in
the quality of our work.
49. Clients love and swear by our product, like the service and sales ... don't know
about the marketing.
50. Clients offer very positive feedback on our services; have not collected data on
sales people and marketing efforts.
51. Clients perceive that we don't do enough marketing of our services on an ongoing
52. Clients perceive our products / services as being creative, of high-quality, thorough
and arrived at honestly. The President / Owner does all the selling and marketing
as well as the execution of assignments so the same customer perception would
apply to sales people.
53. Clients tell me they love my work. But I think it would be a good idea to do a survey
and get the real scoop.
54. Clients ultimately realize after several hours of education in meetings that they can
derive enduring value from my products and services, and I believe that my
marketing does capture their attention.
55. Clients view products as technically superior with outstanding support. Technical
staff viewed with deep respect. Marketing viewed as weak

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1249

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

56. common
57. Common business practice.
58. Competent; honest; hard-working
59. cost effective.
60. Customer friendly, innovative.
61. Definitely superior in response time, performance and price.
62. Different than the conventional.
63. Differentiation and branding are a process not yet complete
64. Do not know(25)
65. Don ‘t know for sure. Never asked.
67. Don’t know, but we seem to be well-received
68. don’t know. Satisfied , but maybe we should ask.
69. Don’t really know
70. Each business different, but most don’t really know
71. Eager, but sometimes lacking necessary test information and documentation
72. Easy to understand and implement. Produce fast results. Cost effective. What they
need to know has been distilled down to a simple formula, ie., system. Everything
has been tested , documented and proven which minimizes their downside risk.
Niche specific.
73. Effective but expensive
74. Effective.
75. Elimination of pain of the problems
76. Excellent - as far as we can tell (or they tell us)
77. Excellent (Marketing not included) They just ask that I keep my doors open ALL
the time (impossible)
78. Excellent and improving
79. Excellent!
80. Exceptional and loyal.
82. expensive
83. Expensive looking.
84. Expensive, worth it, competent
85. Experienced knowledgeable professionals.
86. Expert, caring
87. Extremely low key, to date at least.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1250

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

89. Favorably(7)
90. Feedback is always positive.
91. Feedback on those areas is good. “Professional.”
92. First contractor acts like we're screwing him and slacking insisting it wasn't raining
or too cold for our exterior work. Second contractor comments on the good work
and jokes around with the crew. No formal marketing taking place in either case.
93. Friendly, quick, trusting, higher than the world but worth it.
94. From what I can tell, they seem comfortable and pleased with them.
95. Generally favorable
96. Generally good
97. Generally our people are viewed the experts in the field, very knowledgeable.
98. Generally satisfactory.
99. Gets the academic results
100. Good(10)
101. Good (we think)
102. Good but costly
103. Good but sometimes I’m too abrupt
104. good except we don’t have marketing
105. Good guestion.
106. Good people, no pressure, and god listener, well educated on the products.
107. Good personal relationships. Good value
108. Good product
109. Good product / services but could do better in the marketing environment
110. Good products and services and probably just average marketing
111. Good products, good service and knowledgeable sales personnel.
112. Good products. Many reliable, some maybe not so. Sales people and marketing
113. Good service, good people, knowledgeable, but seen as a small company.
114. Good service, knowledgeable people, likeable sales people, considerate and
115. Good service.
116. Good services
117. Good to excellent.(2)
118. good, but have never asked
119. Good, good, good, okay.
120. Good, so far
121. Good, useful
122. great
123. Great company within this industry, very approachable and trustworthy.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1251

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

124. Great products and service, great people but not brilliant at marketing
125. Great value, high quality at a reasonable price.
126. Great value—honest—no recurring/hidden fees
127. Guests grade us in several categories as an average 3.5 on 4,0 scale
128. helpful, easy to understand, comfortable
129. high
130. High End / Valuable
131. High marks
132. High Quality & Professional. Tasteful marketing.
133. High quality and performing to satisfaction
134. High quality product Good relationship Always pay in advance and get the goods
at factory.
135. High quality, but low output.
136. High quality, expensive, thorough, results driven and personal service.
137. Higher leverage, more effective
138. Higher quality, knowledgeable, and greater selection.
139. Highest caliber.
140. Highly(2)
141. Highly personalized, weak staff
142. Honest , trying to solve the pr
143. honest and fair, no games.
144. Honest, direct and research-based
145. Honest, open, integer, loyal.
146. Honesty, trustworthy, knowledgeable, friendly and open.
147. Hopefully the same
148. I am all the above – good from past performance for those that know me or on my
149. I am all three of those people tied into one.
150. I am my service really, so see 73.
151. I am not sure
152. I am perceived in the same league as most other manufacturers agents. I want to
be perceived as better than most!
153. I am the only one and my clients are have stated that they are very appreciative
and pleased with my work on their behalf.
154. I believe as a top notch, “High Touch” team. (my strategic partners and myself)
155. I believe our clients perceive they receive good, quality service from us and seem
to enjoy our mail outs.
156. I believe people who are aware of our products have a high opinion of them. I
personally am well-thought of, and no-one accuses us of bad marketing practices.
157. I believe that my clients value my service to them and appreciate the genuine effort

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1252

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?
and care that I take in looking after their needs.
158. I believe that we will be perceived at the top of the list
159. I believe they see us as passionate about what we do and have the endurance and
intensity to succeed.
160. I could do more.
161. I do not know(8)
162. I doubt that they even think of us as marketers at all/
163. I get tremendously positive feedback on my books.
164. I guess it´s ok.
165. I have a good reputation which bring me a lot of business
166. I have no idea.
167. I hope the same as the previous question
168. I love my clients. They love me! …as alarmingly client-serving, knowelgable &
radical, innovative.
169. I think it’s very positive.
170. I think they perceive our products as “average” in the market; our service as “the
best”; our people as fine and our marketing as okay.
171. I think we’re thought of well.
172. I unfortunately don’t know
173. I’m always trying to provide them with something new
174. I’m guessing people see our events as being a little rough around the edges.
That’s what I see.
175. I’m not sure if we should concentrate on selling our audit group to different
divisions within the company or the company as a whole.
176. I’m not sure, I need to look into this.
177. Impressive but not always highly professional.
178. Innovative
179. Integrity
180. It seems that ads are for branding; some ideas are given.
181. It’s a plain and simple approach. They always tell me, how they all know someone
who can benefit. P2W is an easy sale
182. It’s been hard warming people up to using the internet for my services.
183. It’s primarily me, and we have excellent relationships.
184. I've never asked.
185. Knowledgeable, helpful, caring.
186. Like the one-to-one approach and presentation
187. Liked the many testimonials we have.
188. Little disorganized
189. Little feedback.
190. Love that we have given them gifts and shown our appreciation for their
referrals…We get lots of comments like in over 30 years of going to a dentist, I

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1253

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?
have never ever been treated so well or gotten a thank you or felt so appreciated.
191. Love us
192. Low key.
193. Marketing is Transparent to them. P/S are unique and extremely effective
194. Marketing is viewed to be almost non-existent. Software to be excellent and high
end. Sales people are often considered to be customer solution focused. Our sales
methodology is consultive.
195. Marketing seems hypey and like a pitch
196. Marketing/sales has poor perception, services have excellent perception
197. Maybe 100
198. Me they see me as very skilled and very creative with concepts that work –But
most of them don’t want to do the work – they just want quick answers.
199. Mixed bag.
200. Mixed views.
201. More concerned with their overall financial success
202. more highly specialized than any of the others
203. Most dealers and people love what our product and service does. We have some
good sales people. We haven’t done enough marketing to really know what the
general perception is.
204. Most have a very good impression of the brochures and the approach to them.
They feel that it is not only different, it is very professional.
205. Most of them love my service and follow-up. Time doesn’t always allow me to get
to all of them.
206. Most respected. Trustable.
207. Most think we are competent—we don’t do a lot of marketing to current clients—
we do self-promotions with new products—put our name on them, and give out—
hope for some orders, and that they pay for them selves.
208. Mostly good
209. Mostly satisfied some more than satisfied
210. Mostly very good with exceptions
211. Mostly welcomes it.
212. MUCH better than industry norms and averages
213. My clients love Elva’s Jewel Joy. They think that it is the greatest. They
214. My marketing is being seen as American and turns some people off. For me it is
working and effective, because there are very few people working like I do. I would
like to have more clients, but that is only a matter of time.
215. My offline clients do perceive my efforts mostly in a positive way. I do not push for
a hard sell. I do offer full risk reversal. My online clients do not support me as much
as I would like. However, I did make a bit of money by approaching a librarian
offline to purchase books online by working through my referral link.
216. MY products are received very well.
217. N.A.(11)
218. N/A – No employees

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1254

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?


220. Need more renewal
221. Need to update feedback. We have lost client opportunities in the past because of
personalities etc. are training and ‘buddying’ to alleviate/minimize this
222. Never asked them
223. No clients yet
224. No feedback as yet,
225. No idea
226. No perception.
227. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
228. No sufficient data
229. None yet
230. Non-existent
231. Normally they are attracted to our individual contacts, however, almost none of
them were attracted to our web promotion.
232. Not applicable at this point.
233. Not as sure
234. Not bad, quite smart
235. Not invasive ( because it isn’t)
236. Not much
237. Not much of marketing, service is good.
238. Not near consistent enough.
239. Not necessarily industry specific maybe too complicated.
240. Not researched
241. Not sure(11)
242. Not sure as we have to still wait and see. Will be interesting to find out. We aim to
be the best in the field as our business model is completely different from
everybody else’s
243. Not sure how they perceive us as we don’t have a way to evaluate this in a
consistent way. Feedback from some of the agents we have dealt with in the past
is that clients felt that they were mislead at times (We no longer deal with these
244. Not well known, so reputation is not their to judge or compare.
245. Not yet defined.
246. Nothing unique
247. Of greater value than our competitors
248. Ok
249. On the whole as being professional and good at what they do.
250. Once I am in I get 100% of their business 95% of the time
251. One message will permeate everything we do.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1255

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

252. One of a kind service, but fuzzy on exact services offered and wins completed.
253. Only by knowing me personally
254. Our clients love us (most of them anyway)
255. Our customers perceive us as small but professional .
256. Our patients seem to be happy about our services. The problem is, I need them to
be EXCITED, ENTHUSIASTIC, INSPIRED about my service so they will be moved
to spread the word of me to everyone they know. We need to stir their passion.
257. Our product and service OK, but they do not perceive any marketing.
258. Our product is good but expensive.
259. Our products are perceived as a commodity, which indeed they are. In general
sales customers tend to be less persuaded by our customer service standards
than hire customers who are more demanding concerning their requirements. In
general, customers tend to think of themselves as ‘belonging’ to one of our three
salespeople, preferring to deal with their person with whom they’ve developed a
260. Our products are very good, we have people who understand what they want
261. Our products are well received, our service is refund or replace not question no
hassle, sales people are well trained and friendly
262. Our service is highly regarded, not sure about marketing.
263. Our services are perceived very highly. I am the primary sales person; people
trust me and I believe regard me highly.
264. Overall, quite good.
265. Overwhelming
266. Partners do a better job than managers but we are working on this.
267. People are perceived as persistent, pleasant, and knowledgeable.
268. People had rave reviews of my small test-marketing of a postcard mailing.
Website has had good reviews
269. -people say our seminars are the best, customer service could improve, don’t
know about marketing and sales people
270. People think I’m an amazing marketer... more so than I do. I haven’t got brilliant
results yet, other than with word of mouth. People like my products because I give
a lot more than they ask for and I go for quality.
271. Perceive our services and products as some of the very best available
272. poor
273. Poor as far the sales is concerned, but competent and serious as far as
Consultance is concerned
274. Positive
275. Positive and provide good feedback
276. Positive impressions, unique combination of sports and haircuts make people
remember us and our ads, and encourage them to talk about us to their friends.
Men typically don’t talk about where they get their hair cut, but with Sport Clips this
happens a lot.
277. Positive, however we lack credibility.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1256

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

278. Positive.
279. Positively
280. Positively viewed
281. Pretty good.
282. Pretty well, but I do realize that this is an area that we can improve.
283. Price is medium and company is arm with professional people though office
infrastructure is not well established yet.
284. Probably as "mickey mouse". Cheap. Just enough to get by.
285. Probably as dispensable
286. Probably no different than other medical practices
287. Probably the same with little distinction at this time.
288. Probably very low key – word of mouth
289. Product very good
290. Product great marketing and promotion suks. They know I drop the ball sometimes
291. Product is good, no one else has our functionality. It looks (and is) dated. This is
negatively affecting our perceived value in comparison with competition. Service is
head and heels above competitors. Marketing is non-existent (no pressure).
292. Product is good, well respected. Has stood the test of time. Got a lot of criticism
about the fall of Enron & Worldcom – we did not see it coming. This perception is a
bit unfair! We can only analyze / comment on what we are given or have access
too. Both the above companies withheld a lot of information. However perception is
293. Product, and services are great. Marketing has been 0
294. Products – high quality, durable products. Services – of good quality but not
consistently on a timely basis. Sales People – low key and perhaps not around
often enough. Marketing – almost non-existant other than Yellow Pages
advertising and some trade directories.
295. Products – Sophisticated Sales People – Fair
296. Products = Good and high quality. Services = Good, actually have an infrastructure
to deliver our promises. Sales People = Professional, not pushy but consultative.
Marketing = Non existent.
297. Products and service are excellent. We have no dedicated sales or marketing
people. Waste of money you know.
298. products and service are perceived good. Sales and marketing are not good –
hard to buy except directly can’t go into local bookstore.
299. Products and services – as in 73. Sales and marketing – don’t know as we don’t
tell them our strategy/objectives from marketing. It’s not discussed.
300. Products are fantastic. Service is friendly but probably unprofessional. Marketing??
301. products are good, but sales technique is not convincing
302. products great, service good, sales slow
303. Products: we give them good, affordable rates Services: we handle their
complaints or concerns right away Sales people: very resourceful Marketing:
they aren’t too aware of what we do

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1257

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

304. PRODUCTS: Excellent to very good. SERVICE PEOPLE: Very helpful and
professional. SALES PEOPLE: Depends on the person. Top Sales Person: Very
helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, and fun to work with. Others: Friendly with
varying degrees of perceived professional and knowledgeable traits.
305. Professional(4)
306. Professional
307. professional
308. Professional , responsive, thorough and valuable.
309. Professional and aggressive.
310. Professional and committed.
311. Professional and friendly.
312. Professional but still a small organization
313. Professional long term partners and worth the money.
314. Professional. I train my people on how to talk on the phone. We answer the phone
by the third ring (my AT&T days). Special orders are handed directly to our
production manager!
315. progressive
316. Providing a very expensive but sometimes very needed and valuable service
317. Quality
318. Quality and expeditious treatment. Friendly, helpful staff
319. Quality materials and people
320. Quality offering
321. Quality products, sales people who aren’t afraid to tell them that they shouldn’t buy
322. quiet different from others
323. Reasonableness
325. Reliable(2)
326. Reliable, High standard of ‘delivery
327. Repeat business suggests they mostly like what I do
328. Response to products has been very positive. Have to work on reach to new
329. Results are varied and individual, but on the whole most people appreciate the
service. I try to remember to treat them as protected clients, as you described.
330. Results focused
331. Same ol same ol – real estate
332. Same way
334. Satisfied.
335. See above ( we are only 4 people in total)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1258

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

336. See Question 73, above. (“my company.” = me)

337. Seems to be positive, but I can’t say with accuracy.
338. Service = good. Not sure about the rest
339. Service is good because we show up and follow up. We do what we say we can
do. They are appreciative of the marketing by keeping them informed.
340. service people technical leaders and marketing unknown? Sales meeting
yesterday provided a comment expressing appreciation for newsletter.
341. Service will save effort, time and money
343. Services are generally positive there are some people that have an inflated idea of
the outcome for what they wnt to spend or where they begin their journey. People
is tricky there is one that can be testy and territorial and get short or an attitude
with people. But for the most part they seem to like the staff. They like the fact that
we go to the preschools I guess it shows I have compassion for children and if they
like me I can’t be all bad
344. Services are quality services
345. Services as above, sales & marketing negligible.
346. Since I am doing limited testing the encounters I have shown that the client feels a
real positive impact on they're life. They feel like I am providing something to them
that has their best interests in mind. A proposition they really love. When it is time
to send people and marketing out in the poplulation this is what the client will feel
about the company. I want them to be amenable to tell the world this, which is
what they do now.
347. Skeptical
348. Sales people have the industry knowledge
349. So far they are excited
350. So far they love us, but then again we are a very young company.
351. Some good some not so good.
352. Sometimes arrogant.
353. sometimes over delivers
354. Sophisticated and accessible
355. specialist high durability/strength/lightness products
356. Strong, they view us as able to get results quickly.
358. Technical, competence, competitive
359. that we treat them well and our salespeople serve them well
360. That's a good question. I should write a survey for them.
361. The best, less expensive product, A-1 services
362. The clients are extremely positive about the services. I don’t have sales people or
any hard marketing in place yet.
363. The few clients we have are banking on the products and services being good.
364. The like us

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1259

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

365. the one customer we sold perceived us as professional and the path of least
366. the ones that buy seem to like it but there is still too much attrition
367. The two of us seem to be well liked, but we have not dome any independent
survey to know the real attitude toward us.
368. there is only me that they encounter on the phone. They like my honesty and
warmth and confidence.
370. They appreciate our openness and willingness to approach a project from THEIR
needs, not ours.
371. They are glad they chose us.
372. They are perceived to be of high quality and, probably, of relatively high cost.
373. They are satisfied with training program, enjoyed a lot
374. They are very impressed. Once in a while I get a sour grape.
375. They believe its worth it
377. They feel that my services and products are of a high order and products are
delivered very rapidly and that I am very helpful and approachable.
378. They feel that we are OK, but we have nothing to move them to action except
when their business is down…
379. They find my services valuable – today’s feedback – “you are inspiring!”
380. They have a positive view in general.
381. They have always expressed great satisfaction with my service
382. they know that we are hands on and professional, but probably are able to
perceive that we are very small
383. They lick our sales people as they are not pushy. Some do complain about the
number of emails they receive.
384. They like our personal attention. We treat their businesses as if they were ours.
385. They like the products, service, salesperson, but probably aren’t too aware of the
386. They like them but try and get services for free
387. They like them.
388. They like us.
389. They love it. They love being sold to because they know its not just for our benefit
but for them as well.
390. They love our system. They love the information they get on our website.
391. They love them as they start to understand the value of what they now have.
392. They notice that we are more aggressive marketers than most in the industry and
our people are considered great.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1260

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

394. They perceive my products as value for money and products that they like and
want to use.
395. They perceive our product to be the vanguard of the industry. Our sales people are
perceived as being knowledgeable, polite, and accurate. Our marketing has to be
perceived as being good to very good (I personally think it is excellent) because it
is generating about an 8 percent response rate for leads.
396. They perceive our services as quite amazing in terms of the healing benefits that
are achieved. We would like them to perceive that te marketing is part of an effort
to help more people who are suffering unnecessarily, though I haven't actually
suffered that so can't really say how it is perceived.
397. They perceive us as people who know what we are doing and can be trusted to
help them.
399. They refer enough new members to allow us a growth of over 10% while we loose
400. They respect our salespeople on their knowledge of the hazardous waste industry
401. They say they sleep better at night.
402. They say we have excellent resources.
403. They seam to like the brochure and my calls, or a least most of them
404. they see our weekly email-newsletter as being aggressive (but it works)
405. They see us as a helping hand rather than just a sales force
406. They seem positive, but I haven’t asked.
407. They seem quite happy with the products. We have requested—and received—
numerous testimonials from them. We offer them a free refill on their chemicals
(about a $60 value) in return for a testimonial letter.
408. They seem to accept it well. Unsubscribe requests are minimal, and we have only
ever had ONE person claim on our 100% Money Back guarantee. (in over 2000
409. They seem to be relaxing after realizing that they finally encountered a “normal”
410. They tell me they’re impressed
411. They think we are expensive but the best
412. They think we should do more. They want us to put on seminars.
413. They will perceive me as distinctly different.
414. They would consider our marketing efforts as weak.
415. They write that the product is fabulous, as it is.
416. Those that buy from us have expressed complete satisfaction - - one person
decided after committing to work with us – but then decided to back out – she felt
completely comfortable and non-pressured – so that is a good “story of someone
who took advantage of our guarantee”
417. Those who talk to us, love it and Mark.
418. Today, our marketing is perceived as VERY WEAK compared to our competition.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1261

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?
Again, key reason for current focus on development of our new China Market
419. Too early to judge
420. Too early to say.
421. Too expensive.
422. Too soon to say
423. top
424. Top 25%
425. Top notch.
426. Top shelf
427. U/k
428. unique
429. Unique products/services, people and marketing… about average.
430. Unique, up beat and happy with their service
431. Unknown(9)
432. Unsure(3)
433. Unusual, excellent, helpful.
434. Unusual, personal, innovative.
435. Up to now, we have only had very satisfied customers.
436. Up to now, we have only had very satisfied customers.
437. Upper end
438. Usable. I use sounds academically proven principles and put a twist on them. I
give tremendous amount of perceived value – My clients get a high-end executive
consultant at a price they’re not afraid to pay – when they’re successful I get more.
439. Useful
440. Valued advisors
441. Varies by manufacturers
442. Varies from respecting me to ignoring me.
443. Very conscientious, competent, and the best products and services.
444. Very custom and dependent on me.
445. Very easy, when they search the Internet, the first one or two listed are my
webpages of my company's website, if they searching in the majority searching
engine. (Of course, I need to buy some Keyword-search words from some engines
446. Very favorably(2)
447. Very fine qulity, they thought of us as a big company ,
448. Very friendly, very easy to use, very fun to use and very helpful.
449. Very good quality products, & prices, and very knowledgeable and helpful staff
450. Very good responses, effective

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1262

Question 74. How Do Clients Perceive Your
Products/Services/Sales People and Marketing?

452. Very highly

453. very little
454. Very positive and professional because of the Doctor Calls and the quality of the
455. Very positively
456. Very positively , high quality
458. Very well – professional and experienced
459. Very well, some proud to own our system, quality, value for money.Not so good on
regular contact.
460. Very well.
461. We are known for our creativity in the estate planning field. People love saving tax
462. We are lumped in with the seminar organizer for the main pillar. He is pretty
463. We are no different than our competitors – with the exception of some innovative
464. We are perceived to have quality products with personalized service.
465. We are proactive and independent we help to reach their dreams
466. We are well respected, but our marketing is limited and not well known
467. We don't know because we actually do not survey our prospects and customers.
468. We have a reputation of excellence. We have a highly responsive, can do attitude
of performance.
469. We have only one sales person and they love her.
470. We haven’t done any formal research. General feedback shows that clients have a
high opinion of the organization.
471. We usually get good feedback about the quality and friendliness of our staff.
472. We’re invisible
473. well
474. Well/ positive
475. well informed
476. When we go face-to-face we used to wear suits – but people thought either we
were the FBI or a banker. Now we wear business casual – but suits at the
seminar. They give acceptance as an equal because we look like we know what
we are talking about. We keep our message very, very simple – we have learned
this the hard way also.
477. With reluctance
478. Would like to hear more from me

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1263

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

Question 75. Do you have a database? If so, describe all the ways you use it for
ongoing marketing purposes.

Total: Yes 484, No 201

Additional comments:

1. (too small)
2. 1) E-Zine, 2) Offers 3) Special Mailings 4) Invitations
3. 1) Segmentation of target audience2) Sales force allocation3) Customized
messaging4) Inclusion for Projects, clinical studies5) Influencing other customers
4. 1-year check-ups
5. A robust d-base is now being developed
6. Account rounding, notification of additional products, etc.
7. ACT
8. ACT – started using it enthusiastically but then got out of habit as seemed little
point since I wasn't using it for marketing. Not quite sure how to use it fully so I
think the true power is wasted right now.
9. Active clients-quarterly newsletter. Inactive clients-postcard reminder that we
haven't seen them in awhile and hope everything is fine. Framer Select Prospects-
postcard initial contact, brochure/business card/letter on second contact. I'm not
sure if I should send them a newsletter for the 3rd contact or not.
10. ad tracking prospect tracking customer tracking geographic tracking site traffic
customer frequency customer purchases customer feed back contact management
auto emailing
11. ADDRESS LIST from purchases, listing major merchandise purchased.
Maintained/Updated manually from checks received, and those transactions we
write up a detailed ticket on - the minority, I'm afraid. Since we've not done well
past years at writing up tickets (time saver, but lose data), don't have much
confidence in it as a list of who purchased what. Use it for mailing 7-8,000
postcards 2 to 3 times a year.
12. After sales service and product information.
13. All clients are captured for future product offerings
14. All people who have responded and ordered a free report. I don’t use it at the
15. All the ways? Obviously another area for improvement.
16. Analysis of results efficiency of sales process and order management maintenance
of contact with prospects and clients
17. As a mailing list and phone list for special events and activities like summer camp
for kids
18. As a resource base to answer questions or do due diligence on related people
19. As a source of contacts to send brochures to and as people with whom we follow
20. As discussed above, am designing it.
21. At this time just for mailing the newsletter

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1264

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

22. Automatically send letters, faxes, proposals.

23. Autoresponder system – monthly newsletter and periodic announcements
24. Autoresponders triggered by dates in client records.
25. Blast email and marketing campaigns, but not often enough.
26. Build ongoing relationship. Be a valuable resource. Consistently stay in their
awareness. Survey for potential products and services I can create, acquire or
endorse, make ongoing offers, get testimonials and referrals.
27. Building one.
28. Buying trends, use for targeting future customers. We will have a 12 product, $280
market line, and will be offering all of our qualities product and Home Based
Business Opportunity
29. call backs to seminar participants
30. Calling people
31. Client follow-up.
32. client status communication
33. Constant collection of database from customers as we launched free gift monthly.
34. Constantly been update trough telemarketing
35. Contact clients on an individual basis
36. Contacting customers
37. Contacting when we think of it
38. contains all client orders, we use it to find products that haven´t been bought by
him and offer them to him
39. Constantly mail it and endorse other peoples products.
40. Cover age by geographical location to make business calls. Identify major
population areas and study demographics of each location
41. Currently about 150 A 100B 75C 75D 200 P150 e-mail 50 are not listed
above15000 monthly client statements
42. Currently have a club and student database and an existing customer database at
our new facility which will be helpful as we start operations. I currently send out
periodic emails to keep the members apprised of what I offer
43. Currently not making very good use
44. Currently not used.
45. Currently, very adhoc database. Formal database implementation was
underway, but has been put on hold due to new corporate IT requirements (love it,
don’t you!?!?)
46. Customer follow-ups, order tracking
47. Customers database bases for scheduled contacts.
48. Cut it different ways to send mail shots for products and news updates to different
groups. Share it with allies to increase numbers we make product or service offer
49. Daily sales, mass email, customer service, etc.
50. Database not current
51. Databases used for pulling together our emailed e-newsletter. Our company does

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1265

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

have a CRM system but its difficult to work with, especially in mass marketing and
sequential marketing efforts.
52. Demographic analysis of where our Clients come from, their sex and age,
performance data on stores and employees at any level of detail desired, hourly
load reports/scheduling module helps us to have Stylists available when we need
them…when the Clients are there…to minimize wait times and to increase
productivity, reduce payroll costs.
53. Described earlier.
54. Did have one but its way out of date
55. Direct mail and telephone calls.
56. Direct mail, email, phone sales, faxes, statement stuffers, SBU specific
57. Direct mail, e-zines, referrals to placement agencies
58. Direct mail, phone contacts, holiday cards.
59. Direct mail, phone follow up, contacting dormant accounts,
60. Direct mail, telemarketing, special offers, directing people to our web site.
61. Direct mail, telesales, emails
62. Direct mail, telesales, emails
63. Direct mailing efforts.
64. Direct marketing
65. Do not use
66. Don’t(3)
67. Don’t really use it at all other than keeping track of info.
68. Don’t use existing data base for marketing – don’t have to. . For new projects we
develop new data bases as needed and use them. We use them for telephone and
mail campaigns.
69. Don’t use it effectively
70. Don’t use it much
71. Don’t use it(4).
72. E- newsletter
73. Each stage of the process is registered
74. Education and prospecting
75. email
76. Email 3+ timers per month Mailing once per month
77. Email across all at present but could be segmented by location a nd previous
products purchased
78. Email and phone number list of existing vs potential or target clients.
79. Email campaign to 2000 realtors: 3 emails per week using Greg Frost’s pdf’s Mail:
mail postcards to top 400 realtors monthly Mail letters to top 400 realtors
monthly Have 3rd party mail (title, other realtors) to top 400 realtors Mailed
audio tape with 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us Voice broadcast;
trouble implementing, but plan to top 400 realtors monthly
80. Email communication, obtaining referrals
81. Email distribution lists

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1266

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

82. Email marketing campaigns to raise product awareness Mail campaigns to deliver
sector specific reports to players in the relevant sector General Contact
Management System
83. Email marketing; send announcements by zip code when I make a live
84. Email new products—free minute awards for referrals, etc
85. Email newsletter
86. Email our ezine monthly. Other general “chat” when stuff comes up. Advise them
when we are on TV.
87. Email, and planning on some direct mail. Cold calling, prospecting. Still in the
process of gathering this database.
88. email, direct mail, surveys
89. Emailing them regular offers and updating them on my events.
90. emails
91. Emails and newsletter
92. Emails frequently and for letters and follow-up.
93. Emails, news letters, prospect letters
94. Evaluate procedures done. Frequency
95. Every possible medium you can imagine. Though email is the most
96. Every prospect and customer is in one category or another that shows me where
they are in the sales cycle and I’m automatically notified when it’s time to
communicate with them again and how.
97. Everything goes through our extensive database.
98. Everything to do with CRM is captured – and often copies of show data is kept as
99. Follow up phone calls, letters with additional service offers.
100. Follow-up phone calls to see if they’re interested in a house at this time.
101. For at-need mailings only
102. For contact information ie: address phone
103. For direct mail labels
104. For email blasts
105. for follow up campaign
106. For prospecting, making offers, customer surveys, market analysis, RFM analysis
107. For specific fund drives for golf, heart, cancer, etc.
109. For two mail outs a year
110. General database for mailings. A database for prospects that call in. We call them
for a short period of time after they call in and either they convert to a client or we
drop them. We have an active database to service existing clients. We have a past
client database which we have not followed up on. We have a database of email
addresses which we have email letter campaigns with the use of autoresponders.
111. Generally only as a sales contact management database.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1267

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

112. Generate monthly emailing of newsletter

113. going back to customers for more, ie cross-sell-investments, education plans, life
insurance, disability ins, critical illness, mortgages, group benefits and group
pensions but not products unrelated to my industry
114. Goldmine- schedule calls track people and clients.
115. Goldmine use to track all client contacts
117. Hardly used at all at present.
118. Have a small database of prospects only that we use to follow-up with them.
119. Have not really got the best out of it yet
120. Have not yet started this exercise.
121. Have purchased Act. Will develop in next couple of months
122. Highly motivated to formate it after doing this assessment. Want to use it for
newsletter and marketing other resources I’m developing – ie tapes and books and
speaking engagements.
123. I am still designing my database.
124. I currently use it to print mailing labels for my exhibition announcements.
125. I do have data in my head – I do use that quite often. However, I need to start a
project to use MS ACCESS to develop a database and contact information. I have
just started using an autoresponder system to collect names and email addresses.
126. I do not use it(5)
127. I do not work with it at this time
128. I do often mailings.
129. I follow-up with a e-newsletter.
130. –I go through the database on a pretty regular basis to determine who I should
follow-up with regarding potential new work.
131. I have a DB of my target market and I use it for direct mail
132. I have a list of all customers, along with much interesting information about them. I
use it sometimes to refresh my memory (or that of my salespeople when I had
them), and to send postcards or e-mail as appropriate.
133. I have a listing of past customers but it is not being marketed to.
134. I have a mail-list I easily could mail some information to my downlines. I dont
market to anyone who is not already in the business.
135. I have a personal database and the Association book and I spend 6 hours a week
cold calling.
136. I have ACT! But don’t use it.
137. I have contact info for all of our clients over the last 2 years. Nothing larger than
138. I have sub-lists. The newsletter data base. The previous customer data base. The
free mini-marketing course data base ect. As mentioned before, I use
autoresponder message series to keep in contact with the members of these sub-

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1268

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

139. I haven’t used it for ongoing marketing purposes. However, I have tried (without
success) to think of other businesses/uses that I could use the data base for..
140. I haven't really implemented any database marketing.
141. I loose it once in a while in that beast on my desk. I wished I had the time to work it
and I will do a mailing later this year to find out how many people are still looking
for my kind of product and also to eliminate old addresses.
142. I mainly use it as a backend generator, and sometimes use it to run a few surveys,
to get some feedback on what kind of products they would like, what their biggest
challenges are, etc.
143. I now send out my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin to about 200 people. I am
about to notify these 200 people, as well as about another 300 people, of my
Network Exchange, which I have just added to my Web site. I plan to get referrals
from people who want to list their business or profession on my Network
Exchange. I then plan to offer a Special Report to all the people on my email
distribution list who provide me with six referrals who agree to receive my “Must-
Know” InfoTM Bulletin. I then plan to make a special offer to obtain 100 people to
request and complete confidential Questionnaires by a certain date. Thereafter, I
want to create seminars so I can invite all the people on my list to participate. And
I also want to sell books and tapes created by others and myself on my Web site.
144. I only use it for mailings
145. I search through it to find business opportunities.
146. I use
147. I use it for filing purposes only. My product is to be renewed yearly.
148. I use it only for my monthly newsletter and periodic follow up calls and referral
149. I use it to stay in touch, market new products and generate referrals maintain
customer satisfaction.
150. I use the database to manage my mailing list, customers orders, and marketing (
direct mailing campaigns) frequency and effectiveness, as well as use the data
base as a appointment scheduler and task remainder.
151. I’m more of a boutique so I basically use it to manage correspondence and
152. I’m using it to now trak active and inactive clients. For mailers and to see who
purchased the previous month so I can call them back and make sure what we did
is still working for them and see if they have any other new needs.
153. Identify needs from the database, then fill the needs.
154. Identify needs from the database, then fill the needs.
155. Identify those who fall away - identify which product categories customer
156. In a rudimentary phase. Building on it.
157. In Access—it is available for segmenting by zip, city, product, water source (well
vs. city), date of sale. So we can target people who use a certain type of
product—though we seldom use it that way. The info is there. We have about
1150 names on it. I would estimate that close to half of those have been active in
the past 2 years.
158. In development stage.
159. In process of working with computer arch. to build one.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1269

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

160. In the efforts of building one

161. In the process of establishing
162. In the works. Goldmine.
163. Inadequately
164. Incomplete, needs categories, use to capture prospect info for mailing & follow up.
165. Inviting people to the shows, asking for referrals and to send direct mailers
requesting purchases of new prints
166. Inviting to free seminar now – back end program later.
167. Irregular Newsletter via Email.
168. It ‘s not being maximized fully yet
169. It allow me to see when I was last in touch with client and what they concern are-
therefore I could provide information to them if something new comes up.
170. It drives our direct mailing (segmenting mailings and sending different offers to
different groups). We also use it to cross sell other products. We can also use it for
identifying lapsed users.
171. It is ACT!, but we just got it started.
172. It is not used as it should be
173. It is not used for ongoing marketing.
174. It is only beginning to be used
175. It is only used fot billing.
176. It is simply an ACT database and I use it for telemarketing
177. It is small
178. It is small and we are building now.
179. It is small at this time, so there is no organized prospecting/marketing program.
180. It is the core of my existence. Notes from every client conversation and interaction
gets recorded from the very first exposure. Once a client makes it into my
database it is pretty tough to get them out. They would have to do something pretty
nasty for me to use the delete key and even then, it pays to keep tabs on your
181. It is the cornerstone of my marketing efforts as it allows me to segment customers
by their area of interest and their needs for the future.
182. It is the cornerstone of my marketing efforts as it allows me to segment customers
by their area of interest and their needs for the future.
183. It is used at holidays to ask for referrals.
184. It is used to segment prospects into type of services they can use and for types of
promotions / info they are sent
185. It is very simplistic. I have about 2000 prospects and my goal is to trim it to 50 -
100 loyal clients in near future. I keep track of all my interactions with them and
where they are in the sales process.
186. It’s basically a list of customers and text about them. We need a CRM but have
not yet implemented one,
187. It’s just a client list, and fairly small at this point, as I deliver my services or training
by myself

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1270

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

188. It’s the heart of the business and makes the direct mail, email, etc possible.
189. Just call them and keep adding names.
190. Just for attendance and waiting list purposes.
191. Just for mailings and to record current issues
192. Just started building it
193. Just starting to put it together
194. Just to track prescriptions.
195. Just use it for billing purposes and contact information.
196. Keep track of all customers for quarterly newsletter.
197. -letters
198. Letters, e-mails, invoices.
199. Letters/newsletters
200. List prospects
201. Local publications offer such…in raw form. Not used only stored for the future.
202. Look at frequency, spend patterns, products purchased etc.
203. Looking into it
204. Mail merge basically
205. Mail outs
206. Mail, Phone, Act software, Invoicing, email, catalogue, fliers,
207. Mailings(3)
208. Mailing list basically
209. Mailing list of alls chools in nearby counties.
211. Mailing lists
212. Mailing monthly to prospects.
213. Mailings, birthdays, review scheduling
214. Mailings, calls and emails
215. Mailings, demographics studies
216. Mailings, telemarketing
217. Mailouts, demographic research.
218. Mainly as a tool for maintaining “top of mind awareness”, i.e., to keep our
relationships from getting cold and stale
219. Mainly for ad hoc campaigns and for sales to contact directly
221. Mainly I use the call back tickler to make sure that I don’t forget to call them back
at a critical juncture also enter any personal tidbit that I canto casually mention
later so that the person gets the impression that I remember them more I tha really
do perhaps
222. Mainly telephone follow up and also mail merge for our direct mail targets.
223. Maintain client contact details in Outlook (connected to a Microsoft Exchange

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1271

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

server). Whilst this is not a typical CRM database it suits us for the moment
however I have considered looking at alternatives (eg Goldmine). Not currently
used for marketing apart from emails to a distribution list occasionally
224. Marketing updates
225. Minimal info – no marketing use except for rare follow up with student prospects
and occasional mailing to skin care clients
227. More of a mailing list than a database, used for specials and newsletter.
228. Mostly email.
229. Mostly for sales letters and seminars and faxes
230. Mostly for sending emails and faxes to “Keep in touch”
231. Mostly mailing label generation.
232. Mostly to guide follow-up work
233. Much of it is addresses, not names. The real contacts that I make become names
with addresses and notes and provide me with a timetable as to when to contact
with what sort of marketing approach.
235. My database is constructed so that I can easily identify my prospects according to
any criteria I choose. I will call from this database every day until I get my partner.
236. My secretary is not highly skilled, and our marketing follow-up efforts are meager
and spotty.
237. Networking calls
238. Never
239. Never used for referrals or marketing purpose. Ultra conservative. Mistake
240. New product intro, seminar training opportunities, targeting inactive accounts.
241. Newsletter and announcements of training courses
242. Newsletter and follow up
243. Newsletters(3)
244. newsletters and postcards
245. newsletters only right now.
246. Newsletters, Reports
247. newsletters. not in enough ways
248. No but looking at using MS CRM.
249. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
250. No use.
251. None(9)
252. Not applicable at this point.
253. Not current
254. Not currently using other than 6 month ”recall” contacts by phone or postcard
255. Not for marketing
256. Not for marketing. Only marketing communications.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1272

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

257. Not fully utilized yet

258. Not many ways currently other than tracking, mailing invoices, calling for renewals,
keeping every invoice from customer, etc.
259. Not often because it needs to be scrubbed.
260. Not really but I can organize one pretty quickly if it served a purpose
261. Not really used for marketing!
262. NOT USED(4)
263. Not used enough
264. Not used for marketing at this time.
265. Not used for marketing now
266. Not used for marketing purposes
267. Not used much, currently. It’s the billing database and we are in the process of
setting up Act!
268. Not user friendly
269. Not using right now.
270. Not yet (unless you want to call Outlook and Excel our database…)
271. Not yet. Have ‘Goldmine’ ready to install.
272. Nothing automated yet
273. Nothing more that an ad for a sale or holiday specials.
274. Now I am using it for doing my monthly letter
275. Occasional mail outs
276. Occasional mail shots.
277. Occasional mailers or fax ads.
278. Occasional mailings
279. Occasional personalized correspondence and cards.
280. Occasionally we will mail to people who have purchased a certain product. The
data base easily identifies these people.
281. Oh, come on! “All” the ways???? Analyze sales for predicting future sales; to
discover who our best clients are so we can send them gifts; etc. . . .
282. One for ezine subscribers to market business report to.
283. one or two names who buy my art I call when I need a sale
284. One thing we sell is database marketing (CRM)
285. Ongoing contacts
286. Only just finished it a week ago
287. Only send ezines to it
288. Only to keep track of email subscriptions. It has not been used to its potential
289. Only used for Christmas cards at this point
291. Our database is our client list.
292. Our list of referral sources is contacted periodically with letters as is our client base

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1273

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

a la #65 above.
293. Outlook… used for emails and newsletters
294. phone and mail
295. Phone calling and enewsletter.
296. Phone calls and emails
297. Phone calls, emails
298. Postcard mailing and phone sales
299. Primarily to generate mailings to prospective clients
300. Primarily used as an address book
301. Printing the labels, timely call follow up
302. product information
303. Prospect campaigns…client for life campaigns
304. Quickbooks & Outlook Contacts/sometimes send emails
305. Rarely—For reactivation
306. Really only use it for seminar invites
307. Record contacts, dates and notes, reminders for follow-ups. Reporting on
marketing to Board,
308. Reminders to contact, information to build relationships, resources for other clients,
developing tactics.
309. Renting my database.
310. Right now, I am using ‘Act 2000” software program to keep tabs on both clients
and investors.
311. Right now, I track who buys what and look for tends such as frequency and
purchase amounts. I give special attention to the committed buyers and keep
informing the ones that only get the newsletters.
312. Right now, just using it to send out newsletters and some small offers.
313. Sadly enough, only an annual newsletter, sometimes a collection letter ;-)
314. we go after industry vertical, installed users by geography, by size, by #employees,
by preferred technology, etc.
315. See above re letters etc. Also by keeping good notes about what my clients like
316. Segment sales dollar, SIC, frequency,
317. Seldom used- primarily for mailing out reports
318. Send our mailing.
319. Send e-mails for all promotion, send letters, sometimes do targeted mailings
320. Send out similar offers on the internet
321. sending out updates, new services.
322. Sending out weekly updates
323. Set up by category, product, region, customer spend – used to systematically
target specific areas and augment National campaigns by our Major suppliers
324. Several. We are consolidating them. Direct mail, personal contacts, logging
contact results, email.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1274

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

325. Small data base and this is full of professionals/contacts

327. Some have it some don’t. The ones that do, I am still discovering if they are used
much at all for ongoing marketing.
328. Sort of
329. sporadic calling and mailing as time allows.
330. Still getting it together. I am however, categorizing every contact
331. Storage of contact information Track client contact and results
332. Targeting account that have not bought
333. Telemarketing.
334. Telephone and mailing service.
336. Tends to be used mainly for generating lists for DM for seminars and newsletters
337. That is the nature of our business
338. The data base parameters are set although there is little or no data. However as
the data is built we will use it to ensure regular contact with existing clients and
prospects, to time renewal calls and upgrade invitations
339. The database is only used for accounting purposes.
340. The only database we have is a list of dealers in our state, IA. We used it once for
mailing our direct mail piece. Now we are updating this database to mark which
dealers are already using another competing product and which one are still a
possible prospect.
341. This is the biggest short coming right now. Im in the process of trying to figure out
which program Is the best and get the names in it.
342. this is where we keep every customer /prospective customer so that no one gets
missed for mailing, calling, etc.
343. To contact the channels and inform the interesting part of the business for
themselves. To educate about product features too.
344. TO keep in touch and build the relationship & JV deals
345. To keep in touch with clients on a regular basis and analyze what they buy.
346. To offer new products
347. To prioritize my time and focus on the prospects that are most important, while
remembering to periodically communicate with prospects/customers who I haven’t
talked to in a while.
348. To send invitations to seminars, newsletters and statements.
349. To send out email notices of updates to the software. This is sent to the entire list.
350. Told you before: mailing, calling, meeting, sale.
351. Too small to really apply yet
352. Tracking activity and some marketing – my new business will need to create a new
data base
353. Under development
354. Under utilized

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1275

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

355. Unfortunately only one person has direct access to it.

356. Unused
357. Use contact management software to track prospects and activities
358. Use it for client polling to find out what we’re doing well and where we can
improve. It’s not a rich source of additional business.
359. Use it to keep up communication with current and prospective clients, send letters,
newsletters etc
360. Use it to print labels for year end mail-outs, need an updated system to do mail--
merge, letters, and any other type of marketing.
361. Use sporadically
362. Used for all our direct mailings and some history of relationship information
363. Used for cold calling, etc.
364. Used for mail shots
365. used for phone contact, correspondence, and newsletters
366. Used to send out annual marketing letter
368. Using it very infrequently to announce new agents, promote trade shows.
369. Very limited
370. Very little followup.
371. Very new at the moment
372. Very simple mailing and emailing db with some data on marketing efforts but
without much sophistication or demographics
373. Very sketchy, often don't even get the end clients name and information.
374. Very small with sporadic use.
375. We are beginning the use of a new CRM Package
376. We are building one.
377. We are creating one now.
378. We are going to contact our customers every two months with a letter, card or
email. We have also organized our base by states so we can begin calling them
on the telephone as time permits.
379. We are just beginning to generate our DB. It will be used for mailings – follow up of
leads, promotions, new product announcements, send copies of PR printings,
backend sales, newsletters, etc.
380. We are just learning to use it with any success.
381. We are tracking sales by customer, segment and products. We are trying to get
different customers in the same segment to order products that other companies
382. We are trying to expand it, so that it grows to the point where it will be possible to
use it for marketing purpose.
383. We call the clients
384. We currently track things across a variety of data sources – spreadsheets, outlook
contacts, etc. We are slowly moving to centralize everything in a single database.
385. We do follow up calls on those that we want to see again and see how they are

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1276

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

386. We do no formal testing of approaches. Database is customers and contact
information. Used primarily to share information between all people who contact
customers and prospects.
387. We do not at present
389. We do not use it formally for any type of ongoing marketing.
390. We do not use it.
391. we don’t
392. We don’t – database of customers so that we can collect fees
393. We don’t send out mail.
394. We don’t use it at all.
396. We don’t use it much.
397. we don't utilize it.
398. We have a database software program called Goldmine but we are still in the
learning process as to how to best utilize it for customer date and customer
relations management.
399. We have a best practices database that shows the bes of what we have found at
subsidiaries and an audit tracking database that people can use to see what we
have found at various locations.
400. We have a simple database of names, company names, and e-mail addresses
from people in the industry who we believe would be interested in our products.
We use this list to convert them to Registered Users, which are people who sign
up at our website, free of charge, to receive special offers, our monthly free e-
newsletter, and other benefits. To sign up, they give their contact information, the
type of company, how they heard about us, and the any or all of 21 different
research topics that they’re interested in. We sort through this information and
track our Registered Users’ nationality, type of company, reference source, and
topics of interest.
401. We have a small database consisting of our engineering clients, our survey clients
and our drafting clients. Survey clients are generally not repeat clients.
Engineering and drafting clients can be repeat clients. We generally use the
database to send greetings or small gifts.
402. We have a very simple data base. We keep documentation in folders, sub-folders,
sub-sub folders. We also keep our received and sent emails in folders. We
duplicate automatically the data base to avoid loss.
403. We have access to various data bases and will use it to target various sectors.
404. We have all email address, we plan to send regular emails with constant new
offers in each one.
405. We have identified the Independent School clients.
406. We have many databases and market to our affiliate databases.
407. We have only used it once
408. We have subscriber and vendor data bases. They are used to sell subs and

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1277

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

409. We need to build a database.

410. We recently just changed over to ACT! 6.0 from using Microsoft Access. We never
really used Access to take advantage of the different “queries”.
412. We send our email newsletter. People subscribe to get a free ebook. They have
the option of unsubscribing at any time.
413. We target by product type, client type, inactive, active
414. We track each call/ letter etc, on each client record.
415. We track sales and personal direct contact using ACT ver 6.0.
416. We underutilize it, it is used more for reporting to mgt and todo’s for sales person.
417. We update and record details on our customers daily, and use the information in
the database to send birthday wishes, congrats for baby arrival, wedding,
anniversary, etc. We have a good database, but we don’t do as much with it as we
could, marketing-wise.
418. We us e Goldmine with an mortgaging module that helps us send emails follow up
and service our clients, manages the marketing as well as the loan processing
419. We use ACT 6.0. We use it to keep track of prospects and any activities we do
with them.
420. We use Act software for contact management.
421. we use it for ALL ongoing marketing purposes mentioned above: every contact is
recorded, every client is categorized and classified according to many
characteristics - essentially a big ‘pipeline building’ exercise
422. we use it for ALL ongoing marketing purposes mentioned above: every contact is
recorded, every client is categorized and classified according to many
characteristics - essentially a big ‘pipeline building’ exercise
423. we use it for ALL ongoing marketing purposes mentioned above: every contact is
recorded, every client is categorized and classified according to many
characteristics - essentially a big ‘pipeline building’ exercise
424. we use it for ALL ongoing marketing purposes mentioned above: every contact is
recorded, every client is categorized and classified according to many
characteristics - essentially a big ‘pipeline building’ exercise
425. We use it for generating the Newsletter labels and regular review letters apart from
that nothing.
426. We use it for mailings, as a specific look up tool to match specific products to
specific clients.
427. We use it for our newsletter mailing list
429. We use it to contact people for follow up every 3-6 months or so; mainly through
telephone contact.
430. We use Maximizer contact management software. In our call center special
custom made software.
431. We use SalesLogix and it is simply used to record our customer base and then to
log the next step that an account manager is to take with that customer. There is
no system, it is up to the individual to manage his/her own client base.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1278

Question 75. Do You Have A Database?

432. We use the contact management software ACT to record our enquiries, and a
proprietary stock control database we developed to keep track of our hires & sales.
We have only just commenced working with the data for marketing purposes,
identifying industries and market segments Very early days in this area.
433. We use the database for being hosts in joint venture endeavor.
434. We use the database to track the progress of each member. We have placed it on
the web where we can each utilize it and so each of us can be informed. Charlie
and I are located in different cities.
435. We will use it for upcoming direct mail and email campaigns, primarily segmenting
it into the following categories: clients, both active and inactive; referral sources,
corporate real estate; eNewsletter subscribers; active prospects; prospects that
declined services; as well as tracking which services clients have purchased,
when, and how much.
436. Weekly e-mails
437. Well, we convert Quickbooks data into excel spreadsheets to better determine how
our business is running. Quickbooks gives us valuable database information on
sales, reps and customers. Such as what product types are being purchased by
our customers. I may then change the wording I have in an advertisement and
watch the sales change.
438. When a new book comes out and marketing new nutritional program
439. Who got a loan from us and see if need or have referrals
440. Will be building one soon.
441. Will be used when seminars and audio programs are complete
442. Working on creating it
443. Working on developing it better. We have it split in three Dream patients, active
patients and inactive patients. We have not separated it any further than that
YET…and we have developed communication programs to address and sell to
each of these three markets.
444. working on it(2)
445. Yearly follow ups, not repackaged, but I’m starting to realize its potential.
446. Yearly mailing.
447. Yes – referrals, testimonials, updates, information for future assignments
448. Yes, I have Goldmine software to manage my customer database and to facilitate
my sending my news E-mails.
449. Yes, none so far – just getting started
451. Yes. We use it for scheduling sales calls and finding new dealerships to call.
452. Yes. Has all the usual info. I use it as described elsewhere.
453. Yes. We haven't started using it
454. Yes; I used it for follow up the prospection activity

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1279

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

Question 76. Where does most of your business come from? (Products or services,
types of customer and geography industry.)

1. (Products or services services, types of customer oil and gas operating companies
(estimated 85% plus) and geography estimated 60% offshore Gulf of Mexico, 30%
offshore international, 10% other industry rig surveys estimated 85%, consulting
10%, training 5%.)
2. 1) FROM PEOPLE WHO LIVE WITHIN 3 - 5 mile radius of our shop2) FROM
PEOPLE WHO are perhaps more concerned with value than price - who want
more knowledgeable sales force than they will find at Dept/Mass Mdse Stores.3)
FREQUENT FLYERS/TRAVELLERS who have become dissatisfied with run of
mill mass market merchandise and want to know what will really work for them.4)
MERCHANISE MIX BREAKDOWN: Luggage 43%, Personal Leather Goods &
Gifts 20%, Business Cases 13%, Travel Accessories 7%
3. 1. The Foreclosure Rescue Program. 2. All people who need help getting out of
4. 100% comes from companies that want to use the USPS better. 75% of software
revenue is renewals.. In the mail side the new business comes from upgrades and
some expansion due to web site and referrals. On the Package side 90% of new
business come from USPS sales reps.
5. 100% referrals. The typical profile: business owner, middle-aged, married with
children or children who have moved out of the home, travel extensively,
sophisticated tastes, decisive decision makers, very personable.
6. 100% through referrals.
7. 20% telemarketing, 30% publishing, 20 seminars, 10% newsletter, 20%
consulting. Most of our business comes from small companies and individuals.
8. 25% from referrals and 75% from fax marketing leads.
9. 50% weight loss, 10% chronic pain, 10% allergies, 25% chelation, and 5% other
10. 50/50 prod & service anybody who prints or faxes Greater Htfd, ct & western mass
11. 60% Products; 40% Service
12. 70% USA 30% Europe 11 different product lines.3 account for 80% of sales
13. 75% is return customers, 15% new customers from advertising, 10% new
customers from community work, 5% referrals of new customers by existing
15. 80% from local clients, 20% internet.
16. 90% service, 98% men (20-30% under 12, varies by location), half come from work
, others from home, half have boys at home, half of those come in regularly with
their sons to get cuts.
17. 95% of our revenues are derived from teaching tennis lessons.
18. A wide variety of businesses under $5M in revenue in NY metro area.
19. About 60% of $ from sales, 40% from service, supplies.
20. About 72% of our business in from the U.S., and the largest single type of
customer is a cable operator. All of our business currently comes from published
research reports.

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

21. Advising, Counseling, in sales and marketing for local and international trade
22. advisory fees from middle-upper income pre-retirees
23. All of our business comes locally within 20 miles of our office. Our demographics
of our clients is avg. salary= $120,000, Parents with college bound high school
24. All of the above(2)
25. All of them, Products (Beauty Aids), Services (Distribution), Types of customer
(Retail Chains) and Geography (Mexico)
26. All over the place healthcare; manufacturing; high tech, biotech, etc
27. All over the UK. Our carriers can deliver our coffins to anywhere in the UK by next
working day, so this is what we can offer.
28. All services. Customers are any one with a car and other assets. The company is
currently in the process of expanding Australia wide
29. ALL.
30. American businesses who find me online, mostly b-c clients who want to sell more
31. Annual awards program accounts for 95% of our business. We have three types of
clients primarily: Real Estate, Retail, and Restaurant chains. We have a few
others, but these are the most common. We have clients in all 50 states!
32. At present it comes from custom software and web development. The largest of
these is a County Entity.
33. At the moment own funds as we slowly build the business
34. At this point I only have a front end product which is a how to program.
35. Banks, Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys, Private individuals through the Yellow Pages
36. Basic Finance courses, small to medium size companies, Johannesburg area, all
37. Beauty salons in Australia via Direct Mail
38. Blue & white collar workers wanting crisis intervention or problem prevention and
court appointed people for substance abuse help
39. book sales, online subscriptions
40. books sales and classes in California with individual customer and a growing
number of chiropractors and other practioneers who buy and resell to their clients.
41. Both product and services. Local business.
42. Brokerage, Individual wealthy clients
43. Business Owners who attend a business seminar
44. Business brokers, CPA’s for referrals
45. Business comes from Islamabad, Pakistan. Targeting Exporters, Software firms,
46. Business owners and investors
47. business will come from products, services and focus on the fitness/healthclub
48. Businesses having functions in the Sydney C.B.D.
49. Businesses in our SMA.
50. Businesses managed by their owners, high tech, oil field related, all Alberta based

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1281

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

51. Businesses that maintain open accounts in the Treasure Valley of Idaho (Caldwell
to Twin Falls, but mainly Boise and the surrounding areas)
52. Business people, services
53. Busy professional business men and women.
54. California/Hawaii Restaurants/Hotels/Office Buildings/Health Clubs
55. Call centers, large corporate clients, Middle Tennessee
56. Canada 50%, USA 35%, Europe 15%.
57. Canvassing blue collar sites
58. Car Dealers Western and central NY, Commercial Trucking companies, Govt. bids
and non bid accounts, Industrial users of fluids
59. Caribbean cruises from local (Houston-area) customers.
61. CEOs of manufacturing and service organizations $5mil and up
62. Chemical cleaning products, chemical manufactures, national
63. Churches and Sunday Schools, appropriate products.
64. Classified ads, There’s only one product so far and that’s houses. Customer is
middle class to lower middle class.
65. Cleaning and Sanitation services, large single site, Northwest region- Some
national through joint ventures or alliances.
66. Client or associate referrals
67. Closely held business owners who are advised by their attorney/CPA/banker to
work with us.
68. Club members and people that they know, some word of mouth. Most
geographically within 15 miles
70. cold calls, and referrals, direct mailers
71. cold leads or sales call
72. combination of referral, internet,-
73. comes from products- ebooks, audio books, off the internet
74. Companies in a growth mode, non-profit organizations
75. company 98% ind stocks and options tradingmine 70% mutual funds 20%
annuities 10% life insurance
76. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island. Companies with 100 to 1000
employees in manufacturing, business services. Also boarding schools, private
prep schools.
77. Construction & automotive
78. Consultants give us 75% of our business. All of the customers are in our city.
79. consulting
80. Consulting engagements, large hospitals or hospital chains, nationwide.
81. Consulting engineering services to the New Zealand Oil & Gas industry.
82. Consulting services
83. Consulting services sold to CIOs (Chief Information Officers) within medium to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1282

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

large companies. But I’m trying to develop a new service right now that is focused
on smaller customers. Much higher volume, but much lower revenue per
84. Consulting services through referrals to national firms in the utility industries. (I am
currently changing the focus of the business.)
85. Consulting services to Fortune 200 companies on East Coast
86. consulting services, Fortune 500 and small high-growth cos.
87. Consulting to small businesses within Australia
88. Consulting, owners, dayspas
89. Consumer refinancing and home purchase
91. continuing education providers, most of our clients are private providers, we do
work with some universities and see the university market as our most promising
area in which to expand.
92. Contract agencies, large consultancies and Networking.
93. Corporate business within Austria, Germany and the US are picking up
95. Cost Reduction, Cash Flow, Outsourcing, Purchase Strategy Professional services
and Financial Services
96. credit union members
97. Crosses many industries and we attempt to apply all our service lines and
98. currently about 50% healthcare (they are very needy), now (after a lot of travel)
focused on full west coast, Leadership Modeling and Measurement is getting a lot
of interest.
99. currently from floor time at C21 office, open houses and ads. LA, ORANGE
CO.and Riverside Co.
100. Currently, physicians in Mississippi. One year goal is to cookie cutter our operation
into other states. We offer reimbursement consulting and services for certain
specialties, allied health products for specific specialties, website development for
all clinics.
101. customer type
102. Custom picture framing. Customers are generally 30+ in age, two income family,
professional within a 15 mile radius. A large percentage of them are female
involved in needlework (cross-stitch and needlepoint)
103. Customer referrals, centers of influence
104. customers
105. dental services
106. Dentistry from patient contacts advertising and a few referrals
107. Design licensing, Slovenia, Italy
108. designs and models; to jewelry manufacturers mostly in new york
109. Diocese of Saginaw church members who are also potential and current
subscribers of church newspaper.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1283

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

110. direct mail GE to folks 45 + with assets to protect

111. Direct Marketing efforts. Mostly start-ups.
112. Direct sales calling
113. distributors using the products for their own health
114. Don’t have a large portfolio of customer types yet, but it seems to be from resource
materials; books and small consumables such as vitamins, etc.
115. DON’T KNOW(2)
116. Drive by Yellow pages Referrals
117. Drum disposal services and industrial services ( powerwashing, etc)
118. each business different
119. East coast
120. ebooks, customized services, direct sales
121. Efforts of a good sales rep, some referrals
122. Engineering and light industrial, Small to medium enterprises, local, often family
123. Engineering firms and manufacturers that are short handed or lacking my
expertise. Within a 100 mile radius.
124. England –due to the partnerships we havw with companies there
125. England –due to the partnerships we havw with companies there
126. Equipment purchases, followed by services. US is biggest market, followed by
Japan and China.
127. Established client-base.
128. Exporters and importers of products
129. existing clients. Referrals. Cold calling.
130. facial cleanser and cream, customer range from teenagers to middle aged people.
131. Financial planning and asset management fees, national clientele, affluent
preretirement and retirement families
132. Financial products (life & health insurance, mortgages (1st & 2nd), annuities, and
legal services through Pre-Paid Legal). Customers are primarily families (aged 30-
55) with children in the middle Georgia area (within an hour drive of Macon,
Georgia where I am located).
133. Financial services industry.
134. Financing equipment for business owners, any type of business owner, in all 50
135. Focused on entrepreneurial leaders and their management team.
136. Food manufacturers, Memphis Metro area, food products and ingredients.
137. Foodservice distribution industry. From contacts in the industry I formerly was
employed in.
138. For follow-up calls or direct mails (product advertising)
139. For our company, it is from retail distributors and manufacturing industries. For the
audit team, it comes from subsidiaries and financial senior management.
140. For sale by owners

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1284

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

141. Fortune 1000 companies with offices in Hungary.

142. Fortune 3000 companies, financial and manufacturing.
143. Friend and from past clients from another business I had
144. Friends and family to date, but I have three people who are out pushing my
services to other businesses, and have sent me three sites to work on in the past
week, totaling $2500 in profits.
145. Friends with businesses
146. From referrals all over.
147. from all over the country (Poland)
148. From Attorneys and Real Estate Brokers.
149. From friends, relatives, and some referrals from them.
150. From our sessions, consultations, seminars, workshops, trainings. Type of
costumers: people who have read our book and love it, plus self-development
people who have heard from us or read our flyers or brochures.
151. From services, from diverse industries.
152. From the ECR service, and I believe shortly it will be from convenience stores. I
would like to acquire another Pharmacy Buying Group. I have one, but nothing is
happening their right now.
153. From the IT and banking sectors (speaking) and from small businesses (sales
154. From the sports market, product, all over the USA and some other countries (
Canada, UK, Australia & Japan)
155. General Industry in the OH/KY/IN area.
156. Geographic
157. geographic and specific types projects
158. Geographically local.
159. Geography90% - Atlantic Canada, 10% New England.Product30% Trees, 60%
container Stock, 10% perennials.
160. Gulf Coast Florida from medium to large corporations who require office furniture
or interiors planning, moving or installation.
161. healthcare industry, insurance industry
162. High end dental services
163. High tech (Silicon Valley), currently in a TERRIBLE slump.
164. Historically, large multi-nationals
165. Home & Investment mortgage buyers, all ages from 20-65 and Australia wide.
166. home owners(2)
167. Homeowners interested in environmentally lawn and garden solutions. 48 states.
More west and east coast.
168. Homeowners that want to sell their home.
169. Hotels, manufacturing, small businesses North Orange County or from my Web
site which translates to the U.S, for me
170. I am targeting Shipping Suppliers as partners because their profit potential for
using Telemarketing to acquire clients is good.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1285

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

171. I do consulting primarily to validate my marketing systems with case studies and
create products I can roll out to specific niches. My products are marketed
internationally primarily on the Internet.
172. I do not have the complete data to distinguish this
173. I don’t know exactly…from all over.
174. I don’t know who our end buyers are, I only know about the dealers. Our best
ones are tourist destinations who also carry Lladro and love sculpture.
175. I don’t know.
176. I have no business.
177. I have sold one item so far, it was to a colleague who liked what my sales letter
178. I sell list of companies employees fto peole at my clients who want to recruit and
hire them. Sometimes I sell information about potential prospects that my clients
are trying to do business with.
179. implementation services from one customer
180. In order of importance, dollars: Japan, Taiwan, Korea, EMEA, North America,
181. Individual readers.(3)
182. Individuals mainly. Services for corporate.
183. Individuals seeking Internet marketing opportunities
184. Individuals, doctors, retail stores, book distributors buy my books. They are
throughout the entire U.S. and some to Canada
185. Industrial Customer Whole seller
186. Industrial offices attached to production facilities, medical facilities
187. Information products marketed offline on CD is doing quite well. People in South
Africa do not like the idea of doing purchases online.
188. Information technology companies.
189. Institutional customers. South Zone & West Zone.
190. Institutional lenders and mortgage companies; mostly from within our local area
191. Internet users. Mostly women. A good number from Asia, mostly Japan.
Considering the small amount of traffic I get from Australia, I’m getting a pretty
good conversion rate.
192. Internet web site.
193. investments and insurance; retirees and biz owners
194. It comes from the the services that we provide, the primary one being the
chiropractic adjustment. Our best customers tend to be females, between the ages
of 30 and 55, who work, who have some higher education beyond high school, and
live within a 10-mile radius of our office.
195. IT professionals.
196. Just started unable to provide specific data
197. Just started; does not apply.
198. JV to sell information products to a worldwide customer range – but mainly from
US and Europe.
199. Large organizations, govt and private, mainly because of our unique expertise

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200. Larger employers with large real estate.

201. larger firms, government, people/companies that have or could have env.
202. leads from sight
203. Legal firms, Hospitals
204. level 3 established patient office visit
205. Licensed sports apparel, international visitors to New Zealand and Australia
looking for sports memorabilia of items they cannot get at their own local.
206. Life insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, group benefits plans,
mutual funds, segregated funds, pension plans My target market is small
business owners, and I like to deal with their financial and estate planning issues..
207. Local - SE England; technically aware; most have 5-80 employees
208. local area
209. Local area long
210. Local area- slightly out of favor financially.
211. Local area, commission only real estate sales agents, product - 12 month coaching
212. local businesses
213. local but Internet is approaching 10% retail sales
214. Local customer, looking for an order made kitchen. Minly people renovating
kitchen, or people moving to a new flat or house where there is no kitchen yet, or
people building a new house. Geographically it is from the city area where there is
a show room, but we got a customer from Luxemburg (11 hours drive), visiting the
215. Local customers buying takeout cooked food, along with some groceries.
216. local families
217. Local real estate clients
218. local residents
219. Local sales, word of mouth
220. local small business
221. Local small business owners who need assistance but do not want to hire staff.
222. local, private individuals
223. Local/referrals
224. Locally. Service only. Suburban. Professional neighborhoods.
225. Lower socioeconomic, minority patients in Washington, DC metro area
226. Mainly annual planning clients, no specific demographic.
227. Mainly live seminars. Some home study sales, some teleseminars. Geography is
mainly west coast states so far.
228. Mainly referrals and new customers for listing their property.
229. Mainly small & medium business owners
230. Majority of my current business is import citrus from South Africa.
231. Male 25-55, educated, ahead of curve, who use or are interested in using Pocket

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232. Managed Modem Service sold to ISPs
233. Manufacturing in the central US primarily
235. Markets
236. martial artists and people seeking enlightenment worldwide
237. Memorials from the spouse of someone who has died in our area.
238. Microsoft Office development: Small to medium enterprises: We operate in a
provincial rural environment (pop 50,000)
239. Mid-Atlantic region (within 200 miles of Wash DC) contains 75 % of our customers.
The balance are spread across all other states.
240. middle to upper class, middle age
241. midwest
242. Midwest and East coast because of our broker referrals and strategic partnership
243. Midwest, 25-35 years, female
244. Most of our business comes from engraving plaques for government agencies and
corporate customers in the metro Washington DC area.
245. more geographic
246. MORTGAGES: within 40 mile radius. All are residential mortgages with add ons
like life assurance products and household insurance. ACCOUNTANCY:
customers are generally small businesses (sole traders/partnerships/limited liability
companies). Services provided include preparation of accounts and tax returns as
well as filing of other statutory documents. Most clients are again with 40 or 50
miles of office
247. Most calls come from our radio advertising
248. Most of business comes from training services – programmes and short
workshops. Customers are typically individuals with a special interest in topic and
therefore work role that is evolving to include it who are funded by their school or
setting to attend CPD programme. Geography – national (UK)
249. Most of it comes from our western Canadian market, but we have helped
companies in the US, Britain and South Africa.
250. --Most of my business is local, although I have created projects for a customers in
Virginia and in Fargo, ND. I provide custom database applications. Sales and
marketing databases go to smaller clients, and task specific databases go to larger
clients. I do work for many different types of industries—that is part of what I enjoy
about what I do.
251. Most of my business now is for resume writing with some coaching; customers are
traditionally ages 35-55 and well-off – earning about $125K+ on average;
geography is primarily local
252. Most of our business at this stage comes from referrals for the three products we
have – managed account, venture capital investment and Automated On Line
System of being your own dealer in the forex market. Or customers are from all
walks of life in the Edmonton and regional area of Alberta.
253. Most of our business comes from projects for oil or chemical companies taking a
mixture of software, training and consulting services. Geographical distribution

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

changes from year to year depending on many factors. Middle east and far east
dominated the last three years but middle east projects have been stopped since
last fall (Iraq situation)
254. Most of our business comes from the business-to-business arena (as opposed to
retail/domestic user). The split would be 70% B2B, 30% domestic. Our enquiries
come from all over the place: Bakeries Schools Supermarkets Dairies Vineyards
Chemical manufacturers Abattoirs Builders and plumbers Florists Furniture
removalists Furniture and bedding retailers Mechanic workshops And on and on
255. Most of our business comes from the corporate sector across any industry within
the East and West Midlands in the UK
256. Most of our business comes from the little amount of advertising that we do and
257. Most of our business comes from the local area (within 300 miles) and the type of
customers are high schools and corporate clients. We only provide entertainment
service at present.
258. Most of our business is wholesale, referred from key vendors and throughout the
259. Most of our clients are people with health challenges who respond to one of our
products. We have not done a good job of keeping in contact with them, getting
referrals and up selling them.
260. Most of our customers come through referrals.
261. Most of our patients are families with one to three kids who come to us largely from
referrals from family and friends who have discovered our services and approach.
262. Most of the business comes from referrals from the manicurists and hairdressers
within the salon, followed by walk-ins.
263. Most our business comes from refinance customers who live primarily in southwest
and central Ohio.
264. Most sales come from sale of parts, while biggest profit percentage is from supply
of maintenance services
265. Mostly large retailers with big cash intake (like grocers) that require armored car
pick up and delivery to a vault where high speed machines can cut the cost of
counting and verifying their banknotes and coin deposits.
266. Mostly products. Fraternity sales are local. No pattern to Internet sales.
267. Mostly SF Bay area.
268. Mostly small to medium companies that offer various products and services.
269. Mostly will come from Central Texas with some sales nationwide
270. mouth-to-mouth propaganda, client to client
271. Mutual fund sales, local friends and relatives
272. my business can apply to any industry since we offer electronic means to process
payments B2B and B2C
273. My business comes from all over the world because people move. When service
people move overseas they contact me. Everyone that has jewelry is a prospect.
274. My business is just starting to grow again but in the past it came from my ‘Farm’
areas and then as I implemented some of the other strategies I am using now, it
come from these also.
275. My ideal client is a married homeowner with children who has good cash flow from

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a solid job or business, and a good outlook on life. Such a person is likely to
appreciate the long-term benefits of owning enduring life insurance.
276. My own marketing methods(mail follow-up etc)
277. my own networking and some referral.
278. My prospects are any business that wants to promote their business or give
Incentives to employees.
279. N.A.
280. N/A Co-opted when presented. To use that which exists….no wheel factory am I
281. national market, small companies, start ups ad departments of larger companies
282. networking. Different kinds of clients
283. New home buyers, move-up buyers, divorces, downsizers, retirees
284. New insurance clients
285. New Zealand Film and TV Industry
287. northeast and middle Atlantic states
288. Not applicable at this point.
289. not locally, I always wonder why?
290. not locally, I always wonder why?
291. nothing so far.
292. Notification services, medium to large size businesses, San Francisco Bay Area,
wide range of industries.
293. now three areas consulting, engineering and equipment sales
294. Nutritional products, phone services, lead generation service, automated business
systems, Network Marketing Industry
295. Of my three business lines, the Internet directory service is my most active.
296. of the four quadrants in our city, 75% of our business is generated by two
quadrants and 50% of our front end sales are from 2 product lines.
297. Off the street, from the hospital, or from coupons.
298. Oil and Gas…small to medium sized companies
299. Oil/gas industry, building products retailers
300. One client, one talk, given constantly.
302. online customers, consulting, seminars and teleseminars
303. Online Families whose children suffer from learning disabilities – middle income
bracket, white collar.
304. Online manuals and reports. Customers who are interested in 'secret' type
information. Not sure of the industry.
305. Online Marketing efforts, wellness products, internet marketing products and
services, customers are other internet marketers and people trying to start a biz.
306. Only from Mexico City, and the close cities of Toluca and Cuernacava. It’s a

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service and those who don´t live in extreme poverty conditions can buy it.
308. Only our bracelet.
309. ophthalmology and other medical specialties
310. Other business professionals; small manufacturer.
311. other professional services firms (accountants, solicitors etc), manufacturing
companies, retail companies, not for profit (charities). No specific geographical
area – we are not limited by this. Typically small to medium businesses
312. Our best targets are retail stores that are larger and service companies. Best is
>$250,000 a year in revenue.
313. Our business comes for services used by customers having new
telecommunication technologies, mostly foreign customers, or from the
government for studies.
314. Our business comes from one product and a reoccurring monthly service fee for
that product. Customers are motorcycle owner. Geography is the entire United
States and bits of Canada. Where ever there is a motorcycle dealer we sell our
product and service.
315. Our business comes from our customers giving a chain reaction meaning that their
customers go with us and our services passes around. Our customers primarily
come for US, Victoria, the Island and Greater Vancouver
316. Our business will come initially from rental of product, followed closely by
intermittent or contract service followed later by product sales. Products will also
need regular maintenance which must be performed by a qualified service person.
Rental clients will largely come from health, hospitality, professional and
accommodation sectors, Service business will come from the private residential
sector and the product sales will cover all fields.
318. Our own direct marketing efforts. Type of customer is a retailer based in UK.
319. Our primary business source is from the general public, our secondary business
source is from home builders, and our ternary business source is from
independent home builders.
320. Our services for high net worth individuals.
321. Outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds in all parts of the land.
322. Over 60% of Americans are obese. I suspect that most of my customers will be
women between the ages of 25-55.
323. paint sales commercial accounts 15 miles radius + retail D_I_Y
324. Parents of Private Secondary School Students, who value Quality and don’t want
their child ‘messed around’
325. Parents wanting to give their kids the best education
326. Partner referrals.
327. Patient driven
328. People interested in marketing their business online.
329. People have read my book, either from a review or seeing it in the bookstore, go

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

on my web site, and contact me.

330. people I know personally
331. people looking to build a home based biz in US and Canada
332. People seeking home based businesses anywhere in the U.S.
333. personal calls
334. Personal contact
335. Personal contact, prospecting and over my agent.
336. personal referrals
337. Personality testing. Mostly form companies in states along water.
338. persons charged with a traffic offence/ southern Ontario, Canada
339. Pharmaceutical products, Prescribers, loyal patients
340. physician practices, seminars, financial consulting
341. Plaintiff’s attorneys with large contingency cases
342. Planned – professional firms employing between 50 and 100 people.
343. plumbing and irrigation wholesalers that sell to the contractors and some retail end
a. portrait sales, mostly from dance schools, local area.
344. Potential wedding clients, holiday parties
345. previous clients and personal referrals
346. Primarily tied to group health
347. Print & Marking machines and supplies. Customers from new home business,
businesses, printers, stationers, to various world government departments.
Supplied to over 80 countries.
348. private individuals: targeted investors or general public, no real target, just age 18+
and based in London
349. Privately owned companies in Southeast Florida, hiring me for financial
statements, tax returns, and tax planning
350. Products(7)
351. product – paid site service – consultation types – Entrepreneurs
352. Product sales to individuals
353. product to success-driven people-youths and religious people
354. Product: Seminar, Geography: US, Europe and South Africa
355. Products – Marketing Improvement
356. Products – small biz – North America
357. Products – the customers tend to be affluent, educated, and health conscious, they
come from throughout the US and also some other countries.
358. Products & Services Patients & Practitioners Health Care Industry
359. products , repeat and usually within our capital region or metro manila
360. Products and geography.
361. Products and services(3)
362. Products and services – accounting software, computer systems Customer types –

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

businesses, computer systems integrators Geographical location – all over,

especially denizens of industrial estates
363. Products and services.
364. Products JARS
365. Products mainly, from age groups 28 to 55.
367. Products or services - Manuals and training to help them get Commercial Driver's
License. Type of customer - Spanish speaking blue collar worker.
Geography industry - Mainly Houston and suburbs
368. Products sold to large automotive foundries in US and Canada.
369. Products Sold: Electrical and Electronic Equipment Business Geography:
Northern California Types of Customers: Industrial and Utility End Users
370. Products that service housing ,social services and hospitals
371. Products to customers 35 – 65 in NH & MA.
372. Products, software publishers, technology companies, Silicon Valley California
373. Products, 50 mile radius of Wichita Kansas, diversified mix of customers. Building
Services Contractors and Carpet Cleaning Contractors 40%
374. Products, business customers, nationwide (a few International) and all types of
industries. Our primary focus industries are law enforcement and security,
churches, radio and TV, and industrial (such as construction)
375. Products, Fortune 1000 companies, global organizations, companies with more
than 2000 PC’s
376. Products, product-based creative professionals, USA, industries include
advertising, design, consulting, PR, engineering, and construction.
377. Products, steel service centers
378. Products, Students and Young Professional, General
379. Products, totally; families with children—parents in their mid- to late-20s through
mid-30s; 93% U.S.; 4% Canada; 3% everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE)
else in the world.
381. Products. Other information unknown
382. Products. All customers. I can work in the entire world.
383. Products. Household. Parties, Weddings. International.
385. Professional executive with annual income of more than US$20,000
386. Professional industry Financial Services – Dentists- Chiropractors –Mid to large
company sales forces- All industries- Use to North America –some Europe but now
mostly regional –
387. Professional level people looking for residual income
388. Project management in sales and marketing services from Foreign countries such
as Europe (Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Spain , Italy and US)
389. Projector sales, Interactive white boards, schools within the metropolitan area.
390. Property investors

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

391. Provision of simple taxation services to musicians and other contacts passed on
through word of mouth.
392. Purchased mailing list, referrals.
393. Radio and television spots for advertising agencies, and industrial videos for
394. Radio, customer referral; customers in most of the 50 states.
395. Real estate agents(2)
396. realtors 95% until recently with larger refi business, realtors at 80% even though
more loans from realtors
397. Referrals from clients, personal trainers, chiropractor, and physicians who do
business with our Fitness facility.
398. Referrals(17)
399. referral from accounting firm home loans
400. Referral of professionals or consumer direct
401. Referral or self generating
402. Referrals and calls off signs or advertisements from houses (ie brand awareness).
403. Referrals and copy handouts distributed out at wind seminars and conferences.
404. Referrals and through a third party screening service
405. Referrals and word of mouth
406. Referrals by M.D.’s or other health professionals, plus many from existing
407. Referrals from customers.
408. Referrals from existing clients
409. referrals from existing clients and from referral sources
410. Referrals from M.D.
411. referrals from my partners friends and acquaintances
412. Referrals from other businesses and from search engines on the internet.
413. Referrals from other businesses and from search engines on the internet.
414. Referrals from others clients
415. referrals from past clients
416. Referrals from realtors, attorneys ,financial planners, lenders, investors, builders,
developers and past clients.
417. Referrals of small companies experiencing some kind of business problem.
418. referrals, locals, some international, worldwide
419. Referrals/Cold Calls
420. Referrals-and services.
421. refferals
422. Regionally
423. repeat and referral(2)
424. Repeat business or word of mouth.
425. Repeat clients

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427. Residential customers from MLM’s, rural electric coops, and e-newsletters
428. Residential exterior, commercial interior
429. Restorative dentistry (crowns/bridges), middle age to older, upper middle class.
430. Retail customer reorders
431. Retailers
432. Revenue comes from a about 100 different companies. We target companies
according to employee size, training budget, market. They all come from our city.
While we have concentrated primarily on technology people in the last year, we
are now starting to write messages which demonstrate the necessity of
understanding technology to non-technology professionals. There is some positive
result. We’re also starting to offer non-technology training as many of the buyers
buy other type of training. Reaction is too soon to evaluate.
433. rural schools
434. sale of product mostly tourist transients within a 250 mile radius
435. Sales from health food products.
436. Sales of books and products – internet and seminars. Natural Mineral Nutrients
(fertilizers) mostly from stores. Donations – small mailing list of customers, friends,
acquaintances, etc.
437. Sales of my ebooks, women mostly by far, all over USA and some in Canada.
438. Sales of products 90% 10% repair serviceIndividual therapist, all over the world,
but mainly Canada and US.New for 03, spas. I sense this to be the more lucrative
market since multiple units would be sold to the same customer. I do not
understand this field at this moment.
439. Sales of seminars. Customer ... Educated, 30 – 45, employed, often professional,
60:40 M:F, from all over Australia and NZ. about 60% home state, 40% interstate
and overseas.
440. Sales training = #1. Conference presentations = #2 (long way behind). Products =
#3 (+ minimal). Most of our business currently comes from within a 20km radius
(but Melbourne is a small place, comparatively). We deal with a wide range of
industries, but of late the focus has been on real estate salespeople (due mainly to
our new associate who has that background, connections & interest).
441. Schools, teachers
442. search engines.
443. Secondary students
444. Selling my concepts to technical or business-minded men at age 30-50, all over
445. selling our service to option traders who attend Daniel Kertchers seminars
446. Seminars & yellow pages
447. Seminars, 65 plus years old.
449. Services(20)

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

450. Service entertainment, youth, wealthy ppl, affluent location

451. Service, mainly private schools.
452. Service, small businesses under 50 employees
453. Service: educational dayl ong museum based in house educational programs in
elementary schools.
454. Services – at the moment to managers and executives of large corporates (part of
an existing business that we want to expand into new services for sustainability).
455. Services - Coaching
456. Services – small to medium sized companies in Auckland
457. Services – working with small business owners
458. Services (law)
459. Services and conservative investors
460. Services and products
461. Services at the moment. Want to increase the level of services slightly and
products massively to get more time for marketing.
462. Services for anyone who will hire me.
463. Services for retailers
464. Services from a client base and through clients referrals. Also referrals from retail
465. Services in northeastern Arizona: Civil engineering; clients are usually land
developers. Land surveying; clients are normally one-time buyers of property.
Drafting; clients can be governmental agencies, public utilities, industrial
companies, even other architects or engineers.
466. services lrge industry leaders are the customer base
467. services nationally.
468. Services over a wide spectrum of business and other concerns. Mostly in the
PWV area – the hub of business activity in South Africa within a relatively small
geographical area (a circle with a diameter of less than 200 km).
469. Services over a wide spectrum of business and other concerns. Mostly in the
PWV area – the hub of business activity in South Africa within a relatively small
geographical area (a circle with a diameter of less than 200 km).
470. Services to small to medium size growing companies producing $ 50,000 per mth.
in revenues.
471. Services to business owners.
472. Services to mostly women both as students and as skin care clients
473. services to private companies.
474. Services to the lower and mid-price ranges within 2 mile proximity to my office.
475. Services(100%). Clients who have IT needs( new projects or enhancing or
476. Services, 60% are needs based clients who haven’t been cared for recently or
have been treated poorly. 10 mile radius
477. Services, courses, shop's, located in the whole county 'West-Vlaanderen' where
my business operates.

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

478. services, destination management companies

479. Services, Engineering certification, 3D concept drawings, Patterning of Tension
Membranes, project management
480. Services, females 30+ yrs old, within 30 miles mostly.
481. services, health conscious
482. services, in the Metropolitan Tri-State area, (NY,NJ,CN)
483. Services, Mid Income, Austin Area
484. Services, private consumer, domestic.
485. Services, referrals health care and legal industry.
486. Services, small business owners/ people looking to progress in their career, mainly
487. services, the whole country
488. Services, to businesses, in my own city
489. Services, type of client so far is Professional wanting to be in transition (figure out
how to leave corporate workplace), they are all in my geographic region so far
490. Services, usually medium to large company with a software development effort
needing help, usually within 200-300 miles.
491. Services, want to expand to products
493. services, older age group, drawing area of 20-30 mile radius
494. Services. Mostly business owners and in Singapore.
495. Services. Information. Locally.
496. services; business executives; education and entertainment
497. Services; Case Management firms representing injured workers
498. Services… marketing consulting.
499. Services Financial service providers
500. Services—Individual taxpayers
501. Services Mostly US, Europe
502. Service – professional services providers
503. Seven key clients.
504. Seven key clients.
505. Services to high net worth individuals in Ohio.
506. Short term vacation travelers. 98% from USA. 70% of them from the Boston MA
area. Other high areas are Atlanta GA, and California.
507. Shows, tv, web, words of mouth
508. Single product, don’t know customer type or geography
509. Small to medium sized businesses
510. small and middle-sized companies in an area of 350 Kilometers
511. Small assignments from local companies.
512. Small business

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

513. Small Business of all types, primarily manufacturing, wholesale distribution,

construction, labor intensive service businesses. Less than 50 employees
515. Small Businesses getting startup loans, mortgages, education loans, car loans and
lots of miscellaneous.
516. Small businesses owned by high worth individuals. Multiple industries (although a
focus on IT) We offer services.
517. Small charities
518. small manufacturers, services, etc. all have one key element in common: they are
providing goods or services to BIG companies and they can’t get paid in timely
519. small new businesses and web site designers.
520. Small service companies within the South Florida business community. Several
industries and products/services which have cash flow as the common theme and
my business is cash.
521. Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
522. small to medium size businesses. Midwest area, it/mis/dp products, printers sales
and service. We are very strong on everything that prints.
523. Small to mid cap public companies that have a market cap ranging from $10mil to
$900mil – all market sectors from Environmental to Life Sciences to Software to
Hi-tech to Consumer Products to Industrial to Forestry to Mining/Resource (and all
points in between).
524. SMB’s
525. SMEs in Sydney and services
526. software product sales
527. sole traders and small limited companies.
528. Someone who has Insurance coverage and needs a newer wrecked car repaired
529. sourcing business
530. steel fabricators
531. Students come from various countries through my connection with a professional
organization. My patients come from Central Scotland and mainly through word of
mouth recommendation
532. Subcontracting of services in region.
533. Supermarkets in the UK Food ingredient companies Fruit juice manufacturing
534. sweat.
535. Tax preparation
536. Technology and marketing consulting services for large Fortune 500 organizations
in the San Francisco Bay Area. My business comes from companies in the
banking, manufacturing, and financial services industries though the services are
not industry-specialized.
537. Telecanvassing, large corporates in finance sector
538. telemarketing

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

539. telephone answering service – medical, real estate and service industries
540. The business which I am referring to in this questionnaire is focused on the China
and Asia geographic markets. Today, our growth is all coming from China and
other select minor markets in Asia. Our growth is primarily in offering integrated
solutions to our China commercial building customers. Today, our business is
about 50% product and system sales to our third-party partners, and about 50%
through our direct operations channels.
541. The larger industrial companies who need to get a rating and then maintain it to
get access to / preserve their access to finance on the international debt markets.
Main geography is Northern Western Europe but increasingly seeing more growth
prospects Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union as they become more
conversant with the ways of the international capital markets.
542. the majority of the clients are home improvement or related businesses
543. the need for creative, design, and print solutions, the need for strategic input. .
.High end resort real estate developers, leading ski industry companies, consumer
products companies, resort land planning companies. . .Colorado and Rocky
Mountain region, Hawaii
544. The service industry catering to the wedding services
545. The single family home owner.
547. This is changing, but most of the business comes from Southern California and
includes total solutions where the customer buys hardware, software and
professional services, or buys hardware and professional services to extend a
legacy system – most customers are small to medium sized distributors or
548. too early and not enough reliable data to draw conclusions
549. Training and speeches; marketing and management consulting.
550. training courses mostly for mid-management in project management, types of
customer-manufacturing, construction, few are financial services, property
management, geography-North-West of Russia and from all Russia who has
connection with Saint-Petersburg as second largest center in country.
551. Training, small business.
552. Type of customer
553. types of customer
554. Types, i.e. fundamentalists.
555. U.S. hair salons in the West and N.E.
556. Unsecured loans, equipment leases, and factoring; food wholesaler, doctors, and
executive transportation service; D.C. metro area.
557. Up to now, most of our business has been government jobs that we’ve obtained
through the bid process. Only in the past 5 – 6 years have we targeted the
commercial markets. And we’re still learning how that’s done effectively. A majority
of our business still comes from the government bid process.
558. Upper class people with an interest in the ocean.
559. US GOVT
560. US ICT companies trying to establish a presence in Europe

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Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

561. usually from people I know, and from small businesses that don’t really have any
marketing background
562. Value-driven home seller, fed up with traditional real estate commissions
563. Vancouver (local), some in the US
564. Varies depending on what I am offering
565. videos wholesaled to T’ai Chi Chih teachers
566. Volume comes from public courses nationally. Profitability comes from products
sold on the courses.
567. Walk in in a business district
568. We are a service company and it comes from our partners.
569. We have unparalleled demographics. Man or women, all ages, ethnicity, or
income bracket Worldwide
570. We have very diverse clients who are small and mid-size businesses.
Geographically we do business mostly in Calgary, and in some other area’s in
571. We market to 15 vertical markets in our local region. Products include marketing
communications materials, newsletters, magazines, catalogs, annual reports,
research books, special interest books, and direct mailers. Our largest markets
are Graphic Design Studios (25%); Associations and Non-Profits (15%);
Universities and Schools (10%); Health Care Organizations (9%); Advertising
Agencies (9%); Municipalities and Government (7%); Manufacturing Companies
(5%); High Technology and Health Services Companies and Service Companies.
572. We offer a customized product that performs a wide range of service for our
clients, primarily in the Philippines, but with a growing and significant USA sector.
The industries we serve vary from educational to governmental; manufacturers to
ATM card distributors; car rentals to accommodations; courier company services to
a chamber of commerce. The common denominator amongst all these clients is
our creation of an elegant website Administration Section, where our clients can
easily change and update their website content; and where they can access
enormous amounts of current data on their operations on a very orderly, useful
573. We only have one product – retailers who work best for us are those who have a
close relationship with their own clients (or end-users) eg personal trainers, beauty
clinics – but even here we are only a supplement to their main game and struggle
to remain top-of-mind with them.
574. we presently only have single customer type divided primarily by geographic
region .
575. We sell mostly services around Microsoft products. Our biggest industry right now
is the health care industry.
576. Web design and hosting. Small business owners. North America.
577. web site, mailouts
578. web surfing for Nessie.
579. website, referrals, retail stores..
580. Wellhead Shelters and Cellular Relay Station Housings. Oil Companies and
Telecommunication companies in the Alberta and Western Canada region.
581. Wholesale Distribution

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1300

Question 76. Where Does Most of Your Business Come From?

582. with the video business it comes from government, schools, churches. And with
the log home business they come from the customers themselves.
583. within 5 mile radius
584. Within 50 miles, home buyers or refis.
585. Within our Monongalia County.
586. word of mouth(3)
587. Word of mouth in the public (and past clients)
588. Word of mouth or from a talk I have given.
589. Word of mouth so far.
590. word of mouth, mostly the new customers are last year students of chiropractic
schools or recent grads, mainly from the Province.
592. Word of mouth. Retail sales of uniforms, knives, books and videos. Customers
are 15 to 55 years old, middle income, some college, mostly male. Mostly
Southern California.
593. Word-of-mouth locally here in Indianapolis, IN
594. Word-of-mouth—networking
595. World wide
596. yellow pages and repeat business.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1301

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
Question 77. Describe every successful advertising, selling or marketing program
you have engaged in for the last three years that has worked. Indicate whether
you’ve repeated it continuously.

Total: Yes 55, No 625

Additional comments:

1. #1- sending out the color map of our service coverage area is repeated periodically
and when we expand coverage has been very successful. Other efforts at new
service bundles, special pricing, new feature offerings and general advertisements
have had mixed results.
2. ?(3)
3. 1) Tele-seminars – Monthly; 2) E-Zines – Monthly; 3) New Book – Every 18 mos.
4) Web offers – Daily; 4) Speaking – 100+ per year
4. 1. Information guru strategy. Not repeated.
5. 1.Asking for referrals, especially at the holidays, whereby we encourage our clients
to send gift certificates to their friends and family (we provide the gift certificates at
no cost to the client). This is repeated at major holidays thru out the year. 2. Invited
clients to bring guests with them to in-office workshops. This is ongoing every two
weeks. 3 Radio advertising, having those people that call in win an introductory
package of services. This is repeated sporadically thru the year. 4. Lead
generation take one boxes. People fill out a brief survey and drop it in the box. We
call them to say they have won an intro. package of our services. This is constant
and ongoing..5. Outside lectures, whereby people are presented with information
regarding health and surveyed during the talk on their health. Then closed on a no
cost consultation and exam. This is done on an ongoing basis as speaking
locations are set up.
6. 1-2-3 – solid growth
7. 1—Service reminder card has generated, still does, thousands of $, sometimes per
month; has also resulted in upgrade sales. Very simple, direct card—“Time for a
Checkup?” type of card.. 2—We’ve had moderate success (1 of 800) on a direct—
here is the price—mailout card for cold prospects, mostly new home owners.
We’re not really going for the appointment, because I have been rather weak in
closing, but rather we go for the sale in the offering.
8. 2 step classified ads. No repetition.
9. 21 clubs where we take a new distributor into their warm market & do 21 magnetic
massages (to demo the products) in 7 days
10. Editorial on me in the Millionaire Magazine brought lots of interest
11. A mailer for software sales, included with another company’s mailout – has not
been repeated A mailer for healthcare products sent out with another company’s
mailer – 2 followup mailouts.
12. a) Networking ;b) Forms; c) Trade web sites.
13. AD Denver Business Journal, 13 responses per ad, did consistently for 3 years
until Papers format changed and response rate dropped to 1 for every 4 ads.
Speaking works consistently, repeated inconsistently.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1302

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

14. Ads and through word of mouth.

15. Ads in funeral journals. Yes we have repeated and enlarged the ad.
16. Ads in the National premier property investment magazine ... Just kept on doin’ it!
17. Advertising and coupons.
18. Advertising for pharmaceutical studies – only when the need arises
19. advertising on magazines and email marketing campaign,
20. Advertising prior to commencement of school year.
21. advertising through newspaper advertising with a real estate agent.advertising with
University and College housing registries
22. Advertorial, Free offers Direct Mail
23. Affiliate program marketing, pop-up ezine sign up forms, offering iron clad
guarantees with longer time frames (up to one year), order trapping techniques
and last minute upsells.
24. Affiliate program marketing, pop-up ezine sign up forms, offering iron clad
guarantees with longer time frames (up to one year), order trapping techniques
and last minute upsells.
25. After graduating from the university, I had worked for local instant noodle
company. My selling program is to define final consumer price (after surplus
discount, commission , ... something like that)
26. Again classified ads and I’ve run them on and off since first marketing houses.
27. All Direct Mailing campaigns which qualify clients before hand. An e-mail report
which contrasted our USP to our competitors weak points , coupled with a buy–by
deadline. This has led to further development and tweaking of our USP
28. All have been direct mail for scholarships, heart cancer, golf events.
29. Alliances with recruiting agencies; yellow pages; referrals (earned by the many
above-mentioned methods)
30. Am an active member of a trade group. I market through the member’s web site
31. As a start up company only six months old we haven’t struck anything yet.
32. As a startup, my business is too new to answer this.
33. As described above and the majority are continuing. Haven’t had an unsuccessful
program to date because all are well planned and updated based on feedback.
34. As I said, I do a lot of mailing and everything is a new one. I will collect them in my
follow-up system to work once more time.
35. As mentioned above, brochure, followup etc. Yes we do repeat it continuously
because it is our life blood.
36. Been at this for just 4+ months
38. Being visible at every monthly real estate investors’ meeting, offering free advice
there or by phone, having about 200 people at each meeting. This week I sold 4
foreclosure houses but no Real Estate Express customers. So I have to get more
aggressive literature to pass out everywhere.
39. Best marketing program is we give one of a pair of socks to a customer and tell
them they can get the other sock for free when they shop next time at any of our

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1303

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
stores around the country (9 of them)
40. Best one was based on barter, gaining top priority from vendors by gifting music
and ideas. No $ spent; a lot gained
41. Brochure and cover letter package
42. Brochure mailing with phone follow up. Very sporadic effort.
43. Business Seminars have been most successful. Getting tired of doing them
because they are a lot of work.
44. By referrals Not repeated
46. calling company or person to suggest buying
47. Calling referrals (use often), online newsletter (monthly), belonging to professional
48. Calls or personal direct mail letters
49. Came up with an taught restaurant staff to sell using a principle I made up called
the “or” principle – so staff don’t feel like they are selling.
50. Chamber events: Have booth or attendance at nearly every one. Have given a
wrecked then repaired car to Chamber. (only once because of budget
restraints).Holiday called "National Collision Awareness Month". We bring MADD
and the Highway Safety Office w/their Rollover Simulator to our booth at the Tulsa
Auto Show. Have radio live remotes at the event and the months advertising is all
promoting Safety Issues (3rd year)C. Sponsor "Shattered Dreams" program that
the Hwy Safety Office does in a different High School each year. (3rd yr coming
51. Cold calling home owners at a specific time.
52. Cold calling prospects, I use this all the time.
53. Cold calling. Email. Letters. Referrals. Letters of commendation. Still use all
techniques today.
54. Company is only one year old. Success has been limited
55. Consistent advertising in the local needlework chapter newsletters and directories
for needlework framing by a fellow needleworker. This is repeated each month or
bi-monthly depending on their newsletter publishing.
56. Co-op ads which are repeated
57. Describe every successful advertising, selling or marketing program you have
engaged in for the last three years that has worked. Indicate whether you’ve
repeated it continuously My best response other than telemarketing I faxing offers
to real estate offices.
58. Didn’t(2)
59. Direct contact followed by presentation of experience and capabilities and specific
proposal for work. Successful execution and proposal for ongoing service contract.
60. Direct contact, executive seminars
62. Direct mail and telemarketing followup, yes we have repeated continuously

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1304

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

63. Direct mail flyers, difficult to measure success

64. Direct mail in Advo with our menu redone annually
66. direct mail seems to work the best. have been repeating it but not consistent.
67. Direct mail to renters to attract home buyers
68. direct mail to target list
69. Direct mail, once a month.
70. Direct mail, trade shows & industry publications. It works and we repeat it
71. Direct Mail e-mail campaign Personal contact in area of my expertise Personal
contact in related areas No repetition
72. Direct mailing works variety of copy depending on the course being offered. We
have standard flyers for our products which we can include with other prodcuts to
cross sell or take to seminars to give to delegates.
73. Direct mailings
74. Direct mails/ Focus seminars with 25% people sign up/ I have repeated it many
75. Direct Mail Telemarketing Telesales Direct External Sales Direct internal sales
Catalogue Trade shows Educational mailers Public Speaking engagements Public
Relation Advertising – Magazines Advertising – newspaper Advertising directories
Yellow pages Fliers Memberships Regular specials lists Most of the above efforts
have been successful. Advertising has been the least effective and all marketing
programs have been repeated. Special Program marketing
76. Direct marketing, TV infomercial, signs and flyers in brochure box. All repeated
77. Direct Sales Cont Sales Force detailing Cont Direct Mail communication in cycles
E-mail (Extranet network with physicians) Occasional Journal Advertising Cont
Convention. Trade Shows Cont Symposia at Trade Shows Cont Special Events
Marketing (concert/ famous speaker) Occasional Inclusion in projects/clinical
studies Cont
78. Don’t advertise as such – most people who are buyers know what is available.
79. Don’t have a history yet.
80. don’t have any external ones that have worked
81. Don’t know(2)
82. DRTV and Retail program, but just as a one-off.
83. Due to the complexity of our product/service offering, only direct selling through an
in house Sales Team is effective. Most of our marketing is aimed at driving in or
supporting that effort.
84. E- newsletters and free info reports - yes
85. Email marketing (repeated continuously – YES!)Search Engine Optimization – (rc
– YES)Link Exchange – (rc – YES)Direct Mail (still testing)Affiliate Marketing (not
too successful yet – still doing)
86. Email marketing (whether mine or an affiliates) works well – email directs

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1305

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
prospects to a sales-letter type website. Postcard marketing has only been tried
on a limited basis so far. Getting up in front of a room is one of the best
approaches, but I haven’t perfected my sales close and haven’t had enough
opportunity to do this yet,
87. E-newsletters short with information I know is useful and an offer for some new
item at the same time. This works wonders. Free Contest offer on the website. I
had them answer 3 questions about our business changing the questions every 2
weeks. Kind of like what you are doing here but a couple questions on what they
wanted from us to serve them better. This provided more what to do information
than any course you have offered but I did get the idea to add the questions after
getting one of your questionnaires hehehe. But applied this way was invaluable to
us and to our customers
88. Engaging industry reps to promote our company and services. The reps are
visiting our clients, so they are also promoting our company.
89. Every Easter and Mother's day I set up in a fancy restaurant and do free family
portraits of families having brunch.and yes I do repeat it.
91. Exhibitions got good sales. Advertising some – not good results. Directories –
some good results. Dealers – good results.
92. Ezines. Sporadically
93. Fax ads. We send them out weekly to different market segments.
94. Fax marketing. I have used this continuously.
95. for past 18 months have used the same program over and over -- direct mailing
96. For the last 2 years we have worked by referral. Prior to that we had a wonderful 2-
step mail & call campaign that got us too busy so we could not cope.
97. Forming joint ventures has been the most productive program for me. I continue to
use this method, but not as consistently as I probably should.
99. Free issue brochure most effective and we’ve just refined it. Ads in our email
newsletter and web site also work as to renewal and payup sequences.
100. Free speeches, email reminders, advocates
101. getting alot of interest from web page.
102. Greatest success was when I came back from your seminar in Dec—hired
copywriter—signed up 1500 new clients at average $20/mo—we keep emailing
weekly, and measure, and will continue the same promo until the program does
not draw 150 new clients/wk
103. Had a seminar for CPA’s…it generated a ton of business from their clients.
104. Have not been involved in these fields in the last three years
105. Have not been involved with such a program in the last three years.
106. Have not done much advertising. On the title side our e-property profile which is
the delivery of custom property info over the internet.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1306

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

107. Have not had a really successful strategic campaign. Doing the usual hit and miss,
nothing concentrated.
108. Have not really don’t much on a consistent basis.
109. Haven’t assessed results, so don’t know
110. Haven’t done any
111. Haven’t started one
112. Haven’t yet had one that I felt was successful
113. Helped financial professionals develop and present seminars to attract clients.
Used direct mail successfully by targeting specific markets.
114. Holy shit- I don’t advertise – selling programs I design and develop as a business-
Marketing I use a referral system regularly –
115. host/benefit
116. I am a start up so only lead generating newspaper ads and free seminars
117. I am ashamed to admit that we haven’t operated under a plan
118. I can’t say that we have had any truly outstanding advertising programs. We are
trying a barter system to increase sales, but we will see the results.
119. I distribute a strategy/tactical newsletter that’s both entertaining and applicable – I
get speaking engagements from that. I embed myself into centers of influence
organizations and groups and advise liberally – I help when and where I can – and
then they pay me.
120. I don not feel that I have conducted a continuous successful program to this point
in time.
121. I don´t have
122. I don’t advertise. Hmmm, maybe I should……
123. I don’t recall any specific program that worked well.
124. I don’t repeat because it wasn’t satisfactory
125. I give high value to patients and thank the people who refer them to me. I stopped
meeting various professional for lunch due to full schedule [used to tangibly thank
them and quiz them on how I could better assist them in helping them develop
people they worked with]
126. I have done none of the above during the last three years, but have sold books out
of my purse as a result of the elevator answer that has been my only sales or
marketing pursuit lately.
127. I have not been involved with marketing since 1990.
128. I have not used any plan other than referrals for the last three years.
129. I have one one client at this time and that was a door to door sale. The door to
door thing has been a hit and miss type thing because you can get very
discourage very quick
131. I haven’t been in business that long!

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1307

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

132. –I haven’t done any of these yet.

133. I haven’t really engaged in any advertising, selling, or marketing program
134. I haven’t.
135. I just began this business 6 months ago
136. I launched my “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin on September 22, 2002. For the first
time a couple of weeks ago, a person I met 6 months ago went to my Web site as
a result of receiving the Bulletin regularly, and requested I send him a Confidential
Questionnaire. I have since met with him twice and am due to meet with him again
this coming week There is a strong likelihood that he will become a client and a
source of referrals from at least two of the most prestigious firms on Wall Street.
Three other high caliber prospects have also emailed me as a result of regularly
receiving my Bulletin, and it’s likely I’ll be working with them in the next 6 months.
If so, I will be in a position to pursue several other marketing ideas. The key, I
believe, is each and every week sending out a good quality Bulletin that reflects
thought, caring and a desire to be of assistance.
137. I made a letter to all “alternative-medicals” (chiropractors etc) in my phonebook
with an simple letter and invited them to a meeting. Of 80 letters 1 showed up!. But
he is where I have 95 of my income from today. Others has tried that with no
result, and I have not repeated it.
138. I put on free 3-4 hours marketing seminars as a joint venture with CPA’s for their
business clients
139. I put together a list of people who have rare skills that everyone in a particular
niche wants to hire, like network architects and then present it to as many different
companies as I can
140. I repeat myself, but the 6weekly mails are the only activity we´re doing
141. I tried to make tax plane for business people and I've got a good client.
142. I used to work in a company that sells books, They have their sales people to call
for meeting. This is how sells were made. I wrote my phone pitch based on that
143. I wish I knew. I have ROI Bot but don't know how to use it.
144. I would like to answer this question but we have been in business for
testing results don't go back very far
145. I would say mainly our third party referral system and host/beneficiary relationship
146. I’ve already answered this question
147. I’ve been here less than a year, so I am still getting my feet wet in this area.
148. I’ve only been at this for 8 months ( I was an Air Force/Airline Pilot before 9/11),
but I would say promoting my honesty and hard work seems to pay dividends for
getting a job and keeping it.
149. I’ve only really done Direct Mail, web, JV, and w-o-m. JV’s continually bring me
new prospects and clients on the web. I set them up once and they keep bringing
passive income on an ongoing basis. I obviously keep developing my relationship
with my big JV partners. My direct mail letter has been working very profitably (I
triple to quadruple my money by running it). I have been doing one mailout every
week, but must last mailout failed (even the control). My wom always works by
offering people an incentive for referring.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1308

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

150. Identify leads, call and solicit business. Follow-up calls.

151. In my previous business the one campaign that worked consistently was an email
campaign that we sent out every three months with a special discount to our
current customers and prospects. The campaign was regular and is still being
used by the new owners.
152. In the last three years, I have used Direct Mail (postal and email), cold calling,
magazine ads, product shows, Press Releases, Business Cards, flyers, handouts,
classified ads, recordings, books, newsletters, etc.
153. Initial contact letters to agents followed up with phone call achieve 70%
154. Internet keyword search – we are using it every day
155. Internet marketing.
156. Internet promotion. Yes.
157. Internet website
158. It has been piecemeal so nothing has worked really well. We have some new
communication/education tools that seem to be working well at this time.
159. It would be hard to call any successful. Started in business in late 2000, and then
the economy went down hill several months later—bad for our business—the prior
4-5 years, everyone in our business was growing, and no one was marketing.
160. I've depended pretty much exclusively on Search Engine Placement. At one point,
I was #3 on Yahoo for the search term "webmasters". Now Google does Yahoo's
results. Overall, I've done well and and things are getting better. Also, I've done
fairly well with friends or acquaintances that refer people to me.
161. Joint venture with a local hairdresser and carpet cleaners. We give out
neighborhood letters for client generating letter with benefit headline. We repeat
these tactics continuously.
162. Joint ventures – repeated Written articles – repeated Ezine ads – repeated
some Email sales letters – repeated
163. Journal ads are run in different publications each month, headlines are tested to
some small degree, networking through related businesses is done on a small
164. Just constantly working with our clients.
165. Just going to the Merchandise Marts. That was not working very well so we now
are down to only two shows a year.
166. Just started; does not apply.
167. just starting now
168. Just the referral program detailed earlier.
169. Just the sales letters on my web site. I’ve cloned the site, so in a couple months I
hope to double my business.
170. Lead generation through newspapers, magazines and follow up. Yes, I repeated it
171. Letter, call, appointment, proposal, followup close Continusously
172. Local advertising. Yes.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1309

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

173. Local residential mailout within 1 mile radius – unsuccessful Targeting business
segments that currently use our facilities – currently under way and looking very
174. Magazine events yes yes
175. Mailing of high value offers to prospects, with back end repeat sales
176. Mailings,calls.
177. mailout cards, color magazine, 800#, tracking each ad, team system, guarantees,
free reports
178. Mailouts and telephone follow up. Once per month.
179. Mainly Referrals
180. Market research services – closed 3 contracts Photonics industry affiliation –
closed 4 contracts
181. marketed seminar series for biz owners looking to sell their businesses. Done
through the chamber of commerce. Was repeated 2 times per year.
182. Marketing a fairs 100%.
183. Marketing has largely been by association and reputation with others.
184. Media marketing, yellow pages advertising, press releases, follow up direct mail.
185. Most effective has been meeting contacts at trade association meetings, then
following up with a letter and some useful information, then pursuing with phone
calls, etc.
186. Most of direct mail efforts worked, most of telemarketing campaigns worked, some
advertising worked. We repeat direct mail all the time.
187. Most of our seminars have been successful in terms of getting clients there and
giving them a good experience. We haven’t had really big sales come out of the
events, but have generated some referrals. The best tactic for generating work
has been freeing the partners up from technical work to meet with clients and
identify opportunities for more work
188. Most successful campaign was a free book followed up by a telecanvass call - we
have never repeated it!
189. Most successful has been to offer classes for nomial fee at adult education centers
and sell them the books at the class, capture their address and continue to sell.
190. Most successful have been speeches to generate clients and publishing. These
are repeated bimonthly and quarterly.
191. Most successful is telephone prospecting campaigns to For sale by owners,
expired listings and cold calling. The second best is sign recognition with home
listings. Basic, yet that has brought the bulk of our business.
192. Most successful marketing program has been the creation and constant updating
of the web site. Responsible for vast majority of sales so far (in terms of revenue).
193. My best response other than telemarketing I faxing offers to real estate offices.
194. My business is only 6 months old.
195. My marketing program has basically been from friends, relatives, and some
referrals from them. Indicate whether you’ve repeated it continuously No.
196. My most successful selling program is with Nutribooks. They probably buy about ½

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1310

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
of all the books I sell, net 10, guaranteed no return. My sales are
improving. Baker & Taylor is increasing the quantities of my books that they order
197. My Office Don’t know Personal Don’t have any
198. My referral program.
199. My referrals way is very effective, and as I stated above I repeat that continuously.
Also I contact other agencies to shape strategic alliances, gives me more
personnel power, and leverage towards the end customers.
200. N.A.(28)
201. n/a – start-up business.
202. N/A haphazard
203. n/a yet. I am writing my marketing plan now.
204. NA—only been open in current site for 3 months
205. Networking – wouldn’t say it’s a program
206. Networking for referrals. Its one of my three main tactics.
207. Networking when needed
208. Networking, networking, and more Networking. Plus, I offer 10 % Referral Fees for
new business.
209. Never actually conducted any type of campaign.
210. new company
211. New to company – still to review some of this info where documented.
212. newsletter
213. Newsletter yes Annuity / mf inserts and ads No
214. Newsletter, people are requesting we send it them, ringing everybody to get their
emails update our database
215. Newsletters and referrals
216. newsletters, community workshops, public speaking, specialty mailings, special
events in the office, monthly article. All continue to be done.
218. Newspaper display advertising brought me clients, but I could not afford the cash
outflow up front, so I stopped running it. Meeting people at professional seminars
has brought me a few clients. Direct mail to prospects has brought me a few
clients. I still go to seminars and send mail.
219. NO(4)
220. No advertising program we’ve done has yielded great success. Our greatest coups
have been via tactical modifications to the way we do business such as the
“Statement Of Assurances” and .the ‘visual quotes’.
221. No advertising; strategic alliance with doctors – that didn’t work as the key doctor
didn’t live up to his end of things.
222. No examples
223. No organized program. My specific success has been with the use of the Sandler
Selling System which I repeat as often as possible in direct selling efforts.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1311

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

224. no real advertising was done

225. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
226. no special program
227. No success.
228. No successful advertising, selling or marketing program in the last three years.
229. No sustained program action tends to be sporadic, dictated by volume of work
230. None(36)
232. None as worked the way we’d like. We’ve used direct mailing and display
233. None engaged
234. None has been successful. Just a little response here and there.
235. None in particular , except to treat our customers with respect and listen to them
236. none really(2)
237. None so far, just starting out
238. None to date
239. None to describe!
240. None to report, yet!
241. None yet.
242. None, my direct efforts have produce more recruitments that any other tactic
243. None, my first was MMT training at LA in Dec’02
244. None. Only just started business
245. Not applicable
246. Not applicable – just started company.
247. Not applicable as we are a new business
248. Not applicable at this point.
249. Not clear
250. Not done.
251. Not ever done one
252. Not much . I introduced a couple of new lines a few months ago and have
advertised them fairly strongly with in my newsletters and on the website. They
have been doing quite well. On one line, the manufacturer offered me some
products for promotional work, which I gave away after a couple of months. The
deal being if you buy any of these products you go in the draw. Ok, maybe it
wasn’t a great roaring success, but I think it helped to get the line up and running.
253. Not rolled out yet.
254. Not sure any can be called successful
255. Not yet
256. Nothing has proven to be a good program on its own. If it generates lots of leads,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1312

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
the leads usually turn out to be unqualified. If the leads are good, the cost of the
program typically overrides my revenue realization.
257. nothing I can boast about
258. Nothing really wildly successful. Annual letter to Chamber list.
259. Nothing to speak of
260. Nothing we have tried has been particularly successful.
261. Oh no…:( That would take ages…
262. ONE DAY SALE -the Sunday before Thanksgiving, customers can purchase any
one item at 30% off ticketed price (even Sale items), and additional items at 15%
Off. Handouts during year to customers after they make purchase, and postcards
mailed to customer list (7,000 apprx). Do about as much business this one day as
average 2-3 weeks. repeated about 8 yearsHOLIDAY GIFT CATALOG - distribute
30,000± color catalogs obtained from supplier of gifts the Monday after
Thanksgiving, as Newspaper Insert. - repeated 13 yearsSMALL NEWSPAPER
ADS with out Suitcase outline border advertising Luggage Repairs, Money Belts,
or other single itms - done for past decade or so4 PAGE FLYER/SALE AD
newspaper insert during busiest months (May, June, Nov, Dec) over past 3 or 4
years. Brings quite a few people in, but a bit expensive!PACKING
DEMONSTRATIONS in our shop once a month. Originally ran ads, but found word
of mouth brought about as many people. Show how to organiza and pack several
cases/wardrobes, using packing accessories and travel accesories we sell. Each
attendee receivces coupon for $5.00 off any items purchased ($15.00 min
purchase) over following week. Attendance 4-25 people per presentation.
Repeated past 3yearsFEBRURAY TRADE IN SALE -customer gets additional
20% Off with trade in of suitcase, briefcase, wallet, backpack, etc. Cases received
as trade-ins refurbished if practical and donated to foster kids through Social
Services Dept. repeated 4 or 5 yearsYEAR BOOK IMPRINT PROGRAM -
distribute flyers to Jr High and High Schools who are willing to participate telling
kids we will imprint name on their Year Book FREE when they bring it in our shop.
Gets a good number of kids and their parents (many don't drive) in shop. We do
imprint while they wait, so they have some time to browse around. Most of our
customer base is more mature - need way to introduce shop to younger crowd.
Repeated 5 - 6 yearsPARKING LOT SALES - to liquidate overstock, closeouts,
etc, we put up a canopy in parking lot, and put things out at terrific mark-downs.
Mdse outside attracts lots of attention, and we sell lots of stuff. Because much is
priced close to cost to clear it out, it moves merchandise, but doesn't make money
- just gets $$$ out of excess inventory. Done 2 to 4 times a year the past dozen
263. One give a way competition – had 300 responses
264. One only. A unique ad that ran three years in the Homes magazine until the
program it featured ended.
265. One particular ad highly successful – but didn’t work next time.
266. Online Research. Direct Phone Call to prospect. Establish Mutual connections.
Face Time. Exposure to fulfillment staff. Proposal. Follow up call(s).Sign them up.
Ask for referrals. Pretty basic but it works.
267. Only as described above. None repeated continuously, except website.
268. Only been in position for 15 months. I am the VP Sales and Marketing, Alliances
Manager, and everything else for sales and marketing

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1313

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

269. Only in business for last six months. No truly successful marketing strategies yet
270. Only one on one consistently
271. Only one, referral marketing.
272. Only selling at this time. My clients trust my skills, intuition and productivity. This
is what I repeat continuously. The strongest reason I know of why my clients keep
coming back.
273. Other business – TV – yes it is constantly repeated.
274. Our “No-Bank Qualify” plan to help people buy a property without a credit check or
mortgage is the first successful one. Out telemarketing for foreclosed upon people
is now the best for us.
275. Our advertising program consists of paying agents a good commission and they
then use part of the commission to entertain customers and pay for events.
276. Our book, make us travel to seminars and others.
277. Our email campaigns have generated many leads to we have kept going with this,
space advertising hasn't really worked so we have abandoned this
278. Our email campaigns have generated many leads to we have kept going with this,
space advertising hasn't really worked so we have abandoned this
279. Our existing customers often come back, we get a number of customers from our
vendors lead generation, and we get some form mailer we send out.
280. Our individual contacts through our direct involvement in meetings as a self
marketing performance have been very effective up to now, however, our web
posting doesn’t attract clients.
281. Our only truly successful marketing program has been a referral program through
relocation consulting firms. Yes, we repeat it continuously. We cultivate referral
relationships with any relocation consulting firm we are introduced to, and further
cold call additional relocation consulting firms with very positive results.
282. Our web site and it’s constant modification
283. Over the net market price for the genral public,
284. Over the past two years, I have been growing exclusively through networking and
referral. As I grow, I hope to use direct mail and other forms of marketing and
285. Paris Air Show – new accounts and relationships – yes repeatElectronica trade
show – new orders and accounts - repeate
286. Personal contact, repeat and referral
287. Personal delivery of unique Xmas gifts to all key clients; annual high end
Valentine’s focusing on relationships. . .we do these every year
289. Placing articles has worked the best.
290. Placing classifieds, sending direct-mail (2-step-approach) hosting info-seminars,
291. Post Grad certificate programme at University – marketing goes out through
university prospectus. Repeated. Post grad course Dudley – goes out through

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1314

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
local education authority channels. To be repeated in next academic year. PG
course Manchester – mailshot to own database and PR. Not to be repeated in that
format because now got ally to take that forward with their database. Alliance with
product distributors – have sold many workshops and certificate places through
accessing their database. Ongoing distribution of our information when they
bundle goods for dispatch and also through their database – constantly repeated.
Local networking through key influencer – very successful. Repeated and
template being trialed in other districts. Alliance with large publisher who published
a series of my books. Negotiating new publications to repeat.
292. Postcards to invite to shows, flyers for new prints and to ask for referrals. Until
recently these things have worked for 25+ years.
293. Postcards, referrals, risk reversal, phone sales
294. PR and referrals have been the most effective.
295. PR, classifieds.
296. Print ads, signs, postcards, website, virtual tours, and personal referrals
297. Program from franchise, has worked, but not as well as it should
298. Program the top television shows in the market
299. Promotion for SIM card: it worked very well. We repeats from time to time.
300. Publicity push when the book was released! Beginning a second round via email.
301. Putting data from prospects I find in various media in a databaseSending them a
personalised e-mail that should appeal to their needs, catogorised according the
need expressed when collecting the data. By example: a shop placed an and for
the opening of a new shop, they might need models for a fashionshow following
two weeks or month after the opening. They're new hired staff might need a
course in selling too. And since they are located near the border, or near the
airport, language courses for the staff are maybe needed too. Maybe the shop
doesn't have a website yet, so we can provide that too.Confirming the e-mail by
regular (snail) mail.Calling them by phone to sell'm a meeting.During the meeting a
salesconversation followed by an order (in half of the cases).
302. Radio ads featuring a celebrity spokesperson, ongoing program. Quarterly
newsletters to past customers/referral sources, ongoing program.
303. Radio ads that were fun and catchy-haven’t used lately, phone book-ongoing and
good boost of new clients by changing to a new phone directory, lectures-our
staple new patient machine, Christmas mailers-works well and we have used it 2
of 3 years, I wish we did it all 3, new patient workshop and bring a guest-we do it
monthly and are going to increase frequency to every 3 weeks.
304. Radio advertising- continuously Papers- continuously Exhibitions- continuously
Mailshots Referrals- continuously-mailing database- continuously alliances-
305. Radio advertising, didn’t continue because the return started dwindling
306. Radio and TV advertising campaigns they have no certain directive or goal other
than to generate new patients. They have been successful but the acquisition cost
of the patient is getting higher and higher and becoming too much. Still continue it
regularly. Direct mail and seminar for heart disease – making it more regular and
more often now every 10 weeks. Restart letters every holiday season. Referral
programs are sporadic and I’m not totally sure how successful they have been
because of that. Handouts work great to improve purchase size of therapies or

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1315

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
307. Radio has been good and paid for itself well but I had cut back to almost zero two
years ago due to a divorce. The cutback has almost killed me business wise. I
am starting again but need to refine my copy
308. Radio interviews; Television guest appearances; I have repeated it as continuously
as I have been able to book the interviews, which has become increasingly more
difficult. Many of my best radio interviews have been on stations around the
country that now discuss EXCLUSIVELY politics, terrorism, and related topics.
309. Radio last year during football season
310. Ran-One Not using too full potential.
311. Referral programs are basically incentive for clients recommending their friends.
We use and test others. FSI’s with low price intro offer is used extensively.
312. Referred by expert, guarantees.. guarantees.. difficult as process out of our control
up to the banks.
313. Referral from real estate agents of their land sales customers for surveys. This
has been continuous and successful since initiated.
314. Referral has been the biggest - two of our primary product lines have grown just
because of referrals – and we haven’t even been working that all that effectively up
to now
315. Referral reward—We give each tax client 6 referral coupons and pay them $20 per
referred client and then put their name in a drawing for a flat screen TV with DVD
player. We explain this both when we do their taxes and when they pick up their
316. Referral system works all the time, if the product is good and the incentive is
appealing to both the referrer and client
317. Referrals
319. Referrals are great, were great, are great and are our main strategy today.
320. Referrals, repeat business.
321. Referrals….
322. Risk reversal. I used to sell a software program to students of homeopathic
medicine. My sales doubled from £8000 a year to £16000 after I introduced full fee
return if not completely satisfied in first 30 days
323. Running lead generating ads and then following it up with direct mail. I use this
process repeatedly.
324. See above for emails, letters, etc.
325. See previous answers. Very little to speak of.
326. See Q sixty nine: by far the best marketing program; this is a continuous program
327. Seek client info about what services they’re currently using elsewhere, compare it
with what we offer and how we would price it, show them why we can price better
and bundle with other products to cut their costs. Yes, I repeat this continually.
328. selling: letter and telemarketing to get into senior executive teams in major

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1316

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
corporations in Canada; didn't repeat it because of the move back to Vanc.
329. Seminars, sporadically.
330. Seminars have worked, and I’m developing a system to repeat them frequently in
different venues. Direct calling has also worked, but I’ve not been as consistent
about this.
331. Seminars monthly and they are effective
332. Seminars on a regularly basis, now turned into an online seminar to free my time.
Articles. Ezine marketing. Now writing a book
333. Seminars- repeat every quarter.
334. Seminars, on rare occasion(2)
335. Seminars. Yes.
336. set up joint ventures with web site designers to add our products to their service.
paid them a fee for doing so. we also resold their products for them.
337. Shame on me! In the last three years I’ll have to say I only sent out a couple of
mailers. Before that I hade for a while sent out 6 month reminder postcards. That
generated some business. Our best promotion was in our third year. I went
to the owner of a flight operation that I flew for part time in the summers. We would
fly people to Vancouver Island fishing lodges, sight seeing etc. It was all in
floatplanes. I had those sports water bottles made up with our company
name and phone number on one side and a list of our services on the other side.
Inside we placed a postcard describing a promotion for the month of July and into
August 15th. Also inside the bottle was a brochure for the flying service. Whether
you used our service or not you could receive a 10% discount on any flight you
took by letting them know you were a client of the Office Furniture Doctor. We then
ran the postage meter tape on the outside of the bottle and put it in the mail. On
the cap we had a note that said special offer inside. (Yes we checked with the post
office ahead of time about mailing the bottle without it being in anything. The key
here was to use the postal metered payment since it is pre-canceled. Not like a
stamp that has to be inked over ). For every time you used our services
you received a ticket into the drawing. On August 16th we held the drawing. The
winner received a trip in the floatplane for up to 7 people from their office. I flew
them to a mountain lake for a lunch on the shore and the day away from the
office.. Timing was good for that year too. We had just acquired a new van.
It used to be an old police paddy wagon with all the lights. I turned it into our work
truck. Painted like an ambulance. We had it ready to go on the road the month
after the promotion ended. I sent out flier announcing our new truck and on the
other side of the sheet was a picture of the winners of the floatplane trip and a writ
up about their business. But Wait There’s More! The day the bottles went in
the mail the temperatures went to 90 degrees. It stayed that hot for two weeks
straight. Not only did I see my water bottles in offices all over town but people were
roller blading along the waterfront in Tacoma carrying them. Those water bottles
are still on desks in offices of my clients all over town.
338. Since we are only 18 months old we are still developing our marketing program
339. Small ads
340. So far friends, and family referrals, and a small sales team are making all of the
sales so far. My email programs have 29 people in them since their launch two
days ago, but no sales yet.
341. Sold a Ebay CD it helps customers to start selling anything on the internet, offered

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1317

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
it for free- they pay for 9.95 for shipping. We haven’t yet came up with a similar
product yet.
342. Some of our health seminars have been successful. We try to do four a year.
343. Sorry, our marketing has essentially come down to this philosophy. Stand out from
the crowd with very impressive/expensive window displays, signage, advertising,
etc and this drives the phone to ring, when it is followed up with good word of
344. SORRY…
345. Sponsored public radio show 2-3 sales in 2 yrs; stopped recently
346. Sporadic referrals activated on an as needed basis.
347. Start up still
348. startup
349. Still developing …..(like Drudge)
350. Still exploring the effective marketing & advertisement program as we are only 13
months old company
351. Strictly referrals – 99% unsolicited.
352. Successful advertising - Spanish speaking periodical - Being used repeatedly?
Yes! Joint-venture with a guy that helps people get Automobile Driver's
License - Being used repeatedly? Yes!
353. Sustained follow up letters, and cold canvassing
354. Talking Ads; Response style fliers, Over-the-phone evaluations; free reports; Yes
I have been repeating these systems but not nearly at the volume I’d like to or with
as much follow up contact as I need.
355. Taped information accessible over the phone giving info about bankruptcy and non
bankruptcy alternatives
356. Target list of ideal prospects and asking centers of influence to refer us to them.
Send letter of introduction to the referral using Jay Abraham style. Email Webpage
357. Targeted direct mail to local firms on a periodic basis
358. Targeted direct mail. Yes repeated continuously.
359. Telemarketing homeowners in the area of a new listing I just took.
360. Telemarketing scheduling meetings to know clients
361. Telephone calls only.
362. Telesales and direct mailing; repeated as resources allow.
363. The “blab for business” model worked well…we gave away consulting if they
promised to tell others about us.
364. The annual newsletter always prompts several renewed clients and several
365. The best has been phone-mail-phone so far, but I’m moving to phone-
appointment-phone follow up at present
366. The best marketing program was the “Deli Dollars,” mentioned above. The
customers were supporting their own schools and synagogues by participating.
367. The best method of marketing is to do a personal approach to a client. I can sell

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1318

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
when I speak to a prospect. On information products on CD’s I do have a closing
rate of 80%. Online I do not even reach close to 1% closure.
368. The best one I got from you. It was a proposal the included three levels of
technology. The higher up the client bought the better the guarantee.
369. the best selling strategy is for us to have a booth at events and have people
experience our product ... or have a product review and an honest opinion of the
writer ... the more credible the writer, the better the response.
370. The company has only being going for three years we don’t advertise our direct
mail programme has been operational for six months and our sales are growing we
project an increase this year of 40% based on present sales performance.
371. The last three years, my main activity has been as a developer and creator of the
Cancer Survivors Network, a new service from the American Cancer Society. I got
involved with this project when I was retained to be the Director of Marketing for
the pilot project. Being successful, the ACS decided to proceed and expand it into
a national service project, and asked me to stay with the project as a developer
and consultant. My current work, since going national, has been in content
development, but I recently decided to start working more with other businesses on
their marketing. I have incorporated a business for this, so I am re-entering the
marketing arenas.
372. The most successful and only program has been the 3 for 2 type offer. It has been
moderately successful at best.
373. The most successful was a program call CookieCutter. Is was based on an Ad in
Ezines that said. “This Dumb Little Ad can make you $200 per day!”. The product
sold for $20.00 and I sold about 300 of them in about a month. Then market
saturation took over because everybody that bought sold the same product.
374. The one successful marketing strategy has been advertising on the web and I
have repeated it to the point of eliminating all other forms of marketing
375. The only advertising, selling or marketing programs that I’ve done during the past
three years are referrals. Results from the referral strategy were excellent during
the early part of the three years but not good during the later part. This may be
attributable to economic conditions over the past 1.5 years. The strategy has not
been repeated continuously
376. The only really successful selling program we have engaged in over the past three
years has been where we go through our existing list of customers, contact each of
those customers and see what their needs are for shelters and then ask for
referrals if we are unable to sell them anything at this point in time.. Our business
is almost exclusively based on relationship selling.
377. The only thing we’ve done consistently is to stay in touch with customers. It works,
but it will be hard to scale this up as we grow.
378. The periodic mailings and workshops have been implemented annually.
379. The same one I am doing now and it seems to be effective.
380. The speaking and referrals are by far the best 3 rd is my web site
381. The use of Press Releases sent directly to the media has proved invaluable. I
usually get them printed word for word, obviously for FREE. It has even led to a
30 minute interview on a major NY/NJ television station.
382. The yearly mailing reactivates people.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1319

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.

383. There have been none.

384. These have been mentioned before… the only one that really works is the Monthly
Specials mailings, which have been in place for a long time… also, during one
month a year, Customer Appreciation Month, we offer all our products at 10%
Savings; this is a popular tradition
385. They have not worked.
386. This is a renewed business venture; developed from one I had over 10 years ago.
It is less than a year old in this go-around.
387. This we haven’t done yet.
388. This would be a waste of time as we have woefully underutilized any real strategy
other than creating a unique business model and getting a phenomenal lead base
from our vendor partners.
389. Too early to tell.
390. Too new. Direct mail, personal contact, tradeshows have been successful so far.
391. Trade shows have been very successful for me. I exhibit on a regular basis at
select industry shows.
392. Trade shows; direct mail & referrals
393. Trip promotions with brief product meeting to convert contractors to purchase my
brand or increase the purchases by contractors already using my brand
394. Unfortunately the company as such started from this year and we don’t have any
special advertising campaign that we could be especially proud of.
395. Up until last year we did not have a program that we used all the time.
396. Use of telesales to obtain qualified mortgage appointments only one that has a
measurable success. Continue to use this service.
397. Using personal networks and referrals.
398. Various. I keep them going till they max out.
399. Visiting pre-schools
400. Visits by an RN to health professionals is an ongoing tactic
401. Warm and cold market contacts generally using either personal contacts or mail
campaigns. In the past 2 months, a campaign to sell a BSE pad ( Breast Self
Examination pad) to facilitate a woman’s monthly breast cancer early identification
program has proven to be an excellent way to bring people into the business
402. We advertised in a special issue of an industry magazine that the USPS
purchased one for each of it’s major clients. We didn’t renew because of cash flow
and that we had purchased other space from the same company that didn’t pay
well. We have to pay off that extra non performing advertising before they will let
us renew the one performing ad that come out once per year.
403. We are fairly new and have yet to done anything of significance.
404. We are just beginning the process of doing it continuously…but have seen the best
results so far from our Dream 100 program and our thank you letters and gifts.
405. We are only new, so none other than those already mentioned
406. We are too new to answer this.
407. We believe word of mouth has been successful and business has also been driven

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1320

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
in from billboard signage and marketing on the inside cover of telephone
directories. Of course the internet site is a key marketing tool.
408. We did two campaigns. It was good for credibility but didn’t generate quality leads.
409. We do not currently advertise.
410. We do not have the history to do this. What has worked for us so far is the
newspaper add, the referral and the limited direct mail. We are repeat each as
they are improved.
411. We don’t have 3 years of marketing records
412. We got some results from a series of newspaper ads as well as a radio promo, No
we haven’t repeated it continuously.
413. We have a reminder form which shows each Sunday School director what they
ordered in the previous quarter.
415. We have done only one direct mail campaign and it failed to produce any results.
We have not repeated that campaign again.
416. We have factory promotion, conference promotion, trade show promotion, parking
sales events, customer appreciation night.
417. We have had some mild success from out ongoing mailing program.
418. We have never implemented a marketing campaign. All of our marketing is on the
419. We have not advertised in anything other than the yellow pages
420. We have only been operating for about 6 months. Most effective marketing tactics
were: Paid for advertorial in local newspaper with call to action ad offering a
special gift with purchase from a complementary supplier. Free gift with purchase
421. We have only done one direct mailing in the six months since we have been in
business and several regional ads in small motorcycle news letters/mini-
422. We have only faxed response letters to a prospect list. We have only repeated this
several times. We did generate leads and ultimately clients.
423. We have primarily done direct marketing.
424. We have used the direct mail. It has been applied regularly. We have used e-mail.
But, we have needed to interrupt these activities for securities reasons. We have
used word of mouth and direct contact. This activity has been our most continuous
425. We keep our customers up-dated with any new services that we have. For
example, they used to send their fish down to Seattle for the cold storage facility,
now, they can just leave it to us since we started one in the past years.
426. We placed a 10’ x 2’ banner on the side of our building indicating we could do
transfer of home movies to DVDs. It cost $50, and brings in $hundreds per week
in work. We put it up in Jan 2003, and it will stay up.
427. We really have not implemented a specific marketing program beyond continually

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1321

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
maintaining direct contact with each of the Case Managers in the various Case
Management firms.
428. We really only 2 successful things.1) Partner program 80% of our business is from
partners.2) web marketing – key word and pay per click advertising.
429. We started offering information sessions about our company to decision makers.
The result is always increased business. We hold these sessions four times a
year. As well, we have held in-company educational sessions, some with mixed
results, most likely because the marketing efforts which we cannot control is
inconsistent and the target audience wrong. Of course, our email marketing
program works.
430. We started what we call the "Corporate Club" where clients fax us all their staff
birthdays for the year and as each day comes around they receive a call from us to
remind them to order so they never forget a birthday. For doing this they receive
every tenth cake for free. This year is the first year we have done it but the
response has been so positive that it will now be something we do every year.
431. We’re 4 months old
432. we’ve been in business only for 15 months
433. We’ve just started doing business.
434. We’ve made no special efforts.
435. We’ve only been publicly known for about 9 months, and we’ve not focused on any
particular program. Honestly, I wouldn’t really say that any of them have worked
436. We’ve only done word of mouth.
437. Web site is by far the best investment and telephone ads
438. Web site work - 400 unique visitors monthly in 99, 800 in '00, 1200 in '01, 1800 in
439. weekly e-newsletter for the last two years
440. we just started
441. Winter time email created decent revenue during a slow time. Should perk up
spring time bookings as well.
442. Word of mouth
443. Word of mouth is the only one that has worked so far.
444. Word of mouth.
445. Word of mouth. continuous
446. Working through agents has been marginally successful however we have been
hurt by personal problems that have degraded their service quality and so we have
stopped dealing with them.
447. Wow, I am getting tired of answering all these questions. See #12 – that is the
outline – it has worked well for VAI, BI, Lansa, Extol, IBM, and RANDR Web-D
448. Wow. Radio, TV, direct mail, local store marketing, local sports team
sponsorships, Chamber of Commerce networking, public relations efforts, web
site, etc. We have a “formula” marketing program for our stores that is replicated
all over the country.
449. Year-end awards brochure mailout did pretty well, but no, I haven’t done it every

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1322

Question 77. Describe Every Successful Advertising, Selling or
Marketing Program you Have Engaged in for the Last Three
Years That Has Worked.
year. I forgot to have new sales sheets printed in time this year. Many of our clients
ordered anyway!
450. Yellow page ads in state of Washington have worked for the past 20 years
451. Yellow page line listings of specific vehicles, we have done it continuously but now
being copied so some losing effectiveness. Newspaper advertising in daily local
paper stressing our expertise on particular vehicles, we are continuing and
expanding that program
452. Yellow Pages
453. Yellow pages consistently works for bring in the small customers
454. Yes
455. Yes, display advertising.
456. Yes, we have relied upon this.
457. YP

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1323

Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

Question 78. Do you have a marketing budget? What is it? How is it allocated?
How has it been used in the past?

Total: Yes 198, No 478

Additional comments:

1. #600000-half goes to ad-others on promotions

2. $10,000 or more per year
3. $100,000 – used for travel, materials, presentations
4. $1000 per month Radio except with a hiatus of two years. Phonebook ads but
they did not seem to pull well
5. $12.500/month for media, postage, overhead, sales commission, traveling
6. $150 monthly. Goes to my agent in Germany.
7. $150,000/year -- mostly on direct mail, some advertising.
8. $15K per month, radio and mailings
9. $18,000.00 used on direct mail 95%, yellow pages - conference/conventions 5%.
10. $200,000 ½ in Sales people, Trade shows $25,000, $50,000 printed, balance in
misc. areas.
11. $200/month advertising in PPC; $1500 per year in online ads
12. $2000 mo. All used for internet lead generation
13. $2000. Almost all to website design and copy.
14. $20000 75% advertising. 25% mailing
15. $25,000 a year or so.
16. $25,000, Internet website
17. $250,000. Over 2/3 is for DM, 10% ads, 20% product shows, the rest is scattered.
There is NO past history.
18. $3,000Events, website, materials, associations
19. $3.0 million, allocated by segment such as Research, Advertising, trade shows,
publication, product launches, PR, POS material, sales promotions.
20. $300 per month, primarily to mail out tapes
21. $4,000 Yellow pages, flyers.
22. $5,000 annually. Used for web site development, and publishing and mailing print
newsletter to clients.
23. $5,000 per year. In the past, used for newspaper ads and direct mail to
businesses in a certain geographic area, as well as to local real-estate companies.
Now I am mailing only to real-estate companies.
24. $50,000
25. $500,000/year -- try to increase it 20% each year. Mostly direct mail.
27. $5000 per year.

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

28. $5000.00 this year but understanding marginal net worth means it is not limited.
29. $5K It has been used sporadically
30. $65k; direct mail follow up materials; special reports; etc.
31. $70000.00/year. Direct mail, some radio and some sports ads.
32. $75,000, newsletters, lunches, breakfast presentation,
33. $800/mth. Advertising: 600, Room Rental: 200In the past, we did direct mails and
lots of telemarketing follow up which was a lot less and needed more effort and
34. $95,000 – mainly user for personnel and web marketing.
35. Actually, it's just 25% of every sale that's almost immediatly spend on those
mailings. So, I don't know if that's exactly what you mean about 'budget'.
36. but not a systematically allocated budget
37. £100 per month, letter-phone-brochures.
38. £250,000 p.a.
39. £4,000 pa for expenses at networking meetings, conferences, taking prospects for
coffee, business cards
40. £480, 40/monthly
42. 10 000r / m - handbills
43. 10 grand, all in mailing.
44. 10%
45. 10% of revenues.
46. 10% of turnover. Less in the past
47. 10,000
48. 100K: Radio/Yellow Pages/Donuts/Give aways / Community Events, etc.
Allocation has been somewhat tactical. We went way over budget in '02
49. 15%
50. 15% of my gross commissions.
51. 3-5 % of revenue, yellow pages, direct mail
52. 35-40K. Yellow pages, part-time marketing person that is also a technician and he
spends 98% of his time on projects and not on marketing.
53. 4-7% of revenues.
54. 5%
55. 7% of revenues, sales salaries, commissions, direct mail, telemarketers, training.
56. 78A.
57. 80% magazine advertising 20% internet
58. A set amount each year.
59. A set amount per month for advertising and marketing but we don’t generally use it
60. About $100-$200 per month toward what seems to be working the best. Classified
ads and door hangers.

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

61. About $300-$500/monthAllocated on a month-to-month basis. Used for paid

inclusion, direct mail, and targeted email ads
62. About 5% of sales. In the past it has been used on direct mail and print advertising
63. About US$15 to 20,000 per year on as required.
65. Again trying to bootstrap our way up. We will allocate 10% of our total revenue in
the future.
66. Allocated for Direct mail, trade shows & industry publications
67. Allocated to downstream teams for commercial activities and upstream teams for
product development.
68. Almost 30 % of the sales revenue goes to marketing as we want to generate more
customers to join the member referral program
69. Almost exclusively advertising - mainly TV and some radio
70. Apart from creating the initial corporate identity stationery and web domain, It
depends very much on cash flow at the moment.
71. Apart from creating the initial corporate identity stationery and web domain, It
depends very much on cash flow at the moment.
72. Apart from my web hosting fees, my merchant account fees, I try to do everything
only if it is free. I have only paid for a couple of small search engine listings. The
rest I have done for free. I wasted $900 hiring someone to get me 50 reciprocal
links. He was a joke. I’ve gotten twice that number myself for free. I’ve only had
my site launched since October and am now making the equivalent of $50,000 per
year with it and expect to double or triple that by the end of the year. That will give
me some money to market in other ways. Right now my money goes into the
software I need to automate my business.
73. Approx £20000 pa (but rising fast) for ads, part time staff, telephone bills ,trade fair
attendance etc.
74. Approx. 1/5 of income. Newspaper advertising and newsletters
75. Approximately $1000.00 per month
76. Approximately $2,000/month. As revenues increase, I would like to increase the
budget substantially.
77. Approximately 2% and it is allocated for entertainment and promotion, newsletters,
billboard signage, magazine and newspaper advertising.
78. Aprox $6000 p.a.40% telesales; 20% direct mailing; 20% networking activities 20%
others including newsletters.
79. Around $150,000 per anum. Mainly on radio and brochures
80. As a start up business with little capital, our marketing budget is being assigned to
the highest leveraged activities that will bring immediately cash-positive business
to us with little to no cash outlay. For example, host-beneficiary relationships.
81. As much as we need to get the work we wanted
82. As needed
83. At this time, I don’t have a specific dollar amount. I’m still testing to see what I can
get away with not spending.
84. Based on marketing tactics needed to support strategy to obtain required sales

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

85. Basically at this point if I could just break even on marketing I would be happy to
increase my customer base which will generate more repeat clientele.
86. Basically I funding my marketing needs through credit cards or through my
personal or business account. So I’m basically doing this on a shoestring.
87. Basically, I create all pieces and get one of the LOBs that I support to produce it.
88. Being a new company, this is a brand new budget. The company will launch in two
states and the combined budget is $750,000.00. it has been allocated to media
advertising in those two states.
89. budget is limited to whatever cash + credit cards are available. Usually the more
we spend the more we get in return, no specific strategies
90. But it is very small... it is growing and waiting till I have CRs of my site to do safe
advertising. I believe that advertising is one of the safest business ventures
today... as Hopkins wrote 80 years ago.
91. But very ad hock. At the moment each Sub-Franchisor and Franchisee conducts
his or her own advertising
92. commission to pay the real estate agent
93. Developmentally
94. Developmentally
95. Direct marketing budget not including personnel is 6 % of Gross. We plan to
increase this to 10% for the coming year in order to gain 30% growth.
96. Don’t know.
97. Each salesperson handles their own marketing using a provided model as outlined
in #41 & 45 above
98. Employing low-cost methods to start.
99. Evaluate cost as needed but we invest time more than money and we apportion 3-
4 events/month.
100. Excluding sales people it is $12,000 fir PR, advertising and seminars
101. For telephone & visits to likely ex-clients/prospects
102. For travel to make presentation
103. Haphazardly
104. haphazardly when agent calls me
105. Has the need arises and when moneys are available….flyers, promotional
products, photo shoots, posters, stickers,
106. Haven’t established a formal marketing budget yet. It does need to be done.
107. However we could use some help with this one.
108. I allocate about 5% of gross sales to marketing. However, I am setting up some
affiliate programs to sell my digital products online and I will be paying about 40%
of gross to affiliates.
109. I am developing my marketing plan now. It will have a marketing budget although
the majority of marketing will be via email.
110. I am not privy to this information at this time.
111. I ask my boss and he thinks whether it is worth it
112. I believe in marketing, but our revenues have been so small that I haven’t allocated
any amount to it.

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

113. I buy business cards every two years

114. I can spend around $5,000 a month if it is working.
115. I do not know for past 3 years
116. I don’t have exact info.
117. I have a very small ongoing marketing budget enough to generate internal self
financing using the assets I have available which will come to fruition with the
proper master marketing strategy in place and being deployed correctly.
118. I have heard that one should use 10% of total sales less rent as a marketing
119. I have mostly just stretched to pay “whatever it takes” to do my marketing, but it's
not actually budgeted for in advance (yet).
120. I pay for performance in all cases
121. I really haven't spent much in dollar terms. Primarily it is "sweat equity" in getting
good placement on the search engines.
122. I reinvest almost every cent of profit back into marketing at the moment.
123. I reinvest everything according to my PPQ analysis – PPP according to Chet
124. I spend 10% of my revenue on marketing. It is spend on mailings, books, study
material and a consultant I was working with.
125. I spend ad hoc, depending on current availability.
126. I spend ad hoc, depending on current availability.
127. I spend money when I think it is a good idea to do so.
128. I spend when I see it as a good investment.
129. I try to market on a per inquiry basis, and not pay for anything but results.
130. I use $100 per month of which most is for Internet Access and payment of the
hosting services. If I convert time spent into a monetary equivalent I am a big loser.
I think most of it is just an indirect method of paying to learn marketing. (I am an
engineer, analyst, mathematician, scientist, technical GURU now doing the
paradigm shift to become a marketer)
131. I use all spare working capital for generating new business
132. If there’s something to spend on, I can. Lots of foolish ways to waste money,
133. In consistent
134. Including all media, marketing programming, management & salespeople’s
salaries & commissions, our marketing budget is $1.6 million-$1.8 million per
annum. On the discretionary portion, which is about 20% of this figure, it has
been used predominantly on tactical marketing activities – education, brochures,
website, and customer conferences.
135. irregular and reactive
136. Is ad-hoc.
137. It has been what I could afford to do such a s a mailer once in awhile. This year I
have made it a point to spend what I need to try and integrate a systematic
strategy of continuous contacts in the mail and follow ups.
138. It is as much as I can get. My sales letter is written with different font sizes and
colors. It´s easier to read and the contrast has implicit a subliminal message,

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

(some reds and lots of green). And the prospects name and company´s name are
included in some parts of it. Therefore, I can not make photocopies, color print outs
are a little expensive and <I mail them via certified mail. But that’s ok. With one
single sale of a company I’ll be able to print and mail many others.
139. It is based on re investing 30-40% of my check each month towards leveraging
140. it is based on the actual cost, with a bit extra for any unknown that may come up or
any change in marketing that we may do
141. It is not a constant amount, but varies according to profitability
142. It is not as big as it should and we tend to use it for hospitality events and one-off
direct mail campaigns
143. It is presently Indian Rupees 1 Million . All allocated to Print advertising in the
newspapers .
144. it is used every month
145. It is very small only £8,500 this is to cover research costs telesales and the
146. It’s allocated for: seminars, traveling, salary, training etc.
147. It’s allocated to be put into areas where I can make contact with centers of
influence – whom I can meet and advise and ultimately do work for.
148. It’s not enough, but it is all we can afford. We expect it to be $150K by year end.
149. It’s reviewed as we go, so is ad-hoc. We tend to look at the events going on in the
industry and make decisions on the run.
150. It’s willy nilly
151. it's a % of gross
152. Its less marketing and more learning budget
153. I've done everything on a shoestring, with no particular budgeting.
154. Just for ads.
155. -Just my overhead for the above direct sales approach and I am starting to get
more top down support for event based marketing – educational workshops.
156. Largest part is sales commissions of up to $1 million per year, plus 5-10% of that
for support literature, showrooms, presentations.
157. Mail outs
158. Mailing and display advertising.
159. Mainly used for travel and time, all emphasizing personal contact
160. Marketing budget is 10% of sales. Budget is adjusted according to lull or peak
periods eg. schools holidays, examination time.
161. Marketing budget is based on volume of sales – we allocate $1 per unit sold for
local marketing initiatives – predicted sales were to be approx 20,000 units per
year (but this is proving to be way way too high – we are really struggling to get
sales) and at a national level 15% of sales re-orders.
162. Marketing budget is between $500-1M. I do not know how the number was
created. It will be used for many marketing efforts, may also include trade shows.
163. Marketing budget is not fixed, but measured by the ROI ... as long as the ROI is
potentially bigger than the marketing cost we are apt to go for the plan.98 % of it
used for booth spaces.

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

164. Marketing budget will be 16 to 18% of sales .

165. Marketing expenses are normally evaluated on a case by case basis – if the
potential increase in revenue will pay for a marketing campaign, I normally give a
166. Marketing funds are allocated as they become available. Generally used to
develop real estate agents for referral of land-sales customers; initial contact of
potential engineering and drafting clients; purchase of small gifts for recent or
existing clients.
167. Media expenditure 130,000, mostly allocated to print and broadcast.
168. miniscule
169. Money spent on marketing has to be balanced by income. In the past much money
has been wasted on poor quality marketing in the wrong places to the wrong
170. Most has gone for yellow pages, Internet yellow pages, and travel to interviews
with prospects.
171. Most of it has been allocated to sales expenses, coop promotions with accounts
and trade shows. It is not a formal budget.
172. Most of our cost is soft cost of time spent, which is usually reviewed in terms of
acquisition cost vs lifetime value. If the numbers don’t stack, then we try to steer
the client elsewhere.
173. My wife (the broker) handles that part of it. I don’t know the specific numbers.
174. N/A(2)
175. Never have enough money
176. No(2)
177. No formal budget. Commit funds as required
178. No marketing budget established! I just spend money where I think I should.
179. No real budget for anything it has always been on what I need and can afford at
the time
180. None until the website is ready.
181. not a specific amount
182. Not budget per say. We send about 1200.00 per month on net listings
183. Not in s formal sense but I expect to spend about $250,000 per year, mostly
salaries for telemarketing $30,000 for direct mail, post cards and brochures.
184. Not really – less than 2%. Covers my YP ads, thank you cards and postage
185. Not really I look at profits and determine what we can afford to put back into
growing the business.
186. Not set aside like that.
187. Not set in stones. We do use it for direct mail, telemarketing, print ads, srds
188. Not specifically.
189. Not sure
190. not yet
191. Nothing budgeted, we market when needed,

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

192. nothing formal

193. Nothing is really designated.
194. Nothing set squarely apart from the rest of the business
195. Nothing specifically allocated. Only if I market are expenses incurred and they are
196. On brochures, telephone and staff costs.
198. only the phone bill must be a certain % of revenue.
199. Open and as needed
200. Other than client appreciation – lunches, entertaining, etc.
202. Pain point here. VC pending. Using all creativity here.
203. Percentage based on previous years sales by the manufacturer plus what I will
contribute if no money available from the manufacturer. My percentage will vary
depending on what I deem necessary to get the business
204. Plan to spend ~ $5,000- 10,000 on initial campaign.
205. Randomly
206. Right now it is little to nothing.
207. Right now it is very, very small. We are trying to get from famine to feast, so that
we can afford more marketing.
208. Salary & allowance for some promotional activities
209. Salary, newsletters, audiocassettes.
210. Same
211. since I am not sure what would be the most effect means to market, I do not
commit the dollars to do any marketing.
us, so spend more than a mall location would. Normally allot 3% of monthly sales
to newspaper, direct mail advertising. Another 3% of annual sales goes for the
Holiday Gift Catalog.
213. Small. Highly targeted/focused. Specialized media for the segments which are
214. Tends to be “seat of the pants”
215. Test, If it works do more
216. The owner has an idea but no formal budget has been put into place for the VP
Sales and Marketing to use.
217. There is no regular fixed amount – it varies
218. There is no specific marketing budget. If there is a need then money is found to
pay for it.
219. There was never an official budget for marketing.
220. This year about $2MM. Allocated about 50% to local store support such as direct
mail coupons, rest to electronic – radio or TV.
221. To do what it takes…but co-opting is cheap or why do it? Only the self-publishing

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

of materials to give away.

222. To introduce new providers
223. Too recently implemented to track any results
224. Too small $10,000 most of it goes to pay for direct mailing and web fees.
225. Truth be told, I like to do my marketing with a budget of zero. So, I’m looking into
making special offers to people on my email distribution list offering the goods and
services of others. Based on what you have taught, for example, if it costs a
jeweler $400 to buy a necklace he sells for $800, and it would cost a jeweler $800
to advertise in a magazine, I want the jeweler to put up a necklace as a prize at an
event make known to hundreds of people on my email distribution list so that the
jeweler is seen to be giving away an $800 necklace, yet obtains the advertising for
$400, and the ability to network and commingle with my best prospects.
226. try to stick to $12000 per month.
227. Under revue
228. Until the past year it was used haphazardly and spread too thinly to have a real
effect, this is the reason for backing off and concentrating on one method
229. Up to $400. Mainly allocated to web and email requirements, but approx. $300 or
so will be used to direct mail former subscribers
230. US $100,000. Ad hoc use, not strategic.
231. US$ 10 000 – posting fliers to prospective clients
232. US$100,000. The main focus is to gain visibility and awareness of our existence
and mission.
234. Use to pay email rented lists, obvious that we were losing more money than other
marketing methods.
235. Used for salaries of marketing manager and assistant plus travel, maintenance of
web site.
236. Usually about $10,000 per year and is used for ads and direct mail.
237. Very little
238. We add money as we can afford it.
239. We allocate certain amount to specific products or service. We try to make profit
with every product or service we sell.
240. We allocate our Yellow Pages money ($18,000) and a few hundred dollars for the
year’s ads in the regional weekly newspaper
241. We are beginning to work on this.
242. We are developing this now.
243. We are in the process of using the “unlimited budget” philosophies from Jay.
244. We are prepared to devote all our resources to the marketing for the next year.
Thereafter we see approx. two thousand a month going into the marketing.
245. We are struggling to create the budget, trying to get enough sales to be able to
allocate some amount for marketing expenses.
246. We currently set aside a minimum of 10% of profit for marketing. I’m trying to get it
to 30%.
247. We do spend money entertaining potential referral sources but it is not within a

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Question 78. Do You Have A Marketing Budget?

clear budget
248. We have a goal, but not a budget.
249. We have not allocated a particular amount or percentage for marketing. It is
allocated mostly on a case by case basis.
250. We have not really had a marketing budget.
251. We have some planned expenses for completing the web site.
252. We have three rounds of funding, co-branding campaign, and a “Huge” website
marketing launch campaign
254. We never sat down and budgeted our marketing efforts, which now sounds really
dumb. We generally decide what we are going to do and then find a way to do it
rather than plan it out with how we are going to pay for it.
255. We plan on allocating 10% of gross revenues into marketing efforts. This is divided
up as needed for ongoing methods, such as outside talks, lead boxes, etc. In the
past a very large portion of it went into the yellow pages, which we have pulled out
of altogether now.
256. We planned to spend $500 per customer that signs up for a $3,000 seminar, but
we haven't budgeted the marketing expenses.
257. We reinvest 10% to marketing new clients. 5% to client retention
258. We set aside about 5% of revenue to pure marketing. We look at trade shows,
writing, creative pieces, web site design.
259. We spend money sending samples out as needed. That’s basically it.
260. We spend money when we find good opportunities.
261. We spend what ever it takes, 1 average realtor is worth $20,000 per year
262. We spend what we need to spend when ideas arise.
264. We want to initially spend $60K and increase it from there. Most of it was used for
Yellow Page and newspaper advertising.
266. When we market, we simply add in the costs of doing so
267. Will be providing for a marketing budget in our overall planning and corporate
budget as a strategic initiative
268. Word of mouth
269. Yes – based upon research identifying needs & opportunities
270. Yes but I don’t actually have the money it is in the cashflow plan
271. Yes, between 5% & 10% of gross annual sales. Direct Mail and follow-up. This is a
new venture, only 5 months old.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1333

Question 79. Do You Understand Maximum Allowable Cost
Factor as it Relates to Lifetime Value/Marginal Net Worth of A

Question 79. Do you understand maximum allowable cost factor as it relates to

lifetime value/marginal net worth of a client?

Total: Yes 319, No 367

Additional comments:

1. Although I would guess that it’s higher than imagined at first blush if you think of a
customer as a lifetime cash flow
2. Although I would guess that it’s higher than imagined at first blush if you think of a
customer as a lifetime cash flow
3. At least the basic idea.
4. Basically… you can’t spend more than you will make and be profitable and you may
need to spend more top get more clients cause in the volume you will enrich everyone.
5. But don’t systematically apply it.
6. But I do not always apply it or figure it out on an account by account basis.
7. Can you acquire a client at break even or even at a slight loss (like you $19 coin
example) if the MNW is very high?
8. Do not spend more on a customer than their lifetime value otherwise you are losing
money not making profits.
9. Don’t think it applies to what we offer.
10. I am trying to calculate this cost, but first I need to develop a new range of product, to be
able to increase client’s life value and purchasing period.
11. I believe I do, but since I am new to your material, I will answer no for the time being.
12. I believe so
13. I believe you want to ascertain if I understand the principle of knowing what the
maximum cost would be to acquire a client taking into consideration how profitable that
client would be over the course of time that he remains a client.
14. I do know lifetime value
15. I get it conceptually; but not in practice
16. I have an idea of this concept, but am not clear on the specific details.
17. I have an understanding of it now, but didn’t when I was in business earlier.
18. I know my breakeven point on sales efforts.
19. I presume that you mean what percent can you afford to spend in the short tem to gain a
long term client. My present benchmark is not to create a negative cashflow situation.
20. I read up on the subject. I did find that it is essential to do a test- How much for what
result. Marketing cost may exceed revenue very easily and it can easily drive my Home
Based Biz into a bankrupt position. The marginal net worth of an existing client is very
high, i.e. it is worth my while to invest time, effort and money to sell to an existing client,
again and again. One of my frustrations was that I had a serious lack of statistics when I
got myself involved in MLM, i.e. what is the average life-time of a client? If a person
subscribes as a distributor then how much of the product do they use and how much do
they sell? This statistics is essential to make marketing decisions.

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Question 79. Do You Understand Maximum Allowable Cost
Factor as it Relates to Lifetime Value/Marginal Net Worth of A

21. I recently readyour book and I'm currently trying to implement some of the strategies
22. I reckon you can lose money on acquiring a new client. But I have no back end yet.
23. I think I do but am not sure
24. I think it means that you can afford to even loose on your attempt to gain a client
because of the value that client is to you over the long haul.
25. I think so. Spend a certain amount as long as creates a long term value of that contact
that is greater than you spent.
26. I understand it but don’t fully utilize it.
27. I understand it but not used in my business yet.
28. I understand it I’m not so sure our upper management understands it.
29. I understand the concept and I think I apply it better than any other that you’ve taught us.
But I have never calculated—not sure I could—the exact value of each client.
30. I understand the lifetime value of a client; I don’t understand how to determine the
maximum allowable cost factor. I understand I need to make a profit, however, I need to
understand where to reasonably draw the line on the cost.
31. I understand this as: I can spend up to the LTV of a client, in order to buy them as a
customer, and still break even.
32. in theory
33. It seems complex to me.
34. It’s the cornerstone of any successful enterprise
35. Just getting to that now as I have begun reading more
36. Just not how I could calculate it for my services!
38. Learning this have yet to allocate a $ figure for the maximum allowable cost.
39. Like to know more about this.
40. Maximum allowable cost factor is how much we are prepared to invest in marketing to
get 1 new client or more sales from an existing client, compared with lifetime value=total
income or profit from the client over all the years we work with them. Since I work with
many clients for 2 years, I could increase the maximum allowable cost factor.
41. Maximum cost to attract a client?
42. maybe
43. Minimally, but not how it would apply here.
44. More or less, but have a difficult time applying it to our current situation
45. Must dig into this. Thank you.
46. Never actually heard you speak of it but I understand what you mean. The maximum
that is allowed to be spent on any client.
47. never tried it
48. New term but I understand its self-explanatory nature and will give thought to applying
49. No repeat business.
50. Not easy to figure out though since each wholesaler represents only the tip of the ice

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Question 79. Do You Understand Maximum Allowable Cost
Factor as it Relates to Lifetime Value/Marginal Net Worth of A
berg so I need to estimate their potential reach with their client base
51. not really some
52. Not really, I believe it has to do with knowing the total value of a customer over the
lifetime of that customer, so that one could then figure how much to spend to get that
customer. Further that one should be willing if necessary to spend up to that figure, and
make the profit off the referrals generated from that customer.
53. Not sure - does it mean how much cost you will allow (even if your initial sale is at break-
even or possibly a loss) based on further revenue that will come from additional sales?
54. Not the buzzwords per se, but I understand that the cost spent to get and retain a client
has to be compared to the lifetime stream of earnings that will accrue from that client.
55. Not well enough (2)
56. Now I do, but still can’t decide what that maximum should be. i.e. if the life time value of
a customer is $15,000 net profit over three years, what % do I allocate as allowable
acquisition cost.
57. Of course. It is 8 question of my report...1. What is your ideal client?2. Did you ever do
any scientific testing to find out what really your client wants from your products/
services? What he values most? What benefits are most important to him? YES / NO3. If
yes, what are the benefits and features of your products/ services that your statistical
client values most (write it separately to every kind of your product)?4. Does your sales
and advertising material corresponds to benefits that appeared in question 3?5. What is
the Most Wanted Response (MWR - as Ken Evoy named it) of your site? That means: to
what specific action should lead all the information and hard selling material on your
site?6. Is your site devoted to get the Most Wanted Response from every possible
visitor?7. CR8. Profit per client on one time sale and in the long run
59. Partly
60. Please explain
61. Ready to learn
62. Somewhat, hard to apply it to painting, once a person paints their house or business,
they really shouldn't have need of us again for 5 to 10 or more years. They could be a
source of referrals.
63. Sort of, but not really.
64. Sorta . Reviewing a lot of this in the material to get a full grasp, and to be able to
estimate to illustrate in conversations with business owners. I have in several
businesses, built spreadsheets to track the numbers, and studied looking at financials to
see the story.
65. Sounds vaguely familiar
66. Still trying to understand this and trying to generate historical figures to get an accurate
picture for understanding my client value.
67. The only thing is that I cannot calculate it on my clients because it is a one time sale a lot
of the time and that is something that I am starting to track, how many of the customers
are repeat, because until I find out the percentage of repeat customers I have I cannot
figure out the value. I have customers that come in and say that they were here 10 years
ago or 15 years ago. I hate to try and use that to calculate the residual value, I wont live

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1336

Question 79. Do You Understand Maximum Allowable Cost
Factor as it Relates to Lifetime Value/Marginal Net Worth of A
that long.
68. This formula needs to be modified for our purposes, as I understand it.
69. To a certain extent.
70. To some extent
71. Understand but don't apply it
72. Understand it but don’t really use it. Continually looking for faster return.
73. Understand what this means and see how to use it but haven’t crunched enough
numbers yet to actually work this into the marketing..
74. Use it all the time
75. We spend what ever it takes, 1 average realtor is worth $20,000 per year
76. While we understand the concept and have tried to apply it. We have failed to
incorporated this concept in a comprehensive marketing strategy so far.
77. Yep. Expend marketing dollars up to the net present value of a client's future sales
79. Yes I understand it, but no we have never focused on this.
80. Yes, but I rarely use it.
81. Yes, but when first starting a business this isn’t exactly easy to figure out and it’s a bit
challenging when you’re testing ads…especially if someone is on a budget.
82. Yes, in theory, but I’m having trouble implementing it in practice.
83. Yes, we understand the concept but we haven’t employed it as a key influencer of
marketing budget
84. Yes. It says that you can actually lose money on a one time sale, as long as the life time
value of that customer exceeds what you spent on them.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1337

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
Question 80. What-strategic alliances, if any, do you have or have you ever had in
place? How did they fare and how did they affect your business?

1. ???
2. 2 current joint ventures, 1 is falling through due to complaints from his customers
about our coaching program.
3. A fluid waste disposal company alliance is in the making.
4. A large media company in NYC. . .helped to win the biggest media account we
had ever sold
5. A number of strategic alliances with other consultants and larger consulting
organizations in my industry. These have worked only to a modest degree
because of (a) differing motivations and objectives of the principals involved and
(b) the absence of early tangible results that would justify allocating more
resources to an alliance.
6. A small amount of business comes from a related financial services industry
7. Buying parts from specific Dlrships/ they refer work to us. (Excellent) b. Paint
vendor: Contract to purchase from them & they buy us equipment (Paint booths,
etc). Excellent except now they do it for about everyone
8. Accountants – poor Brokers – poor Travel agents – poor Manufacturing companies
- good
9. Accountants We send him business and sent people looking for loans Lawyers We
send him business and starting to them referrals from them Pow Wow Events they
Promote Robert Kiysokis Rich Dad Poor Dad in Australia, have just asked to email
our clients offering them his next Australia Seminars, we get $600 per lead who
goes to the event Simply Budgets, Budget monitors gives more cash flow more
access to our clients
10. affiliate
11. Agent referrals, cannot imburse them as it is illegal in this industry so rely on them
for business based on superior service. Currently challenge establishing this
relationship until skills are proven.
12. Aligned with studios in order to get business from their clients, and in return enable
them to provide a fuller service to their clients.
13. All my business is with a strategic partner
14. Alliance with Chartered marketer – no visible change
15. Alliance with national grocery chain – worked out very well. We sold a lot of books,
and raised our profile tremendously. Alliances with doctors – they refer
clients/patients to us. Alliances with clients who run corporations to obtain
corporate business – worked well.
16. Alliances are tactical - as needed.
17. Alliances with brokers, realtors
18. Alliances with end-users who move from show to show and specify our product
where they can (i.e. cannot do this when the US producers specify otherwise).
19. Alliances with the experts who do our seminars. Win-win situations.
20. Alliances with vendors such as Paul Mitchell salon products, other suppliers.
Mostly additional training of our people, some contests, support our national
convention with speakers or contributions to sponsor events, etc.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1338

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

21. Always liked the idea but never put any in place.
22. Are beginning to build this.
23. AS I explained earlier – I have tried HOST BENEFICIARY and it has not worked,
even though I tried almost every conceivable combination – given that I could not
reciprocate because I have no customer base. I have not tried a JV yet – because
I want to remain in control of my fledgling business and not complicate the waters
too early. As I have explained I have learned that laser type focus is required to
get started successfully.
24. At first he hindered me marketing wise (still traditional) but he helped me with the
detail work.
25. At present I’m planning to set up a number online. Offline from 1997-2000 I worked
together with the Catholic Church setting up Tutorial Schools for Learning
Disabilities. It ran pretty well and made me good money.
26. At the time I’m checking some possibilities for strategic alliances.
27. Attempting to build strategic alliances with web-designers and hardware/software
re-sellers and other types of consultants. Haven’t worked very well so far.
28. Banks like our seminar and quite often sponsor one.
29. banks: refer their turn down clients to us as we can work with high risk clients. we
all won as their clients got merchant services. also with web designers as
described above.
30. Before Sept 11th increased cash flow and profits. a) Introduce Swiss products into
the UK market ;b) Agent for Digital Imaging Software; c) Agent for SME Supply
Chain Systems; d) M&A of UK IT Service org to larger European ones; e) Mentor
for Copy Writing, Sales Letters etc.
31. Beginning some now
32. Bio Concepts health care products manufacturer – continually helps to build and
grow my business NDL Pathology – helps to raise income from software & product
33. Building some new ones currently based on what I learnt from Jay’s material Some
past ones have been one way streets ie they tapped into my network but minimal
return for me.
36. Chiropractors, non-competing trainers and consultants, bankers. They work out
37. Concordia Publishing co-op catalog, participation on 2 web sites of other vendors.
Some what effective.
38. Coordination w/ accountants locally, marginal success
39. Country Club…hasn’t produced actual business yet
40. Coupon program now starting is aimed at improving strategic alliance
41. CPA for access to their business clients thru free marketing seminars
42. Cross marketing with financial planners.
43. Cross referrals with 3 groups – one was excellent and resulted in significant new
contracts, the others were not reciprocal. Just entered a new one with larger
referral percentages of 20%.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1339

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

44. Currently we have an alliance with several outside regional rep firms. We are also
in the process of a developing a strategic alliance and coop marketing program
with a major motorcycle manufacture. In the past, when in the computer industry I
set up strategic relationships with systems integrators and IT/Networking
45. Denise Michaels’ No Fluff Marketing workshop; Dian Thomas’ PR seminar – I
speak at both and sell BOR products; have increased my business
46. Described above.
47. Did a joint venture with a fortune 500
48. Did in the past partner with hardware mfg.
49. Discussed a few but have generally gone for a distributor relationship rather than
an alliance. Some potential for hosting should come out of the directory that I am
compiling of high quality suppliers
50. Do not have any.(6)
51. Do to potential legal problems, we cannot recommend others or sell-away
52. Don't have any strategic alliance in place, but need to have.
53. Every alliance we have had has seemed to fall apart. No one seems as committed
to our customer service levels. We are now scared to invest in these types of
relationships although I wish we could make it work.
54. Exclusive arrangements with list managers didn’t work. Currently trying
55. Few. My volumes are too unimpressive for me to obtain much in return at this
56. Found out the hard way that one ego can wreck a consensus so that the alliance
will not work. Also, alliances may change direction at a moment's notice.
57. Giving more business
58. Good relationships with lawyers & bankers provide reasonable level of referrals
59. Gym, fared well
60. Had one with a local rating agency in South Africa – dissolved because it was not
delivering enough to us to justify the funding. Had a similar venture with a Russian
based agency. Bought them & integrated them into our business because this area
of the world offers a lot of potential in the medium to long term.
61. Have a de facto strategic alliance with our main local competitor. He specializes in
wholesale so we use him as a supplier of many of our low cost products. He does
not realize this and is always trying to compete against us in the retail arena by
lowering his retail prices. He is not interested in arrangements and this seriously
affects our business in both wholesale and retail. Just started an alliance with on of
my suppliers in order to supply ourselves with a higher quality product and to
enhance the visibility of his products.
62. Have had some and are entertaining some at present. Mixed results in the past.
63. Have many strategic alliances, but we also view many if not all them to be Host
beneficiary. If there is a difference between the two, I’m not clear of them.
64. Have not done this
65. Have on going alliance with attorney
66. Have one with a guy that helps people get Automobile Driver's License and it's

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
working really well.
67. Have several great turnout no new business
68. Having my customers bring in referrals in exchange for discounts on future
purchases could be considered a strategic alliance. Not sure how it will fare.A
strategic alliance that I tried to get into with a barter transaction has not panned out
yet. I was trying to get a registration to their product in exchange for a
recommendation in all of my reports, but they did not want to do this for some
reason. They offer a utility for duplex (print on both sides of the page) printing
which will be a good fit for my electronically distributed 30+ page reports.A copy of
my offer and their response is included in Appendix B.
69. Health Club and Marina have strategic alliances, both have worked well.
70. How do I set one up
71. I am in the negotiations of my first ones. We’ll se how it goes. I am very keen on
the idea.
72. I am negotiating one with a business chamber with 2000 business member sand a
200 000 employees but nothing solid yet
73. I am referred business from a few large web development houses.
74. I am trying to build strategic alliances with all my suppliers/partners. With some of
them the effort to help them build their export businesses has helped me build my
US import deal. This is probably one of the most powerful tools to building and
managing this type of business.
75. I am working on some.
76. I believe strategic alliances can be crucial to effective marketing and plan to make
them part of my marketing mix. I currently do not have any.
77. I carry the entire wallet of a diamond broker in Antwerp to prevent him from having
to travel and I send his product to and from jewelers in the United States when
they want to see a diamond that he owns. I get 5% when he sells something to
one of them and I get to keep a large inventory of diamonds for my clientele to see.
78. I continuously use strategic alliances with other advertising agencies to give me
leverage, both in serving the customers, and generating leads.
79. I currently have one strategic alliance that hasn’t produced any business yet.
80. I currently have strategic alliances in place with a local SAT prep center, as well as
a private college and career counselor. Have generated nice “supplemental”
81. I did one big with a new hosting company which had a terrific Affiliate Program –
one with real strong philosophy behind them (passive income by Robert Kiyosaki).
But we grew to fast and this business had to stop to take a breath – it never started
the way it had done it before. I’m preparing to some good JV – their are already
handshaked but we have to wait.
82. I did training with a physical therapist who said he is willing to refer massage
business my way. So far I haven’t seen anything. I think I need to make it very
easy and thoughtless for him to start referring by coming up with a protocol that is
specific to his clients and the work that he does. A program that gives all of the
details to the patients, so he doesn’t have to explain anything except to call Kat
and make an appointment, she knows what to do for you.
83. I did try partnerships – Currently I am not interested in partnership as far as
ownership/copyrights is concerned. I am the sole owner of my own products. I am
interested in Joint Ventures – But I do test people to find out whether they can act

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1341

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
independently or whether they are whiners and human baggage. I will only use
people who can do the GET-UP AND GO thing! I do not like doing business with
closed-minded persons.
84. I didn’t have such a strategic alliance.
85. I do many strategic alliances; they are the basis for my business.
86. I do not have any strategic alliances
87. I don’t have any at the moment, but intend to in the future. In a previous business
they worked very well and increased my results by 40% just working with two other
88. --I don’t have any in place although I act as another service my brother-in-law’s
technology provider business can offer, but this is basically a referral.
89. I don’t.
90. I guess this would be my FramerSelect alliance. It's faring only slightly so far after
2 years as to bringing prospects in the door.
91. I had a strategic alliance with one of Jay’s salesmen who tried to market my
original art to publishing companies. He was unsuccessful.
92. I had some alliances with school districts that let to purchase and distribution of my
93. I have 4 accountants who have given me business which has earned me $29,000
in commissions.
94. I have a few online. They are my #1 source of prospects and sales. They
perpetually give me business.
95. I have a most unique contractual arrangement with the Mortgage Broker who is
now in the process of becoming a ‘Bank’. This one change will astronomically and
exponentially explode my company by a 100x.!
96. I have a strategic alliance with a advertising company.
98. I have aligned myself with associations and key vendors for the specific niches to
which I market. Their endorsements made it extremely easy and cost effective to
acquire new clients which resulted in ongoing revenue.
99. I have alliances with other sole practitioner consultants. We cross refer business
and help each other do projects when necessary.
100. I have alliances with some of my competitors, we refer work to each other/loan
employees when we are too busy or lack the expertise needed to complete the
101. I have an alliance with some tax accountants. I do CFO work but do not get
involved with taxes.
102. I have been building them with various professionals in the construction,
maintenance, building management, and cleaning industries.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1342

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

103. I have formed alliances with other online marketers. We agreed on endorsing each
other's products to our lists. It has been the most beneficial technique I have used
for grow my business.
104. I have formed an alliance with several well-drillers and a couple plumbers. They
provide me with about 30-40% of my sales for the year. I, in turn, refer them
clients and also send them a $100 bonus for every sale they refer to me. I have
also tried to get set up with a few large builders—lots of resistance, little success.
105. I have had none.
106. I have just sntered into an alliance with a general insurance broker where we will
be looking to offer my products and services to their client base
107. I have many of them and they have been my sole form of marketing.
108. I have none now.
109. I have one now with a collections attorney that charges my clients’ debtors and he
won’t take any percentage of the debt that is owed to my client! It has had a lot of
clout since we started together in January of this year.
110. I have one with a market research firm that has been quite positive with each of us
bringing the other in for approximately $ 250k of business.
111. I have recently entered into one and have a couple more that I'm working on.
These businesses offer products or services that enhance mine. They also have
customer lists that I don't have that, although we won't just be handing each other
our customer lists, we will be promoting each others products and services to our
own customer lists and as people come over they will grow our mutual lists. Make
112. I have several alliances in place with affiliated businesses, namely recruiting firms.
They have helped in a variety of ways: 1) Sending referrals 2) Placing my
candidates and sending referral fee 3) Being a source for my clients (candidates)
and making me look like an expert in my clients’ eyes 4) Electing me to their state
professional organization’s board of directors Some agencies have not been as
helpful as others, so I will probably need to eliminate them from my contact list OR
figure out a way to make them beneficial to me
113. I have some affiliate programs set up
114. I have strategic alliance agreements with two other independent agents who have
agreed to allow me to sell their product lines in my geography. In essence I am a
sub-agent under them. When I succeed I receive a split from the commission they
earn on my sales. It's working well under one of my strategic alliances; but not
working well under the other alliance.
115. I have strategic alliance with PMI(project management institute) largest
professional association in project management. It’s fare and gives recognition and
60% of clients
116. I have strategic alliances with both suppliers and clients and a couple of non
competing companies will be in place soon.
117. I have such an alliance in place with a plastic bag manufacturer. Because of the
volume buys in our branches and vaults, I argued that they extend the same
discounts to our clients who now use more of their bags but at the same prices the
bank enjoys. Meanwhile, I take a small upcharge on everything, which I use as my
“marketing budget.”
118. I have tried but most people never hold up their end.
119. I have worked in conjunction with many individuals, companies and organizations

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1343

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
over the years
120. I haven’t formed any official strategic alliances.
121. I haven’t found strategic alliances that were cooperative. Oops, probably looking
in the wrong place
122. I joint ventured with a mortgage loan brokerage client—they sold my clients on
loans and bi-weekly mortgages and did not pay me. I referred business to a
financial planner and investment broker who also did not pay me. The financial
planner still refers tax clients to me. I try to pay him and he returns my check.
Must be guilt.
123. I just realizing the concept, although I read about it in Your Marketing Genius At
124. I made a very basic attempt but didn’t get anywhere. This is a huge untapped gold
mine especially because I focus so much of my efforts in 3 specific areas.
125. I mutually refer to an attorney who refers all his divorce cases to me.
126. I plan to explore strategic alliances in the future.
127. I regularly use established training companies to conduct the training, where I just
market and organize it. I use many other companies depending on the type of
course required.
128. I set them up with a few local businesses but got no clients from them. Satisfied
clients have referred new clients to me.
129. I tried 2 strategic alliances, both failed Partners wanted quick results vs slow and
130. I tried a few with computer guys but it did not pan out.
131. I use to have several they all cost lost me money – They took up time fixing shit for
the other guy-
132. I’m attempting to find one now.
133. I’m building right now two of them – they will work very well :)
134. I’m currently setting up a strategic partnership with a HR software VAR, and a
security products company.
135. I’m just forming some… I’ll let you know how it goes
136. I’m recently trying to contact webmaster people to get a JV “(Joint Venture is a
currently hot concept, no?) in the future
137. I’m recently trying to contact webmaster people to get a JV “(Joint Venture is a
currently hot concept, no?) in the future
138. I’m sorry that I have not thought strategy alliances yet.
139. I’m thinking on some possibilities.
140. I’m very tight with certain vendors, and we keep the links intact. Unfair advantage
141. I’ve allied with the people who turned me on to this idea (overcharge recovery) but
I’ve had no real success through them.
142. I’ve had some close partnerships with other businesses offering related services
that might interest my own clients, and on the whole they have worked out very
well for both sides. And my business showed a spurt in revenues and profits each
time these partnerships were consummated.
143. I’ve had some close partnerships with other businesses offering related services

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1344

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
that might interest my own clients, and on the whole they have worked out very
well for both sides. And my business showed a spurt in revenues and profits each
time these partnerships were consummated.
144. I’ve just started to enter into some strategic alliances (JVs and host/beneficiaries)
in the past month or so, and they all look very promising. In fact, Jay, I spoke to
you during a hot seat in the January 27 conference call . Your recommendations
on strategic alliances confirmed what I had already been thinking about (but I give
you full credit for it anyway, since my thoughts were almost completely influenced
by your materials), and they had a powerful effect each time I replayed the
recording of our session. Now that I am gaining exposure to your strategy work
(reviewing your materials is a full-time job!), I realize that strategic alliances are
going to have to be the main thrust of my company’s strategy going forward.
145. I’ve tried to get some companies to let us send out coupons for their restaurants
with our invoices, but no takers yet. I’ve never had anyone endorse me to their
peers on a massive scale. Just referrals, one at a time!
146. IBM, VAI, CMS, Lansa, RANDR, ASI, Proware, and Extol -0- these have done me
147. IBM. So So.
148. Ideas on this but have not implemented any.
149. I'm starting one.
150. In PrintAfford we had strategic alliances with our main suppliers, because it was to
our mutual benefit. These worked very well.
151. In several cities in Mexico and Latin America, OK, Well.
152. Industry alliances, product suppliers, distribution carriers.
153. Informal arrangements with accounting and insurance firms to cross refer
business. To date they have worked well.
154. Initially discounts on courses
155. Investigating setting this up. There are a few interesting options at the moment but
still researching how to do this effectively and fairly.
156. IOMA putting a free ad in their publication is the closest I've come to an alliance. I
don't understand why they did this, but I assume they think they'll get a return in
the future - (I've promised to update them on the results). They also get to see
who actually reads their magazine, I suppose (they've said that, whether in jest I'm
not sure).
157. It takes a lot of time and effort to set up one
158. Jay Abraham – Ineffective; Target Training – Fantastic (40%)
159. Joint venture. Got more long-term clients who are easy to sell to.
160. Joint-partners with others to jointly promote each other products that are
complimentary to each others and are beneficial to customers. This gives
customers more variety of products to use.
161. Just beginning to understand this concept
162. Just formed one with a National Magazine that looks promising.
163. Just recently formed alliances with Banks and accountants.
164. Just started offering gift vouchers of Aus$50.00 to breeders of dogs to give to their
clients when they buy a puppy so they can purchase new leads, bowls and beds
for their new puppy plus a discount of the price of meat over a period of 6 weeks to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1345

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
get them into the habit of shopping with us.
165. Just starting with an alliance on outplacement houses
166. Key sources of new clients
168. Long term relationship with specialists. We get many referrals
169. Looking to commence this process. None established as yet.
170. Main means of work and income
171. Mainly we have 2 alliances, but they are not strategic: Broker: We get a referral fee
for every customer Online Bookstore: same Both alliances do not help us in our
marketing efforts.
172. Many strategic alliances. Provided more capability and offerings.
173. Microsoft and 15 key partners, are currently growing the channel. They are 80%
of our business.
174. Mortgage brokers, attorneys, title agents, insurance agents, home inspectors.
Bankers, accountants, and other realtors.
175. Most of my business has come from alliances. They are the most powerful
business building tool I have
176. Most of our courses are organized by our partners
177. My experience has been unsatisfactory at this point, but with the spa market come
new opportunities.
178. My strategic alliances are called my centers of influence. They are my business
and I cater to them and they refer all business.
179. My success is dependent on alliances with my clients and community partners
180. My whole business revolves around this. Tony Seruga is probably more than just
a strategic alliance for me but he has made my business become a business :) I
also have several other strategic partners that have been very effective in creating
synergy and new offers.
181. N.A.(17)
182. N/A In the past, yes, and very successful. A different pursuit.
183. Need realtors.
184. Nessie is part of Nessie brings visitors to Simegen and vice versa.
Simegen is one of the most popular websites in the world. Nessie is the most
popular site on Simegen.
185. network with other professionals and give free seminars and sessions as an
186. Networking with banks, enterprise agencies (Govt funded) and existing clients.
187. Never have formed any to date. I tried a few years ago with a specific artist and a
joint venture, but the details of the transaction did not work for me. Far to one-side
to his benefit, not mutual. I lost a lot of trust, but really it came down to lack of
knowledge and experience on my end. Made me gun-shy to try other ventures.
188. Newspaper - synergy
189. Nil(5)
190. No(2)

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

191. No active alliances, some cross referrals from related services

192. no formal alliances.
193. No impact (sales).
194. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
195. No strategic alliances
196. No strategic alliances as yet.
197. No strategic alliances at all. I have never understood that I get referrals from other
consultants that I don’t know, have never met or heard of. The clients simply says
“jack said you’re the man…………..”
198. No strategic alliances at this stage – only used host/beneficiary relationships.
199. no strategic alliances currently, but I know this is a powerful leverage point and
need to develop some
200. No strategic alliances in place
201. No strategic alliances, but would like to learn how to find them and set them up.
203. No. I would love to do something w/the H&R Block office down the street, and the
owner says it’s a good idea to do so, but I’ve no idea what to do. Of course, I
could ask her to advertise on my ezine but what $ she’d pay or such I don’t know.
Further, I don’t want to relinquish my company as the center of attention.
204. Non formalized relationship with funeral homes. Increased business.
205. Non yet, currently seeking non competing bag, box suppliers
206. NONE(111)
207. NONE How could this apply to a Dental office?? I am all ears!
208. None – although many subcontractors have sent business my way
209. None – we are working on them. I never realized the power of these until I got
Mastermind Marketing program. Happy to have this information at my disposal
210. None as yet - working with some potential allies now
211. None and I am a jackass for not pursuing them.
212. None as yet(2)
213. None at present(2)
214. None at the moment.
215. None at this time
216. None but our intention is to create some. See Question 4.
217. None except with my realtor in that I often use his wife /partner to arrange my
financing in exchange for lower fees.
218. None in the past.. Currently working on setting up alliances. I can see a very good
potential in the next 60 days.
219. None really
220. None really…started one but didn’t continue
221. None so far.

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

222. None to speak of.

223. None yet(10)
224. None yet, we’re trying to implement now
225. none yet, will consider having some.
226. None yet. Just mini alliances with the specialist in our community…this is another
area that we want to grow .
227. None yet Business starts in may
228. None, although I am thinking how I may be able to work some endorsements from
other local businesses.
229. none, but looking for some
230. None, now or ever
231. None, really
232. None. We have made approaches, but they just don’t get it!
233. None. But we will seek to join forces with Financial Planners and Insurance
Salesmen in the future.
235. Norwest. Pretty good, we failed to follow through
236. not any
237. Not sure
238. Not well and not much.
239. Not yet.
240. Not yet. Planning for system integrators (Accenture, CGEY, etc.) as well as OEMs
(Google, Microsoft, IBM) as well as small and medium partners.
241. Nothing really, except for the Deli Dollars.
242. Nothing serious
243. Nothing that is dynamic or something we want to keep.
244. Nothing yet.
245. Nothing.
246. Numerous – marginally effective -
247. Numerous. They are the lifeblood of our business
248. Offered a referral fee to other sales reps who would call on same target market.
249. On the mortgage side we have started a professional partner program, but it is to
early to tell.
250. One that unsuccessfully tried to take my financial sources before I stopped him. It
didn’t affect my personal business but it affected the total anticipated volume.
251. One will develop largest client, ever this year. Others, no effect.
252. One with a firm of accountants. Trying to set up another 2 at the moment.
253. One with a printer, we hope to develop more along the way
254. One with IBM they absorb too much of my time and there is very little payback
255. One, a joint promo with a state fraternal organization who would endorse the

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
newspaper in their quarterly publication, in return for a % of new subs from the
referrals going to the frat org’s charity.
256. Ongoing networking through chamber of commerce and other
257. Only at the point of starting on some of these in the next 24mths.
258. Only once in regards to another non competing manufacturer and the program
worked well
259. Only the company that we franchise from.
260. Only with health care providers and adult education centers. They have been a
viable way to provide classes without the expenses of advertising and paying for
261. Only with our 3 largest marketing partners
262. Oracle, BMC Software & HP – they add credibility to our business
263. -other attorneys and referral sources
264. Other atty’s that don’t do crim! Or do diff types of crim!
265. Other similar companies who ‘own’ my ideal prospects. Still ongoing. I work hard to
augment my partners and to keep them as active as possible.
266. Other training company. 4 to 6 new clients every year.
267. Other Websites sell our products – (poorly), and
(mediocre). Neither has impacted the business significantly
268. Our alliance with our provided is excellent. Others are of marginal value.
269. our alliances are any related company in the industry: brokers, software, training,
financial advisors, web sites etc. it is the cheapest marketing strategies and most
effective. Boost our revenue massively
270. Outside sales personnel, very well, approximately 35% of sales
271. Outsourcing of some of the services , if that is defined as strat alliance
272. Partners in Australia & technology partner in India.
273. Partners: We have one partner, a company that does online motivational
assessments. The products are complementary. We have begun approaching
fraternities and sororities and are using a package including their product and ours.
We just did a sale to the seniors in chapter of a fraternity.
274. Partnerships with the Small Business Administration, Lending Tree, MIT,
eStudentLoan, and other Small Business sites and companies like SCORE!
275. Placing articles helped my business. Gathering other articles to be used in a for
profit ebook did not work well
276. Prior strategic alliance has recently been “dumped” due to lack of integrity. Re-
establishing prior alliance to assist in creating more opportunities to present my
product at other people’s upsell events.
277. Provide additional expert services in other areas.
278. Radio ministries, we have the same goal of helping third world orphanages.
279. Realtor relationships. Painfully slow and unsuccessful
280. Recently started working with good title rep, for 3rd party endorsements
281. Referral from sister company and other accounting firm
282. Referral system with other clinical specialists in the area

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

283. Referrals from other professionals (MDs; attorneys, etc)

284. Relationships with moving co’s – new and working fairly well Relationship with long
term care facility – Has stalled Uhaul dealer at each location – Improving and
285. see Q forty nine – no other alliances. approx 5% of our business comes from this.
286. see Q49 – no other alliances. approx 5% of our business comes from this.
287. Seminars with a lender for first time buyers, ad-sharing with a lender…so-so
288. Several in other firms parallel products that generate cross leads
289. Several with accountants, other business people. They have hardly brought any
290. Several, and they are vital.
291. Several, and they are vital.
292. Several, work very well, each averages 4 new clients per year.
293. Shared data bases. Included send outs to their customers. Shared stand space at
294. so far not much
295. Some limited relationships with other people in my field. They have not yet
produced any effective leads. Probably due to my lack of proactive requests.
296. Some times I ask my friends in the industry to send me information that they have
that ias relevant to a project I am working on.
297. Speakers agents. Not very well
298. Started two, neither did anything.
299. Strategic alliance with established schools or educational centers has been met
with limited success. Partly due to current poor economic climate.
300. Strategic alliances are one of our key strategies. We currently have 8. We have
had 3 others that ended. Alliances work well initially. Main problem is to keep the
partners producing.
301. Strategic alliances set up in my past business did not work out as anticipated. We
were very willing to proceed with the projects and delivered our part of the project
but did not get the work completed by our strategic partners including 3 – Fortune
500 companies.
302. Strategic alliances with the investment banks – invaluable for establishing
credibility when prospects are conducting due diligence process. Strategic alliance
with stock transfer agents – informal referral exchange.
303. Strategic alliances: Proposed by other parties, but not agreed upon and thus not
carried out.
304. Strategic allowances are an absolutely key aspect of our current business strategy.
We have third-party partners that represent us in geographic markets where we
are not present. They are both profitable and a growing aspect of our business.
The other type of strategic alliance is with companies who offer complementary
services and products, such as security and fire systems, and installation service
providers. Our company does not offer security and fire, so we quite often
strategically align with such companies. We currently do have 2 such strategic
alliances in place in China, and 1 such alliance in Australia. We are working on 2

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
more such complementary strategic alliances in China.
305. Strategic Business Partner with Profiles International, World Association of
Business Coaches, and B-Coach. Profiles has not worked out well. WABC has
already provided leads of clients interested in coaching services, and I anticipate
good results from that. B-Coach appears to have potential for leads also.
306. Sure I had several competitors, so I bought their products and offered them in our
catalog. My wife thought I was nuts, so did several other people. Now these
competitors support me. I can now state that no one in our industry offers more
and that we are the true one stop shop. My competitors product sales only account
for 10% of our business but the implied meaning has grown our business over
200%. We are now considered No.1 and have out distanced all others.
307. Talking to prospective partners – none materialized as yet.
308. Taught as volunteer and picked up some sales that way. That partnership with the
junior college just eroded over time
309. The best strategic alliances I have developed are with the few realtors that I work
with, these have fared well enough that I know my next step in growth will be to
develop more of these relationships
310. The doctors that refer patients are our primary strategic alliance. We only have a
few, but they provide us most of our new clients.
311. The largest strategic alliances I’ve set-up and managed were contract printing and
production services for a textile printing and packaging business I owned. These
were set-up through and with other vendors in the process for name-brand clothing
companies and licenses.
312. The most important one is with the person who will be taking over the business. I
consider this a strategic alliance. I am using his skills in running the operations
along with my skills in planning out the marketing to build the business to much
more value by the time he is able to buy me out.
313. The ones which were strategic alliances worked real well, and those which was
close alliances worked good to poor.
314. The only strategic alliance is primarily the work we do through agents. It has gotten
us work but unfortunately it has been very seasonal and barely sustains us.
315. The partnerships that I do have are not as profitable as I would want them to be,
because I'm not the boss over the way they operate. I can suggest them to do it in
another way (b.e. The sales conversation of their salesman) but if they don't do it...
that's the main problem. Still they do profit a lot on every sale they do make, so
they find it great.
316. the parts house uses my name
317. The relationship we have with our first contractor was how we formed our
business. It guaranteed a source of work. My partners were both employees of
the contractor but he decided to get rid of his overhead and only subcontract work.
Once we incorporated our overhead made his jobs unprofitable. The relationship
with the second contractor should be allowing us to actually accumulate funds for
equipment but that has yet to be realized.
318. The whole business is based on it. I came up with the idea and basically every
pillar are strategic alliances so far
319. There’s a couple of companies that are on the outside of our industry that I
network with.
320. These are new alliances. We don’t know what is the result.

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?


322. These have provided many new opportunities for me that I couldn’t have expected
without them.
323. They are a vital part of how I do business. My alliance database members are
integral partners with me in providing the best possible experience to my Clients.
The quality of their service reflects directly on me if I have referred my Clients to
them, and they understand this.
324. they are my business
325. They’ve been the foundation of my business. Co-authored a book, producing two
newsletters with another colleague, and often form short term alliances with an
exchange of services.
326. This has worked fairly well for us
327. This is a critical strategy we intend to implement once we have operational things
328. This is my best area and the one I like the most, I have established in the last four
months two alliances, I have actually taken a competitor and by giving him part of
my work and talking to him all the time have convinced him to move into my
building and take over one of my operations. I sold him the equipment and clients
on a contract; I will still get a portion of the profits but will not have the head ache
of the equipment upkeep. It was an operation that although bringing in income I did
not like to do and it took a lot of my time. Now I can free my time up to get out of
the building. I also have an alliance with one of my vendors who is going to joint
venture with me on the Chinese product. Also he is a national name in the
performance racing market but has not used it to his advantage, he is not savy at
all when it comes to marketing or private labeling. I can use his name to sell my
products and now can expand out of the local market through the use of the web
and email. We are hoping to becomes national players in a short period of time.
329. Title Co. helps with printing and mail-outs. Don't know.
330. To assist in customer finding. Did not work well
331. too soon to say
332. Too soon to tell with Schwab/Fidelity
333. Trade group alliance has been the most beneficial. We are setting up alliance with
a competitor that does service business in account we don’t really want. This is
334. Traded leads with a company that sells similar organic products. Made a few
sales, but wasn’t groundbreaking.
335. Trainers / consultants in other management functions. Many leads provided by my
company – very few from the strategic partners to my company
336. Tried a couple with some professional service firms...did not go too well
337. Tried…didn‘t work
338. Trying to develop strategic alliances with accounting firms (for technology due
diligence referrals) and with other consultants.
339. Vendor: lead generation, inside information on upcoming products, etc. Area
talent: we can count on a number of people to perform work on a subcontractor

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
basis, and we know it will be up to our standards.
340. Vendors who sell equipment to different industries- they are short lived because
they are not loyal, only a small handful are. I am involved in a couple of
networking organizations, but don’t generate a lot of volume.
341. very effective when used properly
342. Very few.
343. Very involved with health institutions. They helped moderately
344. Very well
345. We have yet to develop strategic alliances.
346. We a few with complimentary service companies but they don’t produce hardly any
business at all
347. We align our company with the engineers and architects who design our work. It
works GREAT
348. We allow a sole practitioner who works in physical abilities assessment to use
office space in 4 of our centers and, in return, we receive referrals from him.
349. We are a start – up.
351. We are developing some with several suppliers and also have some in
development stage with other service providers in customers locations
352. We are doing much more in this area now and we are being very successful with it
353. We are doing much more in this area now and we are being very successful with it
354. We are endeavoring to align ourselves with other business, for instance garage
door installers and windscreen replacement specialists’ even lawn mowing
355. We are in the process of becoming an “Approved Vendor” of a state wide dealer
association. They recently send out a mailing with our ad in it. It resulted in two
sales. While this might not be too much we are very hopeful that by continuing on
this path we will be able to reach more prospects and conversion rate will also be
356. We are in the process of building a number of strategic alliances with associated
vendors. Our plans for our long term expansion include new and complimentary
products to add to our offering as we tackle new markets. Our present alliances
include other producers who add to our product lines.
357. We are in the process of building those at this time.
358. We are just now setting this up with a local CPA firm that focuses upon the
manufacturing sector – a perfect fit for our SCM modules. Also beginning to
explore the same sort of relationship with a major international software house with
clients needing the elegance of our web-based SCM solutions. I’m also identifying
these as host/beneficiary relationships, for both these firms are much larger than
359. We are near launch (days away) and the project has been fantastic. Lots of good
interaction and focused project. I will drive the PR with another girl (we’ve divided
things according to our strengths) and the client is very pleased. The internet
marketing firm will drive internet marketing
360. We are starting strategic alliances with Promotional Product companies in the DC

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1353

Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
area providing engraving services for them at a quicker turnaround time. It is still
too soon to tell how well this is working…..meaning no significant increase in sales
361. We do have strategic alliances with other businesses – they provide our clients
with additional services.
362. We do not have any strategic alliances. They are tricky in the legal profession. We
have not yet figured out how to make this work. That having been said, we are
working with some bankers, some insurance agents and our local chamber to
conduct free seminars for their clients and members.
363. We don’t have any.
364. We had a lot of people approach us but we never did any contract
365. We had a strategic alliance with another consulting company, PSTC. We had a
very good cooperation in the past. And presently we have another consulting
company, JBTI for rendering services to a big new technology company. Although
we welcome that policy, however, we had not done an active part on it. Mostly they
were obtained because of the other parties’ initiatives
Travel Agency. They sell items & receive 25% commission. They refer people to
us, and we to them.
368. We have a Premier Consulting partnership and a Premier Traingin partnership with
AMcromedia – It has proven critical to the success of our company.
369. We have a sponsorship with Wilson Sporting Goods and we have had others in the
past, but we have not capitalized on them or they have not capitalized on our
network. Sponsorship goes directly to our bottom line and we would like more.
370. We have a strategic alliance with a big 4 accounting firm. We believe this places
us in a better position in soliciting new clients and also is a referral source.
371. We have a strategic alliance with one of the largest heart centers in the US
372. We have alliances in the Dr. Phil type of one on one and group counseling,
hardware and software support, website and domain name registration, hosting
and audio video production. We all drive business to one another.
373. We have alliances with 3 buying groups to market to their members. The Royal
buying Group for convenience stores (1600 members), the best one for us. The
Vision West Optical buying Group for Eye Doctors (3600 members), and the
Pharmacy Buying Group (171 members).
374. We have alliances with some of the manufacturers that we use - we get some
leads but mainly credibility from them
375. We have an alliance with a video producer that specializes in industrial clients. It
has worked fairly well, in fact we are in progress now on a nice 3D animation/video
compositing job that came from our lead, but we developed because of their past
376. We have considered them and several potential contacts have called and none
have materialized.
377. We have established strategic alliance with several stores. They have yielded
mixed sales. The merchants have been slow to get up to speed and reluctant to
apply strategies we have learned from you with their mailing, emailing and contact
with their customers.
378. We have great vendor relations where we get a ton of referrals because we make

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
it easy for them. We have also created some great clients from people who used to
be fierce competitors.
379. We have had a couple of arrangements with bigger Development companies but
without much success
380. We have had alliances with a couple other software development houses, but
these have mostly fallen apart because of lack of project management experience
on behalf of the other party (who served as prime contractors on projects).We
have had better luck with forming alliances with companies in complementary
industries, mainly graphics artists and advertising agencies. These
people/companies tend to already have the clients we like, so we try to position
ourselves as value-adds to get additional work that they normally wouldn’t get.
381. We have had some alliances with other brokers but they have not worked that well.
Currently in discussion with some other possibilities in the banking and other
382. We have just entered into a relationship with another company that is a full service
sign manufacturing and installation company. They want the capability to
manufacture signs out of fiberglass and have suitable facilities (spray booth with
air makeup) for us to manufacture fiberglass products in. This company is able to
offer us final assembly and finishing services which we have previously not had at
our disposal. Further they manufacture neon and fluorescent lighting which allows
us both to be able to manufacture unique and new lighting fixtures for designers,
architects, etc.and specialty. The synergies of the two companies together provide
an opportunity for us to delve into new areas of business which include but are not
limited to front office and head office showpiece fixtures such as dividers, desks,
fountains and ponds (Fung-Shui), screens, lighting fixtures and architectural
pieces. This arrangement has only been in place for a month to date but seems to
be working out fairly well.
383. We have just implemented two. They have not yet generated any revenue.
384. We have largely been solo players without any strategic alliances to speak of. We
have had agreements with a hotel GM (for example) that have worked OK – where
we refer them clients or encourage clients to use their venue, and in exchange we
have discounted venue hire for our own trainings. But GM’s move on, and new
GM’s are often looking to make their own mark, so this is something has been let
385. We have lots of these agreements with customers doing research or show sites for
us. Extremely well, although we need a better measurement system to weed out
the ones who are not performing to our expectations.
386. We have many with small state and local associations.
387. We have never had any; we are JUST now beginning to work on getting them into
place. (That’s why we hired the superstar salesperson.)
388. We have not got any yet.
389. We have quite a few, but we’re putting more in place. They give us a lot of
leverage in our business.
390. We have several (~10) all with small and large companies that have access to our
Dream 100
391. We have several private lable alliances with competitors. We like this and would
like to do more. We mfg and ship to them with their name, marketing, etc
392. We have strategic alliances with Microsoft (3 months) and Hewlett Packard (about
to sign) as their business partners. Too early to tell .

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?

393. We have strategic alliances with other hardware and software vendors. We work
with other IT Professionals along with other vendors who sell specific software
such as accounting packages to configure the client’s environment to support the
product being purchased.
394. We have strategic alliances with other state based depots to enable us to offer a
national service to customers. This enables us to have interstate drop-off points for
hired containers after a customer has finished with them. We then arrange for the
boxes to be returned to us from those depots. Other interstate companies have
that arrangement with us too. They’re the only alliances we have
395. We have suppliers ie manufacturers who make our products for us.
396. We have them with the USPS where they have bought thousands of discount
coupons from me so they can get companies up and running with a shipping
program very cost effectively. This was very successful We have made
relationships with another software provider in the industry – this has not
performed due to their lack of fulfillment of their obligations.
397. We have tried many strategic alliances, with mixed results. We ventured into
some without thinking. Those which have worked have been successful. Having
learned some lessons, we’re now better at evaluating potential alliances.
398. We have tried to use alliances to reduce our cost, gain economies of scale and
gain market share in out lying communities.
399. We have worked very hard in creating win-win alliances with several companies.
My name is our there, and everyone is excited about the IMPACT we can and will
400. We have worked with some local businesses on employee benefit programs and
with local gyms on membership programs. The business programs worked well
initially until the companies changed insurance carriers and reduced benefits
scared the employees away. Our best alliance to date has been with the Chamber
of Commerce. We set up a Wellness Committee and ran its programs. Through
the Chamber, we have been able to gain access to places that would previously
slam the door on us. We implemented a Speakers Program where member
businesses could invite our member speakers in to give programs to their
employees. Our practice has had several invitations each year into some of the
largest employers in the area to put on wellness programs for their employees. In
2002, 30% of our new patients came from these programs.
401. We like to work with all our competitors where possible, buy products from them
and sell to our customer. This way we become customers of our competitors and
are no real threat. For us this strategic alliances are beneficial as we have access
to all their products. It is good for the customer as we can supply anyone’s
products if we want to. This way we are highly respected by most of our
competitors and are on friendly terms with them all. We also have alliances with
companies that complement our products or what is required to offer turnkey
solutions. We work with any company that can provide us with what our client
wants. This has worked very well for our business.
402. We mainly have one and it has been the our greatest source of new business and
new business relationships
403. We make 2200 a month having a mortgage broker in our office
404. WE now have alliances with other network members
405. We only have our in-house strategic alliances, our sister companies
406. We seek strategic alliances with key customers. They are very important to our

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
407. We set up one with an insurance firm, but this ended up being mostly one-way
traffic – us to them!
408. We should work with others more often. We are too self sustained.
409. We use affiliate marketing with our internet site plus we act as a fulfillment house
for another site based in the USA – working very well
410. We work with a couple of other organizations who are interested in our market.
They have been limited in there success, but are very low cost and so are cost
412. We work with resellers, but they are not as effective as direct sales.
413. We’re hoping to put a few of those into place in the next year, but so far this
company doesn’t have any.
414. We’ve tried to make alliances, but found it difficult to sell the concept, and
everything we’ve tried has had very limited success.
415. Weak, but we’re working on it RAN
416. When I had a thriving real estate businesses, I had successful alliances with
banks, mortgage companies, title companies, repair people, etc.
417. Wholesale distributorships-excellent, increased market exposure and revenues
418. Wife of our showroom manager is working as a pharmaceutical company
salesperson. We made an alliance with her to provide showroom space, our
ceramics and Japanese home food for meetings with physicians. It is helping to
sell our ceramics and creates quite a big interest among medical circles.
419. Will have to form some in the new business. I believe in this philosophy as
strategic alliances can result in very successful outcomes for both parties if
managed effectively. The cross-pollination of business opportunities can only
provide positive profitable opportunities to the engaged parties
420. with a couple lawyers and accountants. Used for referring biz clients.
421. With a couple of CPAs. They have been somewhat successful, in the sense that
my clients are happy with the CPAs I have aligned with. I have seen no
422. With a couple of realtors (past), however this has not provided the sort of ‘break
through’ I’m looking for. We want to come from a position of exceptional results
based on superior understanding of how our product (mortgage) can be applied to
achieve a more powerful result (financial independence). To do this we are
establishing partnerships with financial planners and CPA’s. We feel that a
recommendation from such an individual will serve more fully to preposition the
prospect to our offerings.
423. With a software company. Synergy through cooperation - we are tapping into their
client list, and they have extended abilities.
426. With IS company : I introduce their product – company and they provide me

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Question 80. What Strategic Alliances, If Any, Do you Have or
Have You Ever Had in Place?
customers needing some help to use their product
427. With local business _brahams_ty_. Worked reasonably well. We still have trouble
getting people to accept and implement our business development program
428. With manufacturers but are hit and miss
430. With the magazine (monthly column) gain a couple of clients.
431. With the volume of business that we do with other service providers, we send them
a lot more business than they send us. I’m sure we are missing opportunities here.
432. Work with clothing stores on co-signment bases so that there is no risk to them.
Worked well to get foot in the door so to speak.
433. Work with graphic designers, web master, printers they are positive they all send
me clients
434. Work with magazine editors – works well
436. Working on a few huge ones right now – can be very exciting.
437. Working on a few. HR firm (host/beneficiary), Risk Management consulting firm
(complementary service), Asset Leasing (complementary service)
438. working with other consultants, about 20% incomes from this. Working with
equipment vendors 20% income
439. Worldwide service providers need alliances to perform their promised services.
Alliances need to be strong and compatible – not always working due to self
440. Would could do more in this regard. I know you talked a lot about host beneficiary
relationships. We did once swap detailing capacity with another company who had
better access to certain target audiences that we did. We took their product and
they took ours and detailed to the respective targets. It was mutually very
beneficial because it created better revenue while being cost neutral. Just
optimizing resources better.
441. Yes with the Architectural and design communities who can drive business our
way and with some of our major suppliers and support industries who can also
refer or send us business.
442. Yes! Book is listed in the One Spirit Catalogue and on the web site. Same for
Quality Paperback books. DeVorss featured the book in one of their mailings. Was
on the Coast to Coast AM radio program. Great results!
443. Yes,
444. Yes, limited at the moment, but with a vitamin company—working well. Also, with
coaching professionals—working well.
445. Yes. We work closely with a public training school. We offer public training through
them. The problem is that they are not too good in handling customers.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1358

Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

Question 81. Who stands to gain more than you if you grow, i.e., people who have
products or services that are purchased after your products or services arc
purchased, or concurrent to the purchase service, etc.?

1. ?(20)
2. 1. People who do what I do but struggle to find prospects. 2. My general agent,
and the insurance company that issues the policies I sell. 3. The company that
licenses the technology I use to me. 4. Trust companies that provide trustees. 5.
Attorneys who draft wills and trusts. 5. Real estate agents and mortgage brokers.
6. Stockbrokers and investment advisors. 7. Property and casualty agents.
3. A community of healthy people who live longer and have more expendable income
that they don’t have to waste on expensive insurance premiums and costly drugs
and surgery.
4. A cross section of providers of services more commonly required by businesses;
also providers of unusual, out of the ordinary services – but most commonly they
are not financially very strong and therefore cannot make meaningful financial
contributions in a strategic alliance.
5. A cross section of providers of services more commonly required by businesses;
also providers of unusual, out of the ordinary services – but most commonly they
are not financially very strong and therefore cannot make meaningful financial
contributions in a strategic alliance.
6. A very good question. The business I recommend could fall into this category…
7. Accountants, CPAs.
8. Ad agencies, printers, sales consultants etc. – These are the people I’m affiliated
9. ADSL Provider, Hardware provider, Software Providers
10. After market purchase
11. After service as I recommend or specify products or services
12. After the products are purchased
13. After the purchase(2)
14. After the sale. Once a home is purchased there are a litany of things that are
purchased. The situation is different, however, with an established homeowner
that is refinancing. In a refinance though, the desire is often to secure greater
financial flexibility and/or security. In both instances, however, it is after the sale.
15. After(8)
16. after-my clients will have money to spend in nice facilities and at home when they
get ill
17. All
18. All current customers would benefit due to an increase in exposure.
19. All my clients would receive better service
20. All my suppliers.
21. All of my associates and our Clients.
22. All of my clients would benefit and also I feel that more people would choose me
because I sell so much and they will benefit because I do truly care and do a great
job for my clients.

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

23. All of my clients.

24. all of our successes are somewhat interconnected, but each partner makes
independent choices
26. All our alliances will grow.
27. All residents, visitors, traders, stakeholders.
28. All the alliances would garner more business from the connection. Our business is
a very ethical way to improve the bottom line for alliance operators
29. all the other people who have not been exposed to my courses
30. All three tiers (company, master licensees and licensees) stand to benefit equally
according to investment of time and money. The real winners will be (1) the people
who use our products by becoming healthier and living longer and (2) the earth
itself through improved ecological systems.
31. All. Borrower and Investor gain. This is a win/win/win!
32. allied attorney
33. Anyone who has contacts with midsized businesses.
34. Apart from my x-wife and the Ferrari dealer, hard to tell.
35. Are clinic clients. That is what we want to happen. But we will benefit the most
because of growth.
36. As I grow, the companies that will benefit most are the banks that service these
37. As we grow with the Rental aspect of our business the people who fund the up
front costs for the rental items (shelters) will benefit and grow greatly as they will
have the subsequent and considerable flow of income from the ongoing rental
arrangements we make with various oil companies. We will more than likely all
grow together and prosper as we grow, part of which will be explained below.
38. Bankers.
39. Banks, accountants, letter houses.
40. Because of how much value we add to all of our existing clients, every company in
our market that we do not yet have a relationship with; some of our vendors who
are smaller than we are
41. Bioconcepts NDL Pathology
42. Both – if we do a good job getting people excited about tennis, then they’ll
purchase more rackets, balls, court time, travel, etc. Also, we hope that our
programs will enhance the service reputations of our partner hotels and resorts,
which helps them to reach or maintain high service goals and be able to charge
premium rates.
43. Both customers and our suppliers. By growing we can offer even more in products
and service.
44. Both get equal treatment, except in modules like workshops etc, where the content
keeps improving and they have to pay higher amounts for more clarity and content.
45. Both groups
46. Both(8)
47. Both, but most easily to document are concurrent services
48. both equally

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

49. business development services

50. Can not think of anyone
51. Can’t name anyone.
52. CAN'T REALLY IDENTIFY ANYONE - travel agents might get business before OR
after costomer purchases luggage, but most tickets now bought on internet. On
Business Cases, we often get customer AFTER they've purchased new laptop
computer. On Wallets/Purses, no real lead in or follow up purchases.
53. Can't think of anyone.
54. Certain Property owners.
55. Certified Public Accountant’s, Graphic Artist, Commercial Insurance Agencies,
56. Clientele
57. Clients(3)
58. Clothiers, tanning salons, cosmetics, personal appearance stuff.
59. clothing businesses
60. Clothing stores all the people we will effect.;
61. coaches I would employ; other facilitators and speakers
62. Companies related to home ownership.
63. Companies who have products of a lower end price, but added perceived value is
very high.
64. concurrent – IP attorneys I work with.
65. concurrent – the artists whose work I represent (including myself), and the
organizations I’ve pledged to support with % of sales
66. Concurrent for most.
67. Concurrent growth
68. Concurrent purchase of service.
69. Concurrent to service
70. Concurrent to the purchase
71. Concurrent to the purchase service(5)
72. concurrent to the purchase service, etc.?
73. Concurrent to the purchase service, the benefits are more.
74. Concurrent tp product of jar
75. concurrent users.
76. Concurrent with purchase.
77. Concurrent with the services.
78. Concurrent(27)
79. Concurrent, attorneys, education
80. concurrent, because we are often part of a larger solution , a larger system
81. Concurrent, I guess.
82. Concurrent, such as Patent Searchers and Draftsmen.
83. Concurrently with our product purchases.

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

84. Constructors would have more to gain after our services were provided.
85. Consultant subcontractors as I intend to use them in order to release myself for
taking in charge the sales and mktg activity
86. consultants who complement one another, such as controlling/finance, quality
management, advertising
87. Custodial banks, soft dollar brokers and attorneys and accountants whose clients
who are well served, although probably less than we.
88. Definitely Microsoft, because our solutions tend to involve buying their service
products. Also Microsoft resellers, and hardware integrators.
89. Definitely my vendors and art publishers/artist. Others would included my landlord
and my clients.
90. Designers, printers, lawyers, accountants, software, money changers, restaurants,
real estate agents, travel agents,
91. Developers of software systems, since I do not do that.
93. DJ’s, parents, teachers, motivational speakers and entertainers
94. Do not know(15)
95. don’t know, perhaps websites, people who advertise on tv?
96. Don’t really know.
97. Don’t understand question(10)
98. don't think its applicable
99. Don't understand the context of the question.
100. Employees and patients.
101. end users of the place we are working on…developers, etc
102. Entrepreneurs who purchase my system for sale to their prospects in their area.
103. equipment vendors
104. Eventually want to get a local religious retailer online, which I believe will grow its
business dramatically
105. every one gains
106. Every person who makes decisions is a potential customer.
107. Everyone(2)
108. Existing clients and new clients – essentially expanding the value of what we
already doas we provide a “one stop shop” for film production
109. fellow online experts, marketing experts with whom I’m aligned; my web design
110. Financial advisors selling more capital insurances.
111. Future clients
112. Good question
113. Good question – don’t know at the moment.
114. Good question – I don’t have an answer
115. good question if I understand it; assuming we are very successful in our growth
goals, who most benefits, other than us or our clients. It is either our clients

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

owners (they make more profit) or our supplier we use, (but the more business we
have with them the more we press them into better terms).
116. Good question. I really don’t know the answer to that one off hand. Maybe
remedial contractors, safety supply houses, real estate developers, banks, HVAC
117. Good question. I'm not sure. Tire store...
118. Great question! My patients and their families and business will benefit more –
than grabs my attention and motivate me to further action. Thanks.
119. Great question, people who have already bought from us because we continue to
make investments in our technology, buildings and people.
120. have not looked into this
121. Have to think about this
122. Home Inspectors, furniture sales, paint stores,
123. hopefully our clients with better services
124. Hopefully, our clients.
125. Huh?(2)
126. I am at the end of the food chain as far as my business goes, but in reality I make
money from my sales, my husbands become heroes to their wives. So I think they
are the big winners.
128. I am not sure if I understand this question, sorry.
129. I assume you are talking about joint ventures or strategic alliances here. I would
say after because most of the joint ventures I have or are looking at would involve
my customers purchasing after they have purchased from me - but not necessarily
limited to that (i.e.- newsletter subscribers). Hmmm... Not sure which really but I
think *after*.
130. I do and my family
131. I do not know!(4)
132. I do not understand your examples.
133. I don’t know of anyone who stands to gain MORE than we do if we grow . other
than our clients themselves.
134. I don’t know what your question means.
135. I don't understand the question.
136. I feel my clientele have more to gain than me. My work takes a toll on my body in
order for my clients to feel better, be healthier and pain free. Fortunately for me, I
have trained people who can work on me and take away my pain and remain
137. I have no idea.
138. I haven’t thought about it.
139. I need to develop this perspective as I refocus the business.
140. I stand to grow at this time. There may be some opportunities for a back end JV
such as sales training, compression training, cash flow balancing, etc.
141. I think clients will benefit more.
142. I think everyone gains

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

143. I think I'll gain the most WHEN I grow.

144. I think it is those who sell the basic stuff like bronze ingots, boxes, etc to us.
145. I will buy more from Nightingale Conant & Jay Abraham! Computer hardware
146. I would say all stakeholders, especially the clients.
147. I’m not sure how to answer this but it is 3 people, employees, customers and
owners will all gain in different ways.
148. I’m not sure I can come up with any good examples of either.
149. I’m not sure I know the answer
150. I’m sorry. I couldn’t define this problem.
151. Ideal clients – in 6 yrs I plan on being finished marketing my business and focused
purely on providing optimum service and value to my clients
152. If I can work an affiliate program with practitioners then it would be them,
concurrent to the purchase.
153. If I grow I can help more companies to get more out of their marketing budgets.
154. If I grow I will spend more in marketing material, that´s for sure
155. If I grow, everyone who’s purchased a service or product from me stands to grow –
I’ll have more time and energy to update products and create new, enhanced
156. If we are able to grow, we will be able to produce more. We'd like to be an
opportunity for hardworking individuals interested in quality work.
157. If we grow, more companies selling their products or services would benefit our
158. if we grow, we will be able to help a larger segment of the small business sector
bec. our brand will become the one to think of when cash is tight.
159. If we sold photocopiers, the answer would be office suppliers and maintenance
people. But we sell & hire a very simple product that has no further ‘back-end’
other than the individual uses a customer may have. Our suppliers would be happy
if we took more boxes, but apart from them … can’t think of any one particular
160. In my business, it would clearly be my clients who would benefit more.. They
would see more products and services to satisfy their wishes.
161. Independent business owners whom I help to grow their businesses if they are
willing to work hard enough
162. Insurance after purchase Financial leasing after purchase
163. Interestingly, one of our big appeals is that we can deliver our functionality to a
client without their having to spend any additional money on hardware or software.
Any PC with an internet connection and a free Internet Explorer browser is ready
to use what we create for them. Very simple, very elegant. Who stands to gain
more than me? My employee-owners, for they will always hold at least 60% of the
company ownership. It is their creativity upon which we are building this operation,
and they should benefit directly. This approach seems to have worked OK for
164. Inventory replenishment suppliers after the initial sale is made.
165. It doesn’t matter because I control the customer and the flow.

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

166. It is concurrent with the service.

167. Joint venture service providers
168. Juicer, mixer, organic farmers, cookware sellers, etc.
169. Just me.
170. JV partners
171. Latter
172. mail houses advertising agencies service providers
173. Main franchise office, eventually some of our host/beneficiary partners.
174. material suppliers
175. Maybe clothing retailers – as people need a new wardrobe when they lose weight?
Gyms? – people want to retain their new shape and get fitter also.
176. Microsoft (ha ha)
177. Microsoft, manufacturers whose products we review, the companies that sell most
of the software and accessories for Pocket PCs.
178. More and larger consulting…employees and those referred. Those co-opted of
course…an enhancement of their services and reason to join.
179. More clients will gain more than I when I grow.
180. More people will be served by assisting with the resolution of life problems for
specific clients and referral sources will be served by having a strong referral
person to refer to in situations where the need is there.
182. Motorcycle dealers that are our customers stand to benefit because our product
has high margin and be an excellent new revenue center for the dealership as an
add on or after market product with motorcycles. The motorcycle owners that
purchase the product from the dealer benefits also, because now they have a way
to track their motorcycle and receive instant notification if it is tampered with by a
would be thief. Security and peace of mind.
183. My associate partners
184. My client reputations should because they are able to respond to requests faster.
185. my clients and my family
186. My clients and their suppliers
187. my clients have the opportunity to grow exponentially based on the increased
productivity of their people that I train.
188. my clients, by having more of their cash in their collective pockets.
189. My clients, who will save money they didn't know they were losing, cover a risk in
the long term, and recover losses they didn't know about.
190. My clients. My relationships.
191. My customers.
192. My future clients stand to grow more than I.
193. My lender: Monarch Funding, they get the loan during the purchase, and refi loans
thereafter, and sometimes they get the loan anyway, even if the client does not
buy from us.
194. My partners wife and her mortgage company business

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

195. My private label partners

196. My service providers such as web hosting.
197. My supplier of workbooks, my landlord as I have a usage arrangement
198. my suppliers
199. My suppliers and Contractor partners ALWAYS seem to make more than I do off
the projects. Don’t think they aren’t good-naturedly reminded of this fact from time
to time! Contractors in this niche can get 12% to 16% of construction cost. I am
ecstatic if I can get 7.5%. Supplier mark-up is frequently in excess of 60% in the
high-end products, even with courtesy discounts.
200. my suppliers, lawyers, accountants, IT companies, freight forwarding companies.
202. My vendors alliances and or suppliers and the people who have products or
services that are purchased after my product is purchased and put into use..
203. My vendors would profit the most, knowing this I am more aggressive in asking for
coop on advertising and terms and pricing.
204. my wife
205. N/a since I will be retiring soon
206. n/a(9)
207. Natural food and product companies, as people learn about healthier choices and
make them.
208. Neither(2)
209. Nessie’s fans like to feel that they are part of something. If our books become
popular, Nessie’s fans will feel much like the Harry Potter fans – part of an
imaginary universe.
210. Never thought about it
211. New and old clients
212. Newspapers, sign manufacturers, subsequent service providers (eg lawn care
people, painters, decorators, landscapers, window cleaners, etc)
213. no idea
214. No idea, will think on this one.
215. No one but me other than the clients themselves
216. No one gains more than I do.
217. no one more than us but possibly the hosting partner and the alert engine provider
would benefit in a small way.
218. No one stands to gain more than I so I had better get with it.
219. No one stands to gain more than me. My products are mostly exclusive. The non-
exclusive products haven’t sold much.
220. No one that I can think of.
221. no one(7)
222. nobody at the moment.
223. Nobody.
224. Non comprendes! Have NO IDEA what you are asking!

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

225. none gains more.

226. none known.
227. None that I can think of
228. None(7)
229. none?
230. No-one(2)
231. Not certain I understand this one. IF we grow our employees will certainly benefit
and our customers will find additional value as we are better suited to serve them.
232. Not exactly sure.
233. Not quite sure about this question.
234. not sure I get the question
235. Not sure I understand the question.
236. Not sure of the meaning of this question. Hopefully the answer is with growth we
all prosper.
237. Not sure on this one.
238. Not sure you mean
239. not sure(7)
240. Nutritional Companies I do business with through the recommendations I make to
my clients. Also, as I bring in more clientele, the Fitness Center will benefit in
memberships, as well as the increase in referrals I make to Physical Therapy and
Chiropractic portions of the facility.
242. Only the company that purchases my service.
243. other marketing people
244. Other retailers that carry lines of furniture that I don’t sell directly. Also a building
supply company that I get parts from.
245. Other vendors
246. Our carriers earn money on all our sales and also from sending outour samples,
but they don’t earn more than we do on each sale.
247. our clients
249. Our clients save tremendously more money that our company makes by using our
software. All my clients benefit more than I personally do.
250. Our clients will benefit the most because of expended services we can offer them.
The employees of our company would benefit financially for their efforts.
251. Our clients.
252. Our clients. If we are growing it means that our clients are growing and are in
need of upgrading their existing hardware and software.
253. Our customers mainly
254. our customers who buy our services gain more because we eventually save them
255. Our employees

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

256. Our Franchisees gain, their Team Members gain, our Clients gain, our suppliers
gain, we gain. Everyone wins.
257. Our ISP customers will benefit as we grow
258. our lawyer, real estate agent, accountant..
259. Our Network providers will benefit if we grow, the product providers and our
260. our present and future clients will have better offerings and assistance from us,
suppliers o four will grow, partners will make more profits,
261. Our products do not form part of a process. The clients should grow and be more
262. Our resellers, who sell consulting services.
263. Our retail clients have more to gain than we do from learning how to employ new
marketing tools and strategies to their businesses. We will gain on sales of our
products to them but they will gain from additional sales of all product!
264. Our sales associates, venue operators, (audio/video) product manufacturers.
265. Our service provider – ie our administration company.
266. Our suppliers
267. Our suppliers
268. Our suppliers and service providers
269. Our suppliers of dietary supplements and other products gain much from our
271. Our vendor: our mutual customers will see that there is support for there products
in the area. Also, our mutual customers: They can build software the “right” way—
according to the way that best takes advantage of the tools being used, rather than
fumbling along with less than desired results.
272. our vendors and our value products
273. Our vendors: Paper and Equipment.
274. Over 37 different types of direct marketing related vendors stand to gain
tremendous recurring business along with our success.
275. People after my purchase.
276. People buying new from me, because now to attract new customers, I’m giving
away more instructive information for free than I ever have before!
277. People buying new from me, because now to attract new customers, I’m giving
away more instructive information for free than I ever have before!
278. People can go to work and don t have to be at home with health problems
279. People servicing the products.
280. people suffering form back pain.
282. People that purchase concurrently
283. People that use the service is equal to the company benefit- Win-Win
284. People that will purchase products and services from us in the future.
285. People who already have had our services.

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

286. People who are concurrent to the purchase of our services

287. People who come in at every level will gain as I grow and expand my product
288. people who have bought
289. People who have products and services sfter.
290. People who have products and services that are both purchased after our service
and concurrent to the purchase service.
291. People who have products and services that are purchased after our service
(especially new clients). Once we fulfill a contract for a new client the agents we
work with are able to offer other of their entertainment acts. The agent gains
credibility because of the excellent service we provide.
292. People who have products or services purchased after my products or services.
293. people who have products or services that are purchased
294. people who have products or services that are purchased after my products are
295. People who have products or services that are purchased after your products or
services are purchased.
296. People who have purchased my service.
297. People who have purchased our products. There are many reasons why people
are part of this business. The pendulum swings from just to make money to just
getting people to take the products and can stop anywhere in between. We want
to make money but feel that this company is special because of the products and
doctors involved.
299. People who helped get me started in my business. They stand to make money
based on the volume going through my business.
300. people who hv purchased our products
301. people who I purchase supplies from
302. People who provide products and services concurrent to us
303. People who purchase my product – their suppliers
304. People who purchase products concurrently.
305. pharmacies, labs
306. please explain
307. Possibly the provider of internet based software.
308. Post-purchase: Equipment – electrical equipment. Software – accounting
services Concurrent purchase: Equipment – motherboards, power supply units,
disk drives and other system components Software – computer equipment,
networking equipment and network software
309. Potential clients because I’d deliver better . Also future jv partners, because I’d
close more and benefit more clients.
310. present customers using the services and prospects that could be converted into
customers benefiting these either directly or their customers/clients
311. Principles
312. printer, editor/graphic designer

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?


314. Probably after
315. Probably myself. This may be the reason I haven't tried endorsing too many high-
ticket items as my products are mostly low to mid ticket.
316. Probably people who have products that can be sold in conjunction with my
317. Probably those who sell in afterwards, such as product distributors. They can also
sell some things concurrently.
318. Products purchased after ours.
319. Prospective employers of our graduates
320. purchased after
321. Real Estate agents and developers who sell apartments and/or houses,
suggesting their clients to consider our kitchen, or ordering such kitchen from us.
Our kitchen can very well add value to the housing product.
322. Real estate agents if we make sales, universities for college loans.
323. Realtors.
324. recipients of the profits, i.e. the orphanages.
325. referral agents
326. Self only
327. Services that offer the complementary services to our services - - creating strategic
opportunities for small business owners to latch on to. People who want to sell to
our group of people
328. Since our products are serviced by the customer (Union regulated) it is not likely
that anyone stands to gain more than we do from our growth.
329. Some accountants and lawyers. Certainly the companies who manufacture the
products I sell
330. sorry, don't understand.
331. Speakers on my roster.
332. staff and the town we trade in
333. Students, teachers, the core of elementary science education.
334. Suppliers
336. Suppliers of my customers. They get more business as my customer’s business
338. Suppliers of things we recommend to our clients
339. suppliers, customers
340. Suppliers, other consultants

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

341. Suppliers, vendors of process equipment and equipment systems

342. Suppliers, vendors,
343. T’ai Chi Chih teachers who sell my video
344. Technology solution providers: vendors of hardware such as PCs or applications
such as accounting packages, or services such as website hosting.
345. The alliance that I tried to get into would give my alliance partner a chance for at
least a few hundred more customers each year. And it would have been virtually
free for them.
346. The banks who we borrow money from.
347. the client and their value chain
348. The client stands to gain if they decide to join the business the generate more
money for themselves.
349. The client, because we’ll be able to offer more while maintaining level of service
350. The client. Among other things, one of our main focuses is to communicate the
growth strategy of our clients to the professional investment community so that
they are well understood and fairly valued as they hit targets and hopefully exceed
351. the clients
353. The companies that my clients work for with increased productivity.
354. the contract manufacturers . because they wimm do the producing of 100,000 of
355. the customer stand to gain, because the product get better.
356. The end users, it is people who are mentally ill, because they will get better
treatments as a result of our products.
357. The government by the taxes. And everybody involved will benefit.
358. The group that will benefit the most is the funding sources that provide the needed
capital to finance the account receivable funding transactions.
359. The health systems we work with
360. The home seller, the home buyer, the lender, the escrow company, the title
company, the home inspector, the appraiser, insurance companies, home warranty
, pest control companies, etc.
361. The industry is sensitive to conflicts of interest but alarm systems, phone systems,
and office furniture would be three.
362. The local manufacturer of our products. They also market gourmet Tex-Mex food
via a web-site (possibility of cross-marketing?).
363. The ones whose products I purchase concurrent to the sale (if I understood this
364. The owners
365. the patients
366. The patients I am able to service
367. The people that we would service in the future, who would not be serviced if we did

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Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

not grow.
368. The people we serve.
369. the people who have purchased our product
370. The people who have services that are purchased after my product (professional
371. the practitioners taking the course and applying their new skills to treat patients.
The private health care industry if they adopt our methods of treatment because
they can produce better results more consistently, making patients better and more
satisfied and saving money on the long run (so I guess the insurance industry
could also benefit)
372. The printers and mail house that we contract with stand to gain significantly from
our growth. In addition, relocation consultants and others in the relocation industry
may also gain from our growth – unfortunately, however, our services tend to come
on the tail-end of the relocation process. Graphic designers might also benefit
significantly from our growth, as well as mass email services.
373. The print-shop.
374. The Processor for the service, CRS for the ECR service, PSI or ECHO for the
credit card services.
375. The prospects as I help them as much as I gain.
376. The public
377. The retailer.
378. The salespeople I support can sell other products to my clients.
379. The two facilities at which we will offer lessons etc. Perhaps some of our
equipment vendors and local businesses.
380. The USPS for the Postage, The Box manufactures for the Boxes, The label
manufacture for the labels The Printer Manufactures for the Printers the Scanner
manufactures for the scanners the Scale Manufactures for the Scales. Industry
Consultants for the Ad on consulting Industry resellers that want to resell our
381. There are a number of health related products and services that could benefit.
How about someone like Immuno Labs or Primezyme International
382. There are many more opportunities for additional sales of products and services.
383. They the purchaser stands to gain more I get paid –they get a compounding
384. This is a very good question. We are aware of several suppliers that depend on us,
but have not yet acted.
385. This is a very good question. We are aware of several suppliers that depend on us,
but have not yet acted.
387. This is very important to the current strategic planning that I’m doing. As I’m
shifting the strategy to one of collaboration and cooperation with complementary,
like-minded individuals and businesses, I need to find these types of strategic
partners. For instance, a lot of our research has focused on the importance of
customer satisfaction in the cable industry. If we could do a conference call with
someone from a training or consulting firm that focuses on customer service or
loyalty, or work with that person or firm to provide something additional of value to
my clients, it could be very powerful. In this example, we would be doing more than

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1372

Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

most, if not all, of our competitors, who probably stop at the research report, and
never provide anything more than a few recommendations for improvement. But
we already do all of that, and if we were then to offer preferred access to a
company that could help our clients implement our recommendations and improve
a certain aspect of their business operations, it would be many times more
valuable to our clients.
388. those who I am aligned with, example attorney, web designer, etc.
389. Those who products are bought concurrent to the purchase from me
390. those who purchase my product
391. Those who work with me…but as a service we don’t sell many products
392. Tower supply company (NRG), wind developers that landowners or municipals will
higher to develop a wind farm for them after our service.
393. Trucking companies - They will have more drivers at their disposal.
394. Ultimately the patients benefit the most if they get access to our product
395. Un Sure
396. Unknown(4)
397. Unsure
398. Us(2)
399. Usually concurrent to the sales process
400. Usually the equipment I sell needs to be installed and commissioned. and
sometimes that additional business does not come to me because the customer
wishes to place that with an outside contractor. Looks like could strike up some
sort of business relationship to mutual advantage with these "other parties".
401. Vendors
402. vendors and clients
403. Vendors to my niche market and trade associations that need to increase
membership and retain members by offering valuable resources.
404. We all win.
405. We are somewhat of an enp-point service provider. All we do is chiropractic
adjustments for correction of vertebral subluxation. We do not provide nutritional
counseling (illegal in our state) and we do not mix any other services in with ours.
Health clubs, gyms, exercise classes, karate schools may benefit as our patients
improve in their overall well-being and start to use their bodies differently.
406. We both (our company and our customers) stand to gain a lot as our company
grows, but in different ways. Our company will gain through acquiring more dollars
and our customers will gain through more and better products, including backend
407. We do
408. we do not know now but we will.
409. We do with products we sell after membership is attained at huge discounts in high
410. We do… because few customers purchase all available items from our portfolio.
411. We don’t have serious suppliers.
412. We have an affiliate program designed to help those who help us grow.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1373

Question 81. Who Stands to Gain More Than You if You Grow?

413. We only have one partnership and the sale could be made concurrently or
subsequent to our sale.
414. We will put money in the consumers pocket so I guess there are a lot of products
and services who will benefit from our work.
415. We would both stand to gain the customer and myself.
416. We’ve been thinking about this: Cruise companies, potentially film / film developing
companies, luggage companies.
417. When, not if, I grow, people who have products that are purchased after mine.
418. Yes and No to both cases.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1374

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

Question 82. What are this year’s strategic goals?

1. $1,000,000 Revenue$800,000 Profit250 customers who visited our seminars

2. $100,000 worth of revenues, happy clients and employees
3. $100K income, 2 more strategic alliances, 2 more paying clients
4. $10m net
5. $1M in closed deals.
6. $5 million in sales
7. $5,000 profit free and clear. Ground work laid to expand to $60,000 next year.
Help six other people lay the groundwork for a successful business of their own.
8. $500K revenue, 10 new clients (retainer basis), 25 ad pieces, new technology in
place, book written
9. ?(6)
10. 0 contingency base clients, each with over $4,000,000 in sales
11. 1) Bring Sharen (our new superstar salesperson) up to speed and productive; 2)
finish (??) training my replacement copywriter so I can get out of prime line of fire;
3) bring Chet’s Core Story “online” (i.e., into real use).
12. 1. Get Internet Sales to visits ratio to be at least 5%. 2. Get one fraternity to use
our program nationally.
13. 1.Refine systems, ask for referrals, Reactivte old clients, Provide for greater
capacity by changing the physical plant,train staff to ask probbing questions
14. 10,000 online subscribers.10 online purchases per day7 Books Written7 Audio
Files created26 Articles10 Phone Consulting 3 In person Consulting
15. 100 subscribers by the end of march (I’m at 97 now) then I’ll set my next goal
(probably 100 affiliates by December)
16. 100% increase in sales
17. 1000 customers from 10 different buying groups, and 10 active agents, active
means they selling 2 new customers per month.
18. 1000 subscribers to my new paid site... we have only 3 millions active internet
users and sht about 10-20% of them are my target market.
19. 12MM in volume run rate
20. 2 franchises and 3 products in all the other pet shops
21. 2.5 mill gross and 12 new marketing techniques
22. 20 Seminars
23. 200 into every seminar.
24. 2000 new clients providing $200 in profit per month
25. 2003 is the marketing year
26. 20-25% growth in gross sales, 2% increase in net profit fraction.
27. 25% increase in turnover (and profits) compared to last year
28. 250K in services
29. 3 % growth is business and the launch of a new product.
30. 3 million in consulting revenue and 1 miilion in training revenue.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1375

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

31. 3. Develop the partnerships with the CDC’s 2. Develop the partnerships with the
Planners & CPA’s. 1. Clearly define the policies & procedures required to support
& enhance growth consistent with our USP’s/Mission Statement (both of which are
yet to be clearly defined and written out).
32. 30% increase in fee revenue
33. 4 new clients who are turned to repeat customers (“Stammkunden”)Spread the
word of our new Coaching services
34. 4500 VEHICLES
35. 5 corporate clients billing $50K each
37. 50 million in loans, 10 realtors, 5 builders working with us
38. 50%+ growth through more effective marketing efforts, more effective use of our
personnel, expansion of our personnel, more consistent follow up, systematic letter
campaigns, development of referral systems, and taking care of the customer in a
timely manner.
39. 700,000 in revenue, 64 new indiv clients, 24 business clients
40. 8 new customers $750,000 in sales
41. More marketing.
42. A minimum weekly sales and to make our brand widespread known by using the
highly effective ad methods sparking a word of mouth advertising.
43. A. Finish off the refinements of the ecommerce storefront package. B. Begin
telemarketing of services. C. Implement "Small Business and the Internet"
newsletter. D. Implement free 2-page website.
44. A. To have a full practice of individuals & 1 or 2 groups [15-20 hrs/wk].B. To have
the first 3 books written and e-published. C. To begin the patenting process. D.
To begin the process of seeking funding. E. To break the 100K & 150K barriers.
45. Achieve $120,000 turnover
46. Acquire 10 new clients.
47. Acquire 6 full year clients for me and 4 for my son, who just joined my business
last month after being laid off from 2 professional jobs in about 2 ½ years.
48. Actively assisting 4-5 clients with annual budgets of at least $250,000 and 1 client
with annual budget of at least $1,000,000
49. Actualize vision created last week while at dinner with my wife by bumping self
back up to full-time. Get back out into the public, as servant. Stay in
communication with my friends…err my clients on a more consistent basis.
50. add 5 more clients per month
51. Add 5 to 10 new clients and sell $1,000,000 in equipment ( I would get 4 to 8% of
that sales)
52. add 6 major revenue “leadership” clients which should double revenue.
53. Add more salespeople and sell more products.
54. Add six more strategic alliance partners. Develop methods to better manage
55. Add ten clients to maintenance agreements
56. Affiliation with a major non-profit charity.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1376

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

57. As a minimum, maintain current client base, service standards and financial
performance ensuring a smooth transition from previous ownership Grow Asia-
Pacific markets Design & implement strategic HR program
58. At least 5 units per months in each location.
59. At this stage we need to cover the geographical areas so we can service all
enquiries. At this time we are way off beam
60. Automate, automate, automate Orchestrate action plan and implement automated
system. Proceed to analyze niches, determine how to capture them and solidify
them as our territory. Assess potential alliances that will enable to capture
established niches and solidify them as our territories. Use aforementioned
activities to assess them and determine where we will achieve best pay off.
Broaden scope of seminar system and special events to capture customers and
build alliances.
61. Automatic online referral system on Host-Beneficiary basis. Sequence of Multi
Media Reports. Product Improvement. Introduction of Back End
62. Be number one in our field
63. Be number three. Be in designs of industry leaders.
64. be the number one office in the community
65. Because of the present state of our industry (it is shrinking and exposed to terrific
pricing pressure from customers) it is my goal to try to find additional applications
for our products in other industries.
66. Become a more global company
67. Become a much more formidable force to be reckoned with.
68. Become a significant player in the marketplace with $250,000 in sales
69. Become established as an expert in at least one of my target industries
70. Become globally known.
71. Become less personality based and get ourselves working outside of the practice
more so we can reach the masses and help a community to become healthier and
our office more successful.
72. Become nationally known as THE source of ammonia free hair color and establish
500 new accounts that reorder at least monthly
73. Become self funding and profitable
74. Become the indisputable authority on Strategy in Pakistan.
75. Become the industry standard, Dominate our niche. Generate profits
76. Become the top choice for academic institutions in the DC metro area for
personalized items.
77. Brand exposure
78. Break into outplacement; develop formal plan for growth and marketing; set up
separate e-mail lists for regular marketing; set aside regular time for marketing
each week; revamp website
79. Break the £250,000 mark and go full-time.
80. Bring $125,000 in GDC, 50 new planning clients.
81. Bring new marketing system to market.
82. Bring on 25 factoring clients, five business or mortgage note funded clients, one
mezzanine funded client and purchase one apartment building.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1377

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

83. Bring out some key services based on customer demand and new technologies
that make these services possible
84. Build 50,000 subscribers; Sell $10,000 per month in online sales; Release 15 new
products; speak at 20 seminars
85. Build a cohesive strategy Rebuild the approach to clientele to gain a complete trust
and to enhance LR value to the business
86. Build a customer base from scratch.
87. Build a new facility
88. Build a solid client base and increase sales in nutritional supplements.
89. Build credibility. Induce reciprocation. Build relationships.
90. Build more top of the mind awareness.
91. Build my business to the point I can leave my corporate job by the end of the year
by gaining more clients, utilizing internet marketing strategies, publishing articles
and newsletters and offering workshops.
92. Build my database and re-establish contact with my clients
93. Capture at least five new clients
94. Clearly described earlier.
95. Clearly, to implement a proper marketing strategy.
96. Close more deals than the year before with more dollar volume
97. Coaching trainers training
98. Company has financial goals and product development goals.
99. Complete and implement marketing strategy. Focus on developing recognition for
easier access to potential long-term clients.
100. Complete B-Coach training program in June, and implement serious strategic
marketing continuously .
101. Complete our Pilot Program, use it to develop a full deployment.
102. Completion of our new catalogue. New web site selling direct to the public.
103. Consolidate two locations or add another provider
104. Continue to build and grow.
105. Continue to grow base business and find new profitable niches to expand into this
106. Continue to grow in spite of the economy.
107. Continued good service.
108. Continued growth – improved profitability.
109. Convert 19 Suspects to Clients
110. Create a plan, implement it consistently
111. Create a position in the consumer mind for easy visual learning. Build a marketing
and class implementation system easily replicable for growth through licensing
112. Create a revenue system that is 10 fold in sise and profit
113. Create a strategic marketing plan
114. Create large customers base as we are in the initial phase of building the
company. This is to give us critical mass to compete effectively with other

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1378

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

115. Create two new products that will be sold primarily on the Internet. I am working on
automating my business so it can grow without having to increase my overhead by
hiring employees.
116. creating a strategic alliance with other consultants
117. Creation of a solid network of revenue generating business contacts, Beginning of
my business second phase which entails the funding of accounts receivables using
company’s resources and NOT outside capital.
118. Currently under discussion.
119. Deeper with existing clients plus build the referrals
120. Define a strategy and plan make it 5Million revenues
121. Determine if I should even stay in this business or try to expand my small
manufacturing/assembly business. If I give up my water purification business, I
may have to give up the medical insurance as well, which keeps me tied to this
business in many ways. My wife cannot get any other medical insurance without
totally ridiculous premiums ($2000+ per month—but we’re already paying $800+
per month as it is, so it’s becoming quite a squeeze).
122. Develop a marketing program(2)
123. Develop a reproducible process for getting new clients. Develop a highly profitable
and consistent cash flow.
124. Develop a strategic plan.
125. Develop a website, no other major goals.
126. Develop an understanding of marketing. Create a plan and faithfully execute it.
Sell more books! Offer seminars and make money!
127. Develop and secure 2 clients in each of our nich markets, consistently contact our
potential clients by at least three methods, raise the proficiency of our sales staff,
better understand what current clients want and reshape our services to meet that,
be market driven, listen to what the market is telling us and act accordingly
128. Develop corporate accounts.
129. Develop downline in all fifty states.
130. Develop enough strategic alliance business to keep me active full time.
131. Develop on-going business stream
132. Develop relationship with key local brewery with a view to their nominating our
cyder as their only cyder on offer within their brewery
133. Develop Strategic Plan with Detailed Tactics
134. Devote more attention to development of drafting work to complement engineering,
which has very limited client base, and surveying, which has little repeat business.
136. Do 10 seminars with 60 to 150 people
137. do 100,000 in business
138. Don’t get a heart attack
139. Don’t have a written plan.
140. Don’t have any specific strategic goals for this year on the table.
141. Don’t have any(4)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1379

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

142. Double business, increase profitability by 25%

143. Double my fee income while taking an equity position in four or five client
144. Double sales
145. Double the company’s revenue
146. Double revenues
147. Earn $1M in 12 months
148. Educate the market, expand
149. Educating our clients with free useful information about their home cleaning, so to
gain their trust and loyalty.
150. Enable web services
151. Establish a brand and expose our expertise to broader audience.
152. Establish database
153. Establish the practice as the “go to” place for asset protection.
154. Excellent Customer Service.
155. Expand practice to more life coaching to get out of insurance clients and
accompanying paperwork; finish writing my book on Breaking Free of Fear and get
it published; market my speaking actively verses only when others seek me out.
156. Expand the businesses to alliances with outplacement houses
157. Explore opportunities for expanding existing product range and increasing
revenues per customer.
158. Financial growth up 20%. To implement 5 well laid out marketing strategies to
achieve this growth.
161. Find enough clients and consulting engagements to make the business successful.
I’m still in start-up mode.
162. Find more time to promote product
163. Find other products to sell to our existing clients, freeze sales in our secondary
markets until we are able to release our software.
164. Find work!
165. Fine tune marketing plan, More customers
166. Finish a new CD and get it onto the market before Xmas. Set up at least two new
CD productions for 2004.
167. Finish book, launch website
168. Five lifetime gifts over $10,000, 2. $75,000 from golf events—net,3,$225,000 in
unrestricted gifts, 4,$50,000 in restricted gifts
169. Four new projects.
170. Frankly, there are none.
171. Fully explore the small business space, move into private mortgages, set up a
relationship with a bank to provide matching loan funds when a Circle Lending
borrower has paid on time for 6 or 9 or 12 months.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1380

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

172. Gain market share

175. Gain recognition (remember, I'm new on the Internet to this)- Build Joint Ventures
(Strategic Alliances)- Search Engine Optimization
176. Gain strategic alliances with a few huge, prestigious market leaders.
177. Gather 10 clients who will provide on going business, agree retainer packages to
cut down on need for marketing
178. Gather 2 million assets this year.
179. Generate company growth of 45%.
180. Generate enough cash to give me the freedom and cash to fulfill on my marketing
181. Get 4-5 regular repeat customers and 3 customers that have periodic projects.
182. Get a brand and standardize materials
183. Get a plan in place and begin working it fast!
184. Get a strategy.(2)
185. Get at least 1 new client every month.
186. Get customers, establish name.
188. GET EDUCATED about my overall industry (preparation for product positioning &
newsletter content)2 promotional host/beneficiary efforts with charity organizations
test viability of exotic/domestic animal portraiture build local mastermind support
189. Get established
190. Get large interior contracts which we have done
191. Get more business from public speaking and some other source.
192. Get my two major USA JVs profitable; implement my two local h/b relationships;
commence the ATI ezine; and grow my list to a figure >2000 subscribers.
193. Get one new customer
194. Get our business started. Get at least one alliance up and going.
195. Get started.
196. Get the business launched and reach first year sales targets.
197. Get the business set up with 20 on-going business clients and a viable private
client service/program.
198. Get web site up and running. Offer academic support through net. Open one new
business site
199. Get website up and running. Begin generating publicity via PR. Implement my
marketing plan, including direct mail, email, and strategic alliances.
200. Getting better copy and sellinf a 2th concept to my market.
201. grow

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1381

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

202. Grow -- from $4 million to $5 million.

203. Grow 25%
204. Grow assets under management to $25 million.
205. Grow by 1000 percent
206. Grow by 60 clients
207. Grow by about two million dollars, increase skills of loan officers.
208. Grow commercial aerospace business (Airbus)Grow space and satellite business
Penetrate rail and mass transit market segment
209. Grow in revenue Develop delivery capability (people, systemize know how, office
facilities)Have multiple marketing pillars in place Have references
210. Grow my massage business enough to be able to quit my day job and make
double or more my previous income.
211. Grow revenue by using the income multipliers.
212. Grow the business by 20% and get the JV running steadily and profitably.
213. Grow the business by 30%.
214. Grow the SA citrus import business to account for 50% of the SA industry exports
to the USA. Build more long term partnerships.
215. have not had time to work on them
216. Have not thought about it
217. Have not yet established
218. Haven’t formulated yet.(2)
219. Hire someone to manage my data base and get my mailings out and follow up.
221. How to find a strong partner, so as to implement a decisive and integrated
business & marketing plan
222. Huh?
223. I am developing it now
224. I didn't develop any.
225. I don’t have any except gross earnings of $40,000.
226. I don’t have any.
227. I don’t have one yet.
228. I don’t know(3).
229. I don’t know. I ‘m developing them now.
230. I don’t really have any, however , I would like to grow my business from 20 to 100
k by Jan 2004. That would require 20 more client visits per week.
231. I guess it would be good to have some, eh?
232. I have a goal in mind to create an automated marketing system on the Internet.
233. I have no strategic goals
234. I have none(2)
235. I have not address strategic goals.
236. I haven’t gotten that far yet.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1382

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

237. I plan on getting into alliances like the one mentioned earlier. I am also
considering targeting people in prominent positions in their companies and working
out a deal where they would refer my products to their company.
238. I wish to build a solid and reliable base of not less than 500 clients this financial
year who each pay at least $100 for services that I give to them. Once I have
achieved this I wish to generate return sales and provide value-adding services to
these client in order to both prove I can enable them to achieve their financial
independence more quickly and provide them with a service that is worthwhile, as
well as enabling myself to achieve financial independence sooner.
239. I’m staring a new email campaign and hope to increase our business in many
240. Ideally 10 discount real estate customers a month.
241. Identify new business products and services to offer, and to what specific group of
242. If I understand the question correctly, our goal is to match sales volume with the
capabilities of our current staff. This will mean four times more sales volume and
26 times more profit compared to our best
243. Image facelift and making a standardization in our art. Get more in front of our
customers to LIVE in their minds as the answer to all their problems.
244. Implement real estate component.
245. Improve processes in the following areas. Client fulfillment – add 8 key processes
that guarantee delivery (time, scope budget).Ultimate Roi – both Strategic and
246. In though process currently. Jay’s insights will provide a clear and strategic
roadway for our planning to plan and achieve an effective marketing and business
247. Increase 15%
248. Increase annual residual income by $ 1,000,000
249. Increase assets under management by $50 million.
250. Increase business size and expand into different related markets.
251. Increase business to brokers and attorneys
252. Increase business(2)
253. Increase customers by 20%
254. Increase direct mail and promote through thank you meetings at a local hotel.
255. Increase efficiency, lower costs, offer discounted pricing, increase revenues.
256. Increase exposure to my services.
257. Increase market share by improving the number of successful business alliances
258. Increase market share in a declining market (Office Furniture and Interiors)
259. increase my contact to past customers.
260. Increase our chargeable hours 20%.
261. Increase our Gross Profit by $610,000 with only adding $150,000 of additional
expense to generate it. Successfully transition the 12,000,000 new automotive
parts business to us on 6/30/03 and develop 3 new sales and service/automotive
detail product vans and routes. Form and execute the strategic alliance with the
fluid recovery company.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1383

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

262. Increase our marketing.

263. Increase revenue from industrial market by 20%.
264. Increase revenues to $ 200,000
265. Increase sales by $250,000
266. Increase sales by 10% and develop a system for developing new customers and
locking them in for life.
267. Increase sales by 20%
268. Increase sales by 25%
269. Increase sales to twenty one loans per month . Acquire a warehouse line of credit
and become licensed and market in more states Become a Freddie Mac Seller.
Get financials audited so that we can do FHA and VA mortgage loans. Begin to
market to third party originators and set up the infrastructure for acquiring net
270. Increase seminars, grow email marketing list
271. increase the fee per case and lower the volume
272. Increase the number of stores and the width of product available on line
273. Increase the number of top 100 clients
274. Install 8 systems
275. It would be to approach more people to first let them know about the opportunity
and find out if they would like to know more or at least offer to help them improve
their financial situation.
276. Joint venture
277. Just grow the number of projects, analyze and write and sell books
278. Keep head above water.
279. Keep our cost low.
280. Land major US client Affiliation with major professional firm Close commission or
large fee based work (not hourly)Expand marketing efforts to more frequent
contact and a monthly newsletter Dramatically expand educational offerings on
website Do co-presented seminars
281. Land two more clients and one that produces consistent leveraged income.
282. Launch print catalog and increase direct mail sales, increase ecommerce
283. Launch the new products successfully Inlicense at least one new compound for the
portfolio Retain key people Have Fun!
284. Launch the site, grow and expand. Seamless supply chain … Create a Tidalwave
~ making good informed decisions an “in” thing.
285. Launch two of our primary programs- Increase the support staff (so I can do what I
am good at)
286. launch website, get over 1000 new subscribers
287. Learn how to make more money
288. Mainly survival – the market is very soft right now.
289. Mainly, to begin to market and to be able to continue to grow at the same rate of
growth in the past, by doubling again in revenue.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1384

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

290. Maintain
291. Maintain comfortable relationships with current clients
292. Make $150,000 in revenue.
293. Make more money
294. Make more money than last year.
295. Make more sales = target = $1mill
296. Make my self available to all restaurants in adelaide
297. Make sure the operations are the best in the business, start up a multi-pillared
approach to marketing, gain more customer loyalty, build value into the business.
298. Market, Market, Market
299. Maybe this is more tactical….Generate enough work that we don’t have to worry
about whether we’ll have a paycheck coming, so that we can freely market and
generate more work, pay off our debts so they keep haunting us.
300. Meet and develop relationships with industry professionals who will be motivated
to help market my products/services. Develop cost-effective motivational
301. Meet growth targets in all 5 revenue lines.
302. More clients, more profits
303. More marketing.
304. more of the same through better use of marketing tools, hopefully leading to 20%
growth against 15% growth last year
306. More revenue, less subscriber turnover.
307. more strategic alliances with banks.
308. Move the business and strategy to develop the internet sites
309. My main strategic goal is to learn Jay’s material and apply it to setting strategies
with and for my clients. And possibly to see if I can make my employer a client.
310. My personal goal is to be responsible for bringing in 60% of the client base at
some point within my 2nd year with the company. Currently I have been on board
for 8 months and am already at 20% - pretty good since the company has been
running for almost 10 years.
311. My strategic goals are to dent the mortgage market by developing into a known
source for mortgage education
312. N/a
313. Need to be developed
314. Nil(2)
315. no
316. No layoffs, hopefully some growth.
317. no specific goals, yet
318. None as yet
319. None defined as yet.
320. None defined at this time

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1385

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

321. None developed yet.

322. None in place
323. None in place! Gulp…..
324. None- increase sales.
325. none set
326. None specific
327. None therefore need to put them in place
328. None yet(3)
329. None(13)
330. Not clear about it.
331. Not defined , except to pay off debts in the bank
332. Not really defined
333. NOT SET.
334. Not yet formulated
335. Not yet in place
336. nothing new, keep doing what we have been doing
337. Only tactics, no strategic goals
338. Open store #100 in April. Bring in and integrate additional key
management/leadership people to ensure we stay up with growth, strengthen our
marketing program, also training programs.
339. organize a marketing strategy and keep consistent
340. Our list of goals is currently being worked on.
341. Our strategic goal this year is to actually plan a marketing approach and strategy.
342. Perfect marketing strategy and business processes. Be ready to license
methodology to agents.
343. Pick up at least one new client – but sadly, not focusing any effort in this area yet.
344. Pick up more/better clients via public speaking
345. Position Company to handle exponential growth comfortably. Create add'l leaders
that can run future locations. Grow 50% and add at least 1 location
346. Positioning as a expert.
347. Process 1 million ATM Transactions/month Sell 1500 ATMs. Be Debt Free Build
the company into a strategic marketing powerhouse totally dominating our
348. Profitable
349. Publish a book.
350. Purchase six pregnant Alpacas and begin with ads
351. Raise top of mind awareness and increase coaching clientele.
352. Reach $1m revenue. Have 4 customers with more than 100 computer site.
353. Reach more, do more, charge more
355. Release and promote our Macintosh OS X Native version.

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Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

356. Remove me from the business operationally so that I can build a true, formalized
marketing plan.
357. Right now, just build the company and sell it.
358. Risk free referrals
359. Sales growth
360. Same old same old
361. see 5 items above
362. sell $300,000-not good so far
363. Sell 100 units per day.
364. Sell 5,000 units!
365. Sell 5-10 VAI & CMS with RANDR installs; sell 10 RANDR extension with RNADR
366. Sell as many as possible.
367. Sell more, Get more referrals, retain longer. Be in public eye more.
368. Sell the house. Move to Florida. Continue looking at the new potential market
place to determine whether to re-enter the food business, or some other business.
Re-read your materials. Work up a business plan for a new business, using your
369. Set up new business I am working on, go operational and maximize market share
371. So far, I just want to get started and put some of the tried and true strategies to
372. Specific sales objectives for different departments
373. Start an email campaign Web Ad campaign Web Links & Alliances Find more
complimentary products to add to existing customers Find incentives to give away.
374. Start an new strategic real estate company
375. Start Jay Abrahams strategy!
376. Starting up, be recognized.
377. Start-up this year
378. Stay alive!(2)
379. Stay in business and make a proft. I want to do 400K in revenue this year, so I
can pay myself about 180K.
380. Stay in business long enough to formalize a strategic plan that will take us to new
heights between now and the end of 2003 – and see us never in this situation
again – ever.
381. Stay in business!(2)
382. Still in consultation, but a major goal is to give away 100,000 trees ready for
383. Still lies on planning stage
384. Still thinking about that one.
385. Still working on them. Growth of revenue and significantly increase the efficiency
of our operations.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1387

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

386. Strategic goals for 2003 are to roll out our educational strategy and gain a higher
percentage of our dream 100. We also plan to strengthen our finances and
achieve a 30% growth in sales.
387. Strategic Marketing plan, joint ventures, more frequent contact with existing clients
388. Strategic? Get more customers, expand.
389. Stronger ongoing alliances with Microsoft, Handango (sells most of the software),
Mobile Planet (sells most of hardware).Fully implement email campaigns for new
leads, payups, and renewals. Develop into significant profit center ancillary product
revenue – in particular Develop alliances with Phone
companies (Sprint, AT&T, Verizon) etc who will be selling handhelds with phone
capabilities and phones with handheld capabilities. Create a set of useful regular
reports on marketing efforts Develop tests and test infrastructure for email
campaign Use web and email to survey customers on regular basis Expand
international distribution of mag Create comprehensive listing of marketing efforts
and prioritize
390. Survival – at this stage the future is not looking too promising….
391. Survival and developing a strategic marketing plan
392. Survival!(5)
393. Survive and grow
394. Survive the recession and stay in business
395. T win govt contract to hold business seminars. This will hopefully get us the
_brahams_ty and confidence and resources we need to spread the message
about our Business development program.
396. T6riple size of base without adding staff
397. TACTICAL OR STRATEGIC? Get more people to realize that we carry a wide
variety of products in price ranges from bargain basement to 'professionale'
quality, that we have very competitive prices (many people assume we're high
priced because we're a 'specialty store'), offer free services, and want to treat our
customers the way we would want to be treated. Break Even or better - make a
profit Train my two top staff members to be able to take over most of the jobs I've
always done - leading to partial retirement, or reaction to chronic disease & any
398. Take the website to phase 2Build an ebay business Create at least 1 – 2 online
income sources Build the jewellery party income avenue Have staff manage the
market stalls more frequently Learn more about wholesale business Communicate
with customers via subscription email Have casual staff to make the jewellery
399. TATEMS is the No 1 Truck Maintenance program in the U.S. Selling 20,000
licenses per year.
400. Test few of my creations , create strategic alliance with manufacturer, and build
marketing team to market it
401. That is what I really need to decide.
402. The 100% systematization of the events and their marketing Hire an employee full
time to half time Create a bad ass website to automate much work, build a
powerful brand and help with marketing
403. The do marketing full time by end of year
404. The first is to turn off all the extra noise in my life and really concentrate on this

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1388

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

405. The strategic goal this year is to become the expert in cash flow services to small
businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
406. They are currently being reevaluated
407. This is a start-up company, with zero sales right now. By the end of 2003, sales
should be at $500,000. By the end of 2004, sales should be at $2,000,000. By the
end of 2005, sales should be at $5,000,000.
408. This is horrible…we only talk about ideas, but never have spent the time to put
something together. Honestly, I don’t think we know even where to begin, so we
just try half-heartily different approaches and pray they work.
409. This year’s strategic goal is to achieve 15% market share in the projector category
410. This year’s strategic goals are to position our practice as THE family oriented
chiropractic practice in our area with a strong focus on children’s health
411. This years strategic goals are to streamline the manufacturing process so that we
are able to manufacture more products and take advantage of economies to scale
in purchasing, labor, and space rental and utilities. The next step is to find a source
of capital (money), which will be able to fund rapid growth and the manufacture of
multiple shelters so that we may facilitate the growth we anticipate by changing
one critical aspect of our business. To date we have only sold our buildings to the
end user who may see the up front cost as being rather prohibitive. We know that
the oilfield sector is used to and very comfortable with renting equipment they
require on a long-term basis. This helps with their cash flow and breaks the
payments down into bite sized, tax deductible amounts each month rather than
taking a fairly large bite out of their capital budget – renting also does not affect
their balance sheet, making it a more favorable and easier transaction to get
approval for. The rates at which we could rent these buildings are such that they
would yield pretty favorable returns to the investors and the anticipated demand for
such a system (which currently is not being offered for our type of equipment) is
very strong because of the favorable cash flow and tax advantages it offers to the
end user. Our largest hurdle is being able to tap into a source of capital to initially
fund the shelters to be rented out on a long term basis, but once we have that in
place everything else will fall into place and selling will be much easier. There is a
great opportunity right now in attracting U.S. Dollar capital for two main reasons, 1)
the Canadian Dollar is starting to rise in value against the U.S. dollar and is
expected to do so for the next few years giving rise to an opportunity to take
advantage of profit from currency exchange appreciation as the interest is paid in
Canadian Dollars which are becoming more valuable against the U.S. Dollar and
yielding more income for the U.S. investor as these funds are converted back to
U.S. Dollars and 2) the initial interest rates are higher in Canada as our central
bank tries to fight inflation fueled by our relatively strong economy while the U.S.
Federal Reserve continues to drop rates in an attempt to stimulate the stalling U.S.
economy meaning that U.S. investors can get a higher absolute interest rate on
their investment. All we need is access to these funds (in the order of $ 3 – 5
million U.S. / year) to be able to start manufacturing at the accelerated rate and be
able to offer investors an attractive medium term (3-5 years) source of revenue
412. To achieve $500,000 gross revenue. To launch 1 of 3 bank end products.
413. To achieve 50 new clients yielding $200,000 in profits.
414. To achieve an annual turnover of $500k
415. To achieve targeted profits
416. To acquire at least 6 clients that use my consulting services

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Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

417. To acquire more customers and grow my pool of buyers. And to add a better line
of followup products to backend with.
418. To acquire my JV
419. To add 10 to 20 new massage clients that recurringly use massage on a weekly or
biweekly basis. Excel Communications add 20 more loyal customers and 10 fired
up reps under me this year.
420. To add 1000 people a month to my organization through warm and cold market
421. To apply more strategy to improve marketing
422. to be better known in our market place Preeminence. The people to go when you
need mortgage
423. To be more effective and consistent. To plan a marketing strategy. Implement it
consistently and to efficiently follow through on the leads and record results
424. To be moving toward my 3 year goal.
425. To be the most effective marketer.
427. To become the largest organized direct sales force
428. To become THE place to go for marketing of local businesses.
429. To begin shipping product.
430. To bring out a new product we have been working on for a year.
431. To build the business to gross $250,000.
432. To build-up an affiliate program, with a focus on practitioners.
433. To complete the business foundation with a modest number of successful ventures
434. To continue to shift our client base away from domestic customers to high net
worth clients
435. To continue what we are doing and add an additional 5,000 clients
436. To create a loyal following of investors willing to participate in on-going education
437. To create a vision of the future and how we fit into it.
440. To develop a systematic marketing program.
441. To do 1 million in volume, to double number of distributors from 3000 to 6000
442. To do what I did last year. As long as I keep the company alive
443. To double (at least) our sales and maintain our excellent reputation.
444. To double my healthcare product, software and information sales.
445. To double my turnover!
446. To double number of coaching clients by end of this term. To open one franchise
447. To double our income, strengthen our customer base and build systems that will
be effective and ongoing.
448. To double sales. To get a workable database. To lay out the procedures for
sustained growth.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1390

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

449. To double turnover. To cement current alliances and form a maximum of two more
(identified targets). To expand and build market in new geographic area
450. To earn $80K in commissions. To add 3 new product lines.
451. To earn income as a bureau (Just in operation as a bureau one year.)
452. To establish 5 income streams, 2 being non-IT related.
453. To establish alliances with several people in complementary and reinforcing areas
of my business; people who can make it easier and more profitable for me to
produce research reports and other innovative products/services, and to distribute
and sell them to new markets. Also, to reposition my company as an entity much
greater and grander than a mere market research firm. Ours will be a company
that uses market research as a foundation to build an awe-inspiring, indestructible,
architectural structure that is supported by a variety of high value products and
services that none of my competitors offer. What type of architectural wonder will
this be? Envision The Parthenon… ;o)
454. To establish credibility
455. To establish name in the industry
456. To establish our company as leaders in the hydrogen and contaminated waste
management sectors. We will have several large contracts in place within the next
457. To establish ourselves in our market place to the extent that the majority – if not all
– prospective clients within the geographic circle know about our existence, what
we offer, how and where they can get hold of us, who they should speak to; and
feel positively inclined towards Body & Mind Foundation as a possible multiple
service provider for their businesses.
458. To establish ourselves in our market place to the extent that the majority – if not all
– prospective clients within the geographic circle know about our existence, what
we offer, how and where they can get hold of us, who they should speak to; and
feel positively inclined towards Body & Mind Foundation as a possible multiple
service provider for their businesses.
459. To excel in our services as a unique brand, and to improve our web marketing
efforts, and to improve our web posting and other marketing means.
460. To expand readership of the newsletter, to become more aquatinted with our
customers through customer participation and feedback incentives, and become a
best-in-class provider of alternative health and self-development resources.
461. To fill our personal client base and systemize our service provision
462. To find 5 more first lines that wants to do this fulltime (in 6 year I have 2 fulltime)
463. To find work most in alignment with the business vision, with payment which
reflects the value of our service
464. To finish up the other websites and put the complete plan of generating traffic in
place. This is proprietary. We also want to have 5 million debit cards in place.
465. To focus on massively increasing the number and quality of contacts being made
with new clients thru low cost, high return methods such as referrals,
talks/workshops, and lead generation boxes, then presenting them with strong,
compelling evidence of their need for programs of corrective care leading to highly
satisfied clients who refer in family and friends on an ongoing basis, and who
chose to continue with wellness programs of care.
466. To focus on retaining our existing clients but providing value added services. To

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Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

gain new clients through strategic partnerships

467. To focus on retaining our existing clients but providing value added services. To
gain new clients through strategic partnerships
469. To formulate systems within our business to reduce the stress on the cogs.
470. To fund $100,000 directly and $1,000,000 through independent representations of
others None really established
472. To generate $1,000,000 in premium dollars by February 15, 2004
473. To get 45-50 people for the next course (we have 39 now)
474. To get 50 % of my revenue from coaching, and by the end of the year have a web-
475. To get 5000 subscribers on my list, to get 500 new customers, to build revenues to
around $20,000 for this year – that’s a 500% growth on last year.
476. To get 5000 subscribers on my list, to get 500 new customers, to build revenues to
around $20,000 for this year – that’s a 500% growth on last year.
477. To get a strategy in place and order all of our marketing around that.
478. To get an online business going and marketing it well.
479. To get more accounts from major universities.
480. To get more vans on the road
481. To get our salespeople trained and profitable, making a minimum average of
$1.5million in sales per person for 18 salespeople.
482. To get out of my core business and go into a web based marketing business
where I will ship from my warehouse. My goal is to get out of the labor intensive
business and into e-commerce
483. To get the processing plant up and running
484. To grow
485. To grow all aspects of the business, develop a coherent business plan and a
coherent marketing plan, and to increase overall exposure to my product.
486. To grow and systematize the business.
487. To grow by at least 10%
488. To grow my accountancy practice by additional fee income of between $15000 and
489. To grow my unit to 3 lenders and a processor generating $15 million in closed
loans a month.
490. To grow our business by at least 66% through targeted direct mail, current
customer referral program, ‘lost’ customer follow-ups
491. To grow our customer base, and increase our revenue
492. To grow the assets that each client holds with our company.
493. To grow the business nationally
494. To grow the company 10%

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Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

495. To grow to 70% product/30% fee.

496. To Grow.
497. To have 20 established clients with repeat business.
498. To have a business net profit of 25000 EUR for the first time in 5 years.
499. To have eight solid clients.
500. To have one million a month under our managed accounts.
501. to have other people teaching free seminars to cover more of UK market share
502. To have some in black & white rather than the current wishy-washy “I want a
higher turnover”
503. To help 25 people buy or sell real estate.
504. To identify/cultivate a few new centers of influence.
505. To increase gross revenues by 80%To continue with expansionTo decrease
inventory by 70%
506. To increase my client base
507. To increase my customer base to 12 stable, regular, ongoing business clients
508. To increase our business to $100,000 per year through your marketing systems.
509. To increase penetration of 6 vertical markets with utilization of Core Story
presentations, to add one or two productive sales people, and to begin establishing
strategic alliances.
510. To increase revenue by $50,000
511. To launch successfully a new line, to develop a new one with our own brand, to get
the business of the two top retailers with whom we are not doing business, to
develop an alternative distribution channel for our products.
512. To learn more strategies and test them
513. To learn and implement 3 different marketing strategies
514. To learn how to sell successfully to companies and individuals in order to make at
least 25,000 pesos per month. And recruit and train my self my agents so that they
do it better than me.
515. To learn to market my business and skills better.
516. To lease 50-100 properties.
517. To make $10,000 per month in gross sales without ever leaving home. To do that
I need to double or triple my web site traffic. If I can add more exclusive products
that would appeal to my subscribers, I will make much, much more.
518. --to make $80,000 in revenues (not very strategic—I know)
519. to make a profit.
520. To make this a million dollar company
521. To market more off the shelf products, and maybe even investigate some
commission marketing as well.
522. To nail down my strategy when I am satisfied with it which will be soon I will deploy
my easiest to implement marketing tactic to my most accessible hungriest market
then gear everything into parlay mode repeating the same process by either using
the next best marketing tactic or using the next best hungriest market.
523. To obtain Master Business Associate status which is $5000/month for 3

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1393

Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

consecutive months
524. To obtain the largest market share of any IBO in my geographic area and to
expand that on an ever widening scale
525. To open at least two new market segments
526. To position ourselves as leaders in the complete communication business. To
expand to the US. To use the possibility of global war to direct peoples thinking to
communication for the benefit of the planet.
527. To position ourselves as THE EXPERTS in IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL
528. To prospect 50 new people daily, to close new business daily, to recruit 10 new
directs per month. To compound my efforts daily and build a huge organization.
529. To prospect for a minimum of 3 hours a day and study my scripts
530. To put in place a marketing strategy that builds on the positive factors pointed out
in this questionnaire and avoids the negative factors pointed out herein. Whether
a factor brought out in this questionnaire is a positive contributor or its omission is
a negative indicator, may be a bit subjective but actually it’s pretty obvious.
531. To realize a second income stream!
532. To sell more homes, to create relationships and to develop passive streams of
income for myself. Pre paid legal and Care Entrée, and whatever else I can find to
add income.
533. To set the initial strategy of the business, build the tactical tools, and launchBy the
end of 2003:In the entrepreneurial/small business/direct commerce market
pursuing Master Strategy #1, to have signed 50 strategic alliance deals with
marketing consultants, and through them to have closed 150 new OrderMotion
accounts generating $3.6 million in revenue p.a.
534. To set up new manufacturing site and introduce a range of new products. Set up a
range of business in a box packages.
535. To set up two Round-Table groups and to have 10% of the business come in
passively, i.e., not directly connected to my own time.
536. To sign up 100 dealers.
537. To start doing something even if document production.
538. To super sell our products & services
539. To survive, stay in the business and try and work out how to make a decent living
out of it…
540. To take our heads out of the sand and prosper.
541. To take turnover to £200,000
542. To transfer the video to dvd, To develop a website & internet marketing program
to reach a new retail market
543. To use real estate as income to further my marketing career.
544. To grow at least 20% and I’ve got another sales person in and more direct mailings
545. Transition from refi to purchase business and create the perfect customer
546. Triple Turnover
547. Try to devote one day per week for the sales activity
548. trying to setup something strategic

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Question 82. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

549. Turn 2 houses and add 3 additional homes to the business. Incorporate to provide
asset protection. Seek additional appropriate deductions/ tax strategies.
550. Under development
551. Under development as I refocus the business over the next month.
552. Under development, with a focus on a unified corporate business and market
strategy. Up to this point, the strategy has been to, for the Building Systems
business unit in China alone, is as described in the answer to question (2).
553. Under development. Tentatively, we seek to develop successful referral
relationships with 90% or more of the nation’s relocation management firms. In
addition, we intend to begin actively marketing to our existing and former clients,
and in so doing to at least double our profits. Further, we intend to increase sales
activity in 3 new geographic markets.
554. Understanding the value of the strategy, clients value, sells tacktikss and apply
555. Undetermined at this point.
556. Unknown(2)
557. Up until this questionnaire, I never had any…
558. We are buying our retreat to build our own business in a regular basis.
559. We do not have any
560. We don’t have a strategic goal. We have a tactical goal to gain a tighter hold on
the way we handle our incoming enquiry, and sorting out our 5,000 plus database
so we can use it for direct marketing.
561. we have grown 5% per for 13 years. Now it’s time to grow 10 to 20%
562. We haven’t got any
563. We want to have 150-200 realtors using us, we now have 50
564. Web site , better ads in trade journals, production facility expanded and upgraded
to double the out put reducing cost per unit by 30%
566. Well… :)) to survive.
567. Working on it
568. Working on The dream 100 concept and build up more than one referral program.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1395

Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

Question 83. What is the marketing philosophy that your business has been built


2. (These questions are getting redundant!) Plan, test, measure, duplicate or scrap
3. ?(12)
4. 1. To analyze and understand the wants & needs of our targeted markets, and
then to educate them to the unique application of our solutions. 2. To seek our
Clients assistance in reaching their friends and neighbors to achieve like results for
them as well.
5. A great product sells itself.
6. Ad hoc see what happens
7. Add value to others and achieve our victories from the victories of those we serve.
8. Advertise and give good service
9. Again, to offer the best material to our customers guaranteed so they will tell
others and continue to come back again and again.
10. Ah, ah, ah, ah staying alive, staying alive
11. Always be the best. Never make promises you can’t keep. Always guarantee your
12. Always doing what is in the client’s best interest and making that clear to them.
13. Always make it easier for our customers and prospects to chose us to deliver their
14. Always over deliver and under promise
15. As little marketing as possible
16. Assisting students achieve their maximum potential
17. Basically marketing to friends and relatives.
18. Basically, up to this point I’ve had none
19. Be an expert & resource
20. Be close to the client
21. be different, offer what prospects want, offer guarantees
22. Be everywhere
23. Be excellent at my craft, provide uncompromising service that no one else can so
that clients will seek me out. Clients will seek me because they will know in their
heart that I have their best interest in mind. But, I have to market so that the
people will know this
24. Be good
25. Be honest, promise the earth, deliver more, make sure there’s no risk to the
prospect or customer and educate them fully as to the benefits of buying from me.
26. Be the best and let the customer know it.
27. Be the best and they will come
28. Be the best by being better
29. Be the best doctor I can be and get people well. If you get them well they will refer
patients to me

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1396

Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

30. be the best-we pay claims

31. Be there. Be square.
32. Be totally different than anyone else out in the Mortgage & Real Estate
33. Be visible, provide great service and help people be successful.
34. be worth more than they are.
35. Benefit marketing
36. Bits and pieces of good ideas, little consistency and follow-through
37. Blind hope
38. Build a plan that suits the client’s needs and actually do everything we put in the
specifications (unlike most of the competition).
39. Build a strong membership through strong relationship
40. Build brand and build word of mouth reputation through delivering results.
41. Build strong, long lasting relationships by doing what we say we’ ll do and provide
continuous innovation to keep our clients ahead of where they want to be
42. Build the best products and spread the word to a large regional audience. Creation
of a destination and a reputation for excellence and innovation
43. building a family of customers.
45. By improving people’s health and earth’s ecological systems we will build a world
wide business and spread our ecological education and benevolence worldwide
46. Caring, professional service.
47. Cast a wide net and troll for prospects
48. Catch the discrete wave before it dies down. IP and ASIC business is much harder
to get profits.
49. Catering towards a specific industry and providing inspiration for those clients that
may be in need of help in various avenues of their life.
50. Change the image of the Collision Repair Industry
51. Clearly described earlier.
52. Client service and being trusted business advisors.
53. Clients must be totally satisfied
54. Companies need quick fix solution let more people know about the service
55. Compelling value for small to medium size business – it helps our customers make
money, it works, we will show how to use it and support you after the fact – or you
can have your money back
56. Concentrate on the top 20 percent of the market that produces 80 percent of the
57. Conservative but aggressive. Willing to do most anything it takes to get or keep a
customer, if the customer is willing to pay a fair price.
58. Consultative selling, falling in love with client
59. Contact and educate and care about the person that you are working on. Really
listen to them and give them hope. Failure is not an option as long as they don’t
want it to be.
60. Continue as now in marketing but look for better ways time permitting.(which is

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1397

Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

61. Continuous effort

62. Continuous and incremental improvement in implementing all facets of a
coordinated force multiplier strategy.
63. Convenience, uncompromising quality, value, strong philosophy (proactive
personal responsibility to wellness and prevention being better than cure).
64. Could not say what our owners philosophy was.
65. Create an "informed prospect", first - present & close, second
66. Create awareness in the marketplace that there is a company that provides
satisfactory results at a very attractive price.
67. Creating additional value for clients that they would not get by themselves, then
sharing in that additional value created.
68. Creating an excellent profile indirectly.
69. Customer or member satisfaction drives all efforts.
71. Deliver good service
72. Deliver more than you promise by a long margin – risk reverse the initial and follow
on engagements – and transmit my passion to really help the business owner grow
their revenue and profits.
73. Deliver superb service and value and people will pass my name on.
74. Deliver Value
75. delivering more than the client expects and usually earlier than promised
76. Develop a great product and customers will come – obviously this needs to change
77. Develop a solid client base for future work. Develop a reputation as an expert, in
order to attract future business. Deliver value with every consulting project.
Maintain schedule flexibility to promptly respond to client needs.
78. Develop products that meet specific needs
79. Differentiation., great work and referrals
80. Differentiate us as better than the competition.
82. Direct mail marketing.
83. Direct market
84. Direct marketing
85. Direct marketing (email, infosessions, educational sessions)
86. Direct regional sales with nationwide distributors.
87. Direct sales and relationship building.
88. Direct sales to customers with a 90 day no questions asked money back
89. Do a good job and they will come
90. Do a great job and referrals will come.
91. Do as they would be done by
92. do everything professionally
93. Do excellent work and “they will come”!
94. Do it right the first time

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

95. Do more that expected, for a lower cost and being a good neighbor.
96. Do more to earn our clients business than anyone else is doing and make a little
profit on a lot of sales.
97. Do not comprehend
98. Do what’s right for the client.
99. Doing very little marketing, very infrequently – it’s a scandal but it’s true.
100. Don’t believe there is any one philosophy that has prevailed.
101. Don’t fix it, if it ain’t broke.
102. Don’t have one
103. Don’t know.(2)
104. Don’t quite understand this question
105. Don’t sell what you can’t deliver.
106. Don't have one but I do prefer word of mouth.
107. Don't have one!
108. Duplication
109. Educate and educate some more, brutal honesty, give service above and beyond
anybody else.
110. Educate the client, and be a source of trusted information for clients.
111. Educate the prospect
112. Educate your market. Help them succeed.
113. Education(2)
114. Education of customers.
115. Ethical, honest, integral admiration of our products, vetted by our delighted
customers and buyers.
116. Ethical, honest, integral admiration of our products, vetted by our delighted
customers and buyers.
117. Excellent service
118. Explore all marketing opportunities. Maximize return on marketing dollars by
focusing resources on those initiatives that result in the highest return.
119. Feed a man fish you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for
a lifetime!
120. Find a market about which I am passionate, determine the needs and wants of the
members of that niche; then create or endorse products and services to help these
people solve problems they want to solve. Basically first to find out what a segment
of people want and then sell it to them.
121. Find how we are different from our competitors and create the sales message
accordingly. Be cost competitive. Deliver more than promised.
122. Find my clients the answers they need, help them save time and money, help them
improve the profitability of their projects or company.
123. Find the prospect, contact the prospect and sell the prospect.
124. First and foremost an excellent product or service, to under promise and over
deliver that product or service, to provide real solutions and benefits, to make
friends with our clients and never sell them short or treat them in a way that you
would not be liked to be treated yourself.
125. Focus on the client and what they want and deliver

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

126. Focus on the customer and give them good value.

127. Follow up and do what you say you can do. If you can’t do something tell the client
up front.
128. Fun and underpromise/overdeliver
129. Generate new business through telephone prospecting, major sign exposure and
following up with past customers for referral business.
131. Get money
132. Getting the low bid, doing a great job, building a reputation.
133. give
134. Give & you shall receive more
135. Give away.
136. Give clients more than they expect
137. Give clients the most honest appraisal we can of the products and services we
offer; speak to them as their eyes-and-ears purchasing agents . . . so they can rely
upon us.
138. Give first, get later.
139. Give good service and you will keep yopuyr customers, sell more to them and they
will help you get new customers through testimonials and referrals
140. Give more for less and assure success
141. Give more than I promise.
142. Give more than you think that you need to-
143. give prospects value and a AHA experience; earn the right to do business
144. Give real value to customers trough tangible results
145. Give small biz owners the tools that they can use to market more effectively and
not more expensively.
146. Give superior quality services to clients
147. Give the best service with the best product.
148. Give the client more than their money’s worth of advice and implementation.
149. Give the client what they want in a timely manner and they will be back
150. Give the clients what they want.
151. GIVE THE CUSTOMER WHAT THEY WANT in the way of selection, price ranges,
quality, brand names, services, refund/exchange policies.
152. Give the customers what they need and they will pay you for it. i.e. create value for
them by offering something that would enrich their lives in some way.
153. Givers gain. The more you give, the more you get.
154. Giving
155. Giving the client a good, solid product and training and support that they need to
become successful.
157. Go the second ( third fourth etc.) mile with others.

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

159. Good honest service of good honest products.

161. Good service
162. Good service to the client.
163. Gradual marketing process.
164. Great food made fresh just for you!
165. Great products, great opportunity.
166. Great service, fair price, get referrals
167. Grow grow grow
168. Guaranteed satisfaction.
169. Guaranteed performance.
170. Hands on customer service.
171. Happy Clients are good business.
172. Have a good product and service.
173. Help others to build their business and you will build yours.
174. Help people, educate people.
175. Help your clients see how much they gan grow and help them do it.
176. Help your, help others, and make money …. STAND UP, TIGHTEN YOUR BELT,
177. Helping customer to buy a product versus selling them a product.
178. Helping friends and families
179. Helping my clients to better results
180. Helping our clients to succeed.
181. High impact brand identity with renewing old products
182. High Quality and Great Service
184. High ROI.
185. High ROI.
186. Honest selling, where everything is negotiable.
187. honest service and products at competitive prices.
188. Honest value—no hidden fees—no contracts—100% turnkey
189. Honesty(2)
190. Honesty and a win, win, win situation.
192. Honesty and results.
193. Honesty, integrity, full-disclosure.
194. Host Beneficiary
195. host/benefit, excellent service
196. I believe that providing a client with the information to make an informed decision
makes them comfortable with their decision and leads them to refer me to other

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

197. I deliver much more than I receive in compensation.
198. I didn't develop any.
199. I do not think we ever followed any particular philosophy.
200. I don’t understand the difference between goals and marketing philosophy.
201. I don't know.. how about "If you build it, they will come."
202. I have always built my marketing philosophy on doing what is in the best interest of
my clients, by engaging them in sincere and mutually beneficial agreements.
203. i have no marketing philosophy
204. I have talents and expertise very, very few people have within the telemarketing
profession. Consequently, I want to be seen as indispensable as possible so that I
will be first choice to solve a company’s problems regarding increasing sales and
205. I need to do some marketing and stress benefits, not features
206. I provide a good service and help individuals.
207. I started with jay Abraham philosophy of doing business
208. I want to make people's lives easier and save them money.
209. I want to run a successful company that is recognized for high quality, high
professional standards and a focus on satisfying the needs of our clients.
210. I wanted it to be test and measure – but because of the lack of relationship with the
end-user I am struggling with how to measure accurately the effectiveness of
marketing approaches.
211. I wish we had one.
212. I work hard all day long till I can't go on any longer hoping that something that I do
will be correct and sales will start on a regular basis.
213. I'd built it on philosophy to help others do their marketing. Now I've changed to one
I've already wrote.
214. Identifying and satisfying clients needs profitably.
215. If we educate our customers they will buy from us.
216. If we give genuinely higher value and develop a great relationship with the
customer, not only will we get all the IT related work but practically there will be no
217. If we make good stuff, people will buy it.
218. If you have a good product people will buy it.
219. If you satisfy the need(s) of the customer not only to his satisfaction but to his
delight, the money will look after itself – the two winner concept.
220. If you satisfy the need(s) of the customer not only to his satisfaction but to his
delight, the money will look after itself – the two winner concept.
221. If your product is good, your customers will help you spread the word.
222. Improving the business processes in Accounting, Inventory, and Manufacturing
control systems
223. In order to produce good products, one needs to be big and put a lot of money and
time into the process. Which I believe is untrue.
224. in order: quality of product, service, and knowledge of product
225. Increase your sales and profits with low cost marketing strategies for small

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

226. Increased cash flow, customer-base retainage, avoidance of pay outs to collection
227. Increasing profit and reducing hassles recently protecting assets.
228. Inform our customers about the environmental advantages of our products as well
as personal advantages.
229. Integrity(2)
230. Integrity and helping those companies achieve their business financial goals.
231. Integrity with 30 plus years of service to same community.
232. It can be done…but will it and when?
233. It has been built on being the lowest prices producer
234. It has not had a marketing philosophy in the past
235. It hasn’t one
236. It must be a win-win-win situation.
237. It’s all about them, it’s not about you; never compromise on high ethical standards;
take the time to teach clients, always bring maximum value to a business or
238. It’s easier to sell to people you already know.
239. It’s good and speedy service eventually wins and keeps clients.
240. Jay’s philosophy
241. Keep trying.
242. Kind of piece meal, but based on offering the client more knowledge and
243. Knowledge of customer requirements and personal service.
244. Learn how to do it my self and pass it on.
245. Leverage existing client relationships.
246. Leveraging valuable info in return for new subscribers.
247. Local management should know their industries and, therefore, potential clients
248. Love your neighbor as yourself which requires that you learn to love yourself.
249. Low key and professional.
250. Low key, little risk, little effort and little personal reward. I provide customers more
than their money’s worth of my time and expertise.
251. Make a living by being a Creative Life Architect where we design the life they want
to live
252. Make contact with as many people as possible, present to them our alternative,
serve them with exceptional care, get results, and create long-term relationships.
253. Marketing a quality product at fairs and home shows. Educating client of the
benefits for them.
254. Marketing and innovation and 3 to 10% growth
255. Marketing drives this business. We trial everything.
256. Marketing from integrity and building reputation and referrals.
257. Marketing in novel (and profitable) ways is the only way to stay out from under the
elephants’ feet.
258. Marketing is a multi-pronged weapon that must be used consistently and
persistently. Use every means available and add to the arsenal over time. Refine

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

copy in ads, on web pages and in the autoresponder messages to get the highest
response rates. Give the customer what they want. A quality product delivered as
quickly as possible backed up with a rock solid guarantee. Back all this up by
always being professional, fair, honest and above board. Always tell the truth.
259. Max. client satisfaction @ max. profits using direct mail techniques
260. MONEY…
261. More and better explanations means more sales.
262. Most Respected. Best Practice Ethics.
263. My personality and training.
264. My philosophy about business and marketing is based on the principles of “Do
unto others as I expect other to do unto me!” – I do have a mission in my mind to
offer services, goods and opportunities to others from which they can derive
benefits. I do detest dishonest exploitation of people.
265. My skill creativity and referrals
266. N/A(3)
267. n/a at the moment – start-up phase but, a good question that I should have an
answer for.
268. nil
269. NO
270. --no marketing philosophy other than a happy client is a great salesperson.
271. No marketing philosophy to the business. We are young entrepreneurs with sales
experience but no formal marketing training or experience.
272. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
273. no specific philosophy
274. None(20)
275. None in place, we are run by chemists and finance people not marketers, That’s
my challenge
276. None so far
277. none that I know of .
278. None yet.(2)
279. None, so far. That’s been the problem.
280. Non-threatening environment, educational and building relationships with my
281. Not at this phase of our development as we focus ingrowing
282. Not defined
283. Not got one
284. Not sure what to call our existing marketing philosophy… pick low hanging fruit,
acquire marquee customers, and leverage relationships with businesses that are
close to our clients.
285. Offer a top of the line product that makes a win-win-win situation with us, our
clients, and the environment.
286. Offer outstanding service, at a reasonable price and develop win-win relationships
with all involved parties
287. offer the best in a unique and beautiful way and beat the drum so that people
know you’re there

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

288. Offer the best price and service

289. Offering Biz/Technical Writing with Quality tasks and Training.
290. Offering superior products at better price. Value for money .
291. Only recently started to spend money on marketing.
292. Open, friendly, honest and approachable
293. Openness, giving value, partnerships.
294. Optimization and Preeminence.
295. Others centered
296. Our business is built on the philosophy that every man, woman, and child in our
community can live a better life with chiropractic care because vertebral
subluxation is in and of itself detrimental to the human experience of life.
297. Our marketing philosophy is still a work in progress. I am looking at the ideas of
Jay Abraham as the grounding principles of our marketing philosophy.
298. Outstanding Quality / Great customer Service
299. Overdeliver – always deliver more, beyond expectations. Always provide a project
bonus delivery not related to original assignment.
300. Passive referrals
301. People first along with we “Provide Peace of Mind” to our clients. We develop a
strong yet flexible IT foundation for their business to grow.
302. People who travel internationally like to buy a memento for themselves or for
friends and family back home to show that they have traveled to our shores
303. People will only be serious about sending to adult day care if they are sent by a
professional/ someone they trust. People don’t know what we do, how we can
help them , how adult day care –particularly our center- can change their lives
304. Performing better than our customers expect us to
305. Persevere
306. Person to person introductions cut through the traditional obstacles to get to the
key decision makers.
307. Personal referral
308. Personal Relationship Selling.
309. Personal selling .....Leveraging my own professional credibility and acceptance
with my customers to become a trusted sales consultant to them.
310. Personalized service
311. Phone calls.
312. Pick the low hanging fruit first
313. Position the company as a technically proficient supplier of equipment and
engineering services at a fair price.
314. Positioning
315. Present the company as the “so you can afford to practice medicine” company. To
that end, develop the critical marketing mechanisms to achieve that goal.
316. Professional work + low cost = best value. Give the clients good deal, and he'll
continue doing business with you.
317. Professionalism. Personal with our clients and cleaners.
318. Promise a best deal & delivery even more
319. Promote people and they will promote you.

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

320. Promote.
321. Prompt and reliable service
322. Provide a complete resource of needed services for SMB’s to be successful online
323. Provide a good service and people will spread the word.
324. Provide a quality product and service at an affordable price for all areas of the
325. Provide a quality service and the business has grown through referrals
326. Provide better service, give more value to clients than they paid for.
328. Provide far superior service, then spread the word
329. Provide HUGELY valuable services to our customers and now remind them of the
services we offer
330. provide quality service and products and let the customer's needs drive my efforts.
331. Provide superior service resulting in ongoing referrals
332. Provide the best valued added service for a fair price.
333. Provide training, sales promotions and programs to help my customers sell my
products to their customers
334. provide up to date training that provides workable solutions, not theoretical
335. Providing assistance for landowners to make good informed decisions when it
comes to measuring their wind…resulting in them requesting our services to install
an anemometer to measure their wind.
336. Providing exceptional value for the investment with a risk reversal for all work
337. Providing good value to my clients/customers.
338. Providing high standard of professional services at affordable fees
339. Providing solutions to complex problems
340. Providing the highest ROI to clients
341. Optimization
342. Put out a quality product emphasizing direct mail and feature stories
343. Put the word out that you are there and of what you are doing and the people
needing your products/services will call you.
344. putting the clients in the centre of everything we do, enabling us to add value to
345. putting the clients in the centre of everything we do, enabling us to add value to
346. Quality
347. Quality & Customer Service Excellency.
348. Quality and specialty of offerings
350. Quality of products and services
351. Quality of service
352. Quality product and service are the foundation of any business.
353. Quality products & developing a healthy balanced lifestlye

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

354. Quality products that perform as we say they do

355. Quality service with quantifiable outcomes that can be measured.
356. Quality work for existing customers so they'll keep us supplied with work.
357. Quality, cleanliness and service.
358. Quality, standards, ethics referrals and international credibility
359. Quality, Value and service + meeting and beating contractual obligations
360. Random and irregular
361. Random and irregular
362. Reach and provide housing to deserving individuals in an ethical and profitable
363. Referral mostly to other “company” stores!
364. Referrals(3)
365. Referrals are gold
366. Referrals from successful customers
367. Referrals, do a good job and clients will refer
368. Relationships
369. Relationships and exemplary customer service that focus on the customer’s
growth and profits
370. Reliable service and knowledge and good workmanship
371. Repeat business
373. Repitition and follow up with calls.
374. Responsive service builds strong client relationships.
375. Results for clients
376. Retail (cash-flow) to recruit, recruit to residual income, residual income to
investments, investments to lifetime financial security and Freedom
377. Right knowledge is good business
378. Sales.
379. Same as plan, but not stated
380. See several questions above
381. Seek small gifts first and upgrade to larger gifts over time.
382. Sell results, value, and customer satisfaction.
383. Selling “protection” services is all about drilling down to their pain and offering a
credible remedy.
384. Selling solutions not services
385. Send out as many email as possible
386. Serve others with integrity.
387. Serve the customers needs
388. Service ,service, service
389. Service and efficiency
390. Service and the best bang for the buck. Create a loyalty by giving more value.
391. Service and word of mouth.

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

392. Service the best you possibly can

393. Service the client
394. Serving the American Public on the buy term invest the difference principle and by
showing people how they get taken advantage of in their finances. Educating
people on how to make and save money.
395. Show the world the best way to grow food in a family-based gardening
environment, and provide the best tools and materials to accomplish that.
397. Slow and steady gradually you will succeed. That’s pur e BS I am now starving
and under terrible financial strain.
398. Slow but steady growth is better than quick rise (and fall)
399. So far none.
400. Solid strategic marketing fundamentals
401. Solve people’s problems, and they will buy from you.
402. Solve their problem
403. Specialize and provide better service
404. Specializing in the real estate industry and emphasizing my years of experience
and breadth of experience in that industry, to help companies get financing, cut
their costs, attract investors, and increase their cash flow
405. Speed up the processing time and reduce the client’s cost.
406. Spiritual Marketing
407. Start with a pilot program, do thsat well, demonstrate the extreme performance
gains are real, then apply the same techniques to other parts of the client’s
organiuzation (this is why we only go after large enterprises)
408. Stay focused on the things I know best, don’t be tempted to take business just
because I could make a quick buck- Its about serving the customer with
409. Stay in business and increase the customer base.
410. Staying close to the customer with high quality products, risk reversal through
lifetime warranties and service and continually seeking out the best and latest new
interiors solutions and technologies for our customers.
411. Still working on it.
412. Strategic alliances
413. Strategy. USP. Achieving success strategically. Easily. Effortlessly
414. strive for excellence. long way to go
415. Suck it and see (test everything, but tests have been too expensive, so need way
to carry out in-expensive, low-risk testing)
416. Superior customer service equals sales
417. Superior products- Excellent Service - Fair pricing.
418. Superior results
419. Support, and high quality.
420. Take care of my clients and they will take care of me. Honestly, ethically,
compassionately. And I’m quite good at that!
421. talk to more people
422. Technology transfer and recruitment of local partners/distributors to deliver our

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

services with a large component of local labor.

423. Tell the truth, do my best
424. tell the truth-prove it and people will come
425. Test, test, test but focus on one or two industries or areas and drill down.
426. That a service or product is only as good as the marketing plan you have in place.
427. that if you do a good job people will buy from you, but then I know that isn’t true for
most people, it just works for me because I haven’t wanted to have a huge
business at this stage . it is something I fit in around motherhood, and other
428. That is “Everything has its cost”
429. That the right strategy is the key to reach my objectives.
430. that there are millions of small businesses out there and at one time or another
almost all of them could use our service to great benefit. we have to be there when
they need us and get the message out to them
431. The best possible service in the shortest time, at a fair price.
432. The client needs are much more important than our needs for profit
433. The company designs contextually appropriate facilities that satisfy the needs of
our clients.
434. The competence we have in both technology AND business so that we can make
effective technology decisions based on a solid understanding of business.
435. The consumer deserves a fair deal and we will do our upmost to give the
consumer the product that we advertise in the manner that we advertise and for
the purpose that we advertise.
438. The philosophy of the founder, my father. He stared in sales in the 1960s and
worked in the field. He promotes as many contacts to prospects/customers as
possible. He often has challenged the sales force to set goals on the # of
telephone calls, # of face to face sales calls, and # of mailers.
439. The right message to the right market at the right time and continued follow up
along with emotional direct response.
440. The service has a genuine need and use particularly in preventing theft of assets,
we work on this area and the fact that it’s lifelong
441. The solution to families college funding needs and concerns!
442. There hasn’t been on. I come from the educational field and find doing the
business of business difficult.
443. There is a lot of demand for our products – go get it!
444. There is a need out there which you can satisfy, go and find it.
445. There isn’t one as such
446. This question has been answered progressively through this questionnaire …
hasn’t it?
447. This same one that we have been using for the past 6 years
448. To meet the demands of undersupply with a high end product.
449. To provide excellent service and to grow on that philosophy.
450. To always carry fine materials and design intelligently so that the products
produced will serve the client with great satisfaction for many, many years to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1409

Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

451. To be a consultant for human being and not for “companies”. The human being is
in the middle of my efforts.
452. to be honest and give the customer more then they pay
453. To be of service
454. To be the foremost supplier of green coffins in the UK.
455. To become my client’s trusted advisor and to give them more than I promised, all
at my risk.
456. To bring awareness to the market about the hidden potential of a business and to
service, to the best of our ability, those who have a strong desire to change and
are willing to commit themselves to it.
458. To concentrate on
459. To contact as many potential customers as possible with the most effective system
and continually increase our residual income.
460. to continually discover new ways to benefit clients in our area of specialization and
innovate so that we can deliver these benefits
461. To deliver a quality solution to reduce any client’s potential slip-fall liability.
462. To educate clients
463. To give before you receive
464. To give maximum value to each person
465. To give whoever uses my products and services the best purchasing experience
and product satisfaction they have experienced.
466. To locate the appropriate and best funding that will meet or exceed each client’s
needs and objectives and maintain regular contact with them through
correspondence, phone, and/or other allied services on at least a quarterly basis.
467. To make cold calls everyday
468. To new to know.
469. To own the business of my intended Top 100 prospects
470. To promote new technologies in order to enhance the development of rural and
inaccessible areas, nationally and globally.
471. To provide a great product at a great price and to bring my clients joy while doing
so to the betterment of their lives.
472. To provide a superior product and service and offer guarantees to make us the
only logical choice.
473. To provide alternative health and self-development education and resources
through simple electronic access to everyone.
474. To provide analysis, conclusions and plans related to the client’s specific srea of
concern that the client can rely on in making decisions or resolving competing
475. To provide excellent results and make a positive difference in their business and
477. To supply turnkey solutions to the print and marking trades.Rubber Stamp, Hot Foil

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

Printing and the Engraving & Embossing markets.

478. To teach people what their health is worth
479. To treat clients as royals
480. Touch prospective customers as often as possible.
481. Training, Education & Service.
482. Trial and error until you succeed.
483. Trust(2)
484. Trusting relationship and integrity
485. Two and three step selling
486. Under development still.
487. Unique combination of Technology, Finance and Business method
488. Unique combination of Technology, Finance and Business method
489. Unique Selling Points to differentiate ourselves from our competition and stick to
the basics of what we do better than anyone else….our core competencies.
490. unknown
491. Upgrading clients from free products to inexpensive paid products to
comprehensive Postal Solutions. Joint venturing with bigger players. being the
most knowledgeable provider in the field.
492. use reference selling into accounts that are looking for help
493. Value added services with a personal and analytic point of view to help client’s
companies prosper.
494. Value creation/aggressiveness
495. Value in our products, and the best service we can give (remain committed to 1
hour call-back support levels)
496. Video. Multimedia. Results.
497. We are just now developing that which is to build the client for life strategy.
498. We are reshaping it…basically…do a good job…ask for referrals…etc.
499. We continue to do what has worked in the past.
500. We do high quality work and we guarantee it unconditionally.
501. We need it, but don’t know what to do.
502. We need to understand demographics, psychographics and target benefits to the
customers and lead them to buy through the presentation of high quality
information over time that shows them the value of our products. We need to
establish toeholds in niches, expand their strength at the word of mouth grassroots
level, build on media coincidence and solidify territories. With solidification we
need to strengthen alliances so as to expand our strength and also increase our
profits from different related revenue streams.
503. We provide better services and therapies for you.
504. We stress direct techniques and it works.
506. We want to make our customers look good.
507. We will do the jobs no one else will
508. Web site – e commerce
509. What do I have to describe here that I haven't described earlier?

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Question 83. What are This Year’s Strategic Goals?

510. What is the marketing philosophy that your business has been built on? treat
people with respect and as you would your family
511. Win – Win. We believe that our products have to be a real value for the customer.
512. Wing it :o)
513. Word of mouth(7)
514. Word of mouth and referrals
515. word of mouth from satisfied patients
516. Word of mouth provides the very best quality of business for the least cost.
517. word of mouth will spread the news
518. Word of mouth works best.
519. Word of mouth. Worked for 70 years (mid 80’s).
520. Work on the business
521. Working on this one but to be the best in our line of business and to ensure that
our customers have an enjoyable, fun experience dealing with my company and
provide an effective perceived value in exchange for their parting with their hard-
earned dollars. Also in making their homes/offices looking out of this world
522. You have to give more to get more
523. You must get prospects to place that first order.
524. Your marketing investment should MAKE you money – measure it and only invest
in areas where you can get return
525. Your software project: On time, on budget, exactly as promised
526. Yours!

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1412

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?
Question 84. What people, what books, what other factors have influenced and
impacted you the most about marketing?

1. #1. Jay. #2. Al Ries& Jack Trout 3# John Carlton/Gary Halbert

2. (a) Sales and marketing executives that I worked with during my years in industrial
sales, (b) HBR articles by Ted Levitt, books by Peter Drucker and and materials
from Jay Abraham, and (c) my own personal experiences in industrial sales and
marketing consulting.
3. (without order)- Al. Ries and Jack Trout– Hopkins You Corey Rudl Joyner Joe
Vitaleand some of 50 others I've read.
4. ?(2)
5. “Guerrilla Marketing “ and Howard Shenson
6. “Money making secrets…” is the first marketing book that I’ve actually learned
7. “Stealth Marketing” by Jay Abraham, The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert
Kiyosaki, The eBook “How to become a global Internet Tycoon” by Allen Says, The
book “The Master Key to Riches” by Napoleon Hill, The Holy Bible. Very recently
“21 Power Principles” by Jay Abraham
8. 10 years in Toyota Motor Corporation International Sales, Marketing and Training,
Sewell Cadillac and Lexus, Jay Abraham
9. 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (and Branding), Jay’s works, Starbucks –
creation of an experience vs. a cup of coffee, other experience centered retailers
such as Rainforest Café, Disney, McDonald’s.
10. 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing Selling the Invisible33 Days to Online Profits
Million Dollar Consulting
11. 84A. See books listed earlier.
12. 99% of what I know I learned from Jay. I have enough of his material to last me a
lifetime. Also Gary Halperts newsletter has helped me.
13. A long time belief in direct response marketing in al ventures.
14. Abraham
15. Abraham and Kennedy
16. Abraham, Burg, Some Tom Hopkins, Ziglar.
17. Abraham, Kennedy, Ogilvy, Lasker, Nicholas
18. Abraham, Kennedy, Sanders, Silver, Levinson.
19. Abraham, Levinson, Bly, Kennedy, Halbert, HG Lewis, Harvey Mackay, Beckwith
20. Abraham, Tony Robbins, some internet Gurus
21. After Jay: Dr. Singer, he is a chiropractic consultant whose seminar programs I
have attended.
22. Alan Weiss, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Bob Bly
23. All Jay Abrahams stuff
24. All sorts - we are avid consumers of all types of sales, motivational and personal
development media
25. All the marketing giants. Halbert Abrahams, brian keith Voiles, bob sterling, Bill
Myers, Jay Conrad Levinson

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1413

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

26. Allen Says, Jay Abraham, Bill Myers, Anthony Robbins, Robert Allen.
27. Already answered
28. Already asked and answered … but once again, Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy and Bill
29. Andy Andrews Jay Abraham Tony Robbins
31. Anthony Robbins tapes & books, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey, Jay Abraham.
32. Anthony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, John Maxwell, Zig Ziglar. I think the most
important thing I learned is that I must change and grow.
33. Any number…and, of course Jay’s. Success in another field also….
34. Artists of America because they were unique and successful
35. automatic
36. Ben and Jerry, Tom’s opf Maine, Suzie Reddacker (sp?) infusing their own values
into the corporate world
37. Besides your stuff, I like Gary Halbert, Ted Nicholas, Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale,
Tony Robbins, and many others.
38. Bill Myers, Earl Nightingale, and their publications. Robert Allen and Mark Victor
Hansen (One Minute Millionaire)
39. Biographies of business leaders, jay abraham
40. Bob Harrison, Michael Gerber- E-myth, Systems thinking.
41. Bob Mackay, Jay Abraham
42. Bob Middleton (your student)
43. Books described above. Personal mentors within the business have used their
experience to shed light on where they believe we get the most commercial
leverage. Also from experimenting on my own.
44. Books: “Rain Making” by Ford Harding, “Value-Based Fees” by Alan Weiss.
45. Brain Tracy, Zig Ziglar and Robert Kiyosaki – Each has a unique way to sell.
46. Brett Rademacher
47. Brian Tracy
48. Brian Tracy and Anthony Robbins
49. Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Tom Peters, Ries and Trout, Jay Conrad Levinson.
50. Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and my boss
51. Brian Tracy, Seth Godin, Hopkins, Hilton Johnson’s – The MLM coach and his
MLM university and teleclass “ Selling by Attraction”
52. Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Norman v. Peale
53. Brian Tracy, Y2Marketing
54. Brian Tracy Jim Rohn Zig Ziglar Fran Tarkinton
55. Business builders entrepreneurs win win relationships
56. Business in general – without consistent marketing the business withers and dies.
57. Can’t think of any unless it is the “” biography by Kara Swisher.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1414

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

59. Certainly Jay has contributed, along with others

60. Chris Newton who was trained by Jay Abraham and Kevin Dawkins
61. Claude Hopkins, Jay Abraham, advertising salespeople.
62. Claude Hopkins, Jay, Chet, Covey, Robbins,
63. Client centered
64. Client industry trade publications
65., Robert Middleton, Business Link programs
66. Corey Rudl, Neil Shearing, Allan Gardane, Gary Halbart, Linda Caroll, Jim Straw,
Phil Wiley, Ken Evoy..."Money-Making Secrets Of Jay Abraham And Other
Marketing Wizards" by Jay Abraham "The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your
Business On The Internet" by Corey Rudl "How To Get One Million Visitors To
Your Web Site" by Steven Ducharme "Awaken The Giant Within" by Anthony
Robbins "How To Get Them To Say BUY BUY Not Bye-Bye" by Linda Caroll
67. Corey Rudl, other local businesses that are at a size and structure that I aspire to.
68. Corey Rudl:Insider Secrets Jay Abraham: Money-Making Secrets
69. Cory Rudl, Michael Cambell, Markus Allen
70. Cory Rudl’s Marketing Tips and all his software. Reading Jay’s salesletters and
trying to emulate those in my writing. Planet Ocean. Netrageous.
71. Couldn’t be specific on this.
72. craig proctor, david olivy, emyth
73. Currently reading Claude Hopkins books you said made an influence on you and
can definitely se why they made such anm impact
74. Dan kenndey magnetic marketing book., plus a few others.
75. Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham, seminars and books, articles.
76. Dan Kennedy, Bill Myers, JA, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters,
77. Dan Kennedy, Faith Popcorn,Tony robbins
78. Dan Kennedy, Guy Kawasaki “Rules for Revolutionaries”, “Selling the Dream”, Jay
79. Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Al Ries, Michael Gerber,
80. Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Jeff Paul, Ben Altadonna
81. Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Maxwell Sackheim.
82. Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki Joe Sugarman, Cialdin
83. Dan Kennedy, Jon Spoelstra, Jeff Paul, Jay Abraham, Denny Hatch, Michael Jans,
Larry Klein, Ken McCarthy, Marlon Sanders, Yanik Silver, Corey Rudl
84. Dan Kennedy, Paul Gorman
85. dan kennedy. Jay abraham
86. Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing program (including books “Ultimate Sales
Letter” and “Ultimate Marketing Plan”), Dan Kennedy’s Customer Appreciation
(Brass Balls) Seminar, Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Writing, Advanced Hypnotic Writing,
and Hypnotic Marketing, Ted Nicholas’s Nightingale-Conant audio program “Magic
Words That Grow Your Business”.
87. Dan Kennedy’s material

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1415

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

88. Dan Pfaff, Donovan Bailey, John Wooden, Phil Knight, and other unique
individuals from various Professional sports.
89. Dan Poynter, Og Mandino
90. Denise Michaels from Robert Allen’s group gives helpful marketing information in
her tele classes. Brian Tracy has all kinds of tapes and books regarding marketing
and selling that is helpful. Jay Conrad Levinson “Guerilla Publicity” also has helpful
tactics as well as Mark Joyner “ Mind Control Marketing . Com”. Your tape with
Drew Kaplan and Tony Robbins were full of valuable tactics.
91. Derek Gehl, Jay Abraham, Tom Peters and Ron LeGrand (Seeing how markets in
the real estate industry)
92. DIDN'T WE ALREADY ANSWER THAN FOR #8? Whats the name of the "E-Myth"
-doing it, doing it, doing it, guy?
93. Don’t know(2)
94. Doug Hall & Seth Godin
95. Dr. Paul Hartunian taught be the benefit of getting free advertising with the use of
press releases.
96. Dr. Singer and Anthony Robbins have helped us to improve ourselves and to keep
us on purpose so that we can overcame adversity an continue to have energy to
help other.
97. Dr. Thomas Stanley, “Networking With Millionaires” Audio CD
98. Drucker, Kennedy, Hall, Tracy, One to One Marketing.
99. Drucker, Ogilvy,
100. Ed poll, you, other lawyers
101. Eli Goldrath – The only thing that matters – an excellent business book that
encourages you to find your unique competitive advantage and then build the
business around this.
102. E-Myth Michael Gerber Setting Up Systems Solution Selling Michael Bosworth
Creating Buyers In Difficult Markets New Strategic Selling Heiman & Sanchez
Strategic Selling Let’s Get Real Mahan Khalsa Helping Clients Succeed Getting
Everything You Can Jay Abrham Optimization
103. E-Myth & Scientific Advertising
104. E-myth by Michael Gerber
105. Entrepreneurs / Anita Roddick , Richard Branson / Tomy Robbins
106. Everbody from Ian Ogilvy to Casey and Evoy.
107. Factors: 15 years working in direct marketing, and having great mentors in real life
business experiences.Books etc: Gary Halbert, Marlon Sanders, Gary North,
Napolean Hill, Claude Hopkins, Harvey Mackay, David Ogilvy
108. Family and friends.
109. Finding the win-win factor in everything. Being proactive. Mainly Jay Abraham, but
also Dan Kennedy
110. Floyd Wickman courses, Zig Zigglar, Selling to the affluent – Thomas Stanley
111. Focus Al Reisthe need for organizational focus Various Jay Abraham strategic
marketing alternatives
112. From my religion of loving kindness and compassionate

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1416

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

113. Gary North & Jay Abraham

114. Gary North (writes an internet column), Victor Schwab(How to Write a Good
Adveritsement) and Dr. Jeffery Lant *The Unabashed Self-Promoter’s Guide)
115. GE pays better if we bring in own leads
116. Gerber(2)
117. Getting All You Can, Ice to Eskimos
118. Getting everything you can Jay Abraham Strategy and Marketing out of all you’ve
got How I raised myself from Frank Better Salesmanship failure to success in
119. Good to Great – more about running a great business Jay – is the man for me up
to this point
120. Greg Newton conducted a study of the adult day care industry and put out a few
books and did some seminars on it. We also spoke with the group he did the study
for for more information.
121. guerilla marketing
122. Guerilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levins on Money-Making Secrets of Marketing
Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards
123. Guerilla Marketing.
124. Guerilla Marketing Jay Conrad Levison WC Clement Stone Naploean Hill Think &
grow Rich Robert Kiysoki Rich Dad Poor Dad Tony Robbins Unlimited Power Brain
Tracey Project Management and the concepts Bob Proctor James Rohn Ayn Rand
Altas Shrugged Warren Buffett Joe Vitae Dan Kennedy
125. Gurerilla marketing
126. Harry Beckwith
127. Have not really been influenced too much lately.
128. Have not really studied marketing except many years ago as a college student.
129. Have read none
130. Henry Kaye, Jay Abraham
131. Holy shit again! I think I answered this earlier- Jay – Dan Kennedy – John Carlton
– Marlon Sanders –
132. Hopkins, Abraham, Levinson, E-myth book,
133. Hopkins, Robbins,Allen, Abraham,
134. How To Get New Business In 90 Days And Keep It Forever Wendy Evans
Marketing Getting Everything You Can…Jay Abraham Marketing The E-Myth
Revisited Michael Gerber
135. Howard faran the business of dentistry
136. Hundreds of Nightingale/Conant cassette tape programs and thousands of self
help books.
137. I always pick up something from everyone. I take the outstanding ideas, test them
if they work I add to the regime I already have.
138. I am new to marketing but I have been influenced by the work of Ken Evoy at
139. I bought Jay’s how to get…book, I like Brian Tracy and Dr.Moine’s teachings and

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1417

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?
140. I do not read, I have developed on my own. I am just now trying to focus
141. I had a fantastic marketing and sales library which was unfortunately thrown out in
a move by my father in law.
142. I have a boatload of materials – mainly US, but also some Australian – and my
frustration lies in us “not doing what we know”. Jay, Joe Vitale, Results Corp
(Aust) – and all the “regulars”, in terms of books – Scientific Advertising, etc, etc,
143. I have an Anthony Robbins tape program that I found very good.
144. I have answered this earlier. I love Jay’s stuff-Tony Robbins/Brian Tracy are long
favorites and also Napoleon Hill’s books which help me in marketing myself and
me rather than any products.
145. I have been most influenced by the marketing methods that I see as examples of
effective marketing.
146. I have had many good marketing people help me in the field of dentistry. I have
also read extensively in marketing. Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Omer Reed, LD
Pankey, Jay Abraham, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and many others. I also
believe we have a generation at risk because of irresponsible media and want to
be a force for good on this planet. I watch and observer everything around me and
on tv and the internet.
147. I have just started researching marketing. I have joined a number of marketing
based email newsletters: Joe Vitale - Hypnotic Marketing Stuart Lichtman -
Cybernetic Transposition Marlon Sanders – Higher Response Marketing Yanik
Silver – Sure Fire Marketing Jim Edwards – Info Marketing Update Ken Evoy –
various mini e-courses (affiliates, new writing, pricing)I have Purchased some
marketing based ebooks:33 days to online success ebay selling secrets, I am
going through a direct mail e-course:ETR’s million dollar direct response fast track
(Michael Masterson)I have purchased your MMT home study course.I have
purchased Corey Rudl’s Internet Marketing Secrets course.
148. I have more than $8,000 in tapes over 10 years from other people but no one has
done what Jay has for me over the last 6 years, the last 4.5 years I have been on
my own an have done more sales than the past 12 years.
149. I have read a lot and have tried to copy what I've learned on the web site.
150. I have read a lot of books on MLM & on personal growth.
151. I have read over 300 books on WINNING, Evelyn Wood – speed-reading helped a
lot. I respect all successful people (in all fields) I have talked to many, many
professional athletes. Researched and discovered for myself, MY own definition of
winning (Important)
152. I have read so many books I can’t name one
153. I have to do more reading of marketing materials.
154. I just study your stuff that’s about all.
155. I keep an updated Reference library and use as required
156. I learn a lot from reading, but also by making mistakes…and by launching into
uncharted territory (like writing a book for a cancer doctor – learned tons about the
publishing industry and how to market a book successfully.
157. I like ‘Marketing Your Service’ (author unknown) from the early 90’s. And all of the
stuff I’m reading lately from Jay Abraham.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1418

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

158. I look and read everything I can, time permitting

159. I mentioned them above
160. I read 30 books a year having to do with my industry. But I don’t seem to be a
good finisher. I need to implement some of the better ideas.
161. I read everyday….Dan Kennedy/Nick Murray/Bill Bachrach/Sergio Zyman/Zig
Ziglar/Anthony Robbins/Brian Tracy….I have a very creative marketing mind that is
useless because I never implement an idea for lack of time or fear of failure.
162. I was impressed with David Sandler's method, even though his way is more for
making that sale. Jay Abraham and his materials;Harold Geneen - "MANAGING";
163. I would have to say that you, Jay, have had the most influence/impact in making
me realize how extremely important marketing is to a business’s success. My
problem is that I don’t know how to best maximize me and my talents and
resources/”hidden assets”.
164. I’d like to say your tapes, but I haven’t been able to implement any strategies
165. I’m reading new ones all the time. At the moment, I’m into Wallace Wattles and
Stuart Lichtman (just started)
166. I’ve always been very good on the phone thanks to a trainer by the name of Terry
Maguire in Massachusetts.
167. I’ve learned something from all my major career and life experiences. My father
and uncle early on in the retail clothing and show business, in college being
involved in the personal growth movement and the beginnings of Gestalt and
Transactional Analysis, my boss all the experiences for eight years while I was a
manufacturers rep in the gift and souvenir markets, being on stage all my life
performing music, getting exposed to Jay Abraham, too many books and tapes to
name, observing and being involved with my wife and the way she has built her
gourd art business and passion, building my own rapid growth apparrel decorating
business and then living through its failure, traveling selling industry specific
168. I’ve never studied it.
169. I’ve read a ton, but I’m not sure a lot has gotten through, because I’m not doing a
great job of it.
170. I’ve read and I’m reading motivational authors. My favorite one of all time is L.
Ronald Hubbard.
171. I’ve read so many books and there are more to read. People, Jay, Jay Conrad
Levinson, Joe Vitale, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, Joe Suggarman, Claude Hopkins,
172. In Search Of Excellence Tom Peters In Pursuit Of Wow Tom Peters The E Myth
Michael Gerber Focus Al Ries Selling The Invisible Harry Beckwith Your Business
Is Your Customer Jack Collis Out Of the Crisis W. Edwards Deming The Marketing
Audit McDonald & Leppard How To Get New Business In 90 Days Wendy Evans
Making Niche Marketing Work Linneman & Stanton The Double Win Denis Waitley
Database Marketing Shaw & Stone7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Steven
173. JA obviously, Gerber, Bob Allen, Chet Holmes, Scott Hallman, and God Bless
him, Carl Turner! I think he’s a superstar!
174. Jay , dan kennedy
175. Jay A. , bible, sales courses from tom Hopkins.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1419

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

176. Jay A., Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Mark Ford (Agora)
177. Jay Abraham(28)
178. Jay Abraham – How to get from where you are program.; 9 Drivers article. I like
ethical and common sense approach and your optimizing philosophy. I don’t yet,
but this assessment have lit a fire under me to follow through on that in the
marketing aspect. I do apply the optimizing ideas to other areas. Heard Dan
Kennedy at seminar and listened to his direct selling tapes – also applied it to
nutritional business – importance of headlines and repetition
179. Jay Abraham – Stealth Marketing, Getting All You Can Out Of All You’ve Got.
Stealth Marketing .Claude Hopkins – Scientific Advertising. Al Ries & Jack Trout –
Immutable Laws Of Marketing Gary Halbert Dan Kennedy
180. Jay Abraham & Dan Kennedy
181. Jay Abraham and Bob Serling
182. Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy
183. Jay Abraham and his material has the most impact on me. Easy to understand and
comprehend. What it lacks is the how-to tools. But still his material is the best.
184. Jay Abraham and my experience of producing and writing infomercials in the late
eighties and early nineties.
185. Jay Abraham and the people he has referenced.
186. Jay Abraham has been one of the most influential of any marketing leader.
187. Jay Abraham has made me more aware of the importance and the impact
marketing can have on my business.
189. Jay Abraham is the only one I have really paid much attention to. Seems that his
ideas are most in line with mine. I loved his 100 marketing weapons.
191. Jay Abraham programs
192. Jay Abraham stuff, spin selling, culture of desire, tipping point, jump start your
business brain
193. Jay Abraham!
194. Jay Abraham, Selling with Integrity, Robert Fritz
195. Jay Abraham, Allen Says, Mark joyner, Tom Hua, Paul Myers. Other factors: the
196. Jay Abraham, Anthony Robbins
197. Jay Abraham, Bob Serling, and Brian Voiles
198. Jay Abraham, brian tracy, alan weiss(all), harry beckwith (all), Thomas Stanley
(selling to the affluent)
199. Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy,Tony Robbins, Mike Ferry.
200. Jay abraham, Charles Lewis
201. Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Harry Pickens, Gary Halbert, Michael Gerber, Jay
Conrad Levinson

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1420

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

202. Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Scott Hallman, Jay Levenson.

203. Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Tony Robbins (motivation & lasting change)
204. Jay Abraham, Chris Lytle
205. jay abraham, chris newton (australia), claude hopkins, david ogilvy,
206. Jay Abraham, Christina Ellwood, Stephen Schiffman, Barbara Windham.
207. Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy
208. Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert
209. Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy material.
210. Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, John Carlton. “Influence”, “Selling the
Invisible”, NLP strategies
211. Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Jay Levensin, Chet Holmes. Books – Guerrilla
Marketing, How to get Everything you can out of all you’ve got. Magnetic
212. Jay Abraham, Deming & Tony Robbins
213. Jay Abraham, Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got. The December
2002 Mastermind Marketing Summit. Talks by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert
Allen at the Summit. The One Minute Millionaire. Infopreneuring. Chet Holmes:
The Stadium Pitch; Mind-blowing statistics to emphasize problems to set the
market buying criteria in your favor. Implementation with PIGHEADED
DETERMINATION AND DISCIPLINE. The Dream 100 concept. Focusing efforts
on the 20% that yields 80% of the income, based on the Pareto Principle. Peter
Drucker: “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two –
and only two – functions. Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and innovation
produce results, all the rest are costs.” Michael Gerber: “Most entrepreneurs are
merely technicians with an entrepreneurial seizure. Most entrepreneurs fail
because you are working IN your business rather than ON your business.” Price
Pritchett: You2. Programs provided by Landmark Education Corporation – The
importance of integrity and authenticity and the power of your word.
214. Jay Abraham, Harry Beckwith
215. Jay Abraham, Jay Levinson, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas – their publications,
seminars and tape sets.
216. Jay Abraham, Jeffery Fox, Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen’s The One
Minute Millionaire, Zig Ziglar, James W. Pickens, Tom Hopkins
217. Jay Abraham, Joe Karbo, Richard G. Nixon, Corey Rudl, Guthy-Renker-News
Corp., Bill Gates, Sam Walton, Glen Taylor, Genghis Khan, Clauswitz,
Eisenhower, Coca Cola.
218. Jay Abraham, Joe Sugarman, Mark Ford, John Carlton, Gary Halbert, Bob Bly,
Paul Hartunian, Maria Veloso, Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Dan Kennedy.
219. Jay Abraham, Joe Vitale
221. Jay Abraham, Joe Vitale, John Caples
222. Jay Abraham, Ken Evoy, Jim Daniels, Dan Poynter
223. Jay Abraham, Kenrick cleveland, Claude Hopkins
224. Jay Abraham, Lyle Martin, Dirk Zeller, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1421

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

225. Jay Abraham, Participants in the PEQ and AMA.

226. Jay Abraham, Peter Sun, Jonathon Miezel, Bill Myers, Brad Sugars
227. Jay Abraham, Peter Thomson, Ted Nicholas, Ken Evoy, Cory Rudl, Declan Dunn
228. Jay Abraham, Philip Kotler
229. Jay Abraham, Rand Smith, Craig Proctor (the latter two are industry specific), Dan
231. Jay Abraham, Robert Allen, Jay Conrad Levinson
234. Jay Abraham, Stuart Goldsmith, Gary Halbert, and Dan Kennedy
235. Jay Abraham, T. Harv Ecker, Jay Conrad Levinson
236. Jay Abraham, the Excel Phenomenon, Dig your well before you’re thirsty, Curtis
Howe, Ken Olsen, Don Moren
237. Jay Abraham, Tom Peters,
238. Jay Abraham, Tom Sant, College marketing courses, Deming, Juran.
239. jay abraham, tony robbins, chet holmes
240. Jay Abraham, Warren Buffet, Percy Miller
241. Jay Abraham, Yanik Silver, Corey Rudl, Robert Middleton, Wayne Dyer, my father
242. Jay Abraham, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Osho books, Deepak Choprah, Napoleon
243. Jay Abraham,Corey Rudl
244. Jay Abraham,Michael sennoff Mark V Hansen
245. Jay Abraham.
246. Jay Abraham.
247. Jay Abraham.
248. Jay Abraham. All his audio
249. Jay Abraham. Mike Enlow. Jay Levinson.
250. Jay Abraham., ted Nicholas – a bit
251. Jay Abraham.Abraham & HolmesMichael GerberSeth Godin
252. Jay Abraham/Chet Holmes
253. Jay Abraham; Mark & Pearson The Hero and the Outlaw; Emotional Branding;
Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need.
254. Jay Abraham’s audio cassette tapes, Michael Gebber’s tapes, and Niche Craft
book by Dr Lynda Falkenstein (USA)
255. Jay Abraham’s book and website on marketing
256. Jay Abraham’s literature (free ones)
257. Jay AbrahamAl Ries’ books (especially – 22 Immutable Laws)Thomas Leonard
258. Jay Abraham's generous flow of useful
259. Jay Abrahams material if I had more time to study and use it

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1422

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

260. Jay Abrahams-powertalk with Anthony Robbins, Anthony Robbins- get the Edge.
261. Jay Abrams and Gary Halibert
262. Jay and Dan Kennedy
263. Jay and his material is all I have
264. Jay books and materials, Trout and Ries, Jay Levinson
265. Jay Conrad Levinson, Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham
266. Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerilla Marketing
267. Jay Goltz with FramerSelect in Chicago, IL. He was probally the first to introduce it
on a very small scale to me.
268. Jay has been a big influence on the way I think about marketing however I have
had some difficulty applying a great deal of the concepts and bringing them into
effective marketing plans for our type of business. I have approached many
service companies in the oil and gas sector of the economy to explore some
strategic alliances however I have met with resistance because they do not see the
benefit of working with us and offering their customers value added service by way
of discounted wellhead shelters or value added components to those shelters (they
are solely interested in their business and that is all). Other materials that have
influenced or impacted my marketing consciousness have been Think & Grow
Rich ( by Nepoleon Hill), How to Write Advertising that Sells (by Clyde Bedell), The
Double Win ( by Dr. Dennis Waitley), What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard
Business School ( by Mark H. McCormack) and The Circle of Innovation (by Tom
269. Jay has been the biggest influence in marketing.
270. --Jay has definitely been the biggest impact. Prior to Jay the Peppers and Rogers
group taught me a lot about 1 to 1 marketing. Also my first marketing job taught
me about controls and testing, measuring success and list modeling.
271. Jay L Abraham
272. Jay Levinson
273. Jay Levinson and lastly, Jay Abraham
274. Jay Levinson, Cory Rudl, J. Abraham, Chet Holmes and Scott Hallmann
275. Jay literature- Tony Robbins-Robert Ciladini-Marva-Collins-
276. Jay mostly, but I’ve read Jay Conrad Levinson’s stuff, Dan kennedy’s stuff, Brian
Keith Voiles, Brian Tracy on sales, Gary Halbert, and others. I’m fascinated by
what others are able to accomplish with marketing! I’ve done some good things but
nothing earth-shattering!
277. Jay!
278. Jay, Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins
279. Jay, Chet, Sandler
280. Jay, Chet.
281. Jay, Game Theory
282. Jay, Geofrey Moore
283. Jay, Kennedy, Levinson, Gerber, Galetti
284. Jay, Mark Victor Hanson
285. Jay, Michael Campbell, Stephen Covey, Corey Rudl

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1423

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

286. Jay, Mike Vance, David Ogilvy

287. Jay, Scott.
288. Jay, Seth Godin, Peter Block, Jay Conrad Levinson
289. Jay, Tony Robbins, Harvay Mackay
290. Jay/Caples/Olgilby/Bly/: but Jay most of all.
291. Jay’s 21 Principles.
292. Jay’s books and info
293. Jay’s literature
294. Jay’s seminars.
295. Jay’s stuff
296. Jay’s stuff is definitely the best, at least theoretically. I just have to figure out how
to implement it all.
297. Jay’s tapes and communications
298. Jay Araham, Jay Conrad
299. Jays book that marketing can leverage a business and the robbins tape where he
talks about the pillars
300. Jays books
301. Jays info and other such marketers I have read on the net
302. Jays stuff. How to get where you want seminar and protégé seminar
303. Jeff Paul - Info productsJay Abraham - all the correspondence Chet Holmes -
systematic focus Brian Tracy - helped to establish his video education division in
Canada in the mid to late 80's
304. Jeffry Lant, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Jeff Paul, Cory Rudl
305. Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham
306. Joel Goldsmith and his teaching no question. Once I understood that my
“supply”(whatever you want to consider you need for your survival or well being)
does not come from my work, everything started to change. I work because it
would be a hardship for me if I had to go play golf everyday. I work with passion on
whatever I do. I hold no notion that my “gig” is anything important or good. I will not
do anything that hurts somebody or deceives somebody. I will minimize the impact
my activity has on the environment and I will keep doing it until I see something
more important for me to do. So I can only sell you something that I truly believe to
be of genuine value to you. The problem with Joel’s teaching and that of Mister
Eckhart or Buddha for that matter is it does you no good to know it. You have to be
it and that seems, more often than not, to out of reach.
307. John Caples, Joey Reiman, Ries & Trout, Gary Halbert Robert Cialdini, and Harry
308. Jump Start your business Brain; MBA Marketing professor and marketing expert
Nader Anisse; Selling the invisible; articles in INC and entrepreneurs magazine.
309. Just getting into this I want to read your book and Claude Hopkins and gorilla
310. Just Jay's stuff and first hand lessons and experience trying to figure it out on my
own. Andrew Carnegie also.
311. Just recently Abraham and Gerber

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1424

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

312. just see what's out there that i like.

313. Just starting
315. Just starting to realize the importance of marketing after being introduced to some
of J Abrahams’ tapes
316. Just the personal development with Jim Rohn and Brian Trace and Zig Ziglar.
317. Just you.
318. Ken Evoy, Mike Enlow, Ted Nicholas, Dan Kennedy, Joseph Sugarman, and of
course Jay Abraham.
319. Kenny Wong, a fellow restauranteur in the other coast.
320. Kotler – the academic guru Jay Abraham – the everyman’s applied guru Kraig
Kramers – A combination of both
321. Larry Klein NF CommTom Gau Million Dollar producer Effortless marketing for
financial services Professional Development Program – Merrill Lynch Training
IMedia Pro – Steve Anderson Nick Murray – Seminar Dan Kennedy – Mother of all
Systems – Just Received
322. Lecturers and books definitely, but generally looking at those companies who are
at the forefront when it comes to marketing – e.g amazon
323. Lecturers and books definitely, but generally looking at those companies who are
at the forefront when it comes to marketing – e.g amazon
324. Levinson, Tim Paulson, Tony Palermo
325. Look at former answers please.
326. Lot of information is gained from seminars, magazines and the internet often
through e-zines which I subscribe to, I also buy reports and ideas on the internet.
327. radio, tones of interviews, reports on the net, & a few of Jay’s
328. MacDonalds
329. Mainly yours and Seth Godins in terms of the internet
330. Malcolm McDonald’s ‘Marketing plans that work’‘Small business marketing’
Charles King ‘network marketing’
332. Many(2)
333. Mark Joyner of is an inspiration as is Joe Vitale of As for books, I loved Corey Rudl’s step by step marketing guide
and have used many tactics with great impact.
334. Mark Joyner of is an inspiration as is Joe Vitale of As for books, I loved Corey Rudl’s step by step marketing guide
and have used many tactics with great impact.
335. Marketing builder software From Mind to market Inside to tornado – software
development Jay Abraham Gemba Kaizen
336. Marketing by P&G and HP Heinz; upstarts like Virgin Cola; Islam Cola and
successful budget airlines Ryn Air and Easy Jet.
337. Marketing impacts have tended to be personal impacts for me (as I am the one
doing the marketing) – so, the books listed above.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1425

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

338. Marketing judo, A book of five rings, Jay Abraham, Charles Handy, Stelios (Easyjet
339. Mastermind Tapes, Getting Everything You Can From All You’ve Got.
340. Mentioned above.
341. Michael Gerber, Brad Sugars, Jay Abraham – I am very new to the business game
with much to learn!
342. Michael Gerber, Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Gary Halbert
343. Michael Jans
344. Michael Masterson.
345. Micheal Gerber and his works
346. Mike Enlow, Corey Rudl, and Jay. I have erad a lot about marketing on the
Internet, and I purchased Corey’s course.
347. Miller-Heiman and other motivational speakers.
348. Most recently information from Robert Allen’s Protégé program & from Jay
Abraham materials
349. Mostly domestic authors
350. Mostly you Jay…and Robert Allen
351. Mr Denis Backhouse – marketing trainer and journalist Jay Abraham Anthony
Robbins Strategy – Pure & Simple
352. Much of jays material
353. Much the same as the strategy list above, plus the Marketing Guild (UK)
354. My father worked his entire adult life as a market researcher. He taught me quite a
bit about getting a feel for what the market was looking for. I have also spent a lot
of time listening to people like Robbins, Covey, and some of the top management
consultants in my profession while in my mobile university.
355. My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins.
356. My mentor and ex-boss at a marketing-consulting-company.
357. My mother, Think and Grow Rich, Jay’s tapes
358. My past business history had a number of factors influencing my current
philosophies. One of the most impactful was that pricing needs to be tested. I
once was at a record show (I had a record store), and shared a table with 2 other
people for selling merchandise. We each happened to bring a copy of the same
record. Mine was priced the lowest at $2.50. Another was priced at $3.50, and yet
another at $5.00. They all sold, but starting with the highest priced, and ending up
with mine at the lowest price.
359. My professor at University
360. My wife and I insisted on having a clean place with top quality food, because we
have to face the people every day.
361. My wife and the success of
362. N/A(6)
363. Over The top Zig Ziglar Goals setting Secrets of Closing the Sale Zig Ziglar Sales
Ziglar On Selling Zig Ziglar Sales Think & Grow Rich Napoleon Hill Self-image
Keys For Success Napoleon Hill Success Network marketing For Dummies John
P. Hayes and Zig Ziglar Networkmarketing

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1426

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

364. Napoeon Hill, David Ogilvy, Ries & Trout, Kotler, Jay Abraham
365. Napoleon Hill’s books (except Going the Extra Mile that to me was more about
arse-creeping the boss than giving massive client value); Woody Martin under
whom I trained as the youngest marketing officer (22) in the Rembrandt Group of
Companies in the Sixties; Robin Elliot’s booklets about the sales wizard as well as
his How to start your Own Business with No Money and No Risk – and then the
total paradigm shift achieved through first the taped interview of Tony Robbins
interviewing Jay Abraham, and then the documentation and tapes and the seminar
itself – for the first time marketing was taken out of the “jargon” and “terminology”
mystical rut (like exists in Sociology), and put squarely into the realm of a logical,
manageable and practical business activity that could and would PPODUCE
366. Nepoleon Hill (Think & Grow Rich), Chet Holmes & Jay Abraham.
367. nil
368. No one really besides Jay
369. no one single ‘most influential’ – Harvard Business Review articles generally
represent the most widely read marketing literature in our company
370. No other than Jay particularly.
371. None(9)
372. NONE I have been too stupid to begin looking until just recently. DIVORCE has
been a good catalyst to begin life again. Excuse me … for the first time.
373. None other that those already mentioned
374. none really
375. none to date. did read guerilla marketing
376. None. We haven't thought of marketing from our perspective, only to help our
clients market their companies.
378. Not much. Mostly articles that I can get free online
379. Not sure about books and people factors are. We need to be different from our
competition. Highlight the differences and make these an advantage to our clients.
380. Not sure, we try to keep our eyes open for what appears to be good. Of course, it’s
hard to tell what’s good when you don’t have a lot of background knowledge on the
ins and outs of marketing.
381. Not too many
382. Nothing I can think of
383. Nothing I know of
384. Nothing specific.
385. Obviously not much has had an impact
386. Og Mandino, Speak & Grow Rich, What to Say When You Don’t Know What To
Say, List More Sell More, 100 more real estate sales books. My #3 son, who has
32,000 friends really didn’t read at Penn State Univ. I sent him a book, Think &
Grow Rich, which he read 15x. He now earns $1,100,000 selling Japanese
equities in Tokyo and says he finds himself talking to a customer and marvels the
words coming from his mouth are what he read in that book.
387. Only Jay Abraham.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1427

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

388. Only Jay’s.

389. Other people in the same industry as I am who have become successful and quit
their day job. The books mentioned above.
390. Outside of the people I’ve mentioned earlier, it’s my own experience and my
willingness to take risks and do research which has shaped my marketing &
business philosophies.
391. Paul Hawken book about Growing a Business. Seth Godin. Brian
392. Paul Pilzer and Jay Abraham.
393. Permission Marketing
394. Personal experience
395. Peters’ books
396. Phillip Kotler
397. Phillip Kotler - tought me the principle of marketing Jay Abraham – taught me the
best application for marketing
398. Pierre Morency. Your work looks very interesting and look forward to reading
399. Positiong – Battle of Your Mind – Ries and Trout.Have probably read 90% of every
marketing book or book summary available.
400. Positioning – battle of the Mind : Alries and Jack Trout Offensive Marketing : Hugh
Davidson Commonsense Direct Marketing : Drayton Bird
401. Pretty much the same as # 8.
402. Previous bosses
403. Ralph Roberts Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines)Think and grow rich Peter Senge
(5th Discipline) Coachville – Thomas Leonard (recently deceased, leaving behind
an enormous legacy of knowledge and resources, plus dedicated team to continue
his work. Absolutely amazing man, most inspirational I have come across, he
combined ethics, integrity and openness to the max.
404. Randy Schwantz, Roger Sitkins
405. Reading Jay’s work at this time
406. Redundant
407. Richard Branson, Bob Pritchard, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy,
408. Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen -.
409. Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen….And by far the largest most impactfull has
been Jay Abraham
410. Robert Chialdini; Brian Tracy; Jay Abraham
412. Robert Kiyosakis, author Rich Dad Poor Dad, Dan Kennedy
413. Robert Middleton; Jay Abraham (It’s not your fault that I am so retarded in this
area! :_)
414. Rules for Revolutionaries; The Ultimate Sales Letter; Deliver even more.
415. Also failed consulting projects have crystallized the vital importance of
consultatively setting, documenting and reviewing client expectations!

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1428

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

416. See above listed books. The firms I worked for prior to opening my own office, and
my colleagues in the area have influenced my practice heavily. I learned what they
were doing, listened when they vented about problems they were experiencing,
and studied how they ran their practices. I saw things I could do that would
distinguish me in the marketplace.
417. See above. Jay Abraham, Jay Levinson, Gerber, Jim Ackerman and Ross Cook,
my local consultant who in addition to great marketing advice also taught me to
cure my migraines through meditation.
418. See the list of books I have already suggested, working with Karen Lynch (top
residential sale agent in CDM), John and Ann Richmond, Tom Watson Sr. Dave
Packard, Dwight Eisenhower, etc.
419. Seeing people rise to the top like Tony Robbins. Mr. "X" book
420. Seth Godin, “Attracting Perfect Customers”, Terri Levine and Sharon Wilson
421. Seth Godins Permission Marketing, Jay Abraham
422. So far Jay’s information is the first marketing information I read.
423. Solely Jay Abraham, I read many books but they were unsatisfactory
424. Stephan Ducharme- “How to get 1 million visitors with no advertising cost.”
425. Steve Moeller, and the people in my organization above me.
426. Steve Shapiro, Listening for success
427. That’s huge and probably hard to answer, but your stuff and you’ll remember Chris
Newton of the Results Corporation who mentored us for many years. It’s a bit of
this and a bit of that over the years
428. The completion of my MBA. That was a wonderful experience.
429. The concept of total quality management
430. The e myth
431. The greatest marketing influence has to be Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes (since
buying the PEQ video set.)
432. The guerrilla language and approach totally turned me off. I'm not interested in
harming anyone! As a result, I avoided learning about marketing.
433. The Jay Abraham approach, The Guerrilla Marketing concept, a few other books
and good examples read about in business magazines
434. The limited Abraham materials that I have been able to get have been the greatest
influence. I have been to real estate seminars that have focused on direct
response marketing and for a time was part of the network.
436. The main people that have influenced me in marketing are Jay, Dan Kennedy,
Brian Tracy and Jay Conrad Levison -n havimng a sales background has also
taught me that all marketing has to be sales driven with the main purpose of
winning business.
437. the ones by Al Ries and Jack Trout (pretty much the only ones I have read apart
from yours)
438. the ones mentioned
439. The thing that always stays with me is Brian Tracy’s saying…”A sale is a transfer
of enthusiasm” My goal sometimes is to give my customers that I’m actually a

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1429

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?
little TOO giddy
440. The thing that always stays with me is Brian Tracy’s saying…”A sale is a transfer
of enthusiasm” My goal sometimes is to give my customers that I’m actually a
little TOO giddy
441. The works of Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy have been most helpful.
442. There have been hundreds of books and authors – Jay Abraham – even just the
free stuff – are important influencers
443. There is only one: Marketing your services from Anthony O. Putman, which I found
a very good book. But I need a little more.
444. Think & Grow Rich; Play Like A Man, Win Like A Woman; Guerilla Marketing;
Hidden Persuaders
445. This is repetitive. Selling the Invisible
446. This questionnaire is very powerful. Selling the Dream.
447. To many to list
448. To many to list, but include the obvious!
449. Tom Orent
450. Tom Peters, Jay Abraham, Henry Kaye (an Australian entrepreneur), Brad Sugars
(Australian entrepreneur), and Chris Newton (Australian marketer).
451. Toni Robbins, Jim Rohn, my personal experience.
452. Tony Robbins – Power to Influence Sales Course.
453. Tony Seruga, John Carleton, Jay Abraham.
454. Too many to list(3)
457. Watching and learning what companies are using which works.
458. We are just getting into this. Currently we are studying Anthony Robbins The
Edge .
459. We met other consultants during meetings and conferences who served multiple
clients at the simultaneously. Not many marketing books did we studies exept the
ones in point 8.
460. Well, Dan kennedy, and I have read some of the things jay has on his website.,
and I’m looking forward to reading his book “getting everything you can out of all
you’ve got”
461. What people: Jay Abraham, Terry Dean, Yanik Silver, Ted Ciuba, Paul Lemberg,
George Chapin, Brian Tracy ...What books: CRM Planning Guide, The Abraham
Method, Professional Product Presentation and Kille Advertising Technique, 12
Breakthrough Marketing, Sales and Business Growth Secret to Reccession Proof
Your Business...What other factors: Newletter, Brief News, Tips which I receive
from signing up some websites over the Internet.
462. Who ever wrote, I believe it was Norman Vincent Peale “if your having a problem
with money your not helping out enough people” Of course Jay Abraham. It is not
good enough to help them just once and forget them.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1430

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?

463. works by Al Ries & Jack Trout

464. Wow, Abraham, Holmes, Gerber, Dr. Moine, Beckwith, Ted Nicholas
465. Y2 Marketing, Art of War, Jay Abraham.
466. Y2Marketing training program; Claude Hopkins, Scientific Advertising; John
Caples, Tested Advertising Methods; Robert Cialdidni, Influence
467. Y2Marketing, which seems to be similar to your approach
468. Yanik (sales letters) Corey Rudl - internet, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy
469. Yanik Silver, Joe Vitale, Joe, Sugarman, Mark Joyner.
470. You
471. You and Bill Myers
472. You and John Burley.
473. You are beginning to - I am a beginner at present.
474. you are the most I’ve read in this area
475. You by far, also Ted Nicholas.
476. You da’ man!
477. You guessed it, you!
478. YOU! Seriously!
479. You, Corey Rudl, Joe Vitale, Ted Nicholson, Brian Tracey
480. You, Dan Kennedy, not starting from scratch, modeling others in all aspects and
481. You, definitely. Jay Conrad Levinson – Guerilla Marketing. Colonel Sanders John
Kremmer – 101 Ways for Authors to Market Their Books Tony Robbins Several
biographies of people who built companies.
482. You, Frederick Webster, Jack Trout
483. You, Jay, are without a doubt the most powerful influence (probably about 80% of
the total). Jay Levinson, Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale, and
my own experience at my previous company have all influenced me, too.
484. You, Jay. Your material does give me more to think about each time I pick
something up. I am merely not comfortable enough with marketing as a concept to
be very good at it, I certainly still do not enjoy it.
485. You, Jay. Tony Robbins. Hopkins. David Bowie. Advertising Agencies such as
Ogilvy & Mathers and Jung v. Matt
486. You.
487. You. Levinson, Tom Peters, past business relationships
488. Your book and the need to reduce our inventory to fund aggressive expansion.
489. Your book and Dale Carnegie’s Winning Friends and Influencing People
490. Your book is the first which raised interest
491. Your Marketing Genius at Work.
492. Your programs
493. Your stuff and watching the people around Robert Allen

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1431

Question 84. What People, What Books, What Other Factors
Have Influenced and Impacted You the Most About Marketing?
495. Your work
496. Your work has not a major impact as has Micheal Gerber and Brian Tracey.
Sometimes however I think I need to get back to the real basics.
497. yours
498. Yours first, then Joe Vitale’s and then the overall philosophy of “One Minute
499. Yours!
500. Yours, definitely.
501. yours, mike liteman,
502. Yours.
503. Yourself .Dan Kennedy .Drew Eric Whitman. Joe Vitale.
504. Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1432

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
Question 85. Explain where all your marketing effort, time and money is being
spent versus where it should be spent.

1. ?(8)
2. 80% spent correctly. We should spend the remaining 20% experimenting with
ideas like yours where we can get more leverage.
3. A large loss over a long period of time from poor oversight and management of a
sales rep that produced no results in over a year… an Internet effort to market a
“consumer” line (after expense for new labels, etc.) that had no dynamic
conception or execution
4. A lot is currently spent working the phones and trying to set up meetings. More
time needs to be spent developing a Dream 100 list in specific industries and
working it.
5. A lot of effort, time, and money had been spent on market research. Now how do I
implement and market plan with very little funds? Teach me how to implement a
business plan without money.
6. A lot of money is being spent with outside telesales company which does not have
in depth knowledge of the business or understand clients values and philosophy.
7. A lot of time, effort & money is spent on keeping key accounts happy i.e. spending
money the way they want it spent rather than spending it how we want it spent on
encouraging the consumer to purchase more product which in the long term is
going to benefit both of us more.
8. About right at this time
9. Actually not spending much and the results show. Last four years have been quite
level in terms of revenue
10. Ads calling ; need more strategic planning to answer this question
11. Ads verse reaching present clients to encourage improved cash flow.
12. Advertising – Alliances
13. Advertising & seminar
14. Advertising and coupons. Should spend more on advertising and should get P.R..
15. Advertising while it should be spent on referrals
16. After doing this survey, I think I'm focused on where it belongs.
17. All is efforts go into networking—which I don’t consider reproducible and hence
this is inconsistent with my strategic goals.
18. All is spent on lead generating ads and direct mail. I should be spending more
time on developing a written marketing plan
19. All my time and effort is being spent on the web advertising and I would like to see
2/3 on the web and 1/3 spent in developing relationships with realtors
20. All of our time is currently being spent contacting individual field operators and the
money is being spent on Yellow Pages and certain trade magazines. With the new
focus on the company towards renting the shelters the primary focus will be on
educating the CFO’s in each of the oil companies about the benefits of renting and
work with them to inform the field operators and the people who make the final
buying decision about our products and company and why we offer a preferred
product to our competitors. Ads in trade magazines will be geared more towards
the benefits of renting (cash flow and tax advantages) rather than just the benefits

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1433

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
of using our shelters (durability, economy over time – value, and function).
21. All on firefighting and current problem resolution vs strategic planning
22. All on the phone. My website is only 2 months old but hasn’t produced anything at
23. All our marketing money goes into print ads and mail outs. I would very much like
to start to spend money in radio advertising.
24. All spent breaking down doors and getting in; should be spend building brand
25. All spent on lead acquisition, a portion should be spent on nurturing and referral
26. Answering customer problems and generating proposals
27. As I mentioned previously, it’s way too tactical and reactive. I’ve been working IN
the business, not ON the business. I’ve already begun to shift to a more elevated,
strategic role, but the transition will not be complete until I’ve solidified a number of
alliances with third parties who possess strengths that I don’t have.
28. As in 78. I think we need to develop new ways of increasing our leads and serving
a larger market.
29. As soon as I’ve decided which wholesaler(s) I’ll be getting my products from, I’ll
then start working on the sales copy.
30. At this moment our marketing efforts concentrate on the Net and its best to us.
31. At this time, it is being spent in the right places.
32. Attempting to convince friends and family of the business opportunity instead
dealing with real prospects.
33. Basically, we have to do marketing more scientifically rather than haphazardly.
34. Being a one person office, I have not had time for analysis (stupid answer)
35. Being react with new inquiries and not being proactive enough to look for new
referral sources.
36. Being reactive instead of working a strategic plan to grow the business
37. Being spend on corporate positioning statements. Some institutional advertising.
Personally, I don’t know what our marketing department is doing most of the time.
38. Being spent at right things.
39. Being spent being a me too in the weight loss industry while our best and most
profitable patients with the least competition is in the area of heart disease and
40. Being spent helping others
41. Being spent in advertisements (which is working). Should add a salesperson to
visit all trucking companies to get the word out of who we are and what we are
42. Being spent in ezine, ppc ads, articles, proposals
43. Being spent on trying to get the best and understanding from the information I
have received from Jay Abraham
44. Being spent to satisfy the whinings of sales people, should be more planned
45. Bringing in new business as opposed to taking good care of the customers we
already have within reach.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1434

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.


47. Business just starting – still in learning phase so all experiences, good and bad,
are learning events
48. Calling people to come to us instead of People calling us for services.
49. Can’t spend all the time I would like marketing—have to have another job-don’t
have the income to go full-time
50. Cleaning up database our database
51. Cold calling, letters. I should use the internet.
53. Coming up with the perfect marketing management system instead of actually
doing something to get in touch with potential and existing clients. Imagine that: a
software shop blinded by technology.
54. copies
55. Could improve prioritizing leads pursued.
56. Countless newspaper and local publications that has not worked at all. Should be
spent probably with a better direct mail campaign and also a better print ad.
58. Creating new fax materials vs. calling on phone and setting appointments
59. Currently being spent in research / study. Should be spent in growing the business
60. Currently it is being spend acquiring new business and not enough on current
clients and contacts.
61. Currently it is being spent in areas of maximum leverage in order to obtain the
maximum coverage for the minimal effort that allows the other work to be
accomplished by one person. As far as where the best place to spend the money, I
would think to expand the number of leverage points and hire people to cover the
increased business.
62. Currently it is spent on becoming comfortable with doing it. It probably ought to be
spent more on actually doing in well instead of being comfortable with it.
63. Currently minimal time, effort and money is being spent on marketing. We should
have a marketing budget and a strategic plan that allows us to interweave
marketing as a strong core competency of our business.
64. –Currently my time is being spent doing other things instead of focusing on
potentially higher impact marketing initiatives.
65. Currently our marketing money is spent on glossy brochures, institutional print
advertising and trade shows. It should be spent on developing reports, gifts to
ethically bribe prospects, free seminars and direct response advertising.
66. Currently preparing prototype for marketing seminars.
67. Currently radio gets most attention, it seems to be working
69. Currently time spent with small players vs big players ie the ones that can build my
reputation and network
70. Currently: planning. Should: Acting on plan. Need: $$.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1435

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

72. Direct mail vs networking and host beneficiary.

73. Direct mail, instead of collaborative joint ventures.
74. Do more marketing.
75. Doing my best to follow the experts advie. I lose a lot of time with my offline tutorial
school. See cross ref. Incredible Case Studies 2002, Nr.: 234 Joe Kennedy
76. Don’t know(4)
77. don’t know where else it should be spent
78. Don’t know where it could be better used
79. Don't know where it should be spent ... unless outlined to me.
80. Don't know yet.
81. Effort and time are being spent in taken care of the little things that come up and
more time should be spent taking care of employees and sales team
82. Effort is spent on “doing a good job” with current clients…rather than getting new
83. effort on referrals, essentially little other time and money now spent.
84. Efforts , time and money being spent on promoting, literature, websites, replies,
etc. It should be spent on managing the marketing efforts. Being on the business
instead of in the business.
85. Email newsletter publishing, answering emails, copywriting and planning
promotions. Instead it should be better used in creating joint ventures and building
teams to attract new customers.
86. Email newsletter publishing, answering emails, copywriting and planning
promotions. Instead it should be better used in creating joint ventures and building
teams to attract new customers.
87. Enewsletter. Would be helpful to be registered on search engines, and to
advertise in industry relevant sector journals and magazines, and internet sites.
88. expensive ads – paper, tv radio. Should get personal referrals and group talks and
leads from alliances-they are free, too!
89. Explain where all your marketing effort, time and money is being spent versus
where it should be spent….95% going into smaller gifts whereas when I look over
this questionnaire I realize the 5% for small gifts should be 50% for large gifts.
90. Explain where all your marketing effort, time and money is being spent versus
where it should be spent .Dynamic and flexible but we are always trying to fine
tune what we spend, where we spend it and what results we gain.
91. Explain where all your marketing effort, time and money is being spent versus
where it should be spent Should be spent on developing more letters/emails to go
out regularly so that we can stay top of mind.
92. Face to face appointments. Should be spent on the internet
93. Far too much administrative work // Must hire an assistant // spend a much
greater amount of my time working with clients / prospects
94. First thing, over the last 25 years, I did a lot of research, asked the question - What
if? Is there a need for my vision? Realized the only way to make this successful,
is to surround myself with good-hearted professionals, who want to be part of the
solution, not the problem.
95. Generally on the web. Should be in print

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1436

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

96. Generate leads

97. Getting new clients
98. Got me on this one. I fell I am doing all I can for the time and capitol I can.
99. Handbill and salesmen, don’t know of better area
100. Have not spent much yet.
101. Haven’t really spent anything at all so far
102. Hit and miss
103. Hmmm. Most of my time is spent on work done for existing clients and refining my
ecommerce package.
104. Holding people’s hands, doing their work for them, trying to teach them everything
they need to know to sell the product in five minutes or less rather than replicating
myself and my material in an easy to use format online.
105. I am actually beginning to feel very embarrassed now. Most of our marketing is
here and there, without a plan and any effectiveness measurement.
106. I am not sure how to answer this question.
107. I am spending a lot of money and time in the front-end of the business. By
promoting the seminars and sales meetings myself, I have little time to look at how
strategic tie-ups and referral programs can do the job for me. I should be looking
to find people/resellers for my products or services and offer a high upfront
commission in return for a successful sale. This enables me to deliver my services
and other people’s services to these clients.
108. I am spending it in the right place just not to a full affect
109. I am spending more time organizing and planning where I would like to be
spending it writing copy.
110. I am spending my time learning the direct mail, internet and fax strategies. My
partners are spending their time with friends, family and referals. I believe all of our
efforts need to be focused on the direct mail, internet and fax .
111. I believe I have explained this well in the above answers. I am satisfied with how
the energy and resources have been applied.
112. I believe I’m spending it on the right things, now, since I’m heavily into
development of my first real marketing plan.
113. I believe that from the start I had sensed that with limited resources my strategy
would be crucial to my success. I had spent a couple of years doing little tests
and researching options that I could see at the time. Since I started studying MMT
materials over the last few months incredibly huge vistas have opened up to the
say the least. I have been combing through this material like mad. !!! Turning over
every stone I am able to see reading in between the lines when I was able, going
over material over and over. Taking notes and taping break throughs as I read and
listened and marking where in the material I got the break through so I could go
back to it. I am lucky that I wanted to go over every piece of information looking
for all the break throughs I was able to recognize. NOW I realize I was formulating
an overall strategy these last couple of years. I always was trying to make sure I
wasn't starting down a path that won't get me where I want to go with the lowest
risk and highest return for my efforts.. I realize now that I was actually looking
for a master marketing strategy that is within my reach alone that will get me where
I want to go without an ulcer and I am glad to say I have got it!!!!!!!!! I have a few
more things in the material to thoroughly comb through before I will set off to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1437

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
spending my time and resources to reach the objective. My personal objective
which is maximum liquidity, recurring high income, institutional business model low
risk, I know this is well within my reach. I don't believe I have spent any time or
money on marketing efforts other than where they should have been spent I have
got what I need Jay's marketing materials, techniques and the mind blowing
strategies that can be discovered if you really work at it. Studying tactics and trying
to see how many ways they can be used, tied together etc then using my time and
resources it will get done!!!!
114. I believe that my time is being spent in the correct areas.
115. I believe that our marketing efforts are being employed in the right places. We
need to do more! Far to much of my time has been spent on finance in order to
survive. We have actions in place to fix this.
116. I believe that we spent our money wisely, but we did not have enough of it to get
us where we need to be.
117. I buy too many seminar and marketing system from others people and then I don’t
use all of them consistently.
118. I do spend my money and time to learn marketing. The time has come to develop
my own product and market my own product.
119. I doing well on this am focused on speaking and getting referrals
120. I don’t know.
122. I don’t think any of it should be changed I do think there is more I can do
123. I don’t think we are spending money on marketing in un- or non-productive areas.
I think I can get smarter still but generally I am happy that we are marketing fairly
reasonably effectively.
124. I feel too much is spent on ads, when I could spend more on my clients and
affiliate or strategic partners.
125. I get a good return so far – its spent wisely – until you tell me differently.
126. I have been limited by time, as well as, not knowing where to put my effort.
127. I have been questioning my marketing approach as of late and have backed off a
bit. My new strategy will be up and running by spring
128. I have been spending several hours each week to create my “Must-Know” InfoTM
Bulletin. Ideally, I would like to be preparing marketing materials and
presentations to identify and target prospects of the highest caliber – executives of
major corporations and business owners who have unwittingly been led astray by
costly financial advice that has been presented to them as “the right thing to do.”
In due course, I might even become a person who empowers others to realize their
dreams, or someone who acquires companies and turns them around with
strategies taught by Jay Abraham.
129. I have been working primarily through referrals. In the refocusing of my business
there will be much more use of direct mail and fax, seminar selling, target calls and
industry sub specialization.
130. I have so little of either and am so frustrated with my results to date that I don’t
have any real answer to the question.
131. I have spent the last year in a coaching program with Mike Ferry and reading,
reading, reading and studying, trying to make sense of all this stuff.
132. I haven’t spent any time in the past doing marketing. I know now that I must

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1438

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
increase the amount my patients buy increase the number of times they buy and
generate a steady number of new patients
133. I help customers defining and implementing sales and marketing strategies but I
do n ot do it for myself.
134. I keep looking for something that produces good returns/results…then I would
definitely spend more there.
135. I need to spend more time on the telephone developing strategic alliances.
136. I really don’t know
137. I really have not given it a thought
138. I really should have a personal assistant to do much of the initial client research
that is so time consuming.
139. I seems we are in the right area and seems effective
140. I should consider more “angles of attack” to use military terms
141. I should consider more “angles of attack” to use military terms
142. I spend nothing
143. I spend to much time on downlines that don t want this, instead of helping the few
that want something.
144. I spend too much time working in my business and not enough time working on it. I
need to delegate and out source more of the mundane things I don’t like or do well
and concentrate more on the marketing part for which I am very good and love to
145. I spend with my client and Client process when I should be creating product that
can duplicate me or become addition revenue sources
146. I spent a lot of time internal, defending budgets, justifying marketing strategies,
implementation of tactics instead of focusing on the market and getting more out of
147. I spent it on small client. I should spend it on big clients.
148. I still need to do a lot of different types of marketing but my time is limited and
sometimes I feel that I could be more productive if I only had or knew about a
piece of software that would truly work. Much that is advertised is bullshit.
149. I tested doing a mailing with a follow up, doing a phone call (voice mail ) with a
follow up, and going out and meeting prospective clients face-to-face and then
following up. We intended to test this for 2 months, but it only took 2 weeks to see
the clear and unambiguous winner – the face-to-face calls. It cuts the entire time
to get to someone from 4 –5 weeks to right now in 30% of the cases. This then
turns into a numbers game – and we are tracking our numbers.
150. I think I have a fairly good balance at the moment, I’m not wasting money and I’m
working above the line.
151. I think it’s all going in the right places (as detailed above) but we could always be
doing more.
152. I think my effort and time is being spent on trying to convice people that don’t know
me to list with me instead of people that already know me and like me.
153. I think that we are heading in the right direction our ROI are very high since we
don’t spend a lot of money on fancy communications or advertising. I would like to
develop some strategic alliances with some partners with high-end clientele.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1439

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

154. I think we have done extremely well with the resources we have (and have had). I
don’t see any conflict.
156. I think we’re spending the little we have in the right places, but perhaps not as
effectively as we should.
157. I wish I knew the answer to this one.
158. I wish I better understood my market place to be even more focused. I sense that a
lot of money is spent refining the data base, I just don’t know where to get a better
database that I can trust.
159. I wish I knew where it should be spent
160. I wish I knew.
162. I’m not spending a lot of time on it because I don’t have much. If a small amount
of marketing could free up enough time so that I don’t have to constantly trade time
for money I would be thrilled.
163. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t explain them.
164. I’m spending a lot of time continuing to develop my web site, optimize the pages
more, and make it different from it’s sister site, about to be launched and indexed
by the search engines. I’m also bogged down in the writing of my 5th book which
will add to my exclusive product line. This is keeping me from getting my affiliate
program started but that’s the way it is for now.
165. I’m spending too much of my time doing the work (which I love), and not enough
time building a business.
166. I’ve spent too much with the Thomas Regional Directory without enough return,
and will be spending more on the email website efforts.
167. In actual service activity vs. network marketing
168. In an unsystematic approach --->systematic
169. In commercial events
170. In my case time is spent mostly for my present regular employment away from
marketing. It should be 100% focused on developing the company. Other staff’s
effort is spent for sales. More sales education is necessary to facilitate personality-
type-selling, consultative selling etc.
171. In overcoming production problems.
172. IN printed advertising and web page.
173. In speratic getting customers. Strategically make PR work that the product will
sells itself.
174. In the process with customers. Should be spent also measuring the effectiveness
instead of just from ‘gut feel’.
175. Individual contacts(2)
176. Individual sales as opposed to entire company plans
177. Internet website. Should include sales literature, ads, trade shows, direct and e-
mail mailings
178. Internet. I would keep the money we spend on the net the same and add more to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1440

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
a referral and customer education program.
179. Is about right for resources
180. Is spent – Negligible Should be spent – All areas in this questionnaire as well as
181. It goes directly on calling upon end customers and personal selling.
182. It has been spent trying to figure out what tactics of Jays to implement first and
how coincide them to get results.
183. It is all being spent on the Internet. More should be spent on followup when we get
good prospects.
184. It is being spend in the right areas
185. It is being spent in the right areas although as new areas are uncovered a
percentage should be spent and tested in those new areas
186. It is being spent on competitive bidding and should be spent on should be spent on
building long term contractual business with “Dream 100” prospects and with
existing large clients.
187. It is being spent on direct mail, what little there is. It should be being spent on
188. It is being spent on mundane day – to – day operations. In strategically planned
programs designed to maximize the company’s growth and bottom line.
189. It is being spent on the broad universe. It ought to be spent on my A and B clients
190. It is being spent trying to find out if it is possible to get previous clients back on
board and should probably be spent doing the right things now and building
systems to continue them in the future.
191. It is being spent well right now but the effectiveness is low.
192. It is being spent where it should
193. It is being spent where it should be.
194. It is being spent where it should be. The ones that don’t work are quickly axed.
195. It is currently being spent on my education and will soon be spent to achieve our
strategic goals.
196. It is focused on realtors in various methods and that is right place, maybe
presentations can be improved
197. It is more sporadic than it should be.
198. It is not being done consistently and persistently. It should be spent leveraging
other people’s lists.
199. It is not being spent – it is being treated as an expense rather than as an
200. It is not clearly defined, needs clarification
201. it is spend in the right area – getting customers to order again and again, but we
need to get more new customers and get more back-end non-training products
202. It is spend just right I think
203. It is spent cultivating my center of influences…it should be spent generating new
systems that can refer the same type of client.
204. It is spent in a very effective way with the time resources that are available.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1441

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

205. It is spent in mailings and phone but very ineffective. It should be spent in all areas
of a strategic marketing plan that I am supposed to build.
206. It is spent on care of my core, right where it belongs.
207. It is spent on learning how to do it, since I no nothing about it.
208. It is spent on one on one connections and would be more beneficial if it where on
TV and very targeted marketing on the internet.
209. IT is spent trying to comply with government regulations rather than trying to help
grow the business.
211. It is spent with business operations and salary. An allocation should be spent to
marketing business professionals with back pain or interested in improving health.
212. It is where I think will help now
213. It not laid out good enough.
214. It should be spend on initiating new leads and breaking into the institutional client
215. It should be spent building a reputation
216. It should be spent in contacting and keeping past customers and is spent trying to
get new ones.
217. It should be spent on getting a good program up and running.
218. It should be spent to existing clients but now we keep spending to get new clients
(ads, seminars, exhibitions etc)
219. It will be spent on training new salespeople next week! The monthly faxed
brochure should help!
220. It´s all being spent on color print outs, mail, phone bill and travel expenses. For
many months I was working on a plan of how to work. In fact, I’m just beginning to
really work right now.
221. It’s all spent on developing personal relationships with our existing clients. I’m not
sure where else I should be spending my money.
222. It’s been spent on mailing and advertising, and it should be more spent on
telephoning, which is starting to happen
223. It’s been spent on sporadic efforts, rather than a cohesive strategic marketing plan.
224. It’s been spent where I have described – DM/ web/ JV/ wom. I think PR is what I
need to ad, but that’s almost free.
225. It’s being spent in good locations, I just need to expand where it is being spent.
226. It’s being spent in reaching out to members of three Chambers of Commerce plus
other local area businesses. I can do a better job of targeting specific businesses
and going after them.
227. It’s being spent in the right way on the website and the ezine. Would like to expand
to email and direct mail, but must build up revenues first.
228. It’s being spent learning at the moment rather than creative a strategic position in
the marketplace and attracting new clients
229. It’s being spent on a combination of the web site and personal contacts. I think
that’s appropriate.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1442

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

230. It’s being spent on generating leads fro fax marketing which actually has a very low
conversion rate (around 1%). It should be spend on Endorsed promotions to
peoples clients.
231. It’s being spent on testing when it should be spent on what brings results, but it
seems like one leads to the other.
232. It’s being spent spinning wheels, it should be productive.
233. It’s being spent where it should be for now - we’ll review as we proceed
234. It’s being spent where it should be spent: Learning, testing, analyzing, repeat.
235. It’s fine now.
236. It’s not a matter of being spent in the wrong places but it’s simply not being spent
in the right places. It should be spent on (a) direct marketing (mail piece, phone
call, mail piece, phone call, etc.) (b) searching for one ro more strategic alliances
and (c) at least one advertising piece, probably a brochure (this has been started
and nearly finished several times).
237. It’s not really been spent anywhere. I’m now making more effort to schedule time
for marketing. I need to have my mailing more automated, I’ve been doing it
mostly manually, which is a great waste of time.
238. It’s probably in generic advertising and should be more individually targetted
239. It’s spend on generating/talking with prospects and doing the paperwork and
should be more spend at learning, strategizing and implementation.
240. It’s spent mainly on cold calling prospects. I feel we should have a good mix of
previously mentioned items: direct mail for lead generating, email marketing,
referrals, etc.
241. It's all haphazard piecemeal stuff. I need an overall direction.
242. Its being spent on easy, non challenging, rejection proof activities which
undoubtedly are far less effective than other methods
243. It's spent on the Internet.
244. It's spent on trying to keep current clients happy instead of gaining more clients.
245. Jay Abraham
246. Just Other things
247. JV’s, old clients, referrals. Could stand to add other sources, PR, writing a book,
etc. to the mix.
248. Keeping our name in front of our clients and potential clients.
249. Learning versus implementing.
250. Less money on Sales People, more on other forms of marketing.
251. Little
252. Local homes magazines, internet, newsletters. We do need a more focused and
targeted mail campaign.
253. Mail outs it needs to go to new and different areas
254. Mailings and sales efforts rather than developing referrals a great customer list
255. Majority of marketing time has been spent on networking (BNI, Chamber of
Commerce, etc), expensive in time, but not in money. Most of money has been
spent on tele-marketing and direct mail.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1443

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

256. Making personal contacts; I don’t know

257. marketing effort – to get new subscribers vs. I should sell more time – I waste it vs.
I shouldn’t money – I don't spend much vs. I have to start spend on advertising if I
wont to grow fast.
258. Marketing effort being spent on networking and planning, should be spent on
better contact and alliances.
259. Marketing effort is being spent on tactics instead of strategic efforts.
260. Marketing efforts being spent on media, should be spent on more strategy and
261. Marketing is currently an afterthought, although I understand its’ importance in that
it will dictate future success.
262. Marketing money has been spent on tradeshows, conferences, brochures, and
graphic design/website development/corporate image. Less should be spent at this
point on tradeshows and conferences, and more on versatile and flexible direct
marketing materials, both hard copy and electronic. Effort and time is wisely being
spent on strategy development, followed by systematic implementation of the
strategy with a variety of tactics, to be enhanced and supplemented incrementally.
263. Marketing money is minimal at present and is being spent
264. Media vs direct marketing
265. minimal spend now, need plan to get where we should be
266. Money is being spent on administration, but should be spent becoming more
efficient that will allow you to grow without bottlenecks
267. Money is spent on emails and a yearly company event (socializing)
268. More action testing and execution
269. Most effort now going into real estate referrals, which has been productive and
should remain. More effort needs to be spent in promoting drafting products.
Engineering work is very limited in our rural area.
270. Most is being spent in direct mail; we should be allocating additional monies to
building more strategic alliances, referral systems, and possible incentives
271. Most money is spent on Direct mail – more should be spent on strategic alliances.
272. Most money is spent on sponsorship for general exposure whereas it would
probably be better spent on functions for clients that build relationships/team
building with them.
273. Most money spent on Advertising, need to have more sales people, because a lot
of current leads are wasted, need to spend more time on referrals and alliances as
it is the cheapest way of getting customers
274. Most of it is spent doing what we have to do keep going. It would be nice to be
able to sit back and think and plan strategically.
275. Most of it is spent on providing the customers with ongoing useful information.
However, since the pool is so small, it doesn’t create the kind of results I want. I
think more of it should be spent on generating 'new' customers.
276. Most of it is spent with my personal time on the phone rather than leveraged
through written materials in the form of literature, emails, and web site.
277. Most of my time and energy and money goes into self improvement. Then on
marketing materials.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1444

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

278. Most of my time is being spent reading all the stuff I have and that I continually
receive vs. formulating a strategic marketing plan.
279. Most of my time is spent in rather than on the business. We have hired additional
people and made significant structural changes to better keep my focus strategic
rather than reactive and tactical.
280. Most of our effort is being spent on working with individual clients (Case
Managers). I believe that we likely need to focus our efforts also on the firms that
employ them (even though the Case Managers operate with generally a fair
degree of autonomy).
281. Most of the effort is going towards generating referrals from realtors, builders,
business owners
282. Most the money and effort spent in acquiring new clients. Vs spending on adding
more with best existing clients
283. Mostly in direct mailings. But I think I should spend more in advertising in mass
media, like newspapers and magazines.
284. Mostly in the execution of programs and promotions.
285. Mostly YP I’d like to spend it more on current clients and doing a radio show
286. Much of my time, effort, and money is being spent on reactive marketing instead of
strategic marketing.
287. Much of our effort is spent in trying to get more new patients from external
marketing when most of our marketing success has come from internal marketing
and referral. We should be working more from the inside where we generate more
qualified leads.
288. My efforts/money are used in the planning to get clients; they should be used
getting clients.
289. My marketing effort is currently focused on referral business only, which should be
changed and expanded to many other techniques
290. My marketing effort is spent recruiting people, I find this the hardest, much rather
present the service!
291. My marketing time and effort is spent one networking and meeting people and
giving them a taste of what I do. I think for now, again, the area I must improve in
is self-discipline more than marketing. If I would be more disciplined, I would get
more marketing done.
292. My marketing time is spent talking to current and prospective clients (non –
chargeable) – this seems to work, but are there better ways?
293. My overhead for bookkeeping. Little energy to do more when I don't feel my
partners are serious about growing. Seems my credit is going toward materials
that are not being covered.
294. My time and effort is spent on contacting prospects and trying to set up a sale
force based on commission only with residuals.
295. My time as the constant caller, etc. Need more passive marketing and selling
296. My time feels like it’s being eaten away with tasks that take longer than they
should… am trying to rethink them.
297. My time is being spent working
298. My time is spent creating ads and copy , managing alliances, issuing press

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1445

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
releases. I need more resources before I even think about where.I should spend
money and time
299. My time is spent daydreaming about what should be.
300. My time is spent with clients – marketing is on weekends
301. n/a(11)
302. Need P.R., trade shows.
303. Need to apply self generating virtual marketing effors, web, alliances, etc
304. Need to do more direct marketing
305. Need to generate new clients
306. Needs to be spend more on marketing bank end products once I find the right one.
307. Networking(2)
308. Networking/telesales/referrals
309. New venture.
310. News letters, scratch pads, pens and Ran-One. Developing clear, concise
marketing plan for areas of growth in surrounding areas. Salary for talented and
skilled sales team that would implement the plan. With a strong tracking system of
results for a quick response to proper direction.
311. Newspaper ads and information packets for patients and physicians. I don’t know
where it should be spent
313. NO
314. No money to spend, so every detail of marketing has to focus on things I can do
without a budget.
315. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
316. No time now, and I need to spend lots.
317. No where right now
318. Non marketing infrastructure
319. None(3)
322. None spent, don’t know where it should be spent
323. Not a factor…when contained within my head, it is doing no one any good.
324. Not applicable at this point.
325. Not being spent on marketing and that is the problem
326. Not have been working in instead of on business
327. Not in the right place or I would be making some money.
328. Not really certain and hope to gain some insight here.
329. Not really sure about that
330. Not really sure that the above is not where it should be spent but maybe more that

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1446

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
I need to develop a better system to utilize my efforts, time and money
331. not spending enough on marketing – need to first reduce other overhead
332. Not studied
333. Not sure(7)
334. Not sure I know the answer….if I did we would be spending where it should be.
335. Not yet
336. Nothing spent yet
337. nowhere
338. Nowhere it was spent
339. On building a client base and that is fine. Every cent, time and money spent on
marketing consultancy will be spent on acquiring marketing knowledge from the
340. On cold calls on more cold calls.
341. On learning more and should be spent on getting more new customers, but the
latest thinking you have given me has started helping see how to do things I love
the mastermind calls.
342. On networking 1-1; need to broaden up new ways, and get better leverage
343. On our clients and that’s where it belongs.
344. On the computer, designing ads and writing news letters – I’m a one man band.
345. Only need to expand trade associations and strategies alliances.
346. Only one person
347. Our cost of raw materials was higher than industry standards. When people
commented on the large quantity of meat on a sandwich, I’d joke that the extra
meat was my advertising budget.
348. Our current expenditures are effective but we need to spend more to develop a
strategic plan that will actually be followed
349. Our money is being spent on actual real necessary expenses such as:
advertising, store appearance, etc.. However, we should also be spending more
(this is in our current plan) on some of Jay's recommendations. Good strategy and
tactics should not be wasted or ignored.
350. Our time is spent fire fighting
351. Out side sales, more targets letters and email internet marketing.
352. Over paid owners who do not want to work at the business
353. Over-satisfying and over-delivering – even if I have to hire an expert from another
field to deliver the bonus to my clients (this also opens the door for his future
growth with this client.
354. Perhaps too much time on developing proprietary new Model and Methodology
that is so exciting that I can’t stop devoting so much time and energy into it.
355. Phone and visits. Need to do more direct mail and Internet Marketing
356. Plugging the holes.
357. Poorly spent on ads that had no sales effort built in. They just mentioned my name
with no call to action
358. PR

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1447

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

359. Presently it is spent on advertising and twice a year corporate exhibition. It should
be spent on :- Public Relations- email and direct marketing- database
management and communication with this database of existing customers to
generate additional business-
360. Probably should do in-depth market analysis.
361. Promotion at events, website vs. getting into a clothing store like Mr. Rags or
gaining 1000s of sells on website…
362. Prospecting
363. Putting most of the money into development at this time. Once product is finished
then will spend the marketing dollars.
364. Putting the business plan together and understanding how to talk about finances
and cash flow budgets
365. Quite happy, although I would like to mine more from past clientele
366. Radio/Newspapers/Internet
367. Reacting to whatever opportunity comes our way
368. Reactively answering calls from perspective customers who are price shopping as
opposed to finding my ideal customer who has a pain that needs a solution.
369. Referrals, face to face meeting…should do more writing
370. Referral commissions. Vs. Print ads, Strategic Partnerships, Canvassing, PR.
371. Referrals are inexpensive. Quality service always takes less time than fixing
372. relationship
373. Research versus deployment
374. Response to newspaper and magazine sales people, purchase of print material,
brochures etc. Ad hoc exhibitions.
377. Right now a lot of time is in implementation. So I want to build systems so I have
more time to create more marketing pillars.
378. Right now all my time is on trying to get my copy to convert better – have a
copywriter possibly working on contingency to improve this. Should be to do pr,
joint ventures, host beneficiary, teleseminars
379. right now I am floundering and have not found a way that returns me what I would
380. Right now I am not spending a sufficient amount of either time or money on
381. Right now I spend it in bad clients, I should spend it with AAA clients which I could
acquire but I am just trying to show some easy succeed with a couple of the clients
I have
382. Right now I'm in a learning mode.
383. Right now it is being spent grinding out daily business chores. I do not have focus
and a strategic plan. It should be spent daily at specific times to make that
strategic plan and carry out the goals of the business.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1448

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

384. Right now it is going where we want to go: into past successful actions, low cost,
no cost referral based marketing, low cost lectures, and low cost lead generation.
385. Right now it's being spent writing the copy for web pages and ads etc. so I actually
think I'm putting my effort into the right place given the time constraints I have.
386. Right now most of my marketing effort and time is being spent on the manicurists
and hairdressers within the spa. They are the source of a majority of me referrals
and business. I think I need to diversify a little bit and put some money into
advertising and some time into creating working relationships with physical
therapist, doctors, chiropractors, or any associations, companies, etc. that feel my
services will benefit their clients or employees.
387. right now, I'm designing stuff; I need to be out selling and generating cash flow
388. Right now, we feel that our time and money is being spent correctly for what we
need to accomplish.
389. Running the business operational takes a lot of time away from marketing
390. Running the rest of the business so no system.
391. s pent on one to meeting need to know how to utilize email copywriting system
392. Salary for “marketing” person – not well spent
394. Scaling the Corporate Wall, vs closing deals.
395. Should be sent developing an overall plan.
396. Should be spent devising an effective strategy and associated action plan – but to
date our efforts have been too scatter-gun.
397. Should be spent forging a strategic alliance with a celebrity.
398. Should be spent on developing a long-term strategy and implementing the tactics
to achieve it.
399. Should be spent on having a formal plan of attack and implementing it, which is not
being done right now.
400. Should be spent on strategies that are clearly defined
401. Should be spent on writing more powerful sales letters , and on researching what
would attract real estate companies to me the most
402. Should spend more effort on Internet
403. Should spent more in training the sales people to close better and present better
404. Smart as we think we are, we have yet to learn the truth. We’ll know in a few
month’s time about that. We are willing to admit we don’t know it all, and we have
a lot to learn. Our overriding philosophy is to learn and apply then test, test, test.
405. So far classified ads.
406. So far, it’s been spent in research and learning, and I need to be spending a good
chunk of it in implementation now.
407. Some R & D and other just wasted on ineffective mailouts.
408. Some should be spent on ads
409. Spend more time developing new distributors & more time developing sales

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1449

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

410. Spend on building the system and developing key relationships with strategic
411. Spend too much time “fighting fires” and doing tactical work vs strategic work
412. Spend too much time trying to get referrals and should spend more time in direct
Store promotions and Packing Demos. If we knew of better places/ways, probably
would already be using them?!
415. Spending more on systematically marketing and following up would yield dramatic
416. Spent as best it can be because I constantly test and measure it.
417. Spent growing the awareness of the company-should be on new specfic-targetted
418. Spent on door to door marketing vs the things I should be doing but don’t know
419. Spent on effort to promote the company on our product offering. To speed up the
marketing results, a collaboration with a larger and more established company
may be the answer.
420. Spent on internet and direct mail. Should it be????
421. Spent on R&D at present – once this is away then more will be on getting people
to experience the products / services via the web.
423. Spent primarily on affiliate commissions. Should focus more on my own marketing
efforts in the future to have more success on my own rather than depending on
other people’s efforts.
424. Spent some money in putting the company profile together, doing the website.
Should spent more time in direct mailing, internet marketing.
425. Spent where I like not in what I need.
426. Spread too thin.
427. Stopping advertising in hard copy and looking at increasing spend on Networking
and Professional Forums.
428. Stressing about not having marketing vs hiring that woman I met 2 mos ago who
used to market for a commercial real estate company intown. If only I could find
her name or phone #.
429. Tactical – should be strategic – need to hire, won’t do it until profit allows for it.
430. Telemarketing and door to door. I thing it should be spent on more effective
marketing tactics such as joint venturing and the like
431. Telemarketing for now will be the main tactic. If I don’t get the results I want, I’ll
use postcards next.
432. Test results will lead my way
433. That’s dumb

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1450

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

434. The last month I spent all my efforts in my website and to lead seminars. I’m sure I
should reconsider the way I make advertising. In Austria we say that consultants
don’t advertise, because a successful consultant don’t need to advertise.
435. The problem is my marketing people get sucked into other tasks.
436. The time and money I currently spend is yielding great results. I spend 1-2 hours a
week writing personal thank yous
437. There is a lot of details in this business like paper work, dealing with our
employees and customers, scheduling, rescheduling, following up on the client’s
interests and concerns, etc. I like to spend more of my efforts in strategizing and in
developing a more efficient sales script for cold calling.
438. There is no marketing going on at present except the very bare beginnings of what
I need to sort out for a marketing plan.
439. There is not enough spent on marketing—period. It’s not that what I do is bad, it’s
that I don’t do it enough.
440. Thinking and not acting
441. This is a major issue: Knowing where to spend.
442. This will be detailed in the marketing plan I am now writing.
443. Time & Effort all spent on "doing it" rather than "generating it".
444. Time is spent creating products
445. Time is too parsed out to effective, have not prioritized, trying to do it all myself, too
many products lines, too many ideas
446. Time mostly – on customer orders (taking and packing), website updates (HUGE
time-consuming task!)Money – our budget can grow as large as it needs to be if
we can justify spending it because of testing we have done
447. Time spent in study and planning and prospecting – which I think is where it is
needed right now.
448. Time: watching DVD instead of working on my pc ;)
449. To be truthful, it is probably spent in sales (ie more tactical I suppose) rather than
in marketing.
450. To much time & money in operations and general management issues.
451. To tell you the truth, it’s been spent on planning when some of it should have been
spent on doing.
452. Too early to judge
453. Too early.
454. Too much currently spent on people canvassing and radio. Should be more on
relationship building, weekly specials and employee incentives!
455. Too much hie and miss. Needs to be spent where we get
456. Too much ineffective direct mail, more time on pleasing present clients and
emphasizing the effectiveness of referrals for them and for me.
457. Too much Knee-jerk from my principals into stuff like Trade Shows ... “Because we
SHOULD be there!” BS!!! Lousy return for effort. One principal has a huge ego,
and loves to get on stage at every opportunity.
458. Too much of my time is being spent managing and reacting to daily problems and
not enough time spent in building the overall strategic focus and plan, and

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1451

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
implementing it, including systems to handle the daily reactive issues.
459. Too much time is being spent on smaller prospects versus the larger prospects.
460. Too much time managing, not enough marketing Need more realtor relationships.
461. Too much time working in the business
462. Too soon to say
463. Travel vs. directly on profiling and contact
464. Trying to develop a website, newsletter, and write a book.
465. Trying to get the right balance – have to remind myself to keep focusing on the top
5 which will bring in 80-90% of the dividends
466. Under development
467. Understanding customer needs wants and then creating marketing plans, systems
and products and affiliate relationships to fill the need.
468. Unknown(6)
469. Unsure
470. Up to this point, all of our marketing assets have been spent getting ready to step
through the marketing gate, versus it should be spent implementing a strategic
marketing plan.
471. Usual avenues of telephone listings and flyers – should probably be directed
towards more direct marketing campaigns and increasing leads generated by
referrals from existing clients and contacts.
472. very little
473. Very little effort is being spent
474. Very little is being spent at the moment
475. Virtually all our efforts are on supporting sales people who telecanvass and speak
with clients face to face. Should spend more on direct mail, newspaper ads, and
JV relationships
476. Was being spent branding instead of adding an extraordinarily compelling reason
why someone should always pick us versus anyone else.
477. We are in the process of making changes in the content and appearance of our
direct mail pieces.
478. We are in the process of trying to set up a systematic telemarketing system on a
very tight budget
479. We are not doing an implemented one at this time.
480. We are not doing too badly in this respect, I think, taking into consideration that
there is at this stage not a dearth of funds available for the exercise.
481. We are not doing too badly in this respect, I think, taking into consideration that
there is at this stage not a dearth of funds available for the exercise.
482. We are not focused, we need to spend more time creating a strategic plan.
483. We are not spending much what we are spending is fine apart from sales
commissions need to be changed in some areas.
484. We are spending it correctly, except for the daily "new' must-handle-now efforts
that take 1 -2 days.
485. We are spending most our efforts on developing products (in a vacuum) not

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1452

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.
marketing them - - so we need to get out there and market to them.
486. We are spending our time right now where we feel it should be spent, on closing
the gap on enquiries received and enquiries followed up.
487. We are spending the majority of our time, effort and money on generating new
customers mainly through Direct Mail, TV, newspapers. The direct mail and TV
infomercial works well. It’s too soon to tell whether the 30 second TV spot is
working. The newspaper doesn’t work. We should be spending greater effort, time
and money on past clients to get those to sell their home through us to buy one
through us, get a loan and for them to give us referrals.
489. We are trying to revive a market sector which we neglected 3 years ago. We
should outsource more of the basics workload.
490. We do a decent job. However, need to be more systematic, analytical, and
comprehensive in approach.
491. We do not have a program that we do all of the time due to costs involved.
492. We do not know
493. We do not market, but when we do it will be spent in direct mail and a salesman
494. We hardly have a budget or the time to do some of the things we could/should be
doing. It’s a bit of a Catch 22. Also, it’s tough to see whether our marketing brings
us tangible results in terms of extra revenues.
495. We have been too focused on gaining new clients over retaining the ones we have
496. We have been too focused on gaining new clients over retaining the ones we have
497. We have generated a wealth of written material and letters.These handout, mail,
literature drop, promotional materials need to be moved to seminars, subscription
web components, subscription website components, targeted opt-in e-mail
components. Contact needs to be directed to internet survey and database
analysis, lead generation and sales.
498. We have made calls to anyone, vs. focusing on specific markets.
499. We need to do an extremely targeted direct mail campaign and other
communication with referral sources, clients, inquiries. Mass media advertising
doesn’t seem to work for our industry.
500. We need to hire a full time sales person and are doing so now
501. We need to know how to convert people to using even a part of our system. We
need sales training. Or very good sales material
502. We need to spend more effort on our internal marketing and maximize retention
beyond the first year. To get people to realize they can go nowhere else that can
help them as much as us.
503. We need to spend more on our existing marketing partners to deliver what we
have versus looking outside--
504. We need to understand more about strategy and tactic....improve our
implementation capability
505. We should be doing direct response advertising versus institutional and we should
be advertising to dealers, not to the public.
506. We spend time in front of people, but need to spend more time developing strategy
and materials.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1453

Question 85. Explain Where all Your marketing Effort, Time and
Money is Being Spent Versus Where it Should be Spent.

507. We spend time in unfocused activities. Everyone is busy but not focused on a pre-
determined marketing method. We need to formalize a process.
508. We spent our marketing effort sparingly in self marketing efforts by referrals,
although we need to spent more pro-actively through more consistent means such
as web-posting, sending information to would be clients, and contacting more
regularly, based on a more solid strategy.
510. We used to spend a lot on newspapers but we weren’t getting a good return. Other
than that we need to figure out a strategy to figure out where the money should be
511. we waste alot on fancy yellow page ads, when it should go to direct marketing.
512. We’re doing what we know how to do.
513. Weak prospects vs targeted prospects
514. What little we have we think is focused properly.
515. Where it should be spent is being determined as we speak, with a new focus on
development of a unified corporate business and market strategy for China.
Where it now being spent is via the 6 pillars as described in Question (2).
516. Will have to plan this effectively to get the most bang for the buck.
517. Wish I knew. According to Mike Dooley, the game is entirely in my own head.
518. With rented email lists, it should be spent through an affiliate program.
519. Writing articles and E-books – should be more on becoming visible
520. Yellow Pages and design vs. actual selling and follow-up
521. yellow pages, advertising monthly, in office. in office, referrals, direct marketing
522. Yellow Pages, and the phone don’t ring that much

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1454

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From
Question 86. How much of your business comes from referrals? How much from
advertising? How much from direct sales?

1. ??
2. 0%(3)
3. 0.0.100
4. ¼ to 1/3 from referrals, rest from ads or direct mail or sign calls
5. ½ from host/beneficiary½ from direct sales
6. 1% on referrals, advertising generates leads for direct sales, 99% come from direct
sales as we are a service business that is highly relational.
7. 1. Referrals – 20%; 2. Advertising – 10%; 3. Direct Sales – (telemarketing) –
70% .
8. 10%(5)
9. 10% - referrals ; 10% - advertising ; 80% from direct sales / dealers own efforts
10. 10% 10% 80%
12. 10% from referrals
13. 10% from referrals 1% from advertising 89% from direct sales
14. 10% from referrals, 90% from search engine "advertising", 0% from direct sales.
15. 10% Ref / 45% Advert / 45% Direct
16. 10% referrals (sad to say!), the remaining 90% comes from putting on Free
17. 10% referrals 90% direct sales
18. 10% referrals, 10% ads, 80% direct sales
19. 10% referrals, 10% advertising, 80% direct sales.
20. 10% referrals, 5% advertising and 85% direct
21. 10% referrals, 5% advertising, 75% direct mail and telemarketing.
22. 10% referrals, 5% advertising, 85% direct sales.
23. 10% referrals, 70% advertising, 20% direct sales.
24. 10% referrals, 85% direct sales (repeat), 5% walk-ins.
25. 10% referrals, 90% direct sales (I want to reverse that)
26. 10% to 95%
27. 10%, 10%, 80%
28. 10%, 20%, 70%
29. 10%, 5%, 85%
30. 10%, 60%, 30%
31. 10%. 25%. 65%
32. 10%/30%/20%
33. 100 % referral
34. 100%(3)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1455

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

35. 100% - other than my initial lead generation program in 1981

36. 100% as of this point from referrals
37. 100% at this stage from referrals not that we ask for them but they are word of
mouth from satisfied clients
38. 100% comes from direct sales.
39. 100% direct sales
40. 100% direct sales.
41. 100% from classified ads no others
42. 100% from referrals
43. 100% from referrals at present.
44. 100% from referrals but we promote to get referrals
45. 100% from referrals.
46. 100% from referrals.
47. 100% from referrals.
49. 100% referral today
50. 100% REFERRALS
51. 100% referrals
52. 100% referrals
53. 100% referrals
54. 100% referrals
55. 100% referrals
56. 100% referrals.
57. 100% through direct sales
58. 100%. None. none
59. 100%/0%/0%
60. 1-2% from referrals, the bulk of the rest from direct mail sales.
61. 15%
62. 15% referrals, 0 advertising, 0 direct marketing, 85% from responses to listing of
work (CBD, etc)
63. 2%
64. 2% from referrals 5% advertising 90% direct mail/telemarketing 3% other(These
numbers are guesses)
65. 2% tops
66. 20 from referrals 80% from direct sales
67. 20%
68. 20%
69. 20% Ad 60% other 20%
70. 20% from referrals and 80% from advertising

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1456

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

71. 20% from referrals, 20% from existing accounts, 60% from direct sales.
72. 20% referrals, 0% for advertising, 50% from direct sales
73. 20% referrals, 30% advertising and 50% direct sales.
74. 20% referrals, 60% from signs calls, 10% from internet and homes magazines.
75. 20% referrals, 80% advertising,
76. 20%, ZERO (we do direct mail), 80%
77. 20%, 10%, 70%
78. 20%. The remainder (60%) from PR
79. 25%
80. 25% Repeat customers? 50%
81. 25% from referrals
82. 25% from referrals 65% from advertising and about 10% from direct sales
83. 25% referrals, 50% from call ins off signs etc; 25% off cold canvassing for
84. 25% referrals 75% direct sales
85. 25% referrals, 75% direct promotions by us.
86. 25%, 15%, 60%
87. 25%, 55%, 20%
88. 26% referrals; 74% direct 1-1 sales – long sales/service cycle in our business (up
to 24mths) and we are only just over 3 yrs old
89. 3 percent referrals. 20 percent advertising. The rest search engine relevance.
90. 30 advertising and referrals 70 direct sales
91. 30%
92. 30%
93. 30% 10% AND 60%
94. 30% from direct referrals, 50% from website link referrals from third party sites,
20% from P.R. Efforts, 0% from advertising, 0% from direct sales.
95. 30% referral; 50% Yellow Pages, 20% from assorted sources such as pass-by,
vehicle signage, container branding, website, etc.
96. 30% referrals, 20% advertising, 50% direct sales.
97. 30% referrals, 70% advertising.
98. 30% referrals, 70% direct sales
99. 30%, 70%, 0%
100. 30%/10%/20% (40% other)
101. -35%
102. 35% ref/ 60% from ads on vehicles
103. 35% referrals The rest from speaking and the net
104. 3-Jan
105. 40%(2)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1457

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

106. 40% 30% 30%

107. 40% from referral. 40% from advertising.
108. 40% from referrals 50% from advertising 10% from reseller sales (ie 90% direct
109. 40% from referrals, remaining from advertising and direct sales.
110. 40% from Referrals. 0% from Advertising; 60% from direct sales.
111. 40% from referrals. 30% from advertising. 30% from direct sales.
112. 40% referrals, 40% regulars, 20% new
113. 40/20/40
114. 45% referrals 35% direct sales 20% advertising
115. 5 percent from referrals and 95 percent from advertising.
116. 5 percent from referrals, none from advertising 95% from direct sales
117. 5%(4)
118. 5% 15% 80%
119. 5% 95%
120. 5% from referrals, 15% from advertising (pay-per-clicks) and none from direct
sales. The balance comes from writing articles.
121. 5% from referrals, 25% from advertising, 20% direct sales, 50% from Dealers.
122. 5% referral, 25% Advert. And 70% direct sales
123. 5% REFERRALS - 60% ADV – 35% DIRECT SALES
124. 5% referrals, 30% and rest from direct ales
125. 5% referrals. 95% advertising, 0% direct sales.
126. 5%, 0%, 95%
127. 5/5/90
128. 5/5/90
129. 50 % at least maybe more
130. 50 / 0 / 50
131. 50 25 25
132. 50%(4)
133. 50% 10% 40%
134. 50% from referral. 50% from hospital admissions
135. 50% from referrals 50% from self marketing
136. 50% from referrals and 50% from the Internet
137. 50% REFERRALS – 20% MAILERS – 30% other areas..
138. 50% referrals 30%direct sales 20%advertising
139. 50% referrals and 50% advertising through the use of handouts at wind seminars
and conferences.
140. 50% referrals, 30% advertising, 20% direct sales
141. 50% referrals, 50% advertising (Newspaper)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1458

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

142. 50% referrals, 50% direct sales

143. 50% through referrals. 50% through networking
144. 50%+ rest advertising
145. 50/25/25
146. 50-50
147. 60 / 20 / 0
148. 60%
149. 60% comes from referrals, none from advertising (about 40% from direct mail and
direct sales).
150. 60% direct sales (of which about 10% is new business and 50% repeat customers
responding to our direct mail) 40% cross selling and back end from subscription
(up from 30% last year).
151. 60%- referral, 5% advertising and 35% direct sales
152. 60% referral—10% advertising—30% direct sales
153. 60% referrals, 40% advertising, 0% direct sales.
154. 60;20;20
155. 60-70% of our new patients come from referral, 10% come from advertising and
20% come from direct sales (expos, screenings, and talks)
156. 65 – 10 - 25
157. 65% referrals, 30%advertising, 5% direct sales
158. 65% referrals and the rest direct sales.
159. 67%
160. 69%
161. 70%
162. 70% - 15% - 15% roughly
163. 70% - 15% - 15% roughly
164. 70% come from referrals 30% from passive advertising
165. 70% direct referrals (One parent talking to another). 30% Direct sales
166. 70% direct sales, 20% referrals, 10% advertising
167. 70% direct sales. 30% referrals. 0% Advertising.
168. 70% from referrals; 30% from direct sale.
169. 70% referral 5 % adv 25%
170. 70% referrals 30%marketing
171. 70% referrals 20% networking 10% direct sales
172. 70% repeat
173. 70% repeat business, 30% referrals
174. 70%referrals5% Advertising25% Direct Sales
175. 75 percent comes from referrals the remaining comes from ads. I do not do direct
176. 75% broker referrals15% Direct10% client referrals

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1459

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

177. 75% Direct sales, 15% referrals, 5 % advertising 5% other.

178. 75% from referrals. 15% from advertising, 10% from direct sales.
179. 75% Referrals0% Adv.25% Direct Sales
180. 80 from referrals, 10 each from ads & direct sales
181. 80% advertising 20 % referrals
182. 80% direct sales, 10% referral, 10% advertising
183. 80% from referral, 20% sub contracting
184. 80% is referral and the rest is yellow pages
185. 80% new 20% referrals
186. 80% referals/20% advertising
187. 80% referral, 15% advertising
188. 80% referrals, 0% advertising, 20% direct sales
189. 80% referrals, 20% advertising
190. 80% referrals,10% advertising,10% direct sales
191. 80% referrals; 10% advertising, 10% direct sales.
192. 80% referrals; 20% advertising
193. 80/20(2)
194. 80-100% former contacts up to 20% personal presentation no ads no direct sales
195. 85 % referrals, 15% advertising
196. 85%
197. 85% 15%
198. 85% direct sales and 15% referrals
199. 85% from referrals; 15% advertising; 0% direct sales
200. 85% word-of-mouth, 15% referrals.
201. 85%, 5, 10%
202. 88% from referral 10 % direct sales
203. 90%(2)
204. 90% 0 10%
206. 90% direct sales10% advertising
207. 90% direct selling, 10 advertising.
208. 90% from direct sales 10% from referrals
209. 90% from referrals or existing relationships at this stage
210. 90% from referrals, 10% from direct approach and none form advertising
211. 90% from referrals. 10% on direct sales
212. 90% of our business is gained through my contacts
213. 90% referrals(3)
214. 90% referral, 10% prospecting 0% advertising

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1460

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

215. 90% referrals and 10% direct sales

216. 90% so far from referrals, and 10% form direct sales
217. 90%-0%-10%
218. 94%
219. 95%
220. 95% - direct / 5% -referral
221. 95% - the other comes from business cards/literature. We don’t pay for advertising
222. 95% advertising; 5% referrals.
223. 95% direct sales 5% referrals
224. 95% from referrals or from another source.5% from direct sales.
225. 95% referrals
226. 95% would be from referrals
227. 97% referrals 3% direct sales
228. 97% referrals 3% advertising
229. 98% from Referrals
230. 99%
231. 99% 0% 1%
232. 99% direct sales
233. 99% of our business has been via referrals.
234. 99%;1%;0%
235. A lot from referrals not much at all from either advertising or direct sales.
236. About 15%
237. About 30 % each at the moment and we hope to have 50 % comes from referral in
six months time and may lower the advertisement budget once we achieve it.
238. About 35%...Little from direct sales
239. About 50 percent referrals, 50 percent direct sales.
240. About 60 % of our business is from referral or repeat business. About 3 percent is
from advertising (people receive the flyer because the prior occupant moved) and
the balance are new customers at art & craft shows. They then move to the repeat
business category.
241. About 60%
242. About 70% is from referrals and affiliate programs. 10% from advertising. 20%
from direct sales.
243. About 80 % from referrals, and 20% from advertising.
244. About a third to one half comes from referrals. None from advertising. Half to two
thirds from direct sales.
245. advertising =0referrals =0direct sales at seminars =100%
246. Advertising 25%, referrals 35%, direct sales 40%
247. Advertising 40%, Referrals 10%, direct sales 50%
248. All / none/little

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1461

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

249. All business from referrals.

250. All comes from phone book.
251. All comes from referrals.
252. all direct sales, some referrals
253. All from advertising.
254. All from direct sales
255. All from networking.
256. All from referrals(15)
257. All from referrals, I don’t advertise
258. All my business comes from referrals
259. All of it.
260. All of my business comes from direct sales using letters of referral.
261. All of our business will come from advertising or free publicity.
262. All referral directly or indirectly.
263. All referral now
264. All sales are direct
265. All None None
266. Almost 100% comes from referrals and personal contacts.
267. Almost 100% from referrals.
268. Almost 100% is from referrals.
269. Almost all comes from referrals, but it’s not much right now
270. Almost all form direct sales right now.
271. Almost all from advertising or walk-ins.
272. Almost all from referrals(5)
273. Almost all from referrals and through providing present clients with incentives
274. Almost all from referrals. Small amount from ads and none from direct sales
275. Almost all is direct sales.
276. Almost all of it comes from referrals. None from advertising. None from direct
277. Almost all of our business came from referrals, and practically none from
advertising through printed or electronic media.
278. Almost all the business comes from referrals. None from advertising, not until the
web site is up. I am not sure what you mean by “direct sales” unless you mean
279. Almost everything now comes from direct sales. Although we wait for prospects to
contact us it is our reputation that sells us as the best option.
280. almost none at this time. (Something we are changing)
281. Almost none from referrals ( that we know or can track) and almost 100% from
direct sales.
282. Although not quantified, most comes from referrals and advertising, then direct

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From
sales last.
283. Approx. 40%-20%-40%
284. Approximately 65% of my business comes from referrals that I follow up with
meetings (direct sales). The rest comes with plain old networking that I also follow
up with direct sales.
285. Approximately 80% of our business comes from referrals, and the remainder from
direct sales.
286. Approximately twenty five percent of our business comes from referrals, sixty
percent comes from direct mail and the balance comes from internet originations.
287. At the moment, virtually all my business is coming from direct sales.
288. At this moment every euro I make come from direct marketing.
289. At this point, most would be direct sales.
290. At this stage more than 50% come from referrals via my contacts built up in the
geographical business area during my career prior to starting Body & Mind
Foundation (I have been active in the area in (ethical) business ventures since the
early Seventies).
291. At this stage more than 50% come from referrals via my contacts built up in the
geographical business area during my career prior to starting Body & Mind
Foundation (I have been active in the area in (ethical) business ventures since the
early Seventies).
292. Because we are new, we get few referrals from customers, some from our affiliate
program, none from advertising and most from direct sales.
293. Both of my current clients came from referrals. One has given me 9 referrals when
I have asked 3 different times – and none of these referrals turned out to be any
good. The other client is a slow started (a contingency deal) and he is not ready to
give me referrals yet.
294. Can’t quantify
295. Consumer sales come from advertising, corporate comes from direct sales.
296. Currently 90% from referrals, 10% direct sales.
297. Currently, all of our business is repeat or referral sales.
298. Direct sales - 90%Referrals – 8%Advertising – 2%
299. direct sales – about 85%.Referrals – about 15%
301. Direct sales 95%. Referrals 5%.
302. Direct sales all of it
303. Direct Sales: 55%; Referrals 45%
304. Direct selling is still necessary in my business as my services is very much
intangible and new to the market. Therefore, most come from advertising and
direct sales.
305. Do not know(12)
306. Do not measure
307. Don’t know. How do you measure?
308. Don’t measure. I would suspect that word of mouth is high.

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

309. Few from referrals as no one usually asks in a conversation whom to hire in real
estate; there are thousands of active licenses for fewer customers. None from
advertising ,
310. For referrals need clients, beginning to build up, zero from advertising (unless web
site is classified as advertising). Not sure what direct sales are. 90% of business
comes from leads generated from web site at present.
311. Half from referrals; none from advertising; half from direct sales.
312. Half from sales , half from referrals
313. Half from sales Half from referrals None from advertising
314. Hard to say as most are a combination. I don’t think much comes from advertising
and most would be a combination of direct approach combined with referrals or
315. hard to say exactly...almost all business partners are referrals...most customers
are purchased...about 10-20% than refer other customers, depending on where
they are placed in the organization nd who they are working sales
account for over 80% of all customers...advertising is more for the business
partners and referrals is far superior for now...
316. Hard to say—not sure I quite understand the question. From word of mouth (guess
that’d be referral). From events (advertising and direct sales?).
317. Hasn’t been measured.
318. Haven’t calculated as yet
319. Hope to achieve 25% from referrals
320. Hopefully more than 50% from referrals. Direct sales 50%.
321. How does the website figure in there – is it advertising? It seems it could be all
three to some degree. I think most comes from referrals of one sort or another,
unless the web constitutes advertising.
322. How much of your business comes from referrals 20%? How much from
advertising 0%? How much from direct sales 80%?
323. Huh?
324. I can not gauge referrals, most of it comes from advertising (90%)10% from direct
325. I CAN ONLY GUESS! We do have a fair number of people tell us friend, neighbor,
etc told them to come in. A FAIR NUMBER OF comments each year after 4 page
Sale Flyer or Gift Catalog inserted in newspaper, "This is first time I've been the
shop.” NO DIRECT SALES - except for county agencies that call up to order
Luggage Carts that we ship direct to them. Probably doesn't make 1% of sales.
326. I don’t know for sure since the financials are the area where I am weakest. My
current guess is 95% referrals, which would include PR and 5% from direct sales.
327. I don’t really do any of the above as it relates to the bricks and mortar world
328. I have nothing in place to measure each of those.
329. I haven't analyzed this yet
331. I received only 1 referral in 2003. The majority came from SOI and FSBO calls.
332. I supposed subcontracting is a form of referral. Currently, that is the sole source of
our business.

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

333. I’m unsure at the moment. I need to go back and collate all my data.
334. If we are talking about the TATEMS software program then 98% from internet
advertising and 2% from referrals. If we are talking about programming services
then 100% comes from referrals.
years 80/16/4; 3-10 years 40/40/20; 10+ years 4/16/80.
336. In the past almost all of my business has come from referrals. In refocusing my
business I anticipate 30% from referrals, 30 % from advertising and 40% from
direct sales.
337. In the past: only 5% from referrals, and 95% from advertising.
338. Internal to HFC (my main client) nearly all is referrals. I've also had two other
pieces of work, one from a former boss who moved company and needed my
skills, the other from HFC's parent company.
339. Just started; does not apply.
340. Little from referrals.
341. Little or no referrals. Almost all from direct mail/seminars/phone follow up
342. Little to none. Little to none. purchase price to high for advertising to win
business—Just gets you in the door. 99% through direct sales.
343. little, none, almost all.
344. Log Homes all of it comes from referrals and some advertising in magazines and
some from shows. The video business comes from referrals and direct sales
and no advertising.
345. lots from referrals (50%)
347. Majority from direct sales or routed business from overseas agents
348. Majority from direct sales, as a result of referrals. Advertising – next to nil.
350. More than 50%
351. MORE THAN 70%
352. MORTGAGE: 95% business from direct sales. Balance referral/cross selling from
accountancy ACCOUNTANCY: probably 50:50 split between referrals and
directory listing
353. Most come from referrals.
354. Most comes from lead generations companies, some from referrals once they are
on board. We have done very little advertising.
355. Most comes from referrals from clients and our network of business contacts.
356. Most from advertising, next referrals. Franchisee’s business all comes from direct
358. Most from direct sales. I don’t know the specific breakdowns. We rarely advertise,
so I doubt anything comes from that. If you could call our 14-year reputation for
creativity and quality ‘referrals,’ I suppose that we do get referrals, based on

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

359. Most from direct sales. It is hard to estimate sales from referrals because these are
normally routed through my distributors and I have not developed a effective
method to track these without it becoming to time consuming
360. Most from direct sales. We do not seem to able to convert people to implement the
program. People seem interested until they see the price or they think it is just too
much effort to fix what needs to be fixed.
361. Most from indirect sales, some from advertising
362. Most from referrals
363. Most from referrals and from word of mouth.
364. Most from referrals and networking
365. Most from referrals, some from direct sales, little from advertising.
366. Most is from referrals.
367. Most None, the rest.
368. Most of it came from referrals…word of mouth.
369. Most of it comes from direct sales.
370. Most of my business in by word of mouth
371. Most of our business comes from direct sales.
372. Most of our business comes from existing or previous customers and word of
373. Most of our business comes from referrals…we do no advertising.
374. Most of our business on the sourcing side comes from referrals and personal
375. Most of our business would be referral or personal contact
376. Most repeat…then referrals ? no statistics… no time to do that kind of thing
377. Most will prob come from ads and direct sales.
378. Mostly all from referrals
379. Mostly all self generating
380. Mostly direct sales
381. Mostly from referral (word of mouth)
383. Mostly from referrals
384. Mostly from referrals and seminars
385. Mostly from referrals.
386. Mostly referrals
387. Mostly referrals at this time.
388. My stats are kind of flat right now. All my previous work was done for testing the
sales process. Itself.
389. N.A.(3)
390. n/a at the moment. Want the business to largely referral based. At the moment
focus is on direct sales. Don’t do any advertising yet.
391. Nearly 100% of my new business comes from referrals, a few are people I meet at

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From
civic affairs or Rotary. I do not advertising and I am the only salesman.
392. Nearly all of it comes from referrals … 80-90%. Maybe 10% from direct sales.
393. Nearly everything is achieved from referrals
394. Never
395. Never measured in that fashion
396. Nil
397. No advertising, 20% from referrals, rest = repeat customers and direct sales
398. No advertising. Referrals: 95%; direct sales – 5%.
399. No advertising30 % referrals70% direct sales
400. No business yet. However, it would seem ideal if the mix was close to 33% each
401. No business.
402. No numbers yet.
403. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
404. None(6)
405. None at this time. 100%. 0%.
406. None from advertising because I don’t advertise. Maybe 50% from direct sales
and 50% from referrals.
407. None from direct sales. About 1% or less from referrals. All the rest generated by
my web site. Practically nothing comes from my yellow page ads.
408. None from referrals, 50% or more from all mail, fax, telemarketing etc and 50% fro
direct sales.
409. None from referrals, about 20% from advertising, and 80% from direct
410. None from referrals, only a tiny bit from advertising and no one has any idea how
much of it comes from advertising. All of it comes from direct sales.
411. None from referrals. None from advertising. 100% from direct sales.
412. none of it comes from referrals. Advertising and direct sales is responsible for 100
percent of our business.
413. None so far.
414. None yet.
415. None, None, only one client
416. Not a clue
417. Not determined yet, as little direct advertising except through Internet and limited
mail drops. But will work on corporate deals and expand and get a more reliable e-
mail list.
418. Not measured accurately – see answer to 83 (above)
419. Not much
420. not much
421. Not much (5%) because our customer base competes with each other
422. Not really measured
423. Not sure

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

424. Not sure.

425. Not sure.
426. Nothing comes from advertising because we don’t advertise the rest comes from
direct sales and referrals we don’t know the split because we are not asking the
427. Now it’s 99% direct sales
428. Of the New Business 70% comes from referrals, 20% from direct selling upgrades,
and 10% from web/advertising,.
429. Offline I do derive an income by direct sales of Info Products on CD and Nutrition
Products. Online I do derive an income by referring people to other resources and
earning a commission on sales. I do not operate an extensive affiliate scheme!
However, I do like two-tier schemes such as used by Armand Morin.
430. Old clients 75% of any current revenue period New business 80% - 90% referrals.
New business 10% cold calling/ letters/ emails etc etc. Advertising nil because I
don’t do any of it.
431. One client was a referral, the rest were obtained through brokers.
432. Our objective is to have 85% referrals, and 15% from ads.
433. Over 50 percent comes from using my contacts network to learn about
new business opportunities. The other 50 percent is direct sales to existing
customers. I do no formal advertising in the classical sense...although next year I
will put up a web site.
434. Over half is referral based
435. Partners – 85%Direct - 10 %Advertising – 5%
436. Primarily from referrals, almost 100%
437. Probably 10 percent referral, 10 percent advertising and the rest is direct sales.
438. Probably 80% is from direct sales and 20% from advertising and referrals.
439. Probably over 90% referrals.
440. R = 3% A = 15% D = 10%
441. REF: 60%. ADS: 20%. DIRECT: 20%.
442. Referrals 20% the other 80% my efforts.
443. Referrals : 10% ; ad 10% ; direct sales ???
444. Referrals 70% Direct sales 30%
445. Referrals amount to 20%, advertising 70% and direct sales 10%
446. Referrals: 20%Advertising: 2%Direct Sales: 78%
447. Referals-20%, internet-20%, direct sales-60%
448. Referral 30%; advertising 20%; direct sales 50%
449. referral 50% , 20 % from advertising, 30 % from direct sale/cold calling
450. Referral 60%, advertising 25%, and direct sales 15%.
451. Referral business is not measured, we assume most of our sales come from
452. Referral: 2Advertising: 4Direct sales: 7
453. Referrals

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

454. Referrals – 10%; Advertising 10%; Media Marketing – 15%; Direct mail – 20%;
Direct Sales – 45%
455. Referrals - 100%
456. Referrals – 10-12%Advertising – 30-35%Direct Sales – 2-5%
458. Referrals – 25%Ads – 65%Direct sales – 10%
459. Referrals - 35 % Advertising - 65 % Direct sales - 0 %
460. Referrals – 75%, advertising – 15%, direct sales – 10%
461. Referrals – 75%Advertising – 0Direct sales – 25%
462. Referrals - about 20 %Advertising - about 50%
463. Referrals – almost all software business, negligible for equipment Advertising – not
for software, some for equipment Direct sales – None
464. Referrals - none. Advertising - none. Direct sales - none.
465. referrals – sth about 30%advertising – if we don't count letters to my list – close to
0%direct sales – rest.
466. Referrals = 0%, Advertising 20%, Direct Sales 80%
467. Referrals = 10% Advertising = 5% Direct = 85%
468. Referrals = 2%, Ads = .5%, Direct sales = 70%
469. Referrals = 30%, Advertising = 10%, Direct Sales 60%
470. Referrals = 30%Advertising = 5%Direct Sales = 65%
471. referrals = 40%, 60%= direct sales.
472. Referrals = 50%, with 0% for advertising or sales.
473. —Referrals == less than 5%…. Advertising equals 10%, direct sales equals 70%
and the balance is hard to track.
474. Referrals =10%, advertising =0%, direct = 90%
475. Referrals --> 65%, advertising --> 5%, direct sales --> 35%
476. Referrals 10% , advertising 40%, remainder direct
477. referrals 10%, advertising 10%, direct marketing 80%
478. Referrals 2% - Direct sales 3% - Advertising (direct mail) 95%
479. Referrals 20%, Advertising 50%, Direct Sales 30%.
480. Referrals 25%, Advertising 0%, Direct Sales 75%
481. Referrals 30%, Advertising 1%, Direct 69%
482. Referrals 30%, Advertising 15%, Direct Sales 55%.
483. referrals 40%,advertising 30%,direct sales 30%
484. Referrals 40%; ads 60%
485. Referrals 50 percent; advertising 40 percent; direct sales 10 percent
486. Referrals 50%, Direct sales 50%
487. referrals 50%advertising 20%direct sales 30%
488. Referrals 60% adv 40%

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

489. Referrals 65%, Ads 5% and Direct Sales 30%.

490. Referrals- 70 %. Advertising- 0%, Direct Sales-30%.
492. referrals 90%, advertising – 0%, direct sales – 10%.
493. Referrals 94%, advertising 5%; direct sales 1%
494. Referrals about 25%, Repeat about 40% and new business for direct marketing
495. Referrals and direct sales account for 80%.
496. Referrals and past customers about 35%
498. Referrals and repeat business is a major portion
499. Referrals are about 80 %yellow pages is about 20%,
500. Referrals are key to our business. We have done no ads. We have about 10% of
business from direct sales but it is linked with referrals.
501. Referrals is 25%.
502. Referrals is about 30%, advertising is 70%, no direct sales ( I think).
503. Referrals very little; advertising leading to direct sales is almost all of it
504. Referrals, 2%; Advertising, 8% and direct sales, 90%.
505. Referrals, very little right now. Advertising, most. Direct sales, very little.
506. Referrals, very little. None from advertising. Almost 100% from direct sales.
507. Referrals: little now. Advertising: only from direct mail. Direct sales: I close all
sales in person.
508. Referrals: 1%Advertising: 0%Direcft sales: 99%
509. Referrals: 10%Ads: 20% ?Direct: 20%
510. Referrals: 100%
511. Referrals: 15%Advertising: 5%Direct Sales: 80%
512. Referrals: 16%, as of last year, Advertising: virtually nothing, Direct Telesales: 84%
513. Referrals: 20 – 30%, Direct sales: (including repeat) 70 – 80%
514. Referrals: 25%Advertising: 50%Direct Sales: 25%
515. Referrals: 5%, Advertising 0%, direct sales 95%
516. Referrals: 5%. Advertising: 0. Direct Sales: 95%.
517. Referrals: 80%
518. Referrals: 80% Direct Sales: 15% Advertising: 5%
519. Referrals: 90%, show room 8%, direct sales 2%.
520. Referrals: 90, ad 5, direct 5%
521. referrals: currently 20%direct sales by me: 80%
522. Referrals: None, Advertising: 5%, Direct & Telesales: 95%.
523. Referrals: very little, Advertising: not mush form our own advertising, but we do
see a great deal of business from our vendor/supplier advertising. Direct Sales: I
would equate that to our outside sales force that promotes by telephone and drop

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1470

Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From
524. Referrals:80%Advertising: Nil Direct sales:20%
525. Referrals=60% - 70%; We don’t advertise; 30% - 40%= direct sales
526. Referrals….maybe 15%. Ads…probably 75%. Local store marketing/networking
about 10%.
527. referrals-100%
528. Referrals-25% Ads-0% Direct sales-50%
529. Referrals—33%, Advertising—66%.
530. Referrals-5% Advertising-95%
532. Referrals-all
533. Referrals 30%Adv 0%Direct Sales 70%
534. Relatively new at the moment
535. Right now everything comes from referrals
536. Right now, 100 percent from direct sales.
537. Sad to say, don’t know, but I would guess to say that 80% from direct sales, 20%
from referrals, and 0% from advertising.
538. See #76
539. Since our revenues have been minimal, the analysis wouldn’t be meaningful.
Looking at our Registered User database, 16% comes from advertising (including
search engine listings and press releases), 11% from word of mouth, 35% from
trade or business articles and links from other websites, and 39% from direct e-
mail marketing.
540. So far 100% from referrals
541. So far all has come from close contacts and referrals.
542. So far, half have been referrals
543. Some, none, most.
545. Sorry am still making sure strategy I have picked will be satisfactory for my needs,
but I will fashion my propositions in a way that referrals will be a condition of doing
business with my company and still not effect sales. As for adveritising I have
methods I have come up they will piggy back lists regularly, and have split
objectives and focus, direct sales are in the forecast on several different fronts if I
were to estimate give or take 20% these three tactics should be about equal in
546. The few I have come from direct sales
547. The rest
548. The rest.
549. The vast majority comes from referrals and repeat customers.
550. To be determined…but referrals would be my bread and butter.
551. Too early to tell
552. Too early to tell, but I expect that 50% will come from referrals; 35% from direct

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From
sales; and 15% from advertising in the early stages of my business, these
percentages will probably change over time.
553. Too early to tell.
554. Too early. My suspicion is that referrals will predominate and that advertising will
not be very useful. Direct sales will predominate early until referrals pick up.
555. Too soon to say
556. Totally from referrals at this time
557. Unable to determine at this point.
558. Unaware of statistics
559. unknown
560. Up till now from referral. Direct marketing launching shortly.
561. Very little “door knocking” is done any more.
562. Very Little and I am working on this aspect
563. Very little comes from referrals. Very little from advertising. Much is direct sales or
sales we have pushed through the channel.
564. Very little from advertising, probably most from direct sales through distributors
and a few organizations and a small part from referrals
565. Very little from advertising. Most from direct sales right now. I hope to rely more
on referrals down the road.
566. Very little from referrals, as it tends to be one off services; some from advertising;
most from direct sales contact
567. Very little from referrals. 99% from search engines.
568. Virtually 100% of our business comes from direct referrals. Our clients constitute a
very defined (and small) marketplace and we are well-established in it.
569. Virtually all referrals
570. Was 100% referrals Will be over the next year about 50-50 (No advertising)Then
referrals will be back up to 70%
571. We are shooting to have more than 50% through referrals and the rest from direct
sales. Hope to put in place an effective strategy to increase the referrals from the
direct sales so that most business ultimately will be through referrals
572. We deal with agents who handle the front line business transactions – I do not
know these distributions. Obviously these would be valuable facts to track. In
contacting agents it is done primarily by direct contact and then building a
573. We do get a good number of referrals, and this is an area where we can capitalize
much more… little advertising being done… only one good sales rep
574. We don’t have enough sales to even measure
575. We don’t know the percentage from referrals, but we do have a large number who
come from referrals. The remainder comes from our website. We are just starting
direct mail and we do not currently do cold calling
576. We expect that referrals will produce at least half of our business, after the initial
launch advertising will retreat to about 20% and the rest will result from direct
577. We get 40-50% from referrals from funeral homes and previous customers.

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Question 86. How Much of Your Business Comes From

578. We get some referrals. Not enough. See #85 above.

579. We will know this more once we start to make better use of our IT marketing
580. Will play a critical part of or success in creating the word of mouth, all business
581. With respect to these three alone the figures would be 0%, 0% and 100%
582. ZERO
583. zero
584. Zero from advertising as I'm not paying for any at this time. Majority from direct
585. Zero/none.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1473

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
Question 87. Go through all 30 of the standard options in the “Three Ways to Grow
a Business Model” and tell me how many you do and each one has favor and how.

1. #1 Referral system…great for us since most of our business is on referrals.

Asking person to person, asking in letters, providing gift certificates for them to
give to friends, asking in thank you cards, newsletters, direct mail, etc.#2…we give
away services to highly referred clients and then once they are in and hooked on
us. love us, we will sell them our other services. #4 very little with host beneficiary
relationships but plan on developing this with selected business in our community.
#5/6 All of our advertising efforts are ineffective so we do not advertising anymore.
Just do direct response direct mailer. #9 we have access to the new move in’s but
not sure exactly if we want to target them because we want to focus on high quality
patients…(dream 100) and want to get new clients from our dream clients.
However, we might do a cosmetic mailing to these prospects . #10…USP and we
use it on all our communications with patients. #11 really upped the standard of
education with the Doctor and the Hygienists as well as patient newsletters and
health tips, etc. #13 working on increasing their skills giving them the confidence
to sell and teaching them the strategy of preeminence…14. Using our dream 100
and new move-ins from the title company we can focus on just the demos that we
want. 15. trying to make irresistible offers seem more like limited time gifts to
thank them for their loyalty…etc. 16…we use this during our consultative selling
approach when the patients are in the chair. 17. We have lots of wow’s in our
office, starbucks coffee, internet access, tv, cd’s, keihl’s lotions, kiehl’s soaps, nice
washcloths, bottled water, juices, fresh baked bread, cookies, etc. We get to know
our patients on a personal level, invite them to Laker and Kings games, etc. We
are just starting to train the team to work on increasing the transactional
value…focusing on selling high profit services and getting them to feel confident
upselling with the knowledge that it is our obligation to do what is in the best
interest of our clients, not what is best for us. We are increasing the prices of our
hygiene by $5 and offering payment plans. We have a great recall program and
system in place. We don’t have any packages, bundling, etc…not sure if it is
appropriate. But we do have a lot of assets that are still hidden…still trying to find
2. (1) Acquire qualified lists that more effectively target my prospect, (2) Qualify leads
up front, and (3) Communicate personally with my customers by telephone to
maintain a positive relationship AND to constantly seek any additional needs that I
can provide services for so that I can, (4) deliver higher-than-expected levels of
service. To reduce unproductive time, I expect that my favorite will be the first and
the second when I expand them by adding authentic profiling double opt-in email
3. (A) New customers – direct mail, endorsed relationships, personal sales(B) – More
sales from each customer – inform clients of additional services – walk around
facilities looking for potential problems and providing solutions as well as
associated costs. (C) – More frequent sales from each customer – can’t do much
with this -
4. ?(19)
5. ?? Not discovered this so far.
6. ????? don’t do them (yet), which 30?
7. ?????I don’t know where this paper is. And, I’m sorry, I can’t afford the time right
now. I’m supposed to be completing our catalog. It’s due at the printer in just a few

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1474

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
days. . . .
8. [do I have that publication?]
9. ‘and each one has favor and how.’ – What?
10. 1. – Employing multiple referral systems. 2.- Guaranteeing purchases through
risk reversal3.- Developing host/beneficiary relationships4.- Advertising5.- Using
telemarketing6.- Acquiring qualified lists.7.- Developing a USP.8.- Increasing
perceived value of service thru better client education.9.- Delivering higher-than-
expected levels of service.10.- Communication frequently with my clients to
“nurture” them.11.- Increasing skill levels of my associates.12.- Qualifying leads up
front.13.- Making irresistible offers.14.- Educating my clients by giving “reasons
why”.15.- Creating/adding more perceived value.16.- Developing a back-end of
products.17.- Communicating personally with my clients to keep positive
relations.18.- Endorsing others’ products and services.19.- Programming my
11. 1. Life Long money back guarantee is stated clearly on Website. 2. Online direct
mail ads- with Call to Action 3. Direct Mail Letter on Website and in all written
communications with clients. 4. Telemarketing Call-In 0800 Nr. 5. USP
Revolutionary guaranteed most cost effective, enjoyable method of overcoming
dyslexia with high quality bonus reports. Interest free, family friendly monthly rate
payment system 0800 advice hot line. Various ordering modes. 11. Our FAQ
educates our clients, as does our Newsletters and indeed the Website itself is a
mind blowing revelation ( ‘scuse the hype). 12. Staff skills are being constantly
honed. 13Lead qualification through ads on sites where desperate parents go.
They must opt-in for our Newsletter. Our Website and Newsletter are very long –
burn off the tourists. 15. The Bonus Reports have more value than the first monthly
payment by a factor of 3. 16 Educating the prospect: Our product is the most
effective, flexible, fastest, funniest, pain- relieving grade improving games-set that
is suitable for more than one dyslexic child in the family. The scientific reasons why
are discussed on the Website. 17. Higher-than-Exp.: Most children improve 2
grades in 6 four weeks, we downplay that. Otherwise there is room for
improvement here.. 18. Monthly Newsletter – sort of. I want to set up an ato-
sequence of reports for the first 12 weeks * Newsletter and evtl. ”specials”. 19 We
are testing a new price increase after increasing what we hope is the perceived
value from our client’s standpoint. 20. We’re in the process of communicating
regularly with clients.
12. 1. Referral Systems - use actively, and to good effect2. Acquiring customers at
break-even and making a profit on the back-end – haven’t yet tried it, but are
prepared to take tremendous advantage of back-end opportunities.3. Risk
Reversal – haven’t used, like the idea, but have not yet found best way to
implement for this business.4. Host-beneficiary – use some elements of this in our
referral programs, however our key referral relationships are committed to
independence, and are wary of partnering per se. One major host-beneficiary
attempt has not yet been consummated, and probably will not be.5. Advertising –
have not used, and cannot afford at this time.6. Higher than expected levels of
service – Have done so to good effect, and are working to exceed our prior
successes in this regard.7. Communicate frequently – not systematic in the past,
now working to systematize and increase frequency, and will test new efforts.8.
Increase sales skills of staff – done so with sole staff person, and will continue to
do so with staff as staff is developed/hired.9. Qualify leads upfront – referral
program does this to large extent, no other current efforts in this regard. Viral
marketing does this to less extent.10. Make irresistible offers – not yet tried, per

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1475

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
se.11. Educate customers – new initiative currently underway.12. Direct Mail –
tried previously with poor results. Preparing numerous additional and different
direct response initiatives.13. Telemarketing – tried it, poor results.14. Special
events – contemplating for future15. Qualified lists – haven’t tried.16. USP –
refining it now, for the first time17. Increasing perceived value – implementing via
website first, also eNewsletter and new brochures18. Using PR – not yet tried
13. 1. Sell to more customers. 2. Sell more to each customer. 3. Sell more often to
each customer. I don't know how to overcome the fact that we seem to operate in
a finite market with a fixed number of customers who buy what they need through
written specifications.
14. 1. To grow the customer base. Increasing lead and inquiry generation
through .1 Referral systems – don’t use2. Acquiring customers at breakeven up
front and make a profit on the back end – will be using this method a great deal to
grow the business and get it off the ground3. Guaranteeing purchases through risk
reversal - will use for all products and services4. Host-beneficiary relationships –
Will need to identify who I can work with on this. Would like to implement.5.
Advertising – Limited at first until I get more testimonials from those using the
program6. Using direct mail - Will be relying on direct mail to solicit prospects7.
Using telemarketing – Will be using to followup after the direct mail package has
been sent8. Running special events or information nights – not applicable9.
Acquiring qualified lists – Will use10. Develop a USP – Will use11. Increasing the
perceived value of product/service through better customer education – Will use12.
Using PR – Will use, once I have a solid number of testimonials that back up what
I’m offering Increasing customer retention rate by13. Delivering higher than
expected levels of service – company will be known for great service and
overdelivering14. Communicating frequently with customers to nurture them –
minimum once a month Increasing conversion from inquiry to sale by:15.
Increasing sales skill levels of your staff – As sales staff are hired, they will
undergo sales training regulary16. Qualifying leads up front – will be done through
direct response17. Making irresistible offers – Will be used for the initial sale18.
Educating customers by giving reasons why – Will be used To Increase the
average transaction value:19. Improving the team’s selling techniques to up-sell
and cross-sell – Will be implemented once we are underway20. Using POS
promotions – not applicable on location, but may be explored on the web site21.
Packaging complimentary products and services together – Will explore if this can
be done22. Increasing pricing and margins – Will test pricing levels first when
product is ready to sell23. Changing the profile of the products and services to be
more “up market” – Hadn’t thought of this, but it will be considered as a selling
feature.24. Offering greater/larger units of purchase - Will offer two or three levels
of service/products packaged into 3 tiers at different price points To increase
transaction frequency:25. Developing a back end of products – in progress, will be
a part of the business since the business will only be profitable with back end
sales26. Communicating personally with customers (by phone, letter) to maintain a
positive relationship – Will be implemented, considering tele-seminars at least
once a month.27. Endorsing other people’s products to your list – Haven’t looked
at this28. Running special events such as “closed door sales”, limited pre-releases
and so on – Haven’t looked at this29. Programming customers – Haven’t looked at
this30. Price inducements for frequency. – Would be tied into buying one of three
pre-packaged products
15. 30 different ways? In that case I’ve hardly begun.
16. 5- Filling needs of current prospects.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1476

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

17. 7 or so
18. About 12, they are all part of an integrated approach
19. Advertising, upselling.
20. Almost none
21. Am aware of the 3 ways to grow a business, but not with the 30 standard options.
Have not seen that program.
22. Am I missing something here?
24. As above, I haven’t really started implementing many of the possibilities yet, and I
need to start.
25. As I understand it, the Three Ways to Grow a Business Model are:1. You either
increase the number of customers 2. Increase the unit of sale, or 3. Increase the
amount of times a customer will buy from you. Our approach is sporadic at best,
and I am still learning all of the ‘standard options’ as you mention. I don’t have a
system or a strategy in place yet to utilize those, although I’m working on it, as you
have seen from answers to many of your other questions.
26. As mentioned earlier, most attention is directed at obtaining new clients through
direct sales and referrals. I’m familiar with the “Three Ways to Grow a Business
Model” but don’t recall at the moment the 30 standard options and couldn’t locate
any materials that explain it.
27. At this point (inception of new venture) all effort is towards getting new clients. We
are structuring these efforts to be multiplied by 3 or more formal referral programs,
and to eliminate attrition through constant value added client follow-up. The third
element, more $ per client rests upon the development of some sort of ‘back end’
we have yet to be able to identify.
28. Basically all we do is the referrals
29. Break even up front as profits come later in the cycle, advertise in the local
newspaper, have a USP, qualify leads via telephone, communicate personally
through my property manager, back end is where the profits presently lie.
30. Break-even up front with profit on back end Advertising Direct mail Telemarketing
Special events / seminars Qualified lists USP Consumer education Delivering
higher-than-expected levels of service Communicating frequently with customers
Qualifying leads up front Irresistible offers Giving “reasons why” More perceived
value Communicating personally with customers
31. Can not find this item
32. Can’t find my “3 ways to grow a business model” and I’m running out of time for
your deadline !
33. Can’t find that model but I suspect that we are not using very many of them.
34. Can’t find your book (ex factor) and don’t remember the 30 different techniques

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1477

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
right now.
35. Can’t remember the 30 standard options …
36. CANNOT FIND “THREE WAYS”; CONTACTED CARL…I only do 1 way so a mute
question, sadly…
37. Cannot find them right now.
38. Could you email me a copy of it? Tks :)
39. currently - none
40. Did not find this
41. Direct mail, advertising, phone, direct sales.
42. Direct mail, referral, phone, P.R..
43. Direct mail Press releases Writing articles for publication Asking for referrals,
promising a reward to referrals, and rewarding the referrer Always looking for and
asking about other areas of a client’s business where the client wants to improve
the profitability, cash flow, or control over the business
44. Direct sales. Sampling. Upselling.
45. Do many in some shape or form or the other, but not consistently.
47. Do not have “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model.”
48. Do not have all 30 of the standard options top of mind, need Jay Abraham
refresher course.
49. do not have knowledge of the 30.
50. Do not have the 30 standard options.
51. Do not know about the book
52. Do not know the 30 options
53. Do not remember this one
54. Don not have this reference.
55. Don’t do any
56. Don’t have a copy of that model
57. Don’t have a copy of this document.
58. Don’t have access to them at this time. Will look for them and work on them when
I get them.
59. don’t have it
60. Don’t have it around
61. Don’t have it on hand, can’t answer.
62. Don’t have that
63. Don’t have the publication
64. Don’t have this
65. Don’t have this document, sorry, I know about the 3 ways via Tony Robbins and
Peter Thompson quoting Jay’s work

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1478

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

66. Don’t have Three Ways to Grow a Business Model

67. Don’t know(4)
68. Don’t know about “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model”
69. Don’t know that model or if I did don’t remember it.
70. Don’t know the 30 standard options…would like to.
71. Don’t know the model(3)
72. Don’t know this document.
73. Don’t know this material.
75. Don’t know this.
76. Don’t know what the “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” is.
77. Don’t know what the “Three ways to grow a business model”are.
78. Don’t know what the 30 options are.
79. Don’t know what you’re talking about
80. Don’t really understand the question. Have been caught up in putting out fires and
haven’t utilized them well at all
81. Don’t understand the question
82. Don’t’ have this publication
83. don't have this text so unable to do this part
84. Don't have yet.
85. don't know if I have that ... and if I do, don't know where it is .... sorry again.
86. Don't know this model.
87. don't know what this is
88. Don't use any.
89. Eh?
90. Either I have not received this or I have not had a chance to read it. Either way, I
can not answer this question.
91. Employing multiple referral systems: no Acquiring customers at break-even up
front and make a profit on the back end: Yes. We give our customers a free
digitization of their logo, knowing that once the logo is digitized, they will continue
to come back. Guaranteeing purchases through risk reversal: Sort of. We
guarantee that we will engrave what we are told and will provide on-time service
guaranteed, but do not provide for a satisfaction guarantee Developing
host/beneficiary relationships: no Advertising: Yes, but probably not as strategically
as we need Using telemarketing: Sort of for re-orders, not for cold calls Running
special events or information nights: no Acquiring qualified lists: no Developing a
Unique Selling Proposition: Yes and starting to promote it Increasing the perceived
value of your product/service through better customer education: no. I need to train
my salespeople to place our products so high in our clients minds that there is no
reason to go anywhere else Using public relations: no Buying other companies:
yes. We are in the process of trying to roll up other organizations within our market
Marketing assets not normally sold to new clients: no Re-activating former clients:
yes. We are going through the old files trying to find customers who used to order

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1479

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
and asking what happened and what we can do to get them back Delivering
higher-than-expected levels of service: Yes. If there is a way to get something
done, we do our best to do it. Communicating frequently with your customers: no
Increasing sales skills levels of your staff: no Qualifying leads up front: no Making
irresistible offers: no Educating your customers by giving “reasons why”: no
Creating/adding more perceived value: yes. We talk about the quality and
durability of the different personalization options. Improving team’s selling
techniques to up-sell and cross-sell: sort of. We are starting to offer more options
for different products to offer our customers Using point of sale promotions: no
Packaging complementary products and services together: no Changing the profile
of your products or services to be more “up market”: no Offering greater/larger
units of purchase: sometimes Developing back end of products that you can go
back to your customers with: no Communicating personally with your customer to
maintain a positive relationship: no Endorsing other people’s products to your list:
n oRunning special events such as “closed door sales,” no Programming
customers: no Price inducements for frequency: no
92. Employing multiple referral systems Delivering higher than expected levels of
service Packaging complementary products and services together Increasing my
pricing and hence margins Price inducements for frequency
93. Gees how am I going to find this in all the info you have sent me. I guess this
proves I haven’t even started going through the material, yet alone applying any of
it :)
94. Go through all 30 of the standard options in the “Three Ways to Grow a Business
Model” and tell me how many you do and each one has favor and how… Do not
know these.
95. Have not had time
96. have not had time to read it
97. Have not read it yet.
98. Have not read them
99. Have not read this
100. Have not yet read it.
101. Have to study and see more applications to my company
102. Haven´t read it
103. Haven’t got the “three ways to grow a business”…
104. Haven’t got these at the moment
105. haven’t seen it
106. Haven’t started yet.
107. Hmmm… don’t have the book handy. Sorry.
108. Host/Beneficiary Relationship – we have not identified any companies as having
a good fit for this yet. Back Ending – we have not really applied this yet either.
Strategic Alliance- we have just entered into a strategic manufacturing alliance and
we will be working towards some manufacturing synergies. Moving Parade –
Limited through Yellow Pages Advertising and some trade journal advertising. Bait
& Switch – We do not do this. Up-selling (Good, Better, Best) – we often try to sell
the customers on Lifetime Customer Value –we do not employ this very often
because we really do not have a good handle on lifetime value of our customers.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1480

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

109. Huh?(2)
110. I am ashamed of myself for not using more than three. This is making me
reevaluate my entire business model.
111. I am NOT aware of such model but will LOVE to get some info on it.
112. I am not aware where this model is located.
113. I am not familiar with the 30 standard options of this model.
114. I am not familiar with the 30.
115. I am not familiar with the Three Ways to Grow a Business Model. Where can I get
the information?
117. I am not sure what you are referring to.
118. I am not sure where I am supposed to find the list – so I went through “how to get
from where you are to where you want to be and made the following list: Referral
System: we have a $50 referral fee of 1 month free to anyone that send ous a lead
that buys a product. Acquiring customers at break-even and making the profit on
the back end: We have sold 2000 coupons worth $490 off a 499 product to the
USPS so they will buy back end products from us and renewals. Risk Reversal: we
give a 30 day money back guarantee and a Free trial period where they don’t have
to bu anything so they can try the software. Host Beneficiary Relationship: we
Work with the USPS and other companies in the industry to get leads. Advertising:
We do what we can afford – (about 10,000/year) not a great return so far – still
working on ad copy. Deliver Higher than Expected Levels of Service: We give the
best online support in the industry and we have the most knowledgeable reps.
Communicate Frequently to nurture our relationships with Clients: we require reps
to call but this is not being done as well as I would like. Need scripting and training
and better inspection. Increase the Sales Skills of my staff: We have 1 hour
meetings every Monday where reps are to point out what is working with them. I
want more commute training to be happening. Qualify Leads up Front: - doing
some of this. Make irresistible offers: need work on this. Educate my clients: we do
this – but not as systematic as need be. Direct Mail: we do this – but need better
lists and better call, mail, call utilization. Telemarketing: We do this but need better
scripting and hire more qualified professionals. Special Events and information
nights: Too few and only at trade shows. Need to make these a regular part of day
like we do when we train usps reps. Qualified Lists: need to get more of them and
use them will they are still fresh. Unique Selling Proposition: Need to refine this
and clarify it for all the reps. Increased Perceived Value by better client Education:
need to emphasize this. Using Public Relations: need to use this more
consistently. Contact inactive Clients: Need to do this more systematically and
regularly. Joint Ventures: Need to create these so they are more profitable
Endorsements: Haven’t done this yet. Using up-sell and Cross-Sell: I’ve had
conversations with my staff about this but it is only in fits and starts that this
occurs. They see it as more for Restaurants, not professional software sales.
Using Point of Sale Promotions: Not really done. Package Complementary
Products and service together: doing some of this on systems. Need to expand it
to training and professional services for all products. Increase pricing: I have done
some of this – yet I want to add per use pricing andI am having a hard time
implementing it. Change the profile of my products to be more upscale: Have done
this a little – but we are still on the low-end side. Need to do more. offer larger units
of Purchase: Have done some of this – need to do more. Back end Products and

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1481

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
Services: have done this – need to do more. Communicating Personally with my
clients: Used to do more – run out of time now. I’ll figure a way to do more.
Running Special Events: Need to do more Programming clients to buy more often:
this will come with scripting when we do it. Using Price inducements: don’t do
much of this – could try it again. I don’t want to train clients to wait foor a sale.
Falling in Love with my Clients: This is needed. Staying flexible: maybe we are too
flexible. Clearly expressing my business philosophy to my clients, staff, and
vendors: yes this would be valuable. Testing Everything: We work at this but it is
not that fruitful. Keep doing Ad campaigns that are working: Need more ad
campaigns that work!
119. I am now looking to find products that can benefit my patients other than my
service. I am now making sure that my patients buy enough I don’t let them buy to
120. I am sorry, but I absolutely do not have the many hours that this would take. I
hope it will not disqualify me for the bonus…
121. I apologize I do not have these
122. I can’t find the 30 standard options, but I’ve already stated everything we currently
do. So, if you don’t see it in these answers, we aren’t doing them. Tradeshows
have been a waste of money and time! I did the Motivation Show in Chicago. I was
told that 85% of those coming through were companies there who are looking for
something for their employees. They lied. 90% of the people who came to our
booth were ad specialty people who wanted to be the middle men between us and
the clients forever. Our program doesn’t work if we can’t deal directly with the
client! Wasted $7000 on that show, and a week of my life!
123. I could not locate the model.
124. I could not put my hands on all 30—but we upsell every chance—cross sell when
people call in for customer care, we need to bundle better
125. I couldn’t find in my materials this “Three Ways”, sorry I don’t think I can answer
this question.
126. I couldn’t find the title on your website or the books I have collected…please tell
me where I cat get a hold of this so I can finish this questionnaire.
127. I couldn't find the mentioned file.
128. I didn’t find this model anywhere. Sorry!
129. I didn’t know what this question referred to, so I can’t answer. The business model
I’m following is to sell content, but in the old fashioned way – without the web
130. I do a few and none really well.
131. I do not have
132. I do not have a copy of the “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” so cannot
answer the question.
133. I do not have that handy
134. I do not have that information
136. I do not have this list of 30 of the standard options. If you send it to, I'll gladly reply.
137. I do not have this Model.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1482

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

138. I do not have this reference material. I will look for it (purchase it) and address this
question later.
139. I do not know the "Three Ways to Grow a Business Model"
140. I do not know what these 30 options area. Where is this documented?
141. I do not know what these are
142. I don t think I have that
143. I don´t know the 30 standard options.
144. I don´t use any at all
146. I don’t have a listing of the 30 options, the methods we use have been commented
on already.
147. I don’t have that document
148. I don’t have that document of the plane with me
149. I don’t have that material
150. I don’t have that paper
151. I don’t have that specific information
152. –I don’t have the “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model”. As stated in an earlier
question, I have no plan to grow this business other than my own profitability, at
least at this time.
153. I don’t have the “three ways to…”
154. I don’t have the 30 options.
155. I don’t have the 30 standard options handy.
156. I don’t have the document, and I don’t know where to find it. I have e-mailed and
asked for it , but didn’t get a reply.
157. I don’t have these thirty standard options. Are they in the PEQ program? If not –
I’d love to get a copy.
158. I don’t have this . Please tell me how to obtain it.
159. I don’t have this document.
160. I don’t have this information available to enable me to answer this question.
162. I don’t have this piece available to me now
163. I don’t have this report/book, “3 Ways To Grow a Business Model” where can I
find one?
164. I don’t have this report/book, “3 Ways To Grow a Business Model” where can I
find one?
165. I don’t have this resource and since I have to have this in tonight I do not have time
to look for it.
166. I don’t have this.
167. I don’t know all 30 options.
168. I don’t know that there was 30

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1483

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

169. I don’t know the 30 options I think I know the 3 ways to grow. If you have it on soft
copy I would love to read it.
170. I don’t know them
171. I don’t know this model, sorry.
172. I don’t know what the 30 standard options are.
173. I don’t know what this is, so I can’t answer.
174. I don’t know what this is.(2)
175. I don’t know where this is.
176. I don’t remember any such “30 standard options”. A) I obtain more clients through:
1)referrals 2) advertising 3) personal exposure – speaking . B) I actually work hard
to help people finish counseling with me and brag that “I work myself out a job”
with them. They come in 6-10 times to figure out treatment goals and then achieve
them (frequency). C) I’ve raised my rates and explained why to my patients.
177. I don’t see those 30 standard options, if you can send them to me, I will complete
178. I don’t think I have that model.
179. I don't have the "Three Ways…" document.
180. I don't know about the thirty options. But I do know some of the 287 tactics that
can be used to grow the business using the three ways model. And once the cash
flow will allow every one that is viable to every viable hungry market according to
performance will be tested, implemented, systematized and tracked.
181. I don't know the 30 standard options of "Three ways to grow a business model"
182. I don't know what these are.
183. I don't know what your 30 options are.
184. I don't think I have this info
185. I don't understand this question
186. I guess I didn’t know this properly when I answered the earlier question with a Yes.
187. I have a referral system that I have used for about 3 years. I should say I’ve barely
used it. It has not been pushed like I’m now doing so I’ll let you know more on this
in a couple months. Many clients have been acquired for a break even or
very minimal profit when I see the back end potential. This has also generated
referrals because of the honesty factor in dealing with the client and educating
them on what you are doing and why. I have always used a small form of
risk reversal. Mostly guarantee to back our work and take care of any problem. We
have stated no payment until the job is done and you are completely satisfied.
This I will work on taking even farther. Advertising has been name in the
phone book, a mailer every one in a while. I am now starting to call after the
mailers and seeing a great difference. I am trying to come up with a good
USP. We have always had “This Doctor Makes House Calls”. That is on our truck
and our letterheads, and invoices. I have always tried to educate my clients
and I can see where doing even more is helping. Public relations – this
mostly comes about every Thanksgiving when we put together baskets with food
and clothes and deliver them anonymously to families in need. The newspapers
give us a big spread each year to help get volunteers. And of course they tend to
focus too much on who you are and your business. So in that respect it is good for
my business. This will be our tenth year. We did 12 basket our first year and 285 &

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1484

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
286 respectively the last two years. That works out to 1000 to 1100 people each
year that will have a meal. Increase sales skill of the staff. The staff is me.
But I do keep reading and attend some seminars and meet with other business
associates to share some ideas. Deliver higher than expected levels of
service. This has always been my motto. The old saying of under promise and
over deliver pays big benefits. This has created steady return business and many
referrals without even asking. Communicating frequently with clients –
WOW! Since returning from the Mastermind program I have been a
communicating fool. This new doubled up contact and follow up is getting great
responses. Also it has re-energized my feeling toward my business. I’m
trying to figure out some ways to package my service more.
188. I have answered most of this in other areas of this questionnaire. I hope that will be
adequate. I’m running short on time.
189. I have gone through each of the e-mails I received from you and cannot locate
anything with the title “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model”. If its here, under
my nose, I apologize.
190. I have never seen this document.
192. I have not been doing any of these.
193. I have not come across the material which discusses the 30 ways.
194. I have not fully considered this option. Thank you for reminding me. I will do it in
the next week.
195. I have not read this book
196. I have not read your “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and I am not familiar
with the 30 standard options therein. Where can I find it? All I can tell you is that I
have focused on providing my clients with the optimum service for the best price
that I can.
197. I have not seen this document
198. I have not yet read the 30 opts model.
199. I have only used referrals – to date not very successful
200. I have to plead ignorant on which of your reports includes this. I don’t think I have
one with that title. If it was sent with this questionnaire email I have not read it yet.
Sorry. If it wasn’t sent can you send it to me. Thanks.
201. I haven’t been doing any
202. I haven’t completed this exercise.
203. I know the 3 ways to grow a business but I haven’t seen the 30 options.
204. I must have missed this one. Out of all the Jay Abraham tapes, newsletters etc. I
have I don’t remember this one.
205. I need to spend more time on this
206. I only look for new customers. But only if a project is finished and then (in panic) I
go to find new customers but very disciplined and not consequent.I loose all my
self-confidence as soon as the business goes well.We were nearly bankrupt two
years ago and just “work on the business not in it” made me get rid of nearly all
debts. But today we are there where we were two years ago – it’ s like self-

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1485

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

207. I only have your Money –Making Secrets and 21 Power Principles
208. I think I’ve seen this before, but I can not locate this model.
209. I thought I knew and understood the “Three Ways to Grow a Business.” Maybe I
don’t, because I am not aware of the 30 Standard Models.
210. I use 6 for my clients during the one year program. We focus on the Bump with
Risk Reversal, Upselling with TFN, Customer Referral, Back End offering
bonuses and packaging deals, and some sales training and process optimization
that shows sales people how to optimize their time and results. We use testing for
each technique to optimize those particular results.
211. I use direct marketing vi fax marketing offering a special report. I use increased
sales skills by rewriting my sales presentation. I communicate personally with
clients to build amore personal relationship.
212. I will, sometime later this week.
213. I would be happy to answer this question but cannot find that article…if you can let
me know where I find it, I will append my questionnaire with my response.
214. I would be happy to answer this question but I can’t find the document that
contains the “30 standard options”. Sorry.
215. I would love to go through all 30 of the standard options in the “Three Ways to
Grow a Business Model.” Where can I find it?
216. I would love to know where I can find this information so that maybe I can check
myself in all these areas. I have gone through all of the marketing books and
seminar notes that I could find and I can’t find these anywhere. Please tell me
where they are located and if I am just overlooking them.
217. I’ll re-read this and take note.
218. I’m not familiar with the 30 options
219. I’m not familiar with this publication / article.
220. I’m not familiar?
221. I’m not sure what this means
222. I’m not sure what this question refers to.
223. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I couldn’t find these articles in any of the
material you’ve sent previously.
224. I’m not wure if I found “Three ways….” But I’ve been trying to become the best
provider of dental care around.
225. I’m sorry but I don’t know what the 30 standard options are from “Three Ways to
Grow a Business Model.” Where can I find them.
226. I’ve never seen “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model.”
227. If I’ve seen this book I will be blatantly honest I can’t remember
228. IF WE HAVE A COPY THAT, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT, so can't identify the
options or answer the question.
229. I'm lost – I don't know where I have it.
230. I'm not familiar with the 30 options
231. I'm sorry, where is that?

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1486

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

232. Increase the number of time customers re buy

233. Increase the size of the purchase Educate patients and practitioners as to the
benefits of the products and services I sell Increase the frequency of purchase
Encourage repurchase Increase the cost of the purchase Costs go up with inflation
and with program development in respect to the software.
234. Increase unit sale: Capture more business from existing clients. Through client
management. Increase number of new customers: Direct sales effort.
235. Increased perceived value through better client education - Increase skills of my
staff - Make irresistible offers - Deliver higher then expected levels of service -
guaranteed purchases through risk reversal. From looking I guess that I have
been doing something right or I would be out of business. What an arrogant ass I
have been.
236. It is too early in our company’s development to assess all 30. We are focused on
implementing the first 5 effectively on the prioritized list and cherry picking from the
other 25 for what resources we have which we think will be most effective.
237. I've pretty much described everything I do in the answers above.
238. later-I want to get this in!
239. Love to - but haven’t got it (I don’t think)
240. Mainly some light referral and reselling customers new products.
241. More customers Referral system, yes Host/beneficiary, yes Joint ventures, yes
Advertising Direct mail Direct sales Buying other companies Larger transaction
values In house sales Telemarketing The backend, yes Strategic alliance, yes
Competitors List management Licensing Price inducements More frequent
purchases Special events Public relations Advertorials Infomercials The internet
Publications Workshops
242. Multiple referral systems (my favorite, centers of influence to a targeted list)Re-
activating old clients (email to them 3+ times monthly, direct mail monthly, follow
up with telephone calls, personal visits)Host Beneficiary/endorsements (not yet,
see opportunity especially with back end products)Risk reversal (key way to close
existing consulting business)Upgrading the skills of sales staff (constantly
educating, books, courses, Jay Abraham)Using Public Relations (not yet)Up-
selling and cross-selling (use a great deal to sell different services and service of
alliance partner)Using point of sale promotions (no)Increasing pricing hence profit
margins (yes, moved toward more value pricing)Changing the profile of products
and services to be more up-market (yes in redesign of website, core story
orientation, and change of target market)Offering greater/larger units of purchase
(give options with each option providing more services)Developing back-end
products that you can go back to existing clients with (have database in place,
have identify 3 products which are still in development)Running special events
such as “closed door sales, limited pre-releases, etc., to get existing customers to
buy more frequently. (no)Price inducements (No)Programming your customers to
buy more frequently from you (this is how I set up my consulting services, ongoing
monthly retainer not having to renegotiate)Communicating frequently with your
customers so you are always on their mind and you maintain a positive
relationship with them so they will buy from you more frequently (email 3+ times
per month, direct mail, phone calls, personal visits)Getting qualified lists, using
direct mail, followed by telemarketing, qualifying the leads up front with some
combination of these (no yet, this is goal once I have back end products)Getting
new customers by offering irresistible offers and education the customer to the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1487

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
reason why (Not yet)Marketing business assets normally not sold to new clients
(No)Acquiring customers at break-even up front and making a profit on the back-
end (not yet)Advertising (no)Buying other companies (no)Special events to get
new customers (no)Getting new customers by increasing the perceived value of
your product or service through better customer education (3+ emails per month,
direct mail)
243. My marketing plan will contain the following: Risk reversal Referra lAcquiring
customers at break even – this is employed when I invest the time and effort in
replying to Requests for Proposal, which often involve quite a bit of free time and
effort. The only way to recoup is to win the RFP and implement the plan. Even in
that event, the time and effort involved in competing for the RFP can never be
recovered. Host-beneficiary – also called cross selling. Advertising, which will be
limited initially. Direct mail Special events – I may do seminars or talks to business
groups. Qualified lists. [see Standard Rate and Data Service monthly Data
Directory of Business Lists.]USPPR Increase value through education Make
irresistible offers Give customers reasons why.
244. N/A(11)
245. N/A – do not have these
246. N/A – I do nothing to grow my business, though I mean to do a great deal soon
and am very pleased with the available information that will help me do it
247. Need the list
248. Need to get back to work
249. Neither!!!
250. Never heard of this document.
251. Never read it!
252. Never seen it
253. New customers-have experimented with adding signature line to email, will
informally ask existing clients, have developed relationships with attorneys
assisting them with developing their business, provided education. Increased
volume – offer several options in proposal, can upsell to higher end services
including education. Increased frequency – most difficult business is built on
project work. Trying for longer term projects.
254. Next time, I am tired, it’s too late and I late sending this form, Sorry
255. Nil(2)
256. No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch
257. No time for now.
258. None(6)
259. None – need to totally rethink my marketing.
260. None implemented yet.
261. None so far.
262. None to date……perhaps some simplicity within will motivate. If none, then back
to the drawing board in more than one way.
263. None, I don’t know what they are.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1488

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

264. Not applicable at this point.

265. Not available right now
266. Not aware of the above
267. Not enough. Sorry too tired to answer this one. :)
268. Not familiar with “Three Ways”
269. Not familiar with it
270. Not familiar with the literature
271. Not familiar with this model
272. not familiar with the business model of 30 ways to grow a business – I would be
very interested.
273. Not got this to hand but as a provider of services that are of a periodic nature, I
cannot increase the frequency of purchase. I could look to sell some additional
services. Key is to drive more customers in and sell to them.
274. Not known
275. Not sure as to what the 30 standard options are
276. Not sure how to answer this one. Where can I find the Three Ways to Grow a
Business Model???
278. Not sure how to find these
279. Not sure I know all 30.The following must be added to our mix: referrals
Guarantees Testimonials
280. Not sure of that publication.
281. Not sure what all 30 are, but I use usp, leads through warm market,
282. not sure what has favor and how means? I favor referrals and speaking as already
stated simply because they work so well. Following is what I use. Mutable referral
systems, risk reversal, direct mail, use a USP, , P.R. , reactivate-stay in touch,
deliver more than expected, package promotions or deals, public speaking, direct
283. Not sure what the 30 ways are.
284. not sure where I should find this information. Please send if so that I can go over
it and I will reply this question.
285. Not sure where to see this. Is this one of your books?
286. Now on my to do list.
287. Obtaining referrals and testimonials only. I couldn’t list the 30 options.
288. Once again, this is what I’m developing, not what I’ve done so far: LEAD GEN:
Referral systems, Host/beneficiary relationships, Develop USP, Increasing
perceived value through better customer education, Increasing sales skill levels of
staff (me), Educating customers by giving reasons why, Deliver higher-than-
expected levels of service, Communicate frequently TRANSACTION VALUE
changing profile of products to be more “up market” FREQUENCY back-end (gift
cards)communicate personally to maintain positive relationship Endorsing other
people’s products to my list special events price inducement for frequency See #12
and #71 for details.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1489

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

289. Only focused on one pillar at this time

290. only two: referral and networking. Together 100% of new customers
291. Our primary focus is on our clients – discussing their business, discovering their
needs – and saying yes when asked if we can help.
292. Please send me this model!
293. Pre-eminence: Having the client’s needs as your utmost concern by giving or
adding more to your service. This also leads to cross selling and educating your
client to the additional benefits available to him / her. I always let the customer
sample a different body treatment for a few minutes for free, at the same time
explaining why and how this treatment benefits them. Referrals: I ask every client
for referrals. Now, I see I need to go deeper and ask again and again and keep in
contact with that client.
294. Recontacting potential clients has resulted in everyone of our three sales. Bear in
mind we are just in the beginning phases of building our business.
295. Referral – no- Acquiring at break even –no- Guaranteeing risk reversal – yes- Host
Beneficiary –yes- Advertising – yes- Direct mail – yes- Telemarkeing – yes-
Special Events – yes- Qualified lists – Yes - USP Yes- Education –yes-
Prequalifying – Yes- Irresistible offers - Yes- Reason Why – yes- high level
service – yes- Frequent communication – yes- Up-sell cross sell -yes- POS –Yes-
Packaging – yes- Price increase – yes- Changing profile – not sure, maybe-
Greater units –yes- back end – no- personal communication – yes- Endorsements
– no very often- Special events – yes- Preframing – not sure- Price inducement for
frequency – no.
296. referral systems – don’t ask for them; they just come host/beneficiary – joint
ventures and affiliate programs advertising – ppc and some online directories
special events – free teleseminars qualified lists – purchased several mailing lists
this year USP – turn your website into Gold – worked very well; Online $uccess –
also worked well as central core of branding Perceived value – have a sales site to
sell my free ezine PR – get referrals from articles and quotes qualifying leads –
have to complete application to work with me communicate frequently – weekly
ezine helps build the relationship; free bonuses unexpected reinforces the value
POS promotion – offer an upsell on the order page of a site Back-end of products
– have at least 5 backend products for each product communicate personally –
only via email, but it is personal endorse others’ products – offer quality products
that solve their problem
297. Referral systems have been working, risk reversal helps, qualifying leads up front
helps for drug study volunteers, developing a back end for seminars
298. referral systems, host/beneficiary, telemarketing, customer list, increasing our
prices, endorsing other's products
299. Referral systems, risk reversal (guarantee), irresistible offers (low price,
inexpensive for 2nd person to attend), educating clients, direct mail (postcards),
special events (upsell seminars), qualified lists, USP, increase perceived value,
make sure customers are happy with quality of product and modify where
necessary, increase pricing (for seminars), communicate personally, price
inducements (discounts)
300. Referral systems: I’m in the process of creating ways to obtain referrals by offering
a listing on my Network Exchange on my Web site, by offering a FREE Special
Report in exchange for referrals, and by obtaining referrals in one-on-one meetings
with clients. Acquiring customers at breakeven upfront and make a profit on the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1490

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
back end: I provide my services for free, and offer an attractive Cherry Wood
document case with brass engraved name plates for clients to store their
documents to one out of five prospects who complete a Questionnaire Increasing
the perceived value of your profit/service through better customer education:
There is a section on my Web site called the “Must-Know” InfoTM section where I
have posted 20 articles written by me and not available anywhere else to those
who complete a Questionnaire and meet with me to see their personal information
on their own financial chessboard. I also send out a weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM
Bulletin, which emphasizes the macroeconomic perspective I provide. Running
special events or information nights: In my marketing efforts I am gearing up to
create an evening in July with invitations to be mailed in May so I can have in
attendance 100 people who have completed a Confidential Questionnaire before
the evening in July. At the event, there might be some education and there will be
a drawing of prizes, as well as some entertainment provided by a singer and
comedians, and guests will have a chance to network with one another. These
100 people will provide the fuel for my future endeavors. Guaranteeing purchases
through risk reversal: The IMPROVED NO-RISK SPECIAL FREE OFFER posted
on my Web site notifies people that I work with them for FREE and they get to
keep all the information and education I provide to them. So working with me is
Better Than Risk Free. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition: The Home Page of
my Web site sets out my Unique Selling Proposition, which is that I provide the
financial chessboard without which people have no idea how badly they are losing
their game of financial chess against the financial institutions and the government.
Host-beneficiary relationships: Have not yet established any of these, though I
have identified a couple of potential candidates. Advertising: Don’t do any other
that through my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin and emails. Using direct mail:
Using this medium less and less to save time and costs. Using telemarketing:
Have never cold-called or relied on telemarketing firms to make calls for me.
Acquiring qualified leads: Have never bought or marketed to lists. Try to obtain
leads through referrals. Using public relations: Have not yet used public relations
in my business. Delivering higher than expected levels of service: Have adopted a
practice of continuously and gradually increasing the level of service I provide,
through letters after meetings and checking that clients complete To-Do lists
created in meetings. Communicating frequently with your customers to nurture
them: I accomplish this objective with my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin.
Increasing sales skill levels of your staff: Frequently attend informational meetings
and seminars to upgrade my selling skills and to learn from and teach others who
might one day do joint ventures with me. Improving up-selling and cross-selling:
Take advantage of opportunities to do so whenever possible. Using point of sale
promotions: Not really a factor in my business, since I don’t sell tangible products.
Packaging complementary products and services together: Do so, wherever
possible. Increasing pricing and hence margins: I don’t control the pricing of the
products I sell, so this option does not apply to me. Changing the profile of your
products and services to be more “up market”: I attempt to do so with my weekly
“Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin. Offering greater/larger units of purchase: The
financial chessboard I use demonstrates the desirability for clients of acquiring
larger units than they would otherwise consider. Developing a back end of
products to go to your customer with: Not really applicable to me. Communicating
personally with your customers (by telephone, letter) to maintain a positive
relationship: Am generally so busy that I call or send a letter only when the need
to do so arises. Endorsing other people’s products to your list: May do so in the
future. Running special events such as “closed door sales,” limited pre-release:
Have not yet done so but am planning an event, on which, see above.
Programming customers: In meetings with prospects, the sales process is

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1491

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
designed to have them follow a set course that makes taking action virtually
inevitable. Plus, those on my email distribution list are programmed to expect my
“Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin every week. Price inducements for frequency: Not
really applicable to me.
301. Referral Systems Acquiring Customers At Break-Even Up Front And Making A
Profit On The “Back-End” Using Direct Mail Using Telemarketing Running Special
Events Or Information Nights Acquiring Qualified Lists That More Effectively Target
Your Prospect Develop A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)Increasing The
Perceived Value Of Your Product/Service Through Better Client Education
Delivering Higher-Than-Expected Levels Of Service Communicating Frequently
With Your Customers To Nurture Them Educating Your Clients By Giving Them
The "Reasons Why" Improving Your Team's Selling Techniques To Effectively Up-
Sell And Cross-Sell Packaging Complementary Products And Services Together
Developing A Back-End Of Products That You Can Go Back To Your Customers
With Communicating Personally With Your Customers (By Telephone, Letter, Etc.)
To Maintain A Positive Relationship.
302. Referrals
303. Referrals - works well - when you do it! Host beneficiary - have had some success
with affinity groups Direct mail - have had some good success with individual
campaigns Telecanvassing - our main approach! Special events - we have had
some success with seminars and hospitality events
304. Referrals- low costs.
306. Refferal Systems Guaranteeing purchase through risk reversal Using direct mail
Telemarketing Develop a unique Selling Proposition Increasing sales skill levels
Qualifying leads up front Educating our customers
307. Running out of time to meet your 12 midnight deadline ---will do after I send this
308. SKIP
309. Somehow I must have missed this article.
310. Soon.
311. Sorry – don’t have a list of the 30 standard options
312. Sorry – I don’t have this.
313. Sorry I cannot find this article
315. Sorry, can’t find a list of all thirty and haven’t got them at my finger tips – though
probably should have! Have used Ten Business Multipliers instead. Test All of
Your Marketing – we do this and are getting more scientific about it as we get the
hang of it. Run Only Direct Response Advertising – we never do vanity advertising
and in fact do almost no advertising. We are just beginning to do this more as we
develop a publishing division and do direct selling of our products to the market.
Develop a Powerful USP and Use it in All of Your Marketing – we have developed

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1492

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.
our ‘core story’ and are using a strapline of ‘creating the best chance for every
child’ at the moment. This is the one I find most difficult as the USP seems to
differ slightly for different sub-sectors within our markets. Create a Profitable and
Systematic Back End – yes. This is being developed further with our new product
range. Always Determine and Address the Real Needs of Your Customers and
Prospects – we do this to a limited extent and is an area where we need to do
more systematic follow up and discussion. Always Recognize that You Have to
Educate Your Way out of Business Problems.. You Can’t Just Cut the Price – our
strategy is pre-eminience which means that we spend a lot of time educating – and
could easily spend even more! Sometimes hard to do this because of time it takes
to write the pieces and do the research on clients behalf. Making Doing Business
with Your Company Easy, Appealing and Fun – we work at making it easy, our
specialty is appealing – however we are not really FUN, mainly because we are so
busy. Always Tell Your Customers the Reasons Why – this we do – part of our
client education/pre-eminence focus. Don’t Stop Marketing Campaigns that are
Still Working Just Because You’re Tired of Them – we are still in the relatively
early days of the business and so have not got enough info to really see clearly
which are our most successful marketing methods/campaigns. When you Prepare
any Form of Marketing, Focus on the Intended Prospect and No One Else – I
haven’t had this as a specific focus yet but will think more about how to customize
the educative material and programmes for our clients.
316. Sorry, haven’t read it.
317. Sorry, I don’t have a clue.
318. Sorry, I don’t have them. Could I please receive a copy?
319. Sorry, I don’t have this resource.
320. Sorry, I still can’t find the section on ‘Three Ways to Grow a Business Model’ in my
321. Sorry, I’m not sure what document you are referring to.
322. Sorry, no idea what they are.
323. Sorry, we don’t really use this so I’ll need to study it and think it through. In many
ways were are a start up company…and are redesigning our own offering.
324. Sorry. I did not bring this material with me on my trip abroad
325. Still learning these will need to go over this material many times, as it has massive
implications and applications.
326. The A group#1 My favorite I do this in spades #4 un-authorized version of host # 8
Special event sometimes not a favorite until I get there it gets me going #15
reactivating clients happens a couple of times a year The B group Both all the time
it's my bread an butter The C Group Selling Skills I have been through or have
taught as the instructor 10's of different selling skills programs Reasons why I do
or say every day ever hour love it Increased perceived value - often like last and
this year your material
327. The book is not handy at the moment, I think my 6 year old moved it out of her way
328. The main thing for our business is that company will normally just use our service
once. So we are trying to gain referral from them.
329. The main thrust in this area has been the creation of series and clinics that we can
upsell to people. I attempt to put people on a schedule that will help them improve
and that will contribute to ongoing revenues

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1493

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

330. The three ways to grow a business Get more customers –a. Offline, to me this is a
bit difficult due to the unresponsiveness of customers to the methods I can afford
to use. Some methods just do not produce any results at all, e.g. Pulltabs, flyers,
ads at shopping centers. Maybe my methods are wrong. The next things to do is to
provide tapes and CD’s with information and request people to attend
presentations by third parties. b. Online I try to entice people to subscribe to my
Newsletter. I do offer a valuable training course. Sell more to a customer – I do
show/tell about additional products. The customer do have a limited amount of
money to spend on the products. Sell more often to an existing customer – I try to
sell to an existing customer on a monthly basis. This is easy and profitable.
331. This appears to be the same question as #71
332. This is beyond my capacity right now.
333. This is what I do: LEADS: Direct mail, Internet leads, JV, Word of mouth
INCREASING AVERAGE $ SALE: Upselling at point of contact KEEPING
CUSTOMERS: Reducing attrition rate by frequent contact REPEAT SALES: I will
be doing this a lot more using endorsements of JV products
334. This question will have to come through under separate cover as my information is
at home and I don’t have these memorized – sorry. 12 hours away from
completion of this question. (Need a few hours sleep in the meantime!)
335. Too soon to say
336. Unfamiliar
338. Use the m as required
339. very little
340. We are a new company and therefore we have not addressed all the option yet!
Life time value of a customer-reducing initial cost of our courses. Linked courses-at
one time only thought of one off courses with clients. Creating a USP-gives us
more specific presence and concise literature for what we do. Testing our adverts
and running different mailout programmes Running direct advertisement.-asking
companies to respond to our adverts and following with phone calls. We do ? out
of 30.
341. We do not have the item mentioned.
342. We do not know.
343. WE do so little and so little right that I really can’t even address this question
344. We don’t
346. We don’t do any yet because we aren’t marketing yet
347. We don’t have your information to respond
348. We have no knowledge about it yet.
349. We have not done this analysis as of now. It will be productive time spent but so
far we have not devoted the time and effort. Perhaps I can forward this info later
after it is complete.
350. We have tried most of them but with dismal results. Results to date have been very

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1494

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

351. We haven’t used any of them.

352. We may do 4 or 5.
353. We need to spend more time on this.
354. We probably use 11 options. . .the acquiring clients at break even, communicating
frequently with clients, delivering higher than expected levels of service, and
communicating personally with clients are most often used and evaluated
355. We probably use 6 of the 30 ways. Risk reversal, host-beneficiary, advertising,
public relations, offer larger units of purchase, and use price inducements.
356. We use a referral system for our e-newsletter; we give them certain free reports in
the hope that they will become paying clients; we use risk reversal; we are now
involved in a few host-beneficiary relationships; we do a little very low-cost
advertising; we are about to do direct mail and we’ve been doing direct e-mail;
we’ve done some telemarketing; we have been developing a list of qualified
prospects (our Registered Users); we have a USP and we’re going to start
emphasizing it; we have done some customer education and will be doing more as
a part of our upcoming sales letter campaigns; our PR effort consists of press
releases and trade publication coverage; we make irresistible offers; we give the
“reasons why”; we do up-sell to our company-wide research license; we will be
increasing our pricing to fully leverage our risk reversal strategy; we are working on
a JV project now that will allow us to offer several different packages so our clients
can buy a larger unit of purchase; at the same time, we will be creating an
expanding back end; we do communicate occasionally with our clients to maintain
the relationship; we will be doing endorsements and having others endorse our
products very soon; we may offer a special event in the form of a clients-only
conference call with market specialists who I am working with; we have used, and
will continue to use price incentives to induce clients to buy from us again.
357. What are the 30 standard options?
359. What is this
360. What is this “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model”? Is it an article? I have not
come across these 30 standard options, thus cannot comment.
361. What?
362. Where is the model to look?
363. Where can I find these 30 standard options??!
364. Where can I find this?(4)
365. Where can I get the “Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” so I can answer this
366. Where do I find the "Three Ways to Grow a Business Model"?
367. Where do I find the 30 options in the 3 ways to grow a business model? I looked
through my files and I can’t find it. Can you please send it to me?.
368. Where do I find these 30 standard options???
369. Where do I find this document?
370. Where is the "Thress Ways at'? I will find it and read it.
371. Where is the model? Where are the people who check and edit your questions so
that they are in English?

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1495

Question 87. Go Through all 30 of the Standard Options in the
“Three Ways to Grow a Business Model” and Tell me How Many
you do and Each one has Favor and how.

372. Where is this 3 ways to grow business model

373. Where is this information?
374. Where is this model? I did not find it in my emails, but I’ll take a guess. We ask for
more business when we establish a contact with a hotel company or developer
with whom we’ve already been successful. We ask for referrals. We don’t really do
more business with the clients we already have as each unit is Independent and
separate. Maybe we need more strategic thinking here.
375. Where would I find this document to read???? I have never seen it if you sent it.
376. Where would we find this?
377. Work list – doing now, measurable advertising – starting to, giving the customers
the reasons why, pay for referrals, teleseminar/special events, guarantees/risk
378. Yada ya yada
379. You have got to be kidding. I need to do this, but I am not going to do it right now
380. You’ve got me there.(2)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1496

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Position:

Question 88. Describe your marketing positioning:

1. "We take the time (in person or on the phone) to figure out exactly what you need
(I.e. the best solution)" Our expertise and experience can create an excellent
solution that is efficient and costs you as little as possible. We consider all
combinations of services and technologies.
2. #2 for 4 years
3. ?(21)
4. ??? Partner/ Director of Marketing
5. ???Premium? Adventurous. For the “explorer/adventurer” type of person. (???)
6. 100% turn key—instant revenue stream by leveraging customer/member base
selling dial up and LD services
7. 12 products spanning price ranges and feature sets from 200k to 1200k.
8. 20% from bottom and moving up
9. 50:50 Products to Services.
10. A direct mail marketer looking to expand to a strategic alliance builder.
11. A follower
12. A niche market aimed at health care professionals practicing complimentary
medicine and their patients.
13. A rare employee benefits provider that is able to help the business owner succeed
in his business.
14. A respected, credible organization with a mission of selling well-being awareness,
and convenience to get there.
15. A SMALL ON-STREET shop that does business a lot like 'the old days' where we
actually try to 'help' the customer rather than sell them - with large selection of
products, price ranges, quality ranges, and experienced sales staff to help
determine what the differences are, and what that might mean to each customer.
In many respects, we are an "off-price" merchant in that most items are sold with 2
price structure (MSRP and Promotional or MarkDown pricing).
16. A very unique USP so it is excellent
17. A Very Useful Design Service is: FOR small to medium sized businesses WHO
require a customized and creative source of promotional material backed by sound
marketing knowledge that informs, persuades and reminds their target market of
their products and services. OUR service is based on our capacity to produce
creative concepts that lead to effective solutions on time and on budget UNLIKE
other agencies whose sole intentions are to maximize profits and win awards for
their own self agrandisement. WE have the experience, personnel and the
equipment levels to ensure all integrated marketing communication needs can be
18. affordable access to top of the line services
19. After reading this questionnaire, I would have to say my marketing positioning
leaves a lot to be desired.
20. Again I am not familiar with the term except to say that I probably do not have one
and try whatever seems to make sense at the time.
21. All*Star Haircuts for Men & Boys

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1497

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

23. Am not sure what this question means.

24. An authority within the community, above and beyond the sale itself
25. An experienced expert who can improve immediately the accounting and financing
of a real estate company, at a price that is far less than are the benefits that the
company receives
26. As a dynamic well known North American bureau with a select group of speakers.
27. as a more affordable way to travel
28. As I am just getting started; not very good.
29. As the highest value supplier.
30. Asset Protection for the Small Business Man
31. At the infant stage and can be developed to fully mature adult.
32. At the top.
33. Award winning distributor still in 1st gear !!!
34. Based upon the definition of positioning as “A positioning statement expresses
how you wish to be perceived by the market”, we wish to be perceived as: The
building management solutions provider, into the China and Asian commercial
building markets, whom delivers maximum operating value to the owner on every
35. Basically we have the forex market to ourselves for the next 3-4 years – we must
now plan such that our name becomes associated with safe, reliable and
consistent returns on the investment dollar.
36. Be an expert in marketing for small an medium-sized companies
37. be different from other by focusing on the problems business owners face and
providing answers (in comparison to the competition just giving plain information)
38. Be the high quality, low cost provider of website design, ecommerce, and web
39. Be the most fair and trusted fine art advisor/provider for my clients, both the
patron/consumer client as well as the artist/provider client
40. Becoming much more aggressive. Reading and learning a lot more about how to
be more strategic and target a better response from clients. We are going to be
going after customers before we have a product to sell.. designing that product to
fit the customer and bringing in more help to finish it quickly and cost effectively.
41. Being professional.
42. Being the best we can be.(2)
44. Best in class.
45. Best in the market
46. Best overall choice all things considered.
47. Best, most extensive selection, top notch service.
49. by sticking onto one niche and adding on other backend services

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1498

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

50. Christian values, covenant, integrity.

51. Client focus and client results
52. Code Scholar delivers value on time and on budget. We protect that with the
Fixed Price contract and even further with the Line Item Veto.
53. --community hospital foundation.
54. companies with middle management layers and companies who have an internet
55. Complete each project as expected by customer and then build on that reputation.
56. Consulting – Coaching – Training for entrepreneurial practice in Marketing
57. Cost effective for al sizes of businesses and sharing the wealth.
58. cost effective solutions, time after time
59. Couldn’t articulate for you beyond what I’ve already done.
60. Create affordable membership for half the population of Singapore to dine at
variety of restaurant at reasonable price and at the discount one chooses through
our member refer member program
61. Currently in start up
62. Describe your marketing positioning Unicity Network tries to position itself as the
leader in all of the categories of products it carries
63. Describe your marketing positioning to lay out the framework for the future. To
educate my people to educate clients to see how we can help. To get the clients
64. Describe your marketing positioning I need one.
65. Developing
66. Director of Business Development
67. Do not have one
68. Do not understand.(2)
69. Don’t appear to be pitching, be a “trusted friend who is making a recommendation”
71. Don’t have one yet. Trying to get that figured out and put together too.
72. Don’t have one yet. Will be in the works.
73. Don’t know(6)
74. Don’t understand the question.(3)
75. Early stage of development
76. easy, fast yet tasty
77. Educational company, no bait and switch.
78. Efficient and effective marketing techniques required.
79. Err, what do you mean?
80. Experienced professionals who will get your loan done on time at a reasonable
81. Fair Price
82. Fair pricing for a great product with great service.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1499

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

83. Fairly weak at present; working on it

84. Fill a small niche.
85. Floundering !
86. gaining position via setting up a customer relationship management business
88. Good prices, good service, friendly, convenient.
89. good range/good quality/value and choice backed by information
90. good service
91. Growing business with zero increase in cost
92. Growing Small and Medium Sized businesses simply and profitably
93. hang the shingle and beam the spotlight
94. Have a long ways to go here. Mainly I am advertising and getting word of mouth
advertising to get business.
95. Haven’t I already done this??
96. haven’t really defined this
97. Haven’t thought about this relative to what we are doing.
98. Haven't established that yet
99. Help middle sized company for a fare price and give them tangible results
100. Helping clients to get more out of their marketing dollars and making the seemingly
difficult simple.
101. Here we are, now… Check it out on your own.
102. High durability, high strength, high usability, highly guaranteed, high purchase cost
103. high end at a very low price: I'm selling myself short
104. High end, high quality international
105. High impact brand identity driven several avenues of distribution and usages of
the product.
106. high margins
107. High quality; customized, need-responsive design; low cost (due to my strategic
decision to locate in the Philippines) relative to the international brands; easy and
elegant implementation; with high client interaction and satisfaction.
108. High quality; high value; long history; soaring innovation
109. High Service , Moderate Cost
110. High service, on location work.
111. High value service provider.
112. huh?
113. I aim to position my business as upmarket. I don’t claim to be cheap, but I claim to
be worth it. I learned this from Jay, too. I position our Executive Round-Table as a
way for CEO’s to get away on a regular basis to work ON their businesses and not
just IN them. More than anything else, it is a way to get away to just THINK!
114. I am focused in building my reputation
115. I am here to change your life. I will educate you so that you can define and live
your ideal life, on purpose.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1500

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

116. I am not knowledgeable in this area.

117. I am not sure
118. I am not sure what you mean here.
119. I am positioning myself as the expert who has proven unique proprietary
technology that is essential for anyone who wants to be certain he is making the
best possible personal financial decisions for his future and the future of his family.
120. I am the only contractor in the area that has actual experience working for the
companies that are now my prospects and clients so I have a better understanding
of the challenges, concerns and worries that other contractors. In addition, I have
the training and ability to streamline production processes and improve
efficiencies. I am comfortable and willing to guide a project from preliminary design
all the way through start up.
121. I am the owner that wears many hats.
122. I am trying to create a new approach to design acupuncture treatments, I call it
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture. I want health care professionals to perceive
our course, and me, as Contemporary versus all the traditional courses and
models existents.
123. I am trying to position FFEF as the one and only real expert on family-based
vegetable gardening materials and training – and convey the urgency of peoples’
need to acquire and implement this knowledge.
124. I basically serve a small very select group of friends and relatives.
125. I believe we have not yet achieved distinctive market positioning.
126. I can´t, I don´t know it
127. I can’t really.
128. I can’t say that I have one
129. I currently don’t have a marketing position.
130. I did
131. I differ from other marketing consultants in that I offer a complete system (from
strategies-implementation) that is tested, documented and proven with case
studies in the specific niche. The system is easy to follow, produces fast and
lasting results and easy to implement. Plus it comes with a money back guarantee.
132. I do not really know what it is.
133. I do not understand what this means.
134. I do what I can when I can.
135. I don’t have a clear focused message, it seems like I’m trying to be everything to
anybody and it confuses things
136. I don’t have one now.
137. I don’t know what positioning means
138. I don’t know.
139. I don’t think I have one,
140. I don’t think I understand the question, but basically, I positive Clean Air Gardening
as a lawn and garden supply store that focuses only on environmentally friendly,
high quality tools and supplies. I offer a 60 day money back guarantee and free
ground shipping. Everything is based around these unique things about my

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1501

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

141. I don’t think we truly have one.

142. I don’t understand the question.
143. I don’t understand what you are asking for.
144. I don't know. (I hope I'm not being graded!)
145. I don't understand this Q – I think. I try to position myself as one who will show
others tactics to make theirs biz sites work for them and the wont pay if the wont
succeed. I don't know if your asking for this.
146. I have no Idea where it is now. I need to think about wholesale.
147. I have no idea, but would guess I have none. My own feeling has long been that
people buy my books because they want to, not because of anything I do. I am
hoping that as a result of beginning to learn what I can about marketing and put it
into a form I can work with, I will be able to market responsibly and effectively.
148. I have none.
149. I haven’t done any marketing in the past which is why I want to start
150. I intend to be seen as an expert guide in helping companies establish a duplicate
payment strategy. My services should then come along behind as the obvious
151. I need further understanding of marketing to be able to answer.
152. I need to establish a position so that I know where I am and then how I can go
153. I position myself as an elite custom framer, working with fine art and preservation
materials on this art. The gallery art sales currently are exclusive to one artist,
Tom Everhart who is the only fine artist entitled to render Snoopy and Peanuts
154. I position myself as the best education on mortgages in Michigan
155. I provide SBO (small biz owners) with service that helps them in the process of
getting there growing business (1) under control) and (2) develop a plan to build
into a sustainable enterprise.
156. I provide the highest quality product available at any price and I do it for a fraction
of what you would pay a traditional jeweler.
157. I really do not understand this question. We try to position ourselves as the
company that can benefit the Buying Group and their members with a service that
no one else is offering.
158. I strive to be the affordable best hope for folks wanting an online business but
need more direct help than can be found in marketing ebooks
159. I think I am nr 30 in Sweden (income)
160. I will soon be the number one information provider in the field of ezine marketing
and publishing.
161. I’m not sure what this means either
162. I’m not sure what you mean.
163. I’m not trying to be a smart a.., but my marketing positioning as to what?
164. I'm not sure.
165. In need of help.
166. in the mind of our successful prospects (those we sell to), we are the only program
of its kind thatis both fun for the students and has educational merit.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1502

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

167. in this area within the top 3

168. Inconsistent
169. Increase your sales and profits through guaranteed low cost marketing methods
170. Increases Efficiency, Reduces Overhead, Saves time , Saves Money!
171. Industry Expert
172. Innovative
173. invisible
174. It is not very good.
176. It’s all over the place, Help !!!!
177. It’s beginning to be “The go-to guy for business, financial and tax advice”
178. It’s very difficult for me to describe my marketing positioning after completing this
179. It's not very clear
180. just one of 57+ firms
181. Keep doing what I’m just starting, test it and modify it based on results.
183. Last.
184. Leader in many areas.
185. less expensive easy to customize
186. Local film and TV production accounting services (at present)
187. Louisiana’s only dual trained specialist in pedo and ortho board certified in ortho.
188. Low cost, but with exceptional knowledge-base.
189. Mailing-telephone in that order.
190. Managing director of Europe. Have complete P&L and well as all marketing
responsibility of Europe. I am on the president staff and advise on all US and
worldwide issues
191. Market in Poland is divided into three segments: outrageous pricing, middle
segment and discount. We are positioning ourselves on line between middle and
outrageous prices, so that people will consider us “normal” for the quality of our
192. market specialists
193. Marketing is what this business is driven by, and this industry provides never-
ending sources for the magic pill that will make me wealthy, but they all cost
money upfront with no guarantee of success. So my marketing positioning is to
stay cost effective while continuing to gain marketshare with good service and
great value.
194. Marketing Manager
195. Marketing positioning if our understanding is: Providing small business owners with
solutions that will dramatically grow their business while improving their lives
196. mid market, limited service

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1503

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

197. mid range $’s for service.

198. Middle America Diversified finance
199. middle market
200. middle market in the industry
201. Middle to Top Managers in non-financial positions in corporate business
203. Most educational, and helpful company on the planet in my field.
204. Moving from volume to quality
205. My area and field are wide open to an open-minded out-of-the-box marketing
thinker. Do I have the gusto? That’s the question. I would love to take this area
by storm; for instance I would love to be the one to introduce and streamline
neurofeedback in the state of Indiana. No one is doing it and it will be the next
HUGE breakthrough therapy in my profession. Imagine a nerurofeedback clinician
in every hospital, in every family practice etc. Currently, I have a solid reputation
on the south side of Indianapolis, IN.
206. My company is either offers the only or the most comprehensive solution to clients
who want to make their wet floors safer. Few if any direct competitors. Am often
the only company listed in the Yellow Pages in my category “Floor Treatment
207. My marketing position is to provide independent, high-level consulting services
related to business process analysis and reengineering, computing and
telecommunications technology, and product / service marketing strategy that is
not tied in with the sale of any other product or service.
208. My Mortgage Company is working intently to position ourselves to be a viable force
in the real estate industry to specifically be very strong in being able to help people
who find themselves in a foreclosure situation to eliminate that issue. This along
with our special service of providing ways for people to buy and own property
without a mortgage qualification process, will definitely expand our marketing
efforts of using telemarketing and referrals to an amount of 10-fold or more over
the course of the next two years.
209. My target market is low middle to middle class people that have difficulty getting a
210. N/A(11)
212. need to have one
213. need to work on it right away
214. needs much infusion of power packed ideas and stronger support for marketing
215. new and emerging, a long way to go
216. new entrant
217. New kid on the block. All options are open to us. Don’t quite understand this
218. Newcomer to the market as a manufacturer's agent.
219. Niche firm with many one-time projects trying to develop ongoing streams in
different sub niches for ultimate sale.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1504

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

220. niche player in the premium quality , and pricing segment

221. niche provider of solid outcomes
222. Niche specialty topic. We have done the most work in this area and know more
about implementing it than anybody else – we are experts and pre-eminent in this
223. nil
224. No idea
225. no position YET
226. No position yet – just starting.
227. No2
228. Non existent
229. non existent at the moment
231. None(8)
232. none existent.
233. None presently. Knowledge is king but must wait for the queen’s abdication.
Some humor in that for my marketing emphasis has been on the capture of
women’s minds…in a kindly way. Quite successful if one views my Internet time.
234. None yet(2).
235. Nonexistent
236. Not sure
237. not a specific role
238. not good
239. not in place at present
240. Not much of a position. Still growing.
241. not positioned
242. Not positioned correctly due to lack of clarity and focus
243. Not sure
244. not sure dif than a USP
245. Not sure what you mean. I am becoming one of the top decorating web sites. I
rank #1 on Google in the keyword “redecorate” and #2 in the key work “decorate”.
I’m ranked in the top 10 on many keywords and key phrases and I’m working on
making that better all the time.
246. Not sure what you’re asking. My “position” is one of top 3 chosen in community of
75,000 for counseling. People hear of my success with others and drive across
state lines to reach me and regularly drive 40-80 miles out of their cities to seek
me out.
247. NOT SURE.
248. On my fat ____ waiting for the phone to ring.
249. One call…Does It All
250. one day workshops for student councils
251. One of the leading law firms in Scotland, providing debt recovery and credit control

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1505

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

252. one smart man show

253. One stop remodeling store that has the best service and products.
254. Only official provider of certain certifications.
255. Opening doors, doing what works and delivering excellence.
256. our ability to bring both business and technological understanding to bear on
particular issue and, by understanding BOTH aspects of the problem, deliver a
better solution.
257. Our company’s positioning will change soon to one that is committed totally to
helping clients improve their business and prepare for the ongoing technological
and market changes in the multichannel TV industry.
258. Our Expertise, Systems and People creating an un-comparable synergy that
consistently exceed service expectations at competitive prices.
259. Our focus will be on positioning ourselves as the premier source for pre-packaged
marketing information packages in the healthclub industry that consistently deliver
high value.
260. Our marketing position at this juncture is still under-developed. It still needs an
integration between the incorporation of our achievement into effective marketing
261. Our marketing positioning is to differentiate ourselves from the medical approach
to healing (that being drugs and surgery), to offer natural, non-invasive solutions in
which the body repairs and heals itself. And to educate and empower our clients
so that they can prevent health problems.
262. Our marketing positioning is to provide the quality, the assurance, and a unique
sets of product range, value added so that the business model is hard to copy.
263. Our positioning is that we are the only company the provides “GPS Tracking and
Theft Recovery” in the motorcycle industry.
264. Our positioning statement is: WeNotify’s service is for businesses Who would
increase profits by communicating efficiently with their clients. WeNotify is a
comprehensive service that provides hassle-free print and email announcements
that pack a marketing punch. Unlike the challenge of making time or devoting staff
to do it yourselves, WeNotify’s system and focus makes developing and delivering
cost-effective announcements from multiple databases fast and easy, to get your
message into the hands of your clients.
265. Outsell, outmarket and outservice our competition.
266. Owner(2)
268. Owner/ marketing vp
269. Pay-by-results payment terms and unequivocal quality of support, integrity and
270. People you can trust to deliver results where others may not even try
271. Perceived as the Results before you pay provider
272. poised in good position if can reach the right people
273. Poor and inadequate

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1506

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

275. position to be the best in Singapore by bring in the best products

276. Positioned as the expert providing low risk solutions (not lowest cost), without
requiring direct advertising.
277. Positioning away from competition. Focusing on investing from home, internet
research, internet auctions, mail order purchasing. Competition is “old school” and
somewhat outdated, has a grade school look/feel. Positioning for a more educated
278. Positioning now is to be in the a middle of the road provider. In future it will be to
become the market leader through a strategy of becoming the expert of choice.
279. Preferred Source
280. Premium service at competitive pricing. Customer centric; go the extra mile but
don’t try to be all things to all clients in all locations.
281. Principal
282. Product X gives you the best performance,/ highest satisfaction at the best value
283. Product: High quality necessary good. Price: Medium to high side of the scale.
Place: Available only through manufacturer or manufacturer’s agents. Promotion:
Largely Direct Sales through personal selling, relationship selling and certain
advertising in trade magazines.
284. professional, effective, international company, focused on quality, value, high
service and expertise, never ‘mass’ marketed (in appearance)
285. Promote on the web.
287. Provider of Choice
288. Provider of Choice
289. Providing legitimate martial arts equipment and supplies for ANY and ALL Martial
290. Quality home specialists
291. Quality work worth the investment so clients can free their time.
292. Quality.
293. Reactive , random marketing sizing all and any opportunities.
294. reactive and not proactive enough
295. Ready to be formalized, strategize and utilized.
296. Real politik for real people
297. Referrals.
298. Right now it’s “no excuses, not just visitors, not just clicks but sales marketing
company”. I’m working on this.
299. round about the bottom
300. see plan What are your top three insights you received from completing this
questionnaire. Be as specific as you can. We don’t ask for referrals, We don’t
prioritize our limited mkt time and resources.
301. See the white flag waving? I surrender!
302. Senior market 55+ with between $300,000 and $2,000,000 of investable assets.
303. Separating myself from the merchandisers in the temple.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1507

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

304. service to mid to small-size companies, especially those that serve others in a
noble way.
305. Sitting at my desk.
306. Small business person who provides quality work, honesty and good value for
307. Small firm that wants to be medium.
308. small piece of a big pie.
309. Small to medium businesses who want to outsource IT maintenance, setup,
310. small, high-end boutique firm with a unique view of how to grow a business.
311. small, intimate, boutique
312. Solving the challenges of high growth companies. We help entrepreneurs and their
management team move through their different stages of growth. Execution—we
make things happen.
313. sorely lacking
314. sorry, not too sure what you mean...if I understand I would say my marketing
position is that I believe that marketing that works is essential to achieve the
success I am looking to have...
315. Starting to do the Dream 100 concept to put my company in Top of Mind position.
316. Still defining
317. still small and growing
318. Still to be established properly
319. strategic marketing firm that identifies profitable new markets that make you the
only obvious choice for your ideal customer.
320. Strategy of Pre-eminence focused on providing great customer care and
tremendous value for the customer
321. Strong potentially
322. Substandard
323. Superior life enhancing results from a service commonly viewed as a mere
324. targeting language beginners, especially people who have tried and failed to learn
English and offering a method based on easy learning with images.
325. Technical excellence provides best value.
326. The above diagram was produced when we last reviewed our marketing at that
time we were considering providing care home services this has been rejected as
we were having more success in the corporate sector to the right is the position we
are in “Specialist corporate services derived from networking”
327. The best business consulting company
328. the best local direct marketing resource
329. The best quality provider of Telecom services with an unmatchable track record for
speed and flexibility
330. The best vendor in the Beauty Aids category for the Mexican retail channel.
331. the business coach / the business doctor. We help fix your business problems

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1508

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

332. The easiest to use truck maintenance software that helps you with your BIT-Audit
record keeping and can help to keep your operation from being shut down by the
333. The Mercedes of Chiropractic or any other healthcare offices.
334. The Montego Group and its Strategic partners are poised for rapid expansion and
deep market penetration
335. The one source with the strategy and the know-how to maximize value and
minimize defects from the software process.
336. The only ammonia free hair color available in the U.S.
337. The only company in our town who can show a business owner how to use low
cost techniques to grow his revenue and profits – risk free.
338. The only manufacturer that has a complete line of value priced products
339. The only organization in our market that offers total building solutions with all
capabilities in house.
340. The only person the owner can spill his guts to and it will remain a secret
341. The position is nowhere close to any of the competition. Like Paddy Lund
Southwest or the Abraham mindset
342. The small business owner only logical choice to finance its business.
343. The supplier-base to the market can be divided into two segments: the large
nationally based corporations, and the smaller state-based operators. The big guys
deal in large quantity containers fleets, and for them a good sized order would be
50 – 100+ or more. For the rest of the suppliers, a good sized order would be five.
. In Victoria, ACN would be leader of the second tier of suppliers. We are primarily
Melbourne metro based, with some regional activity. We have a minor sub-depot in
Sydney, and work on a co-operative basis with a small network of independent
depots in several other locations around Australia.
344. There are probably 20 similar businesses in the Orlando area. We have to be near
the very bottom—maybe 15th or so—in terms of volume. We stink!
345. there is none
346. This is mostly a brand positioning; We are in the business of providing people with
the essential elements of happiness, health and well-being as experience through
the life-giving properties of water.
347. This will be accomplished through continuously monitoring needs of customers
and matching those needs with corresponding niche products and services such
as lifestyle coaching, educational resources, and alternative health products all
incorporating the integrative philosophy of harmony with body, mind, and spirit.
348. Through the use of the leverage points I intend to gain a prominent position in the
cash flow industry. I intend to add more backend services to my primary factoring
and unsecured loan services. I currently pass any mortgage potential business
(something that doesn’t interest me) to another cash flow friend in that business.
349. To be on top and to stay on top way ahead of the rest. The not expand into a
larger market one step at a time.
350. To be one of the best in the field and get the word out.
351. to be recognized as the industry expert.
352. To be seen as a full service provider for sales force and sales management
selection, training, education and retention.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1509

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

353. To be seen as having the scientific telemarketing foundation that no one else has.
Therefore, my forecasts, benchmarking, etc will have a mathematically precise
354. To be the company that
355. To be the high quality product leader in each of our divisions.
356. To be the leader based upon our superior products and services.
357. To be the only place in town that you can talk to an intelligent person about your
health challenges.
358. to become the next “buzz” in area religious media, growing through the value of my
newsletter and word of mouth.
359. To become the Rolls Royce of our industry
360. To companies under $50M in revenue in the NY metro area that have (or are
committed to developing) a strong “inside reality” and whose marketing efforts are
not producing a sufficient quantity of qualified leads for significant growth
361. To corporations in China struggling to be successful.
362. to create a unique expressive clothing line tied to a way of life that people will
fallow in love with.
363. To deliver an alternative to paid employment when job security is so wispy.
364. To differentiate company and its products and services in ultra-competitive market:
focus on service where needed services have not been provided. Provide price-
insensitive premium-quality products and services for segments demanding them.
365. to educate clients as to why they should work with me
366. to have the #1 selling T’ai Chi Chih video & dvd
367. To help others be financially successful by teaching them basic investing principles
and offering them the opportunity to earn the income to they desire to live the
quality of life they want to have.
368. to place our products up against our competitors and show that we are better.
369. To the extent that we have a market position, we bill ourselves as being small
enough to provide personal attention while large enough to offer good value
370. Top female online marketing expert for small business
372. Training company
373. Trust and Competence (Small Firm Specialist)
374. trying to position ourselves as the place to turn if you are a small biz person with
cash flow trouble.
375. ultimate source of quality designs that sell
376. Unclear on this
377. unclear!
378. undefined yet
379. Under Development.
380. under research and development
381. undetermined yet
382. Unique at being able to speak the language of both technology and business.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1510

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

383. Unique guarantee, focused on SMEs

384. unique in market place.
385. Unique in the market, the only source for the service I do, about double the price
that others would charge for the service.
386. Unknown(4)
387. Very flat. I want to be more efficient and innovative
388. Very much a believer in direct marketing but we need to concentrate on ways to
source new clients.
389. very weak(2)
390. vis a vis our clients: US ICT companies wishing to enter the European market, an
effort in which we assist them vis a vis our competitors: we have a much higher
degree of specialization, i.e. above is the only service we offer whereas our
competitors may offer several other services to other (often unrelated) target
391. VP of Marketing.
392. way below
393. We aim for the highest good of all
394. We are #1 or 2 in DUI
395. We are a value added, strategic marketing cooperative. We work with companies
to identify and then achieve their marketing and sales goals. Our success is in the
victories we enable our clients to find.
396. We are doing what we feel we have to but not extending ourselves to get more.
397. We are first and foremost a Christian ministry.
398. We are in a niche that we created.
399. We are in the right place At the right time With the right product Without a
developed marketing plan
401. we are positioned as a dental office that provides comfort and quality care.
402. we are positioned to be the feature story publication of choice. We are the
publication of choice for locally owned or managed businesses
403. We are positioned where there is a good chance that a home seller in our area will
call us to see what we have to offer. If we handle these calls well, we will do well.
404. We are positioning ourselves to be the source for all knowledge of product and
marketing in our industry.
405. We are striving daily to become the premiere provider of architectural services to
the high-end residential client in my area.
406. We are the only choice you should dare make when having your vehicle repaired
to pre-accident condition.
407. We are the only company that does what we do and we are the only company that
provides an end-to-end fully web enabled, accounts available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week solution.
408. We are the price warriors

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1511

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

409. We are trying to position our product,, as a cost effective web site and
sales tool for used car dealers.
410. we are trying to position ourselves as the most reliable, quality provider of
personalization products.
411. We are unique ... Ordinary blokes doing extraordinary things with property ... And
you can too!
412. We are, by my observation, being taken quite seriously by the prospective clients
we come into contact with, and should establish ourselves in a comfortable market
niche – on a way different level as the single service providers. Once significant
numbers of the prospective clients start trying out our services, the proof of the
pudding will yet again lie in the eating – and the follow-up; and the follow-up back-
ending offers etc.
413. We aspire to be the first address for families seeking help with regard to learning
disabilities on the Internet. Most of our traffic is generated through PPC Our
position is 1-3. It is therefore imperative that I: 1. get my referral and Host
Beneficiary projects up and running + Back End. 2. My Newsletter out on a regular
basis 3. A sequential series of multi media e-mail reports of extremely high value.
4. Market my Dyscalcula Program.
414. We close loans more quickly, create more value for the client by offering them an
analysis and advice on how to use their home to drive them financially towards
their goals.
415. We definitely is not the market leader, but our alternative marketing is proving that
brand recognition is not everything.
416. We do not have any
417. We do what we do, and we’ll do it for you if you want us to.
418. we don’t have any
419. We don’t have sufficient information to answer this question.
420. We have aligned ourselves with Microsoft and want to leverage their marketing
421. We have better therapies available and the people we treat deserve to know about
them and understand them whether they choose to take advantage of them or not
422. We have positioned ourselves to be the leading provider of natural health services
in the WNY area. Our marketing stance is that we guarantee results or your money
back…..we also market directly to disease specific populations.
423. We have the finest product.
424. We have tried to position ourselves as a quality-driven organization, delivering a
high-quality ‘product’ with stats and guarantees to back it up.
425. We help high-value customers find and enjoy the best vacation that they’ve ever
had from beginning to end.
426. We help you to make more profits
427. We Just getting started.
428. We offer the best price and service
429. We position our business as the only provider of
430. We position ourselves as a National total solutions provider and market leaders.
431. We position ourselves as a quality provider of a broad range of support services
for practitioners in the industry.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1512

Question 88. Describe Your Marketing Positions:

432. we provide high quality memorials for a good value.

433. We seem to be clear on where we wish to get to, but there are many things that
will make the journey easier/quicker that I have been neglecting.
434. We strive to produce Results for our clients.
435. We tend to sell on price (we have office and India and can take advantage of the
labor costs) we want to be selling on quality, we have it but have not been
successful with the marketing of it.
436. we try and position as the expert, we have been in business 20 years at the same
location and that fact alone gives us credibility.
437. We use ads, referrals, and direct mailings.
438. We want to be able to tell our company’s story, including personalizing it so that
prospects get to know who we really are. We want to tell the story in such a
dramatic way and create a unique position in our marketplace so that we attract
like-minded companies who can utilize our unique, creative products and service.
439. We want to place ourselves at the highest end as far as quality of instruction goes.
We hope to do this at great facilities, using great technology, and we want to offer
products and services to our family of students that help them in all area of their
golf and sporting life.
440. We want to position ourselves as leaders in our industry. We have good feedback
and have gotten indirect feedback about the quality of our product (show) and
some are emulating our product but we have minimal share of the market.
441. We want to position ourselves as the provider that helps companies reduce costs
and increase profits using IT Probably the positioning that we have is “small IT
company, managing customer networks”.
442. We work to position ourselves as the best option when clients are ready to look for
software solutions. We do this by creating very specialized solutions (more robust
software than our competitors can offer), keeping our price at levels affordable by
everyone so we get market saturation and keep competitors from gaining the
advantages of a large market. We also sell our product at a lower initial price to
benefit from a regular support contract, lowering the hurdle of getting started.
443. We’re not the cheapest, we’re not the largest. We have some of the best-looking
plaques out there. Our reminder program is the number one differentiating factor
that we have!
444. Weak(2)
445. Well positioned in the market place but not taking advantage of all the revenue
streams available.
446. what does that mean?
447. what is that?
448. When it comes to the small accounting firm – we want to be considered at the top
of the list
449. Willing to help anybody with a real desire to have their own successful business.
450. Yikes, don't know :)
451. Young company, poised for significant growth, innovative products, will be market
452. youths

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1513

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
Question 89. What are your top three insights you received from completing this
questionnaire. Be as specific as you can.

1. #1. I have no idea of what I’m doing,. #2 and #3 are the same.
2. #1. Marketing your business must not be a casual exercise that you par take in
when you have some time. You must make the resources available within you
company to execute every phase of your marketing plan. Make it the #1 priority.
#2. A formalized referral program is a must that needs completion ASAP. #3. We
have many tools already available to us that we are not utilizing as we should be.
3. #1.Every question posed shows me how bountiful our opportunities are, but my God
it’s a hell of a challenge to be specific (because we don’t have enough specifics)#2 I
don’t know what a real marketing strategy is Even if I did know #2 I would not know
how to execute it.#3 If I don’t put one together and work it my company will be in
the ash can, and I’ll be working for a lunatic!
4. #1Must create more specific market strategy#2 research effective co. and
implement stronger more educated actions.#3 do it now!—make the best use of
everything….…much thanks, warmly jt—ZOOFASHION co. co-owner
5. (1) I learned that I actually do have a marketing strategy! It basically works like
this:(a) I focus my new-client-gathering efforts on targeting my “perfect customers”.
The best place to get those are by referalls from my present clients.(b) This makes
my conversion rate from prospect to client very high. If I can get them on my
massage table once, they are my clients for life.(c) Furthermore, my attrition rate is
practically nonexistent.(d) So my successful - albeit very simple - marketing strategy
is just this: Do whatever it takes to get them on my table.(2) I learned that I actually
have a great marketing advantage over other, much larger businesses who have a
lot more money to spend on marketing. (See Question 62.)(3) I have learned
where my weaknesses are and I can see where my strengths are. I can see more
clearly what I need to be focused on and the things I need to change.
6. (1) Be strategic not reactive (2) I need to develop a backend income stream (3)
Get better at getting referrals (4) Figure out how to mine more profits out of my
7. (1) How little I know about Tactics and Strategy (2) I don’t have a clearly specified
business objective and that I am making money in spite of my glaring omissions (3)
I need to read the material I have purchased from you
8. (1) I need a Marketing Plan (2) I have been playing at marketing, not marketing (3) I
need to do it now.
9. (1) I need help (2) I need it now (3) I’m not going to make it without some help
10. (1) I need to start putting time aside to work “on my business” instead of in it. (2)I
need to create a marketing strategy and find someone to bounce it off/act as
mentor(3)I need to start being more systematic in all aspects of my business
11. (1) It’s obvious that you consider strategy to be the driving force of any marketing
effort. However, from my understanding of strategy there seems that there can be
an overlap of meaning between strategy and tactic. However, I think I see that if
one were to create the strategy first, and by this I mean, what is the overall
objective that I want to achieve, then develop the means to achieve it. Then I have
a strategic marketing plan with tactics. (2) While referrals often play little or no part
in a business it is obvious to me that good referrals are money in the bank. They
are therefore, in my mind, an integral part of any marketing strategy worth
considering. (3) Creative emulation of successful marketing strategies is extremely
valuable. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, take another company’s success,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1514

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
modify it to suit your needs and go for it.
12. (1). I need to develop a strategic marketing plan (including USP and target
market)(2) Apply it to three or four tactics while testing which version works best.
This should include re/setting the client’s expectation, educating the client to
prevent them from going to the competition and asking for referrals.(3) Do it
methodically, consistently and repeatedly to see results.
13. (1)How important my marketing campaign will be to the success of my business(2)
Loss of sales leads and prospective business I will forego if I do not try to better
utilise my current clients to generate new leads and referrals.(3) My need to
develop a system to generate return sales among current clients and utilise every
resource I have to its utmost capability.
14. (1)We don’t have a marketing plan in place yet and it shows! (2) We have a lot to
read and learn (3)We’ve got to take action if we want to get results
15. (a) There is no consistent marketing strategy or plan for acquiring new customers
and retaining old customers, (b) there is a general failure to use marketing tools that
have been proven to work for this company and for other companies, and (c) there
is a need to allocate specific resources and time each week exclusively to
marketing. The questionnaire is startling in the omissions it brought out simply by
asking questions.
16. ..that I need to gain more focus, that I absolutely must catch up on marketing on the
net, and that there is a lot to learn
17. ???
18. 1 – how very little I know about marketing as it is done in this century2 – how much
of my survival as a self-supporting author has been luck instead of anything I did on
purpose3 – many things that I need to take care of – the plans, strategies (and
tactics to use with the strategies) and models
19. 1 – We do not have a marketing plan, 2 – I need to spend more time and money on
marketing, 3 – I need to pay more attention to what my competitors are doing to
increase revenue.
20. 1 –having to write down what’s been in my head for several weeks regarding my
strategy and positioning has produced much greater clarity for me! Evenso, as great
as I feel my design progress since MMT2002 has been, I still have a lot of test &
experience to go through before I can evaluate my performance.2 - I’m woefully
ignorant of my overall industry! I’d better start studying, and/or get a lot of help.3 –I
need to study my competition to discover what their strategies are.
21. 1 I know what I need to do to make more $2 Filling in the blanks helps with focusing
3 There is a lot of work I have to do
22. 1 not being specific enough,2 not persevering in plan organize directing and
controlling the game plan, too satisfied hence lazy
23. 1 Reminded me to read a lot more and definitely to implement something right
away.2. Separate each key person’s responsibility and my own so that I can help
build the business more
24. 1- we need to review the strategic plan. 2- reword our marketing materials. 3 – we
must review our referral policy
25. 1 What I do as far as calling works and will work more effectively when I
consistently do it. I will test other avenues as far as marketing I am in the right place
right now and I am really excited
26. 1) We need to reshape our marketing strategy to be more concise and to the point.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1515

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
Also it should be easier to remember in order to improve its performance and
effectiveness. 2) Many people in our company have absolutely no idea of what is
the marketing positioning. We are also far away from of being strategically stunted.
3) We must used different medium and media to get the same message across
over and over with the different audiences.
27. 1) I learned that I don’t have a strategy and I desperately need one. 2) I need to
develop a strategy as quickly as possible and I need help in doing it. 3) I learned
the difference between strategy and tactics.
28. 1) I need help! At one time I had developed a form of group psychotherapy that I
taught internationally. I wrote about it, trained other professionals in it; had a clinic
that specialized in it.; had a training center where folks came from all over the
country to study with me. I was well known for this method and very successful.
Then managed care and biochemical approaches took over my profession and I
moved into coaching. Again I have been very successful with all of the clients who
reach us, but I have never reached that integrated a place again. I seem to have
resistance in specializing, yet I think it is essential in order to develop a new
“brand”. I need to break through this resistance and get on with it! The questions
began to point a direction – that I should be able to answer these questions; that my
business should be this organized again.I am really looking forward to more tips
from you on how to proceed. I anticipate that your research will show a large
majority of businesses in need of this type of work.
29. 1) No plan2) No goals3) Therefore, no results
30. 1) Our business could be 3-4 times bigger if we were more strategic. I need to
identify 2-3 master strategies & implement Strategies must be low/no cost
31. 1) What we do and don’t do for marketing is embarrassing 2) I think that we are
missing a function in the business and that is someone specifically and solely
responsible for marketing, advertising and sales who has well defined goals and
strategies. 3) Activities need to be “installed” into a system so results can be
constantly monitored and improvements made.
32. 1) Books to reread2) Reviews to carryout3) Implementing the 2 above
33. 1) Find the time to build the strategic plan 2) market to your clients on a consistent
basis 3) get our web site in order, it does not properly represent us.
34. 1) How little I / we know& learn more about your products/ ideas.2) Gain a better
understanding of our competition.3) Check into an email marketing campaign.4)
Find the info that I have from J.Abraham and get to work on that.
35. 1) How little marketing I am actually doing 2) I’ve stopped doing the most successful
things – consistently 3) that I have no marketing plan or strategic plan,This was
beyond humbling – it is embarrassing to admit my almost zero application of your
material. I am convinced of its effectiveness yet I do lack the strategic format to
implement it.
36. 1) I could confirm my marketing strategy and areas that need to be worked on to
have that strategy ready at hand. 2) I could analyze what has been accomplished
and what has to be still added to our marketing strategy 3) I don’t know nothing
about your ideas for Growing a Business Model and judging from other materials I
have it may be a great help.
37. 1) I don’t have a written plan 2) I am not completely committed to marketing as a
discipline 3) I spend most of my time doing not strategizing and planning
38. 1) I don’t know enough, 2)my company is sorely needing to change, and 3)there is
a marketing strategy and tactics that can probably assist me/my company to get
better results

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1516

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

39. 1) I have so much work to do, it’s overwhelming. 2) There’s still a huge gap in my
knowledge and understanding. 3) You should be selling coaching programs
specifically targeting people like me so that I can be helped in bite size chunks.
40. 1) I have to write down a marketing strategy and derive the tactics from it2.) I should
read more theoretic stuff on marketing3.) I will read more about military strategies
and convert it to our company
41. 1) I need to do more of “just doing it.”2) I don’t really have a marketing strategy—
duh.3) I STILL can’t articulate a useful/good USP for my biz.
42. 1) I need to find out how I can strategically market my business, more information
needed to develop 2) Systemizing first point of contact to follow up after a sale is
made, create a corporate initiative to maximize every part of the business and not
depend on moods of people 3) study more people more in depth to learn about how
they strategically market; develop a better awareness of what market players do to
improve effectiveness of my programs with clients
43. 1) I’m not pursuing the business or marketing as I could. 2) I don’t have strategic
documents or strategies and plans documented. 3) I don’t have a systematic
approach to marketing, nor am I using all the marketing approaches available to
me. 4) I may not change and therefore I won’t grow. 5) Buying more marketing
information products is probably not the answer without motivation and clear
direction to work the business harder.
44. 1) In answering the questions we were made aware of issues that we had no idea
were problems. This questionnaire has given us the seed information on which to
learn more.2) This highlighted a number of the problems that have hindered our
success and growth in our field. It has also given a direction in which to explore and
develop new ideas and strategies.3) We have been reactive in our market rather
than proactive. That we need to do more marketing and we need to implement
strategic marketing rather than the limited tactics. Also to begin we need to explore
low cost strategies to begin.
45. 1) It appears I have put all my eggs in one basket! I can’t say I would readily
abandon a methodology that has proven successful for me, but I am always looking
for new twists that will work better. (That’s why I purchased the manual); 2) Putting
something to paper reaffirms in my own mind why I do what I do; 3) I need to find
out ‘Three Ways to Grow a Business Model’ very quickly!
46. 1) It is pretty obvious that I could make significant improvements were I to develop a
business rather than just work on a practice. 2) I’m only using a fraction of what I
know. 3) I have tremendous immediate opportunity if I can develop a strategy to
capture the work I’m not able to service and channel it to others who may want to
do it.
47. 1) I've got a lot of reading, thinking and learning to do. 2) I feel challenged to
implement all of what comes out of 1). 3) There is great opportunity for me out
there waiting to happen. Thanks for this great questionnaire and the opportunity to
exercise my mind in, for me new ways .Andrew
48. 1) the backend product we have is not what it should be, it is hurting the customers
of our joint venture partners.2) If we continue with same back-end coaching
program, it will benefit other lower priced, higher value perceived business
opportunity courses.3) All partners in company must have same underlining
business & marketing strategies.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1517

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
50. 1) There are a lot of things that I do know about, that we haven't really implemented
in our operation. Collecting more detailed info on each customer and their
purchases After the Sale Contact -Thank You Notes and/or calls Referrals - but
have never found anything that seems to 'fit' Encourage repeat business -back end
2) We are really approaching everything in a scattershot, tactical manner, without
even realizing the lack of Strategy 3) I don't really know what Strategy(s) we
should/could consider, much less how to implement them
51. 1) There’s a heck of a lot I don’t know about marketing; 2) Having a marketing
strategy is critical to my success – more important than product or service
development; 3) If I want to succeed, I MUST understand my unique serving
proposition and implement it strategically
52. 1) This was a painful marketing proctology exam, but worth it in the end (pardon the
pun) 2) This uncovered additional areas where we are not taking advantage of
opportunities.3) This gives me hope that we will get to a plateau of understanding
and practice with what we have been learning from Jay. When we do, we know we
will be unstoppable.
53. 1). A large component to our future success hinges on being able to efficiently
manufacture larger quantities of the goods we supply to meet the potential demand
2). Of equal importance is being able to form a strategic alliance with an individual,
group or company who is able to fund the initial manufacture of the shelters ($ 3
million - $ 5 million per year) in exchange for an attractive flow of income from a
very stable sector of the economy that enjoys good cash flow. 3). Changing the
focus of the marketing effort from solely the field operators and buyers to the CFOs
and people in the accounting offices of the oil companies and other companies who
would have long term use for our shelters and would find renting more favorable
than outright purchase of the shelters.
54. 1)I have not implement lots of things 2)have not grasp the value of the marketing
strategy 3)do not have a system to automate it
55. 1)made me think about what marketing we do as a system, not just disconnected
ideas2) reminded me of the importance of ASKING FOR REFERRALS3)made me
question some of the things I took to be absolute truths and think about ways of
testing or at least researching them further
56. 1, I don’t know very much2 ,I haven’t done very much in 6 six weeks3 I, have a lot
to learn
57. 1, To take time to think and make a plan2. I must do more follow ups3. Work more
58. 1. I need to visit our current clients and survey them for their opinions on our
service and their thoughts on how we are doing. I need to start doing more now
instead of waiting for it all to be planned out I need to delegate more of my daily
work to spend more time on getting the systems put together and in place
59. 1. As I need to address – my time problem I need to develop a realistic business
strategy I need to develop a realistic marketing plan
61. 1. Having everything written down on paper, help me to visualize my whole
business much better and more definite. 2. The questions help immensely to
remind me of things that I have overlooked or just forgot about addressing. 3.
Most of all, the questionnaire has been very helpful to align myself and my
operations to be much more organized and do a strong follow-up scheduling

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1518

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
process. BOTTOM LINE: My Company will be seeing income profits where I
want them to be.
62. 1. I am ignorant of too many things about the business I want to create and
marketing. I lack a cohesive and well thought out plan and strategy.3. I have lots to
learn and lots of skills to develop. The up-side is – that means there is lots of
potential – can only get better!
63. 1. I am missing opportunities because of my undisciplined approach to marketing.
2. I have a lot to learn. 3.I will be investing in my Marketing education, both time
and Money.
64. 1. I don’t know much about marketing and I need to learn. I need to learn how to
develop a strategic marketing plan to integrate into our business. I need to learn
and implement tactics that will be powerful and valuable marketing tools and are
placed into our strategic marketing arsenal.
65. 1. I haven’t really done anything to take advantage of what Jay has taught me over
the last six months. I really need to get serious and define our objective this year,
next year and three years from now…And then put together a strategy of how I am
going to get to that objective and what tactics I am going to use to accomplish it. I
DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN…If I dive deeper into Jay’s materials I
think I will only disappear in great information and reappear in a month, 3 months or
year looking back still having no clue of where to begin and not be one step closer
to creating a GOOD, DETAILED STRATEGY that our business can FAITHFULLY
act on.
66. 1. I must devote more time to marketing and find other ways to oversee day to day
operations.2. I must learn much more about marketing.3. Because of my very
limited client base, I must learn to find new bases which I will be able to resell.
67. 1. I need to come up with my USP.2. I want to again begin Jving with other
business owners.3. I want to start integrating referrals into my marketing plans.
68. 1. I need to create strategies for gaining more profitable business2. I need to start
marketing to do this.3. And I have to re-examine my business to determine how I
can get marketing to make me more profitable while doing less work–possibly by
growing my business as well as adding pillars to my business(es).
69. 1. Importance of research and surveys. 2. Defining distinctions between strategies
and tactics. 3. Ongoing personal development (knowledge)
70. 1. it teaches you what aspects of your business you should focus on2. it teaches
you how to think strategically3. it teaches you how to market strategically
71. 1. Need for new methods of marketing. 2. Need to plan step by step how to
approach the market. 3. Necessity of taking a more proactive approach to training
myself on different strategies and how to implement them.
72. 1. Need to learn more about marketing. 2. Need to see what materials I have of
yours and read through them.
74. 1. Spend 50% more time on major gifts. 2. Seek referrals at all times and 3. I
need to use better time management.
75. 1. That I don’t have a clear tactical approach to my business. 2. That I
don’t have a clear strategy in place. 3. That I need support help to plan and
implement a marketing game plan.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1519

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

76. 1. That I run a very specialized business that does not fit the general nature of your
questions. 2. That I should have completed more reading of the material that I
purchased through the special offer that I received. 3. That there are many
specialized areas of knowledge that I should have about our customers and our
database that I do not have.
77. 1. That there is a lot more marketing to do that I know about. 2. There is probably
even more to do that I don't know about. 3. I am probably a small fish compared to
others who are filling out this survey.
78. 1. Use a database to track results, location, frequently, customer habits. 2.Look at
other industry for marketing strategies, 3. Follow up, Follow up, Follow up
79. 1. We always try to plan and organize the entire strategy and tactics so they,
hopefully, go smoothly from start to finish. And then, take us to where we start the
cycle over again, with improvements as we see or learn them. Jay really reinforced
how vitally important this is. Especially, don't be afraid to aggressively look for
where change is needed. Then do it. Make the change even if it's something, i.e.
such as acquiring the names of inactive customers from a competitor that can seem
scary to do at first. But, going over and over, hammering away at every "how
to do it", will help to ease the tension when the time is right, and the tactic is
executed. 2. Working with competitors and alliances, is where we need the most
work and we are really working on this, too. Sometimes an alliance can only be a
temporary alliance, but, most of the time a seemingly temporary alliance can be
worked into being a long-term alliance. For example, a sponsor for a special art
show, doesn't have to be an alliance just for that show. The sponsor can become a
long-term alliance. We just need to open the eyes in our brain and see all the ways
that sponsor can be a long-term alliance. It is then up to us, not the sponsor, to
promote and foster that alliance so that it will grow and grow to the benefit of all of
us. 3. We are always striving at how we can be unique and stand out in
appearance, product, and in the memory of the customer. This is a great challenge.
And is focused on what our customers are really looking for.
80. 1. A system needs to be in place to increase the number of new clients and keep
them2. Modern communications, especially email and website, should be geared
with an overall marketing strategy, which I have much more to learn about.3. My
personal expertise must be leveraged through informational packages, to reduce
the time I spend on each new person seeking help.
81. 1. As a marketer I am floundering – I’m surprised that I have survived for five years.
2. I am only surviving and not thriving 3. I need a focused strategic marketing vision.
82. 1. Find out what strategic marketing is, 2. Start strategic marketing, 3. follow up
potential clients
83. 1. Goals must be re-written and updated, 2. Must continue to re-read and explore
Jay’s concepts that have not been attempted, 3. Burning desire to, well, use the
facilities, as this has taken quite some time (ha-ha). But seriously, I believe the data
will be quite priceless, and look forward to the results. Please email me to let me
know you’ve received, as well as the additional gifts. God Bless, Dave @ Prism
84. 1. How crap I am at not moving my business forward 2. need to rebuild my self
esteem 3. need hand holding help step by step.
85. 1. How little I do compared to what I know 2. How effective I could probably be if I
did only half of what I could 3. How easy it is to be distracted, even from things that
you consider essential!
86. 1. How little we are doing2. How scattered our small efforts are3. How much more

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1520

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
we could do I know that these sound trite but they accurately sum up what I feel
after completing this exercise. Although I started this company on a credit card and
have built it to a successful level, doing this exercise was, while extremely valuable,
also rather disheartening. In fact, the reason it is late is because I did in fact discard
it. But for someone who is in the education business, it would be a very poor
example to shy away from learning because of my ego. Its frightening to think of
just how little I know and am doing to ensure the long-term health of my company.
Thanks for the learning opportunity.
87. 1. How very much is lacking.2. How much I need to implement .3. How little I’ve
thought about strategies or tactics.
88. 1. I am drastically undereducated in the marketing arena 2. There are many more
tactics that I should be using, yet I don’t know many of them. I will have to review
many of your emails for a good place to start.3. I need to develop an entire
marketing strategy that will help my business grow on a continuous basis. This
strategy should be blended with an over-riding business philosophy and business
89. 1. I am not currently doing any significant marketing. 2. My current lack of business
vision is troubling and certainly contributing to my lack of marketing vision. 3. I need
more marketing knowledge to be able to craft a strategy.
90. 1. I am the worst marketer on the face of the earth. 2. I can only get better. 3. I need
91. 1. I don't have a plan. 2. I need a plan. 3. Customer follow-up is vital not only to
keeping my current customers but future customer referrals.
92. 1. I have a lot to learn and I mean a lot. 2. I think once I learn a lot more about
marketing then I will understand more about this survey. 3. I know what I have
to do to get things moving in the right direction and that is read your books and
follow what the masters are doing and apply it.
Thank You Collin Ward
93. 1. I have a lot to learn. 2. You have many of the answers. 3. I need to make the time
to study what you have sent me.
94. 1. I have no clue about marketing strategy. 2. I need to establish a comprehensive
business plan. 3. I need to develop and implement other forms of marketing.
95. 1. I have no marketing strategy, let alone consistent tactics! 2. I rely solely on
referrals, and yet do a poor job of generating them 3. my approach is “close to
client” and yet I only sell that when (i) I first talk to people, and (ii) as we work
together. Is there a better way? Amazing – these questions have uncovered a lot
already! Thank you.
96. 1. I have to build a marketing strategy, 2. I have to learn to think out of my box, 3. I
don’t know enough about marketing.
97. 1. I have to follow my own words of advice and get working on my practice and less
working in it. 2. I need to better clarify the differences between strategic and tactical
and apply the best of both. 3. I think I am doing pretty well at my current status of
my career and if I continue to surround my self with the masters that are out there I
will continue to be a force to be reckoned with. THANKS FOR THE
98. 1. I need a lot of education. 2. I can begin to touch base with my customers more
often and with several different means. 3. I need to be specific in my approach.
99. 1. I need a thorough, well thought out, concise, all inclusive marketing plan. 2. I
need to incorporate the marketing plan into a thorough, well thought out, concise, all

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1521

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
inclusive business plan and, 3. I need to look for follow-on allied services that I can
provide to my clients.
100. 1. I need better answers to some of these questions. 2. I need help implementing.
3. I already know more than I need..
101. 1. I need to better define my overall strategies. 2. I need to find an affordable way to
learn how to do that
102. 1. I need to do more follow up before the sale. 2 I don’t know what strategic
marketing is. 3. I don’t have a strategic marketing plan.
103. 1. I need to research my competition, 2. I can joint venture with my competition to
make more money for myself, 3. I need back-end.
104. 1. I should have at least general marketing plan written down2. I should close one
project and get to another – not do 5 at one time3. I should thing about specific
marketing plan
105. 1. I’m doing what I can do OK, 2. I could do with a capital partner located in Los
Angeles who understands the film industry (as opposed to dealing with a
“wannabe”, 3. Reinforces my belief that once we are ready to go out the door that
my ideas are in line with best practice – i.e. Jay’s overall concepts.
106. 1. I’m not as well planned, organized or structured. Got work on my self2. Weak on
the tactical level.3. still a lot to learn.
107. 1. I’m spending too much time trying to be comfortable with marketing and not
enough time doing it… 2. I may have competitors that I’m unaware of… 3. I could
probably branch out to other regions/nationwide and do better than I am now.
108. 1. It is amazing that I make any money at all. 2. I have a lot of work ahead. 3. I need
to be consistent.
109. 1. It is easy to be pulled into thinking tactically, and focusing on strategy takes
discipline, and process learning.2. I need to do more implementing of ideas as I go,
rather than wait until my strategic plan is complete.3. I need to find a way to apply
host-beneficiary relationships to this business, as well as to find the right risk-
reversal strategy to bring in more clients faster.
110. 1. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, so tackle the dreaded thing first. 2.
Study 3 ways to grow a business, 3. plan time to plan.
111. 1. Know what to do and we are not doing it, 2 Need more people 3 Leverage – of all
the things we can do, what will give us the most benefit?
112. 1. Marketing means planning 2. Strategic marketing means taking time away from
the business to plan and implement. 3. Consistency is the key – ie systemized
marketing! Completing this questionnaire has been a very depressing experience. I
have gone from believing I was a good marketer to believing I know absolutely
113. 1. Marketing must be applied strategically and consistently to obtain mega results2.
Tactics must be combined as part of an overall, strategic plan of execution – a
Combined Arms type strategy
114. 1. Must check into customer lifetime value (marginal net worth) reshaping my
marketing strategy. 2. Sending clients interesting information that is not about your
product but could be relevant to them or their business. 3. Must concentrate all my
attention to marketing, marketing, marketing, as soon as someone (to be hired) can
take over sales responsibility
115. 1. Setup a Communication Hour.
116. 1. That I am not as sharp as I think I am. 2. That I fly by the seat of my pants and

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1522

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
this is dangerous. 3. That others in my industry probably have a much more formal
marketing plan than I and they could run my business over as soon as they find
me!!!! !Brian M. Ravenelle
117. 1. That I don't have enough of a clear understanding of the concepts of strategy as
different from tactics, as I have not formally worked up a major written strategy for
the practice, and have not formally analyzed how each tactic carries that central
strategy froward. 2. That I don't stay in contact with our clients and prospects
enough. We are not doing sequential mailings and follow-up. We are not contacting
those people that we don't close on our first effort. We don't send our best clients
little gems of information that are not directly related to selling them on more of our
products or services, and we should be doing these things and other things to
cement our relationship with our clients. 3. That we are still not implementing as
much as we could be. We need to get in more pillars of marketing, we need to get
better and more frequent customer contacts going, we need to make better use of
our data base, we need to schedule and set aside time to do strategic planning, and
we need to set aside regular time to access the resources that we already have,
such as the PEQ programs.
118. 1. That I may not fully understand the concept of strategic versus tactical as it
relates to my business in network marketing That it is difficult to relate these
concepts to network marketing because I as an entrepreneur in this business have
no control over the products or the marketing strategy3. That I need a more
structured program for follow up with customers, clients and prospects.
119. 1. The importance of creating life long customers through regular contact 2. To
better understand the field of marketing and 3. That marketing is serious and must
be carefully thought through to maximize our efforts.
120. 1. The more specific you can be about where your company has been, is now, and
where you intend to take it, the better off you’ll be.
121. 1. the need to have a better understanding of my overall strategy. 2. How much I
don’t understand. 3. The need to have a better understanding of what my
competitions is doing.
122. 1. There are different strategies for all the different marketing actions. Ie . Overall
marketing strategy, referral strategy, competition strategy, etc.2. Marketing needs a
consistent and concerted effort3. There is a different between strategy and tactics
123. 1. There is a lot I don’t know or do2. It was humiliating and embarrassing to even
read some of these questions, since I realize how small I really am3. I believe there
is a lot of potential if I had some help
124. 1. There’s a whole lot I have yet to learn.2. I don’t know enough about the company
or even the department to really create a significant change or impact.
125. 1. There’s much I need to learn; 2. There’s much I need to be doing; 3. I may be in
over my head.
126. 1. We are flying much too much by the seat of our pants, i.e. no strategic planning
2.we don’t use referrals consistently enough. 3. we need to be rigorous and
disciplined in all avenues
127. 1. We are not doing as much as we should2. We are not capitalizing on your
techniques3. We may have a lot more to learn: putting it all together is not easy
128. 1. We have several services we offer and two separate business models and I
could have prepared a separate queationnaire for each but I chose to complete it
for only one.2.I have much more detail that I could add to many of the questions.3. I
am now going to be able to devote 50% of my time to marketing effective 3/15/03.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1523

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

129. 1. We know most of what we are supposed to do, but don´t do it. The reason is not
enough time caused by doing urgent instead of important. 2. Improving our
business is not difficult, we just need to focus on the most important things and
don´t worry about the small things. 3. It´s time to go through Jay´s material again
and remind ourselves about all the things we can do… and DO THEM!
130. 1. We need to spend more time in marketing.2. We need to get the right people in
helping us marketing.3. We need to have a realistic budget for the marketing
131. 1. We need to spend more time on Marketing and it will repay us many times2. I
need to get our strategies and tactics down on paper3. I need to work strategically
on expanding the business not just tactically
132. 1. We’re not doing enough, many areas need to be developed, referral programs,
ongoing communication.2. Need to improve communication, especially after the
sale and if a sale doesn’t happen.3. Need to develop strategic relationships.4.
(Bonus) I’ve still got a lot to learn, and my work cut out for me.
133. 1. Why am I comfortable2. Why don’t I do what I already know how to do3. Think
more strategically
134. 1.get plans written 2 .follow them 3.follow up
135. 1.Helped me get clear on some of the key issues that I can take some immediate
actions on. Especially getting our telemarketing and direct mail moving consistently.
2. It made me realize how un-organized I am in my overall approach to marketing
and that I need to concentrate on procedures and systems that can be duplicated
for consistent results. 3. I became more aware of the gaps in my strategies and
tactics and have some things to take action on. 4. This was harder and took longer
than I anticipated. I did not have the answers to some questions which I will need to
go back and reinvestigate.
136. 1.I completely underperform in field of marketing2. I need implement concepts of
Jay and even study them more3. Lack of strategic view of my business too tactic
and most important not consistent
137. 1.I need to refine the strategy, define tactics, set budget and communicate it to
staff.2. Execute and capture the statistics to measure results3.Implemnt a CRM
138. 1.I need to work more on defining my strategy2.I must go on and impose myself so
time relief to implement my mktg and sale strategy3.I need to find in the meantime a
way to garanty a minimum income in order to survive
139. 1.Question #81 was enlightening.2,Need to be reminded about #53 and #64.
140. 1.There is a need to have a marketing strategy2.we have none in place
3.everything must be implemented, ie knowledge without action is useless
141. 1/ I see how reactive and off message I can get; 2/ I am really struggling to build
this business from a limited number of pillars to the ‘Multiple streams’ system that I
want. Need to revisit what I am doing in order to sharpen focus and do ‘strategic
planning’; 3/ I ask the question what business am I in ?; who is my is my customer?
And the fact that I have too many masters, often with conflicting agendas.
142. 1> I’m doing a very poor job attracting new clients 2> In the words of Bruce Lee
‘Knowing is not enough, we must apply - Willing is not enough, we must do’ 3> I
must get some help as soon as I can and develop some automatic client generation
143. 11. I need to set some goals. 2. Get organized. 3. Learn more about marketing.
144. 1How utterly ignorant I have been – fortunately, I can learn2I had better develop

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1524

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
that strategy FAST 3 Marketing, while a very serious subject, is actually fun and I
have started to look at a lot of things around me from an entirely new perspective.
145. 1—I probably need to decide pretty soon if I should even remain in this business. I
have brief periods of excitement, then I feel weary again. Without someone to help
out, this is too draining on me. 2—My other business is assembling a product that
is used in the water purification industry. I have earned almost as much $ in that as
in the other. But is has been really down the last 3 months, esp. as war looms over
us. In my water pur. business, I can more directly influence the amount of business
I generate. If I drop the water pur. biz, then I lose my wife’s medical insurance for
all practical purposes. I trust that answers will be coming to me soon about all this
and I will be able to decide. 3—Thank you for this questionnaire. It has helped to
clarify my thinking.
146. 89A.That I don’t have the academic knowledge of the subjects, everything I learnt
was from experience
147. A renewed appreciation for (the need to) 1. Institute, maintain & constantly tweek
strategic marketing systems2. Use a variety of marketing methods that consider
ways to profit no matter whether the client buys or not.3. The depth of thinking I
need to do with relation to marketing.
148. A) I know very little about selling B) Our effort is utterly random C) Funds for
marketing are virtually nil
149. a) I’ll never be successful until I take marketing seriously, have a structure and a
system b) I need a marketing plan urgently and need to set aside 1 day each week
for marketing. c) I need a better understanding of the needs of possible clients and
to develop products and services which will satisfy. I need to be clearer of what
service I offer and not to be all things to all men.
150. a) that we have a lot of work to do, as there is a lot regarding our market strategy
and the marketing tactics to which we currently do not have the answers;b) that this
questionnaire provides an excellent checklist to go through, and to which we should
be continually updating all responses, as we develop and constantly refine our
marketing strategy and tactics c) that I personally need to continue to seek out and
read as much other information on marketing, business strategy, marketing strategy
and tactics as I possibly can, to continue to help me and other leaders in our
business to focus on continuous development and refinement of our market and
business strategy, and secondly on supporting tactics
151. A. Stay focused every day on producing effective marketing strategy and marketing
pieces Go through Jay’s materials and systematically apply each item in the
materials to my business, as a daily ritual. Keep a written record of what I applied
and what I decided not to apply. C. I can refine my strategy even while putting
tactics into action each day. Putting marketing pieces out into the marketplace is
better than waiting until I have created the perfect strategy.
152. a. I do not know enough about marketing. b. I do not have an integrated marketing
strategy. I have to create a strategy. c. I do not do enough to grow my business. I
do not follow a predefined process. A successful publisher friend did diagnose my
problem and gave me the following good advice: “Stop Reading everything, Start
Doing everything, Take ACTION”
153. a. I must get more sales from every dollar spent. Plan, do, study, act and train, train,
train. b. No excuse for not consistently measuring my closing ratio and
systematizing to constantly improve our results. c. Putting things like the "Pillars" of
our companies Marketing Strategy are extremely important to be sure everyone
(employees) really knows who we are and what we stand for and what their part is
so we achieve it.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1525

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

154. A. Many of the questions do not readily apply to start-ups in unproven spaces. The
problem with a lot of Jay Abraham’s concepts is they build on existing marketing
efforts or existing knowledge about the market and space. No one has ever
attacked the “Family and Friends” loans space. What works? What doesn’t? How
do you figure it out on only a small marketing budget (< $10,000 / year)? How can
you get large partners to do a host-beneficiary strategic alliance with you (e.g. high
traffic websites) when you have no proof that if they spend resources on you, it will
be worthwhile? B. Small cost tests still cost a certain amount of resources in terms
of time and money and exploring new areas mean a big change in focus for a small
business. Doing a test on private mortgages as opposed to small business loans
means lots of website development time and landing pages on a percentage basis
from what resources the company has. C. The main goal of Circle Lending should
be to figure out what areas of marketing gets customers. There are a thousand
different things we could do, but picking 5, thoroughly testing them and finding data
to support partnerships with larger companies should be the primary goal of the
155. a.Importance of having a referral system. b. importance of sharpening business
strategies and applying specific tactics. c.
156. Actually this questionnaire took me to a higher level, made me look outside of my
confide area. Which is very refreshing. It also made me realize that we do to little of
the follow-up work. We spend a lot of effort getting a sale, but do to little with
continuing to work with those people.
157. After answering this questionnaire I consider myself lucky to have done as well in
business as I have. I’m sure the intent of the questions is to make me realize that
the Summit is something that I need to do, but unfortunately, I don’t think that I can
afford it.
158. Aha! A question I can answer. One could easily use this questionnaire as a
checklist for running a successful business. If one confronts each question once a
month with a view to improving, one would probably do quite well. Each question
could be considered a challenge to which a successful answer would be developed
and implemented. I see how greatly short I have fallen. I plan to look at this
questionnaire often and use it to grow my business.
159. All I haven’t done, my lack of success is clearly me, I need to leave my full time job
and do what I know it is for me to do.
160. Although I am successful I need to be more strategic in my own business. Asking
my future clients similar questions will be a good marketing tactic. It will teach them
that they don’t know.
161. Although I felt I had a marketing plan that was far more detailed than most financial
individuals I still have a very long way to goI must hire administrative help to allow
me more contact time I have a lot of strategies that will be effective but aren’t being
sufficiently and consistently implemented
162. An organized marketing plan is a top priority Get our web site revised Don’t try to do
everything at once
163. Areas I need to work more
164. As a brand new (8 weeks new) real estate agent being exposed to your material for
the first time in this questionnaire, I realize the following needs to be done as best
as I can with my currently limited resources: I need to implement a strategy I need
to plan my tactics I need to work my plan relentlessly After I close my first few sales
(luckily my personal monthly expenses are very low, and I have no personal debt), I
then need to spend my time and money to learn what Jay knows, so I can really

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1526

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
grasp his concepts to implement and refine…
165. As a young company we need to focus on marketing as a strategic focus we need a
strategic marketing plan to guide our decisions
166. Awareness of where I am and where I can be by strategizing, planning and
applying all the tools from Jay Abraham.
167. Basically we have a lot to learn.
168. Be clear about your objectives, develop a coherent strategy, be consistent and
systematized in your marketing approach.
169. Be more precise about aligning tactics to strategy. Be more unconventional. Use
referrals more effectively.
170. Build a system to work consistently. Keep telling more to educate your
clients because even if you are small you can compete over pricing by selling value
first and foremost. Don’t try to do it all at once. Work at a few pillars at a
time. Once they are in place build from there.
171. By completing this questionnaire I was able to see more clearly some of the areas
that we are lacking in our marketing efforts. First, we must set up a specific
designated budget to fund our marketing on a regular and consistent basis rather
than the hit or miss approach we have been taking. Second, we must create a
marketing plan which systematically reinforces our strategic positioning in our
profession in order to claim our market niche. Finally, we must develop a system of
marketing tactics to support our strategy and implement those tactics in a consistent
and measured fashion, keeping track of our results and refining our approach until
we find a winning formula.
172. Clearly understand that I need to catch up on some good mktg strategies or will be
left out.
173. Clearly, the # 1 insight is the importance of being strategic in my marketing. I should
have known, because the concept I have developed is from a strategic point of
view. #2: I have depend too much on my marketing consultant here and that was
not a good decision. #3: Marketing is a very important and interesting subject, that
should be mastered to a certain extent to be successful.
174. Complete lack of integration, systemization, and motivation
175. Continue to persevere with customers and clients to keep you in their mind. Come
up with an overall marketing strategy before trying to implement techniques on an
ad hoc basis. Continue to learn.
176. Create a plan and implement it consistently Ask for referrals Consider marketing
partners to help grow my business
177. Create immediate cash flow outside of new product developing area using new
marketing insights. In alliance with my brother business. Put presentation and
licensing deals to corporations on hold., if I come back to it I think I will find right
PR assistant and develop effective strategy , that will produce results. Proceed on
my own with strategic alliance with smaller manufacturer that have free production
capacity and passion for my BQL creations . With product that show best on test .
Organizing building marketing team to market it With my best wishes Emil
178. developing a USP would still be a good idea, more communication with a newsletter
would be good, I need to set strategies.
179. Do more marketing. Study all 30 standard options
181. Doing projects like these , although time-consuming and tiring, lead to greater

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1527

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
clarity of my actual position also of aims and methods which I can employ for the
future. 2. Better understanding of the tools and techniques and the automatic
inclusion of strategic concepts in applying them .3. The necessity to define goals.
Work to achieve them using these various methods ideally simultaneously, staff
training is a constant necessity. So things have to move at the pace of the slowest
member of the same.
182. Don’t have a strategy, don’t know how to implement one.
183. Even though I know better, I market tactically with little or no continuity to it. If we
are going to see any real long term sustainable, and sizeable growth we must have
a strategic plan in place to form our marketing out of. Secondly, I am not doing
1/1000th of the stuff I’ve learned from you. Thirdly, we are not struggling because
the stuff won’t work- we haven’t put any of the stuff into a systematic marketing
machine make-up.
184. Examine my business relationships----not to be held to ransom Need a specific
system of trackable marketing
185. First and foremost how hopeless our marketing is. There needs to be much more
time and thought given to developing a strategy. Tactics by themselves don’t work.
186. First need to establish a viable business plan to give the business a new direction.
Need a formal strategy to support the business plan. Need to find a way to
overcome the strict adherence to pricing based on specifications.
187. First of all, completing the questionnaire helped to clarify my thoughts quite a bit.
Second, I realized that we are (or will soon be) doing more correctly than I had
previously thought, so I realize that we’re on the right track. Finally, I thought more
about the strategy of competitors and my own company, alike.
188. First, I have little enthusiasm for marketing any more Second, I never did have a
good plan Third, marketing our product line is difficult.
189. First, I have sharpen our distinction between strategy and tactic for achieving our
objectives; second, to integrate our marketing tactics into a more effective and
tangible one, third, to allocate a budget for marketing as a percentage of our sales
190. First, it’s made me think about what I ought to be doing while I’m changing my
tactics at present, namely, plan a lot more and think a lot more about what I’m trying
to achieve. I always seem to have great ideas about how other people’s businesses
can work better, give better service, etc; but it’s hard doing it for myself. Second, I’m
doing very little to get referrals, so I should do some thinking about exploiting this.
I’m sure I can do this much better now I think about it. Third, I need to find out a lot
more about how people I’ve worked for perceive me. Thanks for this, Stuart.
191. First, that we are not doing a remotely credible job of conceptualizing or
implementing marketing strategy or tactics; Second, that a coherent science of
marketing promises this company significant results once we learn, invest and
follow through; and Third, that this is a good time for us to move forward
aggressively in this area, since a new General Manager is on board who is very
interested in creating a marketing plan and approaching sales and marketing in a
professional (as opposed to uninspired, complacent or sporadic) manner
192. Focus, Focus on marketing. Only way to grow your business in this sharp,
competitive world.
193. Follow up is very important. A strong referral system can boost our sales greatly.
Detailed database is a must have. Jay, I have heard of you working magic with
companies. Do you think ours has the potential for geometric growth? Please take
a look at my website and tell me what you think about it

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
and the industry. I am willing to follow your lead if you say it can be done.
194. Follow up with customers after the sales.Think strategically Find the time to apply
what I learned.
195. Follow ups mailers
196. Frankly, I found much of the questionnaire confusing, since it keeps using
buzzwords that aren’t immediately familiar to me. But the insights I have seen have
been about broadening my approach to marketing, and being more aware of what
works and what doesn’t. The bottom line is to step back and look at my process,
and keep striving to improve it.
197. From completing this questionnaire and reading the online info I’m getting. I am
becoming aware that my whole selling process is nothing but just a blueprint of
everything it shall be. The insights I’m getting will be of great help to debug and
improve my system. From what I’ve read from, I’m certainly not one of your average
clients. How many beginner salesmen, on line entrepreneurs, SOHO members are
there in your records? Do you have a special A to B, B to C, .....etc program we
could use?
198. Gee, I thought I was very strategic in my thinking, but this questionnaire has forced
me to look not only at my strategy, but HOW I translate that strategy into ACTION
(i.e., execution). Need to go back and revisit, refine and reformulate Yikes! This is
a never-ending process!
199. Get a marketing system, Contact previous customers more often, develop more
strategic alliances.
200. Get the job done re marketing system. Many and much to learn Read and become
familiar with your works
201. Gives insight on things I could be doing. Re-inforces that a daycare has limited
marketing choices because of state limitations on number of enrolled children.
Gives me ideas if I want to become a marketing consultant for other businesses in
the area.
202. Have a lot to learn about marketing, it is bigger and wider in detail than I thought.
Haven’t thought much about the business setup yet. Thank God, I found this
questionnaire, rather than having started the biz and not thought it through properly
203. Have a strategy, have a broadest possible view, have a core story, be in touch
regularly with my market. Quote from Nike: Just do it! Easier said then done
204. Having a systematic step one two three type follow up system for buyers and
prospects and those who don’t buy Having a consistent brand message to
communicate every time you contact a person That I have so much more I need to
205. Helped me get clear where I am right now. I am the biggest obstacle to making it
happen. Jay Abraham and his information has made a life changing impact on me
and the entire company. THANKS JAY!!
206. Helping to firm up my concentration and focus
207. Hey, I am lazy and need to work harder at being consistent and persistent. I need to
take the time to develop an overall strategy and focus to the practice and then
implement it.I need to grow the plan and seek to multiply my efforts in marketing
and using the help of others.
208. Hire that retired marketing lady, start exercising, get the folder printed to hand out at
the Home Show on all this week at our convention center. This physical meeting
has worked in the past.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1529

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

209. How ambivalent I am about marketing. How not having a plan in place hurts my
business. The creative side of marketing needs to be matched with the
organizational side.
210. How disorganised I am - I have no effective database or organised diary/reviewing
system I have no marketing strategy I am holding myself back from a distinct
improvement in my income because I have not sorted out the above
211. How far I have come, and how far I need to go. My need to get moving and acting
on the MMT materials.How much answering these questions helps be get closer to
major breakthroughs .
212. How incomplete my marketing strategy is, and I need to complete my strategic plan.
Whether I should hire a tactical marketing person now and focus on StrategyI know
what needs to be done, I do need reminded, but I need resources
213. How little I really know, how much of my time I spend doing non-marketing
214. How much better coordinated I could be with marketing actions. What I am missing
in current marketing. Lack of detailed understanding of competitors methods and
215. How much I haven’t been doing (using my databases, separating types of
customers, finding out which customers are my best and developing a system to
bring more of these into the business)
216. How much I know How little I do How important personality and motivation is
217. How much I need to learn How much I need to implement The need for international
218. How much I systematically follow up. Do more work on systematizing my referral
business and keep looking to improve by asking searching questions.
219. How much we appear to be doing right now, and how difficult it would be to
improve on this- no other insights -
220. How pathetic and unorganized our efforts are, reminder of what needs to be
answered and consistently applied.
221. How tactical we really are. How we need to develop a strategies that are weaved
throughout our business. How there are so many more ways to build our
business…alliances, etc. And, how much work this is to do it right and effective.
222. How to use all the communications to pass on my strategic front. Inoculating
against other businesses I need to create a accurate reporting sequence for clients
to read no matter what the test results are – this will give them a running sheet of
getting to the “3 ways” goals Call the referrals and test my understanding and then
test price. Let the customers tell me what they need.Thank you.Shallen Wade
223. I already know some of what I should be doing. It's good to have the goals of
automating and systemizing. Thinks – how can I balance marketing with growth &
224. I am doing a lot wrong! I need to focus on non-buying customers. Increase
frequency of follow-up on existing clients and look for ways of back-ending. I am
totally tactical at this time. The hardest thing for me right now is integrating your
techniques and concepts into the mortgage business. I am not in a key decision
making role so therefore beyond the strategy of pre-eminence and consultative
selling it is difficult to apply much of what I have learned. Everyday I think of other
business opportunities where I could take the control. I realize I am not thinking
hard enough on how to apply the techniques to my core business.

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

225. I am doing so little to help my self, I am wasting my time, need to apply more stuff
to my business
226. I am doing to many things and not focusing. I need more help from those around
me. I am busy but not that productive.
227. I am embarrassed at how little of the formal things that I preach, many that have
surfaced in your questions, I am doing.
228. I am in the process of building a business and strategy and as such I still have long
way to go.
229. I am in trouble. I better get moving. Too many questions are repetitive
230. I am most valuable on a company basis and should spend less time one on one
with individual clients. We must implement immediately what we can- we have too
many areas with no respnse. There should be something that is relatively simple to
implement to at least get started in an area. We really should double our sales,
given the knowledge that is available.
231. I am moving to a new area, where I don’t have a built-in reputation for quality. I
need to carefully prepare a marketing plan for whatever business I choose. Can’t be
more specific at the moment, but it is more than the attitude I had last time: If you
build it they will come. Last time it worked. I can’t count on that again.
232. I am not being effective at marketing. I need to develop a strategy I need to
become disciplined at marketing
233. I am not doing the right things and I am disorganized (but I knew that already)
234. I am not focusing long enough and prioritizing focus areas., too scattered.
235. I am not set up to go in one clear direction, I have done very little with all the many
thing you have shown me ( I did joint venture and that has been 40% of last 18
months income after 9-11 and has kept me afloat ) I did not know how I was running
my firm.
236. I am relying on only one marketing pillar to support my business – direct mail. I am
definitely tactical in my marketing I do not have written marketing or business plans
and that fact is hindering my business growth.
237. I am surprised how unable I was to fully answer this questionnaire. I realize the
company I am working with could benefit unbelievably just from thinking about
these questions. Also, I realize how we have a great group of guys that keep the
company going without a detailed marketing plan.
238. I am too lazy. I should just focus on a couple marketing improvements. Instead of
becoming overwhelmed with every option I should choose one option and work it.
Then focus on the next improvement or improving what I just changed. I need to
initiate the marketing cycle instead of waiting for others to come to me.
239. I an do so much more with what I have. I need to pay more attention to working on
my marketing plan. I need to over lay all I am doing with a strategic plan for my
240. I apologize for my short answers. I have been sick for 18 days now and need to go
back to the doctor. I’m on my second antibiotic now, but maybe I need another one.
It takes a long time to create a real income when every sale only generates 10
dollars per month. I’m not thinking of another insight, I apologize.
241. I became very uncomfortable with my lack of clarity as to my specific measurable
marketing goals
242. I can increase the maximum allowable cost factor. More leverage from strategic

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
alliances Gaining insight and clarity in improving marketing. Suggestion:If you ask
for websites which inspire, you can follow these up much more quickly than books,
and can pass them on to all your readers.
243. I can’t attribute my ideas or strategies to any specific source, although I’ve read and
studied extensively from online marketers, success coaches, and others. I realized
that I don’t look at my business from a competitive perspective, I‘ve developed my
strategy from what I want in an online business with the intention of offering a useful
and quality service in contrast to the run of the mill, duplicative guru products readily
found on the Internet.
244. I cannot answer most of the questions, I wish I could, and the business would be
better and better. Your questions let me know I had to learn more, and do more
right things. Thanks a lot.
245. I discovered that I know very little about marketing and that I better do something
about it soon!
246. I do not have a true marketing plan. I am not leveraging my intangible assets as
well as I could. I am not focused.
247. I do not have an effectively thought out marketing strategy. I need to study your
material more.
248. I do not know very much about tactics versus marketing. I need to concentrate on
finding other employees or consultants to do the marketing Need to track how
effective our marketing is and how much of our company gets it’s work from repeat
clients and or engineers.
249. I don’t have a marketing program
250. I don’t have a marketing strategy and I am so low key on this issue that it isn’t a
surprise that my business is small and I seem to have no idea how to grow it bigger!
251. I don’t know anything about marketing
252. I don’t know diddly.
254. I don’t know how to market my business
255. I don’t know what I’m doing effectively and I need a better strategy.
256. I don’t put enough effort into marketing I am fortunate to have the good business I
have considering how little I know about marketing My business could probably
grow exponentially if I had a focused, organized marketing program. I am a tech,
not a marketing or business manager.
257. I don’t really have much of a business plan. Unless I develop some marketing
strategies, my business will never get off the ground. I have a product that could be
extremely valuable to a lot of people.
258. I don't have any strategy. I almost don't make marketing at all. I have to change my
attitude completely.
259. I found out how weak I am in doing the things I would like to do. I remembered
several areas I should have been working on that I have neglected. I became even
more convinced that the knowledge-base represented by the materials for which I
am responsible are the best in the world, and really need to be in the hands of
people everywhere.
260. I had hoped that some of your questions would make me refine my usp and/or look
at what I am doing and change things to grow
261. I had overlooked so many aspects in marketing my company. I think I will spend

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
some times with my colleagues to go through this questionnaire again.
262. I have a long way to go to develop a marketing strategy. Part of the problem is no
business plan. I have a long term vision for the company but I have no idea how to
get there
263. I have a lot of work to do and learning.
264. I have a lot of work to do but little by little it will get done. We need to develop a
long-term and short term marketing strategy for both our businesses and implement
the tactics to make the strategy a reality.
265. I have a lot of work to do!- I need to more fully develop a strategic marketing plan- I
need to look at my competitors that are succeeding more closely
266. I have a lot of work to do. Monday will be spent creating a strategic plan for our
business and taking a new look at the materials I have from you to determine how I
can take these ideas and turn them into real action plans.
267. I have a lot to learn and a great effort is required to put together a cohesive plan. I
need some outside help to clear my ideas. I have a lot of idea but they are not
cohesive and well written out into a clear plan. I need a consultant who can wrap up
a plan .
268. I have a lot to learn and I look forward to what I am going to learn with your
organization. I plan on blocking out two hours per day to study and learn your
business principles.
269. I have a lot to learn. I want to learn more how your marketing methods can appley
to MLM I need to do a lot better job of contacting new customers/partners & a more
complete job of following up
270. I have a sense, but can’t put my finger on it, that Jay also cooks with water. On a
strategic level there are really not that many variables. There may be zillions of
tactics. It illuminated to some degree the fact that what I have been involved in is
perhaps a very timid attempt to change the buying criteria/perception in my field. I
could see that if I made that my conscious focus it could become an important part
of my marketing strategy Please indulge me in some blabber here Jay.A lot of your
mail has gone unopened to the “round” file. Let me preface this reaction with this. I
have wonder at times if my negative reaction to your mailings is based on my
rudimentary knowledge of your “stuff”. Like I wonder, if I was untouched by your
influence, would I “buy” your line? I get backed off by things that I perceive as totally
insincere I even ask myself if Jay would know how to come across in a way that I
would “buy” as genuine or if all this manipulation of “stuff” has rendered you
somewhat artificial. Other times I find the material has so much thinly disguised
manipulation in it I want to barf. I would never want to go in front of my customers
with stuff like that. I am sure you would like examples and I wished I had kept it, but
I never anticipated talking to you about it.I want you to know that I really appreciate
your genius and I am saying this stuff not to take anything away from that. I
appreciate you making Chat’s report available and I did the questioner because of
the possibility to learn something. I can’t afford to come to your seminar, I am sure
they can be a blast. All I can do is give you my honest reaction to some of your
work. It’s the only way I can show you my appreciation. My impression is that
certain things can’t be faked no matter how wonderful you package them. Seeing
how hard your president tries, and I am sure he has the best fakers money can by
working for him, and it does not wash all to well. The other part that I find
increasingly harder to read is the part about how many millions somebody has paid
you for a minutes work and by inference how cheep the 25 000 seminar is. Jay doe
anybody still go for this stuff? It seems so over the top. In fact I even suspect some
greed lurking in your mailings. How much money does Jay have to make before he

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
can relax a bit? If you where a kid they would put you an “Ritalin”. Just kidding.Jay I
love your work and I wish you all the best.
271. I have absolutely no strategy to speak of. I know what is wrong with my business
plans, ideas, aspirations and the rest of my life. To not get massacred you need a
272. I have been ignoring the marketing aspect of the business. I do not have a good
data bank I do not have a long-term marketing strategy.
273. I have developed more clarity on my Marketing Strategy/Vision of being the trusted
supplier in the marketplace It has raised my level of excitement about what we are
doing It has reminded me how important it is to live up to our vision and always
deliver value and quality to our clients
275. I have done a good amount of research setting up my business. I am spending way
too much resources in the planning and not in the getting of customers. My bank
accounts (business and personal) could ENGORGE if I use Jay Abraham’s
276. I have learned a lot from the materials. We have implemented some of the
strategies. We can do more.
277. I have loads to learn about marketing + I need to take this whole marketing issue
seriously to grow my business
278. I have much to learn.
279. I have no plan , I haven’t followed through with what I have done and I know very
little about marketing.
280. I have not really developed a strategy for my business My time involving sales vs
planning needs to change Still have not figured out how to apply the various
methods I read about from you to my specific business
281. I have not wanted to grow my business I have to get a plan, a strategy
282. I have realized just from this that there are a couple of things I can do right now
283. I have realized there are a lot of things I don’t understand about marketing. That I
need to develop a more in depth marketing plan, prepare prospecting and referral
processes and implement these. I need to be more proactive in seeking new clients
rather than being mostly reactive. I realize I certainly need help in getting my
business to grow further!
284. I have soooo much work to do ! But it was great to see that almost everything I do
is STILL tactical. Need to refocus and start thinking more strategic again.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1534

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

285. I have to learn more about the other methods of marketing my services I have to
start planning my goals for the company My company has a long way to go before it
can really succeed.
286. I haven’t the faintest idea what the hell I’m doing.
287. I havn’t done jack There is some upside I need to get going.
288. I know I need help in getting more clear on prospecting better. Closing people on
why my business is right for them. And Closing more sales .
289. I know little about marketing and definitely need to know more.
290. I know so little .I know that we must do our planning much, much better than we
have to this point. I know that we can indeed be successful if we apply the correct
methods of marketing to our business.** This was exhaustive but at the same time
probably the best thing that I could have been involved in at this time and stage of
our business. I thank you for the opportunity to be involved. Whether or not I receive
any more materials this has been invaluable to me. I now have a much clearer
picture of where I need to go and how I must get there. Thanks again.
291. I lack a lot of information, tactics and insights.
293. I learned that I don’t have a marketing plan and need to have one to make it big.
Thinking strategically and tying up with one aspect of business to other is essential
294. I learned that I should be calling people I already know .2) I learned that I should be
doing some marketing.3) I learned that I should go to a Jay Abraham seminar as
soon as possible.
295. I learned to try some of your insights, as they apply to my situation. I should be
thinking more globally on an overall business plan. Networking is the greatest
leverage of success.
296. I learnt that there is a lot I don’t know about my business and my marketing
297. I must be strategic in formulating the companies overall game plan for long term
growth. I need to consistently test and measure my marketing efforts ie cost vs.
revenues generated. The company must develop and implement an organized
data base that Can tell me who are my customers what products or services they
are buying And what geographic location are they in .
298. I must create a strategy, along with company ownership, that looks ahead long-term
– perhaps 3 – 5 years and beyond, that will articulate what we want to do, and how
we want to achieve that. The more specific and detailed we can make it, the easier
it will be to follow it and make changes as necessary. I’ve got a long way to go! But,
I know it is doable. I also know I have a company ownership that supports my
efforts, and will do what they can to make sure they are implemented as well as
possible. I also know that there is a ton of information I can tap (including Jay’s), to
help me plan those strategies to achieve the goals we set. Our company has never
really had a cohesive marketing strategy, or even a set of marketing tactics that
made much sense. I’m in the process of uncovering our company’s hidden talents,
finding ways and market to exploit them. My insight here is that I’m starting with a

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
blank slate and can pretty much take our company any direction that leads to profit
and growth.
299. I must sit down and work up a clear strategy and then a plan.I need to involve
others to help me put materials, systems etc together because I’m just going to
keep making excuses if I do it myself I have some pieces of the jigsaw, but not
enough to move forward – I don’t have a ‘grand vision’ that I’m comfortable with for
my business
301. I need a complete overall Business Strategy for my business.The Overall Strategy
needs to be broken down into different segments Financial, Marketing, Sales,
Customer Service etc with clearly established strategies for achieving these
successfully. Thinking of all the Tactical strategies and steps for achieving and
successfully implementing these into the business model to achieve and
accomplish the overall business strategy. I would have to question all my current
thinking on these topics and implement successful ideas to achieve my overall
goals of being in charge of and operating an extremely profitable business in spite
of less than desirable external market and economic conditions. Filling out this
questionnaire has whetted my marketing appetite and I am excited and desirous to
learn more to be extremely successful in what I hope to do and achieve
302. I need a marketing plan; having pre-done marketing materials would help me get
more executed; I need better follow-up and referral systems Completed by: Ed
Forteau of Chameleon Marketing, 251 Woodlawn Dr., Stanton, MI 48888
303. I need a marketing strategy, have to focus on providing my prospects with
tremendous benefits when trying to win their business, I need to somehow partner
with my biggest competitors to grow my business big and fast…but how?
304. I need a more distinct USPI need to know more marketing strategies that have been
used successfully in my business. I need to do more of all the marketing I currently
305. I need a plan and more specific knowledge.
306. I need a plan, I need to follow it on a regular basis, I have a lot to learn about how to
do it right. It all seems so very overwhelming and that is what has stopped me from
doing more and being more effective with it.
307. I need a strategic marketing plan need to systemize the process when people do
NOT retain and send 3 letters.3.I Need to get a newsletter out ASAP
308. I need a strategic plan.
309. I need a strategy. I need to know where to start and how to implement.
310. I need an overall strategy. I need to set up systems. I need to learn more marketing
techniques to get help implement my strategy.
311. I need help, I’m not doing everything I can and I have a lot to learn.
312. I need help. I need to brand. I need to be in a position to do what I already know.
313. I need more help in implementing the theory I need more specific help in scripting,
sales letters I’ve found the right mastermind for success
314. I need to be more consistent in setting and implementing strategies. I need to

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
diversify so as not to rely entirely on referral business, eg with more advertising. I
need to stay focused to achieve my goals.
315. I need to be so focused on strategy. I haven’t been. I need to be 100% thorough on
following through on creating my Parthenon. You can get people to give you huge
amounts of expensive information just by incentivising them in a little way.
316. I need to be thinking strategically (how everything fits together synergistically).I’m
not doing. I’ve just been thinking. My options for implementation and success in my
marketplace and field are completely untapped and waiting for “harvesting.”
317. I need to become better focused and get to work!
318. I need to begin regular marketing campaigns aimed at our prospects immediately. I
need to create better marketing materials. I need to spend more time on marketing.
319. I need to change my priorities in thinking about growing our business. Time spent
on developing a market strategy can drive everything we do as well as significantly
drive up our revenue and profitability. I need to bet serious about our business and
stop wasting time on meaningless details.I need help organizing, developing and
implementing our marketing strategies.
320. i need to create a strategic approach to marketing, clarify my future and the future
of the company so my tactics can be coherent and consistent with the big picture I
need to devote specific resources to this endeavor: time and money I need to learn
a lot more about selling my product
321. I need to create a strategic business plan.I have a lot to learn.I desire to create a
successful business.
322. I need to develop a strategy including multiple marketing tactics implemented at the
same time. Keep in contact with the clients It’s a lot of hard work, but the rewards
can be overwhelming if I am willing to go the distance. You have to ask yourself the
question. “How bad do you want to be successful”?
323. I need to develop a strategy, 2) I need to use the monthly marketing budget more
effectively, 3) I need to develop more strategic alliances
324. I need to do a lot more reading I’m in a mess Have limited understanding of
processes and what one can do I need to implement a more unified marketing
strategy – perhaps through the schools Find a value-added system, that the
student (not the parent) will access.
325. I need to DO more, I can DO more, I will DO more
326. I need to do something and it may not be as complicated as it may seem.
328. I need to find more time to market. I need to get my name and face in front of new
clients. I need to make special offers for existing clients.
329. I need to find the time to learn, understand and implement Jay’s concepts so we
can give our company a competitive edge. Plus, many of my answers to your
questions need to be fine tuned by getting more clear and specific.
330. I need to focus on strategy more than I have been I need to become more
consistent in my daily/weekly activities
331. I need to have a strategic plan I need to go back and review your material I need

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
to get my act together Pete Majkowski (
332. I need to implement more of Jay’s strategies to move more strategically than
tactically. I need to focus on one industry and define myself as the one company
that can satisfy their needs.
333. I need to invest some time to think about and develop a strategy, get clear about
what I really want and decide on a way to get there. Then implement!
334. I need to know much more about marketing
335. I need to learn how to position myself. Learn about my competition. And come up
with a coherent marketing plan and work it. And lastly overcome fear.
336. I need to learn more about marketing, tactics and strategy, and how to apply it on
my biz .I need to lean more about my own biz and whats happening in it. I need to
allocate more resources effort time toward marketing and what it can do for me –
337. I need to pass more marketing on to staff Need to find better ways to present who
we are to new realtors Jay has really helped me a lot to grow business
338. I need to really focus on developing a strategic marketing plan and document it
339. I need to reexamine our marketing approach. It needs to be focused on the 3 ways
to grow business .I need to introduce a systematic way of enabling staff in our
organization to carry out marketing.
340. I need to refine everything I do to support my strategies. I have learned a lot about
what I should be working towards in becoming more strategic than tactical. I fell that
I am doing a lot of things right, which is good – but I have a lot more work to get my
business where I want it to be.
341. I need to refocus. Need to decide whether to expand or coast. One must have a
strategic and tactical marketing plan.
342. I need to revisit the 3 ways model. The first time I saw Chris Newton do it, I couldn’t
sleep ... I knew that EVERY business I visited would buy Results packages ....
Wrong! It works like gangbusters ... But most people are perplexed... and life’s not
long enough to un-perplex them!
343. I need to set up a strategic game plan with both short and long term goals. I need
to be more consistent in working my marketing plan. I need to do a better job in
following up with clients and asking for referrals.
344. I need to spend more strategic time building an carrying out a system towards
contacting prospects. I need to gain a more complete understanding of your
material. I need a more realistic look at how I will be able to achieve my goals.
345. I need to spend more time planning and reviewing your material
346. I need to spend more time working on the business versus in it. I need to develop a
systematic approach to contacting my lists I need to refocus on building my
Parthenon of approaches, realizing that if I don’t do it, someone else will. I need to
market my business as if Jay was working for my closest competitor.
347. I need to study Malcolm McDonald’s books on marketing planning. I don’t know my
marketing stuff. Stumbled into the world of marketing through entry into the
marketing communications field from technical communications. I need to read your
work to answer Q87.I need to read Charles Kings book on network marketing and
randy gage, jerry d’rhino, and all their tapes.
348. I need to study your stuff ASAP! Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t take the time to do a
better job with this. Time’s not on my side right now. Thank you.

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

349. I need to take the time and opportunity to create and carryout a marketing strategy.
There are a lot of good ideas floating around, but until I get them better defined,
focused, and executed, it won’t matter much There really is a way to achieve my
350. I NEED TO WORK ON my infrastructure
351. I need to write a marketing plan I need a referral system I need to build more
marketing pillarsI need to define my USP:
352. I need to write out a plan for the rest of the year, I usually only do 3 or 4 months at a
time I’m actually doing more than I realized- some of it like mailing I take for
granted.I’m not sure who my competition is? Thank You. Dave Woolsey
353. I need to be a lot more active in my advertising
354. I need to work harder, more systematically and be more focused on my marketing
activities, starting with a good Database.
355. I probably don’t have the Jay Abraham training and marketing / business
experience that you are looking for from this survey. You asked some questions
that really got me thinking about the need to plan my marketing. You have given me
some reasons to get reviewing the rest of your material, to find out what some of
these techniques and strategies and business models are.
356. I realize how little I am doing out of the 30 standard options ion the three ways to
grow your business. I realize how few marketing systems I am using. I realize I do
not have an overall business strategy. Another insight I have just received is the
idea that it only took me one hour to complete this questionnaire. Yet I
procrastinated for nearly a month on doing it. If I hadn’t received the follow-up
emails I would not have done it. I expect a lot of my clients are in the same position
and that a systematic follow up via email and letter and by phone could also work to
get them to respond to take action and phone for an appointment or talk on the
358. I realize that I have not marketing plan and program, spending little time, effort and
money on marketing. I am very reactive and passive in my marketing program. I
know why I am not getting alot of new business.
359. I realize that just being a good doctor is not enough. I must find a unique selling
position so that I can reach more people. I know that I must create a strategic
marketing plan and stick to it. I have relied on my skills and prayers to keep me
afloat. I thought only bad doctors have to market themselves. I know that everyone
needs to have a way of letting the public know about who they are and what they
can do for them. But you must have a plan on how you are going to do it. I was
never taught marketing in school. We all just thought that once you graduate that
the patients would just come knocking at the door. I know now that being proactive
in business instead of reactive is much more successful and less stressful.
360. I realize that we have no marketing strategy whatsoever…only haphazard tactics. I
realize that my time has been (mis) spent running the operations of the company
and I have devoted little attention to marketing. I realize that I will need to develop
and implement a strategic marketing plan to ensure the growth and success of the
business. Thank you for opening my eyes, I wish my answers were more exciting;

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1539

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
however, I have been completely honest.
361. I realize we do very well considering we have not been purposely strategic. I also
realize and have known for some time that we have many untapped opportunities.
I can’t find sales people who will close the deals I close. I can’t seem to duplicate
myself in sales and then dedicate myself to the whole marketing strategy as taught
by Jay.
362. I realized how much I am missing by not having a set strategy. The sending of
materials to the client regarding their own industry is a new idea. The overall
realization that I have ton to learn and need to take time to study the many facets of
363. I really do a pretty good job, but I could do more if I could find the time. I currently
plan out my week with definite times scheduled for marketing activities yet still find
that I need more time to do what I feel should be done. I am reminded of how little I
really do by filling in this questionnaire.
364. I really know very little about marketing strategy & tactics, I’ve done well building
my business to where it is with limited marketing knowledge, & I want to market
more effectively
366. I really need to develop a focused plan of attack.I need to execute that plan with
intensity. Strategy is something that I am lacking severely.
367. I see that I should be doing a PR campaign – that fits in with my stated intention of
bootstrapping my business up I should start my anticipated Back End email
program sooner rather than later as I had originally planned. I need to step back
and look at all 30 business growth techniques to make sure I am employing as
many as I can, still in keeping with my bootstrapping strategy.
368. I see that there are a lot of things I can still do to build the business, but there are
only so many hours in the day. As I was writing this out I felt it a serious waste of
my time and I should be working at something that may produce some income. This
is the reason why many answers are very brief. I really appreciate you sending all
the good info that you did and I would really like to do some business with you but
money now is basically gone and I'm struggling just to keep the site open with next
to no sales. If you would like to discuss some ideas over the phone I would
appreciate it since it is faster and more efficient than typing. If one day my web site
ever takes off I would love to come to one of your seminars. Fred
369. I should be doing more marketing like direct mail, alliances, and referral generating
370. I should do 87 – and I should go through this questionnaire again
371. I stil have work to do…, reinforce the need to advertise, need tools…
372. I still do not know if I have a strategy for my company or not. Going through the
questionnaires, one or two of the questions tell me that this is the strategy. But
since I do not know or read many many strategy examples, I simply can not identify
them as they are strategy or not. However, by completely these questionnaires, it is
like kind of going through a checklist, letting me know that I need to work on this are
of marketing and that are too. So by simply answer teses questions, it gave me a
refreshing look at my marketing effort and letting me know how little do I know
about marketing. So I will double up and improve on it based on some of the
questions in here.
373. I still have a lot to learn More thinking to be done on strategy and method Studying

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1540

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
purchased material more thoroughly and study new material later
374. I still have a tremendous amount to learn about devising a comprehensive strategy
Success is no mistake, it's all in the details, and it's all PLANNED. Tactical
marketing is about the most impotent activity any business person could ever
engage in… everyone should be made to spend 3 years in military school!
375. I think that I really don’t know anything about marketing. I don’t really have a
marketing plan.
376. I think there is an opportunity to direct market products like individual
medical/dental plans as well as critical illness insurance, as well as home mortgage
insurance I must figure out the acquisition costs of each client I need to clearly
define my plan and strategy for marketing initiatives
377. I think we are broadly on the right track, thanks to my earlier exposure to the Master
Mind Marketing Experience. I have not even half begun to half tap the marketing
possibilities available to us, and the prospective customer base in our area.If you
derive 10% as much benefit from reading my answers as against the benefit I
derived for my firm from formulating the answers, I’ll be very glad that I could have
contributed in some small way to your project; because this exercise has given me
the basis for documenting (in writing and much more comprehensively) a proper,
long term marketing strategy as well as tactics and a marketing plan for Body &
Mind Foundation. Thank you, Jay, you were not exaggerating when you said in your
introduction that it would teach me exactly how strategic or tactic my marketing
approach really is.Warm regards MARNUS ROOTHMANCEO, Body & Mind
Foundation Innovative Business Services Pretoria, South Africa12 March 2003
378. I think we are broadly on the right track, thanks to my earlier exposure to the Master
Mind Marketing Experience. I have not even half begin to half tap the marketing
possibilities available to us, and the prospective customer base in our area. If you
derive 10% as much benefit from reading my answers as against the benefit I
derived for my firm from formulating the answers, I’ll be very glad that I could have
contributed in some small way to your project; because this exercise has given me
the basis for documenting (in writing and much more comprehensively) a proper,
long term marketing strategy as well as tactics and a marketing plan for Body &
Mind Foundation. Thank you, Jay, you were not exaggerating when you said in your
introduction that it would teach me exactly how strategic or tactic my marketing
approach really is.
380. I’m a wasteful bugger….ditto, ditto!
381. I’m certainly on the right track, just need to keep at it, day after day after day. I can
do it. I need to pull out my goals again and focus on the day to day commitments
that I need to accomplish my goals. There’s always something new to learn, but
most importantly, I’ve realized from doing this survey, how much more thought and
deliberate planning I need to do for by business.
382. I’m fucked
383. I’m not as well versed in Abraham marketing as I thought or hope I am, based on
the difficulty I had in answering some questions. I have to go back and re-read
much of the info I’ve received in the past. I really believe I have to research more
and eventually buy more Abraham products.
385. I’m not really strategic in my approach. I’m not systematic or organized about my

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1541

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
marketing efforts. I’ve not harnessed my most valuable strategy – creating joint
ventures – the way I should have.
386. I’m not really strategic in my approach. I’m not systematic or organized about my
marketing efforts. I’ve not harnessed my most valuable strategy – creating joint
ventures – the way I should have.
387. I’m not sure I gained much of anything from this questionnaire. But I think Sharen
will when I forward it to her . . . which I will when I send it to you!
388. I’m proud of what I do and have accomplished. I work for a great company with
great potential. I need to help the company build top down strategies based on my
personal strategy successes.
389. I’ve been dilly dallying due to a lack of focused special effort.
390. I’ve got a lot to learn about marketing I need to get help in doing marketing more
effectively I think I can make more than twice as much money for me and the girls if
I can figure this out a little better. Gregory Sayles owner McKernan & Company
9521 westheimer # 309 Houston Tx 281-920-2453
391. I’ve learned that my business is to new and small to benefit as much as more
established businesses will.
392. I’ve understood that 1. we have no plan at all and it is a wonder we are growing 2.
If we were to implement a plan we would have a much better idea on where we are
393. Identifying the question, “Who stands to gain more than you if you grow”.
394. In actuality we do not market, we hope things go well. Renewed enthusiasm to keep
learning and passion to change the way we do things.
395. In reading this survey I can tell that I am below your curve. Please consider
mentoring me. I read the book The One Minute Millionaire. Please consider
helping me to get started. I am a quick learner, and I will take the knowledge and
pass it along as a force for good.
396. Insight #1: There are infinite ways to market my services Insight #2: I have to get
clear and be proactive in focusing my business Insight #3: If it's to be, it's upto me;
see a lot of gaps in my thinking and I have to get my priorities in order
397. Insight 1: that there’s a lot we could do that we aren’t and should give consideration
to, such as developing some database segmentation is an imperative if we are to
have any sort of intelligence about our customer base.
398. Insight? I would call it embarrassment. There’s so much I could do, some of which
I know about and do not follow through with consistently and some I have never
done due to a lack of courage. I am open to learning more. I would specifically
enjoy it Jay decided to make an example out of a solo psychotherapy practice in
Indianapolis, IN – helping the owner implement the new Strategy/Tactics paradigm
and then using this odd niche as a proven example in this new endeavor of his. ;- )
399. It can help to complete a questionnaire like this one. We don’t do many things that
could be done.
400. It forced me to think about my business again. This is the main reason I completed
it. I have realized that I should use e-mail to contact my customers regularly, I
should give something not connected to my products to the customers more often, I
should prepare a written master plan consisting all my marketing activities in 2003
and further.
401. It has certainly shown me all the areas that need to be addressed—unfortunately,
there will be areas that I won’t be able to formulate a good plan, and there will be

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1542

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
others where I won’t have the funds to follow through with the plan.
402. It has let me know that I am on the right tract and there is a whole lot that I still need
to do.
403. It has let me know that I have not developed sufficient marketing tactics to identify
my client and continue contact with that client.
404. It has made me to again start to think about the company and where we are going,
and how much more we could be doing to promote our selves and our services.
405. It has reinforced our plan to define and implement our tactical marketing. It indicates
that we are on the right track. It has indicated that we don’t have any great holes in
our thinking. Our challenge is implementation and the best methodologies for that.
This questionnaire reinforced a lot of the teaching and exposure from the MMT in
December. What that did is consolidate and organize a great deal of the component
marketing knowledge that I had or had been exposed to. In some cases it filled in
tactical details but it also wrapped strategy around tactics. The strongest and most
useful single item it supplied was an understanding of how critical implementation is
to a successful strategy or tactic. It forced me to “go before being completely
ready.” Before that I didn’t realize I was holding back implementation trying to “get
ready.” This questionnaire reemphasized some of that, too. Because of our early
stage of implementation, I doubt that our answers are going to provide anyone with
too much useful information, buy I look forward to the compilation as a beneficial
source of information for the further development of our goals. Thanks, Jay and
406. It has shown me that I need to get more organized. I have to quit using planning as
an excuse for not acting. I need to have a specific goal for my marketing plan.
407. It helped me form some thoughts, strategies, philosophies that I hadn’t written out
before. In the places where I answered “No”, I just identified an area of “Should be”.
408. It is amazing that we have been able to survive for 14 years with virtually no
marketing plan
409. It is necessary to give a very deep thought to your business and plan a very
comprehensive marketing strategy It is necessary to think deeply about the
marketing successes of the practitioners / companies in the same industry and
other industries and see what can be applied to one’s own business c) In today’s
world it is necessary to have specific email / internet marketing strategy
410. It just confirms the need to develop a comprehensive marketing plan
411. It made me look at my business from the outside. 2. spotlighted my weaknesses
and 3. Showed me I have a lot to learn.
412. It made me realize even more how lucky we’ve been in successfully growing our
business to this point. And at the same time, how pathetic we are in not
implementing more marketing, since I know better.
413. It made my strategic goal more clearer, I know what I need to do, I just have to do it.
414. It makes me look at specifics and realize that I need to dig deeper to
maximize/leverage my efforts and time.
415. It open my eyes for how little I know about running and marketing my #
86 gives me clearer picture and tell me to focus more in what works I do not have
any strategic alliance with any others. Even been approach by a lot of them The
absolute necessity to take some time aside to contemplate, to learn and read. To
see my business as the out sider. To gain new perspective
416. It opens up you mind to how much you know, but not using. How much information

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1543

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
you already have but never used. If you only took action on what you already know,
what a major change it would make and how the business can grow exponentially.
Answering questions like these after learning something is a good idea as it will
check whether you understood what you have read or heard.
417. It pointed out some of the areas that I thought I had covered but don’t. It showed me
that I can always be doing better. It showed that I don’t understand some of the
concepts involved.
418. It taught me the value of stopping to think, evaluate and plan what you are doing
.Strategy underlies everything you do, even when you don’t have a strategy (that
becomes your default strategy).If you keep on digging deeper into how you think
and the reasoning behind what you do, you discover how little or how much you
know, or how well or poorly you execute, or how strong or weak the foundations
upon which you build your financial future are.
419. It’s always GREAT to articulate my vision. Being able to communicate my thoughts
and ideas to YOU, is a true pleasure and I look forward to your impression and will
follow your advice to the letter. Let’s make an IMPACT… Thank you for this
opportunity.. Monte Bothwell Upon request, I can provide much more information
421. I've been too lax in my marketing efforts. Photo MemoriesDan
422. I've realized that more of my time should be spent on bringing in new customers -
finding new ways to bring in leads and converting them. And I also need to focus on
selling higher-ticket items more. Thank you very much for offering us this
opportunity! It really has given me some direction that I knew of on an unconscious
level but am now able to see more clearly! I hope you get the information you need
from this. If not, please let me know where I need to elaborate and I'll be happy to
do so. Thanks again, Chris
423. I've realized that our business is slated to fail. It has no hope of growing or building
unless we get up and get motivated to learn and grow. The puck has dropped. The
game has started. It's time to start playing. We have to completely change the way
we look at the business and make it work for us.. not run around after it doing
damage control. It needs to become a full time business, not just a part time one.
We have contacts that can send us a referrals we have to use them. We have to
generate leads and follow up more. Customers have to become lifetime customers,
instead of always looking for brand new first time customers. We need to develop
relationships and cultivate those customers.. they always know people who are
looking for housing.. we have t
424. Jay, as painful as this has been for me, in some weird way it has also given me new
hope. You have taken my thinking down a different track, and without the offer of
the time extension, and Carl’s kind follow up, I may never have worked through this.
(It all seemed too painful to admit.) Three insights..? No matter how difficult the
questions are to face, the answers can help set you free – or at the very least, set
you on a more productive path .I may not have all the answers yet, but I can and
will find them, because our business is important enough for me to do so. Although I
don’t know all the “right” ways to approach what needs to be done, I will make a
start – formalize what we do know: educate the team: refine as we move forward.
Thank you Jay – you are a Master. Sincerely,Julie Ryles. DirectorTurning Point
Corporation Pty Ltd Email:
425. Just by going through the list I was able to jot down several ideas to take back to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1544

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
the team for implementation. We’re not measuring anything, so it’s hard to improve
anything. I’m personally still spending too much time working in the business, not on
the business.
426. Just the questions asked and the introspection required: whether one is strategically
or tactically marketing; whether one is tracking or not tracking results; and whether
one is engaged or not engaged in the exponential growth of their business – this
questionnaire is a workshop in itself.
427. l. That marketing strategically is more successful than marketing tactically. 2.That
having a healthy marketing budget is important. 3.That followup and upselling is
an important part of marketing.
428. Lack of cash flow is stopping all marketing efforts Lack of follow-ups and follow-
throughs is the cause new clients Implementation of more of your 30 ways to grow
a business
429. Lack of detail More could be done Greater focus on what’s important
430. Lack of knowledge, lack of experience, and the realization that I can find help to
431. Makes one think. Understand the need for a written formal marketing program.
Need for training in all aspects of marketing.
432. Market using strategy not tactics
433. Marketing is crucial. Having a plan and sticking to it is crucial. Knowing the most
effective marketing strategies and tactics and how to implement them is crucial.
434. Marketing is mostly about strategy, not too much about tactics. Having a clear and
focused mindset about what your strategy is and what you are doing everyday to
implement it. Knowing more about what my clients perceive of us and want, and
being more precise about my marketing budget.
436. Marketing is something I need, but it must be simple to grasp. Some words specific
to high level marketing strike me as confusing and over done. Best Regards,
Charlie mailto:cnaundorf@worldnet.att.netCharles H.Naundorf, P.E.35 Picture Book
ParkW.Bloomfield, NY 14585585-624-1406WW2 Veteran - USS BLACK, DD-666,
ex-MM1/cOur shipmates earned 9 Battle Stars. Remember..."Never Give Up!"We
fought off the Japanese Kamikaze pilots and More!..." Courage is not the absence
of fear, but it is completing the mission in the presence of fear."
437. My “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin, which I distribute via email each week, is the most
critical and essential piece of my marketing machine. It is the bicycle chain without
which the bicycle cannot be pedaled. I am sitting on a motherlode of untapped
future potential, which I will be able to mine as soon as I create a team that can
capitalize on my marketing efforts. Since my ultimate strategy is to enable as many
people as possible to live their life powerfully and live the life they love, the sooner I
create a team, the sooner I will be able to devote attention to my higher purpose
and not be restricted to operating solely as a financial advisor.
438. My biggest 3 insights are that1. I really do not have a handle on how my marketing
is strategically positioned. 2. I do not know the methods that my competition is using
as well as I could and 3. I have a lot to learn in order to be the most effective that I

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1545

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

439. My biggest insight is that I have not be doing anything, I am not at all focused on
marketing, I need to set down some plans and work with them. There is so much I
can do, there is so much potential, but unless I get to it and do, it won’t happen.
440. My business could expand and explode if only I had a marketing strategy and
implemented numerous other techniques that are available.
441. My business is very small. I need to refocus on the basics and retraining myself. I
need to become more consistent and persistent in making contacts and falling up
with them.
442. My current marketing ‘system’ is rudimentary at best. I must be more disciplined,
because it is my level of self-discipline more than anything else that determines my
success, because if I am disciplined, I will do the marketing work I should do. I need
to learn more about my competition and what I will be facing over the coming years.
443. My largest insight is that I’m doing a poor job of implementing. I have a full –time job
while working on my private label service company. This questionnaire has opened
my eyes to the possibilities that are out there if I had a more systemized
methodology for implementing my marketing objectives. I’ve used many of Jay’s
techniques, but have never sat down and pulled them all together to see if I can find
a way to get my marketing on auto-pilot.
444. My marketing is tactical and not strategic. I am very reactionary in managing my
business. I have a great untapped potential in my present business.
445. My marketing sucks (smile)
446. My strategy should be reconsidered.- To reach my goals in time, the growth has to
speed up now.- I have to acquire additional clients. The referrals out of 10 clients
are not much enough. And last: I should improve my English skills. I hope you’re
going to understand my answers.
447. My top 3 insights? Knowing what to do is different than doing what you know. I'm
leaving my business to chance. I better get off my ass now or I won't have a
business much longer.
448. My top three insights :Set specifically strategy goal for each period How to set up
strategy alliance Finding out as well as studied detail
449. Need a strategic approach to business and marketing, need to be more pro-active
in contacting clients & prospects, need to study Jay's material.
450. Need everything, have no idea what to do, it seems like it is going to take a lot of
money to become successful
451. Need for a strategic business plan. Need for a strategic marketing plan. Need for
every single member of staff to work at creating competitive advantage every day.
452. Need for better systems Need for education at all levels on what is marketing &
how we can use marketing to direct growth Whilst we may feel that we are pretty
good at what we do – we need to use more planning to engineer our future rather
than hoping everything will work out
453. -Need for directed knowledge Need for business marketing advice from someone
who understands the difference in my market / business A lot to be learnt in a little
time .From
454. Need for more specific marketing plan, need to learn more about marketing,
455. need helpx3
456. Need referrals Need to followup much better with clients Need better trained

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1546

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

457. Need to analyze my marketing – what works, what doesn’t, cost effectiveness of
various methods Need to analyze my approach to marketing Need to build more
458. Need to broaden approach.
459. Need to delegate more to get more done I am a long way from where I want to
be Need to ask for more referrals! Employ people that would carry out some
ideas I have been gathering.
460. Need to develop formal marketing plan Need to set up regular schedule for
marketing and follow-up activities Need to develop and maintain proactive PR
462. Need to do better job of planning and implementing strategy.
463. Need to do more follow up Should formalize plan Several questions repeat –
assume that is by design
464. Need to educate my clients on an ongoing basis and prepare them for the benefits
of early refinancing .Need to consistently and repeatedly contact my clients on a
regular basis.Price inducements for timely payments on mortgage.
465. Need to focus more on overall strategy, need to segment our target market more,
need to decide where are the growth areas and focus on these.
466. Need to focus on the marketing issues honestly, stop hiding my light under a
bushel, and it’s not going to go away if I ignore it. I’m responsible.
467. Need to go back and reread “Three ways to grow a business Model” Need to
create a written marketing plan Need to more completely communicate our
marketing strategy and specific tactics to employees. Bottom Line – still lots of
work to do in Marketing
468. Need to hire some marketing help Need to increase advertising.
469. Need to improve other pillars and think of additional pillars. Need to learn to better
measure results. Need to find more companies to trade leads with and develop
partnerships with. Need to set up a formal referral system, and I definitely need to
figure out a good way to keep in contact with customers and provide them with
additional opportunities to buy from me over and over. My main products like lawn
mowers and compost bins are only purchased every five or more years, so it is a
long repeat cycle. I need to figure out more products that my customers would find
useful that they could buy on a regular short cycle basis from me.
470. Need to really get after the realtor referrals Need to improve my loan officers --
closing abilities.
471. Need to refocus efforts in a couple of key areas highlighted in question 54.
472. Need to study and categorize customers ; importance of having integrated strategic
marketing ; study inactive clients and formulate strategy to make it easy for them to
come back
473. Need to track where business is coming from; need to followup with training
customers; need to invest more into marketing effort.
474. No ‘insights’, however it reawakened many of the lessons from the MMT, and also
helped me to clarify many of the ideas and insights received from the seminar and

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
support materials. I will save a copy of this and use it to focus my efforts in the
coming months. I very much want to obtain your ‘encyclopedia’ for my ‘Marketing
Bible”. Your letter said I could obtain one, Jay. Please advise.
475. No new insights. I’m fully aware of the problems that need addressing, but it
continues to be ongoing due to the recourses.
476. No real plan, no real implementing, and no real measuring.
477. None(2)
478. Not sure I got any insights from this. I was pretty clear about both our marketing and
strategy as you can see.
479. Nothing spectacular…..focused on some elements of what we are doing vs. what
we should be doing….thinking about strategic vs. tactical….probably will get more
benefit in the future by re-thinking these elements.
480. Number one, I have dramatically let the path of my business fall to whatever ills it
may come across. Two, the value of educating myself to concepts and ideas from
experts to insure the future growth of my company. Three, all that all of this takes is
effort and action.
481. One big insight; I should start to learn all and try to implement immediately
482. One is that I see that I am not doing nearly enough marketing of any type. Two is
that I need to define what it is that I want from the business. And three is need to
define just what my usp is.
483. One, marketing has to be planned and studied. Two, marketing is one of the most
important activities of any business. Three, we don’t know marketing enough right
484. Our business strategy &marketing strategy don’t work together. We have no
marketing strategy. We don’t devote adequate amount of time to marketing.
485. Our company is dying. My partners see idle equipment and construction trailers and
conclude we have too much equipment. I see the same thing and conclude we don’t
have enough work. Is it any wonder then that our approaches to the problem are
very different?
486. Our company is not going to grow unless my partners take the initiative and are
serious about building the business. They appear to be satisfied with having
created and maintaining their own jobs while thinking of themselves as business
owners.We need to develop plans…period. I'm sorry, I think our company is an
outlier for your research. I didn't really think subcontracting was that unusual but
not having a plan for growth must be.
487. our company marketing plan is still tactical., there’s many thing we should and can
do for improving our company but we haven’t do that.
488. Our marketing is not as formalized as it could be; we need to think about other ways
of getting our message across; we need better ways to communicate our value to
potential clients.
489. Planning, follow up, think big
490. Primarily, the distance that we need to go in order to form a formalize marketing
plan that should catapult our business into new areas of profitability. We need to go
back through the Abraham materials and specifically pick out each of the hundreds
of ways to find, win, maintain, and win back customers and slowly put formalized
plans around using those strategies.
491. Principal insight is that I need answers that only implementing my strategy will
bring. Implementation is commencing – so detailed answers will be forthcoming in

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
the weeks ahead.
492. Questions are repetitive…I need more focus and overall strategy integrated into my
493. Quite aware that I am not even doing what I know I should be doing, let alone trying
new ideas and ideas you have espoused. I recently sold a very profitable business
and now starting again with a recently acquired business in same industry—
different city. Very frustrated that I have not allocated the time to market.
494. Realizing the company's shortfalls in terms of marketing efficiently, That having a
clear strategy/direction is crucial That we have a big job ahead of us
495. Really how hopeless at this stage our approach is, that we have probably started
something on the run, and how much work we need to do to be successful. All this
results in increased costs and a massive loss of business. We should probably be
shot at dawn!
496. Referrals - to increase usage, More focus on tracking
497. Reinforcement of my not having enough “back-end” profit makers. I NEED to do an
endorsement with someone who has influence over a large group of prospects. I
need a “home-run” sale!
498. review client attrition rate or possible ways to measure max cost & marginal net
worth of clients as an analytical planning tool
499. Review those area that we have not done at the moment Improve on the frequency
of communicating to our customers who have not buy our products / services. Have
our marketing plan written down and communicate clearly to all relevant staff
500. Roughly half-way through this questionnaire, I realized that it is more geared toward
an operating company than to my would-be company. My apologies for such an
incomplete response.
501. S many questions I have never thought of.
502. Sales cycle (have a strategic process in place) Outside-in perspectice: what are the
problems I am fixing for my clients I have to put more pillars in place
503. See that my- focus and- time is not being spent where it has the highest pay-off.
That I am directing money at short term wide spread areas and should be more
critical and targeted of how to bring new clients on board as we are a new
company- only 5 weeks old.
504. Should spend more time learning additional marketing tactics Should have
someone other than myself proficient in creating/ implementing marketing Need to
employ someone proficient in creating effective marketing materials besides myself
505. So much to do; so little time to do it; so must get on… More seriously though, it has
made me aware of the vast number of tools at my disposal to help me on my
course. It has also made it clear that these things tend to cost time rather than just
money. Organizing one’s time is the difficult part.
506. Some questions seemed unclear - some ambiguous. Others provided helpful
reminders and brought forth new challenges!
507. Some recognition of the importance of thinking strategically despite day to day
vagaries of running a business Recognition of value of a cohesive strategic plan
and the development of a correlated marketing approach Strategy comes first,
tactics second – take time to think strategically
508. Sorry I cannot complete a lot of your questions – but although I am not in a position
to implement all of your information it has given me a valuable insight into

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1549

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
509. Sorry, no new insights. I presume one of the purposes of this questionnaire is to
make people realize they haven’t been using the full arsenal of weapons at their
510. Specific top 3:I am too weak on gathering and using financial information to support
marketing effort. We aren’t telling enough people enough about all we have done.
To distinguish and articulate business and marketing strategy To brand consciously
and emphatically
511. Stay focused Find more ways to increase effective education Lifetime value ROI
512. Still a lot to do. Back end products properly marketed
513. Stimulated my thinking What is my strategy vs. tactics Need to do homework
514. Strategic planning is critical to business success, market planning must be a key
element to the business plan, stay on course Prepared for:
515. Strategy is more important than tactics My marketing can always be more effective
I have to decide if I want to grow the business.
516. Take action Develop a written plan Track results
517. That having a planned strategy for marketing will benefit my marketing approach by
structuring my actions and allowing me to quantify my results from each. That I
avoid dealing with my marketing inadequacies, even though I realize that it is
harming my business, due to the fact that I do not like doing it and secretly hope
that it is unnecessary. That I need to allocate a specific period of time to working on
and improving our marketing each week.
518. That I should consider to be more marketing oriented, that I am more tactically
focused than strategic focused when it relates to marketing and that it is very urgent
to establish a marketing plan and implement it to grow the business.
519. That I am actually having a part strategic plan in place, but that it needs some more
spice. How badly I need to set up a web-page. That I need to study more literature
in this area, and put that knowledge into my strategic plan.
520. That I am really ordinary at implementation, I need a marketing system in one lump
sum, have ideas but nothing I can put ion place I move too fast and impatient on
results need a pa to implement while I learn marketing.
521. That I better by myself some more books on the subject That I better start
developing a strategy That I must continue taking care of my low budget to deliver
most the desired results .Tom Commeine
522. That I can be a lot more focused and precise about where I need to spent my time,
energy and efforts in making my businesses grow. I need a lot more help in
understanding and believing that when I market something that I wilkl get a
response that I’m looking for. This questionnaire also lets me know that I need to
educate myself to be a much better marketer and that with the appropriate tools,
approach, understanding, philosophy, goals and market I really can make a
profound difference in the bottom line of my business.
523. That I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I need to develop a strategic plan. I need to
learn who my customer is.
524. that I don’t have a strategy to begin with and that I am inconsistent in the mktg that
we do and have not spent enough time analyzing what’s working and what’s not
and trying to form an overall strategy from it.
525. That I don’t know many things about marketing That I need to have a purpose for
my life and business That I need to have business plan in place and learn a lot

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
about marketing, strategy, tactics and TAKE ACTION and NEVER QUIT. That I
have a long way to go.
526. That I have a lot of work to do in order to drive our business forward and towards
more success
528. That I have not written my big picture from a point of where to I want to get to and
who/what will help me to get there That I fit into a supply chain and can link up with
people/services before and after my service That I need to get specific and detailed
about the whole process.
529. That I have so much to work on. I need to make time to implement a number of the
strategies I have learned but haven’t made time to implement. This self evaluation
was a real eye opener.
530. That I have to be more strategic to pull all the pieces of marketing together so they
all push harmoniously for the same goal. I have to write out a strategic marketing
and business plan to operate out of. That I can do alto more with the
information/education that I have. That I think I know something until I investigate it
further. that there are many opportunities, I need to keep coming up with the ways
that things can work as opposed to looking at all the ways they won’t work.
531. That I need an overall marketing plan I need to set strategic goals I need to learn
how to apply leverage to my business
532. That I need to be allocating more time to marketing the business instead of being a
hands on owner.
533. That I need to be much more specific about my strategic objectives; I need to find
the right market to focus my marketing mix on; and I need to utilize more of the
inexpensive awareness building tactics such as referrals and PR.
534. That I need to have an overall strategic marketing plan and not something that I do
every now and again. I’m sure I don’t understand my target market enough, nor
have any specifics on what my competition is doing, to speak of. By the 3 ways to
grow a business model, I’m guessing it has to do with gaining a client, then getting
your clients to buy more and buy more often, and getting them to refer more
business to you and getting other people to market your products and services by
way of strategic alliances.
535. That I need to learn more about my market, business, and marketing strategy NOW
so I do not become a statistic.
536. That I still need to get systems in place How poor my strategy is I need to be

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1551

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

538. That I’m doing pretty well with what I have to work with. That I need to replicate
myself and my marketing materials in some easy to access and easy to use format.
That answering questionnaire’s like this from time to time is a good way for me to
focus on what I need to be doing more or less of in order to make my marketing
efforts more effective.
539. That I’m not doing as much as I could or should :(
540. That I've held the belief that marketing was not something that I could ever do,
because I was "maimed" by the old professional stance. Which I now think is quite
funny. That once I stop crying, give me five minutes, then I'm ready to learn so I
can create a plan and be effective .I've won chess games from Mensa members. I
can become skillful and create a strategic marketing plan. I also hit the mark, when
I take aim. Not very many people have started out as an unknown writer, and in
two years had a non-fiction, self-help book be published by a national publisher,
reviewed by Publishers Weekly and translated into Spanish. Pardon me, I'm going
to sleep so I can get up refreshed and begin reading Jay's materials.
541. That Jay Abraham is truly a marketing guru! All kidding aside, I would have to say
the following: To obtain more exacting with sales data and then actually do
something with it—use to market more effectively Marketing is a constantly
changing endeavor. What worked yesterday may not work as effectively today3.
Don’t get caught in the trap of doing what everyone else is doing just because it
seems safe. Direct mail may not be the best thing for my business even though it is
still popular.
542. That marketing is a highly technical and scientific field that takes time to master. I
need to formulate a specific, detailed business plan and a strategic marketing plan
before attempting initial marketing. That, as in other technical fields, having the
benefit of sage advice and focused guidance from the earliest phases of a business
decreases expenses, allows for effective monitoring of past efforts, and increases
the probability of a successful outcome. A good, strategic marketing plan will allow
me to maximally benefit from specific mkt. techniques. My top priority is to formulate
a strategic marketing plan to super charge my efforts and accomplish my business
543. That my main business strategy is persevere. That I need to consistently implement
what I already know. That once I integrate my brand I will grow like a puppy!
544. That our companies strategic marketing plan is incomplete, and that we need
specifics and knowledge to make it happen. A template is necessary as a
545. That really I don’t run a business, I have a job That it’s easier to tell others how to
run their business To really run a business you need to start with a good sense of
who you are, why you exist, what business are you in, and why, all big picture stuff
and work your way from there.
546. That there are TONS of ideas and basics that I need to start doing. That I have
been spending more time developing than doing my business That I still have tons
to learn and that there are several things which I don’t want to do so I need to find
someone to do them for me.
547. That there is still a great deal to learn. That my marketing efforts to date are working
with the clients that I currently have but the ones with the prospects are not bringing
them in the door or even picking up the phone to call. That your concepts are
actually some that I use but didn't know it.
548. That we are very unfocused and unclear on where we need to be marketing and
spending our marketing dollars. We have been approaching marketing like most

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
real estate offices: very haphazardly with no real direction.
549. That we don’t really have a clue about the finer points of marketing. We need a
strategy We need a marketing system
551. That we need help in achieving a solid foundation in how to develop and approach
viable prospects for our services.
552. That you have already shown me enough that I know in general what I shold and
could be doing. That I probably need an organized plan with action steps to help
stay focused. That I am really lazy with my marketing efforts.
553. The enterprise needs systematic thinking-through to solid strategic plans under
girded by proven tactics Plan or perish Marry the right tactics to the correct
strategies and produce abundant growth.
554. The idea of strategic thinking and it's application is a very powerful concept for
growing my business. I need way more detail in my marketing plan and need to
rethink where the company needs to go from a high level point of view. Be specific
in what you do, so that everything ties into the big picture. Don't do anything that
doesn't contribute to the number one goal you have set for the company.
555. The importance of having a consistent and well defined business strategy. The
importance of exploring new advertising and business promotion methods. The
importance of the discipline in using the methods of business development and
promotion quite strictly.
556. The knowledge I don't have about marketing
557. The main one is that I am on the right track. All the ideas and probing questions
reaffirm what I know and how it relates to my game plan. I am just to busy putting it
all together and raising my son. I also need to consolidate and pull back in some
558. The need for a varied, and ongoing and trackable marketing strategy
559. The need to concentrate on a program. Keep stats on sales – where they come
from how they are generated. Do more target marketing. Widen our sphere of
influence with consultants and get them in other cities where we can gain market
560. The need to formalize our marketing plan and develop a model for implementation
To organize an accurate and effective database that can be used to target our
marketing efforts To develop a library of marketing packages/materials that can be
rolled out on a regular basis for everything from grand openings to retail products to
general maintenance. To have a method of evaluating cost vs. return on advertising
and marketing.
561. The questionnaire in it self is a extremely good plan in it self. Are going to use it as
an action plan. Doing what I haven´t done.
562. The questions felt more like a test – and I didn’t feel I understood the nuances of
the way you used words. So insights Get very specific and clear on what you do
and what your USP is Document it Have a system that’s integrated

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1553

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

563. The Separation and Integration of Strategy & Tactics across Marketing, Sales and
Business Planning; To start thinking that way; and To start developing the new
timber business model from that mindset.*** For the right price we’d be much
interested later in the home study version! *** Thanks, it’s been interesting &
intriguing. After much consideration I’ve chosen:
564. The top 3 insights are that I have a lot of work to do. 1. create a business
plan/model and work it. 2. build a residual model 3. I never stop learning, somebody
all ways has a better idea.
565. The vital need to develop well thought out Strategic Goals and to adapt them to the
changing times and market The need to fully implement tactics to achieve the
Strategic Goals Be consistent with tactics and marketing plans
566. There are many areas I should develop more depth in: follow up, contacting inactive
clients, or those who didn't buy. Developing more alliances.
567. There are many areas I should develop more depth in: follow up, contacting inactive
clients, or those who didn't buy. Developing more alliances.
568. There are many nuggets yet to do to create even more success We are not nearly
as systematic as we need to be in order to grow where we want to grow As long as
we have been in business, we are still fairly one dimensional in our approaches
569. There are more things we could be doing and thinking about. We should sit down
and formulate a plan of action. We need a better more actionable strategy.
570. There are specific marketing strategies and tactics that are available to marketers.
There are profitable ways of developing an effective email list. You have many of
the answers I want.
572. there is a lot more that I need to learn, need to write down / develop more
thoroughly my plans, need to be more creative
573. There is a lot to marketing that I have not even begun to think about This is a whole
new way of thinking that is going to take some time to get my head around If what
you say is true by following the guidelines alluded to in this questionnaire our
business should boom. This is on the one hand very exiting but on the other very
574. There is a strategy involved in all of this With a well thought out strategy, the rate of
success rill be improved A good marketing strategy will ensure the survival of the
company in today’s highly competitive market environment
575. There is always more you can do Continue what works and don’t change it. Always
be on the look out for an idea,
576. There is always something more that can be done, in a better way, with a greater
result for client and business owner. I am holding back my own business – though it
is a choice I make consciously. I do not wish to hold back my business anymore.
577. There is great potential to grow my practice if I take the time to become more
aggressive in marketing. I need to develop a marketing strategy; and I need to
becoming more organized in assessing the goals of my practice plans
578. There is lots more I can learn in regards to lifetime values of a customer and so on
579. There is lots of room to develop and implement a more complete marketing
580. There is much more to marketing than what I know! There are some things we
know we should be doing that we haven’t implemented, either systematically or on

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1554

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
an ad-hoc basis We seem to be marketing too tactically, and not strategically Even
when we have a strategy, we don’t seem to have a good tactical plan for regular
and systematic implementation
583. There’s always more to learn about marketing. There’s always more you can do or
a better way to do it. No marketing plan is ever finished.
584. There’s lots of stuff I can be doing, but I’m not. Mainly I know what to do, but I
haven’t scheduled to do it and done it. Very useful to complete this. Very useful to
reread my answers.
585. There’s more we could be doing with marketing, advertising etc. especially if we
had the money. Be persistent! (You asked the same question in three or more
different ways!)Keep learning and growing and applying principles daily.
586. These are NOT easy questions, but they are good head scratching questions. I am
better for going through them and my marketing plan will be better when I see the
results of the 2,000 inputs. I will modify our marketing plan to include any new
and/or better ideas than are in our plan.
587. This exercise has been both revealing and inspiring. I’ve uncovered more self
confidence that I can put an even more strategic effort forth. I have a greater faith
that my knowledge of marketing will pay off in greater revenues and profits. Thank
you for the opportunity to participate .P.S.Carl, Please send the “Mandatory
Strategic Marketing Pre Flight Checklist”.
588. This is a very specific questionnaire that really makes people think about what’s
really important in a business, realizing that marketing is one the important
ingredient to a successful business and that there’s so much that I need to learn
and do in a business
589. This questionnaire really makes me conscious of deficiencies that I have in
knowledge and deficiencies in our business that is costing us a lot of money in lost
opportunities. Lack of follow up on incoming calls, lack of follow up after
appointments where we don’t get the listing, lack of follow up during the listing, lack
of a strategy for letter campaign, lack of referral system strategy, lack of systematic
phone call follow up strategy, and no strategy to follow up on past clients. I have
sold 500 homes over the last two years and although we got decent results,
mishandling the opportunities for selling ancillary products and backend business,
instead focusing on the high cost of new business has cost us a fortune. This
makes me sick.
590. This questionnaire has been most sobering as I have virtually done nothing to begin
to get myself out of a major financial hole. I have just remarried and am beginning
to see what I have to do to get going. I have tried other programs that were top
:”Build the Practice” but they were more to change aspects without doing some of
the business basics I am just learning about. I feel like such an idiot for not having
know about your material sooner than I did.
591. This questionnaire has led me to believe that I am comfortable with my own
marketing efforts. It has taught me to always have someone else proof read my
communications and it has taught me to never use a survey with 89 questions!
592. This questionnaire has made me much more aware of what I don’t know – which is
some ways is not such a bad thing – you need to know what you don’t know so that

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1555

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
you can learn and grow. I feel that there is a lot of potential with our business if we
better understood how to create a clear marketing strategy and game plan which
builds on the experience of others who are running a similar distribution model to
ourselves – I think that at the moment we are running on a day-to-day basis
because we don’t have a clear understanding of the correct approached to make
and what is most effective. We need HELP with the above 2 areas in order to move
593. This questionnaire has made me think about marketing strategies and tactics. I
know we need to really concentrate on this, but I hadn’t wanted to market a product
I couldn’t deliver yet. We want to market so that we can grow profitably and quickly.
594. This questionnaire really made me feel that I was doing nothing. That there was so
much I could be doing and was not.
595. This survey has come at a good time for me. I am in the process of refocusing my
business. I’m sure I’ve gotten more out of thinking through this information than you
will get from looking at the answers. Three main insights. I need to align strategy
and tactics for the new business very quickly. I need to consider a wider range of
tactics than I have so far. I need to do a much better job of systematizing my
marketing efforts. I need to review the Abraham information I currently have and
need to discover if there is a different tool or better way to go through the
information so I can differentiate the forest from the trees.
596. This was a great exercise. It really made me aware that a company can be
marketed any number of ways. Going with what we know and not exploring all the
options can be very limiting and ultimately affect the growth prospects of a
business. A very valuable review of what to consider and implement, especially at
the start up phase of a new business.
597. Time constraints are my biggest limitation in expanding.
598. To focus more on my marketing effort, by learning more techniques. I will take
choice number 3 Jays Top Ten
599. To make scheduled contacts with my customers. To figure out who benefits if I
600. To realize why I have not taken a solid step
602. To work more from a marketing scheme or overarching model; to be constant and
vigilant in marketing efforts.
604. Top insight is that I need to develop an overall strategy. Also need to be making
consistent effort to attract and retain clients. And develop a line of upsell products,
starting with a lower level product that is as-yet undeveloped.
605. Top insight is that I need to do a lot more work to make up for the marketing my
department is not doing.
606. Understood better our weaknesses and strengths.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1556

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.

607. Useful exercise that shows us there are many areas for massive performance
improvements in all areas and that we need to find more time to spend working on
our business rather than just working in our business.
608. Using 50% of resources, lack of team, lack of time.
609. Very thorough in pointing out strengths/weaknesses, very detailed in exact info, an
excellent self analysis/take tool
611. We all need to clarify our thoughts and look at the bigger picture to plan and focus
more on where you need to go
612. WE are at a totally transitional stage (for personal reasons)We are reversing some
decisions we took about 4 years ago, partly because our ambitions have changed,
and partly because we went for a very special niche and have largely exhausted
that niche, and need to replace it. (we were right then and did very well, but times
change)I believe we are doing most of the right things, but possibly doing too many
at once.Any queries please to Barry WilkinsonWilkinson Read & 2476 531224
613. We are doing a good job, We can easily capture far more market share than was
apparent before, Jay is going to get incredible insights from the 1000’s of these
questionnaires and I wish I had a broad audience of my own to do something
614. We are doing some things and doing them right There is A LOT we are not
doing…and I know what many of them are The weaknesses I mentioned in this
survey, can be corrected with some effort. We need to just do it!
615. We are not spending time on marketing but, instead, are almost completely
reactive. I still have not been able to define how to differentiate ourselves from our
competition for growth. I need to hire an administrative assistant or executive
secretary and delegate the reactive tasks I do in order to spend time concentrating
on strategic issues.
616. We are not well aware of our marketing strategy and plan. We need to leverage our
marketing dollars We need to do more analysis of our marketing efforts
617. We aren’t actively marketing We have a useful strategy now We need some easier
momentum building activities with the new strategy
618. We aren’t being proactive and I’m not sure where to begin.
619. We do not have a strategy
620. We do not have any knowledge in marketing. We work by instinct. we need a
Marketing Plan
621. We don’t ask for referrals, We don’t prioritize our limited mkt time and resources.
622. We don’t have a central, fundamental marketing approach, a true context from
which all efforts branch. I have very little understanding of what Jay is really
teaching. We need to know the life-time value of each customer.
623. We don’t have any sequential marketing program We don’t have a program to
follow up with prospects – it is done on an ad hoc basis
624. We don’t really do anything to market at all. I have no idea how we have managed
to stay in business for 15 years and be around the $2 million mark all of those

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Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
years. There is so much we could be doing and it isn’t all that hard. I can do this.
625. We don’t understand how to market. We need a company vision and company
626. We have 100% room for improvement
627. we have a lot more work to do. Our marketing strategy needs refinement. I need
help prioritizing our marketing efforts. There are so many choices of tactics --
difficult to know what to do. Test them in small projects and see what works best?
628. We have a lot of work to do! I need to have someone to delegate the marketing to.
I need to focus on growing the business instead of being stuck working in the
629. We have a lot of work to do We don’t have a good plan to succeed We have to
learn more so we’ll survive
630. We have a number of areas where our tactical follow up has been weak2. We
need to make a greater effort to maintain contact with customers and potential
customers3. We should re-work our referral network.
631. We have a very long way to go!
632. We have absolutely no marketing plan. We have no follow-up sales program. If we
don’t change the way we do business we will never grow.
633. We have done no advertising, and, based on the value of each sale ($15,000
minimum, $30,000 mean), we should test something here. Consider application of
marketing techniques to personnel recruitment. Implement sales and marketing
reporting to more clearly correlate efforts to results, increasing focus on consistent
sales efforts.N:\Sales\2003\J Abraham\strategicquestionnaire.rtf
634. We have no organized marketing plan but neither do any of our competitors, our
marketing is all reactive at best, a good marketing plan will help us get business,
something I did not truly believe in the past.
635. We have to be consistent. We have to consider all options. We need to
have a strategic plan
636. We need a step by step concise plan of action in an abc format that enhances a
strategy that will grow our business in revenue and customer satisfaction. Follow up
sales program in place with a database understanding of what to market to who A
reminder To ask more questions of my customers, employees, those who didn’t buy
from me and myself on how I can make the whole relationship better.
637. We need to be more confident in our product. We need salespeople selling on
commission. We need good sales material, we need to be better salespeople and
be able to convert people to using even part of our program. Don’t try to sell the
whole program.. Sell it in modules.
638. We need to be more proactive to market to non-buying customers We need to have
more of an overall strategy in place for all our marketing efforts We need to do a
better job of categorizing our customers and doing category specific marketing. We
also need to better categorize where they are coming to us from
639. We need to get a control system in because if we don’t it is not possible to test what
is working or not. We are not doing nearly enough I need to overcome some of the
internal issues to introduce more marketing strategies and tactics into the company.
640. We need to have a strategy for our marketing, know our USP and life time value of
a customer.
641. We need to proceed with efforts to automate our activities to make them

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1558

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
consistently continuous. Thereby, we will have some safeguards against what
happened for me in this last year. We need to implement our seminars on the net
and also in person. We need to implement our materials on the net and use them to
capture niches, establish and strength alliances, build economical advertising,
rapidly deploy information related to current events and instant sales opportunities
in new markets. I can thereby help a lot more people than by continuing my medical
practice and thereby create multiple streams of income.
642. We need to realign our marketing expenditure to match our strategy more closely.
643. We need to work on a consistent, result oriented, comprehensive marketing plan.
We need to seek some sort of expert help in preparing our marketing plan as our
expertise and knowledge is not very polished. We as a company wants to grow but
there is no plan in place and we are sort of hoping to grow and expecting a sign or
miracle. We are spending most of our time and effort on day to day business and
have not spend enough time in implementing any grow strategy. Syed
AzamOctadyne SystemsAutoJini.com515-232-2024310 Main StreetSuite 201Ames,
IA 50010
644. We realize how badly we are doing and exactly why. We need a silver bullet.
645. We stil have long way to go, but moving in the right We get spending more and
more often We have nothing to fear from our competition
646. We still have lots to do There are incredible opportunities. We have the best
marketing reference material in the world.
647. We very much need a more specific marketing plan as our current one is a bit of a
scattergun approach. We need to spend a greater amount of money sourcing new
648. We’re not looking deep enough into our own marketing efforts. Our plan to succeed
is based on market reaction instead of planning where we want to be or go. We
lack a comprehensive approach and plan for our efforts to succeed
649. Well, it has helped me crystallize what I had already determined to be the
appropriate directions for ATI. As a consequence, the strategies and their links to
each other are now more clearly defined, easier to focus upon and implement.
Hasn’t helped the cash flow situation just yet, however… Some prospects’
decision-making processes rival the gestation period of an elephant.
650. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can The biggest thing is that there are so many things that I
have no idea about. We have been very fortunate to date and as a result we
haven’t made marketing a very big priority when in fact now is exactly when we
should be developing a marketing plan and to begin taking action on it. This was
very much an eye opener for me. For many of the questions I had no idea how to
answer them. We have a great deal of work to get started on
651. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can1. The more specific you can be about where your
company has been, is now, and where you intend to take it, the better off you’ll be.
652. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can We are tactically based as we are so busy doing we have
little time to plan. Thinking about ideas related to marketing has created a new idea
we will be using I spend too long doing things that may or may not have any direct
benefit! As a little aside, I have read the 33 pages before this questionnaire. Other
than another long sales pitch I do not think I benefited in any way. I find that
“modern” Jay sales letter rarely give any useful information (and therefore I rarely
read them through). They simply promise “7 ways to XXX”, Why not list 2, if they

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1559

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
are great ideas the reader would be more likely to buy. It would be easy to provide
some really useful information in the mailing which would encourage more
recipients to actually read it (preferably lots of small gems through out to ensure
they read it all). Simply offering clear benefits, with a specific guarantee, is not
enough for people who do not think at the outset that they are likely to attend/buy.
You therefore lose your change to influence them.
653. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can I REALISE I AM VERY WEAK IN STRATEGY
654. What are your top three insights you received from completing this questionnaire.
Be as specific as you can 1) I’m pissed off that I have worked as hard as I have and
not managed to produce any better results. 2) I need to figure out how to
accomplish an awful lot starting with very little; 3) I am so frustrated with my results
so far that I’m willing to burn an hour or 2 filling out questionnaires just to dodge
work that may, but probably won’t, make any real difference.
656. Whew. 1) I need to get much clearer about the final RESULT I’m going after2) My
mindset is in the right place I just need to institute it3) I need to systematize the
basic admin functions and get those handled so I can work on creating systems for
marketing and training someone to take that function on
657. while we get good revenue and believe we can grow, we are leaving tons on the
table, even though referrals are a wonderful approach.
658. Without marketing substantial growth is unlikely; marketing strategies and plans
need to be implemented; trained people employed to support any implementation;
success of marketing should be visible in short term as it is an expensive tool and
needs to be done right or, as this questionnaire shows, hardly done at all.
659. Wording questions effectively is critical Always proof a document for grammar,
spelling and repetitive questions. As I suspected, I’ve not done well in applying
Jay’s principles.
660. Wow!! I really see the need to go back, study my Abraham programs, develop a
strategic plan, and implement it consistently. I need to measure everything. I need
to commit to much stronger marketing effort.
661. You are definitely trying to push your marketing strategy information. There are
more than 89 questions. Our company needs to make a more diligent effort in
developing a business and marketing strategy in order to grow the business.
662. you are resourceful. Many unexpected questions- so many factors to try for
successful marketing realized that my own marketing strategy, if any, is very weak
663. You guys are way out of my league.
664. You need rewrite
665. You’re cutting the issue from several different angles on the same few questions
like a physc test – so you don’t expect your audience to have gotten the message
about marketing yet. Hence your standard audience isn’t defined as being smart
about business, the average is set quite low. You think your audience doesn’t
consider all angles of an issue before taking action, that they are not good at
planning and envisioning results or futures. Most of your clients seem to be working

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results Page 1560

Question 89. What Are Your Top Three Insights You Received
From Completing This Questionnaire.
for someone else when I would have expected them to be capable SMEs.As for
insights to my own business, from the structure and repetition of the questions I
think I’m doing alright, I’ve already considered the points and am taking considered
actions. I rely on my own capabilities and intelligences and take hints and ideas
from others and make them into my own. I found that this survey reinforced my
belief that I can do it all because I’m already on the road and enjoying the journey. I
don’t have a business I have to fix, I have a business that is growing nicely and I’m
managing the growth sensibly and well. I may not know all the technical business
terminology but I knew that anyway. I’ve also worked with people who know all the
jargon and don’t have any flare for business, no creativity in them at all. I don’t want
a business that creates me a million dollars in 2 years and then falls over, I want a
business that will keep on being there and generate millions over many years, one
that is well structured and defined, adds to its community and has good people
involved. A lovely little niche business that is profitable, has good margins and
excellent sale value. Now, if I could only see the path more clearly after the next 2
years I would be happy.

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