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Vicerrectora Acadmica Cuaderno de Apuntes 2011

NOMBRE DEL MDULO: UNIDAD DE COMPETENCIA: INGLS I Al finalizar el mdulo los participantes sern capaces de: Interactuar verbalmente en un nivel elemental del idioma ingls, tanto en forma oral como escrita, produciendo mensajes simples referidos al presente simple y continuo, demostrando capacidad para comprender y utilizar expresiones familiares y frases bsicas. 72 horas pedaggicas



REA DE FORMACIN: UBICACIN EN LA MALLA: PRERREQUISITO: bsica comn depende de la carrera no tiene


1 UNIDAD: Introduccin a la Lengua Inglesa DURACIN: 72 horas pedaggicas Aprendizajes Esperados: 1. Identifican y entregan informacin personal bsica, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple, reproduciendo los distintos sonidos del idioma ingls necesarios para ello. 2. Sealan y solicitan informacin con respecto a la ubicacin fsica de diversos objetos y expresan pertenencia de ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 3. Solicitan y entregan informacin personal bsica como el pas de origen, nacionalidad, lengua materna y edad, as como descripciones fsicas y sicolgicas propias y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 4. Nombran y describen prendas de vestir y formulan preguntas sobre ellas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple y presente continuo. 5. Describen el clima y las estaciones del ao en Chile y el mundo, aplicando los tiempos verbales presente simple y presente continuo. 6. Preguntan e indican la hora utilizando diversas expresiones de tiempo, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple 7. Describen actividades que se estn desarrollando en el momento y formulan preguntas acerca de ellas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente continuo 8. Identifican y describen medios de transporte y lugares existentes en una ciudad, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 9. Describen rutinas diarias desarrolladas a nivel familiar, social o laboral, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 10. Describen casas y departamentos, con sus diferentes habitaciones, lugares y mobiliario, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 11. Describen diversas profesiones y oficios existentes en el pas y en el extranjero y dan opiniones acerca de ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.


Iniciar el proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje a partir de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes. Esto implica un diagnstico. Centrar la docencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, ms que en la enseanza. El estudiante debe ser activo. Situar y vincular permanentemente los aprendizajes, contenidos y actividades con el contexto social y laboral de los estudiantes y la carrera que estudian.
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Vicerrectora Acadmica Cuaderno de Apuntes 2011

Presentacin centrada en el estudiante por parte del profesor de los diferentes contenidos temticos, funcionales y gramaticales. Los estudiantes desarrollan diferentes ejercicios de prctica tanto orales como escritos. Actividades de comprensin de lectura (actividades de pre-reading, while reading, y post-reading, aplicacin de vocabulario extrado del texto en contextos significativos, reforzamiento de ideas centrales del texto a travs de actividades guiadas por el profesor, centradas en el alumno). Actividades de comprensin auditiva (actividades de pre-listening, while listening, y post-listening). Consolidacin de conocimientos a travs de diversos ejercicios guiados por el profesor, con el objetivo de esclarecer y reforzar contenidos.

Las evaluaciones que se aplican en este mdulo son del tipo ENAT (Evaluacin Nacional de Aprendizajes Transversales). Se aplican tres pruebas escritas y adems se evala un trabajo final de carcter grupal, que se desarrolla en forma oral: 1. 2. 3. 4. Primera ENAT: First Quiz (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) Segunda ENAT: Mid-term Exam (prueba escrita, coeficiente 2) Tercera ENAT: Reading Comprehension Test (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) Trabajo Final: Sing Along Activity (trabajo oral grupal, coeficiente 1)

Adems cada docente puede aplicar controles, solicitar trabajos en grupos u otras actividades con nota. De estos trabajos se obtiene una nota promedio, que corresponde a la nota 6 del mdulo. Con las seis (6) notas del semestre se obtiene la nota de presentacin a examen. Si esta nota es igual o mayor a 5,5 el estudiante se exime del examen final. El examen final consta de dos partes: una escrita y una oral. La parte escrita del examen final tiene una ponderacin de 60% de la nota de examen. La parte oral del examen final tiene una ponderacin de 40% de la nota de examen.

Richards, Jack : Interchange, Third Edition. Intro Students Book with Self-study Audio CD. Cambridge University Press. Murphy, Raymond : Essential Grammar in Use, Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. Diccionarios Ingls Espaol : Oxford, Collins Cobuild, Cambridge

Material complementario obligatorio: Cuaderno de Apuntes, Ingls I. AIEP.

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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 1. Identifican y entregan informacin personal bsica, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple, reproduciendo los distintos sonidos del idioma ingls necesarios para ello. CONTENIDOS - Alfabeto ingls - Frmulas de saludo y despedida - Nombres y ttulos personales - Uso de adjetivos posesivos my / his / her / your - Nmeros del uno al diez y nmeros telefnicos - Presente simple del verbo Be

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 1.1. Deletrea nombres y apellidos propios y de terceros. 1.2. Reconoce auditivamente nombres y apellidos deletreados. 1.3. Saluda y se despide, tanto de manera formal como informal. 1.4. Indica nmeros cardinales del 1 al 10. 1.5. Indica nombre, apellido, nmero telefnico y ttulos.


How do you spell your first name? How do you spell your last name?

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Hi! Informal way to say hello. TITLES Miss Torres Mrs. Diaz Ms. Rivera Mr. Carter A single woman A married woman A single or married woman A single or married man

(A title is always used with a last name.) Examples: Good morning, Miss Abarca. Good evening, Mr. Donoso. Hi, Pam! When you meet a person for the first time, you usually say: Its nice to meet you.


Hi. My name is James Thomson. Im Nicole Parker. Its nice to meet you, Nicole. Nice to meet you, too. Im sorry. Whats your last name again? Its Parker.

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MY / YOUR / HIS / HER This is my bike!

This is his bike.

This is her bike.

Is this your bike?

my his

I am Patricia. = My name is Patricia. You are Chris. = Your name is Chris. He is David. = His name is David. She is Susan. = Her name is Susan.

You your He She her

We use my / your / his / her + a noun: my name his last name your phone number her first name

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EXERCISES I. 1. 2. 3. 4. Listen to the teacher and check ( ) the correct answer.

My first name is: K-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E K-A-T-H-R-Y-N C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E His last name is: J-E-F-F-E-R-S-O-N J-E-F-E-R-S-O-N J-E-F-E-R-S-S-O-N Her first name is: S-A-R-A S-A-R-A-H Z-A-R-A My last name is: O-R-M-A-Z-A-B-A-L O-R-M-A-S-A-B-A-L H-O-R-M-A-Z-A-B-A-L

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Complete these sentences using my / your / his / her.

Hes Alex, my classmate. __________ last name is Gonzalez. Shes Mrs. Martinez, my English teacher. __________ first name is Doris. Mary and I are in the same class. She is __________ classmate. Mr. Garcia is my new teacher. __________ first name is Robert. Shes Lisa, a friend from school. __________ last name is Jones.
A: Hi. Im Bob. Whats __________ name? B: __________ name is Alice. A: Daniel, whats __________ phone number? B: Its 550 4078.

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Im = I am Youre = You are Hes = He is Shes = She is Its = It is Were= We are Theyre= They are

Theyre my friends

B. QUESTIONS Are you Andy Morgan? Yes, I am. How are you? Im fine, thanks. No, Im not.

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EXERCISES I. 1. Complete these conversations using am, is, or are. Then, practice with a partner.
MARK: Hi, Carol. How ________ you today? CAROL: I ________ just fine, thank you.


AMY: Hi. I ________ Amy Jones. I ________ in this class. JOSH: Hi, Amy. It ________ nice to meet you.


BOB: What _________ her name? ALEX: It __________ Rose. She _______ in my math class.


SAM: _________ you Carol Brown? CAROL: Yes, I _______. SAM: Hi. I ________ Sam Miller. How _______ you today?


CHRIS: What _______ your name? LILY: I _______ Lily Diaz. CHRIS: It ________ nice to meet you, Lily.


JOHN: Excuse me. ________ you Jennifer Robinson? ALICE: No, I ________ not. Jennifer _________ over there.


Choose the correct alternative.

1. Hi. ___________ name is Brian. ____________ in your English class. (Im / My) (Im / My) 2. __________ Pedro. __________ last name is Reyes. (Hes / His) (Hes / His) 3. __________ name is Rosie. __________ my classmate. (Shes / Her) (Shes / Her) 4. __________ name is Paul Brown. __________ your new teacher. (Im / My) (Im / My)

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ANNE: Hi. My name is Anne Wilson. BRIAN: Im Brian Harris. ANNE: Its nice to meet you, Brian. BRIAN: Nice to meet you, too.


LISA: Karen, this is Peter. Hes in our class. KAREN: Hi, Peter. PETER: Hi, Karen. Its nice to meet you. KAREN: Nice to meet you, too.

DANIEL: Joe, this is Ruth. Shes our new classmate. JOE: Hello, Ruth. RUTH: Hi, Joe.

Its nice to meet you.

JOE: Nice to meet you, too.

NUMBERS 0 1 2 3 zero one two three / oh / 4 5 6 7 four five six seven 8 9 10 eight nine ten

Name: Pamela Gomez Phone number: 586 0791 Cell phone number: 09 332 4586

Name: David Robinson Phone number: 370 4184 Cell phone number: 08 946 821

Whats her phone number? Whats her cell phone number?

Whats his phone number? Whats his cell phone number?

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GROUP WORK: Ask your classmates for their phone numbers. Then make a list with the information. A: Whats your name? B: Its Helen Jackson. A: And whats your phone number? B: Its 233-4184. Name His/Her phone number is...

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ SAYING GOOD-BYE When you leave someone, you usually say Good-bye, See you soon, See you later, See you tomorrow, etc. When someone goes to bed, you usually say Good night. You can also say Sleep well. Dont say Good night when you arrive somewhere, only when you leave (at night). Examples:
ALEX: Good-bye, Nancy. See you next week. NANCY: Bye. Have a nice weekend. MR. MILLER: Good night, Ms. Perez. MS. PEREZ: Bye-bye. See you tomorrow. ETHAN: Bye, Emily. Have a nice evening. EMILY: Thanks, Ethan. You, too.

EXERCISES I. Create a conversation with a partner. Use expressions for saying hello, introducing yourself and others, and saying good-bye. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
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CLASES 4, 5 Y 6
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 2. Sealan y solicitan informacin con respecto a la ubicacin fsica de diversos objetos y expresan pertenencia de ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Objetos de una sala de clases - Uso de artculo indefinido a / an y artculo definido The - Uso de this / these y pronombres personales - Presente simple del verbo Be - Uso de preposiciones de lugar para entregar ubicacin fsica de objetos: in / in front of / behind / on / next to / under

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 2.1. Reconoce y nombra objetos de una sala de clases. 2.2. Formula preguntas acerca de objetos en una sala de clases, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 2.3. Formula preguntas sobre la ubicacin de diversos objetos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 2.4. Indica la ubicacin espacial de diversos objetos utilizando las preposiciones de lugar apropiadas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 2.5. Indica pertenencia o posesin de diversos objetos utilizando los adjetivos posesivos apropiados, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

A / AN = ONE The article A goes before consonant sound This is a wastebasket. Its a watch. Is this a dictionary? This is a book. The article AN goes before vowel sound (a/e/i/o/u) Its an umbrella. A cat is an animal. Is this an encyclopedia? This is an English dictionary.

Note that we say: an hour (h is not pronounced) But we say: a university, a European country ( these words sound like /yuniversity/, /yuropean/) EXERCISES I. A or an? 10. _____ Indian restaurant. 11. _____ accident. 12. _____ bad accident. 13. _____ question. 14. _____ important question. 15. _____ hamburger. 16. _____ hour. 17. _____ economic problem. 18. _____ nice evening.

1._____ book. 2._____ old book. 3._____ window. 4._____ horse. 5._____ airport. 6._____ university. 7._____ organization. 8._____ restaurant. 9._____ Chinese restaurant.

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What are these things? Use the words in the box to answer the questions, as in the example. bird flower tool fruit sport musical instrument vegetable river planet


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

a duck? the Nile? a rabbit? soccer? a rose? a hammer? a carrot? Mars? a violin?

It __is a bird.___________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________ It ____________________

10. an apple?

THIS / THESE THIS (SINGULAR) This book This hairbrush This key This purse This camera This wallet This flower Etc. THESE (PLURAL) These books These hairbrushes These keys These purses These cameras These wallets These flowers Etc.

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Whats this? Complete the sentences. Then, practice with a partner.

1. 2. 3. 4. II.

Its a _________________________ Its __________________________ It ___________________________ _____________________________ What are these? Complete the sentences. Then, practice with a partner.

1. 2. 3. 4.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

YES/NO QUESTIONS WITH BE Is this your cell phone?

Yes, it is.

No, its not.

Its not = it isnt

Are these your sunglasses? Theyre not = they arent Yes, they are. No, theyre not.

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EXERCISES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete these conversations. Then, practice with a partner.

A: ________ this your CD player? B: Yes, ___________. A: ________ these your pens? B: No, ____________. A: ________ this your umbrella? B: No, ____________. A: ________ these your keys? B: Yes, ___________.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Match the questions in A with the appropriate answer in B. B ______ Yes, they are. Thanks! ______ No, its not. My purse is here. ______ No, theyre not. I think theyre your books. ______ No, its not a pen drive. Its an MP3 player. ______ Yes, its my new laptop computer.

A Is this a pen drive? Are these your earrings? Is this your laptop computer? Are these your books? Is this your purse?


on in next to behind in front of under

EXERCISES I. Where is the ball?





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Write a sentence for each picture. Use prepositions from the box. behind in in front of next to on under

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

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WHERE ARE THESE THINGS? Look at the picture. Write a question and an answer for the objects in the box, as in the example. books briefcase cell phone keys purse umbrella

1. Where is the briefcase? The briefcase is on the floor, under the desk.____________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________

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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 3. Solicitan y entregan informacin personal bsica como el pas de origen, nacionalidad, lengua materna y edad, as como descripciones fsicas y sicolgicas propias y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Ciudades, pases, nacionalidades e idiomas - Presente simple del verbo Be - Nmeros hasta el 100 / Edades - Uso de adjetivos para describir fsica y sicolgicamente a diferentes personas: tall / short, thin / a little heavy, quiet / talkative, shy / friendly, entre otros

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 3.1. Indica nacionalidad, pas de origen, lengua materna y edad propios y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 3.2. Indica nmeros cardinales del 11 al 100. 3.3. Describe caractersticas fsicas y sicolgicas de diferentes personas, utilizando adjetivos calificativos apropiados y aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 3.4. Formula preguntas sobre la apariencia fsica y sicolgica, as como sobre la nacionalidad, pas de origen y lengua materna de terceros y propios, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 3.5. Produce dilogos cortos para presentarse, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

NATIONALITIES AND COUNTRIES COUNTRY Argentina Australia Austria Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba The Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England France Germany Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Malaysia NATIONALITY Argentine Australian Austrian Bolivian Brazilian Canadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Costa Rican Cuban Dominican Ecuadorian Egyptian El Salvadoran English French German Greek Guatemalan Haitian Honduran Indian Indonesian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Malaysian COUNTRY Mexico Morocco The Netherlands Nicaragua Nigeria Panama Paraguay Peru The Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey The United Kingdom (the U.K) The United States (the U.S.) Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam NATIONALITY Mexican Moroccan Dutch Nicaraguan Nigerian Panamanian Paraguayan Peruvian Filipino Polish Portuguese Puerto Rican Russian Saudi Singaporean Somali South African South Korean Spanish Sudanese Swedish Swiss Thai Turkish British American Uruguayan Venezuelan Vietnamese

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YES/NO QUESTIONS WITH BE Are you from (country)? Is he (nationality)?

Yes, I am. Examples:

A: Are you from Spain?

No, Im not.

Yes, he is.

No, hes not.

A: Is the teacher Canadian? B: No, hes not. Hes American. A: Are you Brazilian? B: Yes, I am.

B: No, Im not. Im from Ecuador. A: Is Camille from France? B: Yes, she is.

AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE STATEMENTS WITH BE AFFIRMATIVE Im Chilean. Youre from Peru. Nathan is from Canada. My first language is Spanish. My family and I are Chilean. Vicente and Maria are from Mexico. NEGATIVE Im not Bolivian. Youre not from Cuba. Hes not from the USA. Its not English. Were not Peruvian. Theyre not from Venezuela.

EXERCISES I. Where are these people from?





1. 2. 3. 4.

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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Match the questions with the answers:

1. Are you and your family from Chile? 2. Is your first language English? 3. Are you Indian? 4. Is your mother from the United States? 5. Is your father Italian? III.

____ No, Im not. Im Chilean. ____ Yes, we are. We are from Puerto Montt. ____ No, hes not. Hes Portuguese. ____ No, its not. Its Spanish. ____ Yes, she is. Shes from Texas

Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Then, practice with a partner.

1. Is he from England? __________________________________

2. Is she from Argentina? __________________________________

3. Is she from Japan? __________________________________

4. Are they from the United States? __________________________________

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NUMBERS AND AGES 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 102 one hundred and two

EXERCISES I. 1. 2. 3. 4. GROUP WORK: How old are these famous people? Write down your guesses and then compare.

Robert Pattinson Penlope Cruz Toms Gonzlez Kak

Example: A: How old is Robert Pattinson? B: I think he is twenty-six (years old). C: I think he is thirty.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Write appropriate questions for these answers. Then, practice with a partner.

A: ________________________________________________? B: My name is James. A: ________________________________________________? B: She is from the United States. A: ________________________________________________? B: We are fine, thanks. A: ________________________________________________? B: They are my friends, Charles and Mary. A: ________________________________________________? B: My brother Luke is very nice. A: ________________________________________________? B: He is twenty-five years old.

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EXERCISES I. Describe these two people. What are they like?

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

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What are these people like? Look at the pictures and write sentences using the words from the box. funny a little heavy pretty short smart thin friendly good-looking nice serious shy tall

1. George. 2. Evelyn. 3. Matthew. 4. Rose.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Choose the correct responses.

1. A: Where are they from? B: ____________________________ They are nice. They are from Chile. 2. A: What are they like? B: _____________________________ Theyre very nice. They are in New York. 3. A: How are you today? B: _____________________________ Thank you. Im fine. 4. A: Whos that? B: _____________________________ Hes the new math teacher. Its my new cell phone. 5. A: Where are Thiago and his family? B: _____________________________ Theyre in the US now. They are from Sao Paulo. 6. A: Whats he like? B: _____________________________ Hes from Peru. Hes very smart. 7. A: Who are they? B: _____________________________ Shes from Korea, and hes from Japan. Shes Chun Hei, and hes Akira. 8. A: How old is he? B: _____________________________ Hes just fine. Hes twenty-eight.
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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO Del 1.1 al 3.5 Del 1 al 3 CONTENIDOS - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 3 (Repaso para la Primera ENAT)


EXERCISES I. 1. Circle the correct alternative. 4. A: Where are the keys? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) 5. Its on the table. Its next to the bag. Theyre in the bag. Theyre my keys.

A: Whats your first name? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) Its Daniel. Im fine, thanks. Its Rodriguez. Its R-O-D-R-I-G-U-E-Z.


A: How do you spell your last name? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) Its Ricardo. Im Ricardo. Its D-I-A-Z. Its Diaz.

A: Where is Kenji from? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) Hes from Japan. Hes in Japan. His first language is Japanese. Hes fine.


A: Whats this? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) Its a eraser. Theyre earrings. Its a earring. Its an eraser.


A: What is Jessica like? B: ___________________ a) b) c) d) Shes twenty years old. Shes very shy. Shes from Canada. Shes in Toronto.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Answer these questions. Give complete answers. Then, practice with a partner.

How are you today? Where are your parents from? How old are you? What is your best friend like?

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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III. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Create appropriate questions for these answers. Then, practice with a partner.

A: ___________________________________________________________? B: Its F-R-A-N-C-I-S-C-O. A: ___________________________________________________________? B: Its 555-5998. A: ___________________________________________________________? B: Its my English book. A: ___________________________________________________________? B: The wallet is under the briefcase.

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO Del 1.1 al 4.4 Del 1 al 4 CONTENIDOS - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 4 (FIRST QUIZ: PRIMERA ENAT. COEFICIENTE UNO.)


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CLASES 11 Y 12
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 4. Nombran y describen prendas de vestir y formulan preguntas sobre ellas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple y presente continuo. CONTENIDOS - Prendas de vestir masculinas y femeninas, para situaciones formales e informales - Colores - Uso de adjetivos y pronombres posesivos y del posesivo con s - Presente simple del verbo Be - Tiempo verbal Presente Continuo

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 4.1. Reconoce y nombra prendas de vestir femeninas y masculinas, que se utilizan en situaciones formales e informales. 4.2. Formula preguntas sobre prendas de vestir, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 4.3. Describe el color de las prendas de diversas prendas de vestir, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 4.4. Expresa pertenencia de objetos y prendas de vestir, utilizando adjetivos y pronombres posesivos apropiados, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 4.5. Menciona y describe las prendas de vestir que est utilizando en el momento, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente continuo.

EXERCISES I. Do the crossword puzzle.

1 10


13 12 9 2 15



4 5 6 7 14


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DOWN 1. 2. 4.









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Divide the elements in Item I into two categories: clothes for work and clothes for leisure. Add more elements to each category. CLOTHES FOR WORK CLOTHES FOR LEISURE


EXERCISES I. Match colors and items that are typical of that color. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Red Yellow Blue Green Orange White Pink Black Gray _____ Pig _____ chocolate _____ Coal _____ Tomato _____ Tree _____ Cloud _____ Mouse _____ Sky _____ Carrot _____ Banana B

10. Brown

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Whats your favorite color? _______________________________________________________________________________


I my You your He his She her We our They their

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Examples: - I am wearing my shoes. - You are wearing your sneakers. - Hes wearing his tie. - Shes wearing her dress. - Were wearing our boots. - They are wearing their hats. B. POSSESSIVE S

Yaninas raincoat is purple. (Her raincoat is purple) EXERCISES I.

Peters pants are black. (His pants are black)

GROUP WORK: Find things in your classroom with these colors. Write sentences as in the example. black gray green orange pink purple red white yellow brown

light blue dark blue

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

My desk is brown____________________________________________. Claudias bag is purple________________________________________. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
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II. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Answer these questions. Then, practice with a partner.

What color are your pants? What color are your teachers shoes? What color is your classroom? What color is your bag?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ADJECTIVE + NOUN When we describe things such as clothes, we use adjectives (black, blue, red, etc.). These adjectives are used in two different ways: after the verb Be, or before a noun. Examples: My pants are blue. Her skirt is purple. His shirt is white. Your hat is brown. Im wearing blue pants. Shes wearing a purple skirt. Hes wearing a white shirt. Youre wearing a brown hat.

FINDING THE OWNER OF OBJECTS. Ex: A: Whose sweater is this? B: Its hers. Its Paolas. A: Whose sneakers are these? B: They are mine. Theyre my sneakers

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POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Possessive adjectives are used with an object. What color is Karinas skirt? Her skirt is purple My jeans are light blue Your gloves are on the chair His tie is green Her skirt is pretty Our clothes are in the bag Their shoes are under the bed

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Possessive pronouns are not used with an object Whose socks are these? They are Pablos and Daniels. Theyre theirs. or these socks are theirs. Theyre mine. Theyre yours. Its his. Its hers. Theyre ours. Theyre theirs.


EXERCISES I. 1. Complete these conversations with the correct alternative. Then, practice with a partner.

A: Whose pants are these? Are they ______________ (your / yours)? B: No, theyre not ______________ (my / mine). I think theyre Camilas. A: Youre right. Theyre _______________ (her / hers) pants. A: Where are ________________ (my / mine) boots? B: Are these ________________ (your / yours) boots? A: No, those boots are black and _________________ (my / mine) are brown. A: Whose T-shirts are these? Are they________________ (our / ours)? B: Let me see. No, they are not _________________ (our / ours) T-shirts. Theyre Alvaros and Felipes. A: And I think these caps are __________________ (their / theirs) too!



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CLASES 12 Y 13
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 5. Describen el clima y las estaciones del ao en Chile y el mundo, aplicando los tiempos verbales presente simple y presente continuo. CONTENIDOS - Estaciones del ao - Uso de adjetivos que describen el clima: warm / sunny / hot / humid / cool / cloudy / windy / cold - Presente simple del verbo Be - Tiempo verbal Presente Continuo - Uso de conjunciones and y but

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 5.1. Nombra y describe las estaciones del ao, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 5.2. Describe el clima en diferentes pases y/o regiones de Chile y el mundo, utilizando los adjetivos calificados apropiados, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple y presente continuo. 5.3. Elabora preguntas sobre el clima, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 5.4. Describe las prendas de vestir que se utilizan en las distintas estaciones del ao, aplicando los tiempos verbales presente simple y presente continuo.




Whats your favorite season? What season is it now?

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EXERCISES I. Whats the weather like in these pictures? Write sentences using the words from the box.


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

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II. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Are these sentences true or false about the weather in your city? If the sentences are not true, correct the information. _____ It is really cold today. ____________________________________________________________________ _____ It is 31C in the summer and 2C in the winter. ____________________________________________________________________ _____ It is windy in the spring. ____________________________________________________________________ _____ It is very hot in the fall. ____________________________________________________________________


Im not Youre not = you arent Hes not = he isnt Shes not = she isnt Its not = it isnt Were not = we arent Theyre not = they arent



Susan is wearing boots. Shes not wearing sneakers. What are you wearing?

Paul is wearing a T-shirt. Hes not wearing a jacket.

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

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CONJUNCTIONS: AND / BUT AND is used to connect two ideas of the same type or importance. Example: James is wearing a Tshirt, shorts and sneakers. BUT is used to connect two ideas showing contrast or difference. Example: Its sunny but its very cold.

EXERCISES I. 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete these sentences, using and or but. Then, practice with a partner.

Its very cold today; its cloudy _______ its snowing. Marco is wearing a black suit. Hes wearing a white shirt _______ hes not wearing a tie. Its a sunny day. Norman is wearing a T-shirt _______ a cap, _______ hes not wearing sunglasses. The weather is cool today. Its raining. Lisa is wearing a sweater _______ boots, _______shes not wearing an umbrella. II. Look at the picture and answer TRUE or FALSE. If the sentence is false, give the correct information.








1.______ Roy is wearing a jacket __________________________________________________ 2. ______ Mark is wearing sunglasses. __________________________________________________ 3. ______ Josh is wearing a sweater. __________________________________________________ 4. ______ Ursula is wearing sandals. __________________________________________________

5. ______ Josh and Mark are wearing shorts. __________________________________________________ 6. ______ Mia is wearing jeans. __________________________________________________ 7. ______ Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. __________________________________________________ 8. ______ Emma is wearing a dress. __________________________________________________

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III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Imagine these situations and answer the questions. Give complete descriptions.

Its warm and sunny. You are at the beach. What are you wearing? Its a very cool day. You are in classes. What are you wearing? Oscar is wearing a raincoat, boots and an umbrella. Whats the weather like? Mike and Alex are playing basketball with their friends. What are they wearing? Sylvia is wearing jeans, boots, a sweater, a coat, a hat and gloves. Whats the weather like? Its hot and dry. You are in an important ceremony. What are you wearing?

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 6. Preguntan e indican la hora utilizando diversas expresiones de tiempo, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Horas y partes del da - Uso de expresiones de tiempo: in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night, entre otras - Presente simple del verbo Be

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 6.1. Identifica las partes del da. 6.2. Utiliza diversas expresiones de tiempo. 6.3. Identifica e indica las horas del da, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 6.4. Formula preguntas sobre la hora, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

ASKING FOR AND TELLING TIME What time is it? It's one oclock. It's a quarter after one. It's a quarter to two. 01:00 It's ten after one. It's one-thirty. Its five to two. 01:10





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Prepositions for telling time To After

Time expressions* in the morning = 1:00 A.M. until noon in the afternoon = noon until around 5:00 P.M. in the evening = 5:00 P.M. until around 9:00 P.M. at night = from 7:00 P.M. until just before 1:00 A.M. noon = 12:00 P.M. midnight = 12:00 A.M. * These time expressions are approximate. EXERCISES I. Look at the clocks. What time is it? Give complete answers, using time expressions. Then, practice with a partner.

11:00 A.M.
1. ____________________________________________

05:10 P.M.
2. ___________________________________________

06:30 P.M.
3. ____________________________________________

10:15 A.M.
4. ___________________________________________

12:00 A.M.
5. _____________________________________________

09:50 P.M.

6. ___________________________________________

01:05 P.M.
7. _____________________________________________

07:45 A.M.
8. ___________________________________________

10:20 A.M.
9. _____________________________________________

08:25 P.M.
10. __________________________________________

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CLASES 15 Y 16
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 7. Describen actividades que se estn desarrollando en el momento y formulan preguntas acerca de ellas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente continuo. CONTENIDOS - Actividades que se realizan a diario - Tiempo verbal Presente Continuo - Uso de la conjuncin so

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 7.1. Identifica diferentes actividades que se estn realizando en el momento. 7.2. Formula preguntas sobre actividades que se estn realizando en el momento, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente continuo. 7.3. Describe actividades que se estn realizando en el momento, utilizando el tiempo verbal presente continuo. 7.4. Desarrolla dilogos para solicitar y entregar detalles sobre actividades que se estn desarrollando en el momento, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente continuo.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The answer for this question describes the action that is happening now. Examples: When we add ING to the verb, we need to be careful with the spelling: Work Shop Dance A: What is Joe doing? B: He is swimming in the river. working shopping dancing

A: What are Anne and Max doing? B: They are studying for a test.

A: What is Alice doing? B: She is reading an interesting book.

What are you doing?

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EXERCISES I. Look at the pictures. What are these people doing? Give complete information. Then, practice with a partner.













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II. 1.

Imagine these situations and answer the questions. Give complete answers.

Rose is at the supermarket. Its eleven in the morning. What is she doing?

____________________________________________________________ 2. Peter and his friends are in a disco. Its midnight. What are they doing?

____________________________________________________________ 3. Simon is at the school library. He has a difficult test tomorrow. What is he doing?

____________________________________________________________ 4. Mr. Miller is in his office. Its 8:30 in the morning. Whats he doing?


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III. 1.

Create answers for these questions, using the information in parentheses. Then, practice with a partner.

A: What are you and your sister doing? B: Were watching TV_______________________________________. (watch TV)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A: Whats Simon doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (have lunch) A: What are Gina and Gabriel doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (study English) A: Whats Kevin doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (swim) A: Whats Abby doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (ride a bike) A: What are Ingrid and Mike doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (play tennis) A: Whats Justin doing? B: ______________________________________________________ (shop at the supermarket)

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO Del 1.1 al 7.4 Del 1 al 7 CONTENIDOS - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 7 (Repaso para la Segunda ENAT) EXERCISES I. Match the questions with the answers and practice with a partner.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Whats your first name? Where are you and your classmates from? What color are Andreas socks? What color is Pedros coat? Whats Olivias telephone number? Whats Bruno and Reginas first language? What are your parents like? How old are you? Where is my pen drive?

_____ Theyre very nice and friendly _____ Its cold, but its sunny. _____ Im twenty two years old. _____ Its Christian. _____ They are not mine. I think they are Peters. _____ We are cooking dinner. _____ Theyre yellow and purple _____ Its on the desk, next to the cell phone. _____ Its midnight.

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10. How do you spell sneakers? 11. Whats the weather like today? 12. What are Kate and Adam wearing? 13. Whose sunglasses are these? 14. What time is it? 15. What are you and Gloria doing?

_____ Were from Mendoza, Argentina. _____ Its black. _____ Its 335-9007 _____ Its Portuguese. _____ Its S-N-E-A-K-E-R-S _____ Theyre wearing, sandals, jeans and a sweater.


Look at the picture and answer True or False. If the sentence is false, give the correct information.

1. _______ Mike is sleeping. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______ Mia is really tall. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______ Amanda and Andrew are watching TV. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______ Isabella is wearing sneakers. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______ Chris is a little heavy. _________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______ Albert is wearing a jacket. _________________________________________________________________________
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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO Del 1.1 al 7.4 Del 1 al 7 CONTENIDOS - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 7 (MID-TERM EXAM: SEGUNDA ENAT. COEFICIENTE DOS.)


APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 8. Identifican y describen medios de transporte y lugares existentes en una ciudad, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Medios de transporte y formas de trasladarse de un lugar a otro: drive / walk / take the bus / take the subway / ride a bike, entre otros - Principales lugares de una ciudad: downtown / suburbs / school, entre otras - Tiempo verbal Presente Simple

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 8.1. Identifica y nombra diferentes medios de transporte. 8.2. Identifica y nombra los principales lugares de una ciudad. 8.3. Describe las formas de trasladarse y los medios de transportes utilizados para llegar a los lugares de destino, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 8.4. Formula preguntas sobre medios de transportes utilizados y lugares de destino, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.




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SIMPLE PRESENT AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES I live with my parents. You walk to school. He takes the subway to work She rides her bike to college. We use public transportation. They work near here. NEGATIVE SENTENCES I dont live alone. You dont live far from school. He doesnt take the bus to work. She doesnt use public transportation. We dont need a car. They dont work far from here

SIMPLE PRESENT STATEMENTS WITH IRREGULAR VERBS I YOU WE THEY I have a car. We do a lot of work at home. They go to school by bus. HE SHE IT My car has a flat tire. My sister does her homework at school. My friend Mike goes to school by subway. EXERCISES I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct verb form. Then, practice with a partner.

My parents and I _______________ (live / lives) in the suburbs. Jessica ______________ (walk / walks) to her office every day. My parents _____________ (dont / doesnt) need a car. They _________ (use / uses) public transportation. Charles _____________ (drive / drives) to work. Emma and Jim ______________ (dont / doesnt) drive to work. They __________ (take / takes) a taxi.


Complete the sentences. Then, practice with a partner. My name is William. My family and I ________ (have / has) an apartment downtown. My parents _________ (work / works) in the country, so they __________ (take / takes) a train every day. My dad _________ (have / has) a car, but he __________ (dont / doesnt) drive on weekdays. My mom __________ (go / goes) to the supermarket in the evenings, but she ___________ (take / takes) a taxi. My sister Pam is seven years old. She _________ (go / goes) to a small school near home. She ________ (have / has) a bike, but she doesnt ride to school. I __________ (take / takes) my sister to school everyday. And then, I ________ (go / goes) to classes at college.

How do you go home alter classes? Do you use public transportation? Which one?
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CLASES 20 Y 21
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 9. Describen rutinas diarias desarrolladas a nivel familiar, social o laboral, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - La Familia - Actividades que conforman una rutina diaria: get up / have lunch / go to work / take the bus, entre otras - Tiempo verbal Presente Simple - Das de la semana - Expresiones de tiempo relacionadas a las rutinas diarias: early / late / every day / on weekends / on weekdays / on Sundays, entre otras

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 9.1. Identifica la relacin entre los miembros de una familia. 9.2. Describe quienes componen su familia, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 9.3. Nombra los das de la semana. 9.4. Describe rutinas diarias utilizando las expresiones de tiempo adecuadas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 9.5. Formula preguntas relativas a rutinas diarias, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS EXERCISES I. Write one sentence for each picture, as in the example. Then, practice with a partner.

Kate is Robs sister._________________________________________



1. ___________________________________________________________




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Complete the sentences about the Simpson family. Use the words from the box.

parents husband daughter son wife father children mother sister grandparents sisters 1. 2. 3. Marge is Homers ______________________________________ Homer is Marges ______________________________________ Marge is Barts ________________________________________
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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Homer is Lisas ________________________________________ Bart, Lisa and Maggie are their ____________________________ Homer and Marge are Lisa, Bart and Maggies________________ Bart is Homers ________________________________________ Lisa is Marges ________________________________________ Bart is Lisas __________________________________________

10. Lisa is Barts __________________________________________ 11. Abraham and Mona are Barts_____________________________ 12. Patty and Selma are Marges _____________________________ DAYS OF THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday WEEKDAYS (The names of the days always begin with a capital letter.) What day is it today? Whats your favorite day of the week? Why? Weekdays = working days Weekend = non-working days Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


TIME EXPRESSIONS We use the preposition ON with the days of the week, and the expressions: weekdays and weekends. - morning We use the preposition IN with the parts of the day: - afternoon - evening We use the preposition AT with: night We use the preposition AT with clock time, and the expressions: noon and midnight. Examples: - I go to the gym on Mondays. - I get up at seven oclock in the morning on weekdays. - I go to bed at 11:30 at night. - I have breakfast at noon on weekends. Other time expressions: Examples: - I get up early on weekdays. - I get up late on weekends. - I ride my bike every day.
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Early Late Every day

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SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTIONS YES/NO QUESTIONS Do you get up late on weekends? No, I get up early. Does Alex take a bus to go home every day? No, he drives his car. Do you and your friends have lunch at the institute? Yes, we eat lunch at the institute every day. Do Ben and Patty go downtown to work? Yes, they do. WH- QUESTIONS What time do you get up on weekdays? At seven-thirty. What time does Jane start work in the morning? At nine oclock. When do you and your wife go shopping? On Saturdays. When do Vincent and Tracy have lunch together? On weekends. EXERCISES I. 6. 7. 8. 9. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

I dont work ______ weekends. I start work ______ 8:30 ______ the morning. I study ______ the evening ______ weekdays. I get up late ______ Sundays.

10. I have English class _____ the afternoon ______ Mondays and Wednesdays.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What do you do every day? Write one thing you do and one thing you dont do on each day. I play tennis on Mondays. I dont have classes on Mondays. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Wednesday _______________________________________________

III. 1. 2. 3.

Answer questions about your daily routine.

What time do you get up on weekends? When do you have English class? Do you take a bus to come to the institute?

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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4. 5.

How do you usually go home? What time do you go to bed on weekdays?

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ IV. Create appropriate questions for these answers. 1. A: ________________________________________________________________________? B: I live near school, so I ride my bike to go to classes. 2. A: ________________________________________________________________________? B: I get up at 7:30 on weekdays. 3. A: ________________________________________________________________________? B: No, I never take the subway. I prefer the bus. 4. A: ________________________________________________________________________? B: I have my favorite class on Tuesdays and Fridays.

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CLASES 22 Y 23
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 10. Describen casas y departamentos, con sus diferentes habitaciones, lugares y mobiliario, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Casas y departamentos: habitaciones y partes dentro de ellos - Tiempo verbal Presente Simple - Mobiliario y electrodomsticos - Uso de las estructuras There is / There are

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 10.1. Identifica y nombra las habitaciones y partes de una casa o departamento. 10.2. Identifica y nombra el mobiliario y electrodomsticos de una casa o departamento. 10.3. Describe casas y departamentos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 10.4. Describe el mobiliario y electrodomsticos de su casa y la de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 10.5. Formula preguntas sobre los muebles que hay dentro de las diferentes habitaciones de un hogar, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.


SIMPLE PRESENT SHORT ANSWERS Do you live in a house? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Does the house have a laundry room? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt. Do the bedrooms have closets? Yes, they do. No, they dont. How many bedrooms does the house have? It has five.

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EXERCISES I. 1. Write questions for these answers. Then, practice with a partner.

A: Do you live in an apartment___________________________? B: No, I dont. I live in a house.


A: _________________________________________________? B: Yes, it does. It has a view of the park.


A: _________________________________________________? B: It has two bathrooms.


A: _________________________________________________? B: Yes, it does. It has a garage for one car.


A: _________________________________________________? B: It has just one floor.

II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Answer these questions with your information. Then, practice with a partner.

Do you live in a house or an apartment? How many rooms does it have? Does it have a laundry room? Do you have your own room? Do you live alone?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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Label these things.




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The structures There is and There are are used to express existence.

THERE IS = singular THERE ARE = plural


Theres a mirror in the living room. Theres no television in the living room. There isnt a refrigerator in the kitchen.

There are some pictures in the living room. There are no curtains in the living room. There arent any curtains in the living room. EXERCISES


Complete the chart, saying the sentences other way. Then, practice with a partner. Ex: Theres no desk in the living room. There are some chairs in the kitchen

I dont have a desk in the bedroom. I have a rug in the living room. I dont have any pictures in the kitchen.

There isnt a coffee table in the living room. I have some lamps in the bedroom. I dont have a microwave oven. There arent any curtains in the bedroom. II. Describe your room. Write sentences using there is, there isnt, there is no, there are, there arent any, there are no.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________

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4. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________________

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 10.5 CONTENIDOS - Texto de lectura (que variar de acuerdo a la Escuela a la que pertenece la carrera) (Repaso para la Tercera ENAT)

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 10.5 CONTENIDOS - Texto de lectura (que variar de acuerdo a la Escuela a la que pertenece la carrera) (READING COMPREHENSION TEST: TERCERA ENAT. COEFICIENTE UNO.)

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CLASES 26 Y 27
APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 11. Describen diversas profesiones y oficios existentes en el pas y en el extranjero y dan opiniones acerca de ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. CONTENIDOS - Profesiones y oficios - Lugares de trabajo - Tiempo verbal Presente Simple - Uso de adjetivos que describen trabajos: boring / easy / dangerous / exciting / stressful, entre otros

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN 11.1. Identifica y nombra profesiones y oficios, a travs de la asociacin de imagen-concepto. 11.2. Describe diferentes tipos de profesiones y oficios, as como los lugares de trabajo, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 11.3. Formula preguntas acerca de profesiones y oficios, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 11.4. Indica que tipos de trabajos u oficios le agradan o desagradan. 11.5. Entrega su opinin respecto de profesiones y oficios especficos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

EXERCISES I. Match the occupations with the pictures. e. judge f. lawyer g. musician h. nurse i. pilot j. police officer k. receptionist I. salesperson m. security guard n. singer o. waiter p. waitress

a. cashier b. cook/chef c. doctor d. flight attendant

1. ________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6. _________


8. ___________

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9. _______

10. _______

11. _______

12. ________

13. ______

14. ______

15. _______

16. ________


Ask and answer questions about occupations. Complete the chart. Then, practice with a partner. A doctor works in a hospital. A lawyer works in an office.

Who works in a hospital?

Who works in a restaurant? A salesperson works in a store. Who wears a uniform? Who stands all day? A cashier handles money. Who carries a gun? A security guard works at night. Who talks to people? A receptionist sits all day. Who works hard?
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SIMPLE PRESENT WH- QUESTIONS WITH DO Look at these examples: Where do you work? I work in a restaurant. What do you do there? Im a chef. Where does he work? He works in a store. What does he do there? Hes a salesperson. EXERCISES I. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B. B _____ I work in a furniture store. _____ They work for an airline. _____ He works in a gym. _____ They are flight attendants. _____ She works in a hospital. _____ Hes a personal trainer. _____ I sell armchairs, sofas and beds. _____ Shes a nurse. Where do they work? They work in a hotel. What do they do there? They are receptionists.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A Where does your mother work? What does she do there? Where do you work? What do you do there, exactly? Where does your brother work? What does she do there, exactly? What do Erika and Juliette do? What do they do there, exactly?


Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Then, practice with a partner.

1. What does Jeff do? _____________________________________ 2. What does he do, exactly? ______________________________________

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3. Where do Alan and Charlotte work? _____________________________________ 4. What do they do there, exactly? ______________________________________

5. Where does Tamara work? ______________________________________ 6. What does she do exactly? ______________________________________

DESCRIBING JOBS EXERCISES I. Match the adjectives in column A with the opposite meanings in column B.

1. 2. 3. 4.



BE + ADJECTIVE A firefighters job is dangerous. A teachers job is stressful.

ADJECTIVE + NOUN A firefighter has a dangerous job. A teacher has a stressful job.

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II. Express these ideas in another way. 1. A surgeons job is difficult. 2. A photographer has an exciting job. 3. A gardener has a safe job. 4. An actors job is exciting. 5. An air traffic controllers job is stressful. 6. A security guard has a boring job. 7. A carpenters job is relaxing. 8. A police officer has a dangerous job. A surgeon has a difficult job_________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

III. What do you think of these jobs? Give your opinion. 1. A fashion designer ________________________________________ 2. An athlete ___________________________________________

3. A librarian ________________________________________

4. A DJ ____________________________________________

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo (SING ALONG ACTIVITY: Presentacin del profesor. Preparacin de los grupos)


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo Grammar Review A modo de preparacin para los exmenes finales y de repaso general, el profesor realiza un repaso general sobre los aspectos gramaticales ms importantes del mdulo, para lo cual se utilizan libros de la bibliografa complementaria (Essential Grammar in Use).

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo (Revisin general del cuaderno de apuntes y repaso para el examen final del mdulo.)

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo Examen final, parte oral (40% de la nota de examen)

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo Examen final, parte escrita (60% de la nota de examen)

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIN Del 1.1 al 11.5 CONTENIDOS - Todos los contenidos en el programa de mdulo Examen de Recalificacin (Interrogacin oral)



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