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OmniBase OmniBase Tutorial

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z Tutorial Table of Contents
z API Reference
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1. Creating, opening and closing the database
z Purchase
2. Persistent objects, database root and transactions
z Links
3. Object clustering
4. Object locking and concurrency
5. Using b-tree dictionaries and indexing large numbers of objects
6. Deploying and maintaining the database

Creating, opening and closing the database

Before objects can be made persistent the database files have to be created on you
and the database has to be opened. Database can be created either on your local fil
on a shared network drive. To create the database use the following expression:

db := OmniBase createOn: 'c:\temp\MyDB'.

After evaluating this expression there will be a database created in the directory M
directory MyDB does not already exist it will be automatically created. If there alr
a database in the directory an exception will be signaled.

Now after the database is created you can already use the database or close it with

db close.

The database can later be opened simply using the following expression:

db := OmniBase openOn: 'c:\temp\MyDB'.

The method #openOn: answers object which represents the opened database sessio
session you can for example find out how many users are currently working with t
by evaluating:

db numberOfClients

or you can begin a transaction for storing and retrieving objects from the database
this is done is explained in the following chapters so when you see that we are usin
variable db you know that it refers to the opened database session.

Persistent objects, database root and transactions

First thing one has to remember about object databases is that every time an objec
stored into the database this has to happen inside a transaction. Transaction can be 18/06/2004
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a unit of work. It transforms the database from one consistent state to another and
every other user as one atomic operation. And once the transaction completes it is
completely done or nothing happens at all. From user's point of view an example o
transaction could be editing a person's data. First when the transaction begins the p
is loaded from the database, locked and displayed in a dialog window. Then the us
changing the data and when he is done he clicks either the Ok button or the Cance
the Cancel button was clicked the transaction is committed otherwise it is aborted.

The basic scenario for accessing the database is:

1. begin transaction
2. get, create or change persistent objects
3. commit or abort transaction

In OmniBase this can be done like this:

[ OrderedCollection newPersistent
add: 'string object';
add: 1;
add: Date today ] evaluateAndCommitIn: db newTrans

As you can see in this example we have created a new persistent OrderedCollectio
some objects to it. Since the block was evaluated with message #evaluateAndCom
system knew in which transaction the database is being accessed. After the block i
the transaction is committed. When transaction commits the newly created persiste
OrderedCollection is stored into the database. Now we could store any other Smal
into the database the same way that as we have stored the collection in the exampl

In the example above the transaction is used implicitly inside the block. The same
by referencing the transaction explicitly like this:

txn := db newTransaction.
txn makePersistent: (OrderedCollection new
add: 'string object';
add: 1;
add: Date today;
txn commit.

The only difference between these two ways is that in the first case the transaction
automatically aborted if an error occurs during the evaluation of the block. In the l
would have to use #ifCurtailed: to do it separately.

Now we have seen how to make objects persistent but once the object is already in
database how do we get it back? Well in the example above there is no way to get
we have lost all references to it. And if there is no one referencing the object it wil
garbage collected during the next database garbage collection (the same as it happ
memory with every transient object). This is where the database root object comes
So let us now do it right:

[ OmniBase root
at: 'test'
put: (OrderedCollection newPersistent
add: 'string object';
add: 1;
add: Date today; 18/06/2004
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yourself) ] evaluateAndCommitIn: db newTra

Database root is like an entry point into the database. Initially when you create the
root is an instance of a Dictionary (ODBPeristentDictionary which is a subclass of
to be exact). Every persistent object is either directly or indirectly referenced by th
root. This is also called persistence by reachability. So to fetch an object from the
you need to know how to navigate through all the persistent objects to get it. In ou
can later get the stored collection back just with:

[ coll := OmniBase root at: 'test'.

"now let's change the persistent collection"

coll add: 'Another object'.

"notify transaction that the collection has been chang

and that it has to be written into the database"
coll markDirty

] evaluateAndCommitIn: db newTransaction.

Also note from the example above that we had to explicitly notify the transaction t
persistent collection is changed. Without sending #markDirty no change would be
the database upon transaction commit. This is necessary since there is no notificat
mechanism implemented in the usual OrderedCollection which would notify trans
an element was added to the collection. This is also the reason why the database ro
instance of a class ODBPersistentDictionary which automatically notifies the trans
time an association is added, changed of removed.

In our example we have placed the collection directly in the database root. Usually
not do it like this but use more complex strategies for storing object. The database
therefore contain only top-level objects like dictionaries of all persons, contracts e
a particular person we would first get dictionary of all persons and later get the per
For example to fetch a person who has got id number 343 we would use:

person := (db newTransaction root at: 'persons') at: 343.

From here on we would navigate through object relations to get person's contracts
etc. depending on our object model.

Object clustering

When an object is made persistent in OmniBase this means that at some point the
have to be serialized into a series of bytes which can then be stored onto the under
system. Because every object can reference any number of other Smalltalk objects
has to be determined which objects will be serialized together and which should b
separately. Therefore when we say persistent object we really should be saying a
objects that are serialized together and are being given an object identifier - OID. T
be shown on the following example:

[ | coll1 coll2 str |

coll1 := OrderedCollection new.
coll2 := OrderedCollection new.
str := 'This is a string'.
coll1 add: str. 18/06/2004
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coll2 add: str.

OmniBase root at: 'one' put: coll1.
OmniBase root at: 'two' put: coll2. ]
evaluateAndCommitIn: db newTransaction.

[ | coll1 coll2 |
coll1 := OmniBase root at: 'one'.
coll2 := OmniBase root at: 'two'.
coll1 first isIdenticalTo: coll2 first ]
evaluateIn: db newTransaction.

Evaluate the example above with 'Display It' and you will see that it will evaluate
regardless of the fact that both collections were referencing the identical string obj
have saved them in a block that executed before. Now let us make a string persiste
evaluate the slightly changed example again:

[ | coll1 coll2 str |

coll1 := OrderedCollection new.
coll2 := OrderedCollection new.
str := 'This is a string'.
str makePersistent.
coll1 add: str.
coll2 add: str.
OmniBase root at: 'one' put: coll1.
OmniBase root at: 'two' put: coll2. ]
evaluateAndCommitIn: db newTransaction.

[ | coll1 coll2 |
coll1 := OmniBase root at: 'one'.
coll2 := OmniBase root at: 'two'.
coll1 first isIdenticalTo: coll2 first ]
evaluateIn: db newTransaction.

As you can see the whole expression now evaluates to true. So what's the differen
us take a look at how objects are stored in each of these two examples. In the first
string object was not made persistent on its own. Therefore it was stored as a part
collection object since it was referenced out of it. Each of the collection objects go
object id in the database and was stored as a cluster of objects. The following figu
these two clusters:

As we can imagine when these two objects are later loaded each of them will get i
of the string object. However in the second example the objects will be stored as f 18/06/2004
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This means that there will be three independent persistent objects (clusters) and th
collections will reference exactly the same string object. Understanding the notion
clustering objects is essential when developing an application with OmniBase sinc
decision on how to cluster your objects can have very big impact on the scalability
performance of your application.

Probably you have also noticed that we have used message #isIdenticalTo: instead
#==. This is necessary because the database will not load all objects from the datab
Instead all references to objects which are located outside of the cluster being load
not loaded yet will be replaced by proxy objects. Those proxy objects will catch th
message sent to them and load the real object before forwarding the message to it.
all messages will be directly forwarded to the underlying object. As you can see th
the real object coexist and both represent the same object. But since they are two o
usual identity operator #== will not work. That is why you should use the #isIdent
message for checking identity of objects when using the database. The message
#isIdenticalTo: is also clever enough not to load the real object only for checking i
but instead checks its identity based on its unique oid.

Object locking and concurrency

OmniBase uses multi-version concurrency control in order to internally serialize tr

running concurrently. This basically means that a persistent object can have many
the database. Each time an object is changed a new version is created in the databa
after the transaction in which the object has been changed commits, will this new v
become visible to every newly started transaction.

Multi-version concurrency control has many advantages compared with traditiona

where a combination of read and write locks is used to preserve consistency of tra
The biggest advantage is that long transactions become possible. An example of a
transaction is when a user clicks on an object to open a properties window/pane w
object can be changed. So the transaction would look similar to this:

1. start transaction and fetch the object being edited

2. open the properties dialog so that a user can begin changing the object. Set a
on the object to prevent other users from changing it while it is being edited
3. if user pressed button OK then commit transaction, else abort transaction 18/06/2004
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I we were using read-locks everybody else would not be able to look at the object
being edited. But in OmniBase it is still possible to read the object in its consistent
it is being edited and thus locked for writing only.

Note that we wrote 'to read the object in its consistent state'. This phrase could be
explained with the following example. Let us have an account A and account B an
transfer an amount from account A to account B:

t1 := db newTransaction.

"get account A balance"

balanceA := ((t1 root at: 'Accounts') at: 'A') balance.

"start another transaction in parallel and

make the transfer in transaction 2 "
t2 := db newTransaction.
accA := (t2 root at: 'Accounts') at: 'A'.
accB := (t2 root at: 'Accounts') at: 'B'.
accA transfer: 1000 to: accB.
newBalance := accB balance.
t2 commit.

"now get balance of account B"

balanceB := ((t1 root at: 'Accounts') at: 'B'.

From this example you can see that although the transaction 1 accessed the accoun
after the transaction 2 already committed its changes, the user will still get the obj
value in order to preserve transaction integrity in transaction 1. So in transaction 1
amount of money stays the same as in transaction 2 even though the money has be
from one account to another.

In the example above you can also notice that the value that you are getting from t
may not necessarily be the newest value in the database. To insure you are reading
value you can user explicit write locks when needed. The following example show
could implement a method which would generate unique integer identifiers (count
multi-user environment:

[t := db newTransaction.
lastId := t root at: 'lastCustomerId'.
t lock: lastId ]
whileFalse: [t abort].
lastId increment.
t commit.

So far we talked only about object locks but there are three levels of locking in Om
These are:

z global lock - global lock can be set on a database only when no other lock i
one is updating the database at the same time. After setting the global lock t
has set it can run only one update transaction on the database. During that ti
user will be able to update the database but every one will still be able to rea
locks can be set using messages #globalLock, #globalUnlock and #isGlobal
database session object (instances of class OmniBase).
z object lock - an object lock prevents the object from being changed by anot
during the time the lock is set. The transaction that has set the lock has to be
explicitly calling #abort or #commit if it is not executed in a guarded block 18/06/2004
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The object can not be locked if the version being locked is not its newest ve
another transaction/user has already obtained a lock or if a global lock is set
user. Object lock can be explicitly set or removed using messages #lock: and
on a transaction.
z dictionary key lock - enables a higher granularity of updates in a multi-use
dictionary where many users can update a single dictionary at the same time
conserving the consistency of the data it contains. Setting a lock on a particu
b-tree dictionary will prevent others from changing the value associated wit
particular key. It will also prevent other from removing the key from the dic
lock can not be set if the value associated with the key in transaction is not t
one (it has been already changed in another transaction) or if another user ha
locked that key or if a global lock has been set on the whole database. A key
explicitly locked or unlocked using messages #lockKey: and #unlockKey: on
dictionary object.

Using b-tree dictionaries and indexing large numbers of objects

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Deploying and maintaining the database

Sorry, this chapter has not been written yet.

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