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LESSON PLAN School Subject Topic Sub Topic : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang : Chemistry : Chemical Bonding : Stability elements, Lewis structure, ion bonding and covalen bonding Class/ Semester Times Allocated : X/ I : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence 1. Comprehend atomic structure, the periodical properties of the elements and chemical bond B. Basic Competence 1.2.Compare process of ion bonding, covalent bonding, coordination bonding and metal bonding and its correlation with phisic caracteristik that occurs. C. Indicator 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the tendency of an element to reach its stability Describe composition of atomic valence electrons with Lewis structure Compare the stability between one element and others Explain the occurence process of ionic bond Explain the occurence process of single, double and triple covalent bond

D. The Purpose of Teaching-Learning 1. Students can explain the tendency of an element to reach its stability 2. Students can describe composition of atomic valence electrons with Lewis structure 3. Students are able to compare the stability between one element and others 4. Students are able to explain the occurence process of ionic bond 5. Students are able to explain the occurence process of single, double and triple covalent bond

E. Main Material Ionic Bonding Covalent bonding Metal Bonding

F. Resources and Media Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p.57- 74 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 18 -21 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri Presentation Slide, Flash Media, Students work sheet, LCD, Computer Internet

G. Teaching Learning Method Giving information Group Quiz Giving task

H. Learning Activities No Activities 01. Introduction Greeting Presensi Students listen to this apperception: Differ but same. Diamond and grafit consisst of similar atom, namely carbon. But, both substances have different properties. Diamond is hard, shiny, and cannot conduct electricity. While, graphite is brittle, grey colour, and can conduct electricity. PBKB Value





10 minutes

Giving informa tion Observation on students attitude and response


The different of properties between graphite and diamond are affected by inter atomic bond difference of its composer". Main Activities Exploration Students listen for delivering mattery about chemical bond (Stability elements, Lewis structure, ion bonding and covalen bonding Students make group in to 5 group Elaboration Students are given exercise card that has been given number. Students hear the intruction from teacher about the rule of discussion. Students dicuss to answer the questions and solve the problem in exercise card Students are given stimulate to look for alternative in problem solving that facing in exercise card Student is called by mention number card Student who has number card must answer and solve the problem Confirmation Other students give feed back, and the teacher guides them.

Toleran ce

15 minutes

Explan tion

Chemistry Books

Observation on students attitude and response

Group Discussi on
Responsi bility 35 minutes

Presenta tion

Student presents the topic responsibly Group cooperation Observation 100% of students do the task.

10 minutes


Observation 90% of students who give feed back in solving task


Closing Activities Students and teacher honesty make conclusion Students get home work


I. References Susilowati, Endang, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p. 33-42), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 3844), Klaten: Intan Pariwara Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri http://www.

J. Evaluation Evaluation Technique : Written test Instrument : Exercise Card Respond : Minimum Completion Criteria Less than minimum Completion Criteria (76) More than Minimum Completion Criteria (76) K. SUBJECT MATTER

=76 = Remedial (examination) = Enrichment

Stability of Element The outer shell of metallic and non metallic atom did not fully fill. That is why the atoms are unstable. To have their stability, those chemical elements tend to bonding to each other, to achieve noble gass electron configuration. It was done by transfering their valence electrons or sharing pairs of valence electrons by two atoms. Example: Na Na+ + eElectron configuration of Sodium are Na: 2 8 1. To achieve its stability, sodium tends to give away 1 electron, so its electron configuration equals to neon (2 8). Chemical Bond 1) Ionic Bond Ionic bond is bond created due to any electron transfer. It occurs because any electrostatic force between positive and negative ion, Hence ionic bond ocurs between metal and noon metal atom. For instance is bond in kitchen salt (NaCl). Electron from Na is transferred to Cl, this causes a charge imbalance in each atom. The Na becomes (Na+) and the Cl becomes

(Cl-), charged particles or ions. 2) Covalent bond Covalent bond is bond occurs due to the sharing a pair of electron. That pair of electron derive from both binding atoms. Covalent bond tends to on non-metal atom. In other word, both atom share pair of electron to reach noble gas electron configuration. Examples; O2, CO2, C2H6, H2O, SiC There are two kinds of Covalent bond: a) Single Covalent Bond Single covalent bond involves sharing a pair of electron. Eg: H2 b) Multiple Covalent Bond A double covalent bond is a covalent bond that involves the sharing of more than a pair of electrons between atoms. Double Covalent bond A double bond involves the sharing of two pairs of electrons between atoms. Eg: O2 Triple Covalent bond A triple bond involves of the sharing of three pairs of electrons between atoms. Eg: O3 3) Metallic Bond A bonding formed between metallic atoms is called metallic bond. Metallic atoms tend to lose their outer shell electrons and forming a positively charge.

L. INSTRUMENT Exercise! 1. An element below which is stable is ... a. 13Al b. 16S c. 18Ar

d. 20Ca

e. 35Br

Observe the table to answer problem 2 and 3. Element 2He 6C 8O 10Ne 11Na ElectronConfiguration Element Elecron Configuration 2 283 13Al 24 286 16S 26 287 17Cl 28 Ar 288 18 281 2882 19K

2. Group of elements tend to lose electrons are ... a. He, Al and O d. C, O and Cl b. Na, Al and K e. Ne, Na and K c. He, Ne and Ar 3. An element in the same group with an element which has an electron structure in the picture is ... a. He b. O c. Al d. S e. K 4. Lewis symbol for 12Mg is ...

5. The atomic number of an element is 7. The lement schieve its stability with ... a. Donates 1 electron b. Gain 1 electron c. Donates 2 electron d. Donates 3 electrons e. Gain 3 electrons 6. Electron configuration of X is 2 8 2. A possible compound formed from X is ... a. HX2 d. X2(PO)4 b. XCl2 e. CaX c. X2SO4 7. A chemical bond occurs in KBr is ... a. Ionic bond d. Coordinate bond b. Hydrogen bond e. Covalent bond c. Metallic bond Use data in the table below to answer problems 8 and 9 Atom Proton Neutron Electron R 17 18 17 S 15 16 15 T 20 20 20 X 8 8 8

8. Pair of atoms that will form an ionic compound are ..

a. R and S c. R and T e. S and X b. T and X d. Sand T 9. When O atom combine with T atom, the number of O atom bind by T are ... a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 10. A compound formed by sharing a pair of electrons will have ... a. Matallic bonds b. Van der walls bonds c. Ionic bonds d. Covalend bonds e. Hydrogen bonds

Key of Multiple Choice No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Key C B D A B B A B A D Total Semarang, Approved by, School principal of SMAN 3 Semarag Teacher Score 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 July 2011

Drs. HARI WALUYO, M. M NIP. 19640207 198803 1 016

Dra. WIDYA PRAHASTUTI NIP. 19600813 198803 2 005

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