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AQUALIPO No general anesthesia required Lower risk of medical complications Patients can resume normal activities No scarring No stitches

Minimizes swelling Minimizes bleeding and bruising Minimizes damage to surrounding tissue Fat removed gently with water-jet Minimal downtime return to work immediately No lumps and bumps associated with traditional liposuction

Traditional Liposuction General anesthesia necessary Higher risk of complications Patients may feel disoriented and impaired. Must be driven home by someone else. Scarring often occurs Stitches usually required Significant swelling can occur Bleeding, often with significant bruising Strike injuries and septal detachment often occur Aggressive suctioning to purge fat Weeks of recovery before returning to work May cause a lumpy or bumpy area where traditional liposuction has been performed.


You deserve to look and feel your best. But, if youre like many people, there may be areas on your body that simply dont look the way you want, despite a healthy diet and exercise routine. Perhaps you wish you could take care of a tummy pouch, flabby thighs or love handles, but you dont want to go through an aggressive liposuction treatment that can leave you swollen, bruised and sore for weeks. Now theres a better way. AQUALIPO can help. AQUALIPO is a revolutionary new liposuction treatment that offers better results with less patient discomfort and less medical risk than traditional liposuction.

Whats so different about AQUALIPO ?

AQUALIPO uses one the most advanced liposuction technologies in a new treatment that takes less time, gets great results, and causes significantly less trauma to the patient. The AQUALIPO technology is a more precise, artistic tool than the aggressive and traumatic actions of an old-fashioned liposuction cannula. AQUALIPO uses the innovative water-jet fat removal system, patients are seeing significantly better skin tightening and dramatically less bruising, swelling and bleeding. Plus, theres no need for general anesthesia, and virtually no downtime for the patient. That means you may get back to doing your regular activities immediately.

What can AQUALIPO do for me?

AQUALIPO is not for patients who are extremely overweight or obese. But, if you have some trouble spots of loose flab and excess fat, AQUALIPO can help. AQUALIPO is ideal for treating targeted areas of excess fat around the face, neck, arms, bra area, abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, and buttocks.

Can AQUALIPO work for men too?

Absolutely! In addition to the areas mentioned above, AQUALIPO is a wonderful tool for treating excess fat in male breasts, toning male love handles, and sculpting of the mid section.

Who can I talk to about AQUALIPO ?

The AQUALIPO network includes doctors who are dedicated to the AQUALIPO process. You should make an appointment for a personal consultation with an AQUALIPO doctor. Click here to locate a trained AQUALIPO doctor in your area.

tumescent Liposuction and Traditional Liposuction Comparison

Traditional Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction

General anesthesia, you are asleep or Anesthesia unconscious by gas or IV sedation.

Local anesthesia, to block the nerve impulses and numb a specific area of the body. Examples: lidocaine, procaine. Lowest rate of complications documented in the medical literature. Greatest patient satisfaction documented in the medical literature Usually less. *Price depends on Doctor, location and size of the case.


Much higher complication rate


Expensive. Add surgical facility and anesthesia costs.


Immediately after surgery pain pills are required. Also, due to stitching and drains prolonged use of pain pills is common. Significant blood loss often requiring transfusion

Often minimal. Pain pills are less common due to less trauma to the body and in absence of stitching/drain removal.



Swelling: 2 weeks-2 months + Bruising: 2 days-2 weeks Numbness: lasts several weeks Recovery Work: Return after 1-3 weeks Exercise: Wait 4+ weeks Final result are seen after 6-9 months

Swelling: 1-2 weeks Bruising: 2 days-2 weeks Numbness: lasts several weeks Work: Return after 48 hrs Exercise: Wait 2-4 weeks Final result are seen after 1-3 months

Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is considered by many cosmetic surgeons and patients to be the safest and most effective form of liposuction surgery. The use of larger amounts of local anesthetic not only reduces pain after surgery, but also reduces bleeding, swelling, and skin irregularities and makes the entire procedure run more smoothly.

The Tumescent Liposuction Procedure

Tumescent liposuction has gained a tremendous amount of popularity in recent years, primarily because it has eliminated some of the unpleasant side effects previously associated with liposuction. The procedure itself is similar to the traditional method, but with a few differences.

Anesthetic Injections
In the first step of tumescent liposuction, a large dose of liquid (composed primarily of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, and epinephrine, which helps to shrink blood vessels) is injected into the part of the body being treated. The added fluid forces the compartments of fat to swell and firm up, which lets the doctor extract the unwanted fat more smoothly and with minimal bleeding.

Tumescent Liposuction Benefits - Reduced Bruising, Swelling, and Pain

Tumescent liposuction can significantly reduce some of the unpleasant side effects of other techniques. Because the anesthetic solution temporarily reduces the size of the capillaries, it can significantly reduce blood loss during surgery and the pain, bruising, and swelling that occurs afterward. And because tumescent liposuction provides local anesthesia, patients can avoid the side effects of general anesthesia, such as vomiting and nausea.

Tumescent Liposuction Risks

As with any form of liposuction, complications can occur during tumescent liposuction. Two risks that are unique to tumescent liposuction are lidocaine toxicity and fluid accumulation. Lidocaine toxicity occurs when the amount of lidocaine in the tumescent solution is too high,

making it difficult for the body to adequately metabolize the drug. When too much solution is injected into the treatment area, it is possible for fluid to accumulate in the lungs.

Variations on the Tumescent Liposuction Procedure

Tumescent liposuction and the wet and super-wet techniques are now used by surgeons in place of the dry technique, which fell from favor due to the excessive blood loss that resulted, as well as the fact that the procedure required hospitalization. The super-wet technique is currently used more often than the wet technique, and tumescent liposuction continues to be a popular choice. Whether you chose wet, super-wet, or tumescent liposuction will depend on a number of factors, including how many areas you wish to have treated.

Wet Technique
Wet liposuction simply refers to the use of fluid injection prior to liposuction treatment. To prepare for wet liposuction, the surgeon administers approximately 100 milliliters of local anesthesia containing epinephrine directly into the tissue. This results in less blood loss during the procedure and reduces patient discomfort after surgery.

Super Wet Technique

The super wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction, except that it uses a solution containing less of the anesthetics lidocaine and epinephrine. In their place, intravenous sedation or general anesthetic is used (because the area being treated does not become fully anesthetized by the solution alone). Not using an injected local anesthetic means that the doctor does not have to wait for any swelling to go down. The surgery usually takes no longer than two hours, and the patient can opt to have other procedures performed while the general anesthetic is in effect.

Perfect your facial profile with a sleek, new jawline

People of all ages can be affected by excess flesh in the chin, jowls, and neck. Weight gain is an obvious factor, but age also contributes to the dreaded double chin, sagging jowls, and neck rolls we all want to avoid. There are no double chin exercises, but with jowls, neck, and chin tumescent liposuction, you can get rid of a double chin, enhance your jaw line, and achieve the perfect profile. Both men and women can benefit from chin, jowl, and neck liposculpture. Tumescent Liposuction of the chin, jowls, and neck removes excess fat, tightens the skin, and restores the clean, smooth, defined jawline you had in your youth. Tumescent Liposuction of the jowls, chin, and neck produces noticeable results, making you appear younger and slimmer at first glance. Having a tumescent liposuction surgeon eliminate your chin, jowl, and neck fat tissue with liposculpture is much easier and safer than undergoing traditional liposuction. The process is simple: You are given a local anesthetic to numb the area. Your liposculpture surgeon uses a laser to gently melt the fat directly under the skin and to encourage skin tightening. Your surgeon then places small incisions to begin the suctioning process with a cannula, which is only about 3mm wide.

Your tumescent liposuction surgeon uses slow, gentle movements to remove the fat, meaning limited pain, fewer bruises, and a rapid recovery for you.

The entire tumescent liposculpture procedure usually lasts only an hour and acts to reduce fat and tighten skin. Tumescent Liposuction patients need only light sedation, and most patients are back at work in one or two days. Tumescent Liposuction is permanent. Once fat cells are removed from the body, they do not grow back. Tumescent Liposuction produces noticeable results, leaving you with a sculpted, contoured, and slimmer jaw line.

Why choose chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction? Is it for men or women? Both men and women benefit from chin, jowls, and neck liposuction. Chin and jowl tumescent liposuction gives you a more defined jawline and an improved facial profile. Neck tumescent liposuction targets lax skin and neck wrinkles, eliminating or reducing neck rolls and also improving your profile. Jowl, neck, and chin tumescent liposuction patients see visible, definite results. With tumescent liposuction, recovery is quick and post-op bruising and pain is minimal. Results are permanent, so you never have to worry about that jawline again. What is chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction like? Liposculpture is usually performed in an office or clinic setting under local anesthesia. Patients remain awake and alert during the entire procedure. First, the surgeon numbs the skin and places small incisions in the area. Using gentle suction, excess fat is removed with a small vibrating cannula, or straw-like instrument. The cannula is only 3mm-about the size of a cooked spaghetti noodle-and leaves no unsightly scars. The procedure lasts for about one hour, and patients walk out of the office with their new, youthful jawlines. Am I a good candidate for chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction? Tumescent Liposuction of the chin, jowls, and neck is a safe procedure for most men and women who have a double chin or loose, sagging skin and excess fat in the chin, neck, or cheeks. Anyone who is over the age of 60 might need to take extra precautions and might want to consider further skin-tightening procedures for loose skin. A consultation with the tumescent liposuction doctor can help address these issues. Can chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction be combined with other procedures? Certainly. Tumescent liposuction of the chin, jowls, and neck can be performed concurrently with any other tumescent liposuction procedure so that you can customize and perfect your problem areas. Of course, not all patients need tumescent liposuction on other areas, so your surgeon can target the chin, jowls, and neck area alone if you prefer. Will I have any scars or sagging skin after chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction? Tumescent tumescent liposuction of the chin, jowls, and neck leaves only a couple of small incision sites, each only about 3mm wide. The puncture sites naturally close within a day or two, fading into the natural color of the surrounding skin. Scarring does not usually occur. Tumescent Liposuction is designed to promote skin tightening and to restore collagen. Anyone under the age of 60 with good skin tone will generally not have sagging skin and will instead see an improvement in skin tone and firmness. Tumescent Liposuction is specifically designed to promote skin tightening as the fat is removed. However, older patients or those who have experienced dramatic weight loss may still experience sagging or lax skin.

What are the post-op procedures for chin, jowls, and neck tumescent liposuction? Patients generally experience only mild discomfort after the procedure. You can walk immediately afterward, enjoy light to medium activities, and return to work in a day or two. A compression garment similar to a headband is worn for 72 hours. You can wash and shave your face normally after the first 24 hours. Some patients might experience swelling for a week or more after the procedure. While it does take a while for the swelling to subside, there is minimal to no pain involved. With tumescent liposuction of the chin, jowls, and neck, there are no stitches, and the tiny puncture wounds naturally close within two days.

Breast lift
Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?
You may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery if you have one or more of the following conditions: breasts that are pendulous, but of satisfactory size breasts that lack substance or firmness nipples and areolas that point downward, especially if they are positioned below the breast crease Sometimes these conditions may be inherited traits. In certain cases, the breasts may have developed differently so that one breast is firm and well positioned while the other is not. There may be differences in the size of your breasts as well as their shape. Breasts that are large and heavy can be lifted, but the results may not be as long-lasting as when the procedure is done on smaller breasts. A breast lift can be performed at any age, but plastic surgeons usually recommend waiting until breast development has stopped. Pregnancy and breast-feeding may have significant and unpredictable effects on the size and shape of your breasts. Nevertheless, many women decide to undergo breast lift surgery before having children and feel that they can address any subsequent changes later. Since the milk ducts and nipples are left intact, breast lift surgery usually will not affect your ability to breast-feed; however, you should discuss this with your plastic surgeons.

How a Breast Lift Is Performed

Individual factors and personal preferences will determine the specific technique selected to lift your breasts. Incisions following the breast's natural contour define the area of excision and the new location for the nipple and areola. Skin in the shaded area is removed, and the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position.

Where are the incisions placed?

A common method of lifting the breasts involves three incisions. One incision is made around the areola. Another runs vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast. The third incision is horizontal beneath the breast and follows the natural curve of the breast crease. After the plastic surgeon has removed excess breast skin, the nipple and areola are shifted to a higher position. The areola, which in a sagging breast may have been stretched, can be reduced in size. Skin that was formerly located above the areola is brought down and together beneath it to reshape the breast. The nipples and areolas remain attached to underlying mounds of tissue, and this usually allows for the preservation of sensation and the ability to breast-feed. Skin formerly located above the areola is brought down and together beneath it to reshape the breast.

What are some variations to the common breast lifting technique?

There are many variations to the design of the incisions for breast lift surgery. The size and shape of your breasts, size of your areolas, and extent of sagging are factors that will help your plastic surgeon determine the best technique for you. In some instances, it may be possible to avoid the horizontal incision beneath the breast. Sometimes a technique may be used that avoids this horizontal incision as well as the vertical incision that runs from the bottom edge of the areola to the breast crease. If you are a good candidate for a modified technique, your plastic surgeon will discuss this with you. If you and your plastic surgeon have decided that it is desirable to enlarge your breasts at the same time as they are lifted, this will require insertion of breast implants. If this is an option that you wish to consider, your surgeon will review the necessary information with you and may provide you with a brochure on breast augmentation.

Understanding Risks
Fortunately, significant complications from breast lifts are infrequent. Every year, many thousands of women undergo successful breast lift surgery, experience no major problems and are pleased with the results. Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of both the benefits and risks.

I understand that every surgical procedure has risks, but how will I learn more so that I can make an informed decision?
The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and your plastic surgeon, or with a staff member in your surgeon's office. Some of the potential complications that may be discussed with you include bleeding, infection and reactions to anesthesia. Following a breast lift, sometimes the breasts may not be perfectly symmetrical or the nipple height may vary slightly. Minor adjustments often can be made at a later time. Permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or areas of breast skin may occur rarely. Revisionary surgery may sometimes be helpful in certain instances where incisions may have healed poorly. You can help to lessen certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after surgery.

Your Surgical Experience

How should I prepare for surgery?
The goal of your plastic surgeon and the entire staff is to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable for you as possible. Depending on your age, or if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, your plastic surgeon may recommend a baseline mammogram before surgery and another mammographic examination some months after surgery. This will help to detect any future changes in your breast tissue. Following a breast lift, you will still be able to perform breast self-examination. Breast lift surgery will not increase your risk of developing breast cancer. If you are a smoker, you will be asked to stop smoking well in advance of surgery. Aspirin and certain antiinflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so you should avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with additional preoperative instructions. Breast lift surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. If this is the case, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night.

What will the day of surgery be like?

Your breast lift surgery may be performed in a hospital, free-standing ambulatory facility or office-based surgical suite. Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Often, a general anesthetic is administered, so that you will be asleep throughout the procedure. Alternatively, a breast lift may be performed using local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. Sometimes, small drain tubes will have been placed in your breasts to help avoid the accumulation of fluids. Gauze or other dressings may be placed on your breasts and covered with an elastic bandage or surgical bra. You may be permitted to go home after a few hours, unless you and your plastic surgeon have determined that you will stay in the hospital or surgical facility overnight.

How will I look and feel initially?

The day after surgery, you will be encouraged to get out of bed for short periods of time. After several days, you should be able to move about more comfortably. Straining, bending and lifting must be avoided, however, since these activities might cause increased swelling or even bleeding. You may be instructed to sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts. Any surgical drains will be removed within a few days of surgery, at which time your dressings may also be changed or removed. You may be instructed to wear a support bra for a few weeks, until the swelling and discoloration of your breasts diminish. Generally, stitches will be removed in stages over a period of approximately three weeks, beginning about one week after surgery. You may notice that you feel less sensation in the nipple and areola areas. This is usually temporary. It may, however, take weeks, months or even more than a year before sensation returns to normal. Your breasts may also require some time to assume a more natural shape. Incisions will initially be red or pink in color. They will remain this way for many months following surgery.

When can I resume my normal activities?

After breast lift surgery, it is often possible to return to work within a week or so, depending on your job. In many instances, you can resume most of your normal activities, including some form of mild exercise, after several weeks. You may continue to experience some mild, periodic discomfort during this time, but such feelings are normal. Severe pain should be reported to your doctor. Any sexual activity should be avoided for a minimum of one or two weeks, and your plastic surgeon may advise you to wait longer. After that, care must be taken to be extremely gentle with your breasts for at least the next several weeks.

Results of a Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery will make your breasts firmer and more uplifted. The position of your areolas and nipples will be enhanced, and the size of your areolas will be aesthetically pleasing. The incisions from your breast lift surgery will heal and fade over time. It is important to realize, however, that the incision lines will be permanently visible. In some instances, they will eventually be only faint lines. Certain individuals may have incision lines that are more noticeable. Fortunately, the incisions for your breast lift are in locations easily concealed by clothing, even low-cut necklines.

How long will the results last?

Unless you gain or lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant, your new breast shape should remain fairly constant. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually alter the size and shape of virtually every woman's breasts. If, after a period of years, you again become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a second breast lift procedure to restore their more youthful contour and appearance.

Maintaining a Relationship with Your Plastic Surgeon

You will return to your plastic surgeon's office for follow-up care at prescribed intervals, at which time your progress will be evaluated. Once the immediate postoperative follow-up is complete, many surgeons encourage their patients to come back for periodic checkups to observe and discuss the long-term results of surgery. Please remember that the relationship with your plastic surgeon does not end when you leave the operating room. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery, or need additional information at a later time, you should contact your surgeon.

Breast Reduction
Patients who undergo breast reduction surgery frequently are seeking relief from physical symptoms caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. Breast reduction usually can solve these problems as well as improve the size and shape of your breasts. Following breast reduction, your breasts will be more proportional to the rest of your body, and clothes will fit you better.

Am I a good candidate for breast reduction?

You may be a good candidate for breast reduction if you have one or more of the following conditions: breasts that are too large in proportion to your body frame heavy, pendulous breasts with nipples and areolas that point downward one breast is much larger than the other back, neck or shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts skin irritation beneath your breasts indentations in your shoulders from tight bra straps restriction of physical activity due to the size and weight of your breasts dissatisfaction or self-consciousness about the largeness of your breasts

Breast reduction can be performed at any age, but plastic surgeons usually recommend waiting until breast development has stopped. Childbirth and breast-feeding may have significant and unpredictable effects on the size and shape of your breasts. Nevertheless, many women decide to undergo breast reduction before having children and feel that they can address any subsequent changes later. If you plan to breast-feed in the future, you should discuss this with your plastic surgeon. During the consultation, you will be asked about your desired breast size as well as anything else about your breasts that you would like to see improved. This will help your plastic surgeon to understand your expectations and determine whether they realistically can be achieved.

How will my plastic surgeon evaluate me for breast reduction surgery?

Your plastic surgeon will examine your breasts, taking measurements and perhaps photographs for your medical record. The size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin, and the placement of the nipples and areolas will be carefully evaluated. You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments you have received, previous surgeries including breast biopsies, and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information. You should tell your plastic surgeon if you plan to lose a significant amount of weight, particularly if you have noticed that your breasts become smaller with weight loss. Your surgeon may recommend that you stabilize your weight before having surgery.

Will my insurance help cover the cost of surgery?

Insurance coverage is sometimes available for breast reduction surgery. Many factors determine your eligibility, including the specific terms of your insurance policy and the amount of breast tissue to be removed. A letter of predetermination may be required by your insurance company prior to surgery. Your plastic surgeon or a staff member in your surgeon's office will discuss these matters with you.

Where are the incisions placed?

Individual factors and personal preferences will determine the specific technique selected to reduce the size of your breasts. The most common method of reducing the breasts involves three incisions. One incision is made around the areola. Another runs vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast. The third incision follows the natural curve of the breast crease. After the surgeon has removed excess breast tissue, fat and skin, the nipple and areola are shifted to a higher position. The areola, which in large breasts usually has been stretched, also is reduced in size. Skin that was formerly located above the nipple is brought down and together to reshape the breast. Liposuction may be used to improve the contour under the arm. One common breast reduction technique removes excess breast tissue, fat and skin through the incisions shown. The nipple and areola remain attached to the underlying tissue but are shifted to a higher position. The size of the areola is often reduced at the same time. Usually, the nipples and areolas remain attached to underlying mounds of tissue, and this allows for the preservation of sensation. The ability to breast-feed may also be preserved by this method, although this cannot be guaranteed. Skin that formerly was located above the nipple is brought down and together to reshape the breast.

What are some variations to the common breast reduction technique?

There are many variations to the design of the incisions for breast reduction. The size and shape of your breasts, as well as the desired amount of reduction, are factors that will help your plastic surgeon determine the best technique for you. In some instances, it may be possible to avoid the vertical incision that runs from the bottom edge of the areola to the breast crease or the horizontal incision underneath the breast. Rarely, if your breasts are extremely large, the nipples and areolas may need to be completely detached before they are shifted to a higher level. In such a case, you will need to have made the decision to sacrifice sensation and the possibility of breast-feeding in order to achieve your desired breast size

Understanding Risks
Fortunately, significant complications from breast reduction are infrequent. Every year, many thousands of women undergo successful breast reduction surgery, experience no major problems and are pleased with the results. Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of both the benefits and the risks.

I understand that every surgical procedure has risks, but how will I learn more so that I can make an informed decision?
The subject of risks and potential complications of surgery is best discussed on a personal basis between you and your plastic surgeon, or with a staff member in your surgeon's office. Some of the potential complications that may be discussed with you include bleeding, infection and reactions to anesthesia. Rarely, a patient may require a blood transfusion during the operation. This usually can be anticipated in advance, and your plastic surgeon may, under certain circumstances, advise you to donate your own blood in preparation for surgery. Following reduction, sometimes the breasts may not be perfectly symmetrical or the nipple height may vary slightly. If desired, minor adjustments can be made at a later time. Permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts may occur rarely. Revisionary surgery is sometimes helpful in certain instances where incisions may have healed poorly. In the unlikely event of injury to or loss of the nipple and areola, they usually can be satisfactorily reconstructed using skin grafts. You can help to lessen certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after surgery.

How should I prepare for surgery?

Depending on your age, or if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, your plastic surgeon may recommend a baseline mammogram before surgery and another mammographic examination some months after surgery. This will help to detect any future changes in your breast tissue. Following breast reduction, you will still be able to perform breast self-examination. Breast reduction surgery will not increase your risk of developing breast cancer. If you are a smoker, you will be asked to stop smoking well in advance of surgery. Aspirin and certain antiinflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so you should avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with additional preoperative instructions. Breast reduction surgery may be performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. If you are to stay in the hospital or surgical facility, it will most likely be for only one night. Whether you are released the day of surgery or the following day, you will need someone to drive you home and to stay with you for the next day or two.

Your Surgical Experience

The goal of your plastic surgeon and the entire staff is to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable for you as possible.

What will the day of surgery be like?

Your breast reduction surgery may be performed in a hospital, free-standing ambulatory facility or office-based surgical suite. Usually, a general anesthetic is administered, so that you will be asleep throughout the procedure. When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. In many

instances, small drain tubes will have been placed in your breasts to help avoid the accumulation of fluids. Gauze dressings will be placed on your breasts and covered with an elastic bandage or surgical bra.

How will I look and feel initially?

The day after surgery, you will be encouraged to get out of bed for short periods of time. After several days, you will be able to move about more comfortably. Straining, bending and lifting must be avoided, however, since these activities might cause increased swelling or even bleeding. You may be instructed to sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts. Any surgical drains will be removed a day or two after surgery, at which time your dressings may also be changed or removed. You will be instructed to wear a support bra for a few weeks, until the swelling and discoloration of your breasts diminishes. Generally, stitches will be removed in stages over a period of approximately three weeks, beginning about one week after surgery. You may notice that you feel less sensation in the nipple and areola areas. This usually is temporary. It may, however, take weeks, months or even more than a year before sensation returns to normal. Your breasts may also require some time to assume a more natural shape. Incisions will initially be red or pink in color. They will remain this way for many months following surgery.

When can I resume my normal activities?

After breast reduction surgery, it is often possible to return to work within just a couple of weeks, depending on your job. In many instances, you can resume most of your normal activities, including some form of mild exercise, after several weeks. You may continue to experience some mild, periodic discomfort during this time, but such feelings are normal. Severe pain should be reported to your doctor. Any sexual activity should be avoided for a minimum of one week, and your plastic surgeon may advise you to wait longer. After that, care must be taken to be extremely gentle with your breasts for at least the next six weeks.

How long will the results last?

Unless you gain or lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant, your breast size should remain fairly constant. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually alter the size and shape of virtually every woman's breasts. If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a breast "lifting" procedure to restore their more youthful contour.

Results of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery will make your breasts smaller and firmer. Without the excessive weight of large breasts, you may find greater enjoyment in playing sports and engaging in physical activity. The incisions from your breast reduction surgery will heal and fade over time. It is important to realize, however, that the incision lines will be permanently visible, more so in some individuals than others. Fortunately, the incisions for breast reduction are in locations easily concealed by clothing, even low-cut necklines. Breast reduction often makes a dramatic change in your appearance. For this reason, it may take some time to adjust to your new body image. Most women, however, eventually become comfortable with their smaller breasts and feel very pleased with the results of surgery. In fact, the level of patient satisfaction resulting from breast reduction is among the highest of any plastic surgery procedure.

Maintaining a Relationship with Your Plastic Surgeon

You will return to your plastic surgeon's office for follow-up care at prescribed intervals, at which time your progress will be evaluated. Once the immediate postoperative follow-up is complete, many surgeons encourage their patients to come back for periodic checkups to observe and discuss the long-term results of surgery. Please remember that the relationship with your plastic surgeon does not end when you leave the operating room. If you have questions or concerns during your recovery, or need additional information at a later time, you should contact your surgeon.


Many individuals, starting from childhood, are unhappy with the size or shape of their ears. Or, for some, the ears protrude more than they should, are asymmetrical, or droop too low. Children may be teased at school; and adults might go to great lengths to hide their imperfect ears with their hair or by wearing hats. Fortunately, otoplasty, also referred to as ear plastic surgery, is readily available to cosmetically alter the ears. The procedure should only be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, and can have a dramatic impact on a person's appearance, confidence, and overall quality of life. This corrective surgery is extremely popular among adults and children alike. If you are interested in ear pinning, or ear plastic surgery, it is important that you are well-informed of all pertinent details before moving forward. We invite you to continue reading to familiarize yourself with the treatment, so you can determine whether it is right for you.

Ear Surgery Procedure

Your plastic surgeon will conduct a consultation prior to beginning, to discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and the best route to achieve your desired look. There are several different types of ear surgeries, however, the entire procedure usually lasts approximately two hours, and will likely go as follows: DocShop can help you find a facial plastic surgeon in your area today.

The patient will be given a general anesthesia to be completely unconscious during the procedure. In some cases, patients may be given a local anesthetic with a mild sedative. An incision will be made at the back of the ear, where it is connected to the head. Any excess skin or cartilage will be removed.

The surgeon will shape the ear appropriately, or use permanent sutures to pin the ears back to their necessary position. Sutures may also be used to hold the ear in position just until healing is complete. Your surgeon will inform you of what to do to prepare for otoplasty, as well as what to expect during therecovery period. Soft bandages will need to be worn for a couple days following the procedure. Patients should be completely healed within six weeks, at which time the results are noticeable and beautiful. Patients can resume going to work or school after just one week.

Ear Surgery Candidates

The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate for ear plastic surgery is to meet with a qualified plastic surgeon for a consultation. Patients should be in good physical and mental health. The ideal candidate ismen, women, or children over 4 years old, who wish to correct:

Enlarged ears Ears that appear to be too small Lop ears - the tips are folded down, jutting forward Cupped ears Drooping ears Protruding ears Cauliflower ears Ear deformities Ears needing reconstruction after some type of trauma

Benefits of Ear Surgery

Patients will experience a number of excellent benefits of otoplasty surgery, including:

Procedure is safe - little to no risks involved Can correct a wide variety of ear imperfections Children can avoid teasing by peers Enhance confidence and self esteem Minimal downtime - approximately one week Improve emotional and psychological conditions Minimal scarring once healed Natural-looking results You choose how the ears will look

Ear Surgery Risks

Risks and side effects are possible when it comes to all cosmetic surgeries; although very few are associated with ear plastic surgery. Patients may experience mild pain, numbness, or itching immediately following the procedure. However, any discomfort should subside after a short time and can be relieved with pain medication. It is important that you discuss your medical history, including any existing conditions, during your consultation with your surgeon. Also, ask any questions you may have so you are well aware of any potential complications.

Cost of Ear Surgery

The cost of ear plastic surgery varies from surgeon to surgeon, and depends on several factors, including surgeon experience, the area the surgeon is in, and the extent of the surgery. The cost generally runs from $2,000 to $5,000. Some practices or outside companies can set up financing plans for you as well.

Consult a Plastic Surgeon

To learn more about cosmetic ear surgery, including the cost of otoplasty and the risks associated with ear plastic surgery, it is important to speak with a skilled plastic surgeon. We encourage you to use DocShop's extensive online directory locate a cosmetic surgeon in your area

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