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ch 1, 2006
Dear Editor in chief,
Then the scholar asked: If blood clot causes heart attack or brain stroke, what
counter measures can you suggest even if it is a wild guess? The A.I. answered:
since it is just a wild guess then perhaps install “smart blood clot screener” and
install “smart blood clot dissolver or “smart blood thinner injector” on some vital
blood vessels near the heart or the brain entrance so that there would be automatic
screening of clot and automatic infusion of dissolver or of thinner if blood is
becoming thicker. Perhaps those bio-gadgets are made from plastic or rubber that
are friendly with the antibodies inside the human body so that the gadget can not
be mistaken as foreign invader and the antibodies would not produce deadly by-
products or poison in the body. Perhaps because of robotics small vein could now
appear large on TV screen and the sewing of vein is just like ordinary tube that is
being reconnected or sewed using small sewing machine and small needle and
small thread. Perhaps in the future there can be smart micro vein sewing machine
commercially available that ordinary people can use it to install small gadgets in
animals and in human with just instructions coming from experts or books or
instructions via internet; perhaps even far away a person can install smart bio
gadget through internet using robotics technology or smart intelligence.
Smart intelligence is once manual procedures by human experts or by an expert
surgeon; but those sequences and procedures in operating done by the human
expert were recorded on a memory chips or using macro mode tactics. Example in
installing a “smart blood clot screener” done by an expert, the recorded step by
step procedures could be retrieved if same surgery or installation of a “smart blood
clot screener” situation and condition calls on for other individuals or cases but
now using robotics and computers. Perhaps if almost all repetitive medical
procedures are recorded and could be retrieved, there could be smart intelligence
doctor for any field of medicine. And human doctor could be obsolete or inefficient
in the near future as far as repetitious works are concerned but still human decision
is needed as observer because he is the one who will be responsible if something
goes wrong and the most pay is his; and just some for the machine’s cost and
maintenance because the product is the result of robotics. Human labor should be
made precious and machine should be made very cheap.
Then the scholar asked: Can there be an epidemic or even pandemic of bird
flu? The A.I. answered: perhaps yes, if leaders will just ignore those small
problems connected with bird flu virus. But since human being is learning to be
sensitive to small problems and making ignition of interests so that any small
problem can motivate men to place counter measures that can push economic
domino; or economic cycle could be created out of the small or big problem then
just the news that there is bird’s flu happening on birds, men could pre-empt things
not to get worse. Perhaps in every airport and seaport there could be example one
minute mandatory saliva testing and his finger print would be the identity. Even if
the carrier is already far away from the port, or if just after 10 minutes a saliva
sample is verified positive of the disease because of latest technology, perhaps
there would be an automatic searching of the verified person with in 20 kilometer
radios such as alerting check points, installing search gadgets on check points so
that any carrier or identified carrier of the flu could be stopped to travel more and
should be confined. Since the address of the carrier can immediately be known on
the database of registered citizens then health workers could immediately make a
confinement of the identified carrier for more verifications and testing. One minute
mandatory testing of saliva using the latest technology could create another
economic domino or economic cycle perhaps to be charged or added to the plane
ticket; and the one minute delay is just a simple inspection and no body would care
if it is compulsory. Perhaps that saliva test could be used in other disease
monitoring or DNA searching of an unknown criminal.
Then the A.I. asked: How about the possibility that an economic cycle could be
created because of cancer due to smoking? Perhaps if a person is already insured
because of having health insurance that covers any illness or even cancer then an
economic cycle for that evil thing is already in placed. But perhaps there can be
another way to stimulate flow of cash from cancer caused by cigarette smoking-
another evil thing. Perhaps pass law that all recorded cancer patients in the country
for the last 10 years should be counted; and how much is each average cost for his
medication, and some simple trial computations, etc. Example the estimated
average cost of each medication from the moment that the cancer was diagnosed is
example $12,000.00. And if the average consumption of cigarette sticks of a
smoker is 120,000 sticks derived from data such as; 16.4sticks/day x 365days/year
x 20years-average smoking span- equals 120,000sticks, and if the cost of the stick
is $0.5 or $60,000 for the 120,000sticks for the span of 20 years, and if the
company has a 20% profit out of the cost or $12,000.00; it would mean that
smoker’s contribution to have profit to the cigarette company is equal to the cost of
smoker’s cancer patient medication. So if 10% of 12,000.00- or $1200 spread for
20 years or $60/year or $0.16/day for the 16.4 sticks- is added as premium to all
smokers to pay those few people who got sick because of smoking then the evil
like cancer cause by smoking could result to the creation of cycle of cash and not
affecting the profit of the company. And if there would be saving- example the
estimated cost for cancer patient is more than the actual cost, the savings should be
returned to all recorded cancer patients through raffle or should be returned as
another accumulated fund for payments if there are years that the estimate is short.
Or after 5 years if the savings is too much, the saving should be returned to the
public in a form of lottery or raffle-for charity; but cigarette companies are
discouraged to benefit from savings derived from insurance because it would result
to racketeering. But if the estimate is short, the companies would first share the
burden and readjust the estimates made by private companies, government
agencies and another guarantee corporation should insure those insurance
companies that made wrong estimates.
But since most affluent patients are already covered by health insurance, only
those cancer patients without health insurance should have the benefits of the law
on cigarette insurance. Example if the wife of the cancer patient fall on the
category as poor or earning just minimum wage; or not rich, then she is qualified.
So, left behind poor family of cancer patient that result to death could have
something to start with because of cigarette insurance. There could be much
creativity that could be created to create economic cycle out from evil; it is for the
law makers to be creative so that the doctors and hospital owners will be happy
because of good income from cigarette insurance. Or to have a blessing in disguise
every time there is cancer patient (due to cigarette) who is registered in the
hospital. But what is important, the smoker knows that he is paying or contributing
little by little to the insurance using automation every time he smokes and if
something happens to him, his family (or other poor patient) has something to dig
up out of his smoking habit. Perhaps cigarette smokers could even be happier
because it is not only cancer patients (due to cigarette) who could benefit from the
insurance… but also poor people (without health insurance of any illness); the poor
people could be covered of cigarette insurance because the premium for the
uninsured poor people would be added on the price of each stick accumulated for
20 years or more years from all smokers of the land as long as insurance company
and cigarette companies will not become racketeers because of the premiums
collected out of smoking. Racketeering could also mean too much man hour works
in collecting and servicing rather doing the insurance through machine and
If passed into law another creativity because of negative has materialized; or
sensitivity of changing small or start of negative to positive is one of the traits of a
strong leader rather than the leader is the reason or the contributor or instrument or
the con artist to lead the mind of ordinary people to keep on touching on wonders
especially if there is problem happening at the start or small because of deceptive
Then the scholar reacted: what if a doctor certified that his patient died of
cancer due to smoking but the truth… the patient is a none smoker and had only
smoke few cigarettes and fake the cause of the cancer just to be qualified as a
beneficiary. Then perhaps pass a law that there should be witnesses if the patient is
chain smoker claiming for insurance benefits, and that there should be gadgets that
could really prove that the cancer was caused by excessive smoking.
Then the A.I. noticed that a religious structure for worship of group M-a
famous as a land mark with golden dome of a revered prophet was perhaps
deliberately destroyed by group M-c’s extremist followers or religious fanatics;
perhaps because of religious supremacy. Example, perhaps with regards to
religious differences between two claimants of the “only true church” especially
during the Dark Ages and perhaps even lately between the group C and the group
P, these religious differences had caused several deaths or even perhaps hundreds
or thousands of deaths; also perhaps because of conceit or superiority complex
perhaps because of deceptive words. And their leaders of the two groups perhaps
thought before “they were strong but the truth they were weak”- I think, caused by
deceptive words.” I think, hatred had ruled between the two claimants for religious
supremacy proven by fact that there were many people died perhaps of the words-
“we are the only true church” which both are claimants.
Perhaps the key why the leader of any group can not fuse their followers to side
with the universal word of loving or even to love ones enemy is because of his or
their definition or meaning of strong leader or weak leader. Most groups that are
victims of the opposite of the universal word siding to emotions, outburst because
of hating, anger or because of misunderstanding, arguments, conflicts, quarrels,
fights, killings, wars… have leader/s who define strong leader as strong,
courageous, fierce and bloody fighters. But the truth…most emotional, violent
followers are just victim of “weak leader” pretending to be “wise or strong”; or
unconsciously deceiving blind people. Ordinary people are just waiting for
Universal words backup with specific and concrete words to do something or
anything out of evil so that good should prevail.
Perhaps pass a consensus from the majority of groups of religion that weak
leadership means-flaming outburst due to anger to grow bigger, wilder, bloody
using words that seem universal or deceptive words or keep on touching on
superiority of religion, mysteries, wonders, public miracles. Perhaps weak
leadership- especially religious leader should undergo leadership training on how
to be sensitive to deceptive words that lead the brain to be unmindful of small
problems or chaotic conditions or chaotic situations; or disorderliness or ugliness
or disproportionate of small things… first; or no harmony with things and that lead
to extremes example stampede, hatred, riots, religious fanatics or religious
terrorisms, hatred, suicide bombings, and other evil things.
But strong leader means calming outburst due to anger to subside-but give
specific defense mechanism so that the evil should not be repeated; instead
concrete good actions is created out of evil and especially creating another
economic cycle out of evil to add to the lifting of economic standard of poor
people and especially reforming, changing from being victims of deceptions to
universal Word aficionados...and especially followers of the Word.
From someone who might be mistaken,

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