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May 10, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief,

Then an unintelligent scholar asked the A.I.: Can different groups
agreeing that loving enemy is now their measuring standard would
compromise to exchange their master piece every year especially during
summer time and in a rotation basis as proof that hatred is now being
removed in the brain? …then the A.I. after some searching of key word in
the question/answer data base answered: It is like offering a gift to a former
enemy and the gift is now accepted. Or the gift is even being used in the
group and there is no more anxiety being felt if other’s group expertise is
being also appreciated in a group. Before, those things or gifts had been
hated things because different group is using it! Or there is no more stress
happening that could cause illnesses like cancer or stroke or depression
when seeing a person with different beliefs or remembering a person
considered to be an enemy before. Or there are no more allergies,
nervousness, panic attack, worries or stresses which could cause cancer-
example bone or tissue rebelling, stroke, or toothache or grinding of teeth or
migraine or stomach aching, sudden wild nerve’s exploding being felt if
something connected to a person being hated before is remembered or seen!
Perhaps the proof is: that for group/s which emphasize example on
rituals, self-inflecting, meditation would now let a pastor expert on
explaining teachings on personal relationship with Jesus to allow his
recorded video tape translated in the native dialect/s be shown and be heard
to other interested group/s as an acceptance of gift/s or as sign of tolerance
and friendships. And perhaps the leader- example a good priest would not be
envious and would rather instruct his followers to listen to the visitor’s or
guest’s master piece. They-different groups- exchange their ideas especially
those good ideas and practices; no more die hard “so and so” group because
of superiority and supremacy.
And vice versa if other group/s has/have their also master piece/s they
could be shared with respect or admiration to other groups as long as the gift
is universal good. Those people who will be offended would beforehand tell
his pastor or priest or monk or a leader that he cannot attend the sharing of
other guest’s master piece because his mind might be poisoned; he prefers to
be closed and be die hard loyal to his childhood beliefs. And if there are
other people who were not forced to listen and attend the sharing of master
piece activity, they should be commended for being understanding and
respectful and loving his enemies.
Then another scholar asked: What can you say about Genesis 6:4 quote:
“In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were
descendants of human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great
heroes and famous men of long ago!” Unquote. Could those times be the era
of the dinosaurs and alien invaders? The A.I was puzzled again because it
seems that anything connected to religion is controversy, and answered:
Perhaps it is recorded that there were really giants before… like Goliath.
There are fossils now discovered that dinosaurs existed millions of years
ago. Even now there are big animals like elephants, whales alive. Perhaps if
a man reaches the height of eight-footer he could be called a giant. With
regards that “there were giants on the earth who were descendants of human
women and the heavenly beings” perhaps “heavenly beings” could be angels
or aliens or men from outer space. If “heavenly beings” were like those
“messengers of God” or angels during the time of Sodom with physical body
but no wings perhaps it is also like the resurrected body of Jesus after
resurrection. Perhaps those heavenly beings mentioned on Genesis 6:4 are
also like those state of being like Jesus’ resurrected body; or also of those
messenger of God during the time of Sodom. They could do what ordinary
people can do like eating, walking, speaking, but with some special abilities
like perhaps he can disappear, can move from place to place in an instant; or
can even walk in water surface without sinking, etc.
But in the story, those heavenly beings of Genesis 6:4 married human
women and had children. Perhaps, it is possible now that the theory of Adam
as the original source of genes or as the cause of the birth of sin or original
sin could be in question because there were/are other sources of genes-
example those heavenly beings/aliens. Perhaps those heavenly beings were
also original sources of genes that gave breed to giants in those times. So
perhaps it would be safer that with regards to scientific findings, scientific
analysis should be given more weight. And with regards to universal
consensus for religion perhaps the measuring standard now is perhaps “love
of enemy; or one has no other obligation to others except to love.” Those
“myths” or “beliefs” that had Adam did not fall or commit sin men would
live forever in paradise should now be in question or in doubt or should be
Then a scholar asked: Is Freud theory of mental illness have some
attributes to sexual desires? The A.I. heard that the theory of Freud is still
alive especially attributing to some mental illnesses due to lack or too
desirous of sexual gratifications; and answered: Perhaps there are many
topics about mental illness connected to any lacking or excesses in human
sexual needs. In the bible there are many things that could cause people to
have guilt feelings and suffer depression about incidents related to sex or
sexual desires. Perhaps somewhere in Genesis there is an incident that the
person had used his sexual organ not for procreation but for pressure and he
died instantly…! Perhaps if science could be used to verify this event and
using statistics perhaps there were thousand unrecorded instant deaths in
those times without any reason at all because the acts were private. But the
moral lesson in those times or perhaps even now is that sexual organ is
plainly for procreation and not for pleasure; or sexual pleasure is bad. Or
perhaps the event was/is a lesson to warn people not to abuse his sexual
capacity or ability.
But there are also incidents that were controversial or one sided. Perhaps
another incident is when a wise man named Solomon had married many
wives perhaps hundreds and had collected hundreds sexual partners. And
still Solomon is blessed because he was a wise leader and responsible why
the temple of Jerusalem was constructed. Perhaps another incident is the
story of Samson & Delilah. Perhaps because of Delilah’s skills-being sexy,
beautiful, expert in seducing a well dignified person, Samson revealed his
secret weapon that led to his downfall. But Samson fought back. Another
incident is when a young girl used her charm to destroy a leader of an
enemy; perhaps her name is Ester.
In the New Testament perhaps there are many incidents that could lead
people to suffer depression, to have guilt feelings, to be withdrawn, and to
be suicidal. But there are also incidents that could lessen depression, could
lessen guilt feelings, could free people from being withdrawn, and could free
people from being suicidal. And one could come out to be productive and
mover and successful. There is also incident in the bible when especially
those religious leaders that should be the models were hateful, envious, full
of anger, feeling they had no sin or hypocrite or even accused Jesus’
teachings were from the devil.
Perhaps there are words in the New Testament that should not be applied
literally because it is very dangerous. Example one should cut his right hand
if his right hand is doing bad in order to go to heaven; or his right eye should
be blinded if it is doing wrong so that to go to heaven; or to get a rope and
commit suicide or to kill oneself if he did wrong …, etc. But there are also
incidents or ways to be saved from condemnations, hell, and devil’s
possession or to avoid terrible outcome mentally or physically or socially of
the mistakes done. Example Jesus taught that one could go to the person
offended and asked for forgiveness so that the offended person would give
forgiveness and would not go to the court. Another example: The woman
that should be stoned to death by the mob perhaps caught in the act was
saved by Jesus even if stoning to death was the punishment for a crime of
adultery and it was the law of the land. Perhaps Jesus could influence the
thinking ability of men not to be too rushed in judging people and not to be
too cruel because of words written on the ground with sands and uttered
words: “he who has no sin should first throw the stone.”
There is an incident in the bible that eating meat with blood was
punishable or crime or sin. But in the New Testament, any kind of food as
long it is good could be eaten. There is an incident in the bible that working
during Sabbath or Saturday was very bad but Jesus defended himself and
their group for healing someone during Sabbath; or working like a doctor
during Saturday or Sabbath. Perhaps there is an incident that Jesus perhaps
ate breads that were for the priest only but Jesus permitted his disciples to
eat the restricted bread to get rid of their hunger or starvation. There is
incident that the apostles were permitted to raise dead or to perform
miracles. But there are also incident the raising dead was disallowed and
performing miracles were cautioned. There is an incident that Saturday was
the Sabbath day but in the New Testament the early followers of Christ were
observing religious gathering not on Saturday but on Sunday.
Perhaps so that product or fruit could be the litmus test if a teaching or
ideology or a law or policy or rule of a group or a leader is good or not a
deception perhaps pass a consensus among groups that a detailed experiment
should be conducted to give those activities resulted from any law or rule to
be graded by a referee or neutral scholars with emphasis on the new
measuring standard “love of enemies.” Example: a conceited leader would
give a sermon that their group is the “only” true and right group because of
so and so….! Other groups are false because of so and so…! Then make a
survey: example a holy book K or holy book H or holy book without a Latin
word as a sign of genuineness, or Holy C are passed among 100 members
and asked the following question: 1) Should one read words from other
books without the permission of a leader? 2) Did you feel some stress upon
touching the book of other group? 3) Do you feel you are holier and better
than those other group?
And another humble leader would give a sermon that their group is “also”
as true and right with other groups as long as those groups are following
universal word- example “love of enemy” or “one is a liar if he loves his
God but hates his enemies”, etc. Then the same questions above were asked.
Could there be a different result or out come that a person remains only in
one religion or being die-hard or closed to one and only true religion until
one is very old than having some emersion to several religious groups in his
life time?
From someone who might be mistaken,

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