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August 26, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,

A scholar asked: “How could you check disorderliness?” The A.I. answered: “Let
example what people are doing in squatter areas and shanties or slum areas. Each would
do anything they want; not considering the health, safety, harmony and beauty, so there
are too much nuisances, chaos, and disorders. Perhaps the government could do
something about disorderliness on slum areas. Sensitivity to disorderliness should be on
the top of their priority. Government should intervene on how these poor people live but
not affecting the budget the politician made for other sectors. Just train them to be
organized and train them to do or have a temporary living or shelter made from cheap,
available materials considering health, safety harmony, and beauty.
Let’s think of way/s that those old way of constructing house piece by piece be
replaced by making standard part(s) of the house be assembled and be disassembled
anywhere, anytime by just screw, bolt, weld, nail, etc. Squatter could still have temporary
decent house. If evicted, they will just disassemble their house and assemble it again.
Let us start on the decorative cover of a post. One could make a classic cylindrical
decorative-post cover, near perfect circle, no need of manual plastering thru pre-
fabrication. Why assign one team or group of people living in that squatter area to make
beautiful prefabricated decorative-post cover on places where materials such as sand are
plentiful. They could fabricate any size, of beautiful design of post covers. Another group
could fabricate beautiful frame for, window, door, roof tile, even parts of walls, floors,
joist or girders or supports or braces with reinforcement from recycle metals and
combined with recycled plastics made to be as strong as metal or even stronger than
metal, toilet bowls, kitchen sinks, made from sand and cement, clay, plastics recycle from
garbage. Pre cast or prefabricate parts could be mass produced using automation.”
The standardized pre-cast or pre fabricated parts manufactured at places where materials
are plenty would be transported to designated projects through extra or spare cars from
trains, barges or back loads of trucks so it could be cheaper or discounted.
Let discuss some details of fabricating one part of the house, say, a classic post-
decorative cover. One would just get two guides made from a square aluminum framing.
Then, one would make a scrapper made of thin galvanize piece of sheet where one could
design any figure of scrape that would produce a straight canal, edge, carve on a wet
screened sand and cement. Then, after one hour, one could smooth it with just cement and
water by repeated scrapping with the same scraper. This simple technology, one could
make many beautiful designs for window frames, door frames, fascia boards, concrete
gutters, etc… Hence, manual plastering is avoided.
For beams, post, girders, joists, with steel reinforcement, they could be expensive in
the traditional way, but if garbage plastics could be recycled to be manufactured as an
alternative reinforcement then pre cast beams, post, girders or anything that carry loads
might be stronger and yet cheaper. Steel would still be used as the four corner
reinforcement but smaller, fewer and as dowels and connector so that welding jobs to
joint pre cast could be possible. Cement is the problem. Long ago, cement is just from
lime. I heard they grind shells, etc and mixed it with sand. But since there is now a
technology on how to make better cement, how about letting the government with the
help of its intelligence net work imitate, improve and make a portable, back yard
manufacturing plant for cement use exclusively to help poor people living in shanties
build their beautiful, cheap, or even free homes in a well planned community,
considering, drainage, water supply, electricity, clean air to breath, etc. imitating
socialism ideology but with stiffer counter measure against poor people abused. One
abuse or extreme is by just selling their rights to others for money or letting them rent so
that they could have money for their vices, and go back again to their old way of life
blaming and depending too much on others; or begging. This could be done by giving
penalty to people selling or renting their rights example imprisonment for six months! It
is equal to -stealing! It is still owned by the government and it could be hand over to
others as administrator or care taker only.
I heard that paint could be made almost from the fat of animals, etc. How about let the
technology of making some important parts for constructions of cheap, beautiful house be
imitated, improved thru the help of science department and the some intelligence works.
They could build portable manufacturing plants for making cheap paint, cheap cement,
and cheap reinforcing steel bar from junks, concrete plywood, plywood from compressed
recycled cardboards or old news papers, panel boards, strong plastic reinforcements, etc.
That cheap construction materials would not cost the government or no much money is
taken from the government; because people would just be tapping only the plentiful
materials around, recycled garbage materials, imitating and improving others technology
by the help of science department, (if Intelligence network could also help to enhance
technology), training idle people in the squatter areas, volunteers would really help a lot
to emancipate poor people from disorder, unhealthy, shanty places. Social department
would provide food for the workers, and the workers would have incentives example,
their number of hours of work would be converted to pension premiums, health
premiums, education premiums, and government would shoulder the payment when the
government has already the money. Principle behind: Socialism principle could also be
applied on certain areas in a balanced democratic government as long as a barometer is in
placed to know if the system is letting poor people become too depended to the others
and not affecting the principle of consumerism too much.
Gardens, trees, drainage, street, walk path, plants, grass, playgrounds, chapels,
nursery, school would be considered also as part of the strategy. Alternative energy source
would also be an urgent consideration because mostly are poor. So device some practical
technology so that it could convert the movements of anything around them, such as
wind, human, children playing, passing cars could be tapped to save strain in coils, in
weight lift, in springs, in rubber bands then if release would drive a small generator and
charge electricity to a battery. The poor people could use the stored or not stored
electricity for emergency or alternative source for lights, etc.
If they-the volunteer workers become successful in converting shanties to beautiful,
well planned community without much money from the government, but only volunteer
works, abundant materials around, technology imitated and improved by some volunteer
scientists and engineers with the help of the intelligence network, and some loans… they
could repeat their work to other shanties and so on. The volunteers could just be in size of
company, it might turn to battalion whose prime enemy is to fight nuisance,
disorderliness, breeding ground for criminals, diseases, etc. They could be integrated to
military and police, because they will be trained like police and military- ‘Obey first
before complaining’. Their weapons are not guns but construction tools, and construction
skills, perhaps some system of automations or robots. And, some government projects
would be done by this new military trained, engineers, foremen, equipment operators,
skilled workers.
Professional squatting could be remedied by having all beneficiaries have their
certificate of occupancy number base from their DNA, so no one could duplicate his
identity and frequent checks of the true occupants; and also to prevent using government
socialism principle be a source of “money” to finance their bad habit by selling or renting
the rights to others…! Perhaps people becoming professional squatters should be
criminalized by law.
A scholar asked: “Could plastic be made stronger?” The A.I. answered: “I keep on
mentioning about plastic as an alternative to steel as reinforcements! If you will
remember a spider could web or make a net to catch his prey, that web according to
findings is stronger than steel if the size of the web is the same as the steel. Now it has
been proven because bulletproof vests are now made from plastics stronger than steel.
One would wonder why a spider could produce a material such as the web from just
eating something, or a crab could produce a shell, or a turtle- his strong shelter, an
elephant- his ivory, a tiger- his hard canine teeth. Our food came from the sun thru
photosynthesis processed by plants. Scientist says that the hardest material is the
diamond, a product of super heating and super compressing carbon; or perhaps a former
coal on craters of volcanoes for millions of years. Carbons are from organic things like
wood which are from plants. Scientist could artificially produce similar to diamond on its
characteristics of hardness and strength eliminating long process by time. The product is
good for extreme heat insulations now perhaps use by space shuttle.
Now, old tires could be recycled by just adding some additives from corns. And, the
product could be a good source of alternative construction materials. Plastics could be a
cheap alternative to steel as reinforcement in construction house. Since there are plenty of
it thrown as waste, and if it could be tapped and be recycled. I think it could contribute
much to change shanties, disorderliness, to a beautiful place where garden, plants, and
trees harmonize with those cheap beautiful houses.
If one could notice dental floss, a string to remove dirt in the teeth, it is made from
plastics. It is strong. Moreover, if the government would imitate and improve the
technology to make plastic be strong or even stronger than steel, and, if almost all the
waste plastic could be converted as alternative reinforcements, standard panel door or
flash doors, decorative windows, but if they could still make molds for plastics cabinets,
tables, chairs, etc., it is good. And, then the shanty could be converted to a nice, decent
community, with trees, gardens, then what a revolution changing waste to beauty! The
former shanty could be a beautiful place where poor people could live happily.
If other countries have so much garbage of plastic and they do not know what to do
why ask for them to give them to poor countries. It’s free; they-the rich should be the one
that should transport those to poor countries, as long as its only plastic- no hazardous, and
dangerous chemicals.
From RV,

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