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September 7,

Dear Editor in Chief,
A scholar asked: “If never sinning be extreme because of the word “never” and
because “never” sounds similar to “only”; and one must also sin sometimes to be
balanced?” The A.I. answered: “It seems you are particular there… but law & good
teachings don’t allow deliberate doing a sin! But most negative actions become a sin
because it is deliberately done or the committing of sin is no longer being contracted by
his conscience that’s why it is no longer a “sin” for him but skill and expertise-example
faking signature, or cooking bidding, having some insertions in reporting expenses,
having some manipulation in reporting profits, contributions or donations to have easy
money, or doing promiscuity becomes a skill than trembling or feeling nervous in doing
so or having some remorse or having some consequences. But perhaps a human who
never sin is no longer human but perhaps a saint or robot; but human is called to be
perfect or to be saint or holy. Human is not robot; perhaps it is his tendency to fall or to
have sin; or his will be put to test. But notice on ‘our Lord’s prayer’ words: “…do not
bring us to the test but deliver us from all evil…;” or “…in words by a centurion: “I am
not worthy to receive you but say the word and I will be healed…”
A scholar asked: “Is holy man - balanced; and very holy man –extreme – because of
the word “very”? Perhaps the computer could easily recognized extremes thru using
superlative adverbs. But is it just an attempt to let machine or computer systems think and
do something even just little! “Very holy” could be misleading; because Jesus himself
said that there is: “One who is good or holy, He is his and our Father in heaven.”
A scholar asked: “I heard a pastor or a priest telling that most people are doing
something to get something example earnings for his sustenance. And most volunteering
works too are given some allowance. But doing something and causing somebody to get
nothing, and even causing him to be called foolish, fake is extreme; it should be checked
and be balanced. Am I wrong? The A.I. answered: You are not wrong; one should perhaps
quit and resign or look for other ways to survive…! But sometimes, if he has some side
lines like planting or farming or some fees from signing signature because he is also a
professional and he has some money from rents because he asks it as his loan from his
love ones, perhaps he could still survive…; or perhaps there could still be sunshine
behind the clouds…!
Sometimes perhaps because of mistake, someone should do something unique which
many or even most people would not even touch or care; but sometimes in it is the key so
that things could be tried. It is perhaps not the working of ordinary… but perhaps there is
a mystery behind it. Imagine crazy man could write something even little and gives
simple ideas that if tried could perhaps change something little…. But he is not claiming
anything; even having some credits if there is good that is happening, or there was good
that had happened; or will happen. When people accept the Word as true; or people would
not attack the good universal good words as from the devil perhaps that is the beginning
of harmony, long peace, or balanced in every aspect of life...!
A scholar asked: “If almost all poor countries would become aware of their
hardheadedness and failures or bad habits and would change and would embrace the
Word and would be balanced and become active especially on business, there could be
too much supply of many things that others will fall. Perhaps those countries that are
enjoying now the fruit of having less competition would suffer and eventually fall down.
It could be the going up and going down of civilization-is it always true? The A.I.
answered: “Most rises and falls of ancient and recent government or civilization happen
because of the death or ouster of a strong leader. Or the ideology was defeated by war; or
there was conquest done by another dominant group having different ideology. Now
because of computer and automation and open of ideas worldwide through internet
perhaps it is different than before. Even if a strong leader dies, as long as the culture or
habits of most people are rooted on good foundation (others called it rock) especially on
universal words regardless of religion it will not fall down easily. It will only fall down
and the falling would last long if people change from bad to worse- not from bad to
better- and forget those good values that are rooted on universal Words.
A scholar asked: “Is it really a strong leader that is needed to move a timid country to
go. Or universal words should also be needed…?” The A.I. answered: “I think both-
strong leader back up by good laws and universal words should team together…! I think,
since the image of the president or leader is not tainted of any scandal especially if he is
God fearing; and the leader is firmed, could fire, could relieve, could demote, could
rotate, could reassign, these strong image should be carried down to the division chiefs.
Firm orders, commands and specifics instructions are needed. Good image or character,
practical & concrete orders that produces high moral and concrete actions is very
important. If people, investors perceive that generally, the government employees are
enjoying easy money from many source like extortions, hidden inserts, having crocodile
or lizard syndrome, this would scandalize other too. People will imitate and will love
easy money like faking-checks, faking-bidding, extortion- like kidnapping, hold-upping,
robberies, etc. In their minds, “they –the leaders or authorities too are corrupt; or no body
will be apprehended if all are involved or conniving with authorities or conniving with
each other. Good image, good character and good values of individual are the fibers of
harmony in the society. Scandals create chaos.
A scholar who is interested on fighting personal struggle… asked: “Can you explain…
or what is your opinion, or perspective, or relative point of view of Hebrew 6:6: “…and
then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again,
because they are crucifying the Son of God and exposing him to public shame...” The
A.I. answered: “If the verse only is the range to be interpreted, there could be many
interpretations that could be derived from those few words, example: a) Perhaps many
will be afraid that if one would know many good words and many good teachings and
found himself sinning again or left his ‘faith’ and transfer to another group… perhaps it is
“impossible for him to repent…,” and he is doomed to a place where there is
hopelessness. Or better avoid knowing good words so that one is free to do what one
wants and free always..; and “enjoying life”..! b) Perhaps if a person who knows already
that their group is the true and right group and has the right faith and if he abandoned it or
left or become inactive, it is impossible for him to be active again…and he is doomed…”
c) Perhaps if a person back slide, it is impossible for him to repent…! d) If a person see
clearly that his action is bad and believe that it is bad and he has been avoiding the bad
thing to happen …but there come a point that he decided to do it again or accidentally
repeat to do the bad thing he clearly believes that it is bad, or deliberately do the bad
thing again…then perhaps it is impossible for him to repent …!
But most if not all people do sin; or sometimes the faith weakens…or perhaps few
even lost the faith; and return to have faith again... They sin and know it that it is sin, yet
they deliberately do it sometimes or once in a week, or once in a year, or once in two
years, or once in 4, 10 years…and so on. But there are sins that at first they know they are
wrong…but they justify it that it is not wrong because others especially those honorable
are doing them expertly clean and they are well respected especially connected to
corruption. So as times pass by thru repetitions, the sin is no longer a sin but a skilled or
expertise and it is already part of the life and making him richer and making him to
“enjoy life well…”! And there is no more remorse of what so ever happening to him…!
Or others think that they will confess it and he is free or save again!
Other is too concerned of his fault or mistake or sin that he is so depressed and his
chemicals and natural defense mechanism in his body is so affected that he got
imbalanced supply of chemicals and got a nervous breakdown or suffering from some
illness... Thinking so much that it is impossible for him to repent he loses all hopes and
become so desperate and eventually he committed a suicide. Some people are too
sensitive to his guilt when a sin is committed. Perhaps if he happened to be drunk and did
something wrong example touching a beautiful young woman by just offering her some
drinks and some gifts. But after sometimes, he is now always thinking or worrying that
he has aids and! Thinking too much of having aids affects so much his concentrations that
he forgets to do his work well; then he was fired. Remember, for every action there is
always reaction opposite in direction. Or it is the universal law of “what you sow is what
you reap!”
Anyway, perhaps the word “impossible to repent….” is not found in Mathew, Mark,
Luke or John but on perhaps letters by inspired men example in Hebrew. And because
perhaps Jesus taught or teaches to keep on having faith and hope…and to ask for
forgiveness always…; or don’t despair…! Or better ask your religious teacher about the
word “impossible to repent…”

From someone,

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