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October 30, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief,

A scholar asked: “I saw from a cartoon movie that lights could just be reflected by a
mirror. Could this idea influence others to have counter measure against light as
weapon?” The A.I. answered: “It seems simple but who knows there might be secrets
about lights that a mirror could not counter!
A scholar asked: “Could those expensive weapon really pushes the enemies to be
invisible?” The A.I. answered: “With regards that the enemies would focus on being
invisible, it is really a great challenge to detect things that could be assembled as invisible
weapons such as portable dirty bomb or portable nuclear bomb by those invisible
enemies. I saw from movies that a dirty bomb had exploded on a sport stadium. But the
culprits were not the religious extremists but those ambitious syndicates wanting to have
control and power on the lives of the people. Perhaps enemies from within the citizen
itself could be a reality in the near future because of ambition for false greatness or for
money. Perhaps a very rich religious extremist supporter has the money to buy anybody
inside the country to construct, assemble and detonate a dirty bomb inside a moderate and
balanced city. Money could buy anything.
A scholar asked: “Is there really enough and too much about religion? Who
determine the line where enough is enough or extreme is extreme? Some people have
different gauge or standard about what is enough!” The A.I. answered: “Other
progressive countries know that too much religion is extreme; especially not connected to
let the mind become sensitive to enhance small things like discipline, neatness,
cleanliness, thriftiness, investing, etc. rather it just boost superiority, conceit, withdrawn
or submissive type of mind. They-those fiestas, extravagance and expensive feast days,
too much religious rituals or extravagant processions that distract example smooth flow
of traffic, let people become showy or extravagance or boastful or drunkards were/are
discouraged or banned. They prefer or balance it thru moderate secularism, silence to
controversial religious topics boosting superiority or supremacy of religion or boosting
things that could never be explained like unclear things or blurred things or mysteries.
But those moderate and balanced groups would focus on practical things and clear things
such as on enhancing creativities, sports, health, food, security, education, science, dress
code, savings and stocks enthusiasm, building codes, technology enhancement, universal
ethics, and universal morals with its tolerances.
A scholar asked: “How could a controversial thing about religion of different faiths
arrive to have consensus of the majority?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps somebody should
initiate to have one international organization among those religious leaders. Perhaps
their first consensus is: to have a constitution and the name of their organization. I think
and I hope that good and balanced religions could also be like democratic political system
where any extreme could easily be checked or balanced; or imitating good, balanced
things could easily be implemented by just having consensus or majority vote from
representatives of different religion. No need to wait for “miracles” to prove that it is
from God because it could be used as a ‘mark’ or ‘connection’ to the beast as described in
the one of the many good words: Rev. 19:19-21 & Mark 13: 21-23.”
A scholar asked: “How could religious representative have consensus on a
controversial topic when each one would hold on to its conviction or faith that is with
them for a thousand years?” The A.I. answered: “ Perhaps some spiritual leaders are just
victim of too literal in translating words from any spiritual reference or references that
result to inactiveness, inaction/s, timidity, fears, wars, conflicts, deceptions and so on….!
Example: they quote words from those spiritual references with emphasis, repetitions,
and boldness but other things that should be incorporated with it, the spiritual leaders
seldom mention those…especially if it might diminish the impact or cause harm to their
traditional beliefs. Perhaps during their deliberations and debates with other faiths or
other groups, something positive could be drawn that could be called universal. But for
those distinctive tradition and culture such as connected to mystery or mysteries that each
would hold on by the majority of their group perhaps the distinctive tradition or belief
should be respected.
A scholar asked: “I heard that some groups have never ending debates on some
words on the bible of whose group is really teaching the only true or belong to the one
gospel; could you give examples of topics that are controversial?” The A.I. answered:
“Perhaps, words that say “no amount of work could save a man, because if it is so… man
would boast; it is only thru grace and faith that man could be saved” but not teaching
“thou shall not kill” or “thou shall not commit adultery” is a controversial one. Perhaps
the teaching is like putting a “groove” or “a trap on the making” in the sub-consciousness
of a man. Another controversial teaching is: kill those infidels or those pigs or dogs or
sons of Satan for his “God’s sake’- thinking he is holier and better than others are perhaps
actions derived from malicious mind and malicious tongue!
I think the ‘devil’ is expert on placing ‘trap on the making in man’s sub-
consciousness’ because the ‘devil’ could disguise as holy men, as winners, or as more
credible men and uses the “words” from the Bible or perhaps even from Koran or any
spiritual references...! Why trap in the making? Example: one believes that to keep on
enjoying life especially on ‘flesh’ related things or ‘easy money’ or any bad thing-
example being corrupt- as long as one has faith, and grace he is saved. He needs not to
pray and to work hard to eliminate his bad habits because if he works for it he would
boast. Perhaps this teaching might encourage divorce; or divorce is no longer the
exemption but the rule. Because example: ‘thou shall not commit adultery”
commandment is now out modeled by just having “grace” and “faith”- one has already
the license to do anything he likes.
I think, “Grace” and “Faith” is a gift to have ‘smart regulator of what is wrong or
good’ in one’s mind or believer’s mind. If one commits wrongdoing he becomes stressed,
nervous, sad, feeling sick, perhaps even feeling dying because he has conscience and
being disturbed or has remorse. But if one commits wrongdoing and there is no remorse;
he is happy, enjoying it because he is ‘saved’ already because he has ‘faith’ and ‘grace.’
Then the ‘devil’ has been triumphant in his ‘strategy’ tilting the ‘word’ in his favor. I
think it is the sin against the spirit which has no forgiveness. Because how could a man
ask for forgiveness if what he is doing is not being contradicted by his conscience. Or
there is no more inner voice saying that it is wrong. I think experts like priests or clerics
or clergies or rabbis or monks or imams know about this much- ‘the sin against the spirit’
has no forgiveness; or I might be mistaken. But common sense dictates, how could a man
ask for forgiveness if he believes that what he has been doing is ‘right;’ and there is no
inner voice rebuking it? Perhaps, extremist’s jihad and martyrdom idea is also being used
by extremist clerics so that innocent people would have a ‘trap in the making’ and the
inner voice to decide which is better has been stopped.
I think grace and faith is when one’s mind is controlled by the words of universal
truth like ‘love one another… or love your neighbor or love your enemy…’ But others are
still successful of using the word ‘love’ as trap in the making by letting love becomes too
connected to sensualities. I think to balance “trap in the making” or to balance that idea
that absorb all the stresses and strains that lead to uncontrollable out burst of hatred is to
uniformly distribute the stresses and strains in other means especially in small ways thru
education, sports, entertainments, hobbies even in office thru caring plants and fish pets
with incentives and reward. I think “trap in the making” could be pre-empted during
childhood-up-bringing thru educating children about universally accepted truth first; and
most especially editing and explaining or putting into right context controversial words in
their sacred books – lessening tendencies to hate but encouraging cooperation and
tolerance and respect.
A scholar asked: “Why is it that other countries are too strict using their religious
tradition or religious law to let their women cover their face?” The A.I. answered:
“Perhaps it has been carried down to tradition that men’s eyes should be distrusted
because perhaps similar words from other sacred book could be found like example in
Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But now I
tell you: anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing
adultery with her in his heart.”
And also I heard an imam compared the covering veil as a cover for food so that the
cat would not be tempted to snatch the food on the table. Perhaps on other tolerant
countries, using veil to cover the face and especially to cover the eyes is too much-it is
extreme. It would mean that most men are like untamed cats. Cats could also be
disciplined or tamed by constant training. Perhaps between no cover at all on ones body
and all the body is covered, which are both extremes, there must be space between the
two extremes that moderation or balance is present. Principle behind: There are many
ways to solve extreme without creating another extreme.

From someone,

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