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On Being a Gray Calvinist By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., M.B.A., Phd. (C)Copyright (2011 C.E.) By Anthony J.

Fejfar I am now a Gray Calvinist, Protestant Transcendentalist who believes in The God of Being. A Protestant is defined as a person or existant who has a natural right, divine right, and or individual right to protest that which is unjust, illogical, and or unreasonable. Every Gray Calvinist is a lay person, canonically, and has the right to perform the protestant sacrament of the eucharist. Every Gray Calvinist believes in The New Oxford Bible, Magna Charta, Grotius, the Pennsylvania Charter of 1681, The Declaration of Independence, The Natural Rights found in the Pennsylvania Constitution of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Property, Contract, and Reputation, and Substantive and Procedural Due Process. Each Gray Calvinist believes in the individual right of interpretation of the Christian Bible, with the following scriptural texts as primary: The Book of Wisdom, The Prologue to the Gospel of John, and the One Law that each Gray Calvinist is to Love the Lord Your God, The God of Being, with all Your Heart, all Your Soul, and with All Your Strength. The Trinity of Gray Calvinists is the Trinity of God the Father, The God of Being; God the Son, The God of Logos; and God the Holy Spirit, The God of Substantial Relation Love and Truth. The

Godhead of the Gray Calvinists is The Tao of Being, Logos, and Substance. Every Gray Calvinist both benefits and is bound by Sheriffs Law, The Law of Logic, which prohibits and penalizes sophistry, that is, the use of logical/illogical fallacies in any statement, argument, or conduct which involves a logical/illogical contradiction, such as asserting that A and not A can exist at and in the same time and the same place. Gray Calvinists follow Greek Philosophy, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Philosophy and Mathematics, as well as Emerson, Thereau, and Lonergan. Gray Calvinists are also Protestant Transcendentalists, following the Transcendental Precepts of : Be Attentive, Be Intelligent, Be Reasonable, Be Responsi ble, Be Loving, Be Intuitive, Be Wise. Gray Calvinists also believe in Liberal Morality, with the following moral values: My own Autonomy or Freedom comes First; then, My own rational self interest; My own Self-Actualization; My own Cognitive Self Transcendence. Gray Calvinists also follow the Ethical Principles of: Reciprocity, Utility, Proportionality, and Equity. Gray Calvinists also follow Anthony J. Fejfars Neothomist, Critical Thomist Jurisprudence, Theology, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Mathematics, and Philosophy Gray Calvinists believe in Intuition, which is defined as unconscious and or preconscious, analogical thought processes, which can go Quantum, and provide information to the human mind, non-locally-at-a-distance. Gray Calvinists also believe in Logic, which is defined as those statements, arguments, or actions

which do not involve a logical contradiction. Gray Calvinists also believe in Reason, which is defined as a composite of Love, Logic, and Intuition. Gray Calvinists believe in Love, which is defined as a Positive Feeling flowing outward. Gray Calvinists believe that each person and or existant has an Immortal, Pre-existant Soul. Gray Calvinists believe in the Ressurection of the Body and or reincarnation. Gray Calvinists believe in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, both on Earth, and in the Afterlife, and that most persons and or existants stay in Purgatory. Gray Calvinists believe that Purgatory is both a state of being and a place of spiritual growth, self-actualization, education, and penance. Gray Calvinists believe in the church vocation and avocation of Reader. Gray Calvinists believe in the Gospel according to Saint Jude the Apostle, with Postscript, as well as the Good Friday Epistle of Saint Jude the Apostle. Gray Calvinists believe in Saint Anthony The Archangel, and Saint Thomas Judeas The Apostle, and Saint Anthony The Apostle. Gray Calvinists believe in Christmas, The Nativity, The Christ Child, Christmas Gift Giving, and Saint Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus.

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