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Major Field Examination


June 3, 2009 9:00 am 1:00 pm

Closed Book: Part A

Instructions: 1. Write your name on this page only 2. Return problem statements on top of each solution 3. Put the problem number, word Part A, and your assigned code number on the upper right hand corner of each page (not your name)

Name: ______________________________________

Code: _____________

171A Closed Book Problem Consider a plant G ( s ) =

June 2009

1 and feedback controller C ( s ) in a unity negative s 1


feedback loop. (a) Design a first order controller C ( s ) = K

s+a , that gives stable closed loop s+b system, steady state error for a unit step input is less than 0.1, and real close loop poles are real (i.e. no complex poles).

(b) For a high order controller C ( s) = k C '( s) , the Bode plot of C(s) is shown below. Determine the range of the k values that gives stable closed loop system.



Bode Diagram

Magnitude (abs) Phase (deg)





10 45



-90 10








Frequency (rad/sec)

270A Closed-Book, Spring 2009

Consider the linear, time-invariant discrete-time system xk+1 = Axk . Let the set of eigenvalues of A be denoted {1 , 2 , . . . , n } (not necessarily distinct). Show that |k | < 1, k = 1, 2, . . . , n, if and only if there exists an invertible matrix T such that (T 1 AT ) < 1.

Linear Optimal Control

Consider the system x1 = x1 + x2 x2 = u x3 = 0 with the output y = x1 x3 and performance index J=


(y 2 + u2 ) dt .

Find the gain matrix K such that the feedback control law u = Kx minimizes J, where x1 x = x2 . x3 Hint: One way to approach this problem is to dene x = V Tx where the columns of the matrix V are orthogonal to each other and to the unobservable subspace. However, the nal gain matrix must be for the control law u = Kx.

Problem (MAE 271A and B): Closed Book

June 2, 2009

Consider a scalar stationary process xt with covariance function Rxx ( ). 1. For what value m of is Rxx ( ) maximum? Does this depend on the particular Rxx ? 2. Can Rxx ( ) take on negative values? Prove or give a counterexample. 3. Is Rxx ( ) symmetric about = 0? Explain. 4. Suppose that Gxx () is the corresponding PSD. Is Gxx () symmetric about = 0? Prove or give a counterexample. 5. Can Gxx () take on negative values? Show. 6. For what value m of is Gxx () maximum? Does this depend upon the particular Gxx ()? 7. What is the relationship between Gxx (m ) and Rxx (m )?


Major Field Examination


June 4, 2009 9:00 am 1:00 pm

Open Book: Part B

Instructions: 1. Write your name on this page only 2. Return problem statements on top of each solution 3. Put the problem number, word Part B, and your assigned code number on the upper right hand corner of each page (not your name)

Name: ______________________________________

Code: _____________

171A/270A Open Book Problem

June 2009

A simple water supply system is shown in figure below, two identical pumps draw water from a lake to treatment tanks and provide water supply at a desired flow rate. The input flow rate to the first tank is u1. The amount of water in the first tank is x1, where x1=0 means the tank is empty and x1=1 means the tank is full. So it is desirable that 0<x1<1. The output flow rate y1 from the first tank is proportional to x1 such that y1=x1. The second tank has the exact same characteristic as those described for the first tank. To save the cost of control equipment, only the combined output flow rate y=y1+y2 is measured and fedback to the pump controller, which controls the flow rate of both pumps, i.e. u1=u2 =u. The controller is a simple proportional control u= k(r-y), where r is the commanded flow rate. (a) Derive the system state equations and determine the controllability and observability, and identify, if any, the uncontrollable or unobservable modes. (b) Suppose initially x1(0)=1, x2(0)=0. A step command of r(t)=R is applied to the control system. Solve for x1(t) and x2(t) as a function of the feedback gain k. (c) From the result of (a) determine the conditions for k and R values that the constraints 0<x1(t)<1, 0<x2(t)<1 (t>0) would be violated, making the control system ineffective. Note that R<2 since it is always true that y(t)<2.


Pump 1


u2 Tank 2 x2

Pump 2

Tank 1 u Pump controller y x1



water supply

270A Open-Book, Spring 2009

Consider the single-input, linear, time-invariant system x = Ax + Bu Assume the system is asymptotically stable. Furthermore, the input u is periodic with period T , i.e. u(t + T ) = u(t) t. Answer the following, 1. Show, for any initial condition,

lim x(t + T ) x(t) = 0.

In other words, x is eventually periodic, too. 2. Derive an explicit formula for the periodic solution.

Linear Optimal Control

Consider the system x1 + x1 = u x3 + x3 = 0 and performance index J=


(x1 x3 )2 + u2 dt .

1. Find the feedback control law that minimizes J. 2. Suppose that the optimal control law from Part 1 is used. Also suppose that x1 (0) is constrained to be 0, that x3 (0) and x3 (0) are given, and that x1 (0) can be chosen to minimize

Jx =

(x1 x3 )2 dt .

Find the optimal value of x1 (0) in terms of x3 (0) and x3 (0).

Problem (MAE 271A and B): Open Book

June 2, 2009

Consider the dynamic system dz(t) = (x sin t)dt + dv(t) dx = b dt where x(0) is normally distributed with zero mean and variance P0 > 0, the normally distributed random variable b has zero mean and variance B > 0, and v(t) is a Brownian motion process with Power Spectral Density V > 0. The initial values of x and b are independent 1. Show that x and b are observable. 2. What is the minimum variance estimator for x and b? 3. Determine the propagation equation for the inverse of the error variance P (t). Note that P (t)S(t) = I. 4. Determine the error variance P (t) and lter gains as an explicit function of time. Let V = 1. 5. As t , what values do the means and variances of the error in the estimate of x and b approach. Hint: Use sin2 axdx =
x 2

sin2ax 4a

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