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Phil. Trans. R. Soc.

B (2006) 361, 1837–1843

Published online 8 September 2006

Hyperthermophiles in the history of life

Karl O. Stetter*
University of Regensburg, Universitätsstrasse 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Today, hyperthermophilic (‘superheat-loving’) bacteria and archaea are found within high-
temperature environments, representing the upper temperature border of life. They grow optimally
above 808C and exhibit an upper temperature border of growth up to 1138C. Members of the genera,
Pyrodictium and Pyrolobus, survive at least 1 h of autoclaving. In their basically anaerobic
environments, hyperthermophiles (HT) gain energy by inorganic redox reactions employing
compounds like molecular hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulphur and ferric and ferrous iron. Based
on their growth requirements, HT could have existed already on the early Earth about 3.9 Gyr ago.
In agreement, within the phylogenetic tree of life, they occupy all the short deep branches closest to
the root. The earliest archaeal phylogenetic lineage is represented by the extremely tiny members of
the novel kingdom of Nanoarchaeota, which thrive in submarine hot vents. HT are very tough
survivors, even in deep-freezing at K1408C. Therefore, during impact ejecta, they could have been
successfully transferred to other planets and moons through the coldness of space.
Keywords: archaea; hyperthermophiles; origin of life


The first traces of life on Earth date back to the Early Based on the pioneering work of Carl Woese, the small
Archaean, between 3.5 and 3.9 Gyr ago. Although the subunit ribosomal RNA (ss rRNA) is widely used in
recognition of ancient microfossils just by morphology phylogenetic studies (Woese & Fox 1977; Woese et al.
turned out to be very difficult, there are chemical traces 1990). In Bacteria and Archaea it consists of about
of life within the rocks from Precambrian deep-sea 1500 bases. Owing to sequence comparisons, a
vents (Schopf & Packer 1987; Brasier et al. 2002; van phylogenetic tree is now available (figure 1). It shows
Zullen et al. 2002). These had been the times at the end a tripartite division of the living world into the bacterial,
of the heavy meteorite bombardment. The surface of archaeal and eukaryal domains. Within this tree, deep
the early Earth must have been much hotter than today. branches are evidenced for early separation. The
Expelled by impacts, microbes could have spread in separation of the bacteria from the stem shared by
between the planets and moons of the early Solar Archaea and Eukarya represents the deepest and
System. Only superheat-loving microbes similar to the earliest branching point. Short phylogenetic branches
hyperthermophiles (HT; Stetter 1992) would have indicate a rather slow rate of evolution. In contrast to
been able to thrive and survive in such an ‘early times of the Eukarya, the bacterial and archaeal domains within
life’ scenario. Twenty-five years ago, the first HT had the phylogenetic tree exhibit some extremely short
been isolated, which exhibited unprecedented optimal and deep branches. Surprisingly, these are covered
growth temperatures above 808C, where usual meso- exclusively by HT, which therefore form a cluster
philic and thermophilic bacteria are killed within around the phylogenetic root (figure 1, thick lineages).
seconds (Brock 1978; Stetter et al. 1981; Zillig et al. The deepest and shortest phylogenetic branches are
1981; Stetter 1982). HT turned out to be very common represented by the Aquificales and Thermotogales
in hot terrestrial and submarine environments. Their within the bacteria and the Nanoarchaeota,
position within the universal phylogenetic tree of life Pyrodictiaceae and Methanopyraceae within the
provides further strong evidence of a hyperthermo- Archaea, indicating a slow rate of evolution. Now,
philic last common ancestor (see subsequently). In my several total genome sequences are already available.
research, I am looking for today’s HT, their environ- Within the sequences, as a rule, trees based on genes
ments, properties and modes of living. So far, I have involved in information management (e.g. DNA
been collecting more than 1500 strains of HT. These replication, transcription, translation) parallel the ss
include isolates that even survive autoclaving at 1218C. rRNA tree. However, within the genes of metabolism,
The question as to whether such organisms at 1218C based on the frequent lateral gene transfer, a network
are still slowly growing or just surviving is still rather than a tree may reflect their phylogenetic
unanswered (Blöchl et al. 1997; Kashefi & Lovley relations (Doolittle 1999).
2003; Cowan 2004). At present, about 90 species of hyperthermophilic
archaea and bacteria are known, which had been
isolated from different terrestrial and marine thermal
* areas in the world. HT are very divergent, in terms of
One contribution of 19 to a Discussion Meeting Issue ‘Conditions for both their phylogeny and physiological properties and
the emergence of life on the early Earth’. are grouped into 34 genera and 10 orders.

1837 This journal is q 2006 The Royal Society

1838 K. O. Stetter Hyperthermophiles

Eukarya arthropoda nematoda

alveolates animals

stramenopiles chordata (homo)

rhodophytes fungi


Bacteria high G+C trichomonads

gram positive clostridia
cyanobacteria green non-sulphur
green sulphur cocci
bacteria sulfolobus Crenarchaeota
dictyoglomus igni- metallosphaera
chlamydia thermotoga pyro-coccus thermofilum Archaea
dictium thermoproteus
flexistipes pyrococcus
pyro- thermococcus
d lobus
Proteobacteria methanothermus
e methanopyrus
thermo- archaeoglobus/ferroglobus
aquifex thermo- N. eq.
fibrobacter halobacteriales
thermocrinis vibrio Nano-
g a desulfuro- archaeota methanoplanus
bacterium methano- methanomicrobium
coccales methanosarcina
thermoplasma Euryarchaeota
low GC gram positives
(Bacillus, Mycoplasma,

Figure 1. Small subunit ribosomal RNA-based phylogenetic tree. The thick lineages represent HT.

energy-yielding reactions of hyperthermophiles

electron donor electron acceptor product

• CO2 methane
• Fe (OH)3 magnetite
H2 • S0; SO42– hydrogen sulphide
• NO3– nitrogen (NH3)
• O2 (traces) water
S0 (pyrite) • O2 H2SO4 (+ FeSO4)

source of cell carbon : CO2

additional growth requirements:
heat, trace minerals, liquid water
Figure 3. Krafla solfataric field (Iceland), 2 days before a
Figure 2. Schematic of main energy-yielding reactions in volcanic fissure eruption. A huge fumarole throws up lumps
chemolithoautotrophic HT. of boiling mud that contained viable HT.

important electron donor. Other electron donors are

3. ENERGY SOURCES AND LIFESTYLE sulphide, sulphur and ferrous iron. As in mesophilic
The energy sources of HT are very simple. Most species respiratory organisms, in some HT, oxygen may serve as
exhibit a chemolithoautotrophic mode of nutrition an electron acceptor. However, in contrast, oxygen-
(figure 2). Anaerobic and aerobic types of respiration respiring HT are usually microaerophilic and therefore
follow inorganic redox reactions (chemolithotrophic), grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations. Anaerobic
and CO2 is the only carbon source required to build-up respiration types are the nitrate, sulphate, sulphur and
organic cell material (autotrophic). Therefore, these carbon dioxide respirations. While chemolithoauto-
organisms fix CO2 by chemosynthesis and are designated trophic HT produce organic matter, there are some HT
chemolithoautotrophs. Molecular hydrogen serves as an that depend on organic material as energy and carbon

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2006)

Hyperthermophiles K. O. Stetter 1839

Figure 4. Antler-shaped cell of Thermoproteus, about 100 mm

in length and 0.4 mm in diameter. Phase-contrast light
micrograph. Figure 6. Sampling at the submarine hydrothermal vents at
Porto di Levante, Vulcano (Italy). Hot water and gas escape
from cracks within hot volcanic rocks.

Figure 5. Oil wells within the permafrost soil at Prudhoe Bay,

North Alaska.

sources. They are designated as heterotrophs. Several Figure 7. Pyrodictium abyssi, disk-shaped cells within a
chemolithoautotrophic HT are opportunistic hetero- network of ultrathin tubules. Scanning electron micrograph.
trophs. These are able to use organic material alterna-
tively to inorganic nutrients, whenever it is provided by
the environment (e.g. by decaying cells). Heterotrophic
HT gain energy either by aerobic or different types of
anaerobic respiration, using organic material as electron
donor or by fermentation.
HT are adapted to distinct environmental factors
including composition of minerals and gasses, pH,
redox potential, salinity and temperature. Similar to
mesophiles, they grow within a temperature range of
about 25–308C between the minimal and maximal
growth temperature. Fastest growth is obtained at their
optimal growth temperature, which may be up to
1068C. As a rule, HT do not propagate at 508C or
below. HTare very tough survivors. Although unable to Figure 8. Sampling of hot rocks from a ‘Beehive Smoker’ at
grow at ambient temperatures and space temperatures the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (TAG site; 218 N; depth approx.
of K1408C, they are able to survive there for many 4000 m).
years. Based on their simple growth requirements, HT
could grow on any hot water-containing site, even on time, the surface of Mars contained liquid water and
other planets and moons like Mars and Europa. Today, perhaps harboured hydrothermal systems, therefore
the surface of Mars is too cold and contains no liquid being favourable to HT.
water and is therefore hostile to life. However, in a
depth of a few kilometres below the permafrost layer,
there may be hot liquid water and nutrients to support 4. BIOTOPES
the growth of HT even today. Microbial life could have HT form complex communities within water-
colonized Mars via meteorites, about 4 Gyr ago. At that containing geothermally and volcanically heated

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1840 K. O. Stetter Hyperthermophiles

environments situated mainly along the terrestrial and

submarine tectonic spreading and the subduction
zones. The availability of liquid water is a fundamental
prerequisite of life. At an increased boiling point of
water (for example, by elevated atmospheric, hydro-
static or osmotic pressure), several HT exhibit growth
temperatures exceeding 1008C. Owing to the presence
of reducing gases like H2S and the low solubility of O2
at high temperatures, the biotopes of HT are virtually
oxygen-free (anaerobic). HT have been isolated from
terrestrial and submarine environments.
Natural terrestrial biotopes of HT are mainly hot
springs and sulphur-containing solfataric fields, with a
wide range of pH values (pH 0–9.0) and usually low
salinity (0.1–0.5%). Solfataric fields consist of soils,
mud holes and surface waters, heated by volcanic Figure 9. Pyrolobus fumarii, lobed coccoid cell. Ultrathin
exhalations from magma chambers several kilometres section. Transmission electron micrograph. Scale bar,
below. Very often, solfataric fields are found close to 0.5 mm.
active volcanoes and the activity is greatly increased
during eruption phases (figure 3). Within the boiling thermophilic than those from terrestrial environments
mud, under our field microscope, we found up to 107 (Castenholz 1979).
per gram of antler-shaped giant cells, members of the Most impressive are the deep sea ‘smoker’ vents,
novel genus Thermoproteus (figure 4; Zillig et al. 1981). where mineral-laden hydrothermal fluids with
The chemical composition of solfataric fields is very temperatures up to about 4008C escape into the cold
(2.88C), surrounding deep seawater and build-up huge
variable and depends on the site. Many of them are rich
rock chimneys. Although these hot fluids are sterile, the
in iron minerals like ferric hydroxides and pyrite. Less
surrounding porous smoker rock material appears to
common compounds like magnetite and the arsenic
contain very steep temperature gradients, which
minerals, realgar and auripigment, may be enriched at
provide zones of suitable growth temperatures for
some sites, for example in Caldera Uzon, Kamchatka.
HT. Some smoker rocks are teeming with HT. For
Steam within the solfataric exhalations is mainly
example, 108 cells of Methanopyrus per gram of rock
responsible for the heat transfer. In addition, they
were found in a mid-Atlantic ‘beehive’ hot vent
may contain carbon dioxide, variable amounts of H2,
chimney (figure 8). Another type of submarine high-
methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and traces of temperature environment is provided by active
nitrate and ammonia. Hydrogen may be formed either sea mounts. Close to Tahiti, there is a huge
pyrolytically from water or chemically from FeS and abyssal volcano, Macdonald Seamount (28858.7 0 ,
H2S (Drobner et al. 1990). Other suitable biotopes for 140815.5 0 W), the summit of which is situated
HT are deep subterranean, geothermally heated oil approximately 40 m below the sea surface. The
stratifications, about 3500 m below the bottom of the samples taken during an active phase from the
North Sea and the surface of the permafrost soil at the submarine eruption plume and rocks from the active
North Slope, Northern Alaska (figure 5; Stetter et al. crater contained high concentrations of viable HT
1993). The produced fluids contained up to 107 viable (Huber et al. 1990).
cells per litre of different species of HT such as
Archaeoglobus and Pyrococcus. Artificial biotopes
include smouldering coal refuse piles and hot outflows 5. EXAMPLES OF RECENT
from geothermal power plants. HYPERTHERMOPHILIC ARCHAEA
Submarine biotopes of HT consist of various From the walls of a black smoker at the Mid-Atlantic
hydrothermal systems situated at shallow to abyssal Ridge, we had isolated the archaeon, Pyrolobus fumarii
depths. Similar to ambient seawater, submarine (Blöchl et al. 1997). Cells are lobed cocci of about
hydrothermal systems usually contain high concen- 0.7–2.5 mm in diameter (figure 9). Pyrolobus fumarii is
trations of salt and exhibit a slightly acidic to alkaline optimally adapted to temperatures of superheated
pH (5–8.5). The major gasses and life-supporting water, exhibiting an optimal growth temperature of
mineral nutrients may be similar to those within the 1068C and an upper temperature border of growth at
terrestrial thermal areas. Shallow submarine hydro- 1138C. It is so dependent on high temperatures that it is
thermal systems are found in many parts of the world, unable to grow below 908C. The cultures of P. fumarii,
mainly on beaches with active volcanism. The hot vents similar to P. occultum, are able to survive autoclaving
at Vulcano, Italy, exhibit temperatures of 80–1058C for 1 h at 1218C. Finally, I want to introduce the
(figure 6). Within these, I discovered life above 1008C phenotype and genotype of a member of a novel group
(Stetter 1982): Pyrodictium occultum grows fastest at of hyperthermophilic virus-sized archaea, which may
1058C and exhibits an upper temperature border of have already existed at the dawn of life and had been
growth at 1108C. Members of Pyrodictium form net- completely overlooked so far. From a submarine
works of disk-shaped cells connected by ultra thin hydrothermal system at the Kolbeinsey Ridge, North
tubules (figure 7). The finding of Pyrodictium disproved of Iceland, we were able to obtain our ultimate
the prejudice about marine thermophiles being less hyperthermophilic coccoid isolate Nanoarchaeum

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(a) kin4M - Ignicoccus + Nanoarchaeum (b)

Figure 10. Cells of N. equitans (small) attached to Ignicoccus strain Kin 4M (large). (a) Platinum-shadowing. (b) Freeze-etching.
Transmission electron micrographs.

equitans, which represents a novel kingdom of Archaea required. The Nanoarchaeota inhabit hot environments
(Huber et al. 2002). It is the smallest living organism worldwide. Two ss rRNA sequences from Uzon Caldeira
known with a cell diameter of only 400 nm. Cells grow (Kamchatka, Russia) and Yellowstone National Park
attached to the surface of a specific crenarchaeal host, a (USA) exhibit 83% sequence similarity to N. equitans
new member of the genus Ignicoccus (figure 10). Owing and therefore represent a distinct family within the
to their unusual ss rRNA sequence, members of Nanoarchaeota (Hohn et al. 2002). These novel
N. eqitans remained undetectable by commonly used Nanoarchaeota are again tiny cocci about the size of
‘universal’ primers in the ecological studies based on N. equitans, however attached to a different (rod-shaped)
the polymerase chain reaction. N. equitans represents Pyrobaculum-like host. The discovery of Nanoarchaeota
the most deeply branching position within the suggests that further major groups of microbes may
Archaea, suggesting that the Nanoarchaeota diverged still be unrecognized, and are waiting for their isolation to
early within the Archaea (figure 1). The genome of tell us more about the origin and evolution of life.
N. equitans harbours some big surprises (Waters et al. I thank Reinhard Rachel for electron microscopy and Harald
2003): with only 490 885 base pairs, it is the smallest Huber for redrawing the phylogenetic tree. The work
microbial genome known to date and also the most presented from my laboratory was supported by grants of
compact, with 95% of the DNA predicted to encode the DFG, the BMBF, the EEC and the Fonds der
proteins or stable RNAs. This genome encodes the Chemischen Industrie.
complete machinery for information processing and
repair, but lacks genes for lipid, cofactor, amino acid REFERENCES
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symbiotic relationship to the Ignicoccus host may be gen. and sp. nov., represents a novel group of archaea,
parasitic, making it the only known archaeal parasite. extending the upper temperature limit for life to 1138C.
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small genome of N. equitans has very few pseudogenes N. V. 2002 Questioning the evidence for Earth’s oldest
and a well equipped DNA recombination system. In fossils. Nature 416, 76–81. (doi:10.1038/416076a)
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Nanoarchaeum could be detected so far. Therefore, it temperatures, vol. xi. New York, NY: Springer. 465 pp.
may be a very ancient parasite. Alternatively, the Castenholz, R. W. 1979 Evolution and ecology of thermo-
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1994). At its molecular level, Nanoarchaeum harbours Weinheim, Germany: Verlag Chemie.
Cowan, D. A. 2004 The upper limit of life: how far can we go.
further unexpected, most probably primitive properties
Trends Microbiol. 12, 58–60. (doi:10.1016/j.tim.2003.12.
like separately encoded enzyme modules and—for the 002)
first time—tRNA gene fragments (Waters et al. 2003; DiRuggiero, J., Santangelo, N., Nackerdeen, Z., Ravel, J. &
Randau et al. 2005). At present, we are still far away Robb, F. T. 1997 Repair of extensive ionizing-radiation
from a deeper understanding of the Nanoarchaeum– DNA damage at 958C in the hyperthermophilic archaeon
Ignicoccus relationship and further investigations are Pyrococcus furiosus. J. Bacteriol. 179, 4643–4645.

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Stetter, K. O. 1990 Pyrite formation linked with hydrogen Zillig, W., Stetter, K. O., Schäfer, W., Janekovic, D., Wunderl,
evolution under anaerobic conditions. Nature 346, S., Holz, I. & Palm, P. 1981 Thermoproteales: a novel type
742–744. (doi:10.1038/346742a0) of extremely thermoacidophilic anaerobic archaebacteria
Hohn, M. J., Hedlund, B. P. & Huber, H. 2002 Detection of isolated from Icelandic solfataras. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt.
16S rDNA sequences representing the novel phylum Orig. C2, 205–227.
“Nanoarchaeota”: indication for a broad distribution in
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(doi:10.1078/07232020260517698) Discussion
Huber, R., Stoffers, P., Cheminee, J. L., Richnow, H. H. & M. K. Wallis (Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology, Cardiff
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within the crater and open-sea plume of erupting philes are tough survivors, including resistance to deep-
Macdonald Seamount. Nature 345, 179–181. (doi:10. freezing, making them potentially transported in
1038/345179a0) impact ejecta and still viable when landing on planets
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V. C. & Stetter, K. O. 2002 A new phylum of Archaea
space radiation. Do they have a general ability to
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stabilise their genome in spore states or via binding
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Kandler, O. 1994 The early diversification of life. In Early life chemicals such as histones?
on earth (ed. S. Bengtson) Nobel Symposium No. 84, K. Stetter. The archaeal hyperthermophiles, Pyrococcus
pp. 152–160. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. furiosus and Thermococcus stetteri, have been tested so far
Kashefi, K. & Lovley, D. R. 2003 Extending the upper about their resistance against radiation. Although
temperature limit of life. Science 301, 934. (doi:10.1126/ unable to form spores (like all archaea), these
science.1086823) organisms indeed exhibit a remarkable resistance
Kopylov, V. M., Bonch-Osmolovskaya, E. A., Svetlichnyi, against g-radiation (2500 Gy). After radiation, the
V. A., Miroshnichenko, M. L. & Skobkin, V. S. 1993 chromosome of Pyrococcus furiosus is fully fragmented,
g-Irridation resistance and UV sensitivity of extremely but restored after incubation at 958C (Kopylov et al.
thermophilic archaebacteria and eubacteria. Mikrobiolo- 1993; DiRuggiero et al. 1997).
giya 62, 90–95. W. R. Taylor (Mathematical Biology, The National
Randau, L., Münch, R., Hohn, M. J., Jahn, D. & Söll, D.
Institute for Medical Research, London, UK ). The
2005 Nanoarchaeum equitans creates functional t-RNAs
from separate genes for their 5 0 - and 3 0 - halves. Nature
nanoarchaea bacteria sitting on the outside of the
433, 537–541. (doi:10.1038/nature03233) larger bacterium remind me of mitochondria (waiting
Schopf, J. W. & Packer, B. M. 1987 Early Archean (3.3 billion to be let in).
to 3.5 billion-year-old) microfossils from Warrawoona Is there any similarity between the nanobacteria and
Group, Australia. Science 237, 70–73. mitochondria, either in their energy relationship to
Stetter, K. O. 1982 Ultrathin mycelia-forming organisms their host or in the gene-set found in their genome?
from submarine volcanic areas having an optimum growth K. Stetter. No similarity between Nanoarchaeum
temperature of 1058C. Nature 300, 258–260. (doi:10. equitans and mitochondria is evident. Most likely, very
1038/300258a0) much in contrast to mitochondria, Nanoarchaeum
Stetter, K. O. 1992 Life at the upper temperature border. In obtains its energy from its (Ignicoccus) host.
Frontiers of life (ed. J. Tran Thanh Van, K. Tran Thanh D. McL. Roberts (Zoology Department, The Natural
Van, J. C. Mounolou, J. Schneider & C. McKay), History Museum, London, UK ). As you know, there are
pp. 195–219. Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Editions Frontieres.
many lineages of hyperthermophiles known only from
Stetter, K. O., Thomm, M., Winter, J., Wildgruber, G.,
Huber, H., Zillig, W., Janecovic, D., König, H., Palm, P. &
environmental nucleic acid extraction. As uncultured
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novel extremely thermophilic methanogen isolated from you suggest any fundamental reason why hyperther-
an Icelandic hot spring. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg., I. Abt. Orig. C2, mophiles should be hydrogenotrophs?
166–178. K. Stetter. Not all hyperthermophiles are hydrogeno-
Stetter, K. O., Huber, R., Blöchl, E., Kurr, M., Eden, R. D., trophs. For example, there are also sulphur and pyrite
Fielder, M., Cash, H. & Vance, I. 1993 Hyperthermo- oxidizers. However, in hyperthermophiles, hydrogen is
philic archaea are thriving in deep North Sea and Alaskan a very frequent energy source. This may be due to the
oil reservoirs. Nature 365, 743–745. (doi:10.1038/ presence of hydrogen within volcanic exhalations.
365743a0) A. E. Walsby (School of Biological Sciences, University of
van Zullen, M. A., Lepland, A. & Arrhenius, G. 2002 Bristol, UK ). Karl Stetter has produced evidence, from
Reassessing the evidence for the earliest traces of life. Woese’s phylogenetic tree, that hyperthermophiles are
Nature 418, 627–630. (doi:10.1038/nature00934)
closest to the root. But returning to my previous
Waters, E. et al. 2003 The genome of Nanoarchaeum equitans:
insights into early archaeal evolution and derived parasit-
comment that the earliest cells would be the simplest,
ism. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100, 12 984–12 988. do not hyperthermophiles require histone-like proteins
(doi:10.1073/pnas.1735403100) to prevent their DNA melting apart and other
Woese, C. R. & Fox, G. E. 1977 Phylogenetic structure of the sophistications to withstand the high temperature?
prokaryotic domain: the primary kingdoms. Proc. Natl Might this therefore suggest that the hyperthermo-
Acad. Sci. USA 74, 5088–5090. (doi:10.1073/pnas.74.11. philes were not the earliest forms but evolved from
5088) earlier forms that lacked these special characters?

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Hyperthermophiles K. O. Stetter 1843

K. Stetter. This question goes back to the origin of life J. J. McFadden (Biological Sciences, University of Surrey,
(‘earliest cells’). So far, there are no proofs about the kind UK ). Is the nanoarchaeota a transport parasite? Is the
of environments (and their temperatures!) inhabited by nanoarchaeota infectious?
the earliest life forms. Nobody knows how the first K. Stetter. These are crucial questions for a deeper
information carrier may have looked like and how ancient understanding of the Nanoarchaeum–Ignicoccus
histones are. However, in agreement with the geological system, which are still under investigation. Highly
settings of the early Earth, there should have been very unexpected, there are only very few transporter genes
early adaptations in order to colonize high temperature in the N. equitans genome. N. equitans is infectious to
niches (like hot vents). In surviving the heavy meteorite its host, Ignicoccus sp. Although very rarely, we were
bombardment, those high temperature organisms could able to reconstitute the system: single cells of two
have given rise to the three domains of life, as evidenced different components; the two single cells were
by Woese’s phylogenetic tree. Therefore, by impact combined and a coculture was obtained by cultiva-
selection the last common ancestor of the present life tion. We were never able to detect the cells of
forms most likely could have been a hyperthermophile. N. equitans inside its Ignicoccus host. Therefore, the
Its adaptation to high temperatures may have occurred ways of supply of life-supporting cell components in
much earlier, however. N. equitans are still unknown.

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2006)

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